HQ AETC/A1MR Authorization Change Request Guide OPR: HQ AETC/A1MR Updated: 9 January 2013

HQ AETC/A1MR Authorization Change Request Guide1.1.2.6. Periodically review command ACR log for MPES project status and always obtain current status of the ACR prior to personally

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Page 1: HQ AETC/A1MR Authorization Change Request Guide1.1.2.6. Periodically review command ACR log for MPES project status and always obtain current status of the ACR prior to personally


Authorization Change Request


OPR: HQ AETC/A1MR Updated: 9 January 2013

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Table of Contents INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 3

SECTION ONE – ACR GUIDANCE ......................................................................................... 4

1.1. Responsibilities................................................................................................................ 4 1.2. ACR Submission Authority. ............................................................................................. 5 1.3. ACR Rationale................................................................................................................. 5 1.4. General Rules .................................................................................................................. 6 1.5. ACR Coordination Requirements. ................................................................................... 7 1.6. ACR Processing Timeline: .............................................................................................. 8

SECTION TWO – MPES PROJECT BUILD GUIDANCE .................................................. 10

2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 10 2.2. Project Description Format............................................................................................ 10 2.3. General MPES Input Rules ........................................................................................... 10 2.4. Project Submission Rules .............................................................................................. 11

SECTION THREE – CME GUIDANCE ................................................................................. 12

3.1. General Guidance .......................................................................................................... 12 3.2. MPES Rationale Guidance ............................................................................................ 12 3.3. MPES Entries ................................................................................................................ 12


4.1. Mil-Civ Conversion Requests ....................................................................................... 14 4.2. Quarterly AFSC Conversions ........................................................................................ 14 4.3. Civilian Reviews ........................................................................................................... 14 4.4. SAR Coding................................................................................................................... 14

ATTACHMENT 1 – ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ............................................... 16

ATTACHMENT 2 – ACR TEMPLATE .................................................................................. 18

ATTACHMENT 3 – RATIONALE TEMPLATE ................................................................... 19

ATTACHMENT 4 – VERIFICATION CHECKLIST ............................................................ 21

ATTACHMENT 5 – CME EXAMPLE RATIONALES ......................................................... 22

ATTACHMENT 6 – EXAMPLE CME LOG .......................................................................... 24

ATTACHMENT 7 – COORDINATION TABLE ................................................................... 25

ATTACHMENT 8 - FAM LISTING ........................................................................................ 26

ATTACHMENT 9 – DUTY CODES ........................................................................................ 33

ATTACHMENT 10 – FORMS & PUBLICATIONS .............................................................. 35

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This guide defines policies, responsibilities, and procedures for initiating and processing authorization change requests (ACRs) within AETC. Deviations from this guide will result in unnecessary re-work and extend standard ACR processing time. This updated CY13 guidance has significant changes. Please read the entire document. If you have recommended changes to this document please send them to HQAETC/A1MR before Nov 15, 2013 for consideration for inclusion in the CY14 guidance,

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SECTION ONE – ACR GUIDANCE 1.1. Responsibilities

1.1.1. MAJCOM: Review and update HQ AETC ACR Guide at least annually. Develop, keep current, and communicate location to access the command ACR log. The log will be made accessible to AETC Manpower Office’s for download. AETC/A1M staff will (when practical) coordinate Headquarters (HQ) generated projects with the applicable MANPOWER OFFICE. At a minimum an authorization change notice (ACN) will be sent to bases affected by HQ’s ACRs. Coordinate ACRs submitted by the Manpower Office’s with HQ FAMs. Technical Training (TT) course changes are coordinated with the HQ Training Pipeline Manager. Provide servicing Manpower Office and HQ FAMs with appropriate justification for denied change requests.

1.1.2. MANPOWER OFFICE Ensure all management options are exhausted prior to submitting UMD change requests (i.e., matrixing personnel or requesting temporary overhires for non-permanent workload, reassigning additional duties requiring high level clearances to personnel designed with the high level clearances, etc.). Changing the UMD to accommodate short-term manpower and/or personnel issues is not allowed. Review each requested change action validating the current UMD requirement is incorrect and the proposed change is the correct action. Within the proposed change action’s rationale, ensure a full description is provided communicating what was referenced to determine the proposed UMD change. See para 1.3. ACR Rationale for additional information. Ensure ACRs are coordinated with appropriate local agencies (e.g., Civilian Personnel, Security Forces, Finance, etc.) prior to submitting through MPES. Reference paragraph 1.5., ACR Coordination Requirements. Ensure ACRs requiring coordination with HQ AETC/A1M branches/sections (other than HQ AETC/A1MR) are coordinated prior to submitting to HQ AETC/A1MR (i.e.,new OSC requests--coordinated through A1MPO, etc.). Send email notifications to the appropriate A1MR section when a project has been

submitted for action. That email must include the full MPES project number and project title

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in the subject line (ex: 0JB2011000000 - Project title). The email must include the SACN, SUMD and information needed to support HQ staff recommendation. Periodically review command ACR log for MPES project status and always obtain current status of the ACR prior to personally requesting updated status from HQ AETC/A1MR staff. The submitting manpower office action officer is responsible for following up and determining the status of each ACR submitted from their office.

1.2. ACR Submission Authority.

1.2.1. Squadron Commander (or equivalent): Authorized to submit change request for positions under his command/control. Submissions crossing squadron lines within the same group require parent group commander concurrence. 1.2.2. Group Commander (or equivalent): Authorized to submit change requests for positions under his command/control. Submissions should include subordinate units’ documented coordination. Submissions crossing group lines require wing/vice commander concurrence.

1.2.3. Wing/Vice Commander: Authorized to submit change requests for positions under their command/control. Submissions should include subordinate units' documented coordination. 1.2.4. NAF/CV (or equivalent): Authorized to submit change requests for positions located on his staff. ACRs crossing wings require HQ AETC/A1M and HQ FAM concurrence, as well as coordination with the effected wings. 1.2.5. HQ AETC Directorates: Changes for HQ directorates must be submitted by the applicable division chief when affecting the HQ’s staff requirements. Submissions crossing directorate lines must include all affected directorates coordination. Individual FAMs may request changes for the AFSCs in their control across multiple bases. All coordination with the impacted wing agencies will be provided with the request. The submitter is responsible for obtaining all coordination and for follow up until the issue is closed.

1.3. ACR Rationale: Communicating the need for change is key when developing an ACR. When preparing the project’s Rationale use the following guidance and headings. A more comprehensive example is provided in attachment 3.

• Requested Action: Provide a narrative overview of each proposed change, describing the

action being requested in sufficient detail including the base and unit/function.

