f ahikkhesth. KtltHIK'H TIIKATKR. - (formerly Memphis Theater.) LAVKY A BttOOKS Proptletora and Managers. LAST ATTRACTION OF THE SEA80S! Tkr-- Wla-fct- . Only t Wfd"iMt- - lnee, commencing TL'EdDAY, April iiith. Harlow . . .W ilaon . . .Primros-- ..St. .West's MAMMOTH MI.NSTKELS I se. AKTISTI .S SEATS MOW ON BALK. 10KONATIOM EXTBATA6AIZ&! tv The pnblle Is Informed that the ladles and children connected Kith the coming Extravaganza nave tbe tickets now on hand for sale. 'Beaerred seats for these tickets can be secured, without extra charge.br presetting ibem at Hollenbeig'a Music Store on and after Mar 8d. THREE XLOM'HS IN COLOUAVDO." Obaervatloaa and Alxperleaeee af a Jleaapaiaa amen tke JieaBtalna, Xilaee aad Parka ( the Htw F.l lorad. I IN TWO POPULAR LECTUBE3, BI IlOitf. J. W. CLAPP, or THIS CITT, (For tbe benefit of " Home" Building Fond Ladles' Christian Association). GBFINLA W OPFBAHOU8K, TUESDAY AND FRI- DAY EVKp. INGd, April 27 80tb. at 8 pm. Titkeis. fvO eents. for .ale at ttotlenberg's and th n No reserved swats. The WEEKLY APPEAL AT ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, is one of tho Cheapest Papers in this country. Every farmer in the South ought to have' it. Each number contains as much read- ing matter as an ordinary novel. Its MARKET REPORTS are the fullest and most accura'e .sent from Memphis,andits NEWS COL- UMNS contain everything of in- terest from all parts of .the world. TO KXCUAMUK. OHOTHUN Vine Breecb-loadl- n Shotgun tor Ibs office. NALH OR EXCHANGE. 71 IVi acres pine land 20 miles N. E. of LAND Texas, Lu Montgomery county; 85 mr aero. H i. GUION, Agent. MTBAYED. COWS AND HEIFEB-S- 5 REWARD Frsm TWO taim, on the Paducab road, neat Glencoe, two sows and one heifer; one of tbe cows yellow, with wh e horns; the other black, with white face, back and breast; the heifer Is brown and watte color. Any tnformatloa should be sent to 72 Court utr-e- t, Wemnhls or nr. Knight, fileneoe. KUOflS AN I HOAKD. OOM Nicely furnished rooms for rent to gen tlemen, hi i it) court street. furnished front mom, with board; KOOM-Lar- ge at 6H Madison street. rurnlshed or unluruished, Kith board, HUUM.-- t Buelby street. . OOUSi Nice furnished rooms, cheap, at Kf MAIN TKKKT. WASTS. Cl(f MBN As at.tlon-me- n and Z.)t drivers, on the Natchez and Jacknon Ball- - road. Apply on work, at BAYsiONu, forty miles Iniin VlcKburg sud nnwn trorn Jackson. THu F. DUI'MN BKO., Cot tractors. JjMVE MEN At Calvary Cemetery. Apply to the y AR0ENSK8 TO KNOW That 1 am baying J Utti1 a.i r. aa: win ray nignesi maraei price. nA STONE CUTIERS-S- U perday. Apply at iUU Moi.eynrd, Tweuty-secou- d street and Mo. jracmi KAiiroau. el. lpiih, mo. ANTED-Ma- n and wire to go to the ooontry, Apply t H4 Mulberry street jK AMiLlro To board ti Is summer at the Onlliervllie Hotel. Coillervllle, Tenn. FOB SALE. PHJSTOWS-BlIUIilKS-HAC- KS Pbsttuna, 2 second hand Lot-tor- 4 second-ban- s, ' I aeoo d hand Hall-lo- p Hack, 1 trcond-ban- oix-aei- ti Hhc. All In good repair, and for sale cheap. tVOODRU.K A OI IYER. eocD MULKS-- ln good order tor hard 12 work, tor sale at HOrjTHBBN OIL W0HK& With Single ABABIN-TOP-BUHG- Y lor Jfia6, original cost fi0; basbetn lu uaoonli six uioiuhi": aMdasufW. lu- gulieai . W. JcMies A Co 's. or Woodiun QllTtrr. I ilLLUHb--l AbLK And lt ball POOL, TABLE J J both In gxou order; only bae been Used six roonuia. Apply wcrysuu raiaos oa'"-- u. ta, M BASACO. AiD BINOKHV il 1 brtl A L- Qui ijlilNTlNU quautlty of seea.ud-han- d materbu for sale. In quiiutlea to suit Tbe above material compiles the estsbllsbment Of the late Boyia Printing company, wuicn we now own. b. C. TOOK A CO., Uemphls. E AND Bn lLk.u chatting, pulleis and bainters. eomiileie. 1. V. PATB1CK. I.LOlihlMi AdU CORN-MIL- CHEAP In Drat-- X' class oronr, ir application li made immediately) engine 12 Inch cylinder and h stroke. Also, a bteant K Ire tuMlne, uf Lslta's make, UDClniutu. Inquire ht CMrtntrnoo. Heconn tnt. 20B IKIUVT. KOOVS-tieiite- el. well turntsbed; 13 rooms, on near iMMUueasi Jaige grouiuis lu I irolt; bathroom, bain, etc.; aood Tie of nvtr, city buildings, etc.; will rcut for tbe euminer to good fanulf. J. G(iLb-tHU-Y- . Ieiipo t. 1 rt-- lj.nl os inK Mullck' out looms, in thor- - J.. ornin repair, pleasant locution, large lord, good pure water, at reasonable rent. B17 MADP-O- 6TBBKT. HOlioK-H- Ht LlnUeii stiett, 8 room; by U. jr. Phillips. Esq.; In good repair; balli-rouu- w.tler. gas and otlier eoneiitros. io J. U. (Jl'IGtkY. a3l trout st A HEALTHY, d bill pltu of 100 M miles I torn tue elty; large bouse In good onirr; plenty ol com, bay and fodder on the Also weiluug.-2.- 10 and 2S3 Desoto street. 1 Moebr atreet. , 170C'arroll avenue. 1h7 Waaliliigtun .treat H5H JcRrrson street extended. H 2 Maoli-o- s. reel extended. Cornet Butler and Groigia streets. Apply to A M. bOVD BON3. iAbl on Uidiauu street, now occupied CX1AL O. B. hryan 4 Co. HKIDENCha Nos. 105 and 100 Hadtson, and 122 Court street. Apply to B. K Bnowden, or J rt. UiHiDLtlK. HH Madison. OUaa A laige auu uoiumooious aouae, eon id la ninit thirteen rooms, auu two detached CoT- - THKdof two rooms each, wt.b a good spring and aganieu .pot, at aewanee, leuneuee. xne nouae Is paitly tunilshed, and L suitably located for a board uighouae and hotel. For terms, etc., apply to T. fl. A KM 6T HUNG, Sewanee. entr.klln county. Tenn. K OOM Large untumlahud front room, wttb small room conuecttr g. can be bad, wltb good board, 17 Court street. Beterences required. I UOMH s itriuHbed or unfurnished, single or In XV suits, villi out board; apartments suited tor ilKhUmusekeepliig. at 101 Jefferson street "f OOM3 j'uriilsbed rooms, d to $8 per mouth, I at (7 Jffro" "trt. Attention, Itadies ! Sale of Jewelry and Fancy Goods I OFFKB FOB SALE A LAUGH STOCK OF feald-Plate- d Braceleta (Ladles' A Children's) Neahlaeea, Heta, "Loekela, laaltatlaa Ulaasaad ttssds (mounted In gold) Arftdlea' aad Sjieata' Watelieaalaa. ALSO, AN lBBEJiSK HTOtli. or JET HOODS ! AT A GBSAT SACBIFICB. tVAU goods warranted as represented. --AH JET 1'ALACE, 873 ST.... I ROESOHEB. A'GT. UIJKKASWAUK. CHAP.LES N. ERICH, DIRECT IHPOBTKB OF Bohemian Glassware, French & American China, QUEEUSWARE! fc?KUlA-LTIK- S I Bar-ixtarr- a. Mirrara, etc Aaaeraale iMe AAalrea, Vaatara.ete Hatel aad avtaaaabaat IV are. 321 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn . v.. IMAM Carload Fine Bananas 1 75 to $2 50. Ta arrive Taaraday. tl April. fSead 1m year ardera early. 6 cars Choice Lemons 91 to 4 50. 2 cars Fancy Lemons $5 OO. , All saaraateed aoaad aad la 11 ae ahlpwlaa arder. tSveclal prleea anade aa BO aad IOO box lata. Oliver. FinniB & Co I WHOLESALE GROCERS, MEMPHIS. LOCAL PARAGRAPHS. Cold raing prevailed last night. The wild geese are fifing northward. The gentle rain commenced falling yes- terday afternoon. Spring is opening through dry goods and millinery stores. Nothing of pubtio interest transpired at the criminal court yesterday. The minstrels will give their closing per- formance at the Theater Sooth Memphis Masonio lodge worked in the Fellow-Crat- t degree last night. the residents of Byhalia, Mis-eissip- will hold a testival at the institute. Half a dczen arrests for drunkenness and dir orderly conduct were made by the police yesterday. Memphians continue to step off to Nash- ville to witness the races and the centennial exposition. Grand Chancellor . S. Mallory was re- ceived by the Knights of Pythias at their hall last night, Nashville is one hundred years old, and yet holds on to the bottle with a Gargantuan gnp sour-mas- h. At Olympic park on Sunday next the Kiversides and Memphis Jtslues will play game of base-bal- l. Residents of Beale and adjacent streets complain that the gas-lam- are not lighted until alter nine o clock. nieht at the Greenlaw opera hause Eon. J. W. Clapp will deliver his second lecture on Colorado. The Otev sermon will be preached to night at St. Mary's cathedral, on Poplar street, by Kev. Dr. LUlzell. At St. Mary 'a cathedral y the Protestant Episcopal convention for tbe dio cese of lennessee will again be 10 session. Barney Hughes, in his Rail'ray Record, says that some of the open benches awaiting sewer-pipe- s might be utilized by laying with' in them a few sensationalists. Ralf Brown, colored, the murderer of Noah Greenlaw, colored, was conveyed from the stationhouseto the county jail yesterday, on a warcant issued by bsquire Vjutgiey. The Chickasaw Guards, fortv-si- stronsr. were out drilling Tuesday night. They are hard at work preparing for the centennial competitive drill contest to come ott at Nash ville. Contagious diseases reported yesterday: Ida Ccgbill, city hospitel, scarlet fever; Panl Dilhard, Daisy Dilliard, Adele Dtlliard, 86 Madison street, measles; kX Ueamish, 114 Madison street, measles. The Jtaiiwaa Record, for May, Colonel Barney Hughes, editor and proprietor, is out and in circulation, its contents are witty and amusing, and its circulation large. It is de livered free of charge to any address. The vocal and instrumental concert which was to have come oft last night at the Casino hall had to be postponed on account of the rain. Tbe concert will take place next Monday evening, under the leadership of rrot Schulze. Saturday next, at the courthouse, tbe Democracy of the city and county will meet in for the curpoae of select ing delegates to the State convention, in June, and tor tbe purpose ot selecting an ex- ecutive committee. - The Democratic mass-meetin- g, to be held next Saturday at the courthouse, should be attended by every Democrat in the city. Delegates to the State convention will be se lected. It is time for the Democrats to be interesting themselves in the August election The marriage licenses issued oa yester day, by the county court clerk, are as fol lows: Whites ii. U. Koark and Adelia K Oldbam, L. H. Springer and Margaret A. Daily. Colored Ribert Bolton and Corne lia Rawnngs, L. D. Key and A. D. Day, Ueorga Hunter and uattie wens, John Ual-bo- nn and Jennie Williams, Joe Hopkins and Saliie ifarrett. The way she wears the spring head- gear hag eliminated the following from the poet: She passed down the street with a stately tread, bbe nodded, and smiled and laughed; While her bonnet clung on to the back of her bead And sailed along merrily, art. Sba looked as the ugh she bad left the door. Unable her bonnet to find, And It bad rushed out, as she passed on before And was hurrying on behind. . Judge Horrigan, of the criminal court, rules tnat a magistrate, under the small of- fense law, after a person has been adjudged guilty and fined, cannot remit the fine on payment of costs; that the magistrate may remit the Sae. the minimum two dollars each for State and county, aad that then the hues must be paid before the costs are paid. ihe case will be taken up to tbe supreme court to test the issue. Remitting fines on payment of costs in such cases creates quite a revenue for magistrates and constables, and deprives the State and county of their reve- nue in fines, Messrs. J. Sharp M 'Donald & Co.. of Pittsburg. Pennsylvania, who have a contract with the city to furnish block-ston- rubble and macadam for street improvements, are now discharging thegreater portion fir wbich their contract calls, on the levee at the foot of Monroe street. This stone is being deliv- ered a month in advance of the time speci fied in the contract, owing to the urgent re quest made to Messrs. M 'Donald & Vc. by the city authorities to hasten up the stone. Credit is due to the contractors for so dili gently complying with this request. The Nashville American, of the twentv- - eighth, says: "The centennial is to close with a magnificent display ot