IFFairs I Wash Goods Ii Are beyond any doubt the pret ¬ tiest daintiest and most desir- able ¬ J line to be foundanywhere You willmake no mistake by calling and look ¬ ing over the stock Our salesladies f are always will- ing ¬ and anxious to give you any information re garding styles fabrics etc You will find at our pattern counter a complete stock of McCall Patterns which are beyond question superior to any pattern now used Waist Skimp are two words that arenev er heard used in connection with perfectiri i style 500 designs to select from at 1 1our pattern counter Fashion sheets freeCan please you in late style Mil linery Dress Goods and Footwear Pay us a visit ti Illinois Central RailroadTime Table at Beaver Dam Ky North Bound South Bound No 132 515 am No 1211135 pm No 1221220 pm No 101248 pm No 102248 pm No 131805 pm J E Williams Agt THE HOUSEKEEPER DOES NOTHING AS IMPORTANT AS BUYING GRO CEttlES Nothing anywbere as important ex dept possibly to cook them Poor groceries cannot be turned into good foodno matter how expert tine fool may be A dollar saved by buying cheat groceries will likely turn out to IK TWO wasted A loss of nourishment- A waste of eatables- A lack of relish We Invite all particular housewives to test the gocdness of our groceries then to act as they find them Thats all ILERS GROCERY HARTFORD KY Have You Seen ft Advertised If you have and its good and a Vet dont how ver sell a thing simply because its being advertised We must know first that it has merit and that the advertisement tells the truth You can trust our judgment in these matters Bo if you see it advertised and want to look into it v come to us Every truly meritorious article that a Drug Store should keep is in our stock- Remembei that and when you want anything in our line eons to sea us Your Frien- dsHARTFQRDDRUC 00 Incorporated I I V f11 Hq n I ¬ I i r + r t j V HARDWICK tests eyes- HARDWICK grinds lenses while you wait- HARDWICK has two Graduate Opti ¬ cians HARDWICK has the only Lens Grind ¬ ing Plate In Owensboro HARDWICK has the only uptodate Jewelry Store in Owensboro HARDWIck has a fine Jewelry Repairer HARDWICK has an Expert En graver HARDW1CK has the Best Watch Repairer HARDWICK is flue on Clock Re ¬ pairing know You will never what a fine store Owensboro has until you see Hardwlcks You will never know what Hardwick can do till you try 1 Ia Teeth That Chew and dont break The surest way to find out whether yours are efficient for mastication and In sound con ¬ dition is to come and investigate We enjoy a reputation in dentistry sec- ond to nope in the profession And our charges are low We perform all dental operations and give particular attention to decayed teeth Crown and bridge work a specialty Drs Hardin Bell I Office is Republican Building v HARTFORD > KY it c Try the W L Douglas Shoes told by Carson Co Mr W J French Prentls Osn i I pleasant caller Friday A new lot of Ladles Skirts just 1 i1- 1at I Carson Ai Cos A fine assortment of readyma Waists at Carson Cos o Mr Dresswell buys LIBERTY SPEC- IAL < Hats at Carson Cos 16m Liman Suits all colors pretty mod- els 500 at Barnard Cos Pretty Printed Flaxons reduced ti t 15c a yard at Barnard Cos Barnard Co sell Millinery that 1 Is new uptodate and satisfactory The Hartford Mill Co has plenty of good ear corn and oats for sale 14t r If you are thinking of buying t Stove or Range see U S Carson The Globe Stove Cos Stoves and Ranges are for sale by U S Carson Buy your Groceries and Hardwar from us and save money Hartford Grocery Co We are still well stocked on Mens Youths and Childrens Clothing Carson Co Just received a fine assortment of t Ladles and Misses Oxfords Carson CO Our Town Talk Flour at 600 per barrel has got em guetsing Hartford Grocery Co Commonwealths Attorney Ben D Ringo who went home last Friday re- turned to Hartford yesterday Miss Norma Miller daughter of Judge J Po Miller Cromwell is very ill Mrs Goo Barakat returned Monday from a visit to her mother at Me Henry Ky- Barnard Coi self the best win- dow Shade made Hartshorn Rollers only use- dLOSTA pearlhandle knife Flnde r will please return to Herald office and be rewarded Mr S Rosenblatt of Hawesvllle visited his brother Mr J Rosenblatt hero lust week Messrs R B Render Beaver Dam route 2 and J C Bennett Hartford were among our callers Monday Messrs C C Chinn Beaver Dam route 2 and Sam Morton Ocralvo were among our callers Thursday Messrs Joe