• Justification: ACR rationale must be a detailed auditable account of why the change is needed, how it was determined the existing requirement is incorrect, as well as how it was determined the proposed change is the valid requirement. All proposed changes must address what has changed requiring the ACR; all proposed changes must be fully justified. The justification must be specific and factual. Reference applicable directive/document (i.e., AFI, Air Force Manpower Standard, Capability-based Manpower Standards, etc.) to support the

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ACR. Justification includes the specific method and/or HHQ source document/authority used to validate the requested change(s) as valid. If the change is not based on a MAJCOM or higher document/authority then clearly communicate in the rationale the request is a Wing initiative with the understanding the proposed ACR is not mandated or mission essential.

• Impact: States the impact (negative and/or positive) it will have if approved/disapproved. Identify effects resulting from the requested action for the following areas: mission, personnel (military and civilian), CPG, and UTC if there’s no impact in a given area. Also, the estimated cost associated with each position will need to be captured using the SAF/FM cost tables from AFI 65-503. This information is updated annually and can be found at click here. If the change is to a SAR, use the Federal Clearance Cost sheet found in Attachment_10_3.

• Coordination: List the name and office symbol for each individual completing the coordination and recommendation. List Manpower Office POC, requesting commander, coordinating agency(s), local FAM, and HQ’s FAM (if any pre-coordination was accomplished between local and HQ FAMs) information in this section. As a minimum, the following information is required: Grade/Rank, first and last name, organization, office symbol, and DSN phone number

• Cost: The cost of the action must be identified. The purpose of identifying the estimated

cost is to provide the FM at the local or wing-level and the HQ AETC/FM information enabling a decision to coordinate certifying funds are available.

• Each project must be reviewed by and have a statement from the Manpower Office Chief (or

delegated representative) stating if they support the changes.

1.4. General Rules. The following rules are provided for Manpower Office usage during ACR analysis.

1.4.1. Organizations submitting an ACR will use the ACR template at attachment 2. This will assist in standard ACR submissions across the command. This form is also available on HQ AETC/A1M’s Sharepoint site. 1.4.2. ACRs zeroing out a PAS (deleting all remaining authorizations within a PAS) or changing the organizational structure (other than approved in AFI 38-101) require an approved OCR prior to submitting. 1.4.3. Changes cannot be made to functions under study for manpower standards development, pending standard implementation, or identified as a potential strategic sourcing initiative ex. A-76, start (i.e., P3 started), except for minor changes and when the changes will not affect the UMD baseline. 1.4.4. Unfunded requirements will not be added to the UMD without supporting documentation (e.g., a current manpower standard application worksheet, LCOM application, etc.).

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1.4.5. An increase in authorizations (funded) requires a “zero balance” trade-off within the same category. If the trade-off crosses PECs, the request must be coordinated through HQ AETC/A1MPR prior to submitting MPES project. 1.4.6. Base-level FAMs should contact their HQ FAM to discuss proposed changes prior to submitting an ACR, or expect significant delays. 1.4.7. Reference AETCI38-202, Chapter 5, when updating TT authorizations.

1.5. ACR Coordination Requirements.

1.5.1. ACRs will be signed by appropriate submission authority (electronic signature is acceptable) prior to submitting to headquarters.

1.5.2. All change requests must be coordinated with affected base-level functional managers (FAM).

1.5.3. Security access requirement (SAR) code change request must be approved by the local Information Protection (IP) office prior to submission to headquarters for processing. Request to upgrade SAR code to “5” must be accompanied by staff package approved by 3-Star/Civilian equivalent authority using the procedures in AFI 31-501. Manpower Office must validate the proposed change of work causing the increased security requirement as unavoidable and to ensure the work is within the scope of the position’s intent per the UMD as opposed to a management decision to realign duties.

1.5.4. Change request adding/deleting/moving First Sergeant positions (8F000) are coordinated through wing Command Chief Master Sergeant (CCM). 1.5.5. Change requests affecting civilian positions must be coordinated with the Civilian Personnel Office. (Note: Some military changes may impact civilian requirements, such as removing military in a civilian led work center negating the need for a civilian supervisor). Manpower Office must validate the proposed changes maintain the position’s intent for which it is earned and ensuring integrity of AFI 38-201 is maintained. 1.5.6. Program element code (PEC) changes must be coordinated with HQ AETC/A1MPR prior to submission.

1.5.7. Military position’s Authorized grade changes, without an offset, must be coordinated though HQ AETC/A1MR prior to submission to ensure CPG constraints are maintained. 1.5.8. Changes moving civilian records between bases must be sent to HQ AETC/FM for awareness of the change. 1.5.9. Colonel (O-6) positions changes.

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Page 8 of 36 Defense Officer Personnel Management Act (DOPMA) Colonel grades are fixed and allocated by a central AF board. Therefore, any major adjustment to a DOPMA Colonel position (PAS code, AFS, organizational change, etc...) requires an out of cycle change request on a Military Position Description (MPD) form (Attachment 10). The ACR and MPD will require MAJCOM functional, HQ AETC/A1M, HQ AETC/A1L, AETC/CV and Air Staff approval. All new Colonel grades require an offset and MPD describing the key responsibilities and mission description for the position. New Colonel grade requests (without offset) must wait for the next scheduled AF board for consideration. Non-DOPMA Colonel grades are coordinated with AFMOA, HQ AETC/A1M, HQ AETC/A1L, HQ AETC/SG and the Air Force Colonels Group. Non-DOPMA positions currently do not require a MPD. Submit Colonel grade change requests as a separate MPES project. Projects with Colonel and non-Colonel positions risk extended delays in processing due to coordination with AETC/CV and Air Staff.

1.5.10. Chief Master Sergeant (E-9) positions changes. CMSgt grades are fixed and allocated by a central AF board. Therefore, any major adjustment to a CMSgt position (PAS code, AFS, organizational change, etc...) requires an out of cycle change request MPD form (Attachment 10). The ACR and MPD will require MAJCOM functional, HQ AETC/A1M, HQ AETC/A1L, AETC/CV and Air Staff approval. All new CMSgt grades require an offset and MPD describing the key responsibilities and mission description for the position. New CMSgt grade requests (without offset) must wait for the next scheduled AF board for consideration. Submit CMSgt grade change requests as a separate MPES project. Projects with CMSgt and non-CMSgt positions risk extended delays in processing due to coordination with AETC/CV and Air Staff.

1.5.11. TT course authorization changes require a new Root Basic Authorization which displays the AFSC and Rank percentage of distribution.

