WE SURE DO HURRY If you're having car trouble, a call to us will bring us hurrying to your assistance. Our phone number is X 022. Take advan- tage of our Service. We guarantee to satis- fy you. B. B. GARAGE Bechtel and Baldwin Corner 3rd and Front Street WANT ADS LAND FOR SALE- ?$5 an acre. Act Qulckley. 160 acres level, 90 acres good loam soil, log house, 6 miles to Sumas, close to school, R- R.i County road thrugh land. Eighty burned . lean, cheaply cleared. Phone Nooksack 1012 for full Infor- mation. 3-30-lto FOR SALE ?Bay Belgian, coming six, weight 1500, sound and true. G. Pollnder, Phone 1411. Lynden, 3-80-2t* Ft >X SALE ? Few second-hand , ars and trucks at O. K. Tire Shop, 114 Prospect St. Phone 801 Bellingham. 3-30-3t« FOR SALE spring wheat and Blue Bel] peas. John Pilon, Phone 4808 Lynden. f-80-lt* -PEARL GRAY GUINEA FOWI4, si.."' 11 each, Mrs. Mary Intel, Shelton, Wash. 3-16-3-* 50,000 LOGANBERRY PLANTS. Selected, Inspected, hardy, well rooted. Unusual low price. Harry Lanum, R4, Salem, Ore. 3-16-!o FIRST CLASS pure-bred Jersey Hulls for sale ?or will trade for Dairy Association bonds, or liberty bonds. B. C. Crabtree, | phone 2013 Lynden. 3-2-tf-o FOR SALE?Pure Bred Guernsey Bulls, or will trade for milk cows. S. Hiemstra, Phone 2124 Nooksack. 3-30-lt* CHOICE LOGANBERRY TIPS. $1., per thousand; personally inspected by our county fruit inspector before they are \u25a0hip- ped. I pay express. G. W. Johnson, jr., Salem Ore., R4. 3-1 6-at-* FOR SALE ?3 Holstein heifers; 1 Guernsey-Jersey cow; fresh July, Aug. and Oct. R. Naylor, 1 mile north of Buffalo school, and 1% miles west. 3-30-3* FOR SALE ?Hatching eggs from 2 year old hens, Holly- wood strain.Phone 420 Lyirtren. 3-30-3t» FOR SALE ?Smith's typewriter, in good condition, $15.00. Phone XI 81. 3-30-3t-o FOR SALE ?Edison phonograph and 50 records, $15. Phone I Xlßl. 3-30-3t-o EMERSON ? MARTINI STRAIN' S. C. WHITE Leghorn breed-l ing cockerels from heavy pro ihicing hens; exhibition trio; satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs. J W. Marsh, Underwood, Wn. 3-IG-St-* CAR FOR HlßE?Anytime, any- Where. Phono 3GO9', Lynden, Herbert Day. 1-16-81-* WANTED ? buyers of first-class wood. Prices per rick: Second growth, |2.00; Body fir $2.25; Maple and birch $2.50. A. Mc- Daniel, phone 1711 Lynden. 4-1-tfo YOU DO NOT HtAVtt TO, BEND your battery to Bellingham. We repair and charge batteries. Lynden Motor Co. 1-5-? MONEY TO LOAN. Rrisbin, Smith A Livesev, 1312 Dock St.. Bel- lingham." 1-11-14-11 JFYOUR BELTS SLIP. Pixley hifi f the Btuff to stor them. Some- thing new. 0-15-tf-o 1,000 DAY-OLD CHICKS, hatch- ing now. E. W. Bayes, phone 2318, Lynden. 3-30-lt-* YOUNG SIRE! FOR SALE from cow giving 531 lb in 9 months. Will reach the Gsolb mark by end of year. Comes from Jersey herd headed by Kolanders' Em- inent (dam's record 896 B> In year.) B. C. Crabtree, Lyndon. U-23-tf-o FOR SALE?Rhode Island Red hatching eggs, prize strain, 75c a dozen. D. Colpaert, Phone 4 002 Lynden. 3-23-3t* Ladies' lints re-blocked and made over at the Make-Over Hat Shop. Room 324, Exchange Bldg., Bellingham. 2-23-12t* For first class tractor plowing and discing call on Oscar Farnum, R 2, Blame. 3-30-3t-o FOR SALE ?1 "Reliable" blue flame brooder, 52-in. hover, used one season, good as new. Price $20. Geo. M. Preston, phone 4404. 3-30-lt-o FOR RENT 15-acre ranch, - miles southwest of Lyndon, good buildings, new barn. J. Boesenkool, Lynden. 8-23-81 or " woman to take orders for genuine guar- anteed hosiery, for men. wo- men and children. Eliminates darning. $40 a week full time, $1.00 an hour spare time. Ex- perience unnecessary. Interna- tional Stocking Mills, Norris- town, Pa. 2-23-St- ? FOR SALE ?Guaranteed Hogan- ized White Leghorn batching eggs and chicks. Eggs $8 per 100. May chix 15c each. Mrs. Arp, St. John, Wash. 3-2-6t* PURE IRISH LINENS in art lin- en, laces and colored, non- crush dress goods. Mrs. P. Frescoln Penry. 2014 I St., Bellingham. Phone 1947-J 3-30-3t» FOR SALE CHEAP ?Rubber tir- ed buggy and harness, about new. C. Wagner, at Greenwood school. ... z^3i'A- den. FOR BALE OR TRADE house and lot, coiner Ist and Grover Street* in Lynden. Car con- sidered in part payment, v. , X. Price, Nooksack. Phone Nook- , sack 808 3 -°-41 FOR SALE? Canadian Seed Peas, and 20th Century Oats. Phone 8808 Lynden, Jackman Lumber Stringiest Sash. Do7>rs, In- side Finish, Chicken BOWM sup- plies, western Woodworking , Co., Dock & Laurel Sts.. phone I 870. 10-27-tf-o| WoOD And taken at Tavlor & Cruikshank 1 Leal Estate office. Phone, residence RT4B, office RO4l. E. L. Bajt- lett. 4-l-'l-o ; DR. DARST > Druglest Phvslcian, Chiropractor. Food specialist. Lady attendants. Rooms 203 to 207, Exchange, Building, Bellingham. Phone J*- FOR SALE ?Burpee's Early seed potatoes. Phone X 561, J. F. Stark. 