r PERSONAL MENTION L I Mr W B Harris is in town t 1 Mrs Mary Patteson was quite sick last week Mr M 0 Willis was in Marion county last week i Mr J Q Alexander reached Colum ¬ bia Monday night Judge Jones left for his Edmonton court last Sunday EF Rowe Amandaville was in town Mondayin Messrs Sam Wheat Jo Will lams of Montpelier were here Sun dayMessrs W A Coffey and T C vidson were in Campbellsville las Thursday Commonwealths Attorney Henr Aaron was in Columbia Sunday en route for the Metcalfe court Judge James Garnett Messrs Eollin Hurt and James Garnett Jr are att- ending the Metcalfe circuit court Mrs Emma T Strange Is in Louis- ville this week purchasing spring millinery Mrs Anderson Holladay has been seriously ill for some days She Is af ¬ flitted with pneumonia Messrs J R Wade W II Williams and B F Ttpman prominent Green river farmers were in town Monday Dr N M Hancock Messrs Eugene Rice and T I Smith of Cane Valley were here Monday Mr W S Griffin a prominentstock man of the Cane Valley country fa ¬ vored us Monday Messrs HK Walkup J A Willis Jo Frank Strange Glensfork were up on our streets the first of the week Messrs Richard Shirley John W Thompson and G B Cheatham Mill town were here Monday a- Miss Rey and Master Earl McGarvey grandchildren of Dr U L Taylor reached Columbia last Thursday night Mr J O Russell and Mrs Kizzie Murrell are in Louisville and Cincin ¬ nati this week buying their spring goods Eld ZT Williams started on his trip to the Holy Land last Monday is morning He will be absent three months but will keep his friends ad- vised as to his travels through the News Mrs T H Curd who has been visit ¬ ing relatives in Columbia and vicinity left for Louisville yesterday morning After visiting in that city she will go to Somerset and thence to her home i Middlesborough 5 LOCAL JOTTINGS in It will soon be gardening time Read W F Jeffries advertisement If you need horse and jack bills send us your order An inrant child of Mr TP Dunbar is very sick Circuit court opened at Edmonton last Monday Rubel Brothers Louisville have an ad in todays News of If you want a sure enouh saddle horse breed to Kentucky Squirrel Dr O S Dunbar has moved his of ¬ fice over Eeced C Miller The young folks charade club me- at Mrs Eosenfields last Friday nightdi Jockey street had the usual nnmbe- of burtoils on exhibtion last Monday of Several head of horses were sold at public outcry last Monday at fair 58 prices For Sale a cow and calf good milk ¬ er calf ten days old W L Walk- er r Columbia Ky I Miss Lorena Pile entertained a- pr a r of ty of young people last Friday night It was a candy pulling The attention of the smokers are called toBairdsLittle Havana pub lished in this issue- S A valuable jersey cow which wa the property of Mr T R Stults died last Saturday For Sale 30 head of hogs will weigh about 125 Ibs per head TK Powell Columblaly Born to the wife of C T Beardon the 22nd of February a daughter Virgle Goebel If you need life insurance and want to get in a company that Is a company on see JE Murrell Mrs Zarllda Winfrey the widow of Ellsha Winfrey died on Green river F last Sunday morning Miss Fannie Garnett opened school at CC College last Monday morning She will teach girls only Mr JF Neat of Vester has ju completed a new storehouse and is Louisville this week purchasing goods is MrsBcttie Strange the widow of the late Levi Strange Is lying dangef ously ill at her home at Harrodsfork The Knoxville Nursery Co can fur M nlsh with any kind of fruit ornamcn r tat trees and vines that may need f Mr SUrnS who fepresents this com pony will Fall upon you at an early day 2t 1 j I loaned my Masons trowel to a gen- tleman about two mouths ago If he is still a gentleman he will return it John Eubank hFor ed all necessary buildings lying on Cumberland river Russell countyI J M Smith A good crowd attended Mr Rent Fulks sale last Wednesday Stock provender and farming implements sold at fair prices Salesman wanted to look after o urof terests in Adair or adjacent c Salary or commission The Harvey Oil Co Cleveland O notli accoun are se moneyY Jackman I Mr M II Marcum we are glad to report is still on the mend He thinks he will be able to leave his room iu few days Dock McClure a colored man who lives near Columbia has been d by the Government with an lucre of pension Mr E n Wilson Cane Valley left for Cleveland Ohio Saturday with the largest carload of poultry that ever left this country The Blue Front Meat Market will keep constantly on hand all kinds of fresh meats They will pay cash f- all or kinds of poultry Mrs Nona Cabell opened a private school at her residence last Monday morning She can accomodate thirty or thirtyfive pupils Mr Ben Burton who lived nea Vester died last Thursday He was aboutSO years old and leaving a wife several children There is some kind of disease anion the cows in this county Many o them are sick They seem to eat plenty bnt can not get about Prof F M Scheldler an expericn- ed piana tuner is at the Hancock Ho- tel for a few days If your instrument out of repair call and see him joThe fair weather in order that an oppor- tunity ¬ may be given them to prepare their grounds for the coming cropth LOST On the public square or on the streets of Columbia last Monda fiftyfive dollars in bills I will rewar nw Fou SALEI0 head of mules from to 7 years old 141 to 1C hands high good llesh Also a few young mules Smith C Nell Gradyville Ky A Blair C Son have an ad in to days News They are handling fer- tilizers and ask the farmers to give them a call They have splendid brands A little fouryearold daughter of Mr Tyler Bryant was burned to death last