THE OU~ST[ON co~Wo~rrz~G SCHOOL o,~t Can Superintendent Use ZoneLaw To Ban Students? By EDWAJB~ NASH merit of F.~lucation, although t~c twean the ages of seven sad lg; te Welfare Board, fo~ t}~ fatuity charges nf ~y kind 41~rve been must attend either a pzz1~Io or ooncemod Is a welfare reelpter~. 2! two fvmllles re.de ~ a one, a~swer mp~v not SO forthcoming filed¯ . private sshoo[ every daY such Although Mrs, Maurte Gems- gamlty struelure la Violation oi tar six ~eks. A synopsis of Now Jersey school Is tn session, unless they roy, dtt~ctor of the welfare ~ivl- the zoz~ing code. caw the s~4pez~ This is a~o the question put s~ool law prepared by the De. ore physJeany or menth~]y tin. elan, wo~!d alter few de~]s lntendem of sehoaie torbld the to £:eunty Superintendent c partmvnt at Education states fit to attend," about the igs~. ll’has beetl de- cinkiren of one fan~/I¥ from at- Schools ~rilest Glthland on Pet that "ALl ohiidren Setween the ~ question of whether or sol terrrdned thai three chthiren of ~nding s~cot on the basis that 3 by tt~ Co~qly Welfare Board ages of [lYe ar~ 30 a~e entltl~l a superintendebt uf schools shall, a family aa wcifeee were order- they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he<t rmt been st~ to attend ~lm public schools IQ m effect, saline the zoning laws ed to leave Frm~klth Township the Towrship? rtr~lrd up fO yesterday, the dts~riet~ In whb~t they have as they a~eet annulment o! phil. publbc sehocie I~st October, and T~tsinthaquecilonom~ronSn6 The queues eKs~ has ~ ~egsl resi~’~ce," The BynOpSt~ dre~Rvingwithin~emxxa~tpa~. the Board Of Edu0atisn. and an laced before the State Depart- also states t~t "All c~ildren be- r ~as lie roots wi~nl~the Coon. (Conlinued on Page 16) I_.os NEWS-RECORD I. RA 5-3300 Thursday t VOL. 10, NO. 2*5 BOMBItgET, N, J., THURSDAY, MAP~H Ig, 1964 &¢ Per @opy 2 New Schools ~ow~g.,~ w~ oo~T C 0pp R PI ,.ao,,o ommittee oses eservoir an; Scheduled for wi. have~., oo~.te,st~.. To.o.ino Maoao. w,,ba A kSt dy ofRi C al Sit Law advised the Coua¢ll laa~ 1965 Occupancy .o.k that While mtlaicipai eat- S S U ver, an es pLoyees are making the annttal Construction of two 21-room dog cenaUSeach they also Will deter- I The ~tate’a p:ogosal in COn- o~o~eo~r~ ~oh~,. ,. pte~ ,~,~oso~. ~.o.~r~s~,.l,v~ D loper Purchases 9 9 Acre vo~..qua,~ m,i.o~. will be lOcated o~ ~ 12-aere pasty, i p J - treat ae ,ll.d hg ,n! p.__; V--. I .the ~ox~’oed develop t/t~e , *~* D~’~;| lT~l~’* ;~ 9 cil-Pth~ing B,Srd oomm~t(ee Hamllten Lake Estate~ mth¢llld, l~v~ "~’~t at~,~v[~.~ A group of munlebpal lots mtmin~4pai pa~ets ta the ~w m The State proposes to zahe ¯at°" ,,-.-nun* t ." .’ te,ogn~ a0pre~--in~ g.., ~*.~ o,e~a,,te, o,,,,-,a~ o~ ~,~ ~’ ~ ~. Both sshcois, sehrduted to be e mt0m acres in and ~dJoinh~g the newly 0~I.38. end agreed to pay legai ~icipa]it and floo~ ~ ~ Mile" Y ~du~.tLcai struetar~s, witl hOuse ~D ~ , created eoMrtterci~.] zone tA co, de liar to exceed $5.0~0. ~.un area but 1he JoStt com- tKinderg~rter, throttb~l gth With Cotmcllmall Joseph ~rm’tklin Bott~vard ~ Harold. CouncilmanPapilla sought to ndttee ia requesting that ~ atqdy O~es, ar~ oeeupar~y Is ~nta- Pu~Io d~senting, as he had on ton az~ ~erry st~ets*wer# ~o’~ h~e d~ m[ the s~zte raserv- be made to determine ~be fee#/- tlveby ~h~dtJl~ ~or~e,pinmber introduetJol~, the 1964 municipal Tuesday aiJht eL p~bltc allctin~ ed lop cue manth beeatme he bility Of utilizing Sta’~:owaed l~fld, bRdget was ad~pt~. Morciay to Somerset Devciopr~ent Car- wanted ine governing body to flood tevd lyin$ between the de.qe Rete?el~[tfiD night at a reguLar n~eeting of potation /or $~6,000. race,raider the restrictinrm he Mil~aione ~iwr wnd ~e" Dais- ¯ r ’ ~ S ’ p tinned to subi’~Lt con- the Couno:l. " -Thesale we8 appro’;Id’8,,9 en]~,, had ll1~g~Bted several wee]~ ware ~ P.srltan Csnai ~ts" e atrttcSoh"~nd financial data to The vo£e Was ?-l, Councilman after Council~nmlJoseph PucII: ago. However, he agreed to wRh- reservoir site. ~I’his aDp~ach the State Departrne~ of EdUca- Robert gins being ebeenL Io urged that the re~Olutiofl ap-hold this move until in~ w, lc~oti w~ o~eved on ~’eb. ~ in The t301~ be~o~e May 1, a Tete~31ttum ~e rneedng started in TOW~- p~ovJ~ the aisle intsl.l~e a tJnle was c0r~ptet0d, ~0tnez’eet ~,c~ne, a Co~z.’~s~ puh- to be condaeted durlz~ J~. ship Hall ~tnd "then was movedlitrdt for thedeveloper" toareet Btt[dirlg ~ta~s lLshed reg~terly ~ thisnews- " " These were wame of the deC[" to MEld[abtash SchOol beeax~e eomzltercJfd ratab]es. Council- With the ~’narset proposal at p~per. The coterfi~ ~ugg~ested s~’1~ m~de by the SoBrdof ’Ed* the Coma:it cfilelnber cot~N1 not rn~ Robert Stea was a/~en(, hand. Mayor MinhaeL ~d .~all- that ~i~ lead be om’~teered for ~at[on gahhered hi special sen- acoorc~Tnoda’te file ma~y persons The deveLopment fit’m, ~m- ed for addRlorml ,bids. DLmitrios! use ~s reservoir ’s~te and park- si0n Monday night 1.~ Pine Grove who were "0peseta tel" ~ meet- pttaed mainly of men~t$~0etete d Dimaklde~ of Tom~ River~ land, whereas ~e State seeks ~anor School, Thedec[aic~ to inS, wlth theFranklin ~t~Ite Btw’,k, builder, bid$~4,000. todevelop 1600 eez’os of canal p~ceed with plans t0r ine two The nlu~tpat ~overnm~t was~-aoresented by MttyoSister, Mr. Staler alIFso,.mced he we and rivth" shorelines feorn ~h~q- schOOls followed by less than two rate will drop from $L15 to $1,15 a member of the corporation trail ready to go ~ high as possible ton to the Wee’ion Causeway ~r weeks ~e transfer of deed for Per $100 Of assessed vsth.etinn, prealdent of the :bank. Mr. Staler to aeqlda-e the Lal.~, ciaiFzlil~g~lat park p~rp~see ~nde~ the Green Foxwo0d cite from the Town- Th~ ¢omptete tax rate will Ira- and his brother operate a build- the Council had’delayed action Acres program. ship C~J) tO ~9 ~rd. ~a.q ere/l~ebY ~ /~oL~, ~Oing to i~zg ~t~zt in the ~ufliaipa)Jty, ~ ~ proposa] ~r ~ :~T~ S per~o~. The~/’ozthJLq ~a~t*zci] p4~yjo~ the d~ed was tr~t~errad, the 14,72, The reheat tax rose te Lat4 year the company sub, He said he did not war~t to be ly decterod its opposi~o~to the (Continued on P~ga g) (Con~ued on Page d~-~ ": mitted a proposal to pureha~t the subject of a~y further h~c. State’s park proposal, and Mon- pavement. He then altered $24,. day night the committee a~_ Expense Vouchers in Order, ]~m ~hO~ "0[’[’[’ M’~r ~"" Mr, Dimakides ~u~ered With iibr~ Lawto advise the Depart- s ¯ Ad o~ $.%,00~. Mr. Slslez meat of Conservation why it op. ¯ ! promptly t’aLsed the price ~ posen the .re~ervair ptezL Attorney Advises Authority ,.,~0, ~tha, wa, ~.l~, o~,,.o,.,dP.tth ~ffer heard. Claiming theSiam has acted Restriction Accepted in bad faith, ine committee sag- According t~ ~n oNninn de. on Peh, B, 19t~9, in~slJdatrd Peso, D, lP~, did not provide fo~ cam, ~e mawr de~terad ~e land gears that any reservoir plan for livered by State ~a~r Williamtuti~ of the MorrisCotmty penaattan forA~thority mere. thet~xMite Rail sector befor- Ozzard, attorney for me Prank- Boardol ’Freeholds, re sttthorLz, berg. but did permit the agency (Ctmtthued on Page IgJ muteind ander the ~rtete’s Weler thtSewerage Authority, mere- ~ $I00~onthly for exP~tses, t~ "J~i4~int’P~ its i’ne~abers ~OX B~d Act of 19~, ~is would Sore of t~e ~oeal utillW group eourl stipulating, amon~ necessary exPenses lr~uzre~ in ~t, ~7 Par~,~tg Bart p~oaide the mtmL--ipallty a~mual are ~ot required to file itemized othhr reavorm, that expe~es the discharge of their duties," ~tfty$~ ~t~lhe De~reeg payr~ents tn lieu of taxes. vouchers for their monthly ex. were being poh[ wlthoat proses. On Jan, P. 1h62, the Authorit whereas no such provtelon Je gonS~S, tation of itemized vouchers and adopted a resolution "re ~t lear The State Parkl~ has on perm~tird w~th Oree~ Acees The Written opininn was nob- eertlficatlontl of approval. The reasonably pl~vlde" remLmert Route ~ will not be e~srd, de- [urtde, mitred at the Authortty’a regular court also rt~ted that h’evhcidera ties ~tfer neee.ttgary expel~ea hl. spite the protests O| 1O0aibtl~. Apprw~lmataiy ~ bemesites monthly meeting Monday as e could be e0mpensaind far ex- nutted’, in the discharge of nessmen, wo~ld be lntmdete d by the pro- Ye~t of a slaty p~b~ed Jr pe~es, prvaid~n~ the amotmts members’ d~fies, an~ effective ~ffotts by the Township Coun- posed reservoir, the eomx~Jttee this newspaper last week. j"were not in excess af the free- January 1962 this fee WaR gel ~t eH to gain a mv~lltleatthn of the is adaialng the btete, slid this The Newa-Boeord staled thatI holderS" propel’ expe~es." $~ monin[¥_." " - h~m "has proved fruitless. A voue~xrs for ~ monthly as. Senator Ozzard Said ~te rul- senator Ozzard suggested noBoe (ram tile state Hlghwsp represents approximately M2~,- penae~ toe each Authority mere. ins does nat apply to murdnlPai "that /or re~rd pur~o~s ~the Department/eel week S~formed 625 t~ t~ssassments and about ~r we~"bethg submitted .With. ~ewe~ege auinorliteg, monthly reachers be el~necl b’, th h go~errdttg I~rdy that aa pa~’k. $~0,000 a year n revenue at the ¯ tea woul d be permitted on the nurrent tax ~’ate, ¯ .-~ oht "individUal dlgt~airtres and Expenses ktttheel~ed ¯ the members," He stated that/~ FrankUu side of ~e ~thtt hl~. The committee alsO orlt/clz~ , ~inndta~ians, It aleo wasreport- The ordlrm*tee estab]lshind the ’, e~_~ that the State Surname Court FrankLin nudity,. ~opted aa*. .. ~Cr, nt~ue~on-P~e ~) way, .,, fcoatln~ed en Page g) I Sto pi " Guides In Both: Sections To&y ....

I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

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Page 1: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

THE OU~ST[ON co~Wo~rrz~G SCHOOL o,~t

Can Superintendent Use Zone Law To Ban Students?By EDWAJB~ NASH merit of F.~lucation, although t~c twean the ages of seven sad lg; te Welfare Board, fo~ t}~ fatuity

charges nf ~y kind 41~rve been must attend either a pzz1~Io or ooncemod Is a welfare reelpter~.2! two fvmllles re.de ~ a one, a~swer mp~v not SO forthcoming filed¯ . private sshoo[ every daY such Although Mrs, Maurte Gems-gamlty struelure la Violation oi tar six ~eks. A synopsis of Now Jersey school Is tn session, unless they roy, dtt~ctor of the welfare ~ivl-the zoz~ing code. caw the s~4pez~ This is a~o the question put s~ool law prepared by the De. ore physJeany or menth~]y tin.elan, wo~!d alter few de~]slntendem of sehoaie torbld the to £:eunty Superintendent c partmvnt at Education states fit to attend," about the igs~. ll’has beetl de-cinkiren of one fan~/I¥ from at- Schools ~rilest Glthland on Pet that "ALl ohiidren Setween the ~ question of whether or sol terrrdned thai three chthiren of

~nding s~cot on the basis that 3 by tt~ Co~qly Welfare Board ages of [lYe ar~ 30 a~e entltl~l a superintendebt uf schools shall, a family aa wcifeee were order-they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he<t rmt been st~ to attend ~lm public schools IQ m effect, saline the zoning laws ed to leave Frm~klth Townshipthe Towrship? rtr~lrd up fO yesterday, the dts~riet~ In whb~t they have as they a~eet annulment o! phil. publbc sehocie I~st October, andT~tsinthaquecilonom~ronSn6 The queues eKs~ has ~ ~egsl resi~’~ce," The BynOpSt~dre~Rvingwithin~emxxa~tpa~.

the Board Of Edu0atisn. and an laced before the State Depart- also states t~t "All c~ildren be- r ~as lie roots wi~nl~ the Coon. (Conlinued on Page 16)

I_.os NEWS-RECORDI. RA 5-3300 Thursday

tVOL. 10, NO. 2*5 BOMBItgET, N, J., THURSDAY, MAP~H Ig, 1964 &¢ Per @opy

2 New Schools ~ow~g.,~ w~ oo~T C 0pp R PI,.ao,,o ommittee oses eservoir an;Scheduled for wi. have~., oo~.te,st~..To.o.ino Maoao. w,,ba A k St dy of Ri

C al SitLaw advised the Coua¢ll laa~

1965 Occupancy .o.kthat While mtlaicipai eat- S S U ver, an espLoyees are making the annttal

Construction of two 21-roomdog cenaUSeach they also Will deter-

I The ~tate’a p:ogosal in COn-o~o~eo~r~ ~oh~,. ,. pte~,~,~oso~. ~.o.~r~s~,.l,v~D loper Purchases 9 9 Acre vo~..qua,~ m,i.o~.will be lOcated o~ ~ 12-aerepasty,

i p J -treat ae ,ll.d hg ,n! p.__; V--. I.the ~ox~’oed develop t/t~e , *~* D~’~;| lT~l~’* ;~ 9 cil-Pth~ing B,Srd oomm~t(ee

Hamllten Lake Estate~ mth¢llld, l~v~"~’~t at~,~v[~.~A group of munlebpal lots mtmin~4pai pa~ets ta the ~wm The State proposes to zahe

¯ at°" ,,-.-nun* t .".’ te,ogn~ a0pre~--in~ g.., ~*.~ o,e~a,,te, o,,,,-,a~ o~ ~,~ ~’ ~ ~.Both sshcois, sehrduted to be e mt0m

acres in and ~dJoinh~g the newly 0~I.38. end agreed to pay legai ~icipa]it and floo~ ~ ~ Mile"Y~du~.tLcai struetar~s, witl hOuse ~D ~ , created eoMrtterci~.] zone tA co, de liar to exceed $5.0~0. ~.un area but 1he JoStt com-

tKinderg~rter, throttb~l gth With Cotmcllmall Joseph ~rm’tklin Bott~vard ~ Harold. Councilman Papilla sought to ndttee ia requesting that ~ atqdyO~es, ar~ oeeupar~y Is ~nta- Pu~Io d~senting, as he had on ton az~ ~erry st~ets*wer# ~o’~ h~e d~ m[ the s~zte raserv- be made to determine ~be fee#/-tlveby ~h~dtJl~ ~or~e,pinmber introduetJol~, the 1964 municipal Tuesday aiJht eL p~bltc allctin~ ed lop cue manth beeatme he bility Of utilizing Sta’~:owaedl~fld, bRdget was ad~pt~. Morciay to Somerset Devciopr~ent Car- wanted ine governing body to flood tevd lyin$ between thede.qe Rete?el~[tfiD night at a reguLar n~eeting of potation /or $~6,000. race,raider the restrictinrm he Mil~aione ~iwr wnd ~e" Dais-

¯ r ’ ~ S ’ p tinned to subi’~Lt con- the Couno:l. " -The sale we8 appro’;Id’8,,9 en]~,, had ll1~g~Bted several wee]~ ware ~ P.srltan Csnai ~ts" eatrttcSoh"~nd financial data to The vo£e Was ?-l, Councilman after Council~nml Joseph PucII: ago. However, he agreed to wRh-reservoir site. ~I’his aDp~achthe State Departrne~ of EdUca-Robert gins being ebeenL Io urged that the re~Olutiofl ap- hold this move until in~ w, lc~oti w~ o~eved on ~’eb. ~ in Thet301~ be~o~e May 1, a Tete~31ttum ~e rneedng started in TOW~-p~ovJ~ the aisle intsl.l~e a tJnle was c0r~ptet0d, ~0tnez’eet ~,c~ne, a Co~z.’~s~ puh-to be condaeted durlz~ J~. ship Hall ~tnd "then was movedlitrdt for the developer" to areet Btt[dirlg ~ta~s lLshed reg~terly ~ this news-

" " These were wame of the deC[" to MEld[abtash SchOol beeax~eeomzltercJfd ratab]es. Council- With the ~’narset proposal at p~per. The coterfi~ ~ugg~esteds~’1~ m~de by the SoBrd of ’Ed* the Coma:it cfilelnber cot~N1 not rn~ Robert Stea was a/~en(, hand. Mayor MinhaeL ~d .~all- that ~i~ lead be om’~teered for~at[on gahhered hi special sen- acoorc~Tnoda’te file ma~y persons The deveLopment fit’m, ~m- ed for addRlorml ,bids. DLmitrios! use ~s reservoir ’s~te and park-si0n Monday night 1.~ Pine Grovewho were "0peseta tel" ~ meet- pttaed mainly of men ~t$~0eteted Dimaklde~ of Tom~ River~ land, whereas ~e State seeks~anor School, The dec[aic~ to inS, wlth the Franklin ~t~Ite Btw’,k, builder, bid $~4,000. to develop 1600 eez’os of canalp~ceed with plans t0r ine two The nlu~tpat ~overnm~t was ~-aoresented by Mttyo Sister, Mr. Staler alIFso,.mced he we and rivth" shorelines feorn ~h~q-schOOls followed by less than two rate will drop from $L15 to $1,15 a member of the corporation trail ready to go ~ high as possible ton to the Wee’ion Causeway ~rweeks ~e transfer of deed for Per $100 Of assessed vsth.etinn, prealdent of the :bank. Mr. Staler to aeqlda-e the Lal.~, ciaiFzlil~g ~lat park p~rp~see ~nde~ the Green

Foxwo0d cite from the Town- Th~ ¢omptete tax rate will Ira- and his brother operate a build- the Council had’delayed action Acres program.ship C~J) tO ~9 ~rd. ~a.q ere/l~e bY ~ /~oL~, ~Oing to i~zg ~t~zt in the ~ufliaipa)Jty, ~ ~ proposa] ~r ~ :~T~S per~o~. The ~/’ozthJLq ~a~t*zci] p4~yjo~the d~ed was tr~t~errad, the 14,72, The reheat tax rose te Lat4 year the company sub, He said he did not war~t to be ly decterod its opposi~o~ to the

(Continued on P~ga g) (Con~ued on Page d~-~ ": mitted a proposal to pureha~t the subject of a~y further h~c. State’s park proposal, and Mon-pavement. He then altered $24,. day night the committee a~_

Expense Vouchers in Order, ]~m ~hO~ "0[’[’[’ M’~r ~""Mr, Dimakides ~u~ered With iibr~ Law to advise the Depart-s ¯ Ad o~ $.%,00~. Mr. Slslez meat of Conservation why it op.

¯ ! promptly t’aLsed the price ~ posen the .re~ervair ptezL

Attorney Advises Authority ,.,~0, ~tha, wa, ~.l~,o~,,.o,.,dP.tth~ffer heard. Claiming the Siam has actedRestriction Accepted in bad faith, ine committee sag-

According t~ ~n oNninn de. on Peh, B, 19t~9, in~slJdatrd Peso, D, lP~, did not provide fo~ cam, ~e mawr de~terad ~e land gears that any reservoir plan forlivered by State ~a~r William tuti~ of the Morris Cotmty penaattan for A~thority mere. the t~x Mite Rail sector be for-Ozzard, attorney for me Prank- Board ol ’Freeholds, re sttthorLz, berg. but did permit the agency (Ctmtthued on Page IgJ

muteind ander the ~rtete’s Welertht Sewerage Authority, mere-

~ $I00 ~onthly for exP~tses,t~ "J~i4~int’P~ its i’ne~abers ~OX B~d Act of 19~, ~is would

Sore of t~e ~oeal utillW group eourl stipulating, amon~necessary exPenses lr~uzre~ in ~t, ~7 Par~,~tg Bart p~oaide the mtmL--ipallty a~mualare ~ot required to file itemized othhr reavorm, that expe~es the discharge of their duties," ~tfty$~ ~t~lhe De~reeg payr~ents tn lieu of taxes.vouchers for their monthly ex. were being poh[ wlthoat proses. On Jan, P. 1h62, the Authorit whereas no such provtelon JegonS~S, tation of itemized vouchers and adopted a resolution "re ~t lear The State Parkl~ has on perm~tird w~th Oree~ Acees

The Written opininn was nob- eertlficatlontl of approval. The reasonably pl~vlde" remLmert Route ~ will not be e~srd, de- [urtde,mitred at the Authortty’a regular court also rt~ted that h’evhcideraties ~tfer neee.ttgary expel~ea hl. spite the protests O| 1O0ai btl~. Apprw~lmataiy ~ bemesitesmonthly meeting Monday as e could be e0mpensaind far ex- nutted’, in the discharge of nessmen, wo~ld be lntmdeted by the pro-Ye~t of a slaty p~b~ed Jr pe~es, prvaid~n~ the amotmts members’ d~fies, an~ effective ~ffotts by the Township Coun-posed reservoir, the eomx~Jtteethis newspaper last week. j"were not in excess af the free- January 1962 this fee WaR gel ~t eH to gain a mv~lltleatthn of the is adaialng the btete, slid thisThe Newa-Boeord staled thatI holderS" propel’ expe~es." $~ monin[¥_." " - h~m "has proved fruitless. Avoue~xrs for ~ monthly as. Senator Ozzard Said ~te rul- senator Ozzard suggested noBoe (ram tile state Hlghwsp represents approximately M2~,-penae~ toe each Authority mere. ins does nat apply to murdnlPai "that /or re~rd pur~o~s ~the Department/eel week S~formed 625 t~ t~ssassments and about~r we~" bethg submitted .With. ~ewe~ege auinorliteg, monthly reachers be el~necl b’, thh go~errdttg I~rdy that aa pa~’k.

