1 IIe I r I An Improvement Wirbavo just installed handsome new cigar Ct1SemODO that will display our stock welt anti keep clears In good condition Orlineiof smokers supplies F is ono of the largest in Pnducnli comprising all the standard popular brands of cigars as well as a complete assortment of tobaccos cigarettes and pipes o 1 1t INcell P f ATr a + v Drugglata Both PhoneH 178 Plfth and Broadway iTSIflfht boll nt side door THE LOCAL NEWS Dr Gilbert osteopath 440 M Broadway Phone 19C VINIt Pages short order restau- rant 123 South Second iLIifen markers for sale at thli omcii t Forms for real estate agents foi tale at this omeo- WaUpaper bargains at KoMoy Umbansht 321 Kentucky avenue Veterinarians Parley Fisher 1345 old 351 now Hospital 2S I t fcouth Third Linen markers for sale at thla I J otfceAlLkfndi of fall bulbs also re liable lawn grass seed at Brunsons 5S3 Broadway Dall1GUQ rapers stopped mutt notify our col ¬ lectors oTJ lko tho requests direct to The Sup office No attention will be paid to such orders when given to ciTrrlers Sun IiibUhlng Co Manlcutlng balrdresslng scalp treatments and managing lola t iKlihcrCll 1 Kentucky phone 1852 rIJaea markers for tale at this office > Aoraccr Jack Xu iota left this morning for tbo Lexington reform Mhool with Hazel WUMams n colored i mrS who was sentenced to two years for Uenllng un from liar stepfather Ma9k Wright Hlwood Sell deputy Mailed Staler marsltal brought In George Dowdy this morning on a charge of ItoottegRlngat MayHeld He will bu l llyent a pr lmlnar h arlnjr by tom ntlssloner Gardhor thus afturhonn- Mltnlibor tiros Wo have Just rr rWvedI a froth stock of high grads t rubber Prices reasonable Sexton Fign Works Old phone 401 I Brunswick stew I Bring your l tikotf a iiil buy tome of thlvdcllcjous i tow made by tho Ramsey society on Mvtmthitnrt In front of the church LOOpCr < gallon Saturday I Bulbs bulb bulbll llynoinllm JIVopp I 1 JI newer to room Grove cemetery lau been completed I find In a few days the connections will bj > made it was necessary to run a pipe about a equanJ lu order to connect with tho mains Tho city rtrecl l department did part of the workjand placed Trimble street In good shape Sow the employer aro b apkjjg up the concrete curbing a rnund CAldwell parka Th Indict1 Mite society of tho First Baptlet ch rem will meet Friday afternoon at 3 oclock with Mrs liar ty Lukcni 1717 MaJlion street r > rrd 1 Llnd ey nnd Miss 1 Maude L Farrow a young couplo of Ingleslde scatted a msrrkgo license at tha county clerks once today The iwret potato and Jcruxat lem rtkhoko are supposed to bo In dlRfiPouj to America rI Quick Delivery Service t ry The fact that one Is In need lot medlcluo seems to ut an In dlcallon that they want It at once and for tlllrenlSOn wo have especlaly equipped our- selves to make deliveries Im¬ mediately upon receipt of or ¬ dera either by phono or In person Two blcytio mccsengore are on duty at our tore every hour In tho day and till eleven at night Phone Tour wants either phone 77 and too how prpmptjy and satisfactorily wo attend jour wan- tsiilherti Drag Store 4an Broadway Either Phone No 77- r1 < It at ilHicrfs n 1 L NEWS S OF COURTS I IIn Polce Court In police court this morning was Breach of peace Hlch Robertson nary Hobertnon and- s Henrietta Nichols colored fio ono no coda each Annie Griffin colored 1o and coats Breach of ordinance I William E Btflwnrt contlnuej null tomorrow Using Insulting language Van Sattcrfleld colored 5 nod I costa f1I111 Filed I j MrrtI diaries Glllcn alleging abandonment as the cause of action The coupe were married April 15 1895 at Mi tropolln Tho wife arks custody of tact 8yearold daughter Hazel Charles Snell aged 34 wan ad Jllri > ordered to the Hopklnsvllle asylum- A stroke of parallels laat June Ia said to bo tho canto of Snclla unfortunate conditionSuit lOOOO damages for the death of John Tilteeldw who was killed while at work near Ninth street and Broadway September 16 has been filed against the Paducah Traction company by J W Vtrlto sides administrator the estate In nil IIknl ltC < Notfoe was given today that the drat meeting of the creditors of Dun- can ¬ Hayden bankrupt merchants of Eddyvlllc will btf held October 1 by Jlefereo IJophy iiiisAixMi JumllITTfHiUl < Dnnro In Too Naughty for Jon lIOII City niul IK I Iorlddden Plttsburg Oct 5Plltabu w ill not stand for Salome It It to- owtekedat I least tho version present- ed ¬ by Blanche Deyo of Joe Wcbern nllbttperfortnanct ception denounced 1 It Ofllclalj wlt ncssed the show themselves andwdc cMcd there wan nothing doing Miss Deyo tried to defend her lack of clothing She said I guess I do not wear too much clothing but I am paid for not doing to Safety Director Lang and Police Chief McQualdo sat for a time In a lower tax and watched tho dance Then they itarted for tho stage Be ¬ fore they succeeded In reaching It Salome had completed her dance Then ono of tho actor appeared and atartcif In to abuse the Plttsburg officials calling them prudes He die appeared and his place waa taken by Director tang who announced that Salomo would co longer bo permitted to dance here t 9 Slicrnmn lteiulllcnn Club Will meet Friday night October 10- 100S at Masonic hall corner Seventh and Adams streets AH members and friends are cordially Invited to bo present G W Hnrvey President HU IOR lYactunxl W W Buchanan tho liveryman of Arcadia was seriously Injured yester- day ¬ afternoon by being thrown to thb streets buckbnarJ to which hp was driving a young horse Ho differed a compound fracture of the eft leg bolow the knee and was bruited In several places Ho was carried to his home In Arcadia In an ambulance > IUXJISTKU TUESDVV OCT 2O