I aai sure our yreaeat Gov@rmenf, and oxry future one, wPZ1 tsrelcme %be gmwth of an infometit p;tblSc opinslonj 'rre kave nruch Iseway to nake up, (iublished about 8/11/37) I*B &ad to see the idea of an lxfsh Institute for fnt~r- ne~tfon&P Affairs ils not dwd, Dan Binchyand Frank L5a03ermot offered me to ~xusyr~cfiv~ pre~fu~a(3y a par ago, but the ourport f~rfh~~I&l&J was snail* ToXkirrg of ~~rsrsfdenoiec - the new Head of the State 3ob will wyossible*, %e% a very ffne ty;3e, Sick, ~5th bags of quPet cherrp;rcttes. But Zf it were offered, 1 shoul& aot be slwpsiacd if 5% took a @sot &eel of caaxfag to make him gPve up htts Eingaend Dispen~ry for s public off See* S*abscarcissssm@nt * Ths @'Bfack-outn lasted frm 6 p ,n, t2ll 7 &,me i%%rtti&l ~X@TCSEJBD had bee9 ace, but this covered several cantuna. Tt was ian extsema2y depremiag exp~sience - csmdie~ sad blue laroya and crsmred windous an& a pitorb-black night with Tow clouds* Mat Yoxi Earnel, ru$ batch predeces~ox at Datnzig, at a dinner. Onae Director of the Legal Section, he as never popular in the Secretwiut. At Danaf g he was said to be ~mo-~.oliah, but the

I an opinslonj nruch · Mat Yoxi Earnel, ru$ batch predeces~ox at Datnzig, at a dinner. Onae Director of the Legal Section, he as never popular in the Secretwiut. At Danaf g he was

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Page 1: I an opinslonj nruch · Mat Yoxi Earnel, ru$ batch predeces~ox at Datnzig, at a dinner. Onae Director of the Legal Section, he as never popular in the Secretwiut. At Danaf g he was

I aai sure our yreaeat Gov@rmenf, and oxry future one, w P Z 1

tsrelcme %be gmwth of an infometit p;tblSc opinslonj 'rre kave nruch

Iseway t o nake up,

(iublished about 8/11/37)

I*B &ad to see the idea of an lxfsh Institute for f n t ~ r -

ne~tfon&P Affairs i l s not dwd, Dan Binchyand Frank L5a03ermot

offered me t o ~ x u s y r ~ c f i v ~ pre~fu~a(3y a p a r ago, but the ourport

f ~ r f h ~ ~ I & l & J was snail*

ToXkirrg of ~~rsrsfdenoiec - the new Head of the State 3ob will

wyossible*, %e% a very ffne ty;3e, Sick, ~ 5 t h bags of quPet

cherrp;rcttes. But Zf i t were offered, 1 shoul& aot be s lwpsiacd if

5% took a @sot &eel of caaxfag t o make him gPve up htts Eingaend

D i s p e n ~ r y for s public off See*

S*abscarcissssm@nt * Ths @'Bfack-outn lasted frm 6 p ,n, t 2 l l

7 &,me i%%rtti&l ~X@TCSEJBD had bee9 a c e , but this covered several

cantuna. Tt was ian extsema2y depremiag exp~sience - csmdie~

sad blue laroya and crsmred windous an& a pitorb-black night with

Tow clouds*

Mat Yoxi Earnel, ru$ batch predeces~ox at Datnzig, at a dinner.

Onae Director of the Legal Section, he a s never popular in the

Secre twiu t . At Danaf g he was said t o be ~ m o - ~ . o l i a h , but the

Page 2: I an opinslonj nruch · Mat Yoxi Earnel, ru$ batch predeces~ox at Datnzig, at a dinner. Onae Director of the Legal Section, he as never popular in the Secretwiut. At Danaf g he was

affair w i t 5 the ~ o l i c s ?resiAent@s w i f e showed a certain breadth

of uutlookf

*Dolly Zs in Stockholm &ere Jahrmie is doing a ~peoiali~t

aaurse in radio-otow, Gerry arrives Llomosrow en route to Endia

t o stay a wosk or 80.

+ Perision Kindsos, Stor@tsn 12, Stocuolm,

8th %orembizr&T

fta3y b s Joined the J~~partese-Gorrawn anti-Co~aunisf allianae.

This ha§ created the greatest alam in V,Ei,X,, hhgland and Frante - which show8 how l i t t l e i% ~eg-ded as merely anti-Comtmist,

"Le Tenprsfl cosresgondezrit in Wme aaye ft ma&a the end of

Xtalien polioy f o r an zsnder~landing pi% th ⪥ad.

Cfano, Itial&an Yoreign Elfnaierter, myrs - ime%,&elstau, that

%he three Powers have 2,0CN.ltOiX3 tons of 'ylfm@hdps,

9th # o v w b i e r d

The A g a & b a stog;;tec? off In Ganeva on b f ~ way back ikon

at Avenol*s, He offered the Seor@tary-@snera~ sonc o l d rugs ttnd

tbe baa& of an elephant tad other trophies for the decoration of

oae ~i' the rooms, Be aZao wan't;n UEI to find for him ma, trakno2atars

for 10 volumee of a Gamam military history of the war, A great

task, It &$gears thst he has for the yast eighteen years been

working on a book of the war history h h s o l f and, aa ha cannot