1 How to use Stencyl Your First Game

How to use Stencyl Your First Game - WordPress.com · 2013. 10. 26. · Stencyl allow images to be used as an actor. So you can even use your favourite cartoon character. for this

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    How to use Stencyl

    Your First Game

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    When you open Stencyl , a menu

    screen will appear giving you a

    choice of playing a game which

    is already made.

    Or creating your own.

    For this lesson we are

    going to create our

    own game. To create

    your own game you

    must simply click the

    create a new game


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    There are different kits for to use to

    create a game and each kit focuses

    on a different type of game.

    For today we will be using the

    crash course kit.

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    Before you start you have

    to give your game a name

    and describe what it is.

    (don't worry about screen


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    Now we are ready to

    start making our game,

    first we have to make a

    character (Actor).

    So click on the Actor


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    There are already two

    actors you can use and

    add abilities to.

    Or you can choose to

    create your own character.

    We are going to Create a


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    Don't forget to give

    them a name

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    A new actor will have no

    animations so we have to find

    some for them or make them.

    Stencyl allow images to be used as an

    actor. So you can even use your

    favourite cartoon character.

    for this example we drew the

    animations for a character in

    Microsoft Paint, to import the

    images you must select "click here

    to add a frame" then choose your


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    It is good practice to name

    animations so give each animation

    a name, to add animations simple

    click on the add button.

    Next is to add behaviours, to add a

    behaviour, click on the behaviours

    tab and click in the grey box to add

    a behaviour.

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    These are the behaviours that come

    with the crash course kit, each kit has

    different behaviours. For this

    character we need to add Jumping,

    Stomp on enemies, walking and die in

    pit and reload. Let's start with walking

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    For each behaviour a

    movement key must be

    assigned, for walking the

    move right and move left key

    should be set to right for right

    key and left for left key

    The animations you created

    can be used for the walking


    In this game the left and

    right animations are used

    for the animations which

    match. for example, idle

    right and walk right use the

    right animation.

    To add a behaviour click the

    "+Add Behaviour" button.

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    Some behaviours can use a sound

    when they are performed. For

    example, in the jumping behaviour

    you can use a sound called


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    The Stomp on Enemies behaviour

    relies on groups in which an actor

    is in. In this game, actors within

    the enemies group can be

    stomped on by our actor.

    However our actor needs to be in

    a group called "Players" to do

    this. To set a group for a actor,

    click on the properties tab.

    In the properties section, click on

    the group menu and select


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    We don't have an enemy actor yet,

    so let's choose one. Choose pronger

    and go to its behaviour section.

    The behaviour needed for pronger to

    be affected by being stomped on is

    called stompable. This allows

    pronger to be stomped on.

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    Pronger already comes with

    animations, so choose an animation

    and the sound for when it is stomped

    on. Before we finish, Pronger needs to

    be set into the Enemies group

    Just as before click on the properties

    tab and change the group for

    Pronger to be set to Enemies.

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    The final step is to create a scene to

    play the game on, to do this select

    Scenes and create a new one.

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    Just as before provide the scene with

    a name and click create, the other

    options do not need to be altered.

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    The new scene is empty so just like the

    actors we need to add to it, backgrounds

    and tiles can be found on Stencyl forge. All

    you have to do is look for what you need

    and download it to your game.

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    To get a tile or background from

    stencylforge, select it and click the

    download button.

    To search for a item on stencylforge,

    select the type of item to search for what

    is available. for example, if you want a

    background, select Backgrounds.

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    If an item is downloaded form

    stencylforge, it is automatically added

    to the game.

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    To add tiles to a scene, click on the

    tile. Then add it to the scene by

    clicking on a part of the scene.

    For example, with the tile selected. You

    click here to add the tile to that part of

    the scene. The same method can be

    used to add actors to the scene.

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    Before starting the game, the gravity must

    be set to stop our actor from flying off the

    screen. To do this click on the Physics tab

    and set the vertical gravity.

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    With all the Characters added let's

    test the game by clicking on "Test


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    Congratulations on

    making your first game.