V f ?rvr -J*/ it v , ,. ' ' -5 TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1912. THE EVENING TIMES, GRAND FORKS, N. D. 'H A PENNY A WORD Phone 500 Minimum Charge 25c TIMES WAN WILL GET THE RESULTS YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A PENNY A WORD iPhone 500 Minimum Charge 25c Classified Econorn mm Results a re,'certain H HELP WANTED—Female WANTED—Two girls to wait tables in boa riling house. $25 per month. One woman to wash dishes. $"0 per month and board. Enquire Hoarding House, Kaudette, Minn. Bert Help. WASTED—Competent girl for house- work. Easy place. No washing or ironing, tlood wafti y. Small family. Sirs. D. Mc.Kenzie, 2'T1 Walnut. WASTED—Competent girl for general housework Wages $7.nil per week. Mrs. White, S43 Belmont avenue. MESSENGERS. PROFESSIONAL CARDS EITHER PHONE BRINGS QUICK SERVICE. 3WN.W. THE STAR BONDED SERVICE T. S. 37 PAPER HANGING. WASTED—Competent girl for house- work: small family. Mrs. W. C. Stebblns, 1314 University avenue. WASTED—Girl or woman to work on farm near Grand Forks. A. Tt. Bar- low, R. R. 2. Trl-Htate 18-112. WANTED—Girl for general housework. Good wages; no washing. Mrs. T. J. Smith, 891 Belmont avenue. WASTED AT ONCE -Competent girl for general housework. Apply O. Young's Furniture Store. WASTED—Girl or woman at Grand Forks county hospital at Arvilla. Wages $25 a month. WASTED—Competent girl. Two In family. Mrs. J. II. Mclnerney. 504 South Fourth street. WASTED—Competent girl for general housework. M. ST. O'Connor, 524 I North Fifth street. AGENTS WANTED. GREAT OPPORTUNITY to make money fast, selling "Great Leaders and Na- tional Issues of 1912," discussed by Roosevelt, Wilson. Taft, Clark and other leaders of all parties. Lives of all candidates. 100 colored and other Illustrations. Only $1.00. Very best terms; outfit free. Universal House, 1010 Arch street, Philadelphia. AGENTS—A DEVICE ABSOLUTELY indispensable to automobile owners; touring season opened: salesmen re- port easy seller: big profits. Connect with Manufacturers' Central Sales Co., Racine, Wis. 4GENTS—Stop peddling. Send for our free prospectus, start your own busi- ness. Something unusually alive. Hertel's Novelty Co., 138 Fifth ave- nue, New York. -k AUTOMOBILES. FREE FREE To all customers sending us an order for $15 or more we will send free of rharge a "Little Giant" vulcanizer, regular price $2.50, complete and ready for Instant use. You can vulcanize your #wn tires inside of 15 minutes and the :ost is your gasoline only. (Fits in- jlde tool box.) TIRES mi: SEW TIRES 11)12 Your money back, if upon receipt of any of our goods you are not thor- oughly satisfied. All Tires are high-grade leading makes. Blze. 28x3 R0x3 32x3 50x3* 81.\3J 82x31 34x31 30x4 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 85x4 36x4 84x4* 35x41 56x41 36x5 All goods shipped C. O. P., subject to examination upon receipt of 10 per cent deposit. _ INDEPENDENT TIRE CO. (331-4335 Calumet Ave., Chicago. 111. Casing'. Tub". $ R.50 $1.85 9.30 2.10 11 .no 2.15 13.70 2.45 14.40 2. ftn 14. 2.75 15.90 2.85 lfi.60 3.00 17.50 3.20 1 8.75 3.25 20.00 3.30 22.fin 3.25 23.10 3.10 23.00 3.50 24.50 4.00 25.00 4.05 25.25 4.40 27.00 4.90 Ford Cars Ford Car* Domnnd built 75.000 In 1912 FORD AUTOMOBILE CO. Write for Catalogue and Prices. Opp. Hotel Da cot ah. Grand Forks. E. N. F. FLANDERS Real Cars In Our Auto Livery. DAKOTA AUTO CO., ARTS You get there and you get back. t,W ERXF PAIKE-PETROTT AWNINGS AND TENTS. GRAND FORKS TENT « AWS'SO IS«4L. N. W. CO. Ml.No. 5th Tents Awnings Window Shades Threshing Machine Covers. Paulino. A IJWN PTt OPT* TreTOTt. AUCTIONEERS. IRVING STEWART. AUCTIONEER- Phone 1340-8. Northwestern. B BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE—Boiler shop at Cavalier, N. D. Best town In state. Just build- ing $100,000 court house. Shop 90 feet long and fully equipped. Large Blsse lathe. Fine business. Twenty engines in shop now. Snap for im- mediate sale. Must leave town on other business. Crlss Deltricli, Cava- lier, N. D. MILLINERY STOCK FOR SALE cheap. Good business location. For particu- lars write to Box 351. McVllle, N. D. CLEANERS AND DYERS. SOUTH END CLEANING SHOP— French dry cleaning. Steam clean- ing. Dyeing, repairing, pressing. Ladles or gentlemen. Phone C73J, N. W., or 811L, T.-8. We will call. 218 South Third street. s BOULEVARD PASTOIIIUM—Cleaning, pressing, dyeing. Work guaranteed. Reasonable prices. We call and de- liver. B. Paul, Pro Point. Tri-Statc, western, 897L. On Minnesota 1121k North Cleaners THE PANTORIUM Dyers Cleaning preserves your garments. Skilled Workmen* Quick Service Special Service Out of City. BOTH PHONES 48*. 419 DE MERS CARPETS AND RUGS—We have the best equipment in the city for clean* ing carpets and ruga. Satisfaction guaranteed or we expect no pay. Call b«th phones 178. Star Steam Laundry. OACOTAH CLEANERS AND DYERS 7IIL T.-S. S. J. Bergmaa B94L. N. W. Appreciate Your Patronage. OUR PROCESS PREVENTS MOTHS. CHIROPODISTS. i. C. AMOR CHIROPODIST Hz pert on all foot trouble*. Coras extracted without pain. Ingrowing nails and bunlona _ scientifically treated. DON'T HOBBLE BUT WALK. Clifford Annex. Da Mers Ave. MRS. M. C. PBIRCB. Corns extracted; Ingrowing nails and bunions treated; electric foot massage. IRD FLOOR. ONTARIO STORES. COFFEE HOUSES. COFFEES TEAS We roast coffee treth every day. 14 HOME TEA CO. No. 4th Premium tickets with every purchase. 6PICES SOAPS D DRESSMAKING. DAINTY SUMMER DRESS GOODS Made Into Dainty Summer Dresses. MRS. STINSON 919L. 3RD & BRUCE WASTED—Sowing by the day, $1.25. 628 Sixth avenue. Phone 484-R, Tri- State. COMPETENT DRESSMAKER—$2.25 per day. Call 597 Northwestern. E TO EXCHANGE WILL TRADE half section land In Burke county, 140 cultivated, for modern house in Grand Forks or East Grand Forks. Address S90 Times- Herald. FOUR PASSESGER torpedo 1911 Over- land for sale or trade. E. Sandlle. F FOR RENT—HOUSES. Watch drand Forks Grow FOIt RENT. 100 acres of timothy liay laud at city limits. 160 acres prairie hay land, two miles from city. $20.00—Six room house, one block from postoffice; fine condition; sewer; city water free; gas. $35.00—Ten room all modern house. North Third street. $30.00—Six room new all modern house on University avenue. $22.00—New six room house, all mod- ern but lieat. $10.00—Five room house; city water; lone avenuo. $ 8.00—Five room house. South Third street; city water. $15.00—Seven room house; sewer; city water free; South Third. $20.00—New six room house, all modern but heat, on Fourth avenue. $20.00—Seven room house, all modern but heat, close In on Cottonwood street. $10.00—All modern office In Kelsey Block. $20.00—Five room all modern flat on South Third street. $20.00—Six room cottage on North Fourth street, all modern but heat. $16.00—Seven room house on North Eighth street. $10.00—Store on South Third street, 23x80. W. H. KELSEY FOR REST—Five room furnished cot- tage, west shore Lake Bemidji. near Diamond Point. Sandy beach, no feeds or weeds. Dally delivery ice, meat, groceries, milk. etc. $25 by month. $1.00 per day for 2 weeks. Terms for season. Chas. L. Cummer, Bemidji, Minn. FOR REST—Small modern house, Cot- tonwood street and Seventh avenue. . Mrs. Win, Perkins, 715 Cottonwood. FOR REST—Seven room furnished house, including piano. Phone 1204 N. W. Box 352, East Grand Forks. FOR REST—8 room strictly modern house with heat, on Belmont avenue. Security Real Estate and Loan Co. HOUSE at 137 Reeves avenue will be for rent July 1. Inquire 1313 Univer- sity avenue. FOR REST—Seven room house, with water. Rent reasonable. 