HRMS User Training Enterprise Learning For Training Providers and Administrators Version 4.0 June 2013

HRMS User Training Enterprise Learning For Training ... · Table of Contents HRMS User Training ... Create A Course ... Support for you in using HRMS in the workplace is provided:

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HRMS User Training Enterprise Learning For Training Providers and Administrators Version 4.0 June 2013

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Table of Contents

HRMS User Training ............................................................................................................... i Enterprise Learning.................................................................................................................. i For Training Providers and Administrators .......................................................................... i Version 4.0 ................................................................................................................................. i June 2013 ................................................................................................................................... i

Enterprise Learning – For Training Providers and Administrators .................................................... 4 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5

Support ............................................................................................................................................... 5 Enterprise Learning................................................................................................................. 6

Create A Course.................................................................................................................................. 7 Add a Course Qualification to Existing Instructor ........................................................................... 14 A little bit more about Instructors ................................................................................................... 15

Create Course Session ...................................................................................................................... 19 Enrol a Participant ............................................................................................................................ 24 Transfer Waitlisted Participants to a Course Session ....................................................................... 26 Checking your Waitlist ................................................................................................................... 27 Enrolling your Waitlisted Participants in a Session ........................................................................ 27 A little bit more about Enrolments .................................................................................................. 28

Email Participants ............................................................................................................................. 29 Email Audit ..................................................................................................................................... 30

Entering Course Results ................................................................................................................... 32 Closing Courses and Course Sessions .............................................................................................. 34 Course Sessions ............................................................................................................................... 34

Add an External Trainee ....................................................................................................... 35 Reporting ................................................................................................................................ 42

Run Department Training Records Report ....................................................................................... 42 Other Reports .................................................................................................................................. 45

Training Self-Service ............................................................................................................. 47 Register for Training ........................................................................................................................ 47 View Training Registrations (Edit & Delete Registrations) ............................................................. 49 View Training Summary .................................................................................................................. 51

NOTES .................................................................................................................................... 52

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Enterprise Learning – For Training Providers and Administrators

Welcome to the Enterprise Learning Course for Training Providers and Administrators

Goal To have the skills and knowledge necessary to perform the procedures relating

to the administration training courses, sessions and participants in the Human

Resources Management System (HRMS).


Objectives At the end of this module you will be able to…

1. Add a person to the System and allocate an Organisational Relationship.

2. List differences between an Employee and a Person Of Interest


3. Create Courses

4. Create Sessions

5. Describe how choices made in 3. and 4. affect the operation of Training

Self Service and Training@ANU.

6. Enrol Participants

7. Use the email functionality to notify participants

8. Maintain Participant Data

9. Maintain Courses and Sessions

10. Run Training reports

Outline Introduction

Enterprise Learning


Training Self-Service

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Welcome to the Human Resources Management System (HRMS), the University’s HR and

payroll system.

We use the PeopleSoft Human Resources, version 9 product to administer all our Payroll and

Human Resources functions.


Support for you in using HRMS in the workplace is provided:

One to One Training By appointment: call or email to arrange a time

HR Help Desk call extension 59622

email [email protected]

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Enterprise Learning

Enterprise Learning is the main menu Training Administrators will use to access pages and functions

within the HRMS. Through the Enterprise Learning menu users can create or change courses, create

or update sessions, enroll or waitlist participants, send participants training emails, record attendance

(or non-attendance) and report on training.

Many of the options selected at Course and Session setup will affect display in the Training Self-

Service menu. The Training menu is part of the self-service suite of functions available to all staff.

Staff can search a catalogue of available training and development opportunities, view course and

session details, submit a registration request and view details of courses they have previously


Below is a chart outlining how the training system links together. You can see a Course must exist

before a session can be created, a session must exist before participants can be enrolled, and

participants must be enrolled before they can be notified. Decisions made at each setup will affect

how your course and sessions display on self-service and also who is eligible to register.

