lt I 7 Je Cf r T o 3- a t i1 > tj1 < f B9SSK3Sr < f kr 1- I J5TJ > Jiki tfto v c < t St < A J < i OCALA EVENING STAR < T- I flS vJiJs Sa2srriyvi I5 p > > a 4- I Volume 15 No 40 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY JULY 14 IIOt Filly Ceats Moatk 1S Yew 5 v > L r 1 BILIOUS > I Lw A SPEEDYFOR I 7 r p TEt = COPVgG THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSES and taste as sweet Thats why Schl- IngurB and Lowneya Candles In half and pound boxes are so popular Pure I confections these flavor delicious Oz confectionery is free from adultera- tion ¬ It Is wholesome and healthful Every kind of confectionery here Fruits Cold Drinks Cigars and News 4 papem AT BALLARDS U t ori COMMERCIAL STATIONERY of high grade anti quality for office and store receives a great deal of our time and attention as our stock and facilities for supplying large and small orders will amply attest Whether you want a lead pencil or a huge led- ger ¬ ji note book or a letter press Its worth your while to come In look around and compare prices OCALA NEWS COMPANY EquitableL- ife N Assurance Society 01 The United States c STRONGEST IN THE WORLD 4 MISS FLORIDA CONDON 1 Resident Agent t- t 4J PHILLIPS Contractor and Builder a Plans and Specifications Furnished Upon Request 129 South Third St Phone 130 OCALA FIi- AMontezumaJMershop I Ia ComBcction With the Hotel Office Skilled worKmen and courteous at- tention ¬ to all Special attention to children ELECTRIC MASSAGE HOT AND COLD WATER- R A DETTERICH Proorietor L Best Quality Prompt Service f Lowest Price E kyIrsMIk- eBLUE WAGO- NSi i ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Pboae w I- i AiL 1 PUTTING UP THE PRICES- Senator Aldrich Seems to be Conduct ¬ ing His Tariff with a Special View to Making Democratic Votes Washington July 14 Increased prices as a result of the upward revis ¬ ion of the tariff are already here New York Jobbers are notifying country merchants of increases in womans wearing apparel in particular Wom ¬ ens gloves for Instance now selling at 1 per pair retail are to be boosted- at once to 150 A Washington newspaper has been making an effort to learn from busi- ness ¬ men in Washington Baltimore New York and Boston what they ex- pect ¬ as to the effect of the new tariff on prices In a long list of reputable merchants that were Interviewed not one mentioned anything that will be cheaper as a result of the revision The consensus of opinion among the business men interviewed was that woolen goods will jump to 20 per cent I higher If the Aldrich bill Is signed by the president Shoes will go up In price from 10 to 20 per cent The prices of such fruits as lemons and pineapples will go so high in the opin- ion ¬ of the fruit wholesalers as to greatly lessen the demand for them But upon the nonvoting women of the country according to the mer ¬ chants interviewed will fall the heav- iest ¬ penalties in the way of increased prices Laces embroideries hosiery soups toilet waters perfumes and the like are to advance From the notifications I receive from importers and wholesalers said one dealer there is going to be a gen- eral ¬ advance In nearly all articles of cheap and moderate priced wearing apaparel for women The woman In moderate circumstances will be taxed heaviest as I understand It A HORRIBLE HOLDUP About ten years ago my brother- was heldup in his work health and happiness by what was believed to be hopeless consumption writes W R Liscomb of Washington N C He took all kinds of remedies apd treat- ment ¬ from several doctors but found- no help till he used Dr Kings New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles He is a man today Its quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs hemorr ¬ hages coughs and colds bronchitis la grippe asthma and all bronchial af- fections ¬ 50c and 1 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by all druggists CHORUS GIRLS KIDNAPED Inveigled to Panama by Promise of High Wages and Lured Into Red Light Resorts New York July 14 Special agents of the department of justice boarded till steamship Orinoco of the Royal Mall Steam Packet companys line yes- terday ¬ afternoon In a search for young I Amorican actresses who ItIs declared are being Inveigled to go to Panama during the dull theatrical season by promises of vaudeville engagements and then find themselves In low res ¬ orts The agents are anxious to land the procurers who are shipping these girls to the Zone The action of the department Is bas- ed ¬ on complaints which recently have I been received from Judge Brown of the canal zone appealing to the gov I ernment at Washington and also to the police of New York to put a stop- to the practice Neither any victims- nor any of the men who are shipping them were met with In yesterdays search It is said that the inducement offered the women most of whom- are of the show girl variety Is 25 a week salary and transportation both ways Capt Cheret of the Orinoco said yesterday that on May 1 three young stage women sailed from New York- on his ship to take such an engage ¬ ment and that it was not until the ship had left Kingston Jamaica on its way to Colon that the young women happened to learn from a passenger that the theater in Panama City in which they were supposed to appear was not a respectable piece The three then appealed to Capt Cheret and ask ed him what they must do They had no money having depend- ed ¬ entirely on the promises of the agent who had engaged them Capt Cheret told them that f they wanted- to return to New York he would ice that they got there- At Colon the captain took the three- to the Salvation Army headquarters- and put them in the barracks in charge- of a chaperon where they waited until the steamship Tagus of the Royal Mall Steam Packet company came along from Cartagena Colombia and they returned to New York on this ship A CONTENTED WOMAN- is always found In me same nouse with Ballards Snow Liniment It keeps every member of the family free from aches and pains It heals cuts burns and scalds and cures rheuma- tism ¬ neuralgia lumbago and all mus- cular ¬ soreness and