§146 St. Antoln« Strant, Corner Columbia—Clifford 2924 I River Rouge I Mrs. A. B. Gray Vaughn, Representative [ Os Down River Branch [polk Avenue Telephone Vi nowood 2-0195 K iiotne or Attorney and Mre. Kuaoine, *B7 Polk avenue, waa K ne of beauty end merriment Ktiv from 8:30 to 11 p. m. when Kv ihiee teen-age youngeteri K , h< beet ramlllea of River ■L were given a purty by Mra. KT r;rav Vaughn. The girl# pre- K* were lovely to beheld, In ■r pretty evening dreeeee, and boy* were handsomely clad In m , n d white. Ke menu aervad coneleted of Keia hot doga." and eand- simple punch, Ice cream I**ol ted cakea. guests included Mias T. Mao Bln* Mie* Helen Goode, Miss Bl ' Leonard. Mlsa . Marjorie B r Mlsa Gloria Stokea, Miaa Bmi Williams, Mias Verdell Bln Miss Eliisbeth Gillum, Miss Bhie I ee Thomas, Mins Marlon B* *lso Miss Johnson, Messrs. Bie Covington, Bennie Goode, B* White. Willie Jones. Bennie Bn Benjamin Garden, Louis E, Robert Freeman, Daniel Borne. Kenneth Booker. Fred K Bernard Parker, Richard E'er Elmer Baker and the hos- B Mr*. A B .Bray Vaughn. B Heme From Vacations Bnv *re returning home, after Bit \k stlnns. Mrs. John H. Wll- B* I* hsck from a three week* with her parenta, Mr. and Mra. m williams, 4*o Holford ave- B She halls from Walhalla, S. Biro John Luck * coualn. E* Luckle's lovely home w,i» Bed over io Mr. and Mr*. How- B Kenny Wednesday for their Bor picnic. Fifteen guest* were B»nt. Hannah Wade haa returned B Evanston, Illinoi* and South B. Indiana, Youngstown, Ohio. B reports having had a lovely Htfon Be. F.lla Ware is enjoying a va- Bn in Newark, N. J. B *ml Mrs. Leo Pope, 520 Eliot B*. spent the holiday week-end B relatives and friends at St. and other cities. Mrs. Pope is of a popular beauty salon In Bcitv. ■t are \ery glad to learn that of our citizen* In the F.ast Bwest sides of River Rouge B fortunate in retaining their Em which were up for eale nt Bland hoard office*, Each re- Bllng and building la now In Hre><* > n our vicinity. Keep up ■cod «nrk. by pressing forward Hie goal and by thinking for Wayne County association, Rouge division, is looking *to the coming primary next Tuesday. The entire the West Side are throwing H full strength in pending Zack in No. f> and William Hall in districts, to the county Their election will a gieat deal In helping us as we do not need so much benefits, such as have sought in the past. Our rsce |H<l all he henefitted especially «ud girl* who have paes- the school* and are B prepared to enter husinest a venues of employment. Ha'l If elected, will be able to something definite. He don't fall to cast your vote next Tuesday, on the Ke- art ticket, ass delegate io convention. H and Mre. William Hall, of avenue, had as a Ht guest Mr. and Mra. M. H. of Birmingham. Ala. H spending a week, the Hay- woods war# honored with a recep- tion and left for their home Sat- urday. The Rev. and Mre. E. C. Copeland left Sunday night, la company with delegate*, to attend the National Baptist convention in Birmingham Ala. Tommy Mae Martin and Gertha Lee have returned from their va- cation, also Mre. a. D. Boone apent Labor Day with relative* and friend# in Youngstown, Ohio. Beech wood Recreation (’eater The Board of director* of Beech- wood center met last week, to make plan* for to obtain fund* for the support of the center. It la the opinion of the hoard that the citl- ten* will support the center, if they are properly solicited. When the plana are released In the near future, every person in the com- munity la urgently requested to give 100 per cent support. In anticipation of the winter aeason, the staff of the center la endeavoring to increase the book* and other materials in the library. Anyone having books or magasin** to donate la requested to leave hto name and address at the center. The hooka and magazine* will be called for and the names of the donors stamped on each of them. That dusty hook on your shelf m-ty sfford much pleaaant reading for others. If you will give It to the center. Unfortunately, there seema a mistaken belief on the part of mar.y citizens of the West Side that the Reechwood center la entirely sup- ported hy the city. This belief la also used to justify not giving In- dividual support. Os course, the city doe* provide for the bars necessities of maintenance. One visit to the renter will convince one of its many needs. Give Ihe center your full support. Remember that every contribution or boost you give your center, will help make the community a better place In which to rear your chil- dren. Few* Memorial ('.ME Church The Sunday morning service* were Inspiring, aa the Rev. Mrs. Crane spoke from Rev. 1; subject. "Life'), Suffering—The Triumph of Jesus Christ." Sunday afternoon. Pastor Craue and hia congregation worshipped with the Rev, Mr. Whltsett, of Central Avenue (’ME church. De- troit. The Rev. Mr. Crane preach- ed a message which all enjoyed. Sunday evening, the United Gos- pel Singers of Chicago rendered a program. A large congregation was present. Mr. Mastin. brother of Mrs. Love- Joy, Is president of the group. The choir will spon*or a moon- light picnic Friday night, at the hbnie of Mrs. Constance Smith on Bth street. Refreshments will be served and all are invited. I’nloß Baptist Church Two new member-* Joined the Sunday School at Union Baptist Sunday. At the li *. m. hour, the Rev. E. C. Copeland preached from Peter 1:23. One waa added to the membership. Prayer meeting* are held at 8 p. m. each Wednesday. Paator Copeland will attend the Baptist convention in Alabama this week The member* of the church wish the pastor and his wife » pleasant trip. The revival will be- gin, after the return of the R-v. Mr. Copeland. Benjamin Caswell is church re- porter. Inkster Jottings By MRS WILLIE M. BIN ION 100! hell* for the District 7 t! rsng Wednesday morning I*2 rhlldern In the district enrolled, following persons from lnk- ker* present to hear Bishop [Andrew Gregg reappoint the A D. Evans for his alxth rutlve year to the pastorate hh's Chapel AME church: Mr. Mr*. John