r I- ts rte J w 1 1S State Bunker Awociation Will Meet in Louisville The annual meeting of the Kentucky State Bankers Association hat been announced for Oct 10 an 11 at the Galt House In Louisville The association has 285 members and a full attendance is expected An effort is being made to have Sec a retary of the Treasury Shaw attend i the meeting and address it Press ¬ dent Oscar Fenley has been in com J rounication with Mr Shaw since tlJUDe Do Catalogue House Spend I Money in this Community- Mall order buying builds up the large cities at the expense of theh j smaller cities and towns Every j R dollar used in this way by a reslI dent of this community takes a dolte lar out of circulation at home andp puts it into circulation many mile distantThe dollar spent with your homeJ grocer dry goods dealer bard merchant druggist or other business man upbuilds the community t in which you live These pay taxes to support the town repair the ItreetsI maintain the schools and build and sustain the churches Do the mall l order houses ever subscribe to the building fund whenever a new church I Is to be built or any public improve is to be made If you were activ- In any good work for betterment of this community who would you go to for financial aid the local buss to ness man or the sail order houses in distant cities f Let us look at the situation broad ¬ ly Is it not shortsighted selfish ¬ ness that prompts us to send our money and trade to the mail order houses Enlightened selfinterest w In which reciprocity is a saving ele ment dictates that we all work toJ gether for our common good andS l the community at largea Besides the local dealers cm keep in stock mail order grades 1 InIi most lines of goods if you must have that grade of merchandise and can sell them to you at man ordert prices In some instances the lowerd price quoted by the mail order of is the result of violated contracts I and chicanery which have no place in an honest merchants businessII i Thursday Sept 20 is the Date of the Big Barbecue i Every arrangement has been mad for this important event EverytJ body is talking about the Barbecue Everybody is anticipating a good time land everybody comprising the committees are buy trying to wak this event a pleasant affair YouU will miss a good time good peoplel good music and a great s i t l you dont attend Make up your mind to be present with your wife a and children your sweetheart i your uncles aunts and cousins and dont I forget to bring your motherinlaw shell enjoy It as well as you Dont forget the date Dont for ¬ get that Mr C O Drayton Presi dent Illinois State Union A S of E L will be there to entertain you with one of the greatest speeches on Controlled Marketing and Profitc ablq Prices for all Farm Products you ever heardi Dont forget the day Dont for- get the day Dont forget the place Mud Creek Bridge Grove tour mile east of Hickman Ky Thursday Sept 20I Everybody invited Everybody welcome Mr C O Draytoa will speak I In the court House in Union City on Saturday Sept 22 Mr aad Mrs B F Lane and fame fly of Moscow moved to Union City last week They are now in the res ideate which was bought of DrTur ser located on Church street Mr Lane is senior member of the firm F of Lane Roberts of Moscow Ky c who have been engaged in the mer caatlle business there for thirty years continuously and successfully They are excellent citizens and we are proud to have them with us Union City Commercial j formsj would like to see you at the barbecue I II I 14 I t I t I I 11 I I THE A Sof E COLUMN 4 I I I I I I I M III I 1 + + t tit H + + SaUNDERid The Unions of Fulton County meet as follows Hickman 1st and 3rd Thursday nights Simmons 2nd and 4th Tuesday 3 pm Montgomery 2nd ard 4th Wednesday J p m Cayce tat and 3d Saturday J p m the nucleus at Hazel Dell meets 1st and Jd Wednesday at J p m Every one Is cordially invited to at ¬ these wettings Fort Worth Tex Sept 6The national convention of the Farmers union began a four days session at Texarkana Wednesday Three delegates are present Prof F Duck worth of Georgia is pre ¬ The most important matter be considered Is the minimum of cotton this seasonSt Stars Calhoun Ky Aug 28 ames H Saunders HIckman Ky Dear Sir 1 take great pleasure In extending the time of your commis ¬ as Organizer and hope you will push the work in your section I see your people have made choice of Mr C 0 Drayton as first choice uiid L A Robertson second chose for speaker of the day at your barbe ¬ ofe them and hope you will have a great time and If 1 can be of any service you I will gladly do so Kindly yours- S B Robertson Secy Ky State Union It will be remembered that Iwas first commissioned by the national union The commission reached me about the first of May Everyone knows what busy months May and are in this section As our Union was organized In July commissions expired July 1st Everything was new to our State of ¬ and it took a good while to j