Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste by Tracking Fridge Inventory and the Use of Mobile Application Mänskligt centrerat tillvägagångssätt för att minska hushållens matavfall genom att spåra kylinventariet och användningen av mobilapplikation Marko Radenkovic Marcel Laska Faculty of Technology and Society Computer Science Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 180 hp VT 2020 Supervisor: Reza Malekian Examiner: Mia Persson Final Seminar 4/6 2020

Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste

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Page 1: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste







Human Centered Approach for Reducing 

Household Food Waste by Tracking Fridge 

Inventory and the Use of Mobile Application  


Mänskligt centrerat tillvägagångssätt för att minska hushållens matavfall 

genom att spåra kylinventariet och användningen av mobilapplikation 




Marko Radenkovic 

Marcel Laska 











Faculty of Technology and Society  

Computer Science 

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science 180 hp 

VT 2020  

Supervisor: Reza Malekian 

Examiner: Mia Persson 

Final Seminar 4/6 2020 

Page 2: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste


Increasing amounts of food waste is becoming a problem in developed countries.                       

This research project is about how to reduce food waste by tracking fridge                         

inventory and the best-before date of fridge stored food by a smartphone                       

application. Food waste occurs in several different ways. It can be found in the                           

household, retail stores and in the catering and events sector. Food waste can also                           

be classified as avoidable waste, possibly avoidable waste and unavoidable waste.                     

This project focuses on the household sector and the use of a mobile application to                             

track fridge inventory and best-before date. The purpose of the application is to try                           

to reduce household food waste. There is previous research about reducing                     

household food waste using mobile applications and they all take different                     

approaches. This study focuses on building upon these previous approaches                   

together with data gathered from our own questionnaire with Sweden as primary                       

focus. The combined data results in our own mobile application solution that has                         

been tested by users in Swedish households. The study’s research question is                       

addressed by the use of the application during a period of one-week observation.                         

Our data collection consists of the participants being interviewed at the end of the                           

observation period. The interviews gathered information related to whether the                   

users successfully reduced food wastage in their households. 






























Page 3: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste


1. Introduction 4 

1.1 Scope and Goals 5 

1.2 Limitations 5 

2. Background 6 

2.1 Household Food Waste 6 

2.1.1 Avoidable Waste 7 

2.1.2 Possibly Avoidable Waste 8 

2.1.3 Unavoidable Waste 8 

2.2 Change of Behaviour 8 

3. Previous Research 9 

3.1 Fridge Inventory 9 

3.2 Best-Before Date 9 

3.3 Grocery Shopping Tracking 10 

4. Method 11 

4.1 Mixed Method 11 

4.2 Study Content 11 

4.2.1 User Usability 11 

4.2.2 Questionnaire 12 

4.2.3 Application Development 13 

5. Questionnaire Result and Analysis 14 

5.1 Respondents 14 

5.1.1 Age and Gender 14 

5.1.2 Smartphone Usage 15 

5.1.3 Household Situation 15 

5.2 Household Food Waste 15 

5.2.1 Food Waste 15 

5.2.2 Food Waste Frequency 16 

5.2.3 Reasons for Food Waste 16 

5.2.4 Reasons Why “Best-before-date has expired” 17 

5.3 Fridge Inventory 18 

5.3.1 Fridge Inventory Tracking 18 

5.3.2 Grocery Shopping Tracking 18 

5.3.3 Grocery Shopping Problems 19 

5.4 Willingness to use Mobile Application 20 

5.4.1 Use Mobile Application to Track Fridge Inventory 20 

5.4.2 Willingness to Take Photo of Receipt After Grocery Shopping 20 


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5.4.3 Household’s Grocery List in the Application 20 

5.5 Conclusion of Analysis 21 

6. Mobile Application Solution 22 

6.1 Functionality 22 

6.2 Scanning of Receipts 22 

6.2.1 OCR 23 

6.2.2 Shelf Life of Refrigerated Foods 24 

6.3 Best-Before-Date Notifications 27 

6.3.1 Status Bar and Notification Drawer Notification 27 

6.3.2 Heads Up Notification 28 

6.3.3 Locked Screen Notification 29 

6.4 Joint Grocery Shopping List 29 

6.4.1 Firebase Realtime Database 30 

6.5 General Data Protection Regulation 31 

7. Results 32 

7.1 Interview 32 

7.2 Household Situation, Usage and User Experience 32 

7.2.1 Household Situation 32 

7.2.2 Usage of Application 33 

7.2.3 User Experience 34 

7.3 Impact on Fridge Inventory and Grocery Shopping Tracking 35 

7.3.1 Impact on Fridge Inventory Tracking 35 

7.3.2 Impact on Grocery Shopping Tracking 36 

7.4 Change of Behaviour 37 

7.4.1 Noticable Change of Behaviour 37 

7.4.2 Reasons Behind Change of Behaviour 38 

8. Discussion 39 

9. Conclusion 43 

9.1 Future Work 43 

10. References 45 

11. Appendices 48 

A. Questionnaire 48 

B. Interviews 50 






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1. Introduction 

Approximately one third of all globally produced food is wasted or thrown away                         

every year. It occurs at all stages of the Food Supply Chains (FSC) and the scale of                                 

it depends on factors such as wealth of the certain area, closeness and access to                             

agriculture, culture and most importantly, supply and demand [1]. In Sweden, the                       

National Food Agency collaborated with both the Environmental Protection Agency                   

and the Board of Agriculture and developed a plan called “More To Do More”. The                             

goal is to reduce waste of food in all of the supply chains through clear                             

arrangements and actions in all parts, from the farm until it reaches the customer.                           

The plan is supposed to help Sweden achieve their part of the                       

global-sustainable-development goal of Agenda 2030, which is that by 2030 we                     

should have halved the global food waste per capita at the retail and consumer                           

levels. However, there are some problems. Swedes waste, on average, 97kg of                       

eatable food and drinks per person per year whereat food waste in households                         

accounts for approximately 70% of the total food wasted, [2]. Therefore it is clear                           

that the households are the part that can be affected and addressed the most.                           

Furthermore, the problem goes beyond only being about food waste as the                       

environment is also affected. To produce the food that is being wasted causes 2                           

billion tonnes of carbon dioxide to be emitted. That is almost 3% of Sweden’s total                             

carbon dioxide emission [3].  


The Swedish National Food Agency (NFA), has reviewed the food waste problem by                         

studying consumption patterns, behaviour and attitudes [4]. Their conclusions                 

resulted in that the high pace of society with ever-increasing expectations of                       

material standards means that households today often suffer from a lack of time to                           

become more involved in cooking than necessary. This means an increased risk of                         

wastage by neglecting the planning of purchases and over-purchasing which leads                     

to the fact that food can become too old, best before the day is misinterpreted and                               

that all parts of the raw materials or residues are not utilized [4]. It is clear that in                                   

order to reduce the waste of food we have to look at the highest level of the food                                   

waste hierarchy, namely the prevention of food waste.  


In addition, more than 90% of Sweden’s population has access to and uses a                           

smartphone on a daily basis, a number that keeps growing every year [5].                         

Therefore, by creating an application to help people reduce the amount of food                         

being wasted we will be able to reach the highest level of the food waste hierarchy                               

but, in theory, also reach almost the entire population of Sweden. 


This leads to the research questions of this paper:  

● How to track grocery inventory in the fridge and the best-before-date? 

● How to avoid food waste by tracking what exists in the fridge and when it                             




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1.1 Scope and Goals 

The main task of this paper is to evaluate how to approach the waste of food within                                 

households with the help of an mobile application whereas the main challenge lies                         

within to change the approach of Swedes concerning planning of grocery purchases                       

and over-purchasing. 


Due to the limited scope of the thesis the implementation will intentionally focus                         

on food with an “best-before date” that must be stored in the refrigerator.                         

Furthermore, other aspects of the food waste problem, such as the health and                         

economic aspects are not included. However, both these aspects are possible                     

subjects for further studies since they might be in relation to how they affect the                             

food waste problem in households. The ultimate main goal is to reduce the waste of                             

fridge-stored food within households. In order to achieve the main goal following                       

sub-goals must be achieved:  

● Raise concerns about food waste within households. 