P. Martin, Mr. and s'rswtey Lane. Mr. and Mr*, n Simmon*. Mr. and Mra. Ern- fare, Peola Kellum, Mr. and D. 1 Demby, O. M. Mitchell. Hanley, Joseph Davis, a Hmryene, Alice and Patri- cla Blnion, Miaa Ulma Davis, La- mar and Henry Blßnlon and Mre. W. M. Blnion. Mis* Alma Davis spent the week In Flint, Michigan visiting rela- tives. Mra. Elolae Evan* was guest Sunday of Mia* Ruth \angant, a teacher from Flint. Miaa Johnny Kellogg of Harrl- gon road is confined to the univer- sity hospital In Ann Arbor where she is waiting to under go a ma- jor operation. Mr. and Mrs. William Dennard of Walnut street are proud parenta of a baby boy born at the Sumhy Memorial hospital. Mre. Volcy W’hlte has returned from the Sumhy Memorial. Mr*. Annie Kellv and Henry Roberta •re still confined there. Mra Mary .1. Tinsley I* hack home Improving rapidly. Mra. Alice Ruff left for her home In Youngetown, Ohio, recently after having spent a month wth her sla- ter. Mrs. Annl* Fowler. Mlsa Vera Roper who has been visiting In Aniaton, has returned home. The Inketer Yellow Jackets vs. Flint will play at Inkster filed Sunday. September 8 at 3:30. Pon- tiac will play Inkster at 4:30 at Michigan and Harrison road. hessler lumber COMPANY Room House Built on Your Lot $295.00 Will MICHIGAN AYE. 'elephoneBeer horn 1««« bi’s Beauty Shoppe K7O Walnut Street Phone DR. Ig7* w Alberta Bene. Prop. Inkster, Michigan IA.KANDT LUMBER CO. Michigan Awe. Phone De. 0333 K Inkster, Michigan H Building Materials of Quality B ' At Low Price* Butorin Sash and Combination Door* I>AL - WOOD - KINDLING THE DETROIT TRIBUNE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1940 Asserts Men Will Not Lose Jobs Under Draft County Auditor Will Me litis Retomnewiaiioo WouldFiil Vacancies Temporarily Employees of the County of Wayne who are members of the National Guard, or who are be- tween the ages of 21-30, and might be drafted under the new act which will probably he passed by Con- gress this* week, will be assured of retaining their Jobe. This state- ment was Issued today by Ray D Schneider, chairman of the Wayne County Board of Auditors. Audlto- Schnelder declared he will recom- mend at the next meeting of the Board of Auditors that action to this effect be taken. Mr. Schneider haa ordered a sur- vey of all Wayne county employees to determine the number who may be affected by the draft and the calling out of the National Guard. Quit* a number county employees may fall within the draft provl- alone Any vacancies in county position* that m ay result from the action* of the Draft law and the calling out of the National Guard, will he flM- ed where neceeaary, said Schneider. There will he an understanding, however, that the appointments'are temporary, Schneider added. The County Board of Auditors can take no action to pay those employees called for military ser- vice the difference In ealarie* be- tween what they will receive »* aoldlere and their pay as* county employeee, said Mr. Schneider. A thorough study of law* and or- dinances dealing with such a situa- tion will be made he asserted. "The County Government will do al! It can to aid in the National Defense,” stated Auditor Schuai- der. "Xhe Auditors will also do all in their power to obviate any handicaps that may result from the drafting of the county employees." ecorsTnews Ry MILO GASTON Aa last Monday was Labor Day, meaning another reat day for the laborer, your humble aervant asks you all to agree with me that I need a rest too. But I promise you that I will have a full column of what's happening In Kcorae, in our next week * l**ue. Mr*. Madelin# Lacey and a few girl* camped out under the atara at the Seventh Day Adventist camp near Grand Ledge, Michigan, re- cently. Mr. Lacey also apent a few nighta at the camp. Mrs. Ethel Harris, of Morley, Mo. spent ten day* visiting Mra. Min- erva Johnson, of Twelfth street.. Mrs. Ozella Cook is spending her vacation at the New York World * Fair. A surprise birthday party waa given by Mra. Illinoi* Jones, of Salllott road, in honor of her hus- band. Ca*ey Jones. About twenty couple* attended. Mr. Jonea receiv- ed many useful gifts, and wa* he surprised? Mra. Louis Boddls and Mrs. Rod- gers Boddie are home, after spend* log ten days home down South. S. Dabner, Mias M. Kenney end Mrs. Keif are spending the week- end with Mr. and Mre. Armstrong, of 14th street. Mra. M. Allen visited her son, Ulysses Allen. last week, at the Rattle Creek hospital. She reporta *h# found him convalescing very slowly. The Kcorss Good Will club met last Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the usual meeting place. The club had a* Its guest th# honorable Supervisor Robert Brown. After the meeting, a social hour wa* held which was enjoyed hy all present. The next meeting will be held at 3955 Ninth street. ML /.lon RaptUt Church Paator G R. Stevenson preached the mornfhg sermon Sunday, sub- ject, "Jsaus la A God Os Another Chancs", text. fit. John 8:10-11. Vis- itors present Included Mrs. I. Jones. Miss D. Jackson, Miss Sa- die Cole. Miss Bridges. W. Tur- ner and Doris Gately. The Mt. Zl«n Senior choir gave a shower for the pastor, Saturday. August 31. Th* affair was well attended end much appreciated by the paator and his wife. First Raptl«t Church The weather Sunday waa threatening, but many attended the First Baptist church Sunday morn- ing. An inspiring devotional serv- ice waa conducted by the deacons. Visitor* at the morning service were: Rev. Johnson, of Birming- ham. Ala.; and Rev. Berry, of North Detroit. Rev. Berry read the morning Scripture. Mrs. Donnelly of Ifcorse, is enjoying e pleasant visit with her sister, in Ohio. Other visitors included: Mr*. Jams*, wife of th* minister, and her brother. Mr. Parker, of Detroit, waa Ha® pres- ent Rev. J. W. James, acting paator, la doing u splendid Job at the church. In absence of Pastor J, D. Davis, who I* on hit vacation. Th* Quartet Union rendered fine program at Triumph Baptist church, in River Rouge. August 31, In honor of th* Anniversary of Rev. O. W. Simms. Fred