What a perfect evening!

How we make design decisions

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What a perfect evening!

It was.

The age of features is over.

Aral Balkan

Design is making decisions

Design is making decisions

The problem with decisions: we’re not that good at them

Narrow framing

False dilemmas

Confirmation bias

Good design is invisible

Bandwagon effect

Publication bias

Should email address be allowed to be non-unique?


Wisdom of crowds

The idiocy of crowds.


£350 £10 000 000 £21

I’ll give the model a big mole on her face, and the committee focuses on that and are usually satisfied with the momentous change of removing it and leave everything else as is. Speider Schneider’s friend

Boiling frog

How to dodge them?

Focus on the big big details

What? How?

Create your own design principles

Delight me in surprising ways

Keep it brief

Decide for me but let me have the final say

Only show what I need when I need it

I should always know where I am

The two tap rule

The 5-point rule

The 98% rule

The two tap rule

The 5-point rule

The 98% rule

It’s easier to add a feature later than to remove one

Rather be dumb than wrong

Clear beats clever

Explore dozens of options

Decide Explore






Requires more than optimisation

Be confident and expect to be proven wrong

Data Intuition

Strong beliefs, weakly held.

Andy Grove

The ultimate technique

Are we making it better?