Fuqua Hartford route 4 and R J Tuck Hartford route 7 were among our callers Wednesday Mr John Lawton of South Curroll ton paid The Herald a pleasant callI while in Hartford one day last week Rev O M Shultz will preach In the Ccntertown Baptist church on the 5tl Sunday In May Everybody invited Attorney W H Barnes is equi spin and opening up a fine suite of law offices over tine Bank of Hartford Hartford people should decorate their stores and residences tomor row in honor of the Madlsonvllli booster crowd Mr 1 F Vickers was called to Ow cnsboro Saturday by the serious ill ness of his motherinlaw Mrs M E Smith Attorney WH Barnes and son Ma- ster Glenn will leave the first ol next week for Glennmore Ky on 1 fishing expedition Miss Fllydla Foster rim of No creeks charming and accomplished young ladies paid The Hpruld an up predated call Saturday Miss Isabel Crouse trained nurse left Saturday for her home in Ow ensboro after attending several pa tlents and visiting friends hereI Leave your Laundry at my Grocery Domestic finish Work Guaranteed Called for and prompt delivery Phone 140 llers Grocery Mrs M Woldcr of Louisville Is tho guest of her daughter Mrs J Rosenblatt Miss Fannie Brownstein of Louisville is also visiting Mr and Mrs Rosenblatt Mr McIIenry Holbrook went to Elk ton Ky Monday and Rill return to- morrow ¬ with his brother Harold who has been attending Vanderbilt Train- Ing School at that place DrOscar Flenera Hartford boy has graduated from the Louisville College of Dentistry and is at homo on a short vacation He has not yet de- cided whore he will locate Hartford has the prettiest and best arranged depot on the new M H E railroad Agent Mlthke and as slsatnt Fred Anderson seem quite at home in their new quarters We never were better prepared to fit you up In dross goods of all kinds WoolenS Organdies White Goods ° Ilks Maxines and all of the things to be had Carson Co Mr John W Stevens died at tho I residence of his son Wesley Stevens near Utica iy Mondaynlght His I remaIns will be buried at the Alcxan pl t < der burying grounds this afternoo after funeral services to be conducted by Rev R D Bennett Mr Stevens was a resident of the Alexander nelg be hoed for many years before he ceased housekeeping plumltJre place froi the basement room of the New Con mcrclal Hotel to the front room i In the basement under thlo The Heral office- r > Judge C M Crowe and son Mario Crowe Prof WR Hedrick E P Moore James Lyons and son Willl Lyons left Sunday afternoon for a Weeks fishing In Grassy near the locks on Rough river Dr J T Hardin of the firm of DJs Hardln Bell dentists Hartford will be at Centertown beginning i to- day Wednesday and until and in eluding Saturday of this week for the practice of his profession Dont fall o atten hte Illustrate Gospel Service at tho Christian church by Rev G C Cromer to night No prayer meeting in town tonight but all will unite in the un ion service Mr Jesse Schroeter who had been assisting Mr Emory Schroeter In the photograph gallery hero while th latter tcok the census in this dis- trict left Sunday to resume work on his photo boat at Livermore Leave your Laundry with Lyons 8 Duke Hartford Grocery Co for the Richmond Steam Laundry Richmond Ind This Laundry always gives sat- isfaction Prompt delivery Satis- faction guaranteed 2tl Mr Austin Morris died of consump tlon at his homo near Horse Brandt Thursday afternoon at 2 oclock He was 26 years of age A wife an three small children and a brother Mr V G Morris of Oweneboro sur vivo him Illr B J King of Indiana stopped over in Hartford Sunday night to visit his sister Mrs E J Hudson leaving Monday for California to Visit his other two sisters He had been in attendance at the soldiers reunion at Central City The K of P entertainment at Dr Beans Opera House lastFrlday night embracing the recitation of Eva L Dunning of Columbus Ohio undo the auspices of the local lodg knights of Pythias was largely at tended and highly enjoyed by all present Guy Brown son of Mrs Saral IJnjwn Evansvllle Ind formerly of Ohlo couuty was drowned In the rive near Hlnton W Vn last Wednesday Guy svgs a nephew of John King Dar lei King and Mrs Enema Hudson of Hartford At the hour of going to press last night no news of the 110 covert of his body hud been received Mrs Ella D Boone and Miss Maggi Duncan who wore summoned to Greenville on Monday of last week on accent of the death of Mr Raj Hamilton caused by