r. ||r«lr I. Jfc -VOL. L NO. aea! Twm Fall LOCAL MAN ^ I& liSEN ASLEADER FGRIDAHO -WA ----- ---- Indicate anil ern: Bcacjcen Is Dark Horse in Contest Between ' wn7cm North and East “> ' I'nlon r KELLOGG TO GET t ;" NEXT CONVENTION " ' "■> ---------- ny Ettbrta to Plunge Legion In to ra'iirojuj PoUllca Pftil-Oath Bonus ""“’“ j"'* , Tho la Not Approved imve str _____ ^ only ont calK. It WiJJi llic wh;-lum „r !,<•» K .ValnWn. Kraekcn, locnl linnUnr, iik Ktiilc iUllroml uomniaiiilur and of Twin KnllK us « if ii Htato licn<1<iuorturK Tor'tlic L'omiiif; ouilawei year, thc NCcond Qniitml coiiven- wlllinK i tion of ■tiio Tdalio Depnrlinmit, Tho AmwJcan Lugion. closcti ycK(flr- oral *tn tloy'tfftcmuon. KcIIokk won tbu lianeo li Jicxt^'convention nftor nn intcrsee- Bubmlitc ■tional contCHt tlm t wus rcln'icd not per mon only to.thc I’hoiff of n Kntlicrint{ _ _ _ ]>laeo.fi>r I f t l , but ^jliifli uinn nf- ____ fcct^ tiiu cicution of u dvpcirt- P y T ment cominaiiilur, liriiiRinK tbo 1 1 I Twin FnlU nnm oiil nn a <lnrlc ------itom —oompromino -bet^rm i—tbe — M | nocUicrn und CMtorn diWtrids of llll tlic state. Tho finnl Wwiion ycsterd»y de- voloped- th e meot o f *t Ijb. convon- t'iuh. l^^Ulua ttio organiuitioii ! work, the convention rccordcd itn dlttpBipjal. of. tlic COKh bomw in BUbon ' nny torm ulso rchiscd otfort^i to cutunKlo the logioh in p()I^iofi io by dcfuutinff 'rcsohitions comlomn- inj tho Nonpartiwin Lcngiic nnd commcuding tbo No\r York uk- ‘ Hcmbly fo r oiutjiiR fivo SoctuIiHtn. Tho c: A decisive njajdrity voted'to ta- KDlgtiu ble!thcso rcsolutlena. ruwiay ' . IncM mi NBW lEGIUN 0KFICEB8 tcrnoon Tlee CoBim*ad(if^h>no«Ui Dtiwao, MntpcUer. . Ttce CoBBU«liMv-U. U . OlbboBi, •CkliWu. .Tfnuon. yHt C«MBwaer-J. C. Efcnien. wl CMB-d*Alco«. tbe lovt Tlte CoBttUder-VirRU »nmms ><»o> Teailello. •V'ftnlod Hl»t«rta»>aohn C. Cravwr, I). 8. & cal IikIb tH^gWiUmUAnu-T. U I^Blbor, Tho cup Cltr. > by tb« ^ p U l n —Ber. O ieu Heatli, HuVU onc« br : l l B t u t —BL V. Albert, Fajettc. . .lotault. }il^-ken’a olectlon ai commander Tho n >*wt UlO outgrowih of lho Kelloni:- BontoU: Idaho >%lla coDlMt for the noxt coa- Olenns : - vesilon. KortherQ supiwrt^ot Wonti- Ine. U ; wiiA. tbe DolH catidldale In es- Hur ul tor aqppori ot Kollen tor tha nopyt; nott coarentlOD, caueod Uw MuUi-ewt Thb o datflcta to (om an ■lllancfl to op- iir* all p«n tt# northorn comblnaUon. A» a Hil» ere reaall Twin Sialii waa aaked to pul H- and candidate.: Pravlouily Tajrlor he inadi Cumtnlna bad, bten udUy selecte^f the-local candidate >n the otent eno _______ w u oftered by, the local poit huiwian Ted ^ tho devolopinanta eveoluallr draw (np hln Twin Fblla Into Ibe (lold^ Bracken mU Mrt wai” i©1octed.'prIbdpilly Vecaiiie of on W«l tall detenao et tho-TwIn'Falln poit -■■■ — troto-cbarga* oi paddlnR inembonlilp a«>d twcauae ot bit work on Uie lud- tolloi J set cemmiuea. . ' r. On.tba nrat ballot Rrecken Inckoil ... one yole ot a majortir but a aeeond ,, , bftliot put Wm orer the top with 61 * t-,;iJ for Worihwlno. Oa Ihe tlmt ballot n votea. were cait for Frank .........Oiibrook.otJiAmpa.and..’.for U- p^' “‘■ vehie CoUlar ot Pocatello. Braekaii ------- m rtiv e n 41-and-Worihwlii* fbur vlco. eommaodera, two from ,,1 eatt congreaalonai dUtrlct were elect- ‘ 1? ad iiader tbo aew ,eoa»iltutlon. J: C 7,* „ CriiiMr. D. 8., C. waa returned to tbe offlce ot department bUtorlan. aad bV f,,l Tori Nolbpr.or Suiar Cttr. anottatr dertraied tiaro of (be world wtr. wm na» Bergeam-at-ann*. aQcceedlag /Lriiur AlwortJI, formerly • of Twin Fkilla. Rev. Oicsar Heath at Bubl w u ^ nuoed Cbapuin. , I t B. Albert or Payatte. wbo lo«t *»■?*. s i l)A irtU m ori ti# Twta Faiu aad tbU DAILY TIMES IS ' ====^,^======== Ils Is S tal ^orced Gei ofRailro, ight Jlllied Um Vote on Rebel J 'Decide Offit WASItlNaTON. Alirll lo.-C»nridoiitlal lii ates danncr of u forced Rciicral strike ext ernft nml completely ,tylni5 up every rnllr< ttnndlni; efforts qf tbo rnllroAd union chlei Cvcrythlnc deiMtn'd* on lho._mion laken 1 employe# department ot ttip American Ketl ftimnB City noxt Monday, mndo up of do D of North America, tho DrotUerhuod ot crnfi unionn. rho conrcnilon will mnkn cltlicr a dedarn Iftko (llaclpHiiar}' meaHurcn aralniil Ibc in Dy the tnrniK of (ho imni entered lulo l>; Md union aOJance. Jf o DWiJorJiy ol the t Inins o'rsanlMtlonii are bound (o utt In t rho eight unions which will laku part li strike voles ready to put Into cffecl. If tl nno othur orcanlziiilim to Juin ih<fin (o for It wnn learned loday. nrc coubtlnR on olt: lanatice v l W ar iVujjJoj-e* «n<l.JtailrtunJ S, ond SlRUAl mon tu Join the ulcht In ntrlke f lho elKht ilrlko wllbuul majurlly nuppui wed by Ihe othor railroad organltallons n DR to Incur ihli. rho leaders will try lo imprcnn upon tho c< strike without sufficient fundn (o carry I 0 Is trylns to ra|«o nti Immcniifl defense lilted to Ihv KouBon City rouvonllon will nonth per member fur such u fund. thianst F ” I'W: JEETSPRnrK ATtJOODING-^ )onU« PseparatiOBs Aro B«. ^ injf Made to Entertain \voodm« V iiitors Followli ----- rofresbr 0 dielrtct coDvonllun of the pi'ople hu ot pythbu will lake place on aeeond lay. April 18, ai Ooodlns. A bus- en Jolni meeting will be beld In tbo at- second »on attor which a supper In bon- U<e Mai t tbe Tliltine brothers will lako lo«i:>. I. Theis suppers arc a (oaiure OpoDlng e meetlnga of i^o Pyihlani. Mandoll ipeiltlTO w orken U>« Knlshl rank M be an added featnro of the con- Plano d on. Lodges comprising the dli- I' will compete for poeieislon uf Talk—T loving cup. It tho Twin Palls wins this year lho cup will ho I* dod to It pormanonily fnr tho lo- Vocal si Ddge-haa twice taken tlrsl place. Belo—M cup ll now held In safe keeping Heading )« local lodg». TwlQ W U won Drill—V by superior work, and oace by ^ III TblH year will toll the final lloadlni Pfano ft 0 following lodgea will bo repre- Address Kl; &b)unialn Home. No. IS; t)B Kerry. *No. SO; Oasla a t Qood* I U : De LOH at Shoshone. 28; Ben 1.1 al llalley, 40; Lincoln, 47; at T irt; Twltt .PaU, 46. and Huhl. 84. b otrtcera of tho Itm l lodge da- all Pylhlnna wlihing lo lako In noiSl evenl to call It. M. ■Holler. K. of witctami nd a . ao that arrangemenU can Oregon wde for all. itr||,Q t men we ViaiTINQ HKKB ' Short I d wVaptiiea'of Chicago li vUlPeKSWWt' Ils brolhor and sUler-tn-law. Mr. learing Mrs.*;- B: Whaplea at-Uielrtotnff Bolso-j Valnnl attoeL ot lho loRlon tor the year. i > aiu 'Hogg enlarged winner In the con- ume of for tW liexl convenllon by a vole tho Or 1 to :S over Idaho (VU. trsUd . dogates to the next annual con- of Uia lon wore chosen al totlowi: Ab* gl' II. Fox Wallace^ Oeorgo Datur- Anaw 8L Marlen; Joho M. Booth. Nes ni hop «t-D. U Uusb..Ualad:. a .C Con- tliatPr WftUer: H. A. padgbam. Oood- own 1a c:‘rW lwa.*DHgga; Oltb Bliblf. ioti'ii Homedalo; B. B. Monahan. Mc^- “Fnu : W. C. Allen. Olackfoot. heraelt tematea: Iloy Hooptr, Kellogg; tore a« on Alt, Bonnon Firry: John t* tlona v lips, L.awlaU)n; T. C. Sparks, ot vuUon ir^ FalU; Frank Esubrook. The ita; W n. Oreon. Duhl; P. T. other i rtun. Idaho Fail«t Clyde Kuder, necetis «, C.|C. Illggl&s. Mb'icow; F.-ank ' )*-'r»X uon uiat flldvcarry in ■ ***^' eqa-ftnUon ,wa«, that referring to Pl?1 uBceitalnty . of tbe state tatid n^trj ■d'a powera to grant preference Mlne/i I ot entry te-aerrlee men .'and ien on Carey act prolecta In’ tba . .tWm'?!, tj.tw , tt., THE' ONLY NBWSl m l D TWIN FALLS, n tte H e a d t meml Strh oad M en-G nions to I Move and tcial Action a‘S *ecnn _____ . . H. I*. I Informatlun rurrlvi-il hero loday I extending li> every rnllrond trade allroad syMcni In tho nailiin. not- Unlvc chiefs to prevent It. curdli on by lho convenllon ot tho rail- j Kedcmtlun of Labor. w)ii;h opens nlgnei f dologstes from thu Switchmen's claim I of nmiroad Clerks, nnd lhu six enrol larnllou nftalnsl tlie urononl strike _______ le inembcra wbw uro jmrtlripalliis .......... V 0 liy tlio K, orwiuliatlonn in lho bc i-onvontJun vulcs lu )>trlho, lliu . - In concert', , PI rl In (ho KuntuiH CUy iiunvoutlon ^1 If thoy dteldo lo Blrlko, ihey need 1force a Konernl ntriko. The rajtl- I cither Iho tjnlied llroihurhooil ot i<J Shojj lutiiorvra. of ite O^dcr of :rlke. ppuri In.tho ullliiucr, itu-y will bo pi,,. i,„, ns nnd it In nol bolk-ved lUoy nro Ootut 10 convention tho futility of a gen* •ry It on. The railroad unfon uf- inso fund and Uiu program to be will BUKResi. an nnnennmcni of Jt i-HTK ot lliu E -- - ' . tbe hlsto EIGHBORSAND TOODMEN STAGE S O eiA l^E V E N T ;S -ii * W lh l; rso Crowd Attenda Joint Pune- tlou of Two Lodgea In and wllh BUI Bi.BUmcd ho Itoynl Neighbors and Modern idniBii Boclul niUTBday evening ul HOSTC unlo hull wus a grand iiuccc.Ih. a gonora owing n most delightful prosnim en»lern esbmeuta woro sorvtd to llio- 200 Now Cn »le proient. The social waa tlio day wax md of a series wliU-U will bo giv- lly of u i JolnUy by the two orders on the tho strik md Thiirsdar of each month, at ton iliert Maionle temple, Tho progmin tul- wcekn si Ding by audience—America. DETR( idolln and guitar duet—Pupllii ot j, Mra. D. B. Began. , • f„uu i,, JO duet—PuplU ot Ura. D, P. Ilo- swltchmc ncs of ) W. H. Tyer of Dolse Introduc- [foil nui lag Ilcad Auditor J. C. Tale ot efforts t Porlland. who gavo an addresa. apalmil i al solo—.Mrs. W. If. Ttioman. occur If >—Mil* Carlaon. i; ^ovct ding—Cocll Slater. Munufact j —Woodmen Lean. KoroHler- and a B. Hodges. „| dlng-Cbra Jenton. gi, jgy, 10 Aoto—Mildred Elvodu. Unuo. ross—Rev. W. A. Moore. • LATE FLASHES ^ WBB lod. ' Drealdeni SAM i'A HWITCIIMEX .STJHKK“ - Tra OIBK, Ida. April lO.—Twentyllireo fort Is I cbman Jn the Nampa yarda of tha in opera gon Short Uno Joined the outlaw brotlierb ko this montlng. Pocaiollo switch- ■’{ Vi t wont oul Thursday. Tho Oregon an effor irt Une thia morning placed an |on' Idea ring Pocatello. Switchmen In tbo Uje figu so*yaHs-pUn~(u-gi>-oi4t-toulgiil,~ swrlousa ---------■ oxeresili PttKXtiH ItKl'LY maiu: »« 'AIIIB. April lO.-An ofllclal res- "«''*• e of Premier Mlllerand's repjy tu course. nrlllsh goveramenu whoch pro- »d ngalnit the French occupation * Uie Oerhian neutral xono clUoi, * ' I given out here today. nawerlng specifically the oxprwn- hope of Ibe Brltlah government U Franca-wlll.noL.agrin act. <>13 her a lalUatlvo lo auch matters, the ® e’terwlMtea'Sy saflffg:' ' ' Franee 1* entirely ready to ussnru KANS aelt of Ibe asiini of the ali:«i b*-, nent in e acting on any Intoallled. luus. ——— u which nre Involved te tbo «ix's Jon ot tbe irealy." Hie oceupaUon ot Frankfort and I’RJCES ■r clllca. the reply- ataled, wj« lottery for French safety- __________ ____ _ 1X)NI mH VpMfM HEAP JAILED p n n ^ B d i^ . Kan., April 10.—Ale*. • The 1 Jw tr*hifc‘prtaideatof the tfnited na ’^Workera district (Io. 14, today diet 'ill ui. e H e M . loeHed IB 'U a Olr^rd ! intT .WI la, there Uj.reiaaJn iiatU cbaagn bU atUtnda qt oppetiUos ^eoask SPAPER IN ID^HO F dm , IDAHO, SATXntDAY, APRIL 10. 1 Iq u a rte rs ikerHangs joyernmei orm Deb. Club Str at U. of Calif. ^ ftIi«f<f:f.KV, Cal.. Ai>rfl 10.— telegram addressed lu "ICu- nn V. Dobs, prlnoner 90(13, L'. I‘enltontla«7, Atlnnla. Oa.." day npprlaed Iiulm thut a Iclin fiir President Club" lius ■on formed by atudenia of- Ifco ilvorally of Cntlfornln. Ac- '” 0 wp.i rdlng to Wllllam L. Warner ot ‘’«»l rm )R Angclci, tho tek'Krnni wan Iw llflc( ;ned by 22 Btudunln. Ilc also t)th< aimed lh u 114 sludontii bavo Oii- St. I irollcd In (he club. otlinrn 1 ^ ____ _ a refcri' SUFFERFROM RAlLTlE-UPrH not.Imn bnrg, New England, Pacific f‘'ri".inii o#t ond Other Districts Arc Badly Crippled Nprolid'f TKHUKOH. l*a.. April |n,_On« .J ^ ’' u gruutesi indUHirlnl tic ujii lr. Istorj- ot tbo PIllsburKli dlilMct. grctttcr than thui whirh ooctir- urtrtK tlie BtevI ami coai strlfco" „ •, I"'' mlnui.l Up.au»o uf l!.o n.ltrond ', Induiilrlnl leadiri l,i-ro du- riOTSi':---------------------- - •' ‘l«» thi h upproxlmaioly 10.000 railroad 1° ■>*'»>' ilready Idle In the terrtior}- wofl ^ re, fntiJudJuK y«ung»cami. OUhi. »‘>elphla rllh thousands'ttore men thnmt- to strike ihls uturnonn or Mon- crows fi r Monday, lho '•uuilatt- wbIUou: ie<l alnrmlnr r.ronortli.„. llculnrlj .Cd alarming proportions. ^TO.V. A pril to.—In (Uu face of come dn loral freight cmhargo by liirge on xtrlk< rn rnllroadn cnnnectlii^ with Thiji r EnRliuid llneu this dlairlct to- ;ind con rax cunfroniad wllh thc iionslbll- nmi'ng u Horlous tood Bboriuge ilirouch ihrouRh rfke of "robcl" inUm'nen, In aos- '^''e r leru Is nald to bo leaa (hun o iwo ' « snpply of food. ‘'1''"* _____ .able lo rnOIT, April' 10—The Irclghi loMis'll p la cumplols In this diy u:> u SbouU Lbl tbe walkout of :!,000 yurd (e^ oai timon and llio forcing Into Idtu- would b of ISUO yard englnomen and Do- faelng aulhorlllea aro aettlng about In ihuusam » to conaervo fuel and lood itlnwl f fll NhortagcH that nro bound • lu up al m If thu birlke la»ls a weok. John stritic*, >velt. manager of Iho Mlvhlpin faclurefn' AnHUOlallon, oitlmutes cmc, svery Imporunt Indualry In Uio rallrfted will bave lo shut down wllhln to n coi ays If preaeni vondlilons con- long dro both ,sli -------- ' mnko a BVEt.AND. April lO.-Thut the Wllh 1 I" airlko had lomporarlly gone od. and id tbo conlrol ot tlie old loadeni, —lake ; loday adnilltcd by W. O. I/Oe, “wien o; lent of thfl Brotherhood of IUII- ' Trainmen. "Howevo'r, every et- ts being oxerled to keep trains *">' leraUon Hith lho available loyal f**"* orbood wen." he aald. '" ’f view ot Iha strike agitation ua 'fort to apread thb 'One Ulg Uu- TS.,Lx-j^: .... I .......1...J Igurea for today. I feel u,at the in „p|o usnaaa-oC Uio.atrtka U.genersilx men an isilmated" aald W. 8. Stone, pres- tbQ of Uio Brothorfiood of Egnl- tbelr cl I. *'ll la no little mntier. of ing itre 10. but I betlovo ll U nol aa big ty tnd 1 tiporia Indicate." tie Yat (stdents stone and t ^ are' plan- ca. bas a conference loday for the par- pracilct of fdrmuUling now methods of whew > :ng tbe'toyal trrotherhood men on The 1 lob. Yard employee ot nine rail- ■“ New I. numbering 3.000.! are expected **• tUk out-tltla afternoon.- .....- and ih - .: iNSAS CITY. April 10—A aettlfr- n in wi : in Ihe awltchnen'a- auike In the mi: ff:en(tnn*d on Paen 4i oui*'p( -------------------^ Portlaa PES CONTiRUE TO qnll on KOrXT HffTHER Thiia —— lo be r 3ND0N’. April 10. Women's t«r. wli lea will be atlli Wgber In . price has be< I. ' wbleb. it wholmle binrlng'Maaen li bo aenier. taren.A»rJbtff r*Wt l»afae>r»> ) THAT RECEIVES ). 1020 5 fo r A m ronMeeth m t M ay In\ trike Center Is S, to New YorkS Weakening of CIIICAC.O, Ai>rll lii.-l).'flo ltr nlcni. of n lirv; :h for a ivc<'k hnx imrnlyxnl iri'lKhl Ir.i wp»t WVTI- M<-(.n 'loiliiy wlu-n offU-lalH of tl:,- I ronil iinnouiireU lUnl (ho frolRhl rtnlmrvn Iftcd Muiiilny.' Dther oiitlinlnlli- Hlc.nn hiy Into fiirt lJi;tI n St. I’nul lino woro rcimrlpil l<> be hack al W ( r" on tliu ChlonRo anil Nonhwi-Morn lallt fcn-nduiii vuii- loiliiy mi relurnlnK m work. WMilllSCTDS, .\(irlJ Ji>. ’fJiM.' f!?i! TttTikra-lf-they-cunllnuv-»ii‘l-l«-l*‘-:“!L“i -rhiR wllh liil.-rxliili: lrati<>|i<ii inlloii' ll w;» nlnatlftii cif (tin liiwn i;{«m (?:<• f iinil roport ulll.lie iinhmliii'il to I'ronlilriii I'ri-nlili-nl Wllnon h.is i'oiii|>li>loil llio ra1ln>:i ( \^ wlllihol.l iH-iiiIliiR iic-oi-iUanoo tiy Hrvi-r.i Offlclain hiTo. howrvor. ............... I nn o|iliiir Ktrlko woalcom'il to fUcU an uxlrtit tl'iit kk II wan l>l«lll thm l'h.irr «ai> a ili'.l»ir.il|.>u o: •mil K<ivi'rniiii-nl iiclluii an Umi; a" I")'^'Hil". SKW VOKK. April lO.-Tho "oiiMaw" -tri lid mplilly b>-re loday and by noon hm) imt i1i m ovcry roiid c-nterlnR Now York In a i-hin: Thr nlluatlon Wns mnnt dltfkult to iloal wl no "head" tu ihii ntrlke ond c oniionumti)- nmnaRorn derlnred Ihul In mnny Inmnnro. men were strlklni? for and no doiiiandn hail The tlu-iip, howovur, wan fairly roniplolu. (' linn, ll Kproail rnpidly ii> the iisnn'URor dn i’ennnjlvnnla railroad inok tiio li'iiil anioni; il . through tho ivnnsyjvanla siaUim that all clay. ,e Wui-hliiKtun train and two 1‘hll--------------- phla expre»»ts wore i-uncelled by nu iiion i I'rnniylvanltt tiucauss lho truln iimnUu-.C i fallvd to show up. . by Wusli ;o nltuullon In Now York was par- " hich ti nrly dlfllcult, because JOOQ of the mnil plit ion tuba and through hundreds ot Lender nandn of Now Jernoy rcnlilcnceii Htiitfini'n 1 dnliy lo New Vork—walkpd out H'c trlko (hiK niurnlnR. f''or. Tl iIji renuKcd in the wDrnicoefu-'lim "J ' conRiindnn in yuiim. The'rum- »ro out ng eystem ulroiidy wus crippled trUi. am nith lho strike of mnrlnc workiirs. “re slam te nllrou<I<i mniiaRCd to keop u The H nf Ihelr ferry lioats running and (iRhllnK I tt-.oiic niunt of tho JcrseyUen were ronllzlnn lo gel lo Manbaltan; Two hun- (houiand peoole were ferried a Joint Ii IS (he lludsun up to 10 a. m. for moro ould tbo ntrlke conUnue even a uniracial days Now York's food supply “> Id bo badly deptelod and the city thy brot Ig a surloun famine. Already roadn. sands of cam ot (ood stutfa do- Dno >< ■il for New York huvn been held o“- 1" II ontiildo p<ilnls bocaiiio of Inral c, bo fl _____ Bi.hei'V..ni nCAUO. April 10—Thn cnuntry'a a^l.osfcd nsd nirlko today resolved Itsolf (jmteii A coming grip In whnt maybe a tj,# sli-ik drawn uut tent nt strength wllh orRuniui .sides npparonlly propsretf to Kovera 0 a finish tight of It. Brotherb Hh aome thlny-flvc citlus affect- n tneeili md from 16.000 to I<0,000 men out ttrlko It ke your choice between the eitl- piled wl IS of the railroad otflclali and-the (:arly . :• leaders—tt waa beilertd (bat wore tiu iroublo will ool apread further to taking a oitent and that the walkout, ex- urging 11 In IsoUted and compsratlvely un- nstl. jrianl inaiancea, will not atfeet cUia ut railroad workers olher Ininf 1 awliebmoo and yardmen. 10 railroad offlcUla and thep- al- On the brotherhood ohIefB. coDtlnu- o put (urLh clalftlB th it ini-|m inr :------------ spldly bolng broken and lhat the are tlo6lOflg.bacH.tq,wqrk, whllo neginr; strike loadom stouUy malntii]nod j,j. ^ ii r claim thal tbo walkout Is gain- strenelh nnd new adborenla hour- denurtim nd Uial tholr newly fpmed union, Yardmen'a ABBoclatlon of Amerl- bas gained a firm foot bold In , nlcally all of tbe communlllea re sfrlkea taro occured. ho airika'a atorm center tothy wti rew York. >*ew clUei lo be affect- «•' ale Friday and today were Younga- ‘''® n..ObU>* wbare.aiiM . m«a HTneW threw 38.000 steel men out of plfled.' IC-lamiMpnitK-K^rrW -nrttclr* ■grlealii t .walked out; Poeble. Colo., with o( Corns min out; Colnmbni. 0., 100' nab Kogeno: iirlke; Milwaukee. 100 swiiebmea Ing M t, : Pocatello. Ida.. 180 nen OUL ana tiand. Ore.. where 100; awKebmen UE : on two roada. , L O v n hiia far tbd only complete Ua ap n .AA.. n reported iro|a aay trouble on- •Ith IM .’«ntlt,a Tori. bnn II It. U fnlrtt. J g " " eb.U, banl.Wl.ewiTwhMw^i^- i^ S i 5 TWO LEASED W. rosl n e ric a n I Jfl itervene\j^^ Shifting ^See. Slight )/ Insurgents PI lir.Mli In lho rallnny yanti i>lrll..' ' I lr.>(ru- ot Chlrarii nml lb- niiil- ll:i- Clilc a n i. Milwiinlio.- aii'l St. . . . rv....... Ihoir lliu- probably wo.iM Unit i An i»t nil (-nKliirrrn niid firi'iiu-ii ua II wi.rk iinil !iirll:liiK y;.r.liiK-ii nn.l; lallroa'Iii liav<- pfiiinlfod lo lak<- |SEEi '..•nr n ltl JiiJ.TVroi- In ll.........;.u ' «.;i« .iftlrlnlly I'liii,.,!'i..iby. Ai7''AnTUmi sTKLrr-TKit***’ llriia.i lalior liOard I........ . ■vcr.il iiirnitior.'i. ! Iilaliin lhat I.S bniini win.I.l -.|i.i» ! I Ki.v.Tiimc-nl 1iii.rvini!iiii w .n ll' W .\-' irniJ.-.f >u on lUi<.p.<ri Hi 11m- .>r:i.l,>ln |.> li.' mill llll'-. ill I.'U'.I luiiii’ii. Mrik. an,IIU.: lalir-.-il »ork,.r. 'l'l,''. I ui 111.- fri-lKlil au.l |,..>.K,'iii;. r i.-u- <•"' "i" i-hiioili' conUlilon. : I wllll hi'caoi.o IbiTo wiin a|ii':ir- |'l'i‘i'<-l-' oily u.l Kr.inp to .l.-al will.. Itali- ICO. Ili.-y .11.1 not ,.y.-n iinov.- whnl i-,\|; hail l.ern i.ro-...ninl. siii.|.i.i' Coiitlui'a.at tlii.| 1,1 lhi-fr.litlit (h.. Kll r drpartnii'iit" aiiil Uiln tiiri'Uo.iii , ih.- (i IIK 111.- o lh r r I•uali^ liv lionllllK l i o - l F r n i r l l all Ilrkul« woulil li,. roM j^ubji-u 1,h1 u\-_ -------------- -------- -------------- .\.-.-u ----------------------------------------------- llll- i-'r on l> MU.-b In Clili-nito Ihnl I’nn- ,.|.iv,.|| ^.CurllNlo him b.iuu authorlreU k’usliluRtou lo ruiii wnrebouson. In , ,. II lu ..toro tl.l- ovrr IncreasltiR „ , ' plies. iKlen. of tho "iriko dli.iiarttRi-il ull '''‘I'"’" ■ini'nti* of rnllrond offlclain tliuti'"’ itrlktr KlUiatlon l» clodring. lidn-. | ’''‘'"'M'l Thoy cinlmod thul fnlly :i.'> plt ixili"H ■ of till' hwlioliiiii'n'und ync.lnirn ^!l, still oul In (ho ChlonRo Mllroud <lln- l)i- nilli . anil ussertod that tiie ntrlknrs riciitnil KlanilinK firm. kmIii I i-)' ic IjIk railroad brothcrhuudn uru l/iti/m ' Ing (lie Blrlke In deadly earnenl. zinn that their exlnlence Is a( ,< \,t \ Ili.iidBof tliobrolberhQodsscnl * nt leller (o lho rallruads. asking noro lime In wblch to bring Iholr actable members back to work or "itlKlr ring In other men to carry oji fort |ir broihert-.ood cuniructn with the n n. <lir.‘Hl.‘ 10 striker whn wnn vcry much lln- llo Jf luck w.in K. C. Ksty. whu arune .jistri.-l I muting of nirlkcrs, anmmnceil Ti n , aa J. W. W. find (Jmlalined h’U g .'Vi-nients nn u Immb thrower and mans pi ;o dynamiter. He waa promptly inx thol s;cd and held fur InveaUgaUon by roaftlrn en Attorney Iloynn nller which u,.rman strikers cxpullcd him trom Ihelr gallons niwllon. xho ! veral hundred nieniber-i of »'io snilorui herbood of Itullway Clcrko held note rei leethig mill declilod to Join tho |(rs am ;o It Ihelr demanda were nol eom- elslon 1 I Wllh. -The irly . roportn . from Omahii. (uday begin': I (itat ihp Bwitchmcn ifiere aro Englam Ig a Kirlko vole. AglUlors are the V) ng lho mon to go out in Clncln- Molln. Tbe , ------- that ih< mt Session Is Q on Td<!ay Office _U>£JEarm-Biircati|£g^ . harmon iglnnlng.nt lO.^clock UiU mom-Uhe ner a ;olni bualnria nesnlon ot. (be In no 1 le l)umonB(rs(ln\,and Ctuh M'urk parlour irtmunta ot the county farm bur- OKolv c took pUc-o at lb« farm bureau of- giving will cn :ial reports In Rowing club work. <«>lriet ttBilval, boyii and glrli Junior »*>e ion irslon and tnatiy; other mauors ‘® '‘- B given. Local leadera throBgh- Ei*” ,,,' UlO county wero preseat and a It amount of buslneaa waa com- ed." At T:30 lhU 'aftorii6bn"tti -------- e«liural-hiir«au-ot—ibe-Cbamber —LON Zommoreo aiaged a dinner at the baaaadi erson hotel In honor of Ujo visit. alinalU delegatea. Ocorgn ------------------------ Inc itr UEbUKS EXBOUTE HGBK ONDON; Aprl lO.-rSIr;- Auckland des. tbe new Brltlah •mbaasadof tbe. Uatied States.- departed for iblngloa tbdar. Ha waa aeeom^ led by Ud/aeddea.JAaottc theae > latiwreff aitstJta'^aabrla'rallwib ion:Moc aar- ,far^ali:;b«((it« .UM a W..iD»YUl-theVimMteai^'anb^ E S fVIRE SEkviCES. Yesterday'e Prois Ran 3900 - OLD VOL. 3 0 n , NO. M L e g io n APANA ID FFRENCH NVASION ROM ISED litcti States Has Not Announced Views of Situation ;ek : HARMONY AMONG ALLIES biiia.ulbr Council TnllS”Ovcr Criai&^Bcrlin Contrnunists After Ebeft Scnlp i’.\SI1Im;'1'()N, Ai'iil ll' - Tim Ir.l „ili («. (.»!-• ....... ................Ill l.l' iiM nllilii.lo i-i-.inl II. ill.- Unlll- viill.-v Mil- i.ii. il w ni i/il'ii-iiill.v s1nti<l 'Ml. . II' lin- I'liiti-.l ■'itnti-s lalcL-s iiiiill>-i' ii|> u 'itli l'i-iiii<‘<- il wilt tiiroiiL'li hfrii-fJy ili(.7«m«{i.r • * •rciiiri-.- .\l.iS. April 111.--.Ininin will l.i.M lll.l Kn-ii.-h j,.iv(iiii-i- rrom liliiiK- iiikI till- lU'cininti.m of ii.-i;iiuiii ii.-iifnil /r.iio liy Ill’ll irouii.s. till- .li.iirmil Klnlctl li'.------- ' ......................- -......... .•.-..nliiiK t.l Mil- Ki-lid llo Pnri*. I-'r.-ri.-ii uovi-riiiii-Ht liji’* re- 0.1 II ll.lll- fi-ojji WnHhiiiRlou Iniiiinif Aiiii'i'ii-a’» viow pohit Illll iii-riiinti oiM-iiimlion of thi^ ir ilistrii-i nml ’llio Kri'iich oc- iifioii of l.’niiilifurl. Tlii’ Kolio I’lii'is iiikU-isIiiiuIh tlint llio iiMJtJiii-jijjKji rrih-n>lCH t h ' f>»- III iiiki-ii ill the tiolc of Murcli. stilling tlm l 'llll- l-'i-i-iioh Nhniihl iiillmrizi'd 111 itilorvi-ni- in tho it-iil zoiii* if iiitcrv'fntinn i« nb- ili-ly-iioi-cMsnry. lint tlmt no r«- '»H fXiHl hi-lWL'en lUh rvfii'tiifii nnd thc odnijiiition of iiltfort nnii otlior i-itioH. tl iniurficiid r^-nort WfiK uitr- I llial Frnijw will ho wllllnB to iidraw ln>r troo|w froiM Fmiik- lirofidiiiu: that fltn alJicn iinito II HlrotiK nott* to Oermany * ‘nli'iiitiK iiiilitnry nctlon uii1c«n lloii'liwohr (!vni;iinto fho Iliihr riot wlihin n Nlnl'^d tinit*. i:<i Journal espresaea W iof tbat lUiiTtiiniK In poasibie iC. the'Ocr- H pruvn they arn capable ot keep- thoir nngagoinenla and tbo alliea tlrm Ihoir resolution to' compel inany to keop all her troaly obll- ' ons. ho .Vallij polnt'j out lhat Premier orunil In hlii ri-|ily to ttio Ifrltlsb' I rernlln ih.il ho t-oniulteif Uio al- and gnvc noi:«i nt Prnnce'e de- m to uccupy Krankforl. rhe French guvommenf hopea to In'Immediate convmaUona with liand on the ganortil axaeutlon ot Veniftilles treaty.'* added the. In. r bo ataioment In the Brltlah note : Ibfl United Slaten and Italy united . . tl Great Brluin tn opposing Ihe nt-b adranco baa admfuedfy creat* a gravo situation. Itowerer. (or- • 1 otflctola doclam.that ererytblac ■iblo li being done .to • aectire---------- mony among lhc alllei became »C ■ Merlonanesa'of tiie aUualion ^ r e • no disposition to htiriy tbo pour loun preclplUtely. They will .. llv conUnue tor.aevoralmore daya., ng rise to (lio hope tlwt Oemaay. . I compleie tier work ;ln tba.Ilttbr .' , riet io the meantime aad encniitit . - xono.ntuaaotlllncibftaontraverar., ' >r. Wertbelner. ot tba. Oennaa .. ee dotegailQD. baa relnmed .tron : jikfort wbere. be, w«il to obeam ^ etfect of French occapatloa. r aadortai confarencf oaibe O eralia'.':\T talloni waa held.at I^iartU clraV tli^i' mtn-a omcUl reflflarie* ta^bijwip: - - ^ street thia momja*. IUn and Japaneae-iunhgi^ori''^r;i':^^ ded: ! -'• ,••• V Y»mler-Z,Ierd'<lwr*tiM|f<*l4i}^^ dbiuii;'amfrward;; llf w,«ttMia- a.iat>uft5 e iffi^ g ^ N- w Udi'»0n™638HirolK<MBffl

I& liSEN F FRENCH AS LEADER Str NVASION ROMISEDnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · r. ||r«lr I.Jfc-VOL. L NO. aea! Twm Fall LOCAL MAN ^ I& liSEN

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Page 1: I& liSEN F FRENCH AS LEADER Str NVASION ROMISEDnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · r. ||r«lr I.Jfc-VOL. L NO. aea! Twm Fall LOCAL MAN ^ I& liSEN


||r«lr I .Jfc

-V O L . L N O . aea!