$~0,000 a year n revenue at the¯

tea would be permitted on thenurrent tax ~’ate, ¯

.-~ oht "individUal dlgt~airtres and Expenses ktttheel~ed ¯the members," He stated that/~

FrankUu side of ~e ~thtt hl~. The committee alsO orlt/clz~, ~inndta~ians, It aleo was report- The ordlrm*tee estab]lshind the’, e~_~ that the State Surname Court FrankLin nudity,. ~opted aa*. .. ~Cr, nt~ue~on-P~e ~) way, .,, fcoatln~ed en Page g)

I Sto pi " Guides In Both: Sections To&y ....

Page 2: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

React|action Night¯

Lset ByIn Somer*et Hospltni

[ The St. Matthlas ROSalT AltarMarch ’P-A daughter to Mr. Society ~ill hats a nighl~)t ~eeni-& Mrs. Lawrence Jerzewskl [ eotlon Sunday at 5 p,m, Jn theWelsh Lane, East Mlhet~me. {~, Joseph ViSa, Peapack.

In ~t, Peter’s Hospt~tlFeb. 27--A daudhter, to Mr. &

’Mrs. Jay Gotdherg, 222 pniISpa dameSPettR. Davlscn a~a Mrs, Cy[. ~"

Feb. 2g--A daughter, to Mr. & At theh" last l~gniar meeting, i "I~lrs. Fra,Lk E. Lyons, Y58 Ham. Thursday. March S, lhe Reset-Iions viewed a film Hostegsesi

March ~A son to Mr & for the evenil)g were Mls

Mrs. Rohert ,L Wilson, 144 Jet-Joseph Bongiovi and Mrs. du-sel~h Bionea.

March C,-~A d~ghler, to Mr, NI~WSPAPES DRIVF~ SETMrs. Howard T. S~¢hman BY P.sCK ~ CTIB SCNUTS

’ In Princeton HospitalMarch ~A son u Mr & Mrs I ’:’~ "~’~ ~c":"~t:!ed a rew~’)r-’e~’!e*

Mrs AI Saltvcdt,’Rober Stree J!",, .3orch 21 :n the Foxwood-I............ Se~’-"se: l{i]l~ are~ for ~ e ptlr- ¯

TKEFR~NKLIN lose at finan~:ing a field trip~ li" this Sprin~ to lhe U.S. MSltsry:NEWS-RECORD ~.eademy Was PC 11

Entered as secrmd class mat-{ " According to a spokesman of’l t~taff Ph°~°)tar on Jan. 4, 1955 at the Pustlthe group Interested residents! BAKE hALE AT PIG ROAST -- (I~g to right) Mrs. Edward H, White, chalrman~ Mrs. GeorgeO fce n M ddlein~h N J ; re*lshou]d bundle their newspapersDo [e Mrs David Grim co ehnirman~ Mrs Herher~ Mllgrim, all M Montgomery ’fow~sklp,entered on dtdy 5, 1961, at the and plate them on the curb b pr~Ys~de at the baking and camped b,~ods table dUrtn~ the P|S rout held Saturday by the Qrlgg~.Post Office in Somerset~ N. J.110 a.m. tow~ Fire Company.

.... a;sc~;,sht~ F,~. ~ d;f., M,roh ~th ~ Mth Villagers, with Near-Perfect Score, ORT Day Celebrationweb Th~ Ad On All Regular Win Theatre League. Tournament

For Somerset ChapterORT Day will be celebrated

O%1 by the SomersetChapter, Wom-

b" ":"

~t 2~ points 1he hlghe~ ..... hardt of Metuchen, E~]mOnd Le

Theatre group won the Central Rubel of [’lighland Park directed en’s ORT, with a tea at DouglasOFF

Merchandise The Villagers the local Little CarHno’s "High Sign." Harry

¯ Jersey play-offs of the N. J. the production, assisted by College this evening, Mrs, Re-

i, , CORSET AND rheater Leagt.e Tournament In Vivian Lazzara of Middlebush. bert A. Betdegreen is chairman.

MARY S ACCESSORYSHOPeECranfordSaturday with ..... The cast lnch~ded Warren Er-asslstedb’Mr~’RteherdPein’berg ’ "

~o far received by any co~- Comte Ol Pllle Grove Manor,Hoslesses for the evening are


Park and Arnold Peters of Hi~th-

testant in the tournament. David Weld of Highland Park. Mrs. Leonard ArnOld, Mrs.OFen Thurs. TII~ 9 P.M.The winning play was Lewi~ Richard Van ~a/tdt of Kendall Harod Ba~dti Sir8 HRrold Dor~-

................... ~,~_, ,, man, Mrs. Harvey Oarhew. Mrs.Robert Eara~, Mrs Slaniey

................. @ ~. ~ J~. 111 18ndPark Kronqla’~l Mrs Sthnley H ..... ".The VJllager~ also won a Good/eld, Mrs. Alfred Sobs].

Theatre award presented to the The guest speaker is to becontestants scoring between 2~0 Mrs. Paul Lerner, edtmatinn

, and 302 points The producLlon vice - president, A fSnmtrlp,of "High ~i~n’ has been nox~i. "Mni]ak". will be shown. It is,:rated for "The Masks," to be the story of a boy wbe makes

conteslant who preset.is a "most Casablanca to the OHT AJ~.amnieous pcodaction, one whAeh,~Se~aa schOOl ~lld tO ~t ne~iu the Ol~;*’tioD of the jttdges, world, and ~ flew way of life,shows reel creative effort..Thisis not a permanent awgrd, hut RRPUELINK N SEdgVEis only retained until a new IIPAGI~Ti’I DINNER " *

¯ award winner is named. GRr.-GgTOWN -- The Frank-Crantord ~aaa~Sed the first pt~b~ lin ,-T~wne, hlp Republin~n Club

lie p~rl0rmane~ of CarlLr.~’s will h0td its first amount fullplaY. The only other perform- spaghetti supper ~ur-~nce has been in the Actor’s day evening in the Grl~gsto~laStudiO. fir~hotlse ml ~anni ~oad. T/oe

O~er Naatre ~ups in the dlrmer wtS be served from 5 toplay-offs In order of their fh~sh 9, Tinket~ are on s=de and maywere: The N~l~h.bpshtmd PlaY- be purchased frDm Mrs.

In case of financial punctee get a k. H iot M.¯ : Phflathalians of Fanwcod, 233’~; Carmen Blanoa is in charge o|

IF2; and ~he East DrunswlekBANKRATE LOANyheooooerso on Pak th .....og--n,s

., . Commtmity Club players, 12~The Judges tor the drama H. SMIT~I

,~m~.~ If yoU’re like most of ~lS, ~Du~ve given up the id@a of bat~g

tourna~nent are Mrs. Ruth Mor-the richest man In tow~. But, chances are, ~ou’re still rls Roger~ of Rahway and Nor- ~1 ~=~9~7

interested if~ how you can g~ the things y<lg Jleed for yo~r- man Schneider M North Plain- NAS~O~ID~

self and your family, It may be e~Jer that you th~nk. [] In field. Two more reglonal play. (All Lines) ~8~R~NOE

your. itoti~e, yot~’ll probably barrow more money than you’i~ brook°fiB arejuniorPending,Hlgh oneschool, in WeSt-Par.RFD.BgNN~J~.B $ ~I~NKMd’D

s~e. (Mqst people do,) [] A suggestion to the wise is this: amus, Saturday and the ires1 8OMEHSE~BOrrOW wher~ you p~y a low fate of ihterest, Arid that’S here at our BR~k, one In Hurley H{gh School Marsh

where rates are traditionally lower. Get a Bank .Rate Loan to reduce the A U T Ocost of borrowinR. El O~e of the many services It our Full ~rvlce I~, :~2~£he three toP-eeorJns plays -. .~. he in~,ak to 0~in In the L O A N S

1964 8b.ow~ase April 5 at 8 p,m.at the McCsrter Theatre


. ,~_.~ PrJaeet ....

y FLORIST He ~ro. Mere’us

: "Flawe~ for All eeeaslons’*C,~l]I

~.~,~¢,..,~f~ ~,.~.,l~ov ........... r.~Eu~ row~..tr VI 4,-8957’ w~ W~ r~o~;~’

9 U~IO~ & vo~sRt~ AVE,¯ ~ I, ~AIH ST. W~rLTON ST, & ~^lB ¥t

?dP OH I I ; _


Page 3: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he
Page 4: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he


"’ ....Vbh~h’: e rS?~ "’m ......’ :""O~der, ...... atat....~po"" ~..t the...retie Gad h,d hotoodl~ +at. Th.f~th ~oi0aio.d+. ~ ~.~’°~’~:’+ th~"° o,.~+.,+r.,,,d+...oe..,,,~ t0 ~"~,o~, "

m r.y’u"o’--th. qo+oo io +._ up ,h.t +h. +aliens

~--,~.rA"orn"’".--~.v.o,,A "a":""Sttoo, +,qd add +~’ tits o, go+.thg ~o opor+~ o, thefirm opinion that said similar Authority ere within Chapter

" sfu+htss are aI~ ~tot apptts~bts ItA of the statute and nowherefunny that when people write eeodthg Councilman ]Prank to the Pronkthl Township Sewer therein can +hers ,be thmmt any(~ued ~ Page I) about things riley don’t lOOk In~o Keary. . age AuI.W+rlty. requirement similar to +hat ill

bad not been aware that thfl things. 1 intend to lOOk into this Ossard’s Opinion ’,The Atlthority ts creeled us- ~be Morris County case whichwas not baths done, adding: further." A partial text ot Senator Oz- der a special legistsHve chapter would require the detailed"that there is nothing Irapropvl Mr. Trtscad added the view zard’s opiaLon follows: that provides for the creation, tbreakdown and ¢erHfieationIn ~e fnitsa+e to sign, but I dc that the article might have been structure and Operation of sis- which the news article attemptsththk that as a matter of goad "pOlitically motivated," btlt that "The prtheipal comments in thr sewerage authorities. It Ja by to hlghtigh~ a3 baths in error,practice °rich Blgnuttlres ~ de. he "was not sure of the ~ason," the news ~rtlcle re|erred to are law what we term B +tqt~si "rl~he tmtebtodness of ~e An-sired." Jd.m Grussu. mmther memberdirected toward the absence o! public body" which mabel tt thority b~ttght with It a bond

The ~nucher form used hy the ~f the Authority, noted that for- detailed expenses on the month, clear that it Is not In th~ so.mere,el°ties lad such resolution Is ""Authority is simltor to these mar Mayor George Consovoy ly vouchers and the omission of status ~s govetnh~t h.odtss of the primary instrument whichused in sl] tsve]s of ~overnment ~hnd reque’+ted on Nov. 7. 1963, a the signatures of +he member,+murdeipalllles Lind counties. It controls the receipt, hlmdlthgof New Jersey, Tlds voudaer copy M the AutherlW*s resolu- on said vottchers. Under flue hi by leg~la+dve Semigrudthn a sad expengtiure of ftmds. Suchsystem reqttires itemization and tthn authorizing $1~i Im~ntldy ex. goveratog law pertainthg to An- body corporate and It has brood resolution requires that requesteerlllleaCtm I~ the cthimmnt, pences+ He did not ampllly thie thorities, neither of these items powers ot Goad°at thor are not thr payment* must first he ap+- After Senator Omzord read him statement. " are required and it is purely a too dl~simllar to those which are proved bF the tru~ee who is

wrh+,mt opinion, SA chairman"We have nothing to hide," ~atterofA~+hority dl~crv~ in thherent in privately controlled charged with the Pesponslbitity

Frunk’Trlscarl doethrod that hebad been "~ockod and displems-

Mr. Trlsomri noted, "I have el.the management of its bumthesapublic utititths. In fact, m~Jer a of protecting the beret holders.

ways bee++ snnopod ~at theas to how such records may be aimlthr statute private water k~id trllstee has been approving

ed" by the article, indicating Sewerage Atltberity alwaya getspresented and kept, companies find themselves corn- he vouchers for expenses for

that R might have been motivat-ed by other ’,thtere+tt+’+ which he dr~gged thto such things. As

Clears Question potthg with water cnrapautss ~.u+horlty members mad thor Se-

did not lde{~My+ The attoeney’s eh~rmm+n’ I will de my damnd."l wlch first to clear up the opor~’md hy local/+utthorilles and thg so, there Is no n~ed for the

Opthiofl Was songht~ he said, eat to keep po]itlcs out ef here. +lppsrent qua°floe as to whether ill most Instances the major dif- Algthorlty to tnahe Bny different

"to explats our ~eositthn."I doo’t show any favoritism." the Morris I~urlty Freeholder ferences ll~ only ht the public h~,rl~thg. It wotgd be my meg-

case. ~terred to In the nev~ °ppothtmvnt of the authority gestthn, however, that f~r r~c~rd$~otHght Olt Au+holgty There will be "lots ~ scream- article, has ckv oppllesthlity to

members ~nd the llml+htiova on purl~seg +he menGdy vouchersThe artiets "ca~ the spot- in8 ~rom me tI things are nat ths Frarktht Township Sewer-

methods of fin°frothS, be signed by the members. Ilight" to be directed at the An- pt~ above +board," +he chair- we° not prevlo~ly aware +hat "

+thorlty, Counclira~n Engram man added,age Authority. It is my firm Areas aJ~ Dllferenee

Szabe, s member e~ the agency, Mr. Grease Joined the Sewer- opinion that ll+ does not have, "Pax authority, such as Frank this wee not being done, nnd IIn the Morris Cotm~y case, ++he fin Town~hlp Sewerage Autberi- point out that there is nothing

coma°rated. ’+lt seems awa’tg]y age Authority last mo~th, sue- CeLIrt was dealing with u pure]~ ty+ has nmny areas of difference improper In the failure to sign.

R~e~ 01r;

governmmit. ~trueture and as against the tnunlctp~l and but l do ttht~ that ..... trer

C ittee Oppos +poe~+ gth~ +hit ~+ate,eo~.,ygo+~+~ts+++ .....,++dp++,+es~mg.ai~+.omm e$ . rv with tho rammer and. method ot ample, the Authority is net sub- are desired."

remtmeratie]x +o ++he uncials, as iect to the public bidding laws¯

Asks Study of Rio+or. Canal Siteswell aS II 4~peclfi~ +ltotutoIT ALSO, where It has real property The University Cotlege of

¯ , dlreellc¢l I+s ~o the method of which it dethrrntnem to he im Sierra Leor~ in Africa was

t-- g . e Col/troll, MaYor LlsJ proses!freest, certification and -excess of its Iced°, it may sell fetmded in l~’lg ~s Ptalrch Bay(Coatmbed f~an :Page 1) erode°need receipt ot a letter payment of Vouchers. I would the same without public offer, College.

the State’s presentation of data. from Cunseevattor+ Depsrtl’~et~Cthimir+g that when Grst sp- Cotr~nLmg,mer Robe~ ~ ed-~ro~+.ed, m+ ~ts~a~ .+,,v+th~ that ~+,, ~e~, +++mr YOU CAN BUY NOW AT THEtold I.ha4 2,~ acres were w~n~Ado BrOwn wotttd supervise

INed f°r z’eservo~r and edJ°lm+ngLand acquisition ~’g°t~a~ ~°i’

LOWEST PRICES HISTORYparkland, AseOrd~ to tope-the rvaervoir. OURgraphleu] maps pre~nthd to the MAKE NO PAYMENT ’TIL AU3UST.~nlelpa]ity r ee en4~ly, the * *"teke" wou~ ,~ to ~g~ LAWN & THEN TAKE UP TO 3 YEARS TO PAY[acres, wlth the Coumty Play~ing~oard renommvnding .n oddi- GARDENllol~l.soqulslllon of 622 acres. Extl~nded Aluminum ¯ g Track 41 Tilt

hnow re.by the theory of drawth/~water from sandy strata ha~ LA~N S~ED

°° + ++ °+-++ +-,,"° II w! 0w_ .o, + /g+d IIn effect, the To~shlp is tell. BLUE GRAJ~ __ lb.bag the State it is m verY In- SUPER qlue 9~+++ ......++

+++Jll ,,,, Uman joint eommiltee who were SHADY __--__ lb. lind DIKtv~ty. Mth. g Wlndow~proscnl m~ Monday’s meeting NO. I #Peunnniromts;y voted to ]edge the without Clever) +~ Ih. ~OMPL~tqgL~prIllesf with the State. Chairman IN~TALLED AH ~l~ell Up tO ~g ~MHeSSE+Aa"’+Ill "+ ’ ’ ,ith hteeis Counegman

SPElllAL . ...... S ....... lb.J, Leonard Vliet, With ~im atMonday’s meeting were three (Compare Fox]hulas)

1,, Eat°used Athmtnam I" Exthaand A~umthum|

ue,vy Afumtnum Frame

other members, wiUiam Poser 10-64 r+afur.l m+m SA.++ STORM DOOR JALOUSIE DOOR


~th Hesv+ oto.Bad John Hahr of the Planmlng Organl~ ..... 100 lbs. "7 pIANO HINGE PIANO HINGE Bath Tu~ ~llCIosllreBoard and Councilrrmn Acthur

~t Comlsete with Hardware Complete with Hardw~x~~+I04~ ........... 80 ths. $ ,10

Westheatbers absent J+’ wereC°mmitteecotmcJ2menmem" _ BEG. $49.95 REG. $$9,9g BEG. $49.95Resort SinS,and. +~+Wp1al~rd~go~+so+++.._ 21++ 35++ 26+and CounelIman Prmacts g, PULVERIZED

¯ ’ "~e+ry LIMESTONE __ g0 ths. ~1~member Y~eon Harding. MaYor++++++++ .......

++ till++++sger Law were in attendance. I~_~ * "~ CUSTOM MAD~I

At las~ week’s sgend, meet-


MOSS !3"

AWNIN~sALUMINUMPAINTING ~fc.io~ $4.89Pc+ ........ ~oo lit 0ur LowellAND

DECORATING w++t,mll Prloes EverSeeds " I*i Tk*m Mud* I. 0u~ Sh+p

Onion Sets¯ Os Our Se~nd FlgorANDREW J. Cheek Our LOW, LOW PRICES

VESTICK " 3<~ Cash Discoun, ~..~ ON lira. r+ ,.+aI,IHG

1024 Huff Ave.

l lll:s0 m.i u IUM, M i.t. lManv~]!~, N.J.BELLE M~ ’ n

~ i " " I ’ + r "E+’ "T ..... +

+~ . ’,*~’,:~,; . + :,:,:~+t!:++:’.’~=e,+,+s;Zm~+:+::+:-"+ =~+i’++;+~+,~++r~’,++ :++~ +~.,+:’+~++L}~ -~: .’: r’ ¯ r, r.:

Page 5: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

" Landreth Named Managing Editor ..... K ping TabsCOUNCIL WFJ,COME$ .Mayor Michael LISI aim> ksslgn. I "ed the period of March 11 to ee

FOREIdN STUDENT Msrch ls ae ~eud,~p ~.d On Servicemen ,Frank R. Landreth has been

~umed managing editor of BaSh AlthoUgh beththd, the Tow77. Days¯ Franklth high school stu.Scms will solicit hmds thor. US.S 6T~VNAKER (FHTNC)~

Newspaper~ the., which pub- shlp Cot~ncil ha8 extended an ins this period, the money to he Richard I, Merrell, sonurmanlashes The Mmwille News. Tlte offlcis] ’,v.Hcorne th Miss Heige used to brthg another foreign second cths~. USN. son of Mrs.Franklin News-Record and the . who has student here aud send one from Vera Merred ot South Middle¯

" South ~omerset News. been attending ]PrankSn High Frank]iv oveseas to September, bush Rand, recently comhletecfAccording to the editor and School since Scplemher. She Is a tour of duty with the Sixth

9ublisher~ Edward Nash. Mr, lbe first foreign student sponsor- CONTRAL’T AWARDED Fleet in the MediterraneanLondreth will supervtee the news ed by t~e Franklin chapter ef FOR ROAD MATERIALg area,gathering activities for the the Amertesn Field Service to A ~AS,57g contract for furnls~. While there, he participated inthree weekly publications¯ attend FHS. isg and apply~g bituminous various NATO dxercises as a

Before comlng to Ibis publish- The welcome w~8 in the thrm methrisls on munLeLpal roads w.ember of’ a fasl carrier strth-"¯ thg firm, Mr. Eandreth served o! a proeismat!en approved "cry was awarded Th~sdsy to InS force and had an opportunlty

its editor of The Glen Ridge the Cou~ell on Ttlesday night, Krsmer Oil Corp, of Psquest, to visit ports i~ llaly, S~ain, .Paper in ~teomfield for eight The prr, riamittten Issued by the Iowesl of four bidders. Frat~ce, ~cUy’and Malta.years. Previously, he had pub-lished his own puhscntion, theHanover Herald, Ir~ Wh[pp~my,

~eature writer far the Morris.town Deity Record. Suchnationalty known magazthea aa Frank R, Lambeth¯Adventure, Argosy and Collier’shave published his articles and At one time be also was an in-fiction, struetcr at the Dale Carnegie In-

Journalism and P~ce Insdtttte. sides in MarYland.

He studied at New York Uni- sfitxte. He and his wife are the CUT TN~ OLD.FAg[HONED WAY~NOT FRE-WRAPPEDversity, the Coltmll>th School Of parenth of a daughter wko re-


¯ 2 New SChOOlS [kRowthd#ge of their acceleratedHOME FREEZER ORDERS AT A DISCOUNT

buildiRg plans, we now realizethe o~d to ~ ..... p~oJeetedCUT & WRAPPED TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS

~u, .....eJ’e~’"eJ,=t-" rate ~ g~.th nod =~. th.makes it "tmperalive," the

1986 date up one year to Scp- FREE DELIVERY

1965,~v Jn~cu"a~" to=her is¯ Thl. s,,oafion563 Somerse St. Phone:249-0695 Somerset,N. 1.hoard declared,

-thuudf ge E ofthtwobniidthgsGARAGECouncil also t,Jrned over ¢.o the ~ms es require@ for KLr~er-

tchool system I~4~0~0 from at~ gotten, oducabth or trainableescrow hmd secure.elated from classes, 18 regular cla~,srqom.s,btthding and o¢’eup~ncy fees cot- a library, an edmthistrativo of-

~’~ents in the FOXWOOd section, office stud a health root~ for theThe Hamilton Lake tract is not schOOl nurse, s eombthafion phy-

Fat awr*ed by the besrd, but the sLeet education and assembly¯ " Cour~il this week initiated ac- room, a cafeteria whtck by foM-

tioe tO deed the Land to the ins partitions can be convertedl~oard, into teaching areas for art sad

The board Monday night also re.sic prugrarns, three small ~,~L~ O~ U~]~ ~t~"~

adopted u reso[utten authorizing conference rooms for specialacquisition of .dditlon~.l property services (’remedial reading,adjothin~ this site through pur- schOOl psychologist, social work- l II [ l llll

chase, condemnation~ gift or er, etc.), a staff room for the Used

grant¯ The adjoining properfie~ teachers und al~o adequate s~of C~r S~J~ Scme~file~ N. J, SALEaEO0~ere owned by Levitt & Sons, age a~eas for school supplies E. MatS St, Your Pontiac- Temp~t Dealer

10-18 GROVE ST,%vho are developing Strathmo]~ and text.boOks," 0pp. Foo~towa Mkt, Jeep Sales’& Serviceat Frankdn. The bea.~d also stated that by ’

¯ ¯ Appolnlments Made I t~ing Meatiest designs, "a rest[ RA 5~800open Eves. ’Tg g P.M. Ex~pf Wed. RA 5"0375

Appointed architect for the savings to the taxpayer" should l ¯two schools was dames E. be realized, arm the l>uLldthgsThompson af Franklin. "will be kept t~ a minimum cost

AlsO appointed to participate with no irl[l~ or fancies, but yetJn plannin~ the schools: will house adequate facilities for I I I I

Nathan RosenhotLse, of the a sound educational program."~w fl~ of ~a~nhouse ~ The beard’s statemeal Scelar- 1963 PONTIAC1963 CHEVROLET 1963 CHRYSLEBCutler, t,~ prepare documents thr ed’that its "inbial report is ten-the refeJendum, tetive arid subjeel to ehar~ge," Cat. apt. COUPe. Hydramatte Impala, 4-D~or apt, Sedan, g- 300 Sport Coupe, Athomalh

trans,, power greeting, POWerCFI, Powergltde transmission, trans, power steering powelRaymo~qd P. Wilson Assoef and that cost figures wiS" not be

braked. Tint gthH~ fully equip- power steeling, hrakes~ white brakes~ ftdly equ ppe~ wMttares, to prep ..... gtheerinff knowfi for several weeks, peel. Seal thw I~gea e. Black, Walls, and loaded $~ wall fires, tttally ex- $~t~

~ed Interior. A beau~, gAVEl wSh extras ..... ~1,~ tree, A real clean oardata. gUESco,~, O,sooe, ~ oo~0an,Council~_~.~-,s " "of somsrvige, auditors, te Pre-

pare ~Jn~cial docur~e~s fur ~he 1960 DODGE 1960 PONTIAcl

1960 FORDreferendum, the fee net "t 7,1-,,,1,..u,~e., .’.,,’A ,-D~, g,~’b g.o,I=.,, Ao- 0.,, ~.0--Scdsn ,thnd.,d~-D~r’.nohW.on--.,1oeed $1,500.