stiffness 25c 50c andll a bottle At all druggists TROUBLE IN TEHERAN Persian Revolutionists Drive Cossacks Back on the Foreign Legations Teheran Persia July HFIe thou- sand ¬ nationalists entered the city yes- terday ¬ morning The Cossacks seized the square and their operations were directed from that place Fighting began at once The engage- ment ¬ became fierce and the battle continued almost without intermission throughout the day In the afternoon the Cossacks wsre compelled to fall back on the foreign legation A number of men were lost on both sides The nationalists fought with great ardor When the stomach fails to per- form ¬ Its functions the bowels become deranged the liver and the kidneys congested causing numerous diseases The stomach and liver must be re ¬ stored to healthy condition and Cham ¬ berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended upqji to do IL Easy- to take and mbst effective Peroxide Cream for the complexion- at the Court Pharmacy H + 1 > 7 r 0 J jO THE HEALTH OF YOUR HORSE will be best promutcd best preserved If you are ready to give the proper remedy at the proper time The pro ¬ per remedy for all strains sprains or colic Is Perry Davis Painkiller The proper time to use it is when the trouble first shows itself Be prompt and youll not only save the horse suffering but youll spare yourself trouble and expense maybe save a long time waiting You ought to have a bottle ready The new size bottle costs 35 cents one larger 50 cents Be sure your druggist gives you Perry Davis 4 BULLDOZING THE BOYS Chicago Suffragettes Take Unfair Ad vantage of Cupid Chicago July HCupid the mis ¬ chievous unlter of hearts and maker of matches has been pressed into the service of the suffragettes and hence- forth ¬ shall be condemned at least In Chicago to play the part of a holdup man At a well attended meeting of the Political Equality Union of this city the first direct step in this matter- was taken and hundreds of more or less good looking girls of marriageable- age signed the following ominous pledge We the undersigned believing as we do that in the matter of intelli- gence ¬ women arc equally endowed with men hereby pledge ourselves not to marry any man who Is not a be ¬ liever in and an active worker for the cause of equal suffrange for men and women F YOU KNEW- the merits of the Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney blad- der ¬ of rheumatic trouble f 1 bottle two months treatment Sold by druggists- or by mall Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive Street St Louis Mo HALF HOLIDAYFOR BANK CLERKS Editor Star Beginning with Thurs ¬ day July 15th and thereafter on each Thursday until about Sept 1st the banks of the city will close for busi- ness ¬ at 1 p m following the custom now prevailing amongst the mer ¬ chants The Commercial Bank The Munroe Chambliss Bank YOUR APPEARANCE Will not suffer If you have to wcai spectacles They are Improving to most peo- ples ¬ looks when fitted by one who understands how Your eyesight Is too precious to neglect You owe them all the at- tention ¬ and care that they may need They Get Careful Attention Here DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office hours 9 to 12 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical office and laboratory rooms 2 and 4 Gary block GOOD NEWS Many Ocala Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby Good news travels fast and the thousands of bad back sufferers in Ocala are glad to learn that prompt re ¬ lief Is within their reach Many a lame weak and aching back is bad no more thanks to Doans Kidney Pills People from every state in the Union are telling the good news of their ex- perience ¬ with the Old Quaker Rem dy Here is an example worth read ¬ ingMrs E M Edwards living on Call St Starke Fla says I never used- a remedy that proved of such great benefit to me as Doans Kidney Pills I suffered constantly from backache- and dull pains through my loins Some days my back troubled me so severely that I could scarcely get aroun I was unable to rest well at night and In the morning my back was so lame and stiff that it was difficult for me to put on my cloth Ing My klflneys were also weak and greatly added to my misery I finally learned of Doans Kidney Pills and procured them I had only used three boxes when I was cured and I am now feeling a great deal better than before In years I give Doans Kid ¬ ney Pills entire credit for 4e change- in my condition Plenty more proof like this from Ocala people Call at TYdings Cos drug store and ask what their custo- rs rs report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMilburn Co Buffalo New Lork sole agents for the United States Remember the nameDoansandt- ake no other LOW RATES- via the rJJCAllulUUJ AIR uINE 125 Knoxville Tenn and return- S S June 20 21 22 26 27 July 3 10 11 21 Limit 15 days Exten- sion ¬ Sept 30 Stopovers 1240Athens Ga and return U or- G June 26 27 28 July 3 5 10 17 Limit 15 days Stopovers 1870 Monteagle and Sewanee Tenn and return M W Ac M F July 1 10 17 23 21 30 August 1J 14 Limit Sept 5 1795Black Mountain N C and re ¬ turn Chautauqua July 12 19 26 31 August 2 9 16 21 25 Limit Sept 6 10485 San Francisco Cal and re ¬ turn One way via Portland July 1 to Sept 30 Inclusive Limit Oct 31 Stopovers 9540 Seattle Portland Tacoma Vancouver Victoria Everett New Westminster and Bellingham and re ¬ turn Yukon Exposition July 1 to Sept 30 inclusive Limit Oct 21 Stopovers Above Rates Open to the Public HENRY RAYSOR C P T A OCALA FLA- C I M DICKERSON T P A TAMPA FLORIDA PROMPT WITH HIS PISTOl A Gang of Bad Negroes Considerably Thinned by a Fort Worth Policeman- Fort Worth Tex July 14 Attack ¬ ed by four negroes last night Sid WaIler former police sergeant killed two of the men and fatally wounded- the third The other negro ran away when he saw his companions fall Wailer was wounded in the flight but his wounds are of such a nature that he is not In danger of death WaIler was In the negro section of the city looRIng up negro dives with I the intention of arresting somee gam ¬ blers The four men set upon him I with