OUlhtL not to be recommissioned For reasons my state commission not reach me until about the 1st September An impression prevails that appli- cants ¬ must meet with some local un ¬ on and his application be passed upon by the members before he can be received This is a mistake the local organizer can take your mew ¬ ande you are a member at large You can afterward apply to the lo- cal ¬ union of your choice and be re- ceived ¬ without additional expense locale you receive the paper and co ¬ operate with all the thousands of fel ¬ low farmers True it is best for us to meet with I local union near us but it is not l necessary As you will see in this I issue of the Courier I am now ready to take your membership anywhere- or at any time or place- Indianapolis Ind Sept 6 Mr James H Saunders Hickaan Ky Dear Sir i We have your valued fa ¬ vor of recent date in reply to a cir ¬ letter sent you I have read the clippings you sent us with much I terelt and hope that your barbe becue and mass meeting may even I excel your fondest hopes These- s special Equity columns that you are conducting are bound to be the of an immense amount of goodI certainly would be glad to at ¬ tend this meeting but fear on ac ¬ count of other important duties Inci- dent to the coming annual meeting and other special matters demanding = Stop and got n good cold drink when pawing my plnco Nico lino of Confectioneries Nuts Fruity and I CiKiiw To ¬ bacco 1 Kite 1ricoft Right YOUD BETTER STOP 1 R E ROBERTS Near the college close attention at this time that it will be impossible I hope however that I shall be able to make some thing of a tour through Kentucky during the next few months I re- gret ¬ that any members of the A S of E suffered loss because of not be- ing ¬ able to properly store their wheat and I feel confident that af ¬ ter the dumpers are through dump ¬ ing and their wheat has passed into consumption that the price will ma ¬ terially advance We will gladly send you addition- al supplies and hope that you will call upon us whenever we can render you any assistance Fraternally yours M Wes Tubbs See Now friends after reading these extracts from letters and newspapers can you not see that the battle is onl Thousands of our fellow farmers are already In the field They need your aid They need your sympa ¬ thy The tobacco growers of Ken ¬ tucky and Virginia the wheat grow- ers ¬ of the northwest the cotton growers of Texas and Mississippi the fruit growers and potato raisers are already in the field Then why stand ye here idler Are you not convinced that this i is the best so ¬ ciety ever organized for farmers If not come to Mud Creek on the 20th inst and we hope to convince youWe are sending out this week a great many specimen copies ot Up toDate Farming We shall be glad to make a member of the A S of Eo of each person who receives one of these copies Just send me one dollar and your address and I will send you a badge membership card and you will get the paper Upto Date Farming one year But if you are not yet convinced that this is the best society ever organized for farmers send me fifty cents and and I will send you the paper one year and I feel confident that before the year Is out you will become a memberBut you are a member or not please turn to page 14 of the issue of September 1 of UptoDate Farming and carefully and truth ¬ fully fill the blank found there and mail it to Indianapolis Ind This will be of much benefit to all the farmers in the country and to the A S of E- Please do not forget this Good Camera for Sale I have a first class magazine cam ¬ era Cyclone No5 almost new carries one dozen plates which can be taken out and developed as you wish the simplest operated camera made has button or bulb exposure eight feet of tubing and bulb attach ¬ ed Will sell at a very reasonable price and Include chemicals and pa ¬ per Camera has a good lens and makes splendid pictures just the size for pictures you want to keep Costs less for supplies than a film camera of smaller size and is much more convenient A bargain If you want a camera TYLER BEALE Courier Office J F Roberts of Martin Tenn committed suicide at Cairo Ills some time last Friday night by take ing carbolic acid The body was found in the room where he lodged by the porter who tried to arouse him in response to the call that he left That the deed was premeditat ¬ ed was evident from the fact that he left three leftcra written upon station ary from a Charleston Mo hotel G R Brown and Miss Jennie Fawninmnn of near Wingo were united la marriage Sunday morning by Esq Futrell at Fulton Several other couples accompanied the bride and croomo Some Blunder Made by Ty- pographical Errors A Chicago writer described an ex Whose manners duiuie alone would adorn a drawing room but tM unthinking compositor made it read WhOM manners would al ¬ arm a drowning i man One of the worst instances of mis- print ¬ was where the heading n A Honeymoon