4Jijj THE DULY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA lAXfARY 20 190B i A GREAT SUCCESS WAS THIS FUNCTION- J J Finley Chapter Commemorate Gen Lees Birthday LARGE CROWD WAS PRESENT- A Fine Musical and Literary Program Was Rendered and Refreshments of Mrs Broome Was Attractively Decorated One of the most elaborate enj function ever Riven by J J Km Icy Chapter U D C wa the r cep tion tendered at the elegant horn of 3In leo K Broom Wj N Ilea a t street Friday evening in commemora- tion of the birthday of lion Robert E Lee While the affair one of Strict informality it wa iifvirthvlvM- Smprtive for it turroundiii The three large room nn th north which are connected by doil e door were thrown into our The room were tastefully decorated with color tchente red and white anti here told there were arranged United State and Con- federate IliB happily blended The tables were also attracti- vely decorated with evrrgreen ja ponies and imilax making a pretty effect The hall and stairway were profuse- ly decorated with evergreens and flower long streamer of red and whiteextending along the stair railing During the evening the following program was rendered in a clever manner Piano solo Dixie with variations alias Clara Pound Solo selected Mr J A Goodwin Piano solo Old Kentucky Home with variation Mifs I Vidal Piano duet Echoes From the South Mr Mrs Becker Solo selected V M Dale Recitation of Chapter from Leop- ards Spoil MIM Edith Baird Piano dust Battle of Munamt Mrs Goodwin Mr Becker Recitation The Sword of Lee Miss Ida Little Solo selected 1 A liooJwin- Sketche of Life of I t written ly a veteran and read by Mr W B Taylor president Mfdby group Southern ou- Mr 1 A lioinlwin- OuritiK ti refrerhment and ten were perc d Mr J lm M fay lot prrMleil nv r tle i nsle urn white Mrs Fred hole poured tin tea In all thi fuiifi m wa a nut HIM Htii will lung lie remember- ed by tltOM who wtre o fortunate a to be parent Pennsylvanians Are Here The quartette of htnrial viitor trom- Jiionlowu Pa to liainesville com prUitig Commodore l W Ittull lieu M A and Nnae Batton have arrived and l r H Her ir Jr- a TO I HI many other fr Kind to welcome thorn again Th put arrived Thursday night and etriy Friday iiiorniiiu wen nut for a huotinu They ijpnt n uunl to pi into camp on lnkt Kr- napahn in H day and will joy this novel lift fur wvirtl week Fronds iif LVmmndore Itall will n- Rrc learn that li l atl it t v jj lofMi r yetir nnl u re ull- hfr IIP conulerilily ridiKel in weirht However he i in hi dual omplfti miv ry i Loped lor It m in tin haunt atmo- pher nf li Friday NlRhfs f cital- riii tiuiitil rrtnU h Biveo uiw- liviinot1 1 Mr U A IicUr orun- ni at Holy Trinity pal thimU lat right which a wi uJ 1 ij vttl Thr program wa i p i of om fiim f iceti t s- hiii a Miiub r the vnrtiit Hi wi f tin thr n l ive e i T The Food That Does Goon The rod LiTer Oil EK n fM r Influenza llroushltu l Ors Threat aad Lung C urrh Coaiuaptloa and all 1 r y t t A i l nifjuu two ilM Me 1 t TRIAL BOTTLE FREE BV MAIL to all Modt c naae o l 1 WOMULSION CO 94 Plat Strt t New fort ServedHome f- able a u eon ilnlhlIhc court Iaoly 1111 art day t 0 n has fln Ont IlaOl nil III tit an- t r I J I 11 r I r I II t- Couh Cold