pistols and knives but the offi- cer ¬ I was too quick for them He I brought his gun into play so quickly that the men went down in one two three order- A few months ago Wailers brother i who was also a police officer was shot to death in this same section of the I town where the attack was made last night He was attempting to arrest some negro gamblers and a crowd of them set upon him Sid Waller has since that time devoted his entire ef- forts ¬ I to running down his brothers murderers and trying to stamp out the evil element in the negro district He has been a marked man Of Interest Te o such women as are not seriously oil- If health buL woo have ending duties to perform either In the way of house hc Id cares or In social duties and func lidpswhichseriously tax their strength as we urslng mothers Dr Pierces I Favorite PfcJtrlption has proved a Kost valuable su tIng tonic and invigorat- ing ¬ nervine By Itatlme1y use much fcrious sickness and suder may be- yolded The operating table and tho surgeons knife 0 13 I Js believed Jdom have to be nirplpved If this must I vtluab1eo a T ererjnrte- di1jood time The Favorite Prescrip- tion ¬ has proveiTa great boon to expectant mothers by preparing the system for the coming of baby thereby J mderlng child ¬ birth safe easy and almost painless Bear In mind please that Dr Pierces Favorite Prescription Is not a secret or patent medicine against which the most I intelligent people are quite naturally I averse becauso of the uncertainty as to their composition and harmless character- but IS a MEDICIXE OF KNOWN COMPOBI VON a full list of all Its Ingredients being printed In plain English on overy bottle wrapper An examination of this list of Ingredients will disclose the fact that it la nonalcoholic in Its composition chemic ¬ I ally pure triplerefined jtlyccrlno taking place of tho used alcohoL In its makeup In this connection h- moy not be out of place to state that the Favorite Prescription of Dr Pierce Is tho oni medicine put for the cure of- womans peculiar weaknesses and ail- ments ¬ and sold through druggists all the ingredients of which have the un ¬ animous endorsement of all the leading medical writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice and that too as remedies for the ailments for which Favorite Prescription is recommended- A little book of these endorsements will be sent to any address postpaid and absolutely free If you request same by < Stal card or letter of Dr IL V PleroB- Buffalo NY Dr P crees Pleasant Pellets cure con tlpatlon Constipation Is the causo of many dl eaq Cure tho cause and you ear the disease Easy to take aa candy I CHARLES D RULBERT M D1 HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OfficeSecond Floor The Munroe I- I Chambliss Bank Building Ocala Florida Telephones Office 222 Residence 221 Office HoursJ to 12 a m 2 to- p 4 m 730 to 830 p m F E McCLANE Physician and SurgeoiG- eneral Practice Calls Made Promptly Night or Day Special Attention to Obstetrics Di ¬ seases of Women and Children Office Rooms 322 Holder Building Second Floor Phones Office No 333 Residence No 333- OCALA FLORIDA W C BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS FURNISHED- ON APPLICAWON P O Box 46 OCALA FLA GEORGE FIX PRACTICAL BRICK MASON Red and Fire Brick Work Special attention to repairing fur ¬ naces boiler setting and Dutch avens brick kilns and bakcra ovens If your boiler doesnt steam- as it should send for me I am the doctor All Work Guaranteed No distance too tate ana no Hour too late to respond At the Carlton House OCALA FLORIDA OCALA PRESSIKB CLUB W F MARLOW Proprietor Rates reasonable All goods press ¬ ed and cleaned on short notice and delivered promptly All transient work not called for In 30 days will be sold for charges I RATE ONE DOLLAR A MONTH 1 MARTEL- The usual hustling bustling busi- ness ¬ activity of the Martel Lumber company and its enterprising citizens continues A number of the Mattel people are spending the summer In Georgia South Carolina and Virginia among friends and at celebrated health resorts Mrs J B Warren and children left for Georgia the past week where they will remain until September and upon their return to Martel her daughter Miss Pearl Warren will enter South- ern ¬ College at Sutherland Mrs L A Tucker returned from a visit to South Georgia recently where she spent a pleasant time with rela- tives ¬ Miss Claire Bryan of Terrell in passing through Martel on her way to Palatka made a short call upon friends here Sunday- Mrs H W Long returned Monday from a two weeks delightful visit with relatives and friends in Jackson- ville ¬ and Quincy She reports crops good In Gadsden county and the far- mers ¬ working day and night In hous- ing ¬ their tobacco and In keeping up fires in the barns to keep the tobacco from moulding Capt Williams has had two com- modious ¬ cottages erected on his farm recently purchased from H W Long and will have a suitable barn and sta ¬ bles built at an early day The Martel chapel is being painted nicely which adds very much to its beauty The W C T U of Martel hold reg ¬ ular monthly meetings which under the efficient supervision of Us presi ¬ dent Mrs P A Ausley is made attrac- tive ¬ and interesting and new members join at every meeting Misses Vera and Wilma Veal of Jacksonville are visiting their grand- parents ¬ Dr and Mrs Veal of Martel Mr J A Bobbins and family of Mi- ami ¬ are visiting their brother A W Woodward and family at Cotton Plant They have proven quite an acquisition- to the Sunday school and church in singing duets that would be a credit to any city An Important visitor made its ap- pearance ¬ among us over two weeks ago which soon assumed the form of an oldtime rainy season which has filled the ponds thereby affording an abundance of water for stock Fodder pulling and farm operations are now practically suspended by continuous cloudy weather and excessive rains with Indication of a continuance for days to come In the death of William McAteer nnd A L Elchelberger there Is made two links less of the few remaining links of the active citizenship of Marion county