THE SUN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14 IDOL II j I I- I Th oolwwd mMne bad bin Met him It WM pitiful to look at him M 1 limbed out of tb uKtiifs and a- l r Secret Herrlca Af nt Iraland bobt through crowd bU flx d atw of him on the houM At noU r oMrtaf o a at the aamn peed with Harry lUmll who had gone MoWllllam Mr- McKlnleya oou In T latUw had bo with Ux Pr ldi nt wtf almost ooruuntl- loo bar arrival and when U w aa run Uu- Ox Uat hour had com h waa mt In order that tli might b with tha Pr during the ordsal- Rcnator Fairbanks and frlandi of tb family began to arrlv SonreUrr Root who had left tb houM aft r A ooloo for dinner arrlreil at 30 All the memo Ura of the Cabinet now In the city war tb In the hoiiM It was learned wWol began at JS oclock had been oooaaloneci by the the Prrldent Into uncon doctora aw then that aUmulanta were lo ln effecUveneai and that the end waa a matter of tttna All the with the Pea dent At 740 oclock the Preeldont again be- came coneclmii He caked faintly M Mr McKlnloy Thl new was broughl out by Mr Hamlln few minute later Apparently the porlod of ooneolou did noi Ut long At oclock word c me from the that tb 1reeldnt wan again unconadoua It wa Mid that Mr McKinley had teen him and that he had recogolwd her N- one CM outride of the doctor nur t- wa In room at the time It wan after elng hi wife that Prtsaldont liecamo uuconiicloua again ThU- wa about 780 oclock A few minute before Mr II Hrrmnnun IUnr drove up with Aimer McKinley Five mlnute- alatr another carriage waa heard the horse coming up the avenue on the gallop Dr MoDumey In It Un went through the crowd without looking to the right or lift BCBXIt 1BOUT THK IIOC The incitement had become o then that extra precaution by the pollen and eoldlere gtiarda were doubled fwmtriee won at the r pre at nil jKilnta Thn wire nerd for official m agi t wa Run put under guard A entry wa tatlonei at the door of tent with a flted bayonet to keep any new paper men from RcttlnK In or try ln to uw tho wlrn Them were over one ttndre newnpaper men In the trt ot then ht WM unuitiltlly dark this ientrfm had to u n th gret t rlgtlance to peopln from getting up to thn The flrnt floor of the Mlltnim WM- thrti Illuminated and the people could be een In the rixniiM ami on IWto- kfifthn to h northeast the WM Illuminated by thn reflection of the llghte Vow and then could be beard round of firework awl the eearch light playing over the city the Ex- position tower ca t llMbeam AU orm cr nor Some of thoee who had In the bouae when tim exHtement be on came out early in tho livening eald there waa no hope and that nd wu cotiridered very nr At li oclock Mr Rcatcherd of the Ex- pnniuim left the houee and walked slowly down to the newnpapnr men Ia there any he waa aakad while the crowd on 1 ahould say not warn the Mr Hcratcheni aaked for Mr J L Quaokan- liuah a prominent lawyer of Buffalo and togetlwn they bAck to the house At 830 C Hayea manterdeneral Wllnon 8 Iliuell MoOraw entered Uie grounds There wem little group then on the plazxa and erery one tAlkecl In the lowest tonea Carlton Sprague came out about thta time and walked amund the corner to where he llvn- I am going home he eaU Tlury are waiting for the end Hymoodn who had gone In with Becretary lloot came out Jut behind Mr Hprngue He nald he was going home The nirmlem of the family It learned bad IrAn taken up Into the room wbe e the Prwldent wa lie wa unonn cioua then Knrh one wa only allowed to etay a minute flov Yat e of Illtnol arrived at 9 oclock- HI mid that all plan for llllnoia day at tho Ei position had ten postponed Tlm ROY T II VU on of the Metho- dUt Eptecopal Church of Tonawanda who wan mlnlftter of the church In Canton that tlm President attended came out at oclock liaving pent A thort time there lli A the President might Ue till mid- night llu Itad unoonwjou he aald for n hort time after the oxygen flrttt u ed Half an hour later Mr Hamlla oam toward the newijiapnr men Gentlemen he mid In a solemn roloe- whlcli broke Mr Iortelyou wlahre me to announce to you that the President U lying I In I too occupied to make that ofllcial announcement hlmwilf At 930 oclock AttomoyOoneral Knox arrivoil Senator Dopnw followed him carriage Honator Depew oaroe bout at 91 oclock and said with fooling 1 fear It U all over He la atlll ally but the oxygen no longer eem to hew any effect The end 1 very near but the klan tell m that there U a chance that he may live for hour Secnnar Hoot came out at M He M ld 1m wa on hi way to Mr Sawyer liouhw where he would pend the night IVTJSrV4l TOXKMIA- iplanatlDn of fiat tletelopment In the Iretlilmlt fain lICTPiui S Y Spt U Concerning the development of Intentlnal toxnmla In Um PrrcMent cen explanation i made Toxatmla mean the presence of a toxin or In tlm yt m lnte tlnal tox- amla means that tlie toxin l in evldemx- ftomewhem within On alimentary canal between the egtnning rf Uie duodenum at the pylorlo ortflm of the itomach aol the phlnder aid Tlil wrtlon of tlm alimentary tract U twentrflve feet In length ami comprise the and large intevtlre Tlie former IK feet in length and the Utter fIve fwt- Toilo products develojinl la the IM cniLiI of ne vt lty arliw from lmpcrfe tly dlcc tixl food Tlie i oUon ou mlMtanc which tlpu ilevrlop am- lenreil ptomaines If tint B rpt out of tract thry lncte with aUrmlng rapid and utile cliecketl entire tm uccuinlH to the eReota of the Uon Th art rnuocle relate end become atonic and a fatal tirmltiation U Ineviubly l Tlii MloraUng uf Uie y tem liy l n leelopx In thta manner U ooUe- daiitoiitox Kitlan IitvetlnAl toxjemla U inure hknly to derrlop In noJl tote tine proliaiiiy In duoJ nuro jejunum Ileum rwvum or In tome of the a r M dlnf traiavere or dcMvnding colon TMI falUng heart U aggravau 4 by the mmUKiiia uf III aumuuta ttaj ivmaifihg r for i 11 II up f for for 1 dnt of War I e tOt lap I onT doN nd th a itt ant th I I hOI hou Ih sky Far ret over tlho ToT hop won wet ExPo amply I Id taft I I I I I- nner ph I mal Int tit I I I t t 0 T c c the clock Mn p wife JIZCAWZ the their to boua the Mrs was and kip bon been t Ida o Rub was First been clock this poison muM the the est the the iK tea I > < > ¬ > ¬ > < > < of the atlmentary trao fa- It WM aeJd that an Irritation at rectal opening developed aa a rwul of admlnlatratlon of nourUhmont per reo two by mean of a rectal oonaoquenoe the the 1 which oontrola the termination of the large Inteetlne became relaxed and refused perform lu function The Ikiuld nourish i could not therefore be retained beam abaolutely neowwary to ad mlnUter food by the mouth TIde Ule- nvnt wa vouched for i Conceding that Wpalr of th Urr I ach had reached a point where that organ cVsuld resume In normal ami per- form lu funoUon In a natltfactory manner thin In the opinion of the attending pity atdan according to a statement which I U vouched forlt male no difference whethe I the foot given In the natural way exwUwx of liquid or eolld It I further awertet that the Ktomach did perform lu function i but that the lntetlne failed to Uithedemand them by the parti digested after It ha l paued from thi- tomacli through the pylorun and Into the duodenum When It U remembered that the Important part of take the and not In tb lu- WM belleveil thU I an conIderatlon nutrttlou element of the food are absorbed from the lute i tins wall and a failure on the part of walU to perform their function threaten- ttarvatlon In the preeent Irmtanoe relaxation of not only the iphtncter anl reeutte but relaxa- tion and stony of the entire Inteatlnal tract followed A a conequenoe the par- tially digested food imply formal an Inert toes In the Intretlnm which were utalilc either to convert It Into stimulating sod notirithlng product or to expel It It re- mained there for a time neither more nor lem than a hotbed for the production of toxlo agent Hence the and vigorous employment of cathartic depriving effect tho physician endeavored to coun- teract by the u of powerful cardiac and respiratory stimulants HAD ONLY A IItlllK OF TOAST WM Ohm to the PrMldent to Relieve tile Coating en Tongue nrrrAM N V Sept IS A aurgeon at tending the Irenldnnt WM told thin morning many pnrnon were already criticiz- ing the purgeon fur having permitted the Prmldcnt to eat toant l enaun there a gnnnral belief among laymen at any rain that tout was a ubtanco that would be gritty and tend to Irrltatw weakened tomach 1 knew we would be critldted ant bit terly whenever a change for the worse appeared In the PreMdnnta condition no matter what we did ho People cannot be oltogeUier reawmahln at uch a soil In such matter an this and we ar ourulve to expect them to IKJ Hut about The physician hnU out hU Indot flnger antI the one next to It and crowed them nail of the Index finger that U a large a piece of the Pre ldunt hail and very thinner by half titan are my fingers merely nibbled at tho Ho had hardly a mouthful of It mouthful not a bite altogether H waa him much an food but seemed to be no better way of removing the heavy coating on tongue and the Inside of hi mouth The mating waa very dlagreeable to him and WM endangering his comfort The surgeon added that of all the troubles of the surgeons of tho Ut twentyfour hour none wa more diMreejliig to them than way the Preeidnnta heart acted Some have Mild that the Preeldent had a tobacco heart This deecripUon- IIM not satisfied the physicians They dl I undnretand the cauee which Intiuencwd action of the heart and It wm impiMf Iblo to treat conditions which had symptom that they could not understand SEXATOR MVVM5 rAT TRIP te HafTalo From Cleveland In lliMin And ltleven Minute Mrmio N YS pt IS Senator Henna left Cleveland on a Ktwlal train at SJ4 oclock title morning J Fjwtern time with a party of the Preeldent relative and fritmU and reached HufTulo In three hours and eleven minutes The echedulo time for tho crank train over the Lake- Shore roati between Clovoland and Iluffalo 183 mUM U four hour and thirty minutes Senator train was madn ready in from the time the new of Uio Presidents reUp e reached Cleveland Tho flrnt word ircelviil In Cleveland CAJIIO to Col Myron T Herrick from Secretary CorteJyou who called Col Herrick on the long distance telephone at about 4 JO oclock Cleveland Prenldenta Secretary wild that he had been trying to reach Senator Hanna end could not Uiat the President condition had nuddnnly the wonie and the phr lclJi It beet that the frIend and relativee of the itricken man rhould come to Buffalo at once With Col Herrick was Webb C The two made every effort to tor llannaa by telephone but were no more Cortel you had linen Then they called a neighbor- of the Senator named IVrkln They succeeding In musing Mr IVrkln who ent a mewtago over to Mr Hanna home Senator Falibanka of Indiana and Juntlni Day were tho giio U of Knnator during the 1 A H ncampmcnt at land They heard Iml nnwii almnut- iu noon iw it reached