rw- r fr k < v3ct iil I 1 WORLDS Continued from first page much sorer punishment for tho souls Interest Is eternal while the nations Interest Is only temporal Cut all traitors think their own treason just- Ifiable But Je Is your master even Christ and ail YC are brethren and his name Is that of whom the whole family In heaven and earth Is named Because some accept the name which the Lord gives others who reject It accuse them of evil for arrogating the family name to themselves They say that they by using only tile name Christian Imply that others are not Christians and In this way refuse to fellowship mlllons of the Lords followers Nothing can be further from tho truth than this In- ference M for the real contention Is that we recognize as brethren all who have accepted Christs salvation j therefore we refuse to use any cogno- men w of title that can possibly denom- Inate or recognize any party or divi sion among the Fathers children It Is delusion to believe that the church h needs to be divided All persons may not be able to understand tho Bible r alike but separate denominations per- petuate error and can not cure It i preachet r Fatact with other preachers Is really the most effective method of leading theifr m others teach and in this way alone In the light of free loving and open t discussions may men be brought to agree and to be united It appears however that divisions In the church are perpetuated some ¬ x times for evil purposes and so that mercenary or bigoted preachers can continue to rule over tho church 4 and to shear the flocks for their own gain These things prevent many from taking the family name and t lead them prodigal like to join them selves to a citizen who has husky names and doctrines to feed on So If you are hungry come to Fathers house get the robe of righteousness Instead of theological rags and take the family name and fellowship Then 4we will hnve the worlds revival feast of Christianity If you will not como to Gods terms and family you will perish captured by the armies o Agemcnnon Gag and Magog are now overcoming the churches which have rejected the family name The father has forsaken them as he said ho i would If we deny or reject the name liepave us All denominations h < are dying Tho Church at Rome Corinth and elsewhere as addressed In the epis 1 ties Is blblcally addressed as The Church I e that part of The Church residing at Rome Corinth and that part of the one church of that Lord who said he would build his churchnot your church my church Methodist Baptist or any 0 other church organized gamed or built by men on this that or the other theological dogma or dogmas No such church did the Lord ever authorize any one to build but h positively forbade and prayed against suchYou say those divisive unblbllcal names designate their locality or their theology The street and house number in the city would designate location much better than a denomina- tional y title and the dogmatic the ology ought not to bo designated for Hast thou faith dogmatic have t to thyself before GodHomans 14 22 Some say opposing churches anus e emulation and greater workfulness that competition Is the life of trade and business That may be true InI a limited sense yet such division Is death to the Christ spirit and the creation of a selfish sect spirit These great armies of the Lord Christian Endeavor Christian Alliance and one Just now forming the Conference of All Christians and the Worlds Re liglous Congress are rapidly coming to these great Godordained and Bible taught principles The church without dogmatic names j of creeds and with the glorious lib- erty of the children of God Christ head over all things to the churchDrop the idea of infallibility and grasp the better thought that only an endeavor to be Christian to be Christ like Is all that we may do in this life It Is the trying that saves us rather than perfect belief doing All can try to be like Christ in purity of life but none can possibly attain to it in earth By grace are yo saved through alth end that not of ourselves It is the gift of God We can not convert the world with the church divided We can not con- vert the world to our denominations Jesus says Ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte to your sect religions and when he Is made ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves Matthew 23 15 Having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such turn awlII Timothy 3 G Yet iJ In the gall of bitterness toward all other Christians and In the bond of sect Iniquity Tho great apostncy was caused by organizing churches based on head religion as tho test of fellowship In stead of helping the Lord build his one church on heart affection and the love of God shed abroad In our hearts by the Holy Ghost given unto us Is man more Just than God 1 God ins not damned and will not damn ill who do not believe alike and yet believe Jesus Christ Is the son of God and try to know the best theI can and do the best they know Are manmade churches more pure thanI their Makers church The LordI looketh on tho heart man looks atI the head Whenever we are con verted to touch the Lords scepter ofI his kingdom and to be Christians only and all to worship together In tho church nearest to where we live without distinction and without dis traction each person obeying as he believes the Bible to say to his own conscience tho world will say See how those Christians love one an other The light of The church will shine and the world will b converted from sin to holiness tho heavenly state The time is promised when righte- ousness and peace shall cover the earth and all shall