Furker di- rected Uj* program. .. Windsor News Hy AKYTIA CHASE SAGINAW NEWS Ry MRS. M. TOOMET "Desired Haven" was th* subject of th* address delivered hv the : Rev. W. O. Wilson at Mt. Olive Raptlat church lest Sunday morn- ing. The auditorium was filled at- moat to capacity, despite the rainy weather. Vlaitore present In j eluded Miss Viola Brown, Mia* 1 Agnes McPherson, Barbara Smith. Mra. Harris and Mrs. Veneta W(|- 1 llama. At th* Sunday School hour, all expressed satisfaction with the enjoyable annual picnic which was held Saturday, August 31. Miss Carrie Johnson, formerly of Saginaw’, is now residing In Cam- den. Ark. She la now visiting In Saginaw, renewing old friendships and enjoying her vacation. "Th# 910,000 breach of promise” mock trial, sponsored by th# Bethel Senior choir and the Masonic Lodge recently, was a signal suc- cess. Patrick Ktrtaey. of Oklahoma,- spent last week visiting hia broth- er, Webster Klrtsey. whom he had not seen In sixteen years. Golden Leaf Baptist Movies are furnished at the closing banquet celebrating the pastors' anniversary. Th# Vehicle City Lodge No. 10.16 entertained at a stage party Frl- dsy, August 23. Present were Joe Wigfall, Albert Harper, Walter Jones, Thomas Talbert. Henry Smith and Ellsworth E. Steen. Political Comment The latest enrollment of the Wlll- - club Include Hen- ry Johnson. Lloyd Sharpe. Wil- liam Barnes, Warren Stewart, Clarence Jones. Carl Johnson. Dav- i Id Roaa, Howard Simpson, John H. William*. Tim Hella, Sussle Payne. Porter Penexar. Frank Collins. Roy Roe, Frances Gan.vard, John Wil- liams, Joseph Webb. Isaac Culber- son. Raymond McOee. Tillman Maphier, Henry Klmmons. Henry Hawkins. Rev. Henry Powers and A. Turnipseed. W. Fred Richardson who Is run- ning on the Republican ticket for sherrlf waa born in Thetford Township, Genesse* county 30 years ago. H* la a world war vet- eran, a taxpayer and has had 10 yeara of military training His running mate I* Fav R Murphy. Tom Wolomt, present sherrlf. I* running for re-election on the Democratic ticket. He has a record of service snd fairness FLINT, NEWS A. TURNIPSEED, Repreieeitative 3402 Main Straat Th# Centennial aeaslon of the Amheratburg Missionary Baptist aaeociation and Us auxiliaries con- vened from Monday, August 19 through Sunday, August 25. Mere than fifty delegates were present from Amheratburg, Drenden. Sand- wich, Puce, N. Buxton, Bhrevea- bury, St. Catherine, Toronto and Windsor. The young people's division con- ducted a “retreat." In his annual address the presi- dent spoke of the need for more zealous-hearted Christian Workers to help God garner In the world field of souls. Following the ad- dress a redlcatlnn to Christian service was asked. Guest speaker was Harold Frost, Wallaceburg HaRpllst church who spoke on “Poalhllltles of Youth." The following officers were elect- ed: G. H. Talbot, Toronto, presi- dent: Mlsa Ruth Henderson of Windsor, secretary and Mrs. R. L. Lucas, of Drpeden. treasurer. The Rev. R. L. Talbot, pastor of North Buxton and Dresden, In the chatr. The Introductory sermon was delivered by the Rev. C. L. Wells, Windsor. In the evening of- ficial welcomes were accorded the delegates. The work of the Baptist Young People was considered In their ses- sion Tuesday and fair reports were received with the president, M*ss Clarahelle Williams. Chatham. In charge. Sermons and dlacusnlon*. wer P very profitable. The gueat speaker wa* R. L. Bradby. Jr., of Detroit. The Moderator, Mr. Talbot de- livered his annual address In his usual interesting and dynamic manner and recommended greater evangelist effort In the next year and more missionary seal. Guest speakers were the Rev. John Christen, Moderator of th* Western Baptist association and pastor of Thawesvllle church; and the Rev. R. L. Rradby, former pas- tor of Wlndaor church, a product of Ontario, now pastor of the larg- est Baptist church of Detroit where he haa served for the past thirty years. Speakers Sunday were th# Rev. M. Brown of Chatham In the morn- ing service, Th# Women'* Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the A. R. M. U. A. convened Thursday with Mra. B. Olbey, in charga. Discus- sions were led on Missionary work by Mra. U Reid, returned mission- ary from Africa. Th# Rev. I. H. Ed- ward*, Sandwich,, Amheratburg atid paator, delivered the evening message. Officers elected were: Mr*. E. Watkins, Sandwich, presi- dent; Mia* Aniiahelle Williams, Chatham, secretary; Mra. 8. A. Talbot, Windsor, treasurer. Castors present as the associa- tion sprisions opened Friday morn- ing were the Rev. H. Talbot. Mod erator; the Rev. M. Brown, vic«- Moderator; the Rev. R. L. Hill. Toronto, the Rev. C. L. Wells, Windsor and the Rev. I. H. Ed- ward*. The Itev. Mr. Brown. Chatham, was in charge of the neaslon an 1 heard committee reports. The re- port of the Historical Committee divulged the information that a history of the Association haa been complied by Mre. Dorothy ShreVe, North Burton. Ontario, associa- tions Historian and that the hook can he purchased for fifty cents from her upon request. The book contains biographies of founders and laborers, pictures of former Associatin'}! groups, picture* of all Association officers, pastors and Association officers. Mt. /lon Baptist Many visitors were present at the morning service of Mt. 7.10n The Rev. A. C, Williams of Metro- politan Baptist church, Detroit and his choir were present. The pastor, the Rev. Mr. Morton spent last week In Philadelphia, Buffalo, New Jersey, New York. A special service will be held at 795 McDougall September 4. Thu-a- day evening Dr. Morton will apeak ln Toledo, Ohio, at th# 9t. Paul Baptist church. Miss E. Harman returned home from her summer vacation vlaltlng In Canada at Mis* Vivian Morgan at 321 Tusarora street, Windsor, Canada. Flrat Baptist The Rev. C. L Wells delivered an Inspiring message. The R*v. Mr. Brantley, young minister was in the audience. Prayer service Is held each Wednesday evening. Preaching and communion will constitute the period of worship at 8 p. m. I SEE BY THE PAPERS The Dally news bewilder# on# With both despair and hope; It tells of angulah and of fun. And then there's Inside dope Full of prediction*, right and wrong, Bv writers who persist ln preaching their viewa loud and long. Behold: th# columnist Who knows all thing*; they're real- ly bright, Or that's what they prof***, ' And they're not atumped It never right; They blithely second guesa Europe's diplomatic intrigue. And war'* a spreading flame; The Tiger* do not top the league; Ain't that a dirty shame? And politic* running rife; Bandw’sgon* pick up speed; We're promised more abundant lire Wtih everything we need. While G o.P.'