nreworks.wbich will, perhaps, be the finest ever witnessed in the south. Mr. Peter Tracy, of Memphis, who has obtained quite a fame for his success in getting up pyrotechnic exhibitions, is in the city endeavoring to secure an eligible spot for the display and sufficiently large to accommodate ten thousand sight-seer- s. He proposes to excel the splendid displays of fireworks given by him in Memphis on Julj4, 137a and 18 a. The brst exhibition was wit- nessed by over thirty-fiv- e thousand persons. The coming display will occur during mili- tary week ot tbe centennial, and will make one of the moat attractive feature of the cele- bration." THE MAGAZINES. North Amerleaa Bevlew. In the North American Review for May, Ex-Jud- Jere S. Black continues the very interesting series of papers on the third-ter- m question begun in the February number. His article, published in the Appeal, is en- titled, " General Grant and Strong Govern- ment," and its purpose is to show, first, that the limitation of tenure of cilice in the Presi- dency to two terms is a fundamental prin- ciple of our republican form of government; and, secondly, that not only does disregard of that principle threaten the permanency of republican institutions, but that Grant's third candidacy is actually a plot to revolutionize i he republic and introduce monarchy. Mr. Leslie Stephen writes of "The Religion of all Sensible Men," and speculates on the pros- pect of that religion displacing the present creeds of the multitude. Tbe creed of the future, he says, must be capable of assimila- ting modern scientific theories. George Tick-n- or Curtis continue bis series of article on "M'Clellan's Last Servioe to the Republic." These paper are specially valuable on ac- count of the large number of hitherto unpub- lished documents which they contain. Mr. Francis H. Underwood contributes on essay on R. W. Emerson and bis writings; and an nnonymous writer labor to show that the United State government cannot, consis- tently with th Monroe doctrine, permit the construction of an American Isthmian canal, unlet the same shall be controlled solely by cisatlantic government.. The notice of new 331 THE MEMPHIS DAILY :'"AJggKAL' lFBIL 29, JLSSO. books are by Mr. Axel. Gostafsdn. Tbe Re- view is sold by booksellers and newsdealers generally. mu KttlMm, Rev. Washington Gladden' article on "The Disadvantages of City Boys," in a re- cent number of St. Nicholas, attracted wide attention from boys and their parents. It is understood tbat the May number of this magazine will have a paper "of special inter- est to the girls, "A Talk with Girls and their Mothers," compiled, like the former article, from replies to circulars sent out to success- ful people, asking about their own early life. The boys are not to be neglected in tbe May ncmber, for Noah Brooks begins his base- ball story, "The Fau-por- t Nine," in that is- sue, and there is said to bj an unusual quan- tity of the rhymes and jingles which have made St. Nicholas so famous for all the little folks. To this magazine (greatly to the sur- prise of editors and publishers, who had not entered it for competition, nor thought of doing so) has just been awarded the first prize offered by the Massachusetts society for the prevention of cruelty to animals, for the publication which beet explains and de- fends the caaBe of mercy to animals. In mentioning this the New York Evening Post ays: "What St. Nicholas has done lor the right in this respect has been done simply in the course of its uniform labors for the butld-in- r ud ot sound manlv and womanlv charac ter among its young readers, tnd its work is entitled to the pnzj awarded, rather as a testimony to the uniform character of the magazine than as the reward of special effort." - . . PERSONAL. Ho. Johx Park was in the city yester- day, and left for New York city last night. Pkof. Saxby'b select hop fFri-da- y) night at Casino hall, with Prof. Arnold's full orchestra. Captain DePbiestk, the Appeal" rive and rail reporter, leaves to-da- y on a trip to tiis Arkansas home. He will be back within a week. The many friends of Rev. W. M. Patter- son, formerly of this city, now missionary in the Republic of Mexico, will be sorry to learn under what difficulties that geptteraan has to prosecute his work in that country, as is in- dicated by the following paragraph from the Two Republics, published in the City of Mexico: "Oa last Tuesday, on the road from Cuernavaca, about three leagues north of that city, the diligence was attacked by a band of robbers, estimated variously at from twelve to twenty men, well armed. The pas- sengers were not only robbed of their money and jewelry, but they were maltreated. Rev. W. M. Patterson, who was just returning from a visit to his church in that vicinity, was among the passengeis and was most brutally treated. As he came down from the coach he was struck on the back of the neck with a gun, which prostrated him to the ground. When he arose he was again struck in the face and fired at from behind, the charge of the gun carrying off the rim of his hat. Mr. Patterson is very badly injured and consider- ably disfigured." AM.USEM.ENTS. eabrle'a Theater. The Barlow, Wilson, Primrose and West minstrels gave a matinee yesterday and a performance last night at the Theater. Both exhibitions were well attended and were en- joyed. The company is composed of excel- lent artists in their peculiar specialties and general line of business. New songs and iestswere introduced. Tbe troupe will ap pear again which will close their engagment. LAW REPORTS. CIrealt Coart Baa. James O. Fierce. The calendar for Friday, is as follows: 6270, Memphis cotton-see- d associa- tion vs. Jackson Hardin; 6271, same vs. St. Paul fire and marine insurance company; 6272, same vs. same; 6273, Hooper and wife s. Smith and wife; 6276, Perkins vs. Q 6277, Campbell vs. Godey; 6279, German Casino vs. Schloos; 6281, Taxing-Distri- ct vs. Castignini; 6237, Hightower vs. Morrison; 6239, Taxing-Distri- vs. Apper-so- n; 6290, same vs. Tennessee club; 6291, same vs. Fisher; 6292, same vs. Bradford; 6293, same vs. Wahington; 6294, same vs. German Casino; 6925, same vs. Carver; 6296, same vs. Speed; 6293, same vs. Maennerchor club; 6299, same vs. Leubrie; 6300, Berton vs. Foahrinz. LETTERS PROM. THE PEOPLE. far BaerilT. Editors Appeal Permit me to suggest the name of Hon. D. C. Slaughter for the next sheriff of this county, a on whom all parties could unite. Mr. Slaughter served the people of Tipton county for eight years in this capacity; his record as such commends him to every honest voter in Shel by countv : be was elected by the people re gardless of party or color; he was the peo- ple's sheriff, and the very day he resigned the office to represent his district in the State senate he settled pis accounts as sherin in lull and got a clear receipt. Mr. Slaughter has filled other positions of trust and responsibil ity, and never, in a single instance, proven recreant to his trust. He has an unblemished record: is honest and capable; a thorough business man; possesses all the requisites to make a 4o. 1 sherin. He is a laboring man ; was raised on a farm near the Shelby county line; is fully identified in interest with the laboring as well as the basinets community, and 1 do hope the people will make him their next Bheria. tax payeb. Eminent Dr. W. A. Greene, Macon, Ga. Writes: "I cheerfully state that I have tested the virtues and efficiency of Colden's Lie-big- 's liquid extract of beef in my private practice in case ot general debility, weak ness, depression, dyspepsia, loss of appetite and nervous affections, when medicine had proven more than useless. I have found it tbe best remedy 1 ever used in cbronic alcohol la m. when the stomach is always irritable and food required to nourish." Sold by leading druggists. Carriage Repairing I Carriages and vehicles of all kinds repaised in tbe best manner at moderate rates. WOODRUFF & OLIVER. It r own & Jones. Plttobar-- , Bhotwell aad Caanel Coal. CS Uala atrefc. Who is Sirs. Winsloirf As this question is frequently asked, we will simply say that she is a lady who, for upward of thirty years, has untiringly de voted her time and talents as a female phy- sician and nurse, principally among children. She has especially studied the constitution and wants of this numerous class, and, as a result of this effort, and practical knowledge. obtained in a .lifetime spent as nurse and physician, she has compbunded a soothing syrup lor children teething. It operates like magic, giving rest and health, and is, more over, sure to regulate tbe bowels. In conse- quence of this article, Mrs. Winslow is be- coming world-renowne- d as a benefactor of ber race; children certainly do rise np and btss b(r: especially is tnis the case in this city. Vast quantities of the soothing eyrup are daily sold and used here. We think Mrs. Winslow has immortalized ber name by this invaluable article, and we sincerely believe thousands ot children have been saved horn an early grave by its timely use, and that millions yet unborn will share its benefit and unite in calling her blessed. No mother has discharged her duty to her suffering little one, in our opinion, until she has given it the benent ' ot Mrs. Winslow s soothing syrup, Try it, mothers, try it now. Ladies' Visitor. New lork city. bold by all druggists. Twenty-fiv- e cents a bottle. The Doctors Yielding. Ever since Prof. Green wrote to the Medi cal Record advising physicians everywhere to use the bate Kidney and Liver Cure in their practice, it has been gaining in favor with the profession. J. hey can find nothing wbich is a substitute for it. R. Caulkins, M.D., of Rochester, New York, saya he would now prescribe it to all who are afflict- ed with serious kidney and liver diseases. diet the Gennine Article. The great popularity of "Wilbor's compound of cod-liv- er oil and lime" has induced some unprincipled persons to attempt to palm off an article ot their own mantuacture; out any person who is suffering from coughs, colds, or consumption, should be careful where they this article. It requires no puffing, furchase of its use are its best recommen- dations; and the proprietor has ample evi- dence on file of its extraordinary success in complaints, The phosphate of Eulmonary a most marvelous healing power, as combined with the pure cod-liv- oil by Dr. Wilbor. It is prescribed by the medical faculty. Sold by A. B. Wilbor, chemist, Boston, and all druggists. Awnings JIattressea. it. BU TTK.1BKBU, 31 Beeoad at. French Steam Dye-Work- s. Ladies' and gentlemen' goods dyed and cleaned at Lows Reigwl '..58 Jeftprson street. War swelter from heat when Staffer's soda and mead can be naLt all hour ? TUB IIIJKDEK. Statement af the Colored Woman, As-;al- e, aa to the Killlaa: mt Jilaa tteedall by ITraak. Wella, bath Colored Jealoasr aad BlTalrjr the Caaaea. Annie Goodall, the colored woman about whom "Jack," alias Jim Goodall. was shot and killed on Tuesday night last at No. 225 Madison street, has been arrested by tbe po- lice and is held as a witness against the murderer. An Appeal commissioner visited tbe woman at the stationhouse yesterday. She was lying on a mattress in the dark cell, in the third stjry of the prison. A colored turnkey showed our man up the winding stairs, and struck a match to light the way and light the gas. The conversation that ensued was aa follows : Reporter Annie, what was your husband's name wasn't it Jack? Annie Yes, sir; we called him "Jack," but his name was Jim Goodall. Reporter Was he your husband? Annie No, sir, I was never married to him, but we used to live together, but