know the Lord We are taught to pray Then not one will bo left to advocate the cause of sin for the kingdoms of this world arc become the kingdom of our LordEach person shall give account t nod alone and for himself only and shall have Individual freedom to join the Lord by prayer confessing hl sins and risking for the spirit which Is fully given to those who rightly sale In this blessed time men shall have no creed nor book of discipline except the Bible Christ will be head of the church In all things Christian will be accepted ns the only name for his followers and church as the true biblical title for the assembly of Christian worshipers Christ so organized the church an we should restore It again to Its prim Itlvo simplicity In no other way can the mlllenlum ever come wherein Christs spiritual reign In earth shat- ho niltriumphant His victories car- t I never come while Protestants are tOt Romish to preach or worship together or to receive ng fellow members others unless they promise to believe our own creeds or to WPfghlp ac cording to our chosen ritual We need the same forgiving spirit shown by Jesus who continued t worship with the JoWl even alto they rejected him from the synagogue and tried to cast him over the pre- cipice At Nazareth even on to th last passover when ute Sanhedrln determined to billY him Preachers now tear bejng turned out of their denominational syna gogues Jf they fall to obey the orders of the high priests of their churches They still vainly try to unite by strictly keeping apart They try to convert the world to Christianity by- e converting and proselyting all to their own religions They plead for roll g lous tolerance while most intolerant and oppose Christian fellowship in all churches Flitch selfish religious tyr may can never Jjring personal Chris riots freedom This ftrkfiesa of the church will never show ft light to the world In this way preachers bishops and popes are choking Chris- t tlanlty out of the church The love of money salary lg the root of this and all evil and perpetuates Moons gamblingclubs and houses of sin throughout the nations and in the armlets The worship of the golden calfI gold and sliver Btiiijdnrds trusts monopolies and combines make the your poorer and tho rich richer debts mortgages bonds and Interest eat Ing up my people as they eat bread lead to bankruptcy tramping and sue clde The time of the Gentiles Is about fulfilled all faces gnthurlng blackness and the Jews ere long shell come into their own land by foreclosure of the mortgage bonds on Palestine as ielt by the Rothschild syndicate Already newly all na- tions are heavily obligated to them and these bonded loans Inevitably will be Increased in order to carry on kingly and despotic governmental yoke will be broken in order to give place to the new earth the new republics now so much desired by the bruised people of nil the earth The Jews are being rapidly con- verted to Christ seeing that he was the son of God whom they crucified saying Let his blood be upon us and our children an it has beets In the slaughter of hundreds of thou sands of Jews In many nations of earth About the time when they shall own the earth by maturity of the bonds on each nation they will be converted to Christ and to the be met by the Lords great armies Bible Christianity Then they will of Y M C A Y W C A Y P S C E and W C T U These armies of tho Lord will say to the Jews Now wo all are brethren wars hav i Liy c saloonsha Blnhouses nod political tyrants mvlng broken every yoke by killing the third part of men mid all creeds and religions of men holing abolished Ilnbylou Is fallen como out of her my people itevelatioi 18 Rejoice over her thou heavens Bellow In one God the Father for whom are all things and we by him one Lord one falthone baptism ono body In Christ The Bible commands to divide the tools to the families by lo Thou shalt not take usury Interest of thy brethren Is Gods command re corded twelve times and he that will obey shall be destroyed from among the people Abolishing inter- est for money will grind the gold and silver calves to powder abolish- Ing the love and worship of money breaking down all moneyed monop- olies syndicates trod trusts Money will only be n medium of exchange Homes of a few acres will be more prized than thousands of money that brings Interest The fire of God word and spirit of peace on earth and good will to men will burn up gamUe ling cheating lying stealing decep tlon hatred selfishness and sins of nil kinds All will see the exceeding sinfulness of sin and will shun It In any form as a deadly poison to body soul and spirit for nil time and eter fifty All the universe will see that the crucified son of God has saved th world from the love practice and sequence of sin All enemies b- eling destroyed a peaceful reign of ana thousand ears will follow righteous- ness and pence covering the earth- s not one advocating the cause of sin Alleluia for the Lord God Omnlpot out relgneth King of Kings and Lord of Lords Revelation 19 G and 1C And I saw an angel with a great chain bind the devil and Satin a thousand ears and cast him Into the bottomless pit And I saw a tips heaven Christianity In stead of religions being the test ot fellowship and a new earth under a Worlds Congress as a republic In Istead of monarchial warring An John saw the Holy City the new Jerusalem coming down from Qod out of heaven God dwells In heaven 1yet God is With prep himself with them spiritually not literally For he sat upon the great white throne from whose lace the religious and monarchies of men nod away He said Behold I make all things new n This Is the first