Sunday 1 st September, 2013 REMAIN IN YOUR PLACE OF PLANTING. 2 Samuel 7:9-10. The root word of planting is plant. To plant is a process of sowing a seed or young plants. But in Christendom; this signifies the place of your purpose or assignment. God who created man has appointed a particular location for him according to His calling and gift, necessary to prosper. But today many are being deceived into squandering their lives in places where God has not planted them. In today’s text, the Lord says to the Israelites, ‘’I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; nor shall the sons of wickedness oppress them anymore, as previously’’. This presupposes that once you are in your place of ‘planting’ the enemy has no power to oppress you or plan any wickedness and succeed. The Israelites were promised by their God that when they are in their place of ‘planting’ the sons of wickedness will not oppress them anymore. Egypt was not their place of the Lord’s ’planting’, but they went in search of food,

I in You September 2013 Edition

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Sunday 1st September, 2013


2 Samuel 7:9-10.

The root word of planting is plant. To plant is a process of sowing a seed or young plants. But in Christendom; this signifies the place of your purpose or assignment. God who created man has appointed a particular location for him according to His calling and gift, necessary to prosper. But today many are being deceived into squandering their lives in places where God has not planted them.

In today’s text, the Lord says to the Israelites, ‘’I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own and move no more; nor shall the sons of wickedness oppress them anymore, as previously’’. This presupposes that once you are in your place of ‘planting’ the enemy has no power to oppress you or plan any wickedness and succeed. The Israelites were promised by their God that when they are in their place of ‘planting’ the sons of wickedness will not oppress them anymore.

Egypt was not their place of the Lord’s ’planting’, but they went in search of food, there they met their brother Joseph and decided to live there. Have you left your country or city of the Lord’s ‘planting’ and followed your ‘Joseph’ and today you are suffering the oppression of the sons of the wicked? It could either be your office, school, profession, marriage, business etc. Go down before God on your knees and prayerfully ask Him to show you your missing place of ‘planting’ from today in Jesus name.

Memory point: Proverbs 27:8

Do not wander away from your place of planting.

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Monday 2nd September, 2013


Jeremiah 17:7-8

Our God expects every believer to be in his place of ‘planting’ and to be rooted in Him, that he may be established both physically and spiritually. This means whether you are in God’s ministry as an apostle, pastor, prophet evangelist, teacher, business man or whatever profession the Lord has placed you, one requires the Lord’s planting. He wishes that you are firmly established in Him. You may ask yourself how you can be properly planted. The Lord is counting on your trust in Him.

Do you have the total believe and full hope in God despite your challenges in the place of planting like Isaac in the book of Genesis 26:1-3. When he experienced a severe famine in Gerar, He planned to go down to Egypt but the Lord stopped him and blessed him there in Gerar. If you believe God and remain in that place that He has appointed you, it won’t be long from now; you will experience your major breakthrough. Do not be anxious about the drought that you are facing today, for there is a lifting up coming your way in Jesus’ mighty name.

Some years back, I met someone who at that time was almost giving up on life. And by the grace of God through intercession for him, God availed me messages for him. After a short while, the first phase of the prophecies was fulfilled and immediately this man disappeared. I did not hear from him for years. When the problem reappeared, he had to return to me to start all over. Are you in such a mess? Learn to remain where God has planted you and you will have a fulfilled life.

Memory point: Psalm 1:3

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In your planting, the Lord will bless you like a tree planted by the streams of water.

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Tuesday 3rd September, 2013


Genesis 12:1-5

Our Lord God is a faithful God. He changeth not. Whatever He says is what He will do and He expects His children to do same. Many have been planted at different places but sometimes they are not willing to move as the Lord commands. Abram was with his family in Haran but the Lord asked him to get out of his country and go to the land that He will show him.

Abram obeyed and moved with his wife Sarai and all their possessions to Canaan- the Promised Land. Where is your own promised land? It could be a ministry he is calling you into, or that very area he revealed to you either in a dream, vision, or by prophecy. Are you still dragging after you have received such clearance? Like in the civil service or otherwise, as an employee, if you are transferred to a new station and you decline, you will definitely be sanctioned as we see in Prov. 1:24-26.

God promised to make Abram into a great nation, to make his name great and make him a blessing to his generation. But all these promises were to happen under one condition; if he will be willing and obedient enough to do as the Lord says. Remember that there are two vital things required for God’s promises to come to pass in your life; your readiness and willingness to obey the Lord’s command and do according to his instruction. Your greatness is in your hands and your blessings are in your obedience. Move to your location today and your life will never remain the same.

Memory point: Genesis 22:18

Ask God for grace that you will move to your place of planting and working according to his will.

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Wednesday 4th September, 2013


Psalm 92:12-15

Righteousness is your ability to live a life of integrity, morality, justice, uprightness, truthfulness, decency and sincerity in Christ Jesus. Righteousness is the main stream that pushes a believer into a level of unending flourishing in life. No wander the book of Matt.6:33 says, but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Our God is a God of principles; He makes everything according to its season and time. The Psalmist talks on the flourishing of the righteous. People have been asking me why such promises of God do not come to pass in their lives. Each time I say to them that every promise of God works in stages. Look at the lives of these great Bible heroes; Abraham, Moses, Solomon, David and other apostles, their blessings came in stages.

When I gave my life to Christ, what I experienced in the beginning was peace. When I found this peace in Christ, I pressed on seeking his face by living steadily in the word, constantly praying and fasting, besides fleeing from everything evil either of the mind or physical. 2 Timothy 2:22. Before I walked out of poverty, I really took time by the grace of God, to work on myself. Remember that the word of God cleanses. John 15:3.

If you are planted in the house of God, you are expected to move gradually into deeper knowledge of Him and the understanding of His power. As you do this, the spirit will help position your life for abundance. Move out of just being born again to a level of stability in Christ Jesus.

Memory point: 1Samuel 26:23a

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Diligently Work on your life according to His word and you will surely find yourself on the top.

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Thursday 5th September, 2013


2 Timothy 2:20-21

Who is worthy to be called a vessel of honour? A vessel of honour is he who is ready to persevere in the course of Jesus Christ and endure hardship. This is the area in which most believers are lacking. You may be surprised to know that even some preachers of the gospel believe that once you are born again, trials and temptations of life are beneath you. Brethren, do not be misled; our Lord Jesus Christ says, in Luke 9:23-24, that If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whomever losses his life for my sake will save it.

I want you to know that the size of your challenges in life determine your level of anointing and maturity in Christ Jesus. There is virtually no victory without battle; for a battle is a difficult struggle or contest. There is no honour without your faith being tested, as all those apostles or prophets in the Bible were also tested. Can you stand the test of this contest?

If you are working towards this honour, then you must stand firm in the training you are receiving from the Lord, through His word and your experiences. You must also avoid those who will lead you to a non-Christian life and living. You must be ready to walk boldly in proclaiming the truth. Do not be among those people that are blinded by the gods of this age and cannot see the light of the glory of Christ. You can be very important and useful in the vineyard of God, if you are ready to be cleansed of your past; you can be an instrument of God for noble purposes.

Memory point: 2 Corinthians 4:18

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Repent of any shortfall and make yourself ready before God.

Friday 6th September, 2013


Exodus 25:8-9

The word of God tells us that we are the temple of the Holy Spirit and God’s Spirit lives in us, but today many Christians are living a care free life. Thus forgetting that God is the source of life and everything we posses.

Some years ago I went for a Revival programme in a certain village where many people gave their lives to Christ and among them was a young man. After this programme, the young man asked that I should be his mentor, which I gladly agreed. But because I was strict and uncompromising on God’s standard, he abandoned me for another ministry where he was posted to head one of their branches somewhere. Because he was not fully rooted, he committed adultery and shortly the enemy struck him with a dreaded disease. He ran to his new master, but that pastor abandoned him. He had to return to me and I led him to Christ again, but sadly, he could not survive the illness.

Are you working according to God’s planned pattern and design for your life? Before He destroyed the world with flood in the days of Noah, (Genesis 6:15-16) God gave Noah the pattern of the Ark, according to the weight of things it will carry and how the ark will

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stand any storm or wave of the flood. He gave Moses the same pattern and design of the sanctuary. The Lord has the design and pattern of how you will overcome the flood and storm of life.

Memory point: Galatians 5:25

Ask God for His grace to live according to His pattern and design for your life.

Saturday 7th September 2013


Hebrews 12:7-11

For lack of understanding, many believers whom God would have used for His work left the faith unceremoniously; because they could not endure God’s examination which would have led them to their promotion. For instance, to read this daily devotional or your Bible require a measure of academic training, which in other word means either going through primary, secondary or other levels of education. Today you cannot add up all the hardship you went through to be what you are now. James 1:12

Similarly, when the Lord revealed to Joseph in a dream earlier in his life that he will be a leader, the processes of that promotion as we all know was not easy. Before he became the Prime Minister of Egypt, he had to endure the evil plot of his brothers that sold him to some Ishmaelite. From there he was sold again to Portiphar- an officer of Pharaoh. In the house of Potiphar, his wife lied against Joseph which

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led to his imprisonment. All these processes were meant to prepare him, so, he had to remain disciplined, faithful, and excellent in spirit.

When you carefully, study the book of Genesis 39, you will discover that the more trials Joseph encountered, the more difficult it became.

Are you complaining because of your persecution and trails? What about Job? Have you considered his case? Do you say your challenges are worse than theirs or too much for you to bear? Turn to God in thanksgiving for considering you worthy to be tested.

Memory point: Philippians 4:6

God, help me by your grace to stand firm in the faith.

Sunday 8th September, 2013


Luke 2:25-32, 36-38

Patience is one of the fruits of the spirit. Its absence is capable of impacting negatively on our lives and activities, like premature collapse of business, job, promotion, marriage, school, and even salvation.

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King Saul was a leader; the first King of Israel whose position came as a result of a divine prophecy, with Prophet Samuel’s anointing. His Kingdom was taken away from him, when he refused to obey the Lord’s instruction, which was for him to wait for Samuel to offer the burnt and peace offering to God, as the philistines gathered to fight with Israel. 1 Samuel 13:8-11.

King Saul disobediently, went ahead and offered the sacrifice instead of waiting on Prophet Samuel as instructed. This impatience severed his relationship with God. Many Christians have lost their positions in life, because of impatience. For instance, some men will rush to marry a second wife because the first one did not give them a child, especially a male child. Some will leave their employment because they were not promoted when due or that the salary is not attractive.

My former employer was not paying well and as usual, many people persuaded me to resign, but my Dad disagreed. He encouraged me not to leave, particularly, when I was barely two years in the organization. Despite all the hardship I was passing through, I obeyed my Dad and faithfully served the organisation for twenty years, until the Lord called me to his work.