1.6. ACR Processing Timeline: HQ AETC/A1MRs’ goal is to process MPES projects within 10 duty days after receipt of the email notice (larger, complex, or ACRs with unclear or poor rationale will be returned with an explanation of what is required). ACRs returned to the originator for corrections or further action will be re-staffed under the same guidelines as a newly submitted ACR. ACR staffing sequence and timeframes are outlined below; however, like each Manpower analyst, MAJCOM staffs also have many other duties, competing priorities .

1.6.1. Within 1 duty day of receipt, the responsible A1MR sections will assign an AO and annotate project in ACR log. Total elapsed duty days: 1.

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1.6.2. Within 1 duty day of assignment, A1MR AO will analyze submitted request and send out for FAM coordination or returned (with an explanation of what is required). Total elapsed duty days: 2.

1.6.3. HQ FAMs will be requested to provide coordination within 5 duty days. If disapproved/no FAM action, return to base without action and include an explanation of what is required. Total elapsed duty days: 7..

1.6.4. Within 1 duty day of receiving FAM coordination, A1MR AO will update MPES project rationale with applicable information and send to section chief to review. Total elapsed duty days: 8.

1.6.5. Within 1 duty day of receipt, section chief will analyze request and forward to A1MPR for publishing if project has a resource impact; if project has no resource impact, section chief will publish. Total elapsed duty days: 9.

1.6.6. Within 1 duty day of receipt A1MPR will publish, or reject back to originator if unacceptable resource impact exists. Total elapsed duty days10.

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SECTION TWO – MPES PROJECT BUILD GUIDANCE 2.1. Introduction. This section provides guidance for preparing MPES projects for submission to MAJCOM. The information provided is not intended to be all inclusive, but rather to standardize inputs and to address areas with high occurrences of errors. Include the project’s simulated ACN when sending email notification to HQ AETC/A1MR as well as any pre-coordination emails/actions with MAJCOM’s offices. 2.2. Project Description Format.

2.2.1. The following project description format will be used when building an MPES Project’s Title: 1) first three letters of the submitting Manpower Office’s base; 2) followed by effected unit/function; and 3) specific, project description. Three examples are: (TYN-325 CE OPS AFSC CHANGE, VAN-71 SFS NSPS GRADE CHNGS, and KIR-58 SOW MH-53 DRAWDOWN (MCCN #)). 2.2.2. Air University will use AU instead of MAX 2.2.3. Projects impacting multiple bases will use MULTI. Note: Avoid using general descriptions (i.e., “AFSC Change”, “Position Swap”, etc.) because these types of titles/descriptions generate more review work in order to determine the appropriate MAJCOM AO, and may be returned without action.

2.3. General MPES Input Rules.

2.3.1. The project rationale should follow the template in attachment 3. Projects submitted with an incomplete rationale will not be processed and will be returned (re-coordinated) to the originator. Every MPES Project will have an audit trail and an estimated cost. 2.3.2. AFI 38-201, para 2.3.2 instructs a projection of current plus 2 quarters for any change driving a personnel action, such as a PCS (i.e., military grade, AFSC, adding position, etc.). However, this chapter of the AFI is in reference to AFMS applications. There are some exceptions when this projection requirement is not relevant, such when deleting a requirement from the UMD, DHP funded positions, and in the TT environment; primarily with instructor requirements (“T” prefix). Deviations less than current quarter plus two must be fully explained or justified in the rationale and have HQ FAM approval, coordinated with Personnel prior to submission. Reference AFI38-201 Chapter 2 for additional information and guidance. 2.3.3. To facilitate staffing, the effective date for projections (when used) must be at least 45 days out from the submission date to MAJCOM. The project will be returned without action if the effective date elapses before the project is synchronized. 2.3.4. Changes impacting civilian records should have the grade changed to TBD and the OCC to “0000” until the re-classified PD is reviewed and verified by the MO. Only after/if the PD has

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been reviewed and approved by Manpower and subsequently classified for the specific MPCN should the Grade and OCC be changed.

2.4. Project Submission Rules.

2.4.1. As a minimum, the wing reviewer will complete and document the completion of the Verification Checklist in attachment 54 prior to submitting MPES project to MAJCOM. Checklist is also available on HQ AETC/A1M’s SharePoint website. 2.4.2. The installation MO Chief or designated representative will submit the project in MPES to the appropriate section group within HQ AETC/A1MR. The originator of the ACR is responsible for performing the required staff work and coordination prior to submitting to HQ AETC/A1MR. 2.4.3. Then send email to the appropriate HQ AETC/A1MR organization group(list available on HQ AETC/A1M’s CoP website) informing them an MPES project has been submitted. This action is necessary due to sporadic MPES notification. Subject line must include the full MPES Project Number and Project Title. ACRs involving allocations will include the full MCCN number in the title ex. Ran—MCCN 812C2034, MOA #640 Convert Contract to Civilian. Provide notes or helpful information about the project within the email. Attach supporting documentation (i.e., ACNs, AFMS price-outs, workload validation, emails between base-level FAM and MAJCOM FAM, etc.).

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SECTION THREE – CME GUIDANCE 3.1. General Guidance. IAW AFI 38-201, Chapter 6, a complete annual CME review is directed to be accomplished and documented on the UMD by end of month August. A summary of actions are provided below:

3.1.1. The Manpower Office reviews and coordinates on all actions when service-type contracts are requested, modified, or terminated. Ensures proposed contract work is not performed by the existing in-service workforce, computes associated CMEs and updates MPES accordingly. 3.1.2. Analyze each contract let for CME impact. CMEs are computed for applicable service-type contract workload (recurring and nonrecurring) when costs exceed the total annual composite rate of a staff sergeant (E-5). The rate may be found in AFI 65-503, US Air Force Cost and Planning Factors, Attachment 19-2. Recurring workload are services directed by a MAJCOM or higher authority that normally continue throughout the year (e.g., custodial services, food services, plumbing services, aircraft maintenance services). Nonrecurring workload is limited to a one-time requirement, generally lasting one year or less, and is not continuous from year to year (e.g., disaster clean up, air show or open house support). The process for recurring and non-recurring CME determination is shown in AFI 38-201, Figure 6.1. The intent is to obtain the most accurate estimate of CMEs for the workload performed.

3.1.3. Determine the correct contract code and enter it into the AF Rmk within MPES:

C1 - A-76 Contracts C2 - Advisory and Assistance Service (A&AS) C3 - Federally Funded Research and Development Center (FFRDC) C4 - Depot Maintenance Activity Group (DMAG) C5 - Supply Maintenance Activity Group (SMAG) C6 - Contract not described in C1 through C5

Note: Manpower Office contracts in AETC will be C1, C2, or C6. 3.1.4. Review applicable AFMS to identify any positive or negative variance and submit along with MPES project, if required.