Pneumonia a tv to and r eas to- gether CTUoc win 4 evening i ting If coke t ceesfuI urn r few CO e lOri inlthhr1111 thllr drllhhtt l It t li attended y let LaRue pttd lid I bred I l lot I I ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > < >< < + + + + + + + + + The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths- i lukft tuiuri r- IJMJ ryitiMu i- I tin if i 1 llMMM If V hu it J r v t tI 4 fl Mool 1 t tick the ital organ riiitu c t irrh if- thiMilj r r the kniii thiii i is ITI il i ti iul a ti iw ril ly it tMiuliliH altiiii talui rvii from f the ki hns 1- 1a tort isu1i iiiiirLot l j r tr- tr tvuitif If xiii iv v u cni liiiki KC I v- Kiiin r Kit tIle Xr t lur alil M tMr It CrruN t J 1 tlti tI i JM MH i m i Mr- vsriiv thit it suit t it I t X thiiii J iv- t tip tttiii iiiriiiL tle- inlit Fly itnM ailI tilt it w inipUN n t j It it the litvhcsl l r it cut if tu iiii t ihti IM- SVITUJ KHtt J U4NIt tl SH- i al irl llts III l i if l ir Viit Mtlic tt uiiiiittu lc i- lct rv util a lMk that ttllf il it llti I r Kil iiivr Ci i V V uti- xirititiv tiuntiuti rtulnii tAi xiiKrntf- oiTir in this t inakf any K Jr Ki- iMri rn KNit the fji N V on cvxry PARK THEATER Still the Popular Amusement Resort Fine Performances I Humtn Hearts the perennial- was the bill last night in the tent the- ater A vigorous and per j formance it wa It would seem that Mr Park has excellent judgment in the selection of plays a well as play r Thi discernment simple in it i the quality which Chas Froh man consider the keynote of his sue j IVrlups Mr Park may yet be a New York manager who can tell- i I hi afternoon at 3 oclock there will be a matinef Fanchon The Cricket price lj and 25 cents the engagement in clo e tonight with a I erloriiiancr of Beyond The Law a piece wtich i a favorite with tuck rompattitii in vide uf the North nod net in whiih sun and tu roii an pad fur Mipremacy- llcnlth and happuifF Mr Park nn ill we nitit acHti MANY VISITORS HERE They Come From Everywhere and Are Delighted With Gainesville With the uprnins i f tre tourist sea MII iinieiViile i cettinc her chare and i tulle a number of ie fri m other ectiun who tom tolcikin IloridaS balmy sunshine Aiiiunt llu fp tnlinK the ea on here art Mrs C 1 Thurlvr of Chicago I A Phelp f Phiiadi Iphia Mr and Mr II Ii lute of ltiii i viUe leach if hynchhurg Va H C einple of itirman Mil l r M I Barnett nf Ihillip burg N J 1 I Folk of Kiton Pa Hunter Btil y V C Knger V Kuil r Burton of Atlania The wiather liii been delightful for week worm and clear and enjoy iiig tluiinilvei in loitering under the magnitifent had treo ur driving to the btnutifnl- grnvep nid woodland piirroundinj the Pleasant and Mot Effective- i I 1 Ommlr Editor VuidnRtu- rIilwrtyIVjs write Ivc W 10- Vith j iiniir nd un liiit il by you I hear t timoiy to the cirattvi- H wir f Bnlinru H r houni mi- I IM rt it u my fnnily and cheerfilly arhrm II i thf ftTct by V M u l Through Train and Skwriinc Car Ser- vice Betwew Jac soovill Fi- avIaou r th Allan i I ii will ui Irill I a and Auflul ia- t trrit at iwfulam p- r r dayliirhl Tvitj i Mttiear errvitir i i H eB Jacksonville ami t r break l MM ljr h- v K trasii fni all oul r H maWf dir o nnti ii n nt- j K nffiwlinr the quiekt- ht Ut