* *ay Wlilkt#'* sense Is needed in this land That mounting debts and botched defense Are getting out of hand. o The Democrats paint Franklin D. A big warm-hearted soul Who dearly love* both you and me, Our welfare ie his goal. Then some say their solicitude Is only for our votes. Were **p* snd sucker*, frankly viewed; The Common folk* ar# gnats. So I'm bewildered hy th# New*; It brings despair and hope And seem# to thta poor person's views A huge kaleidoscope , Events so swiftly turn a glimpse ' Is all that I can get; I It seems I'm one of many simp* t Who don't know all thing* yet. ('as. Sargent 513 Dryden Bldg. REELECT TOM WOLCOTT SHERIFF DEMOCRAT Pontiac News By F. P. HARRIS The Indoor Chautauqua in New Bethel church, closed August 8. It was a reat success. Rev. Lyles, of Detroit, rendered an excellent program her* August 24. The program wa* aa Interesting * fl hia radio broadcasts which are presented over Station WMBC every Thursday night. The paator. Rev. Tlmberlake, left on his vacation on August 24 Be- fore returning, he will attend the National Raptlst convention In Birmingham. Alabama. Rev. E. D. Broyles, paalor of Trinity Raptlst church, I* also on hi* vacation, and will attend the Baptist convention In Birmingham. Rev. H. S. Sewell, of Macedonia Raptlst church; F. B. Reed, of New Hope, ar* likewise attend- ing th# National Baptist conven- tion. Mrs Timberalke «nd Mrs. Smith, of Detroit, also Mrs, Coleman, of Pontiac accompanied Rev. Timber- lake on hia motor trip South. Mr*. Alberta Hollis, of Ragley street, left on acatlon recently. She will visit re. itlves and friends In the South and East. She will al- so attend the Baptist convention In Alabama. Mra. Bertha Jenklna Is In Chi- cago. taking a post graduate course at Poro college. Mr*. S. L. Boyd, beautician, apent Labor Day In Monroe, Mchigan. Mr. and Mr*. John Taplev have returned from their visit to Ten- nessee and report having had * de- lightful trip. Mias Viols Salter pnid a recent visit to her parents on Lull street. She returned to Rellvue hospital, In New York City, where she Is engaged a* * nurse. Many aoctat affairs were given In her honor, during her visit here. Many members of Newman AME church attended the annual con- ference hefil in Flint last week? I Pullman Eat Shop If 935 LEITH ST., FUNT, MICH p Meal* and Light Lunches Steak* S Chop* —and CHILI j ■SH JOHN R. BUREK Hr, 'JgM —FOR—- COMMISSIONER Resident 27 lenr* In 3rd Bard I nhcrxltv Os Michigan Graduate ln Married VOTE Paul R. Ricketts FOR Representative DEMOCRAT NOMINATE ROBERT J. MacDONALD FOR STATE REPRESENTATIVE , DEMOCRAT A Lawyer Who I* Qualified for the Office, Methodists End Their Session In FI in t; Dr. Rhonenee Back The 54th aeoalon of the Michigan annual conference of the African Methodist Episcopal church closed Sunday night with the assignment of presiding elder* and paatora by the Rt. Rev. John Gregg, preaiding Mahnp of the fourth Episcopal dis- trict, embracing Michigan, IW- nola, Wisconsin, Minnesota. lowa and Indiana. The* ordination aermon wai da- livered by Bishop Frank Madison Reed of St. Louis a' 10:40 am. Sunday at the host church, Quinn Chapel. Features of the sessions were paper* read by Hr. Edward B. Williams, paator of the Rattla Creek AMR church, on ' The Stars of the Church” and by I)r. P. W. Walle, pastor of the Jackson AME church and assistant chaplain at Southern Michigan prison, on "The State of the Country.” Thu annual educational sermon was preached by Dr. William H. Pei k, pastor of Greater Rethel aMB church. Detroit, and Dr. D. Or- monde Walker, president of Wll- berforee university, gave the prin- cipal address. The reports of the Detroit dis- trict. of which Dr. Francis R. ( Washington is presiding elder, and the South Detroit district, of whirl Dr. David A. Blake is presiding elder, were read by 5? pastors of the conference during the after- noon session Wednesday. The conference reaffirmed <»i indorsement of Dr. George Wilbur Baber, pastor of Ebener.er AMB church of Detroit, for the bishopric. He mlseed the bishopric by a few votes at the recent Detroit general conference, to which he was host. The Rev M. R. Rhonenee pastor of Quinn Chapel was returned. CLASSIFIED JACK’S LOAN OFFICE Liberal Loans All Articles of Valia Suit*, Overcoats, Mii'lral Instrument* Itt W. In lon St. Flint, 'll. h. OLD RELIABLE PRIG STORE, Prescriptions Sundries. Wa Fill Welfare Prescription*. McKEIGHAN’S WMMI Industrial Are.—Flint, Mica McCann's Pharmacy, the Friend* ly St»re. Prescrlptloaa and Dru*%. *7l K. Stewart, Phone S-9S4C, Flint Mich. INDUSTRIAL FOUNDRY Rehallt Furnace* Alloyed Furnace Parti Same Low Price* Sam* Skilled installer* : Same Courteous Attention Same Credit farm* 1 Same Location for 7 Year* Indnstrlal A>#. Phone .1-I.till Flint. Mleh. WE APPRECIATE YOUR| PATRONAGE Everything tor the House! CUT RATE I FLOOR COVERING CO. WF. ACCEPT YOUR TERMS 3t*3 IMHKTHIAL AYE. Flint, Mlrh Phone 8-9435: RE-ELECT WILLIAM E. DORAN Circuit Court Commissioner - SEPTEMBER 10, 1940 son-partisan ticket mm FOR ACTIVE REPRESENTATION FOR ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE FIRST WARD VOTE FOR Arthur Hurand CITY COMMISSIONER FIRST WARD BIRNEY M. Van Benschoten ATTORNEY Grad net# oft Flint Pnhlir School* Flint Junior ( ollege University of Mlrhhrnn Arndemy of Internntlonnl Lew for CIRCUIT COURT COMMISSIONER >on-Pnrtl*nn Ballot PAGE FIFTEEN

