HP 16500C Logic Analysis System HP 16505A Prototype Analyzer Rapid Insight for Designers of Complex, High-Speed Digital Systems

HP 16500C Logic Analysis System HP 16505A Prototype Analyzer

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HP 16500C LogicAnalysis System

HP 16505A PrototypeAnalyzer

Rapid Insight forDesigners of Complex,High-Speed DigitalSystems


The digital systems you design aregrowing more complex every day.Today’s trends include the following:

•More buses

•Faster, wider buses

•Multiple processors

•Increasing architectural complexity:– More intelligence hidden in silicon– Large internal caches– Pipelining and out-of-order

execution– Hierarchies of buses

Problems can show up at prototypeverification, in hardware-softwareintegration, or in conformance orcompatibility testing. The roots ofthose problems may lie in architec-ture, logic design, timing, or analogeffects.

To help you solve these problemsquickly, the HP 16500C logic analysissystem and HP 16505A prototypeanalyzer let you look at your design’sbehavior from every angle—fromcode execution to analog signals. Allviews are displayed together, time-correlated, on the HP 16500C or HP 16505A screen.

With the HP 16505A prototypeanalyzer, you can view the samemeasurement data simultaneously indifferent display modes, includingwaveform, listing, chart, and statisti-cal distribution. Drag-and-dropmarkers provide time correlationacross all displays.

The powerful cross-domain trigger-ing of the HP 16500C is indispensablefor solving problems in complex digital systems. Triggering on codeexecution or bus cycles, for example,can establish a context for findingthe cause of problems in timing oranalog behavior.

Complex ProblemsDemand PowerfulSolutions



Hardware Design Software Design

Component Sourcing

ASIC Design

FPGA Design

Printed Circuit Board Design

Operating System and Applications Port

Hardware Drivers

Application Code and Test Suites

Prototype Integration, Debug, Verification, and Characterization

Target System

Figure 1. HP logic analyzers save valuable time in debugging,

verifying, and characterizing prototypes of hardware and software.

HP 16500C/16505A Key Features_______________________________________________________________________________

HP 16500C HP 16505A_______________________________________________________________________________User Interface Touchscreen, knob, mouse, Mouse, keyboard

optional keyboard

Built-in 9-inch color CRT display Multiple, individually sizablewindows

VGA display_______________________________________________________________________________Printing Local printing Local or network printing_______________________________________________________________________________Network File transfer, remote File transfer, remoteCapabilities interface, programmable setups interface, network printing

NFS server NFS client/serverX-Windows client X-Windows client/server_______________________________________________________________________________

Other Interfaces RS-232-C Parallel printerHP-IBParallel printer_______________________________________________________________________________

Figure 2.

Viewing state, tim-

ing, and analog infor-

mation together,

time-correlated on

the HP 16500C

screen, makes it easy

to find the cause of


Figure 3.

The HP 16500C logic

analysis system can

be operated using its

own built-in user

interface, without

the HP 16505A.

Figure 4.

The HP 16505A

prototype analyzer

is a measurement

server that uses

the HP 16500C’s

real-time measure-

ment power. It

adds a large-

screen, windowed

display and power-

ful analysis tools.

Figure 5.

The HP 16505A

lets you view your

design’s behavior

from analog signals

to source code.

Unleash Your Power to Explore

You want to concentrate on yourdesign and apply your brain powerto problem solving. In addition, youwant tools that are easy to learnand use so you can gain insightquickly. The HP 16500C’s intuitiveuser interface harnesses the powerof the HP 16500C measurementmodules to tackle your problems.

The HP 16505A prototype analyzerprovides additional analysis capa-bilities and a large-screen, windoweduser interface to the HP 16500C logicanalysis system, to help you discov-er the root cause of your toughestdesign integration and debug problems quickly. The HP 16505A’smeasurement, analysis, and displaytools are located in a toolbox in themain window. You can drag anddrop the appropriate tools onto theworkspace and connect the tools tocustomize your environment.Measurement tools contain the con-figuration, format, and trace setupcontrols for the HP 16500 measure-ment modules.