Create Course

Create Sessions

Employee Self-Service

Allocate Facility

Allocate Instructor

Enrol Participants

Notify Participants

Register for Training

Browse Catalogue

Allocate Equipment

Allocate Status

Allocate Training



Allocate Charge Code

Allocate Provider

Allocate Keywords

Allocate Eligible


Send Email

Allocate Costs

Email Audit

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Create A Course

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Define Course/Cost Details>Courses

This process is used to create a new Training Course. Details entered here and options applied will

determine the display in Self-Service and the Public Catalogue as well as who is able to view and

register for the course.

1. Click the Enterprise Learning link.

2. Click the Define Course/Cost Details link.

3. Click the Courses link.

4. Click the Add a New Value tab.

5. Enter the desired information into the Course Code field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN008".

6. Click the Add button.

7. Enter the desired information into the Title field. Enter a valid value e.g. "HR Systems


8. Enter the desired information into the Short Title field. Enter a valid value e.g. "HRS Intro".

9. Enter the desired information into the Creation Date field. Enter a valid value e.g.


10. Click on the *Course Type list and select the Skill Dev list item.

11. Click on the Primary Delivery Method list and select the Instructor list item.

12. Enter the desired information into the Min/Max Students field. Enter a valid value e.g. "8".

13. Enter the desired information into the Min/Max Students field. Enter a valid value e.g. "12".

14. Enter the desired information into the Duration Time field. Enter a valid value e.g. "1".

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15. Click the Duration Unit list and select the Days list item.

16. The Course Units that you may choose to use to indicate the amount of units needed to

complete the course.

17. The Course Offering list is drop-down list used to indicate the frequency of the course. It will

default to “As Required”.

18. Enter the desired information into the School Code/School field. Enter a valid value e.g.


Or, if you are unsure of the School Code press the "Look up" button to view a list of Schools.

Select from the menu

* School Code/School fields can be amended/added/inactivated by contacting

[email protected]

19. Click on the *Course Status list and select active list item

20. Your screen should look something like the following –

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21. Click the Prereqs,Goals tab

22. If there is a prerequisite course enter the information here – if not proceed to step 25

Enter the desired information into the field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN004".

Or, if you are unsure of the Course Code, click the "Look up" button to search for the course.

23. Press [Tab].

Pressing tab will allow details from the selected course to flow through.

24. The three sections – Target Competencies, Target Accomplishments and Target Languages –

are not used at ANU at this time. There is no need to enter data here.

However, the OHS Branch does record licenses for OHS reporting purposes. This functionality

means a License or certification can be nominated as an outcome of the Course and this can

then be allocated to a staff member once they have completed the course.

Your screen should look something like the following –

25. Click the Equipment tab.

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26. Enter the desired information into the *Equipment/Materials Code field. Enter a valid value

e.g. "DPRO".

Or, if you are unsure of the Equipment Code, click the "Look up" button to search for more


27. Press [Tab].

Pressing tab will allow details to flow through about the equipment.

28. Your screen should look something like the following –

29. Click the Catalogue tab.

This is the page you will use to determine the display in the Self-Service Training

catalogue and the Public Catalogue – Training@ANU

30. The Not in Catalogue checkbox relates to the Public Catalogue – Training@ANU

Where this checkbox is ticked the course WILL NOT display in the Training@ANU catalogue,

nor will people be able to look for the course themselves in the Training Catalogue available on


Where it is left un-ticked it WILL display in the Training@ANU catalogue.

31. The No Session Waitlisting option allows us to manage whether a person enrolls directly into

a scheduled session of the course, or whether they go onto a wait-list, with the training

administrator to schedule a session when enough interest has been registered.

Where this checkbox is ticked the system will automatically enrol participants in a

session with a status of “Registered”.

Where this box is left un-ticked, participants will initially get a status of “Waitlisted”,

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until you as administrators go in an update their status.