he took up with another woman and lived with her. He used to come out to see me some nights and I used to give him something to eat. He worked on a boat as a roaster. Reporter What do joa know about the killing? Annie I know nothing about it. Me and Jack were sitting in tbe room. I was sewing, when some one knocked at the door. Jack said, "Who's there?" A man opened tbe door and put his head in; it was Frank Wells, a big yellow nigger who sometimes worked on the river, and was driving a store cart on the streets. Jack said, "What do you want?" Frank said, "I want nothing." Jack then said, "You go away from here; nobody want you." Jack then got np; he had an open pocket-kait- e in his hand, and followed Frank out on the porch to the yard. Jack kept saying, "Yon had better get away from here;" and Frank said, "Had 1?" Just then some one fired a pistol, and Jack came back with his hand on his breast, and said, "Annie, Frank shot me." Jack then ran and rapped on Mrs. Maloney's room door. She got up and asked Jack who shot him. He said, "Wait awhile and I will tell you." He came back to mytoom and told me to go for a doctor. I went, and could not find the doctor. When I got back Jack was dead, and I wag arrested. Reporter Did Jack and Frank ever have any row before about you? Annie They had once iefore abont Frank coming to see me. I never lived with Frank. The police know Frank Wells and are on the lookout for him, and it is believed they will be able to secure his arrest. The colored woman, Annie, is of bad character, but she tells a tolerably straight story as to the affair. She had been living with both men, and the killing of one by the other was the conse- quence. THE WATEK CU1HAJY To be Iadleted aa a Nalaaaee and Proae-eate- d Kx-wflle- lo by the Attoraey-deaer- al Water Company Mnapeada Work. The work progressing under the direction of tbe water company for the past tew days, in extending their lints for the supply of sewer connections and other water supply, was brough. to a sudden termination yester day by an order of the criminal court direct ing the indictment of said company as a nuisance. On inquiry at the office of the company it was ascertained that their street force of twenty men was discharged for the present, and pending negotiations relating to new filtering machinery and reservoirs work had been suspended and would not be resumed until the question whether or not the company is a nuisance is determined by the criminal court. The company will make no charges in its supply to all present consumers, but no additional connections will be made either to private residences or sewer-tank- s. Judge .Latham, president of the company, does not S3em in the least disturbed by the threatened proceedings. All he desires is that tne question oe iuny in vestigated without delay. The new order made by Judge Horrigan, ot the criminal court, as to the Memphis water company is aa fol lows: "It appearing to the satisfaction of the court, from the report mide to tu;a court on the twenty-thir- d day ot December, 18y, by the attorney-genera- l, that the Memphis water company are in probable violation of tbe provisions of their charter, and that the same have become and are a public nuiaance, and it further appearing to the court that no person has or will come forward to prosecute said company; it is therefore ordered by the court that the attorney-gener- al proceed, as prosecutor ex officio, to prefer an indictment airainst said Memphis waterworks company for a nuisance. It is further ordered that the attorney-genera- l prosecute all other cor poratiocs in this county found violating the laws of this btate. IMPORTANT ORDEBS lasaed. by Jadce Borrlaraa to tho At toraey-Oeaer- al aa to the Boad Law, Blaebadlaar PBtreeta with Cot- ton and Paella; by Com- mon Carriers. The following orders with reference to the road law, street blockade and pooling by common carriers were entered of record at the criminal court yesterday by order of Judge Horrigan. It will be seen that the attorney-gener- al has been ordered to investi- gate and prosecute all violators of the laws relerred to. THE BOAD LAW. It it Ordered. That the attorney-eener- ascerta In. by careful Inquiry or otherwise, whether or not tbe road-la- w of this State Is executed in Shelby county. W hr never road ove rseers are found neglectful in the discbarge of their Important Irusi, they should be mulcted ana proeeejiea wuo zaau in me opinion of tbe court, a rigid enforcement ot tbe road-la- is as Important If not more, to the general welfare of tbe public as tbe execution ot tbe law against petit laiceny. The attorney-gener- will give the road- - ovemeers all or tne legal assistance necessary to aid them in the enioroement oi tne roaa-ia- BLOCKADING STBBKTS. It is further Ordered, Tbat tbe attorney-gener- will prosecute all persons who hereafter use tbe streets of Uemphls to tbe prejudiced the public by storing cotton or other articles in tbe streets. All persons so using tbe streets shall be prosecuted lor maintaining a pumie nuisance. COMMON CABBIEBS POOLING. It is farther Ordered. That tbe attorney-gener- al see wbetoer or not any of tbe common carriers have made unlawful combinations in regard to the sblp-me-ut of merchandise. If such combination come wlibln tbe law ot conspiracy, or any other breach of tbe criminal law, steps should be taken to break np si.cii combination oy a vigorous enioroement oi the law. TUE CONVENTION Of the Protestant JtplseoDal Chorea for the IMoeeee or Teaaeoaee la tsea-alo- In this City Proeeed-laa- a Yeaterday. The forty-eigh- th annual convention of the Protestant Episcopal church met yesterday in St. Mary a cathedral, there being present at the opening service not more than about half the clerical and lay deputies, though later in the day a much larger number ap- peared in the session. Tbe sermon was preached by R.v. Wm. C. Gray, of St. James's church, Bolivar. Tbe convention or- ganized and Rev. Dr. Harris secre- tary. A long list of committees was ap- pointed, when a recess was taken to half-pas- t four o'clock. " The afternoon session was occupied in the reading of the bishop's annual address by the secretary, the bishop himself being una- ble to use bis voice. To-da- y the convention will get fairly to work, and in the afternoon will visit in a body tbe Church Home. Thn Otey sermon will be preached by Rev. Dr. Dal-zel- l. How History ICecalls the Fast. Some twenty-fiv- e years ago all England was convulsed by tbe discovery made that Sir James Grabame, the then postmaster-general- , bad taken the liberty of opening mails addressed to private citizens. It re- sulted in his removal in disgrace. This re- calls tbe wise decision recently made by Hon. D. M. Key, the postmaster-general- , who has ordered that letters to M. A. Dauphin, New Orleans, Louisiana, or at 319 Broadway, New York city, relative to the Louisiana State lot- tery company, be forwarded without inter- ference, being convinced of its being honest- ly conducted. Baggies A Phaetons! We now have on hand the largest and most complete stock of Beacciee, ISprlag; TVagaasaaa Phaetoaa ever brought to this city, in the sale of which we are prepared to offer superior induce- ments. Woodruff & Oliver, 175. 177 and 179 Xlaln Street. Hie, lads and lassies! hie away! Nor brook a single boar's delay, If you wou.d carry In your mouth White leetb and odors of the south. Baste, haste, and buy a single font Ot the unrivalled S' ZODONr. Bay Jordaa'a Ice-crea- m aad oafee-tleaerle-e, 140 31atn atreet. Beat and eheapoat. Flojd's Candies Art always the same. Caramels every day. Remember the littls ones and get them a box of Floyd's candies, . FOR SALE 1171T---rlX-m- I. THE GREAT MALARIAL ANTIDOTE OF THE! AGE. Safe, Certain, Sure and Speedy, NEYERFAILSTO CURE . The only article known thatWill erad(oateW disease fierrrernenfyfromXhe sysfen, J.C.RICHARDSON. SOLS PROPRIETOR GeneralAeents, RICHARDSON & CO. WHOLESALE. DRUGGISTS. LOUIS VERYVHERE. T1IK NEW SEWJSKS threat Baeeras Beaalta of an In- spection Yesterday by Bxperta, Accompanied by aa Appeal Cemanlaaleaer. An Appeal commissioner yesterday ac companied a committee of experts on a tour of inspection of the sewerage work, under the guidance of Colonel Waring and his as- sistant, Mr. Metcalf, Dr. R. W. Mitchell (.resident member) and Dr. 1. W. iieilly (in- spector), of the National board of health. Sections of the various sized pipes had been uncovered; man-hole- s and fresh-ai- r inlets exposed, and Hush-tan- arranged, so aa to show the internal economy of the system in all its workings. At the head of a six-inc- h lateral tbe Hush-tac- k was tonnd to discharge its contents, about one hundred and twelve gallons, in thirty-fiv- e seconds. At one thousand feet, this volume of water, having traversed tbe distance in less than three minutes, still filled the pipe to fully two-third- it capacity, and poured onward with a velocity ot nearly four miles an hour, an irresistible current which swept the smooth surface of the pipe fieih and clean from every trace even of the tofc, adherent, impalpable silt of our Wolf river water, in the hfteen-inc- h main the current was found to be at tbe rate of two feet per second, while at the Jackson street outlet, where the! mam is temporarily dis charging through! a six-inc- pipe into the bayou, the velocity was abont six feet per secund. All doubts as to euthjieccv or em cieccy most be effectually set at rest by these figures. 1 he mot pertcct demonstration was at this latter point, where a volume ot sew age occupying a curve of about twelve inches on its surface by tour inches deep in the nf- - teen-inc- h mam, and flawing at the rate of one and a quarter miles per hour, was fj acted through the six inch pipe with a velocity of nearly five miles an hour in a volume whose curve-surfac- e was only six inches, with a depth ot three inches. The were considerably surprised at these re suits, and it needed much of j icstruc t'.on br the experts befo.-- e the theory and ex plana! ion were comprehended. Fortuuatelv. the guliy through which the sewage now beds its way from tbe end of the bavun. furnished ample illustration. Where the chancel of this gully widened cut, the fl w diminished decidedly, wrule oa the cthtr hand, where tbe channel was con stricted, the . velocity was markedly accelerated. The principle involved in our Memphis sewer system was perfectly exemplified in the flow through this gully, even to the stranding of paper, refuse, etc., in the retarded movement of the wider portions (the analogue) of the large sewer) and the resistless rush and scour ot tne stream in the narrow constrictions. One feature which seemed to strike tbe ma jority of the committee most forcibly, and to elicit the most outspoken commendation, was the wonderful effect or the fasignincant-look- , ing little tiie drains. Alone Washington street, where the ditch diggers had to be en- cased in Boynton suits to keep them from sinking in the "loblolly" of made land, the ground is now firm and hard. Rod after rod of the pipes hereabouts had to be set on piles driven through this slush into the ground beneath. The sides of the ditches. despite elaborate plp.nking and shor ing, caved . in time and 'again ana Slices - ot three or more feet in width repeatedly fell in before the work was completed. Sections of the- - worst places were exposed yesterday, and the heaviest of the laborers were made to get into the excavations and jump violently upon the pipes, which withstood the shock with no more yielding or tremor than the rock of Gibraltar. If no other repult than this had been obtained, the relief from the effects of our satnr.it id sub-so- il would be worth the money expended. But the unhesitating ver dict of the committee is that the system is a success, and before summer's heat is upon us we should have completed tbe most per- fect, tho mcst economical, and the most com mon sense system of sewerage and drainage in tne uniLeu otates, ir not in tne world. Economy is Wealth. Gents' clotbinp dyed, cleaned and repaired by I. Isaacs, 270 Second street, oposite Court onarn. rYiAinnhi.. rannr-Bnoa- . STEAMBOATS. FOR ARKANSAS RIVER. Memphis and Pine Bluff U. 13. Mall Line. For Pine man, Litue hock, ana tnrongn to rort Smith str. Rlarlin Siieed, jpmj Id. Nowland master I J. N. Thompson dark Lea,es as above SATURDAY, Hay 1st, at 5 p.m. ur ubikiii ur vtutnagv apply w JOHN N. HAHRIN. BuD't. 9021 Front St. FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. 