or spiritual resur rectlon of the dry bones of the church andHie saints of earth See the reoI qtr King d year I saw the souls hot bodies a tho bclieftdPd wltnessjpf Jesus hiv- e and reign with TCfiIBr a thousand years It does earth with- Jesus The rest of the dejkd wicked l lived not until the thousand year were finished Then Satan shall DO loosed for a little season when there shall be no more death Christ having destroyed death tho last enemy To be continued GNOSTICISM ANR AGNOSTICISM James Armstrong I know religion Is not true the same as you know that I cannot see the back of my head I know that pop Is a myth the same as you know that I cannot speak tw words at once or fall Into a rive without getting wet I kpojy philosophically there Is path Ing hl PJirlstlapIty Lust ns you knoll hyglenlcally there js nothing IJsflw dust biscuits and mud pies I know that Christ did not rise from the dead just as you know n clock oapnot wlpd itself up or the two hands run In opposite djrecions I know that agnosticism Is fQolIshC because If you ask an agnostic If his creed Is true to be consistent li 0out must say he does not know and agai that lip does not know that he does not know I know that the doctrine of and hell is a dream the same as you know that trees do not run toot races I know that tho soul or spirit of man cannot exist apart from his body just as you JCPQW that a headache cannot exist spurt from a head I know that science is right anti ro llglon wrong Just its you know that money does pot grow op trees apd that houses are built pet pot born Conclusion Agnosticism as a mat tre of polite respect for the opinions of others Is well enough but as a matter of fact If is utterly worthless SnowWilkinson Debate Tho Snow Wllhlnsop debate and otjr Tracts will be sent for 15 cents Sell Ing elsewhere at 25 cents 15 Lewis writes us I started to underscore Important parts of your speeches but soon found I was marking the whole thing 50 of ourTracts for dlstrlbu tlon for 15 cents A A SNOW f Llnevllle Iowa J a SACRED7 BOSH OF HOLY BIBLE Moses but a Fountain Pen In theI WritingThe Were Not Possible With God the Bjble Would be an ImpossibleBook GOD MIGHT CHEW TOBACCO AND SPIT ON THE STARS TO HEAR THEM SIZZLE By James Armstrong It Is well that all thtiigs aro pos Bible with God for It nut the bible would be an impossible book No human brain perverted as all human brains are by the sacrilegious no tlons of cause and effect the result doubtless of mans eating the forbid- den fruit could have written Genesis as a serious effort to set forth the aortals n therefore that Moses was nothing more than a fountain pet In the hand of divinity and had no snore of an Idea of what he was doing than a hog has of smoked meat When Moses was at himself ho being1Vheu sense enough to hide the body In tho sand and whets ho started for tho Promised Land he was wise enough to steal everything ho could from the waye geoI let the spirit of the Lord do the rest can criticise the bible nil you wish to my friends but you are at last compelled to accept It as an Inspirational deliverance of God to man for no one but the God him- self who undo something out of noth tfhappened sal to nccammodate themselves to the narrow limits of a human skull and so when God got ready to write wdictate him to write thatIoses the effect of which was to make hit see things that ho couldnt see sober sayd ItIs if Moses were both Its his head qt tho highlyI not elite Into Mgseg by way of tho ear This Idea Is not only suggested by whichliterally also sustained by the fact that Go AdamThis might have broken the eardrums of tlolhgr e I Into his ear for It must not be for- t 1 gotten the breath of the Lord Is- n wopderfijl thing when yoij consider 1that blew Into being full thenI beaddens contract It oozed out of him In the shape of the Mosaic cosmogny whnthe seemstho stance it Is evident that Adam and theyhind thatforWljdep woeAnd gardenlest everlasting and become Gods them Adamdid fellar name all the animals which the Lord brought before him a thing he did notwithstanding he was too blind to see his own nakedness This however does not prove tint the blljlo con tradicts Itself but merely that Moses was tie original trance medium As the work of God it does not make any difference If the bible does contradicts itself Who Is Cod Al mighty that he cannot make himself a liar If he wishes roof Alas infideln map selfconstituted critic of tho In finite Jlodcarrier Omnipotent Star outn thirty inlllloiis of suns In n Jiffy but also the first suit of clothing that our In first parents wore how dare you call Onmjsciepco to account for the mia takes It has made or the lies it has told What in tho heavena does God care l f things go wrong The very idea that God Is bound to tell tho houndGgd He could chew tobacco If he wanted to amuse himself spitting on stars to hear them sizzle thin same as ho built the Presbyterian hell for the damnation of ujibaptlzed babies itho of of splice to the other and if it made him Infinitely sick ho could lean up against the constellation Hercules and dirtydeuce hishand notion to play ten plus and bowl with howllug zftl tlii UJJ with comets tails us for pins and th planets for balls and tho Trinity amusing thcmsclvcsltself at cocke hats Perhaps you say God Is to I dignified to play grosses but dignity Is a limitation and God Is to unlinked J hence If he doesnt play games lid B no good that is no God for God is good For my part I nm certain that God not only plays games but that he Is also something of a humorist It was he who supplied us with funny bones and It was quite a joke ho played on Adam when ho