I j B THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 23 1909 I o L IA rJ IF IEJ > W T Ar > V E Fl VP I E lVLESf T I A The opening of the Subway in New York City caused an increase of several hundred per cent in realty values almost immediately Likewisethe opening of the Paved Streets and the Panama Canal will greatly enhance values of Pensacola Real Estate Paste this forecast in your memory book and if you procrastinate think of the missed opportunities- and then kick yourself LOOK THESE OVER AND CONSULT YOUR WIFE 37500 Small 3roem cottage No 1014 W Jackson St 60000 at 415 North Rauo St a bargain 117500 Two cottages renting at 15000 per annum fronting south on Jackson St near Au street 117500 Nice building lot on N E corner Chase and Reus Sts 40 x130 feet- 1MOoo8tofe and Dwelling on lot 100x125 feet S E Corner Jack ¬ son and CIf Sti RENT COLLECTIONS F FIRE INSURANCE HOOTON WATSONTH- E I RENTAL AGENTS LEADING REAL ESTATE RENTAL INSURANCE AGENTS- NO SOUTH PALAFOX ST AGENTS BLOUNT BUILDING PHONE 54 4f WANTED I WANTED Tyrant married couple or young man to rent room In private family Privilege of light houaekepjinc1- Utere1tC S roQulred U3 N H yne or phone 11S8S 23ooU- tvi ANTEDTo buy aecondhand range or be in cove eratar back irOod condition and cheap Address nanga Care Journal 2Ioct3t MATTRESSES made to order and reno rated laid Lve orders with Wetzon Parker Reese Co Pbone 2762 Wesley ThjAcU J2ocU- UANTEIA scondhA4 speing dstlv wagon Call at Morgan stabes phone t1O Sloctiw POSITION wants ai cooawS ary oerk S years experience Can furnish Al- refereflC Now Good rea eons for changing Apply A W Que Journal 2loctl- wWATEDTO Icy your matting carpets and linoleum no matter wnece you buy Costs no more and much better Work than others do Insist on haying FairehlW Phone 4S5 <x > tl9tf WANTED Position as stenographer by voun lady with experience Address- Experience 17oct3ir WANTEDTo barrow 56000 on good im- proved ¬ realty security year or longer at 8 per cent Interest annually Property worth 15000 Address B M C care Penaacola Journal ocU4tf WANTED good milch eow Garfield Ice Factory lOoct WANTED The addresses of those who can spare a few show cases for the TrlCounty Fair Address N J Llllard Box 722 Soct HOUSE CLEANING by vacuum methoa without removing furniture Dust and dirt quickly removed from rugs draper- ies ¬ carpets and furniture in homes offi- ces ¬ churches etc J H Hamilton 124 Church street Leave orders with Gibbs Quigiey Morgan Soctlm WANTEDEvery man woman and boy in town to see these boys suits worth 175 to 350 going at 125 E Green ¬ blatt 139 E latendencla locUm KODAK developing and printing at Johnsons Book Store 26septlm BANKS TRANSFER CO want to haul your baggage Prompt service and careful handling our specialty Phones 291 and 139 July4tf WE MAKE STENCILS keys do all kinds- of electrical or machine work repair- and Install electric fans Two gas engines- for sale 1H and 2 a Fairbanks Baroco Thompson No 10 E Garden jly2tf WANTEDYour Job Printing and orders- for Engraving of all kinds calling cards wedding etc MAYES PRINT ¬ ING COi 2 4 W Government IJly GUARANTEE REPAIR SHOPGeneral repairs for guns locks bicycles clocks registers typewriters etc 210 DeLuna St Phone 1057 13Jantf WANTEDSome clean rats Apply press room Journal lOapl yOU TO BUY YOUR FRESH MEATs poultry eggs and green groceries at cor Baylen and Romana 21rft F Kramer Phone 740 feblJtf WANTED R BIn am wants your moving and hauling He guarantees all breakage Furniture packed for ship- ment Phone 630 YOU CAN the same rent forever and never have anything but receipts You can pay us for 7 or 8 r8 and own a home Let us tell you Leslie E Brooks Company declStf WANTEDAU kinds of jecondhand sacks Bring them to us ship them to- M Telephone us write to us Corner Garden and streets Telephone No 884 F S Mellen Co I IWANTED ur shoes to repair while you wait Half soled in 16 minutes Bam Charles rill South Falafor street Phones 614 and 1042 31mr LOST 1OST Whtte Fox Terrier Tag No 121 Top of head nearly all black with white dividing streak Large black spot pear his tall Coat along spine In bad condition Answers to name of Boozer Reward for return to G L Bourchler 17 Bast Brainard St 23octt LOSTBunch of keys probably near Marston 3 Quinas Reward for return to Hannah Grants Drug Store 22oct2t LOSTA fox terrier white and marked with black and tan on the head Finder please return to E O Saltmarsh No 14 West Belmont Street oct7tf EDUCATIONAL V MR WILLIAM PACKHAM organist of Christ Church desires earnest pupils only for organ voice and piano Lessons In choir room For terms apply 519 N Oordova Soctlm GIRLS BOARDING SCHOOLSacred- Heart School under direction of the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration will re- ceive ¬ girt boarders All English branches with French Music and Fancy Work are taught Discipline Is maternal and every pupil receives kindest special attention Location overlooks bay and is especially beautiful and attractive For rates and particulars address Sister Superior Sa- cred ¬ Heart Cor LaRua St and Sth Avenue Pensacola Fla Go- cteaThe t = i Journals Want ads 4d profit thereby j Ooo4lOom dwelling on lot fronting 60 feet 8 E Cor Hayne and LaRua Sts cement walk Twostory dwelling 6 rooms gas sewer cement walks- In A1 condition near L N R R Shops 2950O014stOfY dwelling lo- cated ¬ at 21 North DeVllller St 7 rooms sewerage Lot 54x120 feet 400000 >> Twostory dwelling on N Barcelona St 6 rooms 2 closets bath gas A1 home AND AND 7 safes School FOR SALE FIRSTCLASS household furniture In- cluding ¬ piano guitar brass fenders bedroom suite feather beds and pillows tables chairs dining room set etc Call at 1102 East Gadsden Phone 285 oct22tf FOR SALEOne pointer bird dog Ap ¬ ply 1106 E Jackson street lloctlw FOR SALEA piano practically new of standard make Only been in use two months Apply 14 LaRua St octZOtf HORSE NEW BUGGY AND HARNESS Absolutely gentle for lady to drive All a Call at 12 E LaRua St- oct21 t FOURROOM cottage on lot 130x137 ft south front four blocks from new high school building 2 blocks from car line Apply 720 Twelfth Avenue none 1317 20octlw PlRbXDO BAY LAND60C acres fronting- on Perdldo Bay at 500 per acre Terra 51000 cash 1000 in one year and 11000 In two years with interest Some pine and cypress timber on land Good title For information to Jerry J Sullivan Jr 203 Thiesen Bldg Pensacola Fla 20octlw FOR SALEOne fishing launch and gill net Both in good condition Apply Burnett Touart 623 W