1.2 Limitations 

The following limitations were made:  

● The application was only developed for the Android mobile operating system 

● Due to the short time frame the study focused only on fridge-stored food                         

with a best-before-date 

● Due to the short time-frame the users tested the application for only one                         














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2. Background 

It is estimated that more than 820 million people are hungry globally, a number                           

that is up from 811 million the previous year and totally it is the third increase in a                                   

row, making the reduction of food waste even more important [6]. The topics and                           

objects introduced in this section will cover two of the United Nations Sustainable                         

Development Goals, namely goal 2 - “Zero Hunger” and goal 12 - “Responsible                         

Consumption and Production” [7].  

Goal 2, “Zero Hunger” is stating that a profound change of both the food and                             

agriculture system is needed in order to nourish the 820 million hungry people and                           

also have in mind the additional 2 billion increase of the world's population that is                             

expected by 2050. The ultimate goal is to end hunger, achieve food security and                           

have sustainable agriculture [7].  


Goal 12, “Responsible Consumption and Production” is about promoting resource                   

and energy efficiency and sustainable infrastructure. About one third of all globally                       

produced food ends up either rotting in the bins of consumers and retailers or is                             

spilled out due to poor harvesting practices or transportation. The targets of this                         

goal is to halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels by                               

2030 and substantially reduce food waste generation through prevention and                   

reduction [7].   


The ultimate goal is that this paper can have an impact on both these goals, for                               

their logos see Figure 1.   


Figure 1: Logos for UN’s sustainable development goal 2, “Zero Hunger” and goal 

12. “Responsible Consumption and Production” [7] 


The following sections will describe food waste in Sweden, both in general and in                           

households and the three categories of food waste. 

2.1 Household Food Waste 

In Sweden it is the households that are responsible for the majority of the food                             

being wasted, almost a total of 917,000 tonnes which corresponds to 70% of the                           

total yearly waste. Out of the total waste, 384,000 tonnes were not sorted and                           

ended in the residual waste, most commonly known as the garbage bag under the                           

sink. However, 217,000 tonnes were sorted for biological treatment such as                     


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digestion and composting including home composting and smaller quantities via                   

disposers. The remaining, approximately 224,000 tonnes of food and drink are                     

poured into the sewage [8]. 

Almost 28%, corresponding to about 18kg per person per year, of households’ sorted                         

food waste is unnecessary. The same applies for the approximately 2% per person                         

and year of food that ends up in the compost [9]. For the distribution of food groups                                 

in residual waste see Figure 2. 




Figure 2: Distribution of household food waste in food groups by residual waste [9]. 


Another part of the household's food waste is that which is being poured into the                             

drain. It is estimated that Swedes, per person, throw away 26kg food that ends up                             

in the drain, where all of it counts as avoidable waste [9]. Food wasted in the drain                                 

constitutes a quarter of the total household food waste. Almost 40% of the                         

quantities poured consisted of coffee and tea, 25 percent of dairy products and 10                           

percent of other beverages such as juice, carbonated or alcoholic beverages. Then                       

came solid food waste such as rice, pasta and cereals [10].  


Food waste is categorized into three different categories, avoidable waste, possibly                     

avoidable waste and unavoidable waste.  

2.1.1 Avoidable Waste 

Avoidable waste is the food and drinks that we were able to eat at some point but                                 

chose not to. Example of avoidable waste is a slice of bread, an apple, meatballs or                               

orange juice. Avoidable waste is the food waste category that can be affected and                           

reduced the most [11].  



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2.1.2 Possibly Avoidable Waste 

Possibly avoidable waste is the food and drinks that some people eat and some                           

people do not. This depends on the preferences, taste, allergies and intolerances of                         

the consumer but also if the food can be eaten prepared in one way but not in                                 

another. Examples of possibly avoidable waste is bread crusts, potato skin or pulp                         

in orange juice [11].  

2.1.3 Unavoidable Waste 

Unavoidable waste is the food and drinks arising from food preparation that is and                           

has not been edible for us humans under normal circumstances. Example of                       

unavoidable waste are meat bones, shell of a coconut or the skin of oranges [11].  

2.2 Change of Behaviour 

Habits and emotions of food wasting consumers need to be changed in order to                           

reduce or prevent waste of food. However, it needs to be done carefully, as people                             

aware and guilty of food waste let their feelings have a negative affect on their                             

habits meaning that they tend to waste even more food compared to people who are                             

not aware of the effects of their actions [12]. This leads to the fact that the                               

application cannot initiate negative feelings regarding throwing away food and                   

waste in general but instead focuses on giving both positive feedback as well as                           

creating a positive image about the change of behaviour of the consumer.  
















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3. Previous Research 

There are a number of mobile applications available on the market with the                         

purpose of reducing food waste in various settings. This thesis focuses on reducing                         

household food waste by tracking the grocery inventory in the fridge and when it                           

expires. In addition, focus has to be on tracking grocery shopping. If grocery                         

shopping is tracked it can help prevent over-purchasing and thus lead to less food                           

being wasted because of the best-before date. 

3.1 Fridge Inventory 

There exists several prototype mobile applications developed as a result of prior                       

research. The prototypes have their own limitations but what they all have in                         

common is that they want to promote behaviour change in order to reduce                         

household food waste. The way the application keeps track of food and waste will                           

determine how easy the application is to use. Several options have been explored                         

for managing fridge inventory but they differ in the difficulty level to implement                         

because of various technical aspects [13].  


The optimal solution for managing fridge inventory is to retrieve purchases directly                       

from any given grocery store. The user would afterwards log in and track the                           

specific groceries bought. There is an alternative where the user would have to                         

invest in buying a smart fridge in order to keep track of the groceries. This would                               

not make the application very accessible because of the cost and scare off most                           

potential users [13]. The aforementioned options are both difficult to realistically                     

implement. A simpler solution to implement would be to scan barcodes from                       

groceries. This gives the user full control of what to scan, and what not to.                             

However, this option introduces a larger workload for the user and it is also not                             

possible to implement if the grocery stores do not grant the necessary access to                           

their databases [14]. Ultimately, scanning the receipt after each grocery purchase                     

could be possible. But this option comes with the technical problem of maybe not                           

successfully retrieving all the necessary information [13]. 

3.2 Best-Before Date  

Prior research has proven that there is no good way with the user in mind to                               

retrieve the best-before date of groceries. There exists a manual data entry barrier                         

that is hard to overcome. The food infrastructure in many countries does not allow                           

information about groceries to be easily codified at the point of sale [14]. In some                             

countries, such as the U.S., certain information can be retrieved through scanning                       

grocery barcodes. When the barcode of a grocery is scanned, the data retrieved can                           

be linked to corresponding databases which include information about the grocery                     

such as the food’s name and best-before date [14]. This is not possible today in                             

Sweden due to the limitations of the food infrastructure. This makes it challenging                         

and unnecessarily user-intensive to retrieve the best-before date. A user-intensive                   

process to add best-before dates may have a negative consequence such as reduced                         

engagement to the mobile application. This will in turn affect the goal of reducing                           

household food waste. 


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3.3 Grocery Shopping Tracking  

Food wastage can be greatly reduced through planning. If the consumer plans the                         

shopping well it can help reduce throwing a chunkful of food products because of                           

the best-before date. Good planning can also give the consumer a better shopping                         

experience since they would not have to go back to the store in case they forgot to                                 

buy something. There are several applications available that focus on tracking                     

grocery shopping. Fridge Pal is an example of an application targeting individual                       

consumers [15]. It provides a range of features aimed at helping the users with                           

managing their groceries. Some of Fridge Pal’s defining features includes creating                     

and managing shopping lists which can later also be used to add food items to the                               

application’s inventory [15].  






































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4. Method 

Following section will describe the method used to conduct the research. Further, a                         

motivation for the use of chosen method is presented along with a discussion of how                             

the method was implemented. 

4.1 Mixed Method 

In order to achieve a strong understanding of the problem an explanatory mixed                         

method [16] was used during this study. Mixed methods are the collections of both                           

quantitative, namely close-ended, and qualitative, open-ended, data. It uses                 

established methods for the collection, analysis and interpretation of both types of                       

data meaning that both are integrated in the analysis [16].   


The main reasons why the mixed method approach is a good research methodology                         

are [17]:  

● Minimizes limitations of both qualitative and quantitative approaches 

● Explains quantitative results with the qualitative analysis and collection of                   


● Complements the questionnaire by integrating individuals perspectives 


The aim of the study and mentioned above reasons align making the mixed                         

methods approach suitable to use in the study. Figure 3 below describes the mixed                           




Figure 3: The mixed method approach used in this study. 