Are you a victim of impatience or are you getting impatient? Please be serious with God. Go to Him in prayer to know his will for you.

Memory point: Luke 7:11

There is a break through coming your way this season in Jesus name.

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Monday 9th September, 2013


John 15:14-15

We all know that prayer is communication with God or approaching His throne of grace with one’s need. But does God answer every man’s prayer? First, you need to know that in this world we have two choices to make; to be friends with the world or God. You cannot be friends to both because each has its commitment and responsibilities. 1 John 2:15-17.

The friend of God is the Person who obeys his command and does his will completely. As a friend of God, He has promised to unveil his plans to you before actualising them. Amos 3:7. You will know who you are In God, by virtue of the revelations he channels through you about things to come. When the King of Syria was planning a war against Israel, God revealed it to his Prophet, Elisha and he warned the Israelites not to follow the way of the Syrians. The king was greatly troubled when it became obvious that their plans were known to Israel. He asked his servants who likely could be responsible for exposing their plans, and the servant said Elisha the prophet- friend of God, because God is with him.

Since the Lord called me into ministry, nothing has ever happened to me without God revealing to me first. Whether an evil plan is being mapped out against me, or He wants to bring blessings my way, God will reveal it to me. Years ago someone conceived evil against me, but the Holy Spirit did not only revel it to me on time but arrested the situation as well. Who is your friend, God or the world? Search yourself from today.

Memory point: James 4:4

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Pray against any plan of the devil to entice you into doing evil, but pray to remain in God.

Tuesday 10th September, 2013


Genesis 5:24

Our God is always longing to have you walk with him. This relationship may involve your intimacy, joint decision making and also share in His dominion. But many believers are not careful to go with God according to His command. Enoch walked faithfully with God so, he did not test death. Joshua also walked with God from his youth and because of his commitment, the Lord favoured him to succeed Moses, his master. When Abraham was ninety-nine years old and the Lord was about to bless him (fulfilling his covenant with him), he warned Abraham to walk with him blamelessly.

God is always waiting for you to walk with him, that everything around you will not be stunted and that he may enthrone you and fulfil his promises concerning you. You may ask how and where I will start walking with God. I want to tell you that you can walk with God by living according to his word. Psalms 119:9-11. When Jesus was taken by the Holy Spirit into wilderness to be tempted, He overcame Satan by the word of God. When the devil said to him, if you are the son of God command this stone to become bread, He said it is

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written, man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of God. Jesus quoted scriptures to Satan twice by saying, “for it is written.” Also walk with God through personal prayers, meditating in his word, seeking Holy Spirit guidance walking in obedience and living Godly.

Memory point: Joshua1:8

Ask God to guide you in all your ways and that, you will walk according to His will.

Wednesday 11th September, 2013


1John 3:8-10

From the day a Christian gets born again, the seed of God is planted in him. This seed is the Holy Spirit and you are expected to grow in Christ Jesus. This seed will keep you comfortable and incorruptible against the work of the enemy- the devil. Many believers are ignorant of their purpose in life. God has not created you without a plan or purpose. True success can never be achieved without first knowing Gods purpose for you. No matter how industrious, intelligent and connected {god fatherism} you are. Luke 5:1-7. Peter was by every standard an industrious fisher, but when he left to become the disciple of Christ, he became greater. Moses and David

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were great shepherds, but when God revealed to them His purpose in their lives, they became great leaders with wonderful anointing.

Have you discovered God’s purpose for your life or you are still groping in the dark? There are many medical Doctors, engineers, mathematicians and other professionals, that went to the university and spent many years only to discover at the end of the day that their purpose in life is not their professional course in the university. Those that had discovered theirs are in the right place now. Remember your right location breaks limitation; whenever you are in the right location, you live in good health, wealth and happiness.

Memory point: John 15:16

Be wise; do not live like the foolish.

Thursday 12th September, 2013


1 Samuel 17:32-37

The greatest threat we face in every challenge is not the weapon the enemy is using but the absence of rock-solid faith in God and his promises. What has killed millions are the over bloated picture of their challenges. When you replace God with the size of your

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troubles, you will surely conquer them but if you unfortunately, replace God with foes, your defeat is sure. Remember that success comes only through God

The success of King David over Goliath was predicated on the big picture of his God; His supremacy, power and dominion. While that of Goliath was based on his own size. When he looked at the height, age, and weapon of David, he despised him 1. Samuel 17:42. People are failing in their work of faith because they concentrate on the problem than God. 1. Samuel 16:7. Faith is one of the gifts of the spirit and the spirit of God will manifest in your life according to your maturity in faith. Have your many years as a believer developed the faith that could kill your Goliath.

Would you think like a Goliath or Samuel while in the house of Jesse to anoint David as king? Your level of maturity in faith determines your level of operation in Christ Jesus. When we were building the seven thousand sitting capacity tent of meeting- our present place of worship, at some point the engineer and some officials became afraid on how we were going to raise sufficient funds for the construction. I encouraged them and today we are enjoying the tent-that is how faith works. It is possible to do a great thing if you improve on your faith today.

Memory point: Luke 17:5

Father forgive my unbelief and increase my faith.

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Friday 13th September, 2013


Jeremiah 7:9-21

When you make our God unhappy, He may change his mind concerning his plans toward you. You may say He is not a man that He should lie or a son of man that He should change His mind. Numbers 23:19. Yes, that is because His operation is based on a set of principles, which is complete obedience of His command and will. I am not saying that there is no forgiveness but make no mistake, the way you live your life determines how God reacts to you and situations.

The book of Genesis describes the presence and reality of sin. The human race fell into sin through the regrettable disobedience of Adam and Eve, the murder of Abel by his brother Cain, the vengeance of Lamech, pride and the increasing wickedness of human beings that caused the great flood. God did not intend to reduce our years on earth but sin made Him change His mind, when He declares; my spirit will not contend with man forever. His original plan was for you to exist on earth forever but reduced it to 120 years Genesis 6:1-3.

God intended to establish the kingdom of King Saul over Israel for all time but when he failed God, the Lord took the kingdom from him and gave it to David. It was the attitude of King Saul that changed the mind of God towards him. Are you practicing intentional sin against God, yet partaking in communion with him? He said He will not hear your prayer. Do you make your God unhappy? Do not change His good intentions towards you like Saul did. Turn to Him today and He will have mercy on you.

Memory point: Jeremiah 8:6

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Search yourself prayerfully as a family or organization or even church and ask God to restore you to His promises.

Saturday 14thSeptember, 2013


2 Chronicles 16:9

Mercy is compassion or forbearance towards defeated enemies or offenders. Our God is a God of mercy and compassion. He led the Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land, and also in their return from Babylon. Above all, His everlasting promise to us is to obtain His daily forgiveness and restoration if asked faithfully.

Do you know that because of His unfailing mercy, God does not treat us as our sinful nature deserves. He wants us to share in His heart of mercy especially, in our relationship with others like the needy, the hurting or those living in oppression .He demands that we have mercy on those in need. Can you recall where you used to be and how you were under struggles with sin, sickness, stagnation, barrenness, failure, poverty, and persecution but now you are free. That is God’s act of mercy.

Are you entangled with stealing, robbery, fornication, lesbianism, etc? What is keeping you is His act of mercy. His grace upon you is as a result of His mercy. You can come out of that act, since His mercy is upon you, just make a decision and turn to God.

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I have this family, highly respected for doing the will of God. Sometimes last year, the Lord told me about what the devil was planning against one of its children. I called and informed them and we prayed. Shortly, this evil plan manifested but that God had spoken ahead of time by his mercy, the child was saved. His eyes are upon you do not be afraid.

Memory point: Zechariah 4:10

Begin to thank God for His act of mercy over your life and family.

Sunday 15th September 2013


Hebrews 3:8

The wilderness is a period of one’s testing as a child of God. Tribulations, trials, temptation, are to the child of God opportunities to rejoice, because they are used by God to perfect our faith, which is of more value than gold. If one’s faith is not tested by fire, one cannot benefit from its raw form. Our refined faith is used to access everything from God and by it, we walk into our destinies. Without faith, it is impossible to please God. The testing of our faith produces the quality we need to be perfect and complete; lacking nothing. James 1:24.

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Adam and Eve failed God’s test Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-19. Through them, sin entered the world and subsequently, God’s anger. The enemy offered them an easy life, which is against the commands of God .That they must not eat of the fruit of the tree of good and evil. Our Lord Jesus, after He had received the Holy Spirit, was led by the spirit to be tempted by the enemy but overcame by refusing the easy way out, as offered by the devil .Rather He chose the hard way, through death on the cross. Luke 4:1-14. Jesus returned from the wilderness by the power of the Holy Spirit. James 4:14.

What are the temptations you are facing? How you handle them determines your position in God. Do you want to return in the power of the Holy Spirit like our Lord Jesus or are you always weak, frustrated, afraid, and dissatisfied with the cheap way out of difficulties?

The children of Israel handled their own wilderness experience with grumbling and murmuring and as a result, many lost their lives. They were overthrown by the wilderness 2 Corinthians 10:6-11.There is nothing strange about the fire you are passing through , hold fast unto the Lord to overcome like others who overcame Matthew 24:12-13.

Memory point: Ephesians 6:10

Lord, make me strong in you to stand firm to the end.

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Monday 16th September, 2013


1 John 3:1a

“Behold what manner of love the father has given unto us that we should be called the sons of God…” 1 John 3:1a

God created man to love as His object of love because God is love 1 John 4:8

Love seeks whom to love. After God created all things, He said let us create man like us, and let them have dominion. Genesis 1:26. It is only those who love as Himself that He gives dominion over what He has. To those He loves, God gave his begotten son, that by believing in Him, they should not perish but have eternal life. God made a way of escape from the damnation of sin by the object of His love - man.

The Psalmist David, said in Psalm 8:4 what is man, who is this man that you God are mindful of or the Son of man that you visit him? God made Jesus to test death for Redemption of man. Hebrews 2:9c

God makes those who accept His love to be heirs and joint heirs with Jesus Christ. Who is man that God should make him like His son to share in His inheritance. Romans 8:17.You may ask yourself, what are you doing or done that qualified you joint heirs with Jesus Christ.

What are you going through that makes you feel no one loves you? For some, it is divorce, a loveless marriage, the loss of a loved one, business or property and some have been abandoned by their parents-the Bible says in Romans 8:35 that who can separate us from the love of Christ… if God be for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31. God is more valuable than anyone that has rejected you, because you are the apple of His eye- Zechariah 2:8. The woman

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caught in adultery was to be stoned to death and was brought to Jesus. He saved her from accusers and did not accuse her either, instead gave her another opportunity to go and sin no more. Whatever your situation, take it to Jesus in total submission and He will give you rest. He loves you. This kind of love deserves our all. Memory point: Matthew 22:37

Thank God for His love towards you and accept His love.