If you don’t use a logic analyzer fre-quently, you’ll especially appreciatethe HP 16505A and 16500C. Withtheir intuitive interface, you’llimmediately start using them pro-ductively, instead of wasting timerelearning the interface each time.



Figure 7.

Tool icons can be

dragged and dropped

onto the HP 16505A

workspace, where they

connect automatically.

The HP 16505A prototype analyzerhelps you quickly solve yourtoughest design integration anddebug problems. Simultaneousviewing of source, trace, andwaveform displays enables you toquickly track down cross-domaincause and effect. Move from chartor histogram overview of busactivity to detailed timing or ana-log waveforms in seconds—orview them all simultaneously.

Get the Best View with

Multiple, Sizable Windows

You can individually size each win-dow in the HP 16505A display up tothe full width of the local display, atresolutions up to 1024 x 768. 1280 x 1024 resolution is availablewith option 001, additional videoRAM, and a local monitor that sup-ports 1280 x 1024 resolution.Waveform, histogram, and chartdisplay windows can be dynamical-ly resized with the mouse. Simplydrag the mouse across the area youwant to view in more detail, and thewindow automatically rescales theviewing area.

Timing and analog waveforms canbe individually sized and colored toemphasize important channels.Waveforms can be reduced in sizeto view more channels, to give youa broad overview of system activity.You can view up to 100 individualwaveforms simultaneously.

You can resize the state listingwindows to the maximum screendimensions, and vary the text sizefor ease of viewing. You can alsodynamically reorder system labelsto optimize visual comprehension.

Multiple instruments can transmitdata to a single display window,which makes it easy to correlatedata from multiple domains.

Take The Fast Track to Insight

Figure 6.

Multiple windows in

the HP 16505A pro-

totype analyzer let

you view and analyze

a problem in many

different ways—


Correlate Data with

Drag-and-Drop Markers

Display windows have two localand two global markers. Globalmarkers provide time-correlationacross multiple displays of datacaptured on the same run. As youmove a global marker in one win-dow, markers in the other windowsfollow. Local markers can measuretime intervals in a single windowwithout moving the global markers.

Find the Answers in Real-World

Data with Postprocessing

See just the address bus valuesyou want using the HP 16505A’spattern filter tool. Or use the pat-tern filter on a data bus to seethose data values that correspondto a certain variable value.

The pattern filter is placedbetween the source of the mea-surement data and one or moredisplay tools. It filters the datagoing to the display tool, so yousee only the data of interest. Youcan also see data both before andafter filtering. You can even cas-cade pattern filters. In all cases,the data is time-correlated.

The pattern filter can be used withany data, including analog andstate. Combine the outputs of multi-ple pattern filters to create displaysusing the X-Y chart display tool—for example, to track the value of avariable as conditions change.

Debug Complex

Microprocessor Systems

Customize the way you view theactivity in multiprocessor systemsfor insight into their complexbehavior. Data captured from anyprocessor or bus can be viewed inany display. You can create uniquetiming or listing displays to viewjust the data you need to under-stand a problem.


Figure 8.


waveform and

source code win-

dows enable you to

isolate the root

cause of your sys-

tem integration


Figure 9.

Starting with an

overview of the entire

measurement (such

as chart), use filters

to discard uninterest-

ing data, to give you

just the information

you need.

Take Advantage of Real-Time

Software Analysis

The HP B4620A software analyzertool set for the HP 16505A appliesthe power of a logic analyzer totackle your software problems. Bycombining the HP B4620A with theHP 16500C and HP 16505A, youcan make valid software measure-ments on real hardware running atfull speed.

With the HP B4620A, you get theoptimum view of both softwareexecution and hardware behaviorsimultaneously, to solve toughhardware-software integrationproblems.

Use System Performance

Analysis for the Entire

Design Team

Optimal performance requires abalance of both hardware and software, because they are inter-dependent. The HP B4600A systemperformance analysis tool set letsyou optimize the performance ofyour overall product by analyzingthe performance of both hardwareand software at the same time. It isdesigned to profile the entire systemat all levels of abstraction—fromanalog signals to high-level sourcecode. Members of the design teamcan use the HP B4600A individuallyto optimize performance in theirarea of responsibility, and alsowork together effectively to opti-mize overall system performance.

