'y-l- '' - v - . - f-'- '■ ''I m e • VOL.B. NO. Bd. - •.• i-IH B ' m ; John. L. Lewis, PresWent'of ■ ' 'United Mine Workers, Invit-' _ ■Five Pennsylvania Towns ' : -SOAL-STBIKB SDMMAET A' yewpUnlfmbmlttedto.Pwi- Z x 'id^at S&rdlsff u d inlii» wtuk* « t‘ l««d«i ty -JohB P. Itok. ■«, mayor of 8en«toB,-P*. " : Oovenunrat tgueifli tako itepi to ! effect fifflerKeosr dlitribatlon of fool to railwayt u d pnbUe uttUtiw 1-- ' ianeed... ' . Pedm l fnm y of Itriko fitBAtloD > {circB 610,000 ainora on etriko u d 1 1B5,000 (till Di; work. --------- Uiehigan >MfioIalfl report coal shortage beeoalDg noio aeuto witb luppllcB'at BDveral itato inititatiou .prtfcUeolly'oxbaaitod. -iJoiiilon reporta heavy dwnand tot- iblps to traaaport Snrtiib eoal - :tbe-Cnlt*d-8Ut«.- _____ _______ ^ • WAflmNOTON, Joly 22, (/PHAn- , other effort to, bring nbout & eoafor- enco leltloffiont of tbe natioani coal uoDtroToray waa lOKgeited to l^eildeat ^ ^ Harding todoy by Mayor John P. Dur-. • ' kan of Serantoai Pa., ono of the ^ivo aayora of utbradto citici in Fean* . . ^Irnnift-wbo havo tendered their loir- Icea to tbe admialitrationi In tbo in- teroita of ebneiUation. lumediately • after nreaentation to Preildont Hardiog of b t^ la n for aet- ' tioment of tbe striko in tbo utbraelto , fieldi,. Mr. Dnrkan wired Jobn L. Lew- •il, preaident of tho-UniUd lUno Work* / en, witb whom be previonily bad d!a> t ewsed tbo poaalbilitloi of poaee, intH* ................... lag tho'ttDlon leader to meet-wlth tbo five mayors In Buaaton.or New York tho fint of the week.' ------ - •lCr.'T>ortaB-- weald--aot- diwlooe- tbo .. p lu of M ttltoeat wbleb tbs -mayon q I . , laid before Mr. Harding, but deelared whilo tbelr lat«reit-Iay mainly la tho utbraUte-probltm, ibQnId the bltun* ►.. inoua • d ^ l e ' W Inioparably: Unk«d' - with the . hard eoal . iitnatlon',. botb bruehea'of the indoatry wo?Jd be dlf- euued i t tho propoaed eonfereaeo.». OominlMion N eady Ooopleto ‘ l^rmaUo'a oltbo'pre^dint tlon eommiaaion waa undoratood'to bo nearing Mmpletion-nnd-it waa thought ' tho ' Aanooneeinent of ita. pcraonnel ‘irould bo mado before .tbe eniratlon of /- the tea daya or . two . woeka during whieh-lHuuJioen indlcaled tbi admin- . . iatration will ai^t~th*<rcauUi of tbo iayiUUoa,t*-operatora to reaume pro- • MouwhUo tarloua liBen3cir.'J>f tbo gpvemmeat nrq eomblninff to' o/fect ' ' eorrroney" distribution of nei to^aU- ro«di, pnbll« utUlUei «nJ •Md. Attcraur. Omenl Biushito _ ipMl tti.iajr ptiptilM » itport to ; ' SM tntur .HooTur on l.g«l upooti ot m . pUn let »l«f loul Molttooi ia . Iho prodmUjMai, ‘WBtral eoBunltteo of fedet*n«fielkls, . to pool u d dlitribnto eoal by-m eua « of tall prlorWea u d to check-undne I . prico advucea.’ U ; .Tho attorneygeneral'a opinlon-ia ex- ' pcotcd tonorrow and Mr. Hoover went ------------- ^cod-tod^^lb-propaialiena-ior-n — flonferonce with aomo thirty ot forty y .....' ........ K 5 i? :,rtffp E b -. ---euated'and BdffliniBtraUve.aidca:l(>.‘4bo " ------ : --------e#nlTa“^ommitlee; abloeted. , Mr.-ndover'a progrnm la aimed at , . ■ rivlbg Ibe country tho.full benefit of thd preiont LUuminoua production in wi *; ' the faeo of n rapidly dwindHng-coal oc Bupnly and acttvd mine,force.-Accord- Ih ' ini to a aurvoy Issued tonight by 8oc- r< rotary Davis,-QIC,000 minor# aro, now ro dut.bn atriko and 185,000 are atlll at r .' > ' worK —: --------- — Tlft-pollcy-of-thc-admlnistraUon-to it V * go’alow in tho aaslgnnent-at-foderal » troops to guard, duty in tho mine field! • A . wa* Indicated Uday »by Sccrct^ M •ffeoka, who atated that eieopt at the « toquesfof atato govornora, troopa would « . be detailed only after' » aurroy of the . . altnaUon in * troubled dlatijct, p i i i i i i f f i s siiiii! Altercatton EndH in Hospital JJ for One Uember of Bootleg - m /t ' hQaartette ^ POCATELLO, laabo. July 2 2 , P -------------r.Ilin-C8mpeno!ll-ia-in-the-lioapltal-bere - toni^t auffaring w ith^baU et In thq hip na tho renilt of an aUorcation with “ , . Prank Boico, Sani Castollo u d Vito ■. Coato, who are being hfld in tbo conn- , -^yjnll in conncctlon •^Ih the ahootlntr. Thft priionera woro Uken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de ' of the flhootlnR. A jmyiU qnnntlly of ta J liootlfj: liquor wn* ttnnd. in thit>.eel- tn h r of the lioRso bv'ofncers who, mnde th - ' the arrc«l*. ' . , . CamporiMH's condition U notthouRlit fo to Bff acriona. _ 'IDAHQ WEATnSS.:. __ _ . . SmidftyV yair. lli . run oyLK ASSi \ r-A C h IS'READY TO A C T T T 'lti J RAILROADrSTRIKE-7 X ______________ _ liS B nnH ^K S^^SH or ‘ IIAJOSOBNIISAL. JOHN BDISS, a| ' oommudlng the. Bighth .Corps Ja^ c< 9 With taoadiiuaiiers' la S u ' A B t4 ^ ' .m . Texas, la bolding United Statea tn^opa in -ia x«adlne» to suppress dlsotdoia jn Abng the lines of Uu U. 'E. and'T. k , Ballroad. - Qnards havo Um boaton Ki •and stnkebroakon inilfflldatod, with } tbe recall that railroad officials hare u ' askod that ad^natb p ro te c t bo m a proTliod. j[ : CoaOtuts Suicide 81 Because- Daughter Forgot an Errand r, a I. -. •• *. t T< • Ooner d’Alene'Uatf'-TiUtdS'ims 9 Qwn Life in ?it of Anger;., w j. —.•.•.,N 0-Iaqattt^0-bft^ld ' ''y i . ■’—n- ..I- ;- COBDR D’ALENE, July.22, (iP) —Angered..bfx^^ btii','dan^tet*- , overlooked purchsse of a ’pUr o f ' f . glovcs-for him,- Caspar ,-Bonum, - - g ngod 72, committed ’Buleldo here t this afternoon iiy drmroini; In Per* ] non lake, a mile nortiicaat of'Cocur f '-a'Aleno. i Ho mado threats of auicldo aftor tho daughter relumed from ber .shopping tiip nnd ahe told ber clRht-year-old aon tp follow him, whllo ahe aouRht iier huaband. Hu c. B ia said to have thrcntencd Uio boy, ^ t who. rnn home. Ho woii lator • • found in ,wator lonly knee d«ep. > • An Injury to fiia bead In an ac- f, cideat aovon years ngo Is said to > bavo affected Mr. Slorsum’a.mon- f'-tality. • Aftor Investigalioa, tho I Conner announced ' no imiue'at og I wotild ^b'o hold. Pj ■OFFEiiliD lS I i lEMiiiiiFriiiiEsio; I ________ —— ________ .mt [ WiUiam AUen White Gives Bond ‘ W^n'-fiom. of $500'for Ap-^ “ " ' pearanod' ta Oonrt t ^ f EMl’OHlA„:K««ii.,-.luly (/P)~A 1 warrbnt churglnirAVililirtirAlti'n White; Vfi 1 oiithor and editor; wltli.vlolating tho 1“' - iniliistrial court law,-iH' <Bi|ilayin[t'' n - pThcnrJ. «.vmi>athlzinR wilh -atrlkin|{ , rnilroHil al’iopmcn, whh issued in dis- wl t trict court liorn ldto.to<ln.v\ Mr. ^Y^llto. P ' tlirough hi* nttorney iiiimoillntoly gavo “C ) liaVid. for.hls n[ipcarnncaJYlicnJiic.cQie. t is callcd.for trinl next October............. I •. Imineillnlely nfler the wnnant for r bli arrest had been *ervc(l,.Mra. AVblte P ) removed from display .llie plncard which j t todny ■expressed 52 per cent ,*>^ll^atby , with striking rnilrond employea., Yei' terdav It rend ''30 ivr cent,'' thfl day t- boforo “ •10 per cent.''. Mr. White gave boml In tbe aum of ♦C.OO to appenr when hi* case la «lled ' for.irial at the fall term of iho district Both Oovernor Allen nnd Editor ■} I Whllo will appear on lljo inmo.program • at tho Kansas State Normal school here Mondav. Thrf occaslin I* govornor'a day at the achool. . thi • PRESIDENT TO BE ADOPTED ;t« J ----------------- : ------ --------- ------------------------ ] Harding Oonsoati to B«ln^ Mado Eos> on' orary M«mb«r''Of n a th ^ • ntt . dlan Tribo , , frc , ' ........ .. ..........h..'. . ....... .. re« ! WASHlNOTONi July 2i’, UP)-Tml- 8h I dent Hntding todnr nrceptcd-iho-invl- tio ! tatiba of tho Flathead Inillona of Mon- aai • tnnn to iKreimie nti honnrnrj- mjcmbbr tff I the tribe. Ho will be adopted wit'i elnhornte ceremonies diifing-tho-ncxt -] L fow days, nccording to pinna outlined, aoi President .Hardlni: In bl» reply of thi aeeeptaneo aald ho had‘>t)0i^ ee ilo n to No a propoaalto havo'a tnountatirpeaTc OH ml - .tbfrr-udlan-rcsorvatioa-named-Mount err larding. --------- • lor mClAfED J^ESS NEf l LLS TWIK PA llfi. l8 ^ 0 . *ro P B B -fflTiSOLTS IlitSTRi ' over 'eooidoo Men" Are Idle with Less Than 200,000 at _ ... WoLk in.Fleids of the Entire Country WASHINGTON. , Jflly 22, proximately 010,0q0 .eoal miners aro oa strike la tho aatioa’s bltnminoua and aathraeito eoal flelda and ias,000 atlll aro at wqrk, th^epartm eat of labor announced^fB^bt upon the eomplo- tlon of ft aarvey.of tho eoal mining In- dustry. Tho survey showa that no mlaera ore on alrlko in Alabama u d Virginia, but that tbo full worUng attengtb oftho rainen has beea aet idlo by-^tbo-otriko In. Ao bltumlnoua fleldis^ lows, H- lllnlB, IndluA u d OUo u T lfr^ U ^- tbraelte fields of Penoaylvaaia: \ Tho effeet.of tbo atriko aa reveaH od by tho aurvoy ia set forth by tho do/ partmeat .in a table which by sloiw gives tho approximate number of mea employed- ia the mines when tho gon- _ .eraLaampjlon of work wm declared , and thb number aow on strike, os fol- lows: Employed ' — Before On . Stales • , . Strike Strike Alabama • __________ - 30,000 nono I. A r k a n s a s . _______ 5,000-. 4,000 Colorado _______ ;.... - 13,000 4,000 ‘t Illinois • __________SO,«0r'-flO,OOO « Indiana ' ____________ 30,000 30,000 » I6wa_„ ______ _____ i0,000_.j5,000- . Kansas ...................13,000' 12,000 I Kentucky ______ .7^0,000' G,000 “ Maryland ^OOO C.OOO » Michigan ___________ 3,000 . . 3,000 » Missouri ____________ 18,000 11,000 ' Montana ___________ 0,000 3,000 Now M edco _________ 4,500' 1;000 Ohio _______________ 60,000 _ 50,000 Oklahoma __________ 10,000 ififiO Pennsylvuia: (bituminous) _____175,000 166,000 I I (anthradto) —; ___ 156,000 105,000 ’ T o n n c s ic o __________ 12,000 4,000 Virginia _______ 12,000 -aono Washington ______ 5,000 2,000 . ,W«st.yJrglnia ____! ___ - 00,000 40,000 Wyoming >1_____8,000. .7,000 Total*. ____________705,000 fll#|b00 i lE lM SHEUHQr Federal and State'Employment < Service to A ^lst in Obtain.- ; 'ing HapiMt Hands \ HELENA. Mont,’ July 22,'"(/P^Au ’ agreement, by which tbe federal em- ploymont servleo'and the.stato division of labor-.will work togejb^r to aupply | the 3S00 addUional mcfQrho will be ' needed to harvest M o n th s 39,000,- j 000 bushel wbeat erop vju'entered ^to this afternoon. ' ' r " A eonfereneo wm hold' between 1 George E.’Tucker, field agent of tho ' ' farm bnreau of'the federal'employ- ' . ment aervlee; C. D. Greonfleld, jr., head ^ I of tho division of labor of thb atato d^ < ‘ nortment of agriculture and J. 0. Tay> ] lor of Boteman, atnto eounty agent leader. 1 Tho reprcsontallvo. of the federni aervlee agreed'to take caro of harvoat L ncvdi. so for na ponilblo"'jn rhillipa, , Valley, Daniel*, Bherinan,', ITooiiovQlt, J IHchlnnd, Dnw*on, McCono, Garflelil ! , nnd Fnllon countiea, in which il ca- j > timjitcd thnt npprnximatoly SSOO men . wlU bo wanted by Aug. 1 or soon nfter. .. Till) atnte ' divlxion of labor will en- } deavor to find extra harvest hand* for . 1 J udith Bnsin, Pergus end other eotip- ^ jllittaEOT ' JusliooWomtdpd by Prohibition'I ; ' Agent for Havisg'Pint'Bdt- ] J i' , tle in ms Poasession; . r . BEAUMONT, Texns, July 22, J , Justlea of the Peaco H. & Showers, , . stationed at^Procinci. Ko. 1, JefferaOn ! j coanty, was shot tbrilght by Federal ; Prt>hibltloa Officer Oonzaulos, tho bul- ^ lot penetratiag tbo kidney u d going ^ through tho body. Ho will die, pby- * I siclana said. ' •'Judge Showers, if was reported to , tho police, was sittlng'in bis autbnoblle I • on'a downtown slreet whon Oontaulos attempted to take a pint bottle away ] from lilnV Bhowere is declarod to have rcaiated nnd tho officer shot him. JudgA . Showera wa* o' eandidato for tfrolee-' " > tion ,In-tho domocratie primaries todny . oad w u oleetad. ^ ; WOUAK.Ain) OH!U) HHBt. -ENID, Okla.; July 22, (/T)—A woman I . aod her small ehpd wero injured when a threo cars of Prhco pasiooger ,tWin' > Ko. Oil overturned near Fairmont, four 1 I milp* cast of here atJio'cIoclt thls nft* f - crnoon,in«cordlng-to-a-rcp<itj-to-lho ^ local office of the company. t HWSPAPER IN TW'lN .F DAIL iXriTOAT MOKNINO, JTTLY M', 1022 Strike Set Three C/e . '■ ■' -------- - ■[ summary OF STRIKE I P BB8IDENT HABDINO'spends meat of tho day coafaulng wlUuBen W.. Hooper, oh&lrmu of the Vnltod Btatos railroad labor IX board and mombors of aenato com- mlttoes on tho railway strike, uot •g no.coune of ^e^Ion is made pnb- S«r«ttry of. Labor Bavli ’ con- fers with W. L. UeHenlaon of the. Ubor board, u d B. H. JewoU and . other stdko leaden at UooiabArt, ^ Bl8.„to obtain *11 poi«blo Informa- ? tloa on tho coattoveny. -------- ,, , Agroementa betweea the tonds, o d employes prorenU-stTikos-of 7300 OarkM. ftalght baadlars, sta- I . w n *ad ei pteM employes ed tbe ' Oblca(o_aad‘Northwaatom tallwiy .. aad 1000 on the Big Foor. Iha ttUroad labor board will bo aaked to irbitrate wage dlffereneee , betveea the Uiehigaa Oeatral aad,. » -9000 malntenanco of way emptoyes. 1* It is annonnbed. ' A ooaunlttoo representing tbo N VBIK Four" brotberhoodi com* W plalnod to Senator . Oummlns that 7 engines and train equipment ate * gettlnff in poor order and posUbly - ^ In » dangoTOU4..c0ndltloa. ^ >' 8ast«m railroads p lu to form <1 O^apaay unions, L.J'.Loree, chair- 1. n a n o t t S r o i u t i i a T m s a o i H ’-cSll— - .ferenco of railway execntlras, u — '-nonncod. ipiiiTis iiifm i us i siiE 0 -i ----- 0 All Day Conference with Chair- 0 man Hooper of Railway La- s ’ H of.^d''flfirothers' ; productive of Results ,0 ' ' --------- - WASHINGTON, July. C rtS j-P res- 0 Ident-Hardlng.speat.olflht houra today in eloso study of the railroad striko sit- i unlion, but whoa hip activities were | concluded thero was not thb slightest intimation*-• coneerning eenclaslons | reached or possiblo.eoune of adminis- tration aetion. ! ' Ben W.Hoopor,.chalrman of the rail-, rood laboV board, was tho president's chiefinformant, but a part of tho time Senators Cummins of Iowa, Watson of Indiana, and Kellogg of Minnesota, all * republlean meaibers of the senate ia- , terstato commerce .rommltlee, wore it eloso closeted wllb tho president and Mr. Hooper. Lator, oUo, Senators Un- derwood and. PoDorene, democratic , ' membors oeHhe’sane'aanato committoo| i say^ th*rpr«aid<mt. For these' confer- , 4aeea’all tb.^ qaual ^ u lte House engage- ij ments' wore aet aalde.^ . ' ] -Mr. Hooper left, the sessions after , Q lunehing inth the president &ad to- ^ y nigbt rotivBed to Ohieago. ^ He gave | e the president ft full oeeount-of over) , . move tbat bad been made by the labor ^ 0 board since the ahop c^aflsmen walked , out July 1 and, further, a view of the < 0 positions taken by the slriko lenders : » and by the oxebutivei ot the railroads, , with whom.the.board lioa dealt. Thia j waa suppiemonted by tho three ropub- ; j: lican"soaators,~who-themielves‘-went •; s oVer issues in tho coolroversy. with ^ ,t heada of eaatern rnl|ronds in a meeting i In Waahin^on tbis Vcek, . . , Oblsf Obstacle Clear. t Thero wna no discussion cflnceniinrt ^ tho enactment of legislation, icnntotlnl J ! pnrticlpnntd In*l*<ec]j ^und President* Hnrding wa* represented aa beliovlnr ' Hint n new law-jvnnlil lit unnoeos*ary * and unhelpful for tho moment. Tho * quastlontff seniority righta wan ngaln J ' held to I o Uic rhii'f ntumbllng block ' t»-tho rcturii of tho inen-now oul, rail- ‘ X road-oxooutivps-largoIj^lnalsUng-tlut. -I Rtriken hnd lost-lheir rotativb'iiPCVKO , poaiHona in employmtfnt by slriklao. I J and tho tinlon loaderi conlending thni 1 employea tnken on In . their plaeea should bc> di*mi*Bed. ‘ . I Suggestions • thnt tho.'president In- 1 tondfdto.tako action in the rail slriko „ witho«t..ttferepee'':»oa|i6niibpr.:board' ^ wore-made aftoFtho tuslen, but 'ap- .paronlly without official, sanction. i H oro alsa wore inferences that Chair- { man Hooper might bo carrying back to ( ■ Ohlcnjro some now'iuggcallbns, on which ,' tentative negotlntlona In au-ondcam , ? to get tbo strikb’cniledloff, might be , . resumed. ' Participants, however, were ^ 1 unwilling to discnss any phase of pw- , ^ eibUlUes that , tho Whlto House dis- | cussions revealed. g 5 BODY TERRIBLY MUtiUTED ^ ' Fall tnm Train B e lle d Bocponsiblo ° for-J)«ath of TJbknown U u at 1 I ^ ......... ,___,U»lngstm- ......... .-............. ^ liiviNGSTON, Mont., .Tilly "2, With. tho stomach *llt open, tho'bodj; 'I o ^ n n ”nnidcntif^pd »unn wns found.lo- II night In'a bed .ofJiftt pindcrs-nearthe p 1 Northern Pncifie rnilvray tracks oog e 1 mile e.i*t of this elty. . , - t )' n o body w u badly barna^ aifd j> r liruUpii. I'ollrc, .whrU4iivp»tljr»1ed tho 'e ^ finding of tho body, said tbat thi'maa s » waa-not-murderod-but-met-jieath-under - the. whe(}ts of Jv IJraln.; T FALLS COUNTY ttlem entH c earl^D efin iRESPONSiiBI \ I GONTINUA] ; WITH RAIL] ; B. M. Jew ell D eclare^ I Executives Solely Ri -----------^^Situation a n im e ^ t ; Roads and 'W age Ea: SEN IO RITY , R IG H TS I M A IN PO IN ' U , -■ I CniCAQO,'Jnlj 22,.(ff)-' . vent a possiblo settlement oftl ; 31. Jewell; Iicad of thsTTulway-i r American FederatiQa.cf Labor, These iRstics, ho aald, are fonn< ; ccutivcs to, (1) discontinue coi :— liKh-a-nationnUboard-of adjasti employcB who suspeni .for iiiorcnsin^ losai^s to the raili ser\'0‘ juid to the wage eiiriiors, ■I RAILROAD PRESIDENT j ■PREDICTS FAILURE OF i STRIKE OFSHOP MEN l ______ '. I Brie Ballroad 'Working Poree la- | E creased to Point Within 60 Per . i Oeat of Normal * NEW YORK, July 22, yp)-The l fiilluro'of the shoo crafts (itrlke in j the oast was predletei}^day by F. 11 D. - -Underwoodf - jireiTdont of tho \ Krio, ono of the roads in the'metro* i n- polltan district whleh w as' stoit* i tedly hardest hit ia the first few , wooks-otihe.atilko.- J Bhop forces have been iaereased i from 25 pbr cent of normal Jalv 0 to 60 per cent on the payrolls today, , it was elaimed. . . J os- ~ < j, KHffli Injunction Agajnst Picketing ] ' B^leved Responsible for | Ir'-'r-'p flH rea k ' ' ^ i er- P •. I *«• , MONTaOMBEY, 'AU., July 22, WPH , Authontle Informallojh in Montgomery • offieial elrelos tonlgn was that serious ' ^ trouble had broken bnt lato today at ve (ho Lonisvlllo and Noshvillo. raliroad shops at Albany, whero 1500 men'are on slriko. ?" . Jn ^ o W'f-rL Grubb .of 'the Hnited States d.Utnel court of tho northern Jl" district of-Alabama tonight iasiiod an iajunclioD-restraining the men from v ' plekotlng and lovailmg 'the* homes of ' Aeeompanied by 15 : doputles, the '’K United Btnlca deputy. marsWl at Bir-' '. mingham left .thero tonlgflt for Albany to servo injunction papers ond to rein- ' foreo Albany law oiiforcoment offie- • |-i era, wlio,. reports say, nre nnnblo to' t hniidlo thu sitiinliuu. ] -Six men who hn'i taken .tho-pinces » fl of alrlking ihoiimen woro.iisiiuuHed nft- hg or they hnd firtlahod their day'a work. i In Hoimrtn rcfpivpd bv I xiuIhvIIIo and ‘ .)( Xnshvillu and atiite' of/lrlnl* any two c n. of tho moil were Imillv bpntcn, while | tho olhpr fonr werc‘ Injured. ( MANDATES ARE CONFIRMED System Now' BffecUve PractlcaUy « n- Thionghont the World—Oaly Ml- I ko aof Bxceptlons' i r d ' . ; _________ P- LONDON, July 22, (ff>-Pinal con- ' '>*' firmatioD wns glvon tho Palestine and I Syrian mandates today by tbe council J ^ of tbe league of nations. . (n This means that tbb mandato ayslom of government becomea effective in tho world almoat Immodiatoly. There,te- ^ ” malna for settlement only, certain mi- I nor polnta botween IVuee u d Italy, respeeiing Italian schools, im m im tion > and some eeonomie featnres ia Syria. ^ ° 'SIX ARE REPORTED KILLED ! Head On OolUtlon of Paseengor T ttlai ^ . . B enlti liLliicrBSied.l>eatii_lQiL_< - SPRlNOnKl,D, Mo.. July 22 f/P)- « ly The numbbt-Af dend In the hbwl-on eol- -t 0- ll*loif of two SL -Louis-San Prn'nciaco c iio passenger trfilns nt Lcgan, near bore, « ag earlv todn^' wn* Inereiiied to six lato I r telav when It wn» cstnblisbed that five c fu membera,.of-:Androw Ifnmmor's family s io .1 BUliiaUljUo., hid beoa kUbl, I;. I stead of foiiF, aa flnt reported. .. '. .c or —The-slxHi'vlelim-waf-Knglncer-O.-Hi; > V PBIOB FIVE CENTS mgs Upon ne^Ism^ liLITYFO]^ LNCE RESTS LROADHEADS _;ij_ A sso ciatio n o l R ailw ay Responsible for. Present ttten d a n ti’osses-to-B oth— Sarners ^ 3 O F STRIK ERS N T O F CO NTROVERSY h-Threo principal issneB now, pre^ . ( the railway shopmen’s stxijce, B. ' lyemploycB department (iif the . lor, said in'a.statement tonight nnd in tlie refusal of >tho roll ex- contrncting work; ( 2) to estab- istnieht; (3)Jto.continuc Beniority ended vork. “The responsibility .. ailrondfl, to the communities they irs, upon tho'railroads and else* - ^twliere, through continuance of present Hufipeusion of. work,” : the statement said, “rests now. plainly upon the Association of llidlway BxccutiVes and partic- .- ulafly upon that small but dom- , inating group represtmting the Nev^ York banking intereaw.” — — Polnling out that the railroad labor ' ' board haa decided; Bgaiast the' prae* I tlco of contraeting r^lroftd work' ia. I cortda cases, Mr. Joweil-assertod that the-Erie railroad, tho 'New 'Tork’Oen-. . tral u d iU nbaidiaries, iaeludlag the ladlana Harbor Bolt Uao, the Uiehl- g u Central and ihe Big Four, u d the. . - •Weoteu'M«i7laadhreadf.hMr«-«tt-eo^.;~y: Iracted ont shop work. "U u y other roads," the'statenut' v said,'Ibave foRowOd the aome prMtlee . u d always, with-the .purpoao »pd r»- - sult'of rodDcleg wag«a, evadlag deels- Ions of tbe’Iabor board, degriidlag tho working conditions u d atUoking thb _ .nnployes'or^oiiatioBS." ............ .W«r«r«ds Bo«d»»-8ullnf - -------- Assertlog (hat the Erie, New 76rk: 1 Central and Western U a^Iudt'uw eU , aa other roads; havo unoBBCod their doelalon to fight deelsioas In ihls mat* ter to the highest-eourt, Ur.-Jewell tald tho board's, daelalon tgaillst the practice will Vo'aet ata naught for yeara n by some roads, while,'he aiid; if.eonrts, . ^ eontinuo to decide that the board's powers aro^nly advisory, “ erentnany • alt .roads will be able to adopt the cen<i irabUng out meUiod of .evadlss thb.^ trahsporiatioa aet, wherever it is to. their advutage.'|.' -y “ . . ^Only Oao BtrOn ' ' IS ' Tbo contact lan* is tb t floteoM .' It of the thTM-isnei on ;d strike -vote waa takoa . re - Jevtil'a.statemssttedarnUlMU '' ' np » posrible settlanett Tho otb* id «c two atdke im ee wet* m gM uul < . .. -n working nle^ It 'hATlng beea vlr* . ' a tnally agreed at ooafereaooa that n these matters conM be nlniltted If ■ to the labor board for a rehbatiag;— ! ____ ThojtBUqrtttJamUMtnenihoanl - t iBues have been broiight np alaco IO . th« atrlke itarted. y Appealing - for national adjuslmaat ' bonrifa to uecldo disputes, Mr. Jewell c. snid the asseclftUon of. railway exeea' :o- tivcs opposed such boards for the pnr* C of dcliljeraloly ovorload^g tho Ia> board. t- Employes >[esUo ono national l>oard, uniform (nterpretntlon of eneh riiles is - <1 desirable and inlermbdlato boards will 'u cteato Inharmonious ruUnga -and' re- - Ic gionol bonnls would Impoae dupliea- Uog nnd unfair expense. __________ _ _l PropofllUon Indefeasible - “ Thb proposition to deprivo mon of , seniority rights because of suspension 7 of work,'' the alatemcnt said, "la at-.' • torly Indefcusiblo if tho facts aro an- derstood.V Tho right of tho senior eipploye tb J. bo tho lu t laid off «ad to have first .' " ^ arofcreneo In selection for preferable' '' U jobs, ho aaid, was of greailmportuee, u d asserted (hat tbe roau'inshed to, J, do away wilh tho order, tb “ wood, out , thoso workers most , active In proteo' tlon of righis.of tbelr follow em- i. ployes." , "The purpose of destroying' senior* s ity right^'' the stalement said, V.ls a ' - vicious attack on tho rirtt ef aun-to. nfitse to'wprk under :io&''aeceptabIe . Y conditions.'* Depriving \the.mon-!of:j’ , ; J seniority, be ai^d, wonld Ke ft."(w ee^ . ItftsYlDjostlce, uaparalloled la m o i e k - ■'■ a hlai’tS !" .V,,. J.V .. SgppttoAddedBTldeace ' ; . " I f ihoralTway exoebtives Inalsl a f ? 7 - OB using thls tuspensloa of-7rorkTrhlah:..7-.r ]. .they foreed,upon the employe^ as <h:. ; 0 oxcuso of depriviag'them of the fmitB.v^';’ i> . of life.long, coatiaoons falUifd sorv*. 0 lcc,f' the: statement eald; "thoT. ..wHI; e only giro further .bvldeaee of tM -a b > :^ . y solute neeouity for ;iho orgaidtedVemr ployes (0 fight to tho lu t. ditch ih'#- ■. .conspiracy. ogaI&st.,ilielr.,^u;tdlae&^.-v^ ^ S*aH ae^!So.U7e;by^

I m e lLLS DAILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · Thft priionera woro Uken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de •'of the

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Page 1: I m e lLLS DAILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · Thft priionera woro Uken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de •'of the

' y - l - '' - v - .• ■ ■ ■ - f-'- '■

' ' I m e• V O L.B . NO. Bd. - •.• ■

i - I H B ' m

; J o h n . L . L e w is , P r e s W e n t 'o f ■

' 'U n i t e d M in e W o r k e r s , I n v i t - '

_ ■ F i v e P e n n s y lv a n ia T o w n s


• A ' y e w p U n lfm b m ltte d to .P w i- Z x 'id ^ a t S& rdlsff u d inlii» wtuk*

« t ‘ l« « d « i t y -JohB P . I t o k .■ « , mayor o f 8en«toB ,-P* . "

: O ovenunrat tg u e if l i tako ite p i to ! e ffec t fifflerKeosr d litriba tlon of

fool to railw ayt u d pnbUe u ttU tiw 1 -- ' i a n e e d . . . '

. P e d m l f n m y o f I triko fitBAtloD > {circB 610,000 a in o ra on etriko u d

1 1B5,000 ( till Di; work. ---------U iehigan >MfioIalfl report coal

shortage beeoalDg n o io aeuto w itb luppllcB 'at BDveral ita to in i t i t a t io u •

.prtfcU eolly'oxbaaitod.-iJo iiilon reporta heavy dwnand tot- iblps to traaaport S n r ti ib eoal

- :tb e -C n lt* d -8 U t« .-_____ _______ ^ —

• W AflmNOTON, Jo ly 22, (/PH A n- , o ther e ffo rt to, b ring nbout & eoafor-

enco leltloffiont o f tbe natioani coal uoDtroToray waa lOKgeited to l^ e i ld e a t ^

^ H arding todoy by M ayor John P . Dur-. •' kan of Serantoai Pa., ono of the ^ivo

a ayo ra of u tb r a d t o c itic i in Fean* .. ^Irnn ift-w bo havo tendered the ir lo ir-

Icea to tbe adm ialitra tion i In tbo in- te ro ita o f ebneiUation.

lum ed ia te ly • a f te r nreaentation to Pre ildont H ardiog o f b t ^ l a n fo r aet-

' tiom ent of tb e striko in tbo u tb r a e l to , fieldi,. Mr. D nrkan w ired Jobn L . Lew-

•il, preaident of tho-U niU d lU no Work* / e n , w itb whom be previonily bad d!a> t ew sed tbo poaalbilitloi o f poaee, intH*

................... la g tho'ttDlon leader to m eet-w lth tbo •• f ive m ayors In B u a a to n .o r New York

tho f i n t o f th e week.'------ - •lCr.'T>ortaB-- weald- -aot- diw looe- tbo ..

p l u o f M tt l to e a t wbleb tb s -m ayon q I . , la id before M r. H arding, b u t deelared

whilo tb e lr la t« re it -Iay m ainly la tho u tb ra U te -p ro b ltm , ibQnId the bltun*

►.. inoua • d ^ l e ' W Inioparably: Unk«d' - w ith the . h a rd eoal . iitnatlon',. botb

• b ru e h e a 'o f the indoatry wo?Jd be dlf- euued i t tho propoaed eonfereaeo.».