falling slate re turned to Louisville Friday accorn parried by their sister Mrs Jennie D Hamilton Rays mother who vII make an extended visit to roar moth er and sisters Mr J G Halliburton who has beer In Eastern Kentucky doing contac work on a now line of mllnmd Cur j tvvcral mrnthfl came home last week but left with his family Tuesdny or Harlan Ky where they will reside Mi Halliburton says however that ho will eventually re- turn with his family to Hartford where they will make their futur home Dr J R Phtlo will leave tomor row to attend the 4Ut annual rtfeet lug of the Kentucky Stntb Dents Scclety of which ho has been un honored member for fifteen years TIe meeting will bo held In Louis vllle the 26th 27th and 2Sth inst Dr Ill tie was called on bytho Davlesi County Dental Society to represent them In the State meeting and renal his paper entitled Ashrrs Artifi ¬ clot Enamel which he rtad befort them in February last To be Married Sundays CourierJournal contains the followingMrs Yonts Humphreys an nomices the engagement of her daugh tel Miss Mildred Humphreys to Mr Hush Morris of Bowling Green The weMirg will be colobratedWednesday Juno 22 at the Methodist church at Hoiiklnsvllle Miss Humphreys made many friends in Hartford while visiting her cousi- n ¬ Mrs Gi B Likens lust March Mr Morris is a prominent business man of Bowling Green and Is to be con- gratulated ¬ upon winning the heart red hand of such a cultured and char ingoung lady 1 Charged With Failing to Providei G B Smith of near Rosine was arrested Monday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff SO Keown and in default of ball vans lodged in jail Smith is charged with wilfully refusing and un reasonAbly neglecting to provide for the support of his four children under < cost and iB- ake food home A and save money w sj8r and health 3 fourteen years of age The warrant for his arrest was issued from the County Judges office cn the of V B Bratcher The trial Is set for Friday before County Judge R R Wedding GLATONI 1May 23Mrs George Thompson of Crowley La Is the guest of her fath ¬ er and mother Mr and MrsWH Lyons and other relatives of this placeMrs Ora Mason daughter and son Minnie and Lafayette of Arnenings Ark who has been the guest Of rela ¬ tives of this place for the past two weeks returned home Friday MrT1 Daniel 61 tliTT place whd was the guest of his daughterMrs C A Felix of Winnfleld La for a- few has returned horn Dr of Whltebvllle was at this place a few days last week air L Bradshaw Whltesvllle wn the guest of F IT Lyons and family last week- Miss Sallie Harrison of Leltchfldd Is hte gues of Dr J S Bean and Alfe Mrs Ida Acton and llttlb son Cecil of this place were the guests of Mr Joe Millers family at last I SundayMrs Arthur Mitchell of this place J hot hot are i in In by ItOYAL O Baking f Powder the at affidavit days Haynes vho has been quite ill Is hnprovist Mr Charles Landram and wife aE this place are moving to Owensbom Death of Mr Henry ArmeridL Mr Henry Armendt an old annr spected citizen died at his home tau miles northeast of Hartford ieet Wednesday about noon SJb had been in falling heath i for sehral months but Sfcs conditions was not considered das serous until the last few days 22s death wasthe result of senile Aussa or old age Mr Armendt was born in Genasr ny 84 years ago His wife died about ton years agoHowus acatpenisr by trade and built many of the okra r buildings in and around Hartford j iala lis survived by seven children ss follows Mrs Matilda Becker hafts i Ky Mrs Albert Rial Mrs John Bar ¬ ton Mrs Henry Hensha Hartford Drs W B and L G Armendt t ensboro and Albert Annendt Lys 3i remains were taken to BSte jbra Davies county for burial Notice- I will buy scrapiron and junk of si3 kinds at any time W E ELIDE 2114 The Produce Mat > 3 I PERSISTENCY I I iA friend asked us re ¬ cently why we saidso s much in our advertis ¬ ing about Warners RustProof Corset We I have several reasons It is far the best corset on market today It is the most beautiful It wears It i is the most substan- tial ¬ and it does not CAKE biscuit breads I pastry lessened j I increased quality and- wholesomeness v TexHis j I ii r by the I rust They are made in over 200 bee never worn Warners RuftlRrbof f- i e I i you have simply missed i thme i of corset comfort style and wear J figureo 4 t i iclothing will fit better and your i clothes satisfaction will begin as I f never before <