32. Enter the desired information into the *Course Participants field. Enter a valid value e.g. "All


33. Click the Look up Course Keyword button.

34. Enter Course Keyword in field or Choose from Course Keyword menu

*additional course-keywords can be added to the system by submitting a request to

[email protected]

35. Click the Add a new row at row 1 button.

36. Repeat steps 34 through 37 to add the additional Keywords

37. Click the View All link.

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38. Your screen should look something like the following –

39. Click the Show following tabs button.

40. Click the Description tab.

The description tab is used to record course details that will be available on Training

Self-Service and Training@ANU. Many areas choose to use the same format for all

their course descriptions and this is an important part of brand recognition and helps

users identify a quality course. The description field is html-enabled meaning that you

can add html tags here and it will affect the display of your descriptions.

For example <B> makes your text bold </B> undoes the bold setting

<I> makes your text italics </I> undoes the italics setting

You can find great html guides on the web.

41. Click the Type list.

42. Click the General list item.

Only the ‘General’ description will display on self-service. Use other selections to keep your

description private.

43. Enter the desired information into the *Effective Date field. Enter a valid value e.g.


44. Enter the desired information into the Description field. Enter a valid value e.g.

"<B>HR Systems Introduction</B>"

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"<i>Instructor: Randolph Hertzinger</I>"

"This course is designed for those who are new to the HR management system."

45. Your screen should look something like the following –

46. Click the Save button.

47. End of Procedure.

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Add a Course Qualification to Existing Instructor

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Define Training Resources>Instructors

Follow the process below to add a qualification to teach a new course to an existing instructor. You

are then able to nominate the instructor in the Course Session Table.

1. Click the Enterprise Learning link from the Main Menu dropdown

2. Click the Define Training Resources link.

3. Click the Instructors link.

4. Enter the desired information into the Last Name: field. Enter a valid value e.g. "Summers".

5. Click the Search button.

6. The following page displays –

7. Click the Qualification tab.

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8. Click the Add a new row at row 1 button.

9. Enter the desired information into the *Course Code field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN004".

10. Press [Tab].

Pressing tab will allow details to flow through from the Course.

11. Your screen should look something like the following –

12. Click the Save button.

13. End of Procedure.

A little bit more about Instructors

To Add a new Instructor –

Follow the navigation and instead of Find an Existing Value, Select the Add a New Value tab.

Enter the individuals Uni ID into the Instructor ID field.

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Press the Add button

The Instructor Profile Page displays

Enter in an Effective Date, ensure this date is prior to the start date of the first session you wish the

instructor to teach.

Ensure the *Status is set to Active

Enter in other details as required/desired.

Click the Qualification tab

To enter the Courses this instructor is qualified to teach click the *Course Code Lookup button

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Enter the course code in the Course Code field

Or use the course code menu

*Please note that you cannot enter a course here unless you have created it and saved it.

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Click the Add a new row at row 1 button.

Follow previous steps to add additional courses.

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Create Course Session

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Define Course/Cost Detail>Course Sessions

Follow the process below to Add a New Session. A Session is an instance of a Course. Please note

that a Course must be setup before a Session can be created.

1. Click the Define Course/Cost Detail menu.

2. Click the Course Sessions menu.

3. Click the Add a New Value tab.

4. Enter the desired information into the Course Code field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN004".

5. There is no need to enter a Session Nbr as the system will automatically assign the next session


If you do enter a number here and the session already exists the system will prompt you to either

update the existing session or allocate a new session number.

Click the Add button.

6. Enter the desired information into the Start Date field. Enter a valid value e.g. "21/08/2014".

7. Enter the desired information into the End Date field. Enter a valid value e.g. "21/08/2014".

8. Enter the desired information into the Start/End Times field. Enter a valid value e.g. "09.00".

9. Press [Tab].

Pressing tab will allow the page to refresh and your time value will be updated to display in the

default format.

10. Enter the desired information into the Start/End Times field. Enter a valid value e.g. "12.30".

11. Enter the desired information into the Session Short Description field. Enter a valid value e.g.

"This session is specifically for the College of Asia Pacific staff. Please do not enroll unless

you are from CAP. Thank you."

