I 2 u THE WASHINGTON TIMES SUNDAY JANUARY 4 icm3 j IIL w < FIFTY WORKING DAYS REMAIN FOR CONGRESS Large Amount of Business to Be Transacted in Quick Order if Schedule Is Car- ried OutAnti Trusthgi- sIation Most Urgent Other Questions of Supreme Include Canal Treaty Cuban Reciprocityand Army and Navy After a vacation dating from Decem- ber 20 ugress will eoayene tomorrow to complete in the Htty working days remaining much important work that has already teen outlined and that which wu left over from the first ses sion of the Filtyseventh Congress The intermittent working of both branches thus far has left alt of the pressing measures which demand in a state grave uncertainty With factiOns pulling in divers direc tions and little time in which to patch up harmony there are some questwns in need of legislation that will probably be found sleeping when March l and ad- journment come roIling around Overshadowing all other measures is the The chief bill on this is that of Senator Hoar inasmuch as it as the Adminlstratioll and on that account attracts even more than interest It w1I1 known before the short of Congress convened that legislation r latin trusts was be oi import Jlce though the delay ot the Senate in taking np the maUepIap ckjtact ed from it Oth S elf IS the militia bill the omnibus Statehood measure and that the rights ot aliens an have had their part in the fint or so or session they must give way at least so far as holding pUbIl Interest is concerned U t Mr Hoars bill however Is not thE one before which for its object the replatlng of commerce in the restraint of trade The House has Its pet measures on the subject in fact the of the House Committee will report a bill some time this fJ that the full committee will re port it to the House 1 Whatever the Judiciary Committee re ports will be the basis legislation in the lower brand of the zommittee measure contain the otP1 kL bill now seems a On tbttr agreed sad some efhaite along line as consequence o this appears more probable sInce the antitrust 1egiSiaj1OJ was begun- i s1tanenDerger Bill Ore anUlAt bUt before the Judiciary unittee was Shalle berger of Ne- braska 4aa tent Is said too represent the ewa9Cthe Hon W J Bryan Vkl iJ new propo sitions trusts First that a tax of 10 per cent on the value of the stock an engaged in interstate commerce second that aU eorpprations which shall take out a Federal interstate commerce comply with the provisions ot the law as to reports rd ng their methods of doThg business and submit to a by the Interstate Commerce Commission shall be exempt from the tO per tax 11 all stock rtP1eeenta actual capital Invested The bill further pro that all watered shall lit any J Os its face value Fate of the Trusts The fate of the treats is In the Sen- ates hands that body having the final decision on this quesUon Senator Hoar I hairnian of the SeDate Committes on t11f lu1isr his hand in the 11 whjh iiS submU for distribution r 13 ght prluied et- t f nr Platt of Connecticut the 1Cr or the 1 r 1if to legislation 11 grounds has been won r investigation made P em this point 188- m if iavor of some hybOngr along 1 the xeatden- td halt a million h Attorney General I f jjk al corporations tibf SS already J the House and in that form and 1 rovision3 cf Mr i Loth the House and 01 to Iilh ror the rUllta It prob fon will be the im- tt fongreas program iportant Questions c at six questions L rtane tir the people or rt e it is with tlfatttoD- Ia lrs look over tit calendar r I Lilt ona holiday between this j ijiuaznent This is da- HithrJay and it will not inter rIl of an to oouUnUNJ- L The reading of the last lEnt matte to T 11 ie all the the memory f the first President wilt at tti Neither e any Lxre- y Jtursl17 Is r P grind must be ineessant if It hoped tl H of th out for UM time 1al JgJelatton looking to the con srudion ot an IstltmJan canal remains the executive of Congress t rd O route ta con rned are not bJof3h- th plte the of tory ProtPeIIII by the State Department With J Senate sal Mr NSpIJIW is the Importance Isth- mian Measures pubiio atten- tion of demand for antitrust leislatfec subject of course passes measure national session to rif affecting week thd Now OCher T1ieatke1 cnly Congress hs subcommittee Judiciary a4fid thjst as- surance of Congress That will publicity features LIttle praiitic31 certainty are legIsIttion- h this a harmonious feI1ngaow than at any time I id8e Introduced by- Represeotattve It a Iwo iatheegeltIou of there shall be of corpora- tions license luH thorough system of inspection cent which rides tock case pJnnUM tg jerOat lias shown ar I generally committeewho averse rh and del has is- I I pass L seems other demanding through U obstacle message rc WaahIngtm Crr aa- I onai4eratlon rieit ciii there rrnents row 4ndcy Is ompltsh onehalf iurk- j pd reiniLpJo- j ati branch tai as the Panama lte Proecta announcement satiafac o ga at the belm the House < > + > both armed with an array of Informs tion relative to between this Government and ColombIa the ob- stacles in the way of completing that deal will be thoroughly aired Senator Morgan plans to introduce a resolution probablY reciting the and lack of progress in acquir- ing the Panama title and Instructing the President to negotiations with Nicaragua and Costa Rica for a fran- chise through their territory Shouki a treaty with the two govern- ments last mentioned for a canal by the Nicaraguan route be slIbmitted before ad- journment it will undoubtedly be rati- fied by the Senate Should a treaty with the precarious government of Colombia be submitted before ratification by that country it does not seem probable the Senate would accept it On this ac count the only action whieh the pres- ent Congress can tko lookIng to the immediate construction of a Canal by too States is to ratify treaty which provides for the Nicaraguan route Cuban Reciprocity Treaty Another matter that will be watched with the keenest interest Is the reciprocity treaty Until the circulation of the report thit Germany would ask for the same concessions it is proposed to give to Cuba It was taken for granted there would be little or no opposition to the treaty This belief beau augmented by the general in activity ot those who opposed the Cuban bill in the last Session President Roosevelt the Cuban treaty many or those who- a year ago were opposed to the procity bill awl it Is said he received assurances from Senators Burrows Scott Elkins and others who were last session in defeating the plans of the Administration that they would favor the island republic It is to say what socalled boxer element will There are the Oxnard beet sugar lobby is showing signs of Ute anti likely to break out soon with war paint and all work against the Administrations program of granting reeiproclty to Cuba rt Senator Burrows ft in a re mark lull of significance He says the Tate Cuban treaty rests the decision of the convention of beet growers to be held this month By many it Is believed his remark means a stand may be taken by the beet grow ers which Influence the old oppo sit1on to again take lIikt Sean tor Scott is in this uIf to Cuba what o to France and those other which desire reciprocal trade The Presidents Desires President desires that the lag treaty with Cuba be ratified v prO as poesiWoy4 wJIJpt j If this can be done 1- stood that Ike has declared irltr i4id mttr7 could be provoked bY the 1teUe8S ac tieD wpijJl the redemption of promise made to the Cuban people when they were in