OominlMion N e a d y O oopleto ‘ l^rm aU o'a o l tb o 'p r e ^ d in t

tlon eommiaaion waa undoratood 'to bonearing M m pletion-nnd-it waa thought

' tho ' Aanooneeinent o f ita. pcraonnel ‘irould bo mado before .tbe e n ira t lo n of /- the te a daya or . tw o . woeka during w hieh -lH uuJioen indlcaled tb i admin-

. . iatration will a i^ t~ th * < rca u U i o f tbo iay iU U oa,t*-opera tora to reaume pro-

• M ouw hU o ta rloua liBen3cir.'J>f tbo gpvem m eat nrq eomblninff t o ' o /fec t

' ' e o rr ro n e y " distribution o f n e i to^aU - ro«di, pnbll« utUlUei « n J ■•M d . A t tc ra u r . O m e n l B i u s h i to

_ ip M l t t i . i a j r p t ip t i lM » i tp o r t to ;■ ' S M tn tu r .HooTur on l.g « l u p o o ti ot ■

m . pU n le t » l « f l o u l M o l t t o o i ia . Iho p r o d m U jM a i ,

‘WBtral eoBunltteo o f f e d e t* n « f ie lk ls , . to pool u d d litribn to eoal b y - m e u a «

‘ o f ta ll prlorW ea u d to check-undne I . prico ad v u ce a .’ U

; .T ho a tto rn ey g e n era l 'a opinlon-ia ex- ■' pcotcd tonorrow and Mr. Hoover w ent

------------- ^ c o d - t o d ^ ^ l b - p r o p a i a l i e n a - i o r - n —flonferonce w ith aomo th ir ty o t fo rty y

.....' ........■ K 5 i ? : , r t f f p E f » b - » - .■---euated 'and BdffliniBtraUve.aidca:l(>.‘4bo "

------ :--------e#nlTa“^omm itlee; abloeted. ■ • ,M r.-n d o v e r 'a progrnm la aimed a t ,

. ■ riv lbg Ibe country th o .fu ll benefit of thd preiont LUuminoua production in wi

*; ' ‘ the faeo of n rapidly dwindHng-coal oc • Bupnly and acttvd m ine,force.-A ccord- Ih

' i n i to a aurvoy Issued tonight by 8oc- r< ■ rotary Davis,-QIC,000 minor# aro, now ro

d u t.b n atriko and 185,000 are a tlll a t r . ' > ' worK—:--------- — T lft-po llcy -o f-thc-adm ln istraU on-to i tV * g o ’alow in tho a as lg n n e n t-a t- fo d e ra l »

• troops to guard, du ty in tho mine field! •A . wa* Indicated U day »by S c c r c t ^ M

•ffeoka, who a tated th a t e ieopt a t the « toquesfof atato govornora, troopa would «

. be detailed only a fte r ' » aurroy o f the. . altnaUon in * troubled dlatijct,

p i i i i i i f f i s siiiii!A l t e r c a t t o n E n d H i n H o s p i t a l JJ

f o r O n e U e m b e r o f B o o t l e g - m / t ' h Q a a r t e t t e ^

POCATELLO, la ab o . Ju ly 2 2 , P-------------r.Ilin-C 8m peno!ll-ia-in-the-lioapltal-bere -

t o n i ^ t auffaring w i th ^ b a U e t In thq ■ hip na tho ren ilt o f an aUorcation w ith “

, . P rank Boico, Sani Castollo u d Vito ■. Coato, who are being h fld in tbo conn- , - ^ y jn l l in conncctlon • ^ Ih th e ahootlntr.

Thft priionera woro U ken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de

• ' o f the flhootlnR. A jmyiU qnnntlly o f ta J liootlfj: liquor wn* ttn n d . in thit>.eel- tn

h r of the lioRso b v 'o fn c e rs who, mnde th - ' the arrc«l*. ' . ,

. CamporiMH's condition U notthouR lit fo to Bff acriona.

_ ’ ' IDAHQ W E A T nS S .:.___. . SmidftyV y a ir. lli

. r u n oyLK ASSi

\ r-AC h I S 'R E A D Y T O A C T T T ' l t i

J — R A I L R O A D r S T R I K E - 7 X

_______________l i S B n n H ^ K S ^ ^ S H or

‘ IIA JO SO B N IISA L . JO H N B D ISS , a | ' oom m udlng the. B ighth .Corps J a ^ c<

9 With taoadiiuaiiers' l a S u ' A B t4 ^ ' .m . Texas, la bolding U nited Statea tn^opa in■ ■ -ia x«adlne» to suppress dlsotdoia jn ’ A bng th e lines o f U u U . 'E . a n d 'T . k ,

Ballroad. - Qnards havo U m boaton Ki •and s tnkebroakon inilfflldatod, w ith

} tb e recall th a t railroad officials h a re u' askod th a t a d ^ n a tb p r o t e c t bo m

a proTliod. j [

: CoaOtuts Suicide 81■ Because- Daughter‘ Forgot an Errand r,a I. -. •• * . t T<• O o n e r d ’A le n e 'U a t f '- T iU td S 'im s

9 Q w n L i f e i n ? i t o f A n g e r ; . , w

j. — . • . • . , N 0 - I a q a t t t ^ 0 - b f t ^ l d ' ''y i . ■’— n - ..I- •;- COBDR D ’ALENE, J u ly .22, (iP)

—A n g e re d ..b fx ^ ^ b tii ','dan^tet*-, overlooked purchsse of a ’p U r o f ' f

. g lovcs-for him,- Caspar ,-Bonum, - - g ngod 72, committed ’Buleldo here t th is afternoon iiy drmroini; In Per*] non lake, a mile nortiicaat of'Cocur f '-a'A leno.i H o mado th rea ts o f auicldo aftor

tho daughter relum ed from ber .shopping tiip nnd ahe told ber

clRht-year-old aon tp follow him, whllo ahe aouRht iier huaband. Hu c .

B ia said to have thrcntencd Uio boy, ^ t w ho. rnn home. Ho woii lator• • found in ,wator lonly knee d«ep.> • A n Injury to fiia bead In an ac- f, c ideat aovon years ngo Is sa id to> bavo affected Mr. Slorsum’a.mon- f ' - t a l i t y . • A ftor Investigalioa, thoI C onner announced ' no imiue'at og I wotild ^b'o hold. P j

■OFFEiiliD lS ■ I i lEMiiiiiFriiiiEsio;I ■________ —— ________ „ .mt

[ W iU ia m A U en W h i t e G iv e s B o n d

‘ W ^ n '- f io m . o f $ 5 0 0 ' f o r A p - ^ j «

“ " ' p e a r a n o d ' t a O o n r t ■ ■ t ^f EM l’O HlA„:K««ii.,-.luly (/P)~A 1 w arrbnt churglnirAVililirtirAlti'n White; Vfi 1 oiithor and editor; w ltli.v lo la ting tho 1“ '- iniliistrial court law,-iH ' <Bi|ilayin[t'' n- pThcnrJ. «.vmi>athlzinR w ilh -atrlkin|{, rnilroHil al’iopmcn, whh issued in dis- wl t tr ic t court liorn ldto.to<ln.v\ Mr. ^Y^llto. P '■ tlirough hi* nttorney iiiimoillntoly gavo “ C ) liaVid. fo r.h ls n[ipcarnncaJYlicnJiic.cQie.t is callcd .for trinl next October.............I •. Imineillnlely nfler the w n n an t for r b li a rrest had been *ervc(l,.Mra. AVblte P ) removed from display .llie plncard which j t todny ■expressed 52 per cent ,*>^ll^atby , w ith strik ing rnilrond em ployea., Y ei '

te rdav I t rend ''3 0 iv r c e n t , ' ' thfl day t - boforo “ •10 per c e n t. ' '.

Mr. White gave boml In tbe aum of ♦C.OO to appenr when hi* case la « l le d ' fo r.iria l a t the fall term of iho distric t

Both Oovernor Allen nnd E d ito r ■} I W hllo will appear on lljo inmo.program• a t tho Kansas S ta te Normal school here

Mondav. Thrf occaslin I* govornor'a day a t the achool. .

thi• P R E S I D E N T T O B E A D O P T E D ;t«J ----------------- :------ --------- ------------------------ ‘

] H arding Oonsoati to B«ln^ Mado Eos> on' orary M«mb«r''Of n a t h ^ • n tt

. dlan Tribo , , ‘ frc, ' .......... ..........h ..'. . ......... re«! WASHlNOTONi Ju ly 2i’, U P)-Tm l- 8h I den t H ntding to d n r n rceptcd-iho-invl- tio ! ta tib a of tho Flathead Inillona o f Mon- aai• tnnn to iKreimie nti honnrnrj- mjcmbbr tff I the tribe . Ho will be adopted wit'i

elnhornte ceremonies d iif in g - th o -n cx t -] L fow days, nccording to pinna outlined, aoi

P resident .Hardlni: In bl» r e p ly of thi aeeeptaneo aald ho had‘>t)0i ^ e e i l o n to No a p ropoaa lto h avo 'a tnountatirpeaTc OH ml

- .tb frr-ud lan -rcso rva tioa -nam ed-M oun t errlard ing . --------- • lor

m C lA fED J^ESS NEf

lLLST W IK P A l l f i . l 8 ^ 0 . * r o


' o v e r ' e o o i d o o M e n " A re I d l e

w i t h L e s s T h a n 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 a t

_ . . . W oL k i n .F l e i d s o f t h e E n t i r e

C o u n t r y

WASHINGTON. , Jflly 22, proximately 010,0q0 .eoal miners aro oa s trike la tho a a tio a ’s bltnminoua and aathraeito eoal flelda and ia s ,000 atlll aro a t wqrk, th ^ e p a r t m e a t o f labor a n n o u n ce d ^ fB ^ b t upon the eomplo- tlon of ft aarvey .of tho eoal mining In­dustry.

Tho survey showa th a t no mlaera ore on alrlko in Alabama u d V irginia, bu t th a t tbo full w orU ng a ttengtb o f th o ra inen has beea aet idlo by-^tbo-otriko In. A o bltumlnoua f l e l d i s ^ low s, H- lllnlB, I n d lu A u d OUo u T l f r ^ U ^ - tb raelte fields o f Penoaylvaaia: \

Tho e ffe e t.o f tbo a triko aa reveaH od by tho aurvoy ia se t fo rth by tho do/ pa rtm eat .in a table which by slo iw gives tho approxim ate number of mea employed- ia the mines when tho gon-

_ .e ra L a a m p jlon o f w ork w m declared , and thb number aow on strike, os fol­

lows:Employed ' —

Before On . Stales • , . S trike StrikeAlabama • __________ - 30,000 nono

I. A rk a n s a s ._______ 5,000-. 4,000Colorado _______ ;.... - 13,000 4,000

‘t Illinois • __________SO,«0r'-flO,OOO« Indiana ' ____________ 30,000 30,000» I6 w a _ „______ _____ i0 ,000_ .j5 ,000- .

Kansas ...................13,000' 12,000I Kentucky ______ .7^0,000' G,000“ Maryland ^OOO C.OOO» Michigan ___________ 3,000 . . 3,000» Missouri ____________ 18,000 11,000 '

M ontana ___________ 0,000 3,000Now M e d c o _________ 4,500' 1;000O h i o _______________ 60,000 _ 50,000O k la h o m a __________ 10,000 ififiOP e n n sy lv u ia :

(bituminous) _____175,000 166,000

II (an th rad to ) — ;___ 156,000 105,000’ T o n n c s i c o __________ 12,000 4,000

Virginia — _______ 12,000 -aonoW ashington ______ 5,000 2,000

. ,W «st.y Jrg ln ia____!___ - 00,000 40,000Wyoming > 1_____8,000. .7,000

Total*. ____________705,000 fll#|b00 i

l E l M ■ SHEUHQr

F e d e r a l a n d S t a t e 'E m p l o y m e n t <

S e r v i c e t o A ^ l s t i n O b ta in .- ;

' i n g H a p i M t H a n d s ■ \

HELENA. M o n t,’ J u ly 22 ,'" (/P ^ A u ’ agreem ent, by which tbe federal em- ploymont servleo 'and the .s ta to division ‘ of labor-.will w ork togejb^r to aupply | the 3S00 addUional m cfQ rho will be ' needed to harvest M o n t h s 39,000,- j 000 bushel w beat erop v ju 'en te red ^ t o th is a fternoon. ' '

r " A eonfereneo w m hold' between 1 George E .’ Tucker, field agen t o f tho '

' farm bnreau o f 't h e federa l'em ploy- ' . m ent aervlee; C. D . Greonfleld, jr ., head I of tho division of labor o f thb atato d ^ < ‘ nortment o f agriculture and J . 0 . Tay> ]

lor of Boteman, atnto eounty agent leader. 1

Tho rep rcson tallvo . o f the federni aervlee a g re ed 'to take caro of harvoat

L ncvdi. so for na ponilblo"'jn rh illipa, ,■ Valley, Daniel*, Bherinan,', ITooiiovQlt,J IHchlnnd, Dnw*on, McCono, Garflelil !, nnd Fnllon countiea, in which i l ca- j> timjitcd thn t npprnximatoly SSOO men . wlU bo w anted by Aug. 1 o r soon nfter... Till) atnte ' divlxion of labor will en-} deavor to f in d ex tra harvest hand* for . 1 J udith Bnsin, P e rgus end other eotip- ^

jl li tta E O T' JusliooWomtdpd by Prohibition'I ; ' Agent for Havisg'Pint'Bdt- ] J i' , tle in m s Poasession; .

r . BEAUMONT, Texns, Ju ly 22, J, Justlea of the Peaco H . & Showers, ,. stationed a t^Procinci. Ko. 1, JefferaOn !j coanty, was sho t tbrilght by Federal ;

Prt>hibltloa O fficer Oonzaulos, tho bul- ^lo t penetratiag tbo kidney u d going ^through tho body. Ho will die, pby- *

I siclana said. '• 'J u d g e Showers, i f was reported to ,tho police, was sittln g 'in b is autbnoblle I

• o n 'a downtown s lre e t whon Oontaulosattem pted to ta k e a p in t bottle away ] from lilnV Bhowere is declarod to have rcaiated nnd tho officer sho t him. JudgA

. Showera wa* o' eandidato for tfrolee-' "> tion ,In-tho domocratie primaries todny. oad w u oleetad. ^

; W O U A K .A in) O H !U ) H H B t . ”-E N ID , Okla.; J u ly 22, (/T)—A woman I

. aod her small ehpd wero injured when a■ threo cars o f P rh c o pasiooger ,tW in'> Ko. Oil overturned near Fairm ont, four 1 I milp* cast o f here a tJ io 'c Io c lt thls nft* f - c rnoon ,in « c o rd ln g -to -a -rc p < itj- to -lh o ^■ local office of the company. ■ t



Strike Set Three C/e

. ' ■ ■' ---------


m eat of tho day coafau lng w lUuBen W.. Hooper, oh&lrmu

o f th e V nltod Btatos railroad laborIX board and mombors o f aenato com-

m lttoes on tho railw ay strike, uot•g n o .c o u n e o f ^e^Ion is made pnb-

■ S « r « t t ry o f. L abor B av li ’ con­fers w ith W. L . U eH en laon o f t h e . U bor board, u d B. H . JewoU and

. o ther s td k o lead en a t UooiabArt,^ B l8.„to obtain *11 poi«blo Inform a-? tlo a on tho coattoveny . • --------,, , Agroementa betw eea the tonds,„ o d employes prorenU -stT ikos-of “ 7300 OarkM. f ta lg h t baadlars, sta- I . w n *ad ei pteM employes ed tb e

' O blca(o_aad‘Northwaatom ta llw iy . . a ad 1000 on th e B ig Foor.

I h a ttU ro ad labor board will bo aaked to irb itr a te wage dlffereneee

, b e tv e e a th e U ieh igaa Oeatral a a d ,.» -9000 m alntenanco o f way emptoyes.1* I t is annonnbed.

' A ooaunlttoo representing tbo N VBIK F o u r " brotberhoodi com*W plalnod to Senator . Oummlns th a t 7 engines and tra in equipment a te * gettln ff i n poor order and posUbly - ^ In » dangoTOU4..c0ndltloa. ^>' 8 a s t« m railroads p l u to form <1 O ^apaay unions, L .J '.L o re e , chair- 1. n a n o t tS r o iu t i i a T m s a o iH ’-cSll— -

.ferenco o f railw ay execntlras, u— '-nonncod.

ipiiiTisi i i f mi us i siiE0 - i ----- —

0 A ll D a y C o n f e r e n c e w i t h C h a i r -

0 m a n H o o p e r o f R a ilw a y L a ­

s ’ H o f . ^ d ' ' f l f i r o t h e r s '

; p r o d u c t i v e o f R e s u l t s ,0 ■' ' ---------- WASHINGTON, July. C r t S j - P r e s - 0 Iden t-H ard lng .speat.o lflh t houra today

in eloso s tudy of the railroad striko sit- i unlion, b u t w hoa hip activities were | concluded thero was no t thb slightest in tim atio n * -• coneerning eenclaslons | reached o r possiblo.eoune of adminis­tration aetion.

! ' Ben W .Hoopor,.chalrm an of the rail-, rood laboV board, was tho president's c h iefin fo rm an t, b u t a pa rt o f tho time

Senators Cummins o f Iowa, W atson of Ind iana , and K ellogg of Minnesota, a ll * republlean meaibers o f the senate ia-

, te rs tato commerce .rommltlee, wore it eloso closeted w llb tho president and

M r. Hooper. L ato r, oUo, Senators U n­derwood and. PoDorene, democratic ,

' membors oeHhe’sane'aanato committoo| i say^ th*rpr«aid<mt. For these' confer- , 4aeea’a ll tb.^ qaual ^ u l t e House engage-

ij m ents' w ore aet aalde.^ . ' ]-M r. H ooper le ft , the sessions a fte r ,

Q lunehing in th the president &ad to- y n igb t rotivBed to Ohieago. ^ H e gave | e the presiden t ft full oeeount-of over) , . move tb a t bad been made by the labor 0 board since the ahop c^aflsmen walked , out Ju ly 1 and, fu rther, a view o f the <

0 positions taken by the slriko lenders : » and by the oxebutivei o t the railroads, ,

w ith w hom .the .board lioa dealt. Thia j waa suppiemonted by tho three ropub- ; j: lic an"soaators,~ w ho-them ie lves‘-w e n t •; s oVer issues in tho coolroversy. w ith ,t heada of eaatern rnl|ronds in a meeting i

In W aah in^on tb is Vcek, . . ,

O blsf Obstacle Clear. tThero wna no discussion cflnceniinrt

tho enactm ent o f legislation, icnntotlnl J ! pnrticlpnntd In*l*<ec]j ^und Presiden t*

H nrding wa* represented aa beliovlnr ' Hint n new law-jvnnlil lit unnoeos*ary *

and unhelpful for tho moment. Tho * q u a stlo n tff seniority righta wan ngaln J

' held to I o Uic rh ii'f ntumbllng block ' t»-tho rcturii o f tho inen-now oul, rail- ‘

X road-oxooutivps-largoIj^ lnalsU ng-tlu t. -I R triken hnd lo st-lh e ir rotativb'iiPCVKO

, poaiHona in employmtfnt by slrik lao . I J and tho tinlon loaderi conlending thni1 employea tnken on In . their plaeea

should bc> di*mi*Bed. ‘ . ISuggestions • th n t tho.'p residen t In-

1 to n d fd to .ta k o action in the rail slriko „ w itho« t..ttferepee'':»oa |i6n iibpr.:board ' ^ w ore-m ade a f to F th o tu s len , b u t 'ap- .paronlly w ithout official, sanction. i H o ro alsa wore inferences th a t Chair- { man H ooper m ight bo carrying back to (

■ Ohlcnjro some now'iuggcallbns, on which ,' ten ta tive negotlntlona In a u -o n d c a m , ? to get tbo str ik b ’cniledloff, m ight be , . resumed. ' Partic ipan ts, however, w ere 1 unw illing to discnss any phase of pw- , eibUlUes th a t , tho Whlto House dis- |

cussions revealed. g

5 B O D Y T E R R I B L Y M U t i U T E D ^

' F a ll tn m T ra in B e l l e d Bocponsiblo ° fo r-J)«ath o f TJbknown U u a t 1 I ^ ......... , _ _ _ , U » l n g s t m - ......... .-.............

liiv iN G S T O N , Mont., .Tilly "2,W ith. tho stomach *llt open, tho 'bodj; 'I o ^ n n ”nnidcntif^pd »unn wns found.lo- II n igh t I n 'a bed .o fJiftt p indcrs-nearthe p

1 N orthern Pncifie rnilvray tracks oog e 1 mile e.i*t o f th is e lty . . , - t)' n o body w u badly ba rna^ aifd j> r liruUpii. I'o llrc, .whrU4iivp»tljr»1ed tho 'e finding o f tho body, said tba t th i 'm a a s

» waa-not-m urderod-but-m et-jieath-under - the . whe(}ts of Jv IJra ln .; T


t t l e m e n t H c

e a r l ^ D e f i n

iRESPONSiiBI\ I GONTINUA] ; WITH RAIL]; B . M . J e w e l l D e c l a r e ^

I E x e c u t i v e s S o l e l y R i

-----------^ ^ S i t u a t i o n a n i m e ^ t

; R o a d s a n d ' W a g e E a :

’ S E N I O R I T Y , R I G H T S I

M A I N P O I N 'U , -■

I C n i C A Q O , ' J n l j 2 2 , . ( f f ) - '

. v e n t a p o s s ib lo s e t t l e m e n t o f t l ; 31 . J e w e l l ; I ic a d o f th s T T u lw a y - i r A m e r i c a n F e d e r a t i Q a . c f L a b o r ,

T h e s e iR stic s , h o a a ld , a r e fonn< ; c c u t i v c s to , ( 1 ) d i s c o n t i n u e co i :— l iK h - a - n a t io n n U b o a r d - o f a d j a s t i ‘ e m p lo y c B w h o s u s p e n i

. f o r i i i o r c n s in ^ losai^s t o t h e r a i l i s e r \ '0 ‘ ju id t o t h e w a g e e i i r i io r s ,

■I R A IL R O A D P R E S I D E N T j

■ P R E D IC T S F A IL U R E O F i

S T R IK E O F S H O P M E N l______ '. I

B rie Ballroad 'W orking Poree la - |

E creased to P o in t W ithin 60 P e r . iO eat o f Normal * ‘

NEW YORK, Ju ly 22, y p ) -T h e l— fiillu ro 'o f the shoo c ra fts (itrlke in j

th e oast was p red le te i}^ d ay by F . 11p« D. - -Underwoodf - jireiTdont o f tho \

Krio, ono of the roads in the 'm etro* in - polltan d istric t whleh w a s ' s to i t* i

ted ly hardest h it ia the f i r s t few , w o o k s - o t i h e . a t i l k o . - J

Bhop forces have been iaereased i from 25 pbr cent of normal J a lv 0to 60 per cent on the payrolls today, ,i t was elaimed. . . J

os- ~ <

j , K H f f l iI n ju n c t io n A g a j n s t P i c k e t i n g ]

' B ^ l e v e d R e s p o n s ib l e f o r |

I r ' - ' r - ' p f l H r e a k ' ' ier- P •. — I*«• , MONTaOMBEY, 'AU., Ju ly 22, W PH , Authontle Informallojh in M ontgomery •

offieial elrelos to n lg n was th a t serious ' ^ trouble had broken bnt lato today a t ve (ho Lonisvlllo and Noshvillo. raliroad

shops a t Albany, whero 1500 m e n 'a re on slriko . ■

?" . J n ^ o W'f-rL Grubb .of 'th e Hnited S ta te s d.Utnel court of tho northern

Jl" d is tric t of-A labam a tonight iasiiod an ia junclioD -restra in ing the men from

v ' plekotlng and lovailmg 'the* homes o f '

Aeeompanied by 15 : doputles, the '’K U nited Btnlca deputy. m arsW l a t Bir-''. mingham le ft .thero tonlgflt fo r Albany

to servo injunction papers ond to rein- 'foreo Albany law oiiforcoment offie- •

|- i era, w lio ,. reports say, nre nnnblo to ' thniidlo thu sitiinliuu. ]

-S ix men who hn'i taken .tho-pinces » f l o f alrlk ing ihoiimen woro.iisiiuuHed nft-hg or they hnd firtlahod the ir day 'a work. i■ In Hoimrtn rcfpivpd bv IxiuIhvIIIo and ‘.)( Xnshvillu and atiite ' of/lrlnl* any two cn . o f tho moil were Imillv bpntcn, while |

tho olhpr fonr werc‘ Injured. (


System N ow ' BffecUve PractlcaU y «n- Thionghont the World—O aly M l- Iko a o f B xcep tlons' • ir d ' . ; _________P- LONDON, Ju ly 22, ( ff> -P in a l con- ''>*' firmatioD wns glvon tho Palestine and I

Syrian mandates today by tbe council J^ o f tb e league of nations. . ‘(n This means th a t tbb m andato ayslom ‘” o f government becomea effec tive in tho ‘

world almoat Immodiatoly. T h e re ,te - ^” malna fo r settlem ent only, certain mi- I

nor polnta botween IV u e e u d I ta ly ,respeeiing Ita lian schools, im m im tio n >and some eeonomie fea tnres ia Syria. ^

° 'S I X A R E R E P O R T E D K IL L E D !

H ead On OolUtlon o f Paseengor T t t l a i . . B e n l t i liL liicrBSied.l>eatii_lQ iL_<

- S P R lN O nK l,D , Mo.. Ju ly 22 f /P ) - « ly The numbbt-Af dend In the hbwl-on eol- -t 0- ll*loif o f two SL -Louis-San Prn'nciaco c iio passenger trfilns n t Lcgan, near bore, « ag earlv todn^' wn* Inereiiied to six lato I r te la v when It wn» cstnblisbed th a t five c fu membera,.of-:Androw Ifnm m or's fam ily s io .1 B U li ia U ljU o ., h id beoa k U b l, I ; . I

s tead o f foiiF, aa f l n t reported. .. ' . .cor — The-slxH i'vlelim-w af-K nglncer-O.-H i; >

.lliiig o f M one lt,-M o ,, . ^


m gs Upon n e ^ I s m ^liLITYFO]^ LNCE RESTSLROAD HEADS_;ij_A s s o c i a t i o n o l R a i l w a y

R e s p o n s i b l e f o r . P r e s e n t

t t t e n d a n t i ’o s s e s - t o - B o t h —

S a r n e r s ^

3 O F S T R I K E R S


h - T h r e o p r i n c i p a l is s n e B n o w , p r e ^ . •

( t h e r a i l w a y s h o p m e n ’s s tx i jc e , B . ' ly e m p lo y c B d e p a r t m e n t (iif t h e . lo r , s a i d i n ' a . s t a t e m e n t t o n i g h t n n d i n t l i e r e f u s a l o f > tho r o l l e x - c o n t r n c t i n g w o r k ; (2) t o e s t a b - i s t n i e h t ; ( 3 ) J to .c o n t in u c B e n io r i ty e n d e d v o r k . “ T h e r e s p o n s i b i l i t y . . a i l ro n d f l , t o t h e c o m m u n i t i e s t h e y i r s , u p o n t h o ' r a i l r o a d s a n d e ls e * - ^ t w l i e r e , t h r o u g h c o n t i n u a n c e o f

p r e s e n t H u fip eu s io n o f . w o r k , ” : t h e s t a t e m e n t s a i d , “ r e s t s n o w . p l a i n l y u p o n t h e A s s o c i a t i o n o f l l i d l w a y B x c c u t iV e s a n d p a r t i c - .- u l a f l y u p o n t h a t s m a l l b u t d o m - , i n a t i n g g r o u p r e p r e s t m t i n g t h e ■ N ev^ Y o r k b a n k i n g i n t e r e a w . ” — —

Poln ling ou t th a t th e ra ilroad labor ' ' board haa decided; Bgaiast th e ' prae*

I tlco of contraeting r^ lro ftd w ork' ia .I c o rtd a cases, Mr. Jow eil-assertod th a t

th e -E rie railroad, tho 'N ew 'T o r k ’O en-. . tra l u d iU nba id iarie s , iaelud lag th e ’ la d lan a H arbor Bolt Uao, th e U iehl- g u Central and ih e B ig F our, u d th e . .

- •W eo teu 'M « i7 laadh read f.hM r« -« tt-eo^ .;~ y : Iracted on t shop work.

" U u y other roads," t h e 's t a t e n u t ' v sa id , 'Ib a v e foRowOd th e aome prM tlee . u d alw ays, w ith - th e .purpoao »pd r»-

- s u l t 'o f rodDcleg wag«a, evadlag deels- Ions of tb e ’Iabor board, degriidlag tho working conditions u d a tU ok ing thb

_ .n n p lo y e s 'o r^ o i ia t io B S ."

............ .W «r« r«ds B o « d » » -8 u lln f - --------

A ssertlog (hat the Erie, N ew 7 6 r k :

1 Central a n d W estern U a ^ I u d t 'u w e U , aa other roads; havo unoBBCod their doelalon to f ig h t deelsioas In ih ls mat* te r to the h ighest-eourt, U r.-Je w e ll ta ld tho board 's, daelalon tg a ills t the prac tice will Vo'aet ata naught fo r yeara

n by some roads, w hile,'he a iid ; if .e o n r ts , .^ eontinuo to decide th a t th e boa rd 's

powers a ro ^ n ly advisory, “ e re n tn a n y • a lt .roads will be able to adopt th e cen<i • irabU ng out meUiod o f .e v a d ls s thb.^ trahsporia tioa aet, w herever i t is to . the ir a d v u ta g e .'|. ' - y

“ . . ^ Onl y Oao BtrO n ' 'IS ' Tbo c o n ta c t la n * is t b t flo te o M . 'I t o f th e th T M -isn e i on ;d str ike -vote waa ta k o a .re - J e v t i l 'a . s t a te m s s t te d a r n U lM U '' '

n p » posrible s e t t la n e t t T ho otb* id «c two a td k e im e e w et* m g M u u l <. ..-n working n l e ^ I t 'hATlng be ea vlr* . ' a tn a lly agreed a t ooafereaooa th a t n these m atters conM be n ln i l t te d If ■ to the labor board fo r a rehbatiag ;— •!____ T h o jtB U q r tt tJ a m U M tn e n ih o a n l - •

t iB ues have been broiight np alaco IO. th« a trlke ita rted .

y Appealing - fo r national a d juslm aat ' ’ bonrifa to uecldo disputes, M r. Jewell

c. snid the asseclftUon of. railw ay exeea':o- tivcs opposed such boards fo r the pnr*

Cof dcliljeraloly ovo rload^g tho Ia> board.

t- Employes >[esUo ono national l>oard, uniform (nterpretntlon of eneh riiles is -

<1 desirable and inlermbdlato boards will 'u c teato Inharmonious ruUnga -an d ' re- - Ic gionol bonnls would Impoae dupliea-

Uog nnd unfair expense. __________ _

_l PropofllUon Indefeasib le -

“ Thb proposition to deprivo mon of , seniority r igh ts because of suspension

7 of w o rk ,'' the alatem cnt sa id , " l a a t - . ' • torly Indefcusiblo i f tho fa c ts aro an-

■ derstood.VTho righ t o f tho senior eipploye tb

J. bo tho l u t laid o ff «ad to have f i r s t .' "^ arofcreneo In selection fo r p re fe rab le ' '' U jobs, ho aaid, was of g re a i lm p o r tu e e ,

u d asserted (hat tbe r o a u 'in s h e d to,J, do away w ilh tho order, tb “ wood, o u t ,

thoso workers most , active In proteo ' t lon of r ig h is .o f tbe lr follow em-

i. ployes.", " T h e purpose of destroying ' senior* s ity r ig h t^ '' the sta lem ent said , V.ls a ' -

vicious a ttack on tho r i r t t e f a u n - to . n f its e to 'w p r k under :io&''aeceptabIe .

Y conditions.'* D epriving \th e .m o n -!o f :j’, ; J seniority, be ai^d, wonld Ke f t." (w e e ^ .

ItftsYlDjostlce, uaparalloled la m o ie k - ■ '■ a hlai’t S ! " .V ,,.J . V . . S g p p tto A d d ed B Tldeace ' ;

. " I f ihoralTw ay exoebtives Inalsl a f ? 7- OB using th ls tuspensloa of-7rorkTrhlah:..7-.r ]. .they fo re ed ,upon the employe^ as < h :. ;0 oxcuso of depriviag 'them o f the fm itB .v^ ';’ i>. o f life .long , coatiaoons fa lU ifd sorv*.0 lcc ,f ' the: statem ent eald; "thoT . ..wHI; e only g iro fu rther .bvldeaee o f t M - a b > : ^ . y solute n eeou ity fo r ;iho orgaidtedVemr

ployes (0 f ig h t to tho l u t . d itch ih'#- ■. .conspiracy. o g a I& s t.,i l ie lr .,^ u ; td la e & ^ .-v ^

^ S * a H a e ^ ! S o .U 7 e ; b y ^

Page 2: I m e lLLS DAILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · Thft priionera woro Uken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de •'of the

■ lit smiiLE■-iStlPEClf : PMI MM

L e n r o o f o f , W is c o n s in S t a r t s

M o v e m e n t L o o l< in g t o L o w ^

. e r i n g o f P r o p o s e d R a t e s o n

- V a r io u s G r a d e s

I 'W A 8UIN0T0N. Ju ly 23, yp>-W hiIo tho barrnKC, prelimlimr)’ to tho .buttio

— - • ove t tbo wool Schedule in tho admin-iitratloi) ta ri ff bill waa Inld down to- dft)* in Die sonnto, na unilv-tlii;-iurfaco '

' movement wos s ta rted by Senator Lon- root, ropublicnn, ^Titeoniin, look lu^ .to . a ^cnurnl reduction In tbo higlior-Uut-----jfj-propoicd on-eonr«o rttWwobl”aDd ...onnufneturcs of th n t woo), lUtlo of whicli is produei’d iu tlils country.