IHawkins, Dethfield & Wood, tomsJ4e tran~minlon. Power

trmtsmissloa. A re~tl $~~ew ~org C~t3’) bO~thg at~r- $ther~g. O~e oWIn~rnays to the bearcL (Cotttthued from Page I) -- eth,u ...................... ’~95 t,., ......................... ---- Here’s areal b.y-._.. "~.a

Only the auditor’s fee was setin the gr0ttp at ~soluttet~ ed0pl- $I0.~7~ a ,~-P’~tht increase, and I

ed unalgrno~ely Monday. ~u@. 5= Imthls are required to offset"lee, C]oor~y & Ca. al~ were re- exemptions for veterans and 1959 FORD 1959 FORD 1959 CHEVROLET

~"th~,e= as bea~to se.e.a=tor.,one-y.a~ ^,~ adopte0, ~ ona~.sde., a=~a*,o t=s., 895",a=o .~ho.t~ 850

elderly horfieownerit, The Cou~ G&laxte Sport Cotlpe, B’O Ith-g-’~--Jne~4-Door Stnite~ Wago~. g-oy[. Ialp~la [~ollyerflbte, B- oy

y’8 ]~vy aecol.utte for gg,ll perbeard ateo a~thorlzed the Igo valuation, white w~lls~ r~tafo £/~ g ante, tr~L!B$,~g- tOOO~ g

WMthaUto’ WlGIlbtr~°JlS"rgdfoP°Weratldsteerthl~investment st the $~,000 recelv- beater .................. ..... heater ................. O~ed f~r~ the municipality With ’oth, were an ordth~alee decree-the Mohawk Savings & Loan AS- thg that ~tewer tte-th9 mu~t be ]~oe/afiott 0~* Nowttr~L mad~ by property owners with-

The voting m*, sS resototiorrs th gO days niter a sower lthe is 1959 BUICK 1959 PONTIAC 1959 CHEVROLETRm~.u. gtatitm Wa oil power ~Dcor, 8.eylthder, auto. trans.Monday was mtanimous, slx th~t~41ed,, and ml ordlnmme de-

Eonvefflble. POWer steerln~gl~ ~t~rU~ POwer ~nk~s, All ~-tone bl~e~ t~Itdlo rod $members being pre~ent. A~rriv- firdng lndustris~ paris.. & brakes. A r~ll ethana¢ the me~flng ¢oo is~ to By unar~mo~s voth ~e Court* mar, fnil~, ~al~ __ "~}U t.~ ~=tess, wMto w/$==0=, th~,,...-.¯ |095~.t,, 795

~O|e ~A’~t~ Dr* Os~flY StB~rLmlk’ oil thtrodll~ed~a revised Build.Eric Rbedes and Robert La- L’~ ~de m~d an ordirmnee i~ . [ I |E = I

~ . Plan*e, gr~ lanes in the Am~vel~ ’, 7ii "

.’No Frltls or FanCiesI Road and Easton Avenue areas ,= 1958 PONTIAC "1958 BUICK " 1958 PONTIAC~’ In a pvepa re~t #tnigmen~ ~Jte- Irotn I{4~ t9 R:4~ and Q’om R-40

Ohlef~m ~eeverflble, Antb, ~- Deer Bardthp -- O~qUtflo $. Deor Sedan -- GFdramafle

~"~~.rd ~d "th’ .~’he that ~°°"~ the .. th° ~ ~...*A,,th==~*~" ~" ’ " ~" " ~ """ "~’t= "~-r~ P’’ ......."~ ’450~" tr.=,- g =...d,....~ h., ’4B "’¯ @base.of 040 ~dldir~ S Iota ~ the Read The News-Reeo~, ear .,.~,...=....-c~- ~I~¯ " Levitt C~rperatlo F ~ with ~ Week. , , , .. I

=- : ¯ " ~ .............. ; Z ....

Page 6: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he
Page 7: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

You Can SeeltuuuYOU CanTaste It!¯ [-’ The EAT]nthsMFATthat makes ’iSupor-RIEbt"your The FAT in tpo MEAT Comes only from constant

best buy shows up in a way you c~in see. You see it cam. That’s why ALP maintains Its ow~ staff ofin the corn*fed beef steaks and hearty rib roasts experts -- and under their watchful eye possesthat have the wasteful fat and bone trlmr~ed awry. every pound of meat d~stMed for your faro,y. Thi~You see It in the bright color Of thh fi~shly Eround care of ".Super-Rrght" meat continues right up tobeef that’s not loaded with "shrink-away" fat. You’ll the minute your purchase ~S made. You can countsee it where it counts--in the meat you serve your o~1 "the eat in Eupor-R~ght meat"--and on /~.P’stamily -- in your bUdget, tool money savihg prices -- because we care about YOU.

The FAT In ~e MEAT that A~P promises, starts long ~ This EAT I~ the MEAT Is iugrantaecl atbefore you see it, however. It poglns with AAP seine. ~1 u’~ NI~ /~P. The nieat we sell must satisfytions from the nation’s top poekDrS. They know ~ your family completely or your money

~ ~ "Supe~.RiRht’s" strict quality standards for beef, ~e~ will be refunded. All persons in you~¯ .~ pork lamb veal and poultry. And our buyers know AlP meat deportment know this- and they are

:~ that [f every pound can’t PO guaranteed -- t s not determined as We to offer the best meat servicee~** "Super-RiEht" qualFfy. In town. .



Fresh Lamb From American Farms ’~


LAMI] o., clOF ’ READYIk,!


RIBSo, BEEF o.:;

A&P’s Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetabiesl CitL)FO~,;;k eAVEj¯ .,.

STRAWBERRIES """-’-’*’-.,,,,.,, ORAN |$HONEYDEW MELONS """,.,,,,.Firm, Ofllp -- NONE E{BH|R{ FiB, ’DrMp |lllKr~il

IcebergLettuce ~12S~ ’8’ ~,M ~,

Tomatoes .o.°.,m, ,,, .~

¯ , , . ,

Page 8: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he
Page 9: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

. ~mUBSDAT, MAItCll lt~’ t~6 ’’X~ ~ ~8~ PAGE




Fo~hton’s most e~cU!u~ ~w8 . . ¯

69* ! 29 ’ 653 HAMILTON bY.g ¯ SUITS By FRANKLIN TWP.

PASKASfrom s~9"95 sEDARYvI&CNI..TE.


® POPPY o CHEESE wo ~.~e ,~ ~.~o~, s.,.~,on ~ ~,o. ~od .,~..~ ~o~ ~roo~, ~**~*~o--~**.~ ~*~ oo~*.SALE:or Ea~er az~t sprinB -- tr~ *69~

PRINCESS BAKE SHOP We have the hrge~t selection of siT. los and" ON AI.I.

sizes in Bound Brook, with the newest fashions39 S. MA/N ST. MANVILLE and colors for Easter and Spring, From 86.90~, 2.~1~ .~.,,...._., .~ ZENITHHoc.sT~ n~.~’i L~C. OtULU~An’O~T. STO.E T V171 W. MAIN ST. SOMERVILLE 204 E. ]~IN ST. BouND’ BROOK

RA 2-0211 EL 6-1790


~with SPECIAL!

CUSTOM ~A~O~ c~c’rE~ ..... eAa,~E~E~ This Sale Only[

MADEW~E~N~ ~EC~ .F~c~ F R E E

DRAPERIES Safety Seat Belts 3 Piece Garden ANTENNATool Set

,.0.o~ of,.b.o..~ h,,. ¯ With Each"~ "P’"’~ "~’~* ..~ ~ COLOR ’IVtailored to tit y0ar win. Beg, I0,9~ - Instsdg~ FreeflOws, Prices start at a lV~Jly Approve~l DO IT YOUI~EI,F~o~ m.,0 ~,. ~s~, PURCHASEDKraye for single win- QuaUty 01]~dew.) HOMSMAK~RS

~ Automatic

Triple Dip~d , Oatvsmhed Tr~ctsm~on F/u|d

CALL RA 5-~127 [ Garbage Cans ~t... 2 7 C1 YEAR

~o~ Shop At ~o~


GU,~.ANTEEService On ~ Gal. ~pct A , 4 FOB SL00

l 1’ 88

" Acgny Motor Oil .ON ALL

CUSTOMDRAPERIES and SLIPCOVERS ~?13~ 22~SOMERSET TP.J~TII.E STORE ~ w,~ ~ ~o...~..¯ PLENarY or ,,~,~o~ o~ Stow, PXs~ F.~,S~mNO NO MONEY ~.DOWN -91 W. Main St. Some~v/l/o ~ou,,,~e,.. We~, 0 *.m.- Sp.m, , , ’

Page 10: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

¯ ,~ With the. PTAs SUDDENLYSpecial Concert; Rellgious Service ,, COMIi , aRo ’ MA O ’’ lTo Honor Bishop on 75th Birthday TS thodovoo.e A,d He... w,,i bethe ~.~., ..~er ot th~ oo~ E A S T E R !

A special concert honoring the~ regular meeting of the Pine

75th birthday O( :Bishop Arthur -- Grove Manor Sch0~[ eTA whichK* White. president of Alma Church Notes .roh ,,-Tub.a. °..per, will beheldTuesdayevoning~tHhite College and nation-wide dinhush Refor~ned Cberch, 5,7 the sohoob

he~d el the Pillar of Fire, will ¯ HOLY TRrNITY p.m. Mr, Clampa’s talk ’Rill bebe given Sunday at 8:15 n he LUTI[ERAE M~rch 14.-.Spagh~’tB supper, titled, ’*Yo~r Child--YouthCampus chapel located in Zareii The Ray. David Richin wl I Franklln Republican Club, Yottthfttt Offender." A questionphalh l eonelude his l’hree-part Sermon Gri~gstown Firehouse, 5-9 and anawer period will follow

.. *, ¯Bishop White w re urn to the seztes on Personalities of the p.m. hIa presentation.

ftrem from the PLII~" of Fire*s Pass:on c.n Sunday wlth the March ]d~fn~ta[latJon dinner. At an cxecutlve hoard meeting’ " " " " dance, ~’rnnklln Chamber of of the group, held last Thnrsday,Western Education Department, topic. Pastille Ptlate~the Re-

Denver Co O O~ t~O occasion alan ~overnDr ~,~ho Sentenced Cenlrftarca t Somerville Inn, 6 plans for a bazaar was an~totmc-Aecompatwir~g him will be his HSnl." The service begins at II p,m. ed by Mrs. Rohert Beans. chair-

wlI~, Kathleen fin oedaned m n-[a,m" March lS--TheMre Party, Sis. man. The haznar will be held:ster and adtn sis ra or o[ it- : On Wednesday, the teenier terhoofl~ Temple Beth-El, May 23.

nonces for the religious group’s training and Bible dlscu,sslon Pftper Mill Playhouse, 8 p.m. Mrs. Bernard Sohelsohn, presi.

50 churches and 18 schoolsgo°uP will react at B P’I~I" in the March ]fl--Mecting, Board el dent. anoeuhced, that the group

Ihroughout the toiletry. ~hOmew e~-n°fBoudMrS’

Kennelh IAnes, Eduea;:,m, Pine GroVe Manta will ~.pons0r a trip Io the United

The Atma Wh* e t.o ege, :School, 8 p.m, Nations building in Now York

which is non-denominational,[ EAST MILLSTONEMarch 17--Meeting. Board ol May 20. Interested persons ore

Adjushnent, Township Hall. e asked Io con act hqr, ORDER YOURafter the Bishop’s[ METHODIST

WaSmother,namedw~o receded the Pillar’ "The ,T~dge Who Was Judged" p.m. Hostesses a~ the executive EASTER CORSAGE¯ March 2P’~FJS,h fry, I~Bdies AIIX, board meeting Were lairs. MI. ¯

d Fire movement, an ottaprlng will be the d~seusslon topic st EARLY FOR THE)f the Methodist Church, e hnl~ Sunday’s Church School begin-

iliary, East Franklin Fire ehael Erapskl

.eatery ago. ~ nin~ a~ 9:45 am. under the di-Co.. firehouse. Suydam. BEST SELECTION.

The Bishop, who has devoted ruction of Wilbur H. Smith,March 21--Paper Drive. Cub

WFJ ALSO HAVE Aape h~ 50 years lo the m-’ Worsh; I ~clviees conducted Pack !)5, P’oxwood-Sonlsrset" TURKEY SUPPER SLATED

s -y, w deliver sermons st the v he He~ B. R. Miller pastor [ Hdls area, 1G a.m. -- . [ AT MIDBLEBUSE CHUECHCOMPLETE

il a.m. and 3 p.m- sezviee~ in will beg!n at 1[ a.m. iMm’ch 2.5--Meehug. ~merlean] The Middlebush Befor~mer SELECTION OF,he ,.hureh anditori ..... Wes-:

LEB SHI Te~ntyer:nnke gSoeJ~Y’ FrankiiniChureh’vi’lservea"lurkey’up"

on Cans Hand i x~*llOP U Sift Dr , P" ’ .’ pet"’ Saturday in the church~. .~" ¯ i’ ,t.~*: I~EFOHMED April 23-Z5 Variely show & n.itasetti,,saf5 ax,~nnl it

POTTED PIANTS%ND cUT FIX)WERS,e co eer~ ~onorlng In .o~ . . , .. ..~ . - -- - ~....

slurs bass bari I "~lessed Are e P r0 n da ca, M dd shush Vo un set was announced Heserva oneavenulg WHI e . : .= and Heart’* will be Ihe Ere. Charts Pire Dept. MddcbushSc oo ~v h~ ~nr~ hv ca n~’ Mra...... Io,~t ~t*ph~n .exo. . .... ..--, - ............... ; GREENHOUSE

)runlet’ " tI~ ena Kaprielian both B. Brldgman, ~ sermon opmll April 25,-- Annual Athlette d n- b O}d Powell VI 4-8g~i3 Mra.

kng heh" first appearances Sunday a: the II ....... rslup .... ~,anklt, Ph~ers Cluh, S ...... S,mth. VI ,-~10a. & Flower Shop

ill I}dS -irea and the yet’saBle service. ~und:ly ~chool with a ] Frankln HIg i SC . , 94 ~lady$ Ave. &¯ I Ar Ullginn. Manville¯ sueciM admit class will meet ntlApl-il 25--Cabaret Buffet &: ~ I "Gohards a z’ehn’nmg group of "- I ,. 3,0110 DO(JIMENT~ STAMPED RA 5-1262

[Ors o Ihe New g:45 a.m. Dance SisterilOOd Temple The (il’eat Seal o[ Ihe Utlited ~*Ve1 1. . . . . * . ¯whoi ,n,, .......... the! Oh,"slr ,a,es so,a.do o n ,O00 ..,,.rI a Idition to s tlg ng ba ads M rr ed Cottpl~s Fellowship will May 27-}Jiall tlct. St Matthlas dom ments each ~’car

¯ ’ ; hold a hymn sing in the church ’ IRo~ary Altar, Brunswick Irm, __ "ii*k gongs sad no~elty ~nlpbers. ! --- I m

xbl play slrirg rind V,’tn mslru-I --B p. .

..... t~ I Retirement Dlnnei. I ... .,7~


~a~Y’l&~rHEA~I’ItE pAI~TY~SLATED I el’’"~d ro, To,chef ~,e x.ear AgoRy TEMPLE SISTENEOOD l B reliremenl darner for Mrs. I ¯ i118 Week

!Enlily ~urke instl, Uclor at theT Sstelhoed of he Temple

’ " o + s neeI Middlebush School, will be he dOne year ago today, from the

Beth El. Some "s I~ po "- lhe flies’ of The Franklin’,a~ ’, theatre par~y to be I~eld lin June. co-sponsored by


~unday /’1 B O In. in the pal)erlschool’8 leauhers and PTA. Record: [

Mill Pla3house, Mrs. BiTrke, a former eTA Eugene Szabo wllhdrew fromFrom Vlethr’s

Tile group also announced JresJdent, plan~ lo retire at the the DemOcratic pldrnary for a

aliens for it,; second annual end ol" the curYent schnol year. Council seat. leaving the party -- ¯ --

Cabarel B%lffc] & Dance la be it was annour,eed by William with au uncol/lesled, united

held Sul.~rday April 25 in (:hick’s J. Walt,!tmlre, PTA president, slate. "r have decided to with-

Inn, New Brunswick¯ that plsn~ aa to date and piece draw my candidacy and Support................ of the re,rot will be decided once William O. Alien, Michael Lisl. ;

the tumonl for 1he dinner is Robert t~ica and Arthur West-

"0 "t~ T gauged. Ire gald p ......in-neat, he four .and datesend ....

terested in atlending should ed by the eommJtiee." Mr.Corapllm~af

,~ ,~. __ __ notify the school prior to Sun-Szabo sa,d in his formal slate-


Jenner Cangnuction Company,"Pelepho.I ¯ W 6~ ~.~9 which already owned’several in- Spring and

duelrinl unil~I ell Ruute 2’/. pur-chased ’~3 Township lois on lhe I

same highwsy at a pnblie land;Easter

Today thru Ttlesday sale to bIJild a 7,500-square foot IEXPI.OSIVE "

ENTBRTAINMBET! structure to be leased to" the Wardrobe WithNew Jersey Commission’{or theBlind,

A movement to organize r A 8port-docket

Franklin ohapler of the Amer.lean Frd~eds .~ervIce began UP Suittier the temporary chairman-ship of Mrm C. F. Marden ofHIghwood¯ Canal Road. Per the

Ey Merltlpine

"More Dg~ly *l~atf the M~tle’ time being. Mrs. Marden said,

TH~.NI~E ElITE&S! [ i the group would confine its ef-FHda~ Talettt’~ DI[’ 8t~e forts to hflnldng one torei~n

Men’s ¯ BoY’s

lPre~ t~f~ ¯’Uremia to~Hudent to Franklin for the Fall

L r It semester. -----~-’*.~ -VtCT’Ul¢,Ktnc.

’ ~edty" bre~!¢tell~ ~0~" miLL ~ WHO. KNOW]B" ’

~t~,~o~.~b~ ~,~., ,’t.~ :t,~ uM~o~B hk~’ ,~ 1~8~’I~" .....Be41~q~bk"’ ""PIt, aa ~ -¢" 1] ~’l~lt B t

~ot~’t~ . ~t~ t!~, ~j. . ,...:,. . . ¯ , .

Page 11: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

Permission to Use Cement.isd Building Code I IORAMDdetd from Rev .... .

Despite lira abjections of Court+i - Detetlos~ of the bopper pt;ovl. What He ls rot ~" HOW are you ok re.at events?citroen J. Le~lard Vliet m~d siun would ~indcr conSh-uetlon Corn to the following six fitato-’l’ownshlp Manager WIlfiom’in the T++wnship. Mr. Law can- To tile hklitot¯: ~ Ill~I~" lhen check with answers

~.~ +"v be ow to find outl.nw. the governing body 1hie’lion.d. 81d the mayer tben rec- "l~le 81a;e P~rk C,~mmh-.qbln. !.

l--Pl¢/An’¢d.~ErleF, Geldlllan)(Wll+week inlr,xluc~d a lengthy re-:nmmended that tile c~lo be under 1he previsions of Ihc Ir~ I~’d F.nyko) lilts b¢en named

vision of I’1o Building Code after i amended m permil hoppers only Green A, res in+t,gram, has set ~[’~ " h~’ Preslddat Johnson to serve. as eo.ordlna~r for the r¢¢eptl0adelelinR provi~Lons that would 3; for JadHsh~ia] and eommeTcla] Opull u ~z,al [t+ RPqllh’e 1000 ~(wo8

Imve pel’nxltte.l buildera to set eonstrueHon, o[ property of Ifio MIll~dono of th0 Work of’tgollldlolt’s leholarJ.an~[ sp0dal-Isis.up ePmenl mixing hopvers near! Tim hqlln Io roads i’augod bS’ Valley nr~a for lhe pm’po~e O~

2.--As the Inmsbraek. A~tsOla, Winter O1 ’topicsqht, ir eanslrue~ion sites. :cemm~l-mixdr h’ucks weald be establishing: a Stale Park. e~d~d, the U.S,S.R.)(U,S, was lu first plaee.’J’he llnI~gun;Sln ogalnz[ the [ grealer Ihall il,u hwolleon]enee8 A{ the firs( ]]c~ring of the pro- ~--IR thl~ wHke o{ Frsnee~s rgeognlllon of Red

use of staliarml’y cement mixers I fram hol>perz, iMr. Viler caution- ’ posed pZll]~. St~,le pffivlal~ ~lure cfihla Na(Ionalist ChblR for~ed Franee to back

has been nnled in recent wee.ks, ied+ allegeddy ]~pnJ-led tl~ ]lave s~al- ~e~va an ~o roeoga on broke l’e al one w h

~ilwe LPbitl & Sons e~lnblLshm Mr. Ke;iry dt,elared thai ~ led Ihflt exten~iv~ ix!elealional Frallllo.)4--The American teen.age reception M Eugland’i

~;Xleh a unil it, tile Leupp Lnne pruhihition against the Ik~e el i dovo~opn,enl noald he made Beetles was, for tl~ most ~art~ ’ :¢lGarry silo, neat the area there bOl)l)ers v’onld dehly tnlls/r~td" ]of 0n" I’’a- l [owevel’+ s l r ecenl

eo0l f~ntle.lbey hwoe ~lt~lted eon.gtruelloll Gun iff I,~x.itl ]u,nles, u siloatian:tlleet!ny{.~ ~.l’[O ~lr()lvn. dlreclor fi--Brihdn~ former pr/melnUilster

o{Strathl~loreul P’f~n/klnl¯ C(l~Jn- which he fav."ed. :uf the" (h’~,en Acres plx~t’anl.! Hac0ld~atm01aal (Anthony’ Eden nanotmeed ~ re tremeuIciimen haee said. a dust condi- ’"they ]i befit you in c;iUl’]," has said lh;~t 1here ale no fr0111 polltleal life at 7ft.