the throes of the 01- gKnfzation or their The fact that the Presidents attitude has been made plain will greatly strengthen the or of the treaty Among other bUM affecting Ute natjon- as whole Is that for the ot the navy A call has been made upon Congress for a duplication of the appro priations made for this at the last sesslonl but there is a disposition In the Senate to cut this down The War Department baa measures in Con which It Is anxious to The chIef one is the mUlti bill which was given adjourn- ment for the holidays and will come up again within a few days Next to this ia the general staff bill Omnibus Territory Bill In the Senate the omnibus Territory Will he made omnipresent by Mr Quays devotion It Is believed that the cause of the Jras during the recess and that If meas- ure ieSueeeHful at this session It will ge one hlch Statehood to Indian Territory and OklahomA as one Com- monwealth and Arizona and New another But residents ot Ute Territories are pot sanguIne even of this The almost universal demand among prominent bankers and influential of- ficials of the Trenasry Department for a more elastic currency h6 been impress- ed upon Congress for many months but the naUens ear has not been keen to bear Three bills are pending in the House Committee on Currency anyone of which alightly modified would tend to relieve financial strtnscDeY but doubt It any of these Win be brought from the Other Important messurea await the attention ot Congress when it convenes tomorrow some of which will be at this session perhaps but the majority or which are doomed never to become I laws An example of the former Is the I bill establishing the gold standard In the Philippines which is believed to havo the indorsement or a number of lawmak- ers Os the hand among those likely to be may be placed nearly of the reciprocity treaties now pending In the i CHANGE BREAKFAST Habit of Healthy Europeans The sturdy Scotch Germans French and Italians seldom or never for breakfast Long taught that breaklQt should simple in- clude meat Many with weak stomachs and more or less illn068 be cause to understand the simple and healthful plan of a meakfast some I wti like the following A little fruit A dish or GrapeNuts and cream One Or two soft eggs A cup of PotuniPood Coffee and haps a pleee of hard tonaL A man says I couldnt go on that un- til noon or two ds trial will teach him a of facts nd him lord There is under blD aDd selentific ni hllUc1ibredftwt negotiations tomorrow pro- cedure open United a Cuban had h discussed with reel In- fluential reciprotal relations with now hard the attittde ef the hints that a genuine powwow to s Wdt of the upon will Mshtr quoted we give feOipfoeity shalliwp mitrl s advan- tages l4be pend 1tie- tion It Ia nader that ac pea b1e assault upon the s stein of rattfic1tioflHe favorable siMply a government prospects prompt nsideration a increase purpose also grts6 have passed consideration beiGre bill omnthiiliflf ieakened any gives Mexi- co as the there is passed otbCr deeatet all Senate eat meat expereneehas the nd1not Americans auer they fall per One big olupte asahi feel flt an a a 4eep reason The best at however Is e4ial eperi- en < < PElEt GLUB ORGANIZES AT THE NEW WILLARD Numbers Noted Men Among Its Members A number or scientists army and navy officers newspaper correspon- dents magazine writers and artists who accompanied the government relief ex- pedition to Martinique gathered at the New Willard Hotel last night and formed an organization to be known as tile Pelee club The chief object of the new body is the compilation In a book of the per sonal experiences of each member of the party while visiting the devastated country and also for the purpose ot bringing together In closer fellowship those whp up the expedition Following g business session at which the club was permanently or- ganized the meeting soon became rem Each member caned upon to make an address however brIef and the of the expedition prevailed for the of the session Incidents In connection with the trip of too little importance to be published at the time were related In the absence of officers the meet- Ing was called to order by Professor Hill of Uk National Geographic So ciety made a few OPening remarkS Capt T C McLean U S N was made temporary chaIrman The election of officers then took place and the were chosen chair man Professor Hm cr tar H H Smith A committee was appointed to sug- gest a name for the organization and in its report were mentiongd as an Utle The Volun teers The Crater Club The Vol- canic Bombs and the Pelee Club The session closed with and 1 luncheon I Those present were Prof Robert T fUn of the Geographic Society J Martin Miller J P Wi- IIam Henry New York Robert Dunn New York 11 Mason Joseph 0 Hammitt George Kennan Pr f C Curtis Harvard Proto 1 C Russell Univcr5ity ot Uchlgan II H Smith Major S man4er J D B rna 1t tt s A 1- jJlttss Capt T C UcLeanU S N and Prof E O Hovey of the American Mu seUi1l of Natural History of York LOCOMOTIVE Killed and Missing Engineer Believed to Be Dead RlCIUlONPya Jan 3The attaFhod tp the sec nd of eastbound Norfolk and Western n lJ10lng for the at City Fireman GIlls body was found in a mud some away en tirely covered up Engineer Joe Meyers of Roanoke is ml sing and s believed to be dead the engine Express Messenger Hammer Hawking or Bedford City and his assistant B were both injured but not Sit riously in the overturned car The engine was completely turned around the tgndw facing Bedford City and firebox ot the engine resting dn top of the cut Parts of the engine blown 200 yards 0rly ont car was derailed and no passenger was hurt PHYSICAN TO KING OF ITALY WEDS AMERICAN Pa the resi- dence of and Mrs Stanley Loomis In Oil City Pa at 1130 oclock this morning occurred the marriage of their daughter Miss Lucille Loomis to Dr Ratraelo BastianUlc of Rome Italy The wedding was a quiet affair with only the brIdes relatives present Miss Loomis met Dr Bastlanille while on a visit to Italy last summer the wedding today the couple left for New York whence they will soon sail for Rome Dr Bastianille Is a surgeon and physician In llome and ls one of the physicians to KIng Victor Emmanuel of Italy NIGHT SCHOOL SESSIONS The High Night School resume its session tomorrow evening at 730 oclock Beginners classes in shorthand arithmetic grammar will started In addition a class In pen nra1lfhlp will be organized year after Christmas large classes were organized for the purpose ot pre paring pupils the civil seITlce ex- aminations This plan will again be fol lowed provided the which forbids the teaching of adults does not keep away too large a proportion of pupils who desire a revlon before trying civil service The school bolds Its sessions In the HIgh School on Fjrst Street between Band C Streets northwest DIED Seturday Januarr S U08 a No 10 lenton Street ThOMAS McFADDEN of hereafter It URROn Saturday January 3 1065 at 430 p m her residence JOI Thirtyfirst Street northwest ANNIE LOUISI Canny nee Hazel wife of James Curry of funeral hereafter It Baltimore papers copy EDUCATIONAL ARE Philip riMe If term of SpanWi with rates trial Address can or wrttt 12th st- It FRENCH LANGUAGE SCHOOL Free trial leM Mon Wed a- m 630 p m Easy thorough method Fine claw rooms IU lad ave nw oPP iLl and D s- tjaIit MLLE V pnUDJIO YE- UIIDERTAKER5 J WILLIAM LEE rIvEnr- z penn Ave So w Washington D n- J nittde lnlzcdnt was spirit rest who fol- lowing Permanent ap- propriate Volcanic a smoker