ribbed up Eve to mako him eat tho forbidden fruit and lose his happy home In the garden of Eden It Is the rankest Impiety to think of God as limited is any sense and so I devoutly affirm that he Is not only a Joker but also a joke Ho is an infinite gag an eternal play upon words an overlast Ing pun at which all sensible people laugh as soon as Its sprung In fact God wants man to laugh else he would have made him like tho rest of animals none of which can even smile Laugh therefore we must and since God Is all wo must laugh at pOd But of course you roust laugh reverently laugh like a man and not give God tho horselaugh like Infidels do God Is not a horse but a spirit and so you must she him the sanctl monlous smile or better still the Rely Gee giggle Suppose a little ant should crawl up an Infidels leg and finally reach his ear i + nylng Look here Mr Man Your way of doing things suit me at all Why the man wool pay no attention to the ant and how much less should God pay any at- tention to man Of course if God takes a notion as he once did to die goingt on I Inasmuch as some of us make living preaching about the scheme 0 salvation The poor clergyman has to lived themselves instead congregations for Hen their criticisms than with them Theres no use for God to try to please infidels Of course he could ho wanted too but ho would have to remodel his whole work He let then make the earth round after he had made 11 fiat and was good enough- to readjust the solar system entirely and yet miserable Freethinkers not satisfied with all the changes God has tod now Use nervo to ask God to make an assignment and Rm ut of business altogether or all aUlttllemr notI care whether he suits anybody or not and moreover he Is too busy watching toe critics PARSON DESERTS PARAMOUR Left Wife and Children to Elope with Wealthy Heiress and as She Is About to Become a Mother He Leavers Her DESERVES A WORSE FATE IF HE IS CAUGHT The following trite news Item taken from the dally papers concerning the power and Influence of religion upon tho heart and mind of man swede no comment If c however wo night add Christianity cap produce such from among Its professors and teachers what can bo expected from the rank and file of the fanatics who still wor ship at tho same old shrine It reads Deserted and about to become a mother Is the terrible situation of Floretta Whale the 17year old heiress who eloped last April from Hempstead L I with tho Rev Jere Kenode Cooke then rector of the exclusive St George church to which August Bolmont and other flab New Yorkers belonK Former church friends have received word that the young girl was left III a sanitarium In Canada by her shameless recreant lover who since the elopement has been unfrocked by the Indignant Bishop Burgess Ills whereabouts aro now unknown Mrs Ilezeklah Whaley the girls grandmother Is slow to bollovo the story of the grandchilds abandon moot Things are pitiful enough be foro she thlnkH So many stories lawn comp to her mill proven false that she Is trying not to credit this one Floretta Whaley was left loft by her dying father under the spiritual care Cooke The priests affection flamed up Into Infatuation and late last April he disappeared with his young charged having borrowed 800 from August Belmont one of tho pillars or the church Tho couple were tracked up the Hudson but evaded pursuit The broken wire of tho clerical fraud sought refuge with her parents at Hartford Conn Y 1S< it r elOPTIMISM no faith but this ono fact f find That love Is growing better day by day What we call sin Is what It loaves behind What we call good atraots It on Its way I have no hope with Gods lovo In my heart What Is a selfish loss to caro about If in the world Ive played my little part Let him who lit the candle put It out- i I have no fear and so tis day by day In sunshine or In stormIn weal or woe As best I can I 50 along Lifes way To that Vast Future where all men must go I have no creed but love Is there a hell- Where some poor tortured thing cries out in pain P Then let me take his hand sips wish him well And wait until ho finds his heaver again l 1 By Frank Cnester lease wvrutggt This world of men innd v The stars and then Struck swltt shatrlng through iro dark tthe light From distant sun And gave each Infinite call the start the might PITS race to runt Who set Eternity its never ending task Of aimless lIfef i= Who set the brutal elements stead fast In futile strife Against this course Inexorable anal makes l a Construction r Of tho same source from which Itv takes- Destruction jWho j wrought l t This subtle planzi Who througu eocene Jias This broughti foolish manh IIIIi A i3To 7- 1rs < cimttmtas 0 l Himself without ji And jIngncss In awful doubt 1 vi < Calls The Turn > Mr James E Hughes y After so long a time I wrlto you < and send another dollar I am 73 years old and take the liberty to say you need a Proof Reader We have just had a County Fair here at Howard and the Directors all- owed book makers to operate ands tho preachers raised a great howl The Gamblers come out on the open r fa and braves the world puts up Ills money on his judgment and nis tracks But the preachers sneaks around and by deception deludes the children out of their pennies the women out ot their dollars ant Ignorant men out 1 of their hundreds and holds up busi ¬ ness men for all they can Now which Is the most honorable 1000 BOOK for 100 WJJI mall on neepi of 5120 BLUE GRASS BLADE Pnblishers Box 393 LexiiiZtoa Ky TIJE PLANETSIs copier why the Earth mores write to the autbor firs trserl mica ollnllshies thetrue mouomolmruerAddress- tl11LlINHHEALD SutlooAIOSANGELESGlllomU