523 North Seventh. FOR REST—4 room cottage on Cotton- wood street. Inquire 609 Fifth avenue. FOR REST—Four room house with barn and water. 1002 Budge avenue. FOR REST—Three room flat, modern. Inquire at Palmer's Jewelry Store. FOR REST—Furnished house. Inquire 502 Walnut, or Trl-State 162M. FOR RENT—Flat. Phone 756L. N. W. FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT—Cool, airy room. South end. Close. In. Shady lawn. Phone, bath, every convenience. Gentlemen only. 316 South Fifth street. FOR REST—Large furnished front room, south end, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Inquire Times-Her- ald or phone 1330 N. W. FOR RENT—Furnished room In modern house; block from postoffice; $7 per month to steady roomer. 215 North Fourth street. FOR RENT—For two months, down- stairs. Modern house. Piano. Price very reasonable. Call 838-M, Trl- State. FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS By the Day, Week or Month. Over Logan's Cafe. 819 DeMers CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS. By the day. By the week. By the month. Wlttelshofer Mrs. Bunch. Block FOR RENT—Large furnished, modern room with bay window. Also front room with alcove. 204 Walnut street. FOR RENT—Two small unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Mrs. Busch, Wlttelshofer* FOR RENT—Four or five rooms, down- stairs. 222 Ninth street. Phone &77M, Trl-State. FOR. RENT—Suite of two furnished rooma and bath In Improvement block. Phone 71BL,, N. W. FOR RENT—Large, modern, east front room, suitable for two. 618 South Fourth. FOR REST—Fino large, cool front room. Modern. 714 South Third street. FOR REST—frurnished downstairs for housekeeping-. J120 University Ave. FOR REST—Unfurnished rooms. Light, gas and water. 601 Cherry street. FOR REST—Modern furnished room. Close in. 411 Gertrude avenue. FOR REST—Furnished housekeeping rooms 206 1-2 South Third. MODERS FURNISHER ROOM elosc in. Phone 1299 Northwestern. FOR REST—All modern . room. Tri-State lftS-L. furnished FOR REST—Modern furnished 409 Franklin avenue. FOR REST—Furnished rooms, modern. Call 323 North Fifth. FOR REST—Furnished modern rooms. 303 South Third. i"OR REST—Rooms for small families 501 Cottonwood. FOR REST—Furnished room. 212 Wal- nut. FOR SALE—Furniture. FOR SALE —• Household furniture. Whittelshofer, flat 25. FOR SALE—MISC. FOR SALE—Nearly new, one each of the following: Two-seated open park wagon; Stanhope; station wag- on; single top road wagon, very light; several sets double and single driving harness. Rare bargain for parties wishing any of above. Ad- dress the Valley Lumber Co., Hills- boro. N. D. FOIl SAKE—Second hand sewing ma- chines, $1 to $S. Guaranteed in run- ning order. Singer Simp, 11 South Third street. FOR SALE—Three new Century second hand hay presses for sale cheap. In- quire at Grand Forks Foundry. FOR SALE—Second hand cash register. Inquire 404 DeMers avenue. FOR SALE—Milk. 919 Walnut, quarts $1. 301-M Trl-State. 18 FOR SALE:—Farm Lands. LUSE LAND EXCURSION TO WEST- ERS CANADA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 111. GREAT NORTHERN BY CROOICSTOX, Wl SSI PEG, REGISA AND SASKATOON. HOI SO TRIP, AGENTS WASTED. COLI- TOS CO., FREDERICK HOTEL, GRASD FORKS, S. D. ILLUSTRATED catalogue of Vermont farms. Prices ranging from five hun- dred to twenty-five thousand dol- lars. Will be mailed upon request to any address. The I). A. Perry Ileal Estate Agency. Barre. Vt. FOR RENT—MISC. FOR REST—Space in new pool room, suitable for barber shop. Great Northern Hotel, East Grand Forks. FLORISTS. Our Flowers Are Grown at Homo In Our Own Green Houses. 307 JOHSSON FLORAL CO. DeMers Write for Spring Catalogue. Geraniums, Pansles, Vegetable Plants. Cut Flowers Potted Plants 309 E. O. LOVELI. No. 6th We Ship Safely Grand Forks, N. D. FOR SALE—HOUSES. FOR SALE OR RENT—Modern cottage and five acres of land. Riverside. Lake Bemidji. Also furniture and piano. Harry Masten, 1231 South Third. N. W. 601J. FOR SALE—Seven room cottage; mod era except heat. Corner lot. Term*. Owner. 208 South Third. FOR SALE—Six room house; 50 foot lot; furnished or unfurnished. 724 North Fourth street. HOUSE FOR SALE OR REST—Reason- able terms. 305 South Fourth street. FOR SALE—Four room cottage. 209 Euclid avenue. FOR SALE—LOTS. FOR SALE—Fine building lot on Inter- national avenue, 50 by 140, corner lot. Price $450. $10 cash and $5. a month. Union National bank. FOR SALE—Live Stock. DR. F. J. ANDERSON. V. S. Veterinary Surgeon. Both Phones. Palace Livery, City. FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Scotch col- lie pup and bitch. Frank Drosky, East Grand Forks. FOR SALE—Young pigs. Henry Larl- vee, Trl -State 32-11. FOR SALE—Fresh milch cow. White. Tri-State. Henry FURRIERS. M. COHEN, THE FURRIER, 1(7 S. 3RD. We repair your furs at reduced prices during the summer months and store them free till fall. PHONE 1106-L N. W. WE WILL CALL. S. FRIEDMAN will store and Insure your furs. Special reduced prices on all fur garments needing repair work. We guarantee all our work. JUNK DEALER We Buy GINSBERU BROS. We Buy If you have Junk of any kind and want the highest market price, call or see Ginsbergs. Phone »22J. N. W. SOS 1st. Ava. WASTED—Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. A. Ahrahamson, 111 Reeves avenue. WANTED—Experienced sewing girls to work on furs. Apply at Friedman, the Furrier. WASTED—Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. G. I". Thacker, 325 Walnut. COMPETEST GIRL for general house- work. 705 University avenue. 638J, N. W. WASTED—Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. D. Turner, 7i>:> X. Third street. COMPETEST GIRL for general house- work. Small family, r.io .North Third. WASTED—Girl for general housework. $6 per week. 451 Fuel id avenue. WASTED—Two girls fur ironing. Grand Forks Steam Laundry Co. WASTED—At once, two experienced chamber maifls. Hotel Dacotah. WASTED —Girl for general housework. Mrs. Snellhaker, 102 chestnut. BEAVER BOARD Takes the place of lath and plaster and makes, unnecessary the use of wall paper for new or remodeled buildings of every type. If you are going to do any interior decorating you ought to get prices on Heaver Board from J. II. LAMIIE 415 DrMorn Ave. Grant! Fork* * * * * * PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS f t * * * * * * ! ! : * * * * Dr. W. C. Wilson PHYSICIAN ANIJ SURGEON* Phone X. W. 434-L. First State Bank lilk.. East Grand Forks. St!