3.2. MPES Rationale Guidance. The rationale guidance outlined in para 1.3. does not apply to CME projects. See attachment 5 for standard CME rationales.

3.3. MPES Entries. The following entries are required when building CME position’s within MPES, including those attributes for each positions optional data elements. If duplicating an already existing CME position, review the duplicated record to ensure all data codes are correct.

3.3.1. Main Fields:

MNT: NXXCX PAS: Enter PAS for unit responsible for providing services

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RIC: 8888 is CME AFSC: Enter AFSC that best matches for services provided OSC: Enter OSC for the organization responsible for providing the service FAC: Enter FAC for function the requirement was earned. Change is driven by implementing a standard not by movement of the requirement. RGR: CME PEC: Enter the PE that is paying for the contract Effective date: Today or later Thru date: For recurring contract enter 12/31/4712

For nonrecurring contract enter 09/29/xxxx (actual year) 3.3.2. Option Column: Mandatory Fields: SAR: Check contract requirements and document any appropriate SAR code CEC: Enter 80 Comm FAC: Enter the applicable DoD FAC. Contact HQ AETC/A1MS for Manpower Office current list, or download list from MPES’ reference tables MSI: M (Result of A-76 Competition) or U (Non A-76) FCT: J YLR: Current Year YNR: One year later CTN: Complete Contract number Optional Fields: RMK 1: C1, C2, or C6 CMK 1: “AFMS”, “CMS”, or Leave Blank if not covered by AFMS or CMS

Note: The Manpower Office will establish a local remarks code log. Log will contain, as a minimum, the full contract number and contractor name. An example log can be seen in attachment 6. For MAJCOM CME’s, HQ AETC/A1MPR will establish the local remarks.

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SECTION FOUR – CY13 SPECIAL INTEREST ITEMS ACR GUIDANCE This section provides overarching guidance regarding several special interest items. This is not an all inclusive list of items of concern to us. However, each manpower office should be aware of possible consequences resulting from unnecessary cost being driven by their actions. 4.1. Mil-Civ Conversion Requests. Mil-to-civ conversions will use existing wing resources. This is without exception. If a program element code change is necessary, HQ AETC/A1MPR approval is required before submitting the conversion request in MPES. 4.2. Quarterly AFSC Conversions. HQ AETC/A1M will accomplish direct AFSC conversions when published. Indirect conversions are accomplished by the Manpower Office with coordination by the local functional manager. There may be times the conversion actions will impact projects already in review status. This information will be annotated and the affected bases notified to reaccomplish their ACR actions. 4.3. Civilian Reviews. Changes or reclassification of civilian requirements should be processed as they occur and not in large quarterly cumulative projects. We have noticed requests for changes to the civilian UMD without a defendable change in the manpower requirement. These unnecessary changes will drive a bill to the command and will be impossible to defend during an audit. 4.4. SAR Coding. SAR changes are a cost to the command. Unnecessary changes to the UMD are costly and cannot be defended. Extra caution should be exercised to avoid mismanagement and unnecessary increases in security investigations. Unit commanders submit SAR change requests through the base Information Protection office to the base manpower office. Individual bases may require additional coordination steps. The base manpower office prepares a MPES project which is submitted or shared to the applicable HQ AETC/A1MR section. The requirements section will coordinate the request with the AETC functional area manager.

4.4.1. SAR Code 5. Requires additional coordination and as such must be in an MPES project without other changes. The requirements section will coordinate the SAR 5 ACR with the AETC functional area manager as well as HQ AETC/IP. Once all initial coordination steps are completed, the ACR/SACN is returned to the requestor, who will prepare and send a formal staff package to the AETC/CV or the Air University Commander (AU/CC) as appropriate. The staff package will contain recommendations received as a result of the coordination process. Once the SAR 5 is approved thru the above process the ACR will be submitted to the applicable A1M requirements section with the approving documentation and the UMD updated. 4.5. Following Manpower Regulations and Policy. It is imperative we follow regulatory guidance and mandates as we push through the series of manpower changes we are facing. Reducing the MPES changes to minimum essential changes will reduce the turmoil to our employees as well as reduce rework and confusion. 4.6. Reduced level of service. In just the past few years, HQ AETC/A1M has implemented a 50 percent plus reduction in the A1M staff. This trend will continue, and as a result the level of service will change as we eliminate, decrease and combine work centers and personnel. The

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base-level manpower office must prepare for reduced response times and elimination of certain non-mission essential functions.

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ACL - Acquisition Level ACN – Authorization Change Notice ACR – Authorization Change Request AFI – Air Force Instruction AFMOA – Air Force Medical Operations Agency AFMS – Air Force Manpower Standard AFS - AF Specialty (aka CPG) AFSC – Air Force Specialty Code AO – Action Officer APC - Acquisition Position Code APT - Acquisition Position Type CAT – Category CEC - Civilian Employment Category CID - Command Identifier CME – Contract Manpower Equivalent CMS – Capability-based Manpower Standard CoP - Community of Practice CPD - Civilian Position Description – must mirror DCPDS CPG – Career Progression Group CPO - (Servicing) Civilian Personnel Office CRK1-4 - Command Remark CSC – Country State Code CTN – Contract Number DOPMA - Defense Officer Personnel Management Act DTY - Duty Title FAC - Functional Account Code FAM – Functional Area Manager FUNDING - Funded, Unfunded or Other FYDP – Future Years Defense Program GRD - Grade (Authorized) – Civilian grades must mirror DCPDS GRS - Grade Rank Structure IAW – In Accordance With IGCA – Inherently Governmental and Commercial Activities LRK1-2 - Local Remark MAJCOM – Major Command MPES – Manpower Programming and Execution System MPD – Military Position Description MPF - (Servicing) Military Personnel Section

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MSI - Manpower Standards Implementation OCC - (Civilian) Occupational Code – must mirror DCPDS OCR – Organization Change Request OPR – Office of Primary Responsibility OSC - Office Symbol Code (aka Organization Structure Code) PAL2 - Personnel Accounting Level 2 (aka (Major Unit) PAS - Personnel Accounting Symbol PCR – Program Change Request PCS – Permanent Change of Station PE – Program Element PEC - Program Element Code PF – Mil/Civ Conversions PFX - AFSC Prefix POS - Position Number PPS - Programmed Position Sequence PWF - Personnel Working File RGRD - (Required) Grade RIC - Resource Identification Code RMK1-2 - AF Remarks RSN - Reason Code (IGCA) SA – Stress Adds SAR - Security Access Requirement SEI – Special Experience Identifier ST – Stress Takes SUB - Sub Command TBD – To-be-Determined THRU - Thru Date TT – Technical Training UMD – Unit Manpower Document UTC – Unit Type Code

