HSC Year 11 Chemistry Information

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  • 8/16/2019 HSC Year 11 Chemistry Information


    Revision of assumed knowledge

    All isolated systems will move spontaneously to the lowest energy state

    available to them.

    An ELEMENT is a pure material made up of one type of atom.

    An ATOM is the smallest part of an element that maintains the

    characteristics of the element.

    A MOLECLE is a chemical combination of two or more atoms.

    A COM!N" is a pure substance with the smallest part of which that

    maintains the characteristics of the compound is the molecule.

    Atom is to element that a molecule is to acompound

    A solid has a #$ed shape

     The atoms and % or molecules are in #$ed positions.

    A li&uid ta'es the shape of its container.

     The atoms of which it (s made are free to move around each other.

    A gas #lls the volume that contains it.

     The atoms move around in the container colliding with each other and thewalls of the container.

  • 8/16/2019 HSC Year 11 Chemistry Information


    Rutherford model of the atom

    )ith the discovery of radiation *nuclear+, -utherford was able to e$plore

    the atom. The accepted view was the Thomason plum pudding model/

    i.e. atoms come in various si0es but were of uniform density and

    bac'ground material, impregnated with something else li'e raisins in a

    plum pudding. Electrostatic charging was e$plained by having too many or

    too few raisins.


    -utherford #red alpha particles i.e. helium nuclei through a gold foil sheet

    and determined their path by counting impacts on a scintillation detector.

    1e found that most particles passed straight through, some were

    de2ected slightly and a small number re2ected bac'. -utherford said this

    was li'e #ring a cannon ball at tissue paper and having it bounce bac'.

     These results could be e$plained if most of matter i.e. the atoms were

    located in a positive central core, the positive charges balanced by

    orbiting negative particles and most matter being empty space.

    3oldAlpha !articles


    -adioactive source

    6cintillation counter

  • 8/16/2019 HSC Year 11 Chemistry Information


    -utherford atom

    Nuclear radii are 7 89 :8; m

    Atomic radii are 7 89 :89 m

    4rom the bohr model we can say that electrons associated with atoms

    e$ist in discrete, speci#c energy levels. These levels may be thought of as


  • 8/16/2019 HSC Year 11 Chemistry Information


    1 1e

    Li ?e ?

    C N O 4 Ne

    Na Mg Al

    6i ! 6

    Cl Ar @ Ca

      Atomic Mass Number of protons 5 Neutrons

      B  Al Aluminium


      Atomic Number number of protons