rvi Mr n Florida V Jk r o rtk fariMlliMi- i rniofc 0 B T I t i J I 1 lo 1 r n I I 1111 j I RJ I I JI t 0- 0t I I I I r 1Lrm tl1 lit I the I I lImp I m 11 lit lit tI i J f I tftl tlkt all ill a Iac till 1 lit I laUlp lttlc I to uuJIt I I lntrlhiIl lIIl J 111 I J r I It Oa- f ci IU tor rutj I have and On Ii t Ir I rI t4 t I r It lUll 1 I ort l I t anti I fJ Aeftl J wl I slit a 1l L i I l u l sane l n err tt r n t1 tkn klnr tat lt ltt t- it l t at tr ire th i l t ill l titsrent arc hart t 1tit free by alai A i Ii itlk r1ut n Hiril t r tilt 1111rt tt well tuned I self Crt Ga- It i 11 r- and 31 1 and Ihrht the tleitnr her I 2 hate nan t irr at l het trnir1 n d rrrt nil lIPnian Augusta h 1i s I orate u frtt r1lt r brltcrrrl 1 t vtt farr4nclllr at S1 1 ren- t t 1 v tV fir a steps tIti t 1 Irirt nZtlr v a < > > > > > > > > > > > > ¬ < > > > > > > < > > + + > > = + + ± + MARRIAGE MARKET DULL Judge Mason Declares the Warm Weather is Paralyzing BuSness Yoi may av what y may g i- iitunl y r inrrkeJ liiilk II i M a I e i kel his f t Hitui t MI- j whuf ht iiii Kfi hi nterdiinier ci gar this rie of the temperature ha played the dickcn with k e matrimo I I end uf thi other It i a inner but truf prnpo itun vt pe j j t wont cet marritd n warm weather and 1 prove by reference to my marriage license tub ever Cider I have been in office Very few li- cence are i sued in the summer month From general observation i eem that the Judge i correct Let a cold nap come and the matrimonial mar- ket is on a boom which decrtav with the in temperature Thursday Judge Mh oti ii ued mar- riage licenp to the following Johnny Cannon and luiu look Steven A Ham and Lizzie Fowler I Farewell Sermon Tn the Vhil and Culund Friend of the City I will preach my fare- well sermon at Bethel A M K Church colored Sunday and Sun lay night Everybody i cordially invited to at- tend Cum prepared to help u financially mood music will be ren Rev M P Pearson will preach at 11 a m Rev II K HU1 and U K Cousin will preach at 3 p tn Kev N Ward Bagley A B will preach hi farewell sermon at 73 p m attested by Kevs I M Ponton I D A V Wallace J M Deas P Saptioti and others Come eaily and get seats Spoiled Her Beauty Harriet Howard of W 34th St Sew York at one time had her beauty spoiled with skin trouble She writes- I had salt rheum or rcxema for years but nothing would cure it until j I used Bucklens Arnica Salve A quick and sure healer tor burn sores 25c at all drug More Improved Train Service via Atlantic Coast Line The Atlantic Coavt Line and con- nections are now operating solid through trains from Jack orville to Atlanta via Waycrn Tifton and Ma- con with through conclus to Na hville ard Pullman buffet sleeping cars to St li ui and Chicago Train bave Jacksonville via Atlan- tic Coa t Lint daily at fU p m and arrive Tifton I a m Macon 1 0 a m Atlanta T5 a m Chattanooga 1 p m 5a hvilletf 55 p m Kraut yule I St loiii 7 S H m and Ch citgo S m liood eiiiiiifUtioii art trade at Jack l iiville from nil Florida point thus nffonling the qi ek t mn t con vciiiint rervice rum this territory to the Wi l For further information ticket j agent or conult The Iurple Folder THE POWER OF STEAM Many MB err tint II Tnkr inliu fu- llrnllr ITj Wall