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MEMORANDUM FOR (SERVICING MANPOWER OFFICE) FROM: (REQUESTING ORGANIZATION)/CC SUBJECT: Authorization Change Request (ACR) 1. Request the following change(s) be accomplished as indicated below:


ABCD 21 SFS SPO 43C1 0123456 3P051 SSGT SSGT 28030B 327 5 CC 3P031 A1C 6 15 Sep13 2. Justification: This paragraph should provide a complete statement, in layman's terms, that fully justifies the requested action--what HHQ directive was referenced to identify the existing requirement as wrong and the proposed change as correct. Include all changes in workload, mission, organizational structure, technology, and the driving instruction or authority mandating the change. Bottom-line – what has changed? It is imperative to document a comprehensive audit trail or the ACR will be returned. 3. Impact (Personnel, Resource, Mission, UTC): Processing time for personnel actions is current quarter plus two. If there is a request for an action sooner than the current quarter plus two it must be fully justified to be considered and be pre-coordinated with the HQ AETC FAM, as well as HQ AETC/A1K. Provide the names /phone numbers and dates of the coordination, 4. UTC Impact: A Unit Type Code (UTC) validation was accomplished and this proposed change(s) will/will not cause a UTC/Unit Manpower Document (UMD) mismatch. We have sufficient numbers of the effected AFSCs to fill all wartime tasking. 5. Coordination: Include Name, Unit, DSN, and email of those who have coordinated.

- Civilian Personnel: Any ACR that proposes a change to a civilian position must be coordinated through the servicing Civilian Personnel Flight prior to being submitted to the Manpower Office.

- MAJCOM/Base Functional: Name and DSN (Base level OPRs are encouraged to contact their HQ’s functional OPR to discuss proposed changes prior to submitting the ACR to their servicing Manpower Office).

- Commander: A SQ commander or equivalent is the ACR approval authority when the authorization impacted is subordinate to and reports to that commander. Group commanders approve ACRs when the proposed action impacts more than one SQ’s authorizations. The wing or vice wing commander approves ACR’s when the proposed action impacts more than one Group, or impacts the wing staff.

- Base-level FM. To determine if funding is available to enable this action or if a request for funding will accompany this ACR.

6. Cost of Action: Using the cost factors in AFI 65-503 and for SAR changes the OMB Cost Factors at Atch10 of this guide. 7. Unit POC’s Name, Unit, DSN, and email. SIGNATURE BLOCK COMMANDER

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ATTACHMENT 3 – RATIONALE TEMPLATE Rationale/Justification: Be very specific. This is the section where you as the expert are articulating the reason for the change and what staffing has been accomplished to facilitate the approval of the proposed change. The more detail provided will make it easier to understand the action when researched in the future. The more information provided, the more likely your ACR will be implemented. Impacts: Identify specifics for each sub-bullet. If the sub-bullet category is not appropriate or does not apply, put “N/A”. NOTE: N/A should be the exception and not the rule.

Mission: If this action is not approved what specific mission impact will occur.

Personnel: - Military: Is a personnel action required? - Civilian: The proposed changes will/will not have an adverse impact.

UTC: These changes will/will not have a negative impact on the wartime readiness of…(specify each unit affected). Cost: What is the cost for this action? Has your FM coordinated the cost of this action? Is this a base-level, MAJCOM or AF cost? Who from the Base/MAJCOM has agreed to pay this cost?

Current Quarter Plus 2: If this action takes place prior to current quarter plus 2, justification and pre-coordination is required, otherwise N/A. Does this action drive a PCS? Resource Impacts: Impacts to PECs or RICs require pre coordination with HQ AETC/A1MPR. If action is not zero balance, the rationale must reflect the impact(s) and provide justification, otherwise state, “This is a zero balance action.” POC'S and Coordination: List Rank/Name/Unit/DSN of manpower technician, local functional, and POCs from affected units.

Civilian Personnel: ACR must have Civilian Personnel coordination if ACR makes recommended changes to a civilian position; regardless if the position is encumbered or not. Include the POC’s Rank/Name/Unit/DSN. MAJCOM Functional Informed on Action: Accomplished by local functional, not manpower technician. Include the MAJCOM and Base-level POC’s Rank/Name/Unit/DSN. IP Office-SAR Codes: State this was coordinated with the IP Office (date and time) to ensure the SAR change is consistent per AFI 31-501 and if JWICs needs to be changed. AETC/CV approval is required for any SAR 5 request regardless if the AFSC is listed among the Mandatory AFSC list.

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Commander: A SQ commander or equivalent is the ACR approval authority when the authorization impacted is subordinate to and reports to that commander. Group commanders approve ACRs when the proposed action impacts more than one SQ’s authorizations. The wing or vice wing commander approve ACR’s when the proposed action impacts more than one Group, or impacts the wing staff. Include the POC’s Rank/Name/Unit/DSN FM: For cost estimate and determination if additional funding is required.

Manpower Office Reviewing Official: Manpower Office Chief, Manpower Office Superintendent, or designated reviewer has reviewed this ACR and certifies the request complies with the AETC ACR policy and cannot be deferred.

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Verification Checklist

Check the items listed below at a minimum. This checklist must be included in the ACR submission. Manpower Office’s are encouraged to develop an in-house quality control program, which may include a more extensive checklist. Initials Task Project description is in the correct format Project rationale is in the correct format POC and coordination information is listed in the rationale to include FM Reviewing official’s information is listed in the rationale Resource impacts coordinated thru applicable HQ AETC/A1M section(s), if applicable

(i.e., PEC changes, grade increases without offsets, position adds without offset, etc.) Changes made in MPES project reflect those requested in ACR Projects that may drive personnel actions are projected out current quarter plus two (i.e.,

grade and/or AFSC change on military positions) HQ Ensure position attributes are reviewed and updated as required (MSI, SAR, CRK,

LRK, OCC, etc) Audit trail is adequate for outside agency to follow

Cost of action identified Appropriate MAJCOM AO has permissions to the project prior to finalizing

Follow-On Actions Send email to applicable HQ AETC/A1MR section notifying them the project has been

finalized Verify project is logged into the ACR log (available on the CoP), and a current status is

available. Project should be logged in within 2 working days after submission. Submitting Base follows up after 10 days to determine status