Copyright1908RosenwaldWeilChiwgoSpan k 1 1IN SOCIAL CIROLBSl l Miss HodKO to Entertain for Mis I I I Hudson Miss Elsie Hodgo will entertain with a dance on Wednesday evening October 21 at the Three Links building In honor of Miss Mona Hud- son of Louisville who Is the guest or MIII Eloise Hrodshaw AVInstcndMonljjoitiery t I The TimesEnterprise of Thoma v1 IP Oa In announcing the engage mm of Miss Lftlllo May Wlnstead to Mr John Swift Montgomery of that city ways ns follows Mr and Mrs Samuel Huston win stead of Paducah Ky announce the engagement and approaching mar- riage of their daughter Llllle May t to Mr John Swift Montgomery or Thoinasville Ca the wedding to take puce Wednesday November 25th 1908 at tho First Methodist church Paducah I Tho above announcement from Pa ducali will lx > of great Interest to the many friends of both parties In Thomasvllle Mies Wlnstead has visited M 1 m J F Mitchell hero find during her stay proved concluslvel the attractiveness and beauty of the Kentucky belle Mtea Wlnstead la ono of the moat popular and admired members of the society tet of Padu- cah and will make a very valuable addition to Tbomaivlllo society Mr Montgomery has for a number of year bees closely associated with tho business Interests of Thomaevllle and snco his purchase of tho drifp story of 1 W Peacock has mado a namo for business Integrity and abll 1 It t 1e people of this city lie lit deservedly ono of the most popu ar young men In Tliomairllle having friends among both young ami old who know him for what he really Is a young man of great promise and ability who will accomplish great things WnllnccLntlmer Wedding Tills Kvenlag The welding of Miss Frances Wal ¬ lace to Mr William Carroll Latlmor of Atlanta Ga this evening will be a social event of notable prominence The ceremony will be solemnized nt 9ocock at tho First Christian church Tho admit ion to the church will 1101 I by presentation at the door of the card that acompanled the tnvltattona Ilowing I 930 untH H oclock w21 i at the home of the bride Mr and Mrs 1 George Oiayton parentsl 323 North NintJi street Ttio bridal party is a large ono IISI follows Mead I of honor Miss Hello Cave best man Mr EI Gamble of Atlanta bridesmaids Miss Arise lath lor of flolton S C Wr8 i Pau- line ¬ I Lexington LSI J ian Purcell of MJsj Gregory Miss Blanche Hills Miss Kathleen Wlilteflcld ll11rSEthelC i B oaks sroonwrncn jlr Robert VtiJ 1 Wallace of Memphis Tenn Mr Charles Das of Atlanta Mr Stuart Snsti Mr George EhiBofs J Mf 1 > avid Kror Dr I U HoweltJ I uth6ra Fran wlnJ i DavlsI I A muirWr f out of Lawn guests- wlllbe PrOlfIJ for the wedding In addition to ilwwe included In tho i brlday party Mw A C Latlmer and Miss Sarah Utmer Belton 8 Cl Mr and Mrs Robertson O Morrow of Memphis Mr and Mrs Holllnc1 I Randolph of Atlanta Mrs Edwin El moro Bowley f Fort Worth Texas idea I Luty 1aiion of Virginia Mks Mine Bak rr r St Louis I Jefferson School Improvement Ix npie Program I The Jefferson School Improvement f League will meet Friday afternoon at 3 oclock at the Jefferson building Harrison streets The cordialiylurged I lint Corbet t the president will Ilrl1 side I I The ioRram to bo presented toI I onolas I U TakDookl and tho Public IIbrarMrsC Ek lures I II 2 TalkRanks and tho Homo = Mrs MuECoe Burnett i 3 TalkRanks and the SCh0011 Miss Singleton I Tho league will be grateful for ahj donations of booL8 and magazines Bullet Supper nt Wullarn Home Mr I and Mrs George Clayton Wal dace entfrtrtlnjed the bridal party of the WallnceLatlmer wedding last evening with a buffet supper at their u n kOADjV- f oURnnT hoa IIY HERE Ian model that ap- peals to you men log king for conservative patterns It c < mes inn number of very handsome patterns in all the popular Abodes 20 to 50 Other goodsuits 10 to 18 10 fc discount his week t AI r T y A Dimple MakerF- ind a child with dimples and youfind thinbody Scotts EmulsionY- our doctor will tell you so Nothing helps these thin pale children like Scotts Emulsion It contains the very element of fat they need It supplies them quicklydigested bringsdimples I Send this aJ rtlstirrI tntslhtr with name of tuprrlrtKlilchlt appear your aiVfn and tour emf j to cover posUgc tnj we wet send you a Cmrktellndr Atlas of tIc WorU r 1 SCOTr a UOWTiE 409 Perl Street New York hotn 323 North N nth street preced lug theiwcddlnB Tcliparsal at the cbuivh It was a dfiBhtfuI and In torinal affair I firs Victor IL Thomas and Ilas Cora Warren have gone to Calvcr Ct t friendsW I 1 Central fireman Is seriously ill of typhoid fever tit the railroad hospital I Mrs Anna Camphc of 626 Ken tuthy avenue underwent an opera ¬ tion at Jllver de hospital yesterday for appendicitis She js still In a criiial condition I Mr Harley Rector of Twelfth and Madison streets has returned from Ilaum IlL afteV a v 1111t to friends relatives andI I Mrs George Ivan of Kansas Mo left this morning for her home after a pleasant months visit to her 0fters I White and Mrs Charles Johnson of Cark street I Miss Elizabeth Sdireo and Mrs M K Scott have gone to Los Angeles tot remain for several months Mr Carl Pace of Murray was In Paducah today en route to his home from Madltonvllle Mr Pace was a member of the MaJIsonvIIIe baseball team which has disbanded until next IIr I the f1ittle I f Or Tenth and Jeffereon streets Is re- covering from her recent illness r 11 Jjhn II hedge of Henderson head luy < r l In Kentucky for the Imperial Tobacco company whdch rupplles thI I StiKlish government with tobacco 1111 here Albert Acrce the contractor went- to I Murray this morning on business Luther Grahamya merchant at 11IiIIlC3J j 11 mot left today ttratteridMhwWest Kentucky Uaplftt asBOcIatfon