Scnntor I . c n r o o l , - ^ o conductcd a suecesnrul fiftlit a g a i i ^ aamo of .tbo r a tr i in the cotton slhodule, xnii] tbero

• . . was a eonilderablo number of ropul)- Ilenn senators d iun tisflcd with tho du t­ies to vpblch ho hail objoclioii and thfll fjo wns hopeful of Retting an aRToement with the eommittoo majorlly fo r a mox- taum duty of s ix ty por cent. Should Ms e ffo rt in tbis direction provo un- f ru i tb l , bowovor, I t i t iiis plan to mabo

. a f i f ^ t in tbo senato.• Tho W iK oniin senator ottimnted tha t

the dulltft on tUo e o m o wool pioSujis ransed from 20. per cen t to 237 j?or eejit. lio mado I t p la in tha t bo was n'o't oppoiInK tlio eommittoo duties oa tbo /(no Rrados of wool either in the raw •ta to o r m anufacluicd p»du«t». '■*,

E * lnetlon Agreod To Boforo the aenato m e t thu finance

eemmittco m ajority aRtced ten tatively to a reduction of fivo per cen t in ibo fi ad vnlom n duties on woolen clothes, laeiudlng elothlajf. W iether these ro- , daetions nro to bo recommended to tbe senate wili bo considered further-on - vol Monday. '

Dohato Ln tho sennto t o d v wns eon* flaed alm ost wholly to . ^ 0 33 eents a jrtund d k tf proposed on scourod wool ■'“ * w ith Senator W a]sb;^eiO oarat, Masta* fnc obuselts, m aking, the priaelpni a ttack , ^

' afld C bttim an MeCumber,. and Senntor amoo( tbo fiflonee eommittce, bnd tl^e Senators Gooding of Idaho, chairman ntt o f the republican ngrlenU nrxl-lariff ufi bioe, • and Uursom, republican, Now « P U o iieo ,'d e fend ing th o connaUteo pro* jMials. , 001

v ? ^ - . The famous schedule of the Payne- ' Aldrich Uw got In to th o debate early « « and was refoned i i frequently. A t a I tho oatM t, Sen&lw MeCamber to ld to w '»«r tbe woolon m tnufaeturorB bad b ro ag b t, son

. in wool o t low sliriDkaRe -whleh took a <lel . low ra te , w itb a resu lt th a t th o pro- 33

d u e m reodved on actual p n ^ e t io n of 7.0 0CTt» a pound ia ito a d of 33 oeats, i t i ns was I n t e n d e d ^ tb o fram ers o f tho

lU s n f K tn n x f AttAclced thg

Tbe m nnufortnrers came ia fo r at- 5 . lack from S t u t o r Jones, Senoera t, . .

‘ New. M edeo,*w ho charged th a t when ' tbo Payno-Aldrich law wns drofted tbey.

“ '•bad " d c B b e n itc ly 'd e c e lre d " congress • ond tho eomrtiT »• lo the a m o o n f of ' compeasatoty protec tion lUoy wovM need on aeeount o f th e raw wool duty. . J la th is conneeQon, .’Senntor 'S noo t said ate

Clearan■ Havinpr bonffht the

‘ ..we have be'en soinpr .0 . find several lines of fro

r . We have decided to do T- -will-be-aboutrAuCTsHi ■' .LOOK FOR THE RED

BASEBALLS' ’ O fficial league'b .ioeballi, regular

, . . . . . . . . :- . . .$ 1 .3 5 ,


Genuine all leather, bvsl- gntdci:

■ " .S.S.9Q.. -..-S 3 .5 0

■ ; r * ! " .......:,I$2 .00 :

■ imCKETJSmVES'big a u o rlm ea t of~'l*ocket

Knives for men and boys a t ncor- ly linjf ptlcc. I t -will pny yon lo Kot yours now. ' .


' . Jolly, Boom and'Lile Sav­ors, a t HALF'FBIOE. .



Tli«w six women, lolod fo t thc it con- slruetivo work for good government, unite In iirginif every woman citlton to voto in the ir party prim aries. A t a Un muctinR in Clevelaad, 0 . , ^ ian s woto the made for an cducationnl campaign to .inform wnmon-of tliC 'C nnntry o f tho ppj, fn c ts . about primnrlcs, - th ruufjh . th o ||;n i

tl^e coam lttoe th is tim e iiad nal<l l o l ^ j i a ttention to Iho testlm ony of tbe man-1 theufacturrrs, relying upon an exhauslivo levreport of tho world woolen industry It <mado by ’th e ta r i f f eonm St^oa a t a cosoost, bo said; o f ^50,000. |>0U' I n tlie eourso J t Senator W alsh’s »i- nnuu n i t on the 33 cents d u ty , , tboro was mna lively ditputo betw cen-deaocra ts and fTepubtUi.ni a i t o w bollter BenaloT Bur* nntso n . In interrupting S enator W alsh to ref

I defend tfao duty, had stat«<l th a t tho t),u 33 eents wits designod t« a fford tk« orewool producers an average annual prof- rulit of ten per c e n t‘over a 'p o rio d of fivo vtnyears. Senators Overman, domoerat, ^VnN orth CarolinaT and jWalab. ’conteDded u fihat>thl» had been^’ h is statomodt,. |,cewliereas Senator’ SmoM argued th a t tho w hat the 'N ew M osieo senato r intendedto ronvey was tb a t th e do ty proposed . . . .would .enable tho^prodneers a t be«t to ' mako not more thnn 100 p e r cent j)ro- iiit-

.StSfaeat Z t v IL n le d • .

, Jtttnck ing tho oommilteo ratp; 'Sen- a to r Walsh s ^ d t ^ - 'l ian io c ib e

[ice and;he business known as tb e l .over tfie stoclc, sortinp; V

froQd staple goods whieh v Jo this before movinff to ou H lstrtThe-sale^H ^starti! 3D TAGS.

Everuthina in — . FISHING

i TACKLE - ' - at Cut Prices '

llieM prices come to you in

t l« ^ i i» t good ot- tl»cm.


* , 1 » ' t

' S / S ‘ “ 1 : S 3 . 0 0 ■■

. RAZORS ' 1: ..... . ... 6 0 c ■ I' - m .......... S 1 .5 0 i

J — -------- -— — B

f l M f a i t a i t h a n r jTraliiInK for o u ic a sm p . ot Hthu Lea^uo of Women Voters. Th'o o women pictured nbovo nro: Mrs. Maud r Wood I’nrk, p r ^ d o n tT J f tho N ational J U'ngne of Women V oters arid bond, of » the Division of I^edslntion nnd fL aw li Knforrcmont in W oihington, P . C.; Mrs. 1 U'irhnrd Bihvnrds, Peru, Ind., f ira t viec:' o p rw ldent, bend o f tho Division of Or- 1

! Knniuitlon; .Miss Uelle Sherwin, Clove- t

l “ joko r” In tho emergency ta riff inw, I I the duly propoietl wns tho highcs^uver I

lev ieJ on, rnw wool. Ho nsserted thn t ' i t eouhl bo shown th n t tho duty would coat tho m anufacturing industry $Q5,- « 1)00,0011, whieh, when paid by tbe con- nnmcr a fte r jiyramlding, would approxi­mate «2400,000,00. ■ • •

Kuiintor Smoot argued th a t tbis would nn t p^ove t^ o .cuBC, and undertook to rcfuto the claims of m anafhetu iers th a t thu dnty would result in a ' m aterial in- t orroio in tho pr^eo o f clothing. Ho « rulled atten tion tb a t th o prosent du ty c wns ■ts cont* n pound, bu t Senator ® Wnlsh ■replied tb a t tbo emergency Ur* I ff du ly had not beecmo effec tive , both }’ beeauso a t n diminution o f Importa and •' tbo fac t th a t tbo wool brought In under _ tb a t «luty had Just now rea«be<t tho * ,atagc of tho finished cloth. , ^

. ' 7 —r — J

Som loflt M u tt S a v e ' ® m e r e !■ one kind of m oiicr t l n l .

you can borroc ," soya a banker. ‘T h a t U .tbe -kind lomebody elM haa M Ted* ’

r. ■' ■ — ■■ . = s

RemoveeTwin Falls Book store ; :*£ nd rearranging,.and t 1 we wish to close o u t ■our new location which I t ‘M0NBAYrJ-ffl&Y-247 “


POPULARCOnChoice of any popular e uiar75c v^ue,...,...........

- — p ic T U R E S im X Almost three dozen pi

I ly all are good' sub.1ects the frames are worth. -

LADIES’LEATHEiA beautiful $15 pin s'eal A splendid value, $10 ba A neat bag, regular $3 v


^EWS; TWIN f a l l s , 'I il[ P A H O . S U N D A Y . M O R l ^ ]

Voters i



. I

' i . r j j I[ lffiaB ualirth .W au£nrig •lutui, U., sccond viee-presidont, direc tor i<

) of tho T rainiog fo r Cltizcnsbip Depart- ,I ment; Mrs. Solon Jacobsj Birmingham,I Ala., th ird vlco-ptesidont, spceia l.rcpre. 1 : scntnlivo to aid s ta tes w itb tb e lr legis- ' ’ lutivu pragrnmmpa; Miss E llu b o th ■ . Hauser, U lrard, 0 . , secretary and bead ■' o f tho Division o f Publieity , and. Miss ■ K atherine Ludini^on, H artford,.C onn.,• treaiorer.

'IB M B m S F O m *1 — . " c; PrcBOQt United States Senator *

Qots Poor S tart on Basis of J Early Primary Eetums . t

[ DALLAS, Texas, Ju ly 22, (/P)-Senu- . to r Ciilberaoii, seeking rcuumlnatlon as J 4 n a w ra t ie -c an d id a te f o r th e ’ (Jnited t S tates aonate, stood fourth In tho rnco,; aecordinK to Incompleto returns from 70 . towns, to tbo Texas election bureau to- , n'igiit. Earlo B. M ayfield o f A ustin wan 1 loading.. The voto n a s : M ayfield, 8.'>1S; Jnmes , E.,Ferguson. Temple, SSOij Cullen B-

Tbomas, Dallas, S505: Senator Culber­so n ,‘4600; Clsroneo O nafey,.Fort W orth, 3768, and-R obert L . ‘ ’U enry, Waco,aeso . • . , .

• W lint ts useless to you moy bo vni- ab le to c tbet» -odT ertIso It in the e iu iU ied eolQD&B.

al Sale iN e a r l y e v e r y a r t i e h

t i m e s t h e p r i c e s a s k e d .

T H E Y H A V E B B E l

M O V E T H E M ; - ' ~

T T H e y m u s t g o a s w . e .

c o n f i n e t h e b u s m e s s t o

1* * ,

^YRIGHTS. 48c'• c o p y r i g h t B o o k K r e g - 1

..................... . ..4Sc , 1

^ T H Z N ~ C U S T ~ " ^

p i c t u r e s t o ’g o . - N e a r -

; t s . - P i ' i c e d l e s s t h a n 2

■ ' s

ER HANDBAGS ® i l b a g , c h o i c e ...■. S6.S0 _ _

b a g , n o w ................$4.50 .1

v a l u e , n o w ................95c «


l i w F ,mm\n\. ------ ■ c

s t a r W i t n e s s , i n P h i l l ip s C a s e J

:— D e c la r e s .H e r L i f e W a s I

■ ; - T h r e a t e n e d - T o o — ^ -

LOS ANGELES, Ju ly 22 qsta tem ent , was obtairicd by tho sbe r-ji, i f f ’a offleo to d a y 'f ro m M rs. Peggy, h Caffee, oyo-wltness’o f tho slaying o f .c

: Mrs. A lberta .Mea'dows on Ju ly 12, and a Mrs. Cnffco was assigned a spcelaU** guard by tho sheriff.' - ■ •

The guord, a woman, will stay w lth .c • M rs. Cttffeo un til M rs ..C lara Pbillips. L

who Is alleged to have killed Mrs.^ Meadows w ith a hammer, is brought to tria l.

In tho sta tem ent today, i t was a n -' nouneed, MM. Coffeo declared M r s . ' Phillips, wbllo delivering tho' bftmmcr | blows which, sho «iiertc<{,.took.tho.llfo.| of M n . Meadows, used ' unprintable lau m ago and sa id; . i

• ' I am going to kill you.” i 'Mrs. Cnffco sd d , arcordlng to In­

vestigators, th n t she knew nothing of tho nlleited purchnso o f it revolver .inly \ \ , l.y M ts. PWlHp*. Thv d lstrU t at-

- to rncy ’n office nnnonncod i t iiad a . Bales reeofd,showing th a t the purchase

lind beon made. . - ------------In tbo rccord tho purchaser gave her

ace a s 27. M « - rM « ij> a t tho tim e of ■her n n e a t gavo her age as 2.1 ond said sho was married a t Ilouytofl,-^ Texas, when 1-i vears o}<l- A t tbo d istric t at-

. torney*B o ffie e 'to d n y It was 11010(1.th a t nn attem pt was being n o d e , to ,

,. check tho npparent discrepancy- M

N B W -D A m yajE C O E D . IBRANDON, Vt., Ju ly 22, —Maple

L eaf Jenn, nn AynliiTO cow, owned bv Captain A. HeAry lUxginson, o f South Lincoln, Mass., has ertab lishcd .a now- w orld’s record for her class by produe-| ing 16,078 pounds of milk in 300 doys,

or i t w M ’announecd todgH t by tho Ayr- rt- shire Breeders* association, m, i . i ’ I

R E A f - E S T A T E T R A N S F E R S

Sd i to i ilib sd by t h e r w in r» li* T ttla ana i u - A b s tn c t Oompaay

Thmeday, Ju ly SO Chester 8. C lift to A nneltn M- Clift,

' »1, nne-hnif Interest loU 14, 15 niiil 'IJ 10, block 08, Twin Fnlls. 1H • .-Triday, Ju ly 21 ’

Quit-clnlm deed: Kimberly Btorngo Co. to I’lirmers Grain and Miliiog Co.,

) r »1. pa rt N B SB 20-10-l(i.Wm. T . Shelton to E. K. L ancnste r,'

♦1,100. lot 2, Sylvester Newton addition to-T-win-;Vftlts.-- ■;-------------- , ' I


“a - ' - ’ . . ';o, ■’ ■ ' ' ; '

i FlOOlnl- 'ho •___________ _______________________ __

S t a r t s 1 , 1 1 ,

M o n d a y J U l j

| c l e i n t h i s s a l e i s w o r t h ' 1

: E N - M A R K E D A T ' , E R I C

v . e . e x p e c t ' t o p i i t i n a f i r s t c l t o t h e u s u a l B o o k a n d S t a

' PATHE PHOmW e h a v e o n e s p l e n d i d m s

k n o w n m a k e , w h i c h i s a i

- ^ h i n e r - t h a t - w f r w i l l - s e l M c

PATHE RECOi 25 0 f i n e P a t h e R e c o r d s i n

s e l e c t i o n s , r e g u . l a r l y s e l l i

$ 2 .0 0 ; a l l i n o n e l o t ; y o u r

^ .Scissors^U iiy kinds,' including embroi­

dery, manicure, button hole, i Bankprs nnd paper hanger shears to 7fi n t OEBAT f im u O T IO N a yo„r

■ ' ' . I

iJIING, JULY 23,1922


. ^ jjJEW VORK, Ju ly 22, ( f l ^ N . J . Conners, Buffalo, newspaper publisher, lon lgb t Issued a statem ent in which

I bo predicted thh t William Randolph-I I lea rs t would be tho only eiui^iilato.— ___I w h eu H tO e m o cratlc fonvenlloa nfeuts I in Syraeuno’,nex t September to p lrk ' A

nomlnee f o f governor of New York. Mr. Conners -indicnted th a t tho flve-cent

3 faro throughout tho stato and Xho milk q^ucatlon would be tho chief issues o f ■ the campaign. , y • ■

J T E E D ji iS ^ Y a W l- L .

PRESCOTT, .Wash., Ju ly 22, { ;p ) - One million dollnri/loia was sustained

■• by thb Pottland f lo u r Mill company y hero todny when their loeol mill was :• f cntlrey destroyed by flro, sto rting from d 'on undetermined cause a t 0;3O p. m. in ili wflrchouso No. 3. Tho flames wero un*

teontroloblo before volunteer firo fight- Ii[ers could be assembled to bottle them.

i'l - ■ - ro'

. . - ...........

f ’ .

f C T — B P _ I . mm., mi

I, I p e p e f d f l o .H iW lie re Y o n • '.•V V i, B u y Y o o r,



« Wo sell only quality ports at ^ . tho right prices and earry a com- j plclo stock’ cf ,*.ta.ndfttd and o»ct-,

sIms . ^ •

Stepken Cylihder .' I Grinding Co.

Wu Aro Not Beginners bu t Mas- ° i tors of Iho BusinoM

•,i P h o n o 2 3 7 W — 2 d A v e . N .n


y 2 4 tiii ' d o u b l e , s o m e t h r e e

:ICES .THAT WILL ;' ■ •___________ __________ ____^

: c l f e Book Store and itationery supplies.

' I . ' ''

---------- -NOGRAPH ,...'......m a c h i n e o f t h i s w e l l

a r e g u l a r $ 7 5 . 0 0 m a - ■ k

...:-:$-45M -ORDS 2 5 c .

i n a w i d e v a r i e t y , o f )

i l l i n g f r o m $ 1 . 0 0 ' t o

i r c h o i c e e a c h . . . , . . 2 5 c • '

Men’s Pursesne lot o f Men'* V<xxw. vai^M •' . n p ■*nr choice '--------- ---- . . . . . Z u C | ' ' ,

PIPES 1 and

IGAR h o ld ers h a l f PRICE < '

Page 3: I m e lLLS DAILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · Thft priionera woro Uken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de •'of the

’ eiilLLM."^ ;if[B F [S lL

F i r e D e p a r t m e n t R i a n s R e p e t i -

t l o n i j f S u c c e s s f u i E V e n t 'o f '"

I . T w o Y e a r i A go

im i lL , Ju ly 22.—Tii« Uuh! fire <ic> partm ont wlll-liqld JU fim l ntiuu.-il ufl> crnoon w alcr fcnUval on the Pori* Atli- lotic ficlil on Siittclay nfti’rnoon, Auj;.

■’ • • 6, nctordiiiR to iiliins iiuw iu progrcu.A ullio riu tjou for tii’l* cvont wnii

. r ; . ” Rrnntcd by-tlio city.cbuiieU a t ll» moot- in s on >'rii]ity nftcnioo)i.

Tho afU 'rnoon’ii, fljinrt by tho tncril i ' ■ ■ iircraoD will couslat o f n ball gnmo, a

w ater polo,-iii w hirh .•<-bnrrol will be* iilaycd upon by two hnai.* itrcamt", caaIi

. ______Lclng operated.upon by oppo«lng t«niiii>>Tlio object o f th is kbwp will bo to fori-6 th e barrel o v e r 'th c oopoaing toam 'a boal lln«. ' ' .

A nother c\-ent w hirli Is.oxpectcd to a ttrac t will be a w ater f ieh t botwoon tw(v toama of f lvo men cacb, A tim llar

. event waa aU ged liore ttro yeaia ago by tho Buhl departm rn t sg o in it the f w in FalU firo departm eutr*and it waa v i ts e u o d wUh irnek eatiiDalum th a t i a a i bave been .rlnmerlDg fo r a

; reeurreneo b f the even t o rer ilnee. Monay derived from the firem en'a •

w ater fe itivo l w ill ,b p plaeod in tho ' l iu h i 't l r e n e n ’B B elief ouoeiation . Thia

1 ia a aieic nnd ncddeu t Brganliatlon for the. benefit o f tho lordi firemen.

i K s i l i i i i

Importanco of Seonring Oertit- ioatiS'flf-fiiJiiiyiS'Potat!;--■ ’

od Ont I

. l 'O C A tB I,W , .iuly 2 S -H r . ! • . timiio of th e fac t th n t tho flvo yenr '

• '» period given iltiinbli'il world wnr veter- Inna for filltiB comjtetisiilion clnluia hna Inearly expired in mnny Inntaneea, (IIh- ,

; ablpd form er aervlpc jionple were urgedtodny to acpuro pcrtlflcn lca-of, in ju rv 'from tho U nited Stntca vetcraaa burcnu ^

: before AuKiist 9 Iiy 8 . F . Kvnnii, mnn- »agur o f tlio Rovoriina'iit agency Uero. cIn cnae n Might diiiability not enm- tpeniable now becomra ni’grnvnied-nfior I tho fivo ycnr.frnm tliar.hargo.limit, thecnrllfirn tc o f in jury ■ w hleU -nuat be t

' ao^ured boforo A ugust 0 will mnko 11 dpoaalblo fo r tho vctum na to maice ap- (pllcntion for government com|>oil«iitlon, tlie atntcd. Tho local offleo o f.th o bU’ treau will aaaiat veterana in aoeurlng o

» . thia Im portant eortlficnto. 11 waa atated. t“ P e t iM la n tc ," alaW d M i. E vnni. i

• " a man wna diaeharged from the arm y c o r navy -December It 1017, a n d filedda im for compensation Pecember IB, n

^ 1022. UU .claim muat neeeasarlly bo fliUalloired beeauto he failed to apply tfo r eOBpenaatloQ w ltliiii tho fivo ye.ir |period 'unlosa ho haa n 'c e r tl f ie a to o f tin jury whieh he m ust got bofore An- |guat 9. Tho votoroua liuuonu'U 'engor tto have every veteran know tho rulings ^00 thU im portan t n ia tto r in order thni ^

. no former aervico mnii or woman will plose h U 'o r her r ig h t to mako npplicn- ]ition fo r,governm ent ;nmpcnantion bo- {, Miiao of frtlluro to seeuro thia rertlfl-entc o f in ju ry w ithin the -sh o rt tim e j

, ; ' C H E R R Y C R O P E X T R A L A R G E

Tnmaoal Q naatltjr o f S ^ e n d ld F rn lt - O orsts tfroM o f W a it E nd of

' • O onaty

B U d L , Ju ly 22^— Thu e W ^ crop In . thn Buhl d la trict U unuaunlly largo this

■year. S w crt^hei;rica wjtro-sold a t 10 .j to 12 cents por pound; while plo cher- i, rlea are selling a t fi nnd 0 conta per ,

. pound. Homo grown nprieota and {Ipachei « o m tn e m M ket th is week, i thp former a t U eehta per pourid.

O liver M nr«drai_ro}nrnM _hom c..on Friday from Chicago, whoro ho aceotn- ,, panied sovernl cnrlnad* o f lamba for .i

« McWamarn nnd flkillern. Mr. Marsdon 5' v la1 to ira"T i!i bid home a t Ainsworth, ,, .N’eb., on hia return. '

|Thrcahing nihehlnp men are busy this V wt|ok ovorhnulliig tliclr tviglnp* nnd grain anparntora prcimrntorj* to atnrt- , ing up the ir nincnines nif soon n i the ” whpot U hnrvcitcd. The whcnt crop [” ]s unusually good thU year, nnd it is

- frcply tir(“diclfcl tlinl some bnniicr ,■ y.h’lds rany lip oxptv tn l, • . ,

Tho.Duhl flo u rm ills nrp closed down ,lhU week to do V in e r 6|m ir work nnd

• iini'rovpnipnta, I'rcjiprjilpry to opcrnl- r , , ing n t full f tiko 'tvhen the tiow whent . ' . ‘•V I'rop comi's oil Ihe, m arket. — --------------------------- Tho_\V arr«!U -Cninlruction-rom tiany- i l

bngnh ^vork Friilny on repairing tho 5 strpo ls 'in Hqhl w hlrh thoy p/tvi-d spv- ^ prnl yenra ngo. TIio worn places nro

*... being covered w ilh n cont o f tnrvne nnd * snnd.

The c ity council m d on Friday nfl- ernnon to pass upon bllU presented.

-— This was nn adjourned meeting from Mondav evening. Ju ly 1", a t w hleh .n quorum wna la ck in g 'o n ac'connt of C.linutnunim being in srssion here.

Dr. A. f’. McOluskv ji<, the owncj of ii 'new 'B tiirlp linkcr five.pifisenger car

• purchnied Frliloy.


t '


* I n l ja to d 20 K ti t 'oa ' EIo . O n ad e B lro r to t i i d s fo r U ad Lera.

80 t e n s o r '40 aeres laproved— fop solo o t a b a rw ln .

. Houae fo r w n t 1 n r o , Antomobila a ad H allJ[n-

..suranco ia Old L ine Oompulei^,,*• ■ . th a t insur®.

L L O Y D A N D C R A V E N Q O.____ - 187 1-a M A lk AVB. WEOT


Young Fliei


maot> —

iin, I .


m rvey C. K areher, O tt* C. Koppor »» and Bdmuni] Talleo, a ll studenU a t tbe

* M nasaehuietts Inatltuto of Teebnology, havo aailed on the liner Savoie, taklofr

ho I -f "

'^fiRASlPPERS I i E l t e I

KUNliieilliC W in g e d P e s i s T a r n P r o m D e v - I u a s t a t o d D r y L a n d F i e ld s t o

A r e a s U D d o r D i tc h f . .

^-.IjlllUil'lY.—Ornaahnppera hnve nl- ready destroyed Itio dry /nnu rrnps c in many acctlons. n f .the Bnnkc river i: valley, nnd nro now threntcniug tho s Irrigated crojia, says the Uiirloy Uni- J

<j. ietin. Thu te k ito ry around Americnn na Falls has suffered heavily from Ihe C i"; peat. I 'r n c t i c a l ly 'a i r i l i e ’ <lry land 0

whp»t.,ln the Yale section n t tho eiiat- 2 ,u ern end nf Cnsain county ha j lieen de- I' n- alroyed by lliein, They have already s0. oaten much of the c top ’on Ibo footlvlUs e n- ncnr Albion nud nro now a ttack ing the a or irrlgftted eropa. v lie .The upper bank of the .th ird i.ifl a. :ie e a iu l on thia p to je rt hna .bpen iirnrtlr- rII ally clpnncd or vegotation by tno hun- a p- gry hordea of gmsHb'mpers atopped n n, there by the w ater in the ir movement li U’ tow ard the irrigated fnrma nnd mnuy■g of thom have mado their- wny ncrosa I: d. tbo ennni, and joining the already largo ii >s. numbers on tho farm s along tbe edge e IV o f.th e .p ro jee t nro .doing dnmngo. p ;d Mnay places on tlie jirojeet no l yet h

affec ted by iho m igratory grnishoppera e10 from tho dry farm nreaa nro Buffering d1.P leases from tho effec ts o f tho local n ' f hopper*. F o r thn fiast three* yenri*>f thoro havo been aufflclent numbers «f II "• th e .p o a t on tbo project to , in te rfe re A ff w ith the production of nlfnifn nnd do- fi !" r e r aeed, and in many plueca to destroy e

giirdena. This year Ihe number haa In- c11 preased. E ven 'hore In the c ity of Bur- tl f- ley 'm any gardens nro h?ing eaten up i 0- by tiie griisahopper*. n; '• ------- ■ n" B U R L E Y S L A S H E S C O S T S >


Ellm lnatloti of C epattm enta a ad Sadde. i t tlon of Salaries U akes Estim ated

SaTla« e f t 2B ;as ,

' BUIUiBy.—The board of educiition of tbe Bnrley schools, n fter m aking n l

'* careful a tu d y o f the expenditures fo ri ^ tbe coming year, finnUy completed the-

budget nnd aceeplei] tho document to- ta llng #ll8;7K7.5(t. Thia i* npproxi-

“ mateK'"Kn,'233' Ie«a than last year 'a budget.. •

Thia anving hna been effected by " ulimlnnting the depnrtm cnts o f mnnuiil '* tra in ing ,nnd home' ecoildinlca, o f ape-

elai auperviaom in inuaii-, a rt and pen- 'm ftnsbiprthe=in«ca*iii|*~ofthc-iiliie-ft'f

'■ trn rh ing unila 'in Koih high school nnd grades, thus (-uttiiig d6wn the teaching

,J force aome auvori nr oight tenchora^ nad a genernl rediicliciii o f stiliiriea of teacbfts nnti eivipioyvn. A g tcnl

® imvlng was made by :i rnrefnl selection ‘ n f .supplies aud by linvlug the repair

on tho tn ic k i done 11 ti'gnrnge renled I *' for th a t pnrpoKi' undiT Ihe siii'ervision j

of n merhauic hired by Die board ot od- ,j ucatliiri.

I f Tflur property lfde*lrab1e nnd !» ' |ftdvettised in Ihn c laM ified__ you..ll I '

^ find vour buyer,______ .L’ ■' — — ' ■ I I ■ . . . —

i p B ^: A T H A

Sunday,.. :.vs

HANSGame Called



liers to CoAipete in the Gl

vu w ith thom (he g tid s r’ (hoy trill p ilot i iIbe tho glider rocea a t Clermont-FerandSy, France, in Auguat. Tbo glider la olsig th e ir own conatructlon and accepted b)

I Bie CROPS ilGlilED ~

N F O R i i O K I l H Y

tr- S u r v e y S h o w s - O v e r M U lio a B u s h e l s o f S p u d s W il l B e .

R a i s e d ; B e e t s .G o o d

ll- ItUI'BRT.—Heporls un '^ i d o k n pa county rrop.t fo r the rurreiU ye.ir ahow er iiidicntlona good fur,yil-ld well abiive lie avernge on moal products, snys the :il- M inidoka County Nou-k, m Coudliiou of pot»toes-:ls given by lie C. W. Foster, eonnty weed inspeetor. a* id OD per cent ul present w ith a yield of it- 20 |ie r cent above Iasi ye ijr 'a erop^ex- e- pected. However. II la too enrly, be ly anys, tu make accurate esilniale, na dia- Ih ca*c»rif-ivHy nte picsont, usunily ilo noV lie ahow thema'elvos till Inter. Should har­

vest ahow only Inst year 'a average o f .'*0 fl aoeka per acre, over n million liusliela i(- will bo the output thia year on 800D n- acrea p la n ted -to th a t commodity. A [!d number of ezlroordlnary fielda have n i 'lioen noted.-'iy K. L. Willis, Irrigation d istrie t super- na Intcudcnt, aaya cropa of o v c ry a o rt nro go looking well wltb*n «o»d y ield ,lii .wheal ge expected i t ruat doe* no t mnVo lt^np■-

pearanco aa Inat year. F ira t cutting uf ct tiny U in tho am tk w ith second cutting ra coming on woll. Hny growera In Mini- Ig dokft county h'dvo a u fh red lit tle dam- al age from weevil. . . rs A bumper beet crop la prcdictcd by, • f R. C. Mny, field auporintendont fo r tho re Amalgnmnted Sugnr compnny, witii 0- fiolda 110 por cont na comparcil with •V erop a t tbia timo In il jc a r . Yield was n- cu t abort Inat year by whlto fly which ir- thua far baa shown no netivity . snys ip Mr. May. - A numbor of fields were

mentioned w ilh cslimatcd yield plaeod nt 20 ton* jwr ncre, Among theao were 11 nerea o n ' tfioV. P . BlechI plaeo;

V I , .

" T w in F a l l s - B o is e

J H a O e y S ta g e>rl ' •IC- .L eave Twia FalU 8:80 A. IL , fot 0* F iler,'B nhl, H agerm an, BIUs.1' From Bliss to H ailey by OoodlDg " and Fa itf lU a , ii r iv te a a t l-M F._ M.,,v ■prom Bllaa toB oU e by K ing Hill,: i O lonn’a Ferry , U ounta ia Home p. ( a to p -fo r dinner)) a rriv ing BoUa

8 P . u .—--.'- •

T o t r A m a ' a u i r i f l i i jm B O A if

Pbona B « s« m tlo a s to 682.W br K ^ E dgoaoa H ota i e«


■ TraskBros. ;|Stage Co_.

\N S E N

, July 23s A il S ta rs

f S E N , ■ ' .

2d a t 3 p .m . s l o n 35c

J A H O ; ' S U N D A Y M O R N I I

'ilider Contest

J. ...


: in au thoritio t here os (ho moat practical oi md, nil Amerlcnn-built machlnea of thal

o f type. •by . - ,

17 ncrea on tho BeldcrtnaD I’nrni, with four ncrea growli by D; It. Chubb be­lieved will go no t less than 23 tohi per


QU BUHL.—A firo in thn aecond story o f.‘th e Boring drug atoru w hirh broke out' in n room (iccujib'd na aleeping f|unrters by M r. Juhasou about SsllO n. ItT FrM ay 'u io ru lng .ealled ou t the firo dcpnrtm bnt nnd tlif) b lare wos put out w ilh Ihe.chemiciil;

i i , . l Smoke, wus dIscover<.'d In tho hallwav " ‘" ib y 8, B. Frllx and Iraced In this room'.

The lrani<om wiia broken through aad by I unlocked from tho inside. Mr. .Inhii- n-ilson hnd lefi the building a abort lime y^lbefnro.

I The cniise of the fire la unknown and the damage waa small,

be ' ------lia- I f voiir property la deairable ond U wV niivMtlsv'd in tb p tlft’wH it’i — jou 'H nr- find your buyer. J ■.SO •___________________________ _el"101) ( r = ^ = --------A ' ■ • .


-j For Ecoik• a l ............................. . ,

t . ■ ingili- ' . - - .im- . ------; •; • ___ -

by., - , ■ ' '

I t h e p•'re, ■cd - . - . . I . ;

' Why You S . ' _ Need An Autoni r \ T t 7 E l i v e to f i a y i n a w o i / , y V L i f e i s n o - lo n g e r

y e a , r s ' b u t b y d e e d s D O N I U V B D . , '

T b o a n to m o b i lo b a s t r e b l e d t i m a t e d d i s t a n c e . T o u r t l m '

v a lu a b le c a p i t a l . T r e b l in g y o t i r t im e - e n a b l e s y o u to gi

' - .- . .a S 'in u o h o u t o f l i f e , a n d b e I e u s e f u l . T b e n , to o , y o u r pr< ' o f r e l a x a t i o n c a n m e a n F I F, ___ L p . u L w i i d l t k o B g b - K a t u t c l’ d e n s ; _ ■,

, _ T h in k o f i t l - T h e t a n g p f p

I ’ . l i f e -g iv in g * 'g lo w ^ o f . s u u s h in s o n g s o f b i r d s ! T h e r a v i s h o f v io l e t s a n d r o s e s a b d n c F o r g o t t e n t h o c r o w d c d c lo

■ c i t y ] F o r g o t t e n t h e w e a r i n f i c c a n d f a c t o r y a n d h o u se

' w h o le b e in g i s l i f t e d o u t <• g r in d i n t o a n e c s l a c y o f 1

J M o to r in g ! “ T h a t ^ ]- ’ w h y y o u n e e d a n Q U to p o b ili

S ty le a■ ' • . ; " t

-— W h y e n v y y th e r i c h w h e n th e ^ ' y 6 n r f l ; f o r - $ 1 7 0 9 0 : 0 0 ' f . 6 . b ,

T h is e a r , w i t h h ig h g r a d e F m o s t s e n s a t i o n a l v a lu e e v e i

I t o f f e r s th o ^ i i r l v a c y a n d l u I t s a r t i s t i c l in o s , h a r m o n i o

. f ic i e n o y m a k e i t t h o m o s t ti 'W ith s m a l l in v e B tm e n t a n d i c o o l a n d c l e a n I n s u m m e r .