8t. Einla and Tleksbarg Anchor l.lwe u. m. amuFOR vaiko aud hi. lows. . Colorado, Ji Sam M'Pheeters master. Will leaye tbe Anchor Line wharlboat THI9 DAT. April 2ih, at 5 p.m. For freight or passaee apply SO A TV STORf. 8ilDt on ritfMi. FOR VICKSBUKU. t Loam and Vlrk.barc A.rhnr Line I'nlt-- d Uttutfm Mail iOH YICK8BUKQ. City of Helena, M'Kee master. Will leave tbe Ancbor Line wbarfboat FBIDAT. April SOtb. at 10 a.m. For freight or passage apply to AD STORM, Suo't. on wbarf bnet. FOR ST. FRANCIS K1VER. Memphis and St. Krancls U. S. Mall Line - bteamer lsalesville. JsSZsk O. K. Joplln master A. L. Banning cierk umvw Aiflinpuis lu&bUAt ana vkiuai, o p.m., for Marlanna. the Cut-of- and all Intermediate land ings. For freight or passaee apply on board, or to I. II K I It I. till. I FOR OSCEOLA. Trl-Week- ly CM. Mall Packet For Ran- - ooipn, uiioo. usceoia and way landings Btr. Osceola ISelle, Henry Cooper master I Wm. Smlthers cierk Will leave MemDbls even MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FU1DAY. at 5 p.m. For tnformatloa apply on board, or to Nn. 3 Madison .feet LEE LINK STEAMERS. For fcileadale. Helena and rnar Point James Lee, Stack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow... clerk Will leave as above on every MONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FBIDAY, at 4 p.m. FOR ARKANSAS CITY & GREENVILLE. Adam. Htal-wrrkl- y ('. M. Mall Lle- e- or Arkansas Olty, Pine Blurt Ballroed, Greenville, and all way landings Ihe elegant steamer Ouachita ISelle, jS3a Mark B. Cheek. ..matter I A. L. dimming. Leaves aa above EVKUY MONDAY and THURS- DAY. t fi p m m- -. Nn, ft Wrull.nn itiMt FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS. HILT HAKKV M.1F. flempala White stiver aad HlaenBjver V. la. Ball Packet. for Indian Bar, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devall'i uiuH, oes Arc, Augusta, Jacksonpon, west Point, Searcy, Batesvllle, Powhattaa, and Pocahontas. The new steamer olosie Harry, jSffr M. B. Harry, captain. Walker Outlaw, dark. Leaves Memphis on and after November 2d, even SATURDAY, at 6 p.m., connecting direct with the new Black river U. S. mall packet MILT HAKBY for Powbaltan and Pocahontas, and with Dalit Paeka to Batesvllle and Upper White river. i i urauKu laies to an points. s Freight eenalimed to Mtlt Harrv Line. Memnhl. n i Terrene will be promptly forwarded. I B. w. UonlBUtuia, Jr., Agent, 6 Madison it, I ITMII-lILyQ- I ! BRMD BIJOBITIOEI ; JSk A C R O T li o I R S I T C S DRESS FABRICS I SILKS! ?T PARASOLS, LACES THIS WEEK GREAT AND SPECIAL SALE ! Milk Crown Turbans, 75 cents formerly $1 25. Leghorns, 50c, 75c, 91. 81 25. Double-widt- h French Buntings. 65 cents all shades for assortment and quality. xLansuedoc Fichus, 25 cent". Our .Pelerines at 1 25. Wraps balance of stock at astonishingly low figures. Trimmed Mats Sew designs just in. Flower Department Host complete in the elty. remer 3 OK ! a L. AVERY, President ARE iGrzog Co Moil Ton FINE CUSTOM-MAD- E CLOTHING! SPRING STOCK JVSf XCECKIVKD. GENTS' FLIEN1&HING GOODS LATENT BTlTIiKi. Suits Made to Order GOOD GOODS LOW PRICES 305 MAIN ST. MAMUACl'LTBINQ TOP AND LADIES' SKELETON AND WAGON SULKIES, LANDAUS, BAROUCHES, Etc. EXAHIIC OUR "TIMKES" BPJBIse. Write for Catalogue and full Information to Wheeler Carriage Company, : Louisville, Ky. School Books! CLAPP & BUGGIES! Booksellers, Stationers, Blankbook Manufrs 1NT3Z XXHLX3V TEIIS. 315 Main street, ; ; Memphis, Tennessee WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OK MEBCHANTS TO OUR UNUSUALLY LARGE AND WE well asuortrd mock of ttlank. .ill tiool a.oh., Nratloaery, fete.. JCte., wblcb we Offr at VBRY LW FtHURKS F Prompt attention irlvon ti orrtrw A. VACCARO. 7? B. VACCARO. . A. VACCA.RO & CO., ' IMPORTERS A1 IN Wines, Liquors and Cigars, HXTo. BQ-- FrorJit St. TVTeTja.Tala.lci. . 91. C. FKARCE. PEARCE, SUGGS & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cotton and Commission Merchants, No. 258 Front Street, Memphis, Tenn. (Particular Attention to the Sale ot Cotton.i51 STEAMBOATS. FOR COMMERCE DAILY. The Blesant Accommodating Bends Packet, MilvertUorn, iSoLl S. H. Whitehead. . .master I Nell Booker clerk Leaves Memphis Dally, at 5 o'clock p.m. Por rreigni or passage apply on noara, or No. 8 m tret. tfOR WHITE K1VKK. Memphis & White River Packet. Bearnlar Xlemphla and White River Packet Vor Ansusta, Jackxonpon Searcy, and way points. Tbe regular Independent Packet II ABD CASH, 323 Ed. C. Postal master I Charles Postal clerk WHI leave Hempbla EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 5 p. in.' Vor frebibt or passage apply to a. W. LlUttlBUBKB. "a 7 Monroe St., opp. Pea body betel 3, T. WAPHINHTOW Im w...'j FOR LOUISVILLE AND CINCINNATI Memphis & Ohio River ii2iPACKET COMPANYv. FOB Cairo, Louisville and Cincinnati 8TE ASl E RS ANDY BALM, COS MILLAR, JAMES W. 6AFF, TINT SHISKLE, JAS. D. PARKER, YlRtilE LEE. Steamers of this line leave Meraifhts for CAIRO, Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays AT 5 OCLOCK P.M., Connecting at Cincinnati 1th Bailroads and Steam ers rar au Eastern, Northern and Western Points, Giving THROUGH TICEET3 TO ALL POINTS, OHIO AGO, TOLEDO, BUFFALO, RICHMOND NKWIORK, WASHIXGTOX CITT. PHILA- DELPHIA ASD BOSTON. Eastern tourists will find the La Belle River Rnntu Safe, Delightful and Economical Bates by this line Cheaper than any other first-clas- s route. Heals and Staterooms Free. Bangage checked through. can rely on a splendid trip by tbts iub, as iuo Hwutn arv tu nrsirciaas. Having been xpressly built for tbe accommodation of paasen-er- a. Each steamer carries a f mi string Band. Vor full Information, apply to a W. UGHTBUBNE, General freight and Ticket Agent, No. 7 Monro street, Mfliif, C I A li S H A. A. WHEELER. Superintendent A GREaI VARIETY OF DEALERS Factors Paid Independent l'll.K TOMS, lank Books! TAYLOR, A. It, VACCARO. L. II. SCBS. FAIR MOUNT. SCHOOL FOB Tntrwa LiDIES SITUATED A on tbe Cumberland Plateau, Tenn. Accessible by rail from all polnis. A location unwroasaed lor healtnfu!ne of cumateand beauty of scenery. Second Term, lK-- begins August fltb; close December 15tli. fexi-ni- e tor half year, $147- - Summer Teim ot Altulc for students not entered for literary course. There will be a summer term In the Musical De- partment of tbe school, under dlrectl n of Mr. I. de Ziellnsk', beginning June 1st, nod ending Octo- ber 1st. Tbls term Is established for tbe beneOt of and amiteurs who can take advantage of tbe season to secure tbe superior facilities for In st ruction offered by tbe Institution A course of study will be arranged to meet tbe wants of this clas. of students. EXPENSES -- Per conrse ot elgbt weeks, two les- sons per week, forty minutes each, payable one hail In advance; Piano Fo te lessons $30 00 Pedal-pian- Organ 24 00 Cultivation ot voice and solo singing 20 HO Uses of Piano or organ 4 00 Chorus class for Instruction In Theory. Har- mony, etc, free. Board per month. Sltf. Address, MBS. H. B KELL9, Principal, Mutfat, via Cowan. Tenn. BKrERKNCXS Rev. Dalzeil. D.O., Hon Jacob Thompson, Messrs. Day A Pmudflt, Memphis, Tenn ; Bt. Bev. W. M. Oreen Bev W P. Duuoie, Pewanee, Tenn.; John w. Robinson, Jackson. Tenn.; Hon. K. a. Buck. Vlvksburg. Miss.; Dr. E H. Snip-wic- Lltt e Bock. Ark.; wm. Q. Yerger, Greenville, Miss., Hon. L a Blible, Tblbodaux, La.; Dr. Isaac Hull, Friars Point. Miss. OWEN LILLY Practical Builder OF FINE LightGarriages T KEEP A SELECT STOCK (exdaal-vel- af 1 BIV nk W na BnsanfnslainAi rVlwax a WPT v Wtl O IS li A Li 1 UN H1M1 I Itn (af nfsnapnrl to KniM ta d DKBJ aay arallaf tke naedera atylea af - wig r a 111 7 vamnges now in use. I . . . . nu nnlhlna K,i ,K rviiv ri l- - n u employ strictly nrst-ela- mechanic. IIEPAIKIKC.. In all It branches, done promptly and In the beat Notice to Carpenters. 10 No. 1 CARPENTERS wanted at tbe Lagrange Furnace, near Danville. Tennessee Blver Station, Louisville and MasbvlU Ballroad. t li mil l inuii i in C7Q t-l- w 11 LlullJ EJ PmS CLOAK AND ! We will open and exhibit w, MONDAY, April 26th, in onr Cloak and Suit Boom, an entire Sew Line cf BLACK SILK SUITS, Cashmere Suits, 811k Suits, In all Shade and Combinations. Fancy Hunting Suits, White Lawn Suits, Tinted Lawn Suits, GINGIIA5I SCaITS, UIT ROOi WOULD CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUB EXQUISITE STYLES OF Ef wm Ms m Para Dresses Also, MISSES' SUITS, CHILD REX'S SUITS, In great Tarietr., WE BAYS ALSO JUST BECKIYED 80HE ELEGANT NEW Silk Dolman, Cashmere Dolmans, Silk Capes, Cashm: re Capes, AND TBI HANDSOMEST TBAYEUSw WRAfS XYEB SHOWN. B. LOWEfJSTTlPs brothers Mh&h Oooi Ma EMst Hotel, 35Ioni.Tplals. KaAXXX eann lnen Shirt, ! 85 each, ar OO per hair daaea. Xm. 7777 ttaod lnek tthlrt, St SO eaea. ar 7 SO per Half deaen. Jan. lOlO 8t Lack BlrC nl 78 eaeb, ar OO per half deaen. Ha. VX Part Bella Seen Lack ak.tt S eaek, ar 1 OO per kair deaen. tyeaeaatke welckt at tktfiOLDEI UORCsK SHOE. Asy pnrekaaer af a Gaod Laek Mkfrc, ar ceeda te tke aasne asneant, la entitled te ataeaa. Aeareat aaeaa reeelvrea SlOO in Cteld. Meeaad neareet gaess receive SSO In Uald. Tklrd near eat tarns reeelvee S5 la field. tW The Golden Horse Shoe will be weighed July 4. 18SO.iEJ NEW HATS! SFBDB STOCK ill BLUFF GITY CLOTHING HOUSE NOW DiSPLAYIN Til 15 HANDS OK EST LINK OF S. Suits, Silk and Suits, Beautifully combined. Plain Suits, Percale Suits, Lawn Suits, - VT Rrl M. M'Lean. Orrin X. Peek. To be fountf anywhere. Beet Slakes. Styles. Lowest Prices. P.S. ,arare ateek en kaad ror tTkalraaie Trade, ta wnlek tke attention at Merekaate la directed. THlSr OTGr. It is our to our bv J one 1 5 th, we nave but 60 to of our of our ! tret the of is to an to Wm. IT. JHoore. Bobt. 9 ' We have been in 21 years, and Intend to rr mam here and share her We have a and shall keep It OAULT with all goods suited to the wants of this sec- tion. Our prices shall now, and at all times be,. AS LOW AS THE Dry Goods, Men's Ooods, Ladies' Hats, Etc, D & T. Biwdre. GKEWADIWK SUITS, Worsted Worsted Bunting Figured ORGANDY SUrTS. Slf Q59 ATX Choicest ArT51KrTlTrl CLOSING SALE! positive intention close Memphis business and will DATS TIME dispose Large Stock Goods. "We intend that customers and friends shall benefit! low prices. Our entire stock marked down insure early sale. Special trade discounts large RiCLSTIXaCO: IT losub m Hemphis fortunes. SP1,KS1DII NIOCK, KKP1.EMMIED LOWEST. Wm.RJoore&Co. Wholesale Notions, Furnishing Trimmed 396 MAIN ST.. MEMPHIS. LA Featoody buyers. PLASTER THORN rj tOO to 600 Per nt. Profit oa ihe Investment. All Farmers Bhoaid try It. tinaranteed to pay. Send for Clrenlara and Prices to HTJNKINS. . Baleae. a. P. B.wdre 30 and 311 Wonvh Twelfth street Mt. Louis, yil.ao n rl W. Beatk BOWJJRE, 1L0I k CO COTTON PAOTOES, 886 Front street aS538te3EBff Memphis, Teun. . A