and visit her sracdtnotherMr8 Chambcrsl or 11nO 11 I Tenn Is In tile city to Join his witet llols ihft guest of her father Mrl M McOlathery br North Seventh itret t Mri land Mrs Irlon will re- turn home on Friday I Mr and Mrs Robertson G Mor- row of Memphis Tenn are the guests of Mrs Salllo i Morrow Jeffer- son and Sixth streets Mr and Mrs Morrow arrived yestcday to attend I the VallaceLatlmor wedding tonight t Barclay Swann a woo known to acco mhn of Murray la In tho city Mss Aline Baker of St Louts wilt rrlvo this evening to be the guest ci HObSOD11t03 Mr and Mrs John Cooke of 5111 South Slxthstreet returned last night from Lonlsvlllo after a two months vtsil to rtMUvl1 at Wnnhington Pa Miss India Lang of 1008 Cay IIoeks adjustor from Louisville Is In the I city today a 1 justing the loss on tho parsonage of the Kentucky Avenue occuIpied Mrs George C Ingram of 820 Monroe street has returned front I arbondalo III after a visit to her- on and daughter Mrs Annie Campbell of C2C Ken- tucky avenue has been moved to tlverslde hospltai and operated on for appendicitis She is resting com araUvely ellS today t Mrs Wftliam Spurlock of Foretton Texas a visiting Mrs Flegle of Sixth and Clay streets Mrs Magjrlo l Nunnemacher of Fonda Fourth street has returned af- ter a two months visit In Ttmn I l1 WORKING FOIL HARMONY Dark > Tobacco Crowern Want Differ cares Ended t Clarks ille Tenn Oct 16Thed- ark tobacco growers met hero yes erday In regular session District re- ports showed the past crop of tobacco Chalrjman ed a meeting of the executive board of the association at Guthrlo that rranjfemonts had been made by General Manager Ewing to dispose of a1 low ulisand that two more grades were made which will enable the old crop to be moved out of lire way Ho was of the opinion that tho oldcrop had been scheduled too high Ho said a deal was pending for tho sale of SOOOvOOO pounds of tobacco tq the Imperial people which he I ought would soon be consummated Regarding local conditions ho taldi I cannot live In turmoil so as there are two factions In this county I have gone to work for peaco and harmony nttdi polleva In ayfow dais tier wit- Itn I i no division t tweeea any 0I I ur- people ro n f roO 1 yo RED MEN AUK TRICKED AND KRVTUCKIAX AltR SORE OVKHIT f r SlritJoJ OO on Long louse Pro- ject That Originated in Joke at Xntlonal Meeting The Ijoulsrvllle Herald says New and particularly Interesting do vclopments In connection with the much talked of Long House for Louisville came to light yesterday when It became known that S C Moore a member of tho great council of the ROIl Men of Kentucky and probably more conversant with the situation than any other man in Uu state had decided to break his long silence concerning tho long House n proposed permanent headquarters for the national body of lied Men and to tell what ho knows of tho situation Tho Kentucky Red Men and com merclal bodies of Louisville which have assisted in the campaign that was made to secure tho building for I needI < cntre affair was an extremely imprac- ticable practical Joke of which the Kentucky chapters were made the butt and that the Lons House was a pure myth trumped up by nd minis ratIon candidates who wbhed to place supporters on n deadhead1 oomraitteo are among the Interesting statements made yesterday by Mr > foore These revelations came yesterday utter Mr Moore had acceded to rho wishes of friends and accepted num- erous Invitations to speak before a different chapter of Red Men of tho city and state and to unveil to them the true state cf affairs In regard to the Long House scandal Kentucky tell Men Sore Kentucky Red Men who are on the Inside in regard to the affair are Incensed over the way they were treated In regard to the building and declare they were led to pursue a mere Will o the Wilsp at heaI I expense throueh the machinations of idmlntstrntlon candidates for posiUonI on the national council of th I Mens order A complete denouement will be mode of the entire affair by ilr Moore wto after three weeks pf llcncc yesterday consented to ad Iress the Red Men concerning It Although the tact has been well guarded sad Mr Moore yesterday developments at our recent annual Convention In Connecticut Just closed towed that the Long House was a Joke that there never was the alight cat possibility of such a house being milt by Ited Men Delegates nreem b ilod In cbsinton laughed long and oud at the mere Idea and said they bought wed known all the time that It was nothing but a Joke The con entJon in Bridgeport simply undid all that had been done toward erecting too building gad swept the entire cijemo into oblivion Meanwhile Kentucky held the ba- Newspaper I I UatllI I A French statistician l who has been Beaching records calculates that there Is one newspaper published rorI every 82000 inhabitants of the known world In Euro Germany neWE1I3pers1r England comes next with 3004 news- papers of which 800 era dallies and then comes France with 2S19 newt areldafyor week Italy comes fourth with 1404 apem and 11 followed by Austria lungary Spain Hiisslat Greece and I wltzcrland the last having 450 news rapers Altogether Europe tins about IThere I the IOoOo them are published dally i and 126 are managed tilted and pub Irhed by negroes In Asia there are 1000 periodical publications of which the greater part appear in British India and Japan Tho latter country i mbllsbcs lrOO newspapers Africa has only I 200 newspapers of which j 30 ao tn Wished In Egypt and the rest appear In the various European olonIef HXcw York I PtnI I Edna Told n Edna Cook colored was taken in charge this morning by Detective lilac Cross and Patrolman Elmiis C barter on