4.2 Study Content 

The different parts involved in this study are presented, discussed and motivated                       


4.2.1 User Usability 

In order to get the Swedish population to use the app we have to understand their                               

point of view, what their main problem regarding food waste is, the functionality of                           

the application and how user friendly it should be. These mentioned topics are all                           

part of a broader concept called usability. Good usability of a product or service is                             

crucial in order to achieve success, in this case to reach out to the Swedish                             

population and get them to use the application in their everyday life. International                         

Organization for Standardization’s definition of usability contains three main areas                   

[18] :  


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● Effectiveness - Users achieve goals through completeness and accuracy.  

● Efficiency - Provided resources have been used in relation to completeness                     

and accuracy through which the user has achieved the goals.  

● Satisfaction - Positive attitude towards continued use of the product.  


The purpose of the questionnaire is to get a deeper understanding of both the food                             

waste problem within households but also the aspects and goals that the                       

application had to meet in order to be used.  

4.2.2 Questionnaire 

The questions used in the questionnaire were kept simple, straight to the point and                           

formed after recommendation [19]. The questionnaire consisted of 14 questions                   

divided into four parts:  

● Background of the participants  

● Food waste in their households  

● Fridge inventory and grocery shopping tracking in their households 

● Willingness to use mobile application to track fridge inventory and grocery                     



First part of the questionnaire generated quantitative data. The respondents                   

answered questions regarding their age and gender, smartphone usage, household                   

situation and if they are wasting food in their households. By understanding how                         

often it occured we could get a sense of how big of a problem this actually is. The                                   

second part generated qualitative data. Respondents got to answer the reasons why                       

they are wasting food in households. They answered multiple-choice questions with                     

the most common reasons why food is being wasted but also got the chance to write                               

their own explanations behind it. This gave evidence to the quantitative data from                         

the previous part as well as insight into why the problem occurs. Furthermore, it                           

led to new opportunities regarding functionality of the application. Third part                     

generated both quantitative and qualitative data. The respondents answered if                   

they had the problem regarding keeping track of their fridge inventory and got to                           

either describe the problem and why or when it occurs or how they solve it. Then                               

they proceeded to answer the following questions regarding keeping track of what                       

to buy during grocery shopping and the occuring problems in the same way. In the                             

fourth and last part of the questionnaire the respondents answered how willing                       

they are to use a mobile application to keep track of fridge inventory in order to                               

prevent food waste but also about functionality of the application itself. It                       

generated quantitative data.  


Twenty three participants in ages between 16-52 were involved in answering the                       

questionnaire. All of them have a smartphone that they use on a daily basis and                             

none has a background in environmental, or equivalent, studies or any knowledge                       

about food waste, both in general and in households. However, their household                       

situation differed. 






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4.2.3 Application Development 

After summary and analysis of the questionnaire an Android mobile application                     

was developed with the goal of reducing and preventing waste of fridge stored food                           

within households. Its functionality is based on the needs and problems of                       

consumers that emerged from the questionnaire. The study’s research question is                     

addressed by the use of the application during a period of one-week observation.                         

Our data collection consisted of the participants being interviewed at the end of the                           

observation period. The interviews gathered information related to whether the                   

users successfully reduced food wastage in their households. The result of the                       

observation periods is analyzed based on the research questions and will                     

additionally give insights into what needs to be improved on and what topics future                           

research could be based on. 





































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5. Questionnaire Result and Analysis 

This section presents the results of the questionnaire. 

5.1 Respondents 

This section presents the background information about the respondents                 

participating in the study.  

5.1.1 Age and Gender 

The majority of the respondents were in the age span 18-30. Three were 30 years                             

old or older and two respondents were younger than 18. Fifteen of the respondents                           

were men and eight were women. See Figure 4 for age distribution and Figure 5 for                               

gender distribution of the participants. 



Figure 4: Age distribution of the participants 



Figure 5: Gender distribution of the participants 


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5.1.2 Smartphone Usage 

Respondents were asked if they own a smartphone and if so then how often they                             

use it and how comfortable they are using it. This is important information as in                             

order to use the application user has to have a smartphone as well as the                             

obviousness of using the mobile phone for various purposes in their everyday life.                         

Twenty one of the respondents use their smartphone several times a day to access                           

other services such as BankID. The remaining two participants own a smartphone                       

and are familiar with it however they only use it for simpler tasks such as texting                               

and calling. Nevertheless, all respondents are owners and frequent users of                     


5.1.3 Household Situation 

Respondents were asked about their household situation. Fifteen lived together                   

with at least two other people, mostly parents and/or siblings, five lived together                         

with their partner or room mate and three lived alone.  


The household situation is an important factor since it results in how much food is                             

both purchased and wasted along with the fact that a person living alone is alone                             

responsible for both what is in the fridge and all the waste compared with a                             

household with several members where everyone contributes. See Figure 6 for the                       

household situation of the respondents.  




Figure 6: Household situation of the respondents  

5.2 Household Food Waste 

This section presents the food waste in the households of the respondents.  

5.2.1 Food Waste  

Respondents were asked if they are wasting food in their household. The majority,                         

18 of the participants (78%) responded that they are wasting food in their                         

household and 5 (22%) responded that was not the case.  


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5.2.2 Food Waste Frequency 

Respondents were asked about how often they waste food in their households. Six                         

(33.3%) answered that they waste food at least once every day and eight (44.4%)                           

that it happens one to three times a week. Four to six times a week was answered                                 

by two (11.1%), one to three times a month and four to six times a month got both                                   

answered by one (5.6%) respondent each.  


It is clear that food waste in Swedish households is a major problem but also that                               

people recognize it and are aware of their own behaviour. It is crucial that this                             

self-awareness exists as it becomes easier to change the habits and behaviours                       

regarding waste of food. See Figure 7 for food waste frequency of the respondents in                             

their households.  




Figure 7: Frequency of respondents food waste in their households  

5.2.3 Reasons for Food Waste 

Respondents were asked to answer the reasons behind the waste of food in their 

households. Seven (42.2%) of them answered that the reason was “Too big portion”, thirteen (68.5%) answared “Best-before-date has expired” and three (15.8%) stated 

that “Did not like the food”. It must be noted that similar answers, such as “Too big 

portion” and “Did not finish in time” or “Best-before-date has expired” and “Food 

smelled / tasted bad” got categorized together.  


These answers gave us that the main reason behind food being wasted in                         

households is the fact that the best-before-date has expired. Since we expected it                         

from previous research we could continue asking to find out why through the next                           

follow-up question. Then followed the fact that respondents simply overestimated                   

either their hunger or ability to eat up whatever was on their plate leading to food                               

being wasted by throwing it away in the trash. Here, too, the respondents'                         

self-awareness is good and they are able to answer reasons behind why the food is                             

being wasted.  


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This kind of food waste is categorized as “Avoidable Waste” since the behaviour can                           

be changed and the waste be avoided. See Figure 8 for the respondents' reasons for                             

food waste in their households.  



Figure 8: Reasons behind food waste in respondents households  

5.2.4 Reasons Why “Best-before-date has expired” 

Previous research has already shown that “Best-before-date has expired” is one of                       

the most common answers to why food is being wasted. Therefore, respondents who                         

stated that as their reason got to answer a follow-up question, namely “why did the                             

best-before-date expire?”. Seven (53.8%) stated that they did not know how to use                         

the food, two (15.4%) answered that they did have more of the same food at home                               

that they used or ate instead, one (7.7%) answered that they did not like the food                               

and the remaining three (23.1%) stated that they did not have the time to eat it                               



More than half of the respondents’ who stated “Best-before-date has expired” as the                         

reason behind their food waste did so because they did not know how to use the                               

food or products while cooking. This is also “Avoidable Waste” since it can be                           

prevented by changing behaviour. See Figure 9 for reasons why respondents                     

answered “Best-before-date has expired”.  


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Figure 9: Reasons why the “Best-before-date has expired” answer was given by the 


5.3 Fridge Inventory  

This section presents the fridge inventory and grocery shopping tracking of the                       


5.3.1 Fridge Inventory Tracking 

Respondents were asked if they know and track what food they have in their fridge                             

and if so then how do they keep track of it. Seventeen (73.9%) answered that they                               

know their fridge inventory and 6 (26.1%) answered that they are not sure what’s                           

inside their fridge.  