Cut Short was printed in full face A Hungarian Cutthroat Perhaps no newspaper writer was ever more chagrined than the society editor who in describing a fashion ¬ able party SnUnded to say of the hostess She looked au fait but the unfeeling blacksmith made it read She looked all feet Eccentric Old Man Deadat Fulton Col Jim Browder aged 71 Is dead at Fulton after an illness of several months About two years ago Mr Browder was stricken with paralysis and he has been helpless most of the time since A short time ago he recovered sufficiently to walk about the yard but last week he was again stricken The tie ceased belonged to an old and honored family and had spent hts entire life in Fulton county1e had amassed a considerable fortune which was bequeathed ta his aged wife his son Robert Browder and a daughter Mrs John T Bard Mr Browder was a very eccentric man Five years ago he bought A lot in Palestine cemetery and erected a vault in which he and hla wife were to be laid when claimed by death In speaking of the vault which was very compactly built Mr Browder said it was fireproof burglar- proof and devll proof At the time the vault pas constructed the eccentric old man also selected and bought his coffin which has oeen kept in readiness to receive his remains The funeral was largely attended the immediate relatives of the deceased being very numerous Annual Stockholders Meet ¬ ing atChicago October 17 Public notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Illinois Central Railroad Company will be held at the Companys office In Chicago m- on Wednesday October 17 1906 at 12 oclock noon To permit personall attendance at said meeting there will be issued to each bolder of one or more shares of the capital stock of the I C Railroad Company as regis ¬ tered on the books of the company at the close of business on Monday September 24 1906 who I is of full age a ticket enabling him or her to travel free over the companys lines from the station on the Illinois Cen tral railroad nearest to his or her registered address to Chicago and return such ticket to be good for the journey to Chicago only during the four days immediately preceeding and the day of the meeting and for the return Journey from Chicago only on the day of the meeting and the four days immediately following when properly countersigned and stamped during business hours on or before Saturday October the 20 1906that is to say between 9am and 6 p mIn the office of the assistant secretary Mr W G Bruen in Chicago Such ticket may be obtained by any holder of stock registered as above on application in writing to the President of the company in Chicago tut each stock ¬ holder must individually apply for his or her ticket Each application must state the full name and address of the stockholder exactly as given in his or her certificate of stock to- gether ¬ with the number and date of such certificate No more than one person will be carried free in respect to any one holding of stock as registered on the books of the com- pany ¬ A G Ilackstaff Secretary Mrs A L Brevard President of the Leonldai Polk Chapter U D C of Union City wishes to state that the Chapter will serve cream every day during the fair at Union City September 26789 W 1 t tI 4 = l Naylor MerC I Department Store- S Dry Goods Clothing Shoes FurJ l i milling Goods Groceries Hardware 1 ImpH H I c 1 1 = JfAYCE KENTUCkt at I J A Wordci I- t To You M iJ ci at Our tock i is all under one roofIII ° r 4one management anti one force of clerks rt 4run all department at practically the cost ofk t tvi I pounce to the public that we are now fully i ir 1 S paredwith new and uptodate good in nilI ° t I partmenti fox the Fall TradcI a ¬ ¬ J Iust Recivcul 1 I1lrv i 1 I U Jnimi1I- flitiBa 1 siffiftiJN 1 i entirely l pfUtornji imd Ht > I gnrulB to t t Wi hnro cone Itll tt t Sterling 1 i i l t- at Brand of Clothing Bettor unext celled and we sell them cheaper titan regular 4clothing houses can afford to scll them Latest styles and Shapes iji 1lATS I t- at Full line of Y 1- II Guns Stoves Plows ° I 9 Farm Wagons Bar and t I Disc Harrows Sewing t Iron Beds p t fiTjust received a carload of Improved American 10t V SPECIAL CASK PRICK on sank for September tt l h 1 f We carry a heavy stock of GROCERIES I 1- I all kinds Notwithstanding the continued hdvni i I t in sugar market the next TWO WEE k > P- I we will sell 1 at 18 lbs best Granulated Sugar 100 4 Best Patent Sylph Flour cah 450 24 Ib sack Flour cash 55cF 4 1 Gallon Syrup at 0 pkg Arm c Hammer 4Arbuckle Coffee pkg 1GcI Everything in the iJrorerv hr4 propydouately low Ft kl SeptemlHrt t i I 1 i T 9 > i15 BALE TIES AT 95c CASH l I FREE I I 4 With each dollar I cash purchase 4we give one mill IIal tumbler Free After you spend 6 II cashyou get set 4 of tum 4 blers free I withyour II initial en gravedon S same i rt trust ftte new nml Ii old hll tt None > SHOE andCAlv Machines Itcp the for you for SodA2lh per