during the fifties The few re ¬ maining oldtimers of those happy years who are now lingering on the shores of time In retrospecting the past and contemplating the future can with the oldtime past exclaim The busy tribes of flesh and blood With all their toils and cares Are bowed downward by the flood And lost In following years The sympathies of our people go out to the bereaved ones of these good men each of whom spent long and useful lives among us NOTICE TO MILK CUSTOMERS- We are having the same old trouble only more of It about getting our I tickets and bottles Your attention is called to the little preface In the In ¬ side of the cover of the milk ticket books This rule will be strictly en ¬ forced in future We have six gross of bottles out somewhere in Ocala In a little over a years business With each bottle Is a ticket that belongs- to us for we never got it This Is no small Item Gather up all bottles put a ticket In each of them you find about the place for you are due us as many tickets as you have bottles put them out and in future put both a bot- tle ¬ and a ticket out as the deliverers I have instructions to leave no milk where they do not find both a bottle and a ticket If the tickets are out put the bottle out and a note stating the fact and others will be left This note is not Intended to apply to those who have put out the bottles and tick ¬ ets regularly as many of you do but to the others it means business and will be enforced Respectfully THE HIAWATHA LAKE DAIRY- H H Whitworth Proprietor PRESIDENT HELPS ORPHANS Hundreds of orphans have been helped by the president of the Indus ¬ trial and Orphans Home at Macon- Ga who writes We have used Electric Bitters in this Institution for nine years It has proved a most ex- cellent ¬ medicine for stomach liver and kidney troubles We regard it as one of the best family medicines on earth It Invigorates the vital or ¬ gans purifies the blood aids diges- tion ¬ creates appetite To strengthen- and build up thin pale weak children- or rundown people it has no equal Best for female complaints Only 50c at all druggists PICNIC AT CARTERS POND The annual picnic will be given at Carters Pond July 23rd and the pub llg is cordially invited to attend and bring well filled baskets If you have pains In the back weak I back or any other indications of a weakened or disordered condition of the kidneys or bladder you should get DeWltts Kidney and Bladder Pills right away when you experience the least sign of kidney or bladder com- plaint ¬ but be sure that you get De wltts Kidney and Bladder Pills We know what they will do for youand If you will send your name to E C DeWitt Co Chicago you will re ¬ ceive a free trial box of these kidney- and bladder pills They are sold here- by all druggists POSITION WANTED saw mm woods rider wants a position can give best of references namely J D Scruggs of the McGehee Lumber Co Levon Fla 630dwlm Everyone would be benented by tak ¬ ing Foleys Orlno Laxative for stom- ach ¬ and liver trouble and habitual constipation It sweetens the stom ¬ ach and breath gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels and Is much superior to pills and ordinary laxatives Why not try Foleys Orlno Laxative today Sold by all druggists < d I r 0 fri WHAT A BANK DQF f- i There are many Wy 8 in which it Berw the 0i < public but the one now most Valuable per ¬ i v j haps is to help with loans We will meet the 7 needs of conservative borrowers 1 The Mtmroe Chamb1issBaflk INCORPORATED- T T Monroe Presz C ChamMlss V Pre A LGoe4g1cI THE FURNITUREiIIllEOFM- cWFIIacfiy I IMODERNANDGOIPEEtE ST06R OF I FURNITUftEH- OUSE i AND I FURNISH MS JAIL KINDS The only Hoise ii Cabal FlirWa SM tlllllktdJ Finishes IMe Hove Carries at all TIws lie latest lud Best ii Finttire Keefiif ip Wil lie tfaet art lilt What the People Wait Also carries a Ctnpfete lie II lauders ai4 SheH Hardware Carriages Wats iHlte lams Saddles Fir Look over tor Stock aid jet sir prices before ywi make your purchases Ytws lespedMy lie I IER Sc MAs fAYO- cala a > Florida v FOR HEALTH ND PLEASURE- The Beautiful Haywood White Sulphur Springs pi Land of the Sky WAYNES VILLE Nc Altitude2850FHt- On the Southern Railway one flour from Asheville Capacity250 guests No consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and Tennis Special attention to mountain parties Special party and family rates For Information address G C ROGAN Manager Formerly manager of Kenil worth Inn Asheville a J l- rwlIDSORRDfEl IMJl JACKSONVILLES FINEST AN1 WNBAS LARGEST aid lEST YEA1 MiNI NTCL Rates 3 per Day aid Upwards Aaerka Phi 4 THOMAS M WILSON Proprietor S < KNIGHT LANG Leading Vehicle Dealers of Central Florida AD inneise stock lellaUe WafMs Ingles tam an4Carrlaiescarrledatallftes Haraess Sallies Up Mes WUpi art alt Mew carried by a firstclass Hue tf flris kiwi tagtt ia HM titles from the factories art always ta litck al lie very lowest prices We cai save yti MMey ti ynur pnchaser they lane or small Agents ftr atst tf lilt leatiftf sad best Btiics M was au bug- giesKNIGHT LANG N rfh SUe tf Snare IfCftU FlfiWA s Hr < t Ie ROLLINS COLLEGEFLOR- IDAS OLD EST COLLEGE 4 COLLEGE ACADEMY AND SCHOOLS OF MUSIC EXPRESSION 2 FINE ARTS DOMESTIC AND I NDUTRIAL ARTS AND t i BUSINESS Carnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electric lights steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health condl J tions fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links 11 t baseball football and basketball teams champions ot Florida In 1909 Nearly a quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses moderate + scholarships available Christian but undenominational stands for f CHARACTERCULTURE conifer < For Catalogue Addreae the President i Wm F Blackman Ph D Wilder Park Hi- t xy + Ho Itt II J t t tUIr4 FRESH MEATS AND VEGETftJLES Western Beef Veal Florida Stall Ned Beef Mutton Armours Star Ham Armouri Pork Sausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips f Beets Sweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions W P EDWAFDSPho- ne 108 City Markets 5- I < I jf- l At i- t 1- I 4 4 4