*****# *:}:** * * Dr. W. H. Witherstine PHYSICIAN AM) SIRGEOX Otllce Over 20 South Third St. DENTISTS Drs. Eckman L. L. Eckman P. A. Eckman DENTISTS Widlund Building. * * * * * * * * * * * * * *1 t vr » * ' *! * i ************ Dr. Gilbert Moskau Office over Union Nat. Rank. Phone 191 N. \v. Grand Forks. *** * * * * * * * # * # * * ************ Dr. J. Grassick PHYSICIAN AND SL'RGEOV Office Northwestern Pldg., Cor- ner DeMers Ave. and Fourth St. f t * * * * * : * * * * * * SITUATIONS WANTED. POSITION \V AXTKll —By mn n with fifteen veers' actual experience in retnil mercantile store. (Jilt ed£«* references, strictly temperate, hon- est mul trustworthy. Hustler. Nut afraid to work, I'IIII take full charge of any sized department store, or will accept, position in any department.. Speak.s several hi n«'ua£e.s. 1'riKht, K" n, l salesman. Address llox Orand Forks. WAVTI-I)—-Posit ion on farm by man ami wife. 11the month. Woman Jo take charge ,,f cooking. "Man t-i do general farm \\«»rk. Address A. Kence, Barley, Minn. WAXTRD—Position by capable lady stenographer. First, class references. Box Oram] Forks:. N. D. * * * >|: * ******* Thos. Mulligan, M. D. 1'IIY.SICIAX AND SlUGKOV Suite 204-5 Widlund Block Phones: N. W. 302-L, and K: T. S. 4 3 7-1., and K. * * * * "-i : * * * * * * -?i Ue , *1 •> ^ * * ; * ************ Dr. S. Paige Johnson Office Over Union Natl. Bank Phone 316 N. W. * * * * * * * * * * * * MAGNETIC HEALING ;<*****j|CSj e j(Cj|;,| e ,| CI | tl | ( ************ Dr. Wheeler, Campbell & Williamson PHYSICIANS AND SVliGKOXS Over Tropa;ij t - r Pharmacy * * * * J|: jjs * # * ; * i * E. L. Reynolds -MAGNETIC IfEAIjKR * (Assisted by Edith Reynolds.) * Treats all acute and chronic dis- eases. Appendicitis and all fe- * male troubles a specialty. Per- » manently located in Grand Forks-. Office over Schlaberg & * Griffin's. Both phones S88. * * * * * * * * * * * * * *******^***^ Dr. C. S. Crane SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat. Over Trepanier Pharmacy! * * * * * * * * * * * * WASTED—Girl for general housework. S. Panovitz, 619 Walnut. WASTED—Girl for general housework. r>13 Cheyenne avenue. WASTED —Starch clothes- lroner. Model Steam I.aundry. WASTED —Cook and pastry girl Park Hotel. at GIRLS W ASTED at' the Golden Grain Biscuit Co. WASTED —Dishwasher at New York restaurant. WASTED—A nurse jrirl. 515 North Fourth. WASTED—-Pastry cook at Hotel North- ern. WASTED—Dishwasher at Hotel North- ern. WASTED —Dishwasher. Hotel Dacotah. WASTED —Waitress at Hotel Northern. GIRLS WASTED at the Star Laundry. GIRL WASTED—Roth phones R02. HELP WANTED—MALE. FIRST CLASS RARttER WASTED at Frederick hotel barber shop. Grand Forks. Steady job to right man. First class man can make $20 per week or better. WASTED —Boy to herd cattle for Palmer, Hi 1-2 South Third street, couple of weeks. Apply to A. E. Palmer 16 1-2 Smith Third street. WAXTED—Woman with child wants work on farm as housekeeper. Ad- dress :::i2, Times-Herald. WANTED—Situation to assist with housework. N,i washing. Address "ft."'. Times-Hera Id. WASTED—position ; i s nft'ice i^irl or clerk. Address r:0i. Times-Herald. STORAGE. STORAGE—Furniture and goods of all kinds stored. Low Insurance rate. O. J Tft.z'no<i & Co. 2ND HAND DEALERS. ALWAYS IN THE MARKET We will buy for you or sell on commission anything of value. Stoves. Furniture, Buggies, Harness ALGl'IRE & SUKIM'ARD. 114 N. Sixth St. Grand Forks. N. D. NORTHWESTERS FI'RSITI'RE CO. We Buy and Sell Everything. 208 So. 3rd. Both Phones 211L. TEACHERS. WRITE INSURANCE —Hustlers can make big money. North Dakota com- ? any. Address Great Northern Life nsurance Co., Grand Forks, N. D. WASTED—5 Laborers at Memorial Park cemetery at once. Apply at grounds. Steady work till harvest. TEACHERS —We have dally calls for experienced teachers. Teachers are wanted for rural schools especially. Vacancies are always occurring In graded and high schools. Good wages are offered for good teachers. If you are not now employed we believe we can help you in securing employ- ment. Write us today for enrollment blanks. Northern Teachers' Agency. Mattie M. Davis. Manager. Fargo. N.D. TEACHERS REGISTER SOW We have vacancies to fill for fall terms. Rural and city schools. Write for Application Rlanks. N. W. Teachers Agcy. Grand Forks, N.D ************ Dr. John D. Taylor PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over First National Bank * * * * * * * * * * * * OSTEOPATHY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ' Dr. Orr Sanders * ^ Dr. May E. Sanders * Suite ES. Security Block. * Both phones r,42 Grand Forks * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************ Dr. H. H. Healy PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office First National Bank Bids Both phones 5<53. * * * * * * * * * * * * vc * ************ Drs. Ekern & Marsden SPECIALISTS Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Platky Bids., Grand Forks * * * * * * * * * * * * ************* Dr. G. E. Hodge * OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN * Graduate of Kirksvllle School * Successor to ^ Dr. O. C. Keller Office Over Kent's Jewelry Store * Both Phones v ************* * *1 * * I ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW *************£ George A. Bangs * ************ Drs. Eggers & Bentzen Third St., over Benner & Begg Department Store. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************ Dr. G. J. Gislason SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Beare Blk. over Lion Drug Store * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "*! * * * ATTORNEY"-AT-I-VW # * Both phones 64. Office Red River Valley Brick * . Co. Bldg, 217 South Third St. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * WANTED —First class horseshoer and plowman at om e. Simon Moen, Ni- agara. MISCELLANEOUS ************* •Jf Hugh Dunlevy East Grand Forks, Minn. ^ Wholesale and Retail Dealer In * ICE ************* UNDERTAKERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * B. A. Bresee « * FUNERAL DIRECTOR # * Parlors, Chapel and Receiving * Vaults. * 133 S. Third St. Both phones 70 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ARCHITECT ************** * J. W. Ross & Son ARCHITECTS * 'It- Over Stanchfield's Store Third & DeMers Grand Forks. ******** * if: * * * * TAILORS. WASTED —Dish wa slier. Blue Light Restaurant, East Grand Forks. WASTED —Yard man at Hotel North- ern. Material Workmanship j Basic Elements of Satisfaction. ; THOS. GRIFFITHS. TAILOR. Individuality is the result of ! Fit Style i WASTED—Bellboys at Hotel Frederick. HOTELS. Family European Transient Finest Cafu in Northwest. HOTEL DACOTAH Commercial Headquarters Rooms J1.00 Up Becently Improved TYPEWRITERS. Louise Packebusch, R. N. Visiting Nurse, Associated Charities 11 a. m. to 12 at the City ITall. Phone 1050 N.W.—23?.L T.-S. Resi- dence 15H) Belmont Ave. Phone 4>N T.