buffet National Hornaday W George hugh 1 GallagherU Corn S New ExPIDE- YHILE NEARING TATIOft Fireman loco- motive section Ca pasengggip exploded thin af- ternoon stttloa Bedford Ernest hole distance Un- der Frank Bell the were FRANKLIN Jan 3At Mr After prominent Business will book- keeping aid be Last for rule examinaUons Business MeFADDIiNOn Iii reeldence northeast Notice funeral at iolrd B please GOING to Cube Porte Rico SEO1tf- IOMAR Special csay payments gratis 7E7 Tnea 1050 mcnzzttanEit ttu z SEEK MEANS TO START BIG SQUEEZE IN GOAL Independents Plan to Send Fuel PHILADELPHIA Pa Jan dThe in dependent coal operators propose to squeeze the public as hard as they can They have broken with the great railway systems and have decIde that they get every cent can out or the people The railways under the leadershl ot the havti insisted the price ot coal should not be further advanced and to prevent retailers from selling coal at more than 675 per ton have re- fused to supply those who charge more The Independent operators who are under with the raIIway have banded together to annul their agree- ments and enrich by getting the highest market for their coal A contract with the LehIgh Valley Railroad Company which had several years to run has been annulled by the operators and the same step wIll be taken with the other railroads A gen- eral fight to rce higher prices will be waged Previout to the strIke the independent men sold their coal to the raIlways who paId them slxtyfiye per cent of the amount received for the coal when de Ilvered at tidewater SInce the strike ended the individual operators have chafed under this re luaint while an oportunty was given to raise the price on the unsupplied public and they have united in a demand that their railway contracts annulled to the end that a great extortion may be possible The railways have decided not to at tempt a legal contest with cut operators because of the unanimity of the perhaps because of the nature of their contracts with The big railroads say they will con tinue their circular prices and exert their against an advance by retailers Tt Is contended that the policy of advancing prices Is destructive from an economic point of view and against public policy It has been charged tor some tlmetbatr- anrfutii d or ife nlde pendent per cent ot the total t NO NEGROES OR POLESON Useless to Incwnber List With cs- BUFJiALJ 1 made ral B through the 11- 1vi ton to ti 41f of the system 3 has tes- tified the only one negro Is on the list He also testified that of Buffalos Polish population of up ward or there are not more than fifty Poles on the list with It Would have been a waste of time to examine the majorIty of the SPECIAL NOTICES UFFIOE OF TIlE MUTUAl 1mu of of Cohimb- ithington January 3 tTbe annuaL bt the MUTCtL ut TILE Jl5TRIfT1 OLVIllIA will on the TlHRi MONDAY in January the 19th meant At of omny 90 JPR IIVlHlia AveJJJe northwest corn mendng at9 oclock m- Uy the charter of the eofflpAnJ the of IIi tfl to allaire of the to bald at the above Bwet the sinh bylaws of company it is tile annual meet- ing of the Company the first ill bf the appointment cbalnnan who conduct tM meeting in ac tile act of between the hours od 9 oeJoclt a RI 8p m Amount of Itremhlfft S Amount uf cab os hand 25145 9 219lW ideal 79ioo 11- 0fI60t furniture sad Axtures 5O by tire 5666 monet for at the ottice of OomptIny about January lIt mos y of the Iioiird of Managers r PIHnc A of the stotthokles of the Capital foe directors will e held at the oftlCt of n Stetloit TIlE Ol 1cos TIle polls will be opined at 10 a m and at m G T DUXLOP President t Y de2 293Ijan46S 11 13- TO ALL IT un oJentgned Arlington Brewing a cor- poration of UOMIyn In Ute State of Virginia a nanufacturer of to wit lager beer Ale and porter which are as allowed ny law In bottles which Mid bottles im preMed thereon the of said corporation or marks or name together with certain marks now tiled with the clerk of the Supreme Court of the District ol anti be published as provided by section S77 of the code of law for said a de- scription of said name marks which description is as follows The acid arc of some of greenish others of lueWt others of brownish and others of sin color and others white cotorJe5I and each Qf said bottles having or appearing to have a rapacity of ORe pint The names and marks some of aid are Brewing Co Ronlyn Vs upon others oolmmers Co RossIr- nVau upon Others Consumers R0D81rn and also upon some of said bottles the words This bottle Is registered not to be sold and also upon some of said botles the letters C Co and also upon of said bottles other worth or letters or letters All persons hereby against with beer ile porter or beverages buying Sllling or in any bet tics without the consent of said corporation otherwise they will be to In whereof the cld corpration has caused these pretI to subscribed by lts and seal be and atteetedlij Its1Iecretary D A D Seal ARLINGTON BREWING c By JAg lIO IDSQNPreeld t Socretary tiHt Prices Skyward anthra- cite will they ReadIng that contract themselves price obtainable be the independ latter and them aIl present influence however qolhhgfleeB itn1ir the guise lndepndezit coal as output is Only about 0 ERWCUUTYJUR1E8 Un- speakable Nam W Jit 3Some In- tereatiag reveIatI esJisa been tem In4qstigatIoTThe oA- rdyecBntyaDntad3llp 1sqLIrh Wikings Commissioner of iflrora Meds that nIjaef 50OitO thplist flogarding this small perceutngeJiait- I eonetder 1 IL igpIesa Wlntmber unpeakablenaities and Poles INStR- ANCE COMIANI the Diatiict meet iH FIRE ISIJRANCF JOB- lANY OF be held the 5iee the- ito a elect ion seven eoiV4PaRy L3 required be c- Ily article olhe th provided At bediiea ordr- halI oa ahll Snel election cortlesee with Iaeoioration gRd notes6I55I4 Securities estate Lo adjustedam pe1d C3 The JLatmeittwiMhi ready dia- tribotion ti order BmeLERj- a4164 Seretary MIIIIfliG Tractiou t1eclion of the chinpany- Tni PMeeflger Os WEDNESDAY JANUARY closed 12 KOOXES Secretary WhOM MAY CONCERNTho Company beverages sold have name ertin aucil Columbia causes to District bottles and bet- ties glen her and impesaei botlea Arlington Brewing Va 8 some words and are cautitoed fill- ing other trafficking such prosecuted coordtng law testimony preaidist its to hereto atxed tIlls Z4tidayef 15t I ABE luNd < ° rRINGS P lLlCE Rebuilding Sale i Wre Going to Annex Premises 816 Adjoining Present Building r This marks the seeond addition to our mammoth millinery Joak dry J dj- fUI1isbing goods establishment within past to rcino1eI the tIItift frontiioye the party walIsand annex the whole building to our surpassing Dust and dirt tw of building operations Theres a most complete seasouab t and lesiral4e showing of1ad wrabIe to be disposed of at once The principles that have brought this SIlCOSS mist NIDCVe theee be Lore the workmeI1 begin their operat ns REBUILDING SALE PRICES ON ENTIRE STOCK Tile same kinds styles and youre buying and for which others are asking full priee tar GOODS ADVERTISED ON SALE AT STORE ONLY v The Advantages Immediate Buying i J E A void Rushes Obtain First Choice of the Goods S nd the Advantage of Purchasing from Complete Lines j t Later the Conditions fifllY Change J Remarkable Reductions of Seasonable and Desirable l SKIRTS and i 5OO 4 75 ladies Coats 0 0 x 0 e- In the lot are excellent quaIlty and American Br cloths Ker 8s- eYii Genuine and Heavy CJteviotajln black tau blue and garnet in all the popular styles 19 inch hip Coats 33 to 45jnch Auto Coats