How to write a master thesis? Raphaël Thézé, PhD Student

How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

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Page 1: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

How to write a master thesis?Raphaël Thézé, PhD Student

Page 2: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

In a few steps1. Your master so far

2. Thesis, you said


3. What it looks like


4. Academic details

5. Face the


6. The presentation

7. The secrets of grading

8. Food for thought

Page 3: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

So you’re a master student?

• 30 ECTS in class vs. 60 ECTS of Research

• For your research project, you must:

▫ Develop a theoretical question

▫ Collect and analyze data

▫ Go through the existing litterature

▫ Write about it

▫ Present it

▫ Pray the gods of neurosciences

Page 4: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

So you’re a master student?

• 30 ECTS in class vs. 60 ECTS of Research

• For your research project, you must:

▫ Develop a theoretical question

▫ Collect and analyze data

▫ Go through the existing litterature

▫ Write about it

▫ Present it

▫ Pray the gods of neurosciences

Page 5: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Few steps to successIt takes time!

• Sit, think, plan ahead (do not jump out of the window)• There are different ways to do it (e.g.)

▫ The « not-sure-where-I’m-going »: Start early on with the methods since you know it from the begining, continue withresults and discussion and finish with the introduction.

▫ The « Straight ahead »: Start with the introduction, it gives yousolid knowledge about the subject, you will have a stronghypothesis to test.

• Write a first draft, read, re-write, read over, bang head againstthe wall, re-write, … and re-write until final supervisor-approved version.▫ The first draft should be sent to your supervisor months before

the deadline! Don’t wait for the last minute or try to do it all by yourself!

• Figures can be a very long and annoying task• The spell-checking, formatting, etc. should be given 1-2 days• Ask non-specialist to read it (not necessarily understand it…)!

Page 6: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

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• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary

material, etc.http://www.unige.ch/communication/publier/charte/logo.html

Page 7: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

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• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary

material, etc.

Page 8: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

AbstractThe last, but not the least

1. Identify your purpose (Why is it important, whyshould someone read it?) Use a short introductorysentence.

2. Explain the problem at hand (what is the primary issue here?)

3. Explain your methods in an overview (What did youdo?)

4. Highlight the best/main results (What did you find?)5. Conclude (What does it mean/suggest/imply?)

It’s a summary, don’t be too specific! Use your keywords(5-10) to draw your reader’s attention. Write fromscratch, do not extract the sentences from the thesis.


Page 9: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary

material, etc.

One page max!

Can be institutions, contributions (labmates), family, etc. It can be specific names, it can be vague… Have fun!

E.g.“First and foremost, I have to thank my research supervisors, [Ms Name Surname], [Mr Name Surname] and [Ms Name Surname]. Without their assistance and dedicated involvement in every step throughout the process, this paper would have never been accomplished.”

Page 10: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary

material, etc.

1-2 pages maxBe accurate but do not overusesubcategories (3 max)Stick to a « wordy » formulation

Page 11: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary

material, etc.


•1 page max

•In alphabetical order or in order of appearance

•Be parsimonious. You don’t need abbreviationunless it’s repeated more 5 times or it’s a very verylong group of words

Page 12: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary

material, etc.

• Include a « hook » in your first sentence• The first paragraph funnels through the literature to your particular field• Cite previous research and where the idea comesfrom (and whose idea it is)• Introduce the concepts the reader will need(background info)• It should be focusing on your particularquestion, do not « explore »!• Is it obvious what part is old (from previouswork) and what part is new (your work)?• Breakdown into smaller logical sections•It is not a paper to be peer-reviewed, we wantoriginality in the research!

Example of structure:1. Brief introduction to the field2. Existing theories3. An overreaching question4. Most recent discoveries5. What technology do you dispose of and

how it is relevant6. The goal/question/hypothesis of this


Page 13: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary

material, etc.

• Information to allow the reader assess the

believability of your results.• Information needed by another researcher to replicate your experiment.• Description of your materials, procedure, theory.• Calculations, technique, procedure, equipment, and calibration plots.• Description of your analytical methods, including reference to any specialized statistical software.• Do not describe/present results!

Often it follows like this:1. Subjects/Conditions/Groups… (if

working with humans, be sure to anonymize!!)

