HR analysis of bank position

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HR analysis of bank position

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1. Name the organization and the manager you interviewed.Mr. Ishwar Karki, KIST Bank Limited.2. How long has he/she worked for the organization?He has been working for 2 months with the organization.3. How is the HR department structured in the organization?

As under the HR Department there are 3 sub departments:i. Recruitment and Selection: This department is involved in all activities concerning the hiring and selection of employees. The tasks include: Job description and Specification Vacancy announcements and publication Short-listing of candidates through the different phases written exams, group discussions and personal interviews Hiring the employees

ii. Retention and Maintenance: This department is involved in remuneration and employee motivation. It takes care of different incentives, bonuses and pay plans to ensure employee satisfaction and motivation. It includes: Payroll Bonuses Reward as per performance.

iii. Training and development: This department in involved in developing the skill level of the new as well as existing employees. Training includes: On the job training Workshops Training of interns

4. What are the strategic and operational roles/functions he/she plays in the organization?Strategic role: The HR Manager is responsible for the efficient and effective management of the human resources to support and meet the business objectives of the Bank including development, implementation, improvement and administration of strategies, policies and programs.Operational role: Manage the manpower so as to meet the goals and objective of the organization. Review the existing Human Resource policy of the bank and recommend any improvements if necessary. Develop compensation and benefit policy and practice to ensure that the staffs are rewarded as per performance. Implement a training and development system to ensure the cost effective development of employees. Hire suitable employees. Provide advise to top management about the employees Maintain up-to-date and relevant human resources database.

5. What are the challenges/difficulties he/she is facing in the organization? Talk about the environment in Nepal. Since KIST Bank has recently converted into a commercial bank, its entire set up has changed and this has proved to be a greater challenge for the newly set up Human resource department. As Kist has increased its scale new and efficient employees have to be hired and this is directly the work of the HR manager. Also the existing staffs have to be transsioned into the changed objectives and policies of the commercial bank. New positions have to be created and with this proper specifications are required because the success of the bank depends on the employees. Time schedules as per the new system have to set up. The existing employees also have to be motivated and promoted to retain them Bring in experienced employees possibly through head-huntingApart from the challenges internally, the HR manager also faces a huge challenge from the Environment it exists in. Political instability posing a great obstacle in the growth of the organization. The frequent Bandas are disabling the industrial growth, thus affecting the banks performance. Also this affects the employees as well, because bandas cause great inconvenience to the employees. The banking business is booming, which is giving rise to more banks, due to which the employees involve in bank switching i.e. leaving one bank and joining another with more incentives. Thus it is a difficult task to retain the employees.

6. Has the role of the HR manager changed over time how?Yes, the role of the HR manager has greatly changed.Earlier there was less emphasis on the human resource of the organization. The main emphasis was to produce and sell as much goods and services they can, but now the focuses has shifted on the employees. This is mainly due to the changing ideology of business; the employees are now considered assets to the organization. Now the view is to increase customer satisfaction, through employee motivation.Also the globalization has changed the role of the human resource manager.Another reason of the changed human resource manager role is that the manager has to be effective and efficient to stop the employees from switching banks. 7. What are your views about his/her personality and attitude?The manger seems to be cooperative and friendly, willing to share ideas. His personality is smart and leading. Also his attitude seems to be positive.

8. Would you like to work in the organization where he/she works?Yes we would like to work in KIST bank because it is a growing bank and if we work effectively and efficient we can grow with the growth of the organization.9. Which function of the HR manager do you think is most difficult?According to us the most difficult function of the HR manager is retaining the employees. This is a very tricky function because the trend of bank switching by employees is high and the employee has to be satisfied and willing to working in the organization so for this the HR manager has to provide incentives to him/her but along with keeping the employee happy the manager also has to be considerate about the cost effectiveness and the policies of the organization. Thus to balance both aspects is quite difficult.10. How is the organization doing in the market? Kist bank is doing very well in the market at the moment. Its deposit and lending operations are increasing. Formerly when Kist was known as Kist merchant and financing Bank it had 24 branches now it has 42 branches. New customers are also being attracted by the new schemes.