Main St 19oct2w FOR SALE Secondhand boys bicycle with new tires Appl Burton Johnson Cor Baylen and Gonzalez Sts oot20tf LEATHER SEATED FURNITUREBe- ginning ¬ Monday we will sell for re ¬ pair charges for cash new leather seats quartersawed oak dining chairs and rockers Incomplete sets filled at prices lower than at any furniture house in city B H Fairchild Co 31 West Garden St Phone 485 17octlw FOR SALE One bay pony horse gentle and will work anywhere A bargain at 7500 One Napoleon bicycle almost new for 1800 Apply A E Taylor Cantonment Fla R F D No1 No 20- 17ocUw FOR SALESecondhand light delivery wagon in good order road carts Wm Johnson Son Vehicle De ¬ partment octlotf GO TO C T DAVIS for bargains Fur niture new or second hand bought and sold for cash or credit Mattresses made to order old ones renovated called for and returned same day 114 E Belmont St Phone 771 SOctf PURE MILK DAILY 10 cents per quart New dairy just started on East Hill Address Park Dairy P O Box 575 oct7 FOR SALEMODERN HOUSE 6 rooms pantry bathroom front and back gal ¬ lery furnished close in at 202 Church I street at 3000 A bargain SOctlm2- oO Mens suits worth 58 to 15 going as tong as they last 450 200 boys suits sizes 5 to 17 worth 175 to 350 as long as they last 125 E Greonblatt 139 E Intendencla locUm FOR SALE Secondhand safe 18x25 in ¬ side measurement A bargain AUilrcss P O Box 6 Pensacola Fla Bept2Jtf A BARGAIN acres good farming land 34mlle east of Olive station on Ferry Pass road 35 acares under fence and now being cultivated 2 good dwelling houses on same with barns and stable Good water at each house Good stream of water running through it Excellent location for kog or poultry or truck farming Good neighborhood handy to church railroad and on line of the pro ¬ posed Andalusia road 135 acres 1 12 miles east of Olive Station with no im ¬ provements near Whitmire Cemetery Will sell either or both places at a bar ¬ gain For prices and terms see Harper Room SOO American National Building Take a lriv with me to see and appreciate such a bargain locUm NEW GARDEN SEEDSJust received full supply Crystal Wax red and white Bermuda Onions celery spinnach caull ¬ flower large white head lettuce variety of onion sets and General line fall seeds Send cash with mall orders buisson Bro 124126 East totomieicYa St Pensacola Fla 29septlm- FOR SALESeveral lots In Heights blocks jfcMi SSSVfflSS no Fla ileptlm FOR OR LEASE Well equipped repair afiop in good location Apply to or address J G Morgan 1020 EaSt Cer vantes St City aug29 THE JOURNALS PANAMA CANAL edition is the best book for advertis ing Pensacola ever produced Get It send It to your friends At all book and stores or at this office FOR SALE My transfer business house and stables Business cleared 1055 first five months this year Reason for selling I am 67 years old and enough to quit A R BingfaantT06jSne ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTTj room hotel stable in Cen ¬ tury Fla near railroad depot A E Hlnman Century Fla decl5tf I WE WILL build you a house on your own plan and sell you on payments like rent Leslie E Brooks Company 43 South Fmlafox street decUtt WE have a large stock of second hand tents for sale or rent If it is made of canvas We can do it A H McLeod- Co 70S South Palafox street Phone 1176 FOR SALEA nice line of new floats Apply Enterprise Carriage Works phone 216 I5atf FOR SALE Beeldent lots on East Hill HO feet front by 132 feet deep strictly white neighborhood at 175 1000 cash and 9200 per month No interest and no taxes Lots are level on hill and near new car line Bayou and Bayview Park all In city limits Box 112 Elbert A Clubb It S BROWN S CO- Have customers for prop- erty ¬ In all part of the city If 11ou have any for sale list 750 Two choice corner lots on West Gar- den ¬ street fronting Barrancas Avenue 500 I Each for 3 south front lots on East I Jackson street commanding beautiful view of the bay Terms If desired 9600- For lock 168 of Clapp Tract In two years this block worth double without a question North Hill will al- ways ¬ be the principal residence section If yon want a sure Investment buy this block today For Rent Very desirable location on Palafos St between Romana and Intendencla v Offices- In the Thiesen Building large airy comfortable rooms heat and light rent reasonable Money To Lend Upon approved real estate security Fire InsuranceW- ritten In either of eight of oldest and largest companies at lowest rates Agents Thlesen Building Office Second Floor Phone 918 FOR RENTF- OR RENTBest and finest carriages- with match teams for weddings balls- or funerals Pensacola Livery Stable IToctlm TWO MODERN 2story Houses on West I Strong street between Baylen and Spring streets Apply C H Turneraug5tf j FOR RENT House at 110 W Belmont also one at 114 North Spring Apply Walker Ingraham ootlJtfi TOURISTS will find Tne Journals Pana- ma ¬ Canal Edition just the thing to send to friends at home It is filled with at- tractive ¬ pictures scenes and views from cover to cover Price 15c at bookstores- or at this office FOR RENT Twostory modern cottage 110 West Chase Apply Walker Ingra ¬ ham 13may f E my rent list for a desirable house- at reasonable rent John N Day 6E Garden street I FOR RENT 126 E Government St 2000 16th Ave and 9th St 2500 239 E Gregory St 92000 603 N 8th Ave 1750 I 907 N Alcaniz St 91600 618 E Garden Street 1500 I 622 E Garden Street 600 605 E Aragon Street 600 Store and Dwelling S E Cor Hayne and Jordan streets 1000 Large house near Saunders Mill 1000 McMillan McClure Co 1004 American Nat Bank Bldg Phone 2- 71MostDesirable OfficesF- OR RENT IN THE BLOUNT BUILDING I A suite of 2 very attractive and large I offices on seventh floor containing- about 575 square feet and giving I southern and western exposure which can be had for about 6 cents per square foot Also a suite of 5 offices on sixth floor 2 of which front Garden street- at 5 cents per snare toot Can rent 3 offices at sam rate Southern and western frontage Also offices fronting west and one fronting south on filth floor at 5 and b cents per square foot each Several suites of offices on third floor This floor connects with the Brent building front and rear corri- dors ¬ and gives access to elevators In both buildings besides communicating- with 240 offices Very desirable cool and modern The offices in this building are large well lighted and ventilated heated steam and are thoroughly modern throughout Good janitor ser- vice ¬ at all times two elevators