3-30-3t-* FOB SALE ? Goose, duck and turkey eggs, also a good team, (! and 7 yrs. Harness, wagon, 1 Litchfield manure spreader and 1 spring tooth harrow. In- quire Tony Leenders, on the Depot road, or call R662, Lyn- -3-30-3t-» ROOM FOR RENT, with or with- out board. 212 Third St., phone X 382. 3-30-3t-o LINCOLN 800 GRADER SCALES Grades pewee, pullet and stan- dard eggs without adjusting. Is simple, strong, durable, accur- ate and cheap. Used and recom- mended by the Universities of California, Nebraska, Perm. State College, The Poultry Producers Assn. Price Postpaid 50 cents. H. V. B. Lincoln, Escondldo, Cal. HANSON STRAIN S. C. WHITE LEGHORN pullets and breed- ing cockerels from trapnested hens mated to males from 302- --egg hens. Mr- J. W. Marsh, Underwood. Wash. 3-16-lU* FOB TUADE?Overland "90;" In good condition; for Ford coupe. 712 E. Champion St., phone G49. Bellingham. 3-16-3-* Ff>R SALE? I.AOO chick capacity oil-burning brooder stove; used one Reason. 1415 J. St., Bell ingham. 3-16-3* FOR~SALE ? Ellington Piano ? cheap if taken at once.. Phone Nooksack _3 8. 3-16-3o FOB SALE ?Early Rose seed po- tatoes, raised on high land. G. Vander Griend, phone 5311. Lynden. 3-16-3t* HAY FOR SALE?J. Meenk, Phone 2C12 Lynden. 2-23-2t» TKE LTNDEN TRI2VNE, LYNDEN, WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1022 PARTNER WANTED by farmer 63 years old. Farm will pro- duce $8,000 a year in clover seed and milk. W. H. Kaufman, R2, Bellingham, Wn. 3-30-4o (PASTURE FOR YOUNG STOCK. $9.00 per season, lowland, run- ning water. Also young pigs for sale. A. Hoytema, Bixby Ranch. 3-3Q-3t-* FOR SALE?OId Hickory "Easy Pull" manure spreader at a bargain. Phone M 9 7, Lynden Implement Co. 3-30-tf-o NOW is the time to have your piano tuned. Price only $3.00, satisfaction guaranteed. Write to C C Friend, R3, Everson, Wash. 3-30-2t* EARLY OHIO Seed Potatoes for sale at $15 a ton. A. M. van Raalte, Everson R3, V* mile south of Tlmon school. 3-30-3 to Hemstitching and picoting at- tachment; fits all sewing ma- chines. Price $2. Checks 10c extra. Lights Mail Order House Box 127, Birmingham, Ala- bama. 3-23-6t- » FOR SALE?B or 10 tons barn dry oat straw, loose. $8.00 a ton. Mrs. M. M. Record, Su- mas. 3-23-3t ? DELCO LIGHT PLANT for sale at half-price, good as new. John Boesenkool, Lynden. 3-23-2t * FRESH GUERNSEY COW for Sale. High grade querns?/ sire, 2 years old. Phone 200:; Lyn- den. F. H. Pierce. 2-23-31* PASTURE FOR RENT? on the Den Adel place. Phone 217 Lynden. M. H. O'Brien.2-23-3t* FOR SALE ?Mitchell Wagon and 8-disc harrow. F. M. Yount, Phone 5519 Lynden. 3-23-3t* HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE? from purebred White Leghorns from 203 egg stock, headed by Tancred and non-setters of 285 egg stock. H. Ege, Phone 4917. 3-23-2t* MY EQUITY IN 20 acres irrigate ed, Vt In alfalfa, Burbank dis- trict; sale or trade. Write for particulars. Box 46, Burbank, Wash. 3-23-3t* LOOSE HAY for sale) ?Ray C. Shumway, Phone 1407 Nook- sack. 3-23-tfo Cuthbert Raspberry plants for sale, $5 per thousand. George A. Wheeler. Phone Lynden 3718 3-23-3t* WANTED TO BUY?150 heavy hens, 75 shoats. Ernest Dean. 3-23-lt- o ADVERTISED LETTERS Mail tor the following named persons remained unclaimed in the postoffice in Lynden, Wash., on March 23, 1922. If not called for in two weeks, it will be sent to the Dead Letter office. Clarence E. Bitts. Charles Eut- slan, Mrs. Tena Johnson, Chris Knutzen, J. F. Luvall, Robert H. Mahon, P Thompson. One cent due on each of tho above letters. When calling for any, please say "Advertised." D. L Beckes, Postmaster FIRE! AT HOME you bays keepsakes, private papers and other articles which are priceless, business records, contracts, jew- perhaps a WILL, which if lost, by fire or even misplaced, so it might get lost, some such experience might cause you much unhappiness, as well as financial loss. Are you prepared for a FIRE! I say: "Do not risk a loss you can prevent 1" A good fire- proof safe is the only insurance you can buy to protect your val-j uables AT HOME. You may have easy terms, so why delay and risk a loss? I A. ARTHCK RIGCiS The Safe Man Phone 1214 BelUiighiuii, Wn< TEAM HORSES FOR SALE? INQUIRE FORD GARAGE? LYNDEN. 3-2-tf- o HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent. Mrs. H. C. Baxter, phone R582, Variety Store. 3-16-31 * FOUND ?3 bicycles. Owners can have same by proving property and paying costs. J. Le Compte City Marshal. 3-16-tf-o HATCHING EGGS AND BABY CHICKS for sale. Phone 4011 Lynden. 3-23-2 to FOR SALE ?Four year old - colt and Vega Cream Seperator. Phone 1612 Lynden 3-2 3-3t* SHINGLES FOR SALE ? all kinds, for all purposes. Herbert Day, at Klocke's Mill. 3-23-4t*tf-o WANT TO BUY ? 50,000 lbs. of wool. Call, write or telephone C. E. Barnes, Lynden. 3-23-2* FOB RENT ?Sixty acres pasture. Frank Bloom, Lynden. 