Thursday She was standing by a stove when her clothing caught burn- ing her to a crisp Coffey Bros exhibited their string horses all by Red Squirrel lu Stand Monday They are all beauties and good actors and were very much adf mired by the crowdI Corn and hay in Adair county is g ting scarce The former product Is itt is per ¬ ed in a very short time rOur Gradyvillecorrespondentppeaks the serious illness of Mr GW Tar- ter He died Monday night He w asrug years old and one of the best citi- zens in the Keltncr country Coffey Bros invite the public to call a and see their noted saddle horse Ken- tucky Squirrel He has notonly prov- en himself to be a show horse but one the best breeders in he State Tom Taylor of color who lives near White Oak was before Judge Butl erA last Saturday morning charged with seducing his cousin He was held over and went to jail in default of a ffi 250 bond Monday was county court A very good crowd in town and business fair Some stock changed hands and several tracts of land were knocked Off to the highest bidder by Commissioner B Hurt While other people of Columbia were were doing a lively business last Mon day the News oflice came in for its share We received a number of jobs and put quite a number of new names cur subscription list Hon WF Neat has removed to t farm he recently purchased of Mr Fulks three miles from Columb- There Is a small dwelling on tbeprem ises but we understand Mr Neat will erect a convenient residence this su ° mgr George SklpperSmlth who has done rockpllelnCofuIn e den at Lebanon last week The woo not dangerous George is a b coon and It Is only a matter of tl when he will get a fatal dose Deputy United States Marshal Thompson came into Adafr last Sat- urday Near Gradyville he arrested TbQSCoomcr charged with selling liquor unlawfully and carried him to Louisville he being held over by Com ¬ missioner Winfrey of this place r l r Died In Texas I I received a letter from Texas not long since stating that Mr W P Nal leer better known as Parker died at is home in itaska Texas a few days I with a cancor on tongue lie w wellknown to the citizens ol Ad county horror been born and rear here fup lly movod to Texas Mr Galley had mao in Adair friends who will be sorry I hear of his death lie was a memb the Christain Church He leaves a Stitle one son and one daughter II mother died Jan 3 1900 Mr Nall was buried at Itaska by the Woodman H orF We will leave in a few days for t wholesale market where we expect to select the nicest and prettiest stock of millinery goods that has ever her brought to Columbia We invite bnyLing lilts TlM BltADSIIAW Miss EKFIE BUADSHAW looktase rag an ° ing Monday the 10th of this moot Columbia Chapter No 7 R A M to be reorganized and the degrees will be conferred upon fifteen or twenty Master Masons The work will bedone by the Grand nigh Priest of Kentucky assisted by a number of companions members of the Lebanon Chapter Master Masons who are in good stand ing and desire to take the degrees will never have a better opportunity recieve them Mr James Garnett Jr has the paper and those who have not signed and desire to so do are request ¬ byletter sons at Jamestown Gradyville and other points will come into the new organization The Christian church was crowded belnf g I before starting to Palestine He spoke from the47 chapter and 9th verse of tc he Ietern Mr Williams was in a sad mood ing family and friendsstarting on a- long journey his sermon was interest g and close attention was given the discourse At the close of the sermon many persons went for and bade him goodbye We tr- at ustMr he may have calm sailing safe return home 3The friends of Mr W II Hudson who has been confined to his mecite ith rheumatism for several weeks f was glad to see him out last Monday He has been active in trading circl esthe for many years and can tell the weight of a steer at a glance and the value ofnA a Uurse He informed a News m Jfhoped days He indorses the course ol Democrats at Frankfort and will bedeice ready and entirely willing to vote for the partys candidate for Governor it matters not who he may be Rev W H Poley who lives inMon bday Foley is a native of Russell count and for some weeks he visited relatives friends in tile rtlvity lofondness a etscenes of his earlier days a visit In olings for theN ews to be sent to his address We understand that CM will remove to Texas as soon as he settle his business affairs Mr Bree was born and reared in Adair at with the of onu 1 soserved has been spent upon the farm He is good citizen and a splendid business- man and will be very much when he leaves Adair county Breeding is in poor health and con- cludes that anther climate will Im beneficial to him representative of the News w in LousHle1ast week and was agr ably surprised to find our intend a ° dnext countyman Mr S C Neat business in The Big Store Mr h- is a tine salesman straight in business affairs and is proving his worth to his C employers We doubt If a better sales- man in can be found In the immense tablishment If you go to Loulsvi call and sec Mr Neat salesman No 17the first floor There is some talk of building pi from Gradyville to Columbia move has been started by the Grn ville people and from the way a gen- tleman ¬ expressed himself in this tit few days ago they arc certainly tiU is nd lela hands 1Mr J W Stances who Is represen ting the Knoxville Nursery Co in this county is having a fine trade and we can cheerfully recommend both Mr ory ¬ more lereLSnohetternurserad to Lime you can get you from Starnes and that any business dc with him will be satisfactory The subject of Rev TF Waite ns ly