their h wt and were Invited to go to Iluffixln with tutu Mr A J and Helen McKin- ley the Pnwiilrntit nUtor were notlnnl by meowngore fr m Senator Hanna that thy mo l go to I iko 9iurn- Ftatlon at oncn prrpantl to tart for Iluffalo Meantime t4 l Hirrick hml N n l a y with the rallrnud ptxiplx and at n 2 o lxk- thrto wan ono of the blggtxt in5ilitNt of road Miitlng In Um Htntion with 1 I llnr tick K rial car car of Supt Smith of the IrtkoShoro and two ordinary coachuH for lIUi t attachfd to It Tutu following Ir rj the train Fettator henna Col Herrick Honator Fairbankn Mr Duncan her ton William Dunonn Juxtkv McKluley Webb C Hay SUIt Smith antI one or two newi Ni er who left Huffalrt when henna i in the boltef that thw Prenldent practically out of danger Th ortler were to give the train a clear track No one on hail ever moved over railroad tracka at the ee i which wa at- tained toon after the train got out of acre Und A great many tlmn the Indicator- In the piiVAUt car allowed that the wheel whltling around at rale of eighty milo en bout Ily Uo train had Erie the effort of all the member of the party to nr urac one another had brought about a dk tutct Improroment la the rf them all lie very alieecce of o plO I tub tat In- I to ret the th1ty I food I m- et IntO torah i I I the Imf tot JUt 1 low the the tOt tout hal cnn I the lot lure Ice char lay hOI Inn Dunn Iou tIt all I lana the fUn t u4th teaei 1 moh the respond made upon Eli the irIy whose Ills was aid the was Iii bout his lee the Miss the tin lie men iII Senator was wore tit Urn reached 5w ty ti eiess almc- utw ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ > > ¬ ntr Urn tntn Uok d ha done cpoed WM encouraging In Itaal There WM a stop for order at Erie telegram WM brought In to Mr liar It bore but the two wordr Very All the pitiful cheerfulneei which been forced and nouriahed on the vanished It was M though the train entered a tunnel The Senator paaeed telegram from hand to hand No said anything Senator to a chair In Boott car and with hU eyea Sized on the horizon Whil the train wa approaching Dunkirk thee near him sew hi face light with a smile Look there he exclaimed pointing out over the field tliereU a rainbow It WM poor ootnfort enough but watched It until It faded and seemed t lone right of It with real regret The ran Into the station hero t Buffalo The paMmngeni were onort put In corriago and aunt to the Mil burn house Senator Hanna stayed In the for puma time When he came out It wa apparent that he WM controlling feel- Ing with difficulty I hope for the best he wild KvwiT7 v cnotrn KXCITED Man l the ironndf on neeerpt lad Newt of the PmUJnn- tncrf sept IS The PanAmerica- Fxp iltlon practically ruraly edall nftrrnixii by the news of tlm critical con dlMoti of the PrOKldent The word that hi- wn pinking Into hits afternoon seemed pn i d among the crowd M though had been pUnirdod on the great tower Many pooplo left the at ono eaylng that they were to pack u nod go to their at once for thU wit no pUco for seekers Others crowded to the DejOrtroent of PublIcity Inilldlng In tho Midway where Ilowlei wa l nleg d In hU offlon hyutcrical crowd At 7 ochxk at night a story that had started In town on attest to the effect that the President at 8JU oclocl- rr aeh l the The pnopln InitUteil tht the truth kept from them and the Midway WM blocked and Jamme- do that many lUoe were endangered Many of thn conowlonalre near the pub- licity department closed their doors Announcomenta were made to the crowd every few minute the windows of the building and there were few people In lilo tlm e who were not seeking In OlD way and another to get now of the ProMdent ARRIVAL Or OTAIIIR MEX Empire Ntate Express hurried a little on Account of Secretary ItrrrAUi Sept 13 Of the mem hers fKivernment onVlala wxl friend vummonMii sought by telegraph anti telephme thn kltuatlnn l ncanje dee perate Senator henna wa tint found anti Y1c Prealdent to Im reached Vlcn I re lil nt left Iluffalo no confident of the recovery of the lYeoldent that he thought It safe to- go to a cluMiimurt In thn Alimnilackn eighteen miles from C4immumcatlon by wire Tonight Swretary hoot received n telegram from him saying that he would leave North Creek on a xclal train be twnnn V and 10 oclock tonight This will not tiring him to Huffalo until early morning While Senator Hanna WM making hi record breaking trip from Cleveland bring- ing with him Senator FaIrbanks ami Judge Day Senator Tuiuncoy M Dopew hU way to Iluffalo from the East H tool tart i without any apprehensions for the recovery of the President but for the double purpoen of attending the Pre l- dmit and to deliver an oration at Uie Expo- sition tomorrow whloh to 1m Ilallroad Day Vh m Sinator Depnw found the Prnclilent dying hn suggested to the Expo- sition ofllcUU the neceenlty of postponing Itallniad Day which was done at onoo The date wa changed to Sept JS Sena- tor Depew entertained some until D oclock Titan on leaving he raid lt U all over only a question of a little Umo- Th Ertplre State Fipreeei drew into Diifldo five mlnutifi ahead of time for tho railway onicUU and the men In charge of knew tljat It was carrying rwciitAry of V r flout to the President death l ed Secretary Hoot liad left IluffaloI- ndUpOMxl and hastened to Now York where hU U Ill of typhoid fever Hut bo did not hesitate anti when the train reached Iluffalo at 44S oclock hU eagerness to get to the Mllburn and receive the now showed the Secretary In an xclubln manner new to him Carlton Kpragun waiting for him with an the Secretary wa nuhed to the hou n Oov Yatee of IlllnoU who waa In the city attending the Kxporitlon and II Harrion joined the throng of notable persons tonight waiting the end At 10 oclock thorv were still four mem- ber of the Administration who had not yet rearhdl bore Secretaries I ing Hay and lage tout lost manterOenera Smith- Vlfe1reMtliint Iloo evelt I duo to arrive hero In the morning soul It U a curious comment on state of atTain to which anarchism ha brought title tree America that the exact time he will arrive here concealed oa a precaution against aiwandn Mr lioowivelt It was known would In all human probability IM the President of the United State ho arrived here and It wa not proposed to taint any chances of another Anarclilut mad dog breaking loose to complete Use work of Czolguax niter Heerilin the rapture and Illiarmlni or the UPTTAIO N Y Sept John- P beer of the ArUUery Corp IIM hi report concerning the conduct of hU men at the shooting of the President to tho AdJUtnntOenoral of the Inited Hiatna Army at Washington In hU report NVt er says Mr Itabcook of the IlecepUon Com mitten ctuiiM to me In the morning of Sept e anti asked for a detail of soon to assist In regulating Um advance of the at Um lr idont rcoepUon In Temple uf Munlo 1 direct Corporal Itert chey and ten men to ro ort to lr Babcock at the Temple of Music at a P M Oork ral U- MI old mldtnr of twenty years rervic who recently mine to mo a a r crult and recog nltln hU gi ml qualities I nutdn him a corporal very alter Hn relivtml Ui take charge He hal the good to give liU men ln trucu n to their eyes open arid to watch every moan approaching Presi- dent Wher fire the two shot Prlvata lit xik waa standing Immediately In rear of Mr John Mllburn who wa on the lilt of tlm PreeldeiiU Pulsate OHrien- WM luuneUiately oa Mr MUburaa left Private Feennlnugn WM directly opposite the President ant Private Keff waa oppotlt rival OlUien Corporml IWtebr A OM Jan wet I I Iran at I hou I to- t It Exposition hot Sup b Ian row thru h not all hop lion ali th I hon 114 11rIOIT f flIOTIU AIn pent Cat the aha th the u lows had journey had the the sat they 38 his sale ef was the almost gate Roosevelt was last hue was fit was son latest was auto- mobile Russell apt people Coon isis woe sense keep the aeceesimu vs > > < ¬ > ¬ < ¬ < ¬ ¬ > ¬ < > ¬ midway between Private OBrUa and th PrMldaat stood wore flred Private OBrien the flat man on the aaaab with Neff th next Corporal Bertachey Private Brooks rescued him at about same dine Private Brooks colliding Mr Mllburn In hU efforts to get at Private OBrien got the Maa ln dow Private Neff jumped on him before aoMatln WM held hU arm Private away the a ho warn falling Corporal Uertuchoy then Jumped on the aaeaarin kneeling on cheat and neck and said I claim this man M my prUoner Private HeUrr followed Corporal IlerUchey in fall- Ing on the prisoner and while he WM hU right lne at UM right aide of Uv prisoner head h w that the Prtldan- WM itlll itandlng up looking down on UK group of men on the prisoner The Proel dent then walked with help of two gentlnrnen to a chair stud M down j Own the Secret Service men arrived end onei of them grahtied Corporal Hertechej I around the hotly and dragged him back off the lenanaln nod tttnn swept away rest of my men two of them thn rexolver from Privet IxuiVinl off hut retained ponneiwlon of lU Secret SenIco own then took prisoner sway end walked him to the centre or MusloTemple where one of them ralwd helpleiM prisoner chin with hi left hand anti struck him a blow In Uw face with hi right Tliey then romoved him to a Ui the building to the left of the At this time about four of the Secret Bervlno men were about Private trying to get the revolver away from him Corporal Ikirtechoy directing hint not It up Private Brook went to assIstance arid lYitnto Ollrinn handed revolver to orj rnl llertechey who It In pocket The Secret Service men still demanded the revolver of Corporal irtchey showing their badge but the corporal replied Ill give It to nobody but my commanding officer Then a man ram up who claimed to lie a surgeon anti imkil to the revolver In order to awvrtairi the calllT The n r poral took him aridn and offered It to him hut he refumd to It limply asking the corporal to oj o that he might e Iho Then I arriveil and the corporal turned the revolver over to me PrivHtn Helnnr of the detail hail colon over to the cnmp at double tints to report to mn thn attempted oMdUMlnatlun arid I- ran over to the i nn at double time di- recting the first erg vint to send a detall of a enrgeant und armed mun to follow me n arriving at the Temple of Must at about 4SO P M Sept fl I leamel that tlm prisoner wa still In the building and the Service moll asked that I hold outsldn whlln they got the prUoner Into a cariagn anti took him ofT I took my teen outnldn at oncn and pmitwl them along the lint held by the PanAmnr- Ican police and out to the eat on the Ea- planade The crowd started to Jump over the lines when the prisoner ap Nire l but my men In that vicinity drew their bay- onet at thU jKilnt they had only their oliln arm and Imld thn crowd Iwck The urme l tlrtall I liad s iit to tlm caRt on the planade to clear the way for the car Tlie detail up with Um oar Hag after It h its crowd na far a Triumphal Ilridge M it was constantly neoewary to keep the