I c T- St A...lt o I 7 Je Cf r T 3-a B9SSK3Sr i1 > tj1 < t f < f kr 1-I J5TJ>Jiki tfto v c < t St < A J < i OCALA EVENING STAR T-I flS vJiJs Sa2srriyvi I5 p >

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flSvJiJs Sa2srriyvi






Volume 15 No 40 OCALA FLORIDA WEDNESDAY JULY 14 IIOt Filly Ceats Moatk 1S Yew5 v

> L








7 rp



THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSESand taste as sweet Thats why Schl-IngurB and Lowneya Candles In halfand pound boxes are so popular Pure

I confections these flavor delicious Ozconfectionery is free from adultera-tion


It Is wholesome and healthfulEvery kind of confectionery hereFruits Cold Drinks Cigars and News

4 papem




of high grade anti quality for officeand store receives a great deal of ourtime and attention as our stock andfacilities for supplying large and smallorders will amply attest Whetheryou want a lead pencil or a huge led-ger


ji note book or a letter press Itsworth your while to come In lookaround and compare prices




Assurance Society

01 The United States c




t 4J PHILLIPSContractor and Builder


Plans and Specifications FurnishedUpon Request

129 South Third StPhone 130 OCALA FIi-


Ia ComBcction With the Hotel Office

Skilled worKmen and courteous at-tention


to all Special attention tochildren


R A DETTERICH Proorietor


Best QualityPrompt Service

f Lowest PriceE kyIrsMIk-






i AiL1


Senator Aldrich Seems to be Conduct ¬

ing His Tariff with a Special Viewto Making Democratic Votes

Washington July 14 Increasedprices as a result of the upward revis ¬

ion of the tariff are already here NewYork Jobbers are notifying countrymerchants of increases in womanswearing apparel in particular Wom ¬

ens gloves for Instance now sellingat 1 per pair retail are to be boosted-at once to 150

A Washington newspaper has beenmaking an effort to learn from busi-ness


men in Washington BaltimoreNew York and Boston what they ex-pect


as to the effect of the new tariffon prices In a long list of reputablemerchants that were Interviewed notone mentioned anything that will becheaper as a result of the revision

The consensus of opinion amongthe business men interviewed was thatwoolen goods will jump to 20 per cent

I higher If the Aldrich bill Is signed bythe president Shoes will go up Inprice from 10 to 20 per cent Theprices of such fruits as lemons andpineapples will go so high in the opin-ion


of the fruit wholesalers as togreatly lessen the demand for them

But upon the nonvoting women ofthe country according to the mer¬

chants interviewed will fall the heav-iest


penalties in the way of increasedprices Laces embroideries hosierysoups toilet waters perfumes and thelike are to advance

From the notifications I receivefrom importers and wholesalers saidone dealer there is going to be a gen-


advance In nearly all articles ofcheap and moderate priced wearingapaparel for women The woman Inmoderate circumstances will be taxedheaviest as I understand It


About ten years ago my brother-was heldup in his work health andhappiness by what was believed to behopeless consumption writes W RLiscomb of Washington N C Hetook all kinds of remedies apd treat-ment


from several doctors but found-no help till he used Dr Kings NewDiscovery and was wholly cured bysix bottles He is a man todayIts quick to relieve and the surestcure for weak or sore lungs hemorr ¬

hages coughs and colds bronchitis lagrippe asthma and all bronchial af-fections


50c and 1 Trial bottle freeGuaranteed by all druggists


Inveigled to Panama by Promise ofHigh Wages and Lured Into

Red Light ResortsNew York July 14 Special agents

of the department of justice boardedtill steamship Orinoco of the RoyalMall Steam Packet companys line yes-terday


afternoon In a search for youngI Amorican actresses who ItIs declaredare being Inveigled to go to Panamaduring the dull theatrical season bypromises of vaudeville engagementsand then find themselves In low res ¬

orts The agents are anxious to landthe procurers who are shipping thesegirls to the Zone

The action of the department Is bas-ed

¬on complaints which recently have

I been received from Judge Brown ofthe canal zone appealing to the gov

I ernment at Washington and also tothe police of New York to put a stop-to the practice Neither any victims-nor any of the men who are shippingthem were met with In yesterdayssearch It is said that the inducementoffered the women most of whom-are of the show girl variety Is 25 aweek salary and transportation bothways

Capt Cheret of the Orinoco saidyesterday that on May 1 three youngstage women sailed from New York-on his ship to take such an engage ¬

ment and that it was not until theship had left Kingston Jamaica on itsway to Colon that the young womenhappened to learn from a passengerthat the theater in Panama City inwhich they were supposed to appearwas not a respectable piece The threethen appealed to Capt Cheret and asked him what they must do

They had no money having depend-ed


entirely on the promises of theagent who had engaged them Capt

Cheret told them that f they wanted-to return to New York he would icethat they got there-

At Colon the captain took the three-to the Salvation Army headquarters-and put them in the barracks in charge-of a chaperon where they waited untilthe steamship Tagus of the Royal MallSteam Packet company came alongfrom Cartagena Colombia and theyreturned to New York on this ship