Mr. Vli~q warned, poh/tinll nul !glefiailu !l[an~ lot hTre;ilionalphmt.linn has been caused by the th.t delelion of the clause alst) delelopnmnL ’llli~ nllen.~ nn area ,~’-’PlctRreg (Princess(QueeR 2ttliana) of The Irene)Nether¯ "’

+yo. M C ae] LIsJ and Coun. .~lUld nlean that hoists Ivould nol of Spe;~UI;iliOh SIS la ]hi" il(’]tlal l~ld~ rvnolmced her right to

eilnlall ,h*ron(.iR d. Kenry led the be. per,,lilted in t.m~struction use this hanl will I~.. tlUl Io ii1 lhc the throne to mar~y the ~anshe |OVell,$ighL Io delete Ihis section of here. .flIIRI~. CountlOtoresoheorr¢¢t ehoiee. Aseoreof60

the code at Tlrursday’s agenda "Let Ihenl go Io eaarL," Mr. i I h;~le egi~tl~’d n Pelili°n atatlng ]S excellent; 50. good; dfi, £alrl less than gO, poor. ’llleetillg. Kerry I’e~pond/’d. ;rod ~hls re. thai I am agai?~.;I 1hi:. l~lO[~lse(I

"Take it oat for L~vilt. Put it 111alk drer¢ lho ~upport af Mayor : park. I wotfld like.to slate nots’~laefi for induahT." the raayor List Bad CoLIaeillnan Eugenc;wh’~t [ a’u foraupge~ted. Szabo. ~ ] ~t]l for IhL. ple:~l’Walioll alld An.;wer!; ~e]ow


F_z n..._ e...,+ I$1Lo0o SALAry SET :~:"T.’a:i°n "f s’’’~ ,,.,,s,?:,,. ,,.~. ,.. ¯ . -UlIU ~flv¢ Ot/:tIt~ , , , :~t~ ,," ~,-,.,, h.,,,, d t,.Im~: ,,,I NEW KINDERGARTEN’P’IJ~/1 l.~ltRCll~¢$¯ ¯

FOR NEX:I’ ENGINEERi~,~ ’ ad.,qi~nal i¢cieaiional REGISTRATION IIOURI-" ........g,,ndar,,- T" Fmlsh, Te .rb .n,i ....... ,or al~’Oiviiy, rt may be ,luted ..... The t’ie a. knd,..r.~ "en q[s + * _ ¢__..~__..... a -- --" Inmnleipm ear;.eer ,- mu’c~.edi’lmt. ~,t ,’,;+ tin.,. I×,tb the Mill ,’eJ~i~Alati’,, , ~: ~ bo ~.,,oael IugGrlaRogrvtc¢

¯ ¯ ~. be" G" . w o ez gned ,some iq, hPr and llto, Delaware& Sch o ,1~, be,n, @nng ’d f~Club Building . ......s v.;r and lilt. inUn pal Iy [~,lll(,ul L.~,d .lit ~nJoy(d .. 8da. a n o fl a fi Wt~ll [he coopelahnn of s~h0ol

will haw, to pay $11000 a year lltU~l’e(~ r,f nl~l’dtlUnIS t. all he ~a,alo du, officials, Ihe Parents Lea!~t,:.& community-wlde drive for a~ ix aterl~n/~ s;lary for a new, year ,w~e II~d VIII I~[S t?l Oy Olhel ,~ate ~ and Limed ~Op for ~dUC!llilaln I Adva~leeffl~ii~

run(Is Lo complete uortslruelion real L To’~n~hip Mana/~*,r WR.I canoolnR, hikn+~., t;Ltnplng, bird ¯u.~istrelinn arc as ~olluws: has ]~lUnuhed e velur~lal’y lalol.of a uom,nlunily coT.tel" on WJl~an’ Iknn Law bas miviaed Ihe Cnun- ~x alelling, and. ill !!enecal lhn I gli~ d~ Ih Avenue School .~ll’ee[ W~]l be undel’l~fi~n bY 01o , i’ll. Mr C~lqla~’q salal’) ’ wa~ wondelnn’al:; of nalul~ (hill are I IV~,dnesd .~, ~t:cch [I. ~ t mg plX~ (,el Mrs B~aie Willinn;-

"t’he Ci(l~ns Club of ~.¯ranklin, I ~11.~!1(L .&l Tllal~day’s agend~l I)re~’lll htl~,. This i~ all arcu ] Halnillm~ f4ehaal April ~= ~O~.= ~+OO1~’~1~11 OI t~le. ~L’Q~]+~I~Mayor Micfiaet List with the race(ins Hie f’auncil authorized thai offt.r~ u havt’n [tit Ihota’ i11- ] p I~I . H .ler¯sl .~ ,h ~oI

]q~. v ,5 m~nhtia~; a file of qualifie0¯, i ¯ .....

a ~xlva 0 C Coun¢ s e $ 0O ~ y ;t lidull~ .he e uy ¯ ~ ’ v7 g Kn s, . . .... I 1,111. & M , , I. .. g+. laLor~ to a~i~l e]en~entary and:~ ek ] ~. ¯ h pero 0 ~ e d rl a IOlU Ib un nd :,~. ’ ’ " ’ ; ’ ! " . illieillaling Ihe ~ ’e r - ’ ’ " "" " ; "" " ¯ hul S,,I=~Ol . April fl+ 9 alnl : high s¢’he~d pulfils who netld he12Mareh 15 to April J5 as Citizens Ilit, imr ~nlary. Ihe 19tH budget d- c;itn[llerl ’el !i~c. h is a halen i Middlebn~h Sehaol Marcil 2,b¯ . . .... i., ....(¯lug Nlt;n!h ~nlt caLled On local Iocsles $L3,970 for sah,riea and for Ihost’ indlv’dtbM:~ v.lnl ~.t’ak ~l i ~ n~.. phl]]l,~s Sehooal ~.pl,il Jn pLII IlOhlUl ~UOJU¢I atCdS+re,;identm ’,to r, arlieipate wilh wage~ o. he T, r ~; p ng- quiet, II~.’l<odl a{ltlosllhtq’t.. 7 0 a . . ¯ e Gr ,e M ,, Confcreneo~ bel~een tLllor:~,

h~e members of The Citizens aevr’s net se o is ~,~;~ xl. ~ b~d .... ¯ ,> oaehP~andp" cp s rehelc¯ ,. : ¯ Sob -- p - . 9 .3 ~: & II~nd pu++d:; al’~ Ihen referred i,,

~h,~ Jn ~his worlhwhile on- $4,U20 use+ las~ year. ,il will I.~ f.lV~el her,. for mall l3fl 9 a n" ¯¯ ¯ . . . i . .

de;leer." : MI,. Love snhl he has reenlved I( I unjay, l’,x(en~;l~e i-ec~cat~on.fl ~ ChilJren n~ast In, five. "COalS of approp l’iah’ Iutors. Men and

T e 1 b s0 +! s ¢1 .li:~(. i[i-" ~ ¢:a otis ¯ e t i ¯ ([l!velIJ~nIPnl <If t[lu hl’~a wii~ ~l~t’ on or berate C)eLi~bcr 31 in womell, ineJudiu~ L, olh PLES.1 Iv dJIV u dplaN.Jmale]~’ $~ (100 Io moc( the fo ¯ pe "s ~ a-e be Ig Col~ide:- . - , : ,. ,, . ~ , order Io ,.t,gi~t(l’ parents l.usl and non-PLEA n~omlx~rs, have

bulld]rl fund goal of $50 000 cd fOL tll~ o nlon JVm ~ttk ~lle tot Xll I te u~¯ + g " , . , . ! p s’ , ¯ ; " ,, ..< , ,. , , pre~eat birth ~el+lificates and eel uateerc:d t~eh+ ~¢,rvlc~s gel

a e er behL~ dislrib01ed i% r C~ e- ~3 ,pg wuodluad~ :,nil aleadtlw:L [t will p] ~ f ,ace ion or snlal}o mot~ .In :°1:~,, ~ n1 hh~ware neededAn,

I D ~" d n mn ;* I n ho O3 ~le I~ /~ U @d,7 22 a be Ii n +bl~ e 0 o Web a lu holstein ’ !, . . .~ , ; , .po’ - u a O i - . +.-- 13, ~ ¯ , B ~u[DnlO ¯ V ere t. , s o.~ ~nl wh ,s s o el I~,IGI~~1~ e Of ~ s un ou $ 3 00 las e ~ Re o n p "~ n ¯ b ~ s ’ I -- .

been spen o a e’u~ $98?-2 ~’ork o e " map~ ’ " ’ ’ " r " ’ -o nbor Vu t he and a " " i S +~ tl e Cou y s I n g , Brownl~ ]ll~e~tltll t. so at C][ 9-&-$1¯

conLributSon to the elub by Ihe ] reerealaln,d park, c¯tm~l),ele with ~Pll| By Troop 208 o,~w.~,~ ~red

¯~1| ~ ’ guLf cuurse in Elis[ Millstmle, and: An invu*stiDlr~ Cel~nl0n~ W~ - ¯ iiTownship, is put al $412001 : ¯ 1 PLEA nske s Rr’e rn c’

Ls pJesLdenl of] 1 bc UIl[b.ed fo ~eere~ll Lan Ill L,Ic { ~roll’ls.je T IDol+ ~0~I I hU neVd o~ ~/IJ q I~r /- s ~op(~ fl

1ha e]lJb. ~-leadi~lg Lh(~ t~ d drive .....

o"y "" idp llty ’ ...... "+’" ]~’[’~ ]~ +~" H 1] ~O’*~i~" ~]’~ L ..... L~]I’I’li ..... ]O" k I ] .......I i ......1 "al c CotmeL[man foster Bur-:,,~lUl~ a s rvv the: ,re;. Rot, k)- Judy [, ~hach, J dy Wallhcrs .... , ,-nigh and Samuel Ho])or ~l’+ ¯ L end ng t’le’ ,e~ ~ one0

I O he w ".liLly [Manv e as Lynne D [ co. u d Jeanltle Ma . iThe building, designed by ’ pupds for dlsoplnary pLtL’pOseS.AexTay0"J" wU neudean, S~lavieso~nmnlcipalemploy+ wildlife and b.d ~anclnary SOlviea+ The g’e’nnc, con~iLIve was¯ a h~ it- ~, ~ - I i ns may en Tfie ~ p w h ~ spo sored , ia -purpuse rvtm a.3~42 e~l a ees er~ mcrc~ see by e Cou . ’ dltet.le u nblaln fut’,~ .~bou.

. 1 ~ JI)V [[1~ bcDe IS O h S ,o i by he plz~e ~r~ve M~I 0 ~’hooLI pu "pose o cony wnere oil n " got I o rcso utions " , ’ he foh wJng r4uas o s ¯

I I he s lint cxt~ t ~ I e + P PT& recently f t ned w h ¯nleetlnfi areas will be siluated° , , . 1,

, 1 ,

i . 1 ’a¯ . ., . . Whn: educate u ohjt~ullve

~nd fl bRsen~on W th ocker li adop ed Tuesday LIS give softie etJiiSldera.,o the follow!ng, charter melnfierg:. , are" ex~.,:*ed , be achlex’ud by¯ n an s A The sale ’y of Township Man+ . he quiet /nan. i Judy ~DpnI Jnnlc~ Kunewllcn, . ..s~is . fo, boy. d ~ - . . . . 1 ¯ ~ ’ . pOpll ~tl.~pc’n~;lon.

¯ pnrk ng o w ad’oin he b "i age " W ~I’0 Law was. increasedDay d G. G "h ¯ L da LP anzlo Neva Lattan-

2 w cons s un" are d sc"fL’~m $II.300 to $12,500 Town Rvc,’Road zio Janl~ Pcrr an~ ~or~ ep.~ h~ou ou h(~InR, I ¯ , , . . p na "y g ¯8hp Cerk Mo’¢or D Sm hs -- ,~her~man t e r 0 a 0-- , . , , . . * : TO ,n~l p w , ¯ g d < ¢*

REOISTRAT[ON DEADLINI~ ~ salary w,la ra,sed from $~.500 to - Mrs. Csrrm Paorrl ks tre~p, . h’¢h children n a b:=SEeP FOP. LITTLE LI~.OII~ $6+812, and Mnglstrate WiLIJar~ M~b’rl//.~ (a/’ A/l*]lOl’+’~’¢t I~o-lo~er wl,fi *..on Xuu.-if=~:;~,~%~+ ;, ,engthof ,i=~+o’

Gaynor wag g~ven a tfi00-t’aise TO ~Uy ~++p~r wtthch. I smspenslons; (e) grade levels The fiqaL registration date for to bring his annual pay to $3,600

LIL~N+F.’ 8fiSl F.N$1 I " ’ ’ ’the Franklin Townrhlp Little All poficcmen and empLoyees On the ~dviee o~ Towa0h[P"

+ ON+’ ~.hlch suspenstana may Oemlr.

,ofioe+,,,bohe,d+o,u+a.a,,.. leo.oo’s ,lo,d he,,+,cn.o.od N+,dd ? +::’- ’in admi.istraHve, itx- Manafiet William L .... the ANNOUN ,~so~:~+.n~eb~°enne t~t+p+3t

Refiistralions Will be acceptedspeetion, clerical and public Cothaeil authm’ized the pure]tam oh ld

¯ . . ’ ed in orde" io ]~/’~vel~t I’0n~.

between the hours of 10:00 a.m,worke departmenls were moved

ot a sec’ond-hnnd stree( sweeper .the Statl, DWl+)on of Motor Ve- f thor -i’ofilegl++

arl~ .... No reg[str alien wiUtlp one step on +e salary guide,

thetrUCkveM¢]e’°r $,,0f~0,rp+cntlyMr. hadLaW been"’d h,o,., h. :oo.oo+o+,be +d+I °"==,:w+ ;o:;g + +=,

be aeeapled after this dale, ac- Rates r~r hourly employoes in truded In for a new truck by slIcenae su~pensloa.of Mllttm Hof - ....i i~le re r~rs aDnUt ~ne eoi~e.

<’otdir~g to Jgmes Perrl, league the upper Uracl~ets were advanc+ muntcipallty he did not tdenti~,ll~e,r~an) unt~br66+ o(thel(1341~0.711EaSex,~eas[veOn Ave

ot su.’~l~nslon for ehl[-

president¯ ed five cenle ma flour, Hour]y and cJain,,d it would be "a good apeed program.¢ e~tperk~tte.

employees In the lower brackels diffie[dly in partk’alar attfiWILLTgdV/ SMITH JUNIOR werh given mare substantial in- deal" for. FrankUn. A 30-day ausl~nslan of drlver’s ec) areas The, question of t~ iThe prtce of h now tmLt, he de- ficense for EL/nor R, l’larmen, 40. relati.onM~Lp of euspensiolts~o heM~tKIg8 DEAN’8 Llgl’ creasea, the minimum ra~e go- elated, ill $13.009. nhd a ~0-day

of Route ~1. under ~he OlaLe’n 80, poton a ¯ drop-oul .rate was alsolag from St ,fifi to gl.~. and I~he Warranty wokld Sa with the ~uz’- , ,~fi ¢~ee~sive tr~pd pi~ofiram wan~I¢IGGSTOWN -- Mis9 Melbe nert two ~tel~ advancJrg fromsa .Rlfihtmlre, daUgmer ot Mr. $1,50 to $1.fifi and $1,80 ’to $~A0, chase.

n tep y to t~qutrles, Mr, Law ,~,A~eS,¯ pnd Mra. John W. l~lghtmt~ of ~p~tl~ly. ~MII~ION,~,." Canal Road, a jurdor at WIlliamB ¯ ]~ted out tha~

ha ~n aaratd to ~he dean’, atox~ /or ~e.~y.,. , "" ’i

Page 12: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

0 " " ’ Gntt De Endo by, "e ccupant Dms m Fxre- ed B,B ko.,R.pp ,T k. ms rse, Lea¯ Elecuon uofird Seats

:Somerset Street Tenement Bnil&n one o.+ o ,be,.od.mp-Gurlslc for Ballot Racepointed member took oaths of of.Pchee said yestersoy they flee Tuesday. r4~t- with the ft. Thomas Le~rby, a )ife-thng

CaLmLy Board of Elections at ire resident of Bound Beak, haswere still thvestigatthg Men- TAXPAYERS GROUP reorganization meetth~ ]n thebeen named as the Democraticday’s raging fire which destroy.

ed a two-story dwelling near HEADED BY MILCHUK County Administration Building. F~ehotder candidate, accord.The new member ~s Mrs. ins to a. anuuuneement made

the earner of somerset Street More than 75 persons were danet Brsekvtt of HBlsberou~h, by Richard H. Thieth, 3.~., partyand ChurehiB Avenue~whleh took preoent ~t an Ordanizatlonld appolntnd by Gay. Richard sPOkesman.the lifo nf its only occupant, meeting Of the newly formed Hughes to ~ueceed George sopko Polio~ Chief GeOrge Guris.tc,

Somerset Taxpayers hm. which of Manvige, R~qumlfig office brother of Grace Guristc, hasresistively ideuttfied as Georgewas held Sunday a~ternoan, was Leon.~rd Rapport of Frank. been endorsed as the p~vly’sZabruL’ki, 51. Leonard MBehak was elected In, who bedar. ~|s third two. candidate for sheriff.

The Bre was reported ~ 12:55 preoldent Of the group, rear term, Mr. Levhy’s Republican up-s.re. Monday by a neighbor. The purpose of the o~ganiza+ Mrs, Helen Ross of North anent will be thc~mbent He~ryDonald Fitz, When locai fire- ties as stale d by JeSs Olsen, 31ainBeld was elected chair- Father.n, M~’. Gurl~ie will bet13en arrived on the scene 15 ruth- spokesmfin for the gl~PLIp, is to man, with Mr. Rupper~ being ot~Posed ~y i~etmtber~ Ernestutes later the building was an- "look intt> the Township tax named vice-chairmaR. Andrew Hurmewe]l,veloped in flashes, police said. structure and make such races-~ Ershsk of Bernardsvt]le was Mr. Leshy WaS graduatedMr. Zabr~cki was found )yi1~g mendations as may be warrant- electhd, secretary, cod Mrs, tram BOUnd Brook High Schoolon the f~Dor, ed." Mr. O)sen also doctored, BJ-aekef=t was viux~rd, assistant in 1948, a:~d received his ba¢~e-

Apparently, police reported, <+It is evident that such art or- secretary. Io3"S degree from Holy Crossat) overturned pot+belly otove ganizatian is necessary In view Richard O’Brlen of WatehungCollege In 1952 with ¯honors.was the ea~me of the fire. Mr. Of the mounting tax rate," was appointed attorney to the Awarded a fun scholarship R. ’l’h~as LeahyZsbruekl appeared 1o ~have A goal nf 2eChO members was board.

New Yorh UnlversRy SCHovi of Mr. L~ahy Is attorney for themade little effort to escape, set by the group with five ward Law+ be was graduated from tRotmd Brook

Rndevviopment++Bee s. d+ oha+. eo +poi tnd a+ ,osows earcn%s---+-’- Unit that in+to.aa th ,=g. AfterThe v~ctlm worked as a care- Word l--George Samuetson; serldng his tegat e]erkshlp in Agency,

taker for Peter Matmone, who Ward Z--The’mum PhiUips; Ward New+rk, he was licenced to A member of the Somerset+oral ......i ~+~.+++ + the+--~etor P+,ed,,++ WOOf 4--"yI~u"s"~...At’re Site +’++ ,aw Aug++, Of ,S.+CouJxty B~tr b.~<>~if+tto., he i~ ,~pro~Pty ~n front of the buiLding, Prod Aieknams; Ward ~o~ep]~ " T~O same month Mr, LeVy cha~.rmsn Of " i~ membership

Mr. Malmone said that Mr. Budd. ntered the United Blares Army, committee, ms well as chairmanZabruckJ had worked for him Officers elected tn addition to A compa.~y en~aged In re- He was d+scharged from active of the athdt nduca~Jon comr~ttee.

since 1052. Mr. MS¢’huk were aa follows: search and m~nufacture of duty n lYehruary 1960 with the In l~g3 he was elected vice-+estuaries and deodorants has rank of captain. ’ president of thr +Board of Trus*The man’s family lives in Mr. Olsen. vice-president; Walt- purcha~ed t~e six-acre tract on

The following month he feral + tL:~a of the Far#lily CounselingoedWindber’intermentPa" wereWhereschoduJed~’ervicesBudd,er Det+tsch,secretary.treasurer; Mr" David~on Ave.ca owned by Johv

ed L~o law fit.~n Of Leshy ~; Service of somerset Co~mty. Hefor ~rday.

Bert, and sn application for m Leaby in Bound Brook with hi+ is also an officer of Elks Lodgebuilding permit to construct an father, Cat,sty judge o~; Berke NO. 138U irt Bound Brook, andDOMENIL~O F, NEPOTE, 6+/ Levitt...(’.eta....:ill,aa nddBto. +o tbe st+etu.,oy aby. ++on +udge X+ohy’s .....d twe t .....diroo,or ofDomenico F. Nepote, 57. of on the properly is expected to

~Bennett’s Lane, died sudden]y be filed momenlarily, elevation to the County Court, the Bound +rook JtWJor Cham-

P" 293r el"arc-she ,of, th+fi ....h,oh + nowher of C ....tee.