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ATTACHMENT 5 – CME EXAMPLE RATIONALES CME MPES Rationale for adding new CMEs requirements: Scenario 1: Workload is covered under AFMS/CMS This project converts (quantify) authorizations (or unfunded requirements) to CMEs in support of recurring (or non-recurring) contract XXXXXXXXXX (specify contract number). This contract is for (summarize purpose of contract) within the (identify the squadron). A review of the applicable AFMS/CMS has determined this workload is part of the AFMS/CMS, therefore a negative variance of (quantify) has been submitted. In addition to a negative variance, command remark code “AFMS” has been added to the CME requirements to reflect the workload is covered by AFMS/CMS. The CTN field has also been added to link these requirements to a specific contract. Method (1, 2, or 3 as defined in AFI 38-201) was used to determine CME requirements. Manpower Office POC: Unit POC: A1MR POC: Manpower Office Chief, Manpower Office Superintendent, or designated reviewer information: Scenario 2: Workload is not covered under AFMS/CMS This project adds (quantify) CMEs for recurring (or non-recurring) contract XXXXXXXXXX (specify contract number). This contract is for (summarize purpose of contract) within the (identify the squadron). A review of the applicable AFMS/CMS has determined this workload is not part of the AFMS/CMS, therefore a negative variance is not required. A local remark code of XXXXXX (last 6 of the contract number) has been added to link these requirements to a specific contract. Method (1, 2, or 3 as defined in AFI 38-201) was used to determine CMEs. Manpower Office POC: Unit POC: Manpower Office Chief, Manpower Office Superintendent, or designated reviewer information: CME MPES Rationale for deleting existing CME requirements: Scenario 1: Workload was covered under AFMS/CMS This project converts (quantify) CMEs to unfunded requirements (to convert to authorizations, A1MPR must approve prior to submitting project) as a result of terminating recurring (or non-recurring) contract XXXXXXXXXX (specify contract number). This contract was for (summarize purpose of contract) within the (identify the squadron). Associated remark codes (AF, Command, and local) have also been removed. Manpower Office POC: Unit POC: A1MPR POC: Manpower Office Chief, Manpower Office Superintendent, or designated reviewer information: Scenario 2: Workload was not covered under AFMS/CMS

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This project deletes (quantify) CMEs as a result of terminating recurring (or non-recurring) contract XXXXXXXXXX (specify contract number). This contract was for (summarize purpose of contract) within the (identify the squadron). Manpower Office POC: Unit POC: Manpower Office Chief, Manpower Office Superintendent, or designated reviewer information: CME MPES rationale for revalidating CMEs requirements: Scenario 1: Workload is covered under AFMS/CMS This project revalidates (quantify) of (quantity initially placed on the UMD) CMEs for recurring contract XXXXXXXXXX (specify contract number). This contract is for (summarize purpose of contract) within the (identify the squadron). A review of the applicable AFMS/CMS has validated the workload is still covered under the AFMS/CMS. As a result, the previously submitted negative variance is still valid. The YLR and YNR data fields have been updated. Method (1, 2, or 3 as defined in AFI 38-201) was used to revalidate (quantity) of CME requirements; CME positions in excess of requirements are deleted in this project. Manpower Office POC: Unit POC: Manpower Office Chief, Manpower Office Superintendent, or designated reviewer information: Scenario 2: Workload is not covered under AFMS/CMS This project revalidates (quantify) of (quantity initially placed on the UMD) CMEs for recurring contract XXXXXXXXXX (specify contract number). This contract is for (summarize purpose of contract) within the (identify the squadron). A review of the applicable AFMS/CMS has determined the workload is not covered under the AFMS/CMS. The YLR and YNR data fields have been updated. Method (1, 2, or 3 as defined in AFI 38-201) was used to revalidate quantity of CME requirements; CME positions in excess of requirements are deleted in this project. Manpower Office POC: Unit POC: Manpower Office Chief, Manpower Office Superintendent, or designated reviewer information:

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Administering CONS Installation

Last 6 Digits in

LRK Contractor Name Full Contract


CME Validation


Validation performed


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Office of Coordinating Responsibility

Proposed Change CC/CL Mil Pers Civ Pers FM Information Protection FAM

Other (type in)

Example X X X X X X IG

Civilian Grade Change X X X X

Military Grade Change X X X

SAR Code Upgrade X X X x X X


Military AFSC Change X X x X

Civilian AFSC Change X X x X SEI Codes (260,264,266,

C61, C62, C63, C64) X X AETC/A6XX 8570 Office

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A3VM LtCol Tora Anderson (P)

Maj Darian Baker (A)


652-7335 012xx Navigator A3FO

A3VM LtCol Tora Anderson (P)

Maj Darian Baker (A)


652-7335 013Bx Operations (API

code changes) A3RB

Mr. Mark Vlahos


013Bx Air Battle Manager A3ZA

Maj Roger “Butch”Engle 652-9559

013Dx Combat Rescue/Special Tactics Officers

A3TB Capt Mathew Bury 652-6733

013Mx Airfield Ops A3OF Maj John Goodson 652-9527 013Sx Space and Missile A3TC Lt Col Peter Guerra 652-7867

014xx Intelligence A2OI Maj Che Hester 652-9936 015Wx Weather A3OW Mr. Charles Davenport (P)

CMSgt Bradley Wasson (A) ACRs to: [email protected]

652-3700 652-3367

016Fx Regional Affairs Strategist


LtCol Tora Anderson (P)

Maj Darian Baker (A)


652-7335 016G AF Operations Staff

Officer A3FO

A3VM LtCol Tora Anderson (P)

Maj Darian Baker (A)


652-7335 016Px Political Military

Affairs Specialist IAO Lt Col Curtis Davis 652-1764

016R Planning and

Programming A3FO

A3VM LtCol Tora Anderson (P)

Maj Darian Baker (A)


652-7335 017DX

Communications A6CR Mr. Randall Coleman ACRs: Email to AETC/A6XX ACRs


021Ax Aircraft Mx A4MM Mr Dale Gilmore (P) Brian Bastow

652-2701 / 2512

021Mx Munitions and Missile Mx

A4MM Mr Dale Gilmore (P) Brian Bastow

652-2701 / 2512

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OFFICE POC NAME PHONE # 021Rx Logistics Readiness A4RX

A4RX Maj. Christopher Price (A) Ms. Yvonne Algueseva (P)



021Sx Supply A4RM A4RMP

CMSgt Erik Wineland Mr. Ronald Lee (A) Mr. Keith Stevens (A)

652-3925 652-9950 652-2868

031Px Security Forces A7S Lt Col 652 032Ex Civil Engineering A7COS Ms. Dana Chryar 652-1872 035Px Public Affairs &

Band PA Ms Sonja Coderre 652-2208

038Px Manpower/Personnel

A1KO Mr. Tom J Sawyer 652-3608

04xx Officer medical AFMOA Mr. Jay Soileau Mr. Joe Robinson ACRs sent: [email protected]

969-9908 969-9101

051Jx Legal JAA CMSgt Tony (Jose) Mercado


052Rx Chaplain HCC CMSgt Cathy Uetrecht 652-3822 061Sx Scientist SAS/CS Capt Jon Hosket 652-0886

062Ex Developmental Engineer

SAF/AQH Maj. Susan Olsen (P) Capt Ron Jenkins (A)

DSN 327-9637 Ext.