-S. Hours 'J a. m. to 5 p. m. At the service of physicians at any time REBUILT TYPEWRITERS, guaranteed. Smith-Premier, Remington, Monarch. $30 up. Address 3S7 Times-Herald. MASTEN'S Concert and Dance and Theatre Orchestra Harry Masten. Violinist and Leader. Mrs. Harry Masten. Pianist. First class musicians. The most popular up-to-date, standard music. Reasonable prices to all. Address or phone Harry Masten. Phone N.W. €01 J. Residence 1231 South Third street. Grand Forks, N. D. EOR SAl.E—Oliver typewriter; in good condition. Call at editorial room. Times. European THE COLUMBIA European Finest and Busiest Popular Priced Cafe in the Northwest. ROOMS 50c UP. EAT AT OUR CAFE. The Only Familv Hotel In the City. 311 THE HALL So. 3rd Rooms Comfortable. Prices Reasonable. Finest European Hotel In the City. THE FREDERICK. Rooms Si and up. Phone In each room. HAIR PARLORS. Hair Dressing:. Scalp Treatment. Hair Goods. Latest Coiffures. Soft Distilled Water for Shampooing. MARISELLO 1IAIR PARLORS. Famous Marin' llo Preparations. Third Floor. Ontario Store. HOSPITALS. Most Completely Equipped In N. D. ST. MfcnAKL'S HOSPITAL Everything for Comfort of Patients. HATTERS. HATS! HATS! cleaned and reblocked. Newest shapes and ribbons. Wilson, Hotel Dacotah. TRANSFERS. Light Baggage Heavy Moving 606 NEII.SON TRANSFER CO. DeMers Phone 602. Quick Service. w WANTED—TO BUY. WAXTED—'To buy at once K°'»d second hand saddle. Trice musi b»» reason- able. Address r»0i\ Times-1leraId. WISH TO BI'Y—•Wall tent. Must be n<'t smaller than 10 by U\ N. \\\ phone 14M. MEN'S HATS CI.K WKO and re-blocked at Friedman's, the Hatter. LOST AND FOUND. LOST—English bull terrier. Return for reward to 409 South Sixth street. Phone 1299 N. W. STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ss. County of Grand Forks. In District Court, First Judicial District Allie Ferguson. Plaintiff, vs. Ernest Benton Ferguson, Defendant. SUMMONS. The State of North Dakota to the above named Defendant: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of this action. which complaint is now on file in the office of the clerk of the district court within and for Grand Forks county. State of North Dakota, anil to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber with- in thirty days alter the service of this summons upon you. exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you bv default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated this ^th dav of Mav. 1012. HENRY O'KEEFE. Jr. Slay 27, June 3, 10. 17, 24. July 1. Dak. Attorney for plaintiff, residence and postoffice address, Grand Forks, N. M MONUMENTAL WORKS. MONUMENTS. MARKERS. VAULTS. W. R. Jack. Grand Forks, N. D. MONEY TO LOAN. FARM LOANS In Minnesota and North Da- kota. Lowest rates of Inter- est. Prepayment privileges at borrower's option. R. O. F. SULLIVAN BROS. Minn. List Your Farm With Us If You Wish To Sell It! We also handle $ity property of all kinds and have a large list of properties for exchange. Call and see us. SECURITY Real Estate Loan Co. No. 25 S. 4 th St. f ('ontinu- il '.'mm I'agu ] school in the luu meters; Ralph O. Craig. Detroit Y. M. C. A . and P. C. Gerhardt, t'lympic A.t'.. San l'raneis- (•••. in the same c\in'.; Carl C. Cooke. Cleveland A. ami rau in the 200 meters: Edvunl r". l.intiherg. Chicago A. -V. and Jas. .V.. 1 •'o.— illicrger. Irish American A. C.. in ti 1 -I'm meters: Molvin Yv". Slv ]ipari:. Irish American A. C.; Marry S. Giving, Irish Ameri- can A. CV. and Jas. E. Mi-ivdith Mer- cersburg academy ill the sue meters; I >a\ id S. Caldwell. Massachusetts agricultural college, and Walter 11c- C1 u o. Olympic A. C.. Sail Francisco, in the same even;. Herbert N. Putnam. Cornell university and N. J. Patter- son, Chicago A. A., in the 1.500 me- ters. Many Americans were among those who welconvd the first delegation of the nrilish athletes «lio arrived last night. The Englishmen numbered 1'ortv-nine and included the principal stars. The remainder id' the English and Canadians will reach here today. Anglo-American relations promise bet- ter than in the London Olympic games. The only American player in the tennis competition. Thee. Roose\elt Pell, whose entry through a telegra- phic error had led Stockholm to be- lieve the ex-president's son was com- ing. lost his liual match yesterday. Heyden of Germany winning 2-ti, 7-5, S-(i, 7-.">. Pell, without practice after the voyage was obliged to play on an asphalt court and was unable to do himself justice. Walter Winans. the American crack who was counted upon to win the in- dividual competition in the running deer shooting event, withdrew because he was far below his usual form. Tins competition was at 100 meters. Major Richardson, commander of the British army riflemen, referring to the fact that they were unable to approach the American scores, said that the result was further proof of the great inferiority of the British open sights and the necessity for .1 new rille. of the Detroit Ticers, which aggrega- tion is steadily taking a downward slide in t!ie American league, was ask- ed by one of the Detroit baseball erit- , ics whether the head of the Tigers in- tended to heed the call of the many tans fur the removal of Hugh Jen- nings as manager of the Jungaleers, , because the latter, in their estimation, was the cause of the recent poor : showing made by the Tigers. Navin 'said: "I am not at ail satisfied with the way things are going on in ths 'club. Jennings appears to have lost I his hold 011 the tii"n. They seem to thave no confidence in his judgment. ! Our pitchers have been handled poor- , ly and the club h.as shown little sci- | erice. In fact, under Jennings we al- I ways have won our games by the hit- jting ability of the players rather than I hy any strategy. As Jennings has a | contract for this year, we shall not jmake any change ri«ht now. and want j to gi\e him another chance anyhow. ! What we do next season depends on ilhe showing of the Tigers etween now | a ml 1 ictober. I have refrained from | interfering with Jennings up to date j been use 1 think, usually, a club presi- ! dent merely hampers a manager wher ; he tries to suggest things. If some i improvement is not shown, however, ! I may have to assert myself and in- : s'st 011 some of my ideas being car- I ried out. 1 have received many letters j from fans complaining of Jennings' ; alleged inefficiency, but always have tried to support Hughie. 1 strongly hope that he gets the Tigers out ol the rue and silences his critics." NO CHANGS RIGHT NOW SAYS NAVIN When Frank J. Navin, president I f-1I 1 j MIKE GIBBONS WINS OVER CHAMP BURNS New York. July 2,—Mike Gibbons of St. Paul knocked out Sid Burns, welterweight champion of England, in the fifth round- of a scheduled ten round bout at Madison Square gar- den last night. The knockout came eight seconds before the hell ended the round and Burns was unable to fac« his opponent for the next round. Y. M. C. A. TEAM WISS. The Y. M. C. A. and Rurnely base- ball teams went after each other at Dacotah park last night and the for- mer team won by the score of 9 to 8. Goodwin and Costello did the battery work for the Y. M. C. A. club and Cameron and Fllteau for the machin- ists. It was so dark in the sixth in-., ning that the ball could hardly be seen and the Rumelys still contend that they won out under cover of* darkness. However, the game went to the Ys and Umps Secord says. "I have said what I have said and there U no comeback.? -v ^ t. 'II *-51 111 Ml ^ j|