Figure 10. Easily

locate the cause of

a problem using the

HP B4620A soft-

ware analyzer tool

set by “stepping

backward” from

the point where a

problem is mani-


Figure 11. Use the

HP B4600A state

interval, time inter-

val, and time

overview tools to

examine distribu-

tions of times

between events or

number of occur-

rences of any event.

6Optional Software Tool Sets for the HP 16505A


• 1-GSa/s or 2-GSa/s sampling rate• 250-MHz or 500-MHz bandwidth• 32 K-sample memory depth• Up to 8 channels on a single time

base and trigger• Up to 20 channels in one HP 16500


The HP 16500C system is a power-ful, flexible logic analysis systemthat lets you buy what you neednow and expand its capabilities asyour needs change. The system pro-vides the following capabilities:

General-Purpose State

and Timing Analysis

• 100-MHz state analysis• 500-MHz timing analysis, 250-MHz

transitional timing analysis• Memory depth up to 8 Ksamples

(half-channel mode), 4 Ksamplesat full channel count

• Up to 1020 channels in one HP 16500 system

• Up to 204 channels on one timebase and trigger

Deep-Memory State

and Timing Analysis

• Memory depth up to 4 Msamples(half-channel mode, timing only), 2 Msamples at full channel count

• Up to 110-MHz state analysis• Up to 500-MHz timing analysis• Up to 680 channels in one

HP 16500 system• Up to 340 channels on one time

base and trigger

High-Speed Timing and

Synchronous State Analysis

• Up to 4-GSa/s timing analysis• Synchronous state analysis up to 1-

GHz external clock speed• Up to 131,072 sample memory

depth (half-channel mode)• Up to 160 channels in one system• Up to 80 channels on one time

base and trigger

Pattern Generation

• Up to 200 Mvectors/second• Up to 400 channels in one HP 16500

system• Up to 200 channels in one synchro-

nized pattern generator system• 258,048-vector memory depth

7Solve Today’s Problems—With Room to Grow forTomorrow

Figure 14.

High-Speed Timing

Figure 15.

Pattern Generation

Figure 13.

Deep-Memory State and Timing

Figure 12.

General-Purpose State and Timing

Figure 16.


Up to 10 measurement modulescan be combined in one system byusing the HP 16501A expansionframe with the HP 16500C logicanalysis mainframe. Each expan-sion frame has five slots for mea-surement modules.

The HP 16500C system can evolveas your needs change. Since 1987,HP has continually introducednew measurement modules, addedpreprocessors for the latestprocessors and buses, and expand-ed system software capabilities.The oldest HP 16500A can beupgraded to the latest HP 16500Cconfiguration with the HP E2479Aupgrade kit. Installation by an HPservice center is included with thepurchase of the upgrade kit.

The modular design of the HP 16500C and HP 16505A allowsyou to select the tools you needtoday and add more capabilities asyour needs change.


Preprocessor Support for Most

Processors and Buses

Multipoint Analog Probing Using

the HP MultiProbe System

• Up to four input pods in oneMultiProbe system for accessinghundreds of nodes on fine-pitchsurface-mount ICs

• Up to 960 input connections,selectable two at a time

• Up to 1-GHz bandwidth

Real-Time High-Level Source

Language Listing and


Microprocessor Run Control

(With the HP 16505A Prototype


System Performance Analysis

Tool Set (HP 16505A)

Software Analysis Tool Set

(HP 16505A)

All these system tools are tightlyintegrated in both the HP 16500C’sand the HP 16505A’s easy-to-useinterface.

Figure 17.

Add more HP 16500-

series measurement

modules to your

HP 16500 logic

analysis system with

the HP 16501A

expansion frame.

Connect to Your TargetSystem with HP Probesand Preprocessors

HP offers the most effective solu-tions for your hardest probingrequirements. HP’s innovativeprobing technologies offer opti-mum probing access for today’sfine-pitch, surface-mount IC pack-ages by easily connecting todevices with hundreds of pins.

Reliable connection is a must inprobing. HP’s unique probing tech-nologies make dependablemechanical and electrical connec-tions to the target.