12. Your screen should look something like the following –

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13. Click the Location, Instructor tab.

14. Enter the desired information into the Facility field. Enter a valid value e.g. "10A".

Or, if you do not know the Facility Code, click the "Look up" button to search for a Facility.

15. Press [Tab].

Pressing tab will allow details from the Facility Code to flow through and populate fields here in

Course Session.

16. Update the Room field by entering the desired information. Enter a valid value e.g. "HRS

Training Room".

17. Enter the desired information into the Instructor ID field. Enter a valid value e.g. "4444444".

18. Press [Tab].

Pressing tab allows details to flow through from the Instructor.

19. Your screen should look something like the following –

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20. Click the Equipment tab.

21. This page allows the user to view the equipment allocated to the Facility. These details flow

through from the Facility Table.

The Session Equipment/Materials flow through from the Course. You are able to edit these as


22. Your screen should look something like the following –

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23. Click the Other Session Details tab.

24. Enter the desired information into the Enrolment Closes field. The Enrolment Closes field will

stop users from enrolling after this date via self-service. Users will also not be able to delete an

existing registration after the nominated date. Enrolment will close at 23.59 of the specified date.

Enter a valid value e.g. "01/11/2014".

25. Participants and Keywords both flow through from the Course.

You are able to edit the Participants to indicate that this session is for a different set of participants

than those indicated at Course setup.

Keywords are not editable at this point so it is important for this to be correct at Course setup.

26. Enter the desired information into the Training Cost Type field. Enter a valid value e.g. "CHG1".

Or, if you are unsure of the Cost Code, click the "Look up" button to search for a code.

27. Press [Tab].

Pressing tab will allow details from the Cost Code to flow through.

28. Enter the desired information into the Amount field. Enter a valid value e.g. "20".

29. Your screen should look something like the following –

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30. Click the Save button.

31. End of Procedure.

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Enrol a Participant

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Student Enrolment>Enrol Individually

Follow the process below to enrol participants in a session. Participants may have different

Attendance values, such as Registered, Completed, Waitlisted etc.

Please note a session must exist before participants can be enrolled in it.

1. Click the Enterprise Learning link.

2. Click the Student Enrolment link.

3. Click the Enrol Individually link

4. Enter the desired information into the Course Code: field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN008".

5. Click the Search button.

If only one matching value is returned the Enrol Individually page will display. If more than one

value is returned select the correct session from the list.

6. Enter the desired information into the EmplID field. Enter a valid value e.g. "1234567".

Or, if you do not know the persons Empl ID, click the "Look up" button to search for the person.

7. Press [Tab]. Pressing tab allows details to flow through from the Person.

The system will also check if the individual has met the pre-requisites for this course. A warning

message may appear informing you that the person has not met the specified pre-requisites. If you

wish to override this, click the ok button to clear the message and then select the Prerequisites

met tickbox.

8. Training enrolments are held against an Employee Record Number, not just against the individual.

Ensure you enter the correct record number here. Enter a valid value e.g. "0"

Details from the Job (or Empl) Record will flow through to populate the Department section.

Click the Look up Empl Rcd Nbr (Alt+5) button.

9. Select the appropriate Record Number.

10. Click the *Attendance list.

11. Click the Registered list item.

12. Click the Training Reason list.

13. Click the Development list item.

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14. Users (either you as a Training Administrator or a staff or student using Self-Service) are able to

enter only valid Charge codes to recover costs associated with attendance. This must be entered in

four fields.

Please note that charge codes are not compulsory fields. If there are no costs or no-show fees

associated with the course, you may leave this section blank.

1. The Fund. Enter the Fund from which the costs are to be recovered from. Use the "Look up"

button if you need to search for a Fund.

2. The Department. Enter the Department from which the costs are to be recovered.

3. The Project. Many special purpose funds have a project code. Where provided, enter this here.

4. The Account. Many departments have a specified account for training and staff development.

Where provided, enter this here.