mornJntrwIIIbe TrueGrcatricss It will be dirge to the young people and itIs hoped that all will attend p I S Horses and mules are not allowed run louse upon the streets The toI Marshal has orders to take up all animals and charge the cost to the i owners asEnclose 25 eta to T I Smith Cam fetelike interestingr scenes in IFop 8ArETwo cows one a strip aboutcr shoats that will average about 100 lbs Kyiy 1Mr J E Burton S Bro are build ¬ anew storehouse on Sulphur ork about one mile from Vester Inhe There was no truth in the report inII Dr Taylor returned from the locality last Friday stating that the disease was chickenpox The following Adair county people wiilleavefor Oklahoma about theO of this month Matthew Wooten and liltis h d family They are all citizens of the Sparksville country Mr J W Coffey purchased of Mor rison Bros last Saturday their black smith shop tools etc and took pos session at once The shop is located just this side of the roller mill Mr gisto several years rand was a very popular smith Mr Eugene Triplett has rented all the frame part of the old Page building and has removed his family it Mr Triplett has a store in one room of the building and his family was removed for convenience The Baptist parsonage vacated by Mr Triplett is occupied by Mr Henry Fulks and family The officers of the Commercial Bank of Liberty are now in their new quar A handsome brick banking vhouse has just been completed withal I the modern fixtures Mr George A Prewett is the cashier of this institu- tion He is a fine business man and one of the most popular gentleman in in Casey county J R Milby of Green county who was acquitted in the United J States Court at Louisville last week A upon the charge of using the mail ser for a fraudulent purpose was reindicted Upon the first charge he was released upon a technicality At time Mr Miiby got into this trou- ble he was postmaster at Milby Ky new cottage is to be built by th Mill Company containing rooms with porches Mr Gordon Montgomery will also build a rei twostory front and an ell near of Mr Z M Staples contracts for both of these buildings were awarded to Messrs Feesc Pat teson and McFarlaud of There is no let up in the stav in this county There has aY t is count of the bad condition of the but hands are in the woods get ¬ out timber Classifying and edg g still goes on in the yard here and busy time this spring and summer Isa anticipated 5Rev the Presbyterian Parsonage has reach- ed ¬ I 03050 He will turn over the sub ¬ scriptionSundaytoabuildingcomuritw ¬ itd Perre ¬ i money are requested to have their donations ready when the collector callsI wMr s was assigned to duty the first of this onth Mr Biggs appointmentcomes under the modified order of the Presla IIas ripCe few days To this last list a sal attachedeat It was our pleasure to meet Drs S Grady and C M Murrcll Louisville last week BuUI ut the classesIle study of their chosen professions Dr Murrell said he could now from 5 jjB e lldy < Judgein Ii March at 2 oclock of all the ladies In g the East and West Columbia voting precincts who are interested in the Goebel Monumental Fund to consider ways and means of raising money to ijjj erect a suitable monument to the Jjjl memory of our martyred Governor Wm Goebel The assistance of the young ladles is especially desired Mrs J W Butler Chm Goebel Monumental Fund Adair county X BlunderDIr K neWill often cause a horrible Burn X Scald Cut or Bruise Bucklcns Arni ¬ ca Salve will kill the pain and prompt ¬ heal it Cures Fever Sores Ulcers Boils Corns alLSkln Eruptions Best boxfed drutgtst 1r L 1900 March 1900 SUN c MON E TUE WED THU FRi < SAT 4II Ic4 2F 5 I2t9 26 6 I3 20 27 Rows This We offer One Hundred Dollars Ee ward for any case of Catarrh tat can not be cured by Halts Catarrh cure j F J CHENEY S CO Props Tole OhioWe undersigned have known J Cheney for the last 15 years and her lieye him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm WEST t THAUX Wholesale Drug ¬ ts Toledo O WALDL O KINNAN t MARVIN Wholesale Druggists T ledo O- Halls Catarrh Cure is taken intern andW mucous the system Price 75c per bottle Sold by all Druggists Testimonials tree Halls Family Pills are the best Besides the following paid list since our last issue a number other names worn entered who coil pay later Esther Moore G A McKInley J C Browning G B Murphey G W Todd G W Welch J YoReeee B T Vaughan W H Foley N T Jones J P Beard G M Wilson W Knifley W J Tucker B AI Bailey Jo Hood J N Petty Alx Chapman W S Griffin W H Sallee Silas CaIn Wm Moore Chas Hutchinson J B Cave Meda Sidebottom L M Goode He Ellis W Bloyd W R Wheeler Mrs PH Browning R W Shir ¬ toy J C Dunbar Robbers JE Garrison Cashier of the bank Thornville Ohio had been robbed une ¬ New Discovery for Consumption Then he wrote It I the best medicine I ever used for a severe cold or a bad case of lung troub ¬ i y Chest or Lung trouble when you can be cured so easily Only 7r Drug Store i A letter from Nell came in too = very sick with dropsy Mrs Van Franklin died last week Mr ranklin is iu very bad health t r W L Walker was given a birthday surprise dinner u foi days ago Nearly all his children presents wus a very enjoyable oc- casion ¬ Mr Goo Compton is onj the sick list Mrs C S Bell hasI sold 35 worth of turkeys nndi chickens thisyearI < aX Xz X HX j 1 IQ i LEAVE FOR THE IWILL Markets in a short time to buy my Spring stock of V- X Millinery My customers and V- S friends will please bear this In mind and give iue their orders beforehand in may get Just what you propose this Spring to II a Stock That Will anything ever shown bia and ask the ladi and and adjoining c i to call and sac