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Tuesday 17th September, 2013


Proverbs 16:7

Most believers nowadays are engaged in eye service and hypocritical in their lifestyles, just to get favour. It is a fact that those who live this way are without principle and faith in God Almighty. They always change their standards to suit men for what they can get. This is pathetic and an exposure of their ignorance about who God is. God requires that we please Him even if it means displeasing others. When a man’s ways please God, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. If anyone makes an enemy out of you, all you need do is to please God; He will turn their hearts to you. This was what Joseph did with his brothers, who sold him out to Egypt. Joseph embarked on pleasing God and at the fullness of time, God made his brothers to be at peace with him. Genesis 50:15-21

When a man’s ways please God, He becomes his shepherd and such a one will never be in want. Psalm 23:1-6. This Psalms of David addresses all the basic needs of a man that God provides for those that please Him. This means man has becomes God’s sheep. John 10: 27. They will please God by hearing His voice and following Him, denying themselves, and carrying their own cross Luke 9:23. God releases all things to those who seek Him first and His righteousness. Matthew 6:33

God gave Jesus a name above all other names, highly exalted, because He pleased him by humbling Himself to become obedient unto death on the cross. Philippians 2:8-9.

Do you have any need? All you need is to please God.

Memory point: Psalms 86:11

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Ask God to teach you His ways and empower you to follow His footsteps.

Wednesday 18th September, 2013


Romans 1:17

“If he has walked in my statues and kept my judgements faithfully, He shall surely live, says the Lord God,” Ezekiel 18:9. This scripture spells a `just man’ as one who walks with God’s instructions and deals truthfully with it. The blessing of such a righteous man is that he shall live.

‘’The just shall live by faith”. Faith is the power that produces righteousness in a person. This righteousness by faith is called ‘faith works’- works empowered by faith. Any other works are like filthy rags before God, which are works done by the law of flesh. Faith works only by depending on the provision of God-Galatians 3:11, not by self-efforts, so that no one can boast. That is why humility is the main product of faith. Faith is depending on God to help us accomplish a task.

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Romans 1:17 describes the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith. Our righteousness is revealed by faith, it is seen through the works we do. We then grow in righteousness, from one level of faith- at conversion to higher levels of faith. Faith without works is dead faith. This ‘faith works’ is the victory that overcomes the world 1 John 5:4. The life of a righteous man is to be characterised by peace and progress. There is no room for going back in ‘faith works’. This is because anything done by genuine faith overcomes the world and its limitations. Hebrews 10:38.

The one who grows in faith is one who must put on the shield of faith, which quenches all the fiery darts of the enemy- Ephesians 6:16. He must be bold like a Lion because he knows where his strength lays- God who fights for him.

This is the faith David had when he confronted Goliath 1 Samuel 17:45. Now stand up by faith and confront every Goliath in your life.

Memory point: Hebrews 11:17-19

Lord help me to be a faith hero in Jesus name.

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Thursday 19th September, 2013


Deuteronomy 11:26-28

Everything has laws and principles that govern it; breaking the law or cutting corners to get anything is illegal and attracts curses. Deuteronomy 11:26-28. There are genuine and counterfeit ways of acquiring things but each method has it consequences. Do not chase money but chase the things that money chases.

Money is a means of exchange or payment for goods and services or goodwill. If you genuinely produce goods and services to meet the market demands, you may generate large sum of money. When you create multiple streams of goods and services, you are likely to generate corresponding income.

It is then foolishness to chase money or payment when you have nothing of value to give in exchange. God ordained as law for His children not to chase or seek things but to seek God first and His righteousness, and then these things, including money will be added on to you. Things were made by God to pursue those who pursue God. This way nothing can take God’s place in their lives. Matthew 6:32-33.

When Isaac obeyed God by remaining in Gerar during the famine, God blessed him with great wealth Genesis 26:1-5; 12-14, and made great wealth to chase him.

Apart from chasing the law of seeking God first, you must also pursue other laws set by God, which are counted as righteousness: the law of; giving and it will be given back to you-Luke6:38; the law of sowing- 1 Corinthians 3:7, 2 Corinthians 9:10; the law of work- 2 Thessalonians 3:10-11.

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Have you been worrying about money? Stop it because it drives money away; it is against the law of increase in Matthew 6:31-32. Rather begin to take responsibility in pursuing the law which governs money.

Memory point: Psalm 51:10

Oh Lord transform my mind to pursue the spiritual laws that govern money.

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Friday 20th September, 2013


John 17:1-4

Unless God lifts a person to do His work, no one can in his own strength serve God faithfully. It is God that works in you to do His good pleasure, the one who brings to you both the desire and the effort to do His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13

It is God who sent Jesus to serve Him by dying on the cross and resurrecting from the dead to deliver His people. Jesus came and did nothing on His own but depended on God the father for everything. He received the Holy Spirit in Jordan before He started His ministry. . In John 17:1-2 we see Jesus demonstrating the need to depend on God for empowerment to do and finish His work.

It is only what we receive from God, that is good enough to use to serve Him, anything else will fail you. The Bible says in 1 John 4:19 that, it is God who first loved us; we are incapable of loving Him on our own. It is from His love in us that we draw to love Him back. If you try loving Him by your own flesh it will not work. This is what many believers need to know .Do not pretend to love Him but call on Him to help you love Him. If you struggle to serve God, it could be that you are not depending on Him to give you the desire and power to do His good pleasure.

In John 15:5 Jesus said that without Him we can do nothing. “I am the vine, you are the branches. He, who abides in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing”. So, our being fruitful depends on what we receive from God, which we use to be productive.

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I declare that your days of struggling to be productive are over as you apply these principles of depending on Him, for what it takes to be fruitful.

Memory point: Proverbs 3:5-6

Oh Lord make me dependant on you and not my flesh.

Saturday 21st September, 2013


Genesis 3:17-19

When a person abandons their responsibility, they are said to be negligent. The people and things they were responsible for suffer and could be destroyed.

In the Garden of Eden, we see what Adam’s negligence as a husband to teach his wife the doctrines of God caused humanity. The enemy caused Adam to trivialise the commandment of God by not making it a law in their home. The devil took advantage of their negligence and misled Eve to believe that God was not interested in their welfare. It is the firm trust of God’s word that sets us free from the deadly schemes of the enemy. As it is written; man shall not live by bread alone but every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Jesus used the whole armour evidenced by His use of sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, to deal with the devil’s schemes- Luke4:1-13. Do not neglect the word of God that is able to save your soul. A person who is not vast in the word of God will be ignorant of the

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demands of God for his good and this opens doorways for the enemy to attack.

In Exodus 4:24-26, Moses almost lost his life because he neglected to circumcise his son on the eighth day as God had commanded Abraham in Genesis 17 to do to all male children, as a covenant with them forever. Zipporah, Moses’ wife had to circumcise their son crudely with a stone on the way, for God to spare Moses’ life.

In 2002, I failed to carefully study instructions concerning major decisions on the right mode of transportation, to import some raw materials for production in my factory. That negligence caused me huge losses and the employment of some staff. What are you neglecting, is it in your spiritual life, family, education, relationship or character development? Deal with it immediately to avoid further damage.

Memory point: Matthew 26:41

Pray, asking God to make you vigilant, to watch and pray in all things.

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Sunday 22nd September, 2013


Psalms 139:23-24

A blind spot is the obscuring or blocking of the visual field. Like a foggy weather which causes poor visibility to a driver, so it is with the dark spots in our lives. In such delicate situations, it is expected that a good driver will put to full use, every accessory, particularly the mirrors, to compliment his vision and allow for his safety and that of other road users.

In like manner, our lives are like vehicles and we are the drivers, while the mirrors represent God, His word and the Holy Spirit. If we ignore them, accidents and destructions are inevitable. But if we diligently adhere to what they show us and make necessary corrections, our lives will be free of accidents and losses.

The Bible says we should not be wise in our own opinion but in all our ways, we should acknowledge God and He will direct our path. Some obvious blind spots we do not often see in our lives could be ; ‘I too know’, baseless arguments, pride, lack of putting our best to work, lack of contentment, not accepting correction, selfishness, and lack of consideration for others. The problem is not just the blind spots in our lives but our refusal to acknowledge and appreciate them. This denial keeps us in perpetual bondage. It was the case with King David, when he killed Uriah and took his wife. God sent Nathan to expose the blind spot to him with a curse, 2 Samuel 12:1-14.What is suffering in your life because of the blind spot you have refused to deal with? Go to God like David in Psalms 139:23-24. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thought. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the

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path of everlasting life”. Blind spots are things that are wrong in our lives but we cover and have become blind to their danger.

Memory point: Psalm 51:10

Pray that God will create a clean heart and renew a right spirit in you.

Monday 23rd September 2013


1 Timothy 4:7-8, 1 Thessalonians5:23, 3 John 2

It is apparent that God wants us to increase, succeed and profit in every area of our lives through exercises. Exercises here also mean training. Training brings out the hidden value in a thing. It is the exposure and packaging of the hidden value that makes one prosper.

The spirit is trained through meditating on the word. Joshua1:8 says, if we do, we will be obedient, then we will make our way prosperous and we will have good success. Do you have all these qualities in your life? If not, go back to all spiritual exercises, not just meditating on the word. Others include prayer, waiting on the Lord, and sacrificial giving among others. Mental training deals with the whole soul- thoughts, emotions, will and intellect. Romans 12:2 teach us to be transformed from conforming to the world by renewing our mind, and then we will taste that good, acceptable and perfect will of God. Do you know the will of God for every area of your life? If not, you are on your own. You will be living off point, out of purpose and

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meaning. Learn to make every thought obedient to Christ Jesus and watch how prosperous your life will be. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Physical training makes our body function well, propelling us to higher levels of accomplishments. If the body is weak, it cannot drive our purpose- Proverbs 6:10-11. Poverty comes because of lack of adequate functioning of the body through sickness, laziness and weakness. Exercise produces energy, good metabolism and health.

Memory point: Philippians 4:13

Ask the Lord who gives us the power to do all things through Christ.

Tuesday 24th September, 2013


Proverbs 28:14

“Blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) is the man who reverently and worshipfully fears the Lord) at all times (regardless of circumstances), but who hardens his heart will fall into calamity”. To fear God is to reverently and worshipfully honour Him in all circumstances. This means in every circumstance whether good or bad, is an opportunity to reverence God, to glorify God, to put Him first above all other interests. We are called to understand that all

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things work together for good to those who love God. That is to those who reverence God.