2. Paradigm/Experimental design3. Data acquisition/Equipment4. Data Analysis5. Statistical Analysis6. Second order analysis (Age effect,

power, external factors, etc.)

Page 14: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary

material, etc.

• Information to allow the reader assess the

believability of your results.• Information needed by another researcher to replicate your experiment.• Description of your materials, procedure, theory.• Calculations, technique, procedure, equipment, and calibration plots.• Description of your analytical methods, including reference to any specialized statistical software.• Do not describe/present results!

Often it follows like this:1. Subjects/Conditions/Groups… (if

working with humans, be sure to anonymize!!)

2. Paradigm/Experimental design3. Data acquisition/Equipment4. Data Analysis5. Statistical Analysis6. Second order analysis (Age effect,

power, external factors, etc.)

Page 15: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary

material, etc.

• The results are actual statements of observations, including statistics, tables and graphs.• Mention negative results as well as positive. Do not interpret results - save that for the discussion.• Lay out the case as for a jury. Present sufficient details so that others can draw their own inferences and construct their own explanations.• Use S.I. units (m, s, kg, W, etc.) throughout the thesis.• Break up your results into logical segments by using subheadings• Key results should be stated in clear sentences at the beginning of paragraphs.• Add your figures and tables! Name them, comment them and refer to them in the text.• Describe the nature of the findings; do not just tell the reader whether or not they are significant. Specify how and what (F ratio, t-test, p value etc.)

Example:In the ______ ROI, coherence to all other cortical voxels increased significantly from baseline in the ___ condition. This increase concerned the ___ frequency band (X – Y Hz) (Figure 5A), between _ and _ ms after stimulus onset (t(13)= 3,44, p=0,0044, t-test for one sample).

Page 16: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary

material, etc.

Start with few sentences that summarize the most important results. The discussion section should be a brief essay in itself, answering the following questions and caveats:

• What are the major patterns in the observations? • What are the relationships, trends and generalizations among the

results?• What are the exceptions to these patterns or generalizations?• What are the likely causes (mechanisms) underlying these patterns

resulting predictions?• Is there agreement or disagreement with previous work?• Interpret results in terms of background laid out in the introduction -

what is the relationship of the present results to the original question?• What is the implication of the present results ?• Multiple hypotheses: There are usually several possible explanations

for results. Be careful to consider all of these rather than simply pushing your favorite one.

• What are the things we now know or understand that we didn't know or understand before the present work?

• Include the evidence or line of reasoning supporting each interpretation.

• What is the significance of the present results: why should we care?• This section should be rich in references to similar work and

background needed to interpret results. • Break up the section into logical segments by using subheads.

Page 17: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary material, etc.

5 -15 pages (no real limit, try to be concise and relevant)

Structure example:

1. Recall the main objectives of the study and the main findings

2. Behavioural results

3. Experimental Results• Main result (1 sentence)

• Previous work with similar finding (if any)• Interpretation part 1• Study supporting interpretation• Interpretation part 2• Study supporting it• Possible adverse study• Conclusion about interpretation as whole

• Secondary result• Etc.

• Etc.

4. How results relate to the existing Theory you described in the Intro

5. Strenghts and limits cf. Next slide

6. Put your findings into a bigger perspective (implications, applications, future improvements, etc.) cf. Next slide

Page 18: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary material, etc.

1 page maxActually the last part of your discussion (cfprevious slide).

•What is the strongest and most important statement that you can make from your observations?

•If you met the reader at a meeting six months from now, what do you want them to remember about your paper?

•Refer back to problem posed, and describe the conclusions that you reached from carrying out this investigation, summarize new observations, new interpretations, and new insights that have resulted from the present work.

•Include the broader implications of your results.

•Do not repeat word for word the abstract, introduction or discussion.

Page 19: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary material, etc.

At least about 50 references. You can never have enough of these…

Cite all ideas, concepts, text, data that are not your own. If you make a statement, back it up with your own data or a reference

All references cited in the text must be listed:• Cite single-author references by the surname of the author:E.g. “... according to Targaryen (1994)”• Cite double-author references by the surnames of both authors: e.g. Stark and Baratheon (1994)• Cite more than double-author references by the surname of the first author followed by “et al.”: e.g. Lannister et al. (1994)

List all references cited in the text in alphabetical order using the following format for different types of material:

Snow, J. (1966) Corpse resistance to metallic blade under extreme cold conditions: we know nothing. Journal of Westeros 210, 436-437.