I Phone 500 TIMES WAN€¦ · 14 HOME TEA CO. No. 4th Premium tickets with every purchase. 6PICES SOAPS D DRESSMAKING. DAINTY SUMMER DRESS GOODS Made Into Dainty Summer Dresses. MRS

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Page 1: I Phone 500 TIMES WAN€¦ · 14 HOME TEA CO. No. 4th Premium tickets with every purchase. 6PICES SOAPS D DRESSMAKING. DAINTY SUMMER DRESS GOODS Made Into Dainty Summer Dresses. MRS


f?rvr -J*/ i t „ v • , , . ' ' • - 5




Phone 500 Minimum Charge 25c



iPhone 500 Minimum Charge 25c

Classified Econorn mm

Results a re,'certain


HELP WANTED—Female WANTED—Two girls to wait tables in

boa r i l ing house. $25 per month. One woman to wash dishes. $"0 per month and board. Enquire Hoarding House, Kaudette, Minn. Bert Help.

WASTED—Competent gir l for house­work. Easy place. No washing or ironing, t lood wafti y. Small family. Sirs . D. Mc.Kenzie, 2'T1 Walnut.

WASTED—Competent gir l for general housework Wages $7.nil per week. Mrs. White, S43 Belmont avenue.






WASTED—Competent gir l for house­work: small family. Mrs. W. C. Stebblns, 1314 Universi ty avenue.

WASTED—Girl or woman to work on farm near Grand Forks. A. Tt. Bar­low, R. R. 2. Trl-Htate 18-112.

WANTED—Girl for general housework. Good wages; no washing. Mrs. T. J. Smith, 891 Belmont avenue.

WASTED AT ONCE -Competent gir l for general housework. Apply O. Young's Furniture Store.

WASTED—Girl or woman at Grand Forks county hospital a t Arvil la. Wages $25 a month.

WASTED—Competent gir l . Two In family. Mrs. J . II . Mclnerney. 504 South Fourth street .

WASTED—Competent gir l for general housework. M. ST. O'Connor, 524

I North Fifth street .


fast , sel l ing "Great Leaders and Na­tional Issues of 1912," discussed by Roosevelt , Wilson. Taft , Clark and other leaders of al l part ies. Lives of al l candidates. 100 colored and other I l lustrat ions. Only $1.00. Very best terms; outfi t free. Universal House, 1010 Arch street , Philadelphia.

AGENTS—A DEVICE ABSOLUTELY indispensable to automobile owners; touring season opened: salesmen re­port easy seller: big profi ts . Connect with Manufacturers ' Central Sales Co., Racine, Wis.

4GENTS—Stop peddling. Send for our free prospectus, s tart your own busi­ness. Something unusually al ive. Hertel 's Novelty Co., 138 Fifth ave­nue, New York.



To all customers sending us an order for $15 or more we will send free of rharge a "Lit t le Giant" vulcanizer, regular price $2.50, complete and ready for Instant use. You can vulcanize your #wn t ires inside of 15 minutes and the :ost is your gasoline only. (Fits in-jlde tool box.)


mi: SEW



Your money back, if upon receipt of any of our goods you are not thor­oughly satisfied.

All Tires are high-grade leading makes.

Blze. 28x3 R0x3 32x3 50x3* 81.\3J 82x31 34x31 30x4 31x4 32x4 33x4 34x4 85x4 36x4 84x4* 35x41 56x41 36x5

All goods shipped C. O. P. , subject to examination upon receipt of 10 per cent deposit . _

INDEPENDENT TIRE CO. (331-4335 Calumet Ave. , Chicago. 111.

Casing' . Tub". $ R.50 $1.85

9.30 2.10 11 .no 2.15 13.70 2.45 14.40 2. f tn 14. 2.75 15.90 2.85 lf i .60 3.00 17.50 3.20 1 8.75 3.25 20.00 3.30 22.fin 3.25 23.10 3.10 23.00 3.50 24.50 4.00 25.00 4.05 25.25 4.40 27.00 4.90

Ford Cars Ford Car* Domnnd built 75.000 In 1912

FORD AUTOMOBILE CO. Write for Catalogue and Prices.