15. Enter the desired information into the Fund field. Enter a valid value e.g. “R”.

16. Enter the desired information into the DeptID field. Enter a valid value e.g. "22264".

17. If you are provided with a Charge code as follows you would enter the details in the relevant


Example: R222645855




18. To enrol another participant click the Add a new row at row 1 (Alt+7) button.

19. Enter the desired information into the EmplID field. Enter a valid value e.g. "7654321".

20. Click the *Attendance list.

21. Click the Registered list item.

22. Click the Training Reason list.

23. Click the Skill Enhancement list item.

24. Enter the desired information into the Fund field. Enter a valid value e.g. "R".

25. Enter the desired information into the DeptID field. Enter a valid value e.g. "22264".

26. Click the Save button.

27. To view all participants registered for this session click the View All link.

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28. Your Screen should look something like the following –

29. End of Procedure.

Transfer Waitlisted Participants to a Course Session

Courses can be set to automatically add participants to a wait list for the course, rather than adding

participants straight to a scheduled session.

This is useful if you schedule your course sessions based on the level of demand.

To do this, you would have left the No SessionWaitlisting tick-box empty in step 31of the “Create

Course Session” process above.

If you have your courses set to waitlist, you will need to regularly check to see how many employees

are on the waitlist.

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Checking your Waitlist

1. Click the Enterprise Learning link.

2. Click the Student Enrolment link.

3. Click the Create/Update Course Wait List link

4. Enter the desired information into the Course Code: field. Enter a valid value e.g. "KTEST".

The details of the registered people will display

Enrolling your Waitlisted Participants in a Session

Please note a session must exist before participants can be enrolled in it. Follow the process to

Create Course Session if one does not already exist.

5. Click the Look up Session # (Alt+5) button.

Alternatively, if you know the Session # you can enter it here.

6. Click the Save button

7. Your participants are now enrolled in the session you specified with an attendance type of

“Session Waitlist”.

8. End of Procedure

*Ensure you go to the “Enrol Individually” page to change the participant’s attendance type once

they have completed their training.

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A little bit more about Enrolments

Empl Rcd Nbr

As mentioned enrolments are held against a Empl Rcd Nbr, or Job Record, not just against the persons

Id. This is because details of the department the participant is from flow through to the Session

Enrolment page. To ensure details are correct for reporting purposes the Empl Rcd Nbr field must be

populated with the correct value.

Charge Code

Each charge code is now validated against the Financials system so it is important that this is entered

correctly. The charge code is provided in up to four separate sections – the Fund, Department, Project

and Account. This is the same in Self-Service when a user is Registering for Training where there is a

cost associated with attendance. The charge code provided at self-service registration will flow

through to this page.

Where there are no costs associated with a course, a charge code does not need to be specified.

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Email Participants

Follow the process below to contact a group or individual participants via email generated from the


Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Student Enrolment>Course Email

1. Click the Student Enrolment link.

2. Click the Course Email page.

3. Where you know the Course Code, enter it here. Otherwise click the "Look up" button to search

for the Course Code.

Enter the desired information into the Course field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN008".

4. Where you know the Session Number, enter it here. Otherwise click the "Look up" button to

search for the Session.

Enter the desired information into the Session # field. Enter a valid value e.g. "1".

5. Click the Fetch Rows button.

This will prompt the system to search for individuals matching the criteria specified in Section 1.

These will be returned in the grid at the bottom of the page.

6. Click the Look up Letter Code (Alt+5) button.

Alternatively, if you know the Letter Code you can enter it here.

7. Click the CON - Training Registration Confirmed cell.

8. You may choose to send the email to all those returned in the grid or to individually select who to

send the email to. Do this by un-checking the Select All checkbox.

Then, in the grid, select the checkbox corresponding to the individual in the Send column.

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9. Enter the desired information into the Additional E-mail Text field. Enter a valid value e.g.

"Reminder that the Introduction to HRMS is on tomorrow from 9.30 – 10.30 am".