This is what separates the true worshipers of God from imposters. God’s worship or fear is not only by lips but from the heart. The way we handle our affairs tell a better story of who we are.

All through the ages, God has looked for those who would worship Him in spirit and in truth. Those who do so are uncompromising, especially, in the face of temptation, difficulties and trials. This was how Joseph worshipped God in Egypt, in the face of trials and difficulties in Portipha’s house. He said, how can I do this abominable thing to the Lord by sleeping with my master’s wife. Genesis 39:7-9, 20-23, 41:38-40.

You will be blessed above all, if you are careful to worship God in every situation.

Memory point: Isaiah 29:13

Ask God to make you a true worshipper at all times.

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Wednesday 25th September, 2013


Acts 2:16 – 21

The Lord has promised to pour out His spirit on all flesh, that He may

use them to show His awesome power and glory on earth. When His

spirit is poured on you, your life becomes transformed, you start

seeing visions, dreams and prophesying. Your life becomes a sign and

wonder for God’s use on earth.

Many are still living the life of sin and iniquity and have lost the fear

of God .They attend church services and yet go back to their life of

sin, forgetting that they will give account of their lives.

I once ran into some believers making jest over Christ’s promise to

return soon, saying they have heard that for centuries now, yet he

has not come. They teased that their forefathers, grand and great

grandfathers had died and other relations are still dying, they

wonder if He will ever come. I then said to them; no doubt, Jesus

Christ is coming soon and asked them a question; if you die now

where would you be? In heaven with Jesus Christ, or in hell with the


Surely, with all we see happening- storms, floods, war and

wickedness of man’s heart and deeds, it is obvious we are in the last


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The Lord Almighty would only pour his spirit (THE HOLY SPIRIT), only

on those who believe in Him.

You ask why you have bad dreams and you do not understand your

visions. Turn to Jesus Christ completely, be separated from the lust

of the flesh and God will pour out his spirit on you to be a sign and a

wonder to your generation.

Memory Point: Rom. 10:10

Lord help me live a righteous life

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Thursday 26 September, 2013


Isaiah 54:15-17

The Lord sees from heaven, He knows those that are His and those

that are not serving Him. For His own are those that serve Him in

spirit and in truth. He watches over them, He sees all their enemies;

He knows them all.

For His own, He has empowered to condemn everything that rises

against them in life; whatever problem you are faced with today, you

have been given the power to bind and to loose, Matt 18:18

“Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in

heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven”.

Isaiah 54:17 says clearly that every tongue which rises against you in

judgment you shall condemn. So, you are to condemn every ugly

situation in which you find yourself and every evil thing that anyone

has said concerning you. You are to condemn by the power given to

you by God.

There was a moment of trial in my ministry. Some people gathered

against me in different assemblies. I knew the ministry was winning

souls and the devil was angry. I then prayed fervently and

condemned every plan of the devil and all his weapons were

neutralised. The Ministry grew ten times faster than what it was.

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Rise to you feet now and pray for at least 15 minutes, condemning all

that is fighting against you. God almighty will give you victory.

Memory point: Ephesians 6:18

God help me to be able to pray in the Spirit

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Friday 27th September, 2013


Isaiah 41:10 – 13

Fear keeps you in bondage; it makes you to be afraid of everything

and everyone. Fear always brings negative thoughts to your mind.

Fear will tell you, you cannot make it, you cannot do anything right.

It stops you from moving forward. It keeps you in hiding. It brings

fearful and scary dreams and revelations. Fear is a wrong spirit that is

not of God. In 2 Timothy 1:7, it says “For God has not given us a spirit

of fear, but of power and of love and a sound mind”

When you continue to live in fear, the spirit of God is not in you; the

Spirit of God gives you sound mind. Your thoughts are from God, so

also your dreams, revelations, imaginations and desires, because He

has given you the power to overcome every challenges of life. Love

fills your heart and takes over your entire being. When the Spirit of

the Lord comes on you, you receive power and fear departs from you

immediately and you begin to do all things in Jesus name.

I know of a sister who lived in fear sometimes back and always tells

lies to cover up and will always fall into deeper trouble. The devil

would always tell her that she would die very soon. I told her that

God was in control of her life and once she has faith in Him, He will

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empower her. She got married, had children and the peace and joy

she had lost all returned to her in Jesus name.

Your blessings are standing at the door, have faith, let go fear and

God will surprise you. The Lord said, fear not for I will help you. He

has done it before and he will do it again for you.

Memory point: Isaiah 43:2

Lord please hold me to the end.

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Saturday 28th September, 2013


Proverbs 18:10

There are many groups of people, tribes and languages on earth and

each one has a name. Some have impacted the world positively while

some negatively .Irrespective of the kind of name or title a person

bears; President, Governor, Senator, Chief, Bishop, Pastor etc, none

is comparable to the all-powerful name of our Lord Jesus Christ. The

name of our Lord and God has very important meaning and does

wonders. This all powerful name is billed to save you at any given

time. Some of God’s names are:

The Great Physician Emmanuel Burden Bearer Lion of the Tribe of Judah Root of David Prince of Peace Ancient of Days Bread of Life Author and Finisher of our faith Bright Morning Star

At the mention of the name of Jesus, everything bows. What a

mighty God we serve; He knows our end from our beginning. Why

don’t you hand over everything about your life to Him right now?

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Live a righteous life and you can run to Him and be saved. When you

stand on a strong tower, nothing can bring you down- the Bible says

the name of the Lord is a strong tower, where you can be saved. Rev

19:6 says “Let him reign in your life and everything will be intact for

you in Jesus name.

Memory point: Romans 10:13

Lord help me to call your name at all times.

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Sunday 29th September, 2013


Psalm 23

The anointing oil is important in one’s life. It is so dynamic; it brings

down the power of God upon your life. When the oil comes on you,

it transforms you totally into a new being, from the former person to

a new one. The kings in the Bible were all anointed before they

became kings. So, whenever you are anointed, you are lifted to the

next level of life. Isaiah 10:27 “It shall come to pass on that day that

his burden will be taken away from your shoulder and his yoke will

be destroyed because of the anointing oil”. The anointing breaks

every yoke and gives you freedom from captivity. The anointing oil

announces you to the nations. I am a product of that anointing, I had

just lost my wife in 2005 and few years later, the Lord revealed to me

who I should marry. So I kept praying. She was in the same

fellowship I was and the Lord also revealed to her the same thing I

saw. Other Ladies became envious. One the 4th January 2007, they

ganged up and accused her of being an agent sent to destroy the

fellowship. She was so devastated but I told her not to worry, that

God would vindicate her soon. We got married on the 7th September

2007. It was a wonderful wedding but my wife was still living in fear

because of the terrible accusations. On the 30th December 2007, my

wife and I had returned from a journey, we were so tired and she

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was pregnant, but we had to attend a program. When we got to the

program, we decided to take the back seat but the officials insisted

we go to the front. We met a chunk of brethren in the congregation

who disliked us for reasons we do not know. To our greatest surprise

and amazement, the guest preacher who we had not met before

came where we sat. When she saw my wife, she came close and

held her hands and began to prophesy to her. She said to her: you

are a great woman of God and people have accused you falsely but

they will be judged. She continued that my wife will prophesy to

nations and the things she will say will come to pass. She took a

bottle of oil and used the whole of it to anoint my wife and also

prayed for her. This happened in the presence of our enemies.

Because you believe in God and the power of the Holy Spirit, the

Lord will anoint your head with oil and your cup will run over!

Memory point: Psalms 89:20-21

Lord I ask, anoint my head with your oil.

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Monday 30th September 2013


Psalm 105:1-8

God is not a man that he should lie. When He says he will do a thing,

He will surely do it. He does not forget; he remembers all His

promises and covenant to you. It is our lack of patience that causes

us trouble. Just like Abraham, God promised him a son named Isaac

but for lack of patience, he went for Hagar who was not his wife; and

lay with her. She gave birth to Ishmael whose off springs have

become the cause of global challenge today.

God in his infinite mercy still fulfilled His promise to him and Sarah

gave birth to Isaac. He kept his covenant. God made a covenant with

David, a man after God’s heart in Psalm 89:20 – 37, that His throne

will be forever and so it is up till date. Jesus Christ came from the

root of David. Psalm 105:8 where we read says “He remembers His

covenants forever, the word which he commanded for a thousand

generations”. And we are in the generation for God’s promises and

covenant to be fulfilled in our lives.

I had an encounter with God; He said, He would give me joy like a

river. Then the ministry had just began with only a branch but today,

it has about 20 branches besides the national headquarters in Jos,

Plateau state Nigeria with over ten thousands members and more to

come. God keeps covenants, be patient and wait, He will do it for

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you. Your time to shine has come, the children you need are coming,

and the job, admission, health and others are all coming soon. God

has never forgotten anyone, He will not forget you.

Memory point: Genesis 8:1

Lord forgive me my sins and take me to the place of greatness.

Tuesday 1st October, 2013SAY NO TO POVERTYGenesis 8:1From the beginning of creation, God made us to be rich, wealthy and comfortable. God has commanded us to be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, subdue and dominate it. It is a pity that many believers are living in Poverty. Some also live in sickness and diseases. While others say their parents have been poor; so it is an inheritance. This is not true. You are born to be better than your parents. You have a greater opportunity than your parents. When you are born again and you surrender all to Him, you enter into blessings and breakthroughs. Whatever is good which you lay your hand on begins to prosper; you business, job or education .When you commit all to the giver of the blessings; God Almighty, then bring you out of poverty. God does not want to see you worried or in need. He wants to you meditate on His word and apply it to your life so that things

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may work for you. Joshua 1:8 says, ‘‘this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night. That you may observe to do according to all that is writing in it, for then you will make your ways prosperous, and then you will have good success. Good success and great prosperity comes from God. When you are faithful in your tithing and offering, nothing will stop your blessing. Mal 3:8-11 says it all. Some have the money but do not know how to use it, rather they waste it. Before, I could not save money, but now I can keep money and use it wisely. Memory point: Proverbs 8:18 Lord Help me to serve you with the whole of my being and with all that I have

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Wednesday 2nd October, 2013DIVINE CONNECTIONRuth 1:1-22 and 4:9-10 Ruth had the opportunity to leave her mother-in-law like Orpah did, she knew her place of divine connection, so She held on to Naomi and followed her to her hometown where she met with Boaz who later married her.

Some people you meet in life are meant to take you to the place of your calling; they are your destiny helpers. Some people leave their place of divine lifting for where God has not planned for them. There are also people that God has arranged to announce you and you need to key into such divine connect from the LORD.