-WA----- ---- Indicate

anil ern:

Bcacjcen Is D ark Horse in C ontest Between ' wn7cm

N orth and E ast “>■ ' I'nlon r

K ELLO G G T O G ET " ° t;" N EX T CONVENTION " ' "■>

---------- • nyEttbrta • t o P lu n g e L eg io n In to ra'iirojuj

PoUllca Pftil-Oath Bonus ""“’“j" '* , Tho

la N o t Approved imve str_____ ^ only ont

• calK. It• W iJJi l l i c w h ;- lu m „r !,<•» K .ValnWn.K ra e k c n , lo c n l linnU nr, iik Ktiilc iUllromluom nia iiilu r a n d o f T w in KnllK us « if iiH tato licn<1<iuorturK T or'tlic L'omiiif; ouilaweiy e a r , th c NCcond Qniitml coiiven- wlllinK i t io n o f ■ tiio T d alio D epn rlinm it, ThoA m w Jca n L ug ion . closcti ycK(flr- oral *tntlo y 't f f tc m u o n . KcIIokk w on tbu lianeo liJicx t^ 'conven tion n f to r n n in tcrsee- Bubmlitc■tional contCH t tlm t w us rcln 'icd n o t per mono n ly t o . t h c I’h o if f o f n Kntlicrint{ _ _ _]>laeo.fi>r I f t l , b u t ^ jliif li uinn nf- ____f c c t ^ tiiu c icu tio n o f u dvpcirt- P y Tm e n t co m in aiiilu r, liriiiRinK tbo 1 1 I T w in F n lU nnm o iil nn a <lnrlc

------i t o m —o om prom ino - b e t ^ r m i —tb e — M |nocU icrn u n d CM torn d iW trids o f l l l l tlic s ta te .

T ho f in n l Wwiion y c s te rd » y de- vo loped- t h e m e o t o f * t Ijb. convon- t'iuh. l^ ^ U lu a ttio o rg an iu i tio ii

! w o rk , th e c o n v en tio n rc c o rd c d itnd l t t p B ip j a l . o f . tlic COKh bom w in B U b o n

' n n y to r m ulso r c h is c d otfort^ito cu tunK lo th e log ioh in p()I^iofi io b y d c fu u tin ff 'rc so h itio n s comlomn- i n j th o N o n p a r tiw in L cngiic nndc o m m cu d in g tb o N o \r Y o rk uk- ‘ Hcmbly f o r o iu tjiiR fivo SoctuIiHtn. Tho c:A d e c is iv e n ja jd r i ty v o t e d 't o ta - KDlgtiu

’ b le !th cso rc so lu tle n a . r u w ia y' . IncM mi

NBW lEG IU N 0KFICEB8 tcrnoon

Tlee CoBim*ad(if^h>no«Ui D tiw ao, ” M n tpcU er. .

Ttce CoBBU«liMv-U. U . OlbboBi, •C k liW u . .T fnuon .

y H t C « M B w a e r- J . C. E fcnien. wl CMB-d*Alco«. tbe lovt

T lte C o B ttU der-V irR U »nm m s ><»o> T eaile llo . •V'ftnlod

H l» t« rta»> aohn C. Cravwr, I). 8 . & cal IikIb tH ^ g W iU m U A n u -T . U I^Blbor, Tho cup

C ltr. > by tb«^ p U l n —B e r. O ie u Heatli, HuVU onc« b r

: l l B t u t —BL V. A lbert, Fa je ttc . . .lotault.

}il^-ken’a olectlon a i commander Tho n >*wt UlO outgrow ih of lho Kelloni:- BontoU: Idaho >%lla coDlMt for the noxt coa- Olenns :

- vesilon. K ortherQ sup iw rt^o t Wonti- Ine. U ; wiiA. tb e D olH catidldale In es- H ur u l

to r aqppori o t K o lle n tor tha n o p y t ; n o t t coarentlOD, caueod Uw MuUi-ewt Thb o d a tflc ta to ( o m an ■lllancfl to op- iir* a ll p « n t t # northorn comblnaUon. A» a Hil» ere reaall T w in Sialii waa aaked to pul H- and

c a n d id a te .: Pravlouily Tajrlor he inadi Cumtnlna bad , bten u d U y s e le c te ^ fthe -local candidate >n the o ten t e n o _______w u oftered by, the local po it hu iw ian Ted tho devolopinanta eveoluallr draw (np hln Tw in F b lla Into Ibe (lold^ Bracken mU Mrt wai” i© 1octed .'p rIbdpilly Vecaiiie of on W«l tall detenao e t tho -T w In 'F a lln poit -■■■ — troto-cbarga* o i paddlnR inembonlilp a«>d tw cauae o t b it w ork on Uie lud- to llo i

J s e t cem m iuea. . 'r . O n .tb a n r a t ballot Rrecken Inckoil . . .

one yole o t a m ajortir bu t a aeeond , , , bftliot p u t W m o rer the top with 61 * t - , ; i J fo r Worihwlno. Oa Ihe tlm t ballo t n votea. were c a it for Frank

.........O iib ro o k .o tJ iA m p a .an d ..’. f o r U - p ^ ' “‘■vehie CoUlar o t Pocatello. Braekaii

------- m r t i v e n 41-and-W orihwlii*fb u r vlco . eommaodera, two from ,,1

e a t t congreaalonai dU trlct were elect- ‘ 1? ad iia d er tbo aew ,eoa»iltutlon. J: C 7,* „ CriiiM r. D. 8., C. waa returned to tbe offlce o t departm ent bU torlan. aad bV f , , l T ori N o lbp r.o r S u ia r C ttr. anottatr d e rtra ied tiaro of (be world w tr. wm n a » Bergeam-at-ann*. aQcceedlag /L riiu r AlwortJI, form erly • of Twin — Fkilla. Rev. Oicsar H eath a t Bubl w u ^ nuoed C bapuin. ,

I t B. A lbert o r Payatte. wbo lo«t

*»■?*. s il ) A i r tU m o r i ti# T w ta F a iu aad tbU


= = = = ^ , ^ = = = = = = = =

I l s I s S t a l^orced Gei

o fR a ilro ,ight Jlllied Um Vote on Rebel J 'Decide Offit

WASItlNaTON. Alirll lo.-C»nridoiitlal lii a tes danncr o f u forced Rciicral strike ext ernft nml completely ,tylni5 up every rnllr< ttnndlni; efforts qf tbo rnllroAd union chlei Cvcrythlnc deiMtn'd* on lho._mion laken 1 employe# departm ent o t ttip American Ketl ftimnB City noxt Monday, mndo up of do D of North America, tho DrotUerhuod ot crnfi unionn.

rho conrcnilon will mnkn cltlicr a dedarn Iftko (llaclpHiiar}' meaHurcn aralniil Ibc in

Dy the tnrniK of (ho imni entered lulo l>; Md union aOJance. Jf o DWiJorJiy ol the t Inins o'rsanlMtlonii a re bound (o u t t In t rho eight unions which will laku part li strike voles ready to put Into cffecl. If tl nno othur orcanlziiilim to Juin ih<fin (o for It wnn learned loday. nrc coubtlnR on olt: lanatice v l W ar iVujjJoj-e* «n<l.JtailrtunJ S, ond SlRUAl mon tu Join the ulcht In ntrlke f lho elKht ilr lk o wllbuul majurlly nuppui wed by Ihe othor railroad organltallons n DR to Incur ihli.rho leaders will try lo imprcnn upon tho c< strike w ithout sufficient fundn (o c arry I 0 Is try ln s to ra|«o nti Immcniifl defense lilted to Ihv KouBon City rouvonllon will nonth per member fur such u fund.

t h ia n s tF ” I'W:JEETSPR nrK

ATtJOODING-^)onU « P separa tiO B s A ro B «.

in jf M a d e to E n te r ta in \voodm« V ii i to rs

Followli----- — rofresbr

0 dielrtct coDvonllun of the pi'ople h u o t py thbu will lake place on aeeond lay . April 18, a i Ooodlns. A bus- en Jolni

meeting will be beld In tbo a t- second »on a tto r which a supper In bon- U<e Mai t tbe T liltine brothers will lako lo« i:> .I. T heis suppers arc a (oaiure OpoDlng e meetlnga of i^ o Pyihlani. Mandoll ipeiltlTO w o rk e n U>« K nlshl rank M be an added featnro of the con- Plano d on. Lodges comprising the d li- I 'will compete for poeieislon uf Talk—T

loving cup. I t tho Twin Palls l«wins th is year lho cup will ho I*

dod to I t pormanonily fnr tho lo- Vocal si Ddge-haa tw ice taken tlrs l place. Belo—M cup l l now held In safe keeping Heading )« local lodg». TwlQ W U won Drill—V by superior w ork, and oace by ^

III TblH year will toll the final lloadlni Pfano ft

0 following lodgea will bo repre- Address Kl; &b)unialn Home. No. IS;t)B Kerry. *No. SO; Oasla a t Qood* I U : De LOH a t Shoshone. 28; Ben ‘ 1 .1 a l llalley, 40; Lincoln, 47; a t T

irt; Twltt .PaU, 46. and Huhl. 84. b otrtcera of tho I tm l lodge da- a ll Pylhlnna w lihing lo lako In no iS l evenl to call It. M. ■Holler. K. of witctami nd a . ao th a t arrangem enU can Oregon wde for a ll. itr||,Q t

■ men weViaiTIN Q HKKB ' Short I

d w V aptiiea 'of Chicago l i vUlPeKSWWt' Ils brolhor and sUler-tn-law. Mr. learing M rs.*;- B: Whaplea a t-U ie lrto tnff Bolso-j Valnnl attoeL

ot lho loRlon to r the year. i>a iu'Hogg enlarged w inner In the con- ume of fo r tW lie x l convenllon by a vole tho Or1 to :S over Idaho (V U . trsU d . dogates to the next annual con- of Uia lon wore chosen a l totlowi: Ab* gl'II. Fox W allace^ Oeorgo D atu r- Anaw 8L Marlen; Joho M. Booth. Nes n i hop

« t-D . U U usb..U alad:. a . C Con- t l i a tP r WftUer: H . A. padgbam. Oood- own 1a c : ‘rW lw a .* D H g g a ; Oltb Bliblf. i o t i ' i i Homedalo; B. B. Monahan. Mc^- “Fnu : W. C. Allen. Olackfoot. heraelttem atea : Iloy Hooptr, Kellogg; tore a« on Alt, Bonnon F irry : John t* tlona v lips, L.awlaU)n; T. C. Sparks, o t vuUon i r ^ Fa lU ; F rank E subrook. The ita ; W n . Oreon. Duhl; P. T. other i rtun . Idaho Fail«t Clyde Kuder, necetis «, C.|C . Illggl&s. Mb'icow; F.-ank '

) * - ' r » X u o n u ia t flldvcarry in ■ ***^' eqa-ftnUon ,wa«, th a t referring to Pl?1uB ceitalnty . o f tbe s ta te tatid n ^ t r j

■d'a powera to g ran t preference M lne/i I o t en try te -a e rr le e men .'and ien on Carey a c t prolecta In’ tba

. .tWm'?!, tj.tw , t t . ,

T H E ' O N L Y N B W S l


t t e H e a d tm e m l S trh oad M e n -Gnions to I Move and tcial Action a‘S

*ecnn_____ . . H. I*.I Informatlun rurrlvi-il hero loday I extending li> every rnllrond tradeallroad syMcni In tho nailiin. not- Unlvcchiefs to p revent It. curdli on by lho convenllon ot tho rail- jKedcmtlun of Labor. w)ii;h opens nlgnei

f dologstes from thu Switchmen's claimI of nm iroad Clerks, nnd lhu six enrol

larnllou nftalnsl tlie urononl strike _______le inembcra wbw uro jm rtlripalliis ..........V

0 liy tlio K, orwiuliatlonn in lhobc i-onvontJun vulcs lu )>trlho, lliu . - In concert', , P Irl In (ho KuntuiH CUy iiunvoutlon ^ 1 If thoy dteldo lo Blrlko, ihey need1 force a Konernl ntriko. The rajtl- I cither Iho tjnlied llroihurhooil ot i<J Shojj lutiiorvra. o f i t e O^dcr of :rlke.ppuri In.tho ullliiucr, itu-y will bo p i,,. i,„ , ns nnd it In nol bolk-ved lUoy nro

‘ Ootut 10 convention tho futility of a gen*•ry It on. The railroad unfon uf- inso fund and Uiu program to be will BUKResi. an nnnennmcni of J t i-HTK

ot lliu E- - - ' . tbe hlsto


* W lh l;

rso Crowd A ttenda Jo in t Pune- tlou of Two Lodgea In and wllh


ho Itoynl Neighbors and Modern idniBii Boclul niUTBday evening u l HOSTC unlo hull wus a grand iiuccc.Ih. a gonora owing n most delightful prosnim en»lern esbmeuta woro sorvtd to llio- 200 Now Cn »le proient. The social waa tlio day wax md of a series wliU-U will bo giv- lly of u i JolnUy by the two orders on the tho strik md T hiirsdar of each month, a t ton iliert Maionle temple, Tho progm in tul- wcekn si

Ding by audience—America. DETR(idolln and gu itar duet—Pupllii o t j,

Mra. D. B. Began. , • f „ u u i,,JO duet—PuplU o t Ura. D, P. Ilo- swltchmc

n c s of )W. H. T yer of Dolse Introduc- [foil nui lag Ilcad Auditor J. C. Tale o t efforts t Porlland. who gavo an addresa. apalmil i

al solo—.Mrs. W. If. Ttioman. occur If >—Mil* Carlaon. i ; ^ovctding—Cocll Slater. Munufactj —Woodmen Lean. KoroHler- and

a B. Hodges. „ |d ln g -C b ra Jenton. g i , jg y ,10 Aoto—Mildred Elvodu. Unuo.ross—Rev. W. A. Moore. •


' DrealdeniSAMi'A HWITCIIMEX .STJHKK“ - Tra OIBK, Ida. April lO.—T w entyllireo fort Is I cbman Jn the Nampa yarda of tha in opera gon Short U no Joined the outlaw brotlierb ko this montlng. Pocaiollo switch- ■’{ Vi t wont ou l Thursday. Tho Oregon an effor irt U ne thia morning placed an |on' Idea

ring Pocatello. Switchmen In tbo Uje figu so*yaHs-pUn~(u-gi>-oi4t-toulgiil,~ swrlousa

---------■ oxeresiliPttKXtiH ItKl'LY m a iu : »«

'AIIIB. April lO .-A n ofllclal res- "« ''* • e of Prem ier Mlllerand's repjy tu course.

nrlllsh goveramenu whoch pro- » d nga ln it the French occupation *Uie Oerhian neutral xono clUoi, * ' I given ou t here today. nawerlng specifically the oxprwn- hope o f Ibe Brltlah government U Franca-w lll.noL.agrin act. <>13 her a lalUatlvo lo auch m atters, the ® e ’te rw lM tea 'S y s a flffg : ' ' 'Franee 1* en tirely ready to ussnru KANS a e lt of Ibe a s i in i of the a li:« i b*-, n e n t in e acting on any In toallled . luus. — —— u which nre Involved te tbo «ix's Jon o t tb e irealy."Hie oceupaUon o t Frankfort and I’RJCES ■r clllca. th e reply- ataled, wj« lottery for French safety-

__________ ____ _ 1X)NI

m H V p M f M HEAP JAILED p n n ^ B d i ^ . K an., April 10.—Ale*. • The 1 Jw tr* h ifc ‘ p r ta id e a to f the tfnited na ’ Workera distric t (Io. 14, today d ie t 'i l l ui. e H e M . loeHed IB 'U a O lr^rd ! intT .W I la, there U j.reiaaJn iiatU c b a a g n bU atUtnda q t oppetiUos ^ e o a sk


F d m, IDAHO, SATXntDAY, A PRIL 10. 1

I q u a r t e r sikerH angsjo y e rn m e iorm Deb. Club Str

at U. of Calif. ^

ftIi«f<f:f.KV, Cal.. Ai>rfl 10.— telegram addressed lu "ICu-

nn V. Dobs, prlnoner 90(13, L'.I‘enltontla«7, Atlnnla. Oa.."

day npprlaed Iiulm thut a Iclin fiir President Club" lius ■on formed by atudenia of- Ifco ilvorally o f Cntlfornln. Ac- '” 0 wp.i rdlng to Wllllam L. W arner o t ‘’«»l rm )R Angclci, tho tek'Krnni wan Iw llflc( ;ned by 22 Btudunln. I lc also t)th<aimed l h u 114 sludontii bavo Oii- St. I irollcd In (he club. otlinrn 1 ^ ____ _ a refcri'



bnrg, New England, Pacific f‘'ri".inii

o#t ond Other D istricts ArcB adly Crippled Nprolid'f

TKHUKOH. l*a.. April |n ,_O n« . J ^ ’' u gruutesi indUHirlnl tic u jii lr.Istorj- o t tbo PIllsburKli dlilMct. grctttcr than thui w hirh ooctir- urtrtK tlie BtevI ami coai strlfco" „ •, I " ' ' mlnui.l Up.au»o uf l!.o n.ltrond ', Induiilrlnl le a d ir i l,i-ro du-riOTSi':----------------------- • ' ‘ l« » thih upproxlmaioly 10.000 railroad 1° ■>*'»>' ilready Idle In the terrtior}- wofl ^re, fntiJudJuK y«ung»cam i. OUhi. »‘>elphla rllh thousands 'tto re men thnm t- to strike ihls u tu rn o n n o r Mon- crows fi r Monday, lho '•uu ilatt- wbIUou: ie<l aln rm lnr r.ronortli.„. llculnrlj.Cd a larm ing proportions.

^TO.V. April to.—In (Uu face of come dn loral freight cmhargo by liirge on xtrlk< rn rnllroadn cnnnectlii^ with Thiji r EnRliuid llneu this dlairlct to- ;ind con rax cunfroniad wllh thc iionslbll- nmi'ng u Horlous tood Bboriuge ilirouch ihrouRh

rfke of "robcl" inUm'nen, In aos- '^ ''e r leru Is nald to bo leaa (hun o iwo '« snpply of food. ‘'1''"*

_____ .able lo

rnO IT , A pril' 10—T he Irclghi loM is'll p la cumplols In th is d iy u:> u SbouU L b l tbe w alkout of :!,000 yurd (e ^ oai timon and llio forcing Into Idtu- would b of ISUO yard englnomen and Do- faelng aulhorlllea aro aettlng about In ihuusam » to conaervo fuel and lood itlnwl f fll NhortagcH th a t nro bound • lu up a l m

If thu birlke la»ls a weok. John stritic*, >velt. manager of Iho Mlvhlpin faclurefn' AnHUOlallon, oitlm utes c m c , svery Im porunt Indualry In Uio rallrfted will bave lo sh u t down wllhln to n coi

ays If preaeni vondlilons con- long droboth ,sli

-------- ' mnko aBVEt.AND. April lO .-T h u t the Wllh 1 I" airlko had lom porarlly gone od. and id tbo conlrol ot tlie old loadeni, —lake ; loday adnilltcd by W. O. I/Oe, “wien o; len t of thfl Brotherhood of IUII- 'Trainmen. "Howevo'r, every et- ts being oxerled to keep train s *">' leraUon Hith lho available loyal f**"* orbood w en." he aald. '" ’f

view o t Iha s tr ik e agitation ua 'fort to apread thb 'One Ulg Uu-

TS.,Lx-j^: . . . . I .......1...JIgurea for today. I feel u ,a t the in „ p |o usnaaa-oC U io.atrtka U .g en e rs ilx men a n isilmated" aald W. 8. Stone, pres- tbQ

of Uio Brothorfiood of Egnl- tbelr cl I. *'ll la no lit tle m ntier. of ing itre 10. but I betlovo ll U no l aa big ty tnd 1 tiporia Indicate." t i e Yat (stdents s tone and t ^ are ' p lan- ca. bas a conference loday for the par- pracilct o f fdrm uUling now methods of whew >

:ng tbe 'toyal trrotherhood men on The 1 lob. Yard employee o t nine rail- ■“ New I. numbering 3.000.! a re expected **• tUk out-tltla a fte rnoon .- .....- •

and ih— - .: iNSAS CITY. April 10—A aettlfr- n i n wi : in Ihe awltchnen'a- au ik e In the mi:

ff:en(tnn*d on Paen 4 i oui* 'p(• -------------------^ Portlaa

PES CONTiRUE TO qnll onK O rX T HffTHER Thiia

— — lo be r3ND0N’. April 10. W omen's t«r. wli lea will be atlli W gber In . price has be< I. ■ ' wbleb.i t w h o lm le binrlng'M aaen l i bo aenier. taren.A»rJbtff r*Wt l»afae>r»>


). 1020

5 f o r A mr o n M e e th m t M a y In\trike Center Is S, to New Y o rk S

Weakening ofCIIICAC.O, Ai>rll lii .- l) . 'f lo l tr nlcni. of n lirv; :h for a ivc<'k hnx imrnlyxnl iri'lKhl Ir.i wp»t WVTI- M<-(.n 'loiliiy wlu-n offU-lalH of tl:,-I ronil iinnouiireU lUnl (ho frolRhl rtnlmrvn Iftcd Muiiilny.'Dther oiitlinlnlli- Hlc.nn hiy Into fiirt lJi;tI n St. I’nul lino woro rcimrlpil l<> be hack a l W( r" on tliu ChlonRo anil Nonhwi-Morn lallt fcn-nduiii vuii- loiliiy mi relurnlnK m work.

W M illlSCTD S, .\(irlJ Ji>. ’fJiM.'f!?i! TttTikra-lf-they-cunllnuv-»ii‘l-l«-l*‘-:“!L“i-rhiR wllh liil.-rxliili: lrati<>|i<ii inlloii' ll w;» nlnatlftii cif (tin liiwn i;{«m (?:<•f iinil roport u lll.lie iinhmliii'il to I'ronlilriii I'ri-nlili-nl Wllnon h.is i'oiii|>li>loil llio ra1ln>:i ( \^ wlllihol.l iH-iiiIliiR iic-oi-iUanoo tiy Hrvi-r.iOfflclain hiTo. howrvor. ...............I nn o|iliiirKtrlko woalcom'il to fUcU an uxlrtit tl'iit kk

II wan l>l«lll thm l'h.irr «ai> a ili'.l»ir.il|.>u o: •mil K<ivi'rniiii-nl iiclluii an Umi; a" I")'^'Hil".

SKW VOKK. April lO .-Tho "oiiMaw" -tri lid mplilly b>-re loday and by noon hm) imt i1i m ovcry roiid c-nterlnR Now York In a i-hin: Thr nlluatlon Wns mnnt dltfkult to iloal wl

no "head" tu ihii ntrlke ond c oniionumti)- nmnaRorn derlnred Ihul In mnny Inmnnro.

men were strlklni? for and no doiiiandn hail The tlu-iip, howovur, wan fairly roniplolu. (' linn, ll Kproail rnpidly ii> the iisnn'URor dn i’ennnjlvnnla railroad inok tiio li'iiil anioni; il . through tho ivnnsyjvanla siaUim tha t all clay.,e Wui-hliiKtun train and two 1‘hll---------------phla expre»»ts wore i-uncelled by nu iiion i I'rnniylvanltt tiucauss lho truln iimnUu-.C i fallvd to show up. . by Wusli;o nltuullon In Now York was par- " hich ti nrly dlfllcult, because JOOQ of the mnil plit ion tuba and through hundreds ot Lender nandn of Now Jernoy rcnlilcnceii Htiitfini'n 1 dnliy lo New Vork—walkpd out H'c trlko (hiK niurnlnR. f ''o r . TliIji renuKcd in the wDrnicoefu-'lim "J ' conRiindnn in yuiim. T he'rum - »ro out ng eystem ulroiidy wus crippled trU i. am nith lho strike of mnrlnc workiirs. “re slam te nllrou<I<i mniiaRCd to keop u The H nf Ihelr ferry lioats running and (iRhllnKI tt-.oiic niunt of tho JcrseyUen were ronllzlnn lo gel lo M anbaltan; Two hun- ”(houiand peoole were ferried a Joint Ii

IS (he lludsun up to 10 a. m. for moro ould tbo ntrlke conUnue even a uniracial days Now York's food supply “>

Id bo badly deptelod and the city thy brot Ig a surloun famine. Already roadn. sands of cam o t (ood stutfa do- Dno >< ■il for New York huvn been held o“ - 1"II ontiildo p<ilnls bocaiiio of Inralc , bo fl

_____ Bi.hei'V..ni

nCAUO. April 10—Thn cnuntry'a a^l.osfcd nsd nirlko today resolved Itsolf (jmteii A coming grip In whnt maybe a tj,# sli-ik drawn uut tent n t strength wllh orRuniui .sides npparonlly propsretf to Kovera

0 a finish tight of It. Brotherb Hh aome thlny-flvc citlus affect- n tneeili md from 16.000 to I<0,000 men out ttr lko It ke your choice between the e itl- piled wl IS of the railroad o tflclali and-the (:arly . :• leaders—t t waa beilertd (bat wore tiu iroublo will oo l apread further to taking a o iten t and th a t the walkout, ex- urging 11 In IsoUted and compsratlvely un- n stl.

jrian l inaiancea, will not atfeetcU ia ut railroad workers olher I n i n f

1 awliebmoo and yardmen.10 railroad offlcUla and thep- al- O n the brotherhood ohIefB. coDtlnu-

o pu t (urLh clalftlB th i t in i- |m in r :------------spldly bolng broken and lha t the a re tlo6lOflg.bacH.tq,wqrk, whllo neginr; strike loadom stouUy malntii]nod j , j . ^ ii r claim th a l tbo walkout Is gain- „strenelh nnd new adborenla hour- denurtim nd Uial tholr newly fpm ed union, Yardmen'a ABBoclatlon of Amerl- bas gained a firm foot bold In ,nlcally a ll of tbe communlllea re sfrlkea t a r o occured. / «ho airika'a atorm center tothy w ti rew York. >*ew clUei lo be affect- «•' ale Friday and today were Younga- ‘''® n..ObU>* w bare.a iiM . m«a HTneW

threw 38.000 steel men out of p lf le d . ' IC - lam iM p n itK -K ^ rrW -n rttc lr* ■grlealii t .walked ou t; Poeble. Colo., w ith o( Corns m in ou t; Colnmbni. 0 ., 100' n a b Kogeno:

iir lke ; Milwaukee. 100 swiiebmea Ing M t, : Pocatello. Ida.. 180 n e n OUL ana tiand. Ore.. w here 100; awKebmen UE : on two roada. , LO vnhiia far tbd only complete Ua ap n . AA.. n reported i r o |a aay trouble o n - • I th IM . ’« n t l t , a Tori.b n n I I I t . U f n l r t t . J g " "

eb .U , b a n l .W l.e w iT w h M w ^ i^ -

i ^ S i

5 T W O L E A S E D W.

r o s l

n e r i c a n I

J f li t e r v e n e \ j^ ^

Shifting See. Slight

)/ Insurgents P Ilir.Mli In lho rallnny yan ti i>lrll..' 'I lr.>(ru- ot Chlrarii nml lb - niiil-ll:i- Clilc a n i. Milwiinlio.- aii'l St. . . .

rv....... Ihoir lliu- probably wo.iM U n i ti A n

i»t nil (-nKliirrrn niid firi'iiu-ii uaII wi.rk iinil !iirll:liiK y;.r.liiK-ii nn.l; lallroa'Iii liav<- pfiiinlfod lo lak<-

■ |SEEi'..•nr n ltl JiiJ.TVroi- In ll.........;.u '

«.;i« .iftlrlnlly I'liii,.,!'i..iby. Ai7''AnTUmi

sTKLrr-TKit***’llriia.i lalior liOard I.........■vcr.il iiirnitior.'i. !Iilaliin lhat I.S bniini win.I.l -.|i.i» !I Ki.v.Tiimc-nl 1iii.rvini!iiii w .n l l ' W .\-'

irn iJ .- .f>u on lUi<.p.<ri Hi 11m- .>r:i.l,>ln |.> li.' mill llll'-. ill I.'U'.I

lu iiii’ii.M rik. an,IIU.: lalir-.-il »ork,.r. 'l 'l,''. I

ui 111.- fri-lKlil au.l |,..>.K,'iii;. r i.-u - <•"' " i"i-hiioili' conUlilon. :I wllll hi'caoi.o IbiTo wiin a|ii':ir- |'l 'i‘i'<-l-' oily u.l Kr.inp to .l.-al will.. Itali-ICO. Ili.-y .11.1 not ,.y.-n iinov.- whnl i - , \ | ;hail l.ern i.ro-...ninl. s iii.|.i.i'

Coiitlui'a.at tlii.| 1,1 lhi-fr.litlit (h.. Kll r drpartnii'iit" aiiil Uiln tiiri'Uo.iii , ih.- (i IIK 111.- o lh rr I•uali liv lionllllK l io - lF rn i r l lall Ilrkul« woulil li,. roM j^ubji-u 1,h1u\-_

-------------- -------- -------------- .\.-.-u----------------------------------------------- llll- i-'ron l> MU.-b In Clili-nito Ihnl I’n n - ,.|.iv ,.|| ^ .C u rllN lo him b.iuu authorlreUk’usliluRtou lo ruiii wnrebouson. In , ,.II lu ..toro tl.l- ovrr IncreasltiR „ , ' plies.

iKlen. of tho "iriko dli.iiarttRi-il ull ' ' ' ‘I '" ’ " ■ini'nti* of rnllrond offlclain tl iu t i '" ’ itrlktr KlUiatlon l» clodring. lidn-. | ’' ' ‘'" 'M 'l

Thoy cinlmod thul fnlly :i.'> p lt ixili"H ■of till' hw lioliiiii'n 'und ync.lnirn ^!l, still

oul In (ho ChlonRo Mllroud <lln- l)i- n illi. anil ussertod that tiie ntrlknrs r iciitnilKlanilinK firm. kmIi iI i-)'ic IjIk railroad brothcrhuudn uru l/iti/m ' Ing (lie Blrlke In deadly earnenl.zinn tha t th e ir exlnlence Is a( ,< \,t\ Ili.iidBof tliobrolberhQ odsscnl * nt le lle r (o lho rallruads. asking noro lime In wblch to bring Iholractable m em bers back to work or " itlK lrring In o the r men to carry o j i fo r t |irbroihert-.ood cuniructn with the i» nn. <lir.‘Hl.‘10 s trik e r whn wnn vcry much lln- lloJf luck w.in K. C. Ksty. whu arune .jis tri.-l

I muting of nirlkcrs, anmmnceil Ti n ,aa J. W. W. find (Jmlalined h’U g

.'Vi-nients nn u Immb throw er and mans pi;o dynam iter. He waa promptly inx thols;cd and held fur InveaUgaUon by roaftlrnen Attorney Iloynn n lle r which u,.rmanstrikers cxpullcd him trom Ihelr gallonsn iw llon . xho !veral hundred nieniber-i of »'io sniloruiherbood of Itullway Clcrko held note reileethig mill declilod to Join tho |(rs am;o It Ihelr demanda were nol eom- elslon 1I Wllh. -Theirly . roportn . from Omahii. (uday beg in ':I (itat ihp Bwitchmcn ifiere aro EnglamIg a Kirlko vole. A glUlors are the V)ng lho mon to go ou t in Clncln- Molln.