I¬ I alonechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052141/1906-09... · r I-ts rte w J 11S State Bunker Awociation Will Meet in Louisville The annual meeting of the KenI¬ tucky State

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Page 1: I¬ I alonechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052141/1906-09... · r I-ts rte w J 11S State Bunker Awociation Will Meet in Louisville The annual meeting of the KenI¬ tucky State





11SState Bunker AwociationWill Meet in Louisville

The annual meeting of the KenI¬

tucky State Bankers Association

hat been announced for Oct 10 an11 at the Galt House In Louisville

The association has 285 membersand a full attendance is expected

An effort is being made to have Sec

a retary of the Treasury Shaw attendi the meeting and address it Press ¬

dent Oscar Fenley has been in com

J rounication with Mr Shaw sincetlJUDeDo Catalogue House SpendI

Money in this Community-

Mall order buying builds up the

large cities at the expense of thehjsmaller cities and towns Every jRdollar used in this way by a reslIdent of this community takes a doltelar out of circulation at home andpputs it into circulation many mile

distantThedollar spent with your homeJ

grocer dry goods dealer bard

merchant druggist or other business

man upbuilds the community tinwhich you live These pay taxes to

support the town repair the ItreetsImaintain the schools and build and

sustain the churches Do the malll

order houses ever subscribe to thebuilding fund whenever a new church I

Is to be built or any public improveis to be made If you were activ-

In any good work for betterment ofthis community who would you goto for financial aid the local buss toness man or the sail order houses

in distant citiesf

Let us look at the situation broad ¬

ly Is it not shortsighted selfish¬

ness that prompts us to send ourmoney and trade to the mail orderhouses Enlightened selfinterest

w In which reciprocity is a saving element dictates that we all work toJgether for our common good andSl

the community at largeaBesides the local dealers cmkeep in stock mail order grades 1InIimost lines of goods if you must havethat grade of merchandise and cansell them to you at man ordertprices In some instances the lowerdprice quoted by the mail order

ofis the result of violated contracts I

and chicanery which have no placein an honest merchants businessIIiThursday Sept 20 is the