go- ing ¬ all day Lavatory in each toom IT WOULD PAY YOU I to let us show you these offices and point out the advantages to be gained In renting same For particulars terms etc write or phoneHooton WatsonT- he Rental Agents Phone 54 P O Box L FOR RENT Stores and Warehouses- Cor Coyle and Belmont 2500 E Government otreet 4000 613 S Palafox street 1500 207209 E Government St 4000 9th avenue and 14th street 1000 211 South Tarragona St 1250 122 E Government St 3500 122 North Palafox St 2250 Boarding Houses National Hotel IS rooms 312 North Hayne street 2500 Dwellings uth Palafox St 1500- or < 10th Avenue and 11th Street 3000 322 South Alcaniz St 4500 232 West Government St 1300 Southeast Cor 10th Avenue and IlL street 3000 240 East Intendencla St 2250 721 W Main St f 1600 413 N Gulllemarde 1100- N W Cor Baylen and Ltoyd35CO 219 N Cevalles 2000 331 East Romana Street 1400 211 N 9th Ave 51000 Little Bayou l 1500 S12 W Government 1250 Twostory house on Jackson be- tween ¬ I 16th and 17th avenues 3500 Cor 16th avenue and Cervantes 1750 Big Bayou 1000 1403 E 12th Street 2750 SOS W Gregory St 1800 626 E Intendencla Streetsioo 810 East Gadsden street 3000- 50n E DeSoto street1250 501 W Strong s 900 24 South Spring 2000 15th Avenue and 13th St 1250 I 273 E Gregory St 4000 115 W Strong St 4000 Cor 14th St and 13th Ave2000 1309 E Strong street 1250 Cor Gregory and Baylen Sts 3000 llWest Intendencia St 1500 1017 E Gadsden St 2000 15th Ave and 13th St N W Cor 1500 1305 E LaRua St 1000 316 Vest MaIn St 1000 Big Bayou 1000 Big Bayou 1250 West Hill Farm 1000 307 W Chase St 2250 Offices Over Peoples National Bank 28 South Palafox street HVfe East Government street 31A W Intendencia St 1500 322 North Palafox St The Fisher Real Estate AgencyT- HE RENT COLLECTORS- Phone 37 DOWN TOWN BARGAIN CLOSE IN 7 rooms bath gas electric lights sewer connections- all modern new on Belmont street adjoining Y M C A property just off Palafox one block from two car lines worth 4000 or more can be had for 3500 For a Few Days LESLIE E BROOKS COMPANYInco- rporated REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 43 South Palafox Street U YOUR OPPORTUNITY CALLING NOWC- ottage 325000 on East H1II Lot 60x137 2 feet three bedrooms bath bathroom parlor and dining room All modern Improvements Facing South 25000 cash bal ¬ ance like rent Cottage 250000 Lot 60x137 2 feet Easy terms 2500 down and 925 a month 600000Twostory house on East Jackson street facing south eight rooms lot 100x137J2 This is a beauty every modern conven- ience ¬ hard wood doors through- out ¬ Brand new Cottage 350000Close In good neighborhood five minutes walk from the portofflce The house has seven rooms and a lot 50x125 Worth looking Into Bullock 6 Caldwell Phone 777 American National Bank Building FOR SALE House and lot W Romana Street r Store and lot Davis and Gonzalez Street 15 lots East Hill Four lots East Pensacola Small house West Wright Bargains- J N ANDREWS 101 N Palafox St FOR RENTF- OR I RENT Furnished cottage 2 nice rooms with adjoining kitchen furnished for light housekeeping Call at 13 North Reus St 17octlw BOARD AND ROOMSW- ANTEDTwo gentlemen roomers 315 South Florida Blanca St Just two blocks from Bay Four blocks from town 21octlw FOR RENT Furnished room for gentle ¬ man overlooking the bay 511 East Zarra ospa St 20octlw NICE BOARDING HOUSE 304 N Guille mard street soond house from Wright street Real German cooking By ek 150 or day Also table board 5350 per week ISoctlw WHEN in Pensacola stop at the St Charles Hotel Clean and uptodate- In every respect Hates 550 per week and up 106Vs East Government St op- posite ¬ Opera House N W Shepeard Prop IToctlm COMFORTABLY furnished rooms with board bath etc for several gentlemen- in family of three 110 N Alcanlz St Phone SSO 17octlw FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms for rent Good location 304 N Spring SL- lioetlw ROOMS AND BOARDLarge light rooms all modern conveniences Apply 212 E Gregory or Phone 1067 17oct2w ROOMS FOR RENT furnished or unfur ¬ nished Conveniences for light house- keeping ¬ if desired 320 N Barcelona St- 17octlw FURNISHED ROOMS for rent Privilege of light Apply 110 W Chase St oct2tf FOR RE = Furnished or unfurnished- room Bath and gas Two blocks from East Hill car 904 North Cordova- St 12oct2w FURNISHED ROOMS Nice furnished rooms central location at No 12 North Palafox St Rates reasonable 10oct2w TWO LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS for rent modern conveniences 1017 North Palafox Phone 1337 3oct FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room Central locality 322 North BaylenoctStf FURNISHED ROOMS one and a half blocks from Blount Building Bath and all conveniences on tame floor 114 W Garden street 16jlytf MONEY TO LOAN ARE YOU getting B per cent net for your money If not you dont get all I that Is coming to you We can place ft on firstclass mortgages on improved city property How much does it pay you laid up doing nothing Leslie E Brooks 113 S Palafox MONET LOANED on all Wnd ofper sQuat property on short notice Easy terms Suburban lots sold on easy pay p aAIr r JI w THE LAST CHANCE We have Hated for a few days only the last large body of good residence property Inside the city limits that can be bought at a wholesale price The owner is willing to sell now quick at a low figure If you want the best invest ¬ ment in unimproved property around the city and mean busi- ness ¬ see us at once CR E Dobson Co Phone 469 211 Blount Building HELP WANTEDW- ANTEDLady to help sewing In a tailor shop Good wages Apply No 12 W Romana St W K Bishop 23oct2t WANTEDSettled colored woman to nurse two small children Apply 200 E Church St 23ootlw WANTED competent colored bush man tailor for white shop Address or call W Gordon Smith DeFuniak Springs Fla 22octiw WANTED Young men who can furnish references to become traveling sales- men ¬ experience unnecessary Write to- day for full particulars Bradstreet Sys- tem ¬ Dept 819 Rochester NY 22oct3t WANTEDAn office boy whose grand mother dies but once who an always keep his eyes open antI his mouth shut except when answering the telephone 532 Care Journal 20octI- wWANTEDYard man at 608 East Morena St lOoc- tWANTEDReliable porter at once Ap ¬ ply 218 South St oetl7tf- WANTEDAt once experienced sales- lady ¬ for cloak and suit department- One who understands making altera ¬ tions Apply to Manager Joseph Galin 21S S Palafox St octlTtf WANTEDOffice boy with bicycle Ap ¬ ply at once at Empire Laundry oct2tf