Tbe, —------- that ih<m t Session Is Qon Td<!ay Office

— _U>£JEarm-Biircati|£g^. harmon

ig lnn lng .n t lO .^clock UiU m om -U he ner a ;o ln i bualnria nesnlon o t. (be In no 1

le l)um onB(rs(ln\,and Ctuh M'urk parlour irtmunta o t the county farm bur- OKolv c took pUc-o a t lb« farm bureau of- giving

will cn:ial reports In Rowing club work. <«>lriet

ttBilval, boyii and g lrli Junior »*>e ion irslon and tnatiy; o ther mauors ‘® '‘- B given. Local leadera throBgh- Ei*” ,,,' UlO county wero preseat and a

It am ount o f buslneaa waa com- ed ." A t T:30 lh U 'a f to r i i 6 b n " t t i --------e « liu ra l-h iir« a u -o t—ibe-C bam ber — LON Zommoreo aiaged a dinner a t the baaaadi erson hotel In honor of Ujo visit. alinalU delegatea. Ocorgn

------------------------ Inc i t rUEbUKS EXBOUTE HGBK

ONDON; A prl lO.-rSIr;- Auckland des. tbe new Brltlah •mbaasadof tbe. U atied States.- departed for iblngloa tb d a r. Ha waa aeeom^ led by U d /a e d d e a .J A a o t tc theae > la tiw reff aits tJ ta '^aab rla 'ra llw ib ion:Moc aar- ,far^ali:;b«((it« .UMa W ..iD »Y U l-theV im M teai^ 'anb^ E S

fVIRE S E k v iC E S .

Y e s te rd a y 'e P r o is R a n

3 9 0 0

- OLD VOL. 3 0 n , NO. M

L e g i o n


litcti States H as Not Announced Views of



biiia.ulbr C o u n c il T nllS” Ovcr C ria i& ^ B c rlin C on trnunists

After E beft S cn lp

i’.\S I1 Im ;'1 '( )N , A i'i i l l l ' - Tim Ir .l „ i l i («. (.»!-•.......................Ill l.l' iiM n llilii.loi-i-.inl II. ill.- Unlll- viill.-v Mil- i.ii. il w n i i/il'ii-iiill.v s1nti<l 'Ml.. II' lin- I 'li iti- .l ■'itnti-s lalcL-s iiiiill>-i' ii|> u 'itli l'i-iiii<‘<- il wilt tiiroiiL'li hfrii-fJy ili(.7«m«{i.r • *


. \ l . i S . A p ril 111.--.Ininin will l.i.M lll.l Kn-ii.-h j,.iv(iiii-i- rrom liliiiK- iiikI till- lU 'c ininti.m of ii.-i;iiuiii ii.-iifnil /r.iio liy

Ill’ll irouii.s. till- .li.i irm il Klnlctlli '.------- ' ......................- -.........—.•.-..nliiiK t.l Mil- Ki-lid llo Pnri*.

I-'r.-ri.-ii uovi-riiiii-H t liji’* re- 0.1 II ll.lll- fi-ojji W nHhiiiRlou

Iniiiinif A iiii 'i'ii-a ’» viow p oh it Illll iii-riiinti oiM-iiimlion o f thi^ i r ilistrii-i nm l ’llio K ri'iich oc- iifioii o f l.’n iii lifu rl . T lii’ Kolio I’lii'is iiikU-isIiiiuIh tlin t llio

iiMJtJiii-jijjKji rrih-n>lCH t h ' f>»- III iiiki-ii ill th e tio lc o f Murcli. s ti ll in g tlm l 'llll- l-'i-i-iioh Nhniihl iiillm riz i'd 111 itilorvi-ni- in tho it-iil zoiii* i f i ii tc rv 'fn tin n i« nb- ili-ly-iioi-cMsnry. lin t tlm t no r«- '»H fXiHl hi-lWL'en lU hrvfii'tiifii n n d th c odn ijiiitio n of iiltfo rt nnii o t l io r i-itioH. tl in iu rfic iid r^-nort WfiK uitr-I llial Frnijw will ho wllllnB to iidraw ln>r troo|w froiM Fmiik-

liro fid iiiu : tha t fltn alJicn iinitoII HlrotiK nott* to Oermany * ‘nli'iiitiK iiiilitnry nctlon uii1c«n lloii'liwohr (!vni;iinto fho Iliihr riot wlihin n Nlnl'^d tinit*.i:<i Journal espresaea W io f tbat lUiiTtiiniK In poasibie iC. th e 'O cr- H pruvn they arn capable o t keep- thoir nngagoinenla and tbo alliea tlrm Ihoir resolution to' compel inany to keop a ll h e r troaly obll- • ' ons.ho .Vallij polnt'j ou t lhat Premier orunil In hlii ri-|ily to ttio Ifrltlsb 'I rernlln ih.il ho t-oniulteif Uio a l­and gnvc noi:« i n t Prnnce'e de-

m to uccupy K rankforl. rhe French guvom m enf hopea to In 'Im m ediate convm aU ona with liand on the ganortil axaeutlon o t

Veniftilles treaty.'* added the.In. rbo ataiom ent In the Brltlah note : Ibfl United Slaten and Italy united . . tl Great B r lu in tn opposing Ihe nt-b adranco baa admfuedfy creat* a gravo situation. Itow erer. (or- •1 otflctola d o c lam .th a t erery tb lac■iblo li being done .to • aectire----------mony among lh c a llle i became »C ■ Merlonanesa'of tiie aUualion ^ r e •

no disposition to h tir iy tb o pour lo u n preclplU tely. They will .. llv conUnue to r.ae v o ra lm o re daya., ng rise to (lio hope tlw t O em aay. .I compleie tie r w ork ;ln tba .Ilttb r .' , riet io the meantim e aad encniitit . - xon o .n tu a ao tllln c ib ftao n tra v e ra r., ' >r. W ertbelner. o t t b a . O ennaa .. ee dotegailQD. baa relnm ed .tron : jik fort wbere. b e , w « il to o b e a m etfect of F rench occapatloa. r

aadortai confarencf o a ib e O e r a l ia ' . ': \T talloni waa h e ld .a t I ^ ia r tU c l r a V t l i^ i ' mtn-a om cU l reflflarie* ta^bijwip: - - ^ s tree t thia m om ja*.

IUn and J a p a n e a e - iu n h g i^ o r i ' '^ r ; i ':^ ^ded: ! -'• ■ ,••• VY » m le r-Z ,Ie rd '< lw r* tiM |f< * l4 i} ^ ^ dbiuii;'amfrward;;llf w ,«ttM ia- a .ia t> u ft5 e i f f i ^ g ^

N- w U d i '» 0 n ™ 6 3 8 H i r o l K < M B f f l

Page 2: I& liSEN F FRENCH AS LEADER Str NVASION ROMISEDnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · r. ||r«lr I.Jfc-VOL. L NO. aea! Twm Fall LOCAL MAN ^ I& liSEN


SCORE OF 8-7V is lto n Take P ractice QaDic

F rom Blue and W hite by Close M argin

(M y-bh flrriry)Thc firth {nti’r.liij{h'Hi-iIi>ni ciimr

o f lhc BOHROII. look iilii' i; on l-in- ■ ro ln hen? yt-hlcnlii.v wlniil lu M rt liJKli xi-liool ill-vndcil the IochI'h t.-rrit-iry nml ru n p e d awuy w ith thn l<>nk' '•ml nf an J^ T Bcorc, lhi; t;onlf»l Iti-ini; iii tho n a tu re of a iiruethic f<ir tli-: )cc/i)a. w ho n re f u r /ro m in i l r : p ink o t i-ondllion., *'

U ntil thc Iil'tiT inninn* tin- Hhu- Ullll W hito of the lociitn w ii \iiiv- « in a n t Iho hpnU of tho toliiiiiri I'Ul I] Jhryci t uot h m y mjhI *Cll h} u incM (if ''rrorH. iiixl

\ l r i \ ‘c>i iu aiiucxins! oiioiiuli lnlllrx , to MTT MP the (rnmo nml k.:iuI tii.- locals ilown to defcnt.

« ^ f h tffttriN intiiie crrn n , hiis n ( Vm in fui't.. und nriiln-r li;is rcacht-U its hinhrm. idiim- nf < iTi- cicnuy hy anv in'-nns alli-iiiili il iH understood thp UniifVt hnvc.Imd n lonstnr prm 'ti'i’ i» iin I •

_______ tlm ti.hiiTc thc loctdt. w ho liavo.been driUiuu iu c-anii-sl naly al'mil n cooplo of wi-nUn.

A «mali crow.il wnn prc»rnt i<> vlrw lho cantoK. itoublloAn lirrmiHi' nf It'ii untmportancu. T)in ndil »nn nlnppy. m»klnit npMclr work inipt>:«i«1Uc. It <, • n ^ iTpIcal enrlw Rumo wlili pli'iiry „

aoDftdtnK b'’ lhc Hllcknrn of licilti iir- gr«{:»tlonR, wtio bn1jr<| the pill I'l On- Strdenn mnn}’ tlnipx, !i

Tll# Binift illnclonra If iinihliiK <-l»r il tl)« U cl Ihal TwJii f^ ll" H.HI frvi- j, he»r7 «w«i*inll» ii nml tlm l If U h ic. «■ d ttM t Dolso amt nusu ln Itn ri'pulii- |, tlon,.eomo hlttinn.liilKnl imisi Iji" d .- r Yelopcil. FI«l.tlnr: ws* noul- Ino liril- ii ?f*nt hut thn liUilnr, "I U ;";'locAlt u a team waa prar.tlcnlty nil. )■

C liaont KIx. Iirolhnr of I’liitllii I'lx. n tb* a ll sU r hu rter ot tlto hleh i>ohi>ol „ » f iw yijtr* n |0, lw|rle«l for tha homp « bor* aad dill m gooil jot) nf K. K’hilo j aome b iti « e r« made ofT hln tlrllYcr)- ti k e vo u ld .havo b«ti| down Hip npponl- j, tion wall If ho had m o lto d nupimn •qua l to Ml pllchlnic. Aa a h llirr 1 e straord lnary brlllluncc, Klx shono j, « ip«ciaiir. I,

, n a n l r can a pUchcr hU, but Ft* ’c i t a m r t lr and a mlRhly nccf^tnblo o

Xlax, eratwMlp ImiiVMliiill im tU football iia rj alno nRlntlllalrd kIiIi tlo’ li

, • • • li. 'ilT tB i’ lho ball kCTOrill f '- r tI-Ipk V Uk.lbe illKtiint roslonii- Il'i "111 nU. » be^walccm**] oa o rcirulnr rorBibrr ,of j tb t t«am. , 1

‘n o m o ts and rtUppn nro Iniiird un c f«oce 'budo r* aud form wUh' KU i.ml i K ln f a nu.irl8l of j'cunKi-thrn u '.n m e n Jlk'etr to bu»( up a *amo nt .my of.ufc. <■

K rtO fle . Tucker, I'u tilcr, WaiKoii. Ii Y ^kem 'eni] Channel all fleldod wrII I k n t ' a n reirarted to lm miiiirlniinh' t: V«iak with thn nllrk. An thn i><-ai»m h p rocrea tes they aro nzprcivd to Im- f p ro re . to w e re r un lit thoro w ||| liu nn r w eak apola la the tlno-ui>. •

T b* Twin f 'a l l t tino-up for y ruirr- da r’a I tm o fotlows: n x . pUclicr: r Tucker, ra tcher; Watnnn, I'hortnloji: a m u ie r . third b.no:' KImk. tlr:ii ba-ir: t Yokcm. aeeond baae; KrnnRlc. iiliori- •to p ; Cbtanel, I’hlpr* "ml Thnim-ii, ) fleldere. n

Stanley HodxoK and D. I.. Uoln-y. wretlUntE tDd> boxing Inatnirinr. rn- te rred tb e sam e. i

uncoT I team ;cn Y ch a m pio n ;

iBjr Dafealing Blckcl Lost N ight ‘

W la f ObompioQihip of Twin | FalU I '

By defoatluR tho Ulckrl kiIiooI Iiumc- , t>ali team by th e tcort* n t lO-D yeiiirr* day tho Lincoln BrJinol nlno woa ihn r city grade cbamploniililp, Snvcrol 1 SamcN havn br<in playrd Ix lw rra llir | tll lltro n i kchoiih JW» yi'ur. 'l itr l.lit- co in buys bave bouina Ihn Wuilnni;- '

----------------- ,0B -Jad,-«n.l-l.~»-4.nly-...-.l..f.-.i- .Uc 'IHckel BrJiool to win ih f i liiimplnti- '

. .. b h l p . . . J r h » . U n '; " l i > _ “ I'-"tho cn«niy thumplon-'hip Imt ilim - ' w ill UndouhtiHlly h r o llirr M-.hur In tlic ' (k id to neciiro thlu hoanr. Uihi nklit'K ' Kamo van Mncolira by ii lorRf mar- , t in .Thore wero Hnvrral Rfwl pfrli'n iirni,

G rln b y . cuptaln n( (h r illrk rl u lar , doI&K welt for hlH lonm whlln ilir , L incoln leadnr. Sl.mlrv. wim noi tur bcbtniJ In all-munrf (ifnr. ,w ere made by iho fnllnwInK playrr»: Lincoln, Pnrl»h "j; A»or 1; l-'nrd 2. 1 lU rtndeen 1: McKnown I; lloiinr I; '

....... W<x«U.l;..Ulclu;!.J3rlK:;l<y U;Cbrlatluii 1; .Murray I; SpurlcK t Tli'- , line ups wcro ua fullown:U ocoln nickelPariah, e C.rlKrl.y, rAser, rf fo rnell, rf ,fiianlry. p I’nrli-tlnii. i>Kord.-.cr , J'>hnniin. r f ,llerlntton. "rd 1> Wrbli nr<l b 'McKeown. na* UrlRuby ;uD ouie. J il 'h Murray, l^ t b 'Held. 2nd b Kp.irln 2n.l I. ■Wood*. If Wilkins. If '

ji 'S T .■jmrKn iiku 'CmCAOO. Aprif Jft.-.Vnr«f h««-l I

. your wiffl a ro»oltnr whllo in fh» > m ld il of a family arsunicnl imd dnrr f h a r to ihoot you. Xr;ftik llrnwn i uQlon butlne** acen t did so. Mn. Brown accepted the |;ir lu t io a and her I a m w u eood. Brown I* dead. <



B R IN G IN G U Pl o < <OOONEfti. S0 '''J<H T E ».-V /H *C r KiNQO'- <s » ;t:T .ur» i-bTM NT

•<C0 HAVe. Qr> • }- — '-----------2 /1 " ( ' tlOri'T t i e ” t .

1 ) 1 . ^il-l.-<-rATMEl

mM leaguT ^; CLUBS MOSTlYir

INGOObSHAPEI:1 " — ' i' ; V a rio u s T eam s A ro O ivcn N o rJ h ) ,

j a n d S o u th W ith R e g a rd to j1020 P e n n a n t O hances

NKW VDIIK. April 1*1. Iii;ijc.rliy ‘ t ..t tlir .illlrrii ni;.|or <l\ltri will Ih' 1' 'y m tliflr t.>r, (11 r.Mi.UflMil m ; |

■ iln'y. i"• llc’p.irl» fri)ia Ikih.'ImII . ximtI!. xvin;!'

'lilvr inillril llir III'; 'lr.u;iirr:. f.ir i . lu f i i lh:iii u ir.iiKIh lii<llr.itr llril ...... pliiyi'n .!

*■ Jn r.ni'Tui ir i- ri’juJy' hi iiiid ':• « :ili i.iirlrir ir.iliiliit: praMlc :ill>- tli i- |l• ........ II 1- IM.-lli!.’ tod.iy lc. nl.-- II.";■ rlviil iiriimiiit rtianrrn v.;ill;r;; 'n r ; i• .ihr l.rll, i

fniiiriri. Mlffrrnl rrrT;,!lv-;i<- Ulririi may priivr .[tlllr a bi.mllc .ip ir. ,

• th rlr rrnprillvc rlillm ti.r n Ilm.', TIm-:' I world C-Imiiihli.it ll.'.li. f„r Unlaii. r, |' P. will i.lart ii.!i.iir.'lU.‘ furvl. r.; i.r .P:i):.-;‘ Dmilirrt, win. will l.r out ..f (h r I rn - . ' '

f tip fnr n'-v.-r,il wn-li-i v.llU i.a li.Jiirnl '■ band. ilI W nllrr lliirliarr. Blu.rl ..v.l> HmO f 1'liii.l.urRh I'lrairi. «:i« „irii. h .m ili r l i I* jciw liv a pllchnl I.llll W.ilnc’nclay a n d '

Um: i.pv,Tnl ic -lh In a.l.lllUia to rr- i• 'Cftlvlnn a fraciu'ro ihnl v,lll k .iip lilmi 0 out nf 11 tinltnriTi fi.r uoinii tlniv. I(- .Aaron. Ward, of Mu- Y;inl;rrr. Ir. 'out i.1 Wllti an liiiiirni la irr rrrr lv rd ll< -.lid-'• IriK and It b fra rn l b<- I ii-< ilrvn1i,,„.d ^» wilier t>l> >h<' knrr. Tliln lajliry Ix ii

(lovcrn handlr:.i> In ll.r Yatilu-ni.. wlui:'f prevJoaal;'. loKi WlJj.on l-V-wnii-rV i»:r-l

(■Iron. Frank Snrdcr nf i l i /o ia n ln an<l|‘n Thuck M'lird nf Ihr l>(uI;:nrK nro on!)II Ih-t hnspllal IIhI with nllitlil lii jiir lr" ;' (• and th r clillllv of nrvrral n llirr piny-'l ^ <T« «•! rccvU-r.l early K-aKOii l:iJiirlr-< ji 1. In anrerlaln . W hrlhrr or nnt C'linrlry|l 11 HvriOK 1« capahlu of plnyUiK tirronU;. y bu»(' rnu-irutiv [Of llll- f iib 'i ri.llowinK'i a hh o|i.-riili,.n l.> n -......•.lioa, A-.ldr!- frnin lan rrfrrln Ininrl.-ii in phiyorn ’| n mny liiivn, lln< viirli.iin •'liil.n lany Ik- i,

•Ued up KxHy an fnlli.tvii; !•• Vnnkr^n-!•^ll^ rc.nillllnii: pllrlirrn

not In li"m form ; plrnly nf Indlvldanl j : alilllly amonc plaviTs I.m .» lurw nf : li-atn uork.• C laiilx-C ood nindlllnn; ability o ti c. ynnnr luTloldorK ii iini-uinn: plirtii-ni"

nad ouKlnldrr-i rrJlly ; loam an wlml-j /■ hlillnt: wnil. I'V lindi:"r-.-F lnn rnndliloa; i.lilfin on |

III- Inf. Id U nt ’.la rr .1 (11:.,-n ca i. r - ; end. Ji>!;ai-lon al llilr.l nnd W’arU al , Hhiirl •it/rkl/if; Jim-; j>Jj(-}i<-rj. li> form.)

llrnv.-i—p«.,r ri.jiilliioa ow ias n.l r.iK Ir.ilalaK w r.illirr; pllrhrrr. iia-j

y Uni :in t- Knlr rondllioii: iii'.r.Hi. of] T I .liirrr. nt !.,«■ ni.l.:, n t , . o f .'xr.-l

HrrnKlvr nplrll milIrral.lc, iAlhl‘ llr«-- |{.-luilll wllll vniiiiKrr: '

l l uml full of nr.\.m r.-; |„ I („u .ll-r llloa. 'I I’lillliri:- I'rnluH.Tv iiirouiyr than* la .t y rar and In liar (oaillllon.

I Wa>.lilnKl'>n-la i;.iofl i.h.ipr aa.l .<1., ailttcdly Kiroaurr than In IHD; ImiUiiu : and ilcl.lini; lu Rood riirlv >.rn<n>ii [orni.:

r* W!ilt<- Sox—Ciiorl rondiilon: p lrn ly | in nf Inillvldiuil nbllliy nainnr v.'tnrnnul «I llllt n lark of cnhMl'.ii |n I‘MIii w ork' in nn.l T,oia.- dlMii n:.loii. '1. flll.-i r.ilrl.v i;<ii>d t:.,„ll1l»i, d r,.].||r

loa.; irlp lo n .a .1 ; pllr!irr:i la form ;! ,U may liu limnprrril l.y liilnrlr:. [o U ol-'

l(.(-l;rr nn.l I tr r io r . ' -------Iti'.l,. I lrporlr.l lo U- la pnor roa-l

> un-in.u:a,„ uork. liulua-. iL ii iJa f ii ;; pllrhiT- iinHtrailvi li.-iaiiirrrd l.y i-.i.n: ur I)i.mirri.

Ilrounii 'K ill- i-omlliii.n; i.llrlihii; fair; play.Tn IiIrIi i-plrll.-il and l-.iiii| lookii J(kn ft "(iHrli h ’nir". f

t'.inllnalr, -Top form pliv:.|r..l|y n - ;ri-iii anvrral p ltdm ri mI... ........ nion-^

"■ roii.lllloninc,I’Iralri. -In f.ilr Mi,,pi-; iraii. vvi.rki

not rn rf r rlr .l : lo^.. of C.Hrhnr '• .‘<rtiinl.|l nnd SJo-rlMnp. Marl.ari' a IiIk ' -• hlill'llrsp, • I

lndl.in.. F lnr coii.llilon; f.iv..rr,l| -- rrnnm llraT ! pt-i,nnnl w lnnnri; i.lirh - '>'• In.: aa.l Inlin ,ll„r la kooiI form I

T lK .'rn -I’o'.r Itlll,llllon on tho li.idj wnnihnr; nrnlt. nironn i.HrhhiK; n.-ldloK nad balllfti; HlioaM tir up to

I> ‘ ' _____ ______ _ .'■* \ y \ \ i ii t.tw i.\ n : \ M s r m u m :v

NKW ya ilK , ,\prll tll. -A ii.-wdraw ,, ivhlih woat,l larluiln K raarc nnd rnn- ], ada aiay I.o madn to r Ibr DuvIh n ip If m ;.lrb ,., l( br-.anir knn.vn loilay.

lY jlirr rn>i,irilol Hatl i« Unw <lriitv l«' hi-I,l nn,l Iho t'n llr,! SIuK-ii liiwa

;,l InuiilH Dii»o<lij(liin hnu ronn rn ln l nad linx noilf[,-d Ibn AiMlratInn trnrilH of-

•P flclulii o t Ilx fnvoriibl,. n tll|ad",

I. The Time* }oD p r ta t lc s dopartm eni T I t -thoroncbly. eqafpped to do f l r t t

c itae work—a t rea ao u b la p r le t t .

[P F A T H E R

1 i W C L L -tl t\ <i'T IMTC


/ J r X « ;

w ________ I g ) .n o »- l-’ni,

1 i:xm iiiT tiiN -sc i)U K s] .\M ..; i l r 11,1,■!., All( .•I tl> m.ikiil,; « l;ii., r.fl Ihn d.-llvrry of ll.ohliuii, llir I'lllt^l.iiri: Xalloi.,.! Iimk- U.TX wou fri.iii llm l.lttlP Itock Knulh-

le rn nr.;„>rlatlon nRKrrKiillon yri.lnrday B

Ella u rtaiao fralarr,! l,v llclll pllrblnc

j Th,' H, i,|n; II. II, K

il..lllln Uo,;^’ ........ II :i 1, I U:ittrrl,-:i: ,\i1.oi!h, ' M,'ad,.r ami

‘“ |i f ,a r f i i r r ; J/i(inm.;n ai:<l n ro fl.tir ■

,\ r l.yadil.urj:, Vn T h- V,.rk............. ioa,iU',l llm llroohlyn Hob->.lo-. J.-Itrnlny I,. U.r Imir i.I :.-2.

,J. iriioiil, toniirr , l.siua.'r, nv in rd

' ‘''li'.iH 1. 11,1 ;i i.fToi'.. Ill- V aakrr, v ia - in iliiui'. I.r, 'aa: ,"r'r.fnn Ili!i['ltiir:-n oi ipi-ir j

i.jMo.vn i.ml Ih,' I.KI lliai lh,-ir nrroni

n .! Ti:,- n.,.1.-': . II II, K.,,i J:;. w Vorl, r, 7 ' :i

I."; ll-illrrl--.; (iTioiil, M,'i;i-.«w, an,l !*' rr;i-.i.,.l; l 'r r ii,r , >U,r:|,i..rrl a ; . | i;ill..:i. J;'

AI l-|-.r;,:hiiri;, V,'. Va.- . \ l l r r taU- 1,| Ihli: '..i'v<r.i1 bad lirutla;;:. ul ilir liuiidn

.,, l!u' Hiualon. Hi.- Worl.l Clialliploa 111 ,.,:;>nn<li.imll ltc,l:> r;illlrd l«,|ay aixl

,'.,l|r,l li-:; hriorr a larKr crowd. Ilotli hi It.iKiu,' lor Clar.^niaill r.ml l>ii:la,oa for i-'

l„':W a'.hiiiKloa » . r r Uu hard and w crr ^ U,' rrll.'v-.'.l Uy Hfnnnlor ua.l tJcliailil rc- " ii,l}.;prMlvrly, Hard liUllnK und fasl ■r-jii. Ullai; t,'alurrd Ib.i coal.-.l,Imi ..T h r ;,c.'rc: ll. II, K. 1''‘e. llTat liiraill ., • ............. « H 1 ,,

.Wn.-.Jilnsnm___ ____ . . . . :i K ::llali.rii't;; l.innin, i'lr..... aiiH AT'

'■'* l.:a; l-;fl,U«ou, Su iud il aad I 'liliik li, .

lio '■ --------- .i Ai Ki^iiiuii C.ly. Mo.—On lUotr trip

n’,ijio Ct^lrjBo /n m i'l'raa irrn ii'S bo ro thoy tr „r,!tn*vo i>c'n tralnlait, iMe Wla.ly City » li.n'l'olM droppi'il a i;aui« lo tb.i Kaimax ni ly .'C ity Inll,■ ymtcrday by llie ncoro of

Carlrr fl.Jd MurlU. ylrl.Jrd thc ' r y |l ;iu c , I t hlln wlillo thn Cilbii Bamnr- nd ;r ,l oaly K olf iho i.l.inl-i of il,o home nK’|ii<'h..r...‘ I'In I Tl.r ,„(,fr; 11, II. K.'f" Ki.ii!.»:, Ctly . i; M I'"•jClilciiro .Nailoual,1 ................. :i K a ,,

L lk il(rilr»: Johniion, Horatmun aad ,i ■''1 i'.w.'ra.-y; Carter, .Marlin an.t 0 > “ar- r

At Cumllcrland. Mil.- In n ram n In w[which ;i hitx wrro mado by cnc-li clllb 11 Itlm llrirolt Aliiorlcalix wnn from Iho

■.jl.il'c.ioii Nntlnnain by tho i.roro of. t hjio 11. Tfin Kami, WUII a llch i affair aail ?i

o jjv .ar. n,)l ilcclilc;,! nnlll tlm Innl few VIn.Inai, :, nl play v.lini tb., final run "

Th,. uo rn : 11. II. 11 ■)’,o l la ir . , l , . . . 1 '

m .ll'oM on .............................. 0 a ,1I Ilalirrln ,; Clai.bT, O krir. fo x i.ml

. 'f |\\,«»I.ill; liiyr.'.,. M iqulllcn ami Cow..it-j.-y; 0 -.SVH. _ _ , ,1

I'r:.'^ Al l.,„ii.,vlll,-. Ky. T b r CliUaKi'>>-^Mili" Si>i lrliiiia,',l' llm I>miIi,v111,'

lAmrUiaii A‘-«orlalloii K-ata ynnl.:riluy ,," '" I-y. Hm- I .i,r.' of fi-a. T h r l<)nrrn' cr- ^

'" ‘• 'iiim i. ll w.i» OtU- ot Ih" po,irnr.l flolil.la r nihlUlilnna of the yi-iir. r

Th<r r c m : u }}. K 1[Whlln Sox ................................ fi 7 0 r

J ‘ ,l.oal;ivlllr ........................... ;i r, c ll( [Ui1l.-rlr»; I'ayn,-am i Ij-nn. Schalk; c

.1, , . 'llrahiiiii 1,11,1 M-yrr. K.a brr. '

ol'.i At MniipUl,*. T dun .-T lin Clnvnlaml “— •intllnnT'tamrrt-Tlir-JlmpniB ro iitb rrn \„ n - : A.^orliilinu Inaai y-.i.-r.lay l,j- tlip 'r,i;;;.c..roj,f_r,-2,_fJor wlnnnr,-. .o n iir r lln r ‘,„.n:iat,'ly U Ilmnr, 1.. . h.-'loi.-ni V. M.'f.vy “

->wiiinni: !.rlirril,',| llir Imtlami lllllv,tai; li,„vrv,'r. i.n II,oy wrrn lillaUl,' lo cnin ".iiu illirlr l.li.wK Iuto raiix Nlolnun plK-li- ,

fill wpti tor llm wtnunrK, ti.rInK ro- , '■x-;|lrv.-l Uy Mort..a Mwiinl t|,o la..t.