Hunting Suits, Bunting White Suits, Percale Suits, wm mKOOVS-tieiite-el. well turntsbed; 13 rooms, on near iMMUueasi Jaige grouiuis lu I irolt; bathroom, bain, etc.; aood Tie of nvtr,

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Page 1: Hunting Suits, Bunting White Suits, Percale Suits, wm mKOOVS-tieiite-el. well turntsbed; 13 rooms, on near iMMUueasi Jaige grouiuis lu I irolt; bathroom, bain, etc.; aood Tie of nvtr,


ahikkhesth.KtltHIK'H TIIKATKR.

- (formerly Memphis Theater.)LAVKY A BttOOKS Proptletora and Managers.

LAST ATTRACTION OF THE SEA80S!Tkr-- Wla-fct-. Only t Wfd"iMt--

lnee, commencing TL'EdDAY, April iiith.

Harlow . . .W ilaon . . .Primros-- ..St. .West'sMAMMOTH MI.NSTKELS I



tv The pnblle Is Informed that the ladles andchildren connected Kith the coming Extravaganzanave tbe tickets now on hand for sale. 'Beaerredseats for these tickets can be secured, without extracharge.br presetting ibem at Hollenbeig'a MusicStore on and after Mar 8d.


Obaervatloaa and Alxperleaeee af aJleaapaiaa amen tke JieaBtalna,

Xilaee aad Parka ( theHtw F.l lorad.



(For tbe benefit of " Home" Building Fond Ladles'Christian Association).


Titkeis. fvO eents. for .ale at ttotlenberg's andth n No reserved swats.


one of tho Cheapest Papers in

this country. Every farmer in

the South ought to have' it. Each

number contains as much read-

ing matter as an ordinary novel.


fullest and most accura'e .sentfrom Memphis,andits NEWS COL-

UMNS contain everything of in-

terest from all parts of.the world.

TO KXCUAMUK.OHOTHUN Vine Breecb-loadl- n Shotgun tor

Ibs office.

NALH OR EXCHANGE.71 IVi acres pine land 20 miles N. E. ofLAND Texas, Lu Montgomery county; 85

mr aero. H i. GUION, Agent.

MTBAYED.COWS AND HEIFEB-S- 5 REWARD FrsmTWO taim, on the Paducab road, neat

Glencoe, two sows and one heifer; one of tbe cowsyellow, with wh e horns; the other black, withwhite face, back and breast; the heifer Is brown andwatte color. Any tnformatloa should be sent to 72Court utr-e- t, Wemnhls or nr. Knight, fileneoe.

KUOflS AN I HOAKD.OOM Nicely furnished rooms for rent to gen

tlemen, hi i it) court street.

furnished front mom, with board;KOOM-Lar-


at 6H Madison street.rurnlshed or unluruished, Kith board,HUUM.--

tBuelby street. .

OOUSi Nice furnished rooms, cheap, atKf MAIN TKKKT.

WASTS.Cl(f MBN As at.tlon-me- n andZ.)t drivers, on the Natchez and Jacknon Ball- -road. Apply on work, at BAYsiONu, forty milesIniin VlcKburg sud nnwn trorn Jackson.

THu F. DUI'MN BKO., Cot tractors.JjMVE MEN At Calvary Cemetery. Apply to the

y AR0ENSK8 TO KNOW That 1 am bayingJ Utti1 a.i r. aa: win ray nignesi maraei price.

nA STONE CUTIERS-S- U perday. Apply atiUU Moi.eynrd, Tweuty-secou- d street and Mo.jracmi KAiiroau. el. lpiih, mo.

ANTED-Ma- n and wire to go to the ooontry,Apply t H4 Mulberry street

jK AMiLlro To board ti Is summer at theOnlliervllie Hotel. Coillervllle, Tenn.



Pbsttuna,2 second hand Lot-tor-

4 second-ban- s, 'I aeoo d hand Hall-lo- p Hack,1 trcond-ban- oix-aei- ti Hhc.

All In good repair, and for sale cheap.tVOODRU.K A OI IYER.

eocD MULKS-- ln good order tor hard12 work, tor sale atHOrjTHBBN OIL W0HK&


Ylor Jfia6, original cost fi0;

basbetn lu uaoonli six uioiuhi": aMdasufW. lu-gulieai . W. JcMies A Co 's. or Woodiun QllTtrr.

I ilLLUHb--l AbLK And lt ball POOL, TABLEJJ both In gxou order; only bae been Used sixroonuia. Apply wcrysuu raiaos oa'"-- u.

ta, M BASACO.AiD BINOKHV il 1 brtl A L - QuiijlilNTlNUquautlty of seea.ud-han- d materbu for

sale. In quiiutlea to suit Tbe abovematerial compiles the estsbllsbment Of the lateBoyia Printing company, wuicn we now own.

b. C. TOOK A CO., Uemphls.

E AND Bn lLk.u chatting, pulleis andbainters. eomiileie. 1. V. PATB1CK.

I.LOlihlMi AdU CORN-MIL- CHEAP In Drat--

X' class oronr, ir application li made immediately)engine 12 Inch cylinder and h stroke. Also, abteant K Ire tuMlne, uf Lslta's make, UDClniutu.Inquire ht CMrtntrnoo. Heconn tnt.


KOOVS-tieiite-el. well turntsbed; 13 rooms, on

near iMMUueasi Jaige grouiuis lu I irolt;bathroom, bain, etc.; aood Tie of nvtr, city

buildings, etc.; will rcut for tbe euminer togood fanulf. J. G(iLb-tHU-Y- . Ieiipo t. 1 rt--

lj.nl os inK Mullck' out looms, in thor- -J.. ornin repair, pleasant locution, large lord, goodpure water, at reasonable rent.


HOlioK-H- Ht LlnUeii stiett, 8 room;by U. jr. Phillips. Esq.; In good repair;

balli-rouu- w.tler. gas and otlier eoneiitros. io

J. U. (Jl'IGtkY. a3l trout stA HEALTHY, d bill pltu of 100

M miles I torn tue elty; large bouse Ingood onirr; plenty ol com, bay and fodder on the

Alsoweiluug.-2.- 10 and 2S3 Desoto street.

1 Moebr atreet. ,170C'arroll avenue.1h7 Waaliliigtun .treatH5H JcRrrson street extended.H 2 Maoli-o- s. reel extended.Cornet Butler and Groigia streets.

Apply to A M. bOVD BON3.iAbl on Uidiauu street, now occupiedCX1ALO. B. hryan 4 Co.

HKIDENCha Nos. 105 and 100 Hadtson, and122 Court street. Apply to B. K Bnowden, or

J rt. UiHiDLtlK. HH Madison.OUaa A laige auu uoiumooious aouae, eonid la ninit thirteen rooms, auu two detached CoT- -

THKdof two rooms each, wt.b a good spring andaganieu .pot, at aewanee, leuneuee. xne nouaeIs paitly tunilshed, and L suitably located for aboard uighouae and hotel. For terms, etc., apply to

T. fl. A KM 6T HUNG,Sewanee. entr.klln county. Tenn.

KOOM Large untumlahud front room, wttb smallroom conuecttr g. can be bad, wltb good board,

17 Court street. Beterences required.I UOMH s itriuHbed or unfurnished, single or In

XV suits, villi out board; apartments suited torilKhUmusekeepliig. at 101 Jefferson street"f OOM3 j'uriilsbed rooms, d to $8 per mouth,I at (7 Jffro" "trt.

Attention, Itadies !

Sale of Jewelry and Fancy Goods

I OFFKB FOB SALE A LAUGH STOCK OFfeald-Plate- d Braceleta (Ladles' A Children's)

Neahlaeea, Heta, "Loekela,laaltatlaa Ulaasaad ttssds (mounted In gold)

Arftdlea' aad Sjieata' Watelieaalaa.ALSO, AN


tVAU goods warranted as represented. --AH




Bohemian Glassware,French & American China,


Bar-ixtarr- a. Mirrara, etcAaaeraale iMe AAalrea, Vaatara.ete

Hatel aad avtaaaabaat IV are.321 Main Street, Memphis, Tenn

. v..


Carload Fine Bananas1 75 to $2 50.

Ta arrive Taaraday. tl April. fSead1m year ardera early.

6 cars Choice Lemons91 to 4 50.

2 cars Fancy Lemons$5 OO. ,

All saaraateed aoaad aad la11 ae ahlpwlaa arder. tSveclalprleea anade aa BO aad IOO

box lata.

Oliver. FinniB & CoI




Cold raing prevailed last night.The wild geese are fifing northward.The gentle rain commenced falling yes-

terday afternoon.Spring is opening through dry goods and

millinery stores.Nothing of pubtio interest transpired at

the criminal court yesterday.The minstrels will give their closing per-

formance at the TheaterSooth Memphis Masonio lodge worked

in the Fellow-Crat- t degree last night.the residents of Byhalia, Mis-eissip-

will hold a testival at the institute.Half a dczen arrests for drunkenness and

dir orderly conduct were made by the policeyesterday.

Memphians continue to step off to Nash-ville to witness the races and the centennialexposition.

Grand Chancellor . S. Mallory was re-

ceived by the Knights of Pythias at theirhall last night,

Nashville is one hundred years old, andyet holds on to the bottle with a Gargantuangnp sour-mas- h.

At Olympic park on Sunday next theKiversides and Memphis Jtslues will playgame of base-bal- l.

Residents of Beale and adjacent streetscomplain that the gas-lam- are not lighteduntil alter nine o clock.

nieht at the Greenlaw operahause Eon. J. W. Clapp will deliver hissecond lecture on Colorado.

The Otev sermon will be preached tonight at St. Mary's cathedral, on Poplarstreet, by Kev. Dr. LUlzell.

At St. Mary 'a cathedral y theProtestant Episcopal convention for tbe diocese of lennessee will again be 10 session.

Barney Hughes, in his Rail'ray Record,says that some of the open benches awaitingsewer-pipe- s might be utilized by laying with'in them a few sensationalists.

Ralf Brown, colored, the murderer ofNoah Greenlaw, colored, was conveyed fromthe stationhouseto the county jail yesterday,on a warcant issued by bsquire Vjutgiey.

The Chickasaw Guards, fortv-si- stronsr.were out drilling Tuesday night. They arehard at work preparing for the centennialcompetitive drill contest to come ott at Nashville.

Contagious diseases reported yesterday:Ida Ccgbill, city hospitel, scarlet fever; PanlDilhard, Daisy Dilliard, Adele Dtlliard, 86Madison street, measles; kX Ueamish, 114Madison street, measles.

The Jtaiiwaa Record, for May, ColonelBarney Hughes, editor and proprietor, is outand in circulation, its contents are witty andamusing, and its circulation large. It is delivered free of charge to any address.

The vocal and instrumental concertwhich was to have come oft last night at theCasino hall had to be postponed on accountof the rain. Tbe concert will take place nextMonday evening, under the leadership of rrotSchulze.