WANTED Young man to do office work Must be a stenographer a good pen ¬ man and quick at figures Address P O Box 236 Pensacola Fla Soc- tWANTEDRailway Malt Clerks post office clerks carriers Salary 600 to 1600 Examinations In Pensacola No ¬ vember 17th Preparation tree Write fr schedule Franklin Institute Dept 57G Rochester NY tilNovT WANTEDBright active boys to deliver The Journal Apply Circulation Man ¬ ager oct2tf 250 MENS SUITS worth 38 to 515 now going at 5450 200 boys 175 to 5350 suits sizes 5 to 17 as long as they last 125 E Greenblatt 139 E Intendencla loctlm GOOD COOK and house maid not afraid- of work Apply at once 1096 E Mat lory St 193eptf WANTED Kailway Mall Clerks Post office Clerks Carriers Salary 560000 to 1600 Examinations in Pensacola November 17th Preparation free Write for schedule Franklin Institute Dept 53F Rochester N Y tilllSoct FURNITUREAN- YTHING IN THE FURNITURE line repaired upholstered or refinished picture framing to order J R Stiff 38 E Romana St 26augtf- WE PACK SHIP REPAIR Refinish and Store Furniture Solomon Furniture Co Phone 971 20 and 22 W Govern- ment ¬ iunellt Pensacola St Andrews and Gulf SteamshiD Co STEAMER TARPON- W G BARROW Master FIRST CLASS PASSENGER ANT FREIGHT SERVICE- Between PENSACOLA MOBILE APALACHICO LA CARRABELLE AN DREWS MILLVILLE- And All points on St Andrews Bay Car rabelle and Apalachlcela SCHEDULE Leaves Pensacola Sunday 83a p m for Mobile Ala- Leaves Pensacola Tuesday for St Andrews Apalachicola Carrabello and Intermediate points For additional Information apply to H H DOVER V W WALTHER President General Frt and Pass Agt Pensacola Fla Phone 653 The third new play to be brought- out by the Shubert Stock Company at the Bijou theatre Brooklyn was The Ranchman a fouract drama- of the plains by Edith Ellis Furniss Mrs Furniss staged and rehearsed- the play The Road to Yesterday will > seen in the Shubert theatres within a few weeks c L TWO OF THE BEST OBTAINABLE NORTH HILLRE- SIDENCE 1 SITES Seven lots on the northwest corner of Reus and Brainard streets south front with good elevation Price 425000 j 65x150 feet on the northeast corner of Reus and I Gonzalez streets south front facing Alabama square Concrete sidewalks already down just on top of the hill Price 225000 MJ THE FISHER REAL ESTATE AGENCY THE RENT COLLECTORS Phone 87 206 South Palafox Street I WE WILL GIVE AWAY TWO LOTS A strictly bona fide proposition We have two blocks which are within a couple of blocks of the car line and one block from Bayou Texar To the first person who buys a lot in either of these blocks agreeing to erect a residence costing not less than 2500 we I will give an additional lot A home site for just onehalf price Call and talk it over This is a chance not often open i McDavidHyer Company 100 E Government St Phone 700 The Last Chance to Buy Inside North Hill Lots at Such Terms and Prices- We offer lots In the best district of North Hill at a price far be- low those which prevail in this neighborhood and at terms which will surprise youWhy Not InvestigateW- ithin two months there will be no lots in this district that can be purchased under 100000 Our prices range from 450 up to 650 per lot Our terms are 20 per cent down and 10 per cent each month until paid Think of buying North Hill property at tbe prices and terms Think it over then call and see us or phone 120 i THE PACKARD LAND CO 212 Blount Bldg Phone 120 For Sale CheapT- wo car loads of horses at Campbells stable Cor Gar ¬ den and Brue ts Clarke WillisIvI- ISCELLANEOUS TIlE VERY LATEST New York styles- can be seen at the Model Millinery 10 J E Wright Street 17octlm NOTICE Is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts or accounts made by any one else but myself John Murchie 2oct 250 MENS SUITS worth 18 to 15 now going at 450 200 boys 175 to 350 suits sizes 5 to 17 as long as last 125 E Greenblatt 139 E Intendencla locUm NORMAN A COXTin copper and sheet iron worker Slate and metal roofing guttering and repairing a spe- cialty ¬ P O Box 672 phone 413 510 S Palafox 19seplm E GAUTESEN Rigger and Sallmaker Manufacturer Tents Awnings Tarpau- lins ¬ Draw Covers etc Pensacola Fla 710 South Palafox St 6septlm LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED 60 cents Work guaranteed Repairs of all kinds bicycles guns pistols ¬ writers keys and locks E D Palmer 6 = South Palafox ISauglm NOTICE have a special machine to grind lawn mowers Prices reasonable Satisfaction guaranteed E L Herring Blacksmith shop T4 East Intendencla St Phone 923 Ijlytf SCARRITT MORENO Pensacola Fla agent Diebold and Levata Safes and Bank Fixtures Correspondence solicit- ed ¬ febl7tl DO YOU OWN A LOT that you want to build on1 We will lend you the money and save you from rentpaying Leslie E Brooks Company 43 S Palfox St dec3tf MERCHANTS TRANSFER CO Thor B Thorsen Prop solicits all kinds of moving and hauling Furniture packed- for shipment Furniture stored Office phone 978 Depot phone 704 lne2lt- feQ + + LIVE STOCK 1 I AND POULTRY i 4 e e + 4 EGGS lOc EACHFive varieties fancy poultry Light brahma eggs 13 for J2 Incubators and brooders for sale Mrs Wm F Reed 320 N Barcelona octltf GET YOUR FOWLS in condition to lay 35c and 40c eggs by using Heneeda and Conkoys Laying Tonic A free sample It you call or mailed on receipt of two cent stamp F S Mellen Co 79 N Alcnlz St Penaicola Fla aug3lti I FOR SALEO- NE PONY MARE 6 years old Buggy and harness Good Will soil at a bar- gain ¬ Phone or see E C Moore 908 B Jackson St 23octlw FOR SALESeventyfive single comb white leghorn cockrels from bet strain In America 150 each Address J C Alexander Care Meyer Shoe Co Pensa ¬ cola 200ct2w HOTELSB- RIGGS HOUSE 104106 Eliot Wright street 300 feet west of L N Depot Best location in Penpaoola All rooms nicely furnished and outside exposures 20octlm r = = y oo Ill 153 WEST FLORIDA 7 WANT K- 1JS coo = = ceo = = MILLIGANBA- RCLAY HOUSE Milligan Fla oppo ¬ site the station Everything new and clean Special attention to commercial- men Rates J200 per day Jan28t PANAMA CITY MAGNOLIA HOTELPanama City Pta New firstclass uptodate Now open to the public 150 to 200 per day Special rates by the week J B Hoge boom Prop 7mchtf J B WADDELLR- eal Estate Loans CollectionsL- oans negotiated on Real Estate or personal property General Collecting Agent Choice City lots for sale Phone 1144 Room 2 Old Armory Hall Box 618 ACRES ON THE SOUND 100 acres or 2000 feet water front with house worth half the price for sale at 00000 I John N Day 6 E Garden St t I