A sister lived close to my house and attends fellowship with us. One day she visited us and we thought she had a need for prayer, but she just brought some honey for us to pray on. She kept doing that for some time until one day she was ejected from her residence without any notice. She had nowhere to go. So she came running to us and we gave her a place in our house. She knew her place of connection and she held to it.

I have met some people in life and held on to them, so my calling has moved from one level to another. Know you place of divine connection and stay there for you to reach your destinationMemory point: Psalm 1:1-2

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Lord, connect me with my destiny helpers, in Jesus name.

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Thursday 3rd October, 2013THE DANGER OF FATAL MISTAKE Matthew 5:48Our God is a perfect God and beyond mistake. Mistake is one common phenomenon that is often made in this natural realm. Humanity has settled down in this, accepting that no man is above it. Almost every child grows to discover this limitation and also accepts it as the norm. In the real sense, it is possible to live above mistakes because Jesus once lived on earth without a single one!

Many generations suffered misfortunes, because of the mistakes and negligence of some key persons in their respective generations. As a matter of fact, some generations have experienced chaos from the mistakes of other generations before them. The origin of mistakes and negligence in humans is from Eve. She made the mistake of listening to the serpent luring her against the commandment of God. Adam also accepted her offer of disobedience without questioning her or even reflecting on God’s command in Genesis 3. That very mistake gives birth to every chaos and hardship in humanity.

Mistakes most a times seem very little and insignificant at first, but the consequences can be disastrous. Just consider the mistake of Adam and Eve eating just some fruits that might not have been enough for a meal! That has caused women their lives during child birth. It also led to all the pain and sufferings of humanity from one epoch to another.

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Abraham the friend of God, made a terrible mistake by taking his house maid and the seed of that union brought a major challenge which humanity is contending with today. Just imagine how peaceful the world would have been if Abraham had not made that fatal mistake in (Genesis16:1-16). Be careful not to err, because its live consequences after you and also creates terrible impacts upon generations after you are long gone. Memory point: Psalms 51:6 Oh God, deliver me from fatal mistake!

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Friday 4rd October, 2013THERE SHALL BE DEILIVARANCEObadiah 5:48Deliverance has an incredible price that everyone in trouble has to pay in order to obtain it. Many have gone from pillar to post in search of it, but most effort rarely ends in success. The simple reason for this is that people always go to the wrong places seeking for solutions. Deliverance can only be obtained from God. ‘‘But upon Mount Zion shall be deliverance and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall posses their possessions’’. Obadiah1:17

Mountains have spiritual significance. When you trace the path of history, you will agree that most of these ancient mountains are high places where the natural meets with the supernatural. Even in the day of ignorance most traditional and ethnic groups had mountains, where they met with a deity. It always bothers me why responsible people go to strange places seeking deliverance from their bondage, thereby complicating their issue the more.

The devil is the one in charge of all strange altars and the same devil is the one afflicting the people who go to such places. Stop looking for deliverance outside God, because solutions are obtained in the dwelling place of God, Psalm 97:5-6. In our main text, the scripture also says, ‘‘and there shall be holiness...’’ The dwelling of God is a holy place and everything done in it should be holy. In this end times some people always want solutions from God, even though they hardly meet His

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demands of holiness. Most sinners always want God’s help but are never willing to relate with Him closely. My friend, if you desire God’s deliverance then you must be willing to create a close and talking relationship with Him. Memory point: Psalm 114:7 Command every obstacle to your destiny to melt at the presence of God, in Jesus name

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Saturday 5th October, 2013BLESSED ARE THE PEACE MAKERSMatthew 5:9 Today we live in a chaotic world where terrorist activities and natural disasters are experienced more often than in the previous generations. Wickedness is on the increase. Lawlessness is gaining ground above righteousness and enmity above friendship. The world is not safe because we are in the last days. Churches fighting against one another, brothers betraying brothers and friends rising against one another. The solution to all these chaos is with the peacemakers.

Are you a peacemaker or a troublemaker? Peacemakers are children of God, but trouble makers are children of the devil. If majority of people who attend terrorist meetings are peacemakers do you think their mission of wickedness will be accomplished? Every responsible family, business or gathering always desires to maintain a peaceful atmosphere despite that, trouble often surfaces. Many have tried to maintain peace but the chaotic world system fights back at them.

There is only one source of true and everlasting peace as written in Isaiah 9:6. It is not possible to be a true peace maker without being in the prince of peace, Jesus Christ. If you need peace come to Him. Have you lost your peace because of something you have done that is still hunting you? Return to Jesus, the Prince of peace that you may regain peace. There is only one solution to the problematic global system of the world,

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and that is Jesus! If the whole world will return to Jesus, imagine how great and wonderful it will be.For this world to be a peaceful place, it must first begin with you and then to others. Kindly live a life of peace making instead of trouble making! Memory point: Psalm 29:11Father, make me a peacemaker to my generation in Jesus name.

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Sunday 6th October, 2013BE DRUNK WITH THE SPIRIT Ephesians 5:18Paul contrasts getting drunk with wine which produces a temporary “high feeling” with being filled with the spirit which produces lasting joy. Getting drunk with wine is associated with the old way of life and its selfish desires. In Christ, we have a better joy, higher and long lasting cure to depression, and mental or psychological restlessness.We should not be concerned with how much we have, but how much of the Holy Spirit we have and how much of us the Holy Spirit has. Submit yourselves daily to his leading and draw strength constantly on His power.Some have chosen to be drunk with alcohol and have caused damage to themselves. The effects of alcohol are obvious, but when we are under the power of the Holy Spirit, we sing praise, make music and give thanks to God even when things around us are not working the way we wish. It is known that he who is drunk with the Spirit will always have an attitude of joy, thankfulness to God and encouraging others, instead of whining about everything.When you are drunk with the Spirit, it is easy for you to pray aright. The Spirit empowers you to witness to others without fear. He also helps you in your worship of God. And when you are drunk in the Spirit, your eyes see supernaturally things, your ears hears supernaturally and your mind perceives supernaturally too! As a believer you should be repeatedly being filled with the Spirit as Christ desires for all his children.

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Believers experience repeated infilling of the Spirit whereby they mount up in faith in Jesus, being filled with the word of God, praying, giving thanks and singing to the Lord (1 Corinthians 14:15) and also doing what the Holy Spirit desires. As a believer always desire to be drunk in the Spirit. If you want to be drunk in the Spirit then you must give your life to Christ and be baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Memory point: Romans 12:2Lord, I want to be filled with your Spirit always.

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Monday 7th October 2013KEEPING A SOUND PROSPERITYPsalm 30:6Prosperity is necessary for everyone who wants to live well and succeed in this life. In fact, God always intends that His children live in prosperity as the bible states: “… let the Lord be magnified which hath pleasure in the prosperity of His servant”. Psalm 37:27.God does not have any problems blessing His people but has problems with the way His people handle prosperity. The rich man in Luke 18:18-27 confronted Jesus on how to inherit eternal life. The answer Jesus gave him broke him down. He said to him at a point in their discussion, “Sell all that thou hast and distribute unto the poor, and thou shall have treasure in heaven; and come follow me”. The Bible says that the man went sorrowful because he had great wealth. The problem the man had was not the wealth itself but his mind was too focused on his possessions. His riches distracted his attention from God.David said in our main text that “Now in my prosperity I said, I shall never be moved”. This is a man who would not allow the influence of wealth to distract him from God. Wealth is good, prosperity is wonderful too, but do not allow its influence to derail you from the love of God. The love of money is the root of all evil, 1Timothy 6:10. Money itself is good but the love of it will deprive you of the inheritance of God’s kingdom. David was a wealthy king, yet a man after God’s own heart yet, he was not distracted by any of his possessions. He was always the same David worshipping in the house of God. Some will

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frequent the house of God when they are poor, but once God prospers them, they turn their back on Him.Please get it clear, (3 John1:2) God intends that you live in prosperity, but make sure you are not distracted by it. Remain focused on God and enjoy your prosperity. Memory point: Ecclesiastics 10:19Father, help me never to be distracted by my prosperity.

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Tuesday 8th October 2013NEVER BLOW YOUR TRUMPET! Matthew 6:1-4Giving is good and wonderful. It paves way and ushers the giver to the place of greatness. Many that are alive today would not have survived if it were not for their generous giving that salvaged them! Even God loves the cheerful givers as it is written in 2 Corinthians 9:7. Just imagine a world without giving!There is a common saying that says, “Givers never Lack”. I believe this maxim and it has been working for me. The secret of abundance is in the place of giving. The little thing you value as your possession, is actually a seed. When you do not sow your seed, will you expect any harvest? Certainly not! Many have been praying and asking God for breakthrough in finances but hardly see any positive result, so they keep wondering why. The simple reason could be that they are too stingy to sow a seed; so they ate it. Can such people expect any harvest?This complexity is often experienced by some givers who have been giving and yet have not had any harvest in return. Jesus speaking in our main text stresses a very vital point on why some giving never yield fruit. He said when you are giving to someone, do not let others know about it and that if you do that, you have already received back your reward to its fullest. Nowadays, people will always want to be recognized before giving in public. Some are blaming God for not blessing them even though they keep on sowing. Stop blaming God, and start searching your motive and intent for giving. When was the last time you gave

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and avoided anyone from knowing it? Sometimes we even blow our trumpets in our testimonies to show people that we are givers. Never blow your trumpet that you may start harvesting what you have sown.Memory point: Psalm 17:3Pray and ask God to help you shut your mouth as you give to others and for the work of the kingdom.

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Wednesday 9th October 2013BEWARE! THE TONGUE IS A FIREJames 3:5-12When our speech is motivated by Satan it is full of bitterness, envy, soft emulation, earthly concern and desires, unspiritual thoughts, ideas, disorder and evil. But when your speech is motivated by God, it is full of wisdom, mercy, peace, sincerity and love. Today many believers have used their tongue to cause themselves pain and even to their loved ones. In our reading James compares the damage the tongue can do to a raging fire. The tongue’s wickedness has its source in hell itself. The uncontrolled tongue can do terrible damage. Satan uses the tongue to divide people and put them against one another. Hateful words are damaging because they spread destruction quickly and no one can stop the its consequences. We dare not be careless about what we say, thinking that we can apologize later, because even if we do its scars remain. A few words spoken in anger can destroy a relationship that took years to build. So before you speak remember that words are like fire. You can neither control nor reverse the damage they cause.

Some say it is not easy to control the tongue, so why bother trying to achieve prefect control of it? But we can still learn to control it to reduce the damage our words may cause. It is better to safeguard a fire than to go around getting new one like some believers have made it part of their lives. Remember that we are not fighting the tongue’s fire in our own strength.