. . . . . . . N o B ia tt« w u a t 'p rlc id c a r yo;

See it! Con

■W.^E. S■ 313-315 Main Wes t ,


J I N a J U I i Y 2 3 i l 9 2 2 ■ ' .

m iA V y OBOP A88UBED.(IKAND K A n n s , N'. 1).. Ju ly 22, j/p]

—M arketing rif approxImaUly -20,noo,- . I itoij biisbela of. w hent.th ia yenr.U .ex-

I I'l'i'fed,. offici:il» o f Ihe North Daliota I wheal grow er* ' uMi>.'lnlli>n. whirh :i-lairu 0000.meinbers.,with Iriui than Iwii lyenrs existence, snbl toiiIiJliTT^

[ IfKAD I H E 'C U a S IP IE D -A B a .


. i o r SALE.

F. M-.Towiie. 1‘lnintiff,

.1. i ’. Wanfii'T’ wni ( itu te ' i i . St;m ger .. . . . a u 'l ..n a ak :p f lliiiii>en, u I'oriioratlDn


Under* and by virtue o f nn order o( ■r sail! .iiiul-decree of . fnrcehm uru’Isiiue'l

out o f the D lslriet Court o f Ihe Kiev- i-'atb Jud iriiil D r^ rlrt of the Htate v: Idaho, iu aud for the/Couiity uf-Twin Fnlla, dated (he 17th .Iny of .luly,.'11122 wlierein F. M. Towne^ the n'lmve nnnied

: pl aint i f f , ob taiaeil n d(i-rce ngiiiiinl •V T- Blaugor nnd O rare II. Htnnger, nad Bank of I lnn iea, a corporation, defendants , on the 1st dny of Mnreli 11*22, w blrh snid decrPe was on Ui.pJ* I

' dav o f Mnrch, 1022, reeorded in judg ment book Reven of said DUlriel C ourt,, a t page 220, 1 nm eoniinandeil to asll a ll th a t eortain lo t,' plero oi

, , parcel o f U nd altuato In tho County i ! T » l« M l . , 8 1 « t »I W »to, j i r f bounded and deacribed aa followa, to ­w it: ■ •

All th a t pa rt of tho W 1-2 of tha b b ; n w 1-4 o f Scction “0, Townahlp 10.

... South Range 10, E, B. M., lying north ’v*" of tho cen ter line of the malg canal .of ' *’®‘ Tw in FnlU -Gnnal- Compnny, In Twin ' P'-''' Fnlla County. Idaho; aubject to mort-____ ^jngc to DoTwcodk '.Norlhweatcrn &

I'ncifle & H.vpothcekbaiik, whlcb ia a f i r s t ifiM rp rlin llen , logothcr w ith thfi tenem enis, horoditament* and nppurto-

itorv nances thereunto belonging or' In nnir roVn "'■•'O nppertnlning.

i'ublic notice is hereby given th a t en I’'"*-' the 17lh dnv of AugUKt; 1022, a t thn 10 n. iinur o f 2 o''clock p. m. (Mountain firo Timo) of s a ld \d n > ^ t thn ‘east front , , ,„ |d o o r of the rou rt h o V i.f tho Count)

(Ilf Twin I'nlls,.B tnlo (iKldnlio,. in obi- 'd ieuce tu wiW order oY.fMo und dccrco

■"■“.'■’o f foreclosure. 1 will sell tho nbovo do- " 'i« .'seribcd properly to sa tisfy plnlntiff'a aad decree w ith interesi thereon, together

'*hii- w ith a ll rnsla thni hnve nr/rued or lime ninv arrriie , to the highest bidder for

c a sh ,. law ful 'woae.v nf the . United and Hiiites. •

Dated^lhia 2')lh <lnv of .luly, 1022.B. SIIEBMAK, .flh^riff.

d U Hv Bonnie llerrlm nn, Deput.'VA. .7. Nyor*. A ttorney for th e ?in\n-


tiomical Tran

PEOPLE’ou , whylomobile ~w o r l d o n w h e e l s ! O h ev r i

;e r m e a s u r e d b y J L o f f f o ie n t ilO N B , a n d - b o u ts - ,] ‘ a p p e a r a n c e i t

• ' ^ t o r i s t — B o lo v i

i le d ,t im o & n d d e o - . m o d e s t p u r s e ,

t im e i s y o u r m o s t p r i c e d , f u l ly c

' “ I"- “ I” ' ' '0 E o t l l i r o o tlm c Bb e t h r o o t i m e s a s ■ , ™ o t - j v e r j n

p r e o lo a s S u n d a y • ‘ o r i " *F I F T Y m i l e s j o y - . t o b u y 'b o t . t i n

a tc ! s J m p p y _ g a C i _ — * U y -lo w o r - in - f i

c a r s r e q u i r in i

j f p u r e a i ^ r T h o o h a n g q s t o ap]

i h in e l T h o g l a d m o n t s c o i r i s h in g f r a g r a n c e . i c a a t 'p c i : n o w m o w n h a y l „ c lo s e n e s s o f t h o . . . •

a r i n g c a r c S o f o f . M o r e t h a n 7 0 (

j u s e w o r k ! Y o u r . f lo ld . T h e new

u t o f t h e r u t t e d e s t a n d b e s t w o f p u r e . d e l i g h t . f e r o d a t t h e i I s ’L iS e l . T h a l i s - S C C S .& O ^i', o . ) b i I o ! ^ . - • i " C a r , R o a d s t e r ,

arid ComfortYour Family’s Priiate Catt h e l u x u r i o u s , c o m m o d io u s f o u r - d o t

). b . T w in P a l l s ?

e F i s h e r B o d y o n t h e c e l e b r a t e d N e a v e r o f f e r e d i n m o to r in g ^

1 lu x u r y o f a l im o u s in e a t l e s s t h a n 1 in io u s c o lo r , f i n i s h , r e f i n e d a p p o in t : s t d e s i r a b l e o a r f o r . a l l w h o s e e k - y e t a d e c o n o m ic a l o p e r a t i o n . . I t d e f i e s i r . I t i s t h o i d e a l f a m i l y . c a r .

r you.own o t aro coii#ia«4Uig. i t .'wUl pay.yc

'ompare it! Aak for Demoi

S m i th M o.. P l i o r i e Y O T .


o r ro B B O L o a tm B AND o e d b b •« • SALE. ____

Morris 0 , Pntrii'k. . .P lain tiff, .

IV__l-,..‘>jheneberger and K attle Q.Slii'iii'lierget, husba;id and w.ifo;, W .,.{:. W.vi-koff .iiid Kmma M . W yckoft ' linsbaiid nnd wife, nnd 0 . II. S a y a n d

^ .Matf. A, S.i.v,.hiiitband nud w ife,'o r -----------!iefondiin t» ;------lE fi ■ . . ' — 7 t ' . .)BB l li id fr iiail by virtue of an order of

■alu nnd decri'i' of forerlosure Isiucii nut of the PIslrlet (V nit o f l)io Klcv-

Itff, eath .lu ilirin l-nU lrirt o f th o ,S ta to o f . , Idaho, in nii'l for lht< (’ountv of Twin -

.get, ibited the JSib dny o f ‘.luly, lOSU,,Lion, in tho 'above .eutJlIed action, ..tvhoroin -. . luls. Morris 0 , rn lriek , llic above' named

phiiuliff. nbtnfuMl a derren ngtvlnil r of I’- l>‘ t^lieueberger an.l l la ttle (!. Sheno- ' lued berger. husband and w ife; W. C.. W y f :icv- koff aud Knima M. W yrkoff, huaband

tf ' .nad H'lfe; and 0 . 11. 8;iy nnd Mary A.'win Rnv, hiiaband nnd wife, dofondanta, on 1122 the l-llh dny of .luly, 1022, w hirh aald tned decree w ns’on Ihe l-lth dny of Ju ly ,iiiHt 11122, recorded in jiulgineiit book Seven,------Igor, nt page 4117, I nni I'onlmnnded In sell lion, thnt eertain lot. p ic rp 'o r ]iareol of ire l if sUnnted' lu the Connty of Twin I l i t Falls, Blnto of Idnho..nn^)O undod and uilc- dexerlbed as follows, to-sn t: .Irict Lot t aiid the flK 1-4 of th e NW H idcd of Section IH. Township 11, South,J or Rnnge 18, E, B. M. in ty Public notice U heruby givon, that; n&d on tbe S i t t dnv nf Auguct, 102S, a t tbe to- iieiir of a o ’clock p., m. (M onnUla •

Tlmo) nf anid dny, n t the eaat front thn door of tho fop rt houae of tho CoaatV - 10, nf Twin Falli, S late of Idabo, Id obed*

»rth lencp to aald order of aalo and decree I of of W c lo iu rc , I will aell iho above de- win scribed real cstnte to antUfy p la ln tlf f ’a ort- decrcp w ith Interest thereon, together

& w ith nil coats tha t hnvp accrued or may la a nrcrue, to tbo hIgheM bidder fo r eaab; th6 law ful moncrr of tbe U nited Btatea. rto- Dated thia'20lh dnv o f Ju ly . 1922. m i B- B- SnERM A N, Sheriff.

- By Bonnie Herrlmnn, Deputy...on . E. L. Ashton, Allorney for tho Plain- thn t if f . _

o lt BEAT) .T H B .'nA rnv. n e w s : "n tj • lbl-

,'i!; ' M O N E Y F O E

" j ; P A E M L O A N S

. 7 P E R C E N T ■

. I N T ^ E S T

J . S . K E E L


l l . . . .. ' ■ " •

:’s C A Rly it Should Be a '

Chevrolet:.' ,i v r o I e t i B t b e p e o p l e 'B o a r . S o .

I t i n so c v io e a n d p l e u l n g ^ l n .

) i t s a t i s f i e s t h e w e & ltb y m o -

lo w ^ p r i c e i t m e e t s t h e m o s t

‘s e . I t i s t b e W o r ld 's lo w e s t

y e q u ip p e d s t a n d a r d a u to m o -

lo lu d e s . e v e ry , i t e m o f e q u ip - <.

r y a o o e s s o r y t b a t m o d e m m o -

a n d a . ' T h e r e i s n o th in g m o r e

, t b e l i d e n s e - ^ m a k i n g i t a c t u -

n - f i n a lo o s t - tb a o - Ip s s c o m p le f e - ^ — ■—

r i n g m a n y a c c e s s o r i e s , a n d

a p p r o x im a te m o d e m r e q u i r e - . j

c o m p ly w i t h t r a f f i c l a w s . I t ____ .

p e r m il e f o r g a s o l in e , o i l a n d

a v e r a g e s l o w e s t r e p a i r '- ^ i l l s .

7 0 0 ,0 0 0 O h e v r o ie ts h a v e b e e n

i c w S u j io r io r M o d e l i s t h e l a t -

t w o h a v e e v e r m a d e , y e t o f -e J n c a ® p a iA W y _ lo j« _ p r ic i> _ o i_ i_ _ ___

o . b . T w in FflB g. T o u r i n g ...............t e r , o r - L i g h t D o liv e ry .

E for A ll :^aV '

d o o r C h e v r o le t S o d a n _ c an -b _ e_ -^ —

N e w S u p e r io r C h a s s is , i s t h o

tn t h e c o s t b f m o s t o p e n c a r s ; i n tm e n t s , a n d m e o h ^ o o l d - ,

y e a r ' r o u n d a e r 'v ic e o o m b in e d ,^ ,:;^ ^ > r OS s n o w , r a i n a n d c o ld , y o t Is

r.yott to in spect-tb# b u n o i s t -------

lonsiration! ^

□tor Co.■ » T w i n . - P s i l l s . V : ' v ..

- ' - - -X,' ' »

Page 4: I m e lLLS DAILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · Thft priionera woro Uken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de •'of the

.YOUB , ' . . ; • .....' . j 2*

./ ^ m E s . w E ou> m L o M P ’

IftN lilN li o u t TH E WK5H n - 5 COMlNO t d . H M - n

, : ------------------ - tw « ._ iJ F w a , ■nw E ^ -rcu ,-VEOPIA HOW ' to O E t k lo i

W o w i t t s t w in M \s t> 0 | ■ ' M L O S O P H Y TM ERe T O

\ J I I 0 W A.OOK « « I M -

] » * • " 7

■ < ^ 1 l i » I N 8 n i r ~ ~ ' ^


HappeningsiiST”■ tlis Ilf,AU

--------- , Ch;

_ _ H a r d F o u j h t G a m e A n t i c ip a t e d g J

: a n d F a n s E x p e c t e d t o T u r n ®

O u t i n F o r c e . _ p i

tho.IInnscn teanii elnih tlila nrtcrnoon a t notucD , tho fnm will Iio trcotoi]' to

.ono o f tho b c it gamci o f thu ucaaon. F i Bolh toam i bavo worked hnrd for thU battle , nnd ovorj* ovcnlng hns found tliom proetJcinff until dark.

M anager Alworlli, o f tho locaJs, fic< ures on itartlnic tho eld ^reliable , “ Lerfy-^ 'O U vor In tbo bo* With Don Llnvilfd in rwcrvo. -Jliitiier will bc behind tho bn t, and paeh gomo showi gf,, B oli'un to be tter advantage. '

W ith " O t t* ” Nounuin. on firat, P .Fi* on aoeond, "Syl>” Kiatlaer on ih o it , nnd W ahl .on iliird, tho Tw in Falla o u tfit looka liko a I'unl team.

■ TIicrtf la a n p o iilb illtj^ rtia t Brneo-W ot- r i#on’» injured diRlt will have healed enouch.to allow him to ge t in tho gono, and in th n t event F ix will bo sh ifted ^ i . to. le ft field w ilh W ahl going to Joe- ond nnd W atiun tak ing tho ho t cor- g , , ncr. Cliff P U wlil lin iu eonlcr, w ith °

. “ iro o la "L in v llle i n r ig l i t . “ IIo o la '’ l8 . a eateher by trndo, bu t lil i perforninneo laat Sunday is le ft fiold n t Kimberly i stom pi'h im os an a ll aro.und,tnan. S t.

“ tfmtllng” WaUon will bo on the str; mound for the Hansen brigade, and tbo daj fnna-a t tbe enatorn end .o f tho county St. p u i.a lo t of faith in hia ability to keep phi tJio bflJ} wJjore tbo bats a in t. Un tho 1

~ - 4lh ho p itched, agren l gnmo oualna‘. ty, Twin F a lls ,,a f to r liiv lug pitched a gnnio two 8aya provlouft, I lo iiaa been Testing for a week, and aliould bo in _ tiptop condition for todny’< gnmo. P a tton will be on tbo receiving end for “ o' llanaen, w llli the han l h itting B arnard « 'o

I . sU tioned a t the in itia l jffck. ?®>a a m b e ra , tho p u d r / nhorUlop tbnt

lif ted ono pill out o f tho.Iot on tno 4th, < ' •will b o 'a t hla regular abidinB plw u,

. w ith E . .F u ller takiiiK ta ro o f, th ird . « « E arl is 0 keen propoiitlon when I t ^ eomes to , handling Iho hot onea. All in a ll I t looka a i.though thoro is bu t \ very littio to ebooso belirecn tho two toama, and n tota l of six runs fo r the y two teams w on’t bo a bad m ess. X^o j„_ game Is to bo eo)led.-at 3:00 ahnfp'.

:• P H I L A D E L P H l i M A N W l N S ^ J s

I ' w m ijun T. TUden H P lawT enn li la D e /w t o f B crtop .

,0 pp6nant ^

BItO O K lilN E, Mass., Ju ly 22, ( f f ) - Mn«torfii1 In cvnrv detail was the ten* “ “li

! nis dlnplay which William T m ia o n T TI / . of Philadelphia aot o ff a t the expense — !• of 11 N orris Wllllama H of Boiton la I tho final round of the LonfpTood Bowl I ainglcs a t Chcito'ut Illll th is nftornoon.! a ' Tho national champion raced through ; hia 1031 Davis cup loam mate nnS 'Wll-

Ifnins' portion wn# tbo aliort cod of r . • 0-1, C 3, 7-5 soU.

In Iho doubles f ina l Tilden frequently n c ted Jn the role of a spectator, as hla > partner,-W nliaerf> . Johnson of Phlla- i

. delpliia, was Uio ta igo l, b u t Ms team 'j had suftlc len l power and steadiness to

:___ I_nvarcom (sahe_ jon th inU U iU ipJleM ena . J - of San. I'raiiciico and Carl FU cher D f f

J’biladclphia, (l-l, 8-C, C-7, 0-0. ' i------- • 1

BOB EO FEB WINB- r . . NKW YOHK, Ju ly 22, yp)-B ol>

. iicr,’.Chicago Iiea.vywcl(;hl, kneeled tool '• l;Mdlo.Joicjibs o f New York In 'itho «ce* ''' bnd round of ni 12 rouad .m atch to*, night. m i

Havo your n o il null clcancd by the “ “- C U lA M ’litS :AND T A im iW . M ’T I'lione 1.13 Siio'uhono B.—ndv.

" O o Oot Vm H u tch".com iaj; to th r Binlto nclt- wook.—iidv. , .

.I w isb-to aaiuniico a y coiuUdMj -

fo r County Oommlssloner f r tm tW SMODd D U trict (Twin Falls) subject

. to to o E cpubU csa.prioo ilei A tisn it " 1,1022. Xf elected, Z pledge n y b u t

e ffort* to th e w o r t - I U v e UTed-lfl - tU s .county since th e e a rlle tt ple- n e « . d i ^ banco I be llere I under­s tand J ts p roU em j and seeds. 1 stuU i p p r ^ t ^ yonr sappo rt

V ery tn ily yonn .W .B .W O L P B ,

Tw in Tallin Idaho

■ _ ________ _____________________________________


, T H

tO PH E R / MEUO SOVHIE-W H - W E a - \ , T O W ? IHKT • H E C T emT .1 ANS CM M tE TO

gs of a Day ] B A S ^

AMERICAN LEAGUE ISS T A im iN a o r t h e oLtrBS

Won Loat Pel.St; L o u ia ..............._ .... r>3 37 S t.New ■York ...................C2 41 . -liSO N«»Chlcngo ...... ...............47 • 43 -*i22 ChliD etroit ........ ............ ; 47 45 .f ill d n .Cleveland ' .................40 45 ..105 P ltlW aabington ..............‘ 41 4fl .471 BroBMfoa __________ _______ f.2 .422 PhiPhilnilelphia .... L ... 3.7 ■ 50 .412 Don

-IlfiMMHlS 81F i l l e t f e . j H o l d B H a r d H i t t i n g O a

N o w Y o r k e r s t o T w o H i t s ; .' B r o w n s W in

NEW YORK, .July 22. ( /P )- I 'i l le tte H held Now York to two hits, one a bunt Lot by WIU,- and D etroit won,. 2 to 0. tho Shawkoy wna h it harder bu t uiuiilly yea settled down in tho pinches. D etro it's def two funif cnmo ns n resu lt of R uth 's virl nilsjudgmont o f Wobilnll'a lines, which d m w ent over his hond for .a triple. Mou- test aol’a^aingle in tho firs t .Inning gave ing his seven Voilseciitlvo hits in as many lenitim es up.-8oorer— ---------- R. n .* K. comD e tro it . ...................:---------- 2 10 0 I.I."New York ............. ..... 0 2 1 pair

B atteriea: I’lliettu and Woodall; and Shnwkey, M unay and Schang. 8

--------- , Boa■ BEOWNB a U L L W INNINO St.

P IIliiA D E L P n iA , Jo ly 22. (/P)-THo r>,. S t. Louis Browns won the ir third stra igh t victory ovor Philadelphia to- j day, 10 to 1. Score: R.' II. E .St. L o u is ________ ........ - .1 0 20 0 ■Philadelphia -----------....J... 1 7 J • ,

B a tte ries; Kolp nnd Sevoreldj Das- C ty , H arris, Y arriao^ Ogden nad.Dniggy. do*

W H r r a SOX W IN • « j ‘I'BOSTON, Ju ly 22, ( f f ) -B y defeating ’"g®

Boston, .5 to 2, today Chicago broke ovon on th is four.gamo series. Court- />].i ney kep t Boiton b its well scottered. n H ooper's bu tting nceounled In tho mnln j . „ for three runs. Score:- . R. H. E.Chleago ...i----- .:--------------5 11 3 ,Boaton ,2 8 1

Batteries: Courtney .a n d ' Schalk; ^ Rusiell, .K arr, Pennock and W alte rs .'

'' W IN N IN O BTEBAK BEQKEN W ASraN QTO N , Ju ly 22, (ff)-W ash - sov<

ington took tbo final gpmo o f tho seriea Tho todoy, 4 to 2, ending Cloveland'a w^n* won hIhb streak of 12 games. can '

Score: . ' ' . . R- .H- E . I t vCleveland ...— *______- I - - 2 - 0 1 ScoiW ashington __________■— 4 0 1 N ob; Batteries: Malls oud O ’Neill; Mo- Olnc

griilge nnd Pielnleb. , ^ Bi

W hat b* useless to 'y o \i may be ral- ablo to others—advertise I t In tb f


■ :.v A a ir t f lH iN a ,E T o .v ; -

wo have ovory requisite ready to use at-oncfl w ithout fu rther mix- Ing.- Our pa in ts are aeleeted for tbe lr qunlity-ftnd-dutpbmty. T h e y J M a re free.running and smooth“ lsy= ing, thus rond'erlng the ir use easy. V Wo shall bo glad to advise you 1 a s to tbo best fo r your plans.

Paints and yarnUhes Ond , aomioe. at. pr w«'pt¥ee "'.‘~

Western A' . 1 ------— TELEPEODB M


.......... I 'o r d T o iii iD R f W itJi s t a r t e r - n :• • $ 5 4 0 .2 5 R . o : I I . '

• K o n l K u n a b o u t , . w i th s t a r t e r 8 $ 5 1 0 .1 0 P . 0 . B : '

■ _ ■ • • • • V

N EW S,,tw in' f a l l s , U

H E G U M P S — MOIrllE--. HEVPIHCi M kM ft ' J T t l K W KTV ^ OOOD D O V - ' l l J, TO 6CT *V«M ^ U T T IE - ' ‘ /II V IE. P 1 W AStE A s K l t tO V O tt ' ' I f '

' l l


S T A N D m a OF THB 0LT7BSWou L o it P e t . .

S t. Ixiuia ......57 35 .020 6iNow Y o rk - .... -32 33 .612 V.ChlcflBO ' ..... ................ 47 . 42 .528 L(OIncinnnll ......... . 48 43 .527 OiP U U liurgh .....................43 -! -44 .404 SiBrooklyn ........ . 44 45 ;404 S(Phlladcljihia ______31 M JflO PBoiton ____________ 20 50 .* 1 Sj

ST.LDyiSLlSIElllllliC a r d in a l s T a k e F i r s t P l a c e i n a ‘ N a t i o n a l B a c e b y D e f e a t*

i n g B r a v e s

BT. U )U I8 , Ju ly 22 (ff)—Tho 8 t. Leui* Nati(uinla w ent inlo tho lend for tho f irs t tim e in moro thnn a aeor& of yeara n t thia period of tho aeason by V' defeating Boston, 9 lo 8, today nnd by v irtue of Now Y ork 's defeat by Cln- 1 ' clnnnti. Tbo locals took todoy'a con* te st w ith nn eighth inning rally, acor- ing aix runs and ovcrcominB a five run le n d r Tho contest was a 'l in fd bittinj? g t combal, tho locftla being ou t h it, 10 t« ig .I.-;. Fivo doublu pinys fea tured Ih'o g a m e .' Bt. ,Louis used four pltchvrn and Bolton five.

8fore: B. H . K. =Boalon ....................... ...........8 10 Sf-St. Louis...................... ....... 0 15 1

Batteries: McQuillan, Oeschger, Braxton, Miller, M cNamara and O il- son; P ertica, N orth, P feffer,, Sberdol nnd McCurdy, A lnim itb. - ' _____

DODOEe T B E A T 'C U B S CHICAGO, Ju ly ' 22 (ff)-B rookJyn

defentrd Chicago. 7 to 0 , . today, tbo locals being unable to bold a . lead which waa acquired in tho fif th inninc when Vnnce wavered. < • '

Seoro: R. H . B.Brooklyn ___ ____ 7 10 1Chi?ngo ----------0 8 1

Batteriea: Vaneo a n d DeBerry; Jones, Cheoves, Oibornn and O 'Parre ll.

. BEDS H U UB LE 0IA N T 8CINCINNATI, Ju ly 2,. ( f f ) -T h e Reda

ovoBfld. tbo series w ith tho Giants by w inning tho fourth game todny, S to 2. Beth Rixey nnd Douglas pitched strong* ly , b u t tho Inttor wns token ou t a ftc ; seven innings on accoBiit p f a Inmo arm. TbO; Bforo was then a tie nnd ihe Reds won o ff B y a n .ln tho d g h th on Dun­can 's trinio nnd a single by Fonsenu.I t was R lxey’s eighth* stra igh t victory.. Scoror R. H . E.Now T ork --------------------- 2 8 1C in c in n a t i______________3 0 0

Batteries: Dougins,. Ryan and Sny­der; Rixey nnd nargrav'e.

PH IL L Q S .L 0B E ONE UOBB j■p i T T fin ttn m r, .Tiiit- »f>, (g>\—i>nt<.

• . !

Auto Co.B N O .. 1 3 0 - — : - — -I

T a n d 'd c m b u n t n b l c r im * -I I . T w in P a llK

c r a i id d c m o u n tu b lG r im a B ; T w i n , F a l l « ;

I D A j H O , S U N D A Y M O R N


VI ' I

I i I ' T

burgh defeated PiiilauelpUa today for the u lnth auc.ccssivo tim e,.8 to 7. The v isitors knockod Cnrlaen out o t Iho box P in thu f if th liiutng: S(

Score: / , R. H . ,B.B atteriea : Meadoka and Henllne; G'

Carlson, Ham ilton and Goeeb.


ST A N D m O OF 'T H E OLUBS ^ Won Lost Pet.

'Ssn PrahM sw ...'........ C8 43 • .013 tlVernon • ......... .. 03 44 '.580 tLos A ngeles ------L..... 00 .’52 .830 tO akland ................ B.-! CO .400 “Salt L ake .... -.._ ,52 .. S5 . ..4 m i- -1Seattlo ......... - .........CO . . fiO • .4.'i0 ^I'o rtland • ..............._T. 4(i 01 .4.10 a 'Snrram eiito .... ........ 43 07 .301 tli

______ ll.

SATUBDAT’B EESULTS.' . • ” A t O akland, Ju ly 22. iuScoro: ' R. H. K.

Snn FrnnclseO ............t....... .'i 0 4O n k la n d ___ ----------- - 3 - 0 — ;2- -b, B a tte rirs : McW’conoy and Agnow; Krause, Brenton nnil K oclilcr.- —

, A t Los Angeles, Ju ly 22.Scoro: R. II. K.

Loa Angeles ..........................0 . J 2 3IVemon ....... ..........................2 0 3

B.-»tlcdMU Thomas, Wallace and Baldw in; Doyle nnd Murphy. .

A t Saeramonto, Ju ly 22. - ^ • Seoro: H. H. *1;.

Seattlo _________________ 4 0 2‘Sacramento '____ 3. 1 2 / - 4

B a tte ries: G ardner and Tobin; ’Pen- nock nn'd Stanngb. ■

W hat JI s i t l e x p r e s s e d p n i

, b i l e s , a n d a l l t h e r e s t

. . a s t a t e . o f m i n d , a c j e a i

H e i S i i s t h e r e c i p e

d e r t l j a t o u r f r i e n d s a

t o b e g a i n e d f r o m t h e

. R e a d t h i s , a n d s e i

r e a d i n g ; '

r v - - ' 7

--------^ ^ B - d o i n ^ -‘A n d b e in g

. I t ’g n a k i n A n d B tay ii I t ' f i g n r i n A n d l o o k i i

• " ■ / ■ •• A n d d r e a n I t ’s k e e p l i W i lh w h a I t ’s b e in g I t ’s d a r in g

— ;----------------------------T y b ilc jn a l' . . ; I t ’s g o in g

' -A nd f ig h t i I t ’s b e in g s I t ’s l a n g b i

. ' I t ’s lo o k i n i • . A n d d r in k i

I t ’s a t r n g g . / • ^ 'B n t ta k in g

- ' ‘ I t ’s S h a r i fA n d m a k i i i I t ' s so rV in i I t ’s - d o in g

- W e b e l i e v e . i n t h i s

The Diain

I N I N G , J U L Y 2 3 ,1 9 2 2 ' ;

t A Y ■. — -

I / Xou SH irt UP ov;r

- o s w f t e . WE MH MEtf- 1l^ S T - lO O K ^ lM r t

U l t t j

>t A f S a lt Lnko City,M uly 25.B Scoro. .... ........... ■ ~..,.i_-R. H.- E.X Portland -------------- ______ 4 0 2 ,,

Snit IJikc ________ 2 . 8 2 ”I. Bnteriea: Crunipler ond. King;

Gould and Jenkins. - v , aj

FlguresT n Woofl. . ^Ftguree^. In wood have varloui

■otircco. Tlicso may be grouped lo thoso duo (0 struc ture , those caused ^ by color vBrintloo or plgmcntntlon, and t o . vombliia'tlon of the .two. says

3 the AineticnB Forestry Magnslne.^ Tlicao Again may be classilled oa Qb^ ^ 5 mal nnd almomiai o r pnlbologlc. .By _ JJ nunnal Is uicnnl the naium l Condition ~ I) o f .th e wood, of il. Bound tree. to. the0 abniinnnl or puitiologic a rc to be found- ,1 Uio .jtccullor . Olaiorilons an3 colora*

lions resulting from dhKnae. tlie at* .tucks of Inscclii and actlvllica of ra* , rious iigoncles noi n pa rt o f the regu* i lu r life p ru c m c s of tho trcea.

'{ RE A P T H E CLAflt^fTIED ADS. . L

T h e ' T w i n F s

ij O n a n d a f t e r S a t u r d a y , J n l y 2 ll s t e a d o f 4 p . m . (

S ig n e d

m S T N A T I i ■; T W IN -P A L L I ; ----- ----------------- . T W I N FA L L }

I s S u c c e

o n l y i n t e r i n s o f m o n e y a n d

j s t o f t h e c r e a t u r e f c o m f o r t

e a r e q n s c i e n c e ^ a n d a . h a p p y

i p e o f . o n 6 m a n , w h i c h w e r e

s a n d p a t r o i i s m a y s h a r e w

; h e p e r u s a l .

s e e i f y o u d o n ’t a g r e e w i t h

T H E R E C I P EB y B £ B T O N B B A L £ Y

i n g | - y o u r - J o b ' t h e - b e s t - y o a - e a n ----------i ln g j u s t t o y o u r f e l l o w m a n ; , ik in g m o n e y — b u t h o ld in g f r i e n d s , a y in g t r u e t o y o u r a i m s a n d e n d s ; i r i n g h o w a n d l e a r n i n g w h y , , o k ln g f o r w a r d n n d . t h in V ln g h ig h ,

e a r n in g & l i t t l e a n d d p in g m u c h ; - e p lu g a l w a y s i n c lo s e s t t o u c h T h a t i s f i n e s t i n w o r d a n d d e e d ; i n g th o r o u g h ; y e t m a k in g s p e e d ; - r in g b l i t h e l y t h o f i e l d o f c h a n c e -m a k i n g - l a b o r - o - b r a v o ^ o m a n o e ^ -------i n g 'o n w a r d d e V i t o d e f e a t ; h t i n g s t a u n c h l y , b u t k e e p in g s w e e t n g d e a n a n d i t ’s p la y in g f a i r ; i g h in g l i g h t l y a t S a m e D e s p a i r ; k in g u p t o ’t h o s t a r s , a b o v e , ** i n k i n g d o e p l y 'o f ' l i f o a n d lo v o ; o g g l in g o n w i t h - t h e ’w i l l t o w in ,Irfng Io B 8 _ w ith a c h e e r f u l . g r i n ; • . . i r i n g s o r r o w . a n d w o r k a n d m ir th ^ . j . U d n g b e t t e r t h i s g o o d o ld e a r t h ; . . V in g , s t r i v i n g t h r o n g h s t r a i n a n d s t n in g y o u r N o b le s t— t h a t ' s S u c c e s s .

l i i s ' r e c i p e f o r ' ^ u c c e s s . D o '

nond l la rd f l■ . • ' ■ \


— - . 'ii_ ■'

v;r " m a e y o u w o H t - ^ 5 « c lTUN O V M A ? !» wMtum&But Xi. la .

J r t A C^M 6-UP M - ----------r


. r-

N ear the Danger Line. • ' • ' * . . . . , M ary bad been naughty, sod h e r

] fc th e r rejiroT cd. her m the r aeverely,: tlircatcnlng to do som ethlnf w orse i f '' she acU‘d eo again.. Later, when

U ary w as vlslUng her grandzhblh'cr, she* Was asked whot had happened .. th o t dny. Feeling su re of a syniiia* thetic lis tener, the child replied w ist* . fully! "W ell.-I'dC M 1 nlmost fell « r the edge o f-o -w hipping .- ^

Olasiiflo^ fldvertislng is th e cheap- / e s t th ing vou can buy—measured by ' the profit# m ay bring yon.

■ Jolin W. VIslier, M. A., M. D. iPractice lim ited to internal dls* ;

eases aud clinical and laboratory . diagnoila. Special a ltentlon given . to nervous diseases and d ls tu es of children. .