2508 063Ax Acquisition Manager Maj Christopher Mitchell

(P) Capt Ron Jenkins (A)


254-2518 064Px Contracting A7K SMSgt George Brown (P)

Mr. Dave Malec (A) SMSgt David Smith (A)

652-1448 652-3701 652-7903

065Fx Finance (Officers) FMP Mr. Robert Jacks (civ) 652-6871

081C Training Commander, OTS

A1KO Mr. Michael O'Shea 652-4180

081T Instructor A1KO Mr. Michael O'Shea 652-4180 082Ax Academic Program

Manager A1KO Mr. Michael O'Shea 652-4180

083Rx Recruiting Service AFRS Pri: MSgt Christopher Adlawan Alt: Capt Sherri Carr

665-0592 665-0578

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OFFICE POC NAME PHONE # 084H Historian AETC/HO Emmons, Richard Mr. 652-6564

086Mx Operations Management

A1KO Michael O'shea (mil only) 652-4180

086Px Command Post A3OC MSgt Denita Harris 652-9184 87G Inspector General IGQ /

IGIX Mr. Jim Playford Jeffrey D Kersten


091C Commander A1KO Mr. John Renninger Mr. Michael O’Shea


097E Exec Officer, AFPC/DP

ASC Maj Samantha Ray 565-3272

Enlisted AFSC FAM listing


OFFICE POC NAME PHONE # 1A0 In-Flight Refueling A3ZM SMSgt Sharon Hollaway 652-9656 1A1 Flight Engineer A3ZM SMSgt Sharon Hollaway 652-9656 1A2 Aircraft Loadmaster A3ZM SMSgt Sharon Hollaway 652-9656 1A3 Airborne Mission

Systems A3ZM SMSgt Sharon Hollaway 652-9656

1A4 Airborne Battle Management

A3ZM SMSgt Sharon Hollaway 652-9656

1A6 Flight Attendant A3ZM SMSgt Sharon Hollaway 652-9656 1A7 Aeiral Gunner A3ZM SMSgt Sharon Hollaway 652-9656

1A8 Airborne Cryptologic Linguist

A3ZM SMSgt Sharon Hollaway 652-9656

1Axxx Operations A3RF MSgt Thomas Outlaw 652-9552 1C0 Aviation Resource A3FV 652-9476 1C1 Air Traffic Control A3OF CMSgt David Wilson 652-5757 1C2 Combat Control A3TB CMSgt Bruce Dixon 652-6164 1C3 Command Post A3OC CMSgt Timothy Garcia

(P) Sampsell, Denita L MSg (A)

652-5503, 652-9184

1C4 Tactical Air Control Party

A3OC CMSgt Greg Goodrich (P) MSgt Denita Harris (A)

652-5503, 652-9184

1C5 Aerospace Control and Warning Systems


CMSgt Donald Ennis DSN: 425-5009

1C6 Space System Operations

A7C CMSgt Ronald Kruse 652-1875

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Enlisted AFSC FAM listing



Management A3OF CMSgt Arturo Jayme 652-6161

1Nxxx Intelligence A2OI Maj Daniel Johnson 652-2170 1P0 Life Support A3OL Chief Alan K Reams (P)

SMSgt Christopher S. Moore (A)


1Sxxx Safety SEO CMSgt Charles Meyer, MSgt Soli until mid aug


1T0 SERE A3TB MSgt RC Delano 652-9632 1T2 Pararescue A3TB CMSgt James Clark 652-9464 1U0 UAS Sensor A3F 1W0 Weather A3OW CMSgt Bradley Wasson

(P) Mr. Charles Davenport (A) ACRs to: [email protected]

652-3367 652-3700

2Axxx Aircraft Mx A4MMR Mr. Phillip Gilmore (P) Mr. Brian Bastow (A)

652-9046 652-2512

2F0xx Fuels A4RMF SMSgt Nick Breyer (P) Mr. Gregory Bean (A)

652-9951 652-9953

2G0xx Log Plans A4RX CMSgt Valerie Soloman (P) MSgt Tania Rickett (A)



2M0xx Space and Missile Maintenance

A3TM SMSgt Gregory Gallup 652-3844

2P0 PMEL A4MMR Mr Dale Gilmore (P) Brian Bastow

652-9046 652-2512

2RXXX Maintenance Management

Mr Dale Gilmore 652-9046

2Sxxx Supply A4RM A4RMP

CMSgt Kellie Moore Mr. Ronald Lee (A) Mr. Gregory Reed (A)

652-5697 652-9950

2T0xx Transportation A4RXT CMSgt Terrance Plummer

(P) Mr. Darryl Hamilton (A)


2T1xx Vehicle Ops A4RTV CMSgt Martin Lund (P) Mr. Darryl Hamilton (A)

652-3492 652-3169

2T2xx Air Transportation A4RXT Mr. Jon Robertson (P) Mr. Darryl Hamilton (A)

652-6875 652-3169

2T3xx Vehicle A4RTV Mr. Harold Russell (P) 652-9311

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Enlisted AFSC FAM listing


OFFICE POC NAME PHONE # Management Ms. Mary Hall (A) 652-2514

2Wxxx Munitions Systems A4MSW Mr Phillip Gilmore (P)

(Dale) SMSgt Chris Arnold

652-9046 652-2876

2W2xx Nuclear Weapons ? do we have any of these on the UMD?

Mr Dale Gilmore (P) CMSgt Anthony Burgess

652-9046 ?