Saturday next, at the courthouse, tbeDemocracy of the city and county will meetin for the curpoae of selecting delegates to the State convention, inJune, and tor tbe purpose ot selecting an ex-

ecutive committee. -

The Democratic mass-meetin- g, to be heldnext Saturday at the courthouse, should beattended by every Democrat in the city.Delegates to the State convention will be selected. It is time for the Democrats to beinteresting themselves in the August election

The marriage licenses issued oa yesterday, by the county court clerk, are as follows: Whites ii. U. Koark and Adelia KOldbam, L. H. Springer and Margaret A.Daily. Colored Ribert Bolton and Cornelia Rawnngs, L. D. Key and A. D. Day,Ueorga Hunter and uattie wens, John Ual-bo- nn

and Jennie Williams, Joe Hopkins andSaliie ifarrett.

The way she wears the spring head-gear hag eliminated the following from thepoet:She passed down the street with a stately tread,

bbe nodded, and smiled and laughed;While her bonnet clung on to the back of her bead

And sailed along merrily, art.Sba looked as the ugh she bad left the door.

Unable her bonnet to find,And It bad rushed out, as she passed on before

And was hurrying on behind.. Judge Horrigan, of the criminal court,rules tnat a magistrate, under the small of-fense law, after a person has been adjudgedguilty and fined, cannot remit the fine onpayment of costs; that the magistrate mayremit the Sae. the minimum two dollarseach for State and county, aad that then thehues must be paid before the costs are paid.ihe case will be taken up to tbe supremecourt to test the issue. Remitting fines onpayment of costs in such cases creates quite arevenue for magistrates and constables, anddeprives the State and county of their reve-nue in fines,

Messrs. J. Sharp M 'Donald & Co.. ofPittsburg. Pennsylvania, who have a contractwith the city to furnish block-ston- rubbleand macadam for street improvements, arenow discharging thegreater portion fir wbichtheir contract calls, on the levee at the footof Monroe street. This stone is being deliv-ered a month in advance of the time specified in the contract, owing to the urgent request made to Messrs. M 'Donald & Vc. bythe city authorities to hasten up the stone.Credit is due to the contractors for so diligently complying with this request.

The Nashville American, of the twentv- -eighth, says: "The centennial is to closewith a magnificent display ot nreworks.wbichwill, perhaps, be the finest ever witnessed inthe south. Mr. Peter Tracy, of Memphis,who has obtained quite a fame for his successin getting up pyrotechnic exhibitions, is inthe city endeavoring to secure an eligiblespot for the display and sufficiently large toaccommodate ten thousand sight-seer- s. Heproposes to excel the splendid displays offireworks given by him in Memphis on Julj4,137a and 18 a. The brst exhibition was wit-nessed by over thirty-fiv- e thousand persons.The coming display will occur during mili-tary week ot tbe centennial, and will makeone of the moat attractive feature of the cele-bration."


North Amerleaa Bevlew.In the North American Review for May,

Ex-Jud- Jere S. Black continues the veryinteresting series of papers on the third-ter- m

question begun in the February number. Hisarticle, published in the Appeal, is en-

titled, " General Grant and Strong Govern-ment," and its purpose is to show, first, thatthe limitation of tenure of cilice in the Presi-dency to two terms is a fundamental prin-ciple of our republican form of government;and, secondly, that not only does disregardof that principle threaten the permanency ofrepublican institutions, but that Grant's thirdcandidacy is actually a plot to revolutionizei he republic and introduce monarchy. Mr.Leslie Stephen writes of "The Religion of allSensible Men," and speculates on the pros-pect of that religion displacing the presentcreeds of the multitude. Tbe creed of thefuture, he says, must be capable of assimila-ting modern scientific theories. George Tick-n- or

Curtis continue bis series of article on"M'Clellan's Last Servioe to the Republic."These paper are specially valuable on ac-

count of the large number of hitherto unpub-lished documents which they contain. Mr.Francis H. Underwood contributes on essayon R. W. Emerson and bis writings; and annnonymous writer labor to show that theUnited State government cannot, consis-tently with th Monroe doctrine, permit theconstruction of an American Isthmian canal,unlet the same shall be controlled solely bycisatlantic government.. The notice of new


THE MEMPHIS DAILY :'"AJggKAL' lFBIL 29, JLSSO.books are by Mr. Axel. Gostafsdn. Tbe Re-

view is sold by booksellers and newsdealersgenerally.

mu KttlMm,Rev. Washington Gladden' article on

"The Disadvantages of City Boys," in a re-

cent number of St. Nicholas, attracted wideattention from boys and their parents. It isunderstood tbat the May number of thismagazine will have a paper "of special inter-est to the girls, "A Talk with Girls and theirMothers," compiled, like the former article,from replies to circulars sent out to success-ful people, asking about their own early life.The boys are not to be neglected in tbe Mayncmber, for Noah Brooks begins his base-ball story, "The Fau-por- t Nine," in that is-

sue, and there is said to bj an unusual quan-tity of the rhymes and jingles which havemade St. Nicholas so famous for all the littlefolks. To this magazine (greatly to the sur-prise of editors and publishers, who had notentered it for competition, nor thought ofdoing so) has just been awarded the firstprize offered by the Massachusetts societyfor the prevention of cruelty to animals, forthe publication which beet explains and de-fends the caaBe of mercy to animals. Inmentioning this the New York Evening Postays: "What St. Nicholas has done lor the

right in this respect has been done simply inthe course of its uniform labors for the butld-in- r

ud ot sound manlv and womanlv character among its young readers, tnd its work isentitled to the pnzj awarded, rather as atestimony to the uniform character of themagazine than as the reward of specialeffort." - . .


Ho. Johx Park was in the city yester-day, and left for New York city last night.

Pkof. Saxby'b select hop fFri-da- y)

night at Casino hall, with Prof. Arnold'sfull orchestra.

Captain DePbiestk, the Appeal" riveand rail reporter, leaves to-da-y on a trip totiis Arkansas home. He will be back withina week.

The many friends of Rev. W. M. Patter-son, formerly of this city, now missionary inthe Republic of Mexico, will be sorry to learnunder what difficulties that geptteraan has toprosecute his work in that country, as is in-

dicated by the following paragraph from theTwo Republics, published in the City ofMexico: "Oa last Tuesday, on the road fromCuernavaca, about three leagues north ofthat city, the diligence was attacked by aband of robbers, estimated variously at fromtwelve to twenty men, well armed. The pas-sengers were not only robbed of their moneyand jewelry, but they were maltreated. Rev.W. M. Patterson, who was just returningfrom a visit to his church in that vicinity, wasamong the passengeis and was most brutallytreated. As he came down from the coachhe was struck on the back of the neck with agun, which prostrated him to the ground.When he arose he was again struck in theface and fired at from behind, the charge ofthe gun carrying off the rim of his hat. Mr.Patterson is very badly injured and consider-ably disfigured."


eabrle'a Theater.The Barlow, Wilson, Primrose and West

minstrels gave a matinee yesterday and aperformance last night at the Theater. Bothexhibitions were well attended and were en-

joyed. The company is composed of excel-lent artists in their peculiar specialties andgeneral line of business. New songs andiestswere introduced. Tbe troupe will appear again which will close theirengagment.


CIrealt Coart Baa. James O. Fierce.The calendar for Friday, is as

follows: 6270, Memphis cotton-see- d associa-tion vs. Jackson Hardin; 6271, same vs. St.Paul fire and marine insurance company;6272, same vs. same; 6273, Hooper and wife

s. Smith and wife; 6276, Perkins vs. Q6277, Campbell vs. Godey; 6279,

German Casino vs. Schloos; 6281, Taxing-Distri- ct

vs. Castignini; 6237, Hightower vs.Morrison; 6239, Taxing-Distri- vs. Apper-so- n;

6290, same vs. Tennessee club; 6291,same vs. Fisher; 6292, same vs. Bradford;6293, same vs. Wahington; 6294, same vs.German Casino; 6925, same vs. Carver; 6296,same vs. Speed; 6293, same vs. Maennerchorclub; 6299, same vs. Leubrie; 6300, Bertonvs. Foahrinz.


far BaerilT.Editors Appeal Permit me to suggest

the name of Hon. D. C. Slaughter for thenext sheriff of this county, a onwhom all parties could unite. Mr. Slaughterserved the people of Tipton county for eightyears in this capacity; his record as suchcommends him to every honest voter in Shelby countv : be was elected by the people regardless of party or color; he was the peo-ple's sheriff, and the very day he resignedthe office to represent his district in the Statesenate he settled pis accounts as sherin in lulland got a clear receipt. Mr. Slaughter hasfilled other positions of trust and responsibility, and never, in a single instance, provenrecreant to his trust. He has an unblemishedrecord: is honest and capable; a thoroughbusiness man; possesses all the requisites tomake a 4o. 1 sherin. He is a laboring man ;was raised on a farm near the Shelby countyline; is fully identified in interest with thelaboring as well as the basinets community,and 1 do hope the people will make him theirnext Bheria. tax payeb.

Eminent Dr. W. A. Greene, Macon, Ga.Writes: "I cheerfully state that I have testedthe virtues and efficiency of Colden's Lie-big- 's

liquid extract of beef in my privatepractice in case ot general debility, weakness, depression, dyspepsia, loss of appetiteand nervous affections, when medicine hadproven more than useless. I have found ittbe best remedy 1 ever used in cbronic alcoholla m. when the stomach is always irritableand food required to nourish." Sold byleading druggists.

Carriage Repairing ICarriages and vehicles of all kinds repaised

in tbe best manner at moderate rates.WOODRUFF & OLIVER.

It rown & Jones.Plttobar-- , Bhotwell aad Caanel Coal.

CS Uala atrefc.Who is Sirs. Winsloirf

As this question is frequently asked, wewill simply say that she is a lady who, forupward of thirty years, has untiringly devoted her time and talents as a female phy-sician and nurse, principally among children.She has especially studied the constitutionand wants of this numerous class, and, as aresult of this effort, and practical knowledge.obtained in a .lifetime spent as nurse andphysician, she has compbunded a soothingsyrup lor children teething. It operates likemagic, giving rest and health, and is, moreover, sure to regulate tbe bowels. In conse-quence of this article, Mrs. Winslow is be-

coming world-renowne- d as a benefactor ofber race; children certainly do rise np andbtss b(r: especially is tnis the case in thiscity. Vast quantities of the soothing eyrupare daily sold and used here. We think Mrs.Winslow has immortalized ber name by thisinvaluable article, and we sincerely believethousands ot children have been saved hornan early grave by its timely use, and thatmillions yet unborn will share its benefit andunite in calling her blessed. No mother hasdischarged her duty to her suffering little one,in our opinion, until she has given it thebenent ' ot Mrs. Winslow s soothing syrup,Try it, mothers, try it now. Ladies' Visitor.New lork city. bold by all druggists.Twenty-fiv- e cents a bottle.

The Doctors Yielding.Ever since Prof. Green wrote to the Medi

cal Record advising physicians everywhereto use the bate Kidney and Liver Cure intheir practice, it has been gaining in favorwith the profession. J. hey can find nothingwbich is a substitute for it. R. Caulkins,M.D., of Rochester, New York, saya hewould now prescribe it to all who are afflict-ed with serious kidney and liver diseases.

diet the Gennine Article.The great popularity of "Wilbor's compoundof cod-liv- er oil and lime" has induced someunprincipled persons to attempt to palm offan article ot their own mantuacture; out anyperson who is suffering from coughs, colds, orconsumption, should be careful where they

this article. It requires no puffing,furchase of its use are its best recommen-dations; and the proprietor has ample evi-dence on file of its extraordinary success in

complaints, The phosphate ofEulmonary a most marvelous healingpower, as combined with the pure cod-liv-

oil by Dr. Wilbor. It is prescribed by themedical faculty. Sold by A. B. Wilbor,chemist, Boston, and all druggists.

Awnings JIattressea.it. BU TTK.1BKBU,

31 Beeoad at.

French Steam Dye-Work- s.

Ladies' and gentlemen' goods dyed andcleaned at Lows Reigwl '..58 Jeftprson street.

War swelter from heat when Staffer's sodaand mead can be naLt all hour ?


Statement af the Colored Woman, As-;al- e,

aa to the Killlaa: mt Jilaatteedall by ITraak. Wella, bath

Colored Jealoasr aadBlTalrjr the Caaaea.