Date of the Big Barbecue i

Every arrangement has been madfor this important event EverytJbody is talking about the BarbecueEverybody is anticipating a goodtime land everybody comprising thecommittees are buy trying to wakthis event a pleasant affair YouUwill miss a good time good peoplelgood music and a great s i t l

you dont attend Make up yourmind to be present with your wife aand children your sweetheart i youruncles aunts and cousins and dont I

forget to bring your motherinlawshell enjoy It as well as you

Dont forget the date Dont for ¬

get that Mr C O Drayton President Illinois State Union A S ofE

L will be there to entertain youwith one of the greatest speeches on

Controlled Marketing and Profitcablq Prices for all Farm Productsyou everheardiDont forget the day Dont for-

get the day Dont forget the placeMud Creek Bridge Grove tour mileeast of Hickman Ky ThursdaySept 20IEverybody invited Everybodywelcome

Mr C O Draytoa will speak IIn

the court House in Union City onSaturday Sept 22

Mr aad Mrs B F Lane and famefly of Moscow moved to Union Citylast week They are now in the resideate which was bought of DrTurser located on Church street MrLane is senior member of the firm

F of Lane Roberts of Moscow Kyc who have been engaged in the mer

caatlle business there for thirtyyears continuously and successfullyThey are excellent citizens and weare proud to have them with us

Union City Commercial

jformsjwould like to see you at the barbecue


II I 14 I t I t I I 11 I I


4 I I I I I I I M III I 1 + + t tit H + +

SaUNDERidThe Unions of Fulton County meet

as follows Hickman 1st and 3rdThursday nights Simmons 2nd and4th Tuesday 3 pm Montgomery2nd ard 4th Wednesday J p mCayce tat and 3d Saturday J p m

the nucleus at Hazel Dell meets 1st

and Jd Wednesday at J p m

Every one Is cordially invited to at¬

these wettings

Fort Worth Tex Sept 6Thenational convention of the Farmers

union began a four days session atTexarkana Wednesday Three

delegates are present ProfF Duck worth of Georgia is pre ¬

The most important matterbe considered Is the minimum

of cotton this seasonStStars

Calhoun Ky Aug 28

ames H SaundersHIckman Ky

Dear Sir1 take great pleasure In

extending the time of your commis ¬

as Organizer and hope you will

push the work in your section I

see your people have made choice of

Mr C 0 Drayton as first choiceuiid L A Robertson second chosefor speaker of the day at your barbe ¬ofethem and hope you will have a greattime and If 1 can be of any service

you I will gladly do so

Kindly yours-

S B RobertsonSecy Ky State Union

It will be remembered that Iwasfirst commissioned by the nationalunion The commission reached me

about the first of May Everyoneknows what busy months May and

are in this section As ourUnion was organized In July

commissions expired July 1st

Everything was new to our State of ¬

and it took a good while to jOUlhtLnot to be recommissioned Forreasons my state commission

not reach me until about the 1stSeptemberAn impression prevails that appli-


must meet with some local un¬

on and his application be passedupon by the members before he canbe received This is a mistake thelocal organizer can take your mew ¬andeyou are a member at largeYou can afterward apply to the lo-


