Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo A Franciscan Mission Founded February 20, 1720 * Established as a Parish September 23, 1932. Ps 34:2-3,4-5,6-7 AUGUST 19, 2018 Fr. Rogelio Martinez Ruteaga, O. F. M., Pastor Deacon F. J. “Chip” Perry Deacon George Wunderlich Deacon Santiago Rodriguez (Retired) 701 East Pyron Avenue, San Antonio, Texas 78214 Office (210) 922-0543 Fax: (210) 932-2271 Facebook: www.facebook.com/missionsanjosechurch/ Office Hours: Mondays - Fridays 8 am - 5 pm (Closed from 12:00 -1:00pm). Visit missionsanjosechurch.Org for more information or to make your online donations Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time Taste and see the goodness of the Lord. Mission San Jose Catholic Church was founded and established to proclaim the gospel mission of Jesus for our time and place by becoming a faith community of God’s people. Through a commitment to prayer, study, fellowship and ministry, we strive to become a community of hope to all around us and a living mission to the many who choose to come to Mission San Jose. I Am the Bread of Life

I Am the Bread of Life · 19.08.2018  · en los EE. UU. Tiene su sede en Bellevue, Nebraska, que se encuentra al sur de Omaha. A lo largo de 2018 damos gracias por cien años de

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Page 1: I Am the Bread of Life · 19.08.2018  · en los EE. UU. Tiene su sede en Bellevue, Nebraska, que se encuentra al sur de Omaha. A lo largo de 2018 damos gracias por cien años de

Mission San José y San Miguel de Aguayo A Franciscan Mission Founded February 20, 1720 * Established as a Parish September 23, 1932.

Ps 34:2-3,4-5,6-7

AUGUST 19, 2018

Fr. Rogelio Martinez Ruteaga, O. F. M., Pastor Deacon F. J. “Chip” Perry Deacon George Wunderlich

Deacon Santiago Rodriguez (Retired)

701 East Pyron Avenue, San Antonio, Texas 78214

Office (210) 922-0543 Fax: (210) 932-2271

Facebook: www.facebook.com/missionsanjosechurch/

Office Hours: Mondays - Fridays 8 am - 5 pm (Closed from 12:00 -1:00pm). Visit missionsanjosechurch.Org for more information or to make your online donations

Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

Mission San Jose Catholic Church was founded and established to proclaim the gospel mission of Jesus for our time and place by becoming a faith community of God’s people. Through a commitment to prayer, study, fellowship and ministry, we strive to become a

community of hope to all around us and a living mission to the many who choose to come to Mission San Jose.

I Am the Bread of Life

Page 2: I Am the Bread of Life · 19.08.2018  · en los EE. UU. Tiene su sede en Bellevue, Nebraska, que se encuentra al sur de Omaha. A lo largo de 2018 damos gracias por cien años de

Saturday, August 18

5:00 pm † Alice Narendorf, In Thanksgiving for Prayers Answered, Jesse Pacheco—healing

Sunday, August 19 7:30 am In Thanksgiving for the safe travels of Fr.Jesus to Cuba 9:00 am † Raymond Smolka, In thanksgiving to God for Maximus Garcia birthday. 10:30 am † Anita A. Flores, † Alfred Villa 12:00 pm † Delia G. Esquivel

Monday, August 20 8:00 am For all those who are terminally ill.

Tuesday, August 21

8:00 am For all those who are working in the judicial system.

Wednesday, August 22 8:00 am For the safety of all Missionaries.

Thursday, August 23 8:00 am † Bennie Narendorf

Friday, August 24 8:00 am For the souls of all unborn babies.