I In j and- desir- by r€¦ · IFFairs I Wash Goods Ii Are beyond any doubt the pret tiest daintiest and most desir- able ¬ J line to be foundanywhere You willmake no mistake by

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Page 1: I In j and- desir- by r€¦ · IFFairs I Wash Goods Ii Are beyond any doubt the pret tiest daintiest and most desir- able ¬ J line to be foundanywhere You willmake no mistake by

IFFairsI Wash Goods Ii

Are beyond anydoubt the pret¬

tiest daintiestand most desir-


J line to befoundanywhereYou willmakeno mistake bycalling and look¬

ing over the stockOur salesladies

f are always will-


and anxiousto give you anyinformation regarding styles fabrics etc Youwill find at our pattern counter acomplete stock of McCall Patternswhich are beyond question superiorto any pattern now used WaistSkimp are two words that arenever heard used in connection withperfectiriistyle 500 designs to select from at

11our pattern counter Fashion sheetsfreeCan please you in late style Millinery Dress Goods and FootwearPay us a visit


Illinois Central RailroadTime Table atBeaver Dam Ky

North Bound South BoundNo 132 515 am No 1211135 pmNo 1221220 pm No 101248 pmNo 102248 pm No 131805 pm

J E Williams Agt




CEttlESNothing anywbere as important ex

dept possibly to cook themPoor groceries cannot be turned into

good foodno matter how expert tine

fool may beA dollar saved by buying cheat

groceries will likely turn out to IK

TWO wastedA loss of nourishment-A waste of eatables-

A lack of relishWe Invite all particular housewives

to test the gocdness of our groceriesthen to act as they find themThats all


Have You Seenft AdvertisedIf you have and its good and aVetdont how ver sell a thing simply

because its being advertised We

must know first that it has meritand that the advertisement tells thetruth You can trust our judgment