3-16-3t-* FOX SALE ?80 acres of logged off land, 4 miles west of Lyn- den, near Booths Corners. A bargain. Percy Hood, First National Bank of Ferndale. 3-IG-4t o FOR SALE ?100 Bartlett pear trees, 2 yrs. old, 60c each. Me ridian Greenhouse, 2900 Merid- ian St., Bellingham. 3-16-3* ORDER your 8-weeks old pullets now. Delivery in April, any quantity. Phone 2914, John W. Zevenbergen. 3-16-3* FOR SALE ?6 months old Pol- and China boar can be regis- tered. Frank Hawley Phone X822 t-M-l t * FOR SALE ?home canned food. Mrs. Stowell, phone 3210 Fern- 3-23-2 to FOR SALE ?coal brooder stove, fully equipped. Phone 1312 Nooksack. 3-23-2t \u2666 FOR SALE ?14 in. John Deere walking plow; Banner root cutter; Geneva feed cutter, al- most new. Phone 1720 Lynden. S. R. Ritchie, farm on Guide. 3-23-2t * FOR SALE ?Netted Gem Seed potatoes, Blue Ribbon, What- com County Fair. Phone 2617, Ferndale, Wilson Bros. 3-9-4t-* QUALITY BABY CHICKS S. C. White Leghorn chicks from Tancred strain, with an average of 234 eggs per bird, headed by 252 to 294 egg males, $20 per hundred. After May 15, $15 per hundred. H. C. SORENBEN Route 1, Box 1 Kent, Wash. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING ? Cast Iron, Malleable Iron, Soft Steel, Tool Steel, Brass. Lynden Welding & Manufacturing Co.. 3rd & Front St.. Lynden. 1-ltfo COME AND SEE THE FUN APRIL FOOL DANCE FOR SALE ?Burpee Early Seed Potatoes. Oil brooder stove. L. Asara, Lynden. 3-23-3t* WRITE FOR INFORMATION of land and conditions in the Wil- liamette valley, and it will be cheerfully given. A. A. Aaby, Eugene, Ore. 3-23-4t* \ FOR SALE ?Hercules 7 horse power gas engine. Phone 5011 Lynden. 3-23-3t* FOR SALE ?HOLSTEIN BULLS, I Serviceable'age; sired by one of i King of the Sadie Vales. Sire's dam, 30.62 lbs., 2-year-old daugh- ter of Korndyke Abbikerk, son ; of Pontiac Korndyke. Prices reas- onable. Dam of two above bulls has record 25.32 lbs. butter In 7 days and 101.65 lbs. butter In 30 days, semiofficial. D. R. Nit- font, Granger, Wash. 3-23-3t* AT THE Custer Hippodrome Music by Heun's SATURDAY, APRIL Ist Two Prizes given away. Let's go! FOR SALE ?Stock Farm; 440 acres; improved; CO upland cleared; 100 bottom cleared, 280 logged off; all fenced; seeded; good buildings; near paved highway; near Olympia. Will sell in one piece or sub- divide. An opportunity for a colony to settle; $4,000 will handle. Terms on balance. For particulars write, J. M, Demp- sey, Auburn, Wash., owner. 3-30-3t* FOR SALE ?Single Comb White Leghorn hatching eggs, Holly- wood strain. 40c per dozen. Mrs. O. B.Vyse, Phone Sunns 2019. 3-23-;lt» FOR SALE ?GO acres land; 30 acres improved with good buildings. Would consider pro- perty in Lvnden or close in. F. M. Yount, Phone 5519 Lyn- den. 3-23-31* MILLER HOTEL New management; two r iiul hree room furnished house-keep- ing suites. Mrs. Willis Cole, Man- iger. B-23*4t* 74 ACRE FARM FOR RENT? with all farm tools and 14 cows Tennant must furnish 6 cows or more and own team. A Mc- Daniel, Phone 1711 Lynden. 3-30-lt* FOR TRADE?High Grade Hol- stein Heifer that will freshen Sep. 1, for good O. I. C. brood Sow with litter. F. A. Pugh Phone 4711 Lynden 3-;!0-lt* ?OR SALE o- trade for small, r car?Studebaker Special Six. Phone 6115 Nooksack. 3-30-I*. FOR SALE ?lowa cream separ- ator, practically new, cheap. Phone 204 Lynden. 3-30-3* BOYS AND GIRLS Start a Bank Account with the money we will pay for good ?mpty syrup cans. We pay? lc for quart cans. 2c for 2 quart cans 3c for gallon cans. LYNDEN DEPARTMENT STORE Incorporated 3-30- It o WANTED TO BORROW ?$300 to $300 on good river bottom land. Address Box 571 Lyn- den. 3-30-2 to CARD OK THANKS We desire to express our sin- cere thanks to all our friends for the kindness and sympathy ex- tended to us in our bereavement. MRS. E. ZWEEGMAN and Family CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our thanks to friends and neighbors for the sympathy and flowers received during our bereavement. Mrs. Ralph Troost and Family Mr. and Mrs. John Troost and Family. Mr. Bert Troost. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday Services 10:00 A. M.?Sunday School. Classes for all ages. 7:00 P. M.?Young Peoples Ser- vice. 7:30 P. M.?Sermon. "Favorable or Fashionable; the Christian's Challenge." CHAS. BAKER, Minister You're Welcome at this Church. Why not Come? I : FKESH COWS FOB SALE ?Tel- ephone 2902 Lynden. 3-30-3* FOR RENT?six acres of good" river-bottom land. Mrs. Inga J Hourran, Ferndale R 1. , 3-30-2 to , Residence property in Lynden to the value of $3000 secures an 80 acre, improved farm, 23 head cattle, 2 horses, implem- ents, feed, seed, possessions. Only ono mile from Eastsound. Balance easy terms, price $15.