Tho Morr; rt. II. F. ,, Imll,111', . r, n :■ f

:’^‘‘ IM-Itii'hi.. .................... 2 4 0 . :"'■'■| liu itarlp : Nlrbnun. Morloa and c'""jTtmnia.-.; Thwrtvtl. Albrlx ami Mycrx, I

^'1'*!... .VTT.WKS I*Kt)l'14: I■*i T rn ’KK.l. /CuiH.. 'April Ifi—a ' To.' >•

iadlf.''k*‘ 'l ll 'n n , ncc-oraiii- ‘o Ibo toia- ',g ,lplnlnlx rrathlnK tbn jx.llcp. iw.-innxKi-h "I,’, u .........ork whlrli f.-arn no man. Tlm '

• oinplalnanlii nay ovrry tlain thny ^walk .lown .Norlb Uamo.i. uYcniio na "

j;v Whlih x ir .r t th r r.H.Klrr’x nw anr llvnx '■;,v,- ll ruMmn out and nltnckN ilmm. beak "„n. nml xpur. ^-„j, .Mo«l of l!io roaiplftlntii. fifil/fc B.ty. ^„j. linvo romn (r..m wonirn. ^

wn STKCIIKIt WIN.S ANOTIllilt ,lad VOIIK. April tO.~.Ji>« 8tofh- iof. cr. heavy wrlKlit champion wrcxllor. f.

han ad,lrd Fred I’llnkoff ti. bln IIkI ot livlillniH loday, .Slerhor throw Flio. t

eD( koff lu iwealy-iwo minute*, four icc- I r t ( ond(. (itrfni; Lho .body Kclttors aort ■

doul,In wflut lock. t

____________ THE TWIN FALLS

1 MOPE I NCVEK^T C AMV o r t m e u O r «AC>tT?>. ^

/ v T ^ T A -^ OisOO'X!S—i


the challengerBeing thc 'S lo ry o f the C art

trcr, E u ro p e 's Boxing v ad e d O u r S hores i

tic T itle H e ld b y J


By JACK V Intc'rnationnlNcw.sSen

dll,' <,f lli'orilrw l-arpmll.-r'x f.r.Tl op- pr poun....... itlnr hu •.•ai.rr.l I'ln ll;;!i(. hr

ilil'rV' v.oa 111'" ''i''n 'iti/'^lVr:li?woiyw r i<'l.am|.l>ii..il.l|>. ' wl

!lr,i<-h,l wan «<iinlv, ji;i',>,'Tixlv.. i.n,I ali 1: p n 'i f fnlr p iin rb 'r. O'" x''V''ii imia.I'' <':'rprall,'r paf him ihtwa t'.r p.. la ,' r'.mil. Thin Uoiil wa.i h.'ld lr. I.. Ia'U", hi'i bomo li.wa. <'ar|„ nll,-v I rr iras uo'.wc,.milinmllh'; [.ur:,'» of forl>'K , ronn.l- f'T llll. |lKht>i. ami lbl:i waa U Ai lllf? ulUaaco ovnr tb,.'miiii Ihal hn bad fn .'nraril la iho rlnK darliir hln wIinK- ...r Ilri'l '•,'iir ;,i n prnfirfltilnaal. fh

.><li'a,lv. ttioasb .dowlv, CarpeallnV . Wllll Ui'fi ttalnc to ma'.i,i n bin iiatm- f'.i

liltm'rif, aiibounh K.nrllnb iiri)ftioinr» i;ro,itr,l Ih,' ld,-.-i lliat lir wax unylblnK

, ic;rail:lI;iK a worM-l.emnr, liM-aiii-f j- , Ihry illil aol bnllovn Ihiil any Fr,'nch-

mail rould box. . ,Ttin llrilinh pri.niolrrn bad Ibulr

.'yen opened a bll. Uowovor, whon i„ (IrorRr!; ia.!t nud defnuted O cnrrr u,

; Itandnll. Thin bout wa.i held In F.irln nml wiv n!oji|ird tn lJi<- triilh roimd. v 'U tllr liiirr l'nr|inaU rr ni,'l Kiiiot.'ni TTI- ..... Illd Umo abd knockn.l him oul Innvn-round,'., " |

, Tbnn Pami’ Another rcxervc tor the t tnferpM fip v 'fro n 't.rn * .'' W rfTflit Trn ,,■ lli-iirl I’IM. nnolhnr >num l^onrhm an, , , , nml Ihn Inttcr wnn glvnn n drrtlilnn i,, , ovi-r h im 'n firr tnn i.,.lfl roiindx, u l . l :. iliour.h tUc oniromo did nol Injure ; tlcorRrn’ reputation,

Jnck Dnnloln, who Invaded France In 1910 to Uox Cariioiillcr. lout lo blm In tnn rminilx In I’lirlii, Tho followlni; year hn ranin Unck a»?aln and one,

J i.-.i.ri! f .irp rn llrr Kavo Danlnin u box- I Inc lei-nti In ten fast rounds. Alter ’ Ihln Younc Nipper wnt sonl acroi* the • chniinnl lo inke tho xiarch ou t of lho

/flxt-.’.iiala/: yiaJiiK f'ri'iicbnjnn who » wan b.^TliriiliiR tn Inke i.uch.iimlncloun;J llhrrik:. wllh KurHxU boxcrx. !n STp|,rr bu,l a ropuUUon for eailnB!\ htu npponnum nllvc and C arpenllur'»,I frlftiil:' hi'c^iii (i; {rninhlo /nr the ir; r younK i:haiaplou. Whnn bc Rol Into:, llm rlnn witb Nipper ihero wax prob-l

nbly m> oar. in lUr housn half an nnai.;; niunrd an C-orKiri. Nipper wa» laknn ', t'nck f.v f:nor.;v.-a .'onlne^x, f,ul l(v.; lac up lo hln rnpuiuilun whea Ihci

' Konr. i'ouadril Un xinrlcd to nwattowi t'urpniillnf xvbol,'. SonielhhlK wnul; wrnris w|iU Ut.'. illRfnllnn nhoul this Ilmr. Iiot.ovrr, for tho Frenrh youth ' r rta .rd to Ur x.-.al|owrd. nnd licfurn:

' Iho llrxl roiind wan ovrr Nlppril found I '■ Ulinti.'lf Ktr.'trl..-d on tbn Iloor. Car-1 y pnnllor wnn Riven a wpll.r.iriind <li'-- nlnlon ovor tb li "lerrllitn biilllor" In ’X elshl riiaii.ln. j ‘

Tbln victory over Nlpprr .Tpalvil a] renl xoai-iiiion In I’urU, and oven In

: l^ s lsn d th r ho ilnx bf/tMo lo0 reallio Hint CarponUcr wan nrt fTnsh C In tho piui, for Nlppnr wns Ihe louRh- . n .l llRlilnnlRbt III Uiiidnn a l Ihe

Ilmr.M k-.i)-h Krowdip, nnd (mprovlnR as

i[ u rlurnler wllb nibird Rrowlli. C.iri.cn- n Hl:r-.aow__b,-niimo a welter ^ K l i l . t ^ Well ou IUn road lo rli.mipliiaulirfT*

honors. t„. u.it. filled with youlhfnl■ ctiihunlaKiii. unit the Incrcaalncalzc ot

' thn pur-i-n (or wliloh Iio foiiRhl wnn ft -' ncurrn of Joy lo him. Itn ivyn now" ■•nrnlnK .......... . a i.nnxon, wblrli'• wnn no nmall acroni|ilbhm cnt for nn

e i.p ll Uay,Ahout ihlx Ilmo Jack Moeklns. u\

- sturdy wrllnrw.'lRlil. Vun klnc ofj evrrythiac hn xurvoywl nm und I» n - |

0 don. To di-fnsl thU .McckJjix wan lr>) d narn li real reputation throuRhout Ihol s, l.nxlaR rirrlr.x of Kurope. nnit Tarpon-i

Her net oul to do It. Mnrcnl Momnu. ih r Fr.'jinl- champion ut thnt Ilmc, h .iJ 'H w r.i <f<Wr>fon‘'dvnr Sfcrltfnit amt ‘ wan cnJoyUiR Krnal popularity hecaune

, of It. Fvnntually Mooklns cro.xcd thn p lurbuli.ni (niannol for u hom wllh

CarpnutU-r, nnd ran tnto lho «urprfx«„ nt llhl llf.-. Ho had pxpocled to uxe

Ciirnrnilcr un ii niopplni: ntnno tor nm.iUor bout wllh Moreau, hut ho wns Imilly hcalrn In ten roundx and wan w> dnxed tha t ho weni lo lho

'■ wrnnB focncr on two occasions, whllu early In the rontesL he hnd p^ld a vlnll lo llic canvei. tbanks to a. hurd riK hltoibnnliln. tnslcad of a trying

I- t>oi)i ilil/i mi'otluff was a m rro U n to ^ for Carpoiillcr nnd hn supplonienled ll If hy .tcfcaiInK two more IlrlUshors. Hid .- SluRK and QeorBo Colborno. beforo ho ;• look un his Jlrei Aiaorlcaa opponoaL■ m n k L oothrey. c f P I lM a rg b . wm

tho H nt American flcbter to (aco Car-


f f tV C O L L V -T H E *—I vooN^eci c e ;n e r ^ t i o n

tt> fO O L I^ M * e U T t 6UPPO«»E rME.V KNOVW B C T T t f t -WWGN THEY

r f r o m ir a n c e e_________ aud

ire e r o f G eo rg es C arpen - ,mci

g Idol, W ho H a« In- !S to S eek th e F is- ' y J a c k D em psey

< ST A L LM EN T.------ Col

VEIOCK,srviceSpoi-tin.irEditoi'. S',-------------- Tn

P<-iill.-ri Tl;.' I'-tniirU lioxlnR j.abllr [•“ ' hrld ull Anirrlcviii Imxi’r t In grrnl

.,rrMi.-i'- m il Witni ,li< m isltffO iB lM ^ I’arin Tu tnun <ia .CliVpentlnr It wnn wbliiprrrd thal pnor {JnorRnx wtin iilunii to mnct Illn W ntcrlno.,

Atinr lill.-.'ii rounds of flKblliiK Oar- I''." prnltnr wan ilnrlarn.l (hn wlntmr ovtT _

}l.oUKUi<'y on pnlnln, an.l Uin victory Irrra irr l a Rrcat .,llr. If (’.porcrn wai* " I iRo;.,l n::ouKb to Ural such a IourU

• A m tiluiu UH Uiunhrev. th r FrruuU ,,,. fnr.K urrurd . hn wan ccriolnly ' Ron,I ’

' .^nouRli to .bo ld Ihn w rllcrw rld il ‘ cliaoiplonnhlp, . ,|„

Tu.'rn v,'aii now Uut onn ninru idcp |m lo.J,ii i;;kcji !>y t:L-or;;cx to i.ecuro hln

‘ clalnix tu Fri-iicli w.'ltcrwnlRbl hon- [h.: om. and that wnn a victory >m 'r I!oh■ v:uKiii.'hr, Ciirpnntler und Kihtjidic

l/ri'/r til tVirjiciulcr'w «-«ir/ liitii thv 'Jjj; wrll.T'MdRbt dlvlnlon, for ICuslachO ' <

‘ bad x inritJ hlii hoxlns carcor na a m ' llRliinolithl. an.l a t th.at Umo CcorRos (),. ‘ wau m il In lho 12a-pounU class. ,vii• _^0ivUiuwrYi:f._('i'jLrB‘y L ± ? .'L sn iin 'M l

ihnniRh t to llRbiwulRhin Ilko u wci-d SUami he wanted tho wnlterwnlRht tlllr, .InwhlRb I'lusianhu claimed. Tho Uout sn j r . is ncliedulrd for tw enty rnunas in pcI’arln and u crval crowd turned out £o

' to iiee Ihn nv.-r nurprlxlnR younK bat- wiJ l l n r frmn 1-rpn’inukn hln try for wel- Fi■ tnr-4-clKhi honors. ' In thu iilxteenlh ot


LEEii / sd!

r «I-e

• _ _ _r ------- --------------- — Geit ..................................


'•Ir> i■e 1

‘ ........... iD A tinhIfl


I ' ■ ' Cl■a , IO LarfireitdistII d 10

l\PRIL .10. 1020

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O —W !

round r.ll claims lUiil the .loaRhty i i,n i;uHin.;lm bad lo tbn v.'.-llnrwc-l;sht lllle Pt v.riii cra:,liiai: lo ib r Iloor w'ltb him, l-u aud CnriicnUnr camu Into tli<- Fmtich fr, HS-pouiid chumplonnhlp throuRh the he medium of a knocltoui. Wllhln thc nexl few weeks lioorncn Uejtijn canh-

iliiR In on hlx chanipUinnhlp- He wax i., inatclM'd. with 'Jack .(JnblHwalii,'onn- „i, lim.i IlKhlwelKl'l cUamjilnn nf KiiB- w, lam l.'and knockrd him out In fo u ric . roundx. Tlimi h,- look on A rlh tir ||t; Kvonidni. prnlcndnr to tha wnlmr- w welRbt crown and wnn from him al ^ Cidiourr.’ Iji flttncn roundn. i-'i

After IhlH trio nt irl‘ump-i (JriirR.'n a ami UU. mauiiRer drcUIrd tUal ll wan ll t;iitp tn lafio (I rnaj. „n thry » n n l>. .Si Trouvllln. an.l wnru- fntnil llki- klni:x- Cl irarpi'iiilcr wii* imvcr Inidlnnd to ovrr- IndulRn In rallleii. bill, hn bnd Ihn lirnt w Ilmo o t l.ln younr; llfn nl Truuvllln. ^ lUmiHh-m u i.Uur t - tHMg'ihii tni;nir-» 4 i>, nhow iilr;nn o t roxlleHiiiienx, Dnnrnmpn Uunlly d.-cldn.l th a l OeorKen m ail havn p, more ai!ilun,-»n<l matched him with i„ lllxin Kbl, Tlllll proved a Uad fovo. j,, for C.inrKnx wax rml o t IralnlUR and, t], n^ It hai>pnnr,l. wax xiifturlni; from (, t'oine xIIrIii Initlupoxliinn wbnn hn|,., nirl lhu la.lor.Kl American, boxer.

: nixlo K id-ram e lo Trourtlln aml dn- „■; feaied ('arpunll'^r In Uve rounil.i. Tho ,i ' Imul wau nlopiH',1 aficr lhu lltlh ami (i

llin dorixlon awar.led to Iho ncRfo ' lioxer, tl was sal,I illiii thin houi wan ‘ rrnlly Jiji.-inJed on an ('ihlbJiion h u ij,,' lho Dlilo Kid did nol necm to uniU-r-jti ' nlaud It thal way und poured i,o many i,• punrlicii- Into Carpciitlnr Hint hn wan „ t .^ r .: ly Io .Ir.ip wti.ai lho coniri.t wan f,> ^JJJT'ju'iI, _ a’ ' Carpi-iilirr's dcfral ul tho hanila vf | ti ‘ Dixie Kid wns noi lakon sorlounly by ;ti ' thc K uropejn prciiiDlors, Soon aftor- c

wnrd be wan m aichrd lo appear for i:I ' bhi f lr il iHiul 111 .1 l.oadon rtiic. and ,I Sid ll.irnn was hln* opponent, txin- , iloner.n rnlscd thc lr oyobrown nn<l t im llcd knowlnEly a l mention that Car- ) pentler nilRhi .tefcat nurns, nho was t Considered onn o t tho best u l blx - welRhl In KuRland, hut tho ynunR.x'• Frenchman mn.lt> a choppinK blochjli -. o t the Drlton for fltlecn rounds nnd c

I m

SMILEMILEI[ le t you th e re a n d 'l i f in g ^

back w ith a smile


C H A N S L O R & LY O N Cl P a c if ic C o as t D istributor

d is t r ib Q to n o f a a to m o tiv e equ ip m en t

ieorge McManusI 'U B E ^ - l

tiA C K A FT eR w i l l M’T RIOINC

» / t

w i m

M . m l ^

jl,iak n detlnlon that osuibltsho.t him 'frm ly In F-URland ns tt really Krcat

, I'oxnr A llttln lator he mel and de- fr,UMl Yinitia Josephs, Ihls bout also

' helnR siaRed In London. |tn neccmbor, 19U. H arry Lewis ^

■ <•ron r.ll Iho Atlanllc to tienk *lory.‘ l.fiwli wa:i n niftv hoxcr. und when bo• xi.’],pr'd on Fronch sod as a middle- ' wrlRhi. and a rood one. ;oo, young• •Cari.ruilnr had Junt cronned ovor lho • llta r from lho wnlicr lo tbo middle-■ woIrM illvUil.m, Heforo h h mooilnR I wllb l.«v.'l:>. however, lho tlaahy younc

Frnarhmuu hnx nf.iabllshnd htmsolf nn . a nturdv hau ler hv knocking o u l ihe ' llrlilrli uilddlrwolRlil champion. Jim » .SuIDvj.n. 1)1 two roundn. » t Monia - Cnrlo.

I,.!vv.,‘ i Invanlfin. then, wan huralucd > Wllh Juy Uy Frnncl- iinxlnK fans. They

want-,! in uco whnt the ir Idol couW ; •

'llmt wnrr Klaillv excited when lho " nmlrh was made. One.. nRuln. an ha:l

lu-rn till- .'axe when Dencamps '• niaichnl iJrorKr-i wllh IxiURbrey anil

tUn UUI,' Kid, I'arpenlicr'n cffisent Irlrmh. nxprrn-mV dnubt tha l Ira could

n!r.imo away llm vlnlur.•• tU r nlRht l.nw:i. aad Cnrpnntler met

llll I’.Trlf wa-i nu tn" nul Tlvn. Hun- " drrilf of wiiuUIbn spoclalorn wetxi '1 turm'il away from thn doors nnd thoio n who wrro toriunato In Rnlllnr scats s Hilt la itouliifut expncl.ailon'rcRnnllnf;I j M hflf » «n Jo h4!ij.r;j to OcorBOa. De- '• ( to r thin I.oul had rono mnny rounds, y ho'.vnvnr. tho fram of Cnrpcntlor’n ail- 'I inlriT. W.T.- allaved. for Ocorces s four.ht llUn thc maxlur rlnRUian ha b

ami at lhc cml o f iwonty rounilt took 'f |th o de.-lriioii and another k u p toward yjfaiae. U w in ndmittcd artor lho bout '• lliat Csrpcnllcr was '•roino Icld."'r iiiouKh hn vbouRhl he nhould havo hadjl- r ii-k x a -a - ik a u -J --------------------- ------------------------I- (To | :r Conilnucil.).1 . '

;■ IIKNY R.VTK UEAItlNU 1" SI’l{I.VOFtKf..D. III.. April ff.—Tbo R|xupretnn court lodny denlctt a .rehear- , , . l(Unr In tho (Chicaso seven cent gireet d |Car faro ralo cnse.mES Jf y o u - " - r ^


W R K S --------

CO.tors«« in the world • r

■iiii..ii';WBi.n r»iTT' ■

Page 3: I& liSEN F FRENCH AS LEADER Str NVASION ROMISEDnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · r. ||r«lr I.Jfc-VOL. L NO. aea! Twm Fall LOCAL MAN ^ I& liSEN

F lW a S E ^t w w i i

J v r a B r r 'Y o n th C b u ^ e d W ith B obbe jy of

S u b a rb a n s to r e P lead s K o t ^ : fluilt7 ’ f; ' . ' Ali.

Tlio cnne tha nu to vn .' Olcnn j Pruiica of K im bcrlr. d ia rm d ■wltli rpbUlne Uio Colomna iluro a l lli» cor- , , , , ner or Main snd WoaliloRtun rU-mU a'i.ca(Iar iilRhC tisa t»o«n lakon undor i advliBmonl bjr Proliata Judge O. P. £». I)uTnll, Franco, who li 20 yoan of nnl ar.t. wa# arraJc9«<i')n probate court nul

.A ycHlorduy and. ptoadod not Bullty.■ AccordlnR to- PraDc«, lie n iu « to 1

luwu uns. avoitlDZ jm a . luuk a room non nl tlio JpliD»on houno. Ilu Iiad loen und out lalo, lliat ulKl|t anil did not tils* 'vll cuvor ua lll bu .hdd rvtunicd lliat an- oflier nian w u aI(jfl{.lnB lu liii, room. S

ytleloro r.ollrlDK. lio nays, bo wound " ‘u llio w auh ..p lttco ii j l l n O i ln Irouser .\pi .Wickeu...Wlicn Ija.awokR he ilccliren, ' 111'

wttitii, u , poekutbtKik ..cflmainlng alioiii |4 und uiimo kuy» wcto kchio, I nn wan lho nmn. . nci

TUa oulliurllivs uro unablo to uc- iwunt tpr.Hio toc t,thn l Uih wuicli und cliaiii wcro fonml about 2 frci wiiuin tho a tora w haru (lie roMicry took placu. hVanco nayn llm imiii robtu-d ’ lilra and th«B untorod Uib Moro. Un- Ins lho llmo-picce tn no ilcilns. Tin' HherlCC Mtaitd Uilii inonilnR timl f<icii- p rin li Id tho ilirl 'ouuldo lho ntnn- ure Idenilcal Witli thuao ur 1 'runcp, .

F ra n w 1* aald lo havn admitted tlmt the w atch nnd chain boloaiioil to Uim "

■ Jind a h o Ihat Jjo wa» vluJlJnff nl n

bery/oii lhe prevloun uTcnlnK. TJudge Duvnll oxpucin lo render ii -

• deelnlon In a fow daVn. ‘At prenent Uo ,In proliluR lho eaflo fmm etory nnKlc ' And in looking Into evcryUilnB which mlghi lead to a clue. ' .

Franco rtinii'n incul markel al Kim- bo rlr^ wbero tio is well knoivn.

AUorney M arlin J. Swccley i» rop- r w n t lf te h ltn wilb y ronk L. jSiepJian pruagculbig. ■ ... ,

Precipitation • tht:1.24 a t M oran ™;

Report froriv'M oran. Wyominj;. nl ’ Ihf outle t of ■Jnc'lifion Uk6''rc»crvoir ■howK tho folIuVlnR couditlumi; jttckaon to k o BtnruRo:' Acro KeelOu April 3'. ib so ,________..J-1E5.!00 toiOn April 3, n ’y c ir aiio ..,.;.._J.342.C;!i)

WMk''cndl(iK','Ap>/r.r;r.':,:.~'"E.7ro For aamo week a year a g o ..... fOfiO ®'*'

I riectD tlatlon a t Moran;. . . • • • • ■ ' • inchcn

For weok onrtlnB April 3 ........ I.IU ~For' iramo W w k 'a 're a r n c o ,00

- From Sept. l . l o April 3 , . 16.2C , For name period a y o a r'iic o .....lO.Ct ^ .

8aU> FUeil-Tbji-rolioirU iK Aulu ^ ' wcro fll»d (otla)’ In pmbala court; K. . . 0 . S p ielh irs -oiKt Dart L, Hrown vn. , , I’' P . A hlnulrt, eooklns lo recover I27B.G7 aaid to bo duo on aome hay »otd by tho plalnUtU lo llio defend.

'• . anL ■ A ltom ejraltfip and c m u o t thoacilQ u.ar# J..W , Taylor „„of Buhl l« a ^ n e y . 'f b r lhe plalnilfr; ^ and The Boirt-T?«iplU Lumber com. i_ pany M olnat j t i ^ A u ig le y . o s n c

r count Iq tho ol |l l l4 0 . 'B o th - a„w cir u d ChfptpatV'aro a llorneyi for cri lhe p la l t iU f f ; - ^ ^ ; '. •

S a o s o r .R o li^ i^ f t ta U y ';^ can allU .q, oa trij farm I A . copt. ]„• ' ................................ '— I M

W A T C H !

T H E B I G 4 --. S ^ f i x tm e h - K id x n y ^ lJ e v i - L i v b e th

K i«p th e vita] organa health/ regolorlytaldngthew prld 'sstandr «ra‘ W a ^ fi)r Bdney, liver, i*'

wS.wic willG C ^ iM E D f t^ ii

i i


■>«i<..................................... .


' . ; J TEMPI



■ ■ A l e x V320 2nd S.

151 Third Av(^ JP H 0 N E J 8I

Local NewsFarm and Clly loam (juick acUon. •,

Arthur L.. Swim. |

KeliimN—Or. K. K. }!uriT, lite < bcrn taking thu s ta te m tillnil uxauil- natlon a t Uoiue, has ri.'turni;d. 1

To FlalK—Mr. uml Mrn. Gvori;^ ^Ensloy huw moved lo tliu llcniiii f(lals w hari thuy wlll ruiiulu ihruuRli* . 1 ftul lU<j Kuraniur. • .

To (’hliuBO -M m . l). A. Salnmu nnd JV] non. Uuugluj, liave i:one lo C|i1c.u;o und ulhor Illinola poinin uhvni ilivy wilt vinit for an liulvllntie liiiii.-.

3fp«»Hfr—-nto April Iiiectltig <il t/iuWur MoUiorrt wlll bo huld Friiliiy. ' April IC. n t Si30 a t tiiu l‘ri;i).Uyiurh>iit'hiircli parlors. sn

------------------------ IlnI.ravcH—Vlnneiit ) l. llrckor. promi- coi

ncnl iural tnnn hnn i;ouu to vnrl<ui:i IiolioiniK ill Okliili'iimn. wfuTu hu u lll oflook uflor bunliiuMi niiiltvrH for nn in- llu ili'llnlto llmo.

M urrlnitf M rri iH r-1,ln'n!<ii lo wcil >;•> w in l«niio.l lodiiy. to WiUlai.i M, UdU- liii ori". iiKuil 31. und Ml.ii KlIiH K. Nor- 'i-i». lu. iHiiii of inihr.

------------_ To .llulmi—Mru. l.aiiib>-Ui han Konn

to }U>lie t(i lw iircK'inl n l tfw K'cdilliii; of hor duURliior. Mr*. Mnrr.iicrlic ru t- ' ' ' tll lo BhiTinim Joncn of llurlry . Thvy *111 rcitUJo In Uurlvy.

llnildlnK I V r m l l- l ’crniii in Imlld ^ willl iiiRuPd todny lo ICdivurd.l:, llodRVi fnr (lui oroctlnn i.f a fJSOO rcii(.leiii:r . on Illl U'. block 01. nlze iC by 'as.

IIIfk—Cvor>;u Kuojiif, o«od 7C, J> prominent Uuhl ranrhor. 'niiecumhfMl yiRlnrdny n t hin ranch homo. No fun- ‘jral nrranKonientu huve been madu. jj,,

Fnm i KBni.n)i—Mm. T. C. naron nml nhililrrii c re liarU from ICanitm wliori" thoy Unvo boon vltlllng Irltiidii 'anil ^ ' rolntiviih for the pnsl fow week*. They rpportiid n dollEhtful llmo while koup.

K rlurn—Kilwiird IloliliiKon nnd wlfo u if Luck from u lonK easlern trip. Whiie Kono Ihcy vlMlttd hcvitbI clllcn and nt»(e (I)Bt flio 'raH tie-up (a l>u- coinini; ncrluun.

_________________ ll'l-- -«ofirfyM fetii—Mr.x-Ttoma« nocSfr enlortnlii.sl iln- mumbem of lho I.uih- iirun A ii hncloty yenlerday aflcrnoon a t hur :iomu i.i CIS Fourih Awnue, l';® i-iml.- A tni.v.i,iH ni.-ellr.(; W iif'iHil ' llnil, f3lU»'cl. b>- f. d«HrJrru,« Jui'glean, Vc

------------------------ SuIleliiriis—MIm Orace Boll, forworly ,

a Twin l-^illii munlc loachor und Inter vn a atudent a l manfori) Wnivernlty.-han an returned U).Twin FnllH’for nn Inilef- inilo time. Miim Boll hn« a boat of friendn hero who will welcome hur vr rciurn. ' o;

CxraTnllou Ucjtun—T. j , vvdq'H of ow nui o t n lot a t tho com cr ot Main lo and Seeond SlPcol* Wont yetOrday Bi began e'z(»vatlon for n Ane now hulli!> nr lag Ul bo erected in tho 'ne.ir fuluie.Mr. Wooda atatCB Ihat he 'has i.ic ten- i>, antii necureil'a lready aod Chn> or» c , £rora-out o t town.

>:atorla}n»~rn honor of Col. K. O. Davla of Boise who waa hero ntlcnd.Ini; lho Amorlcan Lexlon conTentlsn. ,, Mr. and Mrn. n . T.' Ilaxuird do'.lKhl. fully onlorUloed a t dinner Tbumday ~ tils'll. Sw eof peni, nnd flaeii formed lho lablo contcrpiece. Thoi^ -pre«nt were; Air. jiod Wrs. J , E . ila y cn , 1' Mr. and Mrn. c. L. U ngley, U n . Km- ma U W arrcn and Thomaa C^MolIo. O'

_______________ LcFuBem l—Tho laat aad riica o v tr . .

tho rcm aln i o t Mr*. Marla Mooch worn ^ aald Unlay a t 0 o'clock a t Um Catholic church 00 Second Aveauo E ait. Tho Ucv. i'-aiher IlemI 8. Koyaer officlaUia. to B urial wa» topde in tho Tw in Fnllo M ootory. Mr*. Meeeh w«a well khnwn in T w in Falls, having resided hero tn r aomo Ume, Sho wan a French Inairuclor and uapeelalty during tho w ar found h e r Umo well occupied wilb h e r- le u o n x . In her departtire Twin Falla loses ooa a t it* most r«sp4ct«il qlUzena. While her w orth was pa rticu larly known bjr bor inti-

bf_alL_____________________________ 11


[C A LLY O IL "1 ll

PERED “ 3-------------: - — 7 ,--------------^ *

IE E Q U IP M E N T ! iU G H L Y E X P E - ]

■r i n g M A K E R - ■

l iI jW iy t e H' ■ - ■ P hone 425

M I M O t t t l l l t M t l t t t t t m

Ave No. ID A H O ^ I js6w LEADINQ ^

D o n ’t L e tC a ta i 'r h ] Y o u in t

A v o id I t s D f iu g e r o u s B to g c . Uo cThoro la a a® ro c«rious staffe of and

C atarrh than tho annoyonco caused S, by lhe 8topj)cd*up a ir pasuacc*, fi,ct< and tho hawkinar and sp itting und caui oUisr (ItsU tfteM fe a ta r s t. « and

Tlio real danger comes trom tlio tho i tonJonc/ of tho <lIs«a«o to eontlnuo holt! l u eourso ilownward un til Ui>s and lungs Lioeoma affM ted, and then monl droadcd consumption la on your frco yisth. Y our o\vn cxpcricnca haa rnt I ta u cb t you th a t tbo dIii;aso cannot Alla

m i s s g r a y b e a l i lE N T E R T A I N S A T

d i n n e r p a r t y

Sliiin Mnry (iravbciil I'lilorluliiccl her IIiK-whii: d u ll rlrlx uml MWn llrl'.^n ulllHlrot'oct. ot Twill Fiillu illi l Ml.i-« l.U- un ltlnn Grriybeal. pf Kller • nl « liircc *lorcoiir»u illnncr'Tliiiri«lny cvcniii.T iii Iut worhoiinV Tl;i' iiffiilr wnn <IouUi Iih« i iii' | . iof (fill luotit b rm ’niit «f , i , r

AIliT lh» clUiiicr 111" KUi':>'n I'p-til ,,r i Ihl' rcin;iluili;r of l1i«‘ '’viru'n.; tii »;;iiii"x iinil inunlc nnd ili-parn-il nl a

I'hiiia' pri'Ai'iit ill ndiillloii (n ;1u S <tu'<» iiiinu'il nlirivc n c rc ; .Mi.ssc .l i'llM - hcth Ulckli'y, Mavcll Ijpi'iiinn. It.n.- Aniiu llroiinon. I'MKorliin Chnii<tli'i.

, M*Tii‘ Diivlii. Qriii-c Detwulli'r, Irnu ' K Miinxun, Loonn L ark. Mlldri'il Noh. I.m

. iliiroiliy Urm, Miilxil n rn i. DiiniUiy („ti KIpli'V, D iilln 'llupp . I.itiim . Siiilil:. rhu (IciMln Wiiltcr, Tli.'rro.'i WllllflJin., limJr

• Wciol:.i-.v; M nry- « l tTnnir ' M.lfy—Mr ? Kllilcy. Viilrlln Miiauv. Opiil Wllllamn.

'■ Irnll.i'fii i;i> 10 Ihut nyiiriiiiulfil

Kllei'. i3;itur<1.iy. April 10. .

CO.l.ST LK .W V K .HT.I.VJ/fXJ' . W. U 1-cl.

Vernon ............................. :i I ■ .TtuOnklnnil ......................... : t . 1 .ir.u " "

, i- i .r tii i i i . i ....................... II* 1 ." (i' Sucrumi'utn ................... 1! I -fiCi: s.uii. .................. 1 = .::iJ

Suit UiUo ................... . I , " .‘.iOll1.011 Ancfclen .......... — 1' ■■ •■f'"

■ Sllll l-VanclKco ............. 1 :i .M)

' Yeslerduj'H lU-nnlU ^At Sail Frajici«c0_0.jltln(5 Ihe Me

breukii iiiid prenei'itliiK n Ilu" nyiHutn '*'1' or tonm play the Voriuiii TlRtrK yi'»- icrday trimmed the Oolden Onlo leum

. c.a». ..MluluilL.fur._Vor.min.uin.l,..l',i',lv, '

. (or lliu home low n w -re hotli lili , Imrd und wero luici'ii out ut lho

i;aiiie. . .1 T he acore; It. II. K, Vcmon ....................... C '9 1

Sun Frniicii>co ..... ..................... 2 « ’ 1, Batlurjen: Mltc-heil, IVII und Do-

• vnrmer; Cole. Lewln. McQiinUl. Couch 4 and, Antlnaon.

t At Salt Loko^TIiu trium phant llea- r v rrs nliowed Ihn Ilceii how U feel* lo

lono three Eaincu In a rnw by dolcat- liiK Ihem again yw eerday by tlio .core

> o t 4-2. Thu plichlni: o f Jones wasI loo much (or iho .Mormoiin, wbllci y Bromley for iho B e ^ wna b ll hard• nnd often. Th«l Bcoro: U. IL E,

• rorO and ....... ...................... — * 11 ISalt Lake ................ - ................ S T O

Battsrlea: Jonea. Juney and Koh> ler; Qromloy, Relgor and Junklna.,

At I/Oa AnRulo*—The Angela rui.‘‘ Ilcd from thoir atrlni; of defeata yea- y Icrtlay and won tbo Uity's content from ^ Oukiond hy wotloplnR Uio bnll to all J corner# of lho 'lo t. m aking a total ot 18 hits. Pertlca hud tho Oukn Uimod.

^ Tho ncoro: 11. H. l i0 .iklaiid ..........................- ....... t - 7 - 2Lou Angolen ................... ........ 13 IS 1

P B atteries: Krotiior.- C<^r|« ami „ MItiB; I’urllca und Baauler.

o A t 8acr.iinaiito—Scallle'Sacrajiiaii"1. to .game |M»itpunBd, wut Krounda.a ----------------------- 'II Lei’a go In th a t syncopaiud Jou.|1 ^ 'ile^ Baturday. A pril 10.

0 Htaihofly M. K. tho re l.^ O. B .'lrianE un. Paaior., 10 a. ni.—Sunday acbool.J, 11 a. in.—M ornlnit worahlp. Thome,

L — ^111 h« mnrrnA «t 12:M o'clock-

■■ Vl>«w>W6nJH'Hf>u»’ 5 -pTTirr iwTliy Ret. J . E. Bober.

I NO •venlnR 'serrlce .

• KorUiugb ComtDunKr X . E. Cbnrch > Bandar school 10 a. to. C. C. ‘Dud- ; loy. Bupt.