I IA rJ IEJ W T Ar V E Fl VP I E T Iufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00333/0197.pdf · I j I o B THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 23 1909 L IArJ IFIEJ > W T Ar>

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Page 1: I IA rJ IEJ W T Ar V E Fl VP I E T Iufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/11/00333/0197.pdf · I j I o B THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING OCTOBER 23 1909 L IArJ IFIEJ > W T Ar>



I oL IA rJ IFIEJ > W T Ar > V E Fl VPI E lVLESf T I AThe opening of the Subway in New York City

caused an increase of several hundred per cent inrealty values almost immediately

Likewisethe opening of the Paved Streets andthe Panama Canal will greatly enhance values ofPensacola Real Estate

Paste this forecast in your memory book and ifyou procrastinate think of the missed opportunities-and then kick yourself


37500 Small 3roem cottageNo 1014 W Jackson St

60000 at 415 NorthRauo St a bargain

117500 Two cottages renting at15000 per annum fronting south

on Jackson St near Au street117500 Nice building lot on N

E corner Chase and Reus Sts 40x130 feet-

1MOoo8tofe and Dwelling onlot 100x125 feet S E Corner Jack ¬









WANTED Tyrant married couple oryoung man to rent room In private

family Privilege of light houaekepjinc1-

Utere1tC S roQulred U3 N H yne orphone 11S8S 23ooU-

tviANTEDTo buy aecondhand range orbe incove eratar back

irOod condition and cheap Addressnanga Care Journal 2Ioct3t

MATTRESSES made to order and renorated laid Lve orders with

Wetzon Parker Reese Co Pbone 2762Wesley ThjAcU J2ocU-

UANTEIA scondhA4 speing dstlvwagon Call at Morgan stabes

phone t1O Sloctiw

POSITION wants ai cooawS ary oerkS years experience Can furnish Al-

refereflC Now Good reaeons for changing Apply A W QueJournal 2loctl-wWATEDTO Icy your matting carpets

and linoleum no matter wnece youbuy Costs no more and much betterWork than others do Insist on hayingFairehlW Phone 4S5 <x> tl9tfWANTED Position as stenographer by

voun lady with experience Address-Experience 17oct3ir

WANTEDTo barrow 56000 on good im-


realty security year orlonger at 8 per cent Interest annuallyProperty worth 15000 Address B MC care Penaacola Journal ocU4tf

WANTED good milch eow GarfieldIce Factory lOoct

WANTED The addresses of those whocan spare a few show cases for the

TrlCounty Fair Address N J LlllardBox 722 Soct

HOUSE CLEANING by vacuum methoawithout removing furniture Dust and

dirt quickly removed from rugs draper-ies


carpets and furniture in homes offi-


churches etc J H Hamilton 124Church street Leave orders with GibbsQuigiey Morgan SoctlmWANTEDEvery man woman and boy

in town to see these boys suits worth175 to 350 going at 125 E Green¬

blatt 139 E latendencla locUmKODAK developing and printing at

Johnsons Book Store 26septlm

BANKS TRANSFER CO want to haulyour baggage Prompt service and

careful handling our specialty Phones291 and 139 July4tf

WE MAKE STENCILS keys do all kinds-of electrical or machine work repair-

and Install electric fans Two gas engines-for sale 1H and 2 a Fairbanks Baroco

Thompson No 10 E Garden jly2tf

WANTEDYour Job Printing and orders-for Engraving of all kinds calling cards

wedding etc MAYES PRINT ¬

ING COi 2 4 W Government IJly

GUARANTEE REPAIR SHOPGeneralrepairs for guns locks bicycles clocks

registers typewriters etc210 DeLuna St Phone 1057 13Jantf

WANTEDSome clean rats Apply pressroom Journal lOapl

yOU TO BUY YOUR FRESH MEATspoultry eggs and green groceries at

cor Baylen and Romana21rft F Kramer Phone 740

feblJtfWANTED R BIn am wants yourmoving and hauling He guarantees allbreakage Furniture packed for ship-ment Phone 630

YOU CAN the same rent forever andnever have anything but receipts You

can pay us for 7 or 8 r8 and own ahome Let us tell you Leslie E BrooksCompany declStf

WANTEDAU kinds of jecondhandsacks Bring them to us ship them to-

M Telephone us write to us CornerGarden and streets TelephoneNo 884 F S Mellen CoI

IWANTED ur shoes to repair whileyou wait Half soled in 16 minutes

Bam Charles rill South Falafor streetPhones 614 and 1042 31mr

LOST1OST Whtte Fox Terrier Tag No 121

Top of head nearly all black withwhite dividing streak Large black spotpear his tall Coat along spine In badcondition Answers to name of BoozerReward for return to G L Bourchler 17Bast Brainard St 23octtLOSTBunch of keys probably near

Marston 3 Quinas Reward for returnto Hannah Grants Drug Store 22oct2t

LOSTA fox terrier white and markedwith black and tan on the head Finder

please return to E O Saltmarsh No 14West Belmont Street oct7tf


Christ Church desires earnest pupilsonly for organ voice and piano LessonsIn choir room For terms apply 519 NOordova SoctlmGIRLS BOARDING SCHOOLSacred-

Heart School under direction of theSisters of Perpetual Adoration will re-ceive


girt boarders All English brancheswith French Music and Fancy Work aretaught Discipline Is maternal and everypupil receives kindest special attentionLocation overlooks bay and is especiallybeautiful and attractive For rates andparticulars address Sister Superior Sa-cred


Heart Cor LaRua St andSth Avenue Pensacola Fla Go-

cteaThet = i

Journals Wantads 4d profit thereby


Ooo4lOom dwelling on lotfronting 60 feet 8 E Cor Hayneand LaRua Sts cement walk

Twostory dwelling 6rooms gas sewer cement walks-In A1 condition near L N R RShops

2950O014stOfY dwelling lo-


at 21 North DeVllller St 7rooms sewerage Lot 54x120 feet

400000>> Twostory dwelling onN Barcelona St 6 rooms 2 closetsbath gas A1 home





FOR SALEFIRSTCLASS household furniture In-


piano guitar brass fendersbedroom suite feather beds and pillowstables chairs dining room set etc Callat 1102 East Gadsden Phone 285 oct22tf

FOR SALEOne pointer bird dog Ap ¬

ply 1106 E Jackson street lloctlwFOR SALEA piano practically new of

standard make Only been in use twomonths Apply 14 LaRua St octZOtf

HORSE NEW BUGGY AND HARNESSAbsolutely gentle for lady to drive Alla Call at 12 E LaRua St-

oct21 tFOURROOM cottage on lot 130x137 ftsouth front four blocks from new highschool building 2 blocks from car lineApply 720 Twelfth Avenue none 1317