- --000. John F, Huteson, East- sound. Wash. 3-30-3* WILL iHK Curi'LK who picked up a 33x4 Fisk tire on Elgin rim in front of Griffith place on Wiser Lake road, return it? Tire was not lost and party is known. Return to Tribune. 3-30-lt- MAY THICKS develop 1551 and make Rood winter layers, j White Leghorn chicks from Corvallis famous layers. Prices 15c up to 500, 14c to 1000. We pay express. Order now. Oregon Corvallis Hatchery, Corvallis, Ore. 3-30-3t* FOR SALE Ji rsey bull 9 mos. old. J. Zodrow, Chewelah, Wn. 3-30-Bt* FRANK MEIER STRAIN S. C. WHITE LEGHORN'S Trapnested ?Pedigreed Hatching Eggs Chicks Cockerels Hens FRANK MEIER, The Dalles, Ore. Lyndon has two furniture tleal- ! ers. One of them was fined $200 i and costs in Hi llingham Saturday for having in his possession a beer. "At the conclusion of his ; hearing in Judge He.aton's court," ! says the Bellingham Herald, "he broke into sobs, embraced the i two federal prohibitions officers, Direction of Jensen & Yon lleruerff FOR BALE -Splendid Blue-Bell Peas. W, F. Fisher. 414 Irving St., Bellingham. 3-30-lto FOR SALE OR TRADE ?For real-estate near Lynden, 20! acres at Two Rivers, Wn., 16 I acres In alfalfa: 2 dot. trull trees, some Shade trees. Good lox2o basement. For further particulars see J. O, West.Lyn- | ilea. 3-3.0-lt* CONSERVATIVE "Longbow says you'll back him up In any statement he makes." "Yes, no matter what he says, I'll endorse it. But I wouldn't bet on It." Will party who took library book from kitchen of Hawley'a Hall at the Round Up please return it to this office and avoid trouble. 3-30-lto FOR RENT ?2 Oacre farm. Tel- ephone 4311, Mrs. Van Patton, 3-30-lt-* Subscribe for The Star at The Tribune office. AN INSULT Lilly Hippo: The idea of any one sending me an ugly valentine! THE OLD BE, *J Time was a valentine he sent That fairly throbbed with love and kisses. He'd do so still, though gray and bent, But stops to think she's now a Mrs. "I love my love In the morning." "I don't blame you, if she gets up and starts the furnace." "Yes, the worm will turn, bul where?" THE CURSE OF POVERTY. The Lover: Aw shucks! A msasl) ten cents is all dat stands bctweei' me and a valentine for me girl. ©Hp Ciinbrti (Gimlrt Well, Joo Shoop and Henry Shagren seem to be a year older again. bottlfl of gin and four bottles of VERY LOVABLE A .M AT FOR THE FLOWER STAND Here is an oilcloth mat to put under your flower pots to pi event moisture from marking the tabic- or window sill. When cutt'ng oilcloth for the kitchen table or shelves you will often have fcmall scraps left over, and these may be utilized to make the mats for the flower pots. White Sanitos left over alter mak- ing a luncheon set could also be used. The design piven here is for a mat ten inches in diameter. Transfer the design to the mat with carbon paper, placing It about half an inch from the edge. The design is put near the outer edge of the mat so that it will not be covered ip when the pot is in place. The pattern may be u.-<d once on the mat as shown iv the little sketch or it may be repeated four times to form a border around the outer edge. Paint the water lily yellow, making each petal with a single page mm 11 r.[i^w^^? TQNIGHT L V J?JIjJT'J J FRIDAY and SATURDAY THE WONDERFUL STAGE SUCCESS "TURN TO THE RIGHT" and shook hands with the judge." |]~000- Some folks have been accusing Frank Knapp of being the guilty party. This is t mistake. Knapp wouldn't have embraced any of- ficers unless the; - happened to be feminine. And he wouldn't have had time to shed tears. Ho would have been too busy giving the COUti a lecture on how hi was underselling the catalogue houses. Now if anybody had tried to bawl before Judge Jerry Rob- ertson, who held court at the Round-Up, lie would have got a j life sentence cranking \u25a0 lizzie. Mrs. Bailey notified us this week that she wanted to enter her husband in our Dilapidated- Looking Carr Contest. || ?000- Beginning Monday, the boys at the Lynden stores will start an hour oily to woik. Shoe Repairing MODERN METHODS QUICK SERVICE BAJEMA & ROOS OUR CUTS OF MEAT are not only the choicest tender and full of rich ; meat juices, but our fair prices will help you to Cut Your Meat Bills ' almost in half. In these days, isn't this worth in- vestigating? City Market Ray Hookstra, Prop. Phone M22 I Service Sanitation Satisfaction | stroke of a fine brush. The center ] part of the flower Is of a darker shade than the tips of the petals, j The stamens in the center of the Bower are black or dark brown. Make the leaves and stems green, shading the veining with a deeper | shade of the same color. I'aint a border a quarter of an inch wide ! around the outside edge of the mat ; in deep yellow, and over this border > work a blanket stitch in black wool or heavy embroidery cotton. This will keep the edges from fraying, and the black blanket stitching over the yellow is most unusual In i its eflect.