Aitbeugh me area is tuned forLeahy, Bmrbati & BerdJne)la. A member of St, Joseph’sWednesday, ~farcB 4, in his

or Industry, ~ayor Michael Llsi ath~me, M,F, Le+hy’fl Brm +epresents Catholic Crutch In Bound Brook,Thursday’s Council agenda the ~Iore+gh of Bound Brook and Mr. Leahy is mar+led to the for-SerVices were held Saturday at Fin+l a)+provfl] POP 203 IOLs in meeBng ca)lad on Townshi the Borottgl~ of south Bound ~ner Ma~ Worrall from ~rahoo+

St, Mary of iv~t, Virgin R.C, sootimm 4 and 5 of the Amwel) Manager WitJiam Law to submJ ~rcok, ss well as the Planning Nebeasks. TheF have a fotu~Church in New Brunswick. BI+ Estates subdivision was granted all data Io the Cottc~l] before ;

Board In beth m~mic~palRies, pear-old daughter,+

tersest was in St. Peter’s to Levitt & Sons by the Planutng permit is issued. Re Bald he was :’,Cemetery. New Brunswick. Mr Bol/rd a week ago )ast nigb~,Nepote was a eo+mnmdeea~ of disturbed abet3t+ reporb3 th.~tsl. Mary ++,’eh .+ere than 50 Th+ hrqugm to ++ m .... t.minum ehlor+e WOUJd be NO DEFENSE PLEA~L

++’n°u"Zass+~.m+orsyears, bar of dwelling mites for which used on the premises to be oc* ENDS MURDER TRBorn irt Tortho, Italy, Mr. Ne. the developer has received final cupind hy SLtmmB Research .lt~ _+ m ~. " ’~ .... char+ ~yeor+ ago.nd+~rov., Th ....pa~ .... L+berotoB+s Of ~to~f~e]d p,. of ooo cub eot+rodlvrachce-~eachi.~

~ad been a poultry farmer in structlng modeL homes for Summit has submitted plans Friday brouf~t to endthel-- ~ -- "mm’~Franklin Township for all of his Str+th ..... t FrankLin. for ++OB, OOOn Of on trla, o, dohn St.+-..p.t ranmm’r’"n"+°years in tllJs country. Votin~ for approval were Jc~ foot huJldJilg tO adjoin the exist- wychny of 106 13th Stree~ on a * *

He is zurvJvod by his wife, sepb Donaghue, o~airmani ins ~.ructure. Councilman eras-charge Of fatuity shooting Thee-

Desertion. ,nee PicaRi; a son. Councilman William Allen, Wil- cis d, Keary declared th~s wO~ld Nine seniors from DougLass,Louis D+ at home’, a brother, flare Poser, John Bahr and Mrs. be e non-confarmlng use, and doPe Stecenk[,, a BrOoklyn women’s college of the State

Peter; two sisters, Mt~. Horace Mercer D, Smith. An opposition Tow11ship Attorney Stanley Cut- tailor, in the Ukranian Village. University, New ~runawick, are ,~ ..Negri end Mrs+ Robert Susdoft~ vote was cast hy Mayor Michael tar decl~red the company wouLd The plea of no defense came currently pract~ee-te~ehth~’ atall of Frm’~lln Towlwhip. Lisl, Twn beard members, Lynn have to eecure a variance from near the end of teslJmony enter- Franklin Hi~ School

The Gleason FuneraL Hor~e of M~nn and Leon Hsrdthg, were the Board Of Adjustment before nd in defe~lge el the accused m~d They are Miss Alice Pancza ofEew Brnnswick w~e in charge Rbeent, laltla~ng ec*nstr~ction+ by not letting the case go to the 61;J HamSton Street, biology;of funeral arrangemeni.~. Levitt to da~e has ac-qt~red Questioned by The News- ju~y-, he WaS autornatiue!ly Miss Vija Petersons, 96 He,try

MRS, MzIRGARET GURISIC 9ubdivisions totaling 942 lots. Record, ~uspeettons Departraerd saved from the death penally. Street, German; Miss ROsemaryBy re~o]u(lc~ the beard Supervisor Augustus Grykien County Judge J, BerkeIey Repaee, 4~ Juliet Avenue, hts-

Funeral services for Mrs. decreed that a]l appllcal~.S tel said a variance Would not be re+ Leshy may impose arty sentence tory, all Township residents.Margaret M. Guri~de, 83, mo~er

8ubdivisiOllS shall be adviM quired, tha~ preliminary p]sns ~p to life in prison, l A]so, Miss Marilyn Barbischof Freeholder Grace Gurisie,

that bh~, munndpalil~ will re- for the s~r~[~r~ cot~or~- ’[43I of Carr]e~ie. Pa,, n~a|h; MiSS

~’ere held Sunday In the Dutchquire adherence to State ]awe h3ca] law. Re~oue ~f/usd Report Lynda Charon of Spotswood,

~efor~ed Chttt’ch of Rocky HiS,S~.~Iingwith discrimination in ,Before pureha~hug the Bo~ -- ~ i Engt]sht Miss SUSan Fiseh of

]mermen+. al-rangrd by the property, Summa uti)Ized a Shows 2~ Co=It8 Made ’i~orth Brunswick, h[s~ory~ MislMather Funeral Home, Prince+ haus~ng. -- --

btol~lln~ on the WorthLv~gton HILLSSOROUGH The Fi£~t Merge Maeek af dahnson City,tan, followed tn the Rocky Hill property~ ~lso on DavidsDn Ave- Aid and- Rescue ~quad raper ed . ’Cemetery. ’/’be Rev, Charles School Work DIBp~y

-- R Y h story; Mrs Barbarahue, for z’esearsh aofivltie~. . . Relss of Y~rdviile, French’ andmxty- mne and three - quarters ,Bridgemsn ofi+ciatnd,

At County O:ffieee - "m~n bo~rs ex~3ended’ d~r ng M. BS Fhylbe, Thomson of somer- I~ *She bad died, snddenly lasl BOY SCOIr~ AUXILIARY " the month of February with a vthe, h]stnry,Thursday in Princeton Hospital. Selence and social studies pro- NAME8 MRS. SORENgON tots Of. P.4 ca s and 524 mes Two Franklin l’e$ldents, Mrs,Born in Fall River, Ma~,, jests of Franklin Tow~shlp Mrs, H~rold soreralon wa~ ap- traveled. Ads Sellers of 71 SmiFh RoadMrs. Gurigic was a resident Of @upils wSI be on di~]ay thl~ pointed cbabrrlon of the newty snd Mrs, Joyce W, Smith of 53?

The repozt, prepared by Cap" ¯Wash~ngtor~ Street. Rocky Hill, month l~ lhe OffLees of hSe coon. formed Mothers’ A,u~it]~ry of , FranklL’t BouLevard are prac~]e~taJn WBLIam Bowers, hats 13end a member of the Rocky Hill ty s~oerinter~dent of schools, ~r Boy Scout Troop 14g, Griggs- . . teachto~ physical educahon andtransporlahofi calls, one m]s - .Dutch Reformed Chnreh. ~e nest L. GllIBand. tow~. at the group*8 fir~ meaL. . biology in New Brunswleh ~’,~bceltoneous call eight emergencywas a member of the New Jar- The third grade ptlpJ]8 of Mrs. h~ Friday. ’ I[c sebeols and Highland Park

sey Congress cf Parents andLydia Houghy, Elizabeth Avenue ] The Auxlliary’s first even~ cabs, and two auto accidents. High 6esool, respectively.Teachers and a former shair- Sesoo], will construct a mirda-]wiB be a Dut~:ln~ald demon~tra. It was announced that the next Peter Sa]erno of 6 B~ringda]eD3an nf the Rocky Hill DivisLon Lure India~ ViSage white the tlon in the Gviggstown C~u~sh meeting Of the group will be held

~.oa~, Frallk]to Park, a Mot"of the Princeton Red Cro~ third grade p~pB~ m Mrs, N~r*cy hall onTuerday, Mm-ch31, at ~ atBp.m. Tuesday. AprilVJntheChapter. Bo~ne’8 Pine Grove Man~ p,m, Proceeds will be u~ed tc R0sOle ~quad bui]tling, d the Rangers men’s college, ia

,raciic~ teaohJng EngLL~hatShe was the wife of Louis f~shooi class w~ll display thsecta, eend a scout to the Jan~soree n Sanville Hig~ Sshcol.Gurlsto, who dled in lgSl. A for- Gecq,ge Dixon, help~g teach- Cagey ~rge this aLl.near, Mrs, ~EhNICAL TRAININGmer member of the Merchant er, a©ted as eoardinator and George Dyrslen ha in chltrge ’CONTRACT FOR BAg0LINE~Marines, Mr. GurLstc Mrs. B~sha~ Spiller, art teach, e.rrangemelds.

thmrd’ 1912 re~eue operationthe Bhlklrt~ Tirade.

Page 13: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he
Page 14: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

~eat’. Estate’¯ .. . ~ ReR./Estate., ... I Used, Cars, t, .’,~, For Sale . ~., ~;.~

¯ Nice Split Level - 710 Rabens Avenue I Axr Park Realty, inc. i HINRICHS OLDS FURNITURE

. Sc~’en ~-a6nls. fireplace and bnremellt. One-car ldi,cfied garage.,I Farms Our Spechlty , ]959 Pontiac WAREHOUSE SALEI

Be’LatifuI spacimls grcqlnds phls extra plY? See a8 for udelail81l II

oo ~AVINBS FROM 26 TO 70¢~...... 4 d r Sedan¯ ~lo~v. Asking $22.31hb " COUNTRY COLONIAL I Sol. ~wln gtze tIollywood Ded $3,’1.~5¯ li g wo buck Dvnl mac] Rn~o’"I drama c1 8,Pc. Plastic Toll¯ ~ / Lll Hell el’

l~allP]l ~ahie i adam ]’nad -- uiider ]nl’g~, ~flw¢ ~" ," - ~ + - BedLam Solle . . $109. [ r r ~ l~e ng anti D ~lle$5-Pc Plaxlic Toll

a,, . ’in’ a ,x e ’ o ¯ lad ~ O er~ized gt ’a~e $ I1900 ronm~, klleh ,n. dining roaWI I$995I"i~e nice I~ms Gas ivarrn ah. heal¯ l~alh, Utility room¯ Very,shade tree¯ Wf141 4 bed-

Cbrome Ulnetie $39.11fi",viJi.Jh ~t~cin~i. Tel! .~ Io qilt, llfioil btl)el! 144 S. LTIh Aven~le, and h ’]n~ r a1% wtLh fll’0~1

:2,Pc¯ MnploSof~bcd Bet,place. Bath, ell heat. All this 1961 C|Ie% ro]t!t i Colonial Prinl $~19

NewSRoomCaleCol $1K500 ion 5 oop~ pltm. IKan,ly to’ maaCo "e’ be Conx’erfibleSoa Nyon

¯ * ~ -- shOl>)inl and sdloob ])rieci V8 : Feato MO rmIIs ’ $i49Fo b ~ ’k f on, "i.I n S reet l:×lra U ul’nishe ioOtll. ¯ ¯ oe S. 7 .tie0 i " . " . ¯ .t.p¢. SblllllOll~ l.~ll.gell~blo, .¯ . ¯ . ~ i* . AL (D)aJlc s ~a~ I¯ tales o ~llll ’es fez" I¢ ~ a d lldsc png, A "ca bvy., .


TwlngizeMaltre~.~lilil~c¯o it’ ’ iNVESTMENT FARM -- With] Power $teerttlg

Box 8pringr $99" Radio & Healer2-Pc. Colonial Foam gofasall bmlk illcame of $1.171)’

per year; 6 - room ¢olotgal WbRe Wall Tir~.s"l%le~ - Rooseve]tAvenne RBIIIP|I

heave with oil heal awt Jmn]amll~to Condillml , and Chaie $)T9

¯d] bath, full b~]seir, enl. oil

:American Beauty MaireutbFi~e nice i’onm:~, CmlM~]ete kilo!ran, I"ull hosemenl with one-ear hath, 2 gw,~d barn% ~ll ma~ $1~795 [ All Sizes $t8,95Eat’tlge. 60×g10 Iol. SIT,!100. ¯ ehinery inohlded pkl~ t03~ 6-PC Danish Walnut

J. R, CHARNESKI AGENCY. INC.acre~ or la.a, Price ~2,0o3 ] 960 Pontiac ~ junior Di,l.ttfi ~lfl$

II-ACHE FARMETrE 7-~om,Catalina C0rtverl[ble [ Car0et Remnants --

Reahors aml Itlsurance ¯ Bydr~malk.~-~lorv holise .-- ~ 13~drooms. Vilay Below ~D~t.~owel’. S eertn d und Brake~ Many More [lenls Rt

42 S. Main St. RA 2 0070 bIanville, N.J. steam beat, 2-story bm’n,’ audio & m.ater ReSeed Prizes!goad levl~l Imld, near ~eh~ol While Wall Tires

~nd shopping. Price $20,800. $1,395 Alpine Earn|lure Co.BRIDGEWATER TOWNSHfP AIR PAR}[R3!:ALTORsREALT¥, INc. j Rot,te 28 465 West Union Ave.Large selection of good

I EL 6 315I¯ ~L tl-31J1

51~-room home. Closed porch, [till bath, Ultra-modern kllchen, tra~tportation specials I Bound Bi’ool~, N,J.basement oil he~t, gar~lge." Lot 100x20O, fenced-in lal¯

~14~00U, S, 22 -- R,D¯ ~- Roll e g~ & Ga~ton Ave, ] Free Purklng -- Free Delivery~


RA S 4~ Sem~rvSleBudget Terln~Somerville, N.J.

Hell) Wanled or whole Also amalI eu~

BRIDGEWATER TOWNSIIIP aa ~-~ll9 sr ~-~ - ~----- -~la~ A~V,, ~,.~r~-~t. ~l,t~l’ge ~’lX~llll heave. Modern inlprovenxenls, O11 h~at Laiel~e Eve~, ST g-5567

;,pen i3Ol-eb," ~lan~inulll sb)l,l~lS illld ~t~i,een~. Tt~o.car garage."~ -- Butcher hogs, half o~ ~vboig,City sewei’~tge¯ One-acre lui, Bead Iocatian, mid in top condltian PAY BACK BILLS Sausage meal George F~e~] eh.

$17,500 REINFELD Opeoing~ for energeUe Ladier. [Belle Mead, Dial 3§g-5925,plexib]e hours. ~xuelle)l~ illc[nlle

. . ¯ ,_ ..........MANVII.LE" pacts Quatffled

w,ih Avon Cpamehcs¯ Call He! Tappan gas range. Ten yearsT vo-vfar.~ltl, 6.~vom Cal~ C.d. Fou£ bedr~m~, tall }~tlellt VeleraliS, lie dawl~ Sa~l~n~ 1~-1887, el" write Bog ~. I lnJn ~old, Govd condJll~ll. ~our burn-

. . field. N.J. era. 8ee-lheu o~,’en floor. CallGas heat. Ceramic tile bnlh, Birch cubinetr with huilt-in oven i

Hurry,~ad i’on~e¯only , Inside,, and .alside cellar enti’aaeez. LOt~l.~O0?axl~O,

calui,lalYtm~7]’mustwlihmO’4 Bedr.OmSseellvl.gAPPROX’finSlo~nx,’ kitch.. ’4 bedl~m 3300-a ........

.-n°YPeNI sh New~paper~Pe urn" for, ~ccondiiA 5I ......

84flFullhur.D0001e.gth.ne o a t.SizeS;~e*~re.di2.14¯~eRver’Goad

blANV1LLE . " e.. o~os~l o’~h td ,.~-~- ’ ra,,ti,,,e ~,.,,< (~,. ,,-~,,, [, ebne on’Piano cH ~-~6~agu’i/(, C nil, ill ’tall e] italy, ¯ ~.." ""1." ’ "" -- ....Stove and Iwo 3 i’o~,t13 and balli al)arlnlenl~. Two oil ]leatl:lg . ¯ i in LWJ, ~[Jle It a en~ato o ee ¯Tbi~ role IPllt zlol lasl [~e w~’~k- Carl HA 5 lggl~

I A u c l J a n ,~]e, r:/lin:~ lalvllI-

" ...... ~mower, t~la. r~l~er mower~,’~~’Sl¢lnS. ~’ug has~i~etlt. Alalll[nlinl ~(o[’ms ;rod aC’l’eens.

, ~ end,¢ 1 ~ ~000 l Nail V( Is ,~i1300 l)nwil I Barmaid, g u n e r a I dLiller,’ applml~es, ti’acl~,rs, almost nny*

....... Bi.ass Roll Bound Bl,l~ok. 7 n . (hillg. Saltllda). -!vial.oh 28, 9JOSE, PHBIELANSK1 I $9,990 Fuji Price 2:3o p,a,. 5 days C:,II E/, Ii-!t?//i ....... J Percy Vim Zandl Co,I ............. : Itlowenhal’g, N,J,RPcd ~/¢lll~ ~ll’~ll~’y!HOMES FROM $6900 te $25.01i0. I ¯ ..---- : .PRINCETON For Rent212 S. Main St., Manville RA 5-19951s.hl~a to CA, PSA, ,~,~va,I~venmgs, oali 3~-3500 or g59~72~ J I



yoflP lI1OIl~y atf P m e 968-3600 Male and Female¯ ltill~borough - One.A(’rc Lot - $3,900 i t~: ~ar0~ ~ve., D.,~llon, ~. J. [ BROOKSIDE ¢Bux Xtnll I"t mJl~ and Ivalch Vl,Ui sullle gl’OtV as the yearn re; Daily 9 - 9 , Man wanted to work an far~

GARDENSb~, - or hfJild your own hln!le Ihi~ ye01". (?all AI (;i,,nlb.lli linxl, Sat. & San. 10 . 6i i Licensed Reel Estate Broker i i [~. J. WA1NF()RD & Co. i! lte~ig F~ealty

¯ ~+[alivllie -- .~i 7,900 ---- ~ ...... 319 Nassau StreetRe e:g s~ e Sn t e i II laree fongly size rnom~I ,’,, r.aal~. I ’~ o " ....... , ~ f,,’~t . " . , WA ’1"3726 : =.¯ i > , i %t ~’ll, exe’"’ ~t I e’~ al I re ca-.,I 1 ~t, ;ytJ [J >l’; ,I u x ~ b~ i;~ht ~ry apal-lmeiit~ with¯ ~ . ht-<der~. Jar# e :~;l(. ton, .>zor ep . " . i

~lOllill qr ro~tdunro, 2-fnnlfly; PRINC]~TON cross venlilation

iii’"¯ I" ~ll, : .’.’., ii:~ .,;.,: . C’~;v >" " ’~ ":" :’ "t Bc, " ~:q t < ~’</" ’ ~ ’1. ~:’r :" V~":n; "~ ’ " ~i°uTe’~b"a ~ :," i’, ~ o r °l~’l:::e ;,i;’ ’;’ "I ¢ :::; ~.~’ . --" Fi-o~ I’.,rk]ng ~n Rm, r

. faeiagn° "i,,:~blc "a park-likeapnrtmentX’a,mospbe,eeach

I Call ll^ ~-01iV.l. AMBITIOIlS ? ¯ eompiel~ir eraipp~d kilel~n,%lliilvilh~ - Hilt’lit Nhh’ - Rllll¢’h L $]8.900

i" Mi, avilb,. We,Lea. "" Work fmin Hmlw¯ ,~plit-lcl’el Tllree IO F|¥e loolnliNlel~x ~l llioln i,illt~dl wilb ~illilcilt, d ~Iti,lll~e. Tilt, balb. {i~s heel, ] foyer n~3d reor0allall rooin, ~ ill Ill lrltitll.~ Weekly

Fl,II I .......... ,Ill. AIs,, 75~I00 hll, Ceil AI nvw, ’ Iselance’k]tehvu, ]ivhlg mid dhi ~ EARN $ $78- $i20¯ CITi~lllll~r~r Ill’At l~°lir~ Ig~ll’~lr [ lag l’°°nls" OI1~ atitl a h(llf blil]t~’

$5.00 la SlI00 I)l.’l" hotlr Heat ~ot Wal~xl, %llt/L¥1Dl~lll J%~AJ. ll~ll.~lAI5 AI~JMIU1 ! Fall bas~qneol. Olle.caP garage. Nil exp. l’dq. Call 722-1247 Gas Bang~ ~/rJ[{erato~¢ia’ " " ’ ] A ~lil Lt S 0rms rind screens’100 S M n St RA 2 9639 Mazlvl|le~ N. J no d ....... Office -- 129 Mercer SL i

, , .. [min~eula(e. ~I own ~Jay.

--- -: ...................NORTH 5th AVENUE ¯ : me.I..,_ . rei.feld l’,e~tty. ....~0S-3600,. CLASSIFIED RATEs BA ~OMERWLL~,_ " ~’A~’~-~0~S~x2r,mm Cal~c Cud wiLb dclached garage .~’J’een flonl parch, i Four - i.o~al bLmga]ow, Bnek ALL 3 PAPERS

, I porch etlcloaed Fuil ut uz NlceComhiaatbal sierras and screean. Landst’ol ed lot wiLh huge trees. ’ " ’ ¯ ¯ ~rwo r.oma, for women, BseM0 9110

I Iota ion Call RA 2-6721#

FOH THb~ PRICE OF 1 o[ kitchen. IIlqulre 66 E, Cam-’ " NORTH SIDE - TWO FAMILY . -- ...... 2’he Mnnvllle News Ilain Rd., Malwll[e.

Fau d i r hen h n ~ ......."- i :. roe- aa np~ ’t is. Met era k’le e ~ nnd Baths¯l PrJ e ’ eo "" ’ " ~ ¯The F~anklln Mews-R6¢oid Some:+,llle Large kilehen, lie-

Finished rul-rL, i~([tal i~]otll with haL’, Conlblnalion storms t~nd ~ lffanvillc, W e S’L o II area. 7s~r~ens. Garage. $1,,o~0. i,rooms, split level, ]!~ batha, . Sa’ath ~Ol~erget ~eW~

ing r~nl’ bedroom’ bt~th’ 9ew"¯ 1lying room, dinJng room and 3 ii~g lrmm. Cmllpletely regeco-

rated. Storage Sl>,ee. Heat in-LAST ONEI ,bedrnon~, large kilchen, roe- Five eeIRs per word, $L00 ciuded. Business ¢,oupie anly. $95Six-t.oom Cu~e Cod with five fJnisbed rooms. Hard to beat at realion room. baSOnletl¢, garage, tialnlmllm charge pet’ tnsertl0ea, complete, Call FO 9-720LthJs price¯ $i4,~, ’ "l~*-ucre fenced. Many extras.

T G,I. Mortgage, law tnxes. BIlnd ads, to which replies are.kl[dSessod hi lhls laewsPalaet --

Four- r~n aparLmenL Avail-MILLS ONE RIVER IIANCH CJlll ]lA ’JL.4.0$z~ x~l¢ eIfra poi- inset’Ben, able April Bit. Prlvatl~ entrance.

Two.year:rid, five-ream ranch. N~t to’M~llstone R ver Large, Inquire 26 N. ?Lh Ave., Manville.imanaeulate roome. Aluminum .starred and scre~lL~. .~dllnI UIg~ Cat’S, : Hyp~Aenated wolds eounl: ~ ...... : .......$1[I $00, , l¢our - and lhree-room a~art- "¯

19d5 Cadillac, 4 " door. lg00.’ he6’ ef "m01’o wordg as tge 0&S~

WILltOUSKY & De£ICCO, INC. c,,u BA S-q871. may lie. ~e epgorte numbers life .tent, up.third, Inqulra at 710---- ......... eo~/m~d is’two wOidBj aggrevls FaSle Ave,, Manvlsa, or ~aall

i Itl~-Itllo.’,1040 Ply,~hoatb, Clean,, ,Qo6ff ~io~’ ~ aut/rle we~s, a, Recdtot’~

~g condition, Radip, heator¯ i ’.i~. e~,~lfll~,

iin.’l~, oftg: e.um ,O.ssU~ll,iIMpl.#--U,IS’rt "~g’¥11iir Cl~imtlill~lll~

Page 15: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

¯lJr. Spo . ’sShow--Subscription Order--’ FORMALUMNI UNIT At State University~PurrdShed rooms [or gentk~meB. ~ 5-1~. |An A]umnl Aseoeinton was re- Tde lanier S!~Jrtsmen’E Showcen,iy q’gainzedmhlYrs~hecog~na~t/] visited by nea,qy three-quarter,

Circ.lation Depart.le41|~o large double and one UR|¢S of the SO e . t Y t~ a m 1] ¯ rt peop a over hE aatdng]v room. tot gen’demen. AllVoca [offa I. add Techn Ea Sciloo

prteneges. Very reasonable. Call The Franklin News.Record~f Practical Nureing Haritan. 18 years, this ’.’ear will be sthg-2-082d after d p.m.

T° date /our classes have ed April 14d8 in the HurtErsD0uo]e rooms, twln hods w[’~b gradualed 45 praettha] nurses. University Field Bongo. Doors Middlebush, N. J,

private bath¯ Telephone in all 0nee the girls have ’gradualed will be ¢’~en bc]weert the hoursrooms. Bus stop for eli plants from the school they are eligthth e[ 9 a.m. and ~ p,m. except on PLEASE ENTER MY ~UnSCEIFTION I~MEDIATELY,at door. Weekly rate $24. dual to apply for their license by sue:$12.000 per person per week, eeesfuSy c~mpisting the State the firm] day wwhen the show

will ether at ~ p,m, MY NAME .................................................SdmervJlle, N.J. The purpose of the as- Irvin*1 Sosin oi Highland Park,

soeiaSEn is to foster membership chairma~ of the show, has art- A]~DRESS ..................................................PsiBt partielpalien and continued ed- nounced that ~) or mo,’e exhibits

¯ oration; le uphold and support and the osual special events Will .............................................................