Saturday, August 25 5:00 pm † Raymond G. Lopez

Our Mass, Reconcilia on and Eucharis c Adora on Schedule

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. (English), in the Saint Juan Diego Chapel Saturday (Main Church) : 5:00 pm (English)

Sundays (Main Church) 7:30 am (Spanish); 9:00 am (English); 10:30 am (English) 12:00 pm -Mariachi Choir (English)

Eucharis c Adora on - Every 1st Friday of the Month in the St. Juan Diego Chapel 8:30 am - 5:00 pm Reconcilia on -Saturday - 4:00 pm in the St. Juan Diego Chapel

Contact the office or visit website: Missionsanjosechcurch.org for information on Bap sms, Weddings, other sacraments and Quinceañeras.

Sunday, August 19

8:00 am—1:00 pm MSJ Youth Taco Sale (MC) 8:00 am—11:30 am Teen ACTS return(PC) 12:00 pm– 5:00 pm SFO (PC)

Monday, August 20 7:00 pm—9:00 pm Grupo de Oracion (Chapel) (MC) 6:30 pm –7:30 pm Building Committee (CR)

Tuesday, August 21 6:30 pm—7:30 pm ACTS Core (MC) 6:30 pm –9:00 pm Men’s ACTS (PC)

Wednesday, August 22 6:30 pm—9:00 pm Men’s Prayer Group (MC)

Thursday, August 23

7:00 pm—9:00 pm Spanish Choir (MC) 6:30 pm—9:00 pm Bible Journaling (PC)

Friday, August 24 No activities scheduled

Saturday, August 25 8:30 am—10:30 am Coffee w/ Saints (PC)

Sunday, August 26 No activities scheduled

Page 3: I Am the Bread of Life · 19.08.2018  · en los EE. UU. Tiene su sede en Bellevue, Nebraska, que se encuentra al sur de Omaha. A lo largo de 2018 damos gracias por cien años de

La Historia de Mission San Jose

The first officials of the Mission Village of San Jose, Juan and Francisco of the Pam-popas, Nicolas and Antonio of the Suliajames, and Alonzo of the Pastia, were members of 3 different, distinct groups later called Coa-huitecans. Coahuiltecans were never a tribe in the traditional sense, but a collection, a nacion, of hundreds of small scattered bands of hunters and gatherers who spoke a related language lat-er called Coahuilteco. These groups ranged in South Texas from the mouth of the Trinity Riv-er east of Houston to where the Pecos River empties into the Rio Grande [close to Langtry], and in the modern Mexico states of Northeast-ern Coahuila and Zacatecas, Northern San Luis Potosi, Tamaulipas, and Nuevo Leon.

Sources Indian Life in Texas by Charles Shaw and TSHA website. Submitted by Tri-centennial Com-mittee.

Prayers for the sick:

Dorothy Narendorf, Susise Huizar, Grace McDaniel, Thomas Arellano, Cynthia Yanta, Jesusa Ruiz, Ralph Lopez, Sandra Tellez, Norma Meyer, Erika Garza, Benjamin De Los Santos, Mark Castro, Leticia Arellano, Noelia Rodriguez, Steve Buford, Christine Hoog, Frances Jordan, Dahlia Martinez, Rebecca M. Tejeda, Pat Gonzalez, Bro. Jerome, Maria Tosca-no, Newton Meyer, Susan Ford, Adela Davila, Frances Bustos, Joann Bronder, Annette Mata, Maureen Gress, Clarisa Pena, Homer Joseph Cadena, Jesse & Rosie Quintero, Johnny Kingsley Scarcliff, Noemi Rios, Thomas E. Gomez, Amando Galindo, Emma Ortiz, Margie Mungia, Dolores Neabauber, Dezi James Rios, Alberto Carrillo, Mary Navaira, Raul Navaira, Jaxson Wilshire, Gloria Maravilla, Baby Gracie Ber-nal, Jerry Krajca, Mary Lopez, Cynthia Lopez , Manuel Cabal-lero, Alfred DeHoyos, Adam Perez, Lisa Salazar **Pray for all men and women in the armed forces.