are elegantly satin lined some with penn de sole facings tallormadend stitch ed seams some paRne velvet some taUorJJutde and strappedthis Jg unquestionably the test value giving offering ot highclass Lames Costa ever made In In fact the reductions re so great 4 75 that they Ie solicit your Inspection to substantiate our cIlm UsuaII sold at and lrRebuHdlng 15 I8 and 20 Monte Carlo and Box Coats 9 4 5 15 and 22 Walking and Dress Suits i Never in the the GDgs pJar and that means ill the of such u grand bonn tide offering of able and ann SuIts been presented They re just the prroominating too but must be or dust and dirt damage The Coats are in the desirable nte and Box styles ate excelleat quality Kersey Mountenac and Cheviot sOme satin lined others tallorJDaGe 6 Coats the show t145 two of castor blue and tan 30 to inches long elaborate qualitY and st71e In UI rep lar stock at 15 18 and t20 Rebuilding Then too the Suit tb yJe swelt g as genuine bargains Is Pop- ular and smart effects luClwvJota Broadcloths Zibelines Cloth Veuntians and Cheviots 9 45 some plaIn tailormade and stitch styles others elaborately trimmed double and bkuse effectS originally sold 18 20 22 Rebuilding price u u u Seventh Street Our ahcav uit oo4s and the yetr Were goIng present estgbLinhmeut o bane sonIc gooda qualitire 0 M1N j flve COATS SUITS and 1OoOO9 J2OO I English Mountenaca cantor Jackets 27inch Box These garmests some plain some slot gras Washington may seem Imposble However 10 12 price 18 0 hmtory of stores history WsshWIIQDI hat stylish desirable Coats sty1e sacrificed suffer Mj Garb made of handsomely sUtekedabont ing shades 3 price estually 1 Thbbowing somewhat if1ted Whe lmans breasted at and Sale > < = for Childs Coats worth L50 and 25O 4 rt9 Childrens tea odds and Ircm izes 4Jo Jl to Prie Suits 7I50 and 10 Ladles and Misses Walking and Dress Suits The walking effects are in blue and black made of good quality melton cloth Norfolk jack ets and full flare skirts suits and styles wIth or without velvet CGI lars i5 to 10 lug Sale 39 Rebuild 1ncr Prices on Millinery J14C for 75c HatS Untrimmed and Read towear Hats for ladies misses and cliii latest readytowear and walking shapes including shepherd eases plain fet8 whites all colors worth from 7ic to price lk I 80 25O Silk Velvet Hats LadIes and Misses excellent quaIl allsilk Velvet Draped Hats all desirable and swell shades and shiapesnsually 250 Rebuilding price 1 3 9 for 3 and 5- GI Trimmed Hats 5o or 60 strictly Highgrade Trimmed no two alIke and all designed after the most favored American and Parisian styles swell trimmingsusually sold at from 3 I to 5 L39 1 6 Beaver Flats Genuine imported FIf for ladles misses and children in cas tors bell are napped beaverssold regu larly at Rebuilding Sale price 169 15C for 39c and49c Ostrich Tips Genuine Imported Ostrich Tips 3 in bunch in black oldregu larly SPc and prIce 15e 2 3 c for 50c and 69c Plumes Genuine Imported Three quarter Ostrich Plumes large fun flues from 7 to inches long sold always at 5 c and trIC RebuIlding price 23e 125 Flannel Waists 4ge A broken lot of Allwool Black not all sizes but all of the most popular styles fine tucks front and back also brass button down the front usu 4g C- i 1fli Ub Higlzgrade Ree1es them 44s gupefdr stj k fr yeaclieo3or notch sailonieellari usaa1yj BO flebaildingSaIe foi wt- hDdd The dress are Gbsoa orfoIk usually Rebuild price 2J ff3ALL and 150 t ndSc6tch and 1O Rebuilding Cror ty Sic Hats RebulIlng price A1or3 9 7 Beaver only crowns these the genuine 3 only et 49c a bench Re- buIlding Ostrich 9 Waists trimmed ally sold at l25 Rebuild lTil Price = 5 for Taffeta Silk Dress e s Skirts worth Another lot only 6 Highgrade SlUt Dress Skirts aUever C tded wIth nppiiqucd ounces very fl l 19 RelIushiuIag Sale 4 JJ5 for D I I Goats worth 46 Children reds castors and blues nCQband sailor collars handsomely braid trimmed mad excellent quality cloth sold at 3 Rebuilding Stile price U45 I I I Ladie8 and Misses Heavy Quality Golf In gray and extra fine gray and 25C very seasonable usually sold at 3ge Rebuilding Price i50 Kid Gloves 59c- A special showIng or extra i and durable styles in HighGrade I Kid Gloves embroidered and stout seams all the lash I losable and desirable shades 59C I I leader j Sale H I Muslin BUILD j t Lot ot good Corset Covers filled seams perfect 61 fttting regular l24c qualities Rebuilding Price I Lot or Muslin Gowns yoke or fine tucks and embroidery good lengths and wIdths sold usu 2 9 r I at 5Oc Rebuilding L price I Muslin Skirts full length I cambric ruffles finished 1 t C I Lot of Underwear slightly museed j from window diSPlay I Corset Drawers etc trim wlth fine torchon lace fil I lace etc cambric and muslin goods in the lot that 39 c Lot or Womens Muslin Drawers umbrella cAmbric ruffles finished with Torchon lace regu 12 I C Ia value 5c Rebuild log price 2- 9ac Neckwear 41c Pretty and stylish effects In Monte Carlo Poe tilUon and I Gibson Silk Taffeta Collars white black and combination 4 our regular 98c quaIl I Rebuilding Price A cJU 810 of Taffeta handsomely embrold arM i- lman3I price OhlldsAuto S3OO AutomaticcQeats of aIhwoel English molten usually JQo1iii- ii and IMG Kid 3ALE Qioves loves white lilgel heavy backs our regular Re- building I Under- wear Muslin ally Ladies wIti lace worth Soc Rebulldidg price andolled Covers ntOE embroidery sold up to 75 Rebuilding prlee Ready- made col- ors tieS a = ft 4 h 0 for Silk iJ B Skirts worth Just 6 Taffeta Silk Dress Skirts designed itt the wanted styles tucked all over With quflhing forming flounce t tM Ue awl 1 Sale piles 300- n 5 n for Peau de Sole ijJ B U kirts worth 2000 Best quality Peau do Sole Silk Skirts deep rows of tatreta and lace Inserting lIIQduatcd flounce androp skirts only In worth 20 Rebuilding Sale price 4 Dress J and t INGrf3- AL Goods Lot of Gray sad Striped PereaIfnes good that sold at not than Sc and many 3 C up to l e price Good Unbleached tJae regular c grade 17 C IIUOrtmeDt eeored Jllaanelettes pa- ttern and heavy ileece and fiures sold Usually 0 Rebul1cUng price 4 Lot of the much de- sired Fruit of tile Loom tee oguixed as the beat at the p 7 C usutily at 18c14 price Lot of Dress Goods widths plain aDd fa cy weaves tlUt browns blues 11 I regular nc and lie val ue8 price 2 Lot of 3Sin wide AQwooIBlade Sergei very good fl tty 2 r at 5Oc U Short lengths of AUWOOl Venetian faa Berbers anl eres goods IIIt sell 3 9 off the pieae at The Lot of Windsor and Sea Island PEr cabs and dark 5 1 wide regular Rebuilding price 2 Crnn sJ tic A Of Tor tome slseu round shapes and Wide welt worth lie Retuhtdift4jh lk J I 69o Wrappejs 39c Lot of Percale collars and leeves htshe with braid Wattea back dark aol colorings QeYalu RebtgIdiug Price 100 Coriels 69 Short IDI rIetikua Length WRit Black Drab Conet you know make Its No Ic Aups nice No 62 an sbesin some s es but all sh S In evej stYle SOld l- up to I nc Price I I Taffeta Dress L0 xcillent quality ribbon of it tA speital valbas- a hintshop erIy worth lfi Rebafiding l quilling ior full tisre Sto5 I the1ot WS f Brpwa qualities Icas Rebuildhng JIeavy Quality Muslin eve r ywhere Rebuilding price Lovely of good quality bright stripes M- 14c celebrated gad Muslin price sold Rebuilding 8 Coiored ilou- We etc RebuIlding that sells Re- bitildInprtee Storm Serge y rgtIarlt yard Rebuildingprice light ccors 36 inches 1214- cklds 9cSheii large showing Pompadcurlomb th4h Price lfrappeas lined waists light rtilar 311- dWarners anj the bnd reation