an alleged charge of steal lug 5 from Dr Eo E Davis of Mol be Tho room had been loftfojen but a few minutes when Dr Davis misted his liver She denied her guilt t even when she was taken bcfori Police Judge D A Crow < A search evealed the missing money hidden In her clothes She was not proe cuted but ordered to leave PaducaU by G oclock tonight j 1 In car Look here sir 1 got up to give my scat to that lady V t Second man sitting down Phats all Tight old fellow Shes m- ywifedifo l I I Success and Good Digestion are closely a lied to GrapesNuts T > rereaaReaeon- Y 1Y r The Majestic Range rv The wonderful Cooker has the only airtight oven in the world Hence it burns less fuel and does cooking t that other ranges cannot do 750 3 i1 setv onlyf Come and fully examine the range andenjoy n a good + cup of hot coffeej j and biicuit t Cot t Incorporated ts4tw WANT ADS Bubocribera Inserting want ads in Tbe Sun will kindly remember that oil such items are to be paid for when the ad to Inserted tho rule applying to every one without exception FOIL KALE Homer pigeons Al H colors New phond C02 LINEN MARKERS for sale at t this onceVVANTE1A good cook Good wages and room Old phone 32C fEDSTFA 3 SlOeS and other furniture for sale 918 Broadway FOR RENT Fiveroom house 218 North Sixth Apply to Chas Frederick FOR SALELIDen markers at tblll office THH ONLY wood and coat yard In the city Johnston Fuel Co Phones 203 J E WOIIGAN horse shoeing general repairing rubber tires 40S South Third LOSTA crunch of keys A suit abe reward wjl be paid If delivered to Wm Boriiemann 300 Broadway FOR HliNT acres and Apply E H Puryears once Register build- ing Phone 1487r tanmarried Apply 315 South Third street Old phone EDTo borrow S50 on 1 Broadway property will pay 10 per- cent Ring 2255 old phone COTTAQE for rent JS per mODthI Three blocks front P O Apply 441 South Sixth DOAHDBna solicited at 1222 roadway Would be pleased to- rerve meals US teachers and pupljt FARM FOR SALE55 acres new house strawberries 25 acres UmberI Jj H miles on Hlnklevllle road Ad- dress B this once Tlin gasoltnebaat Addle wilt make one trip dally beginning October 13 to Joppa and all way landings Leaves Paducah 830 a mi from fooUf Ken tucky avenue Ifo 1VANT Oak Stove or hear fog Wood any time during the year and cut the length you want cat 203 Johnston Fuel Co IF YOU have James Duffey to do your cleaning and pressing your clothes will always look like new Old phone 338a IM YOU WANT Kentucky or Pltts burg coal that will please you at re- duced prices call 203 Johnston Fuel Co- F01t RENT 3rooms furnished or unfurnished with all modern conI enionclcs for man and wife Old phone 141- 5MhNOur Illustrated catalogue explains how we teach barber trade In few weeks mailed free Voter Barber College St louts Mo- IVANTEDFifty purchasers for diamonds on easy payments Call at once and pet our proposition Eye See Jewelry and Optical Co incor- porated 315 Broadway FOR KENT yroom house 410 S 10th 90 foot lot high and try Both hot and cold water Modern plumbing J A Rudy 219 Broad wayLADAOENT3 wanted to toll genuine Heatherboom Petticoats Best on the marleV Theresmoney In It for hustlers Write for particulars Independent Skirt Co 220S W Van turen St Chicago LADIES Our catalogue explains how wo teach hairdressing manlcur tag facial massage etc In few weeks mailed free MoKr College- St Louts 5o LOST Saturday afternoon brown coat suit Jacket between Sixth and- Claynad Eighth and Jefferson streets Satisfactory reward If returned to 421 Harahan Phone 1417 ILLINOIS COAL and Feed Co ICth and Totanesece Best Union peabushel Give us your order New phone 733 PRAOTICAt bookkeeping Oregpj shorthand und touch typewriting suci ceasfuly taught day and night at Pa- ducah Central Business o1lIie Qvdt lIH l pljedi In ppsltlont tit Paducib foie- y WANTED Colored woman to do house cleaning Apply at once 918 Iroadwayr jtlake jt JReferences J Boarder care Sun MaggieSunnemacber and will be glad to have tho ladles call Located at 733 South Fourth Old phone 480- WANTED FOR U S ARMY = Ablebodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 35 citizens of United States of good character and tem- perate habits who can speak read and write English For Information apply to Recruiting Officer New Richmond House Paducah Ky fOR SALE My new country home on the Hinkleyllle road 2milesfr- om city limits Five acres of land Two slorY concrete residence of eight rooms two halls pantry and bath room Large porches Fine well Half acre of strawberries Nice or- chard of young tyes Terms reason- able Ixiuolla Mattjson R F D So 1 New phone 5103 Attention Sir Knlghtx All knights desiring to go to Ful r ton l wlI meet at halt at 9 oclock a 111i sharp Train will leave promptly at 10 apl11 x- wwTTFV2UJ I n FRED ACKER J3ccy t Them W E Cave still continues to Improve at hit home on North Seventh Street Tact Isono of n business mans most Important assets t How an Ignorant man does enjoy landing out Information 1 < TUR WELLINGTON HOTEL CHICAGO Oor Wabash Avc Jackson Blvd ICMATOCK u DAYFIEtD Props Remodeled at a cost of 9ino000 lot and coM running water rind longI I distance phones In nil rooms 00- rooms i1 100 with baths Single or en suite Rates 9100 and upwards One of the most unique dhilnj + room In the country Our famous Indian t Cafe Noted for service and cuisine n n Hay Fever uiimnt Bellrt 501 ulttrare nratnoeeuanedrree axlca Lnbormlorr tltl Broulwir New York c- y Sir Bettie Owen Ferry For Information apply to A J Hogan AValtlngroom 120 Kentucky avenue Phone 7X7 a The New OKcial Seal Cigar 3 for 25 cents a Special < Saturdayi i 5 cents strailhtI I v Itrr McPher ons y DttgStor r- Fourt I Ir t a aI Irr wafI- y 11f 4