crowd from Mopping thn carriage In their at- tempt to forcibly tako the primmer S irgt- Ilothwnller himself having r two men ofT the tolling them he would have Ip shoot If they not go 1 kept the revolver In pocket until late In the evening then I put It Into u box anti Mailed It up Mid In condition I eronally turned It over to the Chief of Pollen of Buffalo at about It a m Sept 7 at Pollen Headquartem furnishing at the time proper Idcntlflcatlon themfur 1 tecommnnd that my delalU of min metitlone In general order for their conduct on occasion which wn all that conk l deHirei- lItiarmwl ditch nt President reception at Temple of Music PanAmerican Fx- Mwltlon Sept fl J oi- Virj ml Ix nilM Ilnrtch y Privates llerlMil llrook Arthur Cnwby Francis P OHrlen Ivey Fennliough I Witt Hancock William lliir l wl Jernl gnus Maxmiltlan U Kubatz Patrick Troy Seventythird Ar- tillery anti Prlvato Louis Neff Eighty fourth Company oaot Artillery Annml detail which clearwl the for the carriage carrying the amuln of the gruumU Scrgt nmrgn W nothweller Privates Benjamin DavU FraiicU C MoVaugh Kmmt O Smith Hiram W Stevenn and Wilbur H Wi tUkn Swventythlrd Com l any Kwt Artillery and Private I nl F Condon Fiftyfourth Comjuny Coast Ar- tillery irill AFFECT iA nAA FETES Ninpath for 1n lcKlnle and roun- trj Ma Kaililen luke Wrlcome- ytKHRO Scrt IS In the large American colony ijuartorxd In the Chateau Fnmtenao and fashionable hotels lucre awaiting- the frt In connection with the strived of thin Ihikn anti Diichef of Cornwall and York on Monday U the keeniwt ex- preimlon of sorrow for McKinley uf indignation at the aceaiMin crime arid of anxiety a to the future tonielm- Vanderbllt and daughter and other Ameri- cana now lucre had secured aiwuttnenta at high rates and with considerable dlmj milty for the period of thus royal visit Many of the vUltor will imme liately return Itoino unit tho e who rvmaln will take no part whatever In coming fewtivlllce A party of New England sports- men who arrived lucre to l y for St John will return home tomorrow iimtead of continuing on their Journey having Urge huslncM Intenktk at Make Canadian pympathy U very deep anti very enrneiit llie Jox enior will nut ii ik for publlcntion until he re- pelv l official Information of the 1real- ilenf death and IIM teligraphnl yni- pathy to the iMiM r authorities Sir l ntivr who it lucre expn1 the must prufoumt wimiw for hlniMlf ami fur the Canadian j a hall not U Untiil until ofllclal notiflca of the oil event ha been receive diMaiit country pnrUhea telegraphic Inqtilrice a to Mr McKlnlvy condItIon lowixl In all thn evening testifying to the deep sympathy anxiety among man uf Canada population Ever niiiCM thi attack the deepest anilely existed the CAnadian oRicla- lefjionslbn safety if this luke of ornwall anti York In tour through country U U now fully a1lml that titers will I a terrihle upon the nii n fete l r next ml a il rwiliije effect c hut produced U m th Duke when be l arn- ipon quebec of th AnarchIsts Ml la rtr 4 t lfc Hsltori 4 U et o4 mere tally uuailreatlr Mle4 pit dow O down- on the try rom to their I hut I Ill frt lIt them tit It 1 W all out i I ovr hull that ton the all I I I damper that not t crn a d the where Whea was Private and the with the esaesin the whIle re- volver hIs the get who The the the the give the his see caliber sit nag the wheels this respectfully this way tin other her Mrs Mrs this lAke has his Vilf rid hits c onis and has his the S Wu are sad Tel Pvgsie sue tue ese daily 4iumA4 aI > > ¬ ¬ < ¬ > < > ¬ > ¬ > > ¬ > < > ROOSEVELT HEARS THE NEWS HIM AT MOUNT MARCY Be at Ones on a SOMII MM- fte kt Take a Bpeelal Train t H Cannot Reaeti North rk Beere ft r fl oclock A M BUUTOOA Sept IS After searching th fonooon and greater part of title afternoon In th Adirondack woods in the vicinity of Tahawua for Vice Prerident Uooenvelt to hint o- theaeriou condition of President McKinley this searchers found him at 6 oclock a- Mount Moray Hu started Immedlatel for the Tahawua and It WM expected that ho would Creek at about 9 oclock Later news say ho cannot North Greek until SAM 740 oclock a special train consisting o an engine and one oar left Saratoga for North reek to hiring the VlcePre idmil out He will arrive In Buffalo torn time in forenoon On Wednesday morning the VlcPrt dent pKMwd through Saratoga on route tr the Adirondacks whet he Joined hi family- On that day Im said that ho expected to return today arid pmcexd to Oyster Bay After reaching the Club he changed hU plaza and concluded to remain ul until Monday nest In the mea itlm hunt WM pUumed and the party consisting of tie VicePresident several frinniU anti a number of gulden tninheil twelve mile Into the woods Me agi reielved at North Creek thl mnmlngforthelmmxlUtereturnofthe Vice Preaklent were telphone to lute Uilrtyflva inlln sway At that pOInt a MMirchlng party wo organlreil and an effort madn to locate the whereal oulK of the htinlT Knowing that the regular train out of North Creek would not rvach Surntogn until i oclock thin afternoon a ieclal atchcd from All any to run to the fonnfr station and return with lh- VlcwPrvsldenl ahead of the regular Tim train which made up of an englnu and tune parlor car Allmny at 0 lloYlucU and reached this village at 1010 oclock A halt wiu mode In the freight yard for water arxt It waamiouncvd that thi Vlce1realdenl would accompany the train but hn wn not a pAMenger Thn train madn the run to North Creek In A llttln Ic titan two hours the schoduln tlmn No Information concerning time wheienboute of Mr ItiH e volt had lcen recelvvti at tho when train reached there This still the condition of affaIr the regular ALfttNT S pt 13 Vlc Pnmldnt Mooae volt did riot receive word of th M rinu c m- dltlon of tlio rel lnnt until ho returntMl to camp at 0 oclock tonight Wont to that effect rvaolyd tho railroad ufllcUU tOiilght anti also that VlosPre si dent could ROt nvicli North Creek a HpioUl train awaits him until or 8 oc lock In thn morning In that event the Vlc- Prwlilont Albany ir Sclieiwc- tady on hi to Iluffalo at abe ul 7A M tOtnorniw Col Iloowivell wai at thn- Tatiawu Club In E i x county In heart of the Adirondack which li rNfhtil by n- thlrtyelghtmlln drive from North Creek the nearest railroad station on UmDoUwarn anti Hudson lUllroad North reek alwut sixty north of mid Ittt mouse horn Albany Ho arrival at the club terday- On n nKVial train leaving here fur North Ve k Hi 045 oclock thin morning Mllllniii 1oeb Jr the Vcpn ldenf the IMawaro anti HmlMin Mr Iwlh- iHinl of this sen u condition of h Piwl diM in I ocioJi mormnp an I HI omit made nn effort to Inform I ie clmf that would leave with a iilxciM train i bring him out of tilt wood Tho s vial Wit made up of the private c r of of an 1 Knglnn 3O fore leaving Mr lilMurniiliHl Secn- lury Cortelyou at Mrrang- inent nail to reach Vic President anti the Prrldenti Se retar ha l vn In communication with Col tonight rrnngenifiitn IIMVH l n Western onicinln for rxuntnunicatlon- lictwt n North leok ainl Huffalo nil night Tln Tnlmwu Club I tisclwil bv t lo from North Ink but i lti oe volt had rtaitetl on n hunting trip nnd was fIleeli twice away l for word f Pn dnntV iwriou club wore out ti tutu Vice Pre ld nt hut wer utisiiowful for n long tine finally striking troll anti locating him on top of Mount Marry Tho- Moi Prr lilenl tint rrt I ack to the club until V ocliMk tonight nml arrangement wore made for him to main tlo tidily eight mil drive o a to iv nnect with the iecUl train al North n k by fl or 7 oclock tnmorrow morning Tht would bring him Into Albany by S A M tomorrow OHKV FOR ROOSFVEIT- Ireworki rxhlhlt at the Pair WhiM li- Recallnl tile Niipentltlnut- Ilcrr l4 Sept 11 A Mrangn story wa told by ninny of the Buffalo p opln who Mootl waiting under tlm electric lights nt thin corner near tlie Mllbutn house It was rc Rlle l again anti again during tlie night by and another Abnjt six ago timers wa a at the Exposition ground among several fireworks corn Willie hie of the Urgest wn a lire nirtrnlt of Vlce1reHidenl ltiMv iell- Iliilir hi tmrlrnlt were the iiilne o distinct that feature wern- recognisable when thn first two word went out M though had snuffed lbs word President turned brighter anti brighter under the portrait until ManY of those who saw the thing oom muted on It at the tints if It lightly an an omen I hut VlcpPn ilnti- oo Im elected Prenldnnt of fnlted State In iwi hilt not a few were hfeiii to that they that It lid not luenn that any unlowanl thIng was r l fidl PrtMldent HiiHe the phylum of Czofgoc were Incident lieu lieen by iiipersllMoua Ion nnI who inly at witch tlmt a- htise anti who accuse themselves t that lid not give tho President oomn warning IT FOUND Non I the Cub I Cub h rah I I cull r I I oren hon loft Creek I th mull tit I milt > 1Itutnituui fir I 1 It In t oUII lIt t II hi II nil 101111 II Ion 1 Oui In red letter ItartiL t been la the lllIl thus 4Id Ii IIUN Ih MXSSZNGZIS RXAkIW mart all the the the the Taiiawu was was loft tgt Ion the cat train North at t P his tier where reach I ceo 8tsteter I this ii t t Ito its Ito loch o I hits v ohm I l I iu etuisitt inn react i hue ito < weeks Ito ieeirceiknt white anti liltue flue picture s4 bred son ivt < > > > < > > > < Alpines with nil tho dash and go of Tho nine witlo dIning brim the naiiio high crown tho MIne decided hit Koorns IKKT COMPAJTT- ru r ri 4 tr ni r r- VH ir- A O lIa r Io- puwau canes S aid C C ares at Sal e Pnaei v Sfl eel tir4es di 25- Sc < > BAttKKRS HELD NO KCK77M- Meanrt Already Taken Considered Ad quate J Edward Nlmmoni President of th Fourth National Dank who Ua meml of the Cle ringHou n Oommlti wilt lat night that thorn tat been no of Ute oommlttcn tip to that thrift and wouli- Im nor on It was not conslilorwl ncce ar to have a meeting All the rmmbora o the committee ho added were In thl with the exception of Frederick I Tappeii i Proddent of the ClnPnlln National Ilank I who In chairman of tins conunltUm Mr stated Unit ho had had no Isle graphic communication with Mr Tnppon and thcrefom iiI riot know whitlirr Intended to return today Hi rnndo thl further statement its to tie situation During Um pa t wwh the Clcarim House Committee ha ooiMldiT powllilu contingency and U prepared ti meet any emergency The financial In teriwu of the country are upon uch Bound haul that this dcnth of ono man not a wt them seriously Xo limiting of bank PrwJderit h li at the Hearing House yeMerdny anti was explained l y niernbflii of thu Clcnrini- HOUM Commltl that all the arrange merit to take care if tho situation nuuli last Sarurday r tn Un d In effcvt- i usury W Cannon noting chAlnnan the cntnmlllco In Mr ToppenV nlsence Anti President V A Ninth nf th Corn Kx- changit Hunk call d at the lletring lluuiu curly In tiny The forimr xpnwni thin nplnlnri that no special coriferitiCD bankers wn iieoe ary nl this moment J llerjionl Morgan at hi ofll greater