Human rights and professional wrongs Rethinking corporate social compliance in the supply chain

Human rights and professional wrongs - Ernst & Young€¦ ·  · 2016-02-01standard of human rights and employee health and safety throughout their supply chains. ... that while

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Page 1: Human rights and professional wrongs - Ernst & Young€¦ ·  · 2016-02-01standard of human rights and employee health and safety throughout their supply chains. ... that while

Human rights and professional wrongsRethinking corporate social compliance in the supply chain

Page 2: Human rights and professional wrongs - Ernst & Young€¦ ·  · 2016-02-01standard of human rights and employee health and safety throughout their supply chains. ... that while

ContentsThe context 1

The problem 2

What are the challenges with corporate social compliance programs? 3

What needs to change? 4

It’s not just about apparel 6

Questions every board member should be asking his or her officers 8

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Human rights and professional wrongs 1

The contextFollowing widely publicized human rights scandals in the early 1990s, corporations, dominated by those in the footwear and apparel industries, invested heavily in social compliance programs to enforce a minimum standard of human rights and employee health and safety throughout their supply chains.

These standards, framed loosely on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, typically sought to separate the most egregious human rights abuses from production processes where finished (i.e., branded) goods were manufactured. In the contract manufacturing sector, such abuses include child labor, forced labor, excessive overtime and unsafe conditions. In the primary industries (not the focus of this report) most attention has been given to involuntary resettlement and the activities of armed security personnel.

On the contract manufacturing side, social compliance programs took a generally consistent form:

• A corporate social compliance function that owned the corporate social compliance standard: policies and procedures stipulating the minimum standards to be met by contract manufacturers and procurement personnel

• Regional social compliance officers that oversaw the implementation of the standard at the factory level

• Third-party certification agencies that performed the bulk of on-site auditing to assess individual factory compliance against the standard and draft the necessary corrective action plans (CAPs)

While there remain some outlying companies that only require factories to self-complete a social compliance questionnaire and others that accept a factory simply if it has demonstrated compliance with another company’s program, standard minimum practice requires that each company audits every factory in its supply chain at least once against its own standard. This will typically require follow-up audits to evidence the completion of CAPs and cycle audits to monitor compliance over time.

The result is an enormous volume of factory auditing that over time has converged into a highly standardized approach across corporate compliance standards, supply chains and verification agency audit methodologies.

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Human rights and professional wrongs2

The problemOne might expect that given the pervasiveness of corporate social compliance programs and the volume of audits being performed that the evidence of egregious human rights abuses in corporate supply chains would be diminishing. If anything the opposite may be true.

The tragic collapse of the Rana Plaza Garment Factory in Bangladesh in April 2013 put a spotlight back on the issue of human rights in contract manufacturing, one that had already been primed by recent controversies in the smartphone assembly sector.

What proved most striking about the Rana Plaza tragedy and the fatal Pakistani garment factory fires that occurred before and after Rana is that some of the companies involved, and the standards some of these factories were certified to, had been considered high-water marks of current practice.

Accordingly, this has thrown into question the entire corporate approach to social compliance from the top down, particularly in the garment sector, and from EY’s perspective, this is wholly appropriate.

Based on numerous media exposes, as well as EY’s own field assessment work, it is increasingly clear that while in some sectors issues such as child labor have shown improvements, on the whole the social compliance industry has struggled to drive progress worthy of the investments made and the risks faced by brands and employees alike.

In certain instances, such as that of Rana, social compliance programs have presented a dangerous illusion of progress while conditions, egregious even by 19th-century standards, have persisted unaddressed.

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Human rights and professional wrongs 3

What are the challenges with corporate social compliance programs?From our perspective the problem is shared between the format of current social compliance programs and the locations and business contexts in which companies expect social compliance programs to work.