union of your choice and be re-


without additional expenselocaleyou receive the paper and co¬

operate with all the thousands of fel¬

low farmersTrue it is best for us to meet with I

local union near us but it is notlnecessary As you will see in thisI

issue of the Courier I am now readyto take your membership anywhere-

or at any time or place-

Indianapolis Ind Sept 6Mr James H Saunders

Hickaan KyDear Sir i We have your valued fa ¬

vor of recent date in reply to a cir¬

letter sent you I have readthe clippings you sent us with muchI

terelt and hope that your barbebecue and mass meeting may evenI

excel your fondest hopes These-s special Equity columns that you are

conducting are bound to be theof an immense amount of

goodIcertainly would be glad to at ¬

tend this meeting but fear on ac¬

count of other important duties Inci-

dent to the coming annual meetingand other special matters demanding


Stopand got n good cold drinkwhen pawing my plnco Nico

lino of Confectioneries NutsFruity andI CiKiiw To ¬

bacco 1Kite 1ricoft Right


R E ROBERTSNear the college

close attention at this time that it

will be impossible I hope however

that I shall be able to make some

thing of a tour through Kentucky

during the next few months I re-



that any members of the A Sof E suffered loss because of not be-



able to properly store theirwheat and I feel confident that af ¬

ter the dumpers are through dump ¬

ing and their wheat has passed into

consumption that the price will ma¬

terially advanceWe will gladly send you addition-

al supplies and hope that you will

call upon us whenever we can renderyou any assistance

Fraternally yoursM Wes Tubbs See

Now friends after reading these

extracts from letters and newspapers

can you not see that the battle is onlThousands of our fellow farmers arealready In the field They need

your aid They need your sympa ¬

thy The tobacco growers of Ken ¬

tucky and Virginia the wheat grow-



of the northwest the cotton

growers of Texas and Mississippi

the fruit growers and potato raisersare already in the field Then why

stand ye here idler Are you not

convinced that this iis the best so ¬

ciety ever organized for farmersIf not come to Mud Creek on the

20th inst and we hope to convince

youWeare sending out this week a

great many specimen copies ot Up

toDate Farming We shall be glad

to make a member of the A S of

Eo of each person who receives one

of these copies Just send me one

dollar and your address and I will

send you a badge membership cardand you will get the paper UptoDate Farming one year But if

you are not yet convinced that this

is the best society ever organized

for farmers send me fifty cents and

and I will send you the paper one

year and I feel confident that before

the year Is out you will become a

memberButyou are a member or

not please turn to page 14 of theissue of September 1 of UptoDateFarming and carefully and truth ¬

fully fill the blank found there andmail it to Indianapolis Ind Thiswill be of much benefit to all thefarmers in the country and to the A

S of E-

Please do not forget this

Good Camera for SaleI have a first class magazine cam ¬

era Cyclone No5 almost new

carries one dozen plates which canbe taken out and developed as youwish the simplest operated cameramade has button or bulb exposureeight feet of tubing and bulb attach ¬

ed Will sell at a very reasonableprice and Include chemicals and pa ¬

per Camera has a good lens andmakes splendid pictures just the sizefor pictures you want to keep Costsless for supplies than a film cameraof smaller size and is much moreconvenient A bargain If you wanta camera TYLER BEALE

Courier Office

J F Roberts of Martin Tenncommitted suicide at Cairo Illssome time last Friday night by takeing carbolic acid The body wasfound in the room where he lodgedby the porter who tried to arousehim in response to the call that heleft That the deed was premeditat ¬

ed was evident from the fact that heleft three leftcra written upon stationary from a Charleston Mo hotel

G R Brown and Miss JennieFawninmnn of near Wingo wereunited la marriage Sunday morningby Esq Futrell at Fulton Severalother couples accompanied the brideand croomo

Some Blunder Made by Ty-

pographical Errors

A Chicago writer described an ex

Whose mannersduiuie alonewould adorn a drawing room but

tM unthinking compositor made it

read WhOM manners would al ¬

arm a drowningi man

One of the worst instances of mis-



was where the heading n A

Honeymoon Cut Short was printed

in full face A Hungarian CutthroatPerhaps no newspaper writer was

ever more chagrined than the society

editor who in describing a fashion ¬

able party SnUnded to say of the

hostess She looked au fait but

the unfeeling blacksmith made it

read She looked all feet

Eccentric Old Man DeadatFulton

Col Jim Browder aged 71 Is

dead at Fulton after an illness of

several months About two yearsago Mr Browder was stricken with

paralysis and he has been helpless

most of the time since A shorttime ago he recovered sufficiently towalk about the yard but last weekhe was again stricken The tieceased belonged to an old andhonored family and had spent htsentire life in Fulton county1ehad amassed a considerable fortunewhich was bequeathed ta his agedwife his son Robert Browder anda daughter Mrs John T Bard