I FIRE! THE SURE HURRY - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88085445/1922-03-30/ed-1/seq-9.pdfWE SURE DO HURRY If you're having car trouble, a call to us will bring

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WE SURE DO HURRYIf you're having car trouble, a call to

us will bring us hurrying to your assistance.

Our phone number is X022. Take advan-

tage of our Service. We guarantee to satis-

fy you.

B. B. GARAGEBechtel and Baldwin

Corner 3rd and Front Street


LAND FOR SALE-?$5 an acre.Act Qulckley. 160 acres level,

90 acres good loam soil, loghouse, 6 miles to Sumas, closeto school, R- R.i County roadthrugh land. Eighty burned. lean, cheaply cleared. PhoneNooksack 1012 for full Infor-mation. 3-30-lto

FOR SALE ?Bay Belgian, comingsix, weight 1500, sound andtrue. G. Pollnder, Phone 1411.Lynden, 3-80-2t*

Ft >X SALE ? Few second-hand, ars and trucks at O. K. TireShop, 114 Prospect St. Phone

801 Bellingham. 3-30-3t«FOR SALE spring wheat and

Blue Bel] peas. John Pilon,

Phone 4808 Lynden. f-80-lt*-PEARL GRAY GUINEA FOWI4,

si.."' 11 each, Mrs. Mary Intel,Shelton, Wash. 3-16-3-*

50,000 LOGANBERRY PLANTS.Selected, Inspected, hardy, wellrooted. Unusual low price.Harry Lanum, R4, Salem, Ore.


FIRST CLASS pure-bred JerseyHulls for sale ?or will tradefor Dairy Association bonds, orliberty bonds. B. C. Crabtree,

| phone 2013 Lynden. 3-2-tf-o

FOR SALE?Pure Bred GuernseyBulls, or will trade for milkcows. S. Hiemstra, Phone 2124Nooksack. 3-30-lt*

CHOICE LOGANBERRY TIPS.$1., per thousand; personallyinspected by our county fruit

inspector before they are \u25a0hip-ped. I pay express. G. W.Johnson, jr., Salem Ore., R4.

3-1 6-at-*

FOR SALE?3 Holstein heifers;1 Guernsey-Jersey cow; freshJuly, Aug. and Oct. R. Naylor,1 mile north of Buffalo school,and 1% miles west. 3-30-3*

FOR SALE ?Hatching eggsfrom 2 year old hens, Holly-wood strain.Phone 420 Lyirtren.


FOR SALE ?Smith's typewriter,in good condition, $15.00.Phone XI81. 3-30-3t-o

FOR SALE ?Edison phonographand 50 records, $15. Phone

I Xlßl. 3-30-3t-o

EMERSON ? MARTINI STRAIN'S. C. WHITE Leghorn breed-ling cockerels from heavy pro

ihicing hens; exhibition trio;

satisfaction guaranteed. Mrs.J W. Marsh, Underwood, Wn.


CAR FOR HlßE?Anytime, any-

Where. Phono 3GO9', Lynden,Herbert Day. 1-16-81-*

WANTED ? buyers of first-classwood. Prices per rick: Secondgrowth, |2.00; Body fir $2.25;

Maple and birch $2.50. A. Mc-Daniel, phone 1711 Lynden.


YOU DO NOT HtAVtt TO, BENDyour battery to Bellingham. Werepair and charge batteries.Lynden Motor Co. 1-5-?

MONEY TO LOAN. Rrisbin, SmithA Livesev, 1312 Dock St.. Bel-lingham." 1-11-14-11

JFYOUR BELTS SLIP. Pixley hifif the Btuff to stor them. Some-

thing new. 0-15-tf-o

1,000 DAY-OLD CHICKS, hatch-ing now. E. W. Bayes, phone2318, Lynden. 3-30-lt-*


cow giving 531 lb in 9 months.Will reach the Gsolb mark by

end of year. Comes from Jersey

herd headed by Kolanders' Em-

inent (dam's record 896 B> Inyear.) B. C. Crabtree, Lyndon.


FOR SALE?Rhode Island Redhatching eggs, prize strain, 75ca dozen. D. Colpaert, Phone4 002 Lynden. 3-23-3t*

Ladies' lints re-blocked and madeover at the Make-Over HatShop. Room 324, ExchangeBldg., Bellingham. 2-23-12t*

For first class tractor plowing anddiscing call on Oscar Farnum,

R 2, Blame. 3-30-3t-o

FOR SALE ?1 "Reliable" blueflame brooder, 52-in. hover,used one season, good as new.Price $20. Geo. M. Preston,

phone 4404. 3-30-lt-o

FOR RENT 15-acre ranch, -

miles southwest of Lyndon,good buildings, new barn. J.

Boesenkool, Lynden. 8-23-81

or" woman to

take orders for genuine guar-

anteed hosiery, for men. wo-men and children. Eliminatesdarning. $40 a week full time,

$1.00 an hour spare time. Ex-

perience unnecessary. Interna-

tional Stocking Mills, Norris-town, Pa. 2-23-St- ?

