"I Can't Breathe": Eric Garner's Plea Becomes Rallying Cry for Justice Following latest high-ro!le non-inictmen t of olice o#cer$ rotests e%loe an &ew or( City an )eyon Prot esters hol lacars as they eman *ustice for the eath of Eric Garner$ while marching ast Raio City +usic ,all in the +anhattan )orough of &ew or( ecem)er .$ /0123 4housans of rotesters shoute at olice an clogge streets of +anhattan on 5enesay$ angere )y a &ew or( City gran *ury's ecision not to charge white olice o#cer aniel Pantaleo in the cho(ehol eath of the unarme )lac( man3 Garner$ a 2.- year -ol father of si%$ was accuse of illegally selling cigarettes on a siewal( when Pantaleo ut him in a cho(ehol from )ehin an tac(le him with the hel of other o#cers3 6Photo: Reuters78 rees 9atif

I Can't Breathe Eric Garner's Plea Becomes Rallying Cry for Justice

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8/10/2019 I Can't Breathe Eric Garner's Plea Becomes Rallying Cry for Justice

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"I Can't Breathe": Eric Garner's PleaBecomes Rallying Cry for JusticeFollowing latest high-ro!le non-inictment of olice o#cer$ rotests

e%loe an &ew or( City an )eyon

Protesters hol lacars as they eman *ustice for the eath of Eric

Garner$ while marching ast Raio City +usic ,all in the +anhattan

)orough of &ew or( ecem)er .$ /0123 4housans of rotesters shoute

at olice an clogge streets of +anhattan on 5enesay$ angere )y a

&ew or( City gran *ury's ecision not to charge white olice o#cer aniel

Pantaleo in the cho(ehol eath of the unarme )lac( man3 Garner$ a 2.-

year-ol father of si%$ was accuse of illegally selling cigarettes on a

siewal( when Pantaleo ut him in a cho(ehol from )ehin an tac(le

him with the hel of other o#cers3 6Photo: Reuters78rees 9atif

8/10/2019 I Can't Breathe Eric Garner's Plea Becomes Rallying Cry for Justice

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 Jon ;ueally$ sta< writer- Thursday, December 04, 2014



Common Dreams

 4hough a coroner classi!e his eath a "homicie" an a =ieo cature

olice surrouning the man while one o#cer$ aniel Pantaleo$ lace thecho(ehol on Eric Garner that woul en his life$ a gran *ury's ecision on

5enesay not to return an inictment in the case surre outrage

nationwie an a night of street rotests across &ew or( City an other


"I can't )reathe$" )ecame the rallying cry of thousans of &ew or(ers who

marche in mitown +anhattan throughout the night3 In the =ieo

ocumenting his eath$ Garner reeate that hrase multile times to

o#cers )efore he succum)e to his in*uries3 8s the emonstrators

marche$ stage ie-ins$ an )loc(e tra#c along ma*or thoroughfares$

many sai their anger$ frustration an saness is not reser=e for this one

case$ )ut against a system they say refuses to hol olice accounta)le for a

attern of a)usi=e )eha=ior that too often turns ealy for young eole of


Reorts inicate the o>ens of rotesters were arreste throughout the

night3 4he er=asi=e moo$ though fuele )y the e%resse anger of

emonstrators$ was nota)ly eaceful an non-=iolent accoring to

most reorting3

8/10/2019 I Can't Breathe Eric Garner's Plea Becomes Rallying Cry for Justice

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 4a(ing to the streets to rotest that gran *ury =erict in homicie case ofEric Garner3 6Photo: a=e Blesoe7?ic(r7cc

"@Garner's familyA wants eace$ they'll get eaceful rotest$" one rotester$

./-year-ol Jayson 5illiams of taten Islan$ tol the ,u#ngton Post3 "But

the &P shoul want eace too3 8n our *ustice system shoul want

 *ustice3 If an unarme man is (ille$ the erson who (ille him shoul go to


 4hough uniue in its articulars$ few see the Garner case as an isolate

incient3 4he gran *ury announcement in &ew or( comes on the heels of a

searate non-inictment in the eath of +ichael Brown in Ferguson$

+issouri last month3 Brown was unarme an witnesses testi!e that his

hans were u when he was shot an (ille )y o#cer arren 5ilson3 +any

rotesters coul )e hear chanting$ "Garner an Brown$ hut it ownD" as

they marche throughout the night3

8s the Guarian reorts:

eiha ouley$ .$ was ri=ing his ta%i ca) on Broaway when

rotesters )loc(e tra#c3 8s he chante along with emonstrators$

8/10/2019 I Can't Breathe Eric Garner's Plea Becomes Rallying Cry for Justice

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he sai he i not min the elay3

“ ou=e got to stan u sometime$H he sai3

In one of se=eral ie-insH$ emonstrators lay in silence on a

a=ement a)out a )loc( from where the Christmas tree lighting

ceremony was uner way at Roc(efeller Center3 Police )loc(ae

the street$ re=enting marchers from interruting the nationally

tele=ise e=ent3

8)out 1$000 eole ac(e into the ornate main hall of Gran

Central 4erminal for a noisy )ut eaceful rotest3

n taten Islan$ near the site where Garner was arehene$

aniel (elton$ a )lac( 20-year-ol )an(er$ so(e louly as he

=oice his outrage: 8 )lac( mans life *ust ont matter in this


 4hough the gran *ury ecision )rought to an en the local in=estigation

into Garner's case$ K33 8ttorney General Eric ,oler announce

5enesay e=ening the Justice eartment will initiate a feeral ci=il rights

an criminal ro)e into the case3

In a statement release after the gran *ury announcement$ #cer

Pantaleo e%resse his aologies to Eric Garner's family for the loss of life

an sai he ha "no intention of harm anyone3" u)seuently$ Garner's

wiow$ Esaw Garner$ aeare at a ress conference an sai that an

aology simly wasn't goo enough3

,er hus)an$ Garner sai$ "shoul )e here cele)rating Christmas an

 4han(sgi=ing an e=erything else with his chilren an granchilren3 8n

he can't3 5hyL Because a co i wrong3 omeone that gets ai to o

8/10/2019 I Can't Breathe Eric Garner's Plea Becomes Rallying Cry for Justice

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right$ i wrong an he's not hel accounta)le for it3"

"But$" she ae$ "my hus)an's eath will not )e in =ain3 8s long as I ha=e

a )reath in my )oy$ I will !ght the !ght until the en3"


 4he anger an eman for true *ustice was echoe in the streets

throughout the night an cature on 4witter uner thehashtag MEricGarner:

Nieo cature rotests across &ew or( City3

ie-in rotest at Gran Central tation:

8/10/2019 I Can't Breathe Eric Garner's Plea Becomes Rallying Cry for Justice

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9ater$ in 4imes uare:


+i-town +anhattan$ &ew or( City:

8/10/2019 I Can't Breathe Eric Garner's Plea Becomes Rallying Cry for Justice

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NICE &ews release three hours of raw footage from their night of co=erage:


Posted by Thavam