10. Your screen should look something like the following –

11. Click the Send button.

12. Once the email has been sent the grid will update the Status date, Letter and Letter Dt columns to

display the dates and type of letter sent.

13. The Operator (you) will receive copies of each email sent. Check your inbox now.

14. End of Procedure.

Email Audit

The Email Audit functionality is provided so you can check what emails have been sent out to

participants and when they were sent.

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Student Enrolment>Email Audit

1. Click the Student Enrolment link.

2. Click the Course Email link.

3. Where you know the Course Code, enter it here. Otherwise click the "Look up" button to search

for the Course Code.

Enter the desired information into the Course field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN008".

4. Where you know the Session Number, enter it here. Otherwise click the "Look up" button to

search for the Session.

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Enter the desired information into the Session # field. Enter a valid value e.g. "1".

5. You may also choose to view those who have been sent a particular email e.g. “REM” for a

Reminder email. If desired use the Letter Code field to stipulate this

Or, you may like to only look at the emails sent to a particular participant. If desired enter the

participants Empl ID into the EmplID field.

6. Click the Fetch Rows button.

This will prompt the system to search for individuals matching the specified criteria. These will be

returned in the grid at the bottom of the page.

7. The grid will update to display details of the participant and the email sent.

8. In the grid section, click the Email tab. This will display details of the email address the email was

sent to.

Note: For this exercise all emails have been sent to the operator instead of the participant because

this has been generated from the Training Environment.

9. You are able to see all columns by clicking the Show all columns button.

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All columns now display.

10. End of Procedure.

Entering Course Results

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Student Enrolment>Enrol Individually

Follow the process below to show course participants have completed the course. You can also

indicate a number of other attendance indicators, including “Cancelled, No Show, Incomplete” etc.

30. Click the Enterprise Learning link.

31. Click the Student Enrolment link.

32. Click the Enrol Individually link

33. Enter the desired information into the Course Code: field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN008".

34. Click the Search button.

If only one matching value is returned the Enrol Individually page will display. If more than one

value is returned select the correct session from the list.

35. Training enrolments are held against an Employee Record Number, not just against the individual.

Ensure you enter the correct record number here. Enter a valid value e.g. "0"

Details from the Job (or Empl) Record will flow through to populate the Department section.

Click the Look up Empl Rcd Nbr (Alt+5) button.

36. Select the appropriate Record Number.

37. Click the *Attendance list.

38. Select the correct result – most often this will be “Completed”.

39. Click the Save button.

40. To view all participants registered for this session click the View All link.

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41. Your Screen should look something like the following –

42. End of Procedure.

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Closing Courses and Course Sessions

It is very important to close off course sessions and courses when they have been completed.

This keeps things up to date in HRMS as well as making sure that participants training

records in HORUS are up to date.

Please note, you need to enter Course Results for the participants before you mark the course

session as “Complete”, as you are unable to change the “participant attendance status” for

completed sessions.

Course Sessions

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Define Course/Cost Detail>Course Sessions

Follow the process below to Close a Course Session. A Session is an instance of a Course.

1. Click the Define Course/Cost Detail menu.

2. Click the Course Sessions menu.

3. Enter the desired information into the Course Code field. Enter a valid value e.g. "KTEST"..

Otherwise click the "Look up" button to search for the Course Code.

4. Change the Session Status to “Complete”.

5. Click the Save button

6. End of procedure

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Add an External Trainee

Use this process to add a new person to the system who will hold the relationship of External Trainee.

External Trainees are people who have no direct affiliation with ANU, but who will be attending

ANU Training sessions. If the person does have an affiliation with ANU, it is very important that you

use their existing uniID. Before you add a new person to the system you should perform a

Search/Match process to ensure that the person does not already have an ID.

When adding a person to the system as an External Trainee you must add a persons name, date of

birth and gender. This is for reporting purposes.

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Add a Person

1. Click the Enterprise Learning link.

2. Click the Add a Person link.

3. First, check for an existing ID with the university and then to generate a Uni ID if no pre-

existing employee ID exists.