Regarding the programs themselves, although there are certainly some programs that pursue and achieve a higher benchmark, the following issues can be considered broadly systemic:

• A checklist approach to social compliance auditing that is skewed toward the detection of clerical errors and health and safety questions with yes/no answers — often failing to assess the actual health and safety culture within an operation or the root causes that underpin non-compliances

• Too many criteria to allow companies the opportunity to meet a minimum standard of compliance

• An over-reliance on verification agencies whose practitioners, though often excellent, often also possess limited experience in human rights assessments beyond the parameters of their audit protocols

• A limited appetite of compliance auditors to look beyond their audit protocols to pursue suspicions of fraudulent or inaccurate representations on the part of factories and factory agents — commonly including doctored books, undisclosed outsourcing and coaching of employees in their responses to auditor questions

• Limited stakeholder engagement beyond factory walls to obtain an independent picture of factory conditions

• Tolerance of agents and intermediaries providing incomplete factory listings to downstream companies

• Social compliance standards that have not been updated to reflect the changing demographics of labor forces, i.e., Bangladesh versus China

• Procurements processes that allow company personnel to circumvent the social compliance standard and raise purchase orders for factories that have not had their human rights status assessed

Beyond problems within the implementation of social compliance standards, there are more fundamental problems within modern supply chains themselves.

In the garment sector, countries such as Bangladesh, Haiti, Lesotho and Cambodia represent large and growing sources of production. The reason these countries have become major players has had little to do with a proximity to raw materials or a uniqueness of expertise and much more to do with these countries possessing large volumes of impoverished labor. Furthermore, each of these countries has experienced a bloody civil war in the last 40 years, resulting in the stability of a civil society and rule of law still being relatively nascent. It is therefore optimistic to expect a social compliance checklist to elevate human rights to a Western standard on its own.

The ability of social compliance programs to be effective is also compromised by the price and turnaround times mandated by an increasingly aggressive marketplace. Very often, human rights is the last of three minimum criteria to be met after cost and speed-to-market have been satisfied, and the industry has reached a point where these are becoming mutually exclusive.

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What needs to change?Companies need to use third-party certifiers and auditors more strategically.One of the reasons the social compliance industry has become so commoditized is that the cost of assessing every factory can be enormous. If the average code of conduct audit provided surety of compliance, then this might still be worth it. However, the fact that the present approach to certification has been shown to hide a multitude of sins means companies need to reconsider if this is money well spent.

While it is still important that every factory is assessed against uniform criteria, if the value currently added by outsourcing this to a verification agency is limited, companies could consider training their own quality assurance personnel to perform these assessments themselves. Quality assurance personnel are typically required to visit every producing factory and have a strong sense of what poor performance looks like.

Naturally, the credibility of any company’s social compliance program is still predicated on third-party validation, and with the money saved in internalizing the “check box” component of social compliance, third parties can be engaged to perform more meaningful risk-based assessments. Such assessments should cover a large and representative sample of a company’s factory base and be executed by more experienced practitioners. Also, their scope should be expanded to cover the root causes behind the physical indicators of non-compliance.

Procurement systems need to be tightened to prevent orders from being placed with factories that have not had their social compliance status assessed.Many companies already possess systems that disallow the generation of a purchase order without someone signing off on the social compliance status of factories, and this practice, if implemented broadly, could become a new minimum standard across industry.

Agents and intermediaries need to be brought in line with the social compliance expectations of retailers.The rise in use of major agents and intermediaries has removed much of the knowledge retailers had of the factories producing their goods. The representations of these intermediaries regarding social compliance should not be taken at face value given the growing evidence of undisclosed suppliers and subcontracting within intermediaries’ supply bases.

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Human rights and professional wrongs 5

CAPs need to pursue cultural as well as visual change. Improving health and safety outcomes is as much about driving behavioral change on the part of management and employees as it is improving the quality of physical apparatus. All too often CAPs are cleared on the basis of photographic evidence of a physical improvement (i.e., an unblocked exit or an illuminated exit sign) without any evidence of the development or enhancement of the management systems that should be pursuing continuous improvement in health and safety outcomes. Accordingly, such physical improvements often lapse into non-compliance once manufacturing has actually commenced at that facility.