mrt of thin day tumid nrivoni thorn who culled upon him early wen Mr Cannon anti President JnorKn F llnkei of this rite National hank rornmr S v- r liry of the Navy Tracy nlwi n caller nnd shortly leforo Mr Morgan lft hlindlni which wan after 4oVlo kIliarlM Snhwatt President of the tnitwl Slml Cor poratlon had a talk with him TIIKATRER HEAVY TO CMIST Manager Mill HIU tml a UK tint or lletpeel fur hue Preside I When President Uarfleld nsasMnatc the Ihcntnw clownl on the night of hlx dealt nnd on thus night following funeral 11i theatrical manager of Now decided yesterday ono and nil to that pMtvdonl In conn of Pr v lden- McKlnley Tho manager were In dnuht lust night whim th nliirmlrig condition of tho Irex dent lievaino known whether It onl worth witH to Just to wrd theIr auillnopH MIII n nln- No oim admltttil to the Lytviin- 11i Atr until a low inlnutr of oclock- Tlu nrrlvulx wcrn hIt III the lobby until IW minute If IMwM m lull ill l thn thrntivo wirn open thin audiences nmikl havn n dlntnl vi at toe of the managers calM the attention- of a SiV rexirt r y tnnUy to this fnlln- wliiljtitmct frin th rr irt f lird ii irgti II liftiit chairman f the hnn h M n if- tlm Tli Htr II val Iinirr lin t mpi ny- Unilirtl pr iii I tit UK annual inwt hilt f the NIIII IH in l ii IS- T fSSIft whk ri rc l i nun tho- Inwirnnoi jmlicv mi l r lets Mnjnty llf- nrowi f iiMoniiintii which thn ilir xti d iiH l It nd iiMM- In take l fnn tin nilnut wan IIK last ytxir und th teult I tint nl though tho th atni l d t when her M j ty ill d the Intilninrn- inonny praotlonlly tn l up tin which wn unlTorvd ninrtnuir i xinv ue l regret thnt It had Impomlhln for In thi niuntry In tote Mmllnr nncnutlonn- Rgnlnut thn InnvltaMn tlnanclnl n niilf hug rin HU I n luiti minI mlnuty a the cleat f IpwitKiit I mow f thnntrfd In New York hn Mill wherti closing frun aiirh a cauw will IIKSIII this will miami tho lois of llu a night flit in inl r if vnriiui to Im n talm l f counte stud their KiUrir gi on tho- Minn It would liar ae l American theatrIcal ruinnger from Herlou limn ninl eniUtrrnwrniMit If could Imvn- ilnnn a thn director of Dniry hAute Thiutru elM MEit4nrs or Indignation and Sorrow inre ed at his Attack on the IrnlilentW- AHIIINOTON S pt Tho following me wjRft of ooiuliliniM liar Nvn reo lred- it thn stni Vvirtmi nt- Fn m Atnliaioviliir Ihonte at London 1 have r cclv l from F r lgn fflr i title telegram front the Spciker of the Iommon- WMilth ot Aunlrnnv- I dedro t Iliin i fbi utmoRt IndlKna- llon at tho nttnck on Iri lilnt MoKluloy lint th cnnHtHt holes hi mav Iw to hl fa v t IM nntlo- nTilgnun frii tovornor of Vlctcrl- ali i o ii v to VlnoPrvnlihnt of Annrim following niewtngn nf Victoria government express their liornir HIM profound at nmrd liieiil and con- vey tlrlr heartfelt with him nnd- llm Itiltid Stntiwof America in their sorrow 1lmy eunicetlv list lleavin will ilrvnwxt to dcicAl thU rulltin runnier and lo a noble nml im t viiluabln life The y alw offer condolence with Iho Presidents devoted wife From the lovcrtior of Western Aus- tralia On behalf of my Minister and myself winh to nipresn l nt on life of Pnwldenl McKinley to Mrs McKlnlny- ilnnim nf all III V tiorn Au ralin antI earnnnl hope that Prmidmits- poovery may be anti complete From the Peruvian MlnUter at Wash ngtoii Dr IXm Joe4 1ccntn y Pnsldcnt of the National Dt fenco- UtaiuurompoMxl of ilmtlnguithil of ivy country sent mu tho I havo tie to cummunlcAte to your Kxo1 ency- Miniittr of eru Ta Kinpii n I C Wo you to to the Secretary Stat In tinmo of till of IJtnn idn of grief anti exe- ratlon with which they h anl of nbnmnibln attempt of which In i lenl McKinley VMI thin victim Wn- nakei arOent wishm for the n xly rnoov of tlm lllustriiiu iiatlcnt togFthiT tegariU for hi wife In her blitori- ftlictlon Fall Businessw- ill be active Telephone Servicew- ill help you to get your shire hi Manhattan rtm 5a Deeper vMtrMla M t lf- Rnr Ten Twain CtwAIT- UOr 4eMt III Ill We1 111 city hi nun every I It i I of Ill I I f I Stat 1 open lit I lit IhII re J 11 11 t I t II just till nUI1 rill I till of UJMlItat of liT r I I theIr I dIIU1I1 lImn1 cln I nor 0111 tl most lug honor I of 1 thin I t lat Nth I I I W114 se at meeting lie sill was woo tim was germ was hula York follow lit Is was it flirt t lie c hue omit w I ion t lit me t lust flu been Ito itsi have lit the house list Itu nt tent t mrn P lie 5y lute bibs bug oUt tim with < > < > < > > < > > < > > << > < < > < < > ¬ > > < < > > = GLOOM IN WASHINGTON CITY UKE LINCOLN XTKINLKI IIAH THE rEOriES AFFECT 10- No Man In Public lift HM neen More ular Than President MoKlnle in tIe National Capital Crowd Areomi the Iliillrtln hoard A of Sadness at the Whit hotter WAOIINOTON Sept 13 To tell bow news nf the Irmldcnt approaching death I WM recelvwl In thin National spited would- lie to repent the divpiitchra that will nome over thus tvlcgraph tonight from other American Hut while Wathlngton dt l nut demorMtrato its sorrow In a manner tiff fnrmit from every big town throughout th J country thn ipln will fuel thus dnlH an III the nature of a pnrsobai- nnilctlon Va hlngton anti anton stard apart from tlulr i tor cilliii In thl re p No man In publln life here through this fortUliM if KilltU has ever heea IFHlii popular than Pn lilont McKinley j Uk Irani hn whet known to tho cltlr r of thus capital ax one of them HU were deiiHMralio pa il among unotfiitatiously and was alwaytt ready j return snhitwt front thiwo hn mulct ni- hlr mt or to stop OIK xliako hniil any tr who d pi- ligi lli ie ln iUii i U ii ln t down liy n Narin li I ad thought of Itarm Uke UiHolu he the TitKm of Wii hlngtinMii t- dugri iH f MHiitty In W IIKII jm- ilarly hi ilnvoiiin t i Mrs MeKlnl v- iHtxl flit kt m t ndintraUiiii anything IM n i d to makH cl ar great low nl i t m in whUih- ofcl In tho iitv of niinl i hlM- nmy Im foiiiHl in vldetit fact iiv u Uio birgo Siutticrn Mikithni Ington mall f M a ricudT- tHTi were aroitnl ill v paper Imlletln IKHMU In W hiti ni night that are to Im fouii I on IK WSI r- iiKiimntiuo ilit IniireH MJI I th i gatheniiK ili n v t- liilt itn ihai a grout nainiflt itom- ixmnl to the ipj uf its laimii n- imiiilnont uni H it wn Ui uiiii iii irtiii tf tl o ii a cni H v lotion night pn le i re hour ii ii- Kroat nit Th thrw prwi l dai- nnw ir oflhv r on le iiyvnii i- nviiiui th wne l tlHin iiHtifar i in low MaimM of MIV corignixanl in thi iiiil interfered tMflc ir ir f from onn Mdn of this broad n to other njnl Into opnn fpw t ynil W th rniw hut titer vas no lnp mim h xiipln ll x rn l ami netit hnin1- wnnl eiliiiilv and Midly III mo i Ilf- Al tlM White Ilou OIl newil n I nvt- U n ti4 l tlmt hmio cMiiinry- liiiM lltin llire wn ab ut l n- fitling lint ift alU amount uhf watcrwH- mt ld n lik cliamlmr when the l ni i of this imttint I approaching fver body ttMivoil about on tlptmi nml spokn- In siiUlued toms In the corridor outliUi- thn eiecutivn a crowd uf minor Mlblle onMiaU aripy officers and new j l er nun waltmi fur wor from the room at Hufinli Miinlpomery of the Army Signet Corps who charge of this White Hou i telegraph departmwt taut M inired a site Iiwt nlRhl leading diiect to this Mllburn- riou anti had hold It all day Twenty yearn ago Cnpt Montgomery manned thn- Whlto of tIme wIre that had It other In the cottage At KINron where darfleld dlnl All thin Whit House on Col Crook the dt hurlt ofllcer WKI hvl l en Lincolns orderly Major Pniden who wa assUtant secretary- to larnVld Warren Young who thn annoiinotnciit at FJberon thli- arlliM wa dead Tliomn IVrille a ve- teran usher who opnnod llm iljor of its Whlto llousn for iJncoln n he uued- hU ilnalh and who sung little Taut IJnooln to sli ep in that terrible fioo Friday night Arthur Simmon a vwnernbln coloiwl nUll who hnl U en messongir anti doorkecr t jn ln and Clinrl Ixwrtlnr p i in- doorkiiper for many Pr Jdontn owmt lu elnvntlon to a captAlncy in Ui regular army to Mr McKlnloy- WANHINIIHIN Sept 13 Tlm lIt new of tl change for this worse Pr f idcnln iximlltiun was talnrd in a telegram from Mr r rtelT Prt hent secmtary to foi F Montgomery of this Army Sijtiuil i or who charge of tlm Whlto HIIIW graph lipartnient Mr Cortelymis iatcli wa a follows Hnrriij sr A M Thin President crltlcnlly ill Voliiv the Cahlnel condition hn pr i during tlm night nnd he U jrien weak Will keep you mi vised- Tli tntt gn til iihiii l from th- Whiln house to Col MmitRotniTv who i nt hi honm ItiirriiHl to th W- Hoiisn Mm eeiit toVgrum to i it town CnSltiit ofll r s Ia- rnl Socr tary iagc f- wem luitifletl iy l t from Col Montgomery I A n Klfci who lift for lu t eveti- Ing Kn n lietrMf this morning CharU J Dawee Comilroller of urmicy and tune of the Pr ldmits clo- cr iiial friends wai notiliisl l I1 ti time White before iliyllsli- li l mutter tvndlng Mr Cortelymi nu s a vtunmil to hi residence to prepare f i Hp to Iluffalo hi stHximi thin innt wi shot Ho loft fur Jlufnl on tU- ii t train M I i M Col tintgoin ry nc iel- hn follow Ing ienionnl from Mi orlilyiu- Ihe rrv ident bios rnlllc coins aid i estlnc iMlnforiabl Tf tf- ad us follow HrrrAtxi 7 H A M Hulltin will aUmt oclock- hi tnonilng Thn lrv id nt shows Mint since List Uilmiin- ntxiniiK II ConTrivnf s crctary- Secmutry lag naclw tlm Vhito llou- ibuut 8 Nsrliry Ibiy arriveil after oVIook llach ij nt e m In thin room III i irn p n- IIIMV over the wir with tin MilUirti hUw- II Iliiffali They aid t wotikl reinain unit1 numiixined to President jedsldn- Po tniaf ter R inernl Smith returned hl morning from llnfftlo Imvinj lef luttorcilv Imrnusnfif tlmtheii favoraM- onditlon this PnfcKliiit dtviiM 10 for Buffalo again tonlahl M- imllh wa ileeiilr affi ot il tll r ir glng rutture of bulleiins from time sick Kiln rontraMIng BM do with tie avoraliln comlltlon prevalent l forn he- ft liuffalu Hn to all nllcr Henry II F MacFarUnd President f- Im Ikuinl of Commissioner o the Di tn t if ColuiubU wa an early rnlkr Nt the Vhlln lliuw He n iiuiliie l In tin i n m a lona titus Senator M tuna of couched Wlle alter I cl k A ti l iMNM ni In regard Ui tlm Preotilents con Itli h l d wnt to liim fmm Km White I all so during Uio eariv mourning arl nok tt first train for Waltlngtn- AN litHntmt Wse- heuli r i1 th Knlrkertncker tlrt ak1 lUtiintar la 1H- stf o d Uthla ar lOop Ua I I w II 0 II n hut I tel < Wit I 110 1 I tr ill I great I I oft j chit II Iou nd ron lilt made I wi Lo it ha ui I II Ir nl IoIUon fOIIt or lItsbuirg hour tot Hit to tAil I S nl 101 the wire cities her Poet Its I himm toIlet I f fit e itt glut whet tWo s tii hilts s tit I lit j crs tie II Its p mill slips iv I lid Situ tens I sick E hue end wits first lie I Ito it hue worst wile u itt who uo t ii I i nil ii her I t stir wit tiIicrui tO t it gut cut srty fits House Ii irs 1 I t flues ge A lImit mnswiagu S lie t M tire her this who the heat I his this I graph tIm house > < > > > < < > < < < > < > > < < > < > < > > < < > > < < > > < < > < > > <