PAINT AND the program of the Somerset be included on the program.

WALLPAPER County Vocational and Teehni- The pa/.ular wLldl~fe and con- PHONE .............................................................. ,eal School of Practical NL~rsing servatlon films and stage pro-

ART MATERIALS hy creaSng an active interest grams eae~q evening are schedal-

Natiooal Brands for Learamcmg th~ members, and to ed to cow.plenlent the show ex-

[ ] 1 YEAR AT $2,~0 [ ] 2 YEARS AT $4,50

clef’ate the ~tandards of the hJbits, which once agab~ will[ I ~ILL MR [] CHECK ENCLOSED

W. german ~ Co. ,tactics; nurse, festers fishing, hunting, andOfficers of the oewly formed camping,

11] W. Main St. ]umoi associalion are; presi- -- ~ ...... "=’:--Somerville Thele is no ~dmission e]3arge"

en% Mrs. Wlnona Doyle of Ne-411] E. Main M. ~hanic; vJce-presIdenl, Mrs. to tbeahew,

Rnund BroOk Evelyn Dombrowski of garner-rifle t treasurer, Mrs. ~]lizabeth Heart Fund Benefit

Serviees Sauste o! Manville; and seere-"i~]ectrlc Shaver Repair Service tary, Miss Babette Smith ot Basketball Gains Set~11 make shavers repaired -- North Plainfield. Tbe anneal Somerset County

Same Day Heart Fund BasketbeR extrava-~leads and Cords In Stock Services gEnEs, rusumed after severe[

Bee’s HOHBY CENTEB. DHAKE DtJ~INE;SS COLLEOE years, is scheduled tonight at 7Shaver Service 17 Livingston Aye,

o’clock th the Sumervi]le High

i11] W. Main St.. Somerville New RruoEwlek~ N. J,School gym,

CompLete Secretarial argl The ma~n ath’action will fea-HeuI~olstery, slipcovers mad Accounting Courses. Lure the Somerville High meu’s

SraperJes~ custom made. E~ti- Day arid. Night Classes laeulty team vs. the Watchingmater will call with wide sele~ Telephone: CHarter 9-01147 Hills Regional High men’s facul-~ion of samples fo~" abeD-at-home ty team, A1 "Bc~my" Malekof~eelec’ions. Anne Dakms. Pho~e CESSPOOLS will co~ch the Somerville eaters~.q’~374, ate6 and Hay Kovo.tuk will guide the

SRPT]C TANKR Watehung Hills team.DWCONDITIOEAL,LY CLEANED The preliminary game will pitGUARANTEED. EEBUILT

Refrigerators, TVff Trucks ~ No Wath~g the Somerville Womezx’s Faculty

Teafn against an All,tar TeamAngete Lagginl Batme¥ N. nuggfozl

Five dollars f$5) down,RUSSELL REID CO. fisIded by the Somerville High

110 Yea.x~ J~t~mrienee Scboo] Girls’ Athletic Assod.a- ;TATE BANK PROMOTES TWOT~O dollars (tg) ¯ ~T #~k~4 g~ ~ tlon. Dr. Joseph H. Vollmer, su-!~rintendsnt of garnered[lie T~e prometim~ of two officers Fears, is a member of th~ SOm-~cAr[hMr ~s SchooLS. will coach the women’s of the State Bank of Somerset erect County Amerfoan Legion

~rmerlg T. M. Ful~n. ht*. ~.AHITARY DISPOSAl. team. and senior Lois I~dko will Co[reLy w ~s arm~unced today by and a member and ptmi Ixresi-l~-gol W, Math St., ~met~’Rl~ 0~rhting 111Hii]sbot~.ttgh eve.- 1~ direct the student group, the beak’s president W, O, tan. ~e,nt of the RarRan Lions Club.

"Factory Author~.~tP’ t*egt~l. Tickets relay be purchased at gSbo He is married to ~ formerItriglde.h’e & Telev~ott prtt~adly ttt~d Delmgdaflle S~ the door. B~rney N. Huggierl was ele- Helen Di Maggth of RarRan and

glflell ttud ~ot’vlot Oltil’:~A Ib~ -- rated to the position of cashier they have one 8or-, ~’te couplephone RA ~-7100

WHn~d tO glIVFOUNDATION FOUNDED from assistant cashier, and An- reside IB sh*mervii]e.

Garbage Co]Jectlon The Rockefeller Foundation gete Lagglnl to the ~ carat. Mr. LegglM was born in Her

Hilthb0rohgh Township Immral~ce agedey in Somerset was established In 1913 with ira ed by Mr. Ru1]gisrl. Mr. Rug- hen. attended lo0al Etgaoois ~tt~tl

neaeon&bl@ ~Bte~ or I{unt£.rdon .County. Will also ckarter putrPose being, "to pro- gthr[ wil t retaifi his present post ~Mmervdle Hlhea ~chool, He is

DepEndable Service eo1asider empinYt~8 owner in our *note tlte wee being of mankirM of secret siT. stuaent et the Amertcem In.

M. ~WI~KI insurance operation if interesteS, throughout the world". Born m Harltan, Mr. Rugginri sStuin oi Bankthg. He Jokned the

Manville, N, J. nA Ib~/Id Call Mr. ~.~erll st HA g.O~1],was graduated :teem local bank staff in February of lESt

WROUGHT I~ON MOw -4~ ~t~Ick~11~Ph~e your Classii’ind A~IS sch~Is and 1]ram Rider College a~d was named asltist~nt 8~<:re

’ with a bachelor’s degree in ac- tRry in IllS. H~ wtB retain ~al

’ .... NOTIng eour*th~. He al~ holds a grad- title.RAw~GS SOPKO uate her ifl?ote from the Amer- He is married te the former

"EgEt to Four s~fieatthn~ [can Instlmte of Eankir~g. Josephine FSippoin and the

RRZE EST,r~ Moving and Storage He served as treasurer of coup|e have two de’~i~bters. TheyBridgew~ler TowmtMp /or two Live in Haritan,


N~IIgD TO SALE8 STAFF publicRtion,

EL 6-9527 Wheaten Van Lines OF PARADE MAO.ek~IEE Mr. Corcoran had formally

Robert C. Col’reran of Somer- been on the advertisir.g sales

~69-08~.8Packing & Crating set has been ~ppointed in the densStaff andOf Betterpr or t.oH°mestha &ProctorGar"

sales staff of Parade Magazine. & GambleTUXEDOS It was aonouoeed recently by HE aff0 his wife, Mary Ann,

FOH HIRE l~lonR 72~=~-77~8 l~ospttallty Auoclate~ Inc. Roger Madden, New York man- ’have ?brae children, Nsnette, ~;

New~0 O~r~srur~wlcR.StreetNew #ertey i ager of the Sunday supplement Kurt, 4; and Kelly, ~ years old,ZELL’S Phone Your Classifieds ~ a-~.~*l **.~o~. Math th , Manville BOARD O~ FIRg COMMISSION~

RA 5.2174 RA 5-3300 ,m~ m~r.,~r .o. sFRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, SOMERE~"r CO~IW~y, ~W $~:~SgY

SUMM~RIggD flTATEMI~T -- MARCH l, I~ -- TO FEBKUABY 29, 1~4Bond Adm~nl~- ~. FfankIJn Communily

MovtnF & Tmekln~ o.a..d ~.~. ,, ,m ^~..~ ,....o vo,.r,,~, vo~.m..~. ~,,~;: Reeel is:

, SISSER BBOS INC. ~.~.~ ..................................... ,.~..o ~,~ ~,~.* ~.~0~¯ Dl~trlet l~lld AmerIL~atlon .................... ~eS.~0

Totsl AvalXab] ............................... -- ~?~.~0 SL*~DS 73 Se,~.~ ~j~,d --Ul:~0a9FIREPROOF STORAG~ WAHEHODSES Disbursements:

LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING i~ A,nor Its ton .............................ts2~o.eo

stetted ,. ............................ I.?a~.~ $?~.~0 ~ 9aglltaREG~R ~RIPE TO ~LORIDA Insurance ................................. $1.Lt~.,~ 01.a~.71 ~,~13.~

,, (We own and operate our own [,am) Buildittg Maintenance ....................... ~,ZOO00 ~,100~ 4~.~~qulpment ........................ $ ........ t ~?S.~ I,~12~1 S,?SL07

PAC~I*IqO ~ CRATING -- SHIPPING ~penae ....................................... ~9199 P~t.41 I.Tn.SlAdnunlstratlve E~t~se ......................... 1.~7..~ I~’t.~

AGENTS FOR Lr~ITED VAN L,IN~, HI]H, Balance on ~nd M~rch t, tin4 ." ............... ’" ¯ , ’~ a4~.~-- ’ tl~Z~ S~-m:~ $ lai1],*s

’OUR 50th YEAR" *,4-~ -’ ", aDHN S. pAh’CZ^, PJerk

~O~E~RVIL~E FLAINFII~D NEW HRUNSWI~[ dt~ somem~, ~,, a.

Page 16: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

PArlE 16 ~5,~ I~EN NIYWS.aE@OIID , TI~R.~&y, ~It~H l& I~

Can Superintendent Use Zone Law To Ban Students? .~ed, l, ~. m., ~ ~ed ,....*.,a..--,.,. ,o;’that more often the school sys- mar Mayor George Consovoy,tom forces parerde to send ehtl- member of the board, was au,¯

ode of the fan~des were net per~ returned here recently to take dren ¢o schOOl¯ thorlzed to proceed as an in-(C0nas~nd from Page I)milled to ~hiy in school, he con- up new quart~rv, Dr. ~tth t~nld thth WaS the dJv]dttui and 8tl~t facts

only a tow days ago weee per- tinued, A Question o~ Law only case of its kind in the gainered hy the boe~l to themitred to resume cthgses, As far us he saw the situetioc " It is the "respc~slt~lty of the Prui~klth SChool system, and State DepaNment Of ~kkmattonSmith Replies . . the superthtendent cadenced community to educate children, some doubt may exist on this ~or cthdfleatlc~.

When questioned this week, this damlly was "not domicile, Dr, Smith contthue*d, but a "dlf- point, 1¢ ha8 ~e~ learned that The q~estton before the de-Superintendent of Schaols damp- legally" in FrankUa Tovmsh[p ricer legal problem" artier

the thqulrF directed 1o the Cam-pertinent resolves R~elf down tocon G.. Smith reveathd that ~ and therefore x~t eligible to be when it comes time to determine rni~io~er of E<~ucaflor. retorg to this: Does a school superintend-his orders al} prtoelpals advt.0 enrolled io lees] schools. If a fan~y Is legally housed,

more than or~ case in Fratodh~. eat have the goilc~ power~ tohim urban they determine that Now they are "properly "Were they legally denduiled Mr. Orykion stated that "ap. force seeing re~detions?more than orff family resides in housed" in another home, he here?" he asked, aottog that proxlmnlely" five thqutrths were The LOW Baaeds si~e fumliy dwelling, said. and ~aw been, perndltod this is the l~rtbxent quseden, rec~Ived by his ofttoe wlthl~ the The Franklin Board of F~du- ’-T~ this way ~e leara0d last to return to scbeoL He alan declared Nnot it is Ills last ye~" from the superin~d- cation nmy seek the answeryear of the far~d¥ concetoed. ’Bhe existence of two famldee respores~toUty to determhle tl

enl’~ oHlee, each inquiry aimed within the next six weeks, aa-He svJd that ~e eommtmieated tieing to s sthg[e family dwell- ~tudents reside legally ~thtoat deton~ir~ng if certain build, cord~ to ~3r. Robert J. M~-with Zoning Officer Augostas the To~nshi~thg is deler4Ti!aed by matching ings were ~ or tw6-family re Credie, peesld~mt.

Gr~kten and determthnd that the namer and addresses of or~oB- "We must make e~re these skiences. I~ snld the baaed learned ofdwelling ~ed been condemned, meat records. Dr. Smflh sail. are students the taxpayers are The County Welfare Board al this weHere-zontog situation"Two families resided in this ~e also n~ed thai after havi~g paykn~ ~or," he added, its last meeting decided to ed. ~nly two weak8 ago and called

two-bedroom house, the su~er- banned the children last year he While some children may ’be here to its standing Puiie7 nl ~n Dr. Smith to subml¢ e report.intendant declared, nnd they was edvlo~ed the famJ,ly had kept ~rom school because their avoldin~ involvement to rnunlnl- Dr, McCredth said that the Is-numbered 15 people. Children of moved t~ New Brur~wick and resldenc’.~ is ia doubt, he con. pal situations e~nce~ing web sue apparently has been ~esolv-, at the moment with the ~o.

turn of the children to school,~nd thus the board did ~ot p~vss

¯ " pocy

~1~ JN~ E IL- ~l|l~--- MARKETS ! Iistale~’°* l° e°~r -- .....as this. nnd that the board ."m ~ m m mmu m I ~ m J ¯Jshot~]fl s~ek feral advice:

HAMILTON ST FRANKLINTWP~.o deo,.~o ..... bo*ag

725 awa*~d, thre,, oh.d~ h.~.¯ ¯ lost more than five months of


X’ tpeneve’o--r Dynu-sARMOURSTAR BIG’ BEEF SALE ARMOUR STAR Lt~d at Auction

Top or Bottom Save 4Oc per lb. Te..e.L... SteakSsVe ~0o pe. ~. II"’ (C0ntthued from Page I)

Round: ;Roast, Cube R~q¯ ¯ " ’,rib ¯ "eold" before ~e Council hed. ~b~ qkv IJ~ opPOrtunity t~ appxove the

IChicken Steaks89x "~"*~’-°-’°Top Save 30e per lb. Lean Tender We 20e per lb. " ~se~ve decision. "

Round Steak ""-’"-"!! ~ delay ~ costly, that $175,0~0 at-ready have been expended Irtpt~rchaelng prlyate properties th

Roast Save 30c per lb.[

Save 20e per lb. the a~e~.The collnclimem asked if he

Eye Round ~ " ~ ..otooor..to.,.~do~.~.89 teaks 89 "o o’ --’°"withiT~’t~ ~t~t’s alter tities are. elemred. .

Boneless Save 30e per lb. Fresh ][A~BEI i ¯ . Mr, Sisler said he WOuld a~ree

T p Sirli:9o p

39 ~°~°°-~*-"o o n GroundBeef ~ ~..d.u.._e,..t~.,nl,_.Jfl the commercial sector within ,

Po k - -- 29 t.oy ............o,.ndto

the municipality at cost, and thisH r s SAVE g late .... tnell~c~d to the s~de

ag~eemsrd.SHOULDER 20e LB. M~. ~itio t~i~ t~ goth a~-other point. Hn so,gamed thatJack Frost Granulated Save 14e Van Camp~s Vegetarian or" Save 5r the maximum legal fee figure be

ISUGAR °59: 10: - ......"-’’LARGR Whatever costq ~re tocurred,,o~.o Pork l Beans .~z.BAG "Fti’e tbet~nd or nothing."CAN

Mr. ~isler replied, m~l he wonthis point,

; Cake Mixes "°~ BBO10/ "W SIII~GTON X~LLOW soz. ~o show COLO~ ~X~MDEVILS FOOD BOXThe local ~dt of the Amede~

TumblerTemperance Society will meet

Maine-In Oil Save 4e Save "JOe Wednesday, March 20, at 8 p.m.

Sardm Gr 19:io tbe ,Baseom ¢o .... try

~S ’ REG. GIANT Room of the Franklin StateCAN ~pe r QUART Bank to see the color motion

CAN "One In 20.~)0." ~suine meettogo of the grottp

Mayflower Frozen 4~ in the ha~ on ~e¯ Bo~len~s White or Yellow Save 7e Save 8g second Wednesday of each

21 Waffhs 10 /

month, it ..... ottnoed,Americm Cheese Pkg. o~RBG,

Slices d~o~. 6 QuackenbossPEG’ FUNERAL HOME


JUICY SWEET DeliciousApples ~lant r~ 39: -----’-

]Cabbage ,O, [Lettuce ? xt j o.n..,...ndb~ ~ . H4MI eS6 Ilsmllthu St.~

New Brunswick .

Page 17: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he
Page 18: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he



BUY ONE AT PULL PRICE ~ SECOND ON AT ~ PRICEIOrange-Pineapple l,~gOE‘ifi~ ~ 2nd One

PKG. ~7 HALE EEICE.COTTAGE CHEESE ..........Spring Garden LARGE‘iAO ~ ~ OneCO~YAGE CEEESE PKG. JY.......... NALF EE[C~COuBtry Sweet |2-OZ. o’Ill lbld One O AGE CEE= ......... EKO. t7 HALF FEICE


~ , O~iYTextureRlelme~s HALF GAL.

Co fortabl B Not Pa d E dO O,. E,OAU U ..dOA ’FROOC m e ut mpere Eo= , 14°.,.wmm.~G CREAM ,,,, Ft.dentOrfern eigaret,et" .......ugeand RUtlaer~iohanees siU-areg~’rs~nd market,Seal.el o,cen’sejournal[srla.ln the Rut. men.falllngM,,sttypicaida ,Iot°f btldgethili ¢ounti.Y.theh.

I1G’I’WEE 5IlL K Countr :,’,~,/QFlakeS, ~4c QI. Choeolatelehlvrlred DEINK04~’~G°I’QLll~ut even he will refuse it. One hundred at~d nine atudents money. Asked how much he 100% Pure ORANGE dUICIg Grade A lie

in the tlpl~r thi’ee elaase9 were s~nt and for what, the 9tudent c flailGive him $100 and it can be


LARGE EGGSGel.¯ interviewed al~lut their expenses usually bad nol written records, SOUR CEEAMe~pec!ed he will spend $23 of it

~or [ooii, $1ii for housing and, IGeharid sources n[ illoney dlir[i.itIbltI had to reply on memory arid "1/ ’ill 23,,.nut’Prlsingly~ less 1hart $7 forare he sladenrs at~er hao the~ttlttaoment. s~hcol year I~;g-8~J,

f!gures are part of an The stu’vey ~howed that nearly same problem, particularly at MILK -- GALLONS~ll~eincome tax relmrting time: GALLONS


economic profile of the under- half (48 perc~.llt) o[ the subjects I~eaNuate a~ theme~*N ¢oll~ge~ The sly.oat m~eket survey Isf tlO SOP~’H ltZ/l~ ST, tI~ANVILLEd~n’[ thai the" averageone of severs[ conduced in the I I~REAI] ~ OI1 the Dairy) CAEE & ROLL8of the "Stale [iniverliity, produc+ student cilia well, invests garter-

Specials -- Fronl Wed., March li to Stll~,, Slgreh 8 -- In0lusiveed in a st~rwy c~nducted by ously In alothes and contrlbttte,~ senior adverli~[n 2 course 10 I~eninrs J!l Pre~e~or Wlld~l~ H. litlle to t~rtty, acquitJnt studenls ~itb praelJeaJ IBoyenton’~ advertising n~cltn It alae showed Ihat ~hile irobLell3g in starker research PI-ION~ ~OUE CLASSIFIED ADN ~ RA 2-2~011

"dad" la the ~ttudent’s financial

E tantMothers ,,, o< o,’e.does not fled wo~k incompatible

To Be Instructed *i a, ,I .,.d. ,,os,om.averag~ studeqt earned $802

The S~mer~et Valley V[siling during the yGar covere d in the=r ay [ST. PATRICK, S DAYr [

I~ut’~e A<g,~aiatlon wifl I~egin aThe interviewee’~ estimatesnew elght-wce~ 9eri~a 0£ c[tt~es

indicate annual costs for e stu-for expe(qant rnoth~l’S on Men.d~nt to bm $2.100. Collage fees .t~dlly accordit~g Io Mr.~. Mildred

LsDqe, diractol" or the assoeia, account for the largest expendl-ties. tare, $511. Following in order

are food, at $4~9, housing. $293,The ~’larae~. schethllt~ t~ ~ltart and c[ofhirig, t..~0.

~l l:~0 p.m. on eighl slleee9si.~e ~ludenI iitelnne bt.eak~ dowil.Mondays, will be condm’ted ~ ixl $1,111~l from parents. $B02Somerset Hvapital Auditorlulr eilmed hllllaelr and Sl~? frotoRehill Al~_ntle. Somerville. Scholarship aid, aecordirff4 to the

Mrs. Cura]ylt EraJl~wg~i. R.N survey. "fhe lmportnnee elf sam.will ~rve as ~ttperviaol’-Ipatruc i~r emplO~Zb~Td i~ ltbowtl ~y~r ~r the st’flea d~ah~ned to th~ sludt~ql’a t*eeourlting for $70]llive l~ol[,ers-tobe hl=lp[ul h~for- tl f hi9 aarnin~, ~la Rained Bur- ~.~.i~latll~ for befora al~d an’ter the hlg the v~lcaticll ~crlod. ~Nl[nely-ilrrlva] of ~h0 [l~by. The ¢la~$os lhre e p~t~tnt uf the sfiadentswill emphasil:e t.reathing ltlld re. held llunlr~et" iollS.,laxation for ruothcr~, layelt~ r~ Fnrther finding8 of Ihe surveyquil~men~. Iin.mul~l prapara wnald gl+qdden the heart of aLinn, nnd nl~c~.r proceduYes for phy~ien[ fitness ~idvocat~. Rut-bathing a hi, by. gets sea walk (or ride in soma.

CJl~ls~.s Yor expeclanl tliother& on~ e]se~ t.ari and ~re a healthyhe[d rellolurl~ by ~he ~omar~et

gl~up. Only a third of those in-Vml]ey viailiTig nal~eS, 8Pc rrea l~i-vie.~/in [ had autolnohile$.of charge ta all t’esidentll of the

M~dieal .’lrtd denfel expensaa.~omerset Va]le.v areal, averaged $26 per year’, tOrte of

Furlher ih[ol nlation aa the five c]ain~ed no IrtedJ¢~] ~r de~-mothers’ ela~se~ may b~ eblain- 1~tl e.vpen~ta&ed by ca!ling the SVVNA h~ad- One aspect ¢,f Ihe stlrvh¥’squarters at RAndolph 5-9~55. findings is furlher proof Ihtl~ the

~i~il S~..vi<.,, Ex.m av,ra~o_ aoU~e.: .......~tudent ~.. ~ FOR CORNED BEEF and CABBAGE *Set By Post Office Comedy Corner FOR IRISH COFFEE

A new Civil Serviee examine.lion has been scheduled for sub- andatitule clerk and substilute ear-~er po.t,i,,ns ,,, .,’.t ..d .....d FOR PLENTY OF CHEERclass posl olliees in SomersetCotinty. acco,’dlng 1o an an- ~[ the excitlttg, newnoun~me:ll made thls week hy

amlners i~ Tl.l.nton>ElJ/¢Jblv~ Iv~n to~Jde in Ille

area aerv.rd by tile .~l~t O~l~ee ill"wht~ are bona[id¢ pnlron.q ~ lh:loffice a’lll he eon~i~gfed first.


@~l~"All olhers will be given tl~et,n":,,

dSl’y eongide].~l ion.Nn ~xlTerienee ta PeqUli’Hd~ bll~ L

n written leaL will he glvell ill"Ti’ent~n. Aopht.a/Ion~ may lle : ¯ ROUTE 22, SOMERVILLE ,:,~

tl’Call the~ Boitta~ of Civil S&vl~,e’ "

secured ~rom ~rl# Ileal or ~econd "0.F~ I~1 lind yo~e 0SII RA ~-1415 "class po~I offll~e in the Couniy or’ 4tll ,s01~ ir lbl,llplllldiat ’ ’ , *Nelit Ttu~day,.Mireh le/ih, fvotli noon fill mld~lit:~xarnhaet, N/It liB, Trenlofi; .1

~ ~GIII ~ I~l lUlli ~lll~ " ’ . , .III II J I

-’ : - -:--;- : L .~

Page 19: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

,) j ~ A ¯ ,. ’ ~ ~ ~ ed t ’: without eiiner togi&thtuee having say eotlld become s tax keavet~arty control over Its ~kflvltles for its proPerty owr4ers.