Tackling the larger problem In the wake of Rana Plaza, numerous industry coalitions have drawn commitments from companies to strengthen their social compliance audit framework and remain more involved in the remediation of the issues identified. Similarly, within the smartphone industry firms are providing a far greater degree of transparency regarding their audit findings and compliance criteria. While this is a positive development, it must be recognized that once a company is at the point of performing a social compliance audit, many of the most important human rights-related decisions have already been made.

For there to be any material improvement in human rights in the modern supply chain, corporations need to incorporate the consideration of human rights much sooner in the business cycle.

Companies need to maintain longer relationships with a smaller number of suppliers.Particularly in the realm of “fast fashion” (and particularly when orders are being placed through an agent), a vast array of factories can be brought on and off stream based on marginal adjustments to the offered price and turnaround time. This substantially undermines the quality of the business relationship and discourages factories from investing in anything other than cosmetic improvements to working conditions. Given that procurement managers are often incentivized on the basis of price and turnaround metrics, a transition toward supplier consolidation based on demonstrated human rights improvement over time will require a partial re-envisioning of what constitutes high performance among procurement personnel.

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This is not to suggest that manufactures should exit high-risk countries such as Bangladesh, which relies on contract manufacturing for a significant portion of its GDP. But it does suggest that if foreign investment is to deliver on the promise of socioeconomic development, it needs to acknowledge the fact that this is never achieved through prescription and only achieved through long-term engagement.

Apparel retailers need to start a conversation with their consumers regarding the price of human rights.Some apparel prices have decreased so dramatically in recent years that they are cheaper in nominal, as well as real terms, than they were decades ago. Given that the cost of raw materials, transportation, developed world wages and rental overheads have all increased over this period, it is clear to see these price reductions are not simply a factor of higher volumes and efficiency.

It is a basic but widely unacknowledged point that any meaningful improvement in human rights in contract manufacturing will need to be reflected in higher prices paid by the consumer.

Recent history has clearly shown that if a company is capable of effectively articulating the improved social and environmental attributes of a product, consumers will act on this in their purchasing decisions. Perhaps the most visible example of this is coffee. Fair trade certified and direct trade coffee — coffee where the grower realizes a higher margin from its crop — is sold at an often significant premium to non-fair trade coffee despite possessing no consistent flavor enhancement. Nonetheless, sales of fair trade coffee are soaring owing solely to the successful articulation of the benefits that accrue to developing country growers. Fair trade and responsible sourcing are now central to the brand promise of a number of coffee-related companies and are enjoying similar growth in the cocoa and sugar sectors.

Engaging consumers and other stakeholders through sustainability reporting and online media can pave the way for what needs to be — for environmental and social reasons — a general transition toward quality over quantity in Western consumption habits.

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Human rights and professional wrongs 7

It’s not just about apparelAlthough recent events have placed the attention of this issue on the apparel and smartphone industries, the issue of human rights is a growing imperative for all companies whose supply chains extend to developing countries.

The agricultural sector, particularly in the context of child labor in the cocoa industry, has much to do to improve its human right status. Furthermore, as universal access to freshwater (an implicit, if not explicit human right) becomes an increasingly challenging and high-profile objective, large-scale consumers of water must pay closer attention to the social and environmental impacts of their withdrawals.

The experience of the conflict minerals legislation (Dodd-Frank Section 1502) and the Californian Supply Chain Transparency Act demonstrates that even for industries not typically associated with human rights controversy, links can be found and legislated for with relative speed. In the context of mining, while the Democratic Republic of the Congo and its neighbors have been identified as the most contentious point of origin for minerals in the supply chain, they are not the only examples of minerals extraction at the point of a gun. Although in other instances the license to mine might be provided by a democratically elected government, this offers no surety that the opposition of local communities is not kept forcibly at bay. The same can be said for the forest products industry.