I- I II plO · II THE SUN SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14 IDOL j I I- I Th oolwwd mMne bad bin Met him It WM pitiful to look at him M 1 limbed out of tb uKtiifs and a- lr Secret Herrlca Af

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Th oolwwd mMne bad bin Methim It WM pitiful to look at him M 1

limbed out of tb uKtiifs and a-

l r Secret Herrlca Af nt Iraland bobtthrough crowd bU flx d atw

of him on the houMAt noU r oMrtaf o a

at the aamn peed with Harry lUmllwho had gone MoWllllam Mr-

McKlnleya oou In T latUw had bo

with Ux Pr ldi nt wtf almost ooruuntl-loo bar arrival and when U w aa run Uu-

Ox Uat hour had com h waa mtIn order that tli might b with tha Pr

during the ordsal-

Rcnator Fairbanks and frlandi of tb

family began to arrlv SonreUrrRoot who had left tb houM aft r A ooloofor dinner arrlreil at 30 All the memo

Ura of theCabinet now In the city war tbIn the hoiiM

It was learned wWol

began at JS oclock had been oooaaloneci

by the the Prrldent Into uncondoctora aw then that

aUmulanta were lo ln effecUveneai

and that the end waa a matter of tttnaAll the with the Peadent

At 740 oclock the Preeldont again be-

came coneclmii He caked faintlyM Mr McKlnloy Thl new was broughl

out by Mr Hamlln few minute laterApparently the porlod of ooneoloudid noi Ut long

At oclock word c me from thethat tb 1reeldnt wan again unconadouaIt wa Mid that Mr McKinley had teenhim and that he had recogolwd her N-

one CM outride of the doctor nur t-

wa In room at the timeIt wan after elng hi wife that

Prtsaldont liecamo uuconiicloua again ThU-

wa about 780 oclock A few minutebefore Mr II Hrrmnnun IUnr drove upwith Aimer McKinley Five mlnute-alatr another carriage waa heard the horsecoming up the avenue on the gallop DrMoDumey In It Un went through thecrowd without looking to the right or lift


The incitement had become othen that extra precautionby the pollen and eoldlere gtiarda weredoubled fwmtriee won at ther pre at nil jKilnta Thn wire nerd forofficial m agi t wa Run put under guardA entry wa tatlonei at the door oftent with a flted bayonet to keep any newpaper men from RcttlnK In or tryln to uw tho wlrn Them were over one

ttndre newnpaper men In the trt ot thenht WM unuitiltlly dark this

ientrfm had to u n th gret t rlgtlanceto peopln from getting up to thnThe flrnt floor of the Mlltnim WM-

thrti Illuminated and the people could beeen In the rixniiM ami on IWto-

kfifthn to h northeast the WMIlluminated by thn reflection of thellghte Vow and then could be beardround of firework awl the eearchlight playing over the city the Ex-

position tower ca t llMbeamAU orm cr nor

Some of thoee who had In the bouaewhen tim exHtement be on came out earlyin tho livening eald there waa nohope and that nd wu cotirideredvery nr

At li oclock Mr Rcatcherd of the Ex-

pnniuim left the houee and walked slowlydown to the newnpapnr men

Ia there any he waa aakad whilethe crowd on

1 ahould say not warn the MrHcratcheni aaked for Mr J L Quaokan-liuah a prominent lawyer of Buffalo andtogetlwn they bAck to the house

At 830 C Hayeamanterdeneral Wllnon 8 IliuellMoOraw entered Uie grounds There wemlittle group then on the plazxa and ereryone tAlkecl In the lowest tonea

Carlton Sprague came out about thta timeand walked amund the corner to wherehe llvn-

I am going home he eaU Tlury arewaiting for the end

Hymoodn who had gone In withBecretary lloot came out Jut behind MrHprngue He nald he was going home

The nirmlem of the family It learnedbad IrAn taken up Into the room wbe e thePrwldent wa lie wa unonn cioua thenKnrh one wa only allowed to etay a minute

flov Yat e of Illtnol arrived at 9 oclock-HI mid that all plan for llllnoia day attho Ei position had ten postponed

Tlm ROY T II VU on of the Metho-dUt Eptecopal Church of Tonawanda whowan mlnlftter of the church In Canton thattlm President attended came out atoclock liaving pent A thort time therelli A the President might Ue till mid-night llu Itad unoonwjou he aald

for n hort time after the oxygenflrttt u ed

Half an hour later Mr Hamlla oamtoward the newijiapnr men

Gentlemen he mid In a solemn roloe-whlcli broke Mr Iortelyou wlahre meto announce to you that the President Ulying I In I too occupied to make thatofllcial announcement hlmwilf

At 930 oclock AttomoyOoneral Knoxarrivoil Senator Dopnw followed him

carriage Honator Depew oaroebout at 91 oclock and said with

fooling1 fear It U all over He la atlll ally but

the oxygen no longer eem to hew anyeffect The end 1 very near but theklan tell m that there U a chance thathe may live for hour

Secnnar Hoot came out at MHe M ld 1m wa on hi way to Mr Sawyerliouhw where he would pend the night


iplanatlDn of fiat tletelopment In theIretlilmlt fain

lICTPiui S Y Spt U Concerningthe development of Intentlnal toxnmla InUm PrrcMent cen explanation i

madeToxatmla mean the presence of a toxin

or In tlm yt m lnte tlnal tox-

amla means that tlie toxin l in evldemx-ftomewhem within On alimentary canalbetween the egtnning rf Uie duodenumat the pylorlo ortflm of the itomach aolthe phlnder aid Tlil wrtlon of tlmalimentary tract U twentrflve feet Inlength ami comprise the and largeintevtlre Tlie former IK feet inlength and the Utter fIve fwt-

Toilo products develojinl la theIM cniLiI of ne vt lty arliw from

lmpcrfe tly dlcc tixl food Tlie i oUonou mlMtanc which tlpu ilevrlop am-

lenreil ptomaines If tint B rpt out oftract thry lncte with aUrmlng rapidand utile cliecketl entire tm

uccuinlH to the eReota of the Uon Thart rnuocle relate end become atonic

and a fatal tirmltiation U Ineviublyl Tlii MloraUng uf Uie y temliy l n leelopx In thta manner U ooUe-daiitoiitox Kitlan IitvetlnAl toxjemla U

inure hknly to derrlop In noJl totetine proliaiiiy In duoJ nuro jejunumIleum rwvum or In tome of thea r M dlnf traiavere or dcMvnding colon

TMI falUng heart U aggravau 4 by themmUKiiia uf III aumuuta ttaj ivmaifihg



II up

f for


1 dntof War

I e











retover tlho




















0 T


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iK tea












of the atlmentary trao fa-

It WM aeJd that an Irritation atrectal opening developed aa a rwulof admlnlatratlon of nourUhmont per reotwo by mean of a rectaloonaoquenoe the the

1 which oontrola the termination of the largeInteetlne became relaxed and refusedperform lu function The Ikiuld nourish

i could not therefore be retainedbeam abaolutely neowwary to ad

mlnUter food by the mouth TIde Ule-nvnt wa vouched for

i Conceding that Wpalr of th UrrI ach had reached a point where that organ

cVsuld resume In normal ami per-form lu funoUon In a natltfactory mannerthin In the opinion of the attending pityatdan according to a statement which

I U vouched forlt male no difference whethe

I the foot given In the natural way exwUwxof liquid or eolld It I further awertetthat the Ktomach did perform lu function

i but that the lntetlne failed toUithedemand them by the partidigested after It ha l paued from thi-

tomacli through the pylorun and Intothe duodenum

When It U remembered that theImportant part of takethe and not In tb lu-

WM belleveil thU I anconIderatlon nutrttlou elementof the food are absorbed from the lute

i tins wall and a failure on the part ofwalU to perform their function threaten-ttarvatlon

In the preeent Irmtanoe relaxation of notonly the iphtncter anl reeutte but relaxa-tion and stony of the entire Inteatlnaltract followed A a conequenoe the par-tially digested food imply formal an Inerttoes In the Intretlnm which were utalilceither to convert It Into stimulating sodnotirithlng product or to expel It It re-

mained there for a time neither more norlem than a hotbed for the production oftoxlo agent Hence the and vigorousemployment of cathartic deprivingeffect tho physician endeavored to coun-teract by the u of powerful cardiac andrespiratory stimulants


WM Ohm to the PrMldent to Relieve tileCoating en Tongue

nrrrAM N V Sept IS A aurgeon attending the Irenldnnt WM told thin morning

many pnrnon were already criticiz-ing the purgeon fur having permitted thePrmldcnt to eat toant l enaun therea gnnnral belief among laymen at any rainthat tout was a ubtanco that would begritty and tend to Irrltatw weakenedtomach

1 knew we would be critldted ant bitterly whenever a change for the worseappeared In the PreMdnnta condition nomatter what we did ho Peoplecannot be oltogeUier reawmahln at uch a

soil In such matter an this and we arourulve to expect them to IKJ

Hut aboutThe physician hnU out hU Indot flnger

antI the one next to It and crowed themnail of the Index finger

that U a large apiece of the Pre ldunt hail and

very thinner by half titanare my fingers merely nibbled at tho

Ho had hardly a mouthful of Itmouthful not a bite altogether

H waa him much an food butseemed to be no better way

of removing the heavy coating ontongue and the Inside of hi mouth Themating waa very dlagreeable to himand WM endangering his comfort

The surgeon added that of all the troublesof the surgeons of tho Ut twentyfourhour none wa more diMreejliig to themthan way the Preeidnnta heart actedSome have Mild that the Preeldenthad a tobacco heart This deecripUon-IIM not satisfied the physicians They dl I

undnretand the cauee which Intiuencwdaction of the heart and It wm impiMf Iblo

to treat conditions which had symptomthat they could not understand


te HafTalo From Cleveland InlliMin And ltleven Minute

Mrmio N YS pt IS Senator Hennaleft Cleveland on a Ktwlal train at SJ4oclock title morning J Fjwtern timewith a party of the Preeldent relativeand fritmU and reached HufTulo In threehours and eleven minutes The echedulotime for tho crank train over the Lake-Shore roati between Clovoland and Iluffalo183 mUM U four hour and thirty minutes