I Mrs. County Auditor WindsorNews FLINT, NEWS Will

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Page 1: I Mrs. County Auditor WindsorNews FLINT, NEWS Will

§146 St. Antoln« Strant, Corner Columbia—Clifford 2924

I River RougeI Mrs. A. B. Gray Vaughn, Representative[ Os Down River Branch[polk Avenue Telephone Vinowood 2-0195

K iiotne or Attorney and Mre.Kuaoine, *B7 Polk avenue, waaK ne of beauty end merrimentKtiv from 8:30 to 11 p. m. whenKv ihiee teen-age youngeteriK , h< beet ramlllea of River■L were given a purty by Mra.KT r;rav Vaughn. The girl# pre-K* were lovely to beheld, In■r pretty evening dreeeee, and

■ boy* were handsomely clad Inm ,n d white.Ke menu aervad coneleted ofKeia hot doga." and eand-

simple punch, Ice cream■ I**ol ted cakea.

guests included Mias T. MaoBln* Mie* Helen Goode, MissBl ' Leonard. Mlsa . MarjorieBr Mlsa Gloria Stokea, Miaa

Bmi Williams, Mias VerdellBln Miss Eliisbeth Gillum, Miss

Bhie I ee Thomas, Mins Marlon

B* *lso Miss Johnson, Messrs.

Bie Covington, Bennie Goode,B* White. Willie Jones. BennieBn Benjamin Garden, LouisE, Robert Freeman, DanielBorne. Kenneth Booker. FredK Bernard Parker, RichardE'er Elmer Baker and the hos-B Mr*. A B .Bray Vaughn.B Heme From VacationsBnv *re returning home, afterBit \k stlnns. Mrs. John H. Wll-

B* I* hsck from a three week*

■ with her parenta, Mr. and Mra.m williams, 4*o Holford ave-B She halls from Walhalla, S.Biro John Luck * coualn.E* Luckle's lovely home w,i»

Bed over io Mr. and Mr*. How-

B Kenny Wednesday for their

Bor picnic. Fifteen guest* wereB»nt.B« Hannah Wade haa returned

B Evanston, Illinoi* and South

B. Indiana, Youngstown, Ohio.

B reports having had a lovelyHtfonBe. F.lla Ware is enjoying a va-Bn in Newark, N. J.

B *ml Mrs. Leo Pope, 520 Eliot

B*. spent the holiday week-endB relatives and friends at St.B» and other cities. Mrs. Pope is

of a popular beauty salon In

Bcitv.■t are \ery glad to learn thatof our citizen* In the F.ast

Bwest sides of River Rouge

B fortunate in retaining theirEm which were up for eale ntBland hoard office*, Each re-Bllng and building la now InHre><* > n our vicinity. Keep up■cod «nrk. by pressing forwardHie goal and by thinking for

Wayne County association,Rouge division, is looking

*to the coming primarynext Tuesday. The entire

the West Side are throwingH full strength in pending Zack

in No. f> and William Hallin districts, to the county

Their election willa gieat deal In helping us as

we do not need so muchbenefits, such as have

sought in the past. Our rsce|H<l all he henefitted especially

«ud girl* who have paes-the school* and are

B prepared to enter husinesta venues of employment.

Ha'l If elected, will be able tosomething definite.

He don't fall to cast your votenext Tuesday, on the Ke-

art ticket, ass delegate ioconvention.

H and Mre. William Hall, ofavenue, had as a

Ht guest Mr. and Mra. M. H.of Birmingham. Ala.

H spending a week, the Hay-

woods war# honored with a recep-tion and left for their home Sat-urday.

The Rev. and Mre. E. C. Copelandleft Sunday night, la company withdelegate*, to attend the NationalBaptist convention in BirminghamAla.

Tommy Mae Martin and GerthaLee have returned from their va-cation, also Mre. a. D. Boone apentLabor Day with relative* andfriend# in Youngstown, Ohio.

Beechwood Recreation (’eaterThe Board of director* of Beech-

wood center met last week, tomake plan* for to obtain fund* forthe support of the center. It la theopinion of the hoard that the citl-ten* will support the center, ifthey are properly solicited. Whenthe plana are released In the nearfuture, every person in the com-munity la urgently requested togive 100 per cent support.

In anticipation of the winteraeason, the staff of the center laendeavoring to increase the book*and other materials in the library.Anyone having books or magasin**to donate la requested to leave htoname and address at the center.The hooka and magazine* will becalled for and the names of thedonors stamped on each of them.That dusty hook on your shelf m-tysfford much pleaaant reading forothers. If you will give It to thecenter.

Unfortunately, there seema amistaken belief on the part of mar.ycitizens of the West Side that theReechwood center la entirely sup-ported hy the city. This belief laalso used to justify not giving In-dividual support. Os course, thecity doe* provide for the barsnecessities of maintenance. Onevisit to the renter will convinceone of its many needs.

Give Ihe center your full support.Remember that every contributionor boost you give your center, willhelp make the community a betterplace In which to rear your chil-dren.

Few* Memorial ('.ME ChurchThe Sunday morning service*

were Inspiring, aa the Rev. Mrs.Crane spoke from Rev. 1; subject."Life'), Suffering—The Triumph ofJesus Christ."

Sunday afternoon. Pastor Craueand hia congregation worshippedwith the Rev, Mr. Whltsett, ofCentral Avenue (’ME church. De-troit. The Rev. Mr. Crane preach-ed a message which all enjoyed.

Sunday evening, the United Gos-pel Singers of Chicago rendered aprogram. A large congregationwas present.

Mr. Mastin. brother of Mrs. Love-Joy, Is president of the group.