Its web stretches tar beyond for mann years that th~ way totttunes, brdges a.d arPers, keep ~ bro~d base tax away reveult~ wlth°tlt ~Oc]dag thee0mpet ng W h pr va a on er- fk~0iYx OUr doortl I&t to take over Ptth2J° -- ~"d ’thOl~ s pMn~}" o!pr so wh ch crea ed t t Ls t i~ e the Turnpike surpLuses lind Jt in the Tur.pike, . .and ~hesomeorte h~g taken sharp klfil eu ttppl r thrift to school aid. Add ~ Port Authority.the huse pockklboOk of this p~ hundto ot scratch annually from Keep your powder dry, ~i’0ddll~ you had a short wave ager t0rixt of goverltment, ang

recelw~ tuned to the Pae East the passage Of or~kl~nce~last week yo~t might have beard quest[citable, legal validity, ~re

Waves ~ it was comlttg from Last w~k th~ ;.~esS einetinn

a ]oud pi,ar af ~]ee, If yett heard v.dequste’~ to itdtthte a reeaitthe n.ukl--dover eartooOo. BILLSBangkok, attd R *belonged tawas held In Bellekllte, and twoB~!I Sotrmaers, the former too.members of the three-man maniklpkl ma~tag~f of lerat~kUtl Ioritywereb.mpedoutofofaee. .lr..~qlTownship who is now serving L~

TbaJin,qd with the State Depart.Oft thg Believllie Council went DILL;)Mayor nebei’t Laterza a~d Ceun-

meat’s Agency for Inlernetional citroen G. George .~ddoklsio,Development el, ~ public ad.

~r~d only ~ ~ino-vofe sfa’e~d ~a?-

raLrdstr’tin~ advi’or f°’ leeald the thlrd m’r~ker °f the ma" BILLS

government.:rlty, Vtocenl T, Strumoto.

Bill left his FranklM post tn~ptemker 1962 aad took on th~ There was statewLde Interest

~anagerinl reins for Bellekllle this Be~levll]e d~’~/D~, ~q’ it

aS that munleipklity moved this was the first recall election hemthe eaut~e,l-maaager form o~,In’the 14-year history of the

IS THEREgovernment under the Paulkner Fa~kner ACt ~ and thus th6ACt. first time a mansger waB vle, d~-

cared for wanting to play by the~But Franklin wen s Joy rMe l’kle bogk,.bets hyyouoarh e WAY OUT?

~lers had h~rdly warmed his heard f~mraers LaugKthg klI thechair th the Essex Cotmty ecru- way front ,B~tng/¢Ok las~ we~k.muni~ before the pul~ am1 t~lgs

polttinkl pstre~age werepress~*g him to the we’lL It was ~P ’"o ., ooootlo govero

I’LL GETbo~y, and wlthth Sttto time BeltevllJe’s battle .mLght sOre-after he took office ¯ raaJorLty ulate a hassle in Franklin Town-bis¢ on the Cottons was using ship, trom whence ~ommerslakn for a dart board, They went to Bellevilio before wing- ntedtooo oopeInO t. Oe,ar thrO A LOANte~though t&e a~mtolatr~tlee COdeSam Only a ~ew mon~s ~gogives these powers to the mane.Mtchset Peacos, s Democraticget. The ~ree~man rnsjorlty ~rovernk=g official before ~e era

~t~tsh it ottt~ and just as 1962 of csunei!-menager governmeaL~ame to s close Bommem WaSmade it known that he ~ndousted by a 3-2 vote. others were not happy with the"~e]leville beard a loud cry of way the Democratic majority Has a pile-up of unpaid bills got you down? Best way to

protest. At the pshiic hearing on on the Franklin Cou~cg was g~- get ~*out :from under’* fast is to consolidate yoUr debts andthe ouster resolution, 500 per-

it~g about tb; tominess Of fulfill-

8one f fed into Be earl e High i~ campaign pLedges, and he pay them ALL off at once with cash on a low-cost loan fromSchool, and when the meeting-- iedieated that a recall move-

. us. This loan you can pay off in easy-to.budget monthlyabd gammers’ jo~nded there meat might he forthcoming.

~vere sider that a recall move- It eau~d be aa extremely hot aUtOUilt~. ~egEItlllle~ your credit Is protected, yoltr mind

r~enl wnuld be instituted by Summer in Franklin. :freed froul worry gild coralthose who believed the manager..sbe,oggiventbe o . AN ACCOUNT NOW!ory of did Webster o0d the sloth Bo. OPEN~&~er, as so mann do, ar~ the pubLican chairman, d~opped srecall push moved along, putt- time bomb Into the Port Author-,lens ~ero f.ed ,g.l~t thes~ ....rehy,he other d.--sed OPEN HOURS at BOTH OFFICF.~three-~an majesty, and they" it was agone time someone fro~countered adth a suit to Invali- high t!p did it,date the recall proposal, How- Lobby/ever, the AppeLlate Division Taking note that the Port Aa-Superior Court affirmed ¯ lower thorlty is a mnlR-mllli~n dOllar Monday to Friday- 9 to 3court decision, contending thst oPeration, and apparently reek- (HOWl OFFICEg)

¯ ’.. ,the assertion~ of a maJorlty lag bilge profits every Fear,blOC ¢o negate the vsine of other Todd Stt~ges~ed that part of the Drive-Up Window Walk-Up Window

duty kleded repeesematives of ~onster’s eurplt~t ~e draw. Thursday & Friday 3 to 5 Monday to Friday 3-6the ~eop~e, re~uJgn@ in H3e off each year to build school~ in (]~iBsbOr¢~q~ CffSee Only) (~rlf4u0 Office)usurpation of the functions of the New dersey.

mtmtoipal manager in violation Of course, ff the Garden State Lobby & Drive-Up Window Lobby & Drive-Up WindowOf the spirit o* the council-man-gets part of the bundle so will ¢~lUl’l~dey Evening 6:30 - 8 Thursday Evening 6-8

New York, but who can be sad (nalsboroagh Office Only) {aarltan O~iee)~ shout such a deal. Both Statoe

can use the extra pesos,

Todd’s statemetR slso had an- For Cumple~ Bauking Se~lee~ See Us . , .other objective ~ to blunt the @ Business Loans ¯ Automobile Lotms n Safe DepositTax Policy Cemmission, ~o use ¯ Savings Accounts ¯ Oaeeldng Accounts ¯ Home Loam

’ PA surp~u~ee to ball out the rag-roads, ’ ’t *bee.yhotthr

31 % PMDON SAVINGSmust be s way to tap the Port, Authority toll booths. A coaple

ALI~ $ IP$~PERS Of Fears ago New Jersey Dame..n = r.oH o, ,orate oth,,oed th.. w...o w.bet"omersU ty"oun--io ink sot foe the ff d. STATE BANK of

It The Many’die ~ewsTurnpike, but this now has be,~ome tnythology. I

The Franklin ~.~em. to m~," Todd g=ld,403 Route 206 South 84 R~st Somerset St.New&,~ecOl~ "that since *he eltlzentt of New

"i#ersey and New York created Hilhlmrough Township l~awlUm8oath Somerset ngenng thug can d~d Telephone 559.$144 " - Telephone 72~-120~

: ’ Nev~t its. revenues be shsnqeled " , ~’ether .~,, ~e sut~or~L "5raa/2 E~uffh To Kno~ You .~ l, ar~e ~rli To ..qorvo You" ;~OALL

Is a creature, not the masthe, of I ’R~ 5-~00

Inwodthe p~opie.in I~eoomeIt should,tlioV~t~alib~that~l- 1. ....Igembet Fe~thttl ntaerve Sl~tem Member Federal ~epalt ~umaeg ~oqb

Page 20: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

’ ...........’ ...." ....... " for County Colleges" .’ S te, F era] :Fun(is Seen,:~mw~an~ ~bce 1890

’This .la the Fifth In a series of tle~ san g, mitred’Re lnltht? county study to ¢¢r, Monfn0lllh and ~as~x Iqktl~ard E, 8chmell"’ articles Pre¯ure¯ by the New cotmty cognges, the State Board ot Education, In Camden County, voinrJ

, Jersey Education Association ~e .total" cost ~. St~to Board IS verifying it have approved a referendum 6n . .outlining tbe g~wth o! twc-year county colleges already au- .ndts schedulvd to aof in Febe~ a ¢Otmty college, but the h’ee-¢ommtmRygolle¯es In the United thodzed is @~ 511111011. Under its ary. homers havo taken rto furtherSinins, Oountins in Hew Jersey or[~toal plan, b~ti,~!~ have M~ been com- action,are now peemltted to establish w~uld be ~.g million and plated in BuHlngton ~qd UNOn ~ Ma le St.~uch public institatthns by the county share 11.6 mllllvri vottntiee and are law being (The ne~ article in this series ~lom~e N, d.

College AOf of 1~2, OCOaR, $: made tn Bergen, Huoferdon, explain~ how ~ calmly eaton J~thUlPJ~ ~I[MI0~

and :1~0,000 ~ CmUberlaed. t~orNft end ~etset. Jt~t be- Ilsbe~ a eolleg~ under’ the CaSh- [seek~ Split ~esth ginning county sthdies are Met- ty ~tege AOf.) It Pay~ to AdVertthe I

Money !~ needed to give New However, In hisJeffrey a netw.rk of two-year sage, Oov, Eichard J. Hughes __------ ~q~ ..-punic colleges. ~r the first noted that federal funds w|ll


time, f~de~-bethSinin and Fag- Pay 40 percent of the Lost of ae~a|, appear to be cor~ing to county COllege and recommendest~lMish th(Im, ed that the State emd

’l~e Le¯lslature and the Gay- ~0tlt the ~mainlng 60 MILLe’tONE ROAD ~IIJ~TONF~ N, I.ernst e;!couraeed counties to Under this formula, the U.S,~ofid two-year co]le¯es in ]06g would provide $~,8 mglion andwith a law which au~d~orizea the the State $3.1 rofRinn. Tt~e ~tm. f iState lo pay half ’die c0nstruc- ty share would be $~00.0~@ in 3 Be~oms, Kitoben and Dinette,tion c~sts of such ~beols a~xd Ocean, ~30,~ in Atlantic, and intilMn "Hngi~ C~ef" lthAppliances,to

one.thlrd of the operating oasis $~?g,~ in Ctm~berlm:d Living Ream, ft~ Ba m~dryRoe°n, attached G.arnge. full Base-

tip to ~ per slngent ~ul. be- C~v Hughes recommends ~ merit, Gas Heat~ ½ Acre Pier --cat!ze no calmly was expected to appropriation of $t.7 i~tSlton fully thndscaped curb ¯utter and

sIdewedk in ~nd aid for, perma-be ready to b~dld ~ofll this fiscal 196~ for county cent road. Irmned~te cceuPoncy.year, the ~qtate to date has al~ With an th~peof f~00,000 avathprqpriated only $20~,000. able f~o.. n~al l~, thl~ .o.ld $20,900 ,f~-8 MSIxon 8aught provkle almost the State’s share

This year should be dJtinrent for the three colteges alreadryl~caya the New Jersey Educatlo] approved T~e Legl~ature still~ ;’~’-.-~ ~.~ ~ ..~ ~ _.


Imust set on the Governor’s tee. ¯ B~h~oms, Living P.c~m, Kitchen,Association. The State Depart-

e S’M~glo Obef" Ap lin~es, Dining~ & " ~Jll=b.." ~ ~x"meot of I~acation has recom, atom ndation. -- Rov~ f~l Both PLatmdry Rc~m, " ’

Fifteen counties are now inpll attached Garage, f~ll Basement,met~ded that the State Budgetvarin~ stages of pinmdng a[ Ga~ Heat, ½ Acre Plot, full land.for the fiscal year starting July soaped, ourb gutter and ai~ewath

I conta£. ~.B mtllion for cotmty ~public two-year College in ~nd paid for, permanent roadcolleges This would cover the l~tal]s get

/immediate occupancy

State’s share for establishingCOlleges U3 0 ..... Atlantic and He~Jdeofs of Ocean Coun~p up- ~[21’200proved ~ r~ere1~r~ In Ha’;ern-Cu~berJa~cl counties, which are bet auth)rizin~ their board ofD~ogl advances in lheir planning freehoideJ~ to build one, ~ree-~nd have nlready received State homers !n Ocean a~d At]untie P’./O Hwoe 1/~ & 2 Acre River Front Plots d~ailable. We FlU| Build $o Sui&Itpproval of their college plans,

courdies have p~seed resolutionsIn addi~ion~ two new federal au:A~rizi~¯ the eblte¯e a~d are Mitistune M~or is orgy ~ minuth8 to New York, ~ear ~’ches, S~hoota, Law Tetxea,

programs ollet US funds for in the pr~ess of naming a board cen~ally [~ated to New BrUnSwinh, Princeton, S~ervitie and Manvilletwo-year colleges: the ~Iigher of directors, Cumberland’s free.Edueatioa Facilities Act, to help holders are conslderi,¯ a resolu-

| OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY 1 TO 5 ]pay constzuetion costs, and the tion,Vo.at~al l~ucation Act, to C~-ea~’~ V~n is to ~.~td ~ S

lor Cat[ KASCHAK BUILDERS 725-3230help fimulee programs of techni- mglion college for 9~0 students -"

eel edueclion, ,erhapa in three phases for 3@ ¯ IIUnder ~e Higher Education tudenU~ each. Atinnt~c’s pr~

Fauilit~es ACt. New Jersey two- ,ossi is to bull d a ~,l m~linn4@mama mm~mmm~mSmlmm~mm~mmmm~mmq~’.co ........o,,. o,x.. w,,] he .oof .d ,o , Lawn Owners!! Take a tip from us!

eatRled to about $1,36 miJllon in adda SeCOPM sectioo later for ~n- |ieach of the next three years¯ The other 500 students. Cumbezqand

to’aif°rtheinree’yearpr°gram C°u~ltyJs"]annlngaSLgmIgi°n

:THIS SPRING THE BIG1is ever $] miJll°n, college for 500 stltdents. WithThe funds will be ¯rantrd to two later ndditinns, the school .C"

pay 40 percent of the totol ees~ would accomodate 1.300. ¯ ¯Of ~mnst]uctiOIt Projects. THUS. ~ s~ud2 committee appointedNewJers°yt~euldsooahevc$]O by the MJdd] ....

freeho,ders., NEWS IN LAWN AIDS::n~i]llon i;,)rth of county.colt°g° has r~c~mmended establib~entbtdlding~" !f all offered fBl~ds are ,~ a $S millin~ two,ear college, Iutilized, ,ossibly al RarJtnn Arsenal,Federal A.thorJzatlon ~hich is behlg c~osed by the De-

Before the funda become avail, fosse ~epal~ent.abJe to t;,e stsf~s, Coagresls mast State Hoard tO Actapproprl;.mo the money, The Cape 3xthy County has pub-~igher F~docplhot Facilities Ael ...............Unly nuthoPiges ?he a~preprJa.lien.

And. l~fore the counties canreceive aay federaJ m~ney,~tale el:er~ey must he deaignat-ed to supervise I~e progt,Eun.

Dcsplte Ihe federal aJd~ Stateappt’oprhl!ions remain the cru-olal ing,’edie~t, says HJEA. The PhoDe "YOUr’ Classiflelamount that the 19B4 Leglalaturea~propr,ales will determine

RA 5=~00wheth .... ot ~ew Jersey .....Ira ~EW,[ IT’S ~iFFERE~T[

"k Eggn dl~ut~ of k~h~¯ Housepn0ducin4wayabe~ter foryour g¯d otk*r k’su aM ©hmlealsI !¯ ’ lawn/ DON’T teach your lawn until ~ NO bet spots. Hm mlsmd 8pohl,a

you knew a~/ the facts[ DO come in ~ {~dok release of In~edlutt Plug ~ I

¯ f I r timed rel~I ,~.% ¯a.d get our ~ee 1~ ormative co o ...... . , ~’, |hr0chu~! . "ff t~lelgam~tlffl~| tl~Ore¥1~lt ot log ~, !{{ : ~ITAGE ~,, c.~o.~’..,.~... ,,a., ~,d ,,e,.

{,~!-IOUSE -- --.-~ .... 2.~, -" "t;~ ¯ SANTOMEN BROS. H,a~uw~ex~- ,d

- Dlstflbutors of ’1’010 ~ PENN MOWEKS -- MOOIB S PAINI~ ~’1[ ~: ~’ . ~ ~ Q.rdem 8upplles --" Keys Made -- Oinss ];

t’ i~-dl, "J216 B, Main St. EL 6-0776 Bound Brook ,!l

Page 21: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he
Page 22: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

J~.WELRyoNeMWE ? ~ and we’re aU ready with~ ~}

. ~’7-~/~/ the choicest selection ever,~..~ ~ choose from wide variety

’IJ~k ~ of coats, suits,

C~ J" toppers,

~~¢or the gtrlstATI~lLJm~a ... and for

GIFTS ’n’ "-~T-~ me bo.-~.~d~~~/CARDS ~\X? sutts, coats, V ra-cara

IS NEW ~ ~.~ Jackets,

HOSTESSd~.s shlrtsl $650 to $799

.Hmtdi-eharge AccordL~g to Size



~ $699 to $799

Ac~’ordlvg to Size

GIFTS ’n’ ~"°kShe~ Pre~ript [~ WhiteRed


ARE NEW~ol ~. M~ s~, ~ ,,.o~, .ouN~ ~oox


To Serve YoulSTATIONERY TUBELESS * BLACK see w Fo~- ¯ TUNE.AT 700-14 and old tire off car - plus tax " UPS



695REPAIRSTubeless $1 cxtrs .~ty mlze

IS NEW Also Tabs.Type Oae Price Open: 6 am tD 10:$0 pnWhitewalls Limited Stock$1 extra, sl Avaihble,

, "’ NO ~a~s plus tax,ill


SPECIAL:BUNNIES Reconditioned 15" Wheels ......... ].98& ," Wh..|. a,.,.~, .* ~,N~o~ ~,;~0,,, LUBRICATION

ARTIFICIAL $TEVE’S J~MI c~.~,’°~" $100FLOWERS ~ ’ "HRE [ O

,o.., .,~.. M,o,.,~I~ "*’SERVICE J s & ~ ARIK & LIVAK

PARTY GOODS 420 So, Maia St, Manville[ 0,ee~ Stampm SERVICE STATION

.....~,:.. N. Main St.

The Address?P,A ~7~44 or RA 5.5646 Manville

725.9737B. F. Goodrich Lucky Claim Give Away27 SO, MAIN ST, READEI~ DIGEST. ~vtNNERS


Page 23: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he
Page 24: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

., , ~,~, * . ¯ i,,,. 4 (’~uF ., ¯ z . .... i.: ,.ITtf ¯

~m ’ ~ ~1~"~ | ZL~,r~ ~VIOVt~ / ttOn ~ pr~ve~d the plant rootsI’~’

~ depth~ and it Wt 1 pceve~t walerW~ appearm~ee ct, and alp from pauing ~10 thef?cs~ ~w etmny sprl~g-lthe days,

moat gat~lene~s become qui’te ~ct zone ef the sNL

I ~ ’.~. ~d[6a I1.~=-’~- 1 a~c, dolz~ to ~ct otetdq2~t~q tu work Clay SOil Dlfllot~tin t~e~r gn~derm St~ cendltlnns are exlremelyCertain prerr~a~xe gal~den "lmzv~lou~ on our heavy clay

r~pet~t~ns c~n a£ten lead to saith. It may requtrc years of"THINK SMALL," SAYS RUTGERS EXPERT ~.~y e,~p~that~ ~btem~ ~orr~-~w ~aed~ ~o ret~

later i~ the ~e~en. compacte:t clay ~og ~c its pt~operThink small. That’s the word These generally work out bet.from a Rntger~ fruit specialist [ter than the stvl~e fruihe--I~each F~y in t~ f~a~o~ the act cf pby~c~l ~ndifion.

who is often called uPon to ~ive [ plum, cherry a~d nectarine-- walking on weL SpoX~y sch can If you are t~ot sure whether

want to make the action this shown that some ~arieties ot

be hax~nf~, becav,~e the so~i is t~e sam is ready to be ~Jrked, :advice a~ut heekyal~t frtdt beenuse peaches and such havecom4~vted beneaeh yc~Jr feet, the followhng l~st shoaid be per-growing, more disease problem~ 9n~ are c~e~tk~g ~ i~e~’nleable formed before proceed~g, Dig¯ When you order your trees-- less winl~r-kardy.

and it’s high time you did if you Many years of" trial have inFerS below the ~o~] surface. ¢lp a spadeto[ of soil, turn itT~C ~rne ccndlg~.~s prevag over, s~d give it a whaok wKh

~ear--fcrcqo ~e standard-size fruit thrive th New Jersey and w~en g~rde~ ~tls ~ere turhed the f~t surface of ~e spade.

. ~ ly or if the clumps do not appearAny or these grew too big for~ whtuh otn,~ are hkely te succeed,


to be held together hy excessivethe avera~e pl~periyi according I Especthlly i~ you’re new to moieties" it [a all rig~ to dig,t~ Ernest G Chrisl Besldes,~ fruit growing, you ~ay sppre. ~f on the other hand, It staysyou mlghl not want to invest in:elate the advice that Mr, C~rist ]urapy ~r th one’tzx~zs, rind an-the spray equipns~ni you’d ihas writ(on thto k[s hU[tht~, other garden e)tore 10 do,~eed to tek ..... of a largei"Fruit Trees in the Hoi~e Get-

Y C’OI~O G|~OThe Utdl--d--avale S’e S~"

tree, , den." If ou~e been In the U.S.~.A. OPb~NED DOORSW’hleh Vn rlety? i It’s free and you can ge~ a copy WOrk~l~p working with glue Adad-

E~0et’ie~ee has proved ’that from you:" emmfy agrleugural Gild have gotten glue ~nyoRr etolh~, ~ou’le rob-[amy for the ethic at Ion and train-dwarf trees sre most satisfac- agent or by sending a card to~b]y in f0r Z~ wgh theol’!tile in~ of midshipmen waa operl~d

tory for the gardener wh~ w~msGarden RepOrier, College of ~.the gun at pradacthg his own AgrthuRure, Rutgers University,

WOman, at A~napolL~, Md,, OcL 1~, ]84g.However, ]lere’$ It way to Candidates Io ~ Naval Acad-

fruit Tot, ~,an get several dwarf New ~.runswiek. Jtu~t mention b~dO f~0m th@ Wlf~ thO ~t~varze es ~ apples and pears. I ’Fruit Trees. t]z~t yOU Were f~ ]Jtt]e irle~ey, emy must not be less thart 17 or

SeW~iled "airplane" cen~ent more than 22 years of age byca~t be t~d0ved from cloth- July ] of the year they enter¯

PRUNE FRUIT TREES AT PEAK BEARING ins by an immediate applica-tion of l~t uer thinner.

.As fr~ trees re:~eh peak~ab0ve shout 2 inches further Tkt~ worq~$ art s01ne o~l~er HEAVY CASUALTIES~arthg, the amount ,d pruning from the base, eui~in~ up abottt typl8 ~ gl~e~ too, Accoi~ting to records in themust be gradually increased. ~alis. l~emember, however, ~olYt office of the Adjutant General of

To remove the old ~ndesira- Now the stub ee~t he removed smoke wlto using the thin, the War Department in Wash- li~.nor and use it oztly n a well ingter~ 359,580 Union men were~le wood, space the limbs far witho~Jt danger of strippthg thevenUJatod urea.