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j IIL w<


Large Amount of Businessto Be Transacted in QuickOrder if Schedule Is Car-

ried OutAnti Trusthgi-sIation Most Urgent

Other Questions of SupremeInclude

Canal Treaty CubanReciprocityand Army andNavy

After a vacation dating from Decem-ber 20 ugress will eoayene tomorrowto complete in the Htty working daysremaining much important work thathas already teen outlined and thatwhich wu left over from the first session of the Filtyseventh Congress Theintermittent working of both branchesthus far has left alt of the pressingmeasures which demand

in a state grave uncertaintyWith factiOns pulling in divers directions and little time in which to patchup harmony there are some questwns inneed of legislation that will probably befound sleeping when March l and ad-

journment come roIling aroundOvershadowing all other measures is

theThe chief bill on thisis that of Senator Hoar inasmuch as it

as the Adminlstratiolland on that account attracts even morethan interest It w1I1 knownbefore the short of Congressconvened that legislation r latintrusts was be oi import

Jlce though the delay ot the Senate intaking np the maUepIap ckjtacted from it Oth Self IS themilitia bill the omnibus Statehoodmeasure and that the rightsot aliens an have had their part in thefint or so or sessionthey must give way at least so far asholding pUbIl Interest is concerned

UtMr Hoars bill however Is not thE

one before which forits object the replatlng of commerce inthe restraint of trade The House has Itspet measures on the subject in fact the

of the HouseCommittee will report a bill some timethis fJ

that the full committee will report it to the House 1

Whatever the Judiciary Committee reports will be the basis legislation inthe lower brand of thezommittee measure contain the

otP1 kL billnow seems a Ontbttragreed sad some efhaitealong line as consequence o this

appears moreprobable sInce theantitrust 1egiSiaj1OJ was begun-


s1tanenDerger BillOre anUlAt bUt before the

Judiciary unittee wasShalle berger of Ne-

braska 4aa tent Is said too

represent the ewa9Cthe Hon W JBryan Vkl iJ new propositions trusts Firstthat a tax of 10 per centon the value of the stock an

engaged in interstate commercesecond that aU eorpprations which shalltake out a Federal interstate commerce

comply with the provisions otthe law as to reports rd ng theirmethods of doThg business and submitto a bythe Interstate Commerce Commissionshall be exempt from the tO per tax11 all stock rtP1eeenta actualcapital Invested The bill further pro

that all watered shall lit any

J Osits face value

Fate of the TrustsThe fate of the treats is In the Sen-

ates hands that body having the finaldecision on this quesUon Senator HoarI hairnian of the SeDate Committes ont11f lu1isr his hand in the11 whjh iiS submU for distributionr 13 ght prluied et-t f nr Platt of Connecticut the

1Cr or the1 r 1if to legislation

11 grounds has been wonr investigation made

P em this point 188-m if iavor of some

hybOngr along1 the xeatden-

td halt a millionh Attorney General

I f jjk al corporationstibf SS already

J the House andin that form and

1 rovision3 cf Mr

i Loth the House and01 to Iilh ror the

rUllta It probfon will be the im-

tt fongreas programiportant Questions

c at six questionsL rtanetir the people or

rt e it is with tlfatttoD-Ialrs look over tit calendar

r I Lilt ona holiday between thisj ijiuaznent This is da-HithrJay and it will not interrIl of an to oouUnUNJ-

L The reading of the lastlEnt matte to

T 11 ie all the the memoryf the first President wilt at tti

Neither e any Lxre-y Jtursl17 Is

r P grind must be ineessant if It hopedtl H of th

out for UM time1al JgJelatton looking to the con

srudion ot an IstltmJan canal remainsthe executive of Congress

t rd O route ta conrned are not bJof3h-

th plte the oftory ProtPeIIII by the State DepartmentWith JSenate sal Mr NSpIJIW is the

Importance Isth-



pubiio atten-tion of

demand for antitrust leislatfecsubject of course

passes measure




week thd Now

OCher T1ieatke1cnly Congress hs

subcommittee Judiciary

a4fid thjst as-


ofCongress That

willpublicity features LIttle

praiitic31 certaintyare

legIsIttion-h this a

harmonious feI1ngaowthan at any time


Introduced by-


It a IwoiatheegeltIou of

there shall beof corpora-



thorough system of inspection


rides tockcase pJnnUM tg jerOat

lias shown

ar I generally







passL seems





rc WaahIngtm Crr aa-I onai4eratlon

rieitciii there

rrnents row 4ndcyIs

ompltsh onehalf iurk-j pd reiniLpJo-j

ati branchtai as the Panama

lte Proectaannouncement satiafac

o ga at the belm theHouse





both armed with an array of Informstion relative to betweenthis Government and ColombIa the ob-

stacles in the way of completing thatdeal will be thoroughly aired SenatorMorgan plans to introduce a resolutionprobablY reciting the

and lack of progress in acquir-ing the Panama title and Instructingthe President to negotiations withNicaragua and Costa Rica for a fran-chise through their territory

Shouki a treaty with the two govern-ments last mentioned for a canal by theNicaraguan route be slIbmitted before ad-

journment it will undoubtedly be rati-fied by the Senate Should a treaty withthe precarious government of Colombiabe submitted before ratification by thatcountry it does not seem probable theSenate would accept it On this account the only action whieh the pres-ent Congress can tko lookIng to theimmediate construction of a Canal bytoo States is to ratify treatywhich provides for the Nicaraguan route

Cuban Reciprocity TreatyAnother matter that will be watched

with the keenest interest Is thereciprocity treaty Until the circulationof the report thit Germany would askfor the same concessions it is proposedto give to Cuba It was taken forgranted there would be little or noopposition to the treaty This belief

beau augmented by the general inactivity ot those who opposed the Cubanbill in the last Session

President Roosevelt theCuban treaty many or those who-a year ago were opposed to theprocity bill awl it Is said he receivedassurances from Senators BurrowsScott Elkins and others who were

last session in defeating theplans of the Administration that theywould favorthe island republic It is tosay what socalled

boxer element will There arethe Oxnard beet sugar lobby

is showing signs of Ute anti likely tobreak out soon withwar paint and all work against theAdministrations program of grantingreeiproclty to Cuba rt

Senator Burrows ft in a remark lull of significance He says the

Tate Cuban treaty reststhe decision of the convention of beetgrowers to be held this month Bymany it Is believed his remark means astand may be taken by the beet growers which Influence the old opposit1on to again take lIikt Seantor Scott is in this uIf

to Cuba what oto France and those otherwhich desire reciprocal trade

The Presidents Desires

President desires that thelag treaty with Cuba be ratified vprO as poesiWoy4 wJIJpt j