Out of the seventeen, ten (58.8%) answered that they keep track of the inventory                           

by remembering what they bought while grocery shopping, five (29.4%) answered                     

that they keep track of it because then open it several times everyday and use or                               

eat some of the food and the remaining two (11.8%) stated that they know it                             

because they have a grocery shopping list on the fridge. 

5.3.2 Grocery Shopping Tracking 

Respondents were asked to answer how they keep track of what needs to be bought                             

when they are grocery shopping. Figure 10 below shows their answers. Seven                       

(30.4%) stated that they rely on their memory, seven (30.4%) that they write a list                             

on paper and bring with them and nine (39.1%) that they write down a list on their                                 



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Figure 10: Tracking of grocery shopping 

5.3.3 Grocery Shopping Problems 

Respondents were asked to answer what problems occur when they are grocery                       

shopping. Five (21.7%) answered that they buy too much of something or                       

something they already have at home, fourteen (60.9%) answered that they forgot                       

to buy something and four (17.4%) had both of these above mentioned problems.                         

Figure 11 below shows how they answered.  


There is a clear problem, namely that the majority of the respondents forgets to                           

buy something while grocery shopping even though 69.5% of them write their                       

grocery shopping list down. Since 5.3.1, 5.3.2 and 5.3.3 directly affect each other,                         

since you most often buy food you’ve run out of, there seems to be a big difference                                 

between how respondents experience and believe that they know their fridge                     

inventory and thus know what they need to buy and the reality and fact that the                               

majority forgets to buy something or buys too much of a product. 



Figure 11: Respondents problems during grocery shopping 



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5.4 Willingness to use Mobile Application  

This section presents the participants willingness to use a mobile application to                       

help them keep track of fridge inventory and with grocery shopping. 

5.4.1 Use Mobile Application to Track Fridge Inventory 

The respondents were asked if they would use a mobile application in order to keep                             

track of their fridge inventory. Sixteen (69.6%) answered that they would and                       

seven (30.4%) answered that they would not.  

5.4.2 Willingness to Take Photo of Receipt After Grocery Shopping 

The respondents were asked if they would be willing to take a photo of the receipt                               

after grocery shopping. Fifteen (62.5%) answered that they would and eight (34.8%)                       

answered that they would not be willing to do it. 

5.4.3 Household’s Grocery List in the Application 

The respondents were asked about their thoughts and opinions on having a joint                         

grocery shopping list with everyone in their households. Seventeen (73.9%)                   

answered that they would be interested in having one or at least trying it out, two                               

(8.7%) answered that they live alone and therefore don’t have the need for it and                             

four (17.4) of the respondents answered that they would not use or even try it.                             

Figure 12 shows the respondent answers regarding having a joint grocery shopping                       

list for households.  


Respondents were positive to the use of a mobile application in order to track their                             

fridge inventory and thereby reduce or prevent food waste. The majority were also                         

willing to use the app when grocery shopping and have a shared grocery list for                             

households, although 26.1% were not interested in using or trying it.  



Figure 12: Thoughts and opinions on joint grocery shopping list for households 


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5.5 Conclusion of Analysis 

Swedes are used to using their smartphones and various applications to different                       

tasks in their everyday life and the participants confirmed this since the vast                         

majority were willing to use the application described by us. The conclusions from                         

previous research regarding both how often food is wasted in households and the                         

main reasons behind it were confirmed. It shows what we anticipated, namely that                         

almost all of the food wasted in households is categorized as “Avoidable Waste”                         

meaning that by changing the behaviour of the consumers we can reduce or even                           

prevent food being wasted.  


The main reason behind why fridge stored food is being wasted is that the                           

best-before-date has expired. More than half of the participants stated that the                       

reason why it expired was that they did not know how to use the food while cooking                                 

which was surprising since one can assume that you buy food that you know you                             

will consume, however that seems not to be the case. Moreover, 38.5% of the                           

respondents who wasted their fridge stored food because of the expiry of                       

best-before-date did so because of overconsumption while grocery shopping or lack                     

of time. This might relate to the fact that they were not aware of when the                               

best-before-date was expiring however it could also be a result of eating at                         

restaurants or take-aways instead of home.  


In addition, we noticed the connection between 5.3.1, 5.3.2 and 5.3.3 where not                         

tracking food inventory, in a more methodical way than just relying on memory,                         

results in consumers either forgetting to buy something or buying too much of                         

something. It seems like consumers believe that they have better tracking of their                         

food inventory than they in fact have.  


In summary, in order to reduce or prevent waste of fridge stored food in households                             

we have to change the behaviour of the consumers. By the use of our application we                               

have to make them aware of what’s inside their fridge and most importantly when                           

it expires, since this is the main reason why food is being wasted. Through this we                               

can both reduce or maybe even prevent the avoidable waste of fridge stored food                           

within households and raise concern about the topic. 












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6. Mobile Application Solution 

The mobile application is developed for the Android operating system. Android is a                         

free open source software that is preliminary designed for touchscreen devices                     

where the main focus lies on its interface that is based on direct manipulation and                             

thus it is very easy user friendly. Since it is free and open source we can implement                                 

and use several external extensions, called libraries, to develop the application                     

based on the results of the questionnaire [20]. The application is developed using                         

the Android Software Development Kit, coded in Java and will be accessible for all                           

Android smartphone devices running at least the 6th released version of the                       

operating system called “Marshmallow” [21]. Through this we will make the                     

application accessible for people with an old and outdated Android smartphone as                       

well as people with the latest one, in other words, we will reach the largest possible                               

part of the population’s Android users [22]. 

6.1 Functionality 

The functionality of the application is based and developed after the results and                         

analysis of the questionnaire. The core functionality of the application means that                       

the user can:  

● Scan the receipt by use of mobile camera and register what’s in the fridge  

● Get a notification when a product is about to expire  

● Have a joint grocery shopping list with other members of the household  


The three core functions and the techniques behind them are described in the                         

following sections.  

6.2 Scanning of Receipts 

Users are able to scan the receipt received for the groceries they bought by the use                               

of the mobile camera from within the application. This will be done with the help of                               

Optical Character Recognition (OCR). The items will be added to the fridge                       

inventory-list and users will easily be able to see and track their fridge inventory.                           

However there is a problem, namely that the “best-before-date” is not listed on the                           

receipt. This has been solved by setting an approximate average time that is left                           

until the food becomes bad based on recommended calculations from the Food                       

Marketing Institute [23]. Users are also able to set the “best-before-date” manually                       

to match exactly what is stated on the packing of the product.   


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Figure 13: Scanning of receipt Figure 14: Fridge inventory list 

6.2.1 OCR 

The use of mobile devices for text detection and recognition in natural images are                           

slowly becoming relevant due to the increasing amount of OCR applications and                       

advancement in mobile technology [24]. The digitization of textual content involves                     

several steps and OCR deals with the transformation of a digital image, for                         

example an image of a book page in JPG format, into a digital document whose text                               

can be processed by a computer [25]. See Figure 15 for OCRs following three logical                             


● Image scanner 

● OCR software and hardware 

● Output interface  


The purpose of the image scanner component is to optically capture text images to                           

be recognized. The text images are then processed with OCR software and                       

hardware [26]. The process involves document analysis, recognizing the images and                     

contextual processing. The output interface component allows the results to be                     

electronically transferred into the domain that uses the results [26]. 



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Figure 15: The structure of an OCR system [26]. 


There are two different approaches that we can use to implement OCR in our                           

mobile application. The first approach would be to use an open source OCR engine.                           

There are different types of OCR engines available and their purpose is to make it                             

easier for developers to implement an OCR system in a mobile application. One of                           

the most important factors that an OCR engine should hold is accuracy [27]. In                           

order for the OCR engine to have good performance and high accuracy the engine                           

has to be trained correctly [28]. Due to the short time-frame of the project we                             

decided against using an OCR engine. The second approach would be to use an                           

internet service. We decided to use TAGGUN API, which is an internet service                         

specialized to transcribe a receipt and return relevant information [29]. This is                       

used to parse the receipt and get hold of which groceries were bought. 

6.2.2 Shelf Life of Refrigerated Foods 

Previous research has shown that it is difficult to overcome the barrier of manual                           

entry which is very user-intensive. The mobile application developed as part of this                         

study has the functionality to manually enter the best-before date for food items.                         