Office w ith tha-Tw i# Falls OUnle.

i .■»• --------*

Falls Banksr 2 2 , 'w i l l c lo s e a t B .j ) . m . In - a. a s h e re to f o i -e . , '


m fn d l a n d a n d a u t o m o -

i r t s . o r i s i t , i n e f f e c t , - -

3 y w ^ i r o u n d e d l i f e ?

r e p r o d u c e ' h e r e i n o r -

w i t h u s t h e p l e a s u r e

t h u s t h a t i t i s , w o r t h

' . .V

> • ■ _ ' ,.f____:---- . - i - . . - - •

' , : ' ^

e e t ; 'r

''5-. *

s t r e s s ; .

■ ■ V

) o ' y o u ?

f a r e Co.f '

Page 5: I m e lLLS DAILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · Thft priionera woro Uken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de •'of the

. '■ f \

- FlMlffl■ ’ iBOiiillSE

; ^ i p i s: r r r . ' r F « a r o f W i n r D d m l f f a t e r S i t t F

' ' a t l o n in N o r th I d a h o a f id

N o r t h e a s t e r n W a s h in g t o n —

— . . P u t io o l ( , D e c la r e d C r i t i c a l r -

^ SPOKANE, Ju ly . 22, (JPi—Fciu. of 'J|»lDil8 wliUh wouW fan already threat*

cnlnff fore*t £ i r « i - .e r noitbeaalcra . W utilngton and norttiorn Idnho into flory flam o. dominatod In land ompiro

m fo re its tonlftht. \Tlio aUuatlon w ai charaeteriked-by authorities and lum* bor organizations os c rit ica l

f , At.N.ewport, W ash.,/ires-woroToport-' . ' «d worae, and spreaditi^t fu rther. Two

Boparato fires aro boin(( fouRht, one in ’ tho Meadow# vic in ity near tho Slovens

t eounty lioe, tho .o ther on noeky crock.Tbo Floodwoood rrcok firo , aa re ­

ported from Potlatch, Idaho, is spread ' Ing north and 'w ill )io eomplotoly out o f eonlrol If high w inds rise.

Ko Ohuigt a t WaUace.Tho situation a t Watlnco is said to

bo practically unehaoKod. Aloof; M ar­ble. creek, whoro-^00 , to 500 men are flchtinR a laTRo blazb, ezperioneod woodsmen ^octare unless rain eomcs, ft

. ^ high wind may sprM il tho firo and do . immense damaffo. Uno now firo was -reported tonight near the- Hecla mine,

) Burko, Idaho. ^No fu rther trouble i t being experi­

enced in northern Idaho w ith strikers among firo fiRbtcrs, J . D . Poslot:of. tlio Idaho aUte constabulary, s ta ted a t Moscow, Idaho,-today. Ho alao atreiscd the sorlouiness o f tbe M arble ereek fire, saying a west Atlnd would sweep it over tbo Jivido Into the Fishhook Um- y bor reserve, which embrac<i8 somo of tlio finest tim ber In tho northwest.

T-m-ai-oiscmu:P ...... * — — ■

' ' Scionoo EDriohed Through Work of Canadian in Lo­

cating New Flanots ^

. v ib r o i i iA , . n . c.p Jiiiy 22 yp)—Twin auns, fiftyrtw b rj^umtrillion mitcn from the oartb, havo W en iliscovered

- - - by Dr. -J. 8. P laskett, director o f tho ' (lom inion.of Canada's nstrophyaieal

' obiervotory here, tbrougb tho obiicrva- p to ry 's big 72-inrh <<eflccf6r telescope,I t was announced todny.

'> ,^ c lo n tiits-’ hero snlit tho d lscove^) ~ w a s ^ o of tho 'ou tstnnding aalronomi-

' enl neneV em enU -of;faM nt.ycara..X U o. .. iuaailmT.a.'bcod^naidiid P laskett, for

__• tlipir cllscovorer. ••” Dr. P laskett has cstlmatod th a t tho ‘"■ ’ Sims burn a t a tempertnuro o f 30,000

f > degreea Fahrenheit na thoy whirl’■ . nround one another. One, tho moro p

.massive, is believed to bo tlmoa tho i bulk o f 'o u r« u n . Tho leser Is 03 times

............ Ono .is M,^00. tim es a* b righ t ns'.lho.sun, tho other 12,000 tlmoa ns bright.

_ P la sk e lt, Dr. P lnskctt ehtimntes, Is . jn'oro than fivo times ns rfirgo as any

..........other ktl6wn heavenly body. * ,Reducing tho figiirca to modem j>

! - term s, aclontiata pointed out- th a t an ';............ aitplane, tmvoling- 200 miles an hour,I would require 30,000,000,000 years to “

travel from tho earth to Iho newly dli- ,, : covored plnnels. '

j , S E m E I M E N T I S P O S S I B L E S

r • • a « r# ta i7 - o f Labor ProfOMM t< Boo I L igh t FoUoviiig OonfsniiM v lt l i! • B .M ;.J4w eU ,

! MOOSESART, Ills., Ju ly 22, J?'‘ . Following a 'conforeRte Tioto tonight r

with,' B. M. Jewell, head of tho strik- J*. ■ ing railway shopmen, nnd shonerafta ?,

nresldont, Jam es J . Davis, secretary of ,. labor, announced th a t he believed “ the i ,

s tr ike b u td bo ae ttle l i f tho roads ^wonld givo tho strik ing ahopmon^thnff "1®:

• i seniority righ ts nnd there was a ro-

labor lis ard on other diaputed

Immediately follnjvinK tho conference ton igh t Secretary D av is 'ta lked 'toP rcS '

^ ident Hording over the long dW aneo *Iclophono, Buom ittinj a report of, tho Informntion ho hnd gathered to the r.?,chief executive.-—------------------- - i

&crotar>' Davis aald th a t the prln- J elpal obiU elo to a soltlemont o f the strike was tho seniority, queatlon.

Earlier In tho day Mr. Jow ell hod la- . - sued a formal sta tem ent n t Chlcngo as- . f c . Borllng th n t failu re of tho roads to '

■ IgTM <» "Otlnnal mljnatmOnt' 'bonrda .me ^ . and to stop.Uio practleo-gf contracting ^ci

. shop work was alao hindering .a settle- y ,, ment. • - • ■ •. .

I •, . .. -Q u tftlon N o t on ^bstado .

Secretary Davis said lio believed the thi m ntter of establishing nntiorh! adJusV

’ m ent boards “ could bo adiusFod," nnd asserted thn t in h is opinion the eon: trac t nucslion " d o ts nol stand In tho ' w ay of an'.agreeme'nt.” • ,

Ashed wbethisr tho n in tler of separ- Kol a lo ’ peace negotiations between strlk- ncl ing shopm en'and tbo Individual toads the

’ wns dlacussed, Setrelnrv Davis hesl- tm la te d 'fo r aomo time, then replied:. “ I would ra th e r -n o t onswer thn t b*

f question.’ 'Mr. Davla, sai J ivory nnglo of tho s it­

uation hod been discussed -wUh-Mr. Jewell nod his co-1oi(<leni...Tbo general eomplalnt of the labor'ch iefs; ho aaid,

• was th o t tbo carrJcM do n o t accent.the declaiona of tho lobor i)oard,'whi!6 the

• - •— m p lo re s ia nearly ijvery in a ta n n hnvo abided by theso decisions.

T o . Clean RlnQi.H o t ItU ior o f lo a n iva ter and &»•

' D oola will d e iin 'H n g s b e tter than iD&gt anything e lse ; nse a brash to remove tbo dirt from the chasing and bcncnth Ihe sloncR. Dry on a warraed

f W l l i m S DAILY NE

California Boy Si

r . K mS

I g H m

e. '

It ~

k r _it S tanley Urvillo Nowcomb, twelve* t

year-old boy scout o f 8an Diego, Oat., ^' w inner o f the national essay-w riting o

contest on “ Highw ay e a fo ty ,” condueU ®1 ed by tbo.H ighw ay and T rnnsporlation ]j D Iv itfO F T flhelJbp 'oT tm cn t o fE ^ u c a - J

■DifLlHS Ii I f l i l T I D l0 ' __

F o r e m o s t P e r s o n a g e s o f I n d u s r o

'’ t r y in U n i t e d ’S t a t e s t o In -

' , s p e c n ’ o s s ib i i l t i e s

'' A s guests o f KTOupfl. o f Idaho busi­ness men and in response to invitation .

? extended by Oovernor Davis, n p a rty df ; foromoat persouagca In tbo dairying In* oi I d u s tn of the United- Staton, Including ai

0 . Larsen, head o f tho federal do- ]q I p a rtm ent o f ogrleulturo dniry depart- j,|

mont, nnd J . L . K ra ft, Chlcngo checso tj, , m nnufnclurer, will louvo Omnha A ug..4 {„ ’- to - in sp e c t dair>’Ing"di)(triets o f tJio n, J sta to . . ■ . - I

Tho p a rty under its itinerary , will „i reach T.wln .Falla about .August 8. I t ft, w ill v is i t tho no lse-l'ayetto distrie t, Rexburg coHntr>vand the Tw in F a lls j„ country on both north nnd south sides

I o f Snake river. )>iInvestigation o f Ibo i)0Bsibllltic8 fo r

developmont o f the da iry industry In Idaho Is th e ■principal purpose of tho forthcom ing v is it of tho national lead* ers* in th a t flold.

Tho l is t o f guosis includes: H . II. Rlldeo, head o f tbo anim al husbandry . . deparim ent o f lo irfl S tn to colJegc a t II Ames, Iow a; Iliigh 0 . V an P iet, mnn- | | aging ed ito r.-o f'the D airy F anner, W a- - terloo, Iow a; Royer H . Brown, editor, Jersey Bulletin, Indianapolis, Ind .; J . Q L K ra ft; cheeso m anufacturer, Chlcn­go; M. n . M unn, presiden t o f tho N a­tional D airy councili E . K . Sluter, edi­to r of B utter, Cheese and E gg Jourhal, M ilwaukeo; W illiam H . Caldwell, sec- jo ta r j ', American Ouernsey’ club, Peter- p , borom, N . II.; E . H , Pcrring ton , herfd of tho departm ent of dniry husbandry, g. -M ndl!innrU ni\T nlty v t ■W laeonslffp.lr “ f II. Frandson, .dairy editor, Cappers' W eekly, Topekn, Kan?.; II. A. Ilardjng, form er hend of tho departm ent o f . dairy husbandry, U niversity o f IllinolB, • now w ith Frederick C. M atthew s com- ' n'nny; D etroit, nlsO rc|tre»entntlvo of W Waflnco’a Form er nnd Successful Fnrm- Ing' h t Des M oines; C.' W . Lnrson, head “ o f the dairy departm ent o f tbo depart- |? m enl, of agriculture. . I

“ ' tn, W orks Both W ays. ,

“n e proflnacil <io me InsI n l^ it, I ■mothcc.—W iiatU ball I " R u t ^ y . pfi dear.dauglilcr, you've only known liiro on th rco w eeks." "I know th a t, ' mother, but, on th e « tb e r bnnd. If I delay Id acccp llng 'K lb . he nilchl Hnd out aone things nbout mo lie won’t like, tro .”- I®* Indlnnnpolli ‘News. «

. .. • . b r, , TUB re x in ru n w y .

• F o r n hundred years tbo fc*,‘ now t" ' going out o f use, lips been tho c h a r ncterlatlc Turk ish .lienddrclft.' I t took wl tho 'p lneo of th o tu rbnn; nnd tho Sul- ta n Mobinud H ,.w ho,tiiirbduced It, was called “tho InOdel sulinn." ‘



I Scout Wins Medal


I / . . .

I '

j -

s v K u i r *

'e* tlon, is shown receiving his medal from I., W illiam 0 . Wood, Slate Superlntendant

o f California. His reward for n inn ing over 400,000 contestants .was n tr ip to W ash ing ton 'and a gold w atch. Mrs. Iln rd ing was chairman o f tho board of

a- Judges. " ‘ •


i- O r d e r i s s u e d P r o h ib i t i n g W e a r ­

in g - o f M a s k s O u ts id e o f t h e

L o d g e .R o o m s

I; ATLANTA, 0«., Jn ly a ,kn ights o f the Ku Klux Klan hnvo been

1. ordered lo discard the ir masks, robea g and other regalja except when in the ir

lodgo rooms, i t was announced hero to- nigh t a t headriuarters o f tho o rgan iu -

0 tion. - Tho order as f irs t ^madb public ■I In a le tte r lo. Oovernor H ardwick of ® Ocorgla,. from E. Y. Clarko, imperial

w iia rd .p ro tem, mentioned only Oeor- " g la klansmen, bu t la ler i t kos a tated .* the order was general;

Tho imperian kloncllliim. o r govern­ing body o f tho klan, paued a t u b mori>

‘ than a year ago, it was staled,- prohib­iting tho w earing of mnaks and regalia

J except by pennisslon of the imperiul " wizard nnd i t wns said tonight tho pres- ° on t order means tha t, effcetlvo a l onee,

no .such permleslon will bo granted ex- , eept fo r parades'. -

• Govotnor Orders Adjutant Qenr eral to Hold Forces 111 Eoad—

incsd for Aotion

■ C IIE yEN N E , Wyo., Jn ly 2 2 ,- (/P )~ 1, Following n ' long distnnce..telephone ■

con re ria tio n 'w ith Sheriff Thomas o f ' L .Shoridan_counti%_QQi'crnQc_Cafey.:.Uil#.. ; nflernonn asked A djutant-O eneral Es-. mav to hold in readiness for aetion Wy; <1 omiiig national guard cavalry troops a t !

Lander and Riverton,I 'S h e r if f Thomas tol.d I h b '^ ‘verno'r n.I group of women p ifkelers stopped n . tJliendau rnilrond shni' employe a t . Shoridan yesterday and Ibat guards had . to tu ra a hose. on. tho women before,

thoy could -drivo them off,T ho -sheriff said ho, feared fu rther

trouble.- Q U IH T-A T SHEfilD A N

Sherldnn, Wyo., Ju lv 8 8 r < ^ - Q u le t . .pfavnHed-.tonigh t in .tho local striko

a r e a . . ., .......................^

■■•“ B rlph lU flh ts .' ■.I n . th e thalcbed-roof homes nf Tac-

loban. on. tho IIUlc Phlllpplno Island of Lnyte, tbo eleetricnl Idea shines brigh tly every night, for m ost o f tliesn hpmes arc cleclricully- I lg b tH .nnd tho tow n, w U h'n .poim lallnn of 12,000, bas. Us eleelric light.and power p lant, w ltb .th ree 22^4-kllowait gcncmtora. Tho A rM tn -a rc bright n l-n tnh l.----- -


:d i t ? |

t P ^ d , g U N D A Y M O R N ]

BdllM b t Mrs. E.’ B. W illismi 'Yolephoao 300.

Compllinenliag Mr*.- Mac K aat, - o( S f o l t’a Bluff, N rk , Mr*. W. H . Dwight fo tcrta laed Infvm ally oo Saturday

• aflornoou. During \\tf nru>rn5on uiu- ■ slrn l numbera by Mr*. 0 . P . Duvall,

Mm. Zenng Smllh and tho Emanon Trio .were- enjoyed. F ifteen gueals wero

- . i>rea4nt„Tih(l,.thiLJio8tc8s.actvod.-:ifolI-viuuB.Tcfrcshnienls.

Tho Pvtblim 8iitor» installed their now o ffice rs ‘-of Friday, aflernoon nt th e l t meeting in tho Busineas W omen's du ll rooms. Instiillinc O fficer, Helen

------ M innlck placod-tho fo llow ing-ln .o f­fice: P ast chiof, Mrs. Anna Johnson; vzccll6nl acnior, Marabclle O 'R iley,

. e'xeellent juninr, Norn Zaehariaa, man­ager, May Oook; m tilrcis o f reeorda and correipondonce, Cleaionco E ldred; mlslreas of finanfe, Birdie Sandholtz; protector. I’oarl Woodhead; guard Bea- Iriee .Hlgbce. A fter tho business q{ the day .wna rom|iIctcd a social hour w as enjoyed.

Mra. WlHlam' Miirauley untertained « t her Jiomp on MapJo avenue Saturday sftom non in honor of her slater, Mrs. T avbr:C uinihina, who is leaving Twin FiiUs soon lo mnko her bomb in Now ■\'ork ell.v.- Ttin rooms wero a ttrac tivn w ith decornlions of gall& ^ia nnd morl- golds. Bridge was the dlsersloii.-'M rs. John S. Oreen winning tho prIro. fo r high score, and Mra. Cummins roeelvod a eucst prire. A l tho cloa'o of tbo cord games n twn-rnurse luncheon wns

' Served. Thlrlv-flvo iuvUnlious were iisned.

M rs. T . J . Woods riitertoinod n l a stair dinner Saturday evening in hon-

• of o f IhoMirtlluTny h lm ivoM aij'o f her husband. Covers wero laid fo r eight.

T he Hiuhlnnd Vley rlub held Ms reg­u lar m eeting a t the jinmo of Mrs. 0 . W. Rigdon on Wesdncsday, Ju ly ID. piee- tion of offlcew was held for tho ensu­ing six months w ith >the following re-

,m su lls: P resident, Mra. 0 . F i lle r ; vlco . p rotldcnt, Jfr». N. Sn>»h; Kerelar}-,

Mrs. 0 . Carter. The various cbmmll- tpps w ere appointed bv Iho president. Al Ihe rloso nf the aflernoon ilniiity re- freahm vnis-w ere served tft H mem-

« ),crs.— ^Tho.Jiexl-jncoiuicv.VfllLlio_hcJ.a n t tho homo of Mrs. 0 . Rigdon, Angust

— C, n l tho Oxford npartmonls.

The N inth Avenue eUili met Wed- . neadav aflerniion nf Inst week with

Mrs. deorge D. Hiinvnnl on N in lh ave- niio eaat. This club Is m eeting onlv

I niipu n mnnlh dnrlng the summer sea­son. Roll eall .wna answered lo frith humorous alorica. Sewing and- social converae, with plen^inc refrrshm enls, ofpupled the reinniftder o f tho nfter- noon Mrs. W. II. .lohason who haa rc- centlv roturned from nn extended visit in Iow a waa a gnest nf Ihe cliib, and nine members wero in nitendnnce.

Edna Pelerson wna hosteas to Ibo Epworth T/eague with a Inwn p a rty a t

. . . I ,ir tom o l« IIIeM «»4 V lr e Pil.U.v evening. Various games were enjoyed ifed lato in the evening punch nnd cake wero aer^'ed. Thojo itrfsen l bcsider

ja Lcairuo members wero Loufa n n d ' Fred Ir Bauchman of Buhl; Fred W hite, Doro­

thy Pjslicr and Mr. and Mrs. J . 0 . [I. Blackstono of Twin Falls ; .

M rs. C. A. M iller'w as tho honored .1 guest a t a delightful party glvou-by- :! Mrs. Jacob Slnema Friday evening nt a her homo on Eleventh enst. Tho guests

numbered len. a ll o f whom wero inti- malo f r l w R o f X^rs. Miller. A three-

. course luncheon was served a t soven o ’clock, Ibo tab le having for a codter-

„ pleco a bowl of siw et pens. Oames ,l nnd itfcdlowork wero the diversion for

tbo ovoning. . ,

. T h o O T a a in 5 « 'M i " 2 " > ” « ™ ' '! 5 ’kold, danghtor o f Mrs. Id a Throldkold, and Lionel A . Doan, «an of Mr. nnd

I, Mrs. Ooorgo W . Dean, took plaeo Sat- r urday evooiag a t Ibe rfsIdoDco o i tho I Rov. W. H. T oU isc r.- th o .o ffle la tin ii

m inister. Mombors o f tho bridnl pa tty , a fte r tbo ceremony, wero sorvod n wed-

. d ing dinner a t tlio bomo of tbd b r id e ’s _ mother. Mr, and Mrs. Deon will spend

a week on o' tr ip to tbo Slonley Basin nnd Wood Rlver.regions. Tho brldo has been employed hero fo r some tim e by

. tho "W. U . W right and Son storo. Mr.0 Doan fo r soverol years has, been asio- f e lated w ilh Iho B arre tt Auto,corapany.

DK‘SO IH 7T)rriffX TiS11C T,TlirtbCtr' homo in Joromo.Thursday ovoning'woro

1 p leasantly surprised by about 35 -of

h THE NEW ORPHEUM0. J ■ M b r a A H '^ lO ] BAY O N LT

VAUDEVULE fiOAD SHOWJ ' rO U B A 0 T 8 ' - ■

- .MaUnM -oDd B re n io i

ALLSTAETEIOE aim ony Songs and Oomedjr

I J I M M Y D D H N, ImlUtionfl u d W blstuns—A , Trip to the-Facni -

THE TWO ASUS 'QyninisUo Wonder#

■ —PASCALS PEESY-AND -. coiiPANy • ••

I n . I s s u e r S p o rta -B lfle JO d■ P is to l Experts

I T BA TO m : F I 0 7 U&B

I Franlc Mayo la H is L at« st Bio*I ' , ’ dncftloa, Entitled

“AFXAW ro F IG H r :

E o m a n u and A dT estq te '—-P r* - sentod In Best StyloI ALSO A BEAY PIOTOORAPH

—A B E A 2 O F A SHOW—8PE - I OIAL U U 6 I0 •>- UP-TO-DATE I lO E OOOLBD V E N nL A T IO N I S Y aiE M .

i N l N G , J U L Y 2 3 , 1 9 2 2

WBBELY B U L L B riN OF ^ T W 1N P A L I.8 0 A K A L C 0 ., • Batnrday, Ju ly 22

T irin Falls - caanl illverslou ut I Mlliicr, V'DO si'C. f l , .

, Twin Fnlla cniwclly n l Milnor,.. . .3,flOQ-icc..fl.-- v ' ' ........... ............

o f . Amount o f wntcr iiasaiug over right Miluyr dam ua wiislc,'iioiip. n2ay Slorago no»v in JneksoJi Lake, um. 057,120 aero, fl. vatl / Storage cnfiarity In ' Jacksuii Trio Lnko, 8-i7,000 nen. f l. frere ^turnge drawn nut-Jarkaun Lnkuifcll- *to dale,, 180,880.a ero :fi, _______

Storage draw n.jijit.by Twin Fulls Canal company,’HI,27() acre ft.

their' 'S loragi' le ft in Jackinii Lnko to a n t diito-on. Twliv^KiJlr - .C anal, com- len 's pany 's share lo anfi.v'78,730 acre.ft. Felon * •..o f- • ------------------- -

th e ir T w in . F a lls class m ates and I friends. Tlio a ffa ir was a eompleto' sur-

priso and ono of tho moat onjoyablo of tho summer season. Several of tbo aelf-

o)t2- Invited guests fo r tho occasion woro students home from collego for tho

I, o f summer vacation, among them bolng ],aut Mrs. Leonard Shirk, Miss Veni Piek-

ell, Mlia Bethel Blako, M lis Uelen Lind, Mias Oeorgia McMaater, Uu^M'll

lined W eaver, Lyle Bolton and H oyt 8 mi:!i. rday Arrangements fo r Ihe a ffa ir wero in Mra. rhargo of Miss Boiilo Carlaou, trans- rwin portntlon being provided for by Joba Now -1>. Bollen..'- ’ilivn --------------gorl-M r s .--------- Find P rshls torlc B o a t - - • -. fo r A well-prcserx'H oinoo of tbe Stone Ived Bgc hns boon .found In n bog near the enrd m t l c of Ccrllcr (I>iikc of Blcnno), In

Switzerland. I t Is made ou t of the etera of nn oak, nnd Is eight feet long end .tb ree feet wldcl'"'—

It a ------ ’------------------hon- Spring Wooing Brings Joy.Iier . siudcnlfl-o tjw yclio logy 6 f j e x say

th a t Iho rea lly ' liu|tpy' niiirrlnges, In which -|ove"ls n lasting fnclor. a re tiiosc which hnvD fdllMwcd u spring-tlme-Iovi'-iimlihii!. -------------------------

nau- “rc- “ Oo Oot ’em H u tc h " coming lo tne

vlro Bialto n s i t wook.—adv.ar>'. -------------------------•mil- BEAD THE DAILY NEWS, ent. •' " ""

i S | _ b a i l b o a d - t i m b . j : a b l e 1

{City o f MounUin Time)

'cd- Eaitboundrith No. IfiO Depart 7:So a. a .,ve- - y g r - B t ------------Dflpm . OllO 9: >n>>)v Weslboundlen- No. 8 3 ----------- D epart 32:30 p. SI.'1th No,l!I5 ...._.... /- ..D e p a rt 4:30 p. mcinl ---------n l., E 0 6 ESSON « H A 1 I0 S TEA DI5 ' ' ' • : 8on lhb»JU ;'N0..3JJ____DtpilllJiiO p.n..,nd Northbound

No. 340-_______ A rrive. iiOfi p. B.

tho M A n.*M A SB-U Pn l No. 160 6l 7 a. a i

iln.v No. S3 fll 12:00 h .N o . 'l J i 5 a l + t . 15.No. 84 a t 5:30 p. m.Rogenon braneb a t ]2:00 ■.

red . .Tbe forem lng n a i l moke-ap la op

erativo and effectlvo under ordinary eonditioBs; I f t g rea t a a o n s t o f n a lT

, . should be dropped a t about tbe reg- ’1 ! ular 'losing t£ae i t wanid be Im-

'po s ilH e to a iipateti tbe mail on tb i ' precise hour.

,tl- '------— ^ ^ ---------- :-----------------------ee- , . " M?eu . • - • • ,er-

™ ™ A T ' | C t o

jd . T ^ A T p / f r m

i | B i w i £ l l A ]ty , ’ J

ibj e i jJ r . ITl10- B Iflsy* M W e - 1 ^ 1 1 1

. *■ n ' t<----------- ' I

W i M i i i m l O l — f .o f B B i l l i l l l I T M = i

H n R f i i i ^

w s ^ f f l r o

IIT AFrom the PU jr by A tignstns Tboma»:7

sclieol n n d e n ts ttnd led thli

I "THE SKIPPER’SOne o f those “ ToonerrUIe Trolley’

W E D N E S D A Y -

■' ; “BACK- B y p iu n le


■ ■ . .p iY ii "

“ 1 , ' \ a h M i . ' ~JJ Sllws should not bo left near tha. ' Are. Ilcnt destroys lenthcr. ‘A llttli vaseline put between tlie soles 'and

til uiipers JuKt bcfnrc going,out la ratay,.-'- weather will hcli> tu keep. tliQ feet dry ami (he ahoes In good.condition.*

Ltnlicn’ auilA and roats rcliiipd and „ ron.odclod'bv , export tailor*. ROYAL CLRANKRH AM) TAIL0H8. Phono HI -'“-adv. . . -40 ----

“ T ?1MY-,FEVER?! -and /.» r- ~ 4 ' A S T l i f f i” t tT A I iR H ij

: £

:,t '. 5 o «

J . " 5 6 i f e : - * 5* ORUoqisr •i'« OR.W RITE.

The Temple PhannacyP«jiello,Idiho......... .... ....

n« : FOB BALB BY,® ,'Malestic P&iintaey u. Fbber Drug Oo.. - City PhumMT Bogerson Hotel Fhanuey Schnunm-Johuoa

.. ,,Modem Oruf do,-m« 'r - ; : ' / /


A L W A Y S A G O O D S H O W .


G la d y s W a l to n

' Ai{ appealing drama of a-tor- able, llttlOxflrobrand who fought will/-heart 4pd fists for what she wantod most.Sho was as protty as a Peaeh, aa sweet aa Uonoy and aa Tough as they mako ’em.- :Can a girl bo n rowdyt You'll toll tho world nfter youivo seen Gladys yaIton In hor snappiest and latest .plcturo-r‘‘The Bow-ALSO TWO 7A X T CtfSOXr

“HORSE SENSE”Featmlng Huiy-Sweet


• TJ/tnaT Hwi>llby the EUlto Orchertn’ T

iliT)@) -ra . S fifiii . -p'eeienti

m&nmL U O I T D E X T E R

■ C ''Twaa the hour that bronght death to B 'foo and srlsoQ to i frlendl- ~~Th'orclian^~> 'jury's aodrovetBcd tho Sapreme Oonrt, .

' Tho jnystlc hoar tliat rules tho Uvet of this man and weman, asd aow-«*\^ t did It dQ with their loTe7.

a»7 ceaarlo by-Jnll* Ora-wford rr« this play Trill anjoy the film -nnloaSLAST-RESORP’-ley” tfomodles-that OTwyoae IOM.-7 — T H U E P D A Y

5 PAY”mle Hnirt '30BB J. £4BNEY BSmT-. /t. -

. ' *'• " . . ■'•’f '

Page 6: I m e lLLS DAILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · Thft priionera woro Uken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de •'of the


flia ed OTCiy dioioIos e zfcrt Moti<l>r

' T«1ii r iU f Nawf Publlihtnir Co.. Ihc. (E m blU htd UOO

R O t A. niCAi)............................Pfe«M«Qtr _ JOHN C.- HARVET............ .. .T f^W for

Snur»d u lecond e lua -raall m x is r ' April 1, t t l f . t l (hr pottofric* Kl Twin r i l l i . Idaho. ut.dor/tti. . « of U .rth I.

: . . tl7» , . • .“ ■ '“T ijQ S c 5 iP T i^ * n A T e » ^O m jfia^ .............................

; l monlhi ...............................................M-W.........»».»&

I moolh .............. . ................... I .«ASaOCUTBU

Th» AaiOflHKl fXcl'i*li£l2_SIUtitled to (h'o-Ufe for r>-|iiililiEiiiUin or lU ■««r* tUapaichri credited to tl, or net o(ti> en'lH s credlitd In (hli pop'r. and *l*<> ih« local new* publlelinl li»rrin. All tisn ii

' o f : roi>ublicatlon -of --iP>»ci«i rtiev«tfH-» fcer'in are iil«o rM«n'c<1

f/p) mean» AwKletwl l-m-.

" s c r«(pornlljltlir t* aetumod (or Ibe ttr tt of unaoNclK^ mnnuicrlpt*, plinto* f r tp h i or olher contrlhiin-d matter.. Ar- ticltfi •ubmlttrd fur iiulill.atloii will i.« •eed or noi <ii (lie •llocr.d-iri or iiir rdi.

, (or »nd no nuiou»crliii will b- renirn-rt- tnl<M BCComp»nl«d Ij) nece«iu«r)' [•ori-

The New* la a member of ihe AiidK tJureau of ClrculadOM,' frbm whom rull (oformatlOD a i (o elrculudoii m ar b« ob- . U lnrd upon appllcadon, U«Ull«d tofor- uicdon tuppUod lo«^ly ut«n rcQUo«(.

Ea' sTEIIN " RSPUEHENT^ aoorfo I). Davtd Co.. Inc.. |TI Uadlaoa

A ft.. Ntm Tork; A. R. Kcaior. Mli H an .'k-. ’ ford BuUdloc. CblCkfO.. /


T oday 'a butalondlng oxamplo of Jure- c 'l iu d o d D cu la Denver, whieh, iu p lre d tl piobaltty by lepoTlt th n t the xlvnUy ^ will iio unuaually kcco, Iiaa nDnoiJQCod lii

i ta iu tcntion p t eD|iturin}{ tbu liepubli* » ean nntiounl convention In lO Jt. A t d ia l, tliouRli, ibo "miIe-Jil«li c ity "

— m ig h t liayc m orcjm cccuJii g o itij nftcr , th e P m iic ra tic coi.vcntion, wiiicli i t H

Imd in 1008. , ...........................Tho Ituyubllcnti jmrly »it lato yoMs

, /BetOTa-tirlmvo il profercnco for Chicago lu n r u n m U o u cUy. I t niot niero in fli

• • 1004, JOOS lOil.',’ioKJ aiid 1920; 1‘hil- T, adcljihia hnd thu convention fn lOOO. The. jmrt.v'm :!0 year hab it will be hard' j j to b reak. Tho U cm fcrats have beon 41I icM coostUDt. They hnvo m^t 'at" Den- t>t' yer, LaUim orc, 8 (. Louli, 8 (in Fran- *'•

' [ ' ' ' “ i n a reiwricdll'liat'^lliinn^^^^KanaflB City, which havo bad the priv"^ ut

• llego o f en terta in ing national conVon- tiona In the p a it , Vill en ter tho Hats J® ngnlDit D enver fo r the Hepublican gath- o rin g ., TJicy, n|ao._jvoMe« adequate n«

. balla fo r the m eeting, th e f l t t t eu&a- <1 tla l. Chiengo, nignifieantly, li not any* ^ ing a wuril. Uur reroril aiwaki fo r her. W ben i t nomes to faeilillen for U klng Id eare of b ig gntheringa Chlcngo ia in a th clftas by h m e lf . 8 be c#n handle a na- tional p n r ty , convention w ithout got- ,p, tin g fluitereiT nnd neglecting her reg* mt u lnr ■bualneaa.

Tbu theory, no longur obtalna lha t• there I< any . jralitical ndvaiilngo in

. . . • . hold ing .n convention I n .a _ c v la in _ d ty ..The praclleal quiation concurna the gen- '

• urnl, ncceaaibiiity o f the town nnd ita abilit.v io take c a r^ ’ of the dolcgntea ood Ihc thouannda o f vUlloM nttrnctcd by the event. ^Thlcago-win# on bolh count". But. there la no reaaon why Denver ahould not try to mcIw her lan- relaT


.W hhtcvcr mny be tho scniations o f chagrin th n t purauif Klmer D ovg/ be- caitue o f undoniod rumora o f hia resig- II nation ns asalatant aeerct&ry o f the II trcnaiiry, hia loaa 'w lll be tho public’# j j gain. Hopretttry’ Mellon’a deelaion In |L Bupjiurt o f Cnmmiai'ioner Dlalr o f the in ternal revenue deparlm ent seoma to bnvo completo two polnta in a ' sltua- (C

_______ tion t |ia t haa been a aourcB of I r r l t a - ___' tion to tho higher V lem ^ta of the ad-

n lnU tra tion . Ono w ai th a t ' bualncaa ri, ]irinci|i1ox nnd pr.ictlci' iti tlie Iruiyiury Tl

.. (lopnrliiK-iil t:ikn pruci-dence over ihi- ••llticnl ■cxlcuucica; tho olher waa -Mr.