20octlwPlRbXDO BAY LAND60C acres fronting-

on Perdldo Bay at 500 per acreTerra 51000 cash 1000 in one year and11000 In two years with interest Somepine and cypress timber on land Goodtitle For information toJerry J Sullivan Jr 203 Thiesen BldgPensacola Fla 20octlwFOR SALEOne fishing launch and gillnet Both in good condition ApplyBurnett Touart 623 W Main St 19oct2wFOR SALE Secondhand boys bicycle

with new tires Appl Burton JohnsonCor Baylen and Gonzalez Sts oot20tfLEATHER SEATED FURNITUREBe-ginning

¬Monday we will sell for re ¬pair charges for cash new leather seatsquartersawed oak dining chairs androckers Incomplete sets filled at priceslower than at any furniture house in cityB H Fairchild Co 31 West Garden StPhone 485 17octlw

FOR SALE One bay pony horse gentleand will work anywhere A bargainat 7500 One Napoleon bicycle almostnew for 1800 Apply A E TaylorCantonment Fla R F D No1 No 20-17ocUw

FOR SALESecondhand light deliverywagon in good order roadcarts Wm Johnson Son Vehicle De ¬partment octlotfGO TO C T DAVIS for bargains Furniture new or second hand bought andsold for cash or credit Mattresses madeto order old ones renovated called forand returned same day 114 E BelmontSt Phone 771 SOctfPURE MILK DAILY 10 cents per quartNew dairy just started on East HillAddress Park Dairy P O Box 575

oct7FOR SALEMODERN HOUSE 6 roomspantry bathroom front and back gal ¬lery furnished close in at 202 ChurchI street at 3000 A bargain


oO Mens suits worth 58 to 15 going astong as they last 450 200 boys suitssizes 5 to 17 worth 175 to 350 as longas they last 125 E Greonblatt 139 EIntendencla locUmFOR SALE Secondhand safe 18x25 in ¬

side measurement A bargain AUilrcssP O Box 6 Pensacola Fla Bept2JtfA BARGAIN acres good farming land34mlle east of Olive station on FerryPass road 35 acares under fence andnow being cultivated 2 good dwellinghouses on same with barns and stableGood water at each house Good streamof water running through it Excellentlocation for kog or poultry or truckfarming Good neighborhood handy tochurch railroad and on line of the pro ¬posed Andalusia road 135 acres 1 12miles east of Olive Station with no im ¬provements near Whitmire CemeteryWill sell either or both places at a bar ¬gain For prices and terms seeHarper Room SOO American NationalBuilding Take a lriv with me to seeand appreciate such a bargain locUmNEW GARDEN SEEDSJust receivedfull supply Crystal Wax red and whiteBermuda Onions celery spinnach caull ¬flower large white head lettuce varietyof onion sets and General line fall seedsSend cash with mall ordersbuisson Bro 124126 East totomieicYaSt Pensacola Fla 29septlm-FOR SALESeveral lots InHeights

blocks jfcMi SSSVfflSSno Fla ileptlmFOR OR LEASE Well equippedrepair afiop in good location Apply toor address J G Morgan 1020 EaSt Cervantes St City aug29THE JOURNALS PANAMA CANALedition is the best book for advertising Pensacola ever produced Get Itsend It to your friends At all book

andstores or at this office

FOR SALE My transfer business houseand stables Business cleared 1055 firstfive months this year Reason for sellingI am 67 years old andenough to quit A R BingfaantT06jSneATTRACTIVE INVESTMENTTj

room hotel stable in Cen ¬tury Fla near railroad depot A EHlnman Century Fla decl5tfI WE WILL build you a house on your ownplan and sell you on payments likerent Leslie E Brooks Company 43 SouthFmlafox street decUttWE have a large stock of second handtents for sale or rent If it is made ofcanvas We can do it A H McLeod-Co 70S South Palafox street Phone 1176

FOR SALEA nice line of new floatsApply Enterprise Carriage Works

phone 216 I5atfFOR SALE Beeldent lots on East Hill

HO feet front by 132 feet deep strictlywhite neighborhood at 175 1000 cashand 9200 per month No interest and notaxes Lots are level on hill and nearnew car line Bayou and Bayview Parkall In city limits Box 112 Elbert AClubb


Have customers for prop-erty


In all part of the cityIf11ou have any for sale list

750Two choice corner lots on West Gar-


street fronting Barrancas Avenue


Each for 3 south front lots on East I

Jackson street commanding beautifulview of the bay Terms If desired

9600-For lock 168 of Clapp Tract In two

years this block worth doublewithout a question North Hill will al-ways


be the principal residence sectionIf yon want a sure Investment buy thisblock today

For RentVery desirable location on Palafos St

between Romana and Intendenclav Offices-

In the Thiesen Building large airycomfortable rooms heat and light rentreasonable

Money To LendUpon approved real estate security

Fire InsuranceW-ritten In either of eight of oldest andlargest companies at lowest rates

Agents Thlesen BuildingOffice Second Floor

Phone 918


OR RENTBest and finest carriages-with match teams for weddings balls-

or funerals Pensacola Livery StableIToctlm

TWO MODERN 2story Houses on West IStrong street between Baylen andSpring streets Apply C H Turneraug5tf


FOR RENT House at 110 W Belmontalso one at 114 North Spring Apply

Walker Ingraham ootlJtfiTOURISTS will find Tne Journals Pana-


Canal Edition just the thing to sendto friends at home It is filled with at-tractive


pictures scenes and views fromcover to cover Price 15c at bookstores-or at this office

FOR RENT Twostory modern cottage110 West Chase Apply Walker Ingra¬

ham 13may

f E my rent list for a desirable house-at reasonable rent John N Day

6 E Garden streetI

FOR RENT126 E Government St 200016th Ave and 9th St 2500239 E Gregory St 92000603 N 8th Ave 1750 I

907 N Alcaniz St 91600618 E Garden Street 1500 I

622 E Garden Street 600605 E Aragon Street 600Store and Dwelling S E Cor

Hayne and Jordan streets 1000Large house near Saunders Mill 1000McMillan McClure Co

1004 American Nat Bank BldgPhone 2-

71MostDesirable OfficesF-OR RENT IN THE BLOUNT

BUILDINGI A suite of 2 very attractive and largeI offices on seventh floor containing-about 575 square feet and giving

I southern and western exposure whichcan be had for about 6 cents persquare foot

Also a suite of 5 offices on sixthfloor 2 of which front Garden street-at 5 cents per snare toot Can rent3 offices at sam rate Southern andwestern frontage

Also offices fronting west and onefronting south on filth floor at 5 and bcents per square foot each