MW ih fionn- rj t kill tlf i I il Thir i i K A r i II ii ii that It tan lift a MI i irlnr to him bad tl rtr i mciiiit a Ml roaitr U l it nn- nt i r r irri 1 t 1 Id- yt of Imnlrurr rMS- j fi I UriV BTtn Whir- hIff i fr ri ro r f V itr- N rj l lil ili tr t i i i ntlv r I h1r 1 rri i- rSi M ltllrir v- i intnr i for to 1ttr lUrj i c- Drtrolt Mich S llMllfinl A Co SixHal Accnti The r ur tin i fit daj tl- fiu xiL V H pr ntrn ike- Thr iV- nihrf 3lU imn Tinnto f- llet IUTIP Slarcli II- ITlri 1 ll cart irT J or IS ml b f Citnp Ji l ltrl per Hfl srmlrs if Ham nnd Ur hKta l- IMUH vTyttaic Cheap fo- rGIVE rs CALL eau iaiify th in qnalitf ai4 I I I t r Id t I I hi I ri I derrod I II I cut I I t I a in a I nod I I I ill l I I n t I d I n I tt ro t Idr onrrqIrt1t Co1II it I I I I j J Casn CoI j at hIw I l tll Itt M 1 hr 11 HI 2 j 11- 1T Ilh t to rIft It Cui I you tier IHI TIIIlIIO lit i l I I S h raptly i lair I Sue tht 1 ran e I its l I 1i c null r r I I cast 1b Fern I n I Ins rY- t t t r taw ar1 t I I the Lon It 5 I rPt Lt d c I aa plo Grocery et tn- Ihrrrl rail bilelh enn FIt rtn Petuhe- wo rih l Pub h Bultir1f 1frrn rtrr per steal A- We < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > < > > >< > < < > < > > > + + + + + + + = JUST 30 DAYS MORE THIRTY DAYS more of Goods at Cost then you have to pay the full price again Save the Profit by Buying from GEORGE W HYDE PARTIAL PRICE LIST OF Whiskies Wines her end Malt trittssK- II Qt MtiiUrr Hunting lath Ue O CA l 10 17 M- o 4 a 7 vi- Miiiii ri It r lUiitii H Itrr Malt Iilokrv IVaolllrinlv- Ailic llriim- ljlliat Hui X rtii aroinu Mountain Punt Juiimlou Hum Mrlfrl IM- iiirif IIriMtv kin it t Bulk KMljHir FrreNrt tlWlcr Gallon KreCia CurD Good grade tu IVrOaUoB- ItyetJIn Corn Rum Fine quality 3N PerUallua Corn Rum for the mosey f r awl Apple lirandr MeDo W W by nice II W IVr Oatlon Victoria Hjrr httclal Uroim Hft Medlelaal- T SA iiualltr- 9W LKMP ST LOUIS IIKCIL i KaNiatt llccr W j standard dark A OB All ioixl if Sane iulnncwt Stout pint lrlcp b the bbl tin ii lcatlon IM 1 I 8 W AHAMS ST 1B7U- Uii etcr a KC i s iar eM Koretitc and DoKctc Eiofcacee- TM M ojrtM iArer iri r tloa f rtner ttcrctaou ac 3 otter twr fa tales iv fcilllle fo ot itCtf eo ctoci OC ai Painter Decorator and Paper Hanger H l a t Moan t nii All kind f o rnl nr r APB HASLSG gull 5ION WRIT Mn l or FCC NCTUMMCO I t 3 r i i t l- TI D SQIO TaOtliaKt- lONi COJTBICMT r an Oppo t U B Patent OfTlc WASHINGTON O C OF LOW PII all 80 DAYS lIUIlII S Qt 6 Qt I Qt SI 1 rJ I ro tt I M lire GIn cial1fIJl 1oJ It III l U lIon Isle S W i 001 t rlt rile I tt ro a 1 S Q tllrl Iale 100 I row 100 1 Ilnurhnn u lIIlnt I S 1161 HANNE BROS JUKMO nLLE IL HFDUTTON 00- EA rsrK uras I 1 f r tic nttd TlfEJSTl rtLE TTA 5 iiA nTOn PATENTS 1 I Ie LO IUHjtJ H- I t IItUCINT VK- r PC I 10 J wrk- plOatt1r n t1Z U I r S m F y- I s n w s z30 Pre a1 In1nJntVUlr a of r 3 i fl heat 6 4 1 h 1n 11 ell a5 iiio fly a5 5 s 1 a a Pert f urn OS 1 a 10 1 I 1 t1 S I 4 8b Jlult extra le a5 Si tI burltrrItlipohird h P M IIt a- Artnrrnt owed l g- Irlr Eatablit JSOd 5 d r Sit t r t t ttea 1- FLQ r 1 ytawsI1PtwiLI1CI 1cRCaaae1- NC I r 1 I 1 t1 ui d isms aty 1x R Ei1 a aarelalt I1 k q W atrWa > > < < > > < > > > < > + +