I fr J In WritingThe - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt747d2q620r/data/0755.pdfwithout distinction and without dis traction each person obeying as he believes the Bible to

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Page 1: I fr J In WritingThe - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt747d2q620r/data/0755.pdfwithout distinction and without dis traction each person obeying as he believes the Bible to

rw-r frk <v3ct iil



Continued from first pagemuch sorer punishment for tho soulsInterest Is eternal while the nationsInterest Is only temporal Cut all

traitors think their own treason just-

Ifiable But Je Is your master even

Christ and ail YC are brethren and

his name Is that of whom the wholefamily In heaven and earth Is named

Because some accept the name which

the Lord gives others who reject It

accuse them of evil for arrogating thefamily name to themselves They

say that they by using only tilename Christian Imply that othersare not Christians and In this way

refuse to fellowship mlllons of the

Lords followers Nothing can be

further from tho truth than this In-

ferenceM for the real contention Is

that we recognize as brethren allwho have accepted Christs salvation

j therefore we refuse to use any cogno-

menw of title that can possibly denom-

Inate or recognize any party or division among the Fathers children ItIs delusion to believe that the church


needs to be divided All persons may

not be able to understand tho Bibler alike but separate denominations per-

petuate error and can not cure Itipreachet r

Fatact with other preachers Is really

the most effective method of leadingtheifr m

others teach and in this way aloneIn the light of free loving and open

t discussions may men be brought toagree and to be united

It appears however that divisionsIn the church are perpetuated some ¬

x times for evil purposes and so thatmercenary or bigoted preachers cancontinue to rule over tho church

4 and to shear the flocks for their own

gain These things prevent many

from taking the family name andt lead them prodigal like to join them

selves to a citizen who has huskynames and doctrines to feed on So

If you are hungry come to Fathershouse get the robe of righteousnessInstead of theological rags and takethe family name and fellowship Then

4we will hnve the worlds revival feastof Christianity If you will not comoto Gods terms and family you willperish captured by the armies o

Agemcnnon Gag and Magog are nowovercoming the churches which haverejected the family name The fatherhas forsaken them as he said ho

i would If we deny or reject thename liepave us All denominationsh < are dying

Tho Church at Rome Corinth andelsewhere as addressed In the epis

1 ties Is blblcally addressed as TheChurch I e that part of TheChurch residing at Rome Corinthand that part of the one church ofthat Lord who said he would buildhis churchnot your church mychurch Methodist Baptist or any

0 other church organized gamed orbuilt by men on this that or theother theological dogma or dogmasNo such church did the Lord everauthorize any one to build but hpositively forbade and prayed against

suchYousay those divisive unblbllcal

names designate their locality ortheir theology The street and housenumber in the city would designatelocation much better than a denomina-tionaly title and the dogmatic theology ought not to bo designated forHast thou faith dogmatic have t

to thyself before GodHomans 14

22 Some say opposing churches anus eemulation and greater workfulnessthat competition Is the life of tradeand business That may be true InI

a limited sense yet such division Is

death to the Christ spirit and thecreation of a selfish sect spirit Thesegreat armies of the Lord ChristianEndeavor Christian Alliance and oneJust now forming the Conference ofAll Christians and the Worlds Religlous Congress are rapidly comingto these great Godordained and Bibletaught principles

The church without dogmatic namesj of creeds and with the glorious lib-

erty of the children of God

Christ head over all things to the

churchDropthe idea of infallibility and

grasp the better thought that onlyan endeavor to be Christian to beChrist like Is all that we may do in

this life It Is the trying that savesus rather than perfect belief doingAll can try to be like Christ in purityof life but none can possibly attainto it in earth

By grace are yo saved throughalth end that not of ourselves It is

the gift of GodWe can not convert the world with

the church divided We can not con-

vert the world to our denominationsJesus says Ye compass sea and landto make one proselyte to your sectreligions and when he Is made yemake him twofold more the child ofhell than yourselves Matthew 2315

Having a form of godliness butdenying the power thereof from suchturn awlII Timothy 3 G Yet


In the gall of bitterness toward allother Christians and In the bond of

sect IniquityTho great apostncy was caused by

organizing churches based on headreligion as tho test of fellowship In

stead of helping the Lord build hisone church on heart affection and

the love of God shed abroad In ourhearts by the Holy Ghost given untous Is man more Just than God 1 God

ins not damned and will not damnill who do not believe alike and yetbelieve Jesus Christ Is the son ofGod and try to know the best theIcan and do the best they know Aremanmade churches more pure thanItheir Makers church The LordIlooketh on tho heart man looks atIthe head Whenever we are converted to touch the Lords scepter ofIhis kingdom and to be Christiansonly and all to worship together In

tho church nearest to where we livewithout distinction and without distraction each person obeying as hebelieves the Bible to say to his ownconscience tho world will say Seehow those Christians love one an

other The light of The churchwill shine and the world will b

converted from sin to holiness thoheavenly state

The time is promised when righte-

ousness and peace shall cover theearth and all shall know the Lord

We are taught to pray Then notone will bo left to advocate the causeof sin for the kingdoms of thisworld arc become the kingdom of our

LordEachperson shall give account t

nod alone and for himself only andshall have Individual freedom to jointhe Lord by prayer confessing hlsins and risking for the spirit whichIs fully given to those who rightlysale

In this blessed time men shallhave no creed nor book of disciplineexcept the Bible Christ will be headof the church In all things Christianwill be accepted ns the only name forhis followers and church as thetrue biblical title for the assemblyof Christian worshipers