Page 20: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Page by page

• Front page• Abstract• Acknowledgments• Table of content• List of Abbreviations• Introduction• Methods• Results• Discussion• Conclusions• References• Appendices, supplementary material, etc.

Include all your data in the appendix.

Tables (when more than 1 page).Calculations (when more than 1 page).List of subjects (age, gender, type of cells, etc.) if not directly relevant to analysis

List of equipment used for an experiment or details of complicated procedures.

Note: Figures and tables, including captions, should be embedded in the text and not in an appendix, unless they are more than 1-2 pages and are not critical to your argument.

Page 21: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Specifics• Page limits : 30 – 100 (no specific rule, it’s up to your supervisor)

• A4, 12 pts font Times New Roman, 1.5 line space, 2.5 margins

• Alinea (first line of a paragraph is moved sideway)

• Number at the bottom of each page! (except flyleaf and appendices)

• One-sided pages

• Bind the final document but: Do not use staples!

Page 22: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

The run for the regulations

• So your supervisor

approved your final version?

1. Be proud

2. Take a deep breath

3. Follow the procedure

Page 23: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

The run for the regulations

• Find at least two jury members in addition to your supervisor (well actually, he/she will findthem for you, but you have to ask him/her).

• One must be a UNIGE

faculty member

• They should represent

at least two different

institutions (HUG, CMU,

Science, Psychology, Etc.)

Page 24: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

The run for the regulations

• Fix a date for your oral presentation▫ The jury must receive the written thesis at least 2 weeks

before▫ It’s up to you to book a room (UniMail, CMU, Science,

Hospital, etc.)• Write an email to Mona Spiridon and to your Faculty to

let them know, and ask about their own protocol• Make sure you fulfill all the requirements to graduate

before you submit your thesis▫ All the credits? ▫ Seminar sheet has been filled and signed?▫ Have you done your internship?▫ Have you presented you project at least once during a lab


Page 25: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

The presentation

• A special moment between youand your jury

• It’s 30 min presentation followedby 30 min of question▫ It should not be an oral version of

your written thesis▫ Emphasize results (or methods if a

methodolical research) and mostlydiscuss them.

• It can be in english or french (check with supervisor and jury members)

• Bring the official report to befilled!

Page 26: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

The evaluation• Le fond (Content):

▫ Clarity of question, goals, hypothesis

▫ Scientific knowledge (how much you dig)

▫ Justified methods (« my supervisor said so » is not an acceptable answer)

▫ Precision of data analysis and reproducibility

▫ Argumentation :Data fits? Relevant?

• La forme (Format)

▫ Layout of presentation

▫ Grammar, spelling, wording (although you cannot fail because of that)

▫ Consistency, organization, comprehension of your own argumentation, speech, etc.

• If the jury feels like it’s not enough (and you have a grade <4) you have the right to modify/correct/adjust your thesis and present again

• If you did not « find » something during your research it’s ok, you’re master students, they don’t judge on the results

Page 27: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

When you’re done

1. Scream, jump, laugh, cry, call your mom, kiss a stranger, etc.

2. Party hard that night3. The day after if not too hangover, check with your faculty

how to proceed, Each faculty has different rules (i know… So annoying)

1. Psych: Not sure, but bring also a digital version of thesis and the flyleaf

2. Science: Either to Mona Spiridon or Science faculty desk (check for opening hours). Mona likes to have a printed a version of the thesis but the faculty is not asking for it.

4. Go to the « secrétariat » with all the official documents: 1. Official report with final grade2. Internship letter3. Seminar sheet

Page 28: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Words of advice

• Think ahead, manage your time

• Read lots of articles

• Ask for help, askquestion if there issomething you don’tunderstand

Page 29: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Words of advice• Explain everything, do not assume everyone know

except if common knowledge• You’re in science, not litterature. What is not essential

to understand is superficial. Scientist love short sentences (longer is not always better).

• Apply yourself with particular care to the figures.

Page 30: How to write a master thesis? · 1. Your master so far In a few steps 2. Thesis, you said thesis? 3. What it looks like overall 4. Academic details 5. Face the administration 6. The

Good Luck!