Mr Browder was a very eccentricman Five years ago he bought A

lot in Palestine cemetery and erecteda vault in which he and hla wife wereto be laid when claimed by deathIn speaking of the vault which wasvery compactly built Mr Browdersaid it was fireproof burglar-proof and devll proof At thetime the vault pas constructed theeccentric old man also selected andbought his coffin which has oeenkept in readiness to receive hisremains The funeral was largelyattended the immediate relatives ofthe deceased being very numerous

Annual Stockholders Meet ¬

ing atChicago October 17Public notice Is hereby given that

the regular annual meeting of thestockholders of the Illinois CentralRailroad Company will be held atthe Companys office In Chicago m-

on Wednesday October 17 1906

at 12 oclock noon

To permit personall attendance atsaid meeting there will be issuedto each bolder of one or moreshares of the capital stock of theI C Railroad Company as regis ¬

tered on the books of the companyat the close of business on MondaySeptember 24 1906 who Iis of fullage a ticket enabling him or her totravel free over the companys linesfrom the station on the Illinois Central railroad nearest to his or herregistered address to Chicago andreturn such ticket to be good for thejourney to Chicago only during thefour days immediately preceedingand the day of the meeting and forthe return Journey from Chicagoonly on the day of the meeting andthe four days immediately followingwhen properly countersigned andstamped during business hours on orbefore Saturday October the 201906that is to say between 9amand 6 p mIn the office of theassistant secretary Mr W GBruen in Chicago Such ticket maybe obtained by any holder of stockregistered as above on applicationin writing to the President of thecompany in Chicago tut each stock ¬

holder must individually apply forhis or her ticket Each applicationmust state the full name and addressof the stockholder exactly as givenin his or her certificate of stock to-


with the number and date ofsuch certificate No more than oneperson will be carried free in respectto any one holding of stock asregistered on the books of the com-pany


A G IlackstaffSecretary

Mrs A L Brevard President ofthe Leonldai Polk Chapter U DC of Union City wishes to statethat the Chapter will serve creamevery day during the fair at UnionCity September 26789

W 1 t tI 4=

lNaylor MerCIDepartment Store-


Dry Goods Clothing Shoes FurJli milling Goods Groceries Hardware 1ImpHH I c



A WordciI-

t To You MiJ ci

at Our tock iis all under one roofIII °r

4one management anti one force of clerks rt4run all department at practically the cost ofk

ttviI pounce to the public that we are now fully iir 1

S paredwith new and uptodate good in nilI ° t

I partmenti fox the Fall TradcI



Iust Recivcul 1


1I U Jnimi1I-


siffiftiJN 1 ientirelylpfUtornji imd Ht > I

gnrulB to t tWi hnro cone Itll ttt

Sterling1 i il t-

at Brand of Clothing Bettorunextcelled and we sell them cheaper titan regular4clothing houses can afford to scll them

Latest styles andShapes iji



at Full line of Y 1-

II Guns Stoves Plows°I

9 Farm Wagons Bar and t

I Disc Harrows Sewingt Iron Beds p

t fiTjust received a carload of Improved American 10tV SPECIAL CASK PRICK on sank for September ttl

h 1

f We carry a heavy stock of GROCERIES I 1-

I all kinds Notwithstanding the continued hdvni i I

t in sugar market the next TWO WEE k > P-

I we will sell 1

at 18 lbs best Granulated Sugar 1004 Best Patent Sylph Flour cah 450

24 Ib sack Flour cash 55cF4 1 Gallon Syrupat 0 pkg Arm c Hammer

4Arbuckle Coffee pkg 1GcIEverything in the iJrorerv hr4 propydouately low Ft klSeptemlHrtt


i T 9 >i15 BALE TIES AT 95c CASH lI


4 With each dollarI cash purchase4we give one mill

IIal tumbler Free

After youspend 6

II cashyouget set

4 of tum4 blers free

I withyourII initial en

gravedonS same



trust ftte

new nmlIiold hlltt





Machines Itcp

the foryou