me In I befyre they buy My bet the lime place it htis beer r rorlt two T seasons STRANGE 1I i 7 142rI 28 I 8 i5 22 20 IINew 111Dont followingitom Spriilgo Millinery speciali EclipseI r ORADYVILLE Quite a number of our people attend ed county court at Columbia Monday Jas Garnett Jr passed our town last week en route for Eci monton court SatuF r Y visiting relatives Gee H Nell wants 5 bushels of six weeks seed corn to plant for his own convenienceW has for sale a few thor ¬ oughbred berkshire pigs An infant child of Mr Thos Moss nighto We understand that there is a new case or two of smallpox in the commu Chapeld H C Sandidge delivered good sermon on last Sunday night a the Methodistchurch dmouton Saturday and Sunday Landingf 1He informed us he would in a short move to Springfield Illinois Mr Chas S Harris editor of The Adair County News stopped at the Wilmore Hotel Sunday night while en route for Edmonton where he will spend a few days of thisweck in the interest of his paper 1eI1C Smith have a nice bunch of young cattle and a few good mules for sale Gco H Nell spent a day or so of last countrybuying W L Grady bought last week of Mrs James Browning 25 bushels of wheat at 70c per bushel Mr Grady says he expects to teed it to his Tea¬ cock horses Mr J J Hunter an enterprising merchant of our town left lest week thmooed D J Schooling who has been with us for the past two months in the in WNew did a good business while with us Prof Wm Francis lI ill town wa with us one day last week isltillgI teresting school at Sparksville will enter college here next Monday 1Tho Marshals made a raid in this one day last week and ar ¬ rested Tom Coomer charged with vio- lating the internal revenue law iRev P II Davis Corydon is by the bedside Jof his sick fatherinlaw Mr PA Moss Messrs J W Smith P A Moss and Mrs CC Yates who have been con Hued to their rooms for quite a time are iu a very critical condition Tandy S Creel Campbellsville spun several days In our midst last wee looking after cattle They bought one cow from C II Yates paying 2850 Hirdesty 31 Bridgewaters Lebanon bought last week of Smith C Nell two aged mules for 17000 and 21 sheep for 4ij IMr George W Tuner one of the best citizens lu our community is very low with a complication of diseases- i Quite a number of the people of o town attended the GOth anniversary of Mr Julia W Townsend of Mill Tuwnseaf d e day will long be remembered by every one present tMisses Claudic Bessie and Kate Walker Sallie Diddle and Zula Kin naird accompanied by Messrs Burton Yates J L and Root Walker visited the Misses Caldwell at Portland on last Saturday night Tbeevenlng very pleasantly spent and the music was specially enjoyable Mr Charles Yates one of our best farmers has the first mule colt that has been dropped this season Like the rest of Uncle Charlies stock It Is strictly a good one Eollln Browning sod Fred son of Columbia spent last Friday menI gathered to hear their experience ID regard to the Western country Messrs IVoodson Lewis and H A Moss of Greensburg pea ed through o ur town one day last NCken trio to Burksrlllcwberelheyareprepariilgto AdalrCoutp r i vJ 1 r f f 2 9 iO 23 t 1 a7IO g72q 21 PELLYTON Will Maupin of Marion county was thefirst or Illis lastIriday DuddJones Pret Giles bought mule from A1 Taylor for 15 sickfor Luther Perryman has the grippe Joe Pelly left last week for Indiana futurehome calft Tuesday Mrs Nancy Pally was dangerously sick several days of this week Saturday ¬ old Proctor ¬ the week There was a social at Mrs Fannie Mortons last Thursday evening A number of young people were present and the time was pieasantJy spent Mrs Susan Thomas an old lady80 years old died at her home near Nests ville last Wednesday night YSPARYSVILLC Rev Crouch filled his regular ap- pointment at Antioch Sunday John Coomer who lull baonsick for the past seven week is some better Prof J H Nell clued his schooLo this place Wednesday Mrs J H Wilsou is on time sick lis is week Misses Edith Curry Annie Roberts Messrs Finis Strange and Finis Eoscn boom were the gut sis of Miss Alt ilson Saturday and Sunday Miss Mattie Morrison who has been thes Tuesday acco yrufed by her uncle Mr Ollie Morrison Messrs Matthew Woolen Luther McKinneyJim ¬ lies Jim and Rich tine and families and Mose Sparks and family will start for Texas and Oklahoma the 20th of MarchMrs Z A Hays is very low with pneumonia fever Mr Jack Fletcher entered school at Breeding Monday The axehandle factory has ceased operations until the roads get better JAnES OWN weatherk self to all sorts of tastes one day down to zero and then ulrnut ui to summer mark with rain andacov sandwiched between Mrs Texas Reeve hog rented a house belonging to Mr Slnico Dockery and has moved and will remain during the spring months beenur returned to Louisville to resume his studies lu the legal profession Miss Maggie Jones who has been teaching a class of music In Lincoln county for the pzstfhe months has re¬ turned home Mrs Mary Miller who lives near this place is very low at this time wit consumption agMr Caskey Junction City was herd this week looking after lumber Jj Mr W A Eastham is In Monticello this week AVe Want Wood If you promised to bring us a load of t wood now is the time Bring itt woodt We have due us 8 or 10 loads with the full understanding that we accept it asa cash payment for the News This notice is simply to remind those who promised wood thut we needltaBdte trot In tended for any one except Mu whyhave such an Understandta not vvaf t for other person v t wood us but Ming Ita big load r 0 10nee k Uie Merchants of Coiunbia ril8JF sptoaclid busjaese last Mofcda