FOR SALE?Guaranteed Hogan-ized White Leghorn batchingeggs and chicks. Eggs $8 per100. May chix 15c each. Mrs.Arp, St. John, Wash. 3-2-6t*

PURE IRISH LINENS in art lin-en, laces and colored, non-crush dress goods. Mrs. P.Frescoln Penry. 2014 I St.,Bellingham. Phone 1947-J


FOR SALE CHEAP ?Rubber tir-

ed buggy and harness, about

new. C. Wagner, at Greenwoodschool. ... z^3i'A-



and lot, coiner Ist and GroverStreet* in Lynden. Car con-sidered in part payment, v. ,

X. Price, Nooksack. Phone Nook- ,sack 808 3 -°-41

FOR SALE? Canadian Seed Peas,

and 20th Century Oats. Phone8808 Lynden, Jackman

Lumber Stringiest Sash. Do7>rs, In-side Finish, Chicken BOWM sup-

plies, western Woodworking, Co., Dock & Laurel Sts.. phoneI 870. 10-27-tf-o|WoOD And taken

at Tavlor & Cruikshank 1 Leal

Estate office. Phone, residenceRT4B, office RO4l. E. L. Bajt-lett. 4-l-'l-o ;

DR. DARST >Druglest Phvslcian, Chiropractor.

Food specialist. Lady attendants.Rooms 203 to 207, Exchange,Building, Bellingham. Phone J*-

FOR SALE?Burpee's Early seedpotatoes. Phone X561, J. F.Stark. 3-30-3t-*

FOB SALE ? Goose, duck andturkey eggs, also a good team,(! and 7 yrs. Harness, wagon,1 Litchfield manure spreaderand 1 spring tooth harrow. In-quire Tony Leenders, on theDepot road, or call R662, Lyn-


ROOM FOR RENT, with or with-out board. 212 Third St., phoneX382. 3-30-3t-o


Grades pewee, pullet and stan-

dard eggs without adjusting. Issimple, strong, durable, accur-ate and cheap. Used and recom-mended by the Universities ofCalifornia, Nebraska, Perm. StateCollege, The Poultry ProducersAssn. Price Postpaid 50 cents.

H. V. B. Lincoln, Escondldo, Cal.

HANSON STRAIN S. C. WHITELEGHORN pullets and breed-ing cockerels from trapnestedhens mated to males from 302-

--egg hens. Mr- J. W. Marsh,

Underwood. Wash. 3-16-lU*

FOB TUADE?Overland "90;" Ingood condition; for Ford coupe.712 E. Champion St., phoneG49. Bellingham. 3-16-3-*

Ff>R SALE? I.AOO chick capacityoil-burning brooder stove; usedone Reason. 1415 J. St., Bellingham. 3-16-3*

FOR~SALE ? Ellington Piano ?

cheap if taken at once.. Phone

Nooksack _3 8. 3-16-3o

FOB SALE ?Early Rose seed po-

tatoes, raised on high land.

G. Vander Griend, phone 5311.Lynden. 3-16-3t*

HAY FOR SALE?J. Meenk,Phone 2C12 Lynden. 2-23-2t»


PARTNER WANTED by farmer63 years old. Farm will pro-duce $8,000 a year in cloverseed and milk. W. H. Kaufman,R2, Bellingham, Wn. 3-30-4o

(PASTURE FOR YOUNG STOCK.$9.00 per season, lowland, run-ning water. Also young pigsfor sale. A. Hoytema, BixbyRanch. 3-3Q-3t-*

FOR SALE?OId Hickory "EasyPull" manure spreader at abargain. Phone M97,LyndenImplement Co. 3-30-tf-o

NOW is the time to have yourpiano tuned. Price only $3.00,satisfaction guaranteed. Writeto C C Friend, R3, Everson,Wash. 3-30-2t*

EARLY OHIO Seed Potatoes forsale at $15 a ton. A. M. vanRaalte, Everson R3, V* milesouth of Tlmon school.

3-30-3 to

Hemstitching and picoting at-tachment; fits all sewing ma-chines. Price $2. Checks 10cextra. Lights Mail Order HouseBox 127, Birmingham, Ala-bama. 3-23-6t- »

FOR SALE?B or 10 tons barndry oat straw, loose. $8.00 aton. Mrs. M. M. Record, Su-mas. 3-23-3t ?

DELCO LIGHT PLANT for saleat half-price, good as new.John Boesenkool, Lynden.

3-23-2t *

FRESH GUERNSEY COW forSale. High grade querns?/ sire,2 years old. Phone 200:; Lyn-den. F. H. Pierce. 2-23-31*

PASTURE FOR RENT? on theDen Adel place. Phone 217Lynden. M. H. O'Brien.2-23-3t*

FOR SALE?Mitchell Wagon and8-disc harrow. F. M. Yount,Phone 5519 Lynden. 3-23-3t*

HATCHING EGGS FOR SALE?from purebred White Leghornsfrom 203 egg stock, headedby Tancred and non-setters of285 egg stock. H. Ege, Phone4917. 3-23-2t*

MY EQUITY IN 20 acres irrigateed, Vt In alfalfa, Burbank dis-trict; sale or trade. Write forparticulars. Box 46, Burbank,

Wash. 3-23-3t*

LOOSE HAY for sale) ?Ray C.Shumway, Phone 1407 Nook-sack. 3-23-tfo

Cuthbert Raspberry plants forsale, $5 per thousand. George

A. Wheeler. Phone Lynden3718 3-23-3t*

WANTED TO BUY?150 heavy

hens, 75 shoats. Ernest Dean.3-23-lt- o

ADVERTISED LETTERSMail tor the following named

persons remained unclaimed inthe postoffice in Lynden, Wash.,

on March 23, 1922. If not calledfor in two weeks, it will be sentto the Dead Letter office.

Clarence E. Bitts. Charles Eut-slan, Mrs. Tena Johnson, ChrisKnutzen, J. F. Luvall, Robert H.Mahon, P Thompson.

One cent due on each of thoabove letters. When calling forany, please say "Advertised."