Opp. Hotel Da cot ah. Grand Forks.

E. N. F. FLANDERS Real Cars In Our Auto Livery.

DAKOTA AUTO CO., ARTS You get there and you get back.



IS«4L. N. W. CO. Ml.No. 5th Tents Awnings Window Shades

Threshing Machine Covers. Paulino. A IJWN PTt OPT* TreTOTt.


Phone 1340-8. Northwestern.


FOR SALE—Boiler shop at Cavalier, N. D. Best town In state. Just build­ing $100,000 court house. Shop 90 feet long and fully equipped. Large Blsse lathe. Fine business. Twenty engines in shop now. Snap for im­mediate sale. Must leave town on other business. Crlss Deltricli, Cava­lier, N. D.

MILLINERY STOCK FOR SALE cheap. Good business location. For particu­lars write to Box 351. McVllle, N. D.


French dry cleaning. Steam clean­ing. Dyeing, repairing, pressing. Ladles or gentlemen. Phone C73J, N. W., or 811L, T.-8. We will call. 218 South Third street. s

BOULEVARD PASTOIIIUM—Cleaning, pressing, dyeing. Work guaranteed. Reasonable prices. We call and de­liver. B. Paul, Pro Point. Tri-Statc, western, 897L.

On Minnesota 1121k North

Cleaners THE PANTORIUM Dyers Cleaning preserves your garments.

Skilled Workmen* Quick Service Special Service Out of City.


CARPETS AND RUGS—We have the best equipment in the city for clean* ing carpets and ruga. Satisfaction guaranteed or we expect no pay. Call b«th phones 178. Star Steam Laundry.


Appreciate Your Patronage. OUR PROCESS PREVENTS MOTHS.


Hz pert on all foot trouble*. Coras extracted without pain. Ingrowing nails and bunlona

_ scientifically treated. DON'T HOBBLE BUT WALK.

Clifford Annex. Da Mers Ave.

MRS. M. C. PBIRCB. Corns extracted; Ingrowing nails and bunions treated; electric foot massage.



We roast coffee treth every day. 14 HOME TEA CO. No. 4th Premium tickets with every purchase.



DAINTY SUMMER DRESS GOODS Made Into Dainty Summer Dresses.


WASTED—Sowing by the day, $1.25. 628 Sixth avenue. Phone 484-R, Tri-State.

COMPETENT DRESSMAKER—$2.25 per day. Call 597 Northwestern.


WILL TRADE half section land In Burke county, 140 cult ivated, for modern house in Grand Forks or East Grand Forks. Address S90 Times-Herald.

FOUR PASSESGER torpedo 1911 Over­land for sale or trade. E. Sandlle.


Watch drand Forks Grow FOIt RENT.

100 acres of t imothy l iay laud at ci ty l imits .

160 acres prair ie hay land, two miles from city.

$20.00—Six room house, one block from postoffice; f ine condit ion; sewer; ci ty water free; gas.

$35.00—Ten room all modern house. North Third street .

$30.00—Six room new all modern house on Universi ty avenue.

$22.00—New six room house, al l mod­ern but l ieat .

$10.00—Five room house; ci ty water; lone avenuo.

$ 8.00—Five room house. South Third street; ci ty water.

$15.00—Seven room house; sewer; ci ty water free; South Third.

$20.00—New six room house, al l modern but heat , on Fourth avenue.

$20.00—Seven room house, al l modern but heat , close In on Cottonwood street .

$10.00—All modern office In Kelsey Block.

$20.00—Five room all modern f lat on South Third street .

$20.00—Six room cottage on North Fourth street , al l modern but heat .

$16.00—Seven room house on North Eighth street .

$10.00—Store on South Third street , 23x80.

W. H. KELSEY FOR REST—Five room furnished cot­

tage, west shore Lake Bemidji . near Diamond Point . Sandy beach, no feeds or weeds. Dally delivery ice, meat, groceries, milk. etc. $25 by month. $1 .00 per day for 2 weeks. Terms for season. Chas. L. Cummer, Bemidji , Minn.

FOR REST—Small modern house, Cot­tonwood street and Seventh avenue.

. Mrs. Win, Perkins, 715 Cottonwood.

FOR REST—Seven room furnished house, including piano. Phone 1204 N. W. Box 352, East Grand Forks.

FOR REST—8 room str ict ly modern house with heat , on Belmont avenue. Securi ty Real Estate and Loan Co.

HOUSE at 137 Reeves avenue will be for rent July 1. Inquire 1313 Univer­sity avenue.

FOR REST—Seven room house, with water. Rent reasonable. 523 North Seventh.

FOR REST—4 room cottage on Cotton­wood street . Inquire 609 Fifth avenue.

FOR REST—Four room house with barn and water. 1002 Budge avenue.

FOR REST—Three room flat, modern. Inquire at Palmer's Jewelry Store.

FOR REST—Furnished house. Inquire 502 Walnut, or Trl-State 162M.

FOR RENT—Flat. Phone 756L. N. W.

FOR RENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT—Cool, airy room. South

end. Close. In. Shady lawn. Phone, bath, every convenience. Gentlemen only. 316 South Fifth street.

FOR REST—Large furnished front room, south end, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Inquire Times-Her-ald or phone 1330 N. W.

FOR RENT—Furnished room In modern house; block from postoffice; $7 per month to steady roomer. 215 North Fourth street.

FOR RENT—For two months, down­stairs. Modern house. Piano. Price very reasonable. Call 838-M, Trl-State.

FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS By the Day, Week or Month.

Over Logan's Cafe. 819 DeMers

CENTRAL FURNISHED ROOMS. By the day. By the week. By the month. Wlttelshofer Mrs. Bunch. Block

FOR RENT—Large furnished, modern room with bay window. Also front room with alcove. 204 Walnut street.

FOR RENT—Two small unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. Mrs. Busch, Wlttelshofer*

FOR RENT—Four or five rooms, down­stairs. 222 Ninth street. Phone &77M, Trl-State.

FOR. RENT—Suite of two furnished rooma and bath In Improvement block. Phone 71BL,, N. W.

FOR RENT—Large, modern, east front room, suitable for two. 618 South Fourth.

FOR REST—Fino large, cool front room. Modern. 714 South Third street .

FOR REST—frurnished downstairs for housekeeping-. J120 Universi ty Ave.

FOR REST—Unfurnished rooms. Light, gas and water. 601 Cherry street .

FOR REST—Modern furnished room. Close in. 411 Gertrude avenue.

FOR REST—Furnished housekeeping rooms 206 1-2 South Third.

MODERS FURNISHER ROOM elosc in. Phone 1299 Northwestern.

FOR REST—All modern . room. Tri-State lf tS-L.


FOR REST—Modern furnished 409 Franklin avenue.

FOR REST—Furnished rooms, modern. Call 323 North Fifth.

FOR REST—Furnished modern rooms. 303 South Third.

i"OR REST—Rooms for small families 501 Cottonwood.