I 11IN CIROLBSl A MakerF- An Improvement Thenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7m901zf73f/data/0709.pdf1IIe I r I An Improvement Wirbavo just installed handsome new cigar Ct1SemODO that will display

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Page 1: I 11IN CIROLBSl A MakerF- An Improvement Thenyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7m901zf73f/data/0709.pdf1IIe I r I An Improvement Wirbavo just installed handsome new cigar Ct1SemODO that will display



An ImprovementWirbavo just installed handsome new cigar Ct1SemODO thatwill display our stock welt anti keep clears In good condition

Orlineiof smokers suppliesF

is ono of the largest in Pnducnli

comprising all the standard popular brands of cigars as well asa complete assortment of tobaccos cigarettes and pipes




INcell P f ATr a+ vDrugglata

Both PhoneH 178 Plfth and BroadwayiTSIflfht boll nt side door


Dr Gilbert osteopath 440 M

Broadway Phone 19CVINIt Pages short order restau-

rant 123 South SecondiLIifen markers for sale at thli

omcii tForms for real estate agents foi

tale at this omeo-WaUpaper bargains at KoMoy

Umbansht 321 Kentucky avenueVeterinarians Parley Fisher

1345 old 351 now Hospital 2S I

tfcouth ThirdLinen markers for sale at thla I

JotfceAlLkfndi of fall bulbs also reliable lawn grass seed at Brunsons5S3 Broadway

Dall1GUQrapers stopped mutt notify our col ¬

lectors oTJ lko tho requests directto The Sup office No attention willbe paid to such orders when givento ciTrrlers Sun IiibUhlng Co

Manlcutlng balrdresslng scalptreatments and managing lolat

iKlihcrCll1 Kentucky phone 1852rIJaea markers for tale at this

office >Aoraccr Jack Xu iota left this

morning for tbo Lexington reformMhool with Hazel WUMams n colored

i mrS who was sentenced to two yearsfor Uenllng un from liar stepfatherMa9k Wright

Hlwood Sell deputy MailedStaler marsltal brought In GeorgeDowdy this morning on a charge ofItoottegRlngat MayHeld He will bulllyent a pr lmlnar h arlnjr by tomntlssloner Gardhor thus afturhonn-

Mltnlibor tiros Wo have Just rrrWvedI a froth stock of high gradstrubber Prices reasonable SextonFign Works Old phone 401 I

Brunswick stew I Bring yourltikotf aiiil buy tome of thlvdcllcjousi tow made by tho Ramsey society onMvtmthitnrt In front of the church

LOOpCr< gallon Saturday I

Bulbs bulb bulbll llynoinllmJIVoppI 1

JInewer to roomGrove cemetery lau been completed I

find In a few days the connectionswill bj> made it was necessary torun a pipe about a equanJ lu order toconnect with tho mains Tho cityrtrecll department did part of theworkjand placed Trimble street Ingood shape Sow the employer arobapkjjg up the concrete curbinga rnund CAldwell parka

Th Indict1 Mite society of thoFirst Baptlet ch rem will meet Fridayafternoon at 3 oclock with Mrs liarty Lukcni 1717 MaJlion streetr> rrd 1Llnd ey nnd Miss1 Maude LFarrow a young couplo of Inglesldescatted a msrrkgo license at thacounty clerks once today

The iwretpotatoand Jcruxatlem rtkhoko are supposed to bo IndlRfiPouj to America



try The fact that one Is In needlot medlcluo seems to ut an In

dlcallon that they want It atonce and for tlllrenlSOn wohave especlaly equipped our-

selves to make deliveries Im¬

mediately upon receipt of or¬

dera either by phono or Inperson

Two blcytio mccsengore areon duty at our tore everyhour In tho day and till elevenat night Phone Tour wantseither phone 77 and too howprpmptjy and satisfactorily woattend jour wan-

tsiilherti Drag Store

4an BroadwayEither Phone No 77-

r1< It at ilHicrfs



IIIn Polce CourtIn police court this

morning was Breach of peaceHlch Robertson nary Hobertnon and-

s Henrietta Nichols colored fio onono coda each Annie Griffin colored

1o and coats Breach of ordinanceI William E Btflwnrt contlnuej nulltomorrow Using Insulting language

Van Sattcrfleld colored 5 nod



f1I111 Filed

IjMrrtIdiaries Glllcn alleging abandonmentas the cause of action The coupewere married April 15 1895 at Mitropolln Tho wife arks custody oftact 8yearold daughter Hazel

Charles Snell aged 34 wan adJllri >

ordered to the Hopklnsvllle asylum-

A stroke of parallels laat June Ia saidto bo tho canto of Snclla unfortunate

conditionSuitlOOOO damages for the

death of John Tilteeldw who waskilled while at work near Ninthstreet and Broadway September 16has been filed against the PaducahTraction company by J W Vtrltosides administrator the estate

In nil IIknl ltC <

Notfoe was given today that thedrat meeting of the creditors of Dun-can


Hayden bankrupt merchantsof Eddyvlllc will btf held October 1

by Jlefereo IJophy

iiiisAixMi JumllITTfHiUl <

Dnnro In Too Naughty for Jon lIOII

City niul IKI IorldddenPlttsburg Oct 5Plltabu w ill

not stand for Salome It It to-owtekedat Ileast tho version present-ed


by Blanche Deyo of Joe Wcbern

nllbttperfortnanctception denounced 1It Ofllclalj wltncssed the show themselves andwdccMcd there wan nothing doing

Miss Deyo tried to defend her lackof clothing She said I guess I donot wear too much clothing but I ampaid for not doing to

Safety Director Lang and PoliceChief McQualdo sat for a time In alower tax and watched tho danceThen they itarted for tho stage Be ¬

fore they succeeded In reaching ItSalome had completed her dance

Then ono of tho actor appearedand atartcif In to abuse the Plttsburgofficials calling them prudes He dieappeared and his place waa taken byDirector tang who announced thatSalomo would co longer bo permittedto dance here t


Slicrnmn lteiulllcnn ClubWill meet Friday night October 10-

100S at Masonic hall corner Seventhand Adams streets AH members andfriends are cordially Invited to bopresent G W Hnrvey President