Select ‘Search for Matching Persons’ link.

4. Enter the ‘First Name’ and ‘Last Name’ of POI you are adding and click on the search


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5. You will then get a list of people who already have a Uni ID with similar name and/or birth

date according to your search.

Please be aware of ‘View All’ button at top of page to ensure that you aren’t missing


6. If an ID is returned and you can use the same one please go to step 29.

If no ID’s are returned for the person you are entering, proceed to ‘Add a Person’

Navigation: Main Menu>Enterprise Learning >Add a Person

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7. Click the Person of Interest Type list.

8. Click the External Trainee list item.

9. Click the Add the Person button.

10. Click the Add button.

11. Enter the desired information into the *Effective Date field. Enter a valid value e.g. "30/09/2014".

12. Click the Add Name link.

13. Click the Prefix list and select title from drop down menu

14. Enter the desired information into the First Name field. Enter a valid value e.g. "George".

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15. Enter the desired information into the Last Name field. Enter a valid value e.g. "HRTest".

16. Click the OK button.

17. Enter the desired information into the *Date of Birth field. Enter a valid value e.g. "19/04/1984".

18. Click the *Gender drop down list and select Male or Female

19. Your screen should look something like the following –

20. If you have other information you may enter it now.

Click the Contact Information tab to record address, phone and email details.

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Click the Regional tab to record if a person identifies as being Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander or

both. This option will default to Neither Aboriginal nor Torres Strait Islander.

21. Click the Organisational Relationships tab.

Your screen should look something like the following –

22. Click the Add the Relationship button.

23. Depending on what data you have recorded for the person you may see some warnings before your

save is successful. Click the OK button to clear the message and continue with the save.

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24. You are now taken to the Security Data Page.

25. Point to the *Security Access Type object this MUST be entered as visiting department

26. Each external trainee must sit inside a valid 5 digit department for reporting purposes, even though

they do not have a job record. Record this here.

Enter the desired information into the Value 1 field. Enter a valid value

27. Enter the desired information into the *Effective Date field. Enter a valid value e.g. "03/11/2014".


Add an Inactive row by hitting ‘+’

Enter Effective Date and Status (I).

You can also enter comments in More Information field.

Then hit Ok Button

Please note, it is very important that an Inactive row is entered otherwise visitors will always have

email/IT access to ANU.

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28. Record the persons ID. – Continue to Enrol a Participant

29. If an ID has been returned for the person you wish to enter into HRMS you only need to add a POI


30. Record the persons ID: "5048549".

31. Fill the persons ID on the EmpIID field at Add a Person

Navigation: Main Menu>Enterprise Learning >Add a Person

32. Click the External Trainee list item for the Person of Interest Type.

33. Click the Add the Relationship button.

34. You are now taken to the Security Data Page.

35. You can now continue process from step 25 to 28

36. End of Procedure.

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Run Department Training Records Report

Both HR Administrators and Training Providers run this report to check training data. Follow the

steps below to successfully produce the report.

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Course Reports>Department Training Records

1. Click the Enterprise Learning folder.

2. Click the Course Reports folder.

3. Click the Department Training Records page.

4. If you have never run the report before, you will need to create new run controls for the first few

reports you run.

Click the Add a New Value tab.

5. Enter the desired information into the Run Control ID field. Enter a valid value e.g.


6. Click the Add button.

7. The Dept Training Recs Report page displays –

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Most of the parameters are optional and you are able to select a combination or none at all. Choose

your parameters wisely to ensure the data you need is returned.

8. Click the Enrolment Status list.

9. Enter the desired information into the Course From field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN004".

10. Enter the desired information into the Course To field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN008".

11. In the Department Selection section you can either click the Look up Department (Alt+5) button

to search for the specific department

Or enter the desired information into the *Department field. Enter a valid value e.g. "ANU".