The performance of any real-world measurement system canonly be as good as the probes. HPprobing systems are designed formaximum bandwidth and mini-mum loading of the target, so whatyou see is a true representation ofthe target’s behavior.

Preprocessors and inverse assem-blers make it easy to analyzemicroprocessor and bus activityby making the physical connectionto the target and disassemblingbus states into microprocessorassembly language. HP and HPChannel Partners provide hun-dreds of preprocessors andadapters for HP logic analyzers,offering broad support for micro-processors, industry standardbuses, and system interfaces. HPintroduces new preprocessors asnew processors become available.

Connect to the World and Your Team Memberswith LAN

Work from the convenience ofyour office, with the target systemlocated in a lab. You and otherteam members located in differentcities—or different countries—canwork together concurrently onproblems, using the same logicanalysis system and observing thesame target system.

Use the LAN to import data intoyour workstation or PC for convenient post-capture analysisand documentation. Build a commondatabase of target behavior so allteam members have access to a




HP 16500Cand 16505APrototypeAnalyzer

Offline AnalysisHP 16505APrototype Analyzer

Disk Drive

Personal Computer

complete history of measurements.With the HP 16505A prototype analyzer, you can import previousmeasurement results or even simu-lation files to compare with currentmeasurements. You can even filterand view data off-line for addedinsight. Files can be exported inASCII or binary format. Screenimages can be exported as black-and-white or color TIFF files, PCXfiles, or encapsulated PostScript®.

The HP 16500C and HP 16505Asupport NFS and FTP server protocols. You can operate bothremotely using any workstation orPC with X11 Windows capability.

Figure 18.

HP’s innovative

probing solutions

make it easy to

probe dense IC

packages reliably.

Figure 19.

Networked mea-

surement tools

enable design team

members to view

data from the same

target system.


Program Your SystemOver HP-IB or RS-232-C

The HP 16500C also offers HP-IBand RS-232-C interfaces. The HP 16500C and any installed measurement modules can beprogrammed over either of theseinterfaces. Every function that canbe controlled from the user interfacecan be controlled programmaticallyas well. The HP 16500C and16505A also provide a Centronicsparallel printer interface.

The HP-IB and RS-232-C interfaceson the HP 16500C can also be usedto connect to printers that have anHP-IB or RS-232-C interface (seethe section below about printers).

View and Trigger onSymbol Names

The symbol download utility pro-vided with the HP 16500C extractssymbolic information from popularOMF file formats. Symbol namesfrom your source code, such asfunction and variable names, canbe used to specify trigger condi-tions or viewed in trace listings.

The HP 16500C supports the fol-lowing OMF file formats:

•HP/MRI IEEE695•Intel OMF86•Intel OMF286•Intel OMF386 (used for Intel80486and Pentium®)


Code sections can be offset tomatch dynamically loaded PC rela-tive code. Multiple OMF modulescan be loaded concurrently.

See Your Measurementsin Print

For information about supportedprinters, see the table below.

HP 16500C Printing Capabilities

Print screen images in black andwhite or color. State or timing list-ings can be printed in full or inpart, starting from center screen.Every color can be individuallyadjusted to your printing andviewing preferences, and colorsetups can be stored and recalled.

HP 16505A Printing


Print your screen images to HP PCL-compatible printers in black andwhite or color. Screen images canbe printed to PostScript-compatibleprinters in black and white orgrayscale. The colors of most dis-play items can be selected for view-ing and printing from a predefinedpalette. In addition, the HP 16505Asupports network printing.


Take Control of YourTarget System

The target control port on the HP 16500C can be used to provideconvenient control of the target system. You can control the targetremotely from your office, your home,or anywhere with the remote inter-face capabilities of the HP 16500C.

The target control port has eightconnections that can activate resetor interrupt lines—for example, toset registers or counters. Eight vec-tors can be preloaded and thensequenced manually. All eight con-nections can be individually tri-stat-ed. Activity indicators are providedon all eight connections.