HU IOR lYactunxlW W Buchanan tho liveryman of

Arcadia was seriously Injured yester-day


afternoon by being thrown to thbstreets buckbnarJ to whichhp was driving a young horse Hodiffered a compound fracture of theeft leg bolow the knee and was

bruited In several places Ho wascarried to his home In Arcadia In anambulance >




Miss HodKO to Entertain for MisIII Hudson

Miss Elsie Hodgo will entertainwith a dance on Wednesday eveningOctober 21 at the Three Linksbuilding In honor of Miss Mona Hud-son of Louisville who Is the guest orMIII Eloise Hrodshaw

AVInstcndMonljjoitieryt I

The TimesEnterprise of Thomav1 IP Oa In announcing the engagemm of Miss Lftlllo May Wlnstead toMr John Swift Montgomery of thatcity ways ns follows

Mr and Mrs Samuel Huston winstead of Paducah Ky announce theengagement and approaching mar-riage of their daughter Llllle May ttoMr John Swift Montgomery orThoinasville Ca the wedding totake puce Wednesday November25th 1908 at tho First Methodistchurch Paducah

I Tho above announcement from Paducali will lx> of great Interest to themany friends of both parties InThomasvllle Mies Wlnstead hasvisited M1 m J F Mitchell hero findduring her stay proved concluslvelthe attractiveness and beauty of theKentucky belle Mtea Wlnstead laono of the moat popular and admiredmembers of the society tet of Padu-cah and will make a very valuableaddition to Tbomaivlllo society

Mr Montgomery has for a numberof year bees closely associated withtho business Interests of Thomaevllleand snco his purchase of tho drifpstory of1 W Peacock has mado anamo for business Integrity and abll1Itt1e people of this city lielit deservedly ono of the most popuar young men In Tliomairllle having

friends among both young ami oldwho know him for what he really Isa young man of great promise andability who will accomplish greatthings

WnllnccLntlmer Wedding TillsKvenlag

The welding of Miss Frances Wal¬

lace to Mr William Carroll Latlmorof Atlanta Ga this evening will bea social event of notable prominenceThe ceremony will be solemnized nt9ocock at tho First Christian churchTho admit ion to the church will 1101I

by presentation at the door of thecard that acompanled the tnvltattonaIlowingI

930 untH H oclock w21i

at the home of the brideMr and Mrs1 George Oiayton parentsl323 North NintJi street

Ttio bridal party is a large ono IISIfollows MeadI of honor Miss HelloCave best man Mr EI Gambleof Atlanta bridesmaids Miss Ariselath lor of flolton S C Wr8i Pau-

line¬ I

Lexington LSIJ

ianPurcell of MJsjGregory Miss Blanche Hills Miss

Kathleen Wlilteflcld ll11rSEthelCi

B oaks sroonwrncn jlr Robert VtiJ1

Wallace of Memphis Tenn MrCharles Das of Atlanta MrStuart Snsti Mr George EhiBofs JMf 1>avid Kror Dr I U HoweltJ I


FranwlnJi DavlsII

A muirWr f out of Lawn guests-

wlllbe PrOlfIJ for the wedding Inaddition to ilwwe included In tho i

brlday party Mw A C Latlmer andMiss Sarah Utmer Belton 8 ClMr and Mrs Robertson O Morrowof Memphis Mr and Mrs Holllnc1


Randolph of Atlanta Mrs Edwin Elmoro Bowley f Fort Worth TexasideaI Luty 1aiion of Virginia MksMine Bak rrr St Louis


Jefferson School Improvement Ix npieProgram I

The Jefferson School Improvement fLeague will meet Friday afternoon at3 oclock at the Jefferson building

Harrison streets The

cordialiylurged I

lint Corbett the president will Ilrl1sideI I

The ioRram to bo presented toIIonolasI

U TakDookl and tho PublicIIbrarMrsC Ek lures III

2 TalkRanks and tho Homo=Mrs MuECoe Burnett i

3 TalkRanks and the SCh0011Miss Singleton I

Tho league will be grateful for ahjdonations of booL8 and magazines

Bullet Supper nt Wullarn HomeMrI and Mrs George Clayton Wal

dace entfrtrtlnjed the bridal party ofthe WallnceLatlmer wedding lastevening with a buffet supper at their


n kOADjV-ffoURnnThoaIIY

HERE Ian model that ap-

peals to you men log kingfor conservative patternsIt c< mes inn number ofvery handsome patterns inall the popular Abodes

20 to 50

Other goodsuits 10 to 18

10 fc discount his week




A Dimple MakerF-ind a child with dimples andyoufindthinbodyScotts EmulsionY-

our doctor will tell you soNothing helps these thin palechildren like Scotts EmulsionIt contains the very element offat they need It supplies them


Send this aJ rtlstirrI tntslhtr with name oftuprrlrtKlilchlt appear your aiVfn and touremfj to cover posUgc tnj we wet send you aCmrktellndr Atlas of tIc WorU r 1

SCOTr a UOWTiE 409 Perl Street New York

hotn 323 North N nth street precedlug theiwcddlnB Tcliparsal at thecbuivh It was a dfiBhtfuI and Intorinal affair

I firs Victor IL Thomas and IlasCora Warren have gone to CalvcrCt tfriendsWI

1 Centralfireman Is seriously ill of typhoidfever tit the railroad hospital

I Mrs Anna Camphc of626 Kentuthy avenue underwent an opera ¬

tion at Jllver de hospital yesterdayfor appendicitis She js still In acriiial condition

I Mr Harley Rector of Twelfth andMadison streets has returned fromIlaum IlL afteV a v 1111t to friendsrelatives andII

Mrs George Ivan of KansasMo left this morning for her homeafter a pleasant months visit to her0ftersI White and MrsCharles Johnson of Cark street I

Miss Elizabeth Sdireo and Mrs MK Scott have gone to Los Angeles totremain for several months