► Worship, 11:1S. Tho n«v, J. d Qsker. d islrie t superintendent, will

Q ttartorlr « a f« rc n e « wJli be hold iiomodlataly a l te r churcli ~bSVnlng '■errloeA. Y o'clock; vQlhls

J *l«dyL*TTio in fancy NarmUvea."^ ■ v rn .'D E U C P asU jr—

• T w la F a lls S lssloa j 230 a rd Ave. Kast1 ' J . M. Clos. PosUir - i Stindiir Boliool—10:00 a. m.■i '-iW acWBjr—U;W> A ra-i ' Bubjeet: ProT alltag Prayer,I Sonc 'and ^ n n g e l l s t ic so rrlce -7 ;30

] VtOTtr UoeUnc a^d Oiblo Stuity.1 T tin ridaT -7 :S 0 p. m.] i;T ho preMBCO a M ^ lew tng of Ood1 ^ t i l and aBjovsd ta lh»a« fc n ’less. ’

1 ( 8an i« r.R obN ns Realty f^o; 'bna j iQlaaty o t mt>ney to r latm -luuiii a l .7^^



1 D ra gI to C o n s u m p tio n I« curl'd by aproyB, inhalers, jcillca md oUirr local apfU catiui.:.

3 . S . S. lirn proven n mo.:'. *uli»- C. iiclory tcm udy fo r Ciilarrh bii- i,„ij auio It goes d irec t to JU suurce. ficl twidfl to tx'tnoro lho /.'erffl.'j o f ho disctwo from tho hloo.1. Got a oltlo from you r droirtcict today, nd hccin t!m only loRieal trca t- lon t th n t given real rc.ia)ta. Fur J''i reo mcdical ndvlco \vrilQ to MudI- (;,rv nt D lreeior, lO i S w ilt L aloaito ry ,Atlanta, Gn.

s h e t t l e r t o b e " t r i e d t o d a y i n

d i s t r i c t c o u r t ,III

ll.tirilit; on n w rit ol buliMS I'urpun ivlll lu> heard li>- I5lnlrli:l liilsu Bnll- \KM'k loiliiy In IIk' CiiH” ol 1C. 1,. Shrt- iluvtlor. .iMU Kvil wlOi Uio lurw ay ut li'iUU , M'cirUi or nil drilling niiuhuivry. 'i'iil'i K l< Ilii> )<('<-t]lld cbiirKo OKallint (illul* mw tlir. Koiuif llmi- flfiu he min u r m u il im n hlliilliir r!uir(;e (it }7,000 uorlli t ’ i>r nuu liliicry. hni cvikI’'!! rxinullil<ni llxi.iliniiiKli liiiln'n'i coriiuii proi.'ciUiikh. "c i

Social .Given byEpw orth Leagrue j,.,

Koriy-itix Mii-iiil)rr:i of Ih'- Kiiwortli ^ l.i-iillUf vert! Ill nllrnit.iiicr i-.l nn 111- f ‘ ’* f.^riiuil «ocliil Rlvrn ut llii' Mi'llu.dlnt ‘ rhiirt'li hint cvenluK AIiIkxi'kIi wru- lliiT fViJiiHildiin iir<fv<-iif('/l rimiiy fr»m alU'nUlUi;. <'Vi‘ryono iimti^ niiclit' ■«' very cii)i;>;ilil<> cvcnlni:, llm- uf the Irnturcn of Ihit proKr;i!ii u as ii raiuly hlill', lly viirliimi d"vli«-i ihi' delli ll III Ul" treiiiuiry wuh ri'iiM-.llnl ii> ihu biiii extent of $S7. • '*‘‘1

Itenlh—Mrn. Kinniu Biiclly, UK>;d S:’., ^«l(o o( iCuROiie bhelly, illrtl ycMer- 'u riluy lit a (o<-u( honpCtal. Tli< lioily li< nni 111 iliu DrW Ilt undurliihinK iiurlurn, I'linoml iirranKcnu'iitH havv uot b.-nu j llllllill Ull word 111 lii'luj; im alic j /ro;ij „:j'ei.Mern re lu tlv r.;........ .

lli:« IN WOIIK (IN l-LAY ^Work hnn b.tun marli'd on "Mice nml

Men" Uiu new Senior clai'ti piny which . win he nlvon aumu llmo In .Mny. The riuii han beon Bi'lccteil iiuil lhc' parU nre helm: meniorlH;d. Ml.ii iirown • In directing thi> prudiicilou. Thv piny ’i'-i

n iu r-T nropayby 'ir-no ied • 'p la y ' !■■• wrljtht. \in

H ouses HousA T B A R G A IN

^Vc h av e fliiir«ei‘»le(l in lihliiiK houHi-K w ith HiimU im yiuen l ilow n an- rn m p c lle i l In incivn nud tiiiniili rm iin lly ImyH' njid \s‘o r tli ytMill M'H tis lic fo re yoti Im y o r fu ll liiow y o u f lii-s i iiluL-iM.

N ow 2 -ro o m Iiohki; jiihI fiinsheiir . nm i w ired fo r f lc c tr i f hunt.

N ow 3*room plnH lerfd Iiouni-, litilit lli r i’t' lu ls n il |ilo\v<-d rc in ly f ;iH(i p iT jiim illi. A sHjii).-

4 -room h ouso mur lilm 'k frm n cou Nillt', lic lits , w n tc r, ^'ooil Iiiihi' liatniii-i- m oiitlily .

4 - m m houao M-ilii UkIiIk. \vnt<‘r nt hIiu<1| ‘ um l law n. SjitviuUil lm- HIll'O IlKHltllly.

4 -rbom m o d o n i hoiis;v a ll InrKo i nt«} f rd i it porc'ft, iMi.icriii'Jil. lit ] in rlii‘K IcnviiiK e itv um l n l>u $CU(I ClIHll.

5 -room lit r i r l ly tnoili'ru Iiojiki', i'oi l i r a l , ou -Mil H ast. F iir iiilu n - jirli'i*. .I 'n r lic s leaviiiK l,fnvu. foriiiR.

6-room . m o d e rn li'miHc, i>o<nl Inwn, !{<27ril); i|^(l(l i-nsh n n d Kmx^ tc

0-room s t r i o t l f iiio tk m hom e, Inri hum m ioiit, k<>oi1 K uranu cumci e tt h o m t . AJl «»l!)iiiJi)jHKJ» ol

f iiu r o x tr a loU w il]i/H cwer mi cn tec l'o n irw x i Btrwit, TliiJi W it 4-4»toil ill p o u ltry ntiKintf o r g r

1 a c r e t r a c t , efoau in, Imn good 3-ri to rn , goo d lm r« « tid HiieJfcd f ru i t . A sn a p n t $2100.

4 no rea e h o ier liu id , Iihk ^-roo iii li $260(1. A ll ili alfA lfa.

1 1 1 -4 ocros.i'lo iic In , nico niudcri) I f y o u an* looJijiip f o r «oini-tl * 2 0 0 0 ciwh. .

- 40 acrw, 5 iiiiteK from 'tow»i Komi -S o iita-n J/a lfH .—riniiiodii

tioimlly tfooil I'wy ut $250 pci4 0 a c re s , •} 1 -2 luiJt-M Xrom low u ,

o r d m r d , n il Hcudcd; $:iCO pur

. iO .a c re * , 2 ,l-2b n m , 10 nurcs m orelm ril', hlT

, in . r>n»d layn p e rfec t, up hei Oiily *4r»0 (wr oeroi i f /nkei O ogd icm m .

D B . Adai


>PRACg S U L T A T I O N F f

PERSONAL i N l i l "c . (). Comper OI J.iroiiii- l« lu tov.'i


W. 11. Tyre of Uul-e !■> f'"- •' r>'\v ibiyi oil liiii lnur.i-.

J'ViiIik l)i.' Klolz, iiniiiilni iil I’eav.-v , I;.rliier, In in ih f ilty toiiioT"

,\lr. lliul Mr». 11. I). Ib rm ^ of lUiii-l

0 . A. Jourm-y uf liouilliu: '^an :i It)--n| Iiu.h| iic::ii i-|iil«ir f ’rid.iv.

Mru. Kr.iul; Tliuini'ani or llulil n .i.Ill Ih* i-lly yritlenlay lOuniliHu;.

Mm. T . M .MoKlruy ot Uurli'V u»: iluwn l-'rlday un a nhiiiipliii: irip,

' K. C. M.iriiuaninoii u{ lliilil w.i:i in luwn jeMvrilay uu a IhivIiu-iim Irlji.

t ’, K. fruivley u( Miilio Fall'i ii; ' lliili-il uliliinK llie lurat xii.llDn, lliL.Heel t /

Mr, imil Mr». r . It. Hll of IMi-ii \u r i- lli,t<il aiuoni: lli- I(<i:i1 vt,i|K .r\ jeMi-riUy,

■Jac:li I’ernollllli, lir‘>tilitliiil C.DodllUT riMilHil. 1>: i;jiriiillm: a fi'W ilayn lu Twill Kiillti,

Ij 'tUiIii ,>l Jliirl'-y rniiU'duwn ■l-rbl:i> a iipLiul_;;i',U:ful iluyn m i *}j # liiviliiciiti trip.

J. M. i.ndiiii-r of Joruuie lriin.i;ic:l«<t liuiilneiiit nii'l vliilied IrleiiOii In T nin I'alln yeMli’rduy,

Mru. AiU n.' Blltier nt Kimberly iiinii' down yn'lorilay ou u iduipiillii; nml t'l<'«'i|'r'’ ’rfp.

Mm, S;im Vunee u( ilnjeltun niotui- ctl over Kr,'<I«>' »ii n iiJiuri tujijWneil hiii.ineiiu and pU'muiru trip,

0<-‘>ri:>‘ Tyler o t l}oi>i)liir. In «()"mllii>: , honio time 111 Twin i■ ll!H tr;iiii:aciliit: ' lmiilni-iiii aiul vl;iUlUR trli'hd:i.

Mnt. II, !■:. lli'iKura ol ilupirrt wur- !M mI nmum; llio Twin Kalin vlnllofu KiUiuy—a ltu rn tin ,- aiu: ..ulnuill'nl..“ !}ll. .t t \ lnlleil frlenda while here, ——

ises HousesN P R IC E SiiiK n fow iiion: m edium iirieeil j w n lo liel]> lill- people m it wlionille ti> reii'l. Tlu'.'^e nre c.vcL-p- '

y m ir coiiNiili'nilioii. (^oiiie in |L'lill u s lip n ild Wl' w ill ca ll n n d i .

I 'd r i 'a fc n ie i i t , liifhtH nnd w u tc r j — it. O n ly $1K)0; 4^200 eiiHh. ~

tjlitH. w a te r , Kood liiisenum t n n d J y fo r K iinleii, $iriOO; $300 cuhU Sill).- J i

c o u rt limmo, iicw ly fininlicd in- ]C lUHciiii'iil, !f27lHl; euKli n n d S

r n u d iirnc 'tienliy m o ilen i.'C lood [ Inenlioii, !ji2:i:il);.«;:H10 co-sli, lud- j

:o roniiiii. In ru c Hli’C|iiii(j porch , f itic Hlinde HJid lnw ». OJoso in , InirKniii fo r ([iiiek kuIc, ^2f)l)0;

(•(iml ociiicuf lia.scmeiit, furniiefl ,x ’ lire nluo f o r snle n l n ^l‘nH^•md1ll^ ♦ vu. A fiiinp a 'l nm l K‘>0'1 ♦

Wll, lo riilc jl on Titli N o rth , o n ly r t icn im .

In ruo ({liiBscd.in KleopinR pnrt:li, - r iiicntuii f lo o r , bn rn , Inrgo ch ick - H o leclrii! lig h ted , JnrBc ro o t ccl>- 01): #lO0O ottHh. n r w ill se ll w ith m id~ cem ci/t~w i W nil l>mtl. L iv

iitjm a p .fo c -u i iy o n c ..w h o i8 .j iitc r: ._■ g a rd e n in g .

n-rooiii hou.Hc, deep w ell a n d ci*.JfCH ho iw f, v im o In . P le n ty of

II lioibie, cisl<‘rn, close in . O nly

TH liouse, (fooil b n n i. ro o t co llar. n i-lhin(r good he ru j t ig, ^ 1 2 ,0 0 0 ;' ^

^ . . . ■ i3od lnm l, plow ed rom ly 'fi^ r « ocd --• hudiofo- p .ii»M «o tt ju id .a u .c j tc c p .- .- to p e r A . . . '

tu , K<ioil lioiino an<l lin n i, clioitfo ■ J t p u r a c re nn»l $3000 cash. ^

Wll, gw xl 0-room honne, ga rag fl. ’ ah ir Icu id ii'd f (iiiia irfn iU , c r ^ “■he tltc r r /in c h a ro u u d T w Ii lT ’a l l* '" Hk e ii m th i n tbo n e x t few . dnjriC ' V!

--S IP ^ S ^ S I

OL 10. 1020 ' • ~ ~

5TORSF R E E ! _______________

H a n s e n AH A N SEN , 1

^ P hone N


A ll w ork under the dii

J. W.Em ploying only the best

O u r Aeel.y)(.'iie U't'ldniK p a re d to ta k e caro »)f ai T ho lar.^est ou tfit in S mu

. a s to tu rn out m ore w or tice th a n un-cquipjied .s}-

TKe Times Does Jo

Let Us Sho\vIJ.'> .•(/•n'-i—.' jfiilr.-j !riH!) Tv

u '^ i 'i 's - :’ 1-2 r.iile'i 11(1111 rnom •iiiinlerii liiuiie, fm

•1 ........ imiiiiTn I,m.i,., w. •lll.Vlll'.ll I'oill lul,1 l-J\12S I'l.i.l lol,

:i liii^iiH'ss liii.s— Ciioii 11 1


M ILLS C O R PH . 0 . A L E X A N D

O ver O o ldcu I

G O O D IN G CJiifo rB in tlon

C h a r le s W csloy T eoncy , P m ld o n l 1 a tll iiileresteil iu (he e o iir

Ulll' lo r i'e i'iv i' jn forim i l im i e iu iei___ 1 U cifiiiur (:olli'i;c W o rk 11_

I C oiiiiiicn 'iiil lln iiii 'h cs ||___ I .'i i i .i .i • i~

i S iiiiiiner Scw ion [jJ I Itiirn l L ife School ||' AdUresH...............................................

N’uiuu .. .................

N O W i s T H E TIR

I A ll K inds of

BROOMSM anufactured by

I d a h o B rra m W orksPhone 20^5-5.

I N O T IC E IX Palnlinic and ICalnomlntnR done {X promplly. >:*tlniatc* given. • 4 I Phono 12«.W. T, W. Dorry. |

J A . A . E^^uu Grocery

I----- W eDeliver^-------

Rhennatie Ptins- ItaMlMftWtord OH

,Y pa w flt find a lm ost dally tue* for i t l a c ise s of sadden m ishsps o r ae* j

liable, lo r cotMbe, t o a t b a ^ 2

-‘ t T W i t n i B t f a t o Y w M « e i > t s . ] onlsficd return tho botU« a ad i

g t t s i ^ j n o a ^ b f c l c . ..., ]

^ tor. (S|irn loai>al‘'Pltii>

§ rDR. s 7 c : i ®I OR.W.A,BflOWN

\ u t o C o ., ID A H O N o. 9 ,


d ire c t supervision of

^ANCE (;st m echanics in Idaho

n ;< ( l i ' p a i l m o J i t i.s .p i 'C - - • .

a n y w o r k i n t h i s l i n e ,

o u t h e r n I d a h o e h a b l e s

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.sh o p .-^ .

Job Printing Right

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.•■iln'Twili f l l i l l f iin ia ec , I'ciin'in hii^enic-ut,

, w ith uar;i« i'.

iP O R A T IO NN D E R , M ann ger u E u lo S to ro

COLLEGE ~lo n Blaiik •lo n t, Ooodlnff, Idalio :-H irscs m a rk e d (X ) a n d sh o u ld 'iiiei'n iiiijf ,tho Kamc.~l| I A vndemii! Subjee ta

II IA H ______________ • ■ ,"il |i\ik'ti< <-'MK.t(M

[j I K pw orlli LenKuo liiB titu te 7] rrio iiio iVobleinn

IM E T O e n t e r "

o i y .The Poor, m ap's'. ’

; chancd and.tlie.Rich Man’s M ost Profitable Invest- ,

; ment.■ : On<< nf Ilie livst o f th e to I uhunce» is tu he fo u n d In tlifi t : n iip h l i F ie ld , -N evada. ; • :i ; AnJc Air fu ll p a rtlc ti la ra — i

I il lip a h B asin (Ml & r , GmI l o i l a , B y , ;

11 A crea ; just.outliid<>.jiltj-:;liin ita wlUi '-ho u r , .s tr ip tl^ [L i ,

in fow tlo y i. v .w ill J io s d la Ulia.

• ___ • •i. . • ■



. ------ -------PAQE'THRgC:— -----------

Page 4: I& liSEN F FRENCH AS LEADER Str NVASION ROMISEDnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · r. ||r«lr I.Jfc-VOL. L NO. aea! Twm Fall LOCAL MAN ^ I& liSEN

T W i l i T f A T r sPubliahod E very EToninK Except £und i

The Timea !E^intiug ft PablishioK Cor

ONLY IDAHO FA F£B W ITH T W O l - t k * la tc tM tlfliua N tn i Berrlce u d tbe 1

u t< 111 B eU e

D M. DENTON-----LOOTS a . HILI--------------------------------------------I. JD. riNNBY----------------------------------------------

OTOnOE E. I IA R T -^ T . —— HTHOMAS W. 8TRAETHH---------------------------


Entered a t tbe Twia Falls postoffic daily publication, A pril 11,1018.

a U B B O R t tT i^Daily and Sundny, year- ............ ..........

•Daily, Exccpt Sunduy, yuar „ — ..........S a a d fly ______________ ______

S^ D T E 1

I 1‘IcJkq AllcKiaDCO to My for Wliich I t SIuikIh. One L iberty und Juaticu fu r A


l^Demoeracy et botno.»—Muiual llKbt. beat anil pow er ln clly S 'E t l ld u c r in publle icbooli. - «^SD Cenrase matiufncturlnic. • B—lU llrM d lo eo&oeel u l tb Boutbem Pi •7>CoDierre w oter lupply by pumplnK

tiOB c a sa ti vbeaoVer poiilb lo du 7->8 irlminliiK pool la Bommcr and tk a i

-------- : ■ ,.«a-.Qqg<l r n ^ « thrqoRbout n il tribu ta ryXO^^ec&lfy ra llro e Jio T T irn r "


Belii'vitiR tlllll it in “ u niitltcr u f k liiiRiDCRt to (?ut nn iin iden us looks Ht tliu projioHitiiiti,” tlx' cdiKir^ •• >v|tk 10 (|ur8tion>i cdiii’criiiiit' lalmr ]ir Tho aiiHwcp) indii'ato uliu t .''Ir. (ioiiiiM-i p loyer in nclivc iiii.sin<H.s.

Oni! iiC lill- |iii1»Hc'h riiii'f indiclnii' has liL'cn Ihu t in Ki'ttiiiic n ;Uuiidnr(i wii p ay Ulu'poor workers nml Ihi- nood wor .vioUHly unfair. Uiin H.vs'l<'tii lias sernn-d I duutinn. Tia-ro wiih nf cm irsr a iiin-sl J i r . Qompcrs’ iii ihw it, hiiiiposcilly m^Uiii dciiicH this inditliiu'iU. Jn pari, lii' wiii

“ Till! union wiik'- in a iiiiniiiiiini wn ing in tho imtiirn of n Kiifopianl a^'aii Bkill less thnn u rcrtaiii aiuciuiit fur his i inny bo some of tlm (ipiiiinnK on tho sii tho prodiiiition nnd out of iintliinK i-ls--. Jmmo of unions, oiipimc lho inlrodiiclid oro outering to iKunraiii-)' mul not lo in

“ l.aliou id pny my waj;c’s mi jutI'oi com m itlw of thu niiioa w ith whom 1 I'c of' tho dny’s work and liius Kiianl atfaii

“ I f lhi! iiJiioii wii>:.- is 'i(> hi- ri'«ar. trAnslalcd into a miiiimniu amcmiil i om()Uht of work i.s a imitlcr mi wliirh tin

“ lluviiitc fixed niion ilii iiiiiiimiiin r'nngo to p ay niy [k'hiiIcv in proiiorliDii d id nbovc Iht* slnndard—nol al nil in g ift, und n o l cliarilnhly,'hul wiili a iii "ihnt, if pricoa arc cah iihiti-d iii>i>ii lh r nif ho then doi-s 120 arlii'h 's a ilav ........... .th e w orker who pi'oilun-s KK» )ti-r n'lii. ti biicunso Ihfl oyei'licn<l «-xiii-n>;.‘ rcuiaiiis

“ If the titauihirds wiTr fiM'ii l>y t iiniou ofriccrK, tlu-y wmild In- fa irly lis Jiot a tta in ^hf.sc laulunlly anii-‘ >( ii|»iii ly bo disehnrBfd.”

To many pvrsoiis ihis is a m-w ■ employers and piibliir and imioii tiu n I upon Hiii-h a pi-im-ipli- IIi 'TI' woulil In-

tO V A h MAN IS rmiSKNAM 1.1;A1»KK IliAHII.

(Continued trom l'ai;« D_____ , V.\

male. TJiiH rm 'luiliiiila llun Ul provlilt! u hIMy ilny 11’urid ic e yerloil (or iiprvln- nu-n u rin^roiueii oa nucli proji-ai.. iiroviaim:; lliey ro*(Jo on nuU m lually rc. l;iim lund unicrwt HIhhi. A i-ill Inr ''- i 'l" " '! , i . ,vi. pt K'^l»luil«n^u» Mi.in

------------ A ’r7;:rihiii<.i. ii,'M.;in(ihwrrr.— “ mtAcimeni of Uir alien 1;iml hiw wlilcli vu« roppnlnl In 19in yun al:io lu^nnl. lliu convcuilan liavliu; arkiinw l.ac.'.l ||,j. n-tOKnlllon o t cnnilliHni' »vhl>li r.'- QUlro »iii.'»i iiroiivil.in ^ u u l l c i i iiri'i'- ,,t ,,c riy holillnc. C _ i- ri:

Bxnnmi'lnnii lit .ippriil;iili'n lo T » ln n,,,ii l l i lU imiit nnd cliliriiH ti.r Ici in - h.im

' tiT talnnifnl anil li> l>r. Krni--i l.lm!- j.;, I fy for 111* i'ii1ilrc;ii U. lli- ..mvi-all.m, ; , j . , w*re ■Kiiritril In one of ilie renolii- ,iin„

- tlnn* a d o rtc d ,- l.-li|ic, _______________

Mr. amrMrTi.'j. v:. .' jin.cii.' oMI;ii-iin.i. cllon motored to ilil» illy yna.T iliy .I.iliir W illo horn Mr. Sprarn-- mii'ii'l'-il >i’ " ‘'I biinlncmi niallerh and Mrn. Siir.uni" er. ehopiHHl und vltiltcil Irlmili.. m ti.

KDiui “OVKlt,M.l. C l ,n r s rTAMIM T<» Ili:.\T II. I-

TAMI’A, n il .. Aiirll H >.-lt ...........comlnc fanblltniil'le l,> u r ;ir rn,T;lll:. j,| In Tftuipa.

Ul'MDKC of till- lilrh I'n:il n f OllllT •"lylen of garnifnw an "Uvoralt I'liiir ' ’’ ba» been formed tiore. lhe uicmlicrn •

• plrdRioK Ibcaiji’lvi-ii in wL'ar overall 11 on a ll i)Oi»lble o<:i-a*liirii. Tlio cliili linn iii'Trral hiiniln-d aieinljen*.

U .U .ozpcctm l nlmilar clubn will tie I.Mi f o r i ^ In oUii-r invrn* ilirouRliout iIi" >'•'11 Blato. . -jw^ri

P«g>Fonr . ’ ' ~

o m T i E s p□ d iy , a n d S u n d a y .S fo m in g by , C om pany, T w in F a lla , Id n h o . f

) L E A S E D T w IB E I E & T I0 K 8 | e United I’r e i i Serre Tbe T la r t* adera.

-------------------------------Vic# Proaldeni] '--------------------------------------n . . , . u r , I ■

--------- E ditor and Qcacral MannRt-r; Tr,-i.________________A aililnnl .Manani;r------------------------------- I&•

fice ais a o to n d < la u m a ttu r a s a

iN B A T B •....... .............................. ...... ...........*7.r.(l

„ .......................__________________________....i2 .()ii'

5 T H E F L A O '

\Iy F la jc . n n d to lh o K r|iuh!in J n c N u lio a , IniliviHilile, W iih r A il. ......

V m iK A TK lt TW15 KAM.S OUN’fV

tiy tn d cosniy. ■ FF1 Pacirto to Itie aoutb. ,3K »BB(o w ater back Into Irrlsa* |during ebortnge. i

ka ilng rink lu wintor. |

>ry te rrito ry m eit»- ---------- ^

{ . Ml« 0 H WAGE

r Bi„„l n .r iinu in h™<r n n 'l C ""‘l lo^^ihl.• l.r Iiow lhe o th e r fellow „f ,1 i o f SyHluni sen t an iul- rv ie w e r fun:.

p ro h l....... 'h . Siiiaiiel ijoini.erH',i]iers w m ilil llu w ere he iin .....-


uientK au aiiis l nuioii leailei>hii> w an e il lo riT il Ihe eu iiilo v e r lo ].;„ 'i.| I 'o i'k ers a lil;.'. HesjiUs heiii>; ol,- |U f I:,.............-ml lowm-il deeiv iised |>ro- 1I-slim i lak in ic up Ih is s ilu a lim i. | ,„ j, lil ii; f o r lh in ie iiiiioii i>riiieiiile'',

w a c e , a n d il is n rriv i il a l ns he- n ,. ; ra ii is t p a y in - li m an o f ee i'ia iiiis tla y . U ut, how ever I'lToneoUssu h je e l , w atjes lire liniii ou l o f niiii

se. 'r iie i-c liire , Ih ii'e w lio. in lh e i>i)w ■lion o f l.e 'i le r ,ii ie lh n d s o f w o rk ' • “ '

n i i im i'i .r i iie ii .h s , ^hcrform aiie ii. nnd s lm nhl hnve a (l <n1 eniilil arrnnt-’e Ihe fa ir i 'o iile iil ^fain--t iMiee-.si'llini;. Ccm a r .le .l n s a niin im nni il m u s t h e ilinI o f w i.ri:, nn d ih iil iiiin iiiiu iath e i>!ii'lioH eau fa ir ly e o -n iiera le . i„,,.|),i ......... n il o f w ork . 1 hliniilil a r- “fali,„ I ., tll,. n i.m m .l >«»rkill th u w a y of a ho iius , no l a s a ,i,„,

iiiiilin il reeo u iiilio ii o f th e fu e l larj ,• m nn 'i loiiin l i t iir tic le s iii .a il.'i.v.e iii |.lo y e r enn well a ffo rd to l>nV i,„r,1. Iiiiire, lu n |ie r eeni lUOie WUCes, l:'ivins .iu;.t Ihl- -snme. ‘‘-J-y tin- m en iheiiiscU 'es o|- hy lh e ,,i,„f ix e .l . a u d Ihose m en w ho eou h l h u

mi s la u i la n /s w « iM u r.e j.ii*(>er- j'

,v view o f lh e un ion ^\;ane. J fy m uII Ihe in se lves uc.-ei.teil a u dle Ull fiii-llier iii ia rre l w iih it. ),;it___________________________________ ii’ii

AV M ii.n iis SK1:\ • 'AT I-AIIIS SIIIIHS

I-Allis, Aiirll ill.- llnriieouii ioluni.nialerUli. mill i:rra l I'lUl-

l.iliy I,I llil" ;*ri' 111-' I.Mtiirm of lliu ■„r|H i.lu.iwi Ilf t;eililiin niodel.i for ;rlii.,|i .mil AiinTl.an laiyer-i.•J Ij.. .-|.|.,.;jem tif ilKlii lacim; ,may a,.,

- rca;.oirril. Nn mi.di-l ol lln- I’arlu (tc ; e:>Miiiiki'n> ................ any Imt (he |„I,lnm l waliil. Cor:ielH are iiracll- >Jr ;,Hy- imniT.-...arV. ' '

Vivid liliKv. ulel iriri'iii. anil inncIi loi nlll and idlver iiiihrnlilcry form a ..«1U|,: V. liiar e lln l Inr l>ollj ua lk - r ,; ,.i„| ..n.iilm-. dr.-.:H-i. 'T a lliir. •' leriirii are v,-ry iini;irl, iiarllinilarly if I)..;liilllnl l.liie .•iiil.rnld. ri'if ma- ''''' ,.ri:i1... .U rl:i an- n i, a Miai.e I,mncrII.oi lanl ye.ir, Iml on Hie t.llier l.ltlli imiiti iiarr.iivir.

K *,nm r.-and ■Iliiii.T r -« n - ‘ Uielmli' i,„..l.'iv i'x:ini|ilrs Ilf |>:iniil.T>. >.<ul erin- i|„llm,-I, itiiiiiKl. Illl' i;iiu'n.( .nyJe ««-• !..•Ii|i.,r lireelan nr Urlcnuil d rau try , mll.'inf eM'iilnr. i:nivn>i dUjilay iillki'n (mroi.M Ti. nndi-r lln- filmy lace ovl-r- II.' Idl-I, Iml n U iKiI lhini«|n Uuil llieiie^ill find faxnr f,.r the nrilltiary l>ny- ‘le r. S tralclil I'llk iinili'ndlii:. wlO In- ntiHllluli-d fnr Uie liar.'in t-UIrt Inllll.l i.in.^, ^

------------------------------------------wl.IM M IHA >1AX H 1;>.U TOIVN of

.MA11.SIIAI., h .i :a n .s i t n *_____ ________________ m

I'KIICY, 111., Ai.nl 10. - " Iv i i i - J'j' •I.al jiov .T nn irn f lian li,r li inil j.er vm erfleailnu i li're . "(iranilin*" lirn. Jan'.' ,\1iix»,-ll, h l\ty -I«o , liai> j,., >.'cn the inun niarnhal fnr niKiul a •lar. Unrltiir llial iliin> Ih er- liave x'cii nn arrestn In tlin llllle lown nf ,r>nn iiiliabllaiili-. "C ntidm .i" Max'- ni. vellV only «caimn ban h u r l Hi»ortby imiilo. (lm


HOWTO SPI'l l ir inc.il ln.rliinl!iir:il liei.celnr, Inn !ii

I f farriiiT far tl.e ,.iira>lm: nf In . . .n l.a n l: Mlnliiiiini.riniiiiri'nii ni.i iM-r a. r.- nl

••on DdllMir.ST SI'IIA V - I-r,-I.,, 7 yi.iirn nld - r,u lr, i-. m llii. ai-i.-, L'ti i

i;n tri',1. Ill Illl' ai rr, 1:1 j

inn irr.-.. I-. Ihi- a rr r . , I'l. r i in y..;,r:; i.I,| ,M. Ir.-n In llir a r l r . JS ,

Tit'll,.,,. In Ih. ai-l,-, i • M. ir,-. . to Ml.' a. I". H i

1....... . i n III llir a rr .'. |rr.-. . 11 .VI ar .X'l Ml ir. ' v l'> th r an-.', 't I ,

Tll Ii.'. l- t,. II.......-rr. TI 1Iin If.., , u. il.'r an .-, la. ,

111., irr ,'...... th .-a i I-.-, s;i ,

• .sn Iirrn ll. lh r aer.' ):r. '.ni tr r ... to Ih r n rr.' Mn

Ulll irern t„ lh r lu re li;.’,


I I ) .I. .V iv.iTi;i<.''- [« ii«IIH:;trTrt Hinie l-7 iltr-tTi-.i.--r|,,H--jn'.^'.'"!Many i.vvni rn ..f fruit ........ o n 'l lu 'i

r « m I'-Jllii ira. i fail t.. n-all.;.' Ih.' inlmn Jirc.-ii.'ll v nf iij».lyin»; a dnnn-Jilll llinr.,.nli.hur -pray th l^ ^ irl iiK -1 „ riie law prallllittn the na ly 'n r -.liil.-|

.f lh r lniii».-lor for tin. j»<!!lrl.i to i n - l ' ' ' " " :iir.x-tho laiv and \ ,irrfnrm tliU ! i J ,iliilv w l l h o n i f a v n r . Tl.i.s.' w lii.i,|| rail (.> ..pray innl Imp.- that th r lr fra il j..., ,, l.lli I.1III hy iirr.nii'.laUrn. They will , flml U i.niirlvi', In th - ini.lllmi or |„. „ i:r..w.-r-, In -.tlirr frull d i.lr l .l .. wlu. laM vi ar-hail Ite-lr idiiiiinrut.i ntoiip. il .ilUrr Mirv had ..... .. at the ' ^^pm'.r |.If harvrutiiii: anil in Haii.r ea n-. Paek-1 lm;. The law iirn\hleii o lh rr |.rnnllirn i ,

Ii. Jiavi- Ihr „prayhii;‘ ....... al tin- e x -,„ ,|, |o f lh r .jUfKT. II llu- ..U71.T

III il.> ll himni'if. II aiilhiirt/r:i him toj,.;,,, ,cut dnwn an.l drnin.y inf. c ln l .......ile Imn the anthi.rily In not nnly ......j,.,,,,,;,Ihat irrrii u rr Kiiravrd, Imt Unit th ry , j ar." prmieriy niiraynl; lluil the in ;.lr. | rial u»cd U nf tin- prnjirr •iirnn:tli und . m ,,, Ihal i prayini: marliin.m nf i.iiffi.'lriii j

cvuV/ i“riiTr'i;i;'Vvir‘y‘ iv".;'.-‘%^aDpllrii lit rkery. nw arf of .frull trnvi.] w hether h.i liiin a nllicle Irn- n r a m |, ,

1: may ii*’ n drai.lh' i:iw. I'ra-ii ie |

tlnu iiT an lii.pi'rlam iinltintry Ihrialenril, Thr Twin |-,illn trai l ha .il,,,,,^ li.'i'ii >hii;iil:>rlv iuimiini' fmni mn.;(i|j^. iniieeL prhtH. tn lier ili»lr!rtc- Jmv.' h r-n fnr y a rn fii:htlnK San -Inn-]urale, Itnl Sptd.T, llr.uvn .. ..... . ’I'wii: | fn ,i,Uorer, t-ndiln .MnUi ainl many n the rj ,, d.'ntrucUve innrctn. lliiraylni; i . i i , tinien it ni an.in for ('ixiilii Mi'lii a h in r..larKi'ly l..Vaii........ early m iilerl. Innnt «nn«iiai In the npidr »-rnwliii: .lli'- i,,, ,| tri. u nf raiti. ril aiul niuUieni :‘'a ti-., I ; . ,'|j,

. le .r-lii iniiliy ii.irt,. nf tii.' w,-it. W'.'!,,',,,,, ir'ivr hu.l coiiim M..tlii., ami hav ..'In I a hulf li.-artni «ay ..ll. inpl. d 1o hnl.11 I1„ 11, 1,1 e h n k . Thry a rr m-ttin.t m i.rr ,, p'm iUlul. Thr ;;an J.i ir r.-ali-, P 'T -[ r„r li .i-ii Ihr mo-l -U.-.nl.'.l .if all Ui" >n-'.......................... If (run. 11 h rrr . It I .a .: ,

...‘jinnitlidii'i. hv lh r nillli.in. llinln an.l

frnm nreiiard tn in .h a n l and If n n l . '" " ' handli-.i ill limr it i;ri.. h. y.i.id ennlrol j u*i.l not oulv mal;.':. liu' friiil n iin iar- . krlMldr. hill »apH ihr llfr of lhe lr.'i -i.| t — raiihlliK Ihi'tn m prn,Inc,' frnit nt I n - ; ' f.-rlnr »iiialHy »m1 fin:iily ta dl.', , f

Twin i''allK .ll-trirl :.hlpp.'d a ndl- t * lion Ilnllar;! MnrUi nf frnit mil i.f Iliii. u— c.imily In llH'.'. with : s 7: acrm in in-| m.-reUil apid.' orcliar.in. ;;71i aen n . ..n i- ; c nicrclal penrh nrrhanl'., 177 a r r . i . j i , - enniniereiill prnm- nrchiir.ln and acres nf ilm ifjU i' nrchanl-. am) Ihri^j^j iTeen n rr In tlirir Infam-y. Tin- yl' td ;111 (l.mhliiic np tii.m >c,ir In y-.ir.>lr1<i nf li-li mllllan ilnllarn w i.nh niay

come lulc. fnll hmrUn: ‘ 'a 'l « e af-l f..rd tu n-Ki-'Cl U.ii. m.iirre of Im ..m r7 , C

The Ilrow n-illte, ...inmanly c a i i . 'i r . ‘ U U.'d Sj.idrr, till' Wi..iley Aplil-i ami lhi- In a (In i-n Aphlii. u rr In pra. tli a lly every K.ri circhi.r.l in the dUlri. i an.l n-ariy a lil-,, i; p.lii-h tri'.'i. ar.' In l.r l .d \tltl: T w ir ,|.ra lli.r,-rK. I.lni.'-Snilihiir of lh r p r o p i r j ; ; ; ntr.iiKili mill ciuallly miidlrd wllli a ;,,i^ Llaiidard i.lirayiiu: m a.lilne hcfi.rr Ih .'' l.ndi. 1.1'imi K. opi-n will i;.l mn„t nf, iIk-i.i' prat,.. T hr .iphidii wll! mil all|,^,j, I..' eaiiKhf- ll'l' «''e and the llrnwn -Miu- ivlll do lltUo harm tn r ti;1.i y .i r . at hiiHl if th r worki;.“ th.irout;h)y dnn". - - ................. !