A CONTENTED WOMAN-is always found In me same nousewith Ballards Snow Liniment Itkeeps every member of the family freefrom aches and pains It heals cutsburns and scalds and cures rheuma-tism


neuralgia lumbago and all mus-cular


soreness and stiffness 25c 50candll a bottle At all druggists


Persian Revolutionists Drive CossacksBack on the Foreign Legations

Teheran Persia July HFIe thou-sand


nationalists entered the city yes-terday


morning The Cossacks seizedthe square and their operations weredirected from that place

Fighting began at once The engage-ment


became fierce and the battlecontinued almost without intermissionthroughout the day

In the afternoon the Cossacks wsrecompelled to fall back on the foreignlegation A number of men were loston both sides The nationalists foughtwith great ardor

When the stomach fails to per-form


Its functions the bowels becomederanged the liver and the kidneyscongested causing numerous diseasesThe stomach and liver must be re¬

stored to healthy condition and Cham ¬

berlains Stomach and Liver Tabletscan be depended upqji to do IL Easy-to take and mbst effective

Peroxide Cream for the complexion-at the Court Pharmacy

H +1 >7 r 0J jO

THE HEALTH OF YOUR HORSEwill be best promutcd best preserved

If you are ready to give the properremedy at the proper time The pro ¬

per remedy for all strains sprains orcolic Is Perry Davis Painkiller Theproper time to use it is when thetrouble first shows itself Be promptand youll not only save the horsesuffering but youll spare yourselftrouble and expense maybe save along time waiting You ought tohave a bottle ready The new sizebottle costs 35 cents one larger 50

cents Be sure your druggist givesyou Perry Davis 4


Chicago Suffragettes Take Unfair Ad

vantage of Cupid

Chicago July HCupid the mis ¬

chievous unlter of hearts and maker ofmatches has been pressed into theservice of the suffragettes and hence-forth


shall be condemned at least InChicago to play the part of a holdupman At a well attended meeting ofthe Political Equality Union of thiscity the first direct step in this matter-was taken and hundreds of more orless good looking girls of marriageable-age signed the following ominouspledge

We the undersigned believing aswe do that in the matter of intelli-gence


women arc equally endowedwith men hereby pledge ourselves notto marry any man who Is not a be ¬

liever in and an active worker for thecause of equal suffrange for men andwomen


the merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney blad-der


of rheumatic trouble f 1 bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggists-or by mall Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 2926 Olive Street StLouis Mo


Editor Star Beginning with Thurs ¬

day July 15th and thereafter on eachThursday until about Sept 1st thebanks of the city will close for busi-ness


at 1 p m following the customnow prevailing amongst the mer ¬

chantsThe Commercial BankThe Munroe Chambliss Bank


Will not suffer If you have to wcaispectacles

They are Improving to most peo-


looks when fitted by one whounderstands how

Your eyesight Is too precious toneglect You owe them all the at-


and care that they may needThey Get Careful Attention Here

DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FlaOffice hours 9 to 12 a m and

130 to 430 p m Optical officeand laboratory rooms 2 and 4 Garyblock


Many Ocala Readers Have Heard Itand Profited Thereby

Good news travels fast and thethousands of bad back sufferers inOcala are glad to learn that prompt re¬

lief Is within their reach Many alame weak and aching back is bad nomore thanks to Doans Kidney PillsPeople from every state in the Unionare telling the good news of their ex-perience


with the Old Quaker Remdy Here is an example worth read ¬

ingMrsE M Edwards living on Call

St Starke Fla says I never used-a remedy that proved of such greatbenefit to me as Doans Kidney PillsI suffered constantly from backache-and dull pains through my loinsSome days my back troubled me soseverely that I could scarcely getaroun I was unable to rest well atnight and In the morning my backwas so lame and stiff that it wasdifficult for me to put on my clothIng My klflneys were also weak andgreatly added to my misery I finallylearned of Doans Kidney Pills andprocured them I had only used threeboxes when I was cured and I amnow feeling a great deal better thanbefore In years I give Doans Kid ¬

ney Pills entire credit for 4e change-in my condition

Plenty more proof like this fromOcala people Call at TYdings Cosdrug store and ask what their custo-rs rs report

For sale by all dealers Price 50cents FosterMilburn Co BuffaloNew Lork sole agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the nameDoansandt-ake no other

LOW RATES-via the


125 Knoxville Tenn and return-S S June 20 21 22 26 27 July 3

10 11 21 Limit 15 days Exten-sion


Sept 30 Stopovers1240Athens Ga and return U or-

G June 26 27 28 July 3 5 10 17Limit 15 days Stopovers

1870 Monteagle and Sewanee Tennand return M W Ac M F July 1

10 17 23 21 30 August 1J 14 LimitSept 5

1795Black Mountain N C and re¬

turn Chautauqua July 12 19 2631 August 2 9 16 21 25 LimitSept 6

10485 San Francisco Cal and re ¬

turn One way via Portland July1 to Sept 30 Inclusive Limit Oct31 Stopovers

9540 Seattle Portland TacomaVancouver Victoria Everett NewWestminster and Bellingham and re¬

turn Yukon Exposition July 1 toSept 30 inclusive Limit Oct 21StopoversAbove Rates Open to the Public




A Gang of Bad Negroes Considerably

Thinned by a Fort WorthPoliceman-

Fort Worth Tex July 14 Attack ¬

ed by four negroes last night SidWaIler former police sergeant killedtwo of the men and fatally wounded-the third The other negro ran awaywhen he saw his companions fall