Several suites of offices on thirdfloor This floor connects with theBrent building front and rear corri-dors


and gives access to elevators Inboth buildings besides communicating-with 240 offices Very desirable cooland modern

The offices in this building arelarge well lighted and ventilatedheated steam and are thoroughlymodern throughout Good janitor ser-vice


at all times two elevators go-ing


all day Lavatory in each toomIT WOULD PAY YOU

I to let us show you these offices andpoint out the advantages to be gainedIn renting same

For particulars terms etc write or

phoneHooton WatsonT-he Rental Agents

Phone 54 P O Box L

FOR RENTStores and Warehouses-

Cor Coyle and Belmont 2500E Government otreet 4000

613 S Palafox street 1500207209 E Government St 40009th avenue and 14th street 1000211 South Tarragona St 1250122 E Government St 3500122 North Palafox St 2250

Boarding HousesNational Hotel IS rooms312 North Hayne street 2500

Dwellingsuth Palafox St 1500-

or< 10th Avenue and 11th Street 3000322 South Alcaniz St 4500232 West Government St 1300Southeast Cor 10th Avenue and

IlL street 3000240 East Intendencla St 2250721 W Main St f 1600413 N Gulllemarde 1100-N W Cor Baylen and Ltoyd35CO219 N Cevalles 2000331 East Romana Street 1400211 N 9th Ave 51000Little Bayou l 1500S12 W Government 1250Twostory house on Jackson be-

tween¬ I

16th and 17th avenues 3500Cor 16th avenue and Cervantes 1750Big Bayou 10001403 E 12th Street 2750SOS W Gregory St 1800626 E Intendencla Streetsioo810 East Gadsden street 3000-50n E DeSoto street1250501 W Strong s 90024 South Spring 200015th Avenue and 13th St 1250


273 E Gregory St 4000115 W Strong St 4000Cor 14th St and 13th Ave20001309 E Strong street 1250Cor Gregory and Baylen Sts 3000llWest Intendencia St 15001017 E Gadsden St 200015th Ave and 13th St N W Cor 15001305 E LaRua St 1000316 Vest MaIn St 1000Big Bayou 1000Big Bayou 1250West Hill Farm 1000307 W Chase St 2250

OfficesOver Peoples National Bank28 South Palafox streetHVfe East Government street31A W Intendencia St 1500322 North Palafox StThe Fisher Real Estate


Phone 37


7 rooms bath gas electric lights sewer connections-

all modern new on Belmont street adjoining YM C A property just off Palafox one blockfrom two car lines worth 4000 or more canbe had for



43 South Palafox Street






ottage 325000 on East H1IILot 60x137 2 feet three bedroomsbath bathroom parlor and diningroom All modern ImprovementsFacing South 25000 cash bal ¬

ance like rent

Cottage 250000 Lot 60x137 2feet Easy terms 2500 down and925 a month

600000Twostory house onEast Jackson street facing southeight rooms lot 100x137J2 This isa beauty every modern conven-ience


hard wood doors through-out


Brand new

Cottage 350000Close In goodneighborhood five minutes walkfrom the portofflce The house hasseven rooms and a lot 50x125Worth looking Into

Bullock 6 CaldwellPhone 777

American National Bank Building

FOR SALEHouse and lot W Romana

Street r

Store and lot Davis andGonzalez Street

15 lots East HillFour lots East PensacolaSmall house West Wright

Bargains-J N ANDREWS101 N Palafox St




RENT Furnished cottage 2 nicerooms with adjoining kitchen furnished

for light housekeeping Call at 13 NorthReus St 17octlw


ANTEDTwo gentlemen roomers 315South Florida Blanca St Just two

blocks from Bay Four blocks from town21octlw

FOR RENT Furnished room for gentle ¬

man overlooking the bay 511 EastZarra ospa St 20octlw

NICE BOARDING HOUSE 304 N Guillemard street soond house from Wright

street Real German cooking By ek150 or day Also table board 5350

per week ISoctlw

WHEN in Pensacola stop at the StCharles Hotel Clean and uptodate-

In every respect Hates 550 per weekand up 106Vs East Government St op-posite


Opera House N W ShepeardProp IToctlm

COMFORTABLY furnished rooms withboard bath etc for several gentlemen-

in family of three 110 N Alcanlz StPhone SSO 17octlw

FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms forrent Good location 304 N Spring SL-

lioetlwROOMS AND BOARDLarge light

rooms all modern conveniences Apply212 E Gregory or Phone 1067 17oct2w

ROOMS FOR RENT furnished or unfur ¬

nished Conveniences for light house-keeping


if desired 320 N Barcelona St-17octlw

FURNISHED ROOMS for rent Privilegeof light Apply 110 W

Chase St oct2tfFOR RE = Furnished or unfurnished-

room Bath and gas Two blocksfrom East Hill car 904 North Cordova-St 12oct2w

FURNISHED ROOMS Nice furnishedrooms central location at No 12 North

Palafox St Rates reasonable 10oct2w

TWO LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS forrent modern conveniences 1017 North

Palafox Phone 1337 3oct

FOR RENT Nicely furnished front roomCentral locality 322 North BaylenoctStf

FURNISHED ROOMS one and a halfblocks from Blount Building Bath and

all conveniences on tame floor 114 WGarden street 16jlytf

MONEY TO LOANARE YOU getting B per cent net foryour money If not you dont get all I

that Is coming to you We can place fton firstclass mortgages on improved cityproperty How much does it pay you laidup doing nothing Leslie E Brooks 113S PalafoxMONET LOANED on all Wnd ofpersQuat property on short notice Easyterms Suburban lots sold on easy payp aAIr r JI w


CHANCEWe have Hated for a few days

only the last large body ofgood residence property Insidethe city limits that can bebought at a wholesale priceThe owner is willing to sellnow quick at a low figure

If you want the best invest ¬

ment in unimproved propertyaround the city and mean busi-ness


see us at once

CR E Dobson CoPhone 469

211 Blount Building


ANTEDLady to help sewing In atailor shop Good wages Apply No

12 W Romana St W K Bishop 23oct2tWANTEDSettled colored woman to

nurse two small children Apply 200 EChurch St 23ootlw

WANTED competent colored bushman tailor for white shop Address orcall W Gordon Smith DeFuniak SpringsFla 22octiwWANTED Young men who can furnish

references to become traveling sales-men


experience unnecessary Write to-day for full particulars Bradstreet Sys-tem


Dept 819 Rochester NY 22oct3tWANTEDAn office boy whose grand

mother dies but once who an alwayskeep his eyes open antI his mouth shutexcept when answering the telephone