II~.’o~d penetration of ];ght and bark from the lrnnk, killed in the Civil War.~:prvy fnS~el*ia[,% and maintain amoderalely vigorous tree thatwilt bear high quality fruit.

y~ll will find it easier Io m~n-~e your apple trees, zoo, if youkeep the tops ot :nature trees[ i mp .~’:rea~m~ably low ~nd the ~ides

Ywithin bvtmd~. "" ’ i "

Pl’ttnlr~ !;ho~ld he done st any it:me durln~ the durra:tat sea,oR~

whoa the weather is mild. [Ese Sharp Tctds

fir~I classIUse sharp tools in - :~.ondition. The., tools shouldbeIrelativeS,, light an I ea&v Ioihandle, ;two-tom loopers and a J dawn "Llght Wa~hman"ser/Ice

; lilum[netes on0 .......de --f .....: ASKING ao,ro..O .........,,h,eothANNOUNCING "~.ehey~ary euttill~ or ripping]

I’hOn, oMake’]lain~ ul,ingcuts t r thJk.off cleans b, aneh.nd ~m~Jih ’ elo~o ’,


x~d flas]l wit4~ the hran3h or:..... : OUTDOOR tOM?.~roperly, will rot talc the main;b~’anch and even uallv t] reaten::~c Bfe ¢f ~e ~ree Any cut ,~.~ ~.--an,nehln d,ome,er--ld’,AREAbc treated with regular tree’ ~bhlnaws01"vico, Pmlph~opeopleoedbeslnestes

paint or tree wc4Jn:~ dm~irt~o I WHAT DO,E~ ]T COS~. borrow wisely at reasenobte

When deal’];= with lv.rgeiLIGHTING

~or~an, ..role... gyou n.*d~rnr~hes, ~al’e musl be taken Io t~ey f~ any worthwhile pt~.;~vold ripping he bark w~en " " pose, don’t be shy, ¢o~ In ~.branrh fails. First make a cut!

~l~lkwlthul, ,~4~,~

~P. the it,~der ~i~ at~tlt ~x foot ifrom the: base. cuttitkq up batI

--BASKING HOUR8-one third. Nexl make a eel frc, m[ Moil., TL~S, ~ Wed.

9 a,m. to 3 p.m.OLD S’~’AT~ CA~’~TA~’ ! " W¢;r~ surf ~,~r a,k.tu.tm .rm ~.~, - 0 ..~, to s p.=.

Ro~,Tbe ¢cv:x.p[ete dOId Sta!e HouSein l~t0,iUwttsLIttlethe---~-- t~l~’$ fie eot~ g p~m. to 7*,30 p,m,. aLIGHT WATCHMAW’ it ,. - ~,, ~, m.~ ~.. -g ..=. ,.d ~.~.a,e Capilal Lmlil 29J2 and howl AUTOMATICALLY.~zel ers the Arkunsa.$ ArchlvesI MAILTHISCOUPONNOWI~[oar[z~lrnt u}td ]~[~LOr~" Corn-! V~U~U~,r~ds~len. SAFEGUARDS ~.n~., ,.. ~,,,.

YOUR P~OPERTY ~ ~,~,,,o,fOR JUST j ~.-,,’~,~%,J~’,,.,,,.

[ ’ z~c~ PENNIES A DAY!. ~^.~ " .L~0UBE EVEitYTHINO

t ~r~ , XZLZWO~ ’"

~r 4 q’~ ’ "" ~ D.~A" 2.1880 ....... ’ .......... ’-r’---PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC ANQ GAS COMPANY

Page 25: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

t.,,: .¯ ~ ~ /,~* "t t~,,, , ct,.," . . [ , .

Guild, FestivalTo ExaMbit W rks

WI~TE ROU~ DANCES After Mr, McCono Ithd b~e~ Area BrtisLs wig be fe~tu~dE~e~’¥ preuident of the Llnlted] iatrnduwd for a bow. decrethry

¯ Stht~a develops a style of hiSl o~ ’Deton~ MeNamara des©rib, ai the third anattal art festival

own. Altocmgh stilt new at his ed h~ oftorle to eoonomize o~ and dinner of the 8ott~ 80mer-;~oh. President "Johnson con- ~etonse e~tp*nditures, Re then set Guild cf Gre~glve ,Art |o be

held Apri! It at the ~ellwoodU~ues to show a sure band in his reterrnd to the importancehtndlth~ of cendcess, epotthathg our oftotis Inn, Mow~taln Top ¯and. Sam.

Instead of the custhm~ry en- Vietnam, where he Ls going dace orville,

~+ ntml stt~:c top ag morn.berg of ~data tot’ the third time in tourAmo~ ~he ~rtisth taking ~r~

Congress, the President this months, ~ the exh bit are Maxwell~thtp

year Js holding tO separate son d Scotch Plains, who isreceptions, Some d0 members of ¯eview Tte~bth SPots schndulnd If* give a pathth~

the House, ~t~d their wives weregecretaty el Stath ]Je~trt Rt.L~k, demonstration.

t~lro~t~l as ’edge of ot/r Wisestincluded in the one which my . Entries of pathtthgs ~oulpturepobhe servar~ts", gave a q~lekwife and I recently attended .... and ceremxc~ u]~ to be received

We wer~ ~tshed for 8 p.rn. and al~.d candid reeapithlatioao[ cart- at the ¯qdwood Inn from 7 to 9for the izext two hout~ every eu8 trouble 8pots. The ~dtuatloo

m A r:[ (I and from I to in Pae.am~ continues to be atp’ ’ P "

m~T~ent war* tl~. ~t)ere were . p,~, Ap’ ?. Confe~ta~ may~oeautifut flower arrangements immedta e concern, as do the exhibit nc mare than two pieces

" th all the rooms and a Marine aroas where the Untted States

band played discreetly in Line arid the fiovJe~ Union are in di~I~t any o! the three cathgories,

Entry tvrma should be math-.,A~ ::rect contronthgen--Bergn, Cuba

ed prior to Marcb 20 lc Mrs. ~ ; :front hall as we passed through imd Vielaam,a receivtqg bne se~ up in the Christiau J~hasten, Mountainoval Blue Room, By this ~e the Preside°f was

View Road, ~Belle Mead, forThe President and Mrs. John- gbttthg tearless, perndps be- HIGH SPOT ~ ~ffaela ~ovley. ~ndlo astronomer, tides ht tie

son h~d a word of welcome for cause the ladles were waiting topainting; while seulpture and n~st of an Ah, Fot~o~ erase to ,’gip- ~n 8¢bf~t xad~o slg~tat re.

~.~" eaoh guost. To my strrprise I the EoBt ¯oom anti the d~nce eeramieSmitted to entrJeSiKrs. Glen.nsh°uldPeacoek,be ~ub- ~o~°~iVerC~sZthpota~.]°°ato¢l at.Ipswi@h, Mass,.. to th~ dlreoUon of the ~onstotla-soon found myself included In a music had already begun. Aa

I Westhrooh Road, Sor%ervlge.dnat between John Mete°e, Dr- he had on earlier occasions, Mr,

A nominal entry fee will ber~etor Of the Central Intelligence Johnson was soon leading the

charged to etmtributors who


Agency. and the President¯ dancing, double-cuttlng on manydo sol hold Guild membership¯of our w!ves. Both he a~d Mrs.lg~t~ To Dining Room Johnson seem thoroughl:~ to en-

~dter e’,erymm had assembled joy this hind of informal hos- q~_.._ xand borg d’ooo,r,Olt,, ty- and their ,u.ts re. oomerm trustbad been served. Mr. Johnson sUe°dad warmly. At the end ofJ~u~ge$ted tha* th ....

J°th h’m the l°~ E~sf ~°~’ drJ~ks azJ~ M k CHOME MADE SALADSin the Moan b.,a o, ,.d end and0-ar s entenar~,,. ~ob~son showed ....i ....loh ...... a~.ahlo ~s Pres~- ¯ SMOKED WHITING

throtq,.h the rooms on the second d~nt Johosotl hnd hoped, this ’lXhe Somerset Trtmt Company*floor. (lay O~ of the ~ds was reception prOVed the suocess of Will mark its tOOth Arm[versar! O FRIED F~SHthe new book on WOodr0w Wil- hi~ theox2v that all work and no with a week of speeth[ activit~esson. When the Cheering Stopped. play is not good, nor is air play starting Monday. ORDER EARLY FOR EASTER ¯and als~ The ~iiaoes of the at~d no work. According te Riohard LothianFisherman.) the Somerset Trust Compan~

SMOKED’ & FRESH I~ELBASYl° the dJnthg room. rows of VI~GE RECREATED will make a ~tmjor conkribuCo~chairs he~ boen set up In front Mystic Seaport in Mystic. to the S~ ...... t Hospital on SMOKED HAMSof a ]eeicm. President Johnst~t Conn.. is a 1Bin eentu, ry eoastal Monday; ,.viii hold a nttlnber ofagsth welcomed ~ briefly. He village recreated by the Marine special in-bank tours for high

Catering For Every Oc~adonbad, not lr~vitoo us to the White Hlstorictd As.oeiation Inc. sehoe.l busJnnsts sturaents or.he ,,, ,o l. to oo.do*:ond,v,l, hoo, a,uoeh WALTS DFLICATESS ~e¢luce us, but to make u~ better ! Radio Free Europe it u pri- con on Wednesday lot heads of ~ taet!uainled with several or his sate American network fighting companies that have been in theclosest advisors, whom hc de- Communist propaganda in rive are~ for IOO years ot" more. 219 N. Main St. RA 9.O652 Manvillescribed as m.ng his greatest countries of Eastern Europe- Thursday, March ]O, CeutltyIesaeJes from President Ken- Paland, Czechoslovakia, Hun- residenta who have reached 100 ~_=’: ~ ......n~gy, gary, Rmnaaia and Bulgaria. years will be imnored. Friday, " .....

~k" ~! m Morch 20, will be "1864 Day" at Buitdlag~ ford°doling-- Home ImprovementsI all Tras! Company offlce~. Banki WEEKLY CROSSWORD PUZZLE I o,~,,,,or .... ~ ~o ~,~,sed ~0J,, .... ~tu,y-~d s,~,,, ....~ . .ee WESTON HOMES COMPANY’ luncheon of sandwiches and

[ k~i] "k AnifflO Here~ the amwer birch beer on tap will he ~e~ved 4~8 south Main Street ManvIDe, New Jersey(|.

.v. ~,n’ 1 ~[~lQtr~l°l~ltVt t l¢ll z~t~,s ~ to the public a~ each bank office.

Dial 722"~(~lllOglZON~AIz YKRTIC~ ~ ~"’-- """"-" "’"-" "’-’--" "-’-’"" Ssturduy, the week will close

: 1 Deoieted IL~ten~ ~ ~.J~’=)..:~’~l~ with a dinner and dancing party JOSEPH PALKO, Proprietor

mflehanimaI SAt’~lult~


for employeoa, officers and di- ~l£[[llt~ ~lun£iglul~ PFO~HCtR * , .’ ~ Thee -- are ~ LJmnenantlOt a welt. (ab.) rectors ut the Raritan Valleykn~.~ b~m,~se,.or ~.~V.;, C..mr~ t:l.h . , ¯ ~fie Repnlr Gb~s ~ ,qer,ens

14Unclo~md ~qulrr~l ~hr~w ~ ~, I The bvnk was ~OUI~ISI]~ open-~SOnagee IlOoralnt’s wile ed in June of ]/364 as the First ~ Alulnhnlnl ¯ Aluminum ~idJng|8 i~emMe nlef in ArthurlanI~Femate ~int legend 20Shams 48Pasteboar~ Nationai Bank of ~rael’ville. In

a~.~ ’/Frozenwaler 2g~lroad. 44Gz~okletttr 1917, the insthallon received a StorIll Windows ¯ Porch Elzclostlre~

~" ~0CushtoaIP¢3 he hng $OranuIsr teaOWosymbot Dr brlmm~dMtxleanhlt¢STypee[ eht~e48wst~s~aiedstate charter and became the O Doors - Awnings - u IPazilings & COItIHIlI$

~lBitiervoteh cobait 25Aoletma ~O|lttwatIan ~omerviHe T1ust Compnny sadg3SynlbO1 for

101tallangcddez*27Iohem wreath in 1950. the name was changed ~cr~ell8 ¯ Glitters ~t L~adeP8tellurium of the harvest34 Staallcand[es 51F~minioe~ Io ~onlcl~et Trust Comp~uly.

~4 Heaven y ~dyl 1 Dazing[ 8S Evaded n~ma ¯ ¯ ¯ *gSHeavyb 0w

|gS¢off ~’/BIrenglhen ~s~st ’ ~’~pee~ol[~[ng m ,41um~m~m Siding’.~lSObs~r~B 17Conlparaflve 3OB0ses 55TypeOf LON~E~.r GriME IN I].B.Im.lemlsh s.fl,* 42Apud(ab.1 buuerfly Zhe ,.~.ge~t .°me p,ayed ,a " ¢’* S’P-E"C-T-A-E" ¯’*0Bight (ah,.[~ ]B*ronotIt Iv. t ~ i0 t I,e I ithe Major L~agues took piece~.~l p / ~ ¯ - Sterling Screen & Storm Door Setd~ rd est fob,)

on Mey l. 1020 when ~rooklyng, Oriental ,15~ ~/~15 [ ~

andBos;nnintheNational INCLUDRdme~sut~

i i

League played 0 I-I tie in 26 @ [)GOt CIogeP

$~9Nl~htHalrlesslmC~e ~ ~ ~7. .

innings. ¯ Craitb ~]lilill

~Un., ~ - - ~ ¯ Your Cholce: Chrome.t.~,.~ ~ SOUTH SOMERSET Plated Pitcher Handle40Regtm ~-~"- "~ u Or Knob Lock

releaser (oh.)d~Membraamla ~ ~ Insurance Agency


ICe.pie| thstmtetthl~ enclosed,) [ ¯

¢~r~t]~ ~"--~i

Russell D. Du/ley ’~4it

1First Cotlle7Roman br~nz0 PHON’~ Stiff.SLY3

~First derveg

~[;" IR 01rl%l~am0, s ,~ ~ : : Limit: g kits Per customer~c,.~...~,I~ ~ I J~ I I ~ ~..~’..e,,.to. e.’,,.p ~e,~ O,e~’ .=p,r.s Maroh .tsf, xmKt~pe~ / ’ , ,",~o~aHh’~’l~q ’1 dl--lZl I I is ~i dSSRf, mso.th . ..¯ #rsntll~ name " " ¯ ’.

~.~g? .. P*l I I, Fill I I So~.e*~,... H.J. .PF.one Yottr C~sifieds RA-5-~00 :.d

Page 26: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he


’Ufe Wfth The Rim ~leJ"~!~, ’~ : ~ : ’ By Les Carroll ,,~ ~t~ ~o,~ .,,,..t¯’ ’~ data processing. It is the sdaonS ¯

~FlCUL’¢ ~ ~ ~.. 1 $~~. W attauding tha $chool ~re: RO-

Spea~er, Jr., First NalinaalBank of Somerset Cotmty, Bound.

r [~" ’ ¢~ ~ ~~rook; and "l~]iomaa H, Van’Ars-dale, ~omervlhe Savings Bank.

The ©urrieulum ineindescoltr~oe8 on~ ~rli’~iples of dataprocessing: commercially avail.able data prooessing egulpment~sy~ems annlysls and. work ah~.pliflcation~ how to make a data . :processing teaslbLlity study, a~ethers.


~cb o.~ Sly ,tinlent$ Wilt paF-

~# ~a~amt’~velopment were sabmLtted by year’s anticipated infht.x of out- ~ Somerset Bankers ticipnle in i~ "hours OE cLass-

, Fred Eckhart stzpervisor o~ the o~State vLsitors e~c~d duringCo~servaUon " Department’s the New Jerssy Tercentenary Attend Data ~chool

room study.

For 5500 FamiliesPlans and, Survey Section to the and the World’s Fair, Three Somerset County bank. HOl~glxlO ALGER AWARDSState Advisory Commltteo on A comprehensive tis~ of State era will attend the New Jersey ’l~o Horatio Alger awards are

~Nearly 5,500 nature-laving Can’,ping. . an~ private campgrounds will be Bankers AssocLatinn Data Pro. given by American Scbeol~ and~amilies will be able to sleep Location plans have been com- compiled by the Cormervat~n cessktg School at Nassau Inn, Colleges A~ceiatinn in rvcognl-"under the stars" in the Gardenpleted for VS(I ot the propoundDepartment’s State Promotion Princeton, Sunday through Frl. tion of achievement frc~m~tatc any night this year at campsites which will be located Section in the near future for day next week, The purpose of hurabin beginnings.camping areas located in all in nine soetiva~ of the State, Of nationwide di.q~rikution. Approx. the school, whLch is 4he onlyparts of Hew Jersey, this number, 450 were staked imately G,000 oI the Lists were storewide sohoeL of its hind for LAP.GEST STATE

Detati~ cat 1,~0 new c~m’~p, out on five areas and ~0 were distrlbutud in 1~3 and requests bankers, is to provide New Jer- The largest state ]s Alaskaaires under construction ~ the cleared and readies as park- for 4he ]964 issue are ~oeing re. sey bankers with the inforrna- wlth r~,400 sq. mL and thelqew Jersey Department of Con- ing spurs, The new constr~nl[on eeived from throughout the lion needed to meet hanking’s smalLest, Rhode Islaud xvti~~ervatian aud ~eonomie De- are prLmarily intended for ~his country, continued gro’.vth and ¢onlimte~ L214 sq. mi.

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$1.00 Minimum for 20 words and your ad @pearsin all 3 Nash Newspapers.

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Page 27: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he
Page 28: I .os NEWS-RECORD - DigiFind-It · they are not legal restsorgo o ~ sm answer he

PAGE IfSA Tllll FBA~gu~ N2WS-RF, CHIkO ~"IIlffP,,SD&y, MAI~CH Lt, I~! ¯

It Blac’kpine’ ~re is enOt’~h anYarnoteurg~7"wA~N’G~rON xl0H. bu/Idi~orpertkonMal~oveFCorreg~otu~Hos... ~seed to plant ~, ~0ur-by-fottr foot ,-H CLb’E TO bulldlng to got started. ,.

, ," seed bed in each packet.Kip Cuf~elyOU wll} ~ one of Desertpli~ and del~dl~ of the ’,, ... ,, *o.h.

"|[ || to plar~ a two-toot squa.re "plot gates to the National 4-H Ctob 4"H Offine. V~y not call in and -¯ ’ ’ ~ , .,;. for 26 cent~ ~ T*~ckage. " Cor~erenc~e in April, (Becat~se of

~OMING EVENT8 Stoats and how to FlaP. F~’ A GARDEN MERTING8 exeeRe~t readership qt~a~Itloa he get come intormatlov, c~ th/s~VIarch 14-~.~ounty quore Daneo, Pi~nin or other Special Events The 4-H P.’oject Leader and has beeu awarded ane of the 8OOd projtot,

Finsotne School, 7:50 p.m. by Fran~ Captdo ~nd Ca~:d .De. Agricultural .Agent Ray Eber~ highest h~nocs given to a 4-H~,’Iarch 18-4-H Pa~r Aae~ciotion Styrene. ksrdt has a series of 4 h~e member, 8ABIN POIAO FEEDINGS

COMPLETED 1N COUNTYMeeting, County Adminintra- There were shout 50 present, gardener rnoetJ~gs coming up.GOOD EX’I~A PROJEC~ Fending of all throe Sabln vac-~.ion BIdg., 8 p.m. Memy clubs m~s3ed out on a good The.so ~re free and will be held Have you got room in the

LAY~r~EN C~N DO IT i (hing, in the third floor cor~e.re(~ce freezer ~*r e, ome t~ap notch eine types wets completed to the

A~ exelr~p]e of a good program THEES AVAILABLEroom t~ the County AthnJniof.ra- c~c.kens? Do some of yot~ (~ouoty Sunday afternoon when

run by leede~ and member~ White Pine, Norw!~y ~pruee, tion Budding as follows: members want a livestock pro- make-up ofinlcs were held forWas the Fedxuary 15 Recreation and Austi’~an Pine ~eedling~ will Wednesday, Ma~ l~-"Your ject hilt do not have tame lot Type |I vaccine.

Lawn" Dr, Henry h’~lyke, tgrt another ciub?workshop. Recreatlo~ chairman, be ava:qable in ltmlted nvmbers Dr. Harry "Abrs~son, cha]r-Joim Kobie]a, did a bang ~p Job from the 4-H Clt~ office, Chth management specie}let, |Y so, we have a good project man of the Victory Over Polioof o~gallizing and carrying it member8 requcsll~g ~tmh free8 Wednesday. March ~-"Prva~- f~r yore" 4-H’ers, The 1964 4-H campaign of the Somerset Coun-out. . must fOllOW suggested practices. I~ and Maintam;.ng Ornnm~n- ~ioken of Tomorrow col~teot, ty Medical Soofety, cautioned

Each workshop w~ bandied Thi~ v~i, be c]as~ed as a "4-H t~Is"-Don L~cey, home groundsErectly, startln~g with as few County re.dents who will be

by ~]ub members. Cratts. which ]Pore~try Pr~%cL" speoiatist,~s 9-5 cockerels, the membermaking up tiollo ~eedinga in

toc4uded tmrne bracelets and There are still a few seed Wednesday April I-"Soll & raises inst-~rowtAtg, welI-fleb~hndother counties to keep at toast~’rlend marbles was run .by Re- packets left for our "trees from FePtAllzer"-Mr. E.herhardt. manket p~ultry. The ~olrds are four weeks between feedlng8 o~herin Hey and Barbara Flof’k~; ~end" p~oJe~t, ’Phe price Is 75 T~es~ raeetings would be p~- ~tarted Apl~l B or g and the cori- Type 1 and Type EI Sablfi polioeklth by Lewis S’alh>g and cents a paO.’kst for WhSe Pine, LictOexly helpto~ to g~rden lead- test ends on June 1% vaccine and six weeks a~ter tak-P.ich~rd O’Neill: 8a~s by Jim ML~gho Pine, and dapa~e ~.rs: but wo~Id be inte~st]ng to All you reofly need Is a I0 ing Type It Sabin vaccine.



a amilt/learnhtom, @$poclall)’, will declar~ a ye~r,;’ound holiday with thls beautiful and ’ " ’ f

of Vi~o furniture by Baumrltte~. Lu~trou~ ~culptured eteol ! e,~, VIKO ROOM onJYpracticalafldberdw°°dsarewgddadto’]°atheofJk°°rf@xtu~odPJ~tic$-inPe¢’~l, ’ SPEC,ALHOLIDAY --’’ 199~. BUDGETwith the stro~ of a damp clOth. The mc~t active youn stars can’t o~ar theJewel-bright finishes of this "designed fo~ modern tiring" golloction. Ru~edenough for the family i~om, this versatile furniture lends it~ 8race and PURCHASEhigh style to the living room as Well, YoUr choice of bronze o," welnut flnlshas, n cludes~ 2-1:~, Sectional befe Sw|v~l ~C&- TF~M~One look Br~ you’ll a~ree that YOUNe never ~en ~h ~’hPtl~(ll L~U~ at aional Chair Adjustable Back Chair andIRCh 0 Ib’a~t Jcal W}~, ~omO ~ldyl ~o~r~r Tab e*

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