The choir will spon*or a moon-light picnic Friday night, at thehbnie of Mrs. Constance Smith onBth street. Refreshments will beserved and all are invited.

I’nloß Baptist ChurchTwo new member-* Joined the

Sunday School at Union BaptistSunday. At the li *. m. hour, theRev. E. C. Copeland preachedfrom Peter 1:23. One waa addedto the membership.

Prayer meeting* are held at 8 p.m. each Wednesday.

Paator Copeland will attend theBaptist convention in Alabama thisweek The member* of the churchwish the pastor and his wife »

pleasant trip. The revival will be-gin, after the return of the R-v.Mr. Copeland.

Benjamin Caswell is church re-porter.

Inkster JottingsBy MRS WILLIE M. BIN ION

100! hell* for the District 7t! rsng Wednesday morningI*2 rhlldern In the districtenrolled,

► following persons from lnk-ker* present to hear Bishop[Andrew Gregg reappoint the

A D. Evans for his alxthrutlve year to the pastoratehh's Chapel AME church: Mr.Mr*. John P. Martin, Mr. ands'rswtey Lane. Mr. and Mr*,n Simmon*. Mr. and Mra. Ern-fare, Peola Kellum, Mr. andD. 1 Demby, O. M. Mitchell.

Hanley, Joseph Davis,a Hmryene, Alice and Patri-

cla Blnion, Miaa Ulma Davis, La-mar and Henry Blßnlon and Mre.W. M. Blnion.

Mis* Alma Davis spent the weekIn Flint, Michigan visiting rela-tives.

Mra. Elolae Evan* was guestSunday of Mia* Ruth \angant, ateacher from Flint.

Miaa Johnny Kellogg of Harrl-gon road is confined to the univer-sity hospital In Ann Arbor whereshe is waiting to under go a ma-jor operation.

Mr. and Mrs. William Dennardof Walnut street are proud parentaof a baby boy born at the SumhyMemorial hospital.

Mre. Volcy W’hlte has returnedfrom the Sumhy Memorial. Mr*.Annie Kellv and Henry Roberta•re still confined there. Mra Mary

.1. Tinsley I* hack home Improvingrapidly.

Mra. Alice Ruff left for her homeIn Youngetown, Ohio, recently afterhaving spent a month wth her sla-ter. Mrs. Annl* Fowler.

Mlsa Vera Roper who has beenvisiting In Aniaton, hasreturned home.

The Inketer Yellow Jackets vs.Flint will play at Inkster filedSunday. September 8 at 3:30. Pon-tiac will play Inkster at 4:30 atMichigan and Harrison road.

hessler lumberCOMPANY

Room House Built onYour Lot $295.00Will MICHIGAN AYE.'elephone—Beer horn 1«««

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Asserts Men Will Not Lose Jobs Under DraftCounty AuditorWill Me litisRetomnewiaiioo


Employees of the County ofWayne who are members of theNational Guard, or who are be-tween the ages of 21-30, and mightbe drafted under the new act whichwill probably he passed by Con-gress this* week, will be assured ofretaining their Jobe. This state-ment was Issued today by Ray DSchneider, chairman of the WayneCounty Board of Auditors. Audlto-Schnelder declared he will recom-mend at the next meeting of theBoard of Auditors that action tothis effect be taken.

Mr. Schneider haa ordered a sur-vey of all Wayne county employeesto determine the number who maybe affected by the draft and thecalling out of the National Guard.Quit* a number county employeesmay fall within the draft provl-alone

Any vacancies in county position*that m ay result from the action* ofthe Draft law and the calling outof the National Guard, will he flM-ed where neceeaary, said Schneider.There will he an understanding,however, that the appointments'aretemporary, Schneider added.

The County Board of Auditorscan take no action to pay thoseemployees called for military ser-vice the difference In ealarie* be-tween what they will receive »*

aoldlere and their pay as* countyemployeee, said Mr. Schneider. Athorough study of law* and or-dinances dealing with such a situa-tion will be made he asserted.

"The County Government will doal! It can to aid in the NationalDefense,” stated Auditor ■ Schuai-der. "Xhe Auditors will also do allin their power to obviate anyhandicaps that may result from thedrafting of the county employees."

ecorsTnewsRy MILO GASTON

Aa last Monday was Labor Day,meaning another reat day for thelaborer, your humble aervant asksyou all to agree with me that Ineed a rest too. But I promise youthat I will have a full column ofwhat's happening In Kcorae, in ournext week * l**ue.

Mr*. Madelin# Lacey and a fewgirl* camped out under the ataraat the Seventh Day Adventist campnear Grand Ledge, Michigan, re-cently. Mr. Lacey also apent a fewnighta at the camp.

Mrs. Ethel Harris, of Morley, Mo.spent ten day* visiting Mra. Min-erva Johnson, of Twelfth street..

Mrs. Ozella Cook is spendingher vacation at the New YorkWorld * Fair.

A surprise birthday party waagiven by Mra. Illinoi* Jones, ofSalllott road, in honor of her hus-band. Ca*ey Jones. About twentycouple* attended. Mr. Jonea receiv-ed many useful gifts, and wa* hesurprised?

Mra. Louis Boddls and Mrs. Rod-gers Boddie are home, after spend*log ten days home down South.

S. Dabner, Mias M. Kenney endMrs. Keif are spending the week-end with Mr. and Mre. Armstrong,of 14th street.

Mra. M. Allen visited her son,Ulysses Allen. last week, at theRattle Creek hospital. She reporta*h# found him convalescing veryslowly.

The Kcorss Good Will club metlast Tuesday at 7 p.m. at the usualmeeting place. The club had a* Itsguest th# honorable SupervisorRobert Brown. After the meeting,a social hour wa* held which wasenjoyed hy all present. The nextmeeting will be held at 3955 Ninthstreet.

ML /.lon RaptUt ChurchPaator G R. Stevenson preached

the mornfhg sermon Sunday, sub-ject, "Jsaus la A God Os AnotherChancs", text. fit. John 8:10-11. Vis-itors present Included Mrs. I.Jones. Miss D. Jackson, Miss Sa-die Cole. Miss Bridges. W. Tur-ner and Doris Gately.

The Mt. Zl«n Senior choir gavea shower for the pastor, Saturday.August 31. Th* affair was wellattended end much appreciated bythe paator and his wife.