532 Care Journal 20octI-wWANTEDYard man at 608 East MorenaSt lOoc-

tWANTEDReliable porter at once Ap ¬

ply 218 South St oetl7tf-

WANTEDAt once experienced sales-lady


for cloak and suit department-One who understands making altera ¬

tions Apply to Manager Joseph Galin21S S Palafox St octlTtfWANTEDOffice boy with bicycle Ap ¬

ply at once at Empire Laundryoct2tf

WANTED Young man to do office workMust be a stenographer a good pen ¬

man and quick at figures Address P OBox 236 Pensacola Fla Soc-

tWANTEDRailway Malt Clerks postoffice clerks carriers Salary 600 to

1600 Examinations In Pensacola No ¬

vember 17th Preparation tree Write frschedule Franklin Institute Dept 57GRochester NY tilNovTWANTEDBright active boys to deliver

The Journal Apply Circulation Man ¬

ager oct2tf250 MENS SUITS worth 38 to 515 now

going at 5450 200 boys 175 to 5350suits sizes 5 to 17 as long as they last125 E Greenblatt 139 E Intendencla

loctlmGOOD COOK and house maid not afraid-

of work Apply at once 1096 E Matlory St 193eptfWANTED Kailway Mall Clerks Post

office Clerks Carriers Salary 560000to 1600 Examinations in PensacolaNovember 17th Preparation free Writefor schedule Franklin Institute Dept53F Rochester N Y tilllSoct


YTHING IN THE FURNITURE linerepaired upholstered or refinishedpicture framing to order JR Stiff 38 E Romana St 26augtf-

WE PACK SHIP REPAIR Refinish andStore Furniture Solomon FurnitureCo Phone 971 20 and 22 W Govern-ment¬


Pensacola St Andrews andGulf SteamshiD Co





And All points on St Andrews Bay Carrabelle and ApalachlcelaSCHEDULE

Leaves Pensacola Sunday 83a p mfor Mobile Ala-Leaves Pensacola Tuesday

for St Andrews ApalachicolaCarrabello and Intermediate pointsFor additional Information apply to

H H DOVERV W WALTHER PresidentGeneral Frt and Pass Agt PensacolaFla Phone 653

The third new play to be brought-out by the Shubert Stock Companyat the Bijou theatre Brooklyn was

The Ranchman a fouract drama-of the plains by Edith Ellis FurnissMrs Furniss staged and rehearsed-the play

The Road to Yesterday will >

seen in the Shubert theatres within afew weeks






SITESSeven lots on the northwest corner of Reus and

Brainard streets south front with good elevationPrice 425000

j 65x150 feet on the northeast corner of Reus andI Gonzalez streets south front facing Alabama square

Concrete sidewalks already down just on top of thehill


THE RENT COLLECTORSPhone 87 206 South Palafox Street


A strictly bona fide proposition We have two blocks whichare within a couple of blocks of the car line and one block fromBayou Texar To the first person who buys a lot in either of theseblocks agreeing to erect a residence costing not less than 2500 we

I will give an additional lot A home site for just onehalf priceCall and talk it over This is a chance not often open

i McDavidHyer Company100 E Government St Phone 700

The Last Chance to Buy Inside NorthHill Lots at Such Terms and Prices-

We offer lots In the best district of North Hill at a price far be-low those which prevail in this neighborhood and at terms whichwill surprise

youWhy Not InvestigateW-ithin two months there will be no lots in this district that

can be purchased under 100000Our prices range from 450 up to 650 per lotOur terms are 20 per cent down and 10 per cent each month

until paidThink of buying North Hill property at tbe prices and termsThink it over then call and see us or phone 120

i THE PACKARD LAND CO212 Blount Bldg Phone 120

For SaleCheapT-

wo car loads of horses atCampbells stable Cor Gar¬

den and Brue ts

Clarke WillisIvI-


can be seen at the Model Millinery 10 J

E Wright Street 17octlm

NOTICE Is hereby given that I will notbe responsible for any debts or accounts

made by any one else but myself JohnMurchie 2oct250 MENS SUITS worth 18 to 15 now

going at 450 200 boys 175 to 350suits sizes 5 to 17 as long as last125 E Greenblatt 139 E Intendencla

locUmNORMAN A COXTin copper and

sheet iron worker Slate and metalroofing guttering and repairing a spe-cialty


P O Box 672 phone 413 510 SPalafox 19seplmE GAUTESEN Rigger and Sallmaker

Manufacturer Tents Awnings Tarpau-lins


Draw Covers etc Pensacola Fla710 South Palafox St 6septlmLAWN MOWERS SHARPENED 60

cents Work guaranteed Repairs ofall kinds bicycles guns pistols ¬

writers keys and locks E D Palmer6 = South Palafox ISauglm

NOTICE have a special machine togrind lawn mowers Prices reasonable

Satisfaction guaranteed E L HerringBlacksmith shop T4 East IntendenclaSt Phone 923 IjlytfSCARRITT MORENO Pensacola Fla

agent Diebold and Levata Safes andBank Fixtures Correspondence solicit-ed


DO YOU OWN A LOT that you want tobuild on1 We will lend you the money

and save you from rentpaying Leslie EBrooks Company 43 S Palfox St dec3tfMERCHANTS TRANSFER CO Thor B

Thorsen Prop solicits all kinds ofmoving and hauling Furniture packed-for shipment Furniture stored Officephone 978 Depot phone 704 lne2lt-

feQ+ +


4 e e + 4EGGS lOc EACHFive varieties fancy

poultry Light brahma eggs 13 for J2Incubators and brooders for sale MrsWm F Reed 320 N Barcelona octltfGET YOUR FOWLS in condition to lay

35c and 40c eggs by using Heneeda andConkoys Laying Tonic A free sample Ityou call or mailed on receipt of twocent stamp F S Mellen Co 79 NAlcnlz St Penaicola Fla aug3lti



NE PONY MARE 6 years old Buggyand harness Good Will soil at a bar-gain


Phone or see E C Moore 908 BJackson St 23octlwFOR SALESeventyfive single comb

white leghorn cockrels from bet strainIn America 150 each Address J CAlexander Care Meyer Shoe Co Pensa ¬

cola 200ct2w

HOTELSB-RIGGS HOUSE 104106 Eliot Wright

street 300 feet west of L N DepotBest location in Penpaoola All roomsnicely furnished and outside exposures


r= =y ooIll153 WEST FLORIDA 7

WANT K-1JScoo = = ceo = =


RCLAY HOUSE Milligan Fla oppo ¬

site the station Everything new andclean Special attention to commercial-men Rates J200 per day Jan28t


New firstclass uptodate Nowopen to the public 150 to 200 per daySpecial rates by the week J B Hogeboom Prop 7mchtf

J B WADDELLR-eal Estate Loans CollectionsL-

oans negotiated on Real Estate orpersonal property

General Collecting AgentChoice City lots for salePhone 1144 Room 2 Old Armory Hall

Box 618


THE SOUND100 acres or 2000 feet water

front with house worth halfthe price for sale at


John N Day6 E Garden St t