, l)nvor|« f imrluiilnn lha t litider.iiuch.cirr ciiiiifitancca tho trcaxury !h ii<> (il.ire for un hinr. -

. • fommii.'iu.i.nr Jllnir huj-i.lic-d n ll_thcl •• rcKist.niii'c <!• D ovcr'ajtrogM tn. to di»-l h|,

nifits :> long lis t o f appoinlcca held ov-,T. , • .'.tr fmni formvr n'litilnislrntijns.bctauBo Df

of cxpuriunprd biiiinesa nlillily, '*nt ip 1hi‘ finnl .-bijh Rtcret-ir.v' Mellon, f la tly . fllded w illi lllair. Thv ru im try ondornea

■ . rfiTrimliihjntjT IJb ir and Secretary MoN Im . Ion for t ^ i r Blcrn dcfcnac Of bualneas »»

practli'C, liy tr.iincd buitlnpM men,, ei- .'pccKlly. in Huch a critically balanced

buaincM dcparltnenl.aa tha t nf interna) ju*• •rflvenue.' ------ • . . ' • • en

= ItjI t ia worth while w 4tchine the port

fonnAncfs of young men who have com­pleted the ir educntion nnd aro jua t g(i alnrllng nn ,t)iolr..biiBlneu.pnreera. 1.. be

. z = . • 10-

, Vou will note, th a t itoitio go (luletly to 'j“ v .v ■w M k,.’«n tin u .« . .fn lth fu lly . a t the ir JJ;

tnika, ijnd are o ften flurpriaed whcQ" I t py iff tim e to knock o ff fo r the day. ni<

■ ■■■'OUitra .d o n ’t a tari until the laat ''l><

fftrokii o f lh<i'!clock'nnd qu it, a t the ' firs t. • ■ ' . '

' A nyjtpo .l.c (^ recognire a p)od th in ^- when the. other feUow ^ a« It'. ' ' | 1'


fS . w m Try to Oroaa U. S. In ~ . One 3>ay

iih'- ' fc "■ \ . eo K y j l I!J .1 . .

S f n l t c ^ S S l M D R E ^ r

L ieutenant L o lu d 8 . Andrews, U . &A., h a i been g iven .porm lu lon b y .th o q

3 .Chlof-a£-..the Arm y A (r Sorvlee to at- totnpt to f ly a e ro u tbo United B tatei t irom usekaonrilJe, FIjl, to B ia VIego, Cal., in one d a ; . E arly in I la y ho made

1 tho f irs t iap of tbo coaat to coast tr ip by flying frora San Diego, Cal., to Ban

A ntonin, Tex., Id eleven hours and th irty d liilnutes. L ieutenant Janies IT. Doollttlo , [. will make tho f lig h t ir ith him o i al{Q^ / nato pilot. ' 1 I

' C A L L S FO R N ERV E AND S K IL L I r ---- • _ _ _ _ _ [1!t H unters of tho Sword-Fish Find T hslr ft

• Prey J^ o o e th e r “W orthy of I J TMeIr atsfll." H

Swonl-Klxh Kclidoners ore th e faNlMt;. l |1 fl»hlng-li<|rllH under suii In thu world. If■ T hey Uftvc to lio .'fiir the aword-tlab la Ml

, ^ f u s t .Tiiiivi’r. IU* Is a flghler, too. yi■, 'r a i 'r f ' liiiH, '.'111- chiirstHl n ahip ami [>‘ driven liis vasronl" tbrough livr stout h

•(^(inklng^j'Wlicn a xcbool of sword-nah \jM' ulg^ttiil, lliu HiiGurinun goes for'urd Vito th e vni) of th e ' bow sprit nud gets (7

rd^vc lilK Innrt- Into n flsh. Tli«> line B uttnched to llii* «puur rualiot out » t H tlic tub In wIilcIi i t is colled,Tind ilm \ llah mnkuK on, dnubllng bis niit t-d In « vnlm.efCpri to wipupe.

A good-Mlzed <1h1i will o ften feti-lr ns much n« ? 4 0 : .b u l_ i l Ik b, liiird life ,.nnd it nwdH Hdb iinimunahli) In ' th e chasc ntiild tbe huge neas of tliu Allnmlc wben bnd w eutber prevails. m|

H ie HWunl-flHli la w idely.distributed Id tlie ocean, bo t U tnost coivuiud ulT th e N orth A meilcnn const. Hh nvemce length is 7 feel, but some are. 11! fw t o r 1. f e e t t l i e "sw ord" Ix uwil lo In spear I ts prey, such ns roi). timD.v and At mackerel, nnd, even li» a llude whnl«^ th

f ............................. dllWl

E r s k i n e 2

D a l e , «

P i o n e e r sh

' - tel. • ' , by

• - r>Ka

■ wl

I John Fox, Jr. Z■ II mt

II cti

' V ^-

(Continued from 8aturdit>'’s Iu u o ) ‘ . ' CHAFFER X >

SlrajRbtwny th o Inil Bensed & curious rhange In tho Qltlludo of tbb garrison, thi The old w nniitli wna nbscnt. Tho.at* riiospherc wna chiirifed w llh susplclwi, hostility. Old Jcnim o wnii surly, his old ■iilnyinuiPH were tll.ntnnt. Only

-Duvp. M other .‘iniidcrji nnd Lydia \v<fti *>“l uncliiinKod.' Th>> pn-ilomlnnnt nntew ns * curiosity, nnd tln'.v Ktnrictl lo ply'him with (juMtlona, lint Diivp look him lo n” '

; a enUln, n«d Mi>i 1h t Sntnlprs liroirelil■ liltn srimrtlilng lf» unt.. ' _ - ' l l n d n tiurty lii.rd_tlm ..,!!_gtnK>(l

Dave. T he bo r lu-ddcd. - T ""t had only thrif-hu llo lH . Klrelly !"■

went Inme ntiil I hiul to loud him. I , , couldn’t wit cnnu imd Klrrtly eouUln'l cut phentTinl. I got’, mie from • t hawk." he eiplaliiMl. “W liarn (he i nml'tcr ou l there?" .

“N othlnV wild Dnve. gnilTI.v. nnd' lie .i„ mndc the boy go to sleep. HIh smry camo. when a ll w ere nround llie.flro a t 1^-, supper, ond was IlKU'ncd to with (’ng- q ,, em iM i Again lliin io j- felt Ihc lioHtll- ,,g, Ity nnd It made him resentful nnd baugb ty -and 'h is story )irlef nml terw . M oafllu ld iind 'scnsitlve na tu rw huve j,j, a chameleon qusUly. no m a tte r wlmt stra tum of ndnmnnt be-bencittb. .T he boy_tVas dn ‘.*SL‘‘l like an Indian.-belo$)ko<l Hko ....... nnd he Imd broughtlincki It seem(s|, tb e l«!iirlnft''nf nn In- wn dloii'^lllH wlldncM aiid stcdclHm. lit* *poli«!like n Hilof In n (;ouncll. nnd -1,1, pvcn J n . Ktiglljh J ila . iili'msing .ond jo , motniiliiirs buUmgi'd to Ibe red mnii. jtj, No woiider thr .v iK'ticvnl tho stories

. Ihpy bnri hi'nnl .rf i i i iu - l.u l thnfo .wiis j |p Wiiimc 111 iiintiy f a m nml llttli- doubt iho .In nny wivu one liofurc hu finished. ^},

l ie lind-gonc to w o hl.i foiier-niotli. j,g ^ r , nnd Ids f<>«ter-falhpr—old chU'f -Kahtoo,- tho Sliowiiee—b(*muse he ha<l

i t r e n bi# wonL Kohtbo thought be

NEWS, TWIN FALLS, Iwas dying and n-nnted him to be chtef

, .w hen tbe O rent Spirit called. Knbtoo bad once saved-Ills life, bad been kind, and m ade-hlm a Hon'.' T bat be could not forget. An evil prophet bad come lo .the tr ib e uad through his enemies.

-- Crtjoked L lg b U i ln g ^ d Black Wolf, , had gitlned much Influcace. Tliey w ere

to burn a cnpt.lvu w hile woman ns a saerllfce. U c lind slaycd't<S save bcr, III nrgtie w ilh old .Kabtoo, and carry

- file wnmpum and a t a lk to n big coun­cil w ith tho DritlHh. U c had mu'do bis

_taIk.u iiil-rtacapcd ._H cJuid .gone.back to hlH tribe , had Been tried, and was to lie bunicd a t the stake. Again he

- hnd escnpcd wltb the help of thew h itu ' woiuuD nnd b c r daughter. The tribes

hnd Joined thu HrlllHli,' and even then were pinnning an early a ttack on Uils very fort and a ll uthers.' ■

The Uftttfest wns lenso and every facc was Rtnrtled a t th is cAlm stale- mciit of th e ir Immediate danger. OldJerom e burat o u t: - — --------- -

“ Wby did you bnvo lo escape from tho couocll—und frum Ibe Kbaw'nccs?'’

' Tho boy fe lt the o|icu d is ln n t and bcroso proudly. ' .... '•

“A t tho council 1 told tho Indians tliat tliey should |i'e friends, not ene­mies, o f tho A uerlcans. a,ud Crooked L ightning called tno a tr a i to r . ' He had overheard m y talk w ith Kahtoo.”

3- "W bat w as . tlm tJ” osked D are, 10 quickly.t- “I told K th too I wonld flgbt with IS Ihe A m e rlc au against t b r Dritlsb lOd

' “ 1 Told' K ahtoo I Would FlBhl W l^ tha A m a rlu n s A gainst th e British and Indians; and W ith You Against H lm P

Indians; and w ith you ^gainst hlml". 'And ho tn rned nway. anti went bnck to Ithe cnbln. '

"W hat’d I tell y c l" c rie d 'U a rc Iti- 'dignnnlly, nnd he followed I h e hoy, 'who bnd gone to his bunk, und put one ‘big Imud on b is shoulder. ' ! - “They-lhough t-you 'd -.lam e tl Injnn

SRln,” be said, “hu t I t’s all right now.”, “I know," sa id tlie lad, nnd w ith a jmuffled sotind th n tjv a s im) f the g ran t jof an Indinn nnd half the sob of a |whllo man tu rned b is facc nwny. j

Agttlii Davo rcachcd to r t l» lnd>- ,shoulder. ' ' ■ I• “Don’t b lam e 'cm too much'. ‘I’ll ,

_tell you .no ir. Some f a r . l t s d m come ,by here, and one o t ’em said you w as ,goin' to m arry- an IdJud girl named 1 K sriy M om ; th a t you w as goln'.to stayw ith ’em ond flght w ith ’em alongside 1the nn th jh . O f course I knowetl bet- Iter. bu l—“ . . I' ’‘Why,” tw e m ip tc d ErsWne, “they <m ust liave M en tlie s a ^ c ^raden^ wlio ic to e to th e Shaw nee Iowd and brongbt Iwhisky.” - 'I

“T hat’s w hot the feller said nod >w hy’folks herc belleved him." . t

“W ho WHB he?" demanded Eraklne. •“You know hfrn—Dane Orey.” .1All tried to mnke amends straight- I

-w l\y -for^lhe-lnJU B t!«-they-lind-done ■ ‘Mm. Imt tlw Ivoy's Uoort rcmtil(tw\ *orc 1that th c lr t ru s t, w as so littlu. (T vn . 'Whun llicy gathered nil scltlcni within It l ie jo r tn i id mndc nil prcpnrntloiis niijl ’no 'Indlniis cainu. many seumiHl ngain 'to get dlRlrustfnl nnd th e lad «ti« nnt I happy. The w in ter was lom; and hnciLA hlizzut^l luid driven the Kuaiu w eit 'nnd aoatli nnd. tht> cnrrlsmi was Imnl Iput lo It fo r fo o d ., Kvcry dny tha t Ihe •

.Uttiituw wciK fo rth th e luiy wuh nuwni; 1■tbcin i)nd he illd fn r niort- thnn his Ishare la the killing of game. Hm ' ' ’hen '

-w lniP rw n g -h n ^ k ln g n n n n ’-iywKrTmmrIn of th e w nr.-T he flng tb n tlm d boun >fashioned of n soldier's w hile alilrl, nn 'old blue arm y troni, and n rcd putllcont fwas now th e S ta rs lind Strlptfs n f Iho 'American ruiiHc. .H urgoyne had n o lc u t ‘ott New Englantl.' tb n t "head of the r^- fbcliron." frotn, th e o the^ colonlw. On ttbe conlrury, th e A mericans had heat- ^

• cn b lm 'u t 5aratf<ga.0Dd nU irchcd.hls <-arm y off iindfcr'thosc same S tnra 'and '

B(rlpcs..and fo r tlie first tim e Ersklne •>heard of gnllarit L a fo 'y e tl^ h o w he "Jiind ran to W ashington with tho po^ 'Icninus news frora his king—tbnt *beautiful, passionate Fraoce would 's irc lth forth he r helping liaod. And <Eraklne Icoracd w hat th a t news >mtfabt fn .W asl^ng ton 's-“naked .-and 'starving” soldiers dying on the frozen ■hillsldus of Volley Forgc..niicn.fl.«orge >Itogers C lark hnd jinssed the fort on . <

'h is way to W'lllinmahurg lo get.money Iand men for Ids grea l'vcnW ro In tho ^Northwest, ond Ersklne -got 0 ready •'permission to accompany him ns sol- Kdicr ifnd guide. . A fler C lark was gone P tho lad c (it> re s llm ; ond one inornlnz,when tin? flrf^.brpntli o f spring cnme. "ho mounted hU horse. In spllc of arga- " Qcnta nod protcsU tlons, dad se t forthfor U rg ln ia on th« w lldem eu tr ilL ~

IDAHO, SUNDAY MORNlef n e wns soing- to Join Clark, he said,:oo bu t more lhan C lark and tbe w at werend. draw ing hlni. to iho outer world. \Vhatild I t w as he hardly, kticw. ,for he wos notme yci nmcli given in searching his heartes. o r mind. I lc did know, bow-cver, that)lf, romo Birapge fdrcti had long been:re worklnK w ithin b[m tiiat w u steadily

a growing stronger, wns ‘siirglng now-cr, Ilko n llame nnd swinging him betweenr y strange moods of depresMlcii und o t I-in- u t lo n , I’urliapit U was bu t the sp iritils o f sprlni; In his heart.' but wllh black .luInd's-eyo-he-w uv-ovvr-scclnK -at'tlieas end hf h is Journey tho fuco of Ids llt t l ihe couBln D nrbum Dnie.itu • • A strlkltig flC T renhirlfltn iiin lrT ld-es Ing Into thu old capital one oflernoonen JuHt beforo tho sun sank behind thods w esteni woods. Ktudcnts no longer- -wandered tliroiigb the campus of Wll-

ry Hum nnd M arj-college. O nly 'anocca- IC- sidiinl maid in silk and .lace tripped Id uloMg th e s tree t in hlgh-hc<!led shoes— and clocked alockliigs. and no couch m und four wns In sight. T he govcrnor’a

jmlncf. In its greui yard unild linden ic trees, w as closed nnd-deserted. My

Lord Dimmoro w as long In sad Iilght, IS as E rsk lne la te r learned, but not in 0- hlii condi w ith Its six mllk-wblte >d horses. H ut there w as tho bust o t Sir td W alter.in fron t of lUtlelgh tavern, ond

iberc '^hc drew up. boforo tho steps e, where he wTisoncc.nlgh to taking Dana

G rey's llfc^ A negro sen-ant came io» h w ard tr t'ck re 'fo r h ls horse, bu t a coal- d block young g iant ieapetf-w w m d the

com er nnd seised tbe bri(ne with • w elcoming c ry : *

••Mnrsp E rsk lne! B ut 1 knowed I Flcctty (ust.” I t wa# Ephraim , t h t i

^ -groom who hnd brought out B arbaro 'i < i poDlea,'who had^uracd the horso over ] j to-him fo r the race iit the fair. 1. : “I come fram Oo planltitlga fe r ole i

niursc.” the boy vzplnlned. Tlie host I o f tho tnvem beard nnd came doFn to give h is welcome, fo r any bale, no 1 m a tte r, w hat Ids garb.-could nlwnya have th e best In th a t tavern. Moro * thnn Uiat, a bcwlggcd soUcltnr,*lcaOi- \

I »ng-tfrf8-nnm c.-prescn led lilmself with Ihe rheerfu l news tbn t ho hnd quite a ) llllle sum o f money thn t bad been con- < (Ided lo hl«-kecj)liiK by Colonel Dale I for Ills nephew. ICntklni*. A strange j dcfcn-ncc w em wl lu bti paid him ’by « everybodi-. whlcb was a grateful clinngo from th e Huspldon be-lind icft ' nmong h is piim eer friends.’ The little ] tavern w as thronged mid the a ir ‘

-charged w llh the sp irit o f wnr. Indeed, * nothing else wns talked. My Lord Dun- j, more h n d .rom o to n sad und unbe- moaned ond. H e hod stnyed iifnr from the hntlletlcld o f Point Pleasant and « hnd li^ft s ta lw art Ocnernl Lewis to {, flght Cornstnik and his braves alone, a r ^ te r My Rudy Dunmore and her. v sprlghtl};_dnughlerB took refuge on a . s ninii o f-w ar^w h lthp r my lord soon (ol- a lowed them. H is fleet ravaged the banks of ib<> jlv e m and .committed * every nuim ge. H is m arines se t flre to

[ Norfolk, which w|(s in nshes when he ‘ ■ weUh(*«l anchor aiid sailed nway to

more depredations. When be In- 0 ; Ircnchetl b im self un Gwynn’s Island, 0 ; Ihot snmc sta lw art Letyls opened -0 I

heavy a inoonade on fleet ahd Island. » . and sent n bn ll'th rough the lodlgnant

noblem an's flagship. N « t dsy he saw 5 , n force m aking for th e Island In boats, *

and my lon i spread oil sa il; and #0 I . l>ack ,jo_m uri7 .B nglnnd ..and to..,VJ&. ? , glnla' no more. Meiinwhile. Mr. W ash­

ington hiHK cacbed Bo.slon and started i-i b is dulU s under tho Cambridge e ln . Screm l tim es during th e ta lk Erskine imd benrd m entioned , tbe name of tl Dano Grey. Young Grey had beea a< with D unm ore nnd no t w ith Lewis a t t( I’olnt rieoBum, nnd had DcenTconspIcn* tl ous n l Ibe palace tlin)ugh much o t the <1 succeeding tu n n o ll - th o hint-being h ll Jl devotion lo one o f the daughters, since be w as now an unqunlloned loyalist.

n e x t m orning hrsKine roae rortn [' olong a sandy road', am idst the Bing* • Ing of b irds nnd throo({h_ft.fert8t o f " liny upshooting leaves, fo r Hcd Oaka ,, on llie J a m c t l ie h a a (orewore Colo- v 'nel D ale to sccrecy a# to the note h e 01 had left .bchlm l giving bis birthright 01

't ir -li ls lit tle cousin. B arbara, sad he 01 ijnew th e confldcnco,woold be kept In- w violate: A t' th e .boat la n d in g -h e hitched Ills h n rse - to the low-swuntf b ranch .o f an oak nnd took the path ” through inngled rose hushes ood nn* ^

. dergrow lh a long the bank of (he river, . . hnlting w here it' would give, him forth f, oh the gri'n t. brond. gm ssy wny thiit a| led to iho’housu nmnnj; thp onks. Tlierc rn was the suiidliil Ibat had mnrkoil every U sunny • hour since he hnd been nwoy. cf For II ninnient be strwd there, and when In- steppttd .Into ihe. open, he 01 slinink back Iiiistlly—11 jilri was com- c* Ing ihronL'li tin- •iprnlni: o f boxwtwd from llio l4..n«i— crimiiit: ftowlyt biirj*. ‘’f hi-adiHl. hJ'l-'lijinclK rliiKiied buhhid her. Z her .•.vcK downwiinl. I lls heart tbrobbed *, as lie w aited. Ihroliln-d tlie more when

->iIs-m rsT »itii;lit-rvpn-thp:snfrtreinl~nf 7; her lll lle feet, nnd sw nifd to stop sli wlien Hie pa 'ifed n t th e snndlnl. nnd Tl as before neiirched llie river wllh her h: eycH. -.Vnd-as before the wing of negro oiirfaien enme ovej the.yellow 'Itood. grfiw lng 'stnm ger ns they nenreiL Soon , the clrl JTMtiered a bnndkcrchlef and - from tim shjK.lt> passenger In thu stem ci|ine nn nffswerlng flutter of^w hltc 5) nnd a Kind crj'. At th e bend of the

- r i ,v c r _ lh c - lb o n t_ i l l8appearcd ., froni m 'K rsklne's sight under the bank, and he th watched th e glri. How she had grown! rl: I^ijr slim flgwre had rounded nnd sJiot I«' upward, nnd her w hite g o w n - h a d " ' dropped to her dninty nnklcs. Now her foce wns Rushed and her eye JJ flHffhed-w llb. exd tem eni—It wns no mere klnsnmn In th a t bont. nnd Ihe j,, boy's lienrt began trf throb ngnln—

.tiirob fiercely nnd..wlth rucking cmo- th lions Ihnt' he had 'ricvcr known before. In A nery looking youth sprnng-up the »y InndlnR-steps. bowed gallantly over the g lri's hnnd. and the two lumed” np Ihe pntb, the glri .rosy w ith Umllos 'nnd

'th e youth bcndliii:‘nver bet' w ltb n most p ro tertlng and ‘'ien(lor nlr. II was Dane Orey, nnd tho heart of the id

.wntcher ju rn cd mortal sick. ■' '> im

(Continued in 2 ^ « t lasue}' n t

SNING,'jijLY23,1922:iii ! Fish Mtal aa Foo(Ltiite ' erinwttts with flah" ititti u aot food for domestic animals horo beennot mado obrond and It has been fotmdcart that pigs nnd cnttlc cot it with rellaJi.Ihot In Norwny the meal Is mode fromiccn cod and bcrrliig. The cbdllsh anj drieddlly first In the air and then in on orca,low nnd afterward ground into meal <Theyccn moko d hlgbiynulritlous food. cwl- ring OH! boiled ondploccd under press-ilrlt arc before being groun(Lbis In Englnnd and ScotlanI flth meal tlie -is mndo from-tbo-woste-parts-of. nilttli kinds of risft, first steamed antf then

dried' iihd ground.rid- —T - ---- :— -----oon . Coins Art Comparatively Clean. .the Te.sts mndo In tho University of llll-Rcr nols show tbnl coInn which have beeoVil- in drculntlon for n long time nre notsa- Hnd«ly- dirty. Tlw iHetul wteettm tnpcd havp the qunllty of resisting dirt andocs warding off dlnisise germs. The snnieuch cnnnot be .•cild iifMii'nk mucH.jr”* V.:___ •len Clasaifiod odvertislog Ii the chcapMy eat this;; you' cod buy aeosured by;ht. tbe profits it may brlog.TOit.in —:---- T------ :---r----““!-----

s Significance.'p# . ...........—

I ■ Shop C:be1 ■ The strike of rallw»yshei) enployepj !I>, we believe, unpreeedented In one re- ( ^ sport. It directly involyei mere eoi- i “ ployeca than over wero previously Id- t « volved in any railway strike’ In this «

»■ couotry. There wero obout 476,000 em- 1 'er ployoes in the shops when tbe atriko or- ( der went lnt« effedt. Estimates of tbs )le number who quit work differ; but a ( ist lanttf mWority quit.., jto /In other, respcets-the. atrike Is slmi- * ao lar to thoao whieh havo preceded it. ya Like most other strikes,. If. wss tbe ro- • suit of aHIfferenee of opinion between management and cmnloyeca .eoneerning » .. l ie rulea undor which the employees ' should work and the wages they should t “ bo paid. Unlike other, strikes in this ’ n- country, it disregards derisions madu 1 I'e by a government nrbllration body ru- " Be garding thu matters in ronlroversv, but I >y strikes in dlsregnnl of deeiaions of I ut. govuriiment arbitration bodies hnvo li ft uot buon-unknowii,-Australia and New £ le Zealand have tried compulsory nrbltrn- b ,P linn.' II has resulted In pcnceful set- f , tlcmcnls wbon the dcclilons hnve hecn I' ^ ngalnst the employcrit, but. repvotedlv u " ban resulted in strikes when Ihe decis- n ions have been ngalnst thu employees. 1 Differences of op_inion_Jictwcon em- !ployers nnd employees regarding how >' to much tho latter should be paid have I' «• arisen throughout the history of the er. wage ayalem.. Innninerablo plana foi> *’ a. ao suttIlDg.ihem.ns to pruveot lockouts- ' ,|. and strikes havo been advocated and ,Q tried; but no such mcons hns ever boen " .J succcssful loug. Tho employer is prone „ to underestimate the amount be ought H to pay, but public opinion ond law con " romiwl blm either to pay whot a gov- *' ernment tribunal holds -just or go oul t' “• of business. Employes, Individually « d, ond collectively, ara equolly disposed a to overcstimol( what the cmp1oyer_con ° d, nfford to poy; but tip to the preient ]t timo public opinion ond low seldom " hnve succccded in forcing them peace- *' g fully tu ocpcpt wnges thnt they havo-' ' rcolly rcgnrded as too low. They ofton » _ Mvo biien forced lo neeopt-lower wages *'^ hun-thorJcwttifdcdnmt tSFHirFoilin'effective compulsion' has been that of uronomie eonuitinns.' ,

Ecgardicss of.the employee’s opinion » of whnt he ought to have, ho cannot bv , >t tho strike or ony other meajia long ex- \[0 net more than the employer coa afford it to pay.' In the eontroversy preceding3. the present atriko, the labor leaders eon- ?' le tended that tho railways should bo re- I, oulred to pay aD..avorage wage of |2,- "

(137 a year becauio the employees need ,J this much to support their famlllci ac- Ig cording to a certain atandard. Bul, " hard as It may seem to sav so, the . wages Aoy industry can afford to pay ™ novcr havo been and never will bo de- termined by what Its employees need. , > Wbat nny. Industry ean afford to pay ;® I# out b detormised solely by what 11 can it earm- 'A businesc eoncern can atop op- t omting juat as Ita employees enn stop ." 1- working. A business eoncern not only T' ,e ran but must stop opor/itlDg If for>any V . rD o .l , l .r a b l , . |ta e 11 i . ro rfn l l» ln . i i r h t-xpenses whieh exceed what it can earn." It is moro difficult for a railway thnn anv other kind of business cbiicern to [• stop operating, because to.do’ao is lo Jf " forfeit »s right ever to do bunlnes V: It agnln; Already, however, mnny small , « railwnys in the United States have been y forccd to slop'oporutlng by inability to , r. earn enough-to pav thclr expenses. .

If 'thc ill'lii'antlH madu bv thrleiKli-ri of .Ihe rsriii'a.t labor imimi- Nh.mldJ'c.,,. 1. complii'd with, rilher iin eiiormnii' ml- ,|, ,1 vance in rutwi oi*lil hnve lu l»- iiiu.li-, 1 . or every fiVTft\*nj*-(pmpiiny in 4hc Unit- li . i-d State* would have In stop opcratirtir. Tlie pnblle. wnuld not.p.iv nnv such ad- ,, viinri- in rates. It has sn'ecessfully in- iJ, " siiitcd upon A rcdilctlon of wnges, A 'f rTHuction 'ofwagcs was''iffevlla1der.Tinr p shop employees refuscil to ncrent It. d There wns preaented such n sitimtlon as ... r has developed in industry, over and n over ngnln. It hlid tho aamo, result .11 Ihnt it has so often had-n strike. The ,,,. ' decisions and mediation of the Railroad'' . " Laber Board rnaifo' rio dlffcrenee.Z Will this alwoys be the course of vl events in tho future! The labor leaders to doubtless will answer that it will be m tli ? long ns tho wago system exista. The of a more radlcol among them would o%-oid-th e thu dovelopment of aimilnr Irrccon- Ri ! ellable differences, and the resulting by It lockouts nnd atrlkei, by abolUhin.? co d “capltnlism''—which ia another name mi . for privatq nrojxrTty-»and the wage 011 . system with it. They would have all bo „ the means of production and dlstrlbu- fo tlon'dwried by tho'pub]io ahd managed ti< ® by the .worker* undifr some guild or of - soviet plan. .But .would that prevent .\< the workers from demanding moro than wl ;. Industry could . producer The soviet fo: e sviilem has been-ndopted in Rus» ; In P but Iho workera in nusila still hnve to Isl „ llv,C on what Industry can prwloee.’ It po , does not produce as much as U did bei on foro Ihe holed cnpitaltsl nnd wage s.vs- ini ' Icms were abul5sbc<). »l‘d tberetore the wc • workerii h.avc to live on lens. Tlio pro- mt ® lelirrliilJ.nre supreme in Itusiin, but.th? ng inct ea f.tho workers are uot biiseil to ' there a%,moro thnn nny where else'on mt what the workers need or demand, ad

• • I f yo 'ir proporty la deairable and la ^ ‘ advertised in tbe c l a s s i f i e d v o u ' i i

*** find yonr hjjyer, < p-

sh. - - i l —

S Hold’er Slim! ..........w She is a Balking!

A balky ear ia worse tlian a bucking broncho'or n balky doB-

In, most ev e ry .caae the w orst * 'Icmpi'red cara'Tiarc respo'ti^iMl'to onr particular treatiiient..

'W o quickly find the t rouble," “ Iheri its easy to tnaeh 'em how to” "

buhn\e. , ■.111. , Try na th e 'iiex t lime you are 1-8 .Jti difficulty.


, ■* a « r 128 Soerad A t» , N orth '

p ' , PHONE 060 >}

' ■ ■ ■ . r

B o f4 h e C rafts S tr ik eM T bf/ need aod dem ud more (fiaa it re- e- quired to keep them from starv ing ;' n. and y e t thousands aad oven mllUoas B- of them are s tarv iag . EeoaomU laws Is cannot.be repealed by strikes o r revo-

? ' conWneo”thel?*f' /19 W hat mon need and w ^ t h v « n eet a can be made «qua1 only by Increasing

production enough to mnke w hat th e r i. c a n .g e t equal to .w h a t thoy oeod.- - t. ‘There is being fought out in thisfl. strike not only the age-long issue be- - • n tween employer and employee, bu t also .g the equally vuliiecablo Usuc o f Uw nnd

order versus vlolencu. The law says Id th a t overy man hns the r igh t to work ' is without iiitcrrcrence from other men. lu I t is ju s t o i much a crim e to' threaten I,, nr ossnult o r murder n nian for the pur- it jioae of keeping him from, working as- if l l Is to threaten or nssnult o r murder 0 him for Ihe purpose of robbing him. nr a irik es 's iic h n8 thlJ~ttro nccomponled — V by whnt is uiiphonlunalv onlled “ pcarc- 1 1. ful p icketing ." The piekotlng is n peacefnl un til some men try lo work v under Ihe conditions or fo r the wages i. aciilnst which others have atrilek.9. Then the pickets usually begin to

'p e rau a d c" them nnt to work by bent- ^ ing, a tabb lng-or kijllng them. • The0 prcseut strlko has reached this stage.8 In every p a rt o f tho country attacks ,f by strikers upon men who have fried *_lojViirk havo been reported. Tlio strike1 lenders constantly express pious hope* n and wishes thn t Ihere ahnll bo no vio-„ Icnet*. Most o f them arc undoubtedly '', sineere: hu l th e — outm gcs— continue'.„ Ih is .ra ises squarely Ihe ouestloD wheth... e r Iho-publlc o f 'i r k ls w U havo sworn *I to enforee.the laws-have tho disposition y and power to do so. It-'ralsos sq u a rd r J tho queation w hether the forces o f law * „ nnd order a r t .slronger thnn tho forces I of Inwlessncsi aad dborder. Usually <, the ferecs of law and order havo tri- .,. nmphed In this country. Whon vieleoco o-beging in a strike It almoat invarlablv a Indicates th n t thu strikers aro losing

• t l ^ ” st oarly In .

f ‘ The situation In mnny rospects is_ tragic. II Is depressing to roallte that

n ftc r nil the progress th a t has 'been mndo In iocreaslng the -efficiency or

, Industry I t Is still Imrosslblo to nav a , large part o f thn workcM wages suffi-• cient to enaWo Ihcm to live in reason- \ ablo comfort. I t Is hnrdly less depress-

Ing to realize th a t most working men . nre so ignoran t and so badly led thev ^; nre unaware th a t th is condition Is a t . .least as much tho fnult o f themselves

and the ir leaders os it Is o f the system ‘ o f industn- against which thoy ioveigh - . —

and whicli m anv of thom would Hko t o --------. overthrow, I t Is easily conceivable tha t

with modoTji methods and machinery, labor and capital eonld so eo-operate

J as In -a short, time to secure'' an in- , crease o f production which would en-. ” '

nblo tho average w orker to receive tho equivalent In nofcsaartes, eomforU and

, luxuries o f tho 12,037 a year o f which tho labor lenders talk . Shortcoming of human nnfure, which villain U th labor

J nnd maongemcnt. prevent it. I f labor , and capital wrnild both aso as much

skdl nnd •cncrg> '-1 trln rr« Jil5F lirS liir—, tloii M they , d o 'i n f ig lu ing over tho 'I division o f.w hnt Is produced the prob-

lems of both would he la rg d v solved.I t is niso depressing to recall all the ,

efforts th a t have beeu mndn lo deviitnmenns of peace'ull.v .scilling.the differ-

; nices Ihnt nrlse over Iho division i.f- -whnt la-proilured aad then coaluraiila le ------

t!iu altunliiin now ex iiting in (he Unit-• rd State*. Ibi5lne*s .-nnditions o f other ’ kind* have* lmprovc.il »r murh th a t, ex-■ rep t the coal strike, nml ib f raUwnY ' strike, Ihe toinl prodarlicm o f necfsH- ' ties, oomforts .in.l luxuries in iho 'U nit- L cd^U tM -m iduulad lv-w ould-lw > -gT ealrr-^— ^ ’ today than i t PV..r wns beforo. 'These *■ two strikes, howi.ver, ivl.lrfi arc the re-

suits of efforts to settle by force w hat. ' '‘ ought lo hnve l>et‘n s e tlle d 'b v 're aso n , ' ?• nlready hnve prnventeil, n nrtrmnl nn.l ..even mnre than noroal Increase of pro' ' ,

ductiou." •Congreas, In adoptln? the labor pro-

’ vislona of the T ranspertation-A ct. tried ‘I to .cstabliah a means of |>carrfullv set- '1 tllng railway Inbor controverica and '• o f aubstituling ia this field, a t least,-tho ra lo -o f tfa so n .fo rlh B rulp 0/ force.B ut human nnture. cnnnot be changed b y legialatlvo ennelments; and the

■ country hn* upon its bands this shop m en’s strlkp. But the laws df econ- - oinlcs aro still in-operatlon and cnnnoi t bo repealed either by s ta tu te s or .by force., Increa^tid effirloncy in produc- : , tion can enable induntry to pay wngeio f murJi greater -purchasing power, ^ -Vothing else cnn. ,8trlkes. in terfere ' w ith incre.^1ed production, nnd there-., fore, in the long rua, h lader Increases In re'al-w ftges.. As long ns th iT u 'a re ' labor uninns tha t are Icd 'bv and c o m -T " ” ' poaed of men who ^vnuld riither carry on strike* and pm paganib. Ih'an help , ia rrcasr tlie efflc iencv-of jifoductinn. — ' wo shall continue to h.-kve strikes-nnd mo*l b b o r uninn* w iH 'cnnlinue t o ’be

•ngcnel'na not for.i-nabling higher wnges lo be paid, bu l for making the ir pav- m ent more difficult. ‘ .adv. ^ pallway. A g e -Ju ly 15, ll>2t.