First Raptl«t ChurchThe weather Sunday waa

threatening, but many attended theFirst Baptist church Sunday morn-ing. An inspiring devotional serv-ice waa conducted by the deacons.Visitor* at the morning servicewere: Rev. Johnson, of Birming-ham. Ala.; and Rev. Berry, of NorthDetroit.

Rev. Berry read the morningScripture. Mrs. Donnelly of Ifcorse,is enjoying e pleasant visit withher sister, in Ohio. Other visitorsincluded: Mr*. Jams*, wife of th*minister, and her brother. Mr.Parker, of Detroit, waa Ha® pres-ent

Rev. J. W. James, acting paator,la doing u splendid Job at thechurch. In absence of Pastor J,D. Davis, who I* on hit vacation.

Th* Quartet Union rendered •

fine program at Triumph Baptistchurch, in River Rouge. August31, In honor of th* Anniversary ofRev. O. W. Simms. Fred Furker di-

rected Uj* program. ..



"Desired Haven" was th* subjectof th* address delivered hv the :Rev. W. O. Wilson at Mt. OliveRaptlat church lest Sunday morn-ing. The auditorium was filled at-moat to capacity, despite the rainyweather. Vlaitore present In jeluded Miss Viola Brown, Mia* 1Agnes McPherson, Barbara Smith.Mra. Harris and Mrs. Veneta W(|- 1llama.

At th* Sunday School hour, allexpressed satisfaction with theenjoyable annual picnic which washeld Saturday, August 31.

Miss Carrie Johnson, formerly ofSaginaw’, is now residing In Cam-den. Ark. She la now visiting InSaginaw, renewing old friendshipsand enjoying her vacation.

"Th# 910,000 breach of promise”mock trial, sponsored by th# BethelSenior choir and the MasonicLodge recently, was a signal suc-cess.

Patrick Ktrtaey. of Oklahoma,-spent last week visiting hia broth-er, Webster Klrtsey. whom he hadnot seen In sixteen years.

Golden Leaf BaptistMovies are furnished at the

closing banquet celebrating thepastors' anniversary.

Th# Vehicle City Lodge No. 10.16entertained at a stage party Frl-dsy, August 23. Present were JoeWigfall, Albert Harper, WalterJones, Thomas Talbert. HenrySmith and Ellsworth E. Steen.

Political CommentThe latest enrollment of the Wlll--club Include Hen-ry Johnson. Lloyd Sharpe. Wil-liam Barnes, Warren Stewart,Clarence Jones. Carl Johnson. Dav-

i Id Roaa, Howard Simpson, John H.William*. Tim Hella, Sussle Payne.Porter Penexar. Frank Collins. RoyRoe, Frances Gan.vard, John Wil-liams, Joseph Webb. Isaac Culber-son. Raymond McOee. TillmanMaphier, Henry Klmmons. HenryHawkins. Rev. Henry Powers andA. Turnipseed.

W. Fred Richardson who Is run-ning on the Republican ticket forsherrlf waa born in ThetfordTownship, Genesse* county 30years ago. H* la a world war vet-eran, a taxpayer and has had 10yeara of military training Hisrunning mate I* Fav R Murphy.

Tom Wolomt, present sherrlf. I*running for re-election on theDemocratic ticket. He has a recordof service snd fairness

FLINT, NEWSA. TURNIPSEED, Repreieeitative 3402 Main Straat

Th# Centennial aeaslon of theAmheratburg Missionary Baptistaaeociation and Us auxiliaries con-vened from Monday, August 19through Sunday, August 25. Merethan fifty delegates were presentfrom Amheratburg, Drenden. Sand-wich, Puce, N. Buxton, Bhrevea-bury, St. Catherine, Toronto andWindsor.

The young people's division con-ducted a “retreat."

In his annual address the presi-dent spoke of the need for morezealous-hearted Christian Workersto help God garner In the worldfield of souls. Following the ad-dress a redlcatlnn to Christianservice was asked. Guest speakerwas Harold Frost, WallaceburgHaRpllst church who spoke on“Poalhllltles of Youth."

The following officers were elect-ed: G. H. Talbot, Toronto, presi-dent: Mlsa Ruth Henderson ofWindsor, secretary and Mrs. R. L.Lucas, of Drpeden. treasurer.

The Rev. R. L. Talbot, pastor ofNorth Buxton and Dresden, In thechatr. The Introductory sermonwas delivered by the Rev. C. L.Wells, Windsor. In the evening of-ficial welcomes were accorded thedelegates.

The work of the Baptist YoungPeople was considered In their ses-sion Tuesday and fair reports werereceived with the president, M*ssClarahelle Williams. Chatham. Incharge. Sermons and dlacusnlon*.wer P very profitable. The gueatspeaker wa* R. L. Bradby. Jr., ofDetroit.

The Moderator, Mr. Talbot de-livered his annual address In hisusual interesting and dynamicmanner and recommended greaterevangelist effort In the next yearand more missionary seal.

Guest speakers were the Rev.John Christen, Moderator of th*Western Baptist association andpastor of Thawesvllle church; andthe Rev. R. L. Rradby, former pas-tor of Wlndaor church, a productof Ontario, now pastor of the larg-est Baptist church of Detroit wherehe haa served for the past thirtyyears.

Speakers Sunday were th# Rev.M. Brown of Chatham In the morn-ing service,

Th# Women'* Home and ForeignMissionary Society of the A. R. M.

U. A. convened Thursday withMra. B. Olbey, in charga. Discus-sions were led on Missionary workby Mra. U Reid, returned mission-ary from Africa. Th# Rev. I. H. Ed-ward*, Sandwich,, Amheratburgatid paator, delivered the eveningmessage. Officers elected were:Mr*. E. Watkins, Sandwich, presi-dent; Mia* Aniiahelle Williams,Chatham, secretary; Mra. 8. A.Talbot, Windsor, treasurer.

Castors present as the associa-tion sprisions opened Friday morn-ing were the Rev. H. Talbot. Moderator; the Rev. M. Brown, vic«-Moderator; the Rev. R. L. Hill.Toronto, the Rev. C. L. Wells,Windsor and the Rev. I. H. Ed-ward*.