Wailer was wounded in the flightbut his wounds are of such a naturethat he is not In danger of death

WaIler was In the negro section ofthe city looRIng up negro dives with

I the intention of arresting somee gam ¬

blers The four men set upon himI with pistols and knives but the offi-


I was too quick for them HeI brought his gun into play so quicklythat the men went down in one twothree order-

A few months ago Wailers brotheri who was also a police officer was shotto death in this same section of the

I town where the attack was made lastnight He was attempting to arrestsome negro gamblers and a crowd ofthem set upon him Sid Waller hassince that time devoted his entire ef-


I to running down his brothersmurderers and trying to stamp out theevil element in the negro district Hehas been a marked man

Of Interest Teo such women as are not seriously oil-

If health buL woo have ending dutiesto perform either In the way of househc Id cares or In social duties and funclidpswhichseriously tax their strengthas we urslng mothers Dr Pierces

I Favorite PfcJtrlption has proved a Kostvaluable su tIng tonic and invigorat-ing


nervine By Itatlme1y use muchfcrious sickness and suder may be-

yolded The operating table and thosurgeons knife 0 13 I Js believedJdom have to be nirplpved If this must

I vtluab1eo a T ererjnrte-di1jood time The Favorite Prescrip-tion


has proveiTa great boon to expectantmothers by preparing the system for thecoming of baby thereby J mderlng child ¬

birth safe easy and almost painlessBear In mind please that Dr Pierces

Favorite Prescription Is not a secret orpatent medicine against which the most

I intelligent people are quite naturallyI averse becauso of the uncertainty as totheir composition and harmless character-but IS a MEDICIXE OF KNOWN COMPOBI

VON a full list of all Its Ingredients beingprinted In plain English on overy bottlewrapper An examination of this list ofIngredients will disclose the fact that it lanonalcoholic in Its composition chemic ¬

I ally pure triplerefined jtlyccrlno takingplace of tho used alcohoL

In its makeup In this connection h-moy not be out of place to state that theFavorite Prescription of Dr Pierce Is

tho oni medicine put for the cure of-

womans peculiar weaknesses and ail-ments


and sold through druggists allthe ingredients of which have the un ¬

animous endorsement of all the leadingmedical writers and teachers of all theseveral schools of practice and that tooas remedies for the ailments for whichFavorite Prescription is recommended-A little book of these endorsements will

be sent to any address postpaid andabsolutely free If you request same by

< Stal card or letter of Dr IL V PleroB-Buffalo NY

Dr P crees Pleasant Pellets cure contlpatlon Constipation Is the causo ofmany dl eaq Cure tho cause and youear the disease Easy to take aa candy




OfficeSecond Floor The Munroe I-


Chambliss Bank Building OcalaFlorida

Telephones Office 222 Residence221

Office HoursJ to 12 a m 2 to-p

4m 730 to 830 p m

F E McCLANEPhysician and SurgeoiG-

eneral Practice Calls Made PromptlyNight or Day

Special Attention to Obstetrics Di ¬

seases of Women and Children

Office Rooms 322 Holder BuildingSecond Floor Phones Office No 333Residence No 333-







Red and Fire Brick Work

Special attention to repairing fur¬

naces boiler setting and Dutchavens brick kilns and bakcraovens If your boiler doesnt steam-as it should send for me I am thedoctor

All Work GuaranteedNo distance too tate ana no Hour

too late to respond At the CarltonHouse



W F MARLOW Proprietor

Rates reasonable All goods press ¬

ed and cleaned on short notice anddelivered promptly All transientwork not called for In 30 days willbe sold for charges




The usual hustling bustling busi-ness


activity of the Martel Lumbercompany and its enterprising citizenscontinues A number of the Mattelpeople are spending the summer InGeorgia South Carolina and Virginiaamong friends and at celebratedhealth resorts

Mrs J B Warren and children leftfor Georgia the past week where theywill remain until September and upontheir return to Martel her daughterMiss Pearl Warren will enter South-ern


College at SutherlandMrs L A Tucker returned from a

visit to South Georgia recently whereshe spent a pleasant time with rela-tives


Miss Claire Bryan of Terrell inpassing through Martel on her way toPalatka made a short call uponfriends here Sunday-

Mrs H W Long returned Mondayfrom a two weeks delightful visitwith relatives and friends in Jackson-ville


and Quincy She reports cropsgood In Gadsden county and the far-mers


working day and night In hous-ing


their tobacco and In keeping upfires in the barns to keep the tobaccofrom moulding

Capt Williams has had two com-modious


cottages erected on his farmrecently purchased from H W Longand will have a suitable barn and sta ¬

bles built at an early dayThe Martel chapel is being painted

nicely which adds very much to itsbeauty

The W C T U of Martel hold reg¬

ular monthly meetings which underthe efficient supervision of Us presi ¬

dent Mrs P A Ausley is made attrac-tive


and interesting and new membersjoin at every meeting

Misses Vera and Wilma Veal ofJacksonville are visiting their grand-parents


Dr and Mrs Veal of MartelMr J A Bobbins and family of Mi-


are visiting their brother A WWoodward and family at Cotton PlantThey have proven quite an acquisition-to the Sunday school and church insinging duets that would be a creditto any city

An Important visitor made its ap-pearance


among us over two weeksago which soon assumed the form ofan oldtime rainy season which hasfilled the ponds thereby affording anabundance of water for stock Fodderpulling and farm operations are nowpractically suspended by continuouscloudy weather and excessive rainswith Indication of a continuance fordays to come