Th.' Codllu Mnlli c;m 1..- la'pl tin- di-r e.intr.d liy M-r.iyUu; wllh Ar.-. n . ' me .,f l.i-a.l. MM l.rfiirr lhe f a iy j nf . th r apple lil....-omi. eln,.e. wh.'ll U.r li'lprt.iln nr.. hrrinnhii: to f.iU nnd rr-pralim : th r iiprratliin on rr o r mnre " l l whrn iii'fi.n.l ;md thlnl o r la ir r im.e.l-. '-i I .'f lhe im.lh. a re dur u . app.'ar. ,i'tn,

I'rev.nll.in 1 mil nnly imi.I.t hnl .in m a .h c i.rajirr than ciirr. We ran l;r.»w the fliiv-it frull 111 tin- worhl. AI>

..very marlivl lull falllUK nf c.niKiaiit ]nnd .. .................... h.wnr.i the er.i.I-;l.a lim ; o ' lhe prMn Un.l I.i-k,-! ourIt.... . an.i im ps mir frull wli! he- only . '

■ Cttiln. ^ ^N'o orriiardn ran J"- '‘I'pl i l-a n ifl •

I aelRhi.orlui; orchanli' Infi Nlr.I.!'iH oncu Ibc ..praying und friljl mni iri-e J llnipocilon lawi uro lo proioct llimipl C

______________ THE TWIN PALL

DRAL (LLSFARMERS I PRAY ORCHARDSI aiil.nillleil llic fullowliic ailvlce lo I:Jill .h'):re.'i< lime niiiphur.

,‘ti iiallnn i.pray.-I ............. ..:T Kallon npray.:n Kull.iii npray.

Kallon miray.

imilon npray.II i;:ill.in ipray.

,'. rail.n i I'liniy.II i;all..n -.pray.M iMlii.n ..pray,; i .:;i1lnn Miniy.M. i-,.il1nii npra)-, s;i rall.in npra'y.Ml iialh.n ,'liray.

u . r.aiiim i.|iray ■:r. iialii.ii nprayIII c.alfou I'lmiy i;r, Iiallnn I.prny

POINTS ^I FOR SPRAYINGli« h;ire <:r<»i Ji i.r.-Jiiirdii' nl

niie' nti.l iirdiiiaVy hu^.lni'i.- mieili-....... I.' 11:1 lliem lii.v idimild. fr..me flse^'T uho laiv nii'f•;cleri;i llln duly In Mu ncli;hhor,W'.' have pi,'llty nf eXlilMplei of ran iiriharilii. Orrhar.lu Umt were ..perly iprayrd iii imsl y iani. The -,I 1 ar.- ...a rre In Uirm. We l:nvir10 ......... . UImi. thi.iir whoM- own-,. .11.1 nni "priiy. T h r^ ' la tte r nn- .. mirn wh.'re Uh- hlK expense will- nrc.viMiry Uiin y.-nr, Om- do llar ] U l lent IM I.priiyliii: thin y.-ar wlll nnl ii>- h-lp makr ynnr ernp valmil.li-II wlli Mivi- yon 1w,i o r pcrhap:i fonr .liar:, n rx l yrar.l.rl me iiri;e every owner nf u frillt .•.■-■■In~niT i!r.:trTcl' io 'iipra>'” iii‘'m i< T ------III I.piay thorailitiily. The Ume in mrt., AftiT (hn.Im.lH ojicii. I.liiie- Ilphur, nirnm; em.nrh tu he cffvc-

wlll Imrn hath h-nvci, anil tiioii- mm, 1^I dn nnl wini) In U'lr hnnih Incaniireii.11 niv iiiiilfiielluMK frnm tin- mitlinr- i.'n at lli.i.i- are dufinlle und ponl- VI. an'l i lntr,inl,lu follow them In nu leli.-r. If n«>' eiine nhliulil nrlnu

Iifnf. r Ui.'-lniv. ir^\^in lie mferrt-cfnoI.' iiiti.riiry jiruvMl of tho m ale. ; h ir.r dtitv |( \vili-i>e tn InHliluie IukuIro,'■(•dlnr.it for tin* "AlnilempMt of ii................ I uiiji.al tn nii who Imve 'aKot e wvllarr nf the i nmmualiy In whieli wi'rili.'V Itv.- at hi-ari Utid whn expiicl lo " 1'r .'1u>. r.l Wllh l.iw al.i.iinK L-illienn «fm. n.'l l.U; V al tlirir Iiprayins iiml whn lownp- for iiiiilllahlr r itu rnn from Uielr ainlnilt, nnnu

It m.i;.' Ill' V..II lan Kel hy w iihunl "1pr..>lnrt, hut If you have ftifented neeVm il . .veil .aiinat ki-'I hy wlirn ynu „iy]nm.' I., ti,.' t.rliim:. SprayinK IiicaiiB ,,rrl ir.ililiy i f , 'r ., .Iran r.-niiitK, i.aleabl,'m il, ........ Un.l an.i mnre mnnuy fnr

m.l ...... . Imt ralhi'r. you cannol

In fr .i . il Irnll ll. vliii'Kiir pinntii 11111..r ah'iut SU) a ton. anil r lcan fru ll ' ‘.rlll. frnm I.. $100 per to n ., ' ___

I am Ih ir 1.. h.'lp In cvrry way. I'III v||..w th...,r wh.. nre unl fam iliar -----,>lili 1I1I.1 i-.nri. imw In kn at It nnd twolow III >.r.nn' Ihl' proper uialerlaU rmnmil m.i.liln.'ry. M

J. A, \v .vn -:iis . HUIl.lKlrict Slatii l-Tnll liinpoclor iral

I ■ - ............ ..

iTODAY’S MARKETS .----------------------------------------------------I Imii

_____ Uir.f in r A C d , Alitil m —Owiiij; to lhe *“ 't

II.- np nf tlie n.iU.mal ntnck yarda at;:t. l,iiul..M.ii a i.oun i 6f ihc rnllroad J'-'-'■ iril..-. Ih .rr wrrr lm Iinoliillim.i uvull- ildi' fnr liial miirltcl imlay. Oaly HO 'inl ; ; . t i l . ' '1111.1 ;::;u Iiokh wer.- n-ceivcd, a rr "Ull nil i.ii.,.'p rcucH.u,______________

ClIU-Ailii, Apr.l 10 - !im;n, l l r . .'■ipH f..()nii; i,„ik jH iii-''.; top * ■"Inavy w. l|',hl Ji:i,ii:.<i U.SO; mi-dlmii wi'iiihi t i l ir.'jr.; iiniu wcir.ht',iir.; lli'.hl lll'hl* H.Tfi; ^i.ra .v pai l.lm; ,.„wii, mm.ntlii:;; pa. iiim; MUV... roiiKli i:-’ '.0;pr,;. iV yH lt.

<-|.ttle ll.i .i.il: . 1,000; lhe nilirUet ••l.a.ly III m ii'u i.ly hlKhcr f..r w .'rk. '''' h iii ih rr la tli.' i.U'ady lo J ic low'cp, m. trad .' cm f. r.ii rn ull wci-k; nic.llmn an.l h..-vy Kiti.l wul(;ht— ' f ' Ki.nd liml ihnlcr U.'Jf.; com-irnii. i.ml I.... Iiimi IM r.i iir ,; Iniuhvri. Ulr -h .if .'rs JT.fiSIiU.Tr.; liniin V l iU' T.'.: .aiim rt. aud tu tlcrn —eiiwn ifnd li.lfern 5i r . 'n : . r ,0; ca iiin r iiU-ern Ji; r.,s-. Vr.d , . , |v r ., lijihl an.i hamiy. wi'l,;l,l 5 i:: ',in :.il; Iccdur nlecrn J-J.Ou(-Ills,'.; .inckiT ......to t7-i;r.4j a . : : : ; =LtiKker C-.IIV.I an.1 liulfvni ) 7.r.l)«i ;;,n'.in rlirr miv, ;, ,,,.

Sh.'.-P . |l , , . l |i t 'i :.,000, the niark'-t. (AI' l l'l I'll.......Hr, i t. not marliei iinu-mitcmn.

KA.NSAS riTV. April 10.- IIok'i .'.On. i m arket dull und fk'Udy. Hulen *i:i.Ol) wi iiH.llU. i.t.i

. hi-.'p, ".hl»0; no nmrlict. <riirm th ', ' no marl;..i.

) ----- WO.MA11A. April 10.—Hob*. Uaci-lptu <k1


^ y l ^ u t o f m

, . 0>2

.\:iiilr.ari .".rn ct.fm pt from th o Jfjie: o|,''.-utlon nf thu lm nm^: lax la w -- T n.it l’iu.«;;h any .'Nvaiptiun 'W ;li i:.,. la^ lt:'.a*BPi il beam ...

, d n im l i a h r.rn iiH i money to ro-niy thi- .wlihln ll.u la \ 'j i inliiliunm rucinli'O. Ar ira t (lut I,r a lolyl of ITn.Iln,) „ vl'!

I.IITI rcrclvn a l.lc I'liuiirh Nai..ry i ;• li. hr r.'.pilri'.! tu p.iy ally Imnmo wor tax. . r . * T'lc nvcriirc ii.diiry of mlnir.lera or. J/i tou-m. uf nim.nun jrDii.iailon in or.

----- «i I . / . . ,n in e to n la . Vllialt'i: j;iillien'd Vv Dr. H-xl;>!l ‘n — tITTTrCn»hniaii nf th - .‘•';ii.rv;.r,!nh1|i I).'. It I.

•lurltm .nl of llu. Inlei.-h’irch WnrI I i 1;„Mori*tneii1. Vri'iii thai «1to r lly Iriudo'-ii (,i (iiwn'r of inn.dti'i InfinM. r<r<llil.1«. Ihn nn.race ra b r v f«11, to ,|,mII,110 . Krnm lOO.niifi to f.O.fiOO Ion thn Bveroeo 1. Jl.n r.n nnil frnm wor l,1iir.-» nf that nlt,- .Imrn lo in.nOQ her the avcnino par of th - mlninli'r to iind J 9T'J. In townn nf Ii'Hk than S.r.OQ V6 | popnlnilou Ull. pr-achi r'li yearly nl- 1


" “ IRFDEfflURE^'Ss::»:

— ' ■ 11)10 I/INIM),'.', April 10,.—"IMiri end

milnlly drmnre" fn lhe key:.nlc- of .imil.iii'n new nylicii. mi ri ve;i1e,l Iiy ,,.jo •miuln'n iiprlnK i.hnw.

"The darlns liiuidea nf- y.inletibiy r.y . iUn Civrn plii.-c In u (:lt;l of hUiahln«Uodcnly ainl dl-nitiri.nci;;;." sayn oni' _v;,„ vrltef on tin- iir«- nylirn, f.j,';.

••I''mcti,i wiiith have idlppud down j-i,', rnm the kin-e to a l oy jHiiiit -if vun- m,. IIKI. i,«iurwhcr.' nhout the .inUle *'i'r« MKcn in evey Kulno nm! uiyle. i,,,,,,,!

"Kven the c-xlrrmo oprUi]e:iB of la-H j.,,, vdiii'r bun i:(vpn way (o n niodim; n\r ni'ck in ,Unnrr and diinc! frocka unl a iil[;li.iuverinf; or a lllllu open ,v,', ..inani Inr duy dre,ai. ^

■'Tiie I,lire hark. Um cxircinu V ,n ,o leck, the Bleevi'i.'Hn frork, ull lhe ’ ^,3 ntyh'n lameiitf.i hy pn'acher.i nnd I.rcialen, havo hn n diiieariied l.y Ihc .,„p„ r:...i.l.m makcn. Ihin nprlni;,

••W'-imaii lia.1 cra,.nl lo a tn ille cx- r;.;.. I', pi 111 I ..lor i'fl.'.;ln, whirh nn* flaiii* |..)to Uoyalil and nnvei."

i M i r s r i i i i : s s m i i uIIAIiatllAU T IIM 'P l.v,

(C.Mjllnm-,} Irom D

inc. Kam,a<i citlrn wnu up lo Ihe rail- si.rnailn Inilny, 3,041]

Wllh p tai tli-nliy 100 per ceuI o t the papiiHuo ..wltchmcii nil .iiriki. ami frulRlil j,,irarii,' nt a ..iniidnllll, Um nlrikcfii lOH;w.Te wallliiK un annu'iT il. Ihclr d r. inijiunmnil tur iiicn'ai.nl waren. i-j

-------- pnpiiKANSAS CITV. April 10.—A rny nf prr

lmi.e for railroad iiflliiai,. hroko Jo UiroiiKii Ihv lu ll of Uio uirlko nlluu- 3S<I; Unn here ii«lny when thirty-one crewn IMO which ntriiVk fmm Uu- Umik Ixliind )u ymilK, r .im n rd to work. Sixty torm- ^<7; Inal nwitrh vneine llremcn who Imd j.qjp null wnrli In lolc on a ntrilii. move. j.. n rr h,iik oil the jnh.

hundroil i-w'ttchiiii'ii of thu T uxiih nnd l-.n llie and lhe San!:* f u mllroadu uro on nirhte today.

JAI'USO-V. Mill... Aprll lf l.-l'\)lliiw . lni; a ini'ctliir. hm niiilit u l wlilch li v.iu. mianlmuunly voted to rtriko. '.200 yar.lmi'ii and i.'wii. liiiu'n employed l.y th r Mlililr.an Crnirl linen lieru walk­ed out Ulill morninc.

.S,\,V 1.-JJA.VCI.4C/), AprJI 10,—IV'iiJ, fnlBlii tnifficvrac;tiealiy puru ly tedon th r I'acific Coait today IhrouRli ihvRii'iKP Of ynrrtmen-fina-Kwiirtinicn-ox' - - ivmlilii: from I'nrllund to Lon Auri^ , ri,)1rnud hi'iidii und h ro t l io r h n ^ o f- fl.lalii l.niay made a ile n p er i^ iiln n d

Umateil tnday thal :f.UO e u A urc out.

:;nun; um rkn, f-w nalni r.OilTJl; hii;h- 1:1; Imlk top ti<- '

('a lllr-U ecelp li. CSO; inarUcl cloii. n i, with packcrii mil of iiiurk.'l, com- li.,rod with a week ui;o. niunl clasKi'* * Htiady, fec.lcrH lower.

Siioi'p—ItoceipiJi 1,000; cotnpurod to w 'ickiii;n; Uuiihu r.O<fU lower; ulivcp l.ml fi-edcni mcady. packom nut op- eralini:.

W am a job t Try m 'Q ltua llo s Waot- od* ad In e a r w u l ooltUDoa. ^

f. APRIL 10. 1020________• ’ • •

70,000 Ministers Pa “ 7-A*

\m J l

Hi1 ’U fJfjieattec- f-c l.i:,?. thu t

Tl.u uv.'ruKo e aia rr o f lhe col- eomolone liaincii prcaiihor lu t 'J J 7. uc- arn icui'Jlui; lo llr, CUBhman’H flKun-'i— whu 1i„->m'iil hmidn'd dollani Iriui tlm n hul l<thi-:ii'iiiial..'aridii?n of worker*. ^01 >

A no rli-r In the rnbhur In d u c tr r nnd 1nverai:.-* l1,r.;;a. J0 a ycnr. Tlie uv- in.OO.T.-iKc fc.r llm hool anil uliuo w ork- cri.n-I ;• in J l .n i r . ; to r the elnimlcal nnnnrworker 51.-.1^,10; the nllli w ork- ceivo«r. Jt.lT li.SS ; for Um paper W'orl:- Th<or. J l . i r i ; mid for tint wool w ork- fromor. rin'J.TL'. nil- .

While the iialary of miulntcrn mini*-K=-Tf--f itr ! illr tnr.' . aVini ■dlU’n T.f>'l'f Mi,.i' 1It b. vrry ■mail in .•onipari.on w llli th.i trthe larn',.nrn nliMltird hy Indin- luK. 1

Trceli-i- ' f i t ,- r rnfir/* m r,ii-y rh.ijj.Uian tiu-v ,11d live y,':im allo; ro l- soliij:Ion wnrhem " I tier c rn t.: nietnl t-rrhiW'orl.rm SK; wool n2 ; idlli 03 : rnl.- Indmher worlKTM l in ; nnd hont, iihno ton: rnnd paprr worki.ra au limreari* «£ Itn foV6 per cent. c .uh. Krnm

In ta iR loru lhan 1 per cnnt. o t tf.nUn

i- j;x s r .s F H ir iiK s n.ss:WASHINGTON, April lO -l»ro llm li|. 1^10

ry in.piilutloa rii;nrcH w'cru nunouiiir- !'<- .1 iLiIay hy the ccasuii Lnreau uh fol-.wa;I'Vnil du I-ac. Win,. lUlfO .population

enl; lUi:o populallon 1K.TU7.I'ciriiiiiK. x ; V,. ia :u imimfuitnn is.-

::u; Inoreanc !i,liOli o IC.U pt-r conl;UIO popaiaiiou i:i.t;io. lai I'nrli-. Ind.. lu :o papulation IE,-

.•.S; Incn-aw •I.MR or ^4 pur cen t; ' 1-10 populallon 10Ji:r..Middletown. 0,. I!»i0 population : 3.-

’».* 1" ' “■”■1i-lO iwpuluUon la.Ifi:.Norwalk. Conn.. ISHi) |Kipulntloa 'J'.-

ir.7 ; inereaHij S.IMC or la.S por cent; , '10 iK.pulatlon 24.1:11.

Menominee. Win,. 1S:0 populaUon j,.,,, 1,104; increa.iu Cli u r l'i per cuut; lUlO (. inpiilntinn fi.OX ■

t'apo tilrardeuu. Mo„ 19J0 popniu- I'ju ion lo,:r."; incrcaiio 1.7T7 o r ::i per D :cni; UUO popnlaUon K,47!i, Iti.'.;

(UirntherHvilU'. Mn,. 1920 populaUon lftl< 1,700; liirremm 1,095 o r 30 per ceiil; V in o popnlallcia ll.iiBS,

Slater. .Mo., 1920 popalnllon :i.:il7; »9U nc:ri'iiiic r.r.9 o r 17..1 per ccmt; 1910 H lopnlaUcin :!.2:iS.

Kciinell, Mn.. 1920 piipnlallon n,-In.Vcaae f.S9 or 19.'t per cent; •*

|.JtO pnpuluUon .1,o:i;i. 'I’'|Char!ei.ton. Mo., II120 populallon ?..■ '

::s4; Inercane ::40 or 7.0 per cent; laio pupulatlon n,H 4. “ ^

rarmliiKlon, Mo,, 1920 pnpulallon 2,CSO; liicrca..(i 7:i or 2,S per com; ,f,'- 1910 popniallon :.r>l3,

St. (iuncivIcA-, Mn,. 1920 popalallnn js 3.04ij; Increiuie 79 or < por cen l: 1^10 m ; papniulloa l,9C7. ml

Jiioksiin, Mu.. 1920 populallon 2.- C 103; inercauo H or .01 pur ccn l; 1910 733 piipulntinii 2.10&V 191

I'arapulhi. I’a.. (corrected). 1920 ( pupulatlnn C,l«2; lnerca*o 1910 o r J7,n -36 p rr cenl; 1910 popnlalioa C.2r.2. P'’l

Joneidxiru. Ark.. 1920 pnpnillon 9,- SS-I; Incrcano o r 31.7 per ccnt:IMO poimlatinn 7.12G. ^

lllyUiovlllc. Ar”k., 1920 populnllon 6.- 417; Incrcaiio 3.B9S or 07.C por ccn l: j J-'iJO populnllon 3.S49. U yj

KayelteYlllc. .N'., C.. 1920 l«puInllou po|

I hereby reap nounce m y candi

J ___ nom ination for r......... the office of Sti

tendent of Public by the Republica vention to be hel lo, A ugust 24th,

^ E T H E L E .R I

•aylncoj^T^^ i

I f l l V‘0 ministers paid # lux on In- ;,mo In .aci'Ui of 13.000. Thoron 4'.:8 tnliilBtcni In tha counlry hu i;.it moru than I3.U.00 * jour, ll Icmi Uian }4.U0U. Tliuru aro )4 who rce-.'ivn bonrnon 14.001 id jr .,000; thnn 300 betweou ;.00n and '»il;ooo w h lb 163 av- -

hetween »C,000 and $7,000 innally. Tliitrc nru 35U who ro- dvo more thnn 17.000.These Inroiiun were pot .only pay om rhurrhM hnt Includod vrlv- e la rn ln iri loo. IIitndrodK of -- ^inldtern hnve hiK'n forowl lo en-

i.'i tninlmry nnrh an poultry ruin- TK. liarln-riac, miirk-'l Rnyduniog. ' Ir.. in ,'a rn eimm;h lo fcetl nud \

ibMr f.imJJIe*. Tbo fore- \iliiK nhow« vividly why tbo In- • \rrhiirrh W'nrI.I ilovemnal has rliid-d Innreime.l pay for tnloli- ri! nn one of the rhlef plank* In n forwaril-InoUinB. f've-jrear pro- •am fnr thniejp.mnlnii of P rotca- nllnin thrnuuhonl Um world.

:..>-S7: Incri'ftBo 1,R32 o r '20 i>cr ceu i;.910 popuhitlou 7.043.

!?t. Aliianii. VI.. 1920 population 7.- li:'2 ; liieruni.o 1.201 o r 18.8 per cont;920 pnpiihitinn 0.381.

Demmirk 'rownnhip. In., .1920 pop-ilntlnn"fl)T;~tlncrcainT-llT’ 'o r 'l t : t l" lio r* --------------.cut; 1910 pnpiilutiun C74.

\VA.S1IIN0T0N. April 10.—Prelllnl- niiry populaUon llKurfn wcro an- imunei'il (odny l.y lho ccniiun bureau m follow*:

Memphin, T ran .. 1920' population IC2.351; liioreune .11.'J40,"or 23.8 lu-r n.-iii; 1910 popalnllon 131.10C.

MorrlKtnwn, Tenn.. 1920 populullon n. KSI; Inrrc-iwu 1.874.'o r 4C.B por cent;1910 population 4,007.

Jt.hmmn CUy. Tenn., 1820 popula­Uon 12.442; IncrcMO 3.940. o r 40.3 por cn ii: 19:0 population 8.C02.

t'lcvclsnd. Tejin., 1C20(' populaUon fi.52S: inercnNi} 97.1, or'JT.C per cunl;191U papulation f.,r.49.

DiKluoin, nill., 192D populnllon 7 - IK.'.; InereaBL- l.s:u . o r 33.0 pur cen t;1910 popalnthm 0.4r.4.

Vnllejo. Cal:, 1920 popotation IC.- 8.’.3; iacroaiio nt r..513. o r 48.0'p«r cont;1910 popuiutlun 11,340. '

UUhmoml. Cni., 1920 ' population IC.MV. iiicn.-nno 10.041. o r-U 7 .0 .p o r .cent; il>10 popaiaiiou C,fin2.

Ilrocldnii. Slniw.. 1920 populallon fi«,13S; Increane !I,2C0, o r 10.3 por coat;1910 popiilaUmi .-IC.87R..19)0 populaliniL 4.74U.243; increiinu C»3. or 14.4 p e r cent;

Si-auctm. N .-J .. 1920 popnluilon 3,- Marnhalllown. In.. 19M populaUon

ir.,7:il; liirrrasB 2,3Ii7. o r 17.B pur cent;1910 papulation 13.174.

Aubnru. .V. Y.. 1920 population 3G,.142; Incrcano 1.474. o r 4.3 por conl; m ill pupniiitfon 34,C0g. •

ColllnHvliii.. n u ,. 1920 population 9,- 733; lncre.1110 2 jn5 ; o r 3fl.4 p e r ccnt;1910 populnllon 7,478.

Oweiisvlllc. Oblo, 192II population '296; increase C or 2.- po r 'co u t; 1910 popniallon 2S8. , .

nrokea no«T,.,Okln.. 19^0. populaUon L9.S3.

Kcllcliy. Ohio. 1920 populiitlon COO; lncroa»o 2H. o r 4.8 p e r 'c e n t ; 1910 impulntion 078.

Miinaleo. Kin.. 1920 population 1,. era,- fncroBBo gg. or 8,0 pel* cen t; 1010 populalloD 98S.

1 . *

ApectfuUy an- y*ididacy for the • •• re-election toState Superin*- : • • ------->lic Instruction .

lean S ta te con- ield in PocateU ' - h, 1920.REDFIELD \ ' :

Page 5: I& liSEN F FRENCH AS LEADER Str NVASION ROMISEDnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · r. ||r«lr I.Jfc-VOL. L NO. aea! Twm Fall LOCAL MAN ^ I& liSEN



. Biuinesi Opportunitiesmiiiiiimmiimitliiiiiiitimiiitiiiiiiiii w,

An OpportunityW E W A O T A M A N W IT H of pm Ics a b ility in T w in mobl

to tnko o v e r u fav o ra b ly t,ccaia n d w ell know n lin e o f Kiev* •mpttr ie L ig h t F lu n ta u n d ^V ut('r tradiS u p p ly .SyHtcniH. lliiKiurHS ihlrdo lroady catnbliHlied u iu l w e ibow ill RIVO y o u a« m uuh tc r r l - loi ito ry ill -tlilH m rction o f lliu ‘ "cusln tc UH yuu m u Im iidk '. I f «y o u nrt! ii h u s tle r w o cun of- •'* •' f e r th o b est iiropoHii^ou o f itsk in d over ht-Hni of. V in te uh *• * g iv in n th e dotnilH o r y o u rex perience in HcIIinR to fa rm - i ‘®“«n i nnd o thcm . AddrcHH U ox ‘ ® 34, caro T w in F n ll» T inicn.

______ S m iiiim n m it........ .. Ul' ------------ H;irDAMB OPPORTUNITY 8AYB Pro-

par« now to loltow lho hiR hcit paid o t a ll protoMlODB. THo Mtomobllo K'lol bu jin s is oUort more real chances Ior jnaklDC money and advnncameni ihan » n r othor builnoso. Aitond tlio n>wV MEMPKII.L DROa. AUTOMODIt-E t TRACTOR SCHOOI. and proparo Torr youm elt properljr in o n r iDitUutloi). ^ Wtoor# W9 tcach qrory th los pcruiln*Id s to aulomobllo, vulcan ltlnu and ■<‘vc Uro retroadlDC. a lio oxy-acotylpn,j ,»Uh woldln* and baUcry ropaJrJoff. i'ro - pnr# yoijna lf In u abort lime. Tbe mon tu ition ll imalL F o r (u n h o r parilcu- *H1 la r t and caUloguo wrllo HEMPHILL —^ B R O a AUTO & THACTOH SCHOOU ' ' DepL 10, 360 2nd Bouth, Sail U k e “City, u u h -________________ • I , '

H E D U C BT H BH IO H CO ST O FLW - Mnl INO QUARTERS «n(J liay M s nnap. »»»’ 8 ls rootn*. modem, bath. nleoplnB Jur porch and two other ncreonod porclie#, '«<*r Two largQ tou , (ru lt and ahado treo*. Cily L a n e la ra fo . ThU houio la no l now Oi but la f irs t class condition. Price only W.OW. Cash 1500. balance »E0 " por monllL Beaucliamp and Dlalr, a i Mala Avo. E a s t Pliono 304.

Oanadlaa PacUlo ItaJlway Irrlcai«<1 Uto U n d t Bmftll w m o n u . oaay term*, dny. Bold «xclailTS)7 by Brow a Bros. *•(< SbMp Co.

Ky.Let your house bulldlns and lob .—

» o rk on t lo MeCleary f t Lyoni. Plan* W furBbbed. Roulo No. 3. Twin l-'all*. to

------ — WoiMONEY TO L O A N -n rs t m0rtf«B0 m „

on ta n a U odi. PM rat* 'm onoy. No delay. Phon# 89C-W< _ yvli

Situation W anted ~ ,u"W ANTEI>-Pottllon a s t ln o keeper wet

o r comlssary o r KoneraJ otllca work ( til b r uperleneed man. Boat rotorencos. T in Addrosa Box 47. caro Tlmoa.

• j i W ANTED-W ork on ranch. Flvo met __^ year*' oiporlencfc A ddreia Box 190, ton

lUgh ichoot bo r w anU w ork ovo- __nlogs and Baturdays.' Odd Jobs or g

S ■toadr. Pboao <«-W . Dl/' Ilai

WANTBD-Oardona to plow. 269Altxander Bt. SouUi Park. J . 0 . paj U agne.

Wanted to-RentW ANTED-* o r 8 rooma furnished “1

o r untB ralshnl for U cht honsokoep- odd _______-« n ,_ P t a a a . l T I ^ ...... Qo.