in these matters Bo if you see it

advertised and want to look into itv come to us Every truly meritorious

article that a Drug Store should keep

is in our stock-

Remembei that and when you want

anything in our line eons to sea us

Your Frien-

dsHARTFQRDDRUC 00Incorporated



V f11Hq n











HARDWICK tests eyes-

HARDWICK grinds lenses whileyou wait-

HARDWICK has two Graduate Opti ¬


HARDWICK has the only Lens Grind ¬

ing Plate In Owensboro

HARDWICK has the only uptodateJewelry Store in Owensboro

HARDWIck has a fine JewelryRepairer

HARDWICK has an Expert Engraver

HARDW1CK has the Best WatchRepairer

HARDWICK is flue on Clock Re¬


knowYou will never what a fine

store Owensboro has until you see

Hardwlcks You will never know

what Hardwick can do till you try

1 Ia

Teeth That Chewand dont break The surest way tofind out whether yours are efficientfor mastication and In sound con ¬

dition is to come and investigateWe enjoy a reputation in dentistry sec-ond to nope in the profession Andour charges are low We perform alldental operations and give particularattention to decayed teeth Crownand bridge work a specialty

Drs Hardin BellIOffice is Republican Building



it c

Try the W L Douglas Shoes toldby Carson Co

Mr W J French Prentls OsniI

pleasant caller Friday

A new lot of Ladles Skirts just 1i1-


Carson Ai Cos

A fine assortment of readymaWaists at Carson Cos


Mr Dresswell buys LIBERTY SPEC-



Hats at Carson Cos 16m

Liman Suits all colors pretty mod-

els 500 at Barnard Cos

Pretty Printed Flaxons reduced ti t

15c a yard at Barnard Cos

Barnard Co sell Millinery that 1Is

new uptodate and satisfactory

The Hartford Mill Co has plenty ofgood ear corn and oats for sale 14t r

If you are thinking of buying t

Stove or Range see U S Carson

The Globe Stove Cos Stoves andRanges are for sale by U S Carson

Buy your Groceries and Hardwarfrom us and save money

Hartford Grocery Co

We are still well stocked on MensYouths and Childrens Clothing

Carson Co

Just received a fine assortment oft

Ladles and Misses OxfordsCarson CO

Our Town Talk Flour at 600 perbarrel has got em guetsing

Hartford Grocery Co

Commonwealths Attorney Ben DRingo who went home last Friday re-

turned to Hartford yesterday

Miss Norma Miller daughter ofJudge J Po Miller Cromwell is veryill

Mrs Goo Barakat returned Mondayfrom a visit to her mother at Me

Henry Ky-

Barnard Coi self the best win-

dow Shade made Hartshorn Rollersonly use-

dLOSTA pearlhandle knife Flnde r

will please return to Herald office andbe rewarded

Mr S Rosenblatt of Hawesvlllevisited his brother Mr J Rosenblatthero lust week

Messrs R B Render Beaver Damroute 2 and J C Bennett Hartfordwere among our callers Monday

Messrs C C Chinn Beaver Damroute 2 and Sam Morton Ocralvowere among our callers Thursday

Messrs Joe Fuqua Hartford route4 and R J Tuck Hartford route 7

were among our callers Wednesday

Mr John Lawton of South Currollton paid The Herald a pleasant callI

while in Hartford one day last week

Rev O M Shultz will preach In theCcntertown Baptist church on the 5tlSunday In May Everybody invited

Attorney W H Barnes is equi spin

and opening up a fine suite of law

offices over tine Bank of Hartford

Hartford people should decoratetheir stores and residences tomorrow in honor of the Madlsonvlllibooster crowd

Mr 1 F Vickers was called to Ow

cnsboro Saturday by the serious illness of his motherinlaw Mrs M ESmith

Attorney WH Barnes and son Ma-ster Glenn will leave the first olnext week for Glennmore Ky on 1

fishing expedition

Miss Fllydla Foster rim of No

creeks charming and accomplishedyoung ladies paid The Hpruld an uppredated call Saturday

Miss Isabel Crouse trained nurse

left Saturday for her home in Ow

ensboro after attending several pa

tlents and visiting friends hereILeave your Laundry at my Grocery

Domestic finish Work GuaranteedCalled for and prompt deliveryPhone 140 llers Grocery