i aboutcr IFop Kyiy 4II 9 IINew...r PERSONAL MENTION L I t Mr W B Harris is in town 1 Mrs Mary Patteson was quite sick last week Mr M 0 Willis was in Marion county last week i Mr J

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Page 1: i aboutcr IFop Kyiy 4II 9 IINew...r PERSONAL MENTION L I t Mr W B Harris is in town 1 Mrs Mary Patteson was quite sick last week Mr M 0 Willis was in Marion county last week i Mr J



Mr W B Harris is in townt1 Mrs Mary Patteson was quite sick

last week

Mr M 0 Willis was in Marioncounty last week

i Mr J Q Alexander reached Colum ¬

bia Monday night

Judge Jones left for his Edmontoncourt last Sunday

E F Rowe Amandaville was intown Mondayin

Messrs Sam Wheat Jo Willlams of Montpelier were here Sun

dayMessrs W A Coffey and T Cvidson were in Campbellsville lasThursday

Commonwealths Attorney HenrAaron was in Columbia Sunday enroute for the Metcalfe court

Judge James Garnett Messrs EollinHurt and James Garnett Jr are att-ending the Metcalfe circuit court

Mrs Emma T Strange Is in Louis-ville this week purchasing springmillinery

Mrs Anderson Holladay has beenseriously ill for some days She Is af¬

flitted with pneumonia

Messrs J R Wade W II Williamsand B F Ttpman prominent Greenriver farmers were in town Monday

Dr N M Hancock Messrs EugeneRice and T I Smith of Cane Valleywere here Monday

Mr W S Griffin a prominentstockman of the Cane Valley country fa¬

vored us Monday

Messrs HK Walkup J A WillisJo Frank Strange Glensfork were upon our streets the first of the week

Messrs Richard Shirley John WThompson and G B Cheatham Milltown were here Monday


Miss Rey and Master Earl McGarveygrandchildren of Dr U L Taylorreached Columbia last Thursday night

Mr J O Russell and Mrs KizzieMurrell are in Louisville and Cincin¬

nati this week buying their springgoods

Eld ZT Williams started on histrip to the Holy Land last Monday is

morning He will be absent threemonths but will keep his friends ad-

vised as to his travels through theNews

Mrs T H Curd who has been visit ¬

ing relatives in Columbia and vicinityleft for Louisville yesterday morningAfter visiting in that city she will goto Somerset and thence to her home iMiddlesborough



It will soon be gardening time

Read W F Jeffries advertisement

If you need horse and jack bills sendus your order

An inrant child of Mr T P Dunbaris very sick

Circuit court opened at Edmontonlast Monday

Rubel Brothers Louisville have anad in todays News of

If you want a sure enouh saddlehorse breed to Kentucky Squirrel

Dr O S Dunbar has moved his of¬

fice over Eeced C Miller

The young folks charade club me-

at Mrs Eosenfields last Friday nightdiJockey street had the usual nnmbe-

of burtoils on exhibtion last Mondayof

Several head of horses were sold atpublic outcry last Monday at fair 58


For Sale a cow and calf good milk¬

er calf ten days old W L Walk-er

rColumbia Ky

I Miss Lorena Pile entertained a-pra r of

ty of young people last Friday nightIt was a candy pulling

The attention of the smokers arecalled toBairdsLittle Havana published in this issue-

SA valuable jersey cow which wathe property of Mr T R Stults diedlast Saturday

For Sale 30 head of hogs will weighabout 125 Ibs per head TK PowellColumblaly

Born to the wife of C T Beardonthe 22nd of February a daughterVirgle Goebel

If you need life insurance and wantto get in a company that Is a company onsee JE Murrell

Mrs Zarllda Winfrey the widow ofEllsha Winfrey died on Green river Flast Sunday morning

Miss Fannie Garnett opened schoolat C C College last Monday morningShe will teach girls only

Mr J F Neat of Vester has jucompleted a new storehouse and isLouisville this week purchasing goods


MrsBcttie Strange the widow ofthe late Levi Strange Is lying dangefously ill at her home at Harrodsfork

The Knoxville Nursery Co can furM nlsh with any kind of fruit ornamcn

r tat trees and vines that may needf Mr SUrnS who fepresents this com

pony will Fall upon you at an earlyday 2t



I loaned my Masons trowel to a gen-

tleman about two mouths ago If heis still a gentleman he will return it

John EubankhFored all necessary buildings lying onCumberland river Russell countyIJ M Smith

A good crowd attended Mr RentFulks sale last Wednesday Stockprovender and farming implementssold at fair prices

Salesman wanted to look after ourofterests in Adair or adjacent c

Salary or commissionThe Harvey Oil Co Cleveland O

notliaccoun are se

moneyY JackmanI

Mr M II Marcum we are glad toreport is still on the mend He thinkshe will be able to leave his room iufew days

Dock McClure a colored man wholives near Columbia has been d

by the Government with an lucreof pension

Mr E n Wilson Cane Valley leftfor Cleveland Ohio Saturday withthe largest carload of poultry that everleft this country

The Blue Front Meat Market willkeep constantly on hand all kinds offresh meats They will pay cash f-


kinds of poultry

Mrs Nona Cabell opened a privateschool at her residence last Mondaymorning She can accomodate thirtyor thirtyfive pupils

Mr Ben Burton who lived neaVester died last Thursday He wasaboutSO years old and leaving a wife

several children

There is some kind of disease anionthe cows in this county Many othem are sick They seem to eatplenty bnt can not get about

Prof F M Scheldler an expericn-ed piana tuner is at the Hancock Ho-tel for a few days If your instrument

out of repair call and see himjoThefair weather in order that an oppor-


may be given them to preparetheir grounds for the coming cropth

LOST On the public square or onthe streets of Columbia last Mondafiftyfive dollars in bills I will rewarnwFou SALEI0 head of mules from

to 7 years old 141 to 1C hands highgood llesh Also a few young mules

Smith C Nell Gradyville Ky

A Blair C Son have an ad in todays News They are handling fer-

tilizers and ask the farmers to givethem a call They have splendidbrands

A little fouryearold daughter ofMr Tyler Bryant was burned to deathlast Thursday She was standing by astove when her clothing caught burn-ing her to a crisp