D. L Beckes, Postmaster

FIRE!AT HOME you bays

keepsakes, private papers andother articles which are priceless,business records, contracts, jew-

perhaps a WILL, which iflost, by fire or even misplaced,so it might get lost, some suchexperience might cause you muchunhappiness, as well as financialloss. Are you prepared for aFIRE! I say: "Do not risk a lossyou can prevent 1" A good fire-proof safe is the only insuranceyou can buy to protect your val-juables AT HOME. You may haveeasy terms, so why delay andrisk a loss? I


Phone 1214 BelUiighiuii, Wn<


3-2-tf- o

HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS forrent. Mrs. H. C. Baxter, phoneR582, Variety Store. 3-16-31 *

FOUND ?3 bicycles. Owners canhave same by proving propertyand paying costs. J. Le CompteCity Marshal. 3-16-tf-o

HATCHING EGGS AND BABYCHICKS for sale. Phone 4011Lynden. 3-23-2 to

FOR SALE ?Four year old-

coltand Vega Cream Seperator.Phone 1612 Lynden 3-2 3-3t*

SHINGLES FOR SALE ? allkinds, for all purposes. HerbertDay, at Klocke's Mill.


WANT TO BUY? 50,000 lbs. ofwool. Call, write or telephoneC. E. Barnes, Lynden. 3-23-2*

FOB RENT ?Sixty acres pasture.Frank Bloom, Lynden.


FOX SALE ?80 acres of loggedoff land, 4 miles west of Lyn-den, near Booths Corners. Abargain. Percy Hood, FirstNational Bank of Ferndale.

3-IG-4t o

FOR SALE?100 Bartlett pear

trees, 2 yrs. old, 60c each. Me

ridian Greenhouse, 2900 Merid-ian St., Bellingham. 3-16-3*

ORDER your 8-weeks old pulletsnow. Delivery in April, any

quantity. Phone 2914, John W.

Zevenbergen. 3-16-3*

FOR SALE?6 months old Pol-and China boar can be regis-tered. Frank Hawley PhoneX822 t-M-lt *

FOR SALE?home canned food.Mrs. Stowell, phone 3210 Fern-

3-23-2 to

FOR SALE?coal brooder stove,

fully equipped. Phone 1312Nooksack. 3-23-2t \u2666

FOR SALE ?14 in. John Deerewalking plow; Banner rootcutter; Geneva feed cutter, al-most new. Phone 1720 Lynden.S. R. Ritchie, farm on Guide.

3-23-2t *

FOR SALE?Netted Gem Seedpotatoes, Blue Ribbon, What-com County Fair. Phone 2617,

Ferndale, Wilson Bros.3-9-4t-*

QUALITY BABY CHICKSS. C. White Leghorn chicks fromTancred strain, with an average

of 234 eggs per bird, headed by252 to 294 egg males, $20 perhundred. After May 15, $15 perhundred.

H. C. SORENBENRoute 1, Box 1 Kent, Wash.


Cast Iron, Malleable Iron, SoftSteel, Tool Steel, Brass. LyndenWelding & Manufacturing Co..

3rd & Front St.. Lynden. 1-ltfo



FOR SALE ?Burpee Early SeedPotatoes. Oil brooder stove.L. Asara, Lynden. 3-23-3t*

WRITE FOR INFORMATION ofland and conditions in the Wil-liamette valley, and it will becheerfully given. A. A. Aaby,Eugene, Ore. 3-23-4t* \

FOR SALE ?Hercules 7 horsepower gas engine. Phone 5011Lynden. 3-23-3t*

FOR SALE?HOLSTEIN BULLS, IServiceable'age; sired by one of iKing of the Sadie Vales. Sire'sdam, 30.62 lbs., 2-year-old daugh-ter of Korndyke Abbikerk, son ;of Pontiac Korndyke. Prices reas-onable. Dam of two above bullshas record 25.32 lbs. butter In7 days and 101.65 lbs. butter In30 days, semiofficial. D. R. Nit-font, Granger, Wash. 3-23-3t*


Custer HippodromeMusic by Heun's


Two Prizes given away. Let's go!

FOR SALE?Stock Farm; 440acres; improved; CO uplandcleared; 100 bottom cleared,

280 logged off; all fenced;seeded; good buildings; nearpaved highway; near Olympia.Will sell in one piece or sub-divide. An opportunity for acolony to settle; $4,000 willhandle. Terms on balance. Forparticulars write, J. M, Demp-sey, Auburn, Wash., owner.


FOR SALE ?Single Comb WhiteLeghorn hatching eggs, Holly-

wood strain. 40c per dozen.Mrs. O. B.Vyse, Phone Sunns2019. 3-23-;lt»

FOR SALE?GO acres land; 30acres improved with goodbuildings. Would consider pro-

perty in Lvnden or close in.F. M. Yount, Phone 5519 Lyn-den. 3-23-31*

MILLER HOTELNew management; two riiul

hree room furnished house-keep-ing suites. Mrs. Willis Cole, Man-iger. B-23*4t*


with all farm tools and 14 cowsTennant must furnish 6 cowsor more and own team. A Mc-Daniel, Phone 1711 Lynden.


FOR TRADE?High Grade Hol-stein Heifer that will freshenSep. 1, for good O. I. C. broodSow with litter. F. A. PughPhone 4711 Lynden 3-;!0-lt*

?OR SALE o- trade for small, rcar?Studebaker Special Six.Phone 6115 Nooksack. 3-30-I*.

FOR SALE ?lowa cream separ-ator, practically new, cheap.Phone 204 Lynden. 3-30-3*

BOYS AND GIRLSStart a Bank Account with

the money we will pay for good?mpty syrup cans.

We pay?lc for quart cans.2c for 2 quart cans3c for gallon cans.


3-30- It o

WANTED TO BORROW ?$300 to$300 on good river bottomland. Address Box 571 Lyn-den. 3-30-2 to

CARD OK THANKSWe desire to express our sin-

cere thanks to all our friends forthe kindness and sympathy ex-tended to us in our bereavement.

MRS. E. ZWEEGMAN andFamily

CARD OF THANKSWe wish to express our thanks

to friends and neighbors for thesympathy and flowers receivedduring our bereavement.