In the death of William McAteer nndA L Elchelberger there Is made twolinks less of the few remaining linksof the active citizenship of Marioncounty during the fifties The few re ¬

maining oldtimers of those happyyears who are now lingering on theshores of time In retrospecting thepast and contemplating the futurecan with the oldtime past exclaim

The busy tribes of flesh and bloodWith all their toils and cares

Are bowed downward by the floodAnd lost In following yearsThe sympathies of our people go out

to the bereaved ones of these goodmen each of whom spent long anduseful lives among us


We are having the same old troubleonly more of It about getting our I

tickets and bottles Your attention iscalled to the little preface In the In ¬

side of the cover of the milk ticketbooks This rule will be strictly en ¬

forced in future We have six grossof bottles out somewhere in Ocala Ina little over a years business Witheach bottle Is a ticket that belongs-to us for we never got it This Is nosmall Item Gather up all bottles puta ticket In each of them you findabout the place for you are due us asmany tickets as you have bottles putthem out and in future put both a bot-tle


and a ticket out as the deliverers I

have instructions to leave no milkwhere they do not find both a bottleand a ticket If the tickets are output the bottle out and a note statingthe fact and others will be left Thisnote is not Intended to apply to thosewho have put out the bottles and tick¬

ets regularly as many of you do butto the others it means business andwill be enforced


H H Whitworth Proprietor

PRESIDENT HELPS ORPHANSHundreds of orphans have been

helped by the president of the Indus ¬

trial and Orphans Home at Macon-Ga who writes We have usedElectric Bitters in this Institution fornine years It has proved a most ex-


medicine for stomach liver andkidney troubles We regard it as oneof the best family medicines onearth It Invigorates the vital or¬

gans purifies the blood aids diges-tion


creates appetite To strengthen-and build up thin pale weak children-or rundown people it has no equalBest for female complaints Only 50cat all druggists


The annual picnic will be given atCarters Pond July 23rd and the publlg is cordially invited to attend andbring well filled baskets

If you have pains In the back weakI back or any other indications of aweakened or disordered condition ofthe kidneys or bladder you should getDeWltts Kidney and Bladder Pillsright away when you experience theleast sign of kidney or bladder com-plaint


but be sure that you get Dewltts Kidney and Bladder Pills Weknow what they will do for youandIf you will send your name to E CDeWitt Co Chicago you will re¬

ceive a free trial box of these kidney-and bladder pills They are sold here-by all druggists

POSITION WANTED saw mmwoods rider wants a position cangive best of references namely J DScruggs of the McGehee Lumber CoLevon Fla 630dwlm

Everyone would be benented by tak ¬

ing Foleys Orlno Laxative for stom-ach


and liver trouble and habitualconstipation It sweetens the stom ¬

ach and breath gently stimulates theliver and regulates the bowels and Ismuch superior to pills and ordinarylaxatives Why not try Foleys OrlnoLaxative today Sold by all druggists


I r 0



iThere are many Wy8 in which it Berw the 0i <

public but the one now most Valuable per¬ iv


haps is to help with loans We will meet the7

needs of conservative borrowers 1

The Mtmroe Chamb1issBaflkINCORPORATED-

T T Monroe Presz C ChamMlss V Pre A LGoe4g1cI










The only Hoise ii Cabal FlirWa SM tlllllktdJFinishes IMe Hove Carries at all TIws lie latest ludBest ii Finttire Keefiif ip Wil lie tfaet art liltWhat the People Wait

Also carries a Ctnpfete lie II lauders ai4 SheHHardware Carriages Wats iHlte lams Saddles Fir

Look over tor Stock aid jet sir prices before ywimake your purchases Ytws lespedMy

lie I IER Sc MAs fAYO-




Haywood White Sulphur Springs piLand of the Sky WAYNES VILLE Nc Altitude2850FHt-On the Southern Railway one flour from Asheville Capacity250 guests

No consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and TennisSpecial attention to mountain parties Special party and family rates ForInformation address G C ROGAN Manager Formerly manager of Kenilworth Inn Asheville

aJ l-



Rates 3 per Day aid Upwards Aaerka Phi4


S <

KNIGHT LANGLeading Vehicle Dealers

of Central FloridaAD inneise stock lellaUe WafMs Ingles tam

an4CarrlaiescarrledatallftesHaraess Sallies Up Mes WUpi art alt Mew

carried by a firstclass Hue tf flris kiwi tagtt ia HMtitles from the factories art always ta litck al lie verylowest prices

We cai save yti MMey ti ynur pnchaser theylane or small

Agents ftr atst tf lilt leatiftf sad best Btiics Mwas au bug-

giesKNIGHT LANGN rfh SUe tf Snare IfCftU FlfiWA

s Hr < t Ie



i BUSINESSCarnegie Hall and third mens dormitory now completed electric

lights steam and furnace heat large faculty perfect health condl Jtions fine gymnasium athletic fields boating tennis courts golf links 11t baseball football and basketball teams champions ot Florida In 1909Nearly a quarter of a million dollars endowment expenses moderate

+ scholarships available Christian but undenominational stands for f


For Catalogue Addreae the PresidentiWm F Blackman Ph D Wilder Park Hi-t xy+HoItt II J t t tUIr4

FRESH MEATS AND VEGETftJLESWestern Beef Veal Florida Stall Ned BeefMutton Armours Star Ham Armouri PorkSausage Cabbage Rutabagas Turnips f BeetsSweet Potatoes Irish Potatoes Spanish Onions

W P EDWAFDSPho-ne 108 City Markets 5-





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