The application also uses an approximate average time for the best-before date of                         

groceries in order to make the application less user-intensive. The approximate                     

average time is based on calculations from the Food Marketing Institute. 







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Table 1: Showing the shelf life of meat and seafood [23]. 

Meat and Seafood  Shelf Life 

Bacon  7 days 

Chicken or turkey  1-2 days 

Chops (pork, veal, lamb)  3-5 days 

Fish and shellfish  1-2 days uncooked, 3-5 days cooked 

Ground meats  1-2 days 

Ham, canned  6-9 months unopened, 3-5 days opened 

Ham, fully cooked, half  3-5 days 

Ham, fully cooked, slices  3-4 days 

Ham, fully cooked, whole  7 days 

Hot dogs  2 weeks unopened, 1 week opened 

Lunch Meat  2 weeks unopened, 3-5 days opened 

Organ meats  1-2 days 

Roast  3-5 days 

Sausage, hard (ex: pepperoni)  2-3 weeks 

Sausage, smoked  7 days 


Table 2: Showing the shelf life of dairy products. 

Dairy  Shelf Life 

Butter  1-3 months 

Buttermilk  2 weeks 

Cheese, hard  6 months unopened, 3-4 weeks opened 

Cheese, processed slices  1-2 months 

Cheese, soft  1 week 

Coffee cream  10 days 

Egg Substitute  10 days unopened, 3 days opened 

Eggs  3-5 weeks in the shell, 2-4 days out of shell 


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Heavy cream  10 days 

Milk  1 week 

Sour cream  1-3 weeks 

Whipped cream (can)  3 months 

Yogurt  1-2 weeks 


Table 3: Showing the shelf life of condiment products [23]. 

Condiments  Shelf Life 

Chili sauce  6 months 

Chutney  1-2 months 

Cocktail sauce  6 months 

Horseradish  3-4 months 

Jams, Jellies  6 months after opening 

Ketchup  6 months 

Mayonnaise  2 months 

Mustard  1 year 

Olives  2 weeks 

Pickles  2 weeks 


Table 4: Showing the shelf life of most common leftovers [23]. 

Leftovers  Shelf Life 

Meat or poultry  3-4 days 

Broth  2 days 

Casseroles  3-4 days 

Egg dishes  3-4 days 

Fish  3-4 days 

Gravy  3-4 days 

Hard-boiled eggs  1 week 


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Milk, condensed  4-5 days 

Milk, evaporated  4-5 days 

Pasta  1-2 days 

Pizza  3-4 days 

Salads (egg, chicken, macaroni, etc.  3-5 days 

Soups and stews  3-4 days 


6.3 Best-Before-Date Notifications 

Users will receive a notification when a product’s “best-before-date” is about to                       

expire. A notification is a simple message that Android displays outside of the                         

applications user interface to show the user some information, in our case, a                         

reminder that a fridge stored product is about to expire [30]. The application will                           

display the notifications in three different ways as listed and presented below.  

6.3.1 Status Bar and Notification Drawer Notification 

When the notification is issued it first appears as an icon the status bar of the                               

phone. The user is able to swipe down on the status bar and thereby open the                               

notification drawer which allows them to both read more details and also take                         

actions, such as delete the notification. The notification remains visible in the                       

notification drawer until it is dismissed by either the application or the user [30].  



Figure 16: Notification in status bar 



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Figure 17: Notification in notification drawer 


6.3.2 Heads Up Notification 

If the device is in the unlocked state the notification will appear on the top of the                                 

screen in a floating window. It appears when the application issues the notification                         

and disappears after a couple of seconds but still remains visible in the notification                           

drawer as usual [30].  


Figure 18: Heads up notification 


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6.3.3 Locked Screen Notification 

If the smartphone is in the locked screen mode the notification will appear on the                             

locked screen. The detail level of the notification is set by the application. Users                           

can also decide whether the application should show the notifications in the locked                         

screen at all [30]. 



Figure 19: Locked Screen Notification 

6.4 Joint Grocery Shopping List 

Users will be able to create a joint grocery shopping list with other members of                             

their households. They will be able to add, edit and remove items together with                           

other users from the same household. This function requires the application to be                         

connected to the internet and to a database. To achieve this the Firebase platform                           

will be used with the Realtime Database, a cloud-hosted database, in particular. 



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Figure 20: Joint grocery shopping list 


6.4.1 Firebase Realtime Database 

The Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted NoSQL database provided on the                     

web-based Firebase platform [31]. The data is stored as JSON and synchronized in                         

realtime to every connected client, meaning that they all automatically receive                     

updates with the newest data within milliseconds after the data has changed. This                         

requires the client to be connected to the internet, however with the use of the                             

Realtime Database the application will remain responsive even offline because the                     

data is persisted to the disk. Once internet connection is reestablished it will                         

synchronize itself with the current state of the server, thus also the database [31]. 


The Realtime Database lets us build an application with secure access to the                         

database. Since the data is persisted locally, meaning that even when a user is                           

currently offline, events continue to fire in realtime giving the user the best                         

possible responsive experience. Furthermore, it is flexible regarding the security                   

aspect giving us, the developers, total control over who has access to what data,                           

how they can access it and how they can interact with it. Additionally, it is a                               

NoSQL database meaning that it is only allowing operations that can be executed                         

very quickly [31]. In summary, all of the above mentioned reasons lead to the                           

conclusion that the use of Firebase Realtime Database is a great choice for our                           

application and will make the user experience as smooth as possible which is                         

crucial in order for the users to use the application. 







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6.5 General Data Protection Regulation 

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a recent update to the data                       

protection laws of the European Union and it significantly changed the landscape                       

of the processing of personal data [32]. It introduced stricter requirements for the                         

stakeholders and strengthened the rights of the individuals to whom the data are                         

related [32]. The mobile application developed as part of this study has been tested                           

in Sweden and since Sweden is a member of the European Union we have to take                               

GDPR in consideration when handling the user data. When processing data there                       

are seven principles that need to be followed [33]. 


1. Lawfulness, fairness and transparency — Processing must be lawful,                 

fair, and transparent to the data subject [33]. 

2. Purpose limitation — You must process data for the legitimate purposes                     

specified explicitly to the data subject when you collected it [33]. 

3. Data minimization — You should collect and process only as much data as                         

absolutely necessary for the purposes specified [33]. 

4. Accuracy — You must keep personal data accurate and up to date [33]. 

5. Storage limitation — You may only store personally identifying data for                     

as long as necessary for the specified purpose [33]. 

6. Integrity and confidentiality — Processing must be done in such a way                       

as to ensure appropriate security, integrity, and confidentiality (e.g. by                   

using encryption) [33]. 

7. Accountability — The data controller is responsible for being able to                     

demonstrate GDPR compliance with all of these principles [33]. 


The mobile application was developed with these seven principles in mind. The                       

application was built and designed in a way that every household only has one                           

shared account. The account is created with a single email and password. The                         

email and password is necessary for identifying and securing every user account                       

since the household food data needs to be stored in the Firebase Realtime                         

Database. This application design ensures that the GDPR data protection                   

principles are followed. 













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7. Results 

This section presents the results of the participants' use of the mobile application                         

during a one week period. 

7.1 Interview 

The interviews are based on the same approach as the questionnaire, namely that                         

they are formed after recommendation and the questions asked were kept short                       

and simple and asking about one specific topic at a time [19]. The interview                           

consisted of 7 questions divided into three parts:  

● Household situation, usage and user experience 

● Impact on fridge inventory and grocery shopping tracking 

● Change of behaviour 


First part of the interviews generated both quantitative and qualitative data. The                       

respondents answered questions regarding both their household situation and how                   

much they were using the application as well as how they experienced their                         

interaction with it. Questions were answered both using a scale ranging from 1-5                         

and freely. Second part of the interview was about the application's impact on                         

tracking food and grocery shopping. Respondents answered several questions that                   

generated both qualitative and quantitative data. The third and last part                     

generated qualitative data. Respondents were asked questions about their                 

behaviour and noticeable changes in their households regarding the food waste                     



Twelve participants in ages between 20-52 were interviewed. Seven of them were                       

men and five were women. All of them have been using the mobile application for                             

at least one week. None of them has a background in any environmental or                           

equivalent studies or any knowledge about food waste or fridge and grocery                       

shopping tracking. The major difference was their household situation. 