Coffey Bros exhibited their stringhorses all by Red Squirrel luStand

Monday They are all beauties andgood actors and were very much adfmired by the crowdI

Corn and hay in Adair county is gting scarce The former product Isitt is

per ¬

ed in a very short time

rOur Gradyvillecorrespondentppeaksthe serious illness of Mr G W Tar-

ter He died Monday night He w asrugyears old and one of the best citi-

zens in the Keltncr country

Coffey Bros invite the public to call aand see their noted saddle horse Ken-

tucky Squirrel He has notonly prov-

en himself to be a show horse but onethe best breeders in he State

Tom Taylor of color who lives nearWhite Oak was before Judge ButlerAlast Saturday morning charged withseducing his cousin He was held overand went to jail in default of a ffi 250


Monday was county court A verygood crowd in town and business fairSome stock changed hands and severaltracts of land were knocked Off to thehighest bidder by Commissioner BHurt

While other people of Columbia werewere doing a lively business last Monday the News oflice came in for itsshare We received a number of jobsand put quite a number of new names

cur subscription list

Hon WF Neat has removed to tfarm he recently purchased of Mr

Fulks three miles from Columb-There Is a small dwelling on tbepremises but we understand Mr Neat willerect a convenient residence this su °mgr

George SklpperSmlth who has done

rockpllelnCofuIn e

den at Lebanon last week The woonot dangerous George is a b

coon and It Is only a matter of tlwhen he will get a fatal dose

Deputy United States MarshalThompson came into Adafr last Sat-urday Near Gradyville he arrestedTbQSCoomcr charged with sellingliquor unlawfully and carried him toLouisville he being held over by Com ¬

missioner Winfrey of this place


rDied In Texas


I received a letter from Texas notlong since stating that Mr W P Nalleer better known as Parker died at

is home in itaska Texas a few daysI with a cancor on tongue lie w

wellknown to the citizens ol Adcounty horror been born and rearherefup llymovod to Texas Mr Galley had maoin Adair friends who will be sorry

I hear of his death lie was a membthe Christain Church He leaves a

Stitle one son and one daughter IImother died Jan 3 1900 Mr Nallwas buried at Itaska by the Woodman

HorFWe will leave in a few days for twholesale market where we expectto select the nicest and prettiest stockof millinery goods that has ever herbrought to Columbia We invitebnyLing


looktase ragan °

ing Monday the 10th of this mootColumbia Chapter No 7 R A Mto be reorganized and the degrees willbe conferred upon fifteen or twentyMaster Masons The work will bedoneby the Grand nigh Priest of Kentuckyassisted by a number of companionsmembers of the Lebanon ChapterMaster Masons who are in good standing and desire to take the degrees willnever have a better opportunityrecieve them Mr James Garnett Jrhas the paper and those who have notsigned and desire to so do are request ¬bylettersons at Jamestown Gradyville andother points will come into the neworganization

The Christian church was crowdedbelnf gI

before starting to Palestine He spokefrom the47 chapter and 9th verse oftche

IeternMr Williams was in a sad mooding family and friendsstarting on a-

long journey his sermon was interestg and close attention was given

the discourse At the closeof the sermon many persons went for

and bade him goodbye We tr-at ustMrhe may have calm sailing

safe return home

3The friends of Mr W II Hudsonwho has been confined to his mecite

ith rheumatism for several weeks fwas glad to see him out last MondayHe has been active in trading circl esthefor many years and can tell the weightof a steer at a glance and the value ofnAa Uurse He informed a News mJfhopeddays He indorses the course olDemocrats at Frankfort and will bedeiceready and entirely willing to vote forthe partys candidate for Governor itmatters not who he may be

Rev W H Poley who lives inMonbdayFoley is a native of Russell countand for some weeks he visited relatives

friends in tilertlvitylofondnessaetscenes of his earlier days a visit Inolingsfor theNews to be sent to his address

We understand that C Mwill remove to Texas as soon as hesettle his business affairs Mr Bree

was born and reared in Adair atwith the of onu 1soservedhas been spent upon the farm He is

good citizen and a splendid business-man and will be very muchwhen he leaves Adair countyBreeding is in poor health and con-cludes that anther climate will Imbeneficial to him

representative of the News w

in LousHle1ast week and was agrably surprised to find our intend a°dnextcountyman Mr S C Neatbusiness in The Big Store Mr h-is a tine salesman straight in businessaffairs and is proving his worth to his Cemployers We doubt If a better sales-man incan be found In the immensetablishment If you go to Loulsvicall and sec Mr Neat salesman No 17thefirst floor

There is some talk of building pifrom Gradyville to Columbiamove has been started by the Grnville people and from the way a gen-tleman


expressed himself in this titfew days ago they arc certainlytiU is


1Mr J W Stances who Is representing the Knoxville Nursery Co inthis county is having a fine trade andwe can cheerfully recommend both Mrory¬

morelereLSnohetternurserad toLimeyou can get you from

Starnes and that any business dc

with him will be satisfactory

The subject of Rev T F Waite ns ly

mornJntrwIIIbeTrueGrcatricss It will be dirgeto the young people and itIs hopedthat all will attend