Christ so organized the church anwe should restore It again to Its primItlvo simplicity In no other way canthe mlllenlum ever come whereinChrists spiritual reign In earth shat-

ho niltriumphant His victories car-


never come while Protestants are tOtRomish to preach or worship togetheror to receive ng fellow membersothers unless they promise to believeour own creeds or to WPfghlp according to our chosen ritual

We need the same forgiving spiritshown by Jesus who continued tworship with the JoWl even altothey rejected him from the synagogueand tried to cast him over the pre-cipice At Nazareth even on to thlast passover when ute Sanhedrlndetermined to billY him

Preachers now tear bejng turnedout of their denominational synagogues Jf they fall to obey the ordersof the high priests of their churchesThey still vainly try to unite bystrictly keeping apart They try toconvert the world to Christianity by-

e converting and proselyting all to theirown religions They plead for roll g

lous tolerance while most intolerantand oppose Christian fellowship in allchurches Flitch selfish religious tyrmay can never Jjring personal Chrisriots freedom This ftrkfiesa of thechurch will never show ft light tothe world In this way preachersbishops and popes are choking Chris-

t tlanlty out of the church The loveof money salary lg the root of thisand all evil and perpetuates Moonsgamblingclubs and houses of sinthroughout the nations and in thearmlets

The worship of the golden calfIgold and sliver Btiiijdnrds trusts

monopolies and combines make theyour poorer and tho rich richer debtsmortgages bonds and Interest eatIng up my people as they eat breadlead to bankruptcy tramping and sue

clde The time of the Gentiles Isabout fulfilled all faces gnthurlngblackness and the Jews ere longshell come into their own land byforeclosure of the mortgage bonds onPalestine as ielt by the Rothschildsyndicate Already newly all na-

tions are heavily obligated to themand these bonded loans Inevitablywill be Increased in order to carry onkingly and despotic governmentalyoke will be broken in order to giveplace to the new earth the newrepublics now so much desired bythe bruised people of nil the earth

The Jews are being rapidly con-

verted to Christ seeing that he wasthe son of God whom they crucifiedsaying Let his blood be upon u sand our children an it has beets In

the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jews In many nations ofearth About the time when theyshall own the earth by maturity ofthe bonds on each nation they willbe converted to Christ and to thebe met by the Lords great armiesBible Christianity Then they willof Y M C A Y W C A Y PS C E and W C T U These armiesof tho Lord will say to the JewsNow wo all are brethren wars hav



saloonshaBlnhouses nod political tyrants

mvlng broken every yoke by killing

the third part of men mid all creeds

and religions of men holing abolished

Ilnbylou Is fallen como out of hermy people itevelatioi 18 Rejoice

over her thou heavens Bellow

In one God the Father for whom are

all things and we by him one

Lord one falthone baptism ono

body In ChristThe Bible commands to divide the

tools to the families by lo Thou

shalt not take usury Interest of

thy brethren Is Gods command re

corded twelve times and he that will

obey shall be destroyed from

among the people Abolishing inter-

est for money will grind the gold

and silver calves to powder abolish-

Ing the love and worship of money

breaking down all moneyed monop-

olies syndicates trod trusts Money

will only be n medium of exchange

Homes of a few acres will be more

prized than thousands of money thatbrings Interest The fire of God

word and spirit of peace on earthand good will to men will burn upgamUeling cheating lying stealing decep

tlon hatred selfishness and sins of nil

kinds All will see the exceeding

sinfulness of sin and will shun It In

any form as a deadly poison to body

soul and spirit for nil time and eterfifty All the universe will see thatthe crucified son of God has saved th

world from the love practice and

sequence of sin All enemies b-eling destroyed a peaceful reign of ana

thousand ears will follow righteous-

ness and pence covering the earth-s not one advocating the cause of sin

Alleluia for the Lord God Omnlpot

out relgneth King of Kings and

Lord of Lords Revelation 19 G and1C And I saw an angel with agreat chain bind the devil and

Satin a thousand ears and casthim Into the bottomless pit And Isaw a tips heaven Christianity In

stead of religions being the test otfellowship and a new earth under a

Worlds Congress as a republic In

Istead of monarchial warring An

John saw the Holy City the newJerusalem coming down from Qod out

of heaven God dwells In heaven1yet God is With prep himself with

them spiritually not literally Forhe sat upon the great white throne

from whose lace the religious andmonarchies of men nod away Hesaid Behold I make all things new n

This Is the first or spiritual resurrectlon of the dry bones of the church

andHie saints of earth See the reoIqtr Kingd

year I saw the souls hot bodies atho bclieftdPd wltnessjpf Jesus hiv-

e and reign with TCfiIBr a thousandyears It does earth with-

Jesus The rest of the dejkd wicked l

lived not until the thousand yearwere finished Then Satan shall DO

loosed for a little season when thereshall be no more death Christ havingdestroyed death tho last enemy

To be continued


James Armstrong

I know religion Is not true thesame as you know that I cannot seethe back of my head