If this can be done 1-

stood that Ike has declaredirltr

i4id mttr7 could be provoked bY the1teUe8S ac

tieD wpijJl the redemption ofpromise made to the Cuban people

when they were in the throes of the 01-

gKnfzation or their Thefact that the Presidents attitude hasbeen made plain will greatly strengthenthe or ofthe treaty

Among other bUM affecting Ute natjon-as whole Is that for the otthe navy A call has been made uponCongress for a duplication of the appropriations made for this at thelast sesslonl but there is a dispositionIn the Senate to cut this down The WarDepartment baa measures in Con

which It Is anxious toThe chIef one is the mUlti bill whichwas given adjourn-ment for the holidays and will come upagain within a few days Next to thisia the general staff bill

Omnibus Territory BillIn the Senate the omnibus Territory

Will he made omnipresent by MrQuays devotion It Is believed that thecause of the Jrasduring the recess and that If meas-ure ieSueeeHful at this session It willge one hlch Statehood to IndianTerritory and OklahomA as one Com-

monwealth and Arizona and Newanother But residents ot Ute

Territories are pot sanguIne even ofthis

The almost universal demand amongprominent bankers and influential of-

ficials of the Trenasry Department for amore elastic currency h6 been impress-ed upon Congress for many months butthe naUens ear has not been keen tobear Three bills are pending in theHouse Committee on Currency anyone ofwhich alightly modified would tend torelieve financial strtnscDeY butdoubt It any of these Win be broughtfrom the

Other Important messurea await theattention ot Congress when it convenestomorrow some of which will beat this session perhaps but the majorityor which are doomed never to become

I laws An example of the former Is theI bill establishing the gold standard In thePhilippines which is believed to havothe indorsement or a number of lawmak-ers Os the hand among thoselikely to be may be placednearly of the reciprocity treaties nowpending In the



Habit of Healthy EuropeansThe sturdy Scotch Germans French

and Italians seldom or neverfor breakfast

Long taught thatbreaklQt should simple in-

clude meatMany with weak

stomachs and more or less illn068 because to understand the simpleand healthful plan of a meakfast some

Iwti like the following

A little fruitA dish or GrapeNuts and creamOne Or two soft eggsA cup of PotuniPood Coffee and

haps a pleee of hard tonaLA man says I couldnt go on that un-

til noonor two ds trial will teach him a

of facts nd himlord There is under

blD aDd selentificni hllUc1ibredftwt


tomorrow pro-cedure


United a



h discussedwith




reciprotal relations withnow hard

the attittde ef the

hints that

a genuine powwowto


Wdtof the upon


quoted we givefeOipfoeity shalliwp

mitrl sadvan-


l4be pend

1tie-tion It Ia nader

that ac peab1e assault upon the s stein of

rattfic1tioflHe favorablesiMply



prospects prompt nsideration

a increase


alsogrts6 have passed

consideration beiGre


omnthiiliflf ieakenedany



co as the

there is




eat meat

expereneehas thend1not

Americans auer

they fall


Onebig olupte asahi feelflt an a a 4eep

reason The best athowever Is e4ial eperi-






Numbers Noted Men AmongIts Members

A number or scientists army andnavy officers newspaper correspon-dents magazine writers and artists whoaccompanied the government relief ex-

pedition to Martinique gathered at theNew Willard Hotel last night andformed an organization to be known astile Pelee club

The chief object of the new body isthe compilation In a book of the personal experiences of each member ofthe party while visiting the devastatedcountry and also for the purpose otbringing together In closer fellowshipthose whp up the expedition

Following g business session atwhich the club was permanently or-

ganized the meeting soon became remEach member caned upon

to make an address however brIef andthe of the expedition prevailedfor the of the session Incidents In

connection with the trip of too littleimportance to be published at the timewere related

In the absence of officers the meet-

Ing was called to order by ProfessorHill of Uk National Geographic Society made a few OPening remarkSCapt T C McLean U S N was madetemporary chaIrman The election ofofficers then took place and the

were chosen chairman Professor Hm cr tar H H

SmithA committee was appointed to sug-

gest a name for the organization andin its report were mentiongd as an

Utle The Volunteers The Crater Club The Vol-

canic Bombs and the Pelee ClubThe session closed with and 1

luncheon I

Those present were Prof Robert TfUn of the Geographic SocietyJ Martin Miller J P Wi-IIam Henry New York Robert DunnNew York 11 Mason Joseph 0Hammitt George Kennan Pr fC Curtis Harvard Proto 1 C RussellUnivcr5ity ot Uchlgan II H SmithMajor Sman4er J D B rna 1t tt s A 1-

jJlttss Capt T C UcLeanU S N andProf E O Hovey of the American MuseUi1l of Natural History of York


Killed and Missing EngineerBelieved to Be Dead

RlCIUlONPya Jan 3TheattaFhod tp the sec nd of

eastboundNorfolk and Western

n lJ10lng for the atCity

Fireman GIlls body was foundin a mud some away entirely covered up

Engineer Joe Meyers of Roanoke isml sing and s believed to be dead

the engineExpress Messenger Hammer Hawking

or Bedford City and his assistantB were both injured but not Sitriously in the overturned car

The engine was completely turnedaround the tgndw facing Bedford Cityand firebox ot the engine restingdn top of the cut Parts of the engine

blown 200 yards0rly ont car was derailed and no

passenger was hurt



Pa the resi-dence of and Mrs Stanley LoomisIn Oil City Pa at 1130 oclock thismorning occurred the marriage of theirdaughter Miss Lucille Loomis to DrRatraelo BastianUlc of Rome Italy

The wedding was a quiet affair withonly the brIdes relatives present

Miss Loomis met Dr Bastlanille whileon a visit to Italy last summer

the wedding today the coupleleft for New York whence theywill soon sail for Rome Dr BastianilleIs a surgeon and physician Inllome and ls one of the physicians toKIng Victor Emmanuel of Italy


resume its session tomorrow evening at730 oclock

Beginners classes in shorthandarithmetic grammar will

started In addition a class In pennra1lfhlp will be organized

year after Christmas large classeswere organized for the purpose ot preparing pupils the civil seITlce ex-

aminations This plan will again be followed provided the which forbidsthe teaching of adults does not keepaway too large a proportion of pupilswho desire a revlon before trying civilservice

The school bolds Its sessions In theHIgh School on Fjrst Street

between Band C Streets northwest

DIEDSeturday Januarr S U08 a

No 10 lenton StreetThOMAS McFADDEN

of hereafter ItURROn Saturday January 3 1065 at 430

p m her residence JOI Thirtyfirst Streetnorthwest ANNIE LOUISI Canny nee Hazel

wife of James Curryof funeral hereafter

It Baltimore papers copy


ARE PhilipriMe If term of SpanWi with

rates trialAddress can or wrttt 12th st-


m 630 p m Easy thorough method Fineclaw rooms IU lad ave nw oPP iLl and D s-



J WILLIAM LEErIvEnr-z penn Ave So w Washington D n-



lnlzcdnt was




lowing Permanent


propriate Volcanic

a smokerbuffet



hugh 1 GallagherU CornS






motive sectionCa pasengggip

exploded thin af-

ternoon stttloaBedford

Ernesthole distance









Business will

book-keeping aidbe






MeFADDIiNOnIii reeldence northeast

Notice funeral


iolrd B


GOING to Cube Porte RicoSEO1tf-

IOMAR Special csay paymentsgratis 7E7

Tnea 1050

mcnzzttanEit ttuz



Independents Plan to SendFuel

PHILADELPHIA Pa Jan dThe independent coal operators propose tosqueeze the public as hard as they canThey have broken with the great

railway systems and have decIdethat they get every cent canout or the people

The railways under the leadershl otthe havti insisted the priceot coal should not be further advancedand to prevent retailers from sellingcoal at more than 675 per ton have re-

fused to supply those who charge moreThe Independent operators who are

under with the raIIway havebanded together to annul their agree-

ments and enrich by gettingthe highest market fortheir coal

A contract with the LehIgh ValleyRailroad Company which had severalyears to run has been annulled by theoperators and the same step wIll betaken with the other railroads A gen-

eral fight to rce higher prices will bewaged

Previout to the strIke the independentmen sold their coal to the raIlways whopaId them slxtyfiye per cent of theamount received for the coal when deIlvered at tidewater