Annie Goodall, the colored woman aboutwhom "Jack," alias Jim Goodall. was shotand killed on Tuesday night last at No. 225Madison street, has been arrested by tbe po-lice and is held as a witness against themurderer. An Appeal commissioner visitedtbe woman at the stationhouse yesterday.She was lying on a mattress in the dark cell,in the third stjry of the prison. A coloredturnkey showed our man up the windingstairs, and struck a match to light the wayand light the gas. The conversation thatensued was aa follows :

Reporter Annie, what was your husband'sname wasn't it Jack?

Annie Yes, sir; we called him "Jack,"but his name was Jim Goodall.

Reporter Was he your husband?Annie No, sir, I was never married to

him, but we used to live together, but he tookup with another woman and lived with her.He used to come out to see me some nightsand I used to give him something to eat. Heworked on a boat as a roaster.

Reporter What do joa know about thekilling?

Annie I know nothing about it. Me andJack were sitting in tbe room. I was sewing,when some one knocked at the door. Jacksaid, "Who's there?" A man opened tbedoor and put his head in; it was FrankWells, a big yellow nigger who sometimesworked on the river, and was driving a storecart on the streets. Jack said, "What doyou want?" Frank said, "I want nothing."Jack then said, "You go away from here;nobody want you." Jack then got np; hehad an open pocket-kait- e in his hand, andfollowed Frank out on the porch to the yard.Jack kept saying, "Yon had better get awayfrom here;" and Frank said, "Had 1?" Justthen some one fired a pistol, and Jack cameback with his hand on his breast, and said,"Annie, Frank shot me." Jack then ranand rapped on Mrs. Maloney's room door.She got up and asked Jack who shot him.He said, "Wait awhile and I will tell you."He came back to mytoom and told me to gofor a doctor. I went, and could not find thedoctor. When I got back Jack was dead,and I wag arrested.

Reporter Did Jack and Frank ever haveany row before about you?

Annie They had once iefore abont Frankcoming to see me. I never lived withFrank.

The police know Frank Wells and are onthe lookout for him, and it is believed theywill be able to secure his arrest. The coloredwoman, Annie, is of bad character, but shetells a tolerably straight story as to the affair.She had been living with both men, and thekilling of one by the other was the conse-quence.


To be Iadleted aa a Nalaaaee and Proae-eate- dKx-wflle- lo by the Attoraey-deaer- al

Water CompanyMnapeada Work.

The work progressing under the directionof tbe water company for the past tew days,in extending their lints for the supply ofsewer connections and other water supply,was brough. to a sudden termination yesterday by an order of the criminal court directing the indictment of said company as anuisance. On inquiry at the office of thecompany it was ascertained that their streetforce of twenty men was discharged for thepresent, and pending negotiations relatingto new filtering machinery and reservoirswork had been suspended and would not beresumed until the question whether or notthe company is a nuisance is determined bythe criminal court. The company will makeno charges in its supply to all presentconsumers, but no additional connectionswill be made either to private residencesor sewer-tank- s. Judge .Latham, presidentof the company, does not S3em in the leastdisturbed by the threatened proceedings. Allhe desires is that tne question oe iuny investigated without delay. The new order madeby Judge Horrigan, ot the criminal court,as to the Memphis water company is aa follows: "It appearing to the satisfaction ofthe court, from the report mide to tu;a courton the twenty-thir- d day ot December, 18y,by the attorney-genera- l, that the Memphiswater company are in probable violation oftbe provisions of their charter, and that thesame have become and are a public nuiaance,and it further appearing to the court that noperson has or will come forward to prosecutesaid company; it is therefore ordered by thecourt that the attorney-gener- al proceed, asprosecutor ex officio, to prefer an indictmentairainst said Memphis waterworks companyfor a nuisance. It is further ordered thatthe attorney-genera- l prosecute all other corporatiocs in this county found violating thelaws of this btate.


lasaed. by Jadce Borrlaraa to tho Attoraey-Oeaer- al aa to the Boad Law,

Blaebadlaar PBtreeta with Cot-ton and Paella; by Com-

mon Carriers.

The following orders with reference to theroad law, street blockade and pooling bycommon carriers were entered of record atthe criminal court yesterday by order ofJudge Horrigan. It will be seen that theattorney-gener- al has been ordered to investi-gate and prosecute all violators of the lawsrelerred to.

THE BOAD LAW.It it Ordered. That the attorney-eener- ascerta In.

by careful Inquiry or otherwise, whether or not tberoad-la- w of this State Is executed in Shelby county.W hr never road ove rseers are found neglectful in thediscbarge of their Important Irusi, they should bemulcted ana proeeejiea wuo zaau in me opinionof tbe court, a rigid enforcement ot tbe road-la- isas Important If not more, to the general welfare oftbe public as tbe execution ot tbe law against petitlaiceny. The attorney-gener- will give the road- -ovemeers all or tne legal assistance necessary toaid them in the enioroement oi tne roaa-ia-

BLOCKADING STBBKTS.It is further Ordered, Tbat tbe attorney-gener-

will prosecute all persons who hereafter use tbestreets of Uemphls to tbe prejudiced the public bystoring cotton or other articles in tbe streets. Allpersons so using tbe streets shall be prosecuted lormaintaining a pumie nuisance.

COMMON CABBIEBS POOLING.It is farther Ordered. That tbe attorney-gener- al

see wbetoer or not any of tbe common carriers havemade unlawful combinations in regard to the sblp-me-ut

of merchandise. If such combination comewlibln tbe law ot conspiracy, or any other breach oftbe criminal law, steps should be taken to break npsi.cii combination oy a vigorous enioroement oi thelaw.


Of the Protestant JtplseoDal Choreafor the IMoeeee or Teaaeoaee la tsea-alo-

In this City Proeeed-laa- a


The forty-eigh- th annual convention of theProtestant Episcopal church met yesterdayin St. Mary a cathedral, there being presentat the opening service not more than abouthalf the clerical and lay deputies, thoughlater in the day a much larger number ap-peared in the session. Tbe sermon waspreached by R.v. Wm. C. Gray, of St.James's church, Bolivar. Tbe convention or-

ganized and Rev. Dr. Harris secre-tary. A long list of committees was ap-pointed, when a recess was taken to half-pas- tfour o'clock. "

The afternoon session was occupied in thereading of the bishop's annual address bythe secretary, the bishop himself being una-ble to use bis voice.

To-da- y the convention will get fairly towork, and in the afternoon will visit in abody tbe Church Home. Thn Otey sermonwill be preached by Rev. Dr. Dal-zel- l.

How History ICecalls the Fast.Some twenty-fiv- e years ago all England

was convulsed by tbe discovery made thatSir James Grabame, the then postmaster-general- ,

bad taken the liberty of openingmails addressed to private citizens. It re-

sulted in his removal in disgrace. This re-calls tbe wise decision recently made by Hon.D. M. Key, the postmaster-general- , who hasordered that letters to M. A. Dauphin, NewOrleans, Louisiana, or at 319 Broadway, NewYork city, relative to the Louisiana State lot-

tery company, be forwarded without inter-ference, being convinced of its being honest-ly conducted.

Baggies A Phaetons!We now have on hand the largest and

most complete stock ofBeacciee, ISprlag; TVagaasaaa Phaetoaaever brought to this city, in the sale of whichwe are prepared to offer superior induce-ments.

Woodruff & Oliver,175. 177 and 179 Xlaln Street.

Hie, lads and lassies! hie away!Nor brook a single boar's delay,If you wou.d carry In your mouthWhite leetb and odors of the south.Baste, haste, and buy a single fontOt the unrivalled S' ZODONr.

Bay Jordaa'a Ice-crea- m aad oafee-tleaerle-e,

140 31atn atreet. Beat andeheapoat.

Flojd's CandiesArt always the same. Caramels every day.Remember the littls ones and get them a boxof Floyd's candies, .




OF THE! AGE.Safe, Certain, Sure and Speedy,

NEYERFAILSTO CURE .The only article known thatWill

erad(oateW diseasefierrrernenfyfromXhe sysfen,


GeneralAeents,RICHARDSON & CO.




threat Baeeras Beaalta of an In-spection Yesterday by Bxperta,

Accompanied by aa AppealCemanlaaleaer.

An Appeal commissioner yesterday accompanied a committee of experts on a tourof inspection of the sewerage work, underthe guidance of Colonel Waring and his as-

sistant, Mr. Metcalf, Dr. R. W. Mitchell(.resident member) and Dr. 1. W. iieilly (in-spector), of the National board of health.Sections of the various sized pipes had beenuncovered; man-hole- s and fresh-ai- r inletsexposed, and Hush-tan- arranged, so aa toshow the internal economy of the system inall its workings. At the head of a six-inc- h

lateral tbe Hush-tac- k was tonnd to dischargeits contents, about one hundred andtwelve gallons, in thirty-fiv- e seconds.At one thousand feet, this volumeof water, having traversed tbe distancein less than three minutes, stillfilled the pipe to fully two-third- it capacity,and poured onward with a velocity ot nearlyfour miles an hour, an irresistible currentwhich swept the smooth surface of the pipefieih and clean from every trace even of thetofc, adherent, impalpable silt of our Wolfriver water, in the hfteen-inc- h main thecurrent was found to be at tbe rate of twofeet per second, while at the Jackson streetoutlet, where the! mam is temporarily discharging through! a six-inc- pipe into thebayou, the velocity was abont six feet persecund. All doubts as to euthjieccv or emcieccy most be effectually set at rest by thesefigures. 1 he mot pertcct demonstration wasat this latter point, where a volume ot sewage occupying a curve of about twelve incheson its surface by tour inches deep in the nf- -

teen-inc- h mam, and flawing at the rate of oneand a quarter miles per hour, was fj actedthrough the six inch pipe with a velocity ofnearly five miles an hour in a volume whosecurve-surfac- e was only six inches, with adepth ot three inches. The

were considerably surprised at these resuits, and it needed much of j icstruct'.on br the experts befo.-- e the theory and explana! ion were comprehended. Fortuuatelv.the guliy through which the sewage nowbeds its way from tbe end of the bavun.furnished ample illustration. Where thechancel of this gully widened cut, the fl wdiminished decidedly, wrule oa the cthtrhand, where tbe channel was constricted, the . velocity was markedlyaccelerated. The principle involvedin our Memphis sewer system wasperfectly exemplified in the flow through thisgully, even to the stranding of paper, refuse,etc., in the retarded movement of the widerportions (the analogue) of thelarge sewer) and the resistless rush and scourot tne stream in the narrow constrictions.One feature which seemed to strike tbe majority of the committee most forcibly, and toelicit the most outspoken commendation, wasthe wonderful effect or the fasignincant-look- ,

ing little tiie drains. Alone Washingtonstreet, where the ditch diggers had to be en-cased in Boynton suits to keep them fromsinking in the "loblolly" of made land, theground is now firm and hard. Rod after rodof the pipes hereabouts had to be set onpiles driven through this slush into theground beneath. The sides of the ditches.despite elaborate plp.nking and shoring, caved . in time and 'againana Slices - ot three or morefeet in width repeatedly fell in before thework was completed. Sections of the- - worstplaces were exposed yesterday, and theheaviest of the laborers were made to getinto the excavations and jump violently uponthe pipes, which withstood the shock with nomore yielding or tremor than the rock ofGibraltar. If no other repult than this hadbeen obtained, the relief from the effects ofour satnr.it id sub-so- il would be worth themoney expended. But the unhesitating verdict of the committee is that the system is asuccess, and before summer's heat is uponus we should have completed tbe most per-fect, tho mcst economical, and the most common sense system of sewerage and drainagein tne uniLeu otates, ir not in tne world.

Economy is Wealth.Gents' clotbinp dyed, cleaned and repaired

by I. Isaacs, 270 Second street, oposite Courtonarn. rYiAinnhi.. rannr-Bnoa-.


Memphis and Pine Bluff U. 13. Mall Line. For Pineman, Litue hock, ana tnrongn to rort Smith str.Rlarlin Siieed, jpmj

Id. Nowland master I J. N. Thompson darkLea,es as above SATURDAY, Hay 1st, at 5 p.m.

ur ubikiii ur vtutnagv apply wJOHN N. HAHRIN. BuD't. 9021 Front St.