I J S I Hitui Id RJ MORE - ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.eduufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01370/00136.pdf · but truf prnpo itun vt pe j j t wont cet marritd n warm weather and 1

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J J Finley Chapter CommemorateGen Lees Birthday


A Fine Musical and Literary ProgramWas Rendered and Refreshments

of Mrs Broome WasAttractively Decorated

One of the most elaborate enjfunction ever Riven by J J Km

Icy Chapter U D C wa the r ception tendered at the elegant horn of3In leo K Broom Wj N Ilea a tstreet Friday evening in commemora-tion of the birthday of lion Robert ELee While the affair one ofStrict informality it wa iifvirthvlvM-Smprtive for it turroundiii

The three large room nn th northwhich are connected by doil e doorwere thrown into our The room weretastefully decorated with color tchentered and white anti here told therewere arranged United State and Con-

federate IliB happily blendedThe tables were also attracti-

vely decorated with evrrgreen japonies and imilax making a prettyeffect

The hall and stairway were profuse-ly decorated with evergreens andflower long streamer of red andwhiteextending along the stair railing

During the evening the followingprogram was rendered in a clevermanner

Piano solo Dixie with variationsalias Clara PoundSolo selected Mr J A GoodwinPiano solo Old Kentucky Home

with variation Mifs I VidalPiano duet Echoes From the

South Mr Mrs BeckerSolo selected V M DaleRecitation of Chapter from Leop-

ards Spoil MIM Edith BairdPiano dust Battle of Munamt

Mrs Goodwin Mr BeckerRecitation The Sword of Lee

Miss Ida LittleSolo selected 1 A liooJwin-

Sketche of Life of I t writtenly a veteran and read by Mr W B

Taylor presidentMfdby group Southern ou-

Mr 1 A lioinlwin-OuritiK ti refrerhment

and ten were perc d Mr J lm M

fay lot prrMleil nv r tle i nsle urnwhite Mrs Fred hole poured tintea

In all thi fuiifi m wa a nut HIM

Htii will lung lie remember-ed by tltOM who wtre o fortunate ato be parent

Pennsylvanians Are HereThe quartette of htnrial viitor trom-

Jiionlowu Pa to liainesville comprUitig Commodore l W Ittull lieuM A and Nnae Battonhave arrived and l r H Her ir Jr-