FOR REST—Furnished room. 212 Wal­nut.

FOR SALE—Furniture. FOR SALE —• Household furniture.

Whittelshofer, f lat 25.

FOR SALE—MISC. FOR SALE—Nearly new, one each of

the following: Two-seated open park wagon; Stanhope; stat ion wag­on; single top road wagon, very l ight; several sets double and single driving harness. Rare bargain for part ies wishing any of above. Ad­dress the Valley Lumber Co., Hil ls-boro. N. D.

FOIl SAKE—Second hand sewing ma­chines, $1 to $S. Guaranteed in run­ning order. Singer Simp, 11 South Third street .

FOR SALE—Three new Century second hand hay presses for sale cheap. In­quire at Grand Forks Foundry.

FOR SALE—Second hand cash register . Inquire 404 DeMers avenue.

FOR SALE—Milk. 919 Walnut, quarts $1. 301-M Trl-State.





ILLUSTRATED catalogue of Vermont farms. Prices ranging from five hun­dred to twenty-five thousand dol­lars. Will be mailed upon request to any address. The I) . A. Perry Ileal Estate Agency. Barre. Vt.

FOR RENT—MISC. FOR REST—Space in new pool room,

suitable for barber shop. Great Northern Hotel , East Grand Forks.

FLORISTS. Our Flowers Are Grown at Homo In

Our Own Green Houses. 307 JOHSSON FLORAL CO. DeMers

Write for Spring Catalogue. Geraniums, Pansles, Vegetable Plants.

Cut Flowers Potted Plants 309 E. O. LOVELI. No. 6th

We Ship Safely Grand Forks, N. D.


and five acres of land. Riverside. Lake Bemidji . Also furniture and piano. Harry Masten, 1231 South Third. N. W. 601J.

FOR SALE—Seven room cottage; mod era except heat . Corner lot . Term*. Owner. 208 South Third.

FOR SALE—Six room house; 50 foot lot; furnished or unfurnished. 724 North Fourth street.

HOUSE FOR SALE OR REST—Reason­able terms. 305 South Fourth street .

FOR SALE—Four room cottage. 209 Euclid avenue.

FOR SALE—LOTS. FOR SALE—Fine building lot on Inter­

national avenue, 50 by 140, corner lot . Price $450. $10 cash and $5. a month. Union National bank.

FOR SALE—Live Stock. DR. F. J . ANDERSON. V. S.

Veterinary Surgeon. Both Phones. Palace Livery, City.

FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Scotch col­lie pup and bitch. Frank Drosky, East Grand Forks.

FOR SALE—Young pigs. Henry Larl-vee, Trl-State 32-11.

FOR SALE—Fresh milch cow. White. Tri-State.



We repair your furs at reduced prices during the summer months and store them free till fall.


S. FRIEDMAN will store and Insure your furs. Special reduced prices on all fur garments needing repair work. We guarantee all our work.


If you have Junk of any kind and want the highest market price, call or see Ginsbergs.

Phone »22J. N. W. SOS 1st. Ava.

WASTED—Competent gir l for general housework. Mrs. A. Ahrahamson, 111 Reeves avenue.

WANTED—Experienced sewing girls to work on furs. Apply at Friedman, the Furrier .

WASTED—Competent gir l for general housework. Mrs. G. I". Thacker, 325 Walnut.

COMPETEST GIRL for general house­work. 705 Universi ty avenue. 638J, N. W.

WASTED—Girl for g e n e r a l housework. Mrs. J . D. Turner, 7i>:> X. Third street .

COMPETEST GIRL f o r g e n e r a l h o u s e ­w o r k . S m a l l f a m i l y , r . i o . N o r t h T h i r d .

WASTED—Girl for general housework. $6 per week. 451 Fuel id avenue.

WASTED—Two girls fur ironing. Grand Forks Steam Laundry Co.

WASTED—At once, two experienced chamber maifls . Hotel Dacotah.

WASTED—Girl for g e n e r a l housework. Mrs. Snellhaker, 102 chestnut.


Takes the place of lath and plaster and makes, unnecessary the use of wall paper for new or remodeled buildings of every type.

If you are going to do any interior decorating you ought to get prices on Heaver Board from


415 DrMorn Ave. Grant! Fork*




* *


f t * * * * * * ! ! : * * * *


Phone X. W. 434-L. First State Bank li lk. . East Grand Forks. • S t ! * * * * * # * : } : * *

* *

Dr. W. H. Witherstine PHYSICIAN AM) SIRGEOX Otllce Over 20 South Third St.


Drs. Eckman L. L. Eckman P. A. Eckman

DENTISTS Widlund Building.

* * * * * * * * * * * *


*1 t vr »

* '

*! * i

* * * * * * * * * * * * Dr. Gilbert Moskau

Office over Union Nat. Rank. Phone 191 N. \v. Grand Forks.

* * * * * * * * * * # •



* *

* * * * * * * * * * * * Dr. J. Grassick


Office Northwestern Pldg. , Cor­ner DeMers Ave. and Fourth St .

f t * * * * * : * * * * * *


f i f t e e n v e e r s ' a c t u a l e x p e r i e n c e i n r e t n i l m e r c a n t i l e s t o r e . ( J i l t e d £ « * r e f e r e n c e s , s t r i c t l y t e m p e r a t e , h o n ­e s t m u l t r u s t w o r t h y . H u s t l e r . N u t a f r a i d t o w o r k , I ' I I I I t a k e f u l l c h a r g e o f a n y s i z e d d e p a r t m e n t s t o r e , o r w i l l a c c e p t , p o s i t i o n i n a n y d e p a r t m e n t . . S p e a k . s s e v e r a l h i n « ' u a £ e . s . 1 ' r i K h t , K " n , l s a l e s m a n . A d d r e s s l l o x O r a n d F o r k s .

WAVTI-I)—- P o s i t i o n o n f a r m b y m a n a m i w i f e . 1 1 t h e m o n t h . W o m a n J o t a k e c h a r g e , , f c o o k i n g . " M a n t - i d o g e n e r a l f a r m \ \ « » r k . A d d r e s s A . K e n c e , B a r l e y , M i n n .

WAXTRD—Posit ion by capable lady stenographer. First , class references. Box Oram] Forks: . N. D.

* * * > | : * * * * * * * * Thos. Mulligan, M. D. 1'IIY.SICIAX AND SlUGKOV

Suite 204-5 Widlund Block Phones: N. W. 302-L, and K: T. S. 4 3 7-1. , and K.

* * * * "-i : * * * * * *

-?i U e ,

*1 •> ̂


* ; *

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Dr. S. Paige Johnson Office Over Union Natl . Bank

Phone 316 N. W.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

MAGNETIC HEALING ; < * * * * * j | C S j e j ( C j | ; , | e , | C I | t l | (

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Dr. Wheeler, Campbell & Williamson

PHYSICIANS AND SVliGKOXS Over Tropa;i j t- r Pharmacy * * * * J|: jjs

* # * ;

* i


E. L. Reynolds -MAGNETIC IfEAIjKR *

(Assisted by Edith Reynolds.) * Treats al l acute and chronic dis­eases. Appendicit is and all fe- * male troubles a special ty. Per- » manently located in Grand Forks-. Office over Schlaberg & * Griffin 's . Both phones S88.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * ^ * * * ^ Dr. C. S. Crane

SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat . Over Trepanier Pharmacy!