Mr Carl Pace of Murray was InPaducah today en route to his homefrom Madltonvllle Mr Pace was amember of the MaJIsonvIIIe baseballteam which has disbanded until nextIIrI

thef1ittleIfOr Tenth and Jeffereon streets Is re-

covering from her recent illness r11

Jjhn II hedge of Henderson headluy< r lIn Kentucky for the Imperial

Tobacco company whdch rupplles thII

StiKlish government with tobacco 1111

hereAlbert Acrce the contractor went-


Murray this morning on businessLuther Grahamya merchant at


mot left today ttratteridMhwWestKentucky Uaplftt asBOcIatfon andvisit her sracdtnotherMr8 Chambcrslor11nO11


Tenn Is In tile city to Join his witetllols ihft guest of her father Mrl

M McOlathery br North Seventhitrett Mri land Mrs Irlon will re-

turn home on Friday I

Mr and Mrs Robertson G Mor-row of Memphis Tenn are theguests of Mrs Sallloi Morrow Jeffer-son and Sixth streets Mr and MrsMorrow arrived yestcday to attend I

the VallaceLatlmor wedding tonight t

Barclay Swann a woo known toacco mhn of Murray la In tho city

Mss Aline Baker of St Louts wiltrrlvo this evening to be the guest ci

HObSOD11t03Mr and Mrs John Cooke of 5111

South Slxthstreet returned last nightfrom Lonlsvlllo after a two monthsvtsil to rtMUvl1 at Wnnhington Pa

Miss India Lang of 1008 Cay

IIoeksadjustor from Louisville Is In the


city today a 1 justing the loss on thoparsonage of the Kentucky AvenueoccuIpied

Mrs George C Ingram of 820Monroe street has returned frontI

arbondalo III after a visit to her-on and daughter

Mrs Annie Campbell of C2C Ken-tucky avenue has been moved totlverslde hospltai and operated on

for appendicitis She is resting comaraUvely ellS today t

Mrs Wftliam Spurlock of ForettonTexas a visiting Mrs Flegle of Sixthand Clay streets

Mrs Magjrlol Nunnemacher ofFonda Fourth street has returned af-

ter a two months visit In Ttmn I


Dark> Tobacco Crowern Want Differcares Ended t

Clarks ille Tenn Oct 16Thed-ark tobacco growers met hero yeserday In regular session District re-ports showed the past crop of tobaccoChalrjmaned a meeting of the executive boardof the association at Guthrlo thatrranjfemonts had been made byGeneral Manager Ewing to dispose ofa1 low ulisand that two moregrades were made which will enablethe old crop to be moved out of lireway Ho was of the opinion that thooldcrop had been scheduled too highHo said a deal was pending for thosale of SOOOvOOO pounds of tobaccotq the Imperial people which heI ought would soon be consummatedRegarding local conditions ho taldi

I cannot live In turmoil so as thereare two factions In this county I havegone to work for peaco and harmonynttdi polleva In ayfow dais tier wit-Itn


i no division ttweeea any 0II ur-


n f roO 1




frSlritJoJ OO on Long louse Pro-

ject That Originated in Joke atXntlonal Meeting

The Ijoulsrvllle Herald saysNew and particularly Interesting do

vclopments In connection with themuch talked of Long House forLouisville came to light yesterdaywhen It became known that S CMoore a member of tho great councilof the ROIl Men of Kentucky andprobably more conversant with thesituation than any other man in Uustate had decided to break his longsilence concerning tho long House nproposed permanent headquarters forthe national body of lied Men and totell what ho knows of tho situation

Tho Kentucky Red Men and commerclal bodies of Louisville whichhave assisted in the campaign thatwas made to secure tho building for


cntre affair was an extremely imprac-ticable practical Joke of which theKentucky chapters were made thebutt and that the Lons House was apure myth trumped up by nd minisratIon candidates who wbhed toplace supporters on n deadhead1oomraitteo are among the Interestingstatements made yesterday by Mr> foore

These revelations came yesterdayutter Mr Moore had acceded to rhowishes of friends and accepted num-erous Invitations to speak before adifferent chapter of Red Men of thocity and state and to unveil to themthe true state cf affairs In regard tothe Long House scandal

Kentucky tell Men SoreKentucky Red Men who are on

the Inside in regard to the affair areIncensed over the way they weretreated In regard to the building anddeclare they were led to pursue amere Will o the Wilsp at heaII

expense throueh the machinations ofidmlntstrntlon candidates for posiUonIon the national council of th I

Mens order A complete denouementwill be mode of the entire affair byilr Moore wto after three weeks pfllcncc yesterday consented to adIress the Red Men concerning It

Although the tact has been wellguarded sad Mr Moore yesterday

developments at our recent annualConvention In Connecticut Just closedtowed that the Long House was aJoke that there never was the alight

cat possibility of such a house beingmilt by Ited Men Delegates nreembilod In cbsinton laughed long andoud at the mere Idea and said theybought wed known all the time thatIt was nothing but a Joke The conentJon in Bridgeport simply undid allthat had been done toward erectingtoo building gad swept the entirecijemo into oblivion MeanwhileKentucky held the ba-




A French statisticianl who has beenBeaching records calculates thatthere Is one newspaper published rorIevery 82000 inhabitants of theknown world In Euro Germany

neWE1I3pers1rEngland comes next with 3004 news-papers of which 800 era dallies andthen comes France with 2S19 newtareldafyorweek Italy comes fourth with 1404apem and 11 followed by Austrialungary Spain Hiisslat Greece and I

wltzcrland the last having 450 newsrapers Altogether Europe tins about


theIOoOo them are published dally i

and 126 are managed tilted and pubIrhed by negroes In Asia there are1000 periodical publications of whichthe greater part appear in BritishIndia and Japan Tho latter country i

mbllsbcs lrOO newspapers Africahas onlyI 200 newspapers of which j

30 ao tn Wished In Egypt and therest appear In the various EuropeanolonIef HXcw York IPtnII

Edna Told nEdna Cook colored was taken in

charge this morning by Detectivelilac Cross and Patrolman ElmiisCbarter on an alleged charge of steallug 5 from Dr Eo E Davis of Molbe Tho room had been loftfojen buta few minutes when Dr Davis mistedhis liver She denied her guiltteven when she was taken bcforiPolice Judge D A Crow <A searchevealed the missing money hidden