3D1xx Communications A6PM Email to: AETC/A6PM ACRs (FAM is CMSgt Long or Chief Bolt)

652-2604 652-2398

3D0xx Information Management

A6PM Email to: AETC/A6XX ACRs (FAM is CMSgt Barrowman or Chief Bolt)

6522604 652-9846

3Exxx Civil Engineering A7COS Ms. Dana Chryar CMSgt Ronald Kruse

652-1872 652-1875

3H0x1 Historian AETC/HO

Mr. Richard Emmons 652-6564

3N0xx Public


PA Coderre, Sonja Civ 652-2208

3N1 Public Affairs & Band

PA Coderre, Sonja Civ 652-2208

3Pxxx Security Forces A7SM CMSgt Patrick Wilson (P) 652-2863 3S0xx Personnel A1KK CMSgt Kyle Clement (P) -

-Military only; Mr. Matt Crabbe (P) --Civ only SMSgt Mary Lewis (A)

652-9840 652- 7795

3S1xx Equal Opportunity A1SAE MSgt Montez Jones (P) Mr William Fults (A)

652-2405 652-7733

3S2xx Education and Training

A1KA CMSgt Guy Ingersoll 652-2930

3S3x1 Manpower A1MR CMSgt Joe Moore 652-2843 4xxxx Enlisted medical AFMOA Mr. Jay Soileau

Mr. Joe Robinson 969-9908 969-9101

5Jxxx Legal JAA CMSgt Tony (Jose) Mercado


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Enlisted AFSC FAM listing


OFFICE POC NAME PHONE # 5Rxxx Chaplain HCC CMSgt Cathy Uetrecht 652-3822 6Cxxx Contracting A7K SMSgt George Brown (P)

Mr. Dave Malec (A) SMSgt David Smith (A)

652-1448 652-3701 652-7903

6Fxxx Finance FMP CMSgt Sakenna Dixon (enl) Mr. Robert Jacks (civ)

652-4882 652-6871

8A1xx Career Assistance Advisor (CAA)

A1KA Wood, Dana CMSgt (A) Ridgel, Leroy D MSgt (P)

652-7754 652-5928

8A2xx Enlisted Aide AETC/CCEA

MSgt Gregory Krems 527-6079

8J0xx Correctional Custody

A7SM CMSgt Kevin Reser 652-7834

8B0 Military Training Instructor

737 TRG CMSgt Kevin Ludwig CMSgt Joseph Lafferty

473-4224 671-3029

8B1 Military Training Leader

Golson, Malcolm D. CMSgt


8F0 First Sergeant CMSgt James Cody

CMSgt Emmette Bush (P) 652-4848 652-6539

9Dxx Dormitory Management

A7COS Ms. Dana Chryar CMSgt Ronald Kruse

652-1872 652-1875

9F0 First Term Airman Center (FTAC)

A1KA Wood, Dana CMSgt (A) Ridgel, Leroy D MSgt (P)

652-7754 652-5928

9S1 Technical Application Specialist

737 TRG/A3


MSgt Anthony Ferrise 969-6901


1. All Enlisted actions having personnel impact (AFSC, Grade Change, etc) -- Mr. Tony Taylor, AETC/A1KA, 652-8928. 2. All Officer actions having a personnel impact (AFSC, Grade Changes, etc) – Mr. Jim Barlow, AETC/A1KO, 652-3608 . 3. Only Civilian action involving HQ AETC civilian positions -- Ms. Brenda Sowada, AETC/A1KK, 652-7726. 4. All OSC changes require Air Staff approval or an approved OCR. 5. All Acquisition Code changes -- Ms. Kirsten Sweet, AETC/A5TT, 652-8457. 6. All SAR Code "5" changes -- Mr. Jeff Helfenstein, AETC/IP (AETC/IP workflow), 652-6806. 7. Coordinate API / RPI changes with AETC/A3RB, Mr. Mark Vlahos. 652-4411 8. (A1MRT) actions concerning Officer AEL/ASF; must have AF Form 1779 (attached) & A1MRT Section Chief approval.

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Enlisted AFSC FAM listing


OFFICE POC NAME PHONE # 9. SARC - MS Christine Burnett, A1R (P) 10. EO – Mr. Billy Fults, A1KQ, 652-7733 11. Protocol -. 652-4126 12. 8570/SEI 260-4; C-61-4 coordination - AETC/A6XX ACR 8570 (email box) - 652-8518 13. Col position requirements - Mr Mike Elsworth - 652-7843

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Duty Codes: “A code used to identify those requirements or authorizations that levy specific roles, duties, or titles on the individual filling them. When a requirement or authorization has an associated DTY, the DTY title will be displayed in place of the AFSC title on MDS print products.” May be necessary when other UMD fields are unable to appropriately delineate a requirement. Example: Commander and vice commander requirements in the same OSC both with commander AFSCs. Duty codes are appropriate to delineate which requirement is the commander and vice commander to eliminate confusion. Commander duty code would not be appropriate where the AFSC or AFSC prefix and makes the commander duty code redundant. The DTY title will be displayed in place of the AFSC title on the UMD. Duty code use should be minimized, as they do not supplant the AFSC title and only serve as a means to display a MAJCOM level recognition of official duties of the individual filling the requirement.

• Commander - 083: Commander requirements use duty code 083. Only one commander (083) authorized per constituted unit. Duty code of 083 for a flight “commander” is only used for a numbered flight requirement as a constituted unit. (See “Chief” 063 for non numbered flight requirements) Detachment Commanders may use duty code of 083 if UCMJ authority was granted to the requirement. Otherwise, a Chief duty code 063 is appropriate. • Deputy – 114: Deputy requirements use duty code 114 only when/where the unit earns the requirement per applicable manpower standard. • Vice Commander – 711: Vice Commander requirements use duty code 711 only when/where the unit earns the requirement per applicable manpower standard. • Section Commander - 415: Section Commander requirements use duty code 415 only when/where the unit earns the requirement per applicable manpower standard. • Superintendent – 271: Superintendent requirements use duty code 271 only when/where the unit earns the requirement per applicable manpower standard and/or per the direction of AFI 36-2618 para. 7.2.6 and 7.2.7. • Sec/Clerk/Steno – 099: Duty code used for a Secretary/Clerk/Stenographer where the unit earns the requirement per applicable manpower standard and further UMD delineation is necessary. • Chief – 063: Chief duty code used to delineate a supervisory level. Span of control, requirement workload must documented in the ACR justification to support the need. Example: Branch/Flight Chief or Flight Chief. • Supervisor – 629: Supervisor duty code used to delineate a supervisory workload. Span of control, workload responsibility and ACR justification must support the need.

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• Leader – 430: Leader duty code is used to delineate a non-supervisory team leader workload. Span of control, workload responsibility and ACR justification must support the need.

• Unit Program Coordinator – 112: UPC/CPMs were provided “to commands by HAF to mitigate sq CC's admin burden. The intent is not to ease additional duty burdens, nor to provide direct day to day administrative support to squadron members. “

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AF IMT 81a - MPD Colonel v4a1.pdf

2. CMSgt MPD Fill in Form

AF IMT 81b - MPD CMSgt v4a1.pdf


federal clearance cost.pdf