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The Holy Spirit gives us increasing power to control what we say.A times our words are right and pleasing to God, but at other times they are violent and destructive. Which of these speech patterns reflects your true identity? The tongue gives us a picture of our basic human nature. We were made in God’s image, but we have also fallen into sin. God’s work is to change us from inside out. When the Holy Spirit purifies a heart He gives self control so that the person will speak words that please God.Memory point: Proverbs 16:27 Please Lord let my tongue speak only pleasing words not damaging words to my hearers.

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Thursday 10th October 2013SEEK ME AND LIVEAmos 5:6The Almighty God is the source of life. He created all things and also gave man the privilege of living and ruling over His creation on earth. Adam and Eve started moving away from God from the moment they sinned. This tendency of running from God has become evident on among humans. Some only avail themselves to the presence of God when they are in trouble. The moment God answers them, they run away from His presence. God said, “Seek me and live, but do not seek Bethel”. Bethel means the house of God, God wants us to seek Him not His house. This is a very big matter. So many Christians nowadays are bragging about the church more than the God of their church. We have church seekers and we have God chasers. The difference between the two is that church seekers are solution seekers while God chasers are God seekers. The moment solution seekers’ problems are not solved, they easily compromise God’s standard. But the seekers of God do not go to church because others are going. They go to church in other to encounter God and build a close relationship with Him.

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The very day you stop seeking after God, the weaker your life becomes because, God is the source of life. We have two types of people who come to church: the ones who come to worship the church and those who come to worship the God of the church! You can easily identify the two of them by the level of their obedience to God. Are you a worshipper of God or a worshipper of the church? Learn to seek God that you may live!Memory point: Zephaniah 2:3Ask God to help you seek after Him with the whole of your heart and might.

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Friday 11th October 2013GOD OPENS UP A WAYExodus 14:13-18God does not always work in ways that appeal most to us. Instead of guiding the Israelites along the direct route from Egypt to the promise land, He took them on a winding route to avoid fighting with the Philistines. If God does not lead you along the shortest path to your goal, do not complain or resist, follow Him willingly and trust Him to take you safely through all the unseen obstacles. He sees the end of your journey from the beginning and He knows the safest and best way for you.

Have you been feeling that your journey should have ended for you? Then you must know that God can open up a new way for you again. God can open a door for your financial blessing, business, fruit of the womb or job opportunity. The Jews were hostile and despairing but Moses encouraged them to watch the wonderful way God would rescue them. Moses had a positive attitude even when it looked as if they were already trapped in. Moses called upon God to intervene. We may not be chased by any physical army today but, we may still feel

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trapped. We should not despair. We should adopt Moses’ attitude to stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will bring for us.The Lord told Moses to stop praying and get moving. Prayer must have a vital place in our lives, and there is also a place for action. Sometimes we know what to do, but we pray for more guidance as an excuse to postpone doing it. If we know what we should do, then it is time to get moving.Your situation may seem as if there is no way of escape but, the Lord can open up a path way for you through the sea. Sometimes we find ourselves in problems without a way out. Do not panic, God can create a way. Focus on God’s faithfulness, you can face crises with confidence rather than with fear and panic.Memory Point: Psalm 46:10Lord I believe you can open any way that is closed in my life.

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Sunday 12th October 2013OBEDIENCE YIELDS MUCH MORE THAN FASTINGZechariah 7:1-12I have encountered ridiculous people who claim they are Christians. Some of them are “fasting machines” that even intimidate pastors by their frequent long fasts and yet lack the manifestation of God’s divine presence. Some claim that they have been praying and fasting for many years but God does not notice them. This sounds ridiculous to me because fasting and praying draw one closer to God. In fact, some say that the more they pray and fast, the more the tempo of the challenges raise.There is always one key missing from such people who go to any length in order to get solution and yet have nothing to show for it; OBEDIENCE, This is the master key to access God’s favour. Fasting is good and every Christian should develop the habit of fasting even when there is no challenge to confront. It makes you remain focused in God’s presence.

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The church is full of people who fast but live in constant disobedience to God’s command. I wonder why they waste their precious time praying and fasting while living in disobedience. The Israelites were confronted with some situations and God stressed the reason for their unfruitful fasting to be their disobedience to His commandment given to them by His prophets. God desires your obedience above your fasting. The one who obeys God is better off than the one who fasts in disobedience. The one who fasts in obedience receives better result than the one who prays and fasts in disobedience to God.If you want to go far in life, start obeying God in every faculty of your life. Indeed obedience yields better results than fasting in disobedience.Memory Point: 1 Samuel 15:23Jesus help me to be obedient to the end.

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Sunday 13th October 2013DON’T LOOK BACKGenesis 19:22-26How long have you given your life to Christ and till date you still look back to what you left as a past life? So many believers left their bad friends, worldly pleasures and things that took away their attention from God but today the devil is deceiving them to go back to their past life. Whatever you have left is not worth looking back on! Lot’s wife did not take the angel’s advice seriously and she was turned into a pillar of salt. Her heart was still clinging fondly to Sodom. Today, Jesus is warning believers to remember Lot’s wife (Luke 17:32). Those whose hearts are enticed by the world’s present corrupt system will not be spared of God’s wrath and the destruction that is coming upon the ungodly.

There are so many like Lot’s wife holding to the past. Some are unwilling to turn completely to the Lord. Are you looking back

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longingly to sin while trying to move forward with God? You cannot make progress with God as long as you are holding on to your old man. Have you left the life of drinking, smoking, lying, worldly music, cheating and sexual immorality but you are trying to look back? Then you have to be very careful. As you grow spiritual, you should develop a deeper respect for God because He hates sin. Cultivate also a deep love for God. Today you must be determined to refuse the evil force or voice that is pulling you back to the former things. Jesus demands your total dedication not half hearted commitment. You must follow Him completely. You should count the cost and be willing to abandon everything else that has given you security without looking back. You must focus on Jesus and do not allow anything to distract you from following Him.Memory Point: Luke 9:62Lord, I am sorry if I have looked back. Please forgive me and help me never to look back again.

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Monday 14th October 2013CONSEQUENCES OF IDLENESS 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15Paul was writing here about the person who is lazy. Paul explained that when he and his co-workers were in Thessalonica, they worked hard, buying what they needed rather than becoming a burden to any of the believers. The rule is that if a man will not work, he should not eat. There is a difference between leisure and laziness, relaxation and recreation in providing necessary and much needed balance in our lives. When it is time to work we should jump right up and work. We should make the most of our talent and time doing all we can to provide for dependants and ourselves. Rest when you should be resting and work when you should be working.

An idle person is a gossip and engages in rumour mongering. If you dabble yourself into other people’s business, you may be

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underemployed. Look for a task to do for Christ or for your family. One of the dangerous consequences of idleness is that it makes one the devil’s workshop, an angry and ungrateful person. There was a family man with six children to cater for who always spent his whole day playing games with his idle friends. He returned back home angry with everyone else but himself. He never appreciated the effort of his wife and children who worked hard for the family. Such a man is never a happy person.Do not become a burden to your family, friends or church, get up today and work to become a supporter not a burden. Paul advised the church to stop supporting financially and associating with those persist in idleness. Hunger and loneliness can be very effective ways of making the idle person become productive. He was not advising coldness or cruelty, but tough love to help a person become responsible.Memory Point: 1 Thessalonians 4:11Lord Help me to work for you.

Tuesday 15th October 2013CHILDREN ARE A HERITAGE FROM THE LORD Psalm 127:3-5

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Every birth is a miracle and every child is a gift from God. Jesus’ birth was a great miracle. Too often, so many children are seen as liabilities rather than gifts or assets. But the Bible says children are a heritage from the Lord. Anytime you see a child know that God has brought the child as a reward. We can learn valuable lessons from their inquisitive minds and trusting spirit. Those who consider children as a distraction or nuisance should now see them as an opportunity to shape the future. We should therefore not see them as inconveniences for God values them highly. Some people only love their own children and mistreat other people’s children. We must be very careful because a child is a gift from God and must be treated as someone very special.All children of believers must be seen as gifts of God requiring wise and faithful stewardship. Parents should be examples of Christian character, conduct and caring more for their children’s salvation than they care about their job, profession or social status. Since children are a heritage from the Lord, it is parent’s responsibility to give the children the best upbringing that prepares them to serve God. In bringing up children, parents should not show partiality and favouritism. They should encourage, correct and punish intentional wrong doing. If you don’t have children you can show love and concern for other people’s children and be willing to pour out your life as a sacrifice to the Lord in order to deepen their faith to become what they should in the Lord.A man that desires to have his own children must show compassion to other people’s children, teaching them the word

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and delivering them from any satanic bondage. And as he does this God will remember him and reward him with children.Memory Point: Psalms 128:3Lord, help me to always remember that children are a reward from You.

Wednesday 16th October 2013RESIST REVENGERomans 12:17-21You must understand that it is only God that can take vengeance for you. And as a child of God you must never revenge, because you may end up hurting yourself. Many believers are hurt by their friends, loved ones, co-workers and have gone ahead to revenge in their own wicked ways. When wronged, do not react in hatred but in a way that shows values which are centred on Christ and His kingdom. Our action towards those who are unkind to us should portray Jesus Christ.A woman treated her daughter-in-law in a very terrible way. One day the mother in-law fell very sick to the point of death and no one was there to help her, only the daughter in-law whom she maltreated badly, stood by her. Many people called her names, advised her to revenge but she rejected all their advice. Even with those who mistreat you, do good to them and

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love them, and by that you heap burning coals upon their heads.Jesus is saying we should treat our enemies with kindness, so that they will become ashamed and turn from their sins. The best way to get rid of enemies is to turn them into friends. If you find it difficult to forgive someone who has hurt you, try responding with kind actions. If possible, tell this person that you will like to heal you relationship, lend a helping hand, send them gift or smile at them. Many times you will discover that right actions lead to right feelings. Resist people who advise you to revenge. You must remember that Jesus also forgave you all you have committed and does not want you to revenge. You should emulate Christ; His forgiveness and love for you in spite of your sins.Memory Point: 1 Thessalonians 5:15I resist every spirit of revenge in my life today.

Thursday 17th October 2013HOW DO YOU PRAY?Matthew 6:5-8Are you someone who loves to pray so that people can see you and say that you can pray? In today’s scripture, some people especially the religious leaders wanted to be seen as holy, so

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public prayer was one-way to achieve that. Jesus saw through their self-righteous acts. However, he taught that the essence of prayer is not public show but a private communication with God. There is a place for public prayer but to pray only where others will notice you indicate that your real audience is not God. Some people pray, praise, and worship God livelier when they are in the presence of others but pray less when they are alone, which is misplaced.