Mrs. Ralph Troost and FamilyMr. and Mrs. John Troost and

Family.Mr. Bert Troost.


Sunday Services

10:00 A. M.?Sunday School.Classes for all ages.

7:00 P. M.?Young Peoples Ser-vice.

7:30 P. M.?Sermon."Favorable or Fashionable;the Christian's Challenge."

CHAS. BAKER, MinisterYou're Welcome at this Church.

Why not Come?

I : FKESH COWS FOB SALE?Tel-ephone 2902 Lynden. 3-30-3*FOR RENT?six acres of good"

river-bottom land. Mrs. IngaJ Hourran, Ferndale R 1.

, 3-30-2 to

, Residence property in Lynden tothe value of $3000 secures an80 acre, improved farm, 23head cattle, 2 horses, implem-ents, feed, seed, possessions.Only ono mile from Eastsound.Balance easy terms, price $15.---000. John F, Huteson, East-sound. Wash. 3-30-3*

WILL iHK Curi'LK who pickedup a 33x4 Fisk tire on Elginrim in front of Griffith placeon Wiser Lake road, return it?Tire was not lost and partyis known. Return to Tribune.

3-30-lt-MAY THICKS develop 1551 and

make Rood winter layers,j White Leghorn chicks from

Corvallis famous layers. Prices15c up to 500, 14c to 1000.We pay express. Order now.Oregon Corvallis Hatchery,Corvallis, Ore. 3-30-3t*

FOR SALE Ji rsey bull 9 mos.old. J. Zodrow, Chewelah, Wn.




Trapnested ?PedigreedHatching Eggs



FRANK MEIER,The Dalles, Ore.

Lyndon has two furniture tleal-

! ers. One of them was fined $200i and costs in Hi llingham Saturdayfor having in his possession a

beer. "At the conclusion of his

; hearing in Judge He.aton's court,"! says the Bellingham Herald, "hebroke into sobs, embraced the

i two federal prohibitions officers,

Direction of Jensen & Yon lleruerff

FOR BALE -Splendid Blue-BellPeas. W, F. Fisher. 414 IrvingSt., Bellingham. 3-30-lto

FOR SALE OR TRADE ?Forreal-estate near Lynden, 20!acres at Two Rivers, Wn., 16 Iacres In alfalfa: 2 dot. trulltrees, some Shade trees. Goodlox2o basement. For furtherparticulars see J. O, West.Lyn-

| ilea. 3-3.0-lt*

CONSERVATIVE"Longbow says you'll back him

up In any statement he makes.""Yes, no matter what he says, I'll

endorse it. But I wouldn't bet onIt."

Will party who took library bookfrom kitchen of Hawley'a Hallat the Round Up please returnit to this office and avoidtrouble. 3-30-lto

FOR RENT ?2 Oacre farm. Tel-

ephone 4311, Mrs. Van Patton,


Subscribe for The Star at TheTribune office.


Lilly Hippo: The idea of any

one sending me an ugly valentine!


Time was a valentine he sent

That fairly throbbed with loveand kisses.

He'd do so still, though gray andbent,

But stops to think she's now aMrs.

"I love my love In the morning.""I don't blame you, if she gets up

and starts the furnace."

"Yes, the worm will turn, bul



The Lover: Aw shucks! A msasl)ten cents is all dat stands bctweei'

me and a valentine for me girl.

©Hp Ciinbrti (GimlrtWell, Joo Shoop and Henry

Shagren seem to be a year olderagain.

bottlfl of gin and four bottles of


A .MAT FOR THE FLOWER STANDHere is an oilcloth mat to put

under your flower pots to pi eventmoisture from marking the tabic- orwindow sill. When cutt'ng oilclothfor the kitchen table or shelves youwill often have fcmall scraps leftover, and these may be utilized tomake the mats for the flower pots.White Sanitos left over alter mak-ing a luncheon set could also be

used. The design piven here is fora mat ten inches in diameter.Transfer the design to the mat withcarbon paper, placing It about halfan inch from the edge. The designis put near the outer edge of themat so that it will not be coveredip when the pot is in place. The

pattern may be u.-<d once on themat as shown iv the little sketchor it may be repeated four times toform a border around the outeredge. Paint the water lily yellow,making each petal with a single

page mm

11 r.[i^w^^?TQNIGHT





and shook hands with the judge."

|]~000-Some folks have been accusing

Frank Knapp of being the guilty

party. This is t mistake. Knappwouldn't have embraced any of-ficers unless the; - happened to

be feminine. And he wouldn'thave had time to shed tears. Howould have been too busy givingthe COUti a lecture on how hiwas underselling the cataloguehouses.

Now if anybody had tried to

bawl before Judge Jerry Rob-ertson, who held court at theRound-Up, lie would have got a

j life sentence cranking \u25a0 lizzie.

Mrs. Bailey notified us thisweek that she wanted to enter

her husband in our Dilapidated-Looking Carr Contest.

|| ?000-

Beginning Monday, the boysat the Lynden stores will start anhour oily to woik.






are not only the choicesttender and full of rich

; meat juices, but our fairprices will help you to

Cut Your Meat Bills' almost in half. In thesedays, isn't this worth in-vestigating?

City MarketRay Hookstra, Prop.

Phone M22IService Sanitation Satisfaction

| stroke of a fine brush. The center] part of the flower Is of a darker

shade than the tips of the petals,

j The stamens in the center of theBower are black or dark brown.Make the leaves and stems green,shading the veining with a deeper

| shade of the same color. I'aint aborder a quarter of an inch wide

! around the outside edge of the mat; in deep yellow, and over this border> work a blanket stitch in black wool

or heavy embroidery cotton. Thiswill keep the edges from fraying,and the black blanket stitchingover the yellow is most unusual In

i its eflect.