Although many multinationals endorse the principles of the Global Compact and the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the US legislature’s passing of Dodd-Frank Section 1502 paired with the growing mistrust of certifications means business will increasingly need to show the practice behind their principles in more transparent detail.

What to do next The first step for any company that is contract manufacturing in a developing country is to perform a current state assessment of the human rights risks within their supply chain. This is

irrespective of the investments historically made in social compliance and of the certifications professed by manufacturing entities.

This is not to suggest that every company possesses a false perception of the effectiveness of their social compliance programs. Many industry leaders are taking this issue very seriously and are redesigning their entire social compliance programs accordingly. However, because recent events have cast such doubt on the efficacy of the controls that support these programs internally, as well as the credibility of minimum standards and the methodologies of verification agencies, there are few companies for whom a fresh perspective would not be beneficial.

A social compliance refresh is just one of a number of critical corporate compliance issues competing for executive attention and budget. But we also know that the issues that have thrust human rights on the public agenda are not going to diminish any time soon. While the media’s attention to this subject may wane without another high-profile disaster, the underlying driver of grassroots activism across the developing world will not. Similarly, if companies are concerned by the reputational impacts of recent human rights scandals, it is instructive to note that only a relatively small fraction of the consuming public are currently aware of the issues in question. If, for example, we see a reaction to working conditions in contract manufacturing on the same scale as the reaction to apartheid, the impact on some companies would be devastating.

With that said, a reassessment of the effectiveness of a social compliance program needn’t be exhaustive; rather it should take a risk-based approach — reassessing human rights risk in contexts where risk is greatest (e.g. migrant workforces, least-developed countries, excessively manual processes). Where possible, assessments should be performed using unannounced audits by an experienced, multidisciplinary assessment team, which in many instances can draw extensively on internal resources, in particular, quality assurance, human resources, legal and internal audit.

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Human rights and professional wrongs8

• Does our supply chain touch a Least Developed Country? A least developed country (LDC) is a United Nations designation built on a composite indicator tracking per capita income, human assets (e.g., health, literacy) and economic vulnerability. Although human rights abuses remain common elsewhere, LDCs represent a heightened likelihood of risk owing to the generally greater vulnerability of their citizens. Prominent LDCs in the consumer products supply chain are Bangladesh, Cambodia, Haiti and Lesotho. In the mining sectors they include the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea and Tanzania.

• Have we ever performed an internal audit of our end-to-end social compliance framework? While it is common for companies to have performed validation audits of third-party factory certifiers, it is less common for companies to have performed an internal audit that includes an assessment of the procurement function’s compliance with the social compliance standard as well as an assessment of the overall effectiveness of the program in managing human rights- related risks.

• Do we procure our goods through an agent? While agents present a degree of separation between a factory and a retailer, they do not provide any separation between a human rights controversy and a consumer-facing brand.

• What does our approach to human rights say about us as a company? It would be a disservice to many great companies to suggest that their solitary motivation to remedy human rights abuses in their supply chain is reputational, and so by extension, financial. No company that is proud of its legacy is tolerant of human rights abuses within its supply chain. That they still occur may speak more to a lack of awareness than any conscious disregard. The recent increase in awareness restores the obligation of board members to satisfy themselves, and their shareholders, that corporate codes of conduct are non-negotiable pillars of company identity whether or not anybody is looking.

Questions every board member should be asking his or her officers

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Veli IvanovaPartner/Principal Climate Change and Sustainability Services Ernst & Young LLP +1 720 931 4416 [email protected]

Brendan LeBlancPartner/Principal Climate Change and Sustainability Services Ernst & Young LLP +1 617 585 1819 [email protected]

John DeRoseExecutive DirectorClimate Change and Sustainability ServicesErnst & Young LLP+1 720 931 [email protected]

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