_________________________________________________________________________________HP 16500C HP 16505A_________________________________________________________________________________

Interfaces Centronics, Centronics (for local printers)for printers RS-232-C,

HP-IB (IEEE 488) LAN_________________________________________________________________________________Printers Printers which support the PostScript™ compatible printers

HP printer control language (PCL)

Recommended: Printers which support theHP DeskJet, HP LaserJet HP printer control language (PCL)

Epson FX80, LX80, and MX80printers with a Centronics orRS-232-C interface are supportedin the Epson 8-bit graphics mode._________________________________________________________________________________

Figure 20.

Control the

HP 16500C remotely

using the X-windows


Figure 21.

Import HP 16500C

and 16505A screen

images into your


Trigger and CorrelateMeasurements BetweenHP 16500-Series Modules

The intermodule bus in the HP 16500C is the key to cross-trig-gering and time-correlation amongmodules. Any module can armother modules using the intermod-ule bus. The other modules can betriggered immediately upon beingarmed, or wait after arming untiltheir own trigger conditions aresatisfied. The delay from recogniz-ing the trigger condition to armingother modules on the intermodulebus depends on the module andthe trigger conditions, but is typi-cally 100 ns.

A port-out BNC connector allowsthe intermodule bus to trigger orarm external devices. Externalinputs can be used to arm HP 16500C modules with the port-inconnector.

Data from different modulesacquired on the same group runcan be time-correlated. The resolu-tion and accuracy of time correla-tion depends on the individualmodules. The common intermod-ule bus clock that tracks individ-ual module trigger times has a res-olution of 2 ns.

Have Control at Your Fingertips

DIN connectors for a PS-2 key-board and mouse are provided onthe HP 16500C. The HP E2427Bkeyboard is available for the HP 16500C and includes an overlayfor the special function keys. A key-board is convenient for enteringlabels, for example. A PS-2 mouseis standard with the HP 16500C.

A mouse and keyboard are bothprovided with the HP 16505A proto-type analyzer.

Store Settings and Data

A built-in hard disk drive and a1.44-MB floppy disk drive are pro-vided with both the HP 16500C andHP 16505A. An external, removablehard disk drive is available on theHP 16500C as Option 060.

Get the Most Out of YourHP Logic Analyzer

HP offers training in how to useHP logic analyzers, as well as avariety of flexible consultationservices. Learn from an experi-enced HP instructor who is anexpert in applying HP instrumentsto your unique needs. HP trainingincludes extensive hands-on expe-rience and interactive class dis-cussions. In addition, HP trainingpays off immediately because it isgeared to real-world solutions.You can choose to have training atan HP facility or at your site. Call1-800-HPCLASS in the U.S. forinformation about training sched-ules and locations, or to register.


Figure 22.

The 16500C’s easy-to-

use interface includes

a touch screen, PS-2

mouse and optional


Figure 23.

Both the HP 16500C

and 16505A come with

a built-in hard disk

drive and a 1.44-MB

floppy disk drive.

For more information refer to the following HP publications:

Title HP publication number

The HP 16500C/16505A Configuration Guide 5965-3185E

The HP 16500C Logic Analysis System Mainframe

and HP 16501A Expansion Frame 5965-3184ETechnical Data

A Family of State and Timing Analyzers for the 5962-7245EHP 16500 Logic Analysis System

4-GSa/s Timing and 1-GSa/s Synchronous State 5091-8096Efor the HP 16500 Logic Analysis System

HP 16517A/18A Technical Specifications 5091-7216E

1 Gigasample/second and 2 Gigasample/second 5964-0238EOscilloscope Modules for the HP 16500 Logic Analysis System

HP 16522A 200 Mvector/second Pattern Generator Modules

for the HP 16500 Logic Analysis System 5964-2250E

The HP MultiProbe System 5964-0239E

HP B3740A Software Analyzer 5962-7114E

Accessories for HP Logic Analyzers 5963-3376E

Probing Solutions for TQFP/CQFP/PQFP Packages 5965-2790E

Microprocessor and Bus Interfaces and Software 5963-2435EAccessories for HP Logic Analyzers

HP E3491A Pentium® Processor Probe 5963-6855E

HP E3492A Embedded MIPS Processor Probe 5964-3958E

HP E3477A and E3494A Processor Probe for the

PowerPC 603E and 603 5965-2789E

The HP B4600A System Performance Analysis Tool Set 5964-3561E

The HP B4620A Software Analyzer Tool Set 5964-9333E

HP Journal, June 1996 (this issue contains fourin-depth articles on the HP 16505A prototype analyzer) 5964-6219E

Intel80486 is a U.S. trademark of Intel Corporation.Pentium® is a registered U.S. trademark of Intel Corporation.PostScript™ is a is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated which may be registered in certain jurisdictions.