How do you pray? The gospels record that Jesus prayed both privately and publicly. Again, Jesus was drawing attention to the motive for the prayer. The point really is not a choice between public and private prayer but between heartfelt and hypocritical prayer. When asked to pray in public focus on addressing God not on how you are coming across to others. Remember God sees how you pray. In verse 8, the Bible talks about babbling words, repeating the same words over and over again like a magic incantation is no way to ensure that God will hear your prayers. When you pray, do you keep repeating your words without any meaning? Is your mind filled with activities of this world? It is not wrong to come to God many times with the same request, because Jesus encourages persistent prayers. But he condemns the shallow repetition of words that are not offered with a sincere heart. We can never pray too much, if our prayers are honest and sincere. When praying make sure you mean what you say.

Every child of God should have some place to be alone with God. How you pray to God in the secret will determine the

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reward you will receive openly. God’s intimate presence is always with you any time you pray in His will. If you have been praying wrongly change from today and pray rightly.Memory Point: Ecclesiastes 5:2Lord please teach me how to pray right.

Friday 18th October 2013SIN IS SINRomans 3:23Do you know that there is no big or small sin like some people think? Sin is sin and must be rejected at all times. Many believers are crying today in hell because of the sins they had thought was small. Some sins may seem bigger than others because their obvious consequences are enormous. Murder for example, seems to be the worse than lust, but they both lead to death. This does not mean that if you commit less grievous sins then one deserves eternal life. All committed sins make us sinners and sins cut us off from our holy God. Sins lead to death because the wages of sin is death. Regardless of how great or small sin appears to be, do not minimize or overate it, for sins separate one from God. Only those who realize the depth of their sin can appreciate the complete forgiveness that God

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offers them. Jesus has saved us all, whether we are extremely wicked or conventionally good from eternal death. Do not be deceived by the devil who may tell you that you are better than someone else. True believers are dead to sin and separated from their past life of sin; they should not continue in sin, whether small or big. We should not be slaves to sin but slaves to Christ. Today as you are reading this notes make the choice to run away from sin whether big or small. Stay away from it, because it leads to hell. Romans 6:32 says that the wages of sin is death. Sin robs you of life to pay you with bondage and death. You must be careful as you run the Christian race.Memory Point: Romans 6:1Lord, help me to stay far away from sin.

Saturday 19th October 2013GOD DOES NOT FORGET YOUIsaiah 49:14-16It is very possible that your mother, who carried you in her womb for nine (9) months, can forget you. In some cases your relations, friends and co-workers can forget you but it is not so with God. Today many believers who experience great

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adversity feel abandoned and forgotten by God. From the above reading, we see that God’s response gives divine assurance to any believer going through trying times. God’s love for us is greater than the natural affection of a loving mother for her children. It is therefore unthinkable that He will ever forget you, especially in your times of trial and grief.God’s compassion and care for us will never fail, regardless of life’s circumstances, He watches over us with great tenderness and affection. We should rest in the conviction that He will never leave us nor forsake us, (Hebrew 13:56). An evidence of God’s great love is that He has engraved us upon the palms of His hands so that He can see us always and never forget us. The scars in Jesus’ hands and feet are always before His eyes as a reminder of the great love He showered on us.Have you ever felt that God has forgotten you in your sickness, pains barrenness; lack of work, singleness and foundation problems? Then you must know it from today that God Almighty who saw your unformed body will never forget you. When you feel that God has forgotten you, you must ask if you have forgotten God yourself. Sometimes you might forget God and His goodness towards you but God cannot forget you. God will always make the impossible to be possible. Do not give in to the voice of discouragement that says, you are forgotten and your case can never be remembered. Hold on to God and you will soon be rejoicing in Him.Memory Point: Deuteronomy 31:6Lord, I know that you will never forget me.

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Sunday 20th October 2013LIFE CHANGERActs 9:1-12A certain young man told his father that by that time the next day he would kill him. The young man was into drugs, drinking, and smoking and went around with bad friends, but as soon as he left his father he met someone who told him about Jesus and his life changed. The next day instead of killing his father, he was crying for forgiveness from his father. Their lives changed and became transformed. Do you have any hardened son, daughter, husband, wife or friend? The life Changer is here today to transform them. There is no one that God cannot change. Remember Saul was zealous for his Jewish beliefs that he began a persecution campaign against all who believed in Christ. As Saul was travelling to Damascus to bring Christians to book, he was confronted by the risen Christ and brought face to face with the truth of the Gospel. Sometimes God comes into a person’s life in a spectacular manner and sometimes in a quiet experience. Beware of people who insist that you must have a particular type of conversion experience. The right way to come to faith in Jesus is whatever way God chooses. Paul refers to his experience as the start of his new life in Christ, (1corinthians 9:1). At the centre of this wonderful experience is Jesus Christ. Paul did not see a vision, he saw the risen Christ Himself. Paul

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acknowledged Jesus as Lord, confessed his own sins, and surrendered his life with the resolve to obey Him. True conversion comes from a personal encounter with Jesus Christ and it leads to a new life of relationship with Him. The good thing is that when the life Changer changes you, He does not remember your past life but He uses you to His glory. The life Changer does not change but He can change all things around you today.Memory Point: Ecclesiastic 1:15Lord I want to have an encounter with you.

Monday 21st October 2013WHY TRUST MAN?Jeremiah 17:5-8Many have experienced the worst of their disappointments in life because they trusted in man. Some trusted in their god fathers, god mothers, uncles, aunts and friends. Many today refuse to pray on any issue in life, because they feel they have people who will always stand for them. Such people, the Bible calls them cursed. Those who trust in themselves and in human resources are destined for disappointment, spiritual poverty and ultimate loss. On the contrary, those who fully trust in the LORD are blessed and ultimately rewarded with a godly inheritance. They will not be afraid or anxious in any of life’s circumstances because their roots go deep in God.

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Today it is so sad that some pastors and minister of God put confidence in their members for food, money, clothes and strength instead of God. They bring shame to God. If only they trust in the Lord they will flourish like a tree planted by the waters. Isaiah 2:22 asks why trust a man that has breath? A breath in His nostrils refers to mankind’s mortality. People are very limited when compared to God. Man can be unreliable, selfish and short sighted. Therefore, we must not entrust our lives and future to mortal human beings but to the omniscient God. Beware of people who want you to trust them instead of God. Remember only God is absolutely reliable. He is prefect and we can rely on His enduring love and care. Anytime you start trusting in man for anything, you are cursed not blessed. Ask yourself if you have put your trust in man for help; return to God so that you can be blessed. In Psalm 146:3 the writer says even princes cannot deliver you, so do not put your trust in kings, government, or princes. They are all humans that will one day die. God is your only hope today. Trust in Him and you will never be shaken.Memory Point: Psalm 146:3Lord, I trust you with all my heart.

Tuesday 22nd October 2013


JOB 1:10-12

Satan comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. God has put a hedge of protection

around His people to shield them from Satan’s attacks. The hedge that God put

around on us is like a spiritual wall of fire; surrounding us, His faithful children

so that Satan cannot harm us. All believers who are faithful love God and

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follow the leading of the Holy Spirit have a right to ask and expect God to put

His wall of protection around them and their families. In Psalm 34:7 God

appointed His angels to protect and rescue His saints from physical and

spiritual harm. This promise of divine protection is reserved only for those who

truly fear and love God.

Have you been feeling in secured about your husband, wife, children, business

or possession? God says in Zechariah 2:5 that He will be a wall of fire round

about you. All that you need is a hedge of fire around you, and all will be well

with you. Some Christians today have not trusted God for the hedge. Some

have gone astray to look for fake hedge. Have you been trusting powerless

power for your protection? Then you must know today that Jesus is the only

hedge that can save you and your family.

A taxi driver who travelled a lot felt that he needed protection from accident

so he went to an herbalist. On getting there, he was told that the herbalist died

in an accident. The taxi driver felt disappointed and knew that no one could be

his true hedge only God. The Lord Himself will be a wall of fire and a hedge

around you, your wife, husband, children, business and possession. Remove

any fear today and remember that you have a hedge and God is faithful to

keep that hedge forever.

Memory Point: PSALM 34:7

Lord, be the Hedge around me and my family in Jesus name.


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Today’s scripture tells us that if anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is sacred and you are that temple of the living God! Any time you allow your body or flesh to lure you into sin know that you are destroying God’s temple and God will surely destroy you for His temple is sacred. The scripture says that your body is not yours, it belongs to God. Therefore do not defile your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 states that “don’t you know your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who live in you whom you have received from God? You are not your won you are bought with a price therefore honour God with your body”.

What does Paul mean when he says that our bodies belong to God? Many people say they have the right to do whatever they choose with their own bodies. Although they think, it is freedom but they are enslaved to their destructive desires.

When we became born again the Holy Spirit indwelt us, we therefore no longer own our bodies. Bought at a price connotes slaves purchased at an auction. Christ’s death freed us from sin but also obligates us to service because He purchased us by His blood for purpose. If you live in a building owned by someone else you try not to violate the tenancy law, and as your body belongs to God, you must not violate His standard of holy living, You must not grieve or quench the Holy Spirit in you.

Romans 12:12 says ‘‘ Therefore I urge you brothers in view of God’s mercy to offer your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and

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pleasing to God, this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will in his good leasing, and perfect will”. Honour God in our body and not the Devil for anyone who destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him.

Memory point: 1 Corinthians 6:20Pray that God will help you to live a holy life and to offer your body as a living sacrifice to the glory of his name

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God is about to spit out of His month those who are neither cold nor hot. Some Christian are like the church of Laodicea. Laodicea as a city was the wealthiest of the seven cities, known for its banking industry, manufacturing of wool and a medical school that produced eye salve. The city had always had shortage of water supply and a carnal was built to supply water to it from hot springs but by the time the water reached the city it was neither hot nor refreshingly cool; only lukewarm. The church in Laodicea became lukewarm, dissatisfied and repugnant. The believers did not take a stand for anything, and their indifference led to idleness. They neglected service to God, became hardened, self-satisfied and self-destructive.

What the Laodicean church could see and buy had become more valuable to them than what is unseen and eternal. Materials prosperity should not take away your heart from the love and service of the Father.

Jesus saw the poverty and nakedness of the church and told them to obtain His righteousness. The Laodiceans prided itself in its precious eye salve that healed many eye problems, but Christ told them to get medicine from Him to heal their spiritual eyes so they could see the truth. Christ showed them that true value was not in material possession.

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The LORD is telling you to turn from your lukewarmness towards Him. Draw near to Him through your confession, service, worship, faith and study of the word. Allow the Holy Spirit rekindle your zeal and love for God as He works in your heart. God wants to change your garment and give you spiritual sight.