-------------HOT’S 't lF M ik tB D -B T ---------^ ^ 'BEMABKA2LE OPERATION Ul.

iP R IN O riB L D . IJI., April lo l- P Ir a - " T year-old John W arroa W ilson Is alive • a d well toda r a fto r h a v ln t b is ikull

__ iraetored by .tlie.klck_or.» .liors.o .and .lyiag for U aiost four n o n tt i t ' 4 t tbe . po in t o t dMtli. H« ow oi b is IU« to ^

' aclM tino a d ra ae o ia iB t'. o t s o r n T - WiI>hnSelaBa tonnd two la rfo ploeei of f tt)ooa driven loto tho b n in - Tho b o a « «o

. w e n r«aov*d aad .» lao id in tha boy's cm( lesh near Itli-r iba ao t l i t r would i»a clil

I kep t alive for an oponU oa to. repU ca Jrotb«B lo tha ik u ti a f u r th a aknlt Uo •woMd had haalw L. T ha «xp<rlDenl C

• pr«T*d ■» M ocan w d tho caao U a t- woiH ia ia t lo rta iiM ( r o u iU pa rU <ot apt

■■ 'tt< o « p trr« v P r-- .< » -;N .'K r« M « f POP-Col

------- mWJ

V. aad■ 823-J

.mm *1001y Work

Vii~ ■ IM I

{or «




> W,--------------------------------------------------RI.ru

Help Wanted ~W ANTED-Mon to learn tho aulo-

lobllo and c m irac lo r buslnens In •morlca'n tarRoni and b o d eyoiom Wi r pracil'cal m olor school. Tbo auto- o ■ lObllo busineu l i ono o t Lho mout rbmnUlo imdeii' o M lio ^ re i io n t itay. ccauno It otfora steady a ll ihe yeur oploymont w ith ble monoy. So many •adMmon work only h a lt o r lw6- KOI ilrds o t tlio lime, hue luch Is not 20 t< ■0 cano wllh aulomobllo and trae- nuit. II mechanics, an Ihoro Is an aliunil- manneu ot w ork a ll tho tim e. Wo oftor -----

thorough and practlcat traln ln s In 11 .branchou oC tho motor Indunlry la t will qualify you lo a. torr wookn ^ s an oxporL W rlie o* m t tor In j.-j Jrroutlon and lllu ilraled cauioc- non lempitJl) BroB. U uh Suiie Auto Mrae iur School. SCO E ast 2otl BoiiUi, __ LAll Lako a iy . Utah. n

SALKSMAN. cnr u rd c r- ‘o .f. H ri i7 T m Ir’lI>eStftyriCOroo~tTti:TO:oo _ ■ cchly. uolll^K Ilml wondorful "COR- I-'f .JA" I’ulch-Lnol nn ••all-ruUbor. or Tw.i :iiakl bnck—Ifo dlftcronl—PATENT- AVfi :D -ii0 tb ln s cine IIH© lj.o n Dm mar- — Pt. NO COMPICTITION. You cun mko 11 clcnn up—riKST In tho ^ORt^n, (or nutoninbllo Innor iulio;<— ■orrliory KRKE. (Vou can ntnrt wllh

*0.00 Onlor.) "COH.UA" RUHHER ^ UXJ. CO.. Dalian, Trxim. p . S'. H.iyc M rvernlo ponlnRii (or Stato Miitiaitoni hou:rllh l&OO.OO lo tl.OOO cnpltiil. Stiould __««Jly m ako 1500,00 £o |?000,<» per nonih. Iio quick, o r Ibo oiber follow ^ ^ 111 8«l 11- ______________________ ~

WO.MAN WANTEt>-Kor work 1» uround greenhouties, vory attm ctlro cliy.troponltlon for lho rlfibl panics, not thrc iTor 3G. Our lant ad, for ono dny. oiiu! xiElInf! nearly }S. eo i u* but ono oro intwer. DjJ not bo utruia to apply 1«. , o r lho place, ynu will tiavo lota lo com ciirn boforo lho spring ruBh a ta ru . law: :iiy Tower Croenhousos, Twin Fttlt*. Lyn

Oardon p la n u for IMO. —

AOENT8-»100 weekly and aulo- N■-lobJlo tum lahed aicenia ororywhero h a rntroduclni; manrolous now aulomo- mes>llo InrentloD. Doublf* ortlcjoncy and metIto of any car. SaTes IU co*l f ln t nuoIny. T erltory Rolnc Ilko wlldflro. W.lUfi Mmpio ou ttll froo. W ritn quick. Hic 5»co Company, D ep t 13112. Loulorlllc, aRC<y _________________ —

WANTED—Threo young men. hou<e N LO bouse canvassln i. m u it tm y?l. hat Workora mako >10 to | : o dally SV. con inroitm ont required. 7 p. m *o S p. mei n . Mr. Orecne, I to«*^on Hotel. Uo Kn'jvlck. ________ ___ C.

WANTED—W Ido* modoratnly pro- ig jvlded for, u d w llbout burdens, __wUhea to cbrreipond w ith honorable, j well to do Rontloman, 48 lo M. OUo roc ( t l l parllcutara t i n t le ite r. M-37, caro tnr T i m e s . . ___________ ■ ' rA«

W ANTKD-W oman to cook (or two ^1? men on r u c h , middle a«od Udy pre- terrod. Ncf obJocUro to molherkeep-

SALESMAN—To handlo The IN- on DIANA SILO. Tw^a Fh((s. Buhl and Ou Hanson distrlcta. Must haTo a car. cai Addroaa Z. Al French. 1308 N. SOUi, Tb Bolie, Ida. bn

Tbo Time* Job prinU n* tfoparuaent ^ la thorousbly equipped to do Orst- • clasa w o rk - a t reasonable prices.

W ANTBD-M an on r u c h to do iot odd Jobs. D. B. Adama Real EsUle Co. Ap---------------------------- ----------- --------------Kh-W A N T E D- Mald a t-C o u a ty - lIo p l- _ U l. I


------------- ---------- --------------------- --------Ml

NBW YORK, April 10.—Twenty Hrise gamecoclis from S a rc a lo u . on* J of whieh.'BCCordlnf to h is •athuslss-' ^ Uo coslodlao. Is w orth $17,000 and V. e u w h ip .m oro than hla weight In m i eU ekea hawks, wer« brought h ire from Bpaolsh port* by the I lo ir Uo U o a t H m t . , . , —' One b liil died Sa t n ^ t i ^ r ^'1 w orstlag the sh ip 's dog., .A ll. Iha f «

b s tt le r i a r t e a tb a tr way to C a u to'^ n l l m tha: ,O abaa M lid v . <■

_ J , Foir fxjii

\ fine Im V ^ ^ T f ciillon.

I I I V . J I k N i I r t •L m J u ^ ^ L L y y j V y ^ 129S'

i / ~ F o irJ m ■ J moilcrr

• ,, y iHilll-ln^ ^ ^ ly nia(!

__________________________________ l-'OU

Wanted Miscellaneous-----— ---------- -------------------------------WANTED—To cloan your turoaco Pliono

md cblmnoya. U.- Salisbury, pbonc 23-J, now location. I 'n ll «(|ulpmant, tool bruihos. 115 Main A»u. E a.u ' Vork guarantood or no pay.

U A M EU —Ulue gmns poslnre for Call al iSti b a ck s or Rood m onntala ponture or summer. Addrein C « e *S«hlld . , ,

_______________ s r r\VASTBI)-Somo llmincii on 10 acrc Hne»l

raclu. KxclmnKO llcnliy Co. IIS K. fur *a Muln. Pbonc 3«. —T"

- - ■ r v l 'WANTED—2nd band furnlturo. In Kit

Pbons OUi, soa-w, corner o t pnd and drens Ind Are. 8. Sballii

Wa pay coin for lecooa band fur- TOf a ttars and rangea. Hooalor Fum l- niodcr taro Oo. ' lol. In

WANTED-A mimVl npplo orchard «I,ruyo<l. S inlluii cam, iiouili ot KOI foun.lry. cnln«—— ■■■. I I l-^lln

WANTED—Your ordor fnr PUNO y, jtiirONlNO. Logan Muilo Co Pbon. -------t u , , , TOI

WANTUD—Vour safety rasor biadet |„ „„ o iha rp in . W omer'a Ropslr Bbop „f,nr

For Rent ' ■KOU IlENT.H mill'll from Twin Kails it . I

20 to 40 »cri!».uiiil ?iwlitr« ii> xlzn ii> — KUlt. Hfven r.M.m Iioum,t. Kwii. D.mi-man, : 0C 7lb Avu. .Nonh I....... f‘’V'^ «a rin

KOll K K .\T-H ulI.llns for lilcraKii — pt.rp..Kni. KxcbailRn ll.nilly Co. IU *' K. Main. I’li.mc :ic.____________________________ _____ Kllll'.

I-X)R llK S T -40 ncron i:V4 liillci. norlll of Ktl.-r. lii.inlfo of i;iy,io Uuil- ‘ Icy.— _________________________________ crly.

FOll UENT—Uooioi witb hoard at —“ the While ralaeo . 059 2nd norlb ,™

------------------------------•;-!KOU 11K N T-Il.t.l on bIcciiImk porch. •—

Two Renlleini'n prpforrpd. r.l5 K.mrih , Avenue F.a.1. ‘

KIJIINISUKI) UOOM f»r rflil. Omi- ____Ueman proforrcil. 407 4tli Avo. No.

FOll UENT—Itoomn fnr four men'.222 Clll Ave. E. Phono 7ni;.\V.

VXIR RENT—Tu-n rounioU plaKlereil mhouKo. 420 Slh W. I

For Sale—Real Estate JMODERN HOME FOU SALE—Tbla »|

Ih uno Of the bcKl bulll hotiaeo In tho cliy. Huv fliicxt onk floom an.l j.-i throuRh, sluxsod In porchcn, finoit oiiulppod ImncmonL nlco roomy Rir- tn ORO fcfr two cars, cloctrlc range, close , iu. prJco $7C0a Oood terms. All Ibo comforts you would wish, ihade and lawn, lu pavluR dIsirlcL Seo Uon Lyman, phono, 12ttt. _

FOR SALE AlNow 5 roomod house, wlili hnth.

hardwood floors, turnaco heat, ce­ment drlvoway and carago, full co- mont basement, located on 7ib Avo- ■ nuo Kan. Price I 6SOO. W rlie o r call W. C. Wyckoff. 260 Blti Avenue EaiL Phono HOS. o r C. II. Thomun ft Co.. , j oRcnu. I’hono SIO-J.

~ FOB HALK Now C room house with solarium,

bath, hardwood floors fumaco hoaU conioni drlvoway and Bn»Re, full co-ment basement, located 7th Avenue ___Kn«l. prleo $fiSOO. W rllo o r cull W. l-TI C. Wyckoff. Sto Oth Avenuo >iwl. rang Phono SOC, or C. 0 . Tliomiis & Co.. rorki agonis. Phono S tt-J . . Aru.

IIAROAIN IN A FINE HOMIC-^Flvo- . n>om modern, excopt furnace, iwo tnr#o loU. on Wh nvcnue cnnt, tlno rAV.-n'andlshudo. only I378U. II&OO cush win buy ll. Will Uko roo.1 ^,,3 siandard car a s p a ri of flmt pay- f |„ „ ment. See Oreon and U ldiolt. 114 ___

— - ---------------------------------------------------ia_ l. FOK s a l e :—Twnnty acre oil claim Uoui

on Raft River, well lociitcd. near — 3 OesJs.Otl Company’* w c»; | 1.CW. halt “ cash, your own term s on balance.ThU la forcod sacrifice. Claim will hn Tory valuable w ithin few monlh*. fx Address Box SK), caro Times. oiab:

.FOR BALB—A now llvo room mod- —— •ra buagalow wlih glassed In ileep- (Dg porch. ha'rdwMd floors abd far- naco. on corner lot. tialahed about April 15. Phono 1260-W. Joha 8. Kl«c*.'''1010'4 th~AV o.'E:-----------------oiJj

FOR BALEoKonsa On SUi Avenue _1_Bait. 4 rooms, .oloctrle lights, halh. FttoUat, ImmodhUti poaaaaslon. Eaay turnto tna . Good m ortgage paper U kaa Wasa i p a rt paym iaL laqu iro Wm. Moore. —W l Uh-AT» E aa t.------ --- • - - - - FC------ ---------------------------------------------- ol t

FOR B A L B -N ear D alu , Ulah, BOO —a crw land, baat Irriga tion lyaUm la P<Diah; aono In p ro v a m a su : tn d rain H|hiM U r o t a lta lla s m 4 sa d bM t bait. —•40 to t76 par aero, r r a n k HtaoUay. P<D elta. U i ^ pair

; ; t o R b a l b —Tw o room boaw 'o a ' Vt good lo t'fo r H M a a d ;0^ i r fMO^puh. vUt

<m.1»UBo^ P o a u id m r — tn - »

_ ■ THE TWIN ]

'or Sale Real Estate Fori:ill tlALl':~2 room houne \'ll1l city KOU isr und llRbli. wUb Iiirco lo l nml Phuno

bulhllnR tilW oh roriier. rcmxI lo- . _ on. near Lincoln •hchiml. |1150-i I tnsh. Csll !&t Main l':aM. Pimnf ^1.

OU 8ALE C H E A r-N ew four room lern liuiiRiiIow. iilevplnt: porch oml l-ln fpuiurcfl. C.ifiior «t ICUnhor-Uy|,] 'liad nnil W sliiui. IniiuIru !t31 tlih :, , . . j

_____________________________ kaJl.OU SALI':-!; roomn niul bath, |.x,u 'lilng porch. Price M.f.OO It nnlil April 10. O no location. Cili Ave- uon—» ' East. Euny lormn. 411 Cth Knxl. |„ium<h

1-lG. Ave. N •OR 8AI.,E-XIy ciinliy In nnw four m hunRatow a n d iwo lotji, nOxlliri f irrirli h, IH JHiio Liikni. Illv.l. fiouth.- „,,rfpp ih. lialnneo cxcopllonal turiiiK. --------I a l home. T. .V UuiIor. t'Oll

•on SA LJ^-Sow houne, 0 roomn.rdwood floorn. slocplnR p o r r h ._____lo Khitn tflnilowii. Vrcncit iJooru, IK'OIIn l lucutUin In cliy. nlno vholco hit lUR ■'»

nale. Phono 473-M. ''1- 41

•'OU SA L B -P lno .buslncn s eornor TOIt Klmhorly, 76x100 fooL'Torma.' Ad- cliciip W8 owner. F . DurrlnRion, 2008 — alluojt Ave.. Dorkeloy, California. j,

TOIf SALt>-t'urnlsIieU nix room _____idem houne. flno lornllon, large T , Immediate pooaesulon. I’. 0 . Box 3.--------------------------------------------------- r o i lKOU SALI'>-Osso of thu IiIr rm I l>ar- UireoIni III n 40 a e ro funn on tho T»'lii ira cHn Tt-nct. KxrIinliK" U''nlly Hi>. III! acolllMiiln Kl. I'houo 31;. y ,.u„

r o n H A I,K -U i./.rcor^.^r )v~U > chel nilrlliliiii. Avlll lnk<< roo.1 I^iril on ll. I’. 0. n o x 187. I’liniio CIS-M;or C i.-tlook. >vj-;

r o u HAL-t! O R T I IA D B '-T ra u '.^ Inc.Jinlnfnn: enlsMuUed R yenti., full ulpmont. InclKdlng Iruck ami irall.. I’hono 48S. \"} "'I_________________________________ nirmlKOU SALK -ftoiino nml tol s:”,i ft. cn. N. ml. Sir. ft. deep, tlno »hndo ireon. —— irlrty of ftiilU Plione S8K-U---------------------------------------------------- "trip*n m s.\i.i-;-<:oiid n rii.1111 hl tlnc iiy iw Tiiwi. Iniiiirdlatu ponM'Mrilini. IL.r- ri.I.

........ ............................................-Sif-'Oll SAI.K—i^iiiull riiomliiR Iioum.'. liigtoi •Oli JiMuiJoj), J3*icHf)il iiiioiu.' iiniji- C. SI ly. Uox 90, cu re TInicH. fuunil

KOU' SA I.K -IO aVrif irnci Improv- r a . cluso to low n. II. O'. Andcrnon. iiomitritlT-ATe.-W cnt---------------------------3r.-i-X----------------------------------------------------.Ullunr o u SALI-i-Ixil In Hickrl Addlllon ____r M7fi. Halt cAih. lnaulrc'S04 Cih roi le. North. line ■

'or Sale Miscellaneous "ra------------------------------------------ a t oil

r * c * 1 ■ -“ S

r o r b a l eROOKe

AU o f my l .o u s d io ld n n d off- ^

i.'o f tin iJm rc . llug-i, Htovoa,

tnblus, cliiiin i, l iu ffc t, bcd«, **”’•

l irm erH , d e s k s , ty p e w rite r ,

ctc. C H E A P . —• LO

C all n t 450 E lm S t ., E lm P u rk mom A ddition . on 8

P<‘r.0 . H . D A V IS ' ~

linloh'niirFOU SAL&—F irs t clasa Dicklovr ------hest roc lunod . sacked S4.IW por ^ undrod, a l K im berly o r 00 board S i irs. R. C. Hydo. Kimberly, Idaho. •.

r o u SALE O R. .TRADB-Sccond- and Case trac to r cheap to r ca ih or rsdo (or city propeny. Kimberly folor Co., XIraberly. Idaho.

r o u SALi:— South Hood mallonblo newunge. aInn l«u lher dAvonporl.'- ono thnurkor, aud bowIiik macblno. 222 Cih Ibe.TO. K. ira.l.

TOR HALE—Oood hUJestlu rango.;. 11. Norlh, Ucnolt F lats. 207 6H1 , ivoiiuo EasL Call a fle r 0 o'clock.

r o n H A L& -aonoral Slock o l m er- c isn lisndtie lo a f^ ii growing town. In- Tli ofmatlon s t Time* ofllco. y unHI----------------------------- — t ho

FOU HAIJ— Organ nearly now, nnd mih, r. Infl. fniikv pTnw. alno Ueo car. 11,r» toule 3, phona 5I4-R-4.

FOll 8At.E OR ■TIV ^B -Fordson H rucior. Can (jo seen a t Lind Auto.Ldd. Box 68. caro Tlmos.

FOR h .kU I -f;Annsd fru ll and veg-. ^ iiablea, iswn mowor and gardea Im- > Memento. t U 3rd Av» W.

TOR SALE— Nlco r*«l baby bbggy, iray enainilod. glod ooodltloo. SSS.OO. '‘*1'- Jail o t 761 Stfy«aca w t . '__________ ^

..F o a .a A L & r-U 8 i .o tJ a m ltu ro .J a - . >ludtng n n g o . a lt ia good coadlUoa. I J

FOft SALB—F e r cbolco' plocaa ot urnlture. Ca H a t 414 Srtf Avoaae #a*L P.

■ ■ fow. FOR. TIlADBrrW -tP .Colu'. fo r pa ir nlniII c h a p i W rite A U la Boar, F i le r , , / Q

FO tt S A L B - W latfihlaUa,- baad- Holl :l|bU u d wiodow s la u . B. A. V 00&. Jot

FOH BALB—Tire*., W om tr’i R pair Shop: S44 tn d S t i:b ta t. ta i. i ..I I • ■ ' ^----V I '.Wf O t t SALB—B l e n lu W v ia r 'i .R t : o t i

j u r t o i B t B M t >■:; 1 ^


)r Sale-Miscellaneous______ _ _________ _______ . Uiorg.-

f)U 8.\1,K—IluRgy nnd hnrnciin. .51:. .1 ;i „ Mr-‘

■ ------------------------------ Mnxln' o r S a l e A u t o m o b i l e s______ _______ _____ liiT horl

ORD CAU TOU SALV>-6 pannon- tourliiR, eleclric llghtii, oloctrlc

ncr, «uw Hre», oJiock abnorhern. f.. {,_•I takn Kooil necnrod mortRnRo pa- ,. J, K. Doughty Unrago. 3ra Avc. j \ ?

trip 1.1tlU HAI.K Oil T llA n l-:-5 punn.'n- "'wliK'"'■ Overlund KG. in firm clnnii cnnill- 1-w lI l inido f..r cliy proprrty or mi-holil lurnllurc. , Imiolni :it!l Gih '• '" I ' '

.V — • • HI « lil------------ — ________________ ______ Vlll. ml•OU SAUI-1-K..r.l la r . Self m anor. Twin K I'lrlc llRhIn, nhiK'k itbKiirlirr:., folly llalch rfppe.!. i’honu rj'jo iiUor 0 oVIock. ;,ir, H:i

•^11 sT t.li—J'ord lli»a.lHier A-1 me- inlciil conaiilon. 1300 laki'n thin. inlro WhUo -SowlnR Madiliio nloro.

TOU HALK-Almoni new Kor.l l.i.ir- Unili : .'iir. tiooil I.'U)'. II. t; ' ' xamlor, inov.nl . 41h N. Main--------------------------------------------------- c , MTOR HAl.VJ—Kor.l 1917 to n r ln R - ,n..i,i,iy e;ip for cn»h. S:ta r.th Avp. 15. .

KOU SAI.R—Maxwell chr. I3:’5. ICn- f '' ,y Uaruise, 3fiO 2nd Avc. So.

.Mliiri H

-livestock and Poultry'Oil iJAl.t:—Hvo head younc oiulen .f rco III flvo ytarii old, ulno ono cx- j..„n ■X cIiolcH rcRliiloroU Durhnin bull, oillnh • lype,. ono pulr Roldlnr.'i. 3 urn old, good- onen. l.ucnied on Ilinhcrly ruad two miles cunt ol vin K.i1ln nl W. II. Sloddnrd'n runch. T|,.,„,hi lune G51-U-12,

WJ-; JJUV. rolnr, and uell fur-bcar- ’

liiiulH. l,iBt wlial you havn' wllh un. illnR yimr lowcnl prlcen oii larfio L nhlpinenlB. Tbo fr'ur & Siieclitlly irinlns Co.. 610-t;i7 N. I*. Avc. l-'ur- '. N. Dak.

- ■ ■ I.plinTAKKN i r r —Ului'k >I0>V with w hil'i ih> Mi ripe in r.iri'. Oun.^r muy h;ivi< nuinc tlio 11■ [wyliiK I»r Ihh. nd. M.iy.l MrDoii- .ir s r <1. lIlKlibnd Vluw .VUHtloii. I'i'Irii.

l-'OU SALI':—Purebred lltifi OriT-glon CKKn. 11.50 a ielllnK. Mrn. C.

SIvvr, r miles caul, % souUi ol 1,•_________________________ Socll,

r o u SALIi—Onu hofiic. HlnRlit h:.r- T wpI uml Rooil inov.iiiK mnuhlno. ul E. II.

;a-V au-4Jurw i_au-aoldcu_R ulc_A di llun. I---------------------------------------------------- puny,r o u SAl.l'V-0»v. helfor und yi'ur- mnn. HR cult chcup tor ranh. L. It, Den- Kiirlai m, I’lS 3rd Ave. North. ila Mu

KOU SA U J-Cow tYllh h .lf f r m lf L nldo. or Irude bu id ie r ninff, J, A. , lynn. I’hono -62-W.

r o u SA LE-60 head Rood v.'ork knowi lock 01 right prices. IT. T, V.'cut, 5 holdlr illes oouib Kimberly. di-coai----------------------------------------------------- lhc 'N\VANTKl>—Chlckcnu, ducks and .<

eoKe. Sw Wm. Towan, chof, Uogor- xnwiii sn Cato. (ec„.

WANTKD-COO houd o t nheep for “"1^" nmmor range. Ed Tcrpulru, RoRur-

In lb.— I---------------------------------- --------------- Jndlcl

Lost and Found »---------- ■ --------------- -- - - - lho a

LOST—Polnnd Chloo boar about 10 J ’ joolhs old from IL S. Hopper ranch . n Snlmon tracL NoUfy H. a Hop- “ ;* ■er. Uouio 1. Twin Falls. ^

I«03T—Aulomobllo crank, nquaro w hen into In ouo ond and bronze hnnd grip, ^hol t roiiry Jay Wttdor. f'liono OCi-W. tald .■ I I — I ----- tn upTOUND-UUIcb' {ur. 303 Jacknon judg,,

II said . ■ w Thi


_____ ngnlnLONDON. AprtI 10.—U b o r loaders

f t further unrenl for- E nsland and lew demands for wage Incrooaoo In " hn Rovernnwnl t\pclnlon to decrcnne be broad subsidy nnd permit lho ratio lo chargo a shilling for n fuur- «und lust o t broad.

" I Ihlnk I l ln <>ound to Induce many n d o unions lo mako fresh wage ap- Alior ))lralloni.." A rlhur llendenw ii do- ilsrrii' .

Tlioro con hn no IndUHlrlal po.n^j mUI tho cunt uf food comen down" I.. ji ho assertion of W. Draco, " i would •al^^af-fl tha suhsldy Incroan.Kl thnn gJieV ^ cb of bread.” _______ ^


_____, . cn .JiAURORA. 111.. April 10.—Mrs. Arch- Enlrj

lo Nicholas Of A urora 1* dead a* the 1 retu ll of aleeplng alckneaa Induced 33* ' by h e r giving birth lo a 10 1-S pound Baat. baby. Itie la rie s t b a b y over bom In tloe llllaols. The Infant died oa W ednes- year day. Tbey will be buried together, land

-------------- i— i— Pow<■ I . .......................> p , | |g

~Hotlister~News~ "ai------— ---------------- • • -------------- -- - B f l

r ■■ ' Dwli(Bpeclal Corroapondonee.) ^

P. a Lloyd o t Twin Pall* apoat a fow houra la H ollister Tuesday ore- ,"lo*- . . -iilii/C haa . Hint* of Rbg«r»on''':waii unoag the ou l o t towu v isitors In ] HolUaiw Tnaaday.John and P rM Dudley o t Tw in lU la 0 : 8

nolorad to Holllator Tuesday tran ln g . | | i '' R. V .'L u tx WM a bttatnaas vlaltor .710 la H olU aU K W adow tar. u 8

.WUay jU ir aod W DlMtVnaaail t r . . n . 3 iit T w la n a t i a U t t d ^ .th a H aM alo t n 1

tPAY. A PR g 10. 1020_____________

lay. Thoy w.-r.' R.iei-lii u l lhc proof, V rgo orovor homn whlln liiTi'. «l>oTo <1 III. IMtiltilu UH'I liiinHy himiil ern, U. r r Siin.lay ul lho Imm.' of Mr. l'n ” ". • Mr-. M.-ll1i>Ki'r of Anmlorilam. April, 1

axini' Tofcn-oml In ropi.rlr.l u p ' Claim, .in-,.'.'.I. Sh.- u a . roiifin.il lo l 'Vlllla

horl I,l.lt weok Wllll nu u iiiah (.{ll'f*: Oe- uiniinlii. •'

M. Millpl.lp truu-iarlrd hu:iliK;i.:. •'‘•‘•I’'- ■ j'xvlu K..ll» Tii.'.icliiy.. 1:. I-iwroniii vl:(li'if 1(10 ’(iiv.n HoKori'on Tuciiiliiy. !

K rnhlinun uml fjnntl> iiM'l- u ”I., th.'lr rnnrh un ih - S..l.oui:;--------- ;

hH'Hiluy urioniiion. They •ihi'i'Ii'-'t | vh,l(r,| lrKTi.l:>.ln n.illlMor .>n ili,-;

ttU- Miirssr.'! lliiK h. uh<. hai h .'.'i.' f ' « l,h imouiuuntn Iho ,u ..l w .-U.'

I inkrn li> lho Iluyil liun|.lt;li’ in t ' In K,.1h. Wo,in....lay...Mr. i.n.lKh UOIU I., Twin. VVh. will, hor.

Iln i.h roinrno.l f . I ld lhuor „n |.irialay nml .Mi'l,. I la l.h will r.'inaUi ' Twin Kiilln with Mriiarot. l"’ “ '

.....loulic-n lilK,;ln;. anil f.iii.il>’ havr V..I in,;. ,ho ro lo ro,l.lom „ un

!. M. II.1II ..poiii Tno;iiluy »H'l W.'l- idar in Twin I'alln. ■ ‘rii.- many JrlonMii of llluni ho I’rail ] ,.|.|||'II rocr.'l t<. hoar Ihm rho hai; had , 1)011 Mhoul b.'iiin..i- uf in iKMllli. x.irnlil

iiri lUnnoh.t wail forniorlj n ulucli'iil n.„.i„II,,.

T lli : n iST llH 'T t'd lillT (IV TIIK •lU 'llTH jriH C IA I. M.STUUT -"'‘f ' ’'IK T in : STATt; OK IIIAIH) IX ,\M» .--------h'lIU THK t'lHI.NTV OK TIVI.V ^•AL^S.

KuiiiniiinH f.ir PulilIcnIIuii

iHulur.' Ilnlilermnn, ,I’lnlnllff, ,

nh l Kiirni ;.nO Slu.:k Cunipiiiiy.

ian, Dor.nhy McKnrlaml. C. I . icKiirhinil. U n a VIol.'t, Il»>lilor- mn. Illl.hi Mario ll.ihlormau. ran I). Il'ilitpniiiiii. (lwir<llati'nt ^ run VIolel Ituhloriniin und llll- :> Murli- lloldi'rinun. and nil of jJ ,1C unknown ownern. d.ivlnoon .jy|r Kruni<.r« uf. o r Ihe unknown .I'lm. lomli'oii, or oluliminlnolillng iinilor Cnrlhi E. llu ld rr- ,lan. lloi I'UH'il. ..r .InlmlnR uniilori'nt In Ih.l Norlhwent ynnr. 1, .,,,.nr of (ho .Vonhcant qim rtcr ofiocllon Twoniy-f.Mir. Ti»vn:ililprwplv.-. Sniiih, ItunRu I'ltii'i 'h .

II. M. '----- -Tho STATE OK IDAHO nen.ln greo-r r r io Tfurir-'Tariil-hna-Sior«-Ciim -------->'my, n curporailuu, I.<-na O. Holdrr- 1 nn. Dornthy Mct'arlund. C. I.. M.- 0 . S. ■ rland. t/inu VIolcl llolilorman. Hll- Mai I Murin Itulilorinaii. U n a 0. Hold- Not m an, Ouanllnn of I.enn VIolel Hold- 0 . Ca mnn nml IHIdu Mnrln Holdorman, Januj id a ll nt tho iinkno«n ownorn. do. Bntry neen or Krnninrn .if. o r lho nn- 22; I nown holm, InKutco*. .o r clalmaul* NW'K :>ldlnic under Cnrils E. Holderman, 2C. 1 .•coaticd. or t'a ln ilng nn Inierent In J^ast. ic 'Norlhwciit Q uuricr of the North- of Inl iBt .QiiartPr ot Section Twcnly-four. iiwiinhlp Twelve. Sonlh, ItanRo I 'lf / dU cr ren. K. n. M.. the nhovc numed dc- 8. Ce rndnnu. ho, 0Von nre hereby nniltk-d tha t a Cla

nnplnlnl hnn bocn fll.;d ugalnni you Aai < lho Dlntnel Cnnrl of Uio t\iurU i I<lah< ndlclal D l.irlct uf lho Hlulu or Ida- Idahc

Hi nnd for TwJn F»))« County by Uahc 10 aliove named plaintiff, and you Idabt ro hereby directed In appear and nnwor nald complaint wlihln Iwou’y Mar. ay* of lho nervlco o t thin summon*' nerved within sold Judlnlsl Di*irlcU £ nd wllhln forty dayn 11 '<?rvod olno- Ihoro; and you are further nollftod nal union* you no app iar and answer ltd complafnt wtlbln Uio (fmo boro- I Bpecltlci]. the . plaintiff will, lako jdgmoitt agalnnl you an praved, In nld compIalDl.T his acUon In brought for lho pur- <

080 o t qutoting title In tho plaintiff D Uie above described landa a t * gnlnnt tho defendanU and oach ol hem.

Wftnenn my hand nnd lho aeui d ho said D lilr lr l Court, thin 12lh da; if March, 1920.

C..C. SIGGINS,Clork.

SEAf.)1 M. Wolfo and J . F. Marlin. Offl<lllornoys for plaintiff. ienlding a t Twin Falls. Idaho.


Deparimoni of th o Interior. ; - S . . U nd J3 ia c a .iq - E alky ,-_Idahu . — - Iilalifi. Aiirtl C-

Noilce Is hereby Riven Ihut Jasper ;ilerm ark i o( Rogerson. Idaho, wbo rn January «. i9tB. made ilomoMoad Sntry No. 018062 (or SU 8W?4 Sec.:6; SEK Soc. 20; NU NW% Soctlon t 13. Township 16 Soulh. Range JC need Saat. BoUo Meridian, has (Hed no- Wrll loe ot Inlentlon lo make (Inal three JAK roar proot, (0 o iu b llsh claim to the and above described, betoro H. E. fowora, U. a t^m njlsslonor a i Twin r i l l s Idaho, on the ?th day o( June.1P20.____________ _________ _____ _ _ i l

Clalmani names aa wllnesaea: -B fa*at-lji-O r*«»r(Jatt-lirT hO m pw n; 441- Dwlfhl 0 . Frantlce, Wallace e ra se r . . 'III o t Buhl, Idaho.