1st collection $5,213.41 2nd collection: $622.33 Chapel Renovation This Sunday: Youth Ministry Taco Sale 2nd Collection: Chapel Renovation

Next Sunday: No scheduled breakfast 2nd Collection: The Missionary Society of St. Columban

Coffee With The Saints All women of our Parish Community are invited to our next Coffee with the Saints monthly gathering on

♦ Sat., Aug. 25th, from 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. in the Parish Hall.

♦ Please join us for prayer and fellowship. You are invited to bring a guest. Please bring your Rosary. We look forward to seeing you.

♦ For more info. call, Rosemary Jimenez (210) 912-4152

In Transition It is with much gratitude but in sadness that we announce Fr. Jesus Aguirre, O.F.M. will be departing our parish. Fr. Jesus will be continuing his missionary ministry in Cuba.

Fr. Jesus gave his sabbatical year to us at Mission San Jose and we will be forever grateful and will certainly miss his spiritual guidance.

Vaya con Dios and thank you for being Christ to us! do not cease giving thanks for you, remembering you

in my prayers, Eph 1:16

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Columban Fr. Bob Mosher will be speaking at Mission San Jose Catholic Church in San Antonio, TX, on the weekend of August 25 – 26, at all Masses. After many years on mission in Chile, Fr. Mosher currently lives and works in El Paso with Columban Border Ministries.

This year, 2018, Columban Missionaries celebrate the Centennial Year of our foundation. We minister in fourteen different countries mainly in Asia and around the Pacific Rim. Despite China government limitations on public worship, they spread the message of Christ in word and deed through education, spiritual formation, and service to the disabled. In Pakistan they minister among the deprived Catholics and engage in

dialog with Islam. They support the struggling church in Myanmar as that country emerges from decades of military dictatorship. Service to the poor, interreligious and intercultural dialog, promoting human rights, care for the environment, serving the disabled, and work with migrants are among their ministries in the Philippines, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Ireland, Great Britain and the United States. They encourage young people to serve on mission as Columban priests, sisters, lay missionaries and associates and so spread the Good News of God’s love.

To learn more about the Columban Fathers, please visit our website at www.columbanmission.org. You can view current videos from the missions, engage in dialogue with the Columbans, read our magazine and sign up for our newsletter.

About the Columbans: The Missionary Society of St. Columban, also known as the Columban Fathers, is a Catholic missionary society that was founded in 1918 to proclaim and witness to the Good News of Jesus Christ. The Society seeks to establish the Catholic Church where the Gospel has not been preached, help local churches evangelize their laity, promote dialogue with other faiths, and foster among all baptized people an awareness of their missionary responsibility. The Society’s U.S. headquarters are based in Bellevue, Neb., which is south of Omaha.

Throughout 2018 we give thanks for one hundred years of cross-cultural mission, while preparing to embark on a new century of witnessing to God’s love and mercy to the ends of the earth.

Columban Fr. Bob Mosher estará hablando en la Iglesia Católica Misión San José en San Antonio, TX, en el fin de semana del 25 al 26 de Agosto en todas las Misas. Después de muchos años de misión en Chile, el p. Mosher actualmente vive y trabaja en El Paso con Columban Border Ministries.

Este año, 2018, los Misioneros Columbanos celebran el Centenario de nuestra fundación. Atendemos en catorce países diferentes principalmente en Asia y alrededor de la Cuenca del Pacífico. A pesar de las limitaciones del gobierno de China sobre el culto público, difunden el mensaje de Cristo en palabras y hechos a través de la educación, la formación espiritual y el servicio a los discapacitados. En Pakistán, ministran entre los católicos privados y dialogan con el Islam. Apoyan a la iglesia que lucha en Myanmar cuando ese país emerge de décadas de dictadura militar. Servicio a los pobres, diálogo interreligioso e intercultural, promoción de los derechos humanos, cuidado del medioambiente, servicio a las personas con discapacidad y trabajo con los migrantes se encuentran entre sus ministerios en Filipinas, Corea, Japón, Taiwán, Hong Kong, Fiji, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Chile, Perú, México, Irlanda, Gran Bretaña y los Estados Unidos. Animan a los jóvenes a servir en misiones como sacerdotes, hermanas, misioneros laicos y asociados de Columbano, y así difundir las Buenas Nuevas del amor de Dios.