Mrs M Woldcr of Louisville Is

tho guest of her daughter Mrs JRosenblatt Miss Fannie Brownsteinof Louisville is also visiting Mr andMrs Rosenblatt

Mr McIIenry Holbrook went to Elkton Ky Monday and Rill return to-


with his brother Harold whohas been attending Vanderbilt Train-

Ing School at that place

DrOscar Flenera Hartford boy hasgraduated from the Louisville Collegeof Dentistry and is at homo on ashort vacation He has not yet de-cided whore he will locate

Hartford has the prettiest and bestarranged depot on the new M HE railroad Agent Mlthke and asslsatnt Fred Anderson seem quite athome in their new quarters

We never were better prepared tofit you up In dross goods of all kinds

WoolenS Organdies White Goods°Ilks Maxines and all of the thingsto be had Carson Co

Mr John W Stevens died at thoI

residence of his son Wesley Stevensnear Utica iy Mondaynlght HisI

remaIns will be buried at the Alcxan

plt <

der burying grounds this afternooafter funeral services to be conductedby Rev R D Bennett Mr Stevenswas a resident of the Alexander nelgbe hoed for many years before heceased housekeeping

plumltJreplace froithe basement room of the New Conmcrclal Hotel to the front room iInthe basement under thlo The Heraloffice-

r > Judge C M Crowe and son MarioCrowe Prof WR Hedrick E PMoore James Lyons and son WilllLyons left Sunday afternoon for aWeeks fishing In Grassy near thelocks on Rough river

Dr J T Hardin of the firm ofDJs Hardln Bell dentists Hartfordwill be at Centertown beginning ito-

day Wednesday and until and ineluding Saturday of this week forthe practice of his profession

Dont fall o atten hte IllustrateGospel Service at tho Christianchurch by Rev G C Cromer tonight No prayer meeting in towntonight but all will unite in the union service

Mr Jesse Schroeter who had beenassisting Mr Emory Schroeter In thephotograph gallery hero while thlatter tcok the census in this dis-

trict left Sunday to resume workon his photo boat at Livermore

Leave your Laundry with Lyons 8

Duke Hartford Grocery Co for theRichmond Steam Laundry RichmondInd This Laundry always gives sat-

isfaction Prompt delivery Satis-

faction guaranteed 2tlMr Austin Morris died of consump

tlon at his homo near Horse BrandtThursday afternoon at 2 oclock Hewas 26 years of age A wife anthree small children and a brotherMr V G Morris of Oweneboro survivo him

Illr B J King of Indiana stoppedover in Hartford Sunday night to

visit his sister Mrs E J Hudsonleaving Monday for California toVisit his other two sisters He hadbeen in attendance at the soldiersreunion at Central City

The K of P entertainment at DrBeans Opera House lastFrlday nightembracing the recitation of Eva L

Dunning of Columbus Ohio undothe auspices of the local lodgknights of Pythias was largely attended and highly enjoyed by allpresent

Guy Brown son of Mrs SaralIJnjwn Evansvllle Ind formerly ofOhlo couuty was drowned In the rivenear Hlnton W Vn last WednesdayGuy svgs a nephew of John King Darlei King and Mrs Enema Hudson ofHartford At the hour of going topress last night no news of the 110

covert of his body hud been received

Mrs Ella D Boone and Miss Maggi

Duncan who wore summoned toGreenville on Monday of last weekon accent of the death of Mr Raj

Hamilton caused by falling slate returned to Louisville Friday accornparried by their sister Mrs Jennie

D Hamilton Rays mother who vII

make an extended visit to roar mother and sisters

Mr J G Halliburton who has beer

In Eastern Kentucky doing contacwork on a now line of mllnmd Cur

j tvvcral mrnthfl came home last week

but left with his family Tuesdny orHarlan Ky where they will resideMi Halliburton says howeverthat ho will eventually re-

turn with his family to Hartfordwhere they will make their futurhome

Dr J R Phtlo will leave tomorrow to attend the 4Ut annual rtfeet

lug of the Kentucky Stntb DentsScclety of which ho has been unhonored member for fifteen years