SInce the strike ended the individualoperators have chafed under this reluaint while an oportunty was given toraise the price on the unsupplied publicand they have united in a demand thattheir railway contracts annulled tothe end that a great extortion may bepossible

The railways have decided not to attempt a legal contest withcut operators because of the unanimityof the perhaps because of thenature of their contracts with

The big railroads say they will continue their circular prices andexert their against an advanceby retailers Tt Is contended that thepolicy of advancing prices Is destructivefrom an economic point of view andagainst public policy It has beencharged tor some tlmetbatr-anrfutii d

or ife nldependent per centot the total



Useless to Incwnber List Withcs-

BUFJiALJ 1made

ral Bthrough the11-

1vi ton to ti 41f ofthe system 3

has tes-

tified the only one negroIs on the list He also testified thatof Buffalos Polish population of upward or there are not more thanfifty Poles on

the list with ItWould have been a waste of time toexamine the majorIty of the


UFFIOE OF TIlE MUTUAl 1muof of Cohimb-

ithington January 3 tTbe annuaLbt the MUTCtL

ut TILE Jl5TRIfT1 OLVIllIA willon the TlHRi MONDAY in January

the 19th meant At of omny90 JPR IIVlHlia AveJJJe northwest corn

mendng at9 oclock m-Uy the charter of the eofflpAnJ the

of IIi tfl to allaire of theto bald at the above

Bwetthe sinh bylaws of

company it is tile annual meet-ing of the Company the first ill

bf the appointment cbalnnan whoconduct tM meeting in ac

tile act of betweenthe hours od 9 oeJoclt a RI 8 p mAmount of Itremhlfft SAmount uf cab os hand 25145 9

219lWideal 79ioo 11-

0fI60t furniture sad Axtures 5Oby tire 5666monet for

at the ottice of OomptIny aboutJanuary lIt mos

y of the Iioiird of Managersr PIHnc

A of the stotthokles of the Capitalfoe directors

will e held at the oftlCt ofn Stetloit

TIlE Ol 1cosTIle polls will be opined at 10 a m and

at mG T DUXLOP Presidentt Y

de2 293Ijan46S 11 13-

TO ALL IT unoJentgned Arlington Brewing a cor-

poration of UOMIyn In Ute State of Virginia ananufacturer of to wit lager beerAle and porter which are as allowed nylaw In bottles which Mid bottles impreMed thereon the of said corporationor marks or name together withcertain marks now tiled with the clerk of theSupreme Court of the District ol anti

be published as provided by sectionS77 of the code of law for said a de-scription of said name markswhich description is as follows The acid

arc of some of greenish others oflueWt others of brownish and others of sin

color and others white cotorJe5I andeach Qf said bottles having or appearing tohave a rapacity of ORe pint The names andmarks some of aid are

Brewing Co Ronlyn Vs uponothers oolmmers Co RossIr-nVau upon Others Consumers R0D81rnand also upon some of said bottles the words

This bottle Is registered not to be sold andalso upon some of said botles the letters C

Co and also upon of said bottlesother worth or letters or letters

All persons hereby againstwith beer ile porter or beverages

buying Sllling or in any bettics without the consent of said corporationotherwise they will be to

In whereof the cld corprationhas caused these pretI to subscribed bylts and seal be

and atteetedlij Its1IecretaryD A DSeal


Prices Skyward


will they

ReadIng that


themselvesprice obtainable


the independ

latter andthem aIl


howeverqolhhgfleeB itn1ir the

guise lndepndezit coal asoutput is Only about 0



speakable Nam

W Jit 3Some In-

tereatiag reveIatI esJisa beentem

In4qstigatIoTThe oA-rdyecBntyaDntad3llp

1sqLIrh Wikings

Commissioner of iflrora Medsthat nIjaef


thplist flogarding thissmall perceutngeJiait-

I eonetder 1 IL igpIesa Wlntmberunpeakablenaities and




the 5iee the-ito

aelect ion

seveneoiV4PaRy L3 required be


Ily article olhe thprovided At

bediiea ordr-halI oaahll Snel election

cortlesee with IaeoiorationgRd



Lo adjustedam pe1d C3

The JLatmeittwiMhi ready dia-tribotion ti


a4164 Seretary

MIIIIfliGTractiou t1eclion of

the chinpany-Tni PMeeflger Os WEDNESDAY


closed 12

KOOXES Secretary




ertin aucil

Columbiacauses to

Districtbottles and

bet-ties glen

her and

impesaei botleaArlington


8 somewords and

are cautitoed fill-ing other

trafficking such

prosecuted coordtnglaw


preaidist its tohereto atxed tIllsZ4tidayef 15t


ABE luNd



rRINGS PlLlCERebuilding Sale i

Wre Going to Annex Premises 816Adjoining Present Building


This marks the seeond addition to our mammoth millinery Joak dry Jdj-

fUI1isbing goods establishment within past to rcino1eI the tIItift frontiioye theparty walIsand annex the whole building to our surpassing Dust and dirt tw

of building operations Theres a most complete seasouab t and lesiral4e showing of1ad wrabIeto be disposed of at once The principles that have brought this SIlCOSS mist NIDCVe theee beLore the workmeI1 begin their operat ns

REBUILDING SALE PRICES ON ENTIRE STOCKTile same kinds styles and youre buying and for which others are asking full priee


The Advantages Immediate Buying iJ E

A void Rushes Obtain First Choice of the Goods S

nd the Advantage of Purchasing from Complete Lines j tLater the Conditions fifllY Change


Remarkable Reductions of Seasonable and Desirablel

SKIRTSand i 5OO 4 75ladies Coats 0 0 x 0 e-

In the lot are excellent quaIlty and American Br cloths Ker 8s-eYii Genuine and Heavy CJteviotajln black tau blueand garnet in all the popular styles

19 inch hip Coats 33 to 45jnch Auto Coatsare elegantly satin lined some with penn de sole facings tallormadend stitch

ed seams some paRne velvet some taUorJJutde and strappedthis Jg unquestionably the test valuegiving offering ot highclass Lames Costa ever made In In fact the reductions re so great

4 75that they Ie solicit your Inspection to substantiate our cIlm UsuaIIsold at and lrRebuHdlng

15 I8 and 20 Monte Carlo and Box Coats 9 4 515 and 22 Walking and Dress Suits iNever in the the GDgs pJar and that means ill the of

such u grand bonn tide offering of able and ann SuIts been presented They rejust the prroominating too but must be or dust and dirt damage