In her clothes She was not proecuted but ordered to leave PaducaUby G oclock tonight j

1In car Look here sir 1 got up to

give my scat to that lady V t

Second man sitting downPhats all Tight old fellow Shes m-ywifedifo l I


Success andGood Digestionare closely a lied to


Y 1Y


The Majestic Rangerv

The wonderful Cooker has the only

airtight oven in the world Henceit burns less fuel and does cooking


that other ranges cannot do 7503

i1setvonlyfCome and fully examine the rangeandenjoy

na good

+cup of hot coffeejj

and biicuit

tCot tIncorporated



Bubocribera Inserting want ads inTbe Sun will kindly remember thatoil such items are to be paid for whenthe ad to Inserted tho rule applyingto every one without exceptionFOIL KALE Homer pigeons AlHcolors New phond C02

LINEN MARKERS for sale at tthis

onceVVANTE1Agood cook Good

wages and room Old phone 32C

fEDSTFA 3 SlOeS and otherfurniture for sale 918 Broadway

FOR RENT Fiveroom house 218North Sixth Apply to Chas Frederick

FOR SALELIDen markers at tbllloffice

THH ONLY wood and coat yard Inthe city Johnston Fuel Co Phones203

J E WOIIGAN horse shoeinggeneral repairing rubber tires 40SSouth Third

LOSTA crunch of keys A suitabe reward wjl be paid If deliveredto Wm Boriiemann 300 Broadway

FOR HliNT acres and ApplyE H Puryears once Register build-ing Phone 1487r

tanmarriedApply 315 South Third street OldphoneEDTo

borrow S50 on 1

Broadway property will pay 10 per-cent Ring 2255 old phone

COTTAQE for rent JS per mODthIThree blocks front P O Apply 441South Sixth

DOAHDBna solicited at 1222roadway Would be pleased to-

rerve meals US teachers and pupljtFARM FOR SALE55 acres new

house strawberries 25 acres UmberIJj H miles on Hlnklevllle road Ad-

dress B this onceTlin gasoltnebaat Addle wilt makeone trip dally beginning October 13to Joppa and all way landings LeavesPaducah 830 a mi from fooUf Kentucky avenue

Ifo 1VANT OakStove or hearfog Wood any time during the yearand cut the length you want cat203 Johnston Fuel Co

IF YOU have James Duffey to doyour cleaning and pressing yourclothes will always look like newOld phone 338aIMYOU WANT Kentucky or Plttsburg coal that will please you at re-duced prices call 203 JohnstonFuel Co-

F01t RENT 3rooms furnishedor unfurnished with all modern conIenionclcs for man and wife Oldphone 141-

5MhNOur Illustrated catalogueexplains how we teach barber tradeIn few weeks mailed free VoterBarber College St louts Mo-

IVANTEDFifty purchasers fordiamonds on easy payments Call atonce and pet our proposition EyeSee Jewelry and Optical Co incor-porated 315 Broadway

FOR KENT yroom house 410S 10th 90 foot lot high and tryBoth hot and cold water Modernplumbing J A Rudy 219 Broad

wayLADAOENT3 wanted to tollgenuine Heatherboom Petticoats Beston the marleV Theresmoney In Itfor hustlers Write for particularsIndependent Skirt Co 220S W Vanturen St Chicago

LADIES Our catalogue explainshow wo teach hairdressing manlcurtag facial massage etc In fewweeks mailed free MoKr College-

St Louts 5oLOST Saturday afternoon brown

coat suit Jacket between Sixth and-Claynad Eighth and Jefferson streetsSatisfactory reward If returned to421 Harahan Phone 1417

ILLINOIS COAL and Feed CoICth and Totanesece Best UnionpeabushelGive us your order New phone 733

PRAOTICAt bookkeeping Oregpjshorthand und touch typewriting suciceasfuly taught day and night at Pa-

ducah Central Business o1lIie QvdtlIH l pljediIn ppsltlont tit Paducib


WANTED Colored woman to dohouse cleaning Apply at once 918Iroadwayrjtlakejt


Boarder care Sun

MaggieSunnemacberand will be glad to have tho ladlescall Located at 733 South FourthOld phone 480-

WANTED FORU S ARMY=Ablebodied unmarried men betweenages of 18 and 35 citizens of UnitedStates of good character and tem-perate habits who can speak readand write English For Informationapply to Recruiting Officer NewRichmond House Paducah Ky

fOR SALE My new country homeon the Hinkleyllle road 2milesfr-om city limits Five acres of landTwo slorY concrete residence of eightrooms two halls pantry and bathroom Large porches Fine wellHalf acre of strawberries Nice or-

chard of young tyes Terms reason-able Ixiuolla Mattjson R F DSo 1 New phone 5103

Attention Sir KnlghtxAll knights desiring to go to Ful r

tonl wlI meet at halt at 9 oclock a111i sharp Train will leave promptlyat 10 apl11 x-


Them W E Cave still continuesto Improve at hit home on NorthSeventh Street

Tact Isono of n business mansmost Important assets


How an Ignorant man does enjoylanding out Information 1



Oor Wabash Avc Jackson BlvdICMATOCK u DAYFIEtD Props

Remodeled at a cost of 9ino000lot and coM running water rind longI I

distance phones In nil rooms 00-


100 with baths Single or ensuite Rates 9100 and upwardsOne of the most unique dhilnj + roomIn the country Our famous Indian tCafe Noted for service and cuisinen nHay Fever uiimnt Bellrt

501 ulttrarenratnoeeuanedrree

axlca Lnbormlorr tltl Broulwir New York c-


Sir Bettie Owen FerryFor Information apply to A J Hogan

AValtlngroom120 Kentucky avenue Phone 7X7


The NewOKcial Seal

Cigar3 for 25 cents a

Special <


5 cents strailhtI I

vItrrMcPher ons yDttgStor r-

Fourt I Irt aaIIrr wafI-y