Para obtener más información sobre los Padres de Columban, visite nuestro sitio web en www.columbanmission.org. Puede ver videos actuales de las misiones, dialogar con Columbans, leer nuestra revista e inscribirse en nuestro boletín.

Acerca de los Columbanos: La Sociedad Misionera de San Columbano, también conocida como los Padres de San Columbano, es una sociedad católica misionera fundada en 1918 para proclamar y dar testimonio de las Buenas Nuevas de Jesucristo. La Sociedad busca establecer la Iglesia Católica donde no se ha predicado el Evangelio, ayudar a las iglesias locales a evangelizar a sus laicos, promover el diálogo con otras religiones y fomentar entre todos los bautizados una conciencia de su responsabilidad misionera. La sede de la Sociedad en los EE. UU. Tiene su sede en Bellevue, Nebraska, que se encuentra al sur de Omaha. A lo largo de 2018 damos gracias por cien años de misión transcultural, mientras nos preparamos para embarcarnos en un nuevo siglo de testimonio del amor y la misericordia de Dios hasta los confines de la tierra.

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Archbishop Appeal 2018

Our goal is


we have collected $10,962.00

Archbishop appeal 2018 We have almost reached our goal, needing $1,817.73 We thank the 70 families who have helped us get to this point. If you have not yet contributed to the Archbishop Appeal 2018, we ask that you consider making a donation. Please pick up an envelope, we will even mail it for you. The appeal helps children and youth programs, St PJ children’s home, pregnancy services, seminarians, catholic tv and radio, hospital pastoral services and much more.

RCIA at Mission San Jose begins Tuesday, August 28 at 7pm in the conference room of the parish office. Any adult who would like to receive sacraments, including baptism, please attend this inquiry session.

Religious education-Classes begin September 9. Stop by the parish office during regular business hours to enroll students.

All Are Invited to the 2018 Neon Sizzle 5K Color Run/Walk on Saturday, Sept 15 on the St. Jerome Parish Grounds – 7955 Real Road. Along with the race there will be a BBQ Cook-off, Live Auction, Live Music, Vendor Booths, Washer Tournament & many activities for the kids. Join us and make it a family day affair! For information or questions go to www.neonsizzle.com. Joyce Horner Never stop believing because miracles happen every day!

Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

La Familia Guadalupana of Mission San Jose Catholic Church

Invites you to a Pilgrimage-Tour in Mexico!

We will pray with Fr. Rogelio as he celebrates Mass at the Basilica de Guadalupe and visit sites in Mexico City, Mexico Then tour 2 states in Mexico, Guanajuato and Queretaro and 3 ”Magical Towns"--Bernal, Tequisquiapan and San Miguel de Allende! We will visit a vine-yard, a cheese factory, see the processes of making wool fabric among so many other won-derful places to visit.

Dates: November 7-14, 2018 8 days, 7 nights

Cost: $1,350.00 per person Includes round trip air-fair to Mexico City, Lodgings and bus transportation.

A Current passport will be required. If interested call Mary Lou Sandoval (210) 279-8086 Carmen Caballero (210) 705-9840

!!!Please support our Bulletin!!!

Do you own a business? Do you know some-one who owns a business? Do you want to honor a loved one? Please buy a church Ad or a Memorial Ad in our church bulletin. For more information, please call our representa-tive,

Lydia Ramirez at 210-630-9030

Don’t delay. Place your Ad today!

We are looking for interested mu-sicians that would like to sing or play at the Saturday 5pm Mass. We would like to form a choir and look forward to hear-ing from you! Please contact Joey

Gutierrez at:

[email protected] or call the Parish Office.