_______________________________________________________________________________HP 16500C Logic Analysis System Mainframe_______________________________________________________________________________OptionsABD German language training kit manualABF French language training kit manualABJ Japanese language user’s guide and training kit manualW03 Convert standard one-year return-to-HP warranty to three-month on-site warrantyW30 Three-year return-to-HP repair service0B0 Delete manual set0BF Add programmer’s guide0B3 Add service guide001 Add 16 MB memory (recommended for use with the symbol download utility, for very

large symbol tables; also recommended when using the HP 16501A expansion framewith the HP 16500C)

060 External removable hard disk drive908 Rackmount kit_______________________________________________________________________________AccessoriesHP E2427B KeyboardHP 1181A Testmobile system cartHP 35181D Work surface for mouse and keyboard (for HP 1181A cart)HP 35181G 133-mm (5.25-inch) storage drawer (for HP 1181A cart)HP part no. Support shelf (for HP 1181A cart)5181-8723_______________________________________________________________________________HP 16501A Logic Analysis System Expansion Frame_______________________________________________________________________________OptionsABJ Japanese language manualW03 Convert standard one-year return-to-HP warranty to three-month on-site warrantyW30 Three-year return-to-HP repair service908 Rackmount kit_______________________________________________________________________________HP 16505A Prototype Analyzer_______________________________________________________________________________OptionsANT Add 64 MB RAM for a total of 96 MB (recommended for use with HP 16500C systems

with two or more HP 16554A, 16555A, 16555D, 16556A, or 16556D modules)UF3 1-MB video RAM (enables support for SVGA local monitors with 1280 x 1024 resolution) W03 Convert standard one-year return-to-HP warranty to three-month on-site warranty0B1 Add service manual (not required for normal operation)_______________________________________________________________________________Upgrade Kit_______________________________________________________________________________HP E2479A Upgrades any HP 16500A or HP 16500B to the HP 16500C configurationupgrade kit_______________________________________________________________________________Training Kit_______________________________________________________________________________HP E2433E Includes demonstration board, learning manual, and configuration files for the training kit HP 16500C _______________________________________________________________________________Measurement Modules and Tool Sets_______________________________________________________________________________For complete ordering information on measurement modules and tool sets, refer to the HP 16500Cand HP 16505A configuration guide, HP publication number 5965-3185E._______________________________________________________________________________Training and Consulting_______________________________________________________________________________The following information applies to the U.S. only. In other areas, contact your HP sales office forinformation on consulting services and training.

HP 16500C +24Z One-day course, “Improving Productivity Through Logic Analysis”HP 16500C +24Y Two-day course, “Improving Productivity Through Logic Analysis”

Up to ten students per session can attend these courses at either an HP site or at the customer’s site.

50629F Hourly HP T & M specialist productivity assistance. Hourly charges apply from por-tal to portal to cover travel expenses._______________________________________________________________________________

Warranty_______________________________________________________________________________All Hewlett-Packard products described in this document are warranted against defects in materialand workmanship for a period of one year from date of shipment. Option W03 provides a three-month on-site warranty in lieu of the standard one-year return-to-HP warranty. Three-year andfive-year return-to-HP repair services are also available. Refer to individual product manuals fordetailed descriptions and terms of warranty._______________________________________________________________________________

Ordering Information13

For more information on

Hewlett-Packard Test & Measurement

products, applications or services

please call your local Hewlett-Packard

sales offices. A current listing is avail-

able via Web through AccessHP at

http://www.hp.com. If you do not have

access to the internet, please contact

one of theHP centers listed below and

they will direct you to your nearest HP


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Printed in U.S.A. 9/1/96


Copyright ©

Hewlett-Packard Company 1996