a TO I HI many other fr Kind

to welcome thorn againTh put arrived Thursday night

and etriy Friday iiiorniiiu wen nut fora huotinu They ijpnt n

uunl to pi into camp on lnkt Kr-

napahn in H day and will joythis novel lift fur wvirtl week

Fronds iif LVmmndore Itall will n-

Rrc learn that li l atl it t

v jj lofMi r yetir nnl u re ull-

hfr IIP conulerilily ridiKel in

weirht However he i in hi dualomplfti miv ry i

Loped lor It m in tin haunt atmo-

pher nf li

Friday NlRhfs f cital-

riii tiuiitil rrtnU h Biveo uiw-

liviinot1 1 Mr U A IicUr orun-

ni at Holy Trinity pal thimUlat right which a wi

uJ 1 ij vttl Thr program wa

i p i of om fiim f iceti t s-

hiii a Miiub r the vnrtiitHi wi f tin

thr n live e i


The Food That Does Goon

The rod LiTer Oil EK n fM r

Influenza llroushltu l OrsThreat aad Lung C urrh

Coaiuaptloa and all 1 r y t t A i

l nifjuu two ilM Me 1 tTRIAL BOTTLE FREE BV MAIL

to all Modt c naae o l 1

WOMULSION CO 94 Plat Strt t New fort






eon ilnlhlIhc court

Iaoly 1111



t 0


has fln

Ont IlaOl nil


tit an-



J I 11 r I r I



Couh ColdPneumonia

a tv to






CTUoc win


eveningi ting If coke


ceesfuI urn






inlthhr1111 thllr drllhhtt l It




letLaRue pttd

lidI bred












< >< <



+ +



+ +


The Cause of ManySudden Deaths-

ilukft tuiuri r-

IJMJ ryitiMu i-


tin if i 1

llMMM IfV hu it

J r v ttI 4

fl Mool 1 ttick the ital organ riiitu c t irrh if-thiMilj r r the kniii thiii i isITI il i ti iul a ti iw ril ly it

tMiuliliH altiiii talui rviifrom f the ki hns 1-1a tort isu1i iiiiirLot l j r tr-tr tvuitif If xiiiiv v u cni liiiki KC I v-

Kiiin r Kit tIleXr t lur alil M tMr

It CrruN t J 1 tlti tIi JM MH i m i Mr-

vsriiv thit it suitt it I t X thiiii J iv-

t tip tttiii iiiriiiL tle-inlit Fly itnM ailI tilt

it w inipUN n t j

It it the litvhcsl l r itcut if tu iiii t ihti IM-


i al irl llts III li if l ir ViitMtlic t t uiiiiittu lc i-lct rv util a lMk that ttllf il it

llti I r Kiliiivr Ci i V V uti-xirititiv tiuntiuti rtulnii tAi xiiKrntf-oiTir in this t inakf any

K Jr Ki-

iMri rn KNit thefji N V on cvxry


Still the Popular Amusement ResortFine Performances

I Humtn Hearts the perennial-was the bill last night in the tent the-ater A vigorous and per

j formance it wa It would seem thatMr Park has excellent judgment inthe selection of plays a well as play

r Thi discernment simple in iti the quality which Chas Froh

man consider the keynote of his sue

j IVrlups Mr Park may yet be a NewYork manager who can tell-

i I hi afternoon at 3 oclock therewill be a matinef Fanchon TheCricket price lj and 25 cents theengagement in clo e tonight with aI erloriiiancr of Beyond The Law apiece wtich i a favorite with tuckrompattitii in vide uf the North nodnet in whiih sun and tu roii an pad

fur Mipremacy-llcnlth and happuifF Mr Park nn

ill we nitit acHti


They Come From Everywhere andAre Delighted With Gainesville

With the uprnins i f tre tourist seaMII iinieiViile i cettinc her chareand i tulle a number of

ie fri m other ectiun who tomtolcikin IloridaS balmy sunshineAiiiunt llu fp tnlinK the ea on hereart Mrs C 1 Thurlvr of Chicago I

A Phelp f Phiiadi Iphia Mr andMr II Ii lute of ltiii i viUe

leach if hynchhurg VaH C einple of itirman

Mil l r M I Barnett nf Ihillipburg N J 1 I Folk of Kiton PaHunter Btil y V C Knger V

Kuil r Burton of AtlaniaThe wiather liii been delightful for

week worm and clear andenjoy iiig tluiinilvei in

loitering under the magnitifent hadtreo ur driving to the btnutifnl-grnvep nid woodland piirroundinj the