7.2 Household Situation, Usage and User Experience  

This section presents the household situation of the respondents as well as their                         

user experience and usage of the application. 

7.2.1 Household Situation 

Respondents were asked about their household situation. Six lived together with at                       

least two other people, mostly parents and/or siblings, three lived together with                       

their partner or room mate and three lived alone. As the questionnaire showed, the                           

household situation has a major influence on food waste since it can be directly                           

translated into how much food is being purchased, consumed and wasted. But also                         

the fact that a person living alone is the only one responsible for both what’s inside                               

the fridge and what and how much food is being purchased which corresponds to                           

the total food waste of the household. 


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7.2.2 Usage of Application 

Respondents were asked both how often they use the application and which                       

function they used or liked the most. Seven of the respondents used the application                           

once a day, two several times a day and the remaining three used it 1-4 times a                                 

week. As for the most used or liked feature, eight of the respondents answered the                             

joint grocery shopping list, two answered the tracking of the fridge inventory and                         

two answered the receipt scanning. See Figure 21 for the respondents usage                       

frequency and Figure 22 for the most used feature.  



Figure 21: Respondents frequency of usage of application 



Figure 22: Respondents mostly used or liked functions 


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7.2.3 User Experience 

Respondents were asked about their user experience of the application. They                     

answered both by saying a number on a scale from 1-5 where 1 was “very bad user                                 

experience”, 3 was “normal / neutral user experience” and 5 was “very good user                           

experience” and by adding comments explaining why they answered as they did.                       

The majority of the respondent, more precisely seven (58.3%) answered that they                       

had a normal or neutral user experience, two (16.7%) answered that they had a                           

good user experience, one (8.3%) that they had a very bad user experience, one                           

(8.3%) that they had a bad user experience and one (8.3%) that they had a very                               

good user experience. In summary, ten (83.3%) of the respondents had a neutral,                         

good or very good user experience while using the application. See Figure 23 for the                             

respondents answers regarding their user experience. Regarding the comments and                   

further explanations about why the respondents answered as they did, this are                       

some of the comments that were said:  

● “The application does not look complete from a design perspective but it                       

works really well” 

● “Works flawlessly. Did not crash or interrupted once” 

● “Very smooth application but it could be more polished” 

● “It is a good and easy-understandable application”  


Most of the comments and explanations are about the design and aesthetics of the                           

application and although it is not directly related to the functionality it has a                           

crucial impact regarding whether users actually return voluntarily to the                   

application or not. Given the short time on developing the application the design                         

was not in focus and only the standard-look of the Android components was used. It                             

is important to notice these comments as they have a major impact in previously                           

stated return of users. However the most important part is that ten out of twelve                             

participants had at least a neutral and normal user experience.  


This makes the application a good starting point regarding designing and                     

developing an improved version as the core functionality is sought after and offers                         

the users a value.  



Figure 23: Respondents user experience 


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7.3 Impact on Fridge Inventory and Grocery Shopping               


This section presents the impact that the application had on reducing the food                         

waste in the households of the respondents.  

7.3.1 Impact on Fridge Inventory Tracking 

Respondents were asked about the impact that the application had on their                       

household food waste by tracking their fridge inventory. They answered both by                       

saying a number on a scale from 1-5 where 1 was “Resulted in more food waste”, 3                                 

was “Neutral / Did not notice” and 5 was “Reduced food being wasted”. Five (41.7%)                             

aswared 4, that it had a positive impact, that is, less food was being wasted, four                               

(33.3%) answered 3 namely that it didn’t see a difference or it did not have an                               

impact on the food waste, two (16.7%) answered 5, that it helped them reduce the                             

food waste and one (8.3%) stated that it had a negative impact and resulted in                             

more food being wasted. Some of explanations were as follows: 

● “It helped me realize that I need to check the best-before-dates while shopping                         

more often” 

● “Notifications are very helpful because I don’t check my fridge that often” 

● “It helped us consume way more of the food we are buying rather than                           

throwing it in the bin” 

● “I realized how monotonous and dull my diet is and how I buy food I don’t                               

even like”  


In summary, the tracking of fridge inventory had at least a neutral or positive                           

impact on the vast majority of the respondents which correlates to elven (91.7%) of                           

them. The comments also indicate that the fridge inventory tracking is a good                         

functionality that helps reduce the food waste within households.  

Moreover, there is a direct connection between the use of inventory tracking and                         

the joint grocery shopping list, as the comments suggest. This shows the                       

importance of the interaction of these two functions and strengthens the claim that                         

the application has a positive impact on the household food waste problem.   


Figure 24: Fridge inventory trackings impact on respondents household food waste 


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7.3.2 Impact on Grocery Shopping Tracking 

Respondents were asked about the impact that the application had on their                       

household food waste by tracking their grocery shopping. They answered both by                       

saying a number on a scale from 1-5 where 1 was “Resulted in more food waste”, 3                                 

was “Neutral / Did not notice” and 5 was “Reduced food being wasted”. Six (50.0%)                             

of them responded that they did not notice a difference, four (33.3%) that it had a                               

positive impact and two (16.7%) that it helped them reduce the amount of food that                             

was being wasted. For the impact see Figure 25 down below.  


Some of the comments and explanations from the respondents were: 

● “Joint grocery shopping list is very helpful. Could be a standalone                     


● “This and fridge tracking help both remember what to buy and reduce food                         

waste by not overconsuming “  

● “I did not notice a difference in food waste but it is very helpful and easy to                                 


● “Helped me only buy what is really necessary and not buy too much of food                             

that I already have in the fridge” 


Half of the respondents stated that grocery shopping tracking had a positive                       

impact on the food waste in their household, along with the fact that no one of the                                 

respondents answered that it had a negative impact on the food waste. As stated in                             

7.3.1, the cooperation between the fridge tracking and grocery shopping tracking is                       

received very well by the users. This reinforces the motivation that a future                         

improved version of the app should contain both features, as they work and have a                             

positive impact on the reduction of food waste both individually and when                       




Figure 25: Grocery shopping trackings impact on respondents household food waste 



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7.4 Change of Behaviour 

This section presents the impact the application had on the change of behaviour of                           

the respondents regarding their household food waste. 

7.4.1 Noticable Change of Behaviour 

Respondents were asked about the impact that the application had on their                       

behaviour regarding household food waste and if they noticed any changes or                       

differences compared to when not using the application and answered freely. The                       

first question asked was “Did you notice a change in your behaviour regarding the                           

food waste in your household while or after the one week period?”. Nine (75%) of the                               

respondents stated that they did notice a positive change of behaviour and three                         

(25%) that they did not notice a change of behaviour. None answered that they                           

noticed a negative change of behaviour. See Figure 26 for respondents answers.                       

Further follows some comments and explanations regarding the impact of the                     

application on the change of behaviour:  

● “It made me think twice about what I need to buy while grocery shopping” 

● “Application showed me how much food (and money) my household is                     

unnecessarily wasting” 

● “I did not know that I spend so much on food I don’t even consume”  

● “This made me realize that I don’t have to buy lunch in restaurant since I                             

have too much food at home that I am wasting” 

● “Grocery shopping became much easier and convenient. Don’t have to call or                       

text my partner since he can just check the application directly” 


Although all comments were not pointing directly to the reduction of the food waste                           

problem they made it clear that the use of the application had an impact on the                               

change of the respondents behaviours. A more detailed and in-depth analysis will                       

be found in the following main heading.   


Figure 26: Respondents answers regarding noticable change of behaviour 



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7.4.2 Reasons Behind Change of Behaviour 

The second question the respondents were asked was “When did you notice the                         

change of behaviour?”. This question was only asked to the nine respondents who                         

answered that they noticed a change of behaviour in the previous question. Five                         

(55.6%) responded that it was during or after the use of the grocery                         

shopping-functionality, two (22.2%) that it was during or after the use of the fridge                           

inventory tracking and two (22.2%) that it was while throwing away food in their                           

household. See Figure 27 below for the reasons when respondents noticed the                       

change of behaviour. The most common explanations and comments were: 

● “While grocery shopping I realized that I did not know if I had several                           

products at home or not so by checking my fridge inventory-list I could                         

quickly see what needed to be bought and what I already have” 

● “I was throwing away food and it hit me that it could easily have been                             

prevented if I just used and checked the application more frequently” 

● “Was buying groceries and while checking the list I could see that a new item                             

has been added by my wife so I could instantly go and add it to the basket                                 

and buy it” 


It is clear that the majority of the respondents realized a change in their behaviour                             

during or after using the grocery shopping tracking function. It seems that this                         

function is the one that is affecting people the most. A more detailed and in-depth                             

analysis will be found in the following main heading.   