BBN R. GRAY,Rogliter. — -

iprti f. Mtr 7.8 5 t i T f r f l t 7 5 r ~ * ^ a m

NOTICB FOB PCBLIOATtOK l dc Dtpartm tD t o f tn*. Is ta rio r. '

O: & 'L aa « Offico a t Hallyy. idaba. Marcb «, l»M . • —

'NoUc* ta b m h r stvaa tb i4 <PtarJ ‘B S h lT n .e tT « la n i U . Idahov -wfeo ^ n .J a iu X R a l

f, to ciilBbllnh claim to the laad0 described, beforo iL B. Pow . • •U. S. CommlflBlonor, a t Twin

1. Idnho, on tho 20th day ot I, 1920.nlinanl nnmen an wlinennen: llllam Oeilden uf’ Tw in K iH i, Ida*. . O eorr" Wnnhlnclon of .T w in '

n. Idaho; J. \V. Ln.Monto of Twin ..1. Idaho; H urry NoU o t Buhl,

IJKN n . ORAY.U eilstor.

. 17 lo Apr. ir..

.Srrlul N.I. OITnS-lllTtlO .SDTH'K KOU I’l'HI.K 'ATlOV

IK.jiariim'in of lhc In iorior. .Uiml ortli'o ul ilalloy, Idaho,

Dllri' l« li'rri'lij- g ivrn llinl Hay V.Phoni i>f Twin Kalll.. Muho. whu April i;i. l;nr>. mudo lloinrnteud

ry. No. OITIIS for SW^i Sec, 6,, who on Di'ionilior in, 19IC, mado n If. K. Nci. u lT llf for S',4 NWU, s 3 and 4. S .riion fi, Townnhlp 14 Ith.JlnURo II i:anl. Ilolno Mrrldlan,1 tiled nnili o ,.f inl.-ntlon To mako It thrco jv .ir j'r'Kjf, ta rncatillKh Iin In Iho Illllll iihiivn dv.icrlhed, oro II. K. I'ow.T'i. V. S. Commlv iior at Twin I'..l1i>. Iduho, on tho

day lit JiiiU'. lI'-i'.

I. K, SilioiiiiiTii. N. c. tihc-phord. Dan rnlinu'oil. H. i'. Tiirnlpiiucil. a lt ol -In Kalhi. Idaho.

t(i:N U. CIUAV,^ l l tR l s l c r , -

.nh :;o Aprll i;'i. .

.Serlnl Nn. lil 'IH t .NOTK'H KdU ITUI.lCATIOrfUcpariincni of ihn Interior.

K. I.11111I orrU'o u t llnlley, Idaho,Mar.h UT. 1:1: 0.\'<i({cn Ifl horriij’ g lirn Umt Theo- ri‘ ('. HonilHvr ot llnntion, Idaho.10 oil Muy 'i:;. 191C. n'lado Home*•ml onlr.v. No. OI74S4 for N 4 NE14 I'lli.n IJ, TuwuKhloMI Konlli.RanBO

l 'iu < Hohio M.iriiilnn:'Van filed - lice of InlcnUon lo mako H nal r.'n yoar pr.«if, to itiiinhlish claim

III.' lund ubov.i drncrlbed. boforo E. f’iiwiTii..,tr. S'. Comnilnnfoner. a l

vlll. Kalin. Iduho, on itio , 1st day Jono. l'J20.

C'.|ulmunl nanioii n;i w linennrs: 'Klmer Mlniun, of Hnnnun, Idaho; iberl If. It.ilierli. of Tw in l-'nlln, Ids- 1; Calvin. K. I jili ly of Mnrlaugb, uho; firnri M. llu rkhnller ot Klm- rly. Idnho,

: HEN R. CRAY,IlegUtor.

n<-h .lO-Aprll 2S,

Serial Xo. IIIM70— >'OT1(;K-1'OK4‘UBL1C11IO!L_________

Doparlmiint of the Interior.. S. I.and Olfico a l HaHey, Idaho, Marcb'C; 1920.Notion In horoby given lh a t Jo iia . Cane ot Uogornoa. Idaho, who, 00 m uary 10. 19IG, made Ilomeilead m ry No. oiocro fur S E ^ SEU Sec.’; 8Va S W ^ ,.S H SEVi Sec. 23;WW NW% S«c. 26; N U TtEU Sac.

Tovrnahlp 16 Boulh, Rango 16 aat. Uoino Meridian. Ima lllod noUco - t Inlenllon lo mako th roe year proot, uesiabllah claim to the land abovo k/crlbed, beforo H. B. Power*, D.. Com m tidoQ cr.'at T w in Fall*, Ida*0, on lho 21nl dgy o t A pril. ICO. Claimant names aa w luosaea:Aaron A. Tolm an o t Amilardam,

laho; Martha Tolm an o( Amstardam, laho; Allco L. Irw ln o t Amsterdam, ' Jabo; William J . Case o t Kimberly, labo.

BBN R. ORAT,lar. 17 lu April 15. Register.


a a a a J t BoihwaU 'O ff — BOTBWBLL * CBJBU AH

Otflee: Baugh Bldg.

A 5RER a WILBON om a a f t m H a n B o t BM t.


U * V a is A vasM M' Pbona M l

•OSTEOPATHS" d il i . ' i W e k iL ju m ,

OMMipath 3ffloa pboao M l. , Baa. pboM lU - J - l

ARTISTHOWARD W H lT n E B BOBIHBOX STOVIO, cor. B a in a n l t 4 St. B ait.

Flae o n F a la tla rfl on Bata. -' laa irve tlon g lv t i .

rOR 'V lU V r ULAB8 VAINTINU'AMD-------------D B C O lW T tN O -call-lW ;-------- :-----_________ JOSEPH O nO H . .

TAXIDERMISTI am roady to taka «a ra e t jo o r

leoda ta aU U ada o t t u l d a r n r v o t t . iVrlio or aao mo a t T U v , ItH tO rr ■ lAKH 8cm ,U N D , T t t i d a m l a t : I - -

HEMSTITCHnil.Q-,v i s a BlBHUNMVPl'B . '

122 Main A to. 80. .P lm M W M .. . ;

M U a (3BLXA A . O i » ’ . .'t n ttti >Tit TT TTnrk m ir a n tw i i i l '

P ro a ;p t.8>rTie<. . '

A R C H rm jT s ; ',

I do a rch ltac to ra l ; C'l >39

____ " PAQB FIVI!

Page 6: I& liSEN F FRENCH AS LEADER Str NVASION ROMISEDnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES_… · r. ||r«lr I.Jfc-VOL. L NO. aea! Twm Fall LOCAL MAN ^ I& liSEN

. '•.......’ .............gO«iW6aBODOOOD30C»OOOOaOOOOWOO

B A R G i ’40 A O E M :i m ilM n f T w in Fnllx. T li

p W «CW ; C-flftll. ,

§ ^ 0 ACTRES S d u lli <<r Kili-r, iimi§ • fi'iu ’cil :i llii* hiiriruin III

' g . Iinilillo il ; l)aliilicT n i

I 4 .B O O M H O U S E <m Tlli Av.-. l-linl,

S ( (.R O O K H O U B S on :ir.l Ka-.t. ni.- S !;;}()()(Mia niAli.

I 3 .B O O U B O T J8 E oil mil N oriii 5 2 >-cnr.H.

f T h e nbovir n iv on ly ii fi-u- c.f i>m- Iii'nl S And w c w i l l 'b o lo liclp VllllI VttH^Bc. •

I ^ixCHANGERE/I P b o n e 86

dOOOOOOOOCHVOOOOOOOOOOOOOliQQOaOO' lo o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o b o

■ I - S ee J. A . G A

I the Insurance


^ o w M o a o o iM o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a a

I T R O Y L A I~ a n J D fy C l




*— | __ ___ ALL WORK GUAI

I See us before Re-srindini I Blectoical Curberater. Al I tuning.

I 126 2nd Ave. 'f o o o ^ o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o a o Q O O o o a o o c

'^ o o te a o o e o o o M a e o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o i

V i c t o r y G a W e l d i n g ^ ?


Lt w i n f a l l s , n

W . p. F R E N O k P «

Bphouft 22B .E ^

C H 3 0 0 « p a e o a o o o o o o o o o o q o o o o o c


S P E C IB A R G i ^

80 A C R E S Jieni- T w in F n lls , sm all im fcn e e , 13 u r m n lfu lfu ; jn'i

i b A O B Z S ncot- T w in I 'u lls , fi-rontii lm _____ _____ BQOiLjiarKaioj_S:'I '?_i'i;LH i'.rA _s.ii

8 cony tu rin ii on linliinuo.

26 A O & E S ulusc in , liousi', bu rn , i>n! SlOO p e r Qcrc.

10 A C R E S , o r i'h i in l’, lum sr, l.im u Tlii $6500; $151K) ca.sli.

B A C R E S a t a bnr^^ain, liousi-, b u rn , c

5 9-B O O M now Iiouko U'itli Kli'rj>iiiK jior _____£ _ _ ___ c r l in s jp f t , lliiy nm l hoiisc iiu is t I_h

_ § 5-E O O M lio u s r, Hloi!|)inK'I'ori-li, ^arn i I " ■ $-J20O('.fl(tOO‘c h s ! i ; ........................

S O'ROOIA liouHii, m odern , barn,I roflh.

'§ W c Uavc Kood N o rt li lnml liarKiii; g Uicm. '

0 T h e nbovo is oqIv a fo«»‘ o f (nir bn ri'n ii 5 w c w ill b e plcuKcd to lic-lii y o n t< f vantog(?.

1 O fficc d e sk room f o r r e n t.

9 I’liuiv SSS or ra il a l ltd .Mnlii .Vtr. \o r ll


000000000060000000000001 1000

A IN S it:TIliN in a «<>(k1 Imy a t S 1 ''|i

o g V

iniKi-, Im rn , fen .... . a n il i-rons g 9 )|,'■'..IMI [HT urn.-; w ill S § o

. $'jrillll.iKI; nnly riisll. | (J§ g ll

iii.'c liiw n iiImI slia'di; Ii'ci-h 2 2

I I .ll'

ilKMK': iT.'KUKl ca-.li; ImlaiUT 2 g v6 O K

■ g o ' 'li'Hl liiiyK, Cull „•[ till- i.frin- g g ’’ I'oii lin 'ulii lu y u u r l»-hl ml- g g *

g §

i A L T Y C O . | g j113 M ain A vo. E a s t g g



ce M an P

lealth Insurance | 0000000000000000000000001 ' 1000000000000000000000000

U N D R Y j lg fiooo<

cleaningP n

■PHONE 66 11aooooooooooooooooooooootfi ^OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOoat' 5 p r

S § >0

: H E L M | | k:h a n ic s . § I a!\ R A N T E E D 1 1 f "

ing—Specialize on | § All kinds of motor 8 | “H;

I S1 5 ral

;..W esl I i J raoooooooooooooooooooooooi |OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOOn o C

arage & ■ Works ||HCL\L1STS i i ” i

g 5 Ul0 g Tr:2 5 a n

ID A H O g g Ollio \ ° .»r1 g toi

P r o p r ie to r g g gJ:;

411 S cco n d A vc. S . 2 g


lA L 11" A IN S ljim|iriivi-iin-iilH. wiivoit wir<! § g j.iT a iT c. .'usii. 6 I ji„

lim iw , bu rn , lioiim u r r l ia n l o _s.'i!!dLi!J'^MiV'i.l_d<i)yi_‘a > d _ S *aoa£

....... ............ IIorirliiird nnd a Imk lih rfjiiin " o o

s sT his IH a ve ry (jiiod Imy a l g g

s sI, c ity w ali-r nm l lis l 't^ . g 1

[lorcli, T rrn is . O w n- o g. be K'diU________ ___ I I _irn).'!', n e a r L inco ln fiL'liool; o g

iifii', i^liii'ltcii liim .ic; § o

[^aiiiti. C a ll nnd m;i.' u s a b o u t 1 2g g

’uiiiH, Cull n t tlm otrii-i? a n d g oI to loeati.* ll) v o n r lli'at a<l- g g

§ i

g i “oriii. K r.. n id ..- u j . n - . o g

ta te & T rust Co. § g8 o


OOOOPOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPU^^OOr ^'SIODKJIN S.Koi>ia IiOu'o. no«vl)- S j l > ilfroraleil —with rnnrp 'P r ice 2 g I Kuoo. lliiail tvrnis. 6 ; gI o5 .Mudrra j.Iliiiiiii IiflUKi'. nx 2 .!^g lip'v. ITIrn Jlsr.O; JlOOfi ra:'H 0 j5 wlll Iiniiillo till*. Tcniiu io'»iill. £‘ l ' “5 ' O '"1001J Jlnilcrn a 'l lo o n liiuixr. brut pnrl g l -i of luwu, Tcr.oi); }il>un ||(|»I1, h.-il- g I

1 0 A rn-. for J"ino. HulinMo (ur o ' o2 ilalry nml poullry. ^ 'g

? .^lirdiTli •'i.Kimm liuunu with fiir> S j p 5S iilliiro liicIuillnK c'k'pirli: rniiRt’. g . S (J wired for hi-iil and CHoUIiip. i:oo<l o ' o -i'3 Khiido und nlco In w n .c o rn er, g ’ g I J Illl. cliixi! lu nrlioni und iilx o l a) lilixkn troai l)uiik cnrtitr. I’ricc? g i g } JluOii. tJuod lirimi. l’oni<i-ii:ilon g l o \) tOllil}'. g i g

I J .D .C on n er ii» ^I s w Hh^* tInl.l• W rsl . 2 ; g 1


B w n

L O C A L DEA .........IN

[NOW THEY MUST. FACE TllO O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o M a 0 a

"Decorate Y ^ r i f lJ u Home With a New | mi Coat of Paint §

■ o

Yim've no lil.-a lio'v imicl: fini-r. g ComrprosDcroun ii.vl ivmn’iim-iitWl 2your hnmp will Iouk " llli ii O —HprlUR ronl of imliit., You'll nj>- 9Iirecinlc how HC-dy It n-nlly 2looks now «•«.*» IU urcaunt vp- g lnror of n(,lt n r .l ...ot ulld U.r Ol O rWiracra of wliiirr'fl tlmw. g |And If y.vir iii'1i,lm>*.' "pnlnin g |up" all IK' |.rr.b;ibly wlll. your ghounf. -will Miffi'r b>- lhe con- gtraiit. Thi-u. loo. il.ore In nu c, P«'

-f-coiiflni)!— . § . __ _A* ou« of prldi'. Yuur liuum: p ;will dclorloralr li'r;i lu apiiiTir- gjuntr. Ill wi-;ir and lu vi.lur It oyou kurp ti In i:oi'd ciimlllluu— gprolwited from ilcclbu- liy oiir 5 ' rii'lralD-rc«l(iUii(t. tun * U n paliiui g

.Marxhiill tt'rlfx I'li/nls nnd g you w}<rtiKtir«. o I’lir »

Clean Up Around g the Place § 3 i

g nIuiNrQvl Uin cli'»n-itj> lihbil. ni;d lu 'lp .g Valf.beautify thlR ctiy. Uct tlio buck g Wbynrd in an ni-;il uml uri-scntnblo 5 wliriicondition a» your uwu fron t g fairlyInwn. tli't . llic riilO! oul nnd g i Uir wKalJiiT all Dii- oM 'I tad Iruvi-i'. g : a lutiiIwlHK aud brum:hr< lliat b;ivu o ! uot ,clain Iburii durlUK tia- w in tir. g ii-o u r^Trim ih« hcdKP and ihc la'.-.n o l rlshtarounil lUo lioui.u nnd curli. aud g l I'ltlrriodRi'H of flower plnlK. !M l-- o | i-n«>'flrnt of nil K>'t lhe m:i:«»i.iiry g Uilnlitoiib . You will ni-.-d i;.k"ii. g . Ii I.hIheen. upftdps. abovi’ln aud t r u w ocl:i ftnd in o rdrr lo mnVi- ihi- g l "Uirrwork innrr iilca-.uut von \slll g Thatnrod Kood lotiH.^ T!;-' loi.Iri thnt |

Kulir.lunllal uud <l'::i1t!Ui'd ' for 2 lo hi'hard Burvicr. T rf;it 'em rnuBb 5 'If'" "nnd tl-.ry will Ik- (Iii: #amr koo<I g f JiiRifrlcndfl an «li"U ne>v, O h

o Nol

Reynolds 1 lE Bros Co.'

Snd .\ i r . S. Opjiii^llr S a ir ' ‘Y®(.riinm ls T u la IMIK |

Jliilil, Cnitlpfurd. Vlli-r. J ln r lr j g niviiy4 ft Wll

s o o o q o p p o o o o o o o o o o o a a a o c o i |„cai

lo a a a a a a D d o a a o o o o a o o c u a a a ^ l- 'l l . j l in 'l


V / 3 . S 1 S gi|°‘’'="

ou 11- - C o - I

- - ----------------------------------§ : | - -

A home g;© *

company §!|g|g

of Home people g |

developing |jg

Idaho’s resources ?-g

H om e O fficc, T w in F alls g i g

° sa o o o o o o o p o o o o p o o o o p o p o p p o »gpoo



;> D noooooeB O Poooaooooaooooac< P oe

THE VCCoatc, Suits, W aists

aoaisooocB oeoi.iriaD O O ooooooooPO O ?

o o p c c o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o a o o o a o o o t

B y . p a t r o n i z i i

P a r r o t t O p iyou are encouraging hoit our lense. i a re ground rifFalls.

Wp solicit the most diffici tion.

133 Main Ave. E.} 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0




ALWAYS SHUNNED s___________ Js jm

im m unity W ith S u c h a R e p u ta - o rr i-:

t io n S u ffe rs a s F rom a u ,v i'


-----------------■ U m tI


tbrsn’eple Cm C rttts and MalnUin f>re»- .t-r<-iit< perlty If They Will Keep Their ''nx|.•^

_M oney.BLH dm e.ln.Clr.----------eul«tl«n. '

____ lieoii :’PrfUM. t»11. W..t.mr.V«iti.p»rrnlnn.i ".‘ tiiy nttuy from tho t loivn. U'n u Ild oni-." , ' I'rllrill>o ynu want llml lo he mIiI of propli ur town? OC cnuriio yno ilnu't. for ' ll wl.Ii, iin a mnilrr o r lo ^ p rW e , If r nu m hrr rcawn. to hnvo yonr l>ro»pi ivn Miami lilxh lli Uic OKtlmnllon of w ru i i> world. Itnl nro yon suro thnt you V dolHB rvrrytlilnR lu your powrr

p lacr your town In Iho ruHltlon 'ilch you wUh lu occupy? ’fliu t Ik ihi<THlUnt Ihnl ci'crj- iwrnon fhouhl asl; i;ilusrlf o r hi-rti-lf o t frcqurnl IniiT- 1j>. *> 'W bru Ihlncs nro ruaninc ainoothly. 1' irn llini-1 n rr jjiiwl. nnd whon It In Irly rany to niaVi- u k<’<h1 llvlnif fnr r w lf- nnd kIdilIcK, it Ih i«j runy f>ir inaii.tn f.irK.'t ihsc tliri*o IhltiKn d<i t cnnir lo n t.iwa flK a niaUvr nf iir»o. IlUl nr>* the rc.-ult o f ihc , tht kind of crfnri on Ujo part of lho ilrrn i uf Ihr cnnmiunliy. I t U *0 “ «>'fiir n lliun In uruw ciirrlr*» nud l"‘” ’“ Inli tbat iH-csii-.,. tlilA condlUoa ex- “f'*'-''' :.h| Ii will conllnue to c rl" t without ,y fiTnrl on IiIh jmrl o r tlm t n f the lirr n-«lrti.’u u of thn eommuplty. ' lat 1» why It In Importnnt for ovory "'*'y 1! lu Kiiip nnd Ihlnk ncrlounly onco ' n whllo about wbat U wooirt nimii hliu If tho iir.iHt»rrlty thnt muUcii

r w.irth llvlns for lilm ihould take 1'“*'* BW) lir iiiTfly.

Nobcdy Level a Dead Town.NulKKly llliL-H III lire Id n d ra J lown.. mil- rvrn llkr* to Tlslt n <1i*nJ town. lal 1 why you wuurtlnirs Jipnr-tlinl ii nliiif. -'.Slay nwny from lh a r town. •* n drnd nnr." T h r town whirtj hns * • 'ilu' <■ rrjiutntliin nf b rlns a drnd ono 'auf-I-H mi If from n p.-«tllcnce. BuM- The-s nirn nrrklns new Incntlons wlll '''Iii"riivo nnne of It. Tli-t live iravi'llnR comm li'Munn. rvrn. wlll clvr It n widerlll. Tli-i;ii- will, llvo In It will got >ui: Itaiy If Ihry CUD. "•‘"•ll'\Vln a a Iimn In llvo and prospi-roun l"wn.73l I'lmlno!! 1-1 KooO. rrnl m tnlc val' " ‘“ •‘t'--■4 nri' lilsli nnd Ktahlc. labor In In 1*“'

rri'I.'i uro wvll llebtrd. Ihu rr»Ulrtit» “ I' i;l. tli'-ir t'rni>-'riv n rr iiri>irct<Hl_ frmn o ^ a t

o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c

F i s k c o r d andederal FABRIC


■0 . W. CHRISTIAN, 31? V /. G hoshone, TW IN PALLS

We deal ih sacond-hai

A ll K inds of R eFirat Class W ork



OGUE\s and M illinery 11> o p o p o o p o o o o a o e o o o o p p o b o o « |

o o o o a o o o o o o o P o o iig g p o a o o p o g

zing the | |

) t i c a l C o . 11 “3ihe industry, as all 11 righ t here in Twin | | ^

iciilt caseii o f refrac- 11




- S '0 •R


Idu*!-?' nl.d r.iu U.ia ^».h1 u ijuuii.1 lift Ct iiliitiilni'd for till- <-ilun)tli<ii of the g CI'; illdn-n. Whru n lowa In drnil, (hrrc p I-'l)

lltllo niom-y lu elrrulnllnn, xtarc g ill<llnK< Mund empty wltl) “Kor Salii” o Wc ini hanslne on i b f front door, thorr g I’ln Jllflo WH|>Ji)yjjj>-ot for thu ithnrtog

iin. tb r Htree;a pro 'dark , tho schooli r crlpplod. . ■ >OOPQ<\Vbat non of fown ilo yon wont to g • ' ,-i! In? Tbcro la only ono nnnwor lo g 1 nl question. Ynu wnnt to llvo tn flir a .•u tuwa nnd rnJoy nil the good tlilnci g I n t como lo ttio rcaldcuUi of aucli a p * ramualty. S '

Antwer Eaally Found. PTho only ijuvHtiou Uicn la aa to liou S iruo proHSoroua coodltlona cao b( V i-nttfi] o r mnlntalncd nnd It la tlic 0 kU-M iblnc In tho world lo Hnd Uif gi*jxtcja.HiaL(iuiialliiOi_____________a _____I f till- jx’nplo of ,u coiniuuuKy wlll g o|) Uii-lr niuni-y o t homo nnd keep ll o ■ clrouhilbm nniimt: lllrlUM;lvrl^ tho} g

i>d hnvo no fonr o f urur bclns com- o . Ilcd III llvo In u drnd town. If Iht g V oplo wlll pntrunlxc the ir own bum- 0 tui inon Instrail of kcudlnB Iholr dol- g *y rs tn the malt order Itouica, Mi< g ospirlty oC tljo comtniinlty wlU tiiVt 5 ru_of Itaoif. O l iTlic locnl Htorcs, to n very larso cx- S □1, muko every tnwn. . The taxei g Ti Id l>y tho bUKlnoaa men o t the cont- 5 unity aro lho prlncl|inl aupport ol 2 I-i;chi>ulR nnd puhllc iDulltuilana. I l g t ( tho tnxra pnld l>y tbo alorokci-pera. g a liir'so rxtont, thu t muke povdhlc p

.* publle Improrriuonta, lho tiro pro- g ction. Ibc a treet llfihUns and tbe 0 iiiiy oihor ihlnpi which mako 0 tonra g Vi jr th livlnc in- ‘The umll order bouae o ira mil Jmy nuy Uixe* in tho town g im which It si-ta Ua wiini-y. I t iloci> P It help tu support tlic achoolH ui g o.churcbcK. I t (luoa Dot belp llehl P q] 0 atrcoia o r innlntalo tho lire di'- g rlm rnt. It Ix tbo nlm of tho mall 0

ik-r liouura to drivo amall town m r r g V luni.i oul of buaincM, ao th a t Ibi g

«■»} be fiMupi'llriJ to urotl lc g il0 clilra fur U irlr'm i-rchnndlao nnd g l’i ry ote aprndluB IhouiuinilH o t dol- 8ra rvrry mnnth to ftccompllah Ibit g D irixcr. If Uiry ahould auccecd, who 5 >uhl pny th r inxca tba t pro now 5 , 111 by th r IumI uirrchantaT It's a o ' K rtaln ty ' Ihat the luall order IIUUM g )uld uut puy th e n . 5 n

iiiu e la Clear C u t gI'v rry dollnr Hpont n t homo hclpi g iDiiki* Uir town a Utu onr, p ^

i:»i-ry ilnllnr a rn t nwny from lionje g 'Illl- miill o rdrr linuac bi-lp« to make p

!• (own It dead onr. gTho IKMUO In a c irf ltfu t.o n a . and 1* P nnrrly n|> ti> rv rry rCTltlcnt of th r g mmunliy, whcihor a rcaldi-ot o f Uit P wa ll'i 'lf o r of lho ciiuntry lurround- g 1; It. Tbo man who dura not care P !irih<-r III! Ilvra lu a llvu or a dead g wn. If Ihrrn la aucb o muo. need g mft- no ihaaBhe oa the autijccC httC r mnn who syanu to live lo a llv* u'iij3mimLscL4iYM-IumLlL_IUi “ S fiS1 Kl blm In make bla toivn a Uto one g ^ a drnd uoo. g n


? TIRES MI i MkS g you

R A L ■ I 1=------------------------------------- —-------- g S-llMlI

I ISiLS, IDAHO Pbone 402 | “ ‘

I Yn

.and cars |


epair W ork 11rk inuuh ip >• - 1 1 ”IMOMOMWOWOOWWWWS to?W

. APRIL 10; ibiZQ *

C o m p £Real Estate Fi

0 Room M odom ImiiHo, cood vcincnt nncis bfird wood ,lloor#, locati. of city. I’rlvp^l $700.00 unde ofl niicuiiiiL uf llw fuel tlm t p until .June lu t. I’ricc ^'):i00.00

fl Room M odom hmiHn, full ceincnt lloii.ic is widl built nnd in ((o l’ricc '$ l.'0« .00 i ^18-IO.W) caali,

TIicHo.nro our two bot


a o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o p o p o p p o o p o a c o o o o o o o p p o o a o o o p p o o p o p o o r t ipopi

AYOIl) TII.VT COLD % % g W# niond tho rip* S 5 *And patched Uin linlea. P 5

IlulM up tho baoln p gAnd ans'd your ao/e«. 2 5

. . I'ETKH HHOK SHOI* 5 g 23U-238 Vf. Shoahono g P


Hftir Ooodi g §Swilclicfl, Tranatuianiona. 15lc. p nOO< mado from your own comblDsa. g loooi Tlalr dyed'fo'riint[?n"yonr nw!j.- S 5 - - •Full Stock Nnw U alr Goode, g g

Mra. Ida Ncal' ' P PShndalr Itooma, 133 1-; I'l Main. § g


CI:r.A?ll !tC .VJfP RKr . t » t lXB..CITY CI.EAXKILS & TAILt»R8 g iJOPt I-'lno Tailoring of Mona and p g

l.adlcfl »ulta n Rpeclalty g p Work CallciJ fnr and DollTereil P g l-liano 123 111 1-2 E. .Main St. g fi T

iPPPOOOOUOODPPQPPPOOOOOOOl 2 H apQ ocao o o o a o o o o P O O O O o o o o (| g g 0 o

« ' .... ..... ....P IBOOf

F a rm ers l j '


1 1 I g 4;

What do you need | oppo 5 -ippt

in the im plem ent 11 J line this spring?' 1 1

I t is ju s t a s cheap § 5 *A 0000to buy no'w as it | ff™

will be la te r, and . 1 8 ,

you get the longer 1 1

.use o f y our pur- Ichase. 1 1 ®We can quote you | S »

the low est possi- I Sjoop 'OOOC

ble price on any 1 1 . kind oi: fa rm im- 1 1 '

plement, w ith im- | SI OPPO

mediate delivery. | S " '

R e y n o ld s | ‘ B ro s . C o . I „

p p p p o o o q o c h k h m o d p p p p p o o w m p o o i


V w « hATo Ult(to*

u I''*'*'!n P Z ? - j B r J Qul‘« a nu

J fielghtera. a ‘ ma uae lho I

aak that they aaro eiirtona for you. B rim you Gc apleco for lh«in. T bli offor bolila i Ju3l Ihlnk w bal a aplendid opinnuofiy i aum ot luontr- T hla m e k oao Iltlla glri h Wo gavo her 30c for them. I t took her bi

-4li«inr^M>mlblr-iiou<Mr-(l*«-q>laat««r—fk won paid for hor of(ort? Yea. certainly i you ahould do aa woll—perhaps b«itV-r. pia llTlng In Tw in Falla who haTe two o Ilomedlaa. Som e boy or girl la alm ott cer Il«m«dlen wero aold In. And why ihould cartona from ono homo! How mueh 'inoni en a t Cc nplece would cone to $I.:o. L Yea. nor la tbla a ll. Should you be aa la rso tl Dunibar for the «a«k yott win ba loial of »3.20. ,At tbs end of each weak o t th li conlaal p rlte to Iba boy o r girl bringing ua tlia At tho end of tho contaat. tiiraa grand pr wlll b« dlalrlbutad to thoao brlo(ltig tu Hi for tbe ooUre parlod. Tonlgbt anda tbe W bat bo r o r g irl wloa tbe dollar? m i o x 194219 A O £ jrc r , Ops«({(«

oD*io boaPoi»oopbjabPOOOW

i-ire Insuiranbe

lent bitiioincnl, l ire iibu'C. fnr-i-atod in b est reH idcntiul p a r t 5nde r it« vnliic fo r «|iiii'ft ,«‘<c 5 .it poaHciwiun c a n n o l l)i: i;ivcn g *'l.OOj^aJSO.OOciiHh. I

:n t bascm M it, KlcepinR pm i'li. |«ood rcp ii ir . Qiiod loi-ation. s

lali, b a lance cnsy luiynieii'iB. 5

bost bnrjjaina.. g

IEALTV CO. I Shoshone St. South |


C. O. Meigs I154 3rd Ave. So. | '



^ e n You E at— . §•E a t ftt The—O&ILL |QpetJ D a y a n d .Vight P

All White Help |

ooooppopbobooppppoppo^^Ilcm atltchlnr, I'oTcrril.IlBUoni S

I'ieaUsK ■ ........... " gTirlu FolU IlemaUlchloR tihop |

m Mnln Arc. So. I'lioiin |

QOOOOPPPPOPPPOOOPPPOPOOOa .oaopooooooDooeooaoooooppe

W. B. Wall Plumb, m s Co.

----------------riinnn imF or Qood PlnmMng


THE >OnLK.DKRTEISON CO.-------G£NEKAIr-Ul»£.—-________

Succcwtoni to AVin. Clniiscn 430 S. Mfila Phone 73B

loooopppppopooooopbpooocPPOPOPOPOopOpPBOPpPPOOOPfl -


Hatter and Tailor I jooopoppopooppp*popppo<to§ ippooooopooooooppppppoeootf IDAHO OIOAE PAOTOBT f

W holcatlo and HeUII . S iloM IUU nnd Jobniilo Dlrd X

U adloR Umnils P .(i. AliCL, sa i S. Mala 5


Hooiier F u ro itu i. Oo, § NBW AND BEOOim |

HAND PDRHITUBE § . Main Avenuo Booth P

u>d207 8hoiibo&«8o. | spoooopoopopppoMibopoooPwPPPPPPOPIMOPOPOOOOPPPOPOP

Idaho Volcainiiinff. Oo. | Ropair, nbuild aad ' |

renew old t l w | Ageota U. S.. Tirei I

ippopppoppooeoep^eopobpoot' ppopoooooopoopoopooooQaob ^



Oontrjil BU t«i LIffl W Oo. | w o p o o o o p p o p p o p o e c le M M o iA / -

l x n d i d o f f S ^ B & ¥ S - A N £ H M f t L S I —UIO for a large nuaib«r.,vl ear., 5

t Uttle g rten colored card&oard O :nslgn Itcmedlo'a afo 'ao ld In.-

number of your frienda and R, and perhapa papa and mam- ho licmadlea, 'We 3Bair« yoa io Ing Uictn to n« and r n wUL gUa la good nntO a fte r May IS.- fly tbla {a to n a k a a alca 'litU a ri hrouKbt na alx a a p iy csrtona.' r bul a few momenU to prOcurT ' • "—r>onV you-th lnk-tharprtn rm ir“ ------tiy aho woa. And '•r. Wa know a 'n u in b e f bt;iM o. .ro or more down.ttf ihV-fSailia. ,ccrtoln to j ta t U it ta rto p a ih 'e ia ;

auld It no i.be you! T m W i a ' nonoy would j ,

. Lola oC inoaeyl ro t|,M (ila l«„1 aaccaiitoL la .brls«lBC(.w.sUi» ; ,I ba clT<m t u o addlUoub or ■ t

lla il wa are «^v ln g i m u a V tha largvat num ber o t eartOB£ ' '

1 prlaca of I5.M. • ' .la Ibe large/ll ‘ --tbe flrat waaV,’ ’