Pleasant and Mot Effective-

i I 1 Ommlr Editor VuidnRtu-rIilwrtyIVjs write Ivc W 10-

Vith j iiniir nd un liiit il by

you I hear t timoiy to the cirattvi-H wir f Bnlinru H r houni mi-

I IM rt it u my fnnily andcheerfilly arhrm II i thf ftTct

by V Mu l

Through Train and Skwriinc Car Ser-

vice Betwew Jac soovill Fi-

avIaou r th Allani I ii will ui Irill

I a and Auflul ia-

t trrit at iwfulam p-

r r dayliirhl Tvitji Mttiear errvitir i

i H eB Jacksonville amit r break l MM ljr h-

v K trasii fni all oul rH maWf dir o nnti ii n nt-

j K nffiwlinr the quiekt-ht Ut rvi Mr n Florida

V Jk r o rtk fariMlliMi-i rniofc 0 B T

I ti


1lo 1 r n





I JIt 0-

0t I




1Lrm tl1 litI


I lImp


m 11

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i J


I tftl

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ill aIac till1





to uuJIt



lntrlhiIl lIIl

J 111





It Oa-




tor rutjI have

and On




I rI t4 t

I r It


I ortl I t


I fJ

Aeftl J

wl I slit

a 1l L

iI l u


sane l nerr tt r

n t1tknklnr tat lt



itl t at

tr ireth i lt


titsrentarc hart


1tit free by alai A


Ii itlk r1ut n Hiril t r tilt 1111rt


well tuned

I self



It i 11 r-

and 31



Ihrhtthe tleitnr her



hatenan t

irr at l het trnir1 n d

rrrt nil



h 1i s

I orate

u frtt r1lt r brltcrrrl1 t

vtt farr4nclllr at S1



t1 v

tV fir

asteps tIti

t 1 Irirt nZtlrv a


> >


> >

> >








> >



> >














Judge Mason Declares the WarmWeather is Paralyzing BuSnessYoi may av what y may g i-

iitunl y r inrrkeJ liiilk II i M

a I e i kel his f t Hitui t MI-

j whuf ht iiii Kfi hi nterdiinier cigar this rie of the temperature haplayed the dickcn with k e matrimo

I I end uf thi other It i a innerbut truf prnpo itun vt pe j j twont cet marritd n warm weatherand 1 prove by reference tomy marriage license tub ever CiderI have been in office Very few li-

cence are i sued in the summermonth

From general observation i eemthat the Judge i correct Let a coldnap come and the matrimonial mar-ket is on a boom which decrtav withthe in temperature

Thursday Judge Mh oti ii ued mar-riage licenp to the following

Johnny Cannon and luiu lookSteven A Ham and Lizzie Fowler

I Farewell SermonTn the Vhil and Culund Friend

of the City I will preach my fare-well sermon at Bethel A M K Churchcolored Sunday and Sun lay night

Everybody i cordially invited to at-

tend Cum prepared to help u

financially mood music will be renRev M P Pearson will

preach at 11 a m Rev II K HU1and U K Cousin will preach at 3 ptn Kev N Ward Bagley A B willpreach hi farewell sermon at 73 pm attested by Kevs I M PontonI D A V Wallace J M DeasP Saptioti and others Come eailyand get seats

Spoiled Her Beauty

Harriet Howard of W 34th St SewYork at one time had her beautyspoiled with skin trouble She writes-

I had salt rheum or rcxema foryears but nothing would cure it until

j I used Bucklens Arnica Salve A

quick and sure healer tor burnsores 25c at all drug More

Improved Train Service via AtlanticCoast Line

The Atlantic Coavt Line and con-

nections are now operating solidthrough trains from Jack orville toAtlanta via Waycrn Tifton and Ma-

con with through conclus to Na hvilleard Pullman buffet sleeping cars to Stli ui and Chicago

Train bave Jacksonville via Atlan-

tic Coa t Lint daily at fU p m andarrive Tifton I a m Macon 1 0 am Atlanta T5 a m Chattanooga1 p m 5a hvilletf 55 p m Krautyule I St loiii 7 S H m

and Ch citgo S m

liood eiiiiiifUtioii art trade at Jackl iiville from nil Florida point thusnffonling the qi ek t mn t convciiiint rervice rum this territory tothe Wi l

For further information ticketj agent or conult The Iurple Folder


Many MB err tint II Tnkr inliu fu-

llrnllrITj Wall MW ih fionn-

rj t kill tlf i

I il Thir i i K A r i

II ii ii that It tan lift a

MI i irlnr to him bad tlrtr i mciiiit a Ml roaitr U l it nn-

nt i

r r irri 1 t 1 Id-yt of Imnlrurr rMS-

j fi I UriV BTtn Whir-hIff i fr ri ro r f V itr-

N rj l lil ili tr t

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