Figure 27: Respondents answers regarding when they noticed the change of 








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8. Discussion 

This thesis has considered several different aspects regarding food waste within                     

households and evaluated multiple possible solutions to reduce or solve it, in the                         

form of several functionalities of the Android application. In this section, the scope                         

and goals will be evaluated, regarding to which extent they are answered followed                         

by general discussion regarding the results. 


It is obvious that food waste within Swedish households occurs several days a                         

week, if not almost every single day with expiry of the food and throwing away                             

leftovers being the two main reasons why it occurs. Thereby it is concluded that the                             

main reason behind it is simply stocking up on food. They are buying more food                             

than they can consume and the respondents answers regarding “Why did the                       

best-before-date expire?” indicate that they simply are not affected morally,                   

financially or in any other way, by wasting food. However, although this is a                           

different topic and research area it is an important and interesting one as it adds                             

additional factors, such as economy and prosperity, into the research. It must also                         

be stated that the respondents financial status or wealth was not asked about or                           

questioned meaning that all respondents could all be either very wealthy, poor or                         

anything in between. The same applies to their ethical and moral position                       

regarding food waste since it cannot be excluded and ignored in future studies and                           



What emerges clearly from both the questionnaire and the interviews is that all of                           

the respondents' food waste falls under the Avoidable Waste-category. This is also                       

in line with what previous research has concluded [11]. It is positive as it allows,                             

theoretically, to reduce the food waste problem within households by, first and                       

foremost, changing behaviour and secondly raising concerns about food waste and                     

the impact it has, both locally and globally. During and after the interviews a                           

pattern emerged, namely that the waste majority of the respondents noticed a                       

positive change in their behaviour and it was mostly because of the economic                         

aspect of food waste, that is they realized how much money they are wasting by                             

stocking up on food and throwing away food. This leads to the assumption that                           

humans are able to and most of them will change their behaviour if they notice                             

that by doing so they benefit from it personally, in this case it being economically.                             

Although this does in fact have a positive effect and helps reduce the household                           

food waste problem it does not directly inform or raise concerns about the                         

household food waste topic in a, according to us, long-term and sustainable way.                         

There is also another aspect to this that has to be closely looked upon, namely                             

gender, as during this study no greater importance was attached to the gender of                           

the respondents. This is something that can be further researched although it is                         

closer to psychology and behavioral science rather than environmental or computer                     

science. This paper is content with the knowledge that the Android application had                         

a positive impact on reduction of food waste within households by changing the                         

behaviour of the users, however it is important to point out the above mentioned                           




Page 41: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste

The household situation is another factor with a major impact on the food waste of                             

a household. People living alone have a significantly higher chance of succeeding                       

with reduction of their food waste, since they are the only one responsible for it, in                               

comparison with people living with at least another person, as it doubles the                         

needed effort. Although this paper does not dive deeper into the subject it is clear                             

to see the patterns and differences between households consisting of one, two or                         

more than two members. This is an area that should be further researched.                         

However this highlights the importance of our application and the functionality of                       

it as it makes it easier for household members to keep track of the fridge inventory,                               

when it expires and helps with the grocery shopping as well, as it reduces or even                               

prevents overconsumption of food of a household. 


As for the application itself, usage of it and the user experience, the overall                           

conclusion is a positive and good one. The vast majority of the respondents used the                             

application at least once a day which sounds both credible and normal in relation to                             

everyday life. They had a neutral or good user experience with it, although there                           

were some comments about the esthetics of the application. This was expected as                         

the application was not conceived to satisfy the user from a design perspective but                           

only focuses on the core functionality. It is clear that the joint grocery shopping list                             

was the most used and favourite functionality as it solved the respondents two                         

problems regarding grocery shopping, either forgetting to buy something or buying                     

too much of a product. It seems, as already stated in the analysis of the                             

questionnaire, that although respondents had a grocery shopping list, either                   

written on paper or in “notes” on their smartphone, these two problems remained.                         

Respondents simply think that by writing a list they keep track of what and how                             

much they have at home but that is not the reality. Therefore it is understandable                             

that the joint grocery shopping list is the favourite functionality of the majority of                           

respondents. The question regarding this is also a bit unclear as it is asking “what                             

feature do you used or liked the most?” and it could potentially be that they used a                                 

different feature more than the joint grocery shopping list but they liked it more, or                             

vice versa. Thus, this leaves room for clarification and improvements during                     

further research. One could also argue that the three features are closely connected                         

as in order to get food into the “fridge list” users have to scan the receipt, meaning                                 

that you cannot use one without the other. This is something that is not included in                               

our conclusions, we see it as three separate features, but needs to be pointed out.  


Almost half of the respondents noticed a positive change and reduction in food                         

being wasted by tracking fridge inventory by the application. One third of the                         

respondents did not notice a change and gladly, only two noticed that it had a                             

negative impact on their household food waste. This results in the feature having a                           

neutral of positive impact on more than 90% of the respondents. That is a high                             

percentage but it’s not a surprising one, as both previous studies and our                         

questionnaire show that the main reason behind food being wasted is because the                         

best-before-date has expired. Basically, people are not aware of how long the food                         

they are buying will last. By the implementation of our notification-system this                       

problem was solved, as people got updated once a day during the three last days of                               

a product's validity, that it is about to expire. Thereby a lot less food was wasted, as                                 

people became aware of when products are about to expire and took action by                           

eating it instead of wasting it. The comments regarding this function indicate that                         


Page 42: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste

this resulted in them being more aware and notice the best-before-date of food                         

while grocery shopping, which is positive, since it means that people are changing                         

their behaviour to a more positive and sustainable one that results in less food                           

being wasted. 


The fridge inventory tracking and notifications-features working together is a very                     

good implementation and shows that by short daily remainders people tend to                       

notice and change their behaviour to, in this study, a more positive and sustainable                           

one. Here too, however, the connection to personal benefits must be made as by not                             

throwing away food people benefit economically, which is a realization that might                       

be the reason behind their change of behaviour. This is, as stated before, something                           

to be looked further upon in future research.  


The downside, although not necessarily noticeable in this study, of the fridge                       

inventory tracking is the scanning of receipts. The scanning itself works very well                         

however the fact that the best-before-dates are not printed on the receipts makes it                           

impossible to set the dates accurately only by scanning. This means that users                         

have to manually insert the exact best-before-date, a solution that is very                       

user-intensive and reduces the user experience significantly. Although the                 

approximate average time-solution works and was well received it is not a solution                         

that should be used for the large mass. The problem, however, lies in how the                             

Swedish grocery stores have designed their receipts. As long as they do not include                           

the best-before-date of food and products on their receipts there is no way around                           

it. This is obviously a problem at a higher level but that needs to be brought to                                 

light as the whole scanning of receipts-functionality works well and together with                       

fridge inventory tracking helps reduce food waste within households.  


Food waste in Swedish households is a major problem, something that this paper                         

emphasizes and clarifies even more, in regard to previous research and studies.                       

The use of a smartphone application seems to be a good step in the right direction                               

to both help reduce food waste, pay further attention to the problem and spread the                             

message about how and what changes in personal behaviour can mean to both the                           

problem itself as well as the environment in both the short and long run.                           

Additionally, it can affect the individuals themselves, for example their finances, as                       

reducing or preventing food waste leads to less money being spent. Sweden is a                           

relatively small country in terms of population, and with more than 90% of it                           

having a smartphone and using it on a daily basis, development of an application to                             

help reduce or even prevent the problem is the obvious choice, as we reach almost                             

the entire population of the country. The core functionality of the application that                         

is developed, presented and used in this paper, namely joint grocery shopping list,                         

fridge inventory tracking, notification-system and receipt scanning is a good and                     

solid foundation for what should be included. It covers and solves a lot of the                             

problems, both stated in previous research as well as our hypotheses, and helps                         

achieve the sub-goal of this thesis, namely to raise concerns about food waste                         

within households. Therefore it leads to the main goal of the paper which is to                             

reduce the waste of fridge-stored food within households, something that for the                       

majority of the respondents was achieved.  