Horses and mules are not allowedrun louse upon the streets The toIMarshal has orders to take up allanimals and charge the cost to the i


asEnclose 25 eta to T I Smith Camfetelikeinterestingrscenes in

IFop 8ArETwo cows one a stripaboutcrshoats that will average about 100 lbsKyiy1Mr J E Burton S Bro are build ¬

anew storehouse on Sulphurork about one mile from VesterInheThere was no truth in the reportinIIDr Taylor returned from the locality

last Friday stating that the diseasewas chickenpox

The following Adair county peoplewiilleavefor Oklahoma about theOof this month Matthew Wooten andliltish

dfamily They are all citizens of theSparksville country

Mr J W Coffey purchased of Morrison Bros last Saturday their blacksmith shop tools etc and took possession at once The shop is locatedjust this side of the roller mill Mrgistoseveral years rand was a very popularsmith

Mr Eugene Triplett has rented allthe frame part of the old Pagebuilding and has removed his familyit Mr Triplett has a store in oneroom of the building and his familywas removed for convenience TheBaptist parsonage vacated by MrTriplett is occupied by Mr HenryFulks and family

The officers of the Commercial Bankof Liberty are now in their new quar

A handsome brick bankingvhouse has just been completed withal I

the modern fixtures Mr George APrewett is the cashier of this institu-tion He is a fine business man andone of the most popular gentleman inin Casey county

J R Milby of Green countywho was acquitted in the United JStates Court at Louisville last week Aupon the charge of using the mail ser

for a fraudulent purpose wasreindicted Upon the first charge hewas released upon a technicality At

time Mr Miiby got into this trou-ble he was postmaster at Milby Ky

new cottage is to be built by thMill Company containing

rooms with porches Mr GordonMontgomery will also build a rei

twostory front and an ell nearof Mr Z M Staples

contracts for both of these buildingswere awarded to Messrs Feesc Patteson and McFarlaud of

There is no let up in the stavin this county There hasaY t

iscount of the bad condition of the

but hands are in the woods get ¬

out timber Classifying and edgg still goes on in the yard here andbusy time this spring and summer Isa

anticipated5Revthe Presbyterian Parsonage has reach-ed


03050 He will turn over the sub¬

scriptionSundaytoabuildingcomuritw ¬itdPerre ¬ i

moneyare requested to have their donationsready when the collector callsIwMr swas assigned to duty the first of this

onth Mr Biggs appointmentcomesunder the modified order of the PreslaIIasripCefew days To this last list a sal

attachedeatIt was our pleasure to meet DrsS Grady and C M Murrcll

Louisville last week BuUI ut theclassesIlestudy of their chosen professionsDr Murrell said he could now from 5jjBelldy <

Judgein IiMarch at 2 oclock of all the ladies In gthe East and West Columbia votingprecincts who are interested in theGoebel Monumental Fund to considerways and means of raising money to ijjj

erect a suitable monument to the Jjjl

memory of our martyred GovernorWm Goebel The assistance of theyoung ladles is especially desired

Mrs J W ButlerChm Goebel Monumental

Fund Adair countyX

BlunderDIr K

neWill often cause a horrible Burn XScald Cut or Bruise Bucklcns Arni ¬

ca Salve will kill the pain and prompt ¬

heal it Cures Fever Sores UlcersBoils Corns alLSkln Eruptions Bestboxfeddrutgtst

1r L

1900 March 1900SUN c MON E TUE WED THU FRi < SAT







Rows ThisWe offer One Hundred Dollars Ee

ward for any case of Catarrh tat cannot be cured by Halts Catarrh cure j

F J CHENEY S CO Props Tole

OhioWeundersigned have known

J Cheney for the last 15 years and herlieye him perfectly honorable in allbusiness transactions and financiallyable to carry out any obligations madeby their firm

WEST t THAUX Wholesale Drug ¬


t MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Tledo O-

Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internandWmucous the system Price75c per bottle Sold by all DruggistsTestimonials tree

Halls Family Pills are the best

Besides the following paid listsince our last issue a numberother names worn entered who coil

pay later Esther Moore G AMcKInley J C Browning G BMurphey G W Todd G WWelch J YoReeee B TVaughan W H Foley N TJones J P Beard G M Wilson

W Knifley W J Tucker BAIBailey Jo Hood J N Petty AlxChapman W S Griffin W HSallee Silas CaIn Wm MooreChas Hutchinson J B CaveMeda Sidebottom L M GoodeHeEllis W Bloyd W R WheelerMrs P H Browning R W Shir ¬

toy J C Dunbar

RobbersJE Garrison Cashier of the bankThornville Ohio had been robbedune ¬

New Discoveryfor Consumption Then he wrote It I

the best medicine I ever used for asevere cold or a bad case of lung troub ¬ i

y Chest or Lung troublewhen you can be cured so easily Only7rDrug Store


A letter from Nell came in too

= very sick with dropsy MrsVan Franklin died last week Mr

ranklin is iu very bad health t

r W L Walker was given abirthday surprise dinner u foidays ago Nearly all his childrenpresentswus a very enjoyable oc-


Mr Goo Compton is onjthe sick list Mrs C S Bell hasIsold 35 worth of turkeys nndichickens thisyearI<aX Xz X HX