The Coats are in the desirable nte and Box styles ate excelleat quality Kersey Mountenacand Cheviot sOme satin lined others tallorJDaGe 6 Coats the show

t145two of castor blue and tan 30 to inches long elaborate qualitY and st71e In UI replar stock at 15 18 and t20 Rebuilding

Then too the Suit tbyJe swelt g as genuine bargains Is Pop-

ular and smart effects luClwvJota Broadcloths Zibelines Cloth Veuntians and Cheviots9 45some plaIn tailormade and stitch styles others elaborately trimmed double and bkuse effectS

originally sold 18 20 22 Rebuilding price u u u

Seventh StreetOur

ahcav uit oo4s andthe yetr Were goIng

present estgbLinhmeut obane

sonIc gooda


0 M1N



1OoOO9 J2OOI English

Mountenaca cantor

Jackets 27inch BoxThese garmests some plain

some slot grasWashington

may seem Imposble However10 12 price

18 0hmtory of stores history WsshWIIQDI hat

stylish desirable Coatssty1e sacrificed suffer

Mj Garb made ofhandsomely sUtekedabonting shades 3

priceestually 1 Thbbowing somewhat if1ted

Whe lmansbreasted

at and Sale




for Childs Coats worthL50 and 25O

4 rt9 Childrenstea odds and

Ircm izes4JoJl to


7I50 and 10

Ladles and Misses Walking andDress Suits The walking effectsare in blue and black made of goodquality melton cloth Norfolk jackets and full flare skirtssuits andstyles wIth or without velvet CGI

lars i5 to 10lug Sale 39


Prices on


J14C for 75cHatS

Untrimmed and Read towearHats for ladies misses and cliii

latest readytowear andwalking shapes including shepherdeases plain fet8 whites

all colors worth from 7ic toprice lk I

80 25O SilkVelvet Hats

LadIes and Misses excellent quaIlallsilk Velvet Draped Hats all

desirable and swell shades andshiapesnsually 250 Rebuildingprice

1 3 9 for 3 and 5-

GI Trimmed Hats5o or 60 strictly Highgrade

Trimmed no two alIke and alldesigned after the most favoredAmerican and Parisian styles swelltrimmingsusually sold at from 3


to 5 L39

1 6 Beaver FlatsGenuine imported FIf for

ladles misses and children in castors bell are

napped beaverssold regularly at Rebuilding Saleprice 169

15C for 39c and49cOstrich Tips

Genuine Imported Ostrich Tips 3in bunch in black oldregularly SPc and

prIce 15e

2 3 c for 50c and 69cPlumes

Genuine Imported Three quarterOstrich Plumes large fun flues from7 to inches long sold always at5c and trIC RebuIlding price 23e

125 Flannel Waists 4geA broken lot of Allwool Black

not all sizes but all of themost popular styles fine tucks frontand back also brass button

down the front usu 4g C-



HiglzgradeRee1es them

44s gupefdr stj kfr yeaclieo3or notch

sailonieellari usaa1yjBO flebaildingSaIe

foi wt-hDdd

The dressare Gbsoa orfoIk

usually Rebuildprice




ndSc6tchand1O Rebuilding





RebulIlng price

A1or39 7


only crowns these thegenuine


onlyet 49c a bench Re-





trimmedally sold at l25 RebuildlTil Price


5 for Taffeta Silk Dress

e s Skirts worthAnother lot only 6 Highgrade

SlUt Dress Skirts aUeverC tded wIth

nppiiqucd ounces veryfl l 19 RelIushiuIag Sale



D I I Goats worth46 Children

reds castors and blues nCQbandsailor collars handsomely braidtrimmed mad excellent quality

cloth soldat 3 Rebuilding Stile price




Ladie8 and Misses Heavy QualityGolf In gray and

extra fine gray and25Cvery seasonable usually sold

at 3ge Rebuilding Price

i50 Kid Gloves 59c-A special showIng or extra i

and durable styles in HighGradeIKid Gloves embroidered and

stout seams all the lash Ilosable and desirable shades59C

II leader j

Sale H I


j tLot ot good Corset

Covers filled seams perfect61fttting regular l24c qualities

Rebuilding PriceILot or Muslin Gowns yoke or fine

tucks and embroidery goodlengths and wIdths sold usu

2 9 r Iat 5Oc Rebuilding Lprice


Muslin Skirts full lengthIcambric ruffles finished

1 t CI

Lot of Underwear slightly museed j

from window diSPlayICorset Drawers etc trim

wlth fine torchon lace fil I

lace etc cambric andmuslin goods in the lot that


Lot or Womens Muslin Drawersumbrella cAmbric ruffles finishedwith Torchon lace regu

12 I CIa value 5c Rebuildlog price 2-

9ac Neckwear 41cPretty and stylish effects In

Monte Carlo PoetilUon andIGibson Silk Taffeta Collars white

black and combination4our regular 98c quaIl

IRebuilding Price

AcJU 810


handsomely embroldarM i-




ofaIhwoel English moltenusually

JQo1iii-ii and


Qiovesloves white




our regular Re-building







lace worth Soc Rebulldidgprice




sold up to 75 Rebuildingprlee





ft 4 h 0 for Silk

iJ B Skirts worth

Just 6 Taffeta Silk Dress Skirtsdesigned itt the

wanted styles tucked all overWith quflhing forming flounce

t tM Ueawl

1 Sale piles 300-

n 5 n for Peau de SoleijJ B U kirts worth 2000

Best quality Peau do Sole SilkSkirts deep rows of tatretaand lace Inserting lIIQduatcdflounce andropskirts only In worth 20Rebuilding Sale price


Dress J


t INGrf3-AL Goods

Lot of Gray sad StripedPereaIfnes good that soldat not than Sc and many

3 Cup to l eprice

Good UnbleachedtJae regular c grade

17 C

IIUOrtmeDteeored Jllaanelettes pa-ttern and heavy ileeceand fiures sold Usually 0Rebul1cUng price 4

Lot of the much de-

sired Fruit of tile Loom teeoguixed as the beat at the p 7Cusutily at 18c14

priceLot of Dress Goods

widths plain aDd fa cy weavestlUt browns blues

11 Iregular nc and lie value8 price 2

Lot of 3Sin wide AQwooIBladeSergei very good fl tty

2 rat 5Oc

UShort lengths of AUWOOl Venetian

faa Berbers anleres goods IIIt sell3 9off the pieae at The

Lot of Windsor and Sea Island PErcabs and dark

5 1wide regularRebuilding price 2

Crnn sJ ticA Of Tor

tome slseu roundshapes and Wide weltworth lie Retuhtdift4jhlk J


69o Wrappejs 39cLot of Percale

collars and leeves htshewith braid Wattea back dark aolcolorings QeYaluRebtgIdiug Price

100 Coriels 69Short IDI rIetikua Length

WRit Black Drab Conet youknow make ItsNo Ic Aups nice No 62 ansbesin some s es butall sh S In evej stYle SOld l-up to I nc Price



Taffeta Dress

L0xcillent quality

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JIeavy QualityMusline v e r ywhere Rebuildingprice

Lovely of good qualitybrightstripes


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rgtIarltyard Rebuildingprice

light ccors36 inches 1214-cklds

9cSheiilarge showing



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