I know that pop Is a myth the sameas you know that I cannot speak twwords at once or fall Into a rivewithout getting wet

I kpojy philosophically there Is pathIng hl PJirlstlapIty Lust ns you knollhyglenlcally there js nothing IJsflwdust biscuits and mud pies

I know that Christ did not rise fromthe dead just as you know n clockoapnot wlpd itself up or the two handsrun In opposite djrecions

I know that agnosticism Is fQolIshCbecause If you ask an agnostic If hiscreed Is true to be consistent li0outmust say he does not know and agaithat lip does not know that he doesnot know

I know that the doctrine ofand hell is a dream the same as youknow that trees do not run toot races

I know that tho soul or spirit ofman cannot exist apart from his bodyjust as you JCPQW that a headachecannot exist spurt from a head

I know that science is right anti rollglon wrong Just its you know thatmoney does pot grow op trees apdthat houses are built pet pot born

Conclusion Agnosticism as a mattre of polite respect for the opinionsof others Is well enough but as amatter of fact If is utterly worthless

SnowWilkinson Debate

Tho Snow Wllhlnsop debate and otjrTracts will be sent for 15 cents SellIng elsewhere at 25 cents 15 Lewiswrites us I started to underscoreImportant parts of your speeches butsoon found I was marking the wholething 50 of ourTracts for dlstrlbutlon for 15 cents


Llnevllle Iowa




Moses but a Fountain Pen In theIWritingTheWere Not Possible With

God the Bjble Wouldbe an ImpossibleBook



By James ArmstrongIt Is well that all thtiigs aro pos

Bible with God for It nut the biblewould be an impossible book Nohuman brain perverted as all humanbrains are by the sacrilegious notlons of cause and effect the resultdoubtless of mans eating the forbid-den fruit could have written Genesisas a serious effort to set forth theaortals ntherefore that Moses was nothingmore than a fountain pet In the handof divinity and had no snore of anIdea of what he was doing than ahog has of smoked meat

When Moses was at himself hobeing1Vheusense enough to hide the body In thosand and whets ho started for thoPromised Land he was wise enough t osteal everything ho could from thewayegeoIlet the spirit of the Lord do the rest

can criticise the bible nil youwish to my friends but you are

at last compelled to accept It as anInspirational deliverance of God toman for no one but the God him-self who undo something out of nothtfhappenedsal to nccammodate themselves tothe narrow limits of a human skulland so when God got ready to writewdictatehim to write

thatIosesthe effect of which was to make hitsee things that ho couldnt see sobersaydItIs ifMoses were both Its his head qt thohighlyInot elite Into Mgseg by way of thoear

This Idea Is not only suggested by

whichliterallyalso sustained by the fact that Go

AdamThismight have broken the eardrums oftlolhgr eIInto his ear for It must not be for-

t1gotten the breath of the Lord Is-

n wopderfijl thing when yoij consider1that blew Into being fullthenIbeaddenscontract It oozed out of him In theshape of the Mosaic cosmognywhntheseemsthostance it Is evident that Adam andtheyhindthatforWljdepwoeAndgardenlesteverlasting and become Gods them

Adamdidfellarname all the animals which the Lordbrought before him a thing he didnotwithstanding he was too blind tosee his own nakedness This howeverdoes not prove tint the blljlo contradicts Itself but merely that Moseswas tie original trance medium

As the work of God it does notmake any difference If the bible doescontradicts itself Who Is Cod Almighty that he cannot make himself

a liar If he wishes roof Alasinfidelnmap selfconstituted critic of tho Infinite Jlodcarrier Omnipotent Staroutnthirty inlllloiis of suns In n Jiffy butalso the first suit of clothing that our Infirst parents wore how dare you callOnmjsciepco to account for the miatakes It has made or the lies it hastold What in tho heavena doesGod care l f things go wrong Thevery idea that God Is bound to tell thohoundGgdHe could chew tobacco If he wantedto amuse himself spitting on starsto hear them sizzle thin same as hobuilt the Presbyterian hell for thedamnation of ujibaptlzed babiesitho ofof splice to the other and if it madehim Infinitely sick ho could lean upagainst the constellation Hercules anddirtydeucehishandnotion to play ten plus and bowl withhowllug



with comets tails us for pins and thplanets for balls and tho Trinityamusing thcmsclvcsltself at cockehats Perhaps you say God Is to I

dignified to play grosses but dignityIs a limitation and God Is to unlinked J

hence If he doesnt play games lid B

no good that is no God for God isgood For my part I nm certain thatGod not only plays games but thathe Is also something of a humoristIt was he who supplied us with funnybones and It was quite a joke hoplayed on Adam when ho ribbed upEve to mako him eat tho forbiddenfruit and lose his happy home In thegarden of Eden It Is the rankestImpiety to think of God as limited isany sense and so I devoutly affirmthat he Is not only a Joker but alsoa joke Ho is an infinite gag aneternal play upon words an overlastIng pun at which all sensible peoplelaugh as soon as Its sprung