Senator train was madn readyin from the time thenew of Uio Presidents reUp e reachedCleveland Tho flrnt word ircelviil InCleveland CAJIIO to Col Myron T Herrickfrom Secretary CorteJyou who calledCol Herrick on the long distance telephoneat about 4 JO oclock ClevelandPrenldenta Secretary wild that he hadbeen trying to reach Senator Hanna endcould not Uiat the President conditionhad nuddnnly the wonie andthe phr lclJi It beet that thefrIend and relativee of the itricken manrhould come to Buffalo at once

With Col Herrick was Webb CThe two made every effort totor llannaa by telephone but wereno more Cortelyou had linen Then they called a neighbor-of the Senator named IVrkln Theysucceeding In musing Mr IVrkln whoent a mewtago over to Mr Hanna home

Senator Falibanka of Indiana and JuntlniDay were tho giio U of Knnatorduring the 1 A H ncampmcnt atland They heard Iml nnwii almnut-

iu noon iw it reached their h wt and wereInvited to go to Iluffixln with tutu

Mr A J and Helen McKin-ley the Pnwiilrntit nUtor were notlnnlby meowngore fr m Senator Hanna

that thy mo l go to I iko 9iurn-Ftatlon at oncn prrpantl to tart for Iluffalo

Meantime t4 l Hirrick hml N n l a ywith the rallrnud ptxiplx and at n 2 o lxk-thrto wan ono of the blggtxt in5ilitNt ofroad Miitlng In Um Htntion with 1 I llnrtick K rial car car of Supt Smithof the IrtkoShoro and two ordinary coachuHfor lIUi t attachfd to It

Tutu following Ir rj the trainFettator henna Col HerrickHonator Fairbankn Mr Duncan herton William Dunonn JuxtkvMcKluley Webb C Hay SUIt SmithantI one or two newi Ni er who

left Huffalrt when hennai in the boltef that thw Prenldentpractically out of danger Th ortler wereto give the train a clear track

No one on hail ever moved overrailroad tracka at the ee i which wa at-

tained toon after the train got out of acreUnd A great many tlmn the Indicator-In the piiVAUt car allowed that the wheel

whltling around at rale of eightymilo en bout

Ily Uo train had Eriethe effort of all the member of the partyto nr urac one another had broughtabout a dk tutct Improroment la therf them all lie very alieecce of



tub tat In-








I m-et

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the tOt

















fUnt u4th teaei



respondmade upon
















meniII Senator


wore tit

Urn reached

5w ty ti eiess almc-














ntr Urn tntn Uok d hadone cpoed WM encouraging In Itaal

There WM a stop for order at Erietelegram WM brought In to Mr liarIt bore but the two wordr Very

All the pitiful cheerfulneei whichbeen forced and nouriahed on thevanished It was M though the trainentered a tunnel The Senator paaeedtelegram from hand to hand Nosaid anything

Senator to a chair InBoott car and

with hU eyea Sized on the horizon Whilthe train wa approaching Dunkirk theenear him sew hi face light with a smile

Look there he exclaimed pointingout over the field tliereU a rainbow

It WM poor ootnfort enough butwatched It until It faded and seemed t

lone right of It with real regretThe ran Into the station hero t

Buffalo The paMmngeni wereonort put In corriago and aunt to the Milburn house

Senator Hanna stayed In the forpuma time When he came out It waapparent that he WM controlling feel-

Ing with difficulty I hope for the besthe wild

KvwiT7 v cnotrn KXCITED

Man l the ironndf on neeerptlad Newt of the PmUJnn-

tncrf sept IS The PanAmerica-Fxp iltlon practically ruraly edallnftrrnixii by the news of tlm critical condlMoti of the PrOKldent The word that hi-

wn pinking Into hits afternoon seemedpn i d among the crowd M though

had been pUnirdod on the great towerMany pooplo left the at onoeaylng that they were to pack unod go to their at once for thU witno pUco for seekers Otherscrowded to the DejOrtroent of PublIcityInilldlng In tho Midway where Ilowleiwa l nleg d In hU offlonhyutcrical crowd

At 7 ochxk at night a story that hadstarted In town on attest to the effectthat the President at 8JU oclocl-rr aeh l the The pnopln InitUteiltht the truth kept from themand the Midway WM blocked and Jamme-do that many lUoe were endangeredMany of thn conowlonalre near the pub-licity department closed their doors

Announcomenta were made to the crowdevery few minute the windowsof the building and there werefew people In lilo tlm e who were notseeking In OlD way and another to getnow of the ProMdent


Empire Ntate Express hurried a littleon Account of Secretary

ItrrrAUi Sept 13 Of the memhers fKivernment onVlala wxl friendvummonMii sought by telegraph antitelephme thn kltuatlnn l ncanje deeperate Senator henna wa tint foundanti Y1c Prealdentto Im reached Vlcn I re lil nt leftIluffalo no confident of the recovery ofthe lYeoldent that he thought It safe to-

go to a cluMiimurt In thn Alimnilackneighteen miles from C4immumcatlon bywire Tonight Swretary hoot receivedn telegram from him saying that he wouldleave North Creek on a xclal train betwnnn V and 10 oclock tonight Thiswill not tiring him to Huffalo until earlymorning

While Senator Hanna WM making hirecord breaking trip from Cleveland bring-ing with him Senator FaIrbanks ami JudgeDay Senator Tuiuncoy M Dopew

hU way to Iluffalo from the East Htool tart i without any apprehensionsfor the recovery of the President but forthe double purpoen of attending the Pre l-

dmit and to deliver an oration at Uie Expo-

sition tomorrow whloh to 1m IlallroadDay Vh m Sinator Depnw found thePrnclilent dying hn suggested to the Expo-sition ofllcUU the neceenlty of postponingItallniad Day which was done at onoo

The date wa changed to Sept JS Sena-

tor Depew entertained some untilD oclock Titan on leaving heraid

lt U all over only a question of a littleUmo-

Th Ertplre State Fipreeei drew intoDiifldo five mlnutifi ahead of time fortho railway onicUU and the men In chargeof knew tljat It was carryingrwciitAry of V r flout to the Presidentdeath l ed Secretary Hoot liad left IluffaloI-

ndUpOMxl and hastened to Now Yorkwhere hU U Ill of typhoid fever Hutbo did not hesitate anti when the trainreached Iluffalo at 44S oclock hU eagernessto get to the Mllburn and receive the

now showed the Secretary In anxclubln manner new to him CarltonKpragun waiting for him with an

the Secretary wa nuhed tothe hou n

Oov Yatee of IlllnoU who waa In thecity attending the Kxporitlon andII Harrion joined the throng of notablepersons tonight waiting the end

At 10 oclock thorv were still four mem-ber of the Administration who had notyet rearhdl bore Secretaries I ing Hayand lage tout lost manterOenera Smith-

Vlfe1reMtliint Iloo evelt I duo to arrivehero In the morning soul It U a curiouscomment on state of atTain to whichanarchism ha brought title tree Americathat the exact time he will arrive hereconcealed oa a precaution against aiwandnMr lioowivelt It was known would In allhuman probability IM the President of theUnited State ho arrived here andIt wa not proposed to taint any chancesof another Anarclilut mad dog breakingloose to complete Use work of Czolguax

niter Heerilin the rapture andIlliarmlni or the

UPTTAIO N Y Sept John-P beer of the ArUUery Corp IIMhi report concerning the conduct of hUmen at the shooting of the President totho AdJUtnntOenoral of the Inited HiatnaArmy at Washington In hU reportNVt er says

Mr Itabcook of the IlecepUon Committen ctuiiM to me In the morning of Sept eanti asked for a detail of soon to assist Inregulating Um advance of the atUm lr idont rcoepUon In Templeuf Munlo

1 direct Corporal Itert chey and tenmen to ro ort to lr Babcock at the Templeof Music at a P M Oork ral U-

MI old mldtnr of twenty years rervic whorecently mine to mo a a r crult and recognltln hU gi ml qualities I nutdn him acorporal very alter Hn

relivtml Ui take chargeHe hal the good to give liU menln trucu n to their eyes open aridto watch every moan approaching Presi-dent

Wher fire the two shotPrlvata lit xik waa standing ImmediatelyIn rear of Mr John Mllburn who wa onthe lilt of tlm PreeldeiiU Pulsate OHrien-WM luuneUiately oa Mr MUburaa leftPrivate Feennlnugn WM directly oppositethe President ant Private Keff waa oppotlt

rival OlUien Corporml IWtebr





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was auto-mobile




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midway between Private OBrUa andth PrMldaat stood

wore flred Private OBrienthe flat man on the aaaab withNeff th next Corporal BertacheyPrivate Brooks rescued him at aboutsame dine Private Brooks collidingMr Mllburn In hU efforts to get at

Private OBrien got the Maa ln dowPrivate Neff jumped on him beforeaoMatln WM held hU armPrivate away the

a ho warn falling CorporalUertuchoy then Jumped on the aaeaarinkneeling on cheat and neck and saidI claim this man M my prUoner Private

HeUrr followed Corporal IlerUchey in fall-Ing on the prisoner and while he WM

hU right lne at UM right aide of Uvprisoner head h w that the Prtldan-WM itlll itandlng up looking down on UKgroup of men on the prisoner The Proeldent then walked with help of twogentlnrnen to a chair stud M down

j Own the Secret Service men arrivedend onei of them grahtied Corporal Hertechej

I around the hotly and dragged him backoff the lenanaln nod tttnn swept awayrest of my men two of themthn rexolver from PrivetIxuiVinl off hut retained ponneiwlon of lUSecret SenIco own then took prisonersway end walked him to the centre orMusloTemple where one of them ralwdhelpleiM prisoner chin with hi left handanti struck him a blow In Uw face with hiright Tliey then romoved him to aUi the building to the left of the

At this time about four of the SecretBervlno men were about Privatetrying to get the revolver away from himCorporal Ikirtechoy directing hint not

It up Private Brook went toassIstance arid lYitnto Ollrinn handedrevolver to orj rnl llertechey whoIt In pocket The Secret Service menstill demanded the revolver of Corporalirtchey showing their badge but thecorporal replied Ill give It to nobodybut my commanding officer

Then a man ram up who claimed tolie a surgeon anti imkil to the revolverIn order to awvrtairi the calllT The n rporal took him aridn and offered It to himhut he refumd to It limply askingthe corporal to oj o that he mighte Iho Then I arriveil and thecorporal turned the revolver over to me

PrivHtn Helnnr of the detail hail colonover to the cnmp at double tints to reportto mn thn attempted oMdUMlnatlun arid I-

ran over to the i nn at double time di-

recting the first erg vint to send a detallof a enrgeant und armed mun to followme

n arriving at the Temple of Mustat about 4SO P M Sept fl I leamel thattlm prisoner wa still In the building andthe Service moll asked that I hold

outsldn whlln they got theprUoner Into a cariagn anti took him ofT

I took my teen outnldn at oncn and pmitwlthem along the lint held by the PanAmnr-Ican police and out to the eat on the Ea-

planadeThe crowd started to Jump over the

lines when the prisoner ap Nire l butmy men In that vicinity drew their bay-onet at thU jKilnt they had only theiroliln arm and Imld thn crowd Iwck Theurme l tlrtall I liad s iit to tlm caRt on theplanade to clear the way for the car

Tlie detail up with Um oarHag after It h its crowdna far a Triumphal Ilridge M it wasconstantly neoewary to keep the crowdfrom Mopping thn carriage In their at-

tempt to forcibly tako the primmer S irgt-Ilothwnller himself having r twomen ofT the tolling them he wouldhave Ip shoot If they not go