TIe meeting will bo held In Louisvllle the 26th 27th and 2Sth inst DrIll tie was called on bytho DavlesiCounty Dental Society to representthem In the State meeting and renal

his paper entitled Ashrrs Artifi ¬

clot Enamel which he rtad befortthem in February last

To be Married

Sundays CourierJournal containsthefollowingMrs

Yonts Humphreys annomices the engagement of her daughtel Miss Mildred Humphreys to MrHush Morris of Bowling Green TheweMirg will be colobratedWednesdayJuno 22 at the Methodist church at

HoiiklnsvllleMiss Humphreys made many friends

in Hartford while visiting her cousi-

Mrs Gi B Likens lust March MrMorris is a prominent business manof Bowling Green and Is to be con-


upon winning the heartred hand of such a cultured andchar ingoung lady

1Charged With Failing to Providei

G B Smith of near Rosine wasarrested Monday afternoon by DeputySheriff SO Keown and in default of

ball vans lodged in jail Smith ischarged with wilfully refusing and unreasonAbly neglecting to provide forthe support of his four children under



iB-ake food home Aand save money wsj8rand health 3

fourteen years of age The warrantfor his arrest was issued from theCounty Judges office cn theof V B Bratcher

The trial Is set for Friday beforeCounty Judge R R Wedding

GLATONI1May 23Mrs George Thompson ofCrowley La Is the guest of her fath ¬

er and mother Mr and MrsWHLyons and other relatives of this

placeMrsOra Mason daughter and son

Minnie and Lafayette of ArneningsArk who has been the guest Of rela¬

tives of this place for the past twoweeks returned home Friday

MrT1 Daniel 61 tliTT place whdwas the guest of his daughterMrsC A Felix of Winnfleld La for a-

few has returned hornDr of Whltebvllle was at

this place a few days last week

air L Bradshaw Whltesvllle w nthe guest of F IT Lyons and familylast week-

Miss Sallie Harrison of LeltchflddIs hte gues of Dr J S Bean andAlfe

Mrs Ida Acton and llttlb son Cecilof this place were the guests of MrJoe Millers family at last


SundayMrsArthur Mitchell of this place

J hothot

are iin




Bakingf Powderthe at



vho has been quite ill Is hnprovistMr Charles Landram and wife aE

this place are moving to Owensbom

Death of Mr Henry ArmeridL

Mr Henry Armendt an old annrspected citizen died at his home taumiles northeast of Hartford ieetWednesday about noon SJbhad been in falling heath i

for sehral months but Sfcs

conditions was not considered dasserous until the last few days 22sdeath wasthe result of senile Aussaor old age

Mr Armendt was born in Genasrny 84 years ago His wife died aboutton years agoHowus acatpenisrby trade and built many of the okra

r buildings in and around Hartford jialalis survived by seven children ssfollows Mrs Matilda Becker hafts

i Ky Mrs Albert Rial Mrs John Bar¬

ton Mrs Henry Hensha HartfordDrs W B and L G Armendt tensboro and Albert Annendt Lys3i

remains were taken to BStejbra Davies county for burial


I will buy scrapiron and junk of si3kinds at any time W E ELIDE

2114 The Produce Mat

>3I PERSISTENCY IIiA friend asked us re¬

cently why we saidsos much in our advertis ¬

ing about WarnersRustProof Corset We

I have several reasonsIt is far the bestcorset on markettoday It is the mostbeautiful It wears It

i is the most substan-


and it does not


breadsI pastrylessened j

I increasedquality and-









rust They are made in over 200beenever worn Warners RuftlRrbof f-



i you have simply missedi thme iof corset comfort style and wear Jfigureo 4

tiiclothing will fit better and your i

clothes satisfaction will begin asI f never before <