Page 7: I m e lLLS DAILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · Thft priionera woro Uken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de •'of the

’ . T w iy


j l H l IOblcago d n l a U u k e t ' in and

______0U 1G A G 0,-Ju ly-23H /Ph-H w vy toll­ing by hcdgora pu t enough, w hoat in Gom 8 tho m arket today to ovorcome week-end atlo i eoverlog Ly e hotti and n b e a t vsluei decliocd read ily ,‘ ttio close bciaff Qoar Porfltc tbe b o tb m .f isu ro s of tbe day w ith Se> corpi comber a l a nonr tow lovel fo r tbo soa- roiv<

,,V>nn. A t tbo fin lih w ticat ibowed a (;om] ' F k i o f 1 1-4 to 1 l-2e, Soptcmber «1.09 Comj

to j .0 9 3-8 an d P o e o m b crJU O 1-8 , (lowi to 1.10 C-8, corn woa down 3-8 to 1 l-6e, Invc oais 1>2 to le lower and provlilons 10 nnd to SOo higher. ' H . 1

I. TrodlDB ]n w heat woa ligh t and fea* bia i j tu ro lc u Uio grea ter p a rt o f the abort Swlo

- aeaston and tho m arkot becamq boovy,- U. L bu t d id no t noico macli progreia in tbo Mr** way i t depKBalng prieea as ibe trado MiUo bceamo overiold. wife.

Com fu tu res woro dutl and .enalcr, ro- fleeting' tbe tradp in wheat. .Demand Th was alm oat tocal. . to Tor

Tbo oais trade was dull, vrhot small a eorpi bad o tbero was being attribu ted to tho rcivor abacnco of a demand for easb. Compai

Foout«os ■ Compat • CniCA OO . Ju ly 22, (JP} - Heecipts

235 cars; M innesota early Oliioa «1.35 „ .V "V to 1.40. 'i'.

Portland Livestock » PORTLAND, Ju ly 22, -^:CntU c, Wifo- }

bogs nml sheep’ nominolly «tiudy;..no Jon, hii receipts. t <’ '■■■ ,,|

Omsha LlTostock Mrs. E.• OMAHA, Ju ly 22, (/P) — (Unitsd defeildfl

S tates JJureau of Ajfrleulturat Kcenom- Vnii- • ics) — - Hogs — « .‘ei-l]it* 6000; light nmemle

butchcra ateady to strong; otber elosa- ogalnat ’ea uneven, moatly 10c- hrgher: bulk 18 tt‘o Ele to 10.40; top •lO.SS. S ialo o

Cnttto=K ccelpts 460: 'coi«pnrod wUIi County; week ago: Oholco grndo buef steers nml yot nbout atcady; ot)icr Rrndes 25 to OOo nnd nns lower; w eek'a top $10.75; better (fradea ‘'ny* abe-atock a icsdy; otber grndca 35 to /i^

‘ SOc loiTcr; stockers nnd feeders atcady " n ''to 25c h i g h e r . ------------------------ Jrboro;-

Sbeop — KecoiiH* n»tie; fumiiaml ' w jth wcok ago: Lamb* «1 lowor; sbcon

' nnd yearlings 5 0 'to 75c tower; feeders75c to t l lowor. . " 'e n t, «

.. OWca«o Livestock , ‘ ‘■‘’g ’S ' ' . CHICAGO, Ju ly 22, ( >1 - . ( U n i t e d „f' iibfn S ta te s Bureau of Agricultural 12eon- (|;tKr.87 omlca)—Cattle— Bccelpis 1,500; com a fte r tli

. pared w ith week ago: Cbeicc aod nrlmo ;it tbe . lieof Ktcera strong to 15c Iitgber; lower grades inc lud ing-gra iscrs very slow ^ moaily 35 to 50c lower; sp d tso ff moro; v TVI boat beef cowa and Iiclfcra and can-

/n c rs uiiehangcd; in-between gra'aaers nlugglgli; montly 25 to 3.’!c lower; apols n , on common to medium-eowi-SOc or

, moro o f f ; bulls and venl calves mostly- « • _ _ 50e low er;, ttockcrs and feeders strong; ■«— w eok 'sT dp beof steers $10.85; w eek's bulk prices beef steers $8.75 to 10^10.

nogs—Receipts 4,000; opened about W boat, atcady: closed 10 to 15c lower on good

’ ligbis and tigh t butchors; others a te a d r P S utoes to atrong; apots lOe higher; tilp $11 early; n rae tle a t 'to p lato $10.85; bulk

.good butchers $ 1 0 is to 10.75. CattteShoep -R ecc tp ts 3,000; compared w ith 5 1*2 to

week ago: Tat lambs -ond —y eu llngs - I I c ^ '( bioatly 75c to i l ' to w e r ; cult laoibs.aod Sheep-

tlgbt aheop $I to $1.50 lower; hoovy Wc. sboop $1.50 to a lower; feeders steady Vo 25c low er; b c il yearlings Ucodtog jowes steady ; others 50c to $1 lower; w eek’s top native nod westcrnrlambs $13.50; f a t ewes $8 ;. feeder tamiis $13.

2Ttw Y o tk Stock M arket/ p l t X u i • K EW Y O RP, Ju ly 22, ( f f ) - T n d t ap- Cabbage

p*4lPal- by tho federal govemment of Cucnnbe the; independent ■steol mergers provided tbo .only fea ture of today’s dull and n " ; , L otliorwlao fealurotcas session. Extremo tu m Im gains of 1 to almost 3 points were wor- i^ t tu e c / ed by fietblohcm , Lackaw anns, Repub*■He and M idvalo Blecls, b u t this ad-

; vnntagb w as lorgoly forfolied on ic a . to„ fttoo i iW og sales,. - - fiw„B n(

I . Motni-s m anifested much of the ir re- v,• w n i reactionrirf trend, Studebaker be- ¥

Ing subjected lo , fu rther selling pros-J o w ith s e v e ra l ,o f tho teas proml-

• n e n f laaucs o f th a t group.- .. Ralls wore llstloaa b u f f in a r q u o ta -

tlons Wero mainly tow ards lowor levels. Fi6\^r, 4S L-Bqulpi»onU ,-eoppett andac lo ted-B hani Bugar,.bi

moved w ithin tho narrow eit lim its. Sngnr, cf Sales amounted to §75,000 shares. ■ Cream (

A contraction of $84,000,000 In actu- Brick Cl al loans nnd discounts wns tho note- Oeana .. w o rth y -item i r tho- weekly clearing Dr«?nd , : homo a to tem cn t., This was accompnn- B utter (t led by ti decreaao of $05,000,000 in fiet B utter (

: -.lom am l-dopoalts a n d - u - m h gain of B gjs, d< ♦31,504,000,..incrcaalng reserves , to nl- . . - m o,t $4-1,600,000. , 1

Q oT ttnm snt Bonds ,I NEW YORK, Ju ly 22, Ham/,'honds closed: • - Dam, sll' .1 1-2’* .............. ........-----------------$100.00 Pork cb(- B e -c o n T J M ----------------------------$ 100n t rS m b -c l

F T t i t '4 1-4’s — - $101.40 Po rk onSccond 4 1-4’s ----------- ------$100.83 Stcak-

■ T hird 4 1-4’s ---------- ----------$100-80 round M'V ourth i 1-4’s --------------------- $101-« Beof-r-V lctory 4 3-4’s --- ------------------$100.54 I0e;.b rii

U SK W S- . ,

' '■ ■


Newslinder th is hei

------------r - ----------r - r — — :— <---------

■ E G A L A D V E R T I S E M E N T S I g j

ALIA S SUMMONS . ' t t l l iCn.thB.JD istikt-CourUof-thB-Zkj»nthi .... —illclal D istrlc t d f t r iF a f n t r o f Idoho, ( S a and foi tbo County of T«vin PalU . I

m Stntn Lumber-Comnuny,.a e o r p o r - L ^ ^ Jtion, , P talijtlff, $1.00 i

va. fees, acfltello Seeuritv T rust Company, n chanlci rorporation; Prod C. McGowan, re- Block 1 'oiver foi-, Poratello Sflrurtty T ru it City ol ;omp.my- N orthw ritern Invealm ent salo of [Company, a corporation; IVcd C. M c-i WUn Iowan, rcc fiver- fo r' Nortbwcatcrf* aald 0, nveatmcnt Compnny; J . C. Sanger [Ju ly ,. 1 m d M rj. J . 0 . S anger,'h ia wife; L (Seal) T. Lathrop and M n . L. II. Lathrop, lla w ife: A . li. Swim and Mra. A. L By C Jw io, bia w ife: L . E aton and Mrs. Jamc 3. L . E aton , his w ife; E arl P e lt on'd t i f f , re kirs. E ,u l IVIt, bis w ife; and E . J . Idaho.ifalone nnd M rs. B. J . Mnlone, hla ---------»ifc, . D efendants , ,

■ --------------- - I n tbTho S ta to of Idaho sendi greetings / “ 'I 'f '?

I’ornt-;lto Security Truat Compony. :orpor.itlon: Prod C. McGownn. re- (Tor for. Pofntelto Security Tniat npany; Northwcslorn Investm ent tipany, n corporation; t'red 0 . Me- «0M, n e tW e r lo r Nnrthweatern In- tm ent Company; J . C. Sanger an.l '" H ’® I. J . 0 . Snnger, hla wife; L. H . Lath- S r ' ;a n d Ml*. L . II. Lathrop, hla wlfo:L . Swim an.1 Mra. A. L. Swim, his J;®®.? o; B. L . E aton and Mra. K. L . Ea- ' Y *, hia w :fo; E art Poll and Mrs. Earl *'*V, t, his w ifc ; 'a n d E. .1. Mnlone miJ J,"",* I. E . J . Mnloue, hi* wlf.,- tho above J • *'■ tildnnts:nu -no horel.y notified th a t an •nded rom plnlnt haa been filed ' ' ““ j inat you In tbo D istrict Conrt o f ‘E leventh JudieinI D latrlet o f tho

lo of Idnbo, In nnd for Twin Pulls „ n ty r l ’rtti0"0iro»Tniftm 0-(IlilaTntiff:7 ,V l'?^ yo« ,irc h treby dIrofCtd lo a p p i.r nniw pr sa id rontplalnt w ithin tweu-

Inva o f the aervleo of thi* aummon^ ” , ervcd w ithin *nld Judicial DUtricI, ■

w ithin fo rty dn.va i f acr^-od p1».-- ro ;-aa d _ y o u _ n re ..iu r th c r- notified ; unluM you ao nppcar nnd M nwe: , i-

com plaint w ithin tho tim i'T irrciu „ , \ i iflcd, tbo p la in tiff will fake judg-

against you na prnyod in saM

jlll ’MO k tlTOHEivt r«T-tliO imipowibfnlninjf judgm ent-In tbo *um of if.87 w ith in terest thereon-from and r tho .101b day of XovWiber, 1()"P ‘ " ' n •be.ratv of 7 per cen l per nnnum, “ 'Y inrt"

................... .......... ,,

T W I N F A L L S M A R K E T S .

P rices P a id Piodaeers Bwrr'*.Mlerfa t ..........._...._27 to 30e of tho ach ranch e g g a ......................._ . J 1 l-2e w ithin sa, p o u n d ---------------------------- lOe in forlybts^ "ptT pound 20c j-tm are

. O rtlo ,- --------------- i m

. PotatOM - you as ii t o e s ___________________ <J5@75e Said e

........ ■ L ltw to e k - ...... o f obtalItlto -C ow s, 4 -1-2 to 6 l-2e; steers,! to 0 l-2e; veals, 5 to 7c. ?nio J..........................................- I®"®’ "c ep -M o tto n . no n a rk e t; lamba

o f a ntj• .14 in Bl

m itrS B W lF B ’B OtJIDB to th e j ;(B«uu piittw . : ■■

B i!™ .""'p o ta ts e s .. .---------------— 4 t o i)c ioo».loes, ew t. ------------------ $1.00@L50 (s b a L))Bge, p a r l b . i------------------------- 7o|nb e rs , oncli-------------------- 10 to 15; j j jy c ,}t«. bunch ................................... . 5o -Jamesr, DUiicb ..........................------------ 5 c j i l f f , rcslipa,..bunch Se-,Hnlio.ICC,' Idaho ...... :................ .....• 'ie I . i i— nibcs, buBch i................Sc The N

bo m li — . — » w m liis ktoos, lb. -1—— - „ ao<»D pc«s; lb . ™ ~ .u .u . . .» _ _ _ L -1 0 c .^ benns -- ---------u l2 1-Si •-berrlos ---------------- -----------IM , pgj r ,alo(ip«'L .«----------------------10 to iSe ing, luIt-!rtne dn, p o u n d -------- fieijn . 150

tw T lslonB in d 'f l ta p le i ■r, 49-lb. aaek-™ .,____ $1.55 to 1.4.1' . J X ? . ,r„ b a it . JO O .lb s-u -.:w ta .7 Q Jo .e S .f llJ JJ“ i 5

S< Chew. ------------- :— «»« POE 1

tt ( r a n c h ) -------- -----------------,-_30e j-qRi, d o te n - i : i ; i ------------------------15e ]

M sats ------------n ___________:______ — . 30O850 I HA5D. iH c e d ___________________ 50e » o « hoi

________^___________ :____ _ 35e Sweetay;, s l i c e d __________ _________ COe K lephon

[ i ^ o p a ~ I I Z i r ! ! ! ^ r r i : ^ 30®^ :!o rast _______ _~~,C5^80c

ta k -^ ir l lo n 30c; T Jlooe , SOo; UONSi 28e: chuck SOc. l i s p t reof—.^ot r o u t 17 l-2@20e; p late U bertl n.b riske t 6 ^ 8 ^ *

» t) . / DlONl t^SfTM ir \

^ \ w nm

V S ^ T W I N f a l l s , I D A H

s Clase a d rp n e Cent iB y a c t u a l c o u n t , f o u r o u t

t h e s e p e o p l e w h a t y o u h a ^

s a l e o r . r e n t , t h e p o s i t i o n

.00 lecording foei, $300.00 a tto rney ’s CQ D M, and (or tho foreclosure of a mo a n lcs' lien on Lots 44 aml<45 11 ock 2 nf-Blne Lake* a d d ltlo A o ^ b o ty o f Twin Palla, Idaho; and for Ibo lo of raid tola. ’ 'Wltne-w my band and tho seal of “ ''V ! d O i*triet .C ourt,-th is 14th day of «<>“ ?'

cal) C. C. S lO a iN S ,- .• ClMk. T a lk

By C. u. Bowen, Deputy. ^Jamca 11. Wiae, Attorney for Plain- f, residence and o ffice- Twin Pall*, itio. ■ , . ■ f nonap------------------------ __________________ all fe

ALIAS SUMMONS ^ o ff rIn tbo District Court of tho Eleventh Price dicial D iitric t of the Stnto of Idatio, share nnd for Twin Fails 'County, >

m Stato Lumber Cemraiiy, a corpor- -------iUon„- . 1 P lain tiff, FOB

va. follyratcllo Security T ru il Company, n qttUe:orj)oralion; Prcd CV^lcGownn, re- •!-----luLvcr for Poeatello Boeurltv Truat POI Compnnr; NotUiwcater/u Invcitm ent f ^ o n ' Company, a corporation; Pred C.'Mc- te rs . ]o w a n ,-rc re iv e r. for Northweitorn LaOteiiVestincat Company; J . C. S a n g e r , -------md Mra. J . C. Sanger, h is 'w ife ; L . p o i L I^othrop and Mra. Ij. l i . Lothrop, ils.wifa- A. L. Swhmand Mra. A. L. tbnr 1 iwim, hla wife; Earl Pelt nnd Mr«. •Jarl Pelt, hi* wifei-nnd B. .1. Malotit' nd Mr*. K. J . Matone, bl* wife,

Defendanla.' ' ' — lIE t

'lio-Stolc-flf-idahp aeuda greetlnga to taehrai •atrllo Hcrurity T rn it Company, n PHee |)oratir)n; Pred C. McGowan, rccciv- Blllini for Pocntello 8ccurlty Truat Com. ly; N orthwcitcm Investm ent Com- USE .V, n corporation; I-'red C. McGowan it 'a tb ? iv c r - f o r . Sorthw eatorn Inveat- cows l i t C om pn irtrX D . Banger nnd Mrs. Darrov C: 8an;jcr,''bla w if e ; .L H. Lathrop 8, Twi

MrJ. L. II. L ith ro i’, hia wife; A ' '“ r r r r iwlni .nnd Mr*. A. L. Swim, hia w ife; . ^ 0 ' I Felt nnd Mra. Karl Felt, Ills w ife; « l« i r i K. .1. Matono nad Mra. K. .L Mn-

!,h ia n .'fe; ihenliovo named defend- Phono

'f lira ro liereliV notified " Ibut .an •nded complaint boa been flleil inst you in tbo D iitrict Court o f the- i-entb JudirinI D istrict o f thO S tate dnho, In hiid for Twin VoWn Connty. the abovo nnnied pinlniiff, nnd you bereliy directed to appear and nu

r *aid.complaint w itbin twenty dayn p h .„ . ho aerv lee of Ibis RUmmons i f served lin aaid Judicial Dlatrlet. and witb- NIC] ^orly.days i f served dboffhcrc; nnd ( u m i are fn rlher noUfied th a t unless you jj, . p i

appear ond anawer snid co m p la in t______Iiln tti.) timo bcroiif^arecifieu, tbo E. I n tlf f wltl tako judgment’ o ;^ ln s t n e r ’s os pni.vcd in said complaint. ua ierii

aid caio la brought for tbo purpose 754. ibtfllning judgm en t'in the agm . of ■H.87 -with, in terest thereon, from FAR

a fte r the .10th day of November, ment d ). a t tbo rnto o f 7 per cent per an- — — :, $1.00- recording fee% $300.00 a t; eya ' feca..orid fo r tJio forcctosuic CABB/ I nl^jbnnics’ lien on liOts .13 and n Block 1. o f Blue Lokea Addition phono J h e j j i tv of,T w in.Palla,' Idnho; and ppU Iho s:i!o o f anid loUrr" ,,'ithcss my hand and the aeol o f *ald riet Court, ihls H th d a y o f Jiily, with E

. and'diaAL) C. C. SlflOINS, Sopplr

f C. L. Bowen, DepufJ'. . . . . . .imea H. w rie , Atiorncv for Plain- W A N

rcald-;uco and offico, T^riu Pnlla,10. D n n

■ I I ■ I ■■■! i< ■ or10 News Is lead by tbe (ufhnAncDl on tb la g elMset. _ ' _______ « _ _ _ '

> O R R E N r r . ™

ir Rent—P ro n t room, both adjoin- w iF l su ltililo fo r ono or two men. Closo ^ 150 Third avo. N., pbono-823._

DR RENT—The Conway tesldenee, j ^ Main N orth, fo r rent.- Shade aad

___ I WAli)E I;ENT—Thrco room furnished tment, roaaonable; B u ^ alo w Apts. Automi b at and Second ave. E ~W AN

)R B E N T -T w o ■odora offiee Jieit w la. Inqnlre City Pbar»M y. ' Vnlcaal

H AVE POR REN T deilrable alx- -.W A h I h o n « on Eigbtb ave. N . M. J . typewrl atey; P ira t Natioaal Bank bldg. is^a bephone BL ^ ________ C onpat

- W O W B f - T Q j . O A H - r - - ! ' * ”

ONBT TO LO ^N ob ■■Jflern dwst Poultry It repayable In SMtll in itillsieB U ager. 1»1 tepiysaenl privltege. AHbnr I ■. * S : . REAl


\ /I'nCONHIV T E L L ^ ) ^\ U l nhN S H M 4 E R ^

i ? ' S t -


5 S i f i e (p er w ord per i

I t o f e v e r y f i v e h o m e s I n T

l a v e ' t o s e l l , t r a d e o r e x c h ' a

n y o u w a n t , o r t h s - h e l p y

J R S A i r - R E A L E S T A T E FO R

FOR 8A L & -87 acres, 7 mUes from lallis on Bea? Creek, 8 room log bouse,Ible, All 5 ralt fence, 1-2 being eul- rated, private w ater righ t, D tln d ltih 1 Biploted. P rice $ l / o ! Q , wilt take ^ r In 'tr«ao. E B .^ p le y , F ilar, Ida- , . o r T wIb P a H i- ^ e l l t? C o .,’Twin S '

____________________________ hold I

FOB B A L E -^0 acres, i mUs out, Im. ovements on each fo rty , one 0-room . . . nap, good slied barn w itb hay center, r o ]I fenced, blue grass p u tu re , 1*2 mile ju iey f ro c k ' road,~good bearing orchard, '^tnku lee $125.00 per acre w ith lan d lo rd ’s te r hi ire of crops. E . B. Ripley, Filer, Ida- liuuiu ^ o r T ^ n Palls Really Go., Twi» your i

------^ ^ ------------- Patrlc'OR SALE—Five-room modetD bou<j - ly furnished. Old Third avo. W. In M'A Ire l«3 Third »ve. E . ■ Wq Iv

. . ■.-------------- :— ...— will aiFOB S A L B -B e st 10 acres, ha lf mite ^'urnli ID c ity ; plowed and seeded; $525 ■e. Terms: A et bow. H. G. Barton,Otede Booms. _______________

'“OH S A I.& -F iv e acre '.T^l In Twin iX)tl IU;'aultBble for .poulUy fs 't* . Ar gallon, r L. Sw in , owner. nrd D<

.................. . .. • - pcjn

' M IS C E L L A N E O U S W i o r------------------ ^ ------------------------- PhonoIEM 3T1TCHIN0 and PieoUng at- - I h raen tr* T lts any sewing machine. '^OR eo $2. Economy Sales Company, fugs./

p 6 r

ISE CONKEY’S PL Y KNOCKER— Adams tbo b « t on tbo m arket. M ltkyour ~T,r r

s,In comfort and co t MDRB M ILK. . row Bros. Seed 4 Supply Co,, pbpnc [•win P-.11S, Idaho, ■ „ —

row is tho time to go t your ioattifli' ’ liring uono a t cheapeat ratea. Prod „ f r , “ a, Sr., across from Plrc Statiou. mo 309-W. • .

lA K B ■ YOUR UKTROPITABLH ,EES P A Y -L e t us advlao w itb yoo budding, g raftine or any other ol r orchard neoda. J . A W ateri. 1®“ me 804.J1. P . a Crow, Phon»■W, R. P . D. No. 8.

LEA N lK O -earpeta, rug i. Navajm••sm._______ICEi quiet rooma for a a te ra l t i '« l spasial nurse. SIO Sixth av* , *V r ■Pbol.COlM .--------------------------------------------------Arma.. D. KEULOQG, agimt for U t» —'s Drv A rsenaU o f Lead for aprs.« erial, Cslt Phone 650H, P, 0 . -Bpj

■ _________ ' POR

ARM LOANS and n o a th ly ps> t dwi)lJ.'ng loana. A rthur L . fiwlsi - fo ]^

AMMOND’S - 8 C T O ^ n O T “ gft»mAGb; WORMS. N othing equal to Darrow Bros, Beod Supply Co.. and Ih

io 8 , 1-Win i*alla, Idaho. Phone

b ee :—Pa tto ry aervlee. We have s p o j jI eqnlpped battery* aerviee s ta tis t enttivalI S tahl c h a rg ln f-O T tf it T eitlo i foot Udialiltod w ater free. Idaho Ante I In good?ly Co. Phon# 210. ^ ' n « th ,

^ N T E D M iS C E L L A N E O U S ^

RIVIKG to Pon.lcllon: would carry 5 5 5 5 Lor throe passengers. \Vby nol tiitie FORtbo harvcall P len ty o r work, fo r you

™e220J. » „ .W ,

A N T B D -H m ic , “ (urn'liiicd i r POB ly furnished; cloao in. Phono ,18111. and ace

I T ^ T vA N T E D -C ow Klrl prefer^ 2S4_5« Address partlcnlnrs to D iaaond FOR

:ancb, Aeoquia, Idaho. gallon.------------------- :— ^ P b o n e <AM paying cash fo r.F o rda , bb) ----------ol. Beo ua bofore you sell. Centrs .poR ^ T ^ ^ - S h o ih o o o 'B ir ' '; -----------------a n T s e t

A N T E D -T raeto r and ita tionarj Be repairing of a ll kinds. L in t Dmoblle Co. ^

A S T E D -Y o o r lirea- to repair j-q j , w ora. a t lowest prices; Idah- « m -

a n iting Works. 132 Beeond ave. S -

ANTLD—A buyer fo r a desi w riter, adding Baehlne, aioebu) j U qoibench and vise. Johnson Ant* ----------

pany.__________ '■ ■ ■ FOR

A N TB D -A lt-k inds-of-po jlltrT t-w .. top pricea a t alt tin e s . ‘ Tlwin Pali- try and. Egg Co., P. E . Strain, m si |, j , . Ph5ue 17.1. 240 Fourth avo. S ' worth e

......... stpel 'blBAD TH E OLASSIPIED ADS. , wny.

■i " — HOO? '

£R -TALWM-BoiE?i f tr io u n ^ W ^ U N & - r a L ! .E R ? How m'O J K OiiTrHKfc l i o u r WTHtRORO/a

ROW ? / nW BE tlX m A BACK haW m t ^ M tN tr r

V ■


d Adinserlion, and )

1 T w i f t F a l l s r e c e i v e T h e N e

h a n g e . a b o u t y o u r r o o m s f i

) y o u n e e d — O N E C E N T p l

O R S A L E - M I S C E L L A N E O U S ~ = O li

r o i i SA I,K -liirby c n n I « & ,- '« 5 ;avanport and two fircsido chaira, $75; „„f, lirco Windaor chair*, $■!(); mahognny. brary table, $7.'l: bonk-ranc^ $20; hcney i.bonogmph, »50; Federal wash- Ig miieliine, /$75; Simplex otectric lagc, $10; ri'irigeraior, «1.’5: dressing poii liilo nud chair, $25; and o ther bouse- «»7r,. old fu tn ltw e . Can bo seen Sunday, ^"ooit’ ’a.vlor Cummin*, 332 Seventh ave. N. ?oun,.to « o « o u . , ■ . _ ■ . ,

r o i l . BALB! r a i l SALE, J c l l t t a “ • iicy red ebcrrleit. I^ndiea, gi»t buay. ;,i/ j lnko II ri'fri-nhlng drink fo r your bet- , jr .h n lf . I t 'w i l l oiiticii hfm to stay umo ovi-nlng*. ,1c ou iho trco, 4c a t o „ ‘our door. Tbii. ia tho last week. Two •21___lill'* weal, 1 mile aouth. Phone 517113, FOR "trick Wynn. -

W A N T E D -D ujo i. for t t f r i« r a lo r , . ‘ 'q liftve u ItttKO sc lw ib n vrhkh w e p o nill aell all next week n f c o i t . llooalo- w ,--v u r t l to U .- . .—

FOR aA L l>-K lcctric fan , only uacdlort t^ime. Can bu.ieon iit Potera Broa. ^

m t S .u T E -Ited raspbo>rica, $1 pet ilton, dollvorcd. W rite tn M rs. liow- d Dexter, Ilonlo 2, F i le r - .-------- ;------------------------------ : ________'. I’y e»iFO R/HALT>-II6u»chold' furn ilu to . proforr lytor/Cummins, 352 Sovontb nve. tJ. - ; r T : lonoArUM. - -

L . ------------------- 35c pPOR SALE—F u rn itu re ,-?» G vpnnM P h o n r gl./ 141 Jefferaon at. —

FOR s a l e !—Houaohotd goods. 15(J lama. , TIRE

FOR SA L E i-L argc blackcap Tgsi> rrics. P ; P. Osborno ranch, lT * 2 lea soiith of Sboahouo atreot bridge

FOR » A L E -T b o r e lectrld-w aahlng pl'or, p irbiao in good condition, $.'i5, IIoos- : FuTnliiiio Co. to Oaki

POR S A L ^ n o u a e n o Id fu rn itu re , in- idlng Thor electric waaber. good ice X.' Everything m uit go. D on’t neg- LOSl :l tho opportiw ity .. Call Mondny. 'L . Twin F lamusaon, 126 Sixth -avenue norih , 8 . F

L _________ !______________________ - - 'L O S lFOR SA L E -P lan o . New Kimball, ner am! ry cheap; any terms. 1825 11th Ave. homes*

_________-E55iFOR ^ALB—Two rogs, 1 davenport, shono 1 thlBB tloset. A p u tm m t R « i Buck R ms. - a t Nen

FOR 8 A L B -8 b erw in -W lltU m s '« r^ to lead. Diamond H cfaw are Co. ,

FOR SALE—Berry Oups,. eratea aod e h ives.'PhooB '5, M oon’s Sbbpf '

FOR SA L B -L orgo ice box, auiU ble ' ‘-;dair7-or-sm all-D eat-bualneas.-A U o T r ^ : - ren heifer calves, four bull-calves, BBAD : J U tM n llk .- .to .i . n . p . L .l ia , H «fn in» SQSJl!: : " “ 'HI

W B 8 A l S - 0 m 4-row P. t 0 . b e d tiva tor w ith a ll nltaehnieflU; one 7- it Mollao binder, uacd one aeason, AflHBBgood shape. J . H. Pierson, tw o m i l e s ___ _■tb, M west o f W ashington school, BOMEE

:____________ s u m .!K>B SALE—Boand Oak Chief range.B n l , ’ t .on Addison ave, PhoBr p g n ,iB5. ...._________ ____■OB UALE OB TEADE>^W.gi>n bo i young pigs or eblckens, 615 F ifto

t. W .-________________ . ■, —

^ B SA LE-BU ycIes, tricycles,^tlrTi j ” t accessories. W erner’s Repair Shop, Qj, Secoari at. E. . •________________ ' (Jjl

POB B A L B -B am pa in t $2.25 p e r t ---------lon. House pain t $3.50 per gallon. -- --------one 5. M o tn V fflo f..

rOB SALE OB EXCHANGE—New W O n )0 i s'econd-Ti'i S a 'f ana Im'ple m e r i t r See “ n e rw If yoo hsva anv f a r a Implements yon — not need. Idaho HQw. and Im pla­

n t Co., In, the t'o ss B nllding across eat from U re StaUon._________ _ TW IN

PO R -S A LB -H ouse p a n t $2.50 to palrei!00.por gallon, in colors; $2,75 to $3.75 [>ricr*

white. Kalsomlne In bu lk fo r lo s s .-----------t 'u s send ft pftloter to estim ate yoorrk. We will save you money. Phone —--------U oon's '8ho^ ' CEOZIB---------------------------------------------------- Phona\>n S A L V ^ 'n l tn r e . 525 Third — . .1._E .____________________________________ E R j

V )tr8A L E ~T eam heavy d ra ft m aroi MODBB I hariicii; will guarantee buyer $100 Camp rth of hauling. W. Siacmore, socund and. i er-bHilgu c iu t o f liannon nn high- - tows Ir - ^ ■' ■ P . J" '

T A U T D M O B lU E ^ ^ rH A v i^ s m c E i ^ i s

If i n f f y ^ •


PageWORTH i f ]

N e w s , d S l y , T e l l a l l ,

i . f o t ; r e n t , - h o u s e s - f o r -

p e r w o r d — P h o n e _ 3 2 ^

■OR S A L E - A U T O M O B I L E S

FOR-SALF^^IOIS -fiin<T.ter, $325';-------It new $H 02; A l coHditlon, now bnt- • y. Will trnile fo r touring rnr. ,W . icmori', swond steel bridifo c j a f of iiiawi on bighwov. • •

FORD roadster, 1020, self-atarler, - f5; iiverbauled 'Pord roadster, 1018, od condition, bargain, f!TOO; Ford Jpe, tU20, ovortmuled-and- painted, . ,, 1!5 Central Oarage, J18 Shoshone ,

>1.0 XiUiES on-tbe nc'w Ford Btroos* rg carb'Oreior. For salo a l th e 'A n te pair 5}bop. , p i r d ave. Shosbona

?0R SALE— We have some e icsi^ nal batgalna in uied c n n . Johnson fo Coapany.

FX)BD8'boagbr.aaa sold s t- tb e A nto - - - — recking Co., 140 2nd Ave. B o n ^ oaeB j.

X)B •■ ?£?■ ' see ■•aT B P” tbe Cyl- er Grinder. 147 Second av« N.


iTU A TIO N W A N T B D -n o iu m o P k .' eiqiDrlciieod young womOB, raaeti

ferred. Inquire -l*ublle M arkot. '

VANTED—Work per dey or h o n .: J i” j ^bour. O ffices j l 5 moBtk.__________ ;

~ H E L P W A N T E D ' ■ '■

IRE r u . WANTS s ta te repreasnt*'e ' and sales manager to op«« nch office; $300 Becrsaary, D ak u l T ire Co., Chicago, 111.