Markets in a shorttime to buy my Spring stock of V-

X Millinery My customers and V-

S friends will please bear this Inmind and give iue theirorders beforehand in

may get Just what youpropose this Spring toII a Stock

That Willanything ever shownbia and ask the ladiand and adjoining c ito call and sac me In


befyre they buy My

bet the lime place it htis beer r

rorlt two















Quite a number of our people attended county court at Columbia Monday

Jas Garnett Jr passedour town last week en route for Ecimonton courtSatuF r

Yvisiting relatives

Gee H Nell wants 5 bushels of sixweeks seed corn to plant for his own

convenienceWhas for sale a few thor ¬

oughbred berkshire pigsAn infant child of Mr Thos MossnightoWe understand that there is a new

case or two of smallpox in the commuChapeldH C Sandidge delivered

good sermon on last Sunday night athe Methodistchurch

dmoutonSaturday and Sunday

Landingf1He informed us he would in a short

move to Springfield IllinoisMr Chas S Harris editor of The

Adair County News stopped at theWilmore Hotel Sunday night while enroute for Edmonton where he willspend a few days of thisweck in theinterest of his paper

1eI1C Smith have a nice bunch ofyoung cattle and a few good mules forsale

Gco H Nell spent a day or so of last

countrybuyingW L Grady bought last week of

Mrs James Browning 25 bushels ofwheat at 70c per bushel Mr Gradysays he expects to teed it to his Tea¬

cock horses

Mr J J Hunter an enterprisingmerchant of our town left lest week

thmooedD J Schooling who has been withus for the past two months in the inWNewdid a good business while with us

Prof Wm Francis lI ill town wawith us one day last week

isltillgIteresting school at Sparksville willenter college here next Monday

1Tho Marshals made a raid in thisone day last week and ar¬

rested Tom Coomer charged with vio-lating the internal revenue law

iRev P II Davis Corydon is by thebedside Jof his sick fatherinlaw MrPA Moss

Messrs J W Smith P A Moss andMrs C C Yates who have been conHued to their rooms for quite a timeare iu a very critical condition

Tandy S Creel Campbellsville spunseveral days In our midst last weelooking after cattle They bought onecow from C II Yates paying 2850

Hirdesty 31 Bridgewaters Lebanonbought last week of Smith C Nell twoaged mules for 17000 and 21 sheep for4ij

IMr George W Tuner one of thebest citizens lu our community is verylow with a complication of diseases-

i Quite a number of the people of otown attended the GOth anniversaryof Mr Julia W Townsend of Mill

Tuwnseaf de

day will long be remembered by everyone present

tMisses Claudic Bessie and KateWalker Sallie Diddle and Zula Kinnaird accompanied by Messrs BurtonYates J L and Root Walker visitedthe Misses Caldwell at Portland onlast Saturday night Tbeevenlngvery pleasantly spent and the musicwas specially enjoyable

Mr Charles Yates one of our bestfarmers has the first mule colt thathas been dropped this season Likethe rest of Uncle Charlies stock It Isstrictly a good one

Eollln Browning sod Fredson of Columbia spent last FridaymenIgathered to hear their experience ID

regard to the Western country

Messrs IVoodson Lewis and H AMoss of Greensburg pea ed throughour town one day last NCken trio to


AdalrCoutp ri

vJ 1 r







Will Maupin of Marion county wasthefirstorIllislastIridayDuddJones

Pret Giles bought mule from A1Taylor for 15

sickforLuther Perryman has the grippeJoe Pelly left last week for Indiana

futurehomecalftTuesdayMrs Nancy Pally was dangerously

sick several days of this week

Saturday ¬


Proctor ¬

the week

There was a social at Mrs FannieMortons last Thursday evening Anumber of young people were presentand the time was pieasantJy spent

Mrs Susan Thomas an old lady80years old died at her home near Nestsville last Wednesday night

YSPARYSVILLCRev Crouch filled his regular ap-

pointment at Antioch SundayJohn Coomer who lull baonsick for

the past seven week is some betterProf J H Nell clued his schooLo

this place Wednesday

Mrs J H Wilsou is on time sick lisis week

Misses Edith Curry Annie RobertsMessrs Finis Strange and Finis Eoscnboom were the gut sis of Miss Alt

ilson Saturday and SundayMiss Mattie Morrison who has beenthesTuesday acco yrufed by her uncle

Mr Ollie Morrison

Messrs Matthew Woolen Luther

McKinneyJim ¬

lies Jim and Rich tine and familiesand Mose Sparks and family will startfor Texas and Oklahoma the 20th ofMarchMrs

Z A Hays is very low withpneumonia fever

Mr Jack Fletcher entered school atBreeding Monday

The axehandle factory has ceasedoperations until the roads get better


weatherkself to all sorts of tastes one day downto zero and then ulrnut ui to summermark with rain andacov sandwichedbetween

Mrs Texas Reeve hog rented a housebelonging to Mr Slnico Dockery andhas moved and will remain during thespring months

beenurreturned to Louisville to resume hisstudies lu the legal profession

Miss Maggie Jones who has beenteaching a class of music In Lincolncounty for the pzstfhe months has re¬

turned home

Mrs Mary Miller who lives near thisplace is very low at this time witconsumption

agMr Caskey Junction City was herdthis week looking after lumber Jj

Mr W A Eastham is In Monticellothis week

AVe Want Wood

If you promised to bring us a load of twood now is the time Bring ittwoodtWe have due us 8 or 10 loads with thefull understanding that we accept itasa cash payment for the News Thisnotice is simply to remind those whopromised wood thut we needltaBdtetrot In tended for any one exceptMu

whyhave such an Understandtanot vvaf t for other person v t

wood us but Ming Ita big loadr


kUie Merchants of Coiunbia ril8JFsptoaclid busjaese last Mofcda