1 kept the revolver In pocket untillate In the evening then I put It Into u boxanti Mailed It up Mid In condition I

eronally turned It over to the Chief ofPollen of Buffalo at about It a m Sept7 at Pollen Headquartem furnishing atthe time proper Idcntlflcatlon themfur

1 tecommnnd that mydelalU of min metitlone In generalorder for their conduct on occasionwhich wn all that conk l deHirei-

lItiarmwl ditch nt President receptionat Temple of Music PanAmerican Fx-

Mwltlon Sept fl J oi-

Virj ml IxnilM Ilnrtch y PrivatesllerlMil llrook Arthur Cnwby FrancisP OHrlen Ivey Fennliough I WittHancock William lliir l wl Jernlgnus Maxmiltlan U Kubatz PatrickTroy Seventythird Ar-

tillery anti Prlvato Louis Neff Eightyfourth Company oaot Artillery

Annml detail which clearwl thefor the carriage carrying the amulnof the gruumU

Scrgt nmrgn W nothweller PrivatesBenjamin DavU FraiicU C MoVaughKmmt O Smith Hiram W Stevenn andWilbur H Wi tUkn Swventythlrd Coml any Kwt Artillery and Private I nl FCondon Fiftyfourth Comjuny Coast Ar-



Ninpath for 1n lcKlnle and roun-trj Ma Kaililen luke Wrlcome-

ytKHRO Scrt IS In the large Americancolony ijuartorxd In the Chateau Fnmtenaoand fashionable hotels lucre awaiting-the frt In connection with the strivedof thin Ihikn anti Diichef of Cornwall andYork on Monday U the keeniwt ex-

preimlon of sorrow for McKinleyuf indignation at the aceaiMin crime aridof anxiety a to the future tonielm-Vanderbllt and daughter and other Ameri-

cana now lucre had secured aiwuttnentaat high rates and with considerable dlmjmilty for the period of thus royal visitMany of the vUltor will imme liatelyreturn Itoino unit tho e who rvmalnwill take no part whatever In comingfewtivlllce A party of New England sports-men who arrived lucre to l y for StJohn will return home tomorrow iimteadof continuing on their Journey having UrgehuslncM Intenktk at Make

Canadian pympathy U very deep antivery enrneiit llie Jox enior willnut ii ik for publlcntion until he re-

pelv l official Information of the 1real-

ilenf death and IIM teligraphnl yni-

pathy to the iMiM r authorities Sirl ntivr who it lucre expn1 the mustprufoumt wimiw for hlniMlf ami furthe Canadian j ahall not U Untiil until ofllclal notiflca

of the oil event ha been receivediMaiit country pnrUhea telegraphic

Inqtilrice a to Mr McKlnlvy condItIonlowixl In all thn evening testifying to thedeep sympathy anxiety amongman uf Canada population

Ever niiiCM thi attack the deepest anilelyexisted the CAnadian oRicla-

lefjionslbn safety if this luke ofornwall anti York In tour through

country U U now fully a1lml thattiters will I a terrihle upon thenii n fete l r nextml a il rwiliije effect c hut

produced U m th Duke when be l arn-ipon quebec of th AnarchIsts

Ml la rtr 4 t lfc Hsltori 4 U et o4

mere tally uuailreatlr Mle4








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Be at Ones on a SOMII MM-fte k t Take a Bpeelal Traint H Cannot Reaeti North

rk Beere ft r fl oclock A M

BUUTOOA Sept IS After searchingth fonooon and greater part of titleafternoon In th Adirondack woods in thevicinity of Tahawua for VicePrerident Uooenvelt to hint o-

theaeriou condition of President McKinleythis searchers found him at 6 oclock a-

Mount Moray Hu started Immedlatelfor the Tahawua and It WM expectedthat ho would Creek at about9 oclock Later news say ho cannotNorth Greek until SAM740 oclock a special train consisting oan engine and one oar left Saratoga forNorth reek to hiring the VlcePre idmilout He will arrive In Buffalo torn timein forenoon

On Wednesday morning the VlcPrtdent pKMwd through Saratoga on route trthe Adirondacks whet he Joined hi family-On that day Im said that ho expected toreturn today arid pmcexd to Oyster BayAfter reaching the Club he changedhU plaza and concluded to remain ul

until Monday nest In the mea itlmhunt WM pUumed and the party

consisting of tie VicePresident severalfrinniU anti a number of gulden tninheiltwelve mile Into the woods

Me agi reielved at North Creek thlmnmlngforthelmmxlUtereturnofthe VicePreaklent were telphone tolute Uilrtyflva inlln sway At thatpOInt a MMirchlng party wo organlreil andan effort madn to locate the whereal oulKof the htinlT

Knowing that the regular train out ofNorth Creek would not rvach Surntognuntil i oclock thin afternoon a ieclal

atchcd from All any to runto the fonnfr station and return with lh-

VlcwPrvsldenl ahead of the regular Timtrain which made up of an englnuand tune parlor car Allmny at 0 lloYlucUand reached this village at 1010 oclockA halt wiu mode In the freight yard forwater arxt It waamiouncvd thatthi Vlce1realdenl wouldaccompany the train but hn wn not apAMenger Thn train madn the runto North Creek In A llttln Ic titan twohours the schoduln tlmn No Informationconcerning time wheienboute of Mr ItiH evolt had lcen recelvvti at tho when

train reached there This stillthe condition of affaIr the regular

ALfttNT S pt 13 Vlc Pnmldnt Mooaevolt did riot receive word of th M rinu c m-

dltlon of tlio rel lnnt until ho returntMl tocamp at 0 oclock tonight Wont to

that effect rvaolyd tho railroad ufllcUUtOiilght anti also that VlosPre si

dent could ROt nvicli North Creek aHpioUl train awaits him until or 8 oc lockIn thn morning In that event the Vlc-

Prwlilont Albany ir Sclieiwc-tady on hi to Iluffalo at abe ul 7 A M

tOtnorniw Col Iloowivell wai at thn-Tatiawu Club In E i x county In heartof the Adirondack which li rNfhtil by n-

thlrtyelghtmlln drive from North Creekthe nearest railroad station on UmDoUwarnanti Hudson lUllroad North reekalwut sixty north of midIttt mouse horn Albany Ho arrival at theclub terday-

On n nKVial train leaving here fur NorthVe k Hi 045 oclock thin morning

Mllllniii 1oeb Jr the Vcpn ldenf

the IMawaro anti HmlMin Mr Iwlh-

iHinl of this sen u condition of h PiwldiM in I ocioJi mormnp an I HI omitmade nn effort to Inform I ie clmf thatwould leave with a iilxciM train i bringhim out of tilt wood Tho s vial Witmade up of the private c r of

of an 1 Knglnn 3 Ofore leaving Mr lilMurniiliHl Secn-lury Cortelyou at Mrrang-inent nail to reach Vic Presidentanti the Prrldenti Se retar ha l vn Incommunication with Col tonightrrnngenifiitn IIMVH l nWestern onicinln for rxuntnunicatlon-lictwt n North leok ainl Huffalo nil night

Tln Tnlmwu Club I tisclwil bv t lofrom North Ink but i lti oe

volt had rtaitetl on n hunting trip nnd wasfIleeli twice away l for word f PndnntV iwriou club

wore out ti tutu VicePre ld nt hut wer utisiiowful forn long tine finally striking troll antilocating him on top of Mount Marry Tho-Moi Prr lilenl tint rrt I ack to the clubuntil V ocliMk tonight nml arrangementwore made for him to main tlo tidilyeight mil drive o a to iv nnect with the

iecUl train al North n k by fl or 7 oclocktnmorrow morning Tht would bringhim Into Albany by S A M tomorrow


Ireworki rxhlhlt at the Pair WhiM li-

Recallnl tile Niipentltlnut-Ilcrr l4 Sept 11 A Mrangn story wa

told by ninny of the Buffalo p opln whoMootl waiting under tlm electric lights ntthin corner near tlie Mllbutn house It wasrc Rlle l again anti again during tlie nightby and another Abnjt six agotimers wa a at the Expositionground among several fireworks corn

Willie hie of the Urgest wn alire nirtrnlt of Vlce1reHidenl ltiMv iell-Iliilir hi tmrlrnlt were the

iiilne o distinct that feature wern-recognisable when thn first two wordwent out M though had snuffedlbs word President turned brighter antibrighter under the portrait until

ManY of those who saw the thing oommuted on It at the tints

if It lightly an an omen I hut VlcpPn ilnti-oo Im elected Prenldnnt of

fnlted State In iwi hilt not a fewwere hfeiii to that they that Itlid not luenn that any unlowanl thIng wasr l fidl PrtMldent

HiiHe the phylum of Czofgoc wereIncident lieu lieen by

iiipersllMoua Ion nnI whoinly at witch tlmt a-

htise anti who accuse themselves tthat lid not give tho President oomnwarning



Ithe Cub









honloft Creek I






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Oui In redletter ItartiL t





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Itoieeirceiknt white anti

liltue flue picture





> >







Alpines with nil tho dash andgo of

Tho nine witlo dIning brimthe naiiio high crown tho MIne

decided hitKoorns IKKT COMPAJTT-

ru r ri 4 trni r r-





lIa r Io-puwau

canesS aid C C ares at

Sal e Pnaei v Sfl eeltir4es di 25-





Meanrt Already Taken Considered Adquate

J Edward Nlmmoni President of thFourth National Dank who U a memlof the Cle ringHou n Oommlti wilt

lat night that thorn tat been noof Ute oommlttcn tip to that thrift and wouli-

Im nor on It was not conslilorwl ncce arto have a meeting All the rmmbora othe committee ho added were In thlwith the exception of Frederick I Tappeii

i Proddent of the ClnPnlln National IlankI who In chairman of tins conunltUm Mr

stated Unit ho had had no Islegraphic communication with Mr Tnpponand thcrefom iiI riot know whitlirrIntended to return today Hi rnndo thlfurther statement its to tie situation

During Um pa t wwh the ClcarimHouse Committee ha ooiMldiTpowllilu contingency and U prepared timeet any emergency The financial In

teriwu of the country are upon uchBound haul that this dcnth of ono mannot a wt them seriously

Xo limiting of bank PrwJderit h li

at the Hearing House yeMerdny antiwas explained l y niernbflii of thu Clcnrini-HOUM Commltl that all the arrangemerit to take care if tho situation nuulilast Sarurday r tn Un d In effcvt-

i usury W Cannon noting chAlnnanthe cntnmlllco In Mr ToppenV nlsenceAnti President V A Ninth nf th Corn Kx-

changit Hunk call d at the lletring lluuiucurly In tiny The forimr xpnwnithin nplnlnri that no special coriferitiCDbankers wn iieoe ary nl this moment

J llerjionl Morgan at hi ofllgreater mrt of thin day tumid nrivoni

thorn who culled upon him early wenMr Cannon anti President JnorKn F llnkeiof this rite National hank rornmr S v-

r liry of the Navy Tracy nlwi n callernnd shortly leforo Mr Morgan lft hlindlniwhich wan after 4oVlo kIliarlM SnhwattPresident of the tnitwl Slml Corporatlon had a talk with him


Manager Mill HIU tml a UKtint or lletpeel fur hue Preside I

When President Uarfleld nsasMnatcthe Ihcntnw clownl on the night of hlx dealtnnd on thus night following funeral11i theatrical manager of Nowdecided yesterday ono and nil tothat pMtvdonl In conn of Pr v lden-McKlnley