In fact God wants man to laughelse he would have made him like thorest of animals none of which caneven smile Laugh therefore we mustand since God Is all wo must laugh atpOd But of course you roust laughreverently laugh like a man and notgive God tho horselaugh like Infidelsdo God Is not a horse but a spiritand so you must she him the sanctlmonlous smile or better still theRely Gee giggle

Suppose a little ant should crawlup an Infidels leg and finally reachhis ear i+nylng Look here Mr ManYour way of doing thingssuit me at all Why the man woolpay no attention to the ant and howmuch less should God pay any at-

tention to man Of course if Godtakes a notion as he once did to diegoington I Inasmuch as some of us makeliving preaching about the scheme 0salvation The poor clergyman has tolivedthemselves instead congregations forHentheir criticisms than with them

Theres no use for God to try toplease infidels Of course he could

ho wanted too but ho would haveto remodel his whole work He letthen make the earth round after hehad made 11 fiat and was good enough-to readjust the solar system entirelyand yet miserable Freethinkers notsatisfied with all the changes God hastodnow Use nervo toask God to make an assignment andRm ut of business altogether or all

aUlttllemrnotIcare whether he suits anybody or notand moreover he Is too busy watchingtoecritics



Left Wife and Children to Elope withWealthy Heiress and as She Is

About to Become a MotherHe Leavers Her


The following trite news Item takenfrom the dally papers concerning thepower and Influence of religion upontho heart and mind of man swede nocomment Ifc however wo night addChristianity cap produce such fromamong Its professors and teacherswhat can bo expected from the rankand file of the fanatics who still worship at tho same old shrine It reads

Deserted and about to become amother Is the terrible situation ofFloretta Whale the 17year oldheiress who eloped last April fromHempstead L I with tho Rev JereKenode Cooke then rector of theexclusive St George church to whichAugust Bolmont and other flab NewYorkers belonK

Former church friends have receivedword that the young girl was left III

a sanitarium In Canada by hershameless recreant lover who sincethe elopement has been unfrocked bythe Indignant Bishop Burgess Illswhereabouts aro now unknown

Mrs Ilezeklah Whaley the girlsgrandmother Is slow to bollovo thestory of the grandchilds abandonmoot Things are pitiful enough beforo she thlnkH So many storieslawn comp to her mill proven falsethat she Is trying not to credit thisone

Floretta Whaley was left loft by herdying father under the spiritual care

Cooke The priests affection flamedup Into Infatuation and late lastApril he disappeared with his youngcharged having borrowed 800 fromAugust Belmont one of tho pillars orthe church

Tho couple were tracked up theHudson but evaded pursuit Thebroken wire of tho clerical fraudsought refuge with her parents atHartford Conn



elOPTIMISMno faith but this ono fact f


That love Is growing better day byday

What we call sin Is what It loavesbehind

What we call good atraots It on Itsway

I have no hope with Gods lovo Inmy heart

What Is a selfish loss to caro aboutIf in the world Ive played my little

partLet him who lit the candle put It

out-i I have no fear and so tis day by day

In sunshine or In stormIn weal orwoe

As best I can I 50 along Lifes wayTo that Vast Future where all men

must goI have no creed but love Is there a

hell-Where some poor tortured thing cries

out in pain P

Then let me take his hand sips wishhim well

And wait until ho finds his heaveragain



By Frank Cnester leasewvrutggtThis world of meninndv

The stars and thenStruck swltt shatrlng through iro

dark tthe lightFrom distant sun

And gave each Infinite call the startthe might

PITS race to runt

Who set Eternity its never endingtask

Of aimless lIfef i=

Who set the brutal elements steadfast

In futile strifeAgainst this course Inexorable anal

makes l a

Construction rOf tho same source from which Itv

takes-DestructionjWho j

wrought l tThis subtle planziWho througu eocene Jias

Thisbroughtifoolish manh IIIIiAi3To 7-


cimttmtas 0 lHimself without jiAnd jIngncss

In awful doubt 1 vi <

Calls The Turn >

Mr James E Hughes y

After so long a time I wrlto you <and send another dollar I am 73 yearsold and take the liberty to say youneed a Proof Reader

We have just had a County Fairhere at Howard and the Directors all-

owed book makers to operate andstho preachers raised a great howl

The Gamblers come out on the open r fa

and braves the world puts up Illsmoney on his judgment and nis tracksBut the preachers sneaks around andby deception deludes the children outof their pennies the women out ottheir dollars ant Ignorant men out 1

of their hundreds and holds up busi ¬

ness men for all they canNow which Is the most honorable

1000 BOOK for 100

WJJI mall on neepi of 5120

BLUE GRASS BLADE PnblishersBox 393 LexiiiZtoa Ky

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trserl mica ollnllshies thetrue mouomolmruerAddress-tl11LlINHHEALD SutlooAIOSANGELESGlllomU