The Itev. Mr. Brown. Chatham,was in charge of the neaslon an 1heard committee reports. The re-port of the Historical Committeedivulged the information that ahistory of the Association haa beencomplied by Mre. Dorothy ShreVe,North Burton. Ontario, associa-tions Historian and that the hookcan he purchased for fifty centsfrom her upon request. The bookcontains biographies of foundersand laborers, pictures of formerAssociatin'}! groups, picture* of allAssociation officers,pastors and Association officers.

Mt. /lon BaptistMany visitors were present at

the morning service of Mt. 7.10nThe Rev. A. C, Williams of Metro-politan Baptist church, Detroit andhis choir were present.

The pastor, the Rev. Mr. Mortonspent last week In Philadelphia,Buffalo, New Jersey, New York.

A special service will be held at795 McDougall September 4. Thu-a-day evening Dr. Morton will apeakln Toledo, Ohio, at th# 9t. PaulBaptist church.

Miss E. Harman returned homefrom her summer vacation vlaltlngIn Canada at Mis* Vivian Morganat 321 Tusarora street, Windsor,Canada.

Flrat BaptistThe Rev. C. L Wells delivered

an Inspiring message. The R*v.Mr. Brantley, young minister wasin the audience.

Prayer service Is held eachWednesday evening. Preaching andcommunion will constitute theperiod of worship at 8 p. m.

I SEE BYTHE PAPERSThe Dally news bewilder# on#With both despair and hope;It tells of angulah and of fun.And then there's Inside dope

Full of prediction*, right andwrong,

Bv writers who persistln preaching their viewa loud and

long.Behold: th# columnist

Who knows all thing*; they're real-ly bright,

Or that's what they prof***,' And they're not atumped It never

right;They blithely second guesa

Europe's diplomatic intrigue.And war'* a spreading flame;The Tiger* do not top the league;Ain't that a dirty shame?

And politic* |« running rife;Bandw’sgon* pick up speed;We're promised more abundant

lireWtih everything we need.

While G o.P.'* *ay Wlilkt#'* senseIs needed in this landThat mounting debts and botched

defense „

Are getting out of hand.o

The Democrats paint Franklin D.A big warm-hearted soulWho dearly love* both you and me,Our welfare ie his goal.

Then some say their solicitudeIs only for our votes.Were **p* snd sucker*, frankly

viewed;The Common folk* ar# gnats.

So I'm bewildered hy th# New*;It brings despair and hopeAnd seem# to thta poor person's

viewsA huge kaleidoscope

, Events so swiftly turn a glimpse' Is all that I can get;

I It seems I'm one of many simp*t Who don't know all thing* yet.

('as. Sargent

513 Dryden Bldg.




Pontiac NewsBy F. P. HARRIS

The Indoor Chautauqua in NewBethel church, closed August 8.It was a reat success.

Rev. Lyles, of Detroit, renderedan excellent program her*August 24. The program wa* aaInteresting *fl hia radio broadcastswhich are presented over StationWMBC every Thursday night.

The paator. Rev. Tlmberlake, lefton his vacation on August 24 Be-fore returning, he will attend theNational Raptlst convention InBirmingham. Alabama.

Rev. E. D. Broyles, paalor ofTrinity Raptlst church, I* also onhi* vacation, and will attend theBaptist convention In Birmingham.

Rev. H. S. Sewell, of MacedoniaRaptlst church; F. B. Reed,of New Hope, ar* likewise attend-ing th# National Baptist conven-tion.

Mrs Timberalke «nd Mrs. Smith,of Detroit, also Mrs, Coleman, ofPontiac accompanied Rev. Timber-lake on hia motor trip South.

Mr*. Alberta Hollis, of Ragleystreet, left on acatlon recently.She will visit re. itlves and friendsIn the South and East. She will al-so attend the Baptist convention InAlabama.

Mra. Bertha Jenklna Is In Chi-cago. taking a post graduate courseat Poro college.

Mr*. S. L. Boyd, beautician, apentLabor Day In Monroe, Mchigan.

Mr. and Mr*. John Taplev havereturned from their visit to Ten-nessee and report having had * de-lightful trip.

Mias Viols Salter pnid a recentvisit to her parents on Lull street.She returned to Rellvue hospital,In New York City, where she Isengaged a* * nurse. Many aoctataffairs were given In her honor,during her visit here.

Many members of Newman AMEchurch attended the annual con-ference hefil in Flint last week?

IPullman Eat ShopIf 935 LEITH ST., FUNT, MICH

p Meal* and Light Lunches Steak*S Chop* —and CHILI j


COMMISSIONERResident 27 lenr* In 3rd Bard

I nhcrxltv Os Michigan Graduateln~ Married


Paul R.








A Lawyer Who I* Qualified for the Office,

Methodists End TheirSession In FI in t;Dr. Rhonenee Back

The 54th aeoalon of the Michiganannual conference of the AfricanMethodist Episcopal church closedSunday night with the assignmentof presiding elder* and paatora bythe Rt. Rev. John Gregg, preaidingMahnp of the fourth Episcopal dis-trict, embracing Michigan, IW-nola, Wisconsin, Minnesota. lowaand Indiana.

The* ordination aermon wai da-livered by Bishop Frank MadisonReed of St. Louis a' 10:40 am.Sunday at the host church, QuinnChapel.

Features of the sessions werepaper* read by Hr. Edward B.

Williams, paator of the RattlaCreek AMR church, on ' The Starsof the Church” and by I)r. P. W.Walle, pastor of the Jackson AMEchurch and assistant chaplain atSouthern Michigan prison, on"The State of the Country.” Thuannual educational sermon waspreached by Dr. William H. Pei k,pastor of Greater Rethel aMBchurch. Detroit, and Dr. D. Or-monde Walker, president of Wll-berforee university, gave the prin-cipal address.

The reports of the Detroit dis-trict. of which Dr. Francis R.

( Washington is presiding elder, andthe South Detroit district, of whirlDr. David A. Blake is presidingelder, were read by 5? pastors ofthe conference during the after-noon session Wednesday.

The conference reaffirmed <»iindorsement of Dr. George WilburBaber, pastor of Ebener.er AMBchurch of Detroit, for the bishopric.He mlseed the bishopric by a fewvotes at the recent Detroit generalconference, to which he was host.

The Rev M. R. Rhonenee pastorof Quinn Chapel was returned.


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