Tho manager were In dnuht lust nightwhim th nliirmlrig condition of tho Irexdent lievaino known whether It onl

worth witH to Just to wrd theIrauillnopH MIII n nln-

No oim admltttil to the Lytviin-11i Atr until a low inlnutr of oclock-Tlu nrrlvulx wcrn hIt III the lobbyuntil IW minute If IMwM mlull ill l thn thrntivo wirn open thinaudiences nmikl havn n dlntnl vi at

toe of the managers calM the attention-of a SiV rexirt r y tnnUy to this fnlln-wliiljtitmct frin th rr irt f lird ii irgtiII liftiit chairman f the hnn h M n if-

tlm Tli Htr II val Iinirr lin t mpi ny-

Unilirtl pr iii I tit UK annual inwthilt f the NIIII IH in l ii IS-

T fSSIft whk ri rc l i nun tho-Inwirnnoi jmlicv mi l r lets Mnjnty llf-

nrowi f iiMoniiintiiwhich thn ilir xti d iiH l It nd iiMM-

In take l fnn tin nilnut wanIIK last ytxir und th teult I tint nlthough tho th atni l d t

when her M j ty ill d the Intilninrn-inonny praotlonlly tn l up tin whichwn unlTorvd

ninrtnuir i xinv ue l regret thnt It hadImpomlhln for

In thi niuntry In tote Mmllnr nncnutlonn-Rgnlnut thn InnvltaMn tlnanclnl n niilfhug rin HU I n luiti minI mlnuty a thecleat f IpwitKiit

I mow f thnntrfd In New York hnMill wherti closing frun aiirh a cauwwill IIKSIII this will miami tho lois ofllu a night flit in inl r if vnriiui

to Im n talm l fcounte stud their KiUrir gi on tho-Minn It would liar ae l AmericantheatrIcal ruinnger from Herlou limnninl eniUtrrnwrniMit If could Imvn-ilnnn a thn director of Dniry hAuteThiutru elM

MEit4nrs orIndignation and Sorrow inre ed at his

Attack on the IrnlilentW-

AHIIINOTON S pt Tho followingme wjRft of ooiuliliniM liar Nvn reo lred-

it thn stni Vvirtmi nt-

Fn m Atnliaioviliir Ihonte at London1 have r cclv l from F r lgn fflr i

title telegram front the Spciker ofthe Iommon-

WMilth ot Aunlrnnv-I dedro t Iliin i fbi utmoRt IndlKna-

llon at tho nttnck on Iri lilnt MoKluloylint th cnnHtHt holes hi mav Iw

to hl fa v t IM nntlo-nTilgnun frii tovornor of Vlctcrl-

ali i o ii v to VlnoPrvnlihnt ofAnnrim following niewtngnnf Victoria government expresstheir liornir HIM profound at

nmrd liieiil and con-vey tlrlr heartfelt with him nnd-llm Itiltid Stntiwof America in their sorrow1lmy eunicetlv list lleavin willilrvnwxt to dcicAl thU rulltin runnier and

lo a noble nml im t viiluabln lifeThe y alw offer condolence with IhoPresidents devoted wife

From the lovcrtior of Western Aus-tralia

On behalf of my Minister and myselfwinh to nipresn l nt

on life of PnwldenlMcKinley to Mrs McKlnlny-ilnnim nf all III V tiorn Auralin antI earnnnl hope that Prmidmits-poovery may be anti complete

From the Peruvian MlnUter at Washngtoii

Dr IXm Joe4 1ccntn yPnsldcnt of the National Dt fenco-

UtaiuurompoMxl of ilmtlnguithilof ivy country sent mu tho

I havo tieto cummunlcAte to your Kxo1

ency-Miniittr of eru Ta Kinpii n I C

Wo you to to the SecretaryStat In tinmo of till of IJtnn

idn of grief anti exe-ratlon with which they h anl of

nbnmnibln attempt of which In ilenl McKinley VMI thin victim Wn-nakei arOent wishm for the n xly rnoov

of tlm lllustriiiu iiatlcnt togFthiTtegariU for hi wife In her blitori-


Fall Businessw-ill be active

TelephoneServicew-ill help you to get your shire

hi Manhattan rtm 5 a

Deeper vMtrMla M t lf-

Rnr Ten Twain CtwAIT-UOr 4eMt III

Ill We1 111


hi nun






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No Man In Public lift HM neen Moreular Than President MoKlnle in tIeNational Capital Crowd Areomithe Iliillrtln hoard A ofSadness at the Whit hotter

WAOIINOTON Sept 13 To tell bownews nf the Irmldcnt approaching death

I WM recelvwl In thin National spited would-lie to repent the divpiitchra that will nomeover thus tvlcgraph tonight from otherAmerican Hut while Wathlngton dt lnut demorMtrato its sorrow In a manner tifffnrmit from every big town throughout th

J country thn ipln will fuel thus

dnlH an III the nature of a pnrsobai-nnilctlon Va hlngton anti anton stardapart from tlulr i tor cilliii In thl re pNo man In publln life here throughthis fortUliM if KilltU has ever heea IFHliipopular than Pn lilont McKinley

j Uk Irani hn whet known to tho cltlr rof thus capital ax one of them HUwere deiiHMralio pa il amongunotfiitatiously and was alwaytt ready

j return snhitwt front thiwo hn mulct ni-hlr mt or to stop OIK xliako hniilany tr who d pi-ligi lli ie ln iUii i

U ii ln t down liy n Narin li I adthought of Itarm Uke UiHolu hethe TitKm of Wii hlngtinMii t-

dugri iH f MHiitty In W IIKII jm-ilarly hi ilnvoiiin t i Mrs MeKlnl v-

iHtxl flit kt m t ndintraUiiiianything IM n i d to makH cl argreat low nl i t m in whUih-

ofcl In tho iitv of niinl i hlM-

nmy Im foiiiHl in vldetit fact iiv uUio birgo Siutticrn MikithniIngton mall f M aricudT-

tHTi were aroitnl ill v

paper Imlletln IKHMU In W hiti ninight that are to Im fouii I on IK WSI r-

iiKiimntiuo ilit IniireH MJI I

th i gatheniiK ili n v t-

liilt itn ihai a grout nainiflt itom-

ixmnl to the ipj uf its laimii n-

imiiilnont uni H it wn Ui uiiii iiiirtiii tf tl o ii a cni H v

lotion night pn le i re hour ii ii-

Kroat nit Th thrw prwi l dai-

nnw ir oflhv r on le iiyvnii i-

nviiiui th wne l tlHin iiHtifar i in lowMaimM of MIV corignixanl inthi iiiil interfered tMflc ir ir ffrom onn Mdn of this broad n toother njnl Into opnn fpw t ynil W

th rniw hut titer vas no lnp mim h

xiipln ll x rn l ami netit hnin1-

wnnl eiliiiilv and Midly III mo i Ilf-Al tlM White Ilou OIl newil n I nvt-

U n ti4 l tlmt hmio cMiiinry-liiiM lltin llire wn ab ut l n-

fitling lint ift alU amount uhf watcrwH-

mt ld n lik cliamlmr when the l ni i

of this imttint I approaching fverbody ttMivoil about on tlptmi nml spokn-

In siiUlued toms In the corridor outliUi-

thn eiecutivn a crowd uf minorMlblle onMiaU aripy officers and new

j l er nun waltmi fur wor from theroom at Hufinli

Miinlpomery of the Army SignetCorps who charge of this White Hou i

telegraph departmwt taut M inired a siteIiwt nlRhl leading diiect to this Mllburn-

riou anti had hold It all day Twentyyearn ago Cnpt Montgomery manned thn-

Whlto of tIme wIre that had It

other In the cottage At KINron wheredarfleld dlnl All thin Whit House

on Col Crook the dt hurltofllcer WKI hvl l e n Lincolns orderlyMajor Pniden who wa assUtant secretary-to larnVld Warren Young who thn

annoiinotnciit at FJberon thli-arlliM wa dead Tliomn IVrille a ve-

teran usher who opnnod llm iljor of itsWhlto llousn for iJncoln n he uued-hU ilnalh and who sung little Taut IJnoolnto sli ep in that terrible fioo Friday nightArthur Simmon a vwnernbln coloiwl nUllwho hnl U en messongir anti doorkecrt jn ln and Clinrl Ixwrtlnr p i in-

doorkiiper for many Pr Jdontnowmt lu elnvntlon to a captAlncy in Ui

regular army to Mr McKlnloy-WANHINIIHIN Sept 13 Tlm lIt new

of tl change for this worsePr f idcnln iximlltiun was

talnrd in a telegram from Mr r rtelTPrt hent secmtary to foi F

Montgomery of this Army Sijtiuil i orwho charge of tlm Whlto HIIIW

graph lipartnient Mr Cortelymisiatcli wa a follows

Hnrriij sr A M

Thin President crltlcnlly ill Voliivthe Cahlnel condition hn pr i

during tlm night nnd he U jrienweak Will keep you mi vised-

Tli tntt gn til iihiii l from th-

Whiln house to Col MmitRotniTv who i

nt hi honm ItiirriiHl to th W-

Hoiisn Mm eeiit toVgrum to i ittown CnSltiit ofll r s Ia-rnl Socr tary iagc f-

wem luitifletl iy l t

from Col Montgomery I A nKlfci who lift for lu t eveti-Ing Kn n lietrMf

this morningCharU J Dawee Comilroller of

urmicy and tune of the Pr ldmits clo-

cr iiial friends wai notiliisl l I1

ti time White before iliyllsli-

li l mutter tvndlng Mr Cortelymi nu s avtunmil to hi residence to prepare f i

Hp to Iluffalo hi stHximi thin

innt wi shot Ho loft fur Jlufnl on tU-

ii t trainM I i M Col tintgoin ry nc iel-

hn follow Ing ienionnl from Miorlilyiu-

Ihe rrv ident bios rnlllc coins aid i

estlnc iMlnforiablTf tf-

ad us followHrrrAtxi 7 H A M

Hulltin will aUmt oclock-hi tnonilng Thn lrv id nt shows Mint

since List Uilmiin-ntxiniiK II ConTrivnf s crctary-

Secmutry lag naclw tlm Vhito llou-ibuut 8 Nsrliry Ibiy arriveil

after oVIook llach ij nt e mIn thin room III i irn p n-

IIIMV over the wir with tin MilUirti hUw-II Iliiffali They aid t wotikl reinain

unit1 numiixined to Presidentjedsldn-

Po tniaf ter R inernl Smith returnedhl morning from llnfftlo Imvinj lef

luttorcilv Imrnusnfif tlmtheii favoraM-onditlon this PnfcKliiit dtviiM 10

for Buffalo again tonlahl M-

imllh wa ileeiilr affi ot il tll r irglng rutture of bulleiins from time sick

Kiln rontraMIng BM do with tieavoraliln comlltlon prevalent l forn he-

ft liuffalu Hn to allnllcr

Henry II F MacFarUnd President f-

Im Ikuinl of Commissioner o the Di tn tif ColuiubU wa an early rnlkr Nt theVhlln lliuw He n iiuiliie l In tin i

n m a lona titus Senator M

tuna of couched Wllealter I cl k A ti l

iMNM ni In regard Ui tlm Preotilents conItli h l d wnt to liim fmm Km WhiteI all so during Uio eariv mourning arlnok tt first train for Waltlngtn-

AN litHntmt Wse-heuli r i1 th Knlrkertncker tlrt

ak1 lUtiintar la 1H-

stf o d Uthla ar






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