Memory point: John 2:17Lord, help me to be zealous for the kingdom.

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Friday 25th October, 2013THE CONSEQUENCES OF LYINGActs 5: 1-11

The sin of Ananias and Sapphira is not stinginess or holding back part of the money. Their sin was lying to God’s Spirit by pretending they gave the whole amount, while holding back part for themselves. Their sin was judged harshly because dishonesty, greed, and covetousness are destructive. Lying cannot really deceive God and His people about our relationship with Him. We destroy our testimony for Christ. God will never change His standard of holiness. We must remember that God still hates sin as much as He ever did. God’s judgment on the couples shocked the church, and fear fell among the believers. John 8:44 says, “you belong to your father, the devil and you want to carry out your fathers desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth for there is no truth in him. When he lies he speaks his native language for he is a liar and a father of lies”. Know that anyone who lies is doing the work of his father, the devil. Just tell the truth even if it will cost your life. There was something that happened sometimes back with a pastor in one of the churches. He was about to be ordained but he did something bad and he wanted me to be silent so that he could be ordained. I told him that lying for him to be ordained is a sin and God would surely punish me for not saying the truth. Therefore, the truth must be told to praise God. The pastor later confessed his sin. Moreover, he was forgiven and ordained too!

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Always tell the truth no matter what and God will be pleased.

Memory point: 1John 2:9-10Pray and ask God for the grace to walk in the light always.

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As a believer, have you ever given God something that cost you much? There are many people today, even some pastors and ministers of the gospel who have not given God something that cost them much. Look at what king David did when he wanted to buy Ornan land to build an altar. Ornan generously offered it as gift but David refused, saying, “I will not take what is yours and give to the Lord; I will not present burnt offerings that have cost me nothing”. David wanted to offer a sacrifice to God that should cost him much in terms of self, time or money God wants us to give willingly and sacrificially. David is an example to us in his giving. Mark 12:41-44 says, Jesus sat down near the collection box in the temple and watched as the crowd dropped in their offering. Then a poor widow came and dropped in two small coins and Jesus called his disciples to him and said I tell you the truth this poor widow has given more than all the others for they gave a tiny part of their surplus, but she poor as she was has gave everything she had to live on.

We just see that the widow gave all that she had to live on to God. She held back nothing for herself. If God needs what you have, will you give Him all of it? There was a man of God that I knew who saved money for a personal project and one day God asked for that money. The man of God had no other choice than to give it out for the work of God. Just know that anyone that gives to God will never remain the same. No matter what

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happens God will surely bless you for doing His work before this year will end.

Memory point: Luke 6:38Learn to give generously and whole-heartedly for the LORD’S work.

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King Ahab and his wife Jazebel used their position to confiscate Naboth’s inheritance. They were greedy. I urge you to remember that God will surely punish greediness. Ahab said to Naboth let me have your vineyard to use for a vegetable garden since it is close to my house in exchange for a better vineyard or if you prefer I will pay you its worth. However, Naboth replied, the Lord forbids that I should give you the inheritance of my fathers. Naboth refused because he wanted to uphold God’s law. Ahab as a king has many lands in other places but because of greediness, he wanted to take away what belonged to the family of Naboth. Ahab and his wife devised another means and murdered Naboth, and took possession of the land. Just like the case of Naboth and Ahab there are so many people doing similar things today. They have theirs but they want to confiscate someone else’s possession.

Naboth however, upheld God’s laws as it was considered a duty to keep the inherited land of the family. This incidence is the cruel interplay between Ahab and Jezebel who were most wicked leaders in Israel. Jezebel devised the scheme that appeared legal to get the land for her husband. Two witnesses were required to accuse Naboth of blasphemy, a sin punishable by death. God’s punishment on Ahab and his family was very grievous. He refused to admit his sin against God, but he accuses Elisha of being his enemy. When one is blinded by

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greed, envy and hatred, one finds it almost impossible to repent of one’s sins.

When Ahab finally repented, God showed him mercy. The same God who was merciful to Ahab wants to be merciful to you, despite your past. It is never too late to humble yourself. Turn to God and ask Him for forgiveness.

Memory point: 1John 1:9May be you have been living in such as envy, hatred, greediness and malice, pray and ask God to forgive you.

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Whatever you go through in life, it is not intended to destroy you, but to bring out the greatness in you. Sometimes it is so difficult to see the purpose of God in suffering. The first thing we think of when afflicted is “God why me”? And not what does God wants me to learn in this; for in every trial or affliction lies a great lesson.

James 1:2 says, “Count it all joy when you come into trial of many kinds. This means that if trials do not come your way, then nothing is expected from you. The groundnut cannot bring out oil unless it is squeezed. God allows trials to squeeze the best out of us. This is why the texts say, “Count it all joy”. What are you going through now? Count it all joy, because it is an opportunity for greatness. The story of Job in the Bible helps us to see that your disposition during affliction has a great deal to play in what lies ahead for you.

When God is preparing you, He does not tell you how He is going to do it or what he is going to use as the instrument of preparation. When Job was due for double promotion, God allowed a great affliction upon him, (Job 32:12). The big question is why are you suffering? Some people suffer because of wrongdoing while others because God wants to promote them to the next level. 1 Peter 4:15-16, know that the patience

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you need to attain greatness comes through affliction, as the testing of your faith produces patience. It is what you go through, that helps you keep what God has for you. No wonder the book of Hebrews says, Jesus learned obedience through the things He had to suffer. You learn the principles of greatness through affliction.

For every great person you see today has a story of hardship which he went through to attain his position. In life, you cannot pray away what will bring you greatness. That is why there are some afflictions that cannot be removed even when we pray, because we must go through them to bring out the sweetness in us. I encourage you to face that challenge which will launch you to your greatness. Your testimony today will help somebody tomorrow. Do not give up, 2 Corinthians 4:17 says your light affliction is working out a great weight of glory for you.

Memory point: Romans 8:18Father help me to pass though every life challenge in faith and joy.

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There is nothing that is hidden before God. He Knows all things and there is nothing that happens without His knowledge. God created the heavens and the earth and there is no discovery you make today that takes Him unawareness because before you start He knows. Psalm 33:13 says God looks from heaven and sees the sons of men. God knows everything you do in the secret. God knows even the number of hairs on your head. Psalms 33:15 says, “God considers all the works of men.” Whatever you do in this life God sees. Those who live in secret sin, thinking nobody sees them are just jokers because he looks at your works. Romans 14:12 says every one of us will give account of himself to God. Our main text says there is no creature hidden from God; People today think they can hide things from God. They only fool themselves.

I want to say here categorically that they are fools to think that way. We will all appear before Him to give account of what we have done, whether good or bad. Our works will speak for or against us on that day. Nobody can plead for you because, it is appointed unto man to die once and after that judgment. Whatever you do remember that God is watching you and that one day you will give account. Make a U-turn now and start on a clean slate. The scripture says, today if you hear His voice do not harden your hearts. God is ready to restore you. You can make it happen! God bless you as you do that.

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Memory point: Psalm 119:11Lord today I change my ways and I accept grace to live right in Jesus name.

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Nobody has the power to save his or herself from the impending danger set aside for the sons of perdition. God created man perfect and man was to live a perfect life on earth. The devil stole this precious opportunity from man. John 10:10 says, the thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy. In the Garden of Eden this was exactly what happened and since then man lived a life of misery without the glory of God. Paul says in Romans 3:23, “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”. Today, everybody shares in this mess that the devil brought upon humanity.

In an attempt to fill the vacuum that was created, man began to sacrifice to God to atone for his sins but that was not enough to repair the damage that had already been inflicted on humanity. In God’s ultimate plan for man, the Son of God came as the perfect sacrifice that will atone for all. John 3:16. The sacrifice of animals was not enough to atone for but when Jesus came, He had only one agenda; to be sacrificed as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. This is where the grace of God comes in that gives us what we do not deserve. It is the gift of God to all humanity. Nobody can claim responsibility for our salvation today that is why it is the gift of God to all men. The works of man and all efforts cannot earn salvation. God has to give it to us as a gift; the greatest thing that has happened to humanity is the display of the grace of

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God. The scripture says even when we are still in the deep waters of sin Christ died for us. Your qualification and achievement cannot secure grace for you. You cannot have the monopoly of the grace of God and that is why it is called grace. It is unmerited favour from God so man will not manipulate it. Thank God because I am a product of grace. One thing again that grace does for you is that it gives you the equal opportunity to change and become the person God intends you to be. John 1:12 says “to them who receive Him and believe in Him, He gave them power to become the sons of God.” This is the benefit of the grace of God. Grace is not given for show, it is given to be cherished by all, do you have the gift today it is completely free.

Memory point: Romans 8:1Father I thank you for this free gift to my life in Jesus name.

Thursday 31st October 2013DO NOT CHANGE GOD’S MINDDeuteronomy 32:48-52In Exodus 3, God called Moses and gave him the mandate to liberate the children of Israel from Egypt and take them to the land of promise. God in His sovereignty meant all that He said. He never changes nor takes lightly what He has spoken. The God you serve is unchangeable.Moses never fulfilled completely the assignment nor did he set his feet on the land of promise. My dear beloved reader what

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then happened? Moses and his elder brother, Aaron changed God’s mind concerning what was spoken. Moses aborted his ministry. He could not take the Jews to the promise land and he died on mount Nebo.How did Moses change the mind of God despite the fact that God never changes and He honours His word more than His name? The NIV Bible puts in vs. 51, this is because he and Aaron broke faith with God and did not uphold God’s holiness among the Israelites.Do not change God’s mind concerning you by your failure to keep faith with Him and uphold His holiness. Again, do not change the mind of God concerning your life, ministry, family and profession through lack of faith and broken focus.Furthermore, ten of the spies who gave evil report by speaking contrary to what God has said about the promise land did not enter into it. Similarly too, all those that believed their evil report did not set their feet there. They changed God’s mind and word concerning them because of their unbelief, doubt and disobedience. If you want to fulfil your God-given purpose and ministry, keep faith with God, hallow Him and take His word very seriously.Memory point: Hebrews 12:2Ask the LORD to give you the grace to maintain focus, keep faith and remain dedicated to His word and work.

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By the anointing of God that is backing this commission GGDM, I have been blessed with a job, a new Volkswagen car D I want to return all the glory to God for all this. I also want to thank for granting me safe journey to and fro, may his name alone be glorified in Jesus Name.

Mutchi James Gusen.

I want to give glory to God for restoring back my thought process. I was thoughtless but now I can think well and correctly by the hand of God backing this ministry. Not only that, after the restoration God made me understand that he has a great purpose for my life, I give all the glory for this in Jesus name.

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