FOR CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS.8t. Einla and Tleksbarg Anchor l.lweu. m. amuFOR vaiko aud hi. lows.

. Colorado, JiSam M'Pheeters master.Will leaye tbe Anchor Line wharlboat THI9 DAT.

April 2ih, at 5 p.m. For freight or passaee applySO A TV STORf. 8ilDt on ritfMi.

FOR VICKSBUKU.t Loam and Vlrk.barc A.rhnr LineI'nlt-- d Uttutfm Mail iOH YICK8BUKQ.

City of Helena,M'Kee master.

Will leave tbe Ancbor Line wbarfboat FBIDAT.April SOtb. at 10 a.m. For freight or passage applyto AD STORM, Suo't. on wbarf bnet.

FOR ST. FRANCIS K1VER.Memphis and St. Krancls U. S. Mall Line - bteamer

lsalesville. JsSZskO. K. Joplln master A. L. Banning cierkumvw Aiflinpuis lu&bUAt ana vkiuai, o p.m.,for Marlanna. the Cut-of- and all Intermediate landings. For freight or passaee apply on board, or to


Trl-Week- ly CM. Mall Packet For Ran- -ooipn, uiioo. usceoia and way landings Btr.

Osceola ISelle,Henry Cooper master I Wm. Smlthers cierkWill leave MemDbls even MONDAY. WEDNESDAYand FU1DAY. at 5 p.m. For tnformatloa apply onboard, or to Nn. 3 Madison .feet

LEE LINK STEAMERS.For fcileadale. Helena and rnar Point

James Lee,Stack Lee master Loyd W. Whitlow... clerk

Will leave as above on everyMONDAY. WEDNESDAY and FBIDAY, at 4 p.m.

FOR ARKANSAS CITY & GREENVILLE.Adam. Htal-wrrkl- y ('. M. Mall Lle- e-

or Arkansas Olty, Pine Blurt Ballroed, Greenville,and all way landings Ihe elegant steamer

Ouachita ISelle, jS3aMark B. Cheek. ..matter I A. L. dimming.

Leaves aa above EVKUY MONDAY and THURS-DAY. t fi p m m- -. Nn, ft Wrull.nn itiMt

FOR WHITE AND BLACK RIVERS.HILT HAKKV M.1F.flempala White stiver aad HlaenBjver

V. la. Ball Packet.for Indian Bar, St. Charles, Clarendon, Devall'i

uiuH, oes Arc, Augusta, Jacksonpon, west Point,Searcy, Batesvllle, Powhattaa, and Pocahontas.The new steamer

olosie Harry, jSffrM. B. Harry, captain. Walker Outlaw, dark.

Leaves Memphis on and after November 2d, evenSATURDAY, at 6 p.m., connecting direct with thenew Black river U. S. mall packet MILT HAKBY forPowbaltan and Pocahontas, and with Dalit Paekato Batesvllle and Upper White river. ii urauKu laies to an points. s

Freight eenalimed to Mtlt Harrv Line. Memnhl. n iTerrene will be promptly forwarded. I

B. w. UonlBUtuia, Jr., Agent, 6 Madison it, I






Milk Crown Turbans, 75 cents formerly $1 25.Leghorns, 50c, 75c, 91. 81 25.Double-widt- h French Buntings. 65 cents all shades

for assortment and quality.xLansuedoc Fichus, 25 cent".Our .Pelerines at 1 25.Wraps balance of stock at astonishingly low figures.Trimmed Mats Sew designs just in.Flower Department Host complete in the elty.




a L. AVERY, President


iGrzog Co







305 MAIN ST.




Write for Catalogue and full Information to

Wheeler Carriage Company, : Louisville, Ky.

School Books!



Booksellers, Stationers, Blankbook Manufrs1NT3Z XXHLX3V TEIIS.315 Main street, ; ; Memphis, Tennessee

WOULD CALL THE ATTENTION OK MEBCHANTS TO OUR UNUSUALLY LARGE ANDWE well asuortrd mock of ttlank. .ill tiool a.oh., Nratloaery, fete.. JCte., wblcb weOffr at VBRY LW FtHURKS F Prompt attention irlvon ti orrtrw





Wines, Liquors and Cigars,HXTo. BQ-- FrorJit St. TVTeTja.Tala.lci. .

91. C. FKARCE.


Cotton and Commission Merchants,No. 258 Front Street, Memphis, Tenn.

(Particular Attention to the Sale ot Cotton.i51


The Blesant Accommodating Bends Packet,MilvertUorn, iSoLl

S. H. Whitehead. . .master I Nell Booker clerkLeaves Memphis Dally, at 5 o'clock p.m. Por

rreigni or passage apply on noara, orNo. 8 m tret.


Memphis & White River Packet.Bearnlar Xlemphla and

White River Packet Vor Ansusta, JackxonponSearcy, and way points. Tbe regular IndependentPacket

IIABD CASH, 323Ed. C. Postal master I Charles Postal clerk

WHI leave Hempbla EVERY WEDNESDAY, at5 p. in.' Vor frebibt or passage apply to

a. W. LlUttlBUBKB."a 7 Monroe St., opp. Pea body betel3, T. WAPHINHTOW Im w...'j


Memphis & Ohio Riverii2iPACKET COMPANYv.

FOBCairo, Louisville and Cincinnati

8TEASl E RSANDY BALM, COS MILLAR,JAMES W. 6AFF, TINT SHISKLE,JAS. D. PARKER, YlRtilE LEE.Steamers of this line leave Meraifhts for CAIRO,

Mondays, Wednesdays, FridaysAT 5 OCLOCK P.M.,

Connecting at Cincinnati 1th Bailroads and Steamers rar au

Eastern, Northern and Western Points,Giving THROUGH TICEET3 TO ALL POINTS,


DELPHIA ASD BOSTON.Eastern tourists will find the La Belle River RnntuSafe, Delightful and Economical Bates by this lineCheaper than any other first-clas- s route. Heals andStaterooms Free. Bangage checked through.

can rely on a splendid trip by tbtsiub, as iuo Hwutn arv tu nrsirciaas. Having beenxpressly built for tbe accommodation of paasen-er- a.

Each steamer carries a fmi string Band.Vor full Information, apply toa W. UGHTBUBNE,

General freight and Ticket Agent,No. 7 Monro street, Mfliif,



A. A. WHEELER. Superintendent






l'll.K TOMS,

lank Books!




FAIR MOUNT.SCHOOL FOB Tntrwa LiDIES SITUATEDA on tbe Cumberland Plateau, Tenn. Accessible

by rail from all polnis. A location unwroasaed lorhealtnfu!ne of cumateand beauty of scenery.

Second Term, lK-- begins August fltb; closeDecember 15tli. fexi-ni- e tor half year, $147- -

Summer Teim ot Altulc for students not enteredfor literary course.

There will be a summer term In the Musical De-partment of tbe school, under dlrectl n of Mr. I.de Ziellnsk', beginning June 1st, nod ending Octo-ber 1st. Tbls term Is established for tbe beneOt of

and amiteurs who can take advantage oftbe season to secure tbe superior facilities for Inst ruction offered by tbe Institution A course ofstudy will be arranged to meet tbe wants of thisclas. of students.

EXPENSES -- Per conrse ot elgbt weeks, two les-sons per week, forty minutes each, payable one hailIn advance;Piano Fo te lessons $30 00Pedal-pian- Organ 24 00Cultivation ot voice and solo singing 20 HOUses of Piano or organ 4 00Chorus class for Instruction In Theory. Har-

mony, etc, free. Board per month. Sltf.Address, MBS. H. B KELL9, Principal,

Mutfat, via Cowan. Tenn.BKrERKNCXS Rev. Dalzeil. D.O., Hon Jacob

Thompson, Messrs. Day A Pmudflt, Memphis,Tenn ; Bt. Bev. W. M. Oreen Bev W P. Duuoie,Pewanee, Tenn.; John w. Robinson, Jackson. Tenn.;Hon. K. a. Buck. Vlvksburg. Miss.; Dr. E H. Snip-wic-

Lltt e Bock. Ark.; wm. Q. Yerger, Greenville,Miss., Hon. L a Blible, Tblbodaux, La.; Dr. IsaacHull, Friars Point. Miss.

OWEN LILLYPractical Builder


LightGarriagesT KEEP A SELECT STOCK (exdaal-vel- af1 BIV nk W na BnsanfnslainAi rVlwax a WPT vWtl O I S li A Li 1UN H1M1 I Itn (af nfsnapnrl to KniM ta dDKBJ aay arallaf tke naedera atylea af- wig r a 111 7 vamnges now in use. I. . . .nu nnlhlna K,i ,K rviiv ri l-- n uemploy strictly nrst-ela- mechanic.

IIEPAIKIKC..In all It branches, done promptly and In the beat

Notice to Carpenters.

10 No. 1 CARPENTERS wanted at tbe LagrangeFurnace, near Danville. Tennessee Blver

Station, Louisville and MasbvlU Ballroad.

t li mil l inuii i inC7Q t-l-w 11 LlullJ EJ PmS


We will open and exhibit w, MONDAY, April 26th, in onrCloak and Suit Boom, an entire Sew Line cf

BLACK SILK SUITS,Cashmere Suits,811k Suits,

In all Shade and Combinations.

Fancy Hunting Suits,White Lawn Suits,Tinted Lawn Suits,




Efwm Ms m Para DressesAlso, MISSES' SUITS, CHILD REX'S SUITS, In great Tarietr.,


Silk Dolman, Cashmere Dolmans, Silk Capes, Cashm: re Capes,AND TBI HANDSOMEST TBAYEUSw WRAfS XYEB SHOWN.

B. LOWEfJSTTlPs brothers

Mh&h Oooi Ma EMstHotel, 35Ioni.Tplals.

KaAXXX eann lnen Shirt, ! 85 each, ar OO per hair daaea.Xm. 7777 ttaod lnek tthlrt, St SO eaea. ar 7 SO per Half deaen.Jan. lOlO 8t Lack BlrC nl 78 eaeb, ar OO per half deaen.Ha. VX Part Bella Seen Lack ak.tt S eaek, ar 1 OO per kair deaen.

tyeaeaatke welckt at tktfiOLDEI UORCsK SHOE. Asy pnrekaaer af a GaodLaek Mkfrc, ar ceeda te tke aasne asneant, la entitled te ataeaa. Aeareat aaeaareeelvrea SlOO in Cteld. Meeaad neareet gaess receive SSO In Uald. Tklrd neareat tarns reeelvee S5 la field.

tW The Golden Horse Shoe will be weighed July 4. 18SO.iEJ




Suits,Silk and Suits,

Beautifully combined.

Plain Suits,Percale Suits,

Lawn Suits,


VT Rrl

M. M'Lean. Orrin X. Peek.

To be fountf anywhere. Beet Slakes. Styles.Lowest Prices.

P.S. ,arare ateek en kaad ror tTkalraaie Trade, tawnlek tke attention at Merekaate la directed.


It is our toour bv Jone 1 5 th,

we nave but 60to of our

ofour !

tret theof

isto an


Wm. IT. JHoore. Bobt.



We have been in 21 years, and Intend to rrmam here and share her We have a

and shall keep ItOAULT with all goods suited to the wants of this sec-

tion. Our prices shall now, and at all times be,.AS LOW AS THE

Dry Goods, Men'sOoods, Ladies' Hats, Etc,



T. Biwdre.










positive intention closeMemphis business

and will DATSTIME dispose Large Stock

Goods."We intend that customers

and friends shall benefit!low prices.Our entire stock marked downinsure early sale. Special trade

discounts large


IT losub mHemphis



Wm.RJoore&Co.Wholesale Notions, Furnishing







rj tOO to 600 Per nt. Profit oaihe Investment. All Farmers Bhoaidtry It. tinaranteed to pay. Send forClrenlara and Prices to


. Baleae. a. P. B.wdre

30 and 311 Wonvh Twelfth street Mt. Louis, yil.ao n rlW. Beatk


COTTON PAOTOES,886 Front street aS538te3EBff Memphis, Teun.

. A