/ANTUD — Kxpcrtenced s tc n o g ra -. r, peiirianenl position l.y wholesale ^er. Slnipsoh & Company, SQCcesaor i>axM & Co. , . . :

L O S T • '

OST—I/cother suitcase, betw een n PaUa nnd Hanson bridge. N o llf r \ Fall:, phono 43 Edon. Boword,,-

OST—Sunday betw een Suttlvan<o^ nnd Hbosbonc falls, h a lf act heavy,

nes*. Reward. Phono 542B1.

OST—Suit case on highw ay to Sbo* no Busin between M eM oiter’s and k Rico's rnueh. T inder plealoleav*News office. ,* . . .

^ r o f e j j l o n a l i

Vtto b n b y s " ■

iD ^L T uO D aiN . A ttorney a t U w . • oom tl, Twin Falls B aek and T n s t lildlng. Phone 983.

IN W .Q B A H A M -L aw ver. S u T * .rnst- building. Phone M S - t

[BB B. W M O T ^ L a iv e r i

dSB C. M I L L ^ B o y d bn ild in ^ • ’ ’

^ L S T * 8W B B L E 7— A ttorneys • jtaw. Praetiee io a i r ireurt^. T«e}b ;■

ills, Idaho. . , }

:. W XBB-Lawyer. . O ff ic e s -E o o a sand 7, over T w in .F a lla B asd t-ft . >Tist Co., Tw in Falls, Idaho.________ \

mSEiECTflfl iSlabs ! '

m o w O L A flS-W ind ?hields, cabj. ' ' | ■ T w orV rT Ioon 'riW |f:7 -phM $-|;---------- -T ----- -

SHOE KEPAIEINOa t ' FA LLS " BHOB E S P A IR D f i lop. 132 Shoihone W est. -Shoes r<t ilred while >ou w ail, a t pre-wM .Irr*. ami all work guaranteed.

■ ^BANS?EE_ 7 ,ZIBS T B A N ^ I B OOMPAJrT.. lona 348. . ,

gBATEBNAI,_aflg?gTffB~>BBN WOODUBN OP AMBBIOA.imp No. lOfiOO, meets e.vory f l i r t id. third Wodnesdaya n l Odd Fet* wa ball. Jbaeph Segal, CoiiBstfl; J .Johnaton, Clerk.

By t t P - O ’M BIL.

Page 8: I m e lLLS DAILnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN... · Thft priionera woro Uken from a rea- • ' • • V iilfiido-on Pourth atreot near tbo aceno de •'of the

' • i , • ' '

■BIOHT . ■ T

— I M W :_ • • ii(ro

— ^ p l l l w a r ' C a r r i e s - f l f f - W a t e r '»

. T h r o u g l j . G a s h in L o w L in e

l ^ e a r ^ p t i S i a n O A i l i a f l ^

' C o n f in e d to D i t c t i l t s e i f - r i■ . --------- ‘ bl

A lo n c n t cacaplnR through a break discovered Snturday afternoon in tho fu low tliio canal ncnr tht>^7phon acro#» i« Kiick creck south of TnrIn I'ulla, w ol A carried o ff Hiroufjh a ipiIJwoy in tho tli immediate' v ic in ity of tho ir e a k , and Vr

■ • , ‘eauied no damago beyond tho Iniury io m tlio wall o t tho dUcb. m

About 0Do-liaU>of tho iteeatn '-eair _ ried in tho canal a t tliis point m u ta ra - m «d off'inm edln tc ly n fto r tho break n o s th

.• i i t o v c r e d and a foreo of workmen w itb ot r uotcssary ntiileTUl via* ^ spattU cd by " th e Twin Falla Cnnal eom iuny mansgo- cli

DODt to repair tho Rath. Bopalr work ca ■ wns (o b« prosoeuCtid th rou g h o u t'th e Pi

Bight and early Bundoy morning, and i t be ' t r a i pxpeetcd (hat tbo fa ll bead o t Hi

te r would be returned in to tbo eonol th ■ . about noon SBudty.

n m B m k in Xbrea T e u t ' T

' . Tho ijroak Saturday w a s . tho t i n t p Ib a i 'b a s oeeurrod In tbe . Twin T ails I canal system (n threi^ years.; . . : *

A bout ]300 second foet of KSter was •. , ' being carried througli the d iteb a t tho

]>oint whero tho breok oecufred, filling tb o tUanspl to Its utmo»t eany lng ca- pocity to meet ri‘i|u irem enta,of water- users during- tife peak period, of w ater

--------r-^ o n n u n p tio n - in - lir ln g ln g w heat-«rop« nthrough the jlrciciU stagc 'o f-develop - 0 ment.

Opinion was czproiiscd a t canal com-

Sany offices licro th a t burrow ing o f ro. onts had weakened tho cnnal bank so th n t tho Kttll giivo Wliy wlivii tlio wtHur

level ronplied tho ' wuiikouod point. I t , was slated, n)»o. Hint tlir »oH a l tli li '‘® noint of which the rAu.il bank is built;U pnrlieularly Irciichcrous iind is known ‘‘U

. as nlkall soil. . re;Sa

W oiain DlKOTora Brook he

The imnnf occurred a t a point about 40 rods cast o f tho cast end of tho

.......... _ » p h o n closo to tho uplllway wbieb car-rlod away the flood th a t was released

■' wbon tho canal bank gnvo way. I t waa — • discovered ty-B-w om an resident o f tho

vic in ity wbo communicated a t onee w ith tho ditchrido'r to r th s t district.

Tho volnmo of w ater In tho w nal system baa boen inereasod gradually daring, tbo p ast sovoral doya. General r

. H anager J . C. Whoelon sold Saturday, f . to moet tho roqulromenta of tho period '

. o f grea test w ater consumpllon. A n ole- n e n t o f risk is alwoys involved in tlds

' vndortaklBg, he sa id . Ttie iw tiod of necessity for ^ a k delivery, v^lt be end. ed w ithin tho next week or ton days,

j o i s t S iIB S T iE S IIIIIlIis

, , - • fo;

E. B. Qrant ^ a js He Saw Only One Passenger on ca

Buffalo Oars— _ , <10

Thu Strlko sltontlon is u cause of q[ worrv gonemlly in e aste rn ' centers, ac- cording tO' word received here Satur- U, day fro m .H . H. Q rant, 'p ast exalted n

---------- rutcr o f T w l tr l ^ U ln o d w o t 'E lk s , Jo'attended sessions o t the grand lodgo o t Atlantic C ity reci-utly os ODo o t seven delegates from Idnbo lodi'es, and an is v isiting now a t Erie. P a . P-

.“ Kvorybody hero U w onled over IZ tbo strlko and conditions are very un* qI, se ttled ,” H r , Q raot shya, . " I was in Buffalo yeiterdoy and there ore only _ j

. s tree t cars running on Moln and one other strppt. Thoy do n o t m n nights, nnd ni6 covcrtd •wlib-vriio lo keep tbo bricks fnim liM'aklng th e windows. Mo. gj,

______ *nr jmlii-Kmnn jj.i nlii-ni? an ilJn - ih n .w u r —o f them, nnd i«|undB of polieo ride In

• them . All thn timet I w as.thero I saw ' , only one person rliHn« fn tbo cnrs.”

■Jteferrlng tb bin roci-nt visit lo Coney y. Jjlnnd for. tho firnt Umo in 20 years,

'M r . Grant s.iy», “ tlie rli.Tnjii'" nro won- .* dorfiil nnil anotlmr vory notiecablo thlni; thorn Ix (hiit lliot <Ii> nut speak -- llic Ehgllsb l:iusu3,'e; you hear .-ill 0 sort* of ta lk ." '

miiiisSriiTii"— FitiKiiBiiis;

--------- • llll

' m ^pnont of 150,000 BabyF-ialiti£coeivodHcrofoTi)iB'. iv:

tribntion , !''■ r i ■ • ' • • ____' . . ,, In

. ContainSng 150,000 baby trou t from a. tbo statd fish batchery a t H ay Spur, },g a specially appointed railw ay car was

r - r r T B r o f f ^ r T O i r F a l i r s f l u r d o F ^ ^ T b o li,' f ish aro to bo distribu ted in streams

ad iaccn t to H anien , Buhl, HoRetMti utid „ T w in F a lk In the w ork of diitribo- .t. tion , J . R Clark and A be W hitehead, in charge of tbo shipm ent, will bo os- nr

; lis ted Snnday by members o f tb e Tw in w P a lls y ish and Game nssocIatioD. The fn tro u t hoT'o reached thii stage o f devel- opm enl .jthero they . nro tecbnieolly .Sjown os fingorlings.

^ ■ ^ T A M p E l i s i I O M E E T D taa J , ' " ' ’ KvanuulJstlc scrvieo* are being beld da

every ey<*nlnK in the nrndlcy bt^lding, ro| ’215 Shn'inone stree t, n l 7:^0, o 'c lock, rc a n d also.r.t 11 fl. ei. on SimdayA. Full ..

' salvation is being prcached nnd souls *------- nro being saved ,-E very lio tly Is invited, of

■Qraee M nrcnret Carl o f Sprlngflelf;. be Ohio, ati.i Mrs. A, Ii. B radley, o f Ixiiig a t Qoacb,- C ^ fo rn is , 'svangelists .—adv, ehi

__ ‘. 'O ojlotJem J(»i{ctl^ .C Q O iioe-to-tbe. ..J

7win FoUb Traifio Follcoman____!Pace^ Ohargca Preferred

in Dog Shooting'Oaae

• “ \V7Tirpiii.tiii, Twi^i K n lls 'tfafflc po- lieciimn, irns Tiirsdav placed tinder-ar" ‘rpst_on n wnrmnt.-li>iied b r the prp-, __biitir couH a fte r (lie 'filing of a*cciiu. plnlnt by the prMccutinjr a tto rney 's •

5 office charging Gheen wlth cruolty to 'animals. ^ ..............

c Rheen appeared in court, acrompan- la d -b y -b is attoraoy, •lI .'O ..M Ills, and - nleailed not guilty to the charge. H ear­ing in tho ease was set for FndJiy. No bail was roaulred.

, Tho specific charge against Ghecn os• se t forlh in the complaint, is of "w ill-

5 fully, unlRwfulljnmd wrongfully, ■whUa• bavlng in his. charge nr custody, one

A iredale dog named Mickey, then and ’ there tho jjroiterty of I 'r . K. P . Snook,’ ' eruely subjected said Airedale dog to

> needleHs n n d . nnnecesinry torture and su ffe ring ."

r .. Tho pennlty upon conviction is floo• not exceeding $500 or imprisonment in I tho penitentiary no t tp exceed 10 years,I or.lio tb .I Tho offrn sc w ith ■which'01»eon is- charged was eommlttcil Tuesday. The ( case was investigated fo r two daya by ! Prosecuting A ttorney F rank L. Stephan boforo the complaint v o s filed, t , J . )

■ H ornlbrook, Tw in F a lls ottom oy, is I tho complaining w itness in tbo cose.

^ ra l lL [ [ ! Ii IflUBIIli"r •

! B f iy ie C o i t ip a n y P r e s i d e n t , ,

T r a v e l in g b s > A ir p la n e , W il l ■ 'f i t

; V is i t T w in F p l l s

0 . A. Doyle of. W irbltn, K ans., prcsl- , ilout n t tht> Hoyle Commission company, ]; in nn airplane, is visiting potato pro* amI ducing regions whoro his company is nni

represented, according >.o word received me Saturday by Carl L DeLong, manager jitahero ,/o r tho com pany.' ina

; MK fioylo under, his itinerary will q >]I nrrlvo in Twin Palls Mondny, and while for. hero-ho will confer with loeal repre* |,o [ seiitaUvra on methods o f d istributing ^, South Idaho ’s potato crop. .ler , Mr. Boyle lo f l- W le h lta - S a tu rd a y , morning, nnd exports lo visit K ih ro s .. ,]

ka . Wyoming, U tah nnd Idaho on bis | t r1 ttip . _______________ . 1

IFiflLllDllllTIOH I I Mil IES im d

______ ■ Infi

Snit for Boparate Haintenanoe, t br Involving Claim of Pennr. J

^ ______ iottegggs;Bemo7ed

I . i 'e tition for rb m o v arto thd federal d istrie t court o t tho ciisc o t M attie £ . P | Sm llh nguinst John U. Sm ith, a suit M foy w pattito ii>t»lntcnftn«c, wns grontea

, by Judge W .'A i Dabcock in distric t court horo Saturday., Bomovol o f (he COSO from the d is tric t court here to 'th e federal d istrie t court was sought by (be dofcndnnt, John 0 . Sm ith ' on thu ^

, grounds ttint tho parties to th e action• nru d itltens o f differen t sta tes, tho .

Ctif f , M attio £ . Sm ith, being a res- o f Idoho, and the defendant, John

‘ G. Bmitb, e lum ing residence in Ciili- ‘ to rnla. . II According to (lie complaint f iled by rec : Mrs; Sm ith, 'her husband, tbo deteou- the ‘ an t, to wbom sbo woa'm orrled in Tw in to

Falls county in J u n o , '1021, haa prop- off « rtv w orth tl3S,0Q0, 6be coys th&t Fi\l

• objected to her serving potatoes and for [ bread a t tho somo meal and tb o t in (bo om

wholo eourso o f their m arried life he Ilm■ gav<« her on lr ono dollar fo r clothing No ' n d bought fo r her on? d r e u costing tak ’ 10, three i^alrs o f-licav y shoes, and 1• some cbcop stockings und underwear, of- - 8 h 8 -T a k r th n rS if i l lh bo required "fo poi I pay $2.'^ n mouth for ber sep lrs to wil

m aintenance'........ . palShe I* 'reiiTcsenled in tho suU hi- the

Frnnk L. Steplmn and C. A. N orth. The jec ' dofendanl Rmilh li( represented by T.' lioi

K. Hackman. lo ’ _______ • wa

I O R D E R S H U S B A N D T O P A Y ''®'* • .* --------- ST,Court Provides for T ooporary Ualn* ■• tenanco During Pendency o f Suit. ' .j

'' hriiAtl order reriiiirliis Niebolan Bmith, to

pinncer" Tic in' I jil.*i^li.it i i l I i.iiiubiiiitTr I anil stnckcrower and form er director of

tho Tii’in Fulls highwny dl.itrict, lo pny hU wife, i )X■’t Sm ith, $75 n month ond nl' $300 for fttlM ncys’ le ts dHT»og the i,n pendency of o su it (or separate main* hoi lenanco iimtiluKd liy Mrs. Sm ith, has ,,fv been issued- by Jiidge-.W . A. Babcock in d is tric t'co u r t he re .’ Slnco leaving her husband somo months ago, Mrs. „

' Sm ith has been conducting a boarding . >' house In Twin Palls, and for somo ' ' weeks p .rit her helilth hns been such ' lhat'i.]ie l«''pra>Ucally'irnVliiValld, ‘lho ' complaint on tho esso recites. She I nsVs foK jJio custody o t two m inor• c h ild ren .* ^ . ' ^I W. 1'. Qulhrlo nnd F . J . Hornlbrook• nr'o-fltlorneys fo r Mra; Sm ith a n d 'E . A. * * I W alters, II. P/ P a rry and C. A. Bailey = ' foe hot husliund. ■' ------- -

, M O ISTBA TIO N J70T I0E •%Mrs.-George W. Dice, reg is tra r for

Twin Fnlls p red n e t No. 3, will Ijo at Ihe. Burkholder, furn itu re storo Satur-

1 day until li p., m. for the purpbso of , regislerln-.'v fitcss for-thc-,prlmary_nnd , Rciicral elections.—adv.

Claims ior compensation on iaecouDt , of ■aisa'linllka~refeh'd(Vin“ sitvM b'm usi

be filed before-A ugust I>, 1022. Coll a t Ihe Bod Cross office ond bring d i^ charge.—«dv.' ' - .

—"-Q o -Q s tJcu v -liu tth ii-c o m la ^ .te -ltit Rialto u e i t week.—a d v . . . ' . . - m

TWIN-FA^LS DAILY NlNeWs, t w i n F k .L S , I]

' Has New Device for Ph

H ere is shown Profeasor George ^ a Pcteia, of tho TJ.I 8 . N nvol O bservatory j a t W ashington, B . 0., photogrAphlag t oslrol biidies b y use of the only eleetrf- [ colly d r iv e n ' clock photograpbie tele* | Kopo In the world.” T his device, eUnd- r

Fi CliWESTS--------- - ' J

'tionfterenoe of Olnb Leaders to MebVHere to Ajrange for .. Competition a t Pair

• ......... ............ rU lnerory of th e county elub leader J,

and hia assistonts fo r tho coming week, anuouneed Snturdiiy, provides for a meeling hero Frldav o t E . B. Duncan, stole club leaderr Miss Iv a H olt, Good- „ Ing, d is tric t elub Itnder, nnd A. I . 1 O’nellly to determ ine upon regulations ,i fer canning dcmonstriitlons a t tho Ida ­bo stflto f a ir nex t ta ll.

The schedule* provides for conning demonstrations ond cnuniug and cook- ^ ing 'elub 'm eelings ns’ follows: ' J'

•Monday evening: . Canning demon- |i • tration a t Moroo. 1- Tueadsyi Canning de/iionstrntion, 10

n. m., fo r tbe benefit o f girls o f the „ Blue Ribbon elub a t the home of Storrls ^ Owens, Ihree miles' vnsi o f T w in 'F alh i r on Addison.’ nvemie. "

Wednesday: Conning demonslration, ' S p. m., n t (ho homo o f Mrs. L . S. I' Jones on Kl;nbeTly Rond. Club meet* Ing, 7:no p. m., a t the homo o f ' Mr*. ' M ott Schmidt, cast o f tho sugar fac- E tory. n

Thursday: Canning dcmonslrotlou, n 1:30 p. m., o t K imberly. Club meeting, e ,7_p,,m.. oU lio.liom c o tM r s J U L 8 w e o t- £ In Orchnrlara,

MLiilWi.Beolamation Service Waits on °' the Snake Biver Distiiot - i

Election Besnlt t1 ___^ 1

Tlie apportionment o f funds in the reclomntlou servlet) allots $2(!,000 to . the American Palls projec t, according * to tho announcement o f reclam ation S officials, ns s to ted by tho Amoriean t pHills l*re«B, This smownt wlU p m i d t * fo r tho bare necesalties o f maintenance ‘ ond protect t|io greftt am ount of I)r^ lim inory'w ork th a t hM“ Sceii'completed. No now work w hntcver con bo 4Jnde^ J taken w llh th is smoll apportionm ent^'' |

This f irs t allolm ent covers n perfod * o< a l t months, a fte r wh ic h J U n J in tk L i p o l i O K a r i h e b ljf^ rrig n tlo n d istric t « will hlvo been form ed and the p a rtld - i p ating companies will hnvo finnneed the ir p a rt of Ibo American Pnlls pro­ject. In caso the bond issue or forma* ( tion of tho proposed d istric t should fnil i to refclvo the necessarj' vote o f tho i w ater users _ fu rther, _ npproprinlloBs f would no t l»o m ade. ' i'

' - ------------------------- • (STANDBOD OBANTED OnARTSB

- FO B N EW B A jn c AT BURLEY BUHLRV.—A charter for a national J

b rink 'here 'iil B urlev-haa been grnnted ■ to n . W. Slnfldrod nnd o thers intefeMed ^

tber ch 'arten fo r ejth'er national or rs la te banks will bc gran ted fo r Burley v nt present, i f Mr. Standrod and thoso liiter'esled 'w lt l i ' him open th e ir boni!,here w ithin the .next, s ix ty days, oth- lcrwlno a charter fo r u s to le bonk will cTie I.ssucd. ■ • , , ; 1

~ ODD n m ^ W ^ f t n c B iAnnuaV picnic Mondoy, Jiily 24, in I

grove on Ilovercombn ranch, Ilvo miles c west, an d -tw o -mll<rs-north—of— Twin- - Foils. All Odd Follows, the ir fomlHes . and friends ore inv ilcd . Afternoon ( gam es.and 0 o 'clock picnic dinner, f Ilrlng your basket. A bo lf day o ff ftft I X good tim e.V odv. • , ' e

F t iD E; _


Photographing Heavens / 5

I-. : . - 3

7 - Il


■ - f0


^ S S S S S S S S S S S S E S B ^ S n i l. n fttlos tbe use o t the pendnlnn iu d re*' ploelng i t mechanleolly, is used to keop . tho porticuior g tar dealred in the aame

position on the photographic pla te, and « ' i t ia done by moving the teleseope a t c ' tho some speed as (he planet moves in ■ relation lt> th e w t h . J

............... i— I

J o c o l j Q r o x i t l s i ; ‘

H ere ftom Blackfoot.—Mrs. F red S.' Hale is iu thu c ity from Blackfoot, a

, guest n l llie httnie ot bcr sister, Mrs.B, II, Atkinson. '

To j m t Parents.*TMni. Carl . K. cPniiitiT nrrlved Snturdny from Bait ■\Ijiko t'o v is it n t ^i".' bwno of her par- >

• euts, Dr. nnd Mrs. W. Ji. Dwight. c

‘ H usband Berloiuly'111.—Mrs. John |,' 'Vrcudonghill left ,{Saturday morning for c' Kochoster. M inn., in response to n i ; Iclcjinim advising her o f the seriou# ,' Illness u f her husband.,' 1

H ansen I fa o -M fic k B n -^ tn rn i i 2£c* <] ’ Coy, well known Hansen d is tric t resi*' c

dent, is reported seriously ill o t h is | . homo in eonsequottee of having beon

b itten by a fever germ-bearing tick . t

O ff 'f o r ib e H lUt.>-Ur. ,and .M rs. T. - , y . W nmer, 'with tb e lr douRb’e ts Hivt- , ri<it nnd Irene nnd son Tommio-loft Sot-

u rday m ornlne fb r nn outing tr ip In tho • Wood river nnd Stauley D vin coun-

• f ' B r. Bnook Betnm lng — ’ B r. F . E .

. Snook, -who haa been, away fo r aomc ;months on a bualness trip to Colifor* f

, nln, will re tu rn here next Friday, ae- ‘ , eordlnjt to word received by friends L Saturday .---------- ------------------------------ -------

Spend D ay wlUi Ootuln — M r. and Mr». H nrry Benner o f Chicog'o, retnm * ( ing from oii overland tour o f th e Po- J clfle northw est, were p o s ts horo tSot- )

> urdoy o f P . J . Grossmon. Mr. p enner ( I ond Mr. Grossman ore.eonsins- - i

O neet o f Mrs. S«al—M n . Lonn Briggs , of D enton, Texna, is tho bouse guest

of Mrs. W . T . S e a l She s ta te s th a t she c is delighted w ith tho a ppu rance e t tho t eountry and tbe crops.here, and reporta a Texas su tfe rta g f rom t t eastlve b e a t — t

’ T ake M a A a g a LleeniM — M a r r i ^ i , licenses-w ero issued Satorday a t tb e jI offlee of the coonty recorder h e re -to r

Boso Je ffe r is , Eden, and L eila Hogfaes, - Hansen, and to U 6nel A. Dean and

I Thelmo T breldkeld, bo th of Tw in Falls. ^

G natt'^bf B nrtba r — H . L . Madae.n, \ ' tcBcber o f m athem atics in tbo Bnnting*

ton, Oregon, high sehool, is hero visit*] ing h ia bro ther, J . £ . M adsen .' Ho wQl . go from here to S a it Lake to v ir it otb* t f F ^ o H v j r o n d V o tu r n la ter le T T t tn r n . ington. • «

Q n u t o l B n i fb te r—B r. 0 . A. Boyle* of Enid,'Oklahomo, arrived bere Satnr* « 1 dny from Bakeri Oregon, where ho vie* .

ilcd bis b rother, and *111 bo n guest I fo r n tow dfvys,flt_. tbo , home of bis

dtiughlcT, F.Utabotb, on UU return to •O klahom a. _ .

' Guosta from E o n su —Mr, and Mrs.I John B. m i l o have ns thoir .gnosis1 Mr. and .Mrs. F . A. JlcCarthy o f Glen1 E lder, K ans., and M j. nnd Mra^ A ndy

r nrrlved F riday afternoon by auto. They j r will bo hero fo r two weeks.

!, le a v a s fo r Camp.—.1. M. M nxw elllclt4• tho Iniit b f the wcuk for Chickudel 1 camp on Wnrm Sprihgi. creck. above

Ketchum where .th^M nxw ell family is spending n m onth. J le was nccompnniod U-tiiTS. W . E . K iton , ilo rio ric JS ood i,

, P a tric ia W ilson nnd .Peggy W all who : I expctl to rem ain for o.week or.lO.dnys.

I Oo to i i m B p rla g ^ M r. and U ra.1 o l M. E tte r . w ith the ir daughter, Mfa.. Sm ith, a t« tw o .g randeh ild ren , nnd Mlsa r Lola McCracken, le f t Batnrdoy on -an

overland, tr ip to Lova E o t-S p ringa


ATendeney to Rain I . Proves the Forecast ‘

■ forMay Erroneous „Storm clouds hovcrod over the

- Twin- F.11U region all day Batur- day nnd interm ittent bursts o f rain- I f a i r Ihoroiighly discrrdiled th e ’of-, ficlnl .forecaster's prediction of • (nlr wenther (or tb e imy. Tlie to ta l

^ o m o u n L o t preclplU tiou duriug-tha— Si-hour perloij 'e nd ing ' ^ u t d n y evening wos a n n o u n c e d t h e

_ K om nm caL-w oaU ior-observiplicrc • ' ns 1ft onc'hundrcdths of rirf iV h . d Tomtiernture w asJiigh S o tu rlav n l li 83 abovo as compared w ith \j£ r i - „ d a y ’s high n t 80, and low aT flX Os ngalnst S2 Friday. \

w ^ r a all o f (be members o f tho porjy jw ith the eicepHon of Mr. E t te r and f

, - M r s . ^ i t h wIlMomoin for about-th ree \weeks. ]|

E om e from N ebruka.—D r. and Mrs. I ^ O llve rH arslcdnndJohnW .D .S m itb ro» o^ tu rned Friday from -a bIx w eeks’ -vlail I

In N ebraska nnd Iow.i: Mrs. Sm ith oc* eeomponled tbem on tbe re tu rn journev hto 'D enver and Estes Park) Colo., and Ii

■ from tboro took the trnin tb tho homo o f her parents lo Nebroski. w hero sho o and hor little daughter will rem ain for s a tow weeks. s

...— . — — -r

Visits Daughter After i” ,, 28 Year^ Separation5P V19 0 . T. Puller boa relum ed from a ten n ,d days.’ v is l to n N orth D akotji w ith bis I t daughter, M ri. M artha P alfer H am ar.In wbom bo had no t previously seen in ]

years. She was flv e -y e an o f ago then ( and has since'grow n lo womanhood add .

- is tbo mother o t.o bnby son. U r ; and Sirs. Homnr expeet to eome to Twin F a lls in the jieo r fu ture to m oke tbe ir ^ heme. ■ ^

“ T T . r

a . A T T H E H O T E L S | '

■*' PFHlBINlir-W . F . Klusm'eyer, Hoi* lis te r r Pat'D onaghiie, Ja rb ldgo ; Wm.,T. F raser, P ierre; Mr. and M rs. 0 . A- Cliaso, W o>'ae,-Neb.;-Kntborlno Chose,

i( W nyne, N eb.t P . S. Hoor, J r . , Boise: r- A lv in P . Eggler, S t. Louis; J . E . Clark,

G onnot; Abe ^Vhitehead, P rnnk lln : 0 .K, Weed, Portland; A. S. Hnnd- ley, S a lt Ijiko ; U. W. -Tenney,

» Gooding; J . 8 . Sehniher, Boise; B.« ll . P ra te r , Dflcnlollo-, 1. M . Al«»-

w orth, F iler; L . P . Oren and w ife, Salt U k e ; *Mrs. J . & Foley, Balt L ak e : John S. Foley, S a lt L ake: 8 . T . H am ilton,

c* Twin Pnlls; D. E. WllcciX, B icbtield;'I* CIios. CoKello; Wm. H . W oodhead, K en. i< ilivorth, W osh.; Don Wbodb'ead, Kenir* . Jn w orth, Wash.} Boy Woodhead, K enil­

w orth, W ash.; Ed. A. Woodbeod,’

• .

BOOEBSON - M r, «nd M n L . i ,1, D t«n, T u in M tf, W . P . Pn rion i, . Q. -Threo Creek; B. W. Po rte r , Spokane;

E. Wi Stephens, Salt L ake ; P . 0 . Hous­er, S o lt Lake; A . Thonuu, O gden; Fred

P Jom es, Btflsi ^ H .' A. U re so y and 'w ife, - ^ S a l t 'L a k e ; C haa. Nieholls, U pntello," Nov.; J . B . Giles, C ontact; L . 0 . Sbnel-

I ing, Idaho FalU ; J . W. B arber, Burley, j i l — . •—“ ANNOBNOHBfflNTS.-^------------ -

id iToory W alling circle, L o d iu o f the ' n- 0 . A . R., will givo a lawn p ie n i \n t the I O' M organ Heap resldeneo M onday even* it- iBg o t 7 p . m., complimenting .M rs. John er Costello wbo will leave soon fo r Den* i

ver. A ll meinbors are n rm d to b4.pres* . en t; _ .

gs ' ------------------------- 'The Tw eolielh Centur> Club bas n-

he co iv» l M iniilB tion to Biit>nd Mie after* ho noon o t Ju ly 27 w ith tbe U n ity elub la a t tbo country homo of jirs . 'B Iee ; W ill _ those who con go pleeso « l l 7fis morn-

KI d r i and 885 afttrnoon^ aa w on aa iX)** eible. Thoie 'going will ir.oH a t tbo c ity pa rk o t 2 o'clocic, where to rs w ill be

to w aiting.—adv.

S u lli dry clcancd and aellvcicd same day spotless ond odorless. BOYAL


N O tlO Ei . On nnd o fte r this dote (J u ly 2 3 d ) I i r S ^ I B - r o tT o T F M i io n n b i r R r in ^

eon trscled by my w ife, Irm n A lexan­der,' or ^ ^n a Buah Alexander.

(Signed),r . adv. A . C. ALEXANDER.ie* ' . , .istils

P u t t h e E a sS T h e A l e m i t e S y s t e m o :

,____________ ■ ■ ■ T h e - c o s t i s -1

'^ 'j , , . . . I ) e t u s t e l l y (

a i ^e m i t e :E, J, .DAVIEI

ed '----------

I Spring Ca]IN GREAT

2 0 0 m o n w a n t e d a t o n o o r -a S t o r r s , U ta h , 7 o m in o c o a l , a p e r m o n t h . . b e z p e r i e n o e d m i p e r ’, d a y . S t e a d y e m p lo y r i e n l t i o n g n a r a n to e d .

P l e a s o h e lp n s ' o u t , t h e p P a m o n s CotU.

KNIGHT I____^ _ 8 1 7 N o w h o fa se B o i ld in g,

RNING, JULY 23,19^2

W fliS^lG E P-.' -,flyEy WDflHo

/ • — - Brisk Showers in Somo Sec-

tions are Accompanied by ~ Iight,HaU__ ■

Rain clouds Ihnt drifVed over south central Idaho Snlunlny. qrensiqnally disgorged Ihelr burden: pree jp ita ling lirisk showers oceoniparlcd, in sumo In* j stnuccs by light hail, over scattered sections o f Ihe region.

I - During thu inidancrnoun rain-coming* from tbo southeast sw ept over P ilo r ondf Buhl distrie ti, eroislng Snako river nn d V » foJkK lng/.lts.coursft'.JuK A rd.tbQ.nort**0 w e it.-T IfW a s-r tM O u ip a n Jed liy 'so m e -

Iinil.RallftiH a l Twln'FaH* during the 24-

I. hour period ending ftnturdny ovoning )t omounted to 18 .ono htindredtba of an1 inch, nccording lo records o f-th e gov*!• ernm ent w enlher observer'll sfollon y V hero. F ifteon one-hundrbdths o f on d Inch fell before noon baturdsy .0 During ihe storm boro a t nbout 1 0 o 'c lock Salurdoy n .o n in g , ligh tn ing r strocic and consumed a power transjnis*

slon line pole on the north s ide of tbe •river a t 8>ioabone foils, oeensionlng' m omentow interruptions in pow er and Jigbt JCM'JM Jiere.

* H ots cleaned and blocked Uke, new wben done Vfy lbt> ROY.^L CLEANERS

n and TAILOBS. Phone 279.—n d v . . -* ■ ' ------- 1fj Thompson's Bummer Cabin, located >0 15 miles ibovo K etcbum ; i i to r ren t be- “ tw een Jnl» 21 nnd Ang- C. Pbone«42*tt. d —adv.

” l lo l l c t - T a k i iu P ilo t b o j i to P « rl Dougins camp Wednesdoy. .Could (nke tw o o t tUrec moro on shato o f cx* pensea. E. B. Hiploy, Pilor.

[> B A T T C ti ib J ' ^

>■ ' •

'• g______ ___jiiiijiMSoi

1 W E S P E C I A L I Z E '1, ,1. •- ------

j- —Lighting ■- —Starting ^ n d ignition

JJ —Repair Starters .5 G en e ra to rs \ ' I',' —Magnetos 'r. A U . ,M A K E S O F B A T T E B I E 8

_ A i r o .............

o m o E D ,1 0 ' -■ ' ' 1


I Pop Haoling ' T . ‘

• TBUCK-HAUL CO.H ak e yoor. hAnlluc c e a tn c t n o v

I a sd be oamred o f p rom pt n t t * ' le Icfc ' '



.. Ptione 5D

se in G rease. o f L u b r i c a t i o n d o f e s i t . , i ,

s - v e r - y - s m a H , — — ^■ • — V- ------ - - • '4

y o u a b o u t i t .

IES, Manager

my on CoalT DEMAND - '»r-at*SQlght Pnel Co.’s .Mines at. l a t 40o per ton; l^oard 140.00 mon can'earn as'.mnoh a a '$ l 2

Lcnt, and 100 per cent pTotoc-,

} pablio is clamoring for thia

FU EL CO.!ng,,silt:i,iiko.,Oilyjirtah-J— - - -