12. Press [Tab]. Pressing tab refreshes the page based on the data you’ve just entered.

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13. Your screen should look something like the following –

14. Click the Run button.

15. Click the OK button.

16. Click the Process Monitor link.

17. Click the Refresh button.

18. When the Run Status is Success and the Distribution Status is Posted click the Details link.

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19. Click the View Log/Trace link.

20. Click the xxxxxx.CSV link.

21. This will open up your report in excel spreadsheet for you in a new window.

You may then choose to save the report or email the report as an attachment.

22. End of Procedure.

Other Reports

All other reports still exist and they may be found by following the new navigation path. We have

included some commonly run reports here.

Course Session Roster : Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Course Reports>Course Session Roster

Course Session Details : Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Course Reports>Course Session Details

Training Facility Schedules: Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Training Reports>Training Facility


You will also notice some new reports. Feel free to run these reports, however please be aware that

they are delivered reports and may not include the data you need.

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Course Reports>

Attendance Status : Lists the attendance status of the students in a course

Course Description : Lists the description of a course

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Course Equipment : Lists the equipment needed for a course

Courses : Lists the courses offered

Course Waiting List : Lists all students who are on the course or session wait list

Prerequisite Courses : Lists the prerequisite courses for a course

Licences and Certifications : Lists licences and certifications codes.

This does not list any employee certifications.

Course Session Details : List all Session Details

Main Menu>Enterprise Learning>Training Reports

Equipment Checklist : Lists equipment required for training

Statistics of EEs Enrolled : Lists the employees enrolled in courses, and course statistics by

company, location, and department

Student Training History : Lists the courses and sessions completed by a student

Training Instructor Schedules : Lists schedules of training instructors

Training Programs : Lists the training program for an employee

Training Schedules : Lists schedule for training

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Training Self-Service

Register for Training

Follow this process to search the Training Catalogue, view details of a specific course or session and

register for training.

Main Menu>Training>View Training Catalogue

1. Click the Training link.

2. Click the View Training Catalogue link.

3. The Training Catalogue displays –

4. You may search the catalogue by filtering by keyword, provider or scheduled sessions. You are

also able to enter the Training Code, if known, into the field. Enter a valid value e.g. "TRN008".

5. Press [Tab]. Pressing tab will refresh the training catalogue and return the matching course.

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6. Click the Course Code link to view further details.

7. The Course Details will display –

8. Click the Training Reason list.

9. Click the Development list item.

10. If there is a cost associated with this course users will be prompted to enter a Charge Code.

Courses with no costs do not require the entry of a Charge Code.

Enter the desired information into the Fund field. Enter a valid value e.g. "R".

11. Enter the desired information into the DeptID field. Enter a valid value e.g. "22264".

12. Select to enrol in an available session, or click the Training Waitlist option.

13. Click the Register button.

14. You are taken to the View Training Registrations page.

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15. Click the Training Catalogue button.

16. End of Procedure.

View Training Registrations (Edit & Delete Registrations)

To view a list of Training Registrations follow the steps below.

Main Menu>Training>View Training Registrations.

1. Follow the above navigation to access the View Training Registrations page.

2. From here you can update your registration and view course details. To view further training

information click on the training course link eg. TRN008.

To edit course information click on the edit button.

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3. To Delete your Training Registration, click the Delete button on the View Training Registrations


Note: If the Delete and Edit buttons do not appear it means the enrolment for the session has

already passed and the user must contact the training provider to edit their training registration.

4. End of Procedure.

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View Training Summary

Follow the process below to View Training Summary.

Main Menu > Training > View Training Summary

1. Follow the above navigation to access the View Training Summary page.

2. To view further detail of a current registration, click the Course Code of the relevant registration.

3. To return to the Training Catalogue click the Register for Another Session button.

4. End of Procedure.

Main Menu > Training > View Training Summary

1. Follow the above navigation to access the View Training Summary page.

2. To view further detail of a current registration, click the Course Code of the relevant registration.

3. To return to the Training Catalogue click the Register for Another Session button.

4. End of Procedure.

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