Page 43: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste

There are still several factors, as mentioned in previous parts of the discussion,                         

that were excluded during the research and writing of this paper. It is most likely                             

that several of them can affect and design both the functionality of the application                           

as well as the results of using it. A few more detailed suggestions for further                             

studies can be found in the next section and heading.  













































Page 44: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste

9. Conclusion 

Food waste within Swedish households is a major issue, and although the majority                         

of the population are aware of its existence, why it occurs and consequences of it,                             

only a few are actually trying to take any action whatsoever in order to reduce or                               

prevent it. In order to turn this around and get more people to care and actively                               

make actions that lead to positive results, namely reduced food waste, one must                         

elucidate how they can benefit from it on a personal level. The study clearly shows                             

that many people noticed that they changed their behaviour by realizing how much                         

money they wasted on food being thrown and wasted. Thus, one should continue to                           

pay attention to and emphasize what personal benefits they will gain or get if they                             

reduce food waste in their households. Since almost all of the food waste at                           

households is labeled as avoidable waste it is room for a lot to be done to counteract                                 

the problem. If one manages to change the behaviour of consumers, there are good                           

opportunities to achieve the goal and really reduce or completely remove the food                         

waste in Swedish households.  


The presented application and its functionality is a very good use and combination                         

of different technologies and strategies to achieve the goal. The different functions                       

of the application work very well together and complement each other as well as it                             

both highlights and tackles the problem from different perspectives. The results                     

also reinforce the importance of having these functions together. A smartphone                     

application is a very good approach, partly because one reaches the vast majority of                           

the population in Sweden but also because one does not change their everyday life                           

or add time consuming or energy-intensive moments. This paper shows that if one                         

makes the use of the mobile application a habit, while grocery shopping and fridge                           

inventory tracking, it will lead to reduced food waste in their household and thus                           

helping to reduce the problem, both on an individual level but also on a global, as it                                 

will help the global sustainable development goals of the United Nations.  

9.1 Future Work 

Below are a couple of factors that got noticed, as previously mentioned, but were                           

excluded during the research, development of the application and writing of this                       

paper. The possibility that these may affect the results, the development process or                         

how the research should be carried out cannot be ruled out, thus, they are                           

presented so that future research on the subject can investigate or delineate the                         

significance of these. 


Demographic Characteristics and Household Situation 

This paper neither elaborated nor focused on factors such as gender, age, personal                         

wealth and finances and household situation of the respondents. It is clear that the                           

household situation affects the results as well as they show that the chances of the                             

other factors also doing so are very high. 





Page 45: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste

Location for Conducting Research 

The study and research of this paper was carried out in Swedish households. The                           

country or location where the study is conducted has a major impact on both the                             

approach and results, since factors such as the country's economy and populations’                       

access to and habits of smartphone use can affect these.  


Politics, Moral and Ethics 

This study is free from opinions and thoughts such as politics, morals and ethics.                           

There is plenty of room for future research on people with similar opinions and                           

views or designing surveys and interviews so that it applies to one or more of them                               

as it may lead to other results.  








































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Page 49: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste

11. Appendices 

A. Questionnaire 

This section presents the questionnaire that was sent out to the respondents to                         

collect data. 


Household Food Waste - Questionnaire 

The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect data about food waste in a Swedish                             

household in order to get a deeper understanding of their behaviour and the                         

problem itself so that a solution reducing or even preventing food waste can be                           

made and developed. All your answers and information will only be stored and                         

used during the writing of the thesis and will be destroyed afterwards. You are                           

anonymous and no answers will be able to lead back to you.  


Part I - Background  

1. What is your age and gender? 

1) Insert age here 

2) Insert gender here 


2. Do you own a smartphone? 

1) Yes 

2) No 


2.1 How often are you using it? 

1) Several times a day (10+) 

2) A couple times a day (1-5) 

3) Once every day 

4) Once every two-three days 


2.2 How comfortable are you using your smartphone? 

1) Very comfortable 

2) Comfortable 

3) Enough to be able to do simpler tasks  

4) Not comfortable 


3. How many people are you living with in your household? Feel free to                           

add if it is a partner, room-mate or family members you are living with if                             

you are not living alone.  

A) Live alone 

B) 1 

C) 2 

D) 3 or more  






Page 50: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste

Part II - Household Food Waste 

4. Are you wasting food in your household? 

1) Yes 

2) No 



5. How often are you wasting food in your household? 

1) At least once a day 

2) 1-3 times a week 

3) 4-6 times a week 

4) 1-3 times a month 

5) 4-6 times a month 


6. Reasons why you are wasting food? 

1) Best-before-date has expired 

2) Too big portion 

3) Did not like the food 


and / or 


4) Write answer here 


7. Reasons why “Best-before-date” has expired? 

1) Did not know how to use / eat the food 

2) Had more of the same food / product  

3) Did not like the food 


and / or 


4) Write answer here 


Part III - Fridge Inventory & Grocery Shopping Tracking 

8. Do you track your fridge inventory and know what is inside and if so -                               

how do you track it?  

1) Yes 

2) No 


A) Write how you track it here 


9. How do you keep track of what needs to be bought while grocery                           


1) Remember it / rely on memory  

2) Write list on paper  

3) Write list on smartphone 


10. Do you have any problems that occur while grocery shopping? 

1) Write answer here 




Page 51: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste

Part IIII - Willingness to use Mobile Application 

11. Would you be willing to use a mobile application to track fridge                         


1) Yes 

2) No 



12. Would you be willing to take a photo of your receipt after grocery                           


1) Yes 

2) No 


13. Would you be willing to have a joint grocery shopping list for your                           

household in your smartphone? 

1) Yes 

2) No 


14. Thoughts and opinions on the last three questions and the described                       

and proposed functionality? 

1) Write your thoughts and opinions here  


Thank you for your time and participation.  

B. Interviews 

This section presents the questions asked during the interviews with participants                     

who used and tested the application during an, at least, one week period.  


The purpose of this interview is to collect data about your experience while testing                           

the smartphone application so that a solution reducing or even preventing food                       

waste can be evaluated, made and / or further developed. All your answers and                           

information will only be stored and used during the writing of the thesis and will                             

be destroyed afterwards. You are anonymous and no answers will be able to lead                           

back to you.  


Part I - Household Situation, Usage and User Experience 

1. How many people are you living with in your household? Feel free to                           

add if it is a partner, room-mate or family members you are living with if                             

you are not living alone.  

1) Live alone 

2) 1 

3) 2 

4) 3 or more  


2. How often did you use the application? Was it approximately :  

1) Several times a day 

2) Once a day 

3) 1-4 times a week 

4) Your own answer 


Page 52: Human Centered Approach for Reducing Household Food Waste


2.1 What functionality did you use or liked the most? 

1) Fridge inventory tracking 

2) Joint grocery shopping list 

3) Receipt scanning 


3. How was your user experience while using the application? Please                     

explain and add comments. 

1) 1 - Very bad user experience 

2) 2 - Bad user experience 

3) 3 - Normal / Neutral user experience 

4) 4 - Good user experience 

5) 5 - Very good user experience 


Part II - Impact on Fridge Inventory and Grocery Shopping Tracking 

4. What impact did the application have on your household food waste?  

1) 1 - Resulted in more food waste 

2) 2 - Negative but did not result in more food waste 

3) 3 - Neutral / Did not notice 

4) 4 - Positive but did not result in less food being wasted 

5) 5 - Reduced food being wasted 


5. What impact did the application have on your food waste by tracking                         

the grocery shopping?  

1) - Resulted in more food waste 

2) 2 - Negative but did not result in more food waste 

3) 3 - Neutral / Did not notice 

4) 4 - Positive but did not result in less food being wasted 

5) 5 - Reduced food being wasted 


Part III - Change of Behaviour 

6. Did you notice a change in your behaviour regarding the food waste in                           

your household while or after the one week period? Please explain and                       

add comments.  

1) Did notice a positive change of behaviour 

2) Did notice a negative change of behaviour 

3) Did not notice a change of behaviour 



7. When did you notice the change of behaviour? Please explain and add                         


1) During grocery shopping / use of joint grocery shopping list  

2) During use of fridge inventory tracking  

3) During use of scanning of receipt 


Thank you for your time and participation.