* * * * * * * * * * * *

WASTED—Girl for general housework. S. Panovitz, 619 Walnut.

WASTED—Girl for general housework. r>13 Cheyenne avenue.

WASTED—Starch clothes- l roner. Model Steam I.aundry.

WASTED—Cook and pastry gir l Park Hotel .

a t

GIRLS W ASTED a t ' t h e G o l d e n G r a i n B i s c u i t C o .

WASTED—Dishwasher at New York restaurant .

WASTED—A nurse jrirl . 515 North Fourth.

WASTED—-Pastry cook at Hotel North­ern.

WASTED—Dishwasher at Hotel North­ern.

WASTED—Dishwasher. Hotel Dacotah.

WASTED—Waitress at Hotel Northern.

GIRLS WASTED at the Star Laundry.

GIRL WASTED—Roth phones R02.


Frederick hotel barber shop. Grand Forks. Steady job to r ight man. First class man can make $20 per week or better .

WASTED—Boy to herd catt le for Palmer, Hi 1-2 South Third street , couple of weeks. Apply to A. E. Palmer 16 1-2 Smith Third street .

WAXTED—W o m a n w i t h c h i l d w a n t s w o r k o n f a r m a s h o u s e k e e p e r . A d ­d r e s s : : : i 2 , T i m e s - H e r a l d .

WANTED— S i t u a t i o n t o a s s i s t w i t h h o u s e w o r k . N , i w a s h i n g . A d d r e s s " f t . " ' . T i m e s - H e r a I d .

WASTED—posit ion ; i s nft ' ice i^ir l or c l e r k . A d d r e s s r : 0 i . T i m e s - H e r a l d .

STORAGE. STORAGE—Furniture and goods of all

kinds stored. Low Insurance rate. O. J Tft.z'no<i & Co.


We will buy for you or sel l on commission anything of value. Stoves. Furniture, Buggies, Harness

ALGl'IRE & SUKIM'ARD. 114 N. Sixth St . Grand Forks. N. D.

NORTHWESTERS FI'RSITI'RE CO. We Buy and Sell Everything.

208 So. 3rd. Both Phones 211L.


WRITE INSURANCE—Hustlers can make big money. North Dakota com-

?any. Address Great Northern Life nsurance Co., Grand Forks, N. D.

WASTED—5 Laborers at Memorial Park cemetery at once. Apply at grounds. Steady work t i l l harvest .

TEACHERS—We have dally calls for experienced teachers. Teachers are wanted for rural schools especial ly. Vacancies are always occurring In graded and high schools. Good wages are offered for good teachers. If you are not now employed we believe we can help you in securing employ­ment. Write us today for enrollment blanks. Northern Teachers ' Agency. Matt ie M. Davis. Manager. Fargo. N.D.

TEACHERS REGISTER SOW We have vacancies to fi l l for fal l terms. Rural and ci ty schools. Write for Application Rlanks.

N. W. Teachers Agcy. Grand Forks, N.D

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Dr. John D. Taylor PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office over First National Bank

* * * * * * * * * * * *

OSTEOPATHY * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

' Dr. Orr Sanders * ^ Dr. May E. Sanders *

Suite ES. Securi ty Block. * Both phones r,42 Grand Forks * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * Dr. H. H. Healy

PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office First National Bank Bids

Both phones 5<53. * * * * * * * * * * * *



* * * * * * * * * * * * Drs. Ekern & Marsden

SPECIALISTS Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat

Platky Bids. , Grand Forks * * * * * * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * * * Dr. G. E. Hodge *

OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN * Graduate of Kirksvll le School *

Successor to ^ Dr. O. C. Keller

Office Over Kent 's Jewelry Store * Both Phones v

* * * * * * * * * * * * *


*1 *

* I

ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW * * * * * * * * * * * * * £

George A. Bangs *

* * * * * * * * * * * * Drs. Eggers & Bentzen Third St. , over Benner & Begg

Department Store.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

* *

* * * * * * * * * * * * Dr. G. J. Gislason

SPECIALIST Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat

Beare Blk. over Lion Drug Store * * * * * * * * * * * *

* *



* *

"*! *




* Both phones 64. Office Red River Valley Brick *

. Co. Bldg, 217 South Third St . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

WANTED—First class horseshoer and plowman at om e. Simon Moen, Ni­agara.

MISCELLANEOUS * * * * * * * * * * * * * •Jf

Hugh Dunlevy East Grand Forks, Minn.

^ Wholesale and Retail Dealer In * ICE

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

UNDERTAKERS * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* B. A. Bresee « * FUNERAL DIRECTOR #

* Parlors, Chapel and Receiving * Vaults. *

133 S. Third St . Both phones 70 * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

ARCHITECT * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * J. W. Ross & Son


'It-Over Stanchfield 's Store

Third & DeMers Grand Forks.

* * * * * * * * *

i f : * * * *


WASTED— D i s h w a s l i e r . B l u e L i g h t R e s t a u r a n t , E a s t G r a n d F o r k s .

WASTED— Y a r d m a n a t H o t e l N o r t h ­e r n .

Material Workmanship j Basic Elements of Satisfaction. ;

THOS. GRIFFITHS. TAILOR. Individuali ty is the result of !

Fi t Style i

WASTED— B e l l b o y s a t H o t e l F r e d e r i c k .

HOTELS. Family European Transient

Finest Cafu in Northwest. HOTEL DACOTAH

Commercial Headquarters Rooms J1.00 Up Becently Improved


Louise Packebusch, R. N. Visiting Nurse, Associated Charities

11 a. m. to 1 2 at the City ITall . Phone 1050 N .W.— 2 3 ? . L T. -S . R e s i ­d e n c e 1 5 H ) B e l m o n t A v e . P h o n e 4 > N T.-S. Hours ' J a. m. to 5 p. m. At the service of physicians at any t ime

REBUILT TYPEWRITERS, g u a r a n t e e d . S m i t h - P r e m i e r , R e m i n g t o n , M o n a r c h . $ 3 0 u p . A d d r e s s 3 S 7 T i m e s - H e r a l d .

MASTEN'S Concert and Dance and Theatre Orchestra

Harry Masten. Violinist and Leader. Mrs. Harry Masten. Pianist .

First class musicians. The most popular up-to-date, s tandard music. Reasonable prices to al l . Address or phone Harry Masten. Phone N.W. €01 J . Residence 1231 South Third street . Grand Forks, N. D.

EOR SAl.E—O l i v e r t y p e w r i t e r ; i n g o o d c o n d i t i o n . C a l l a t e d i t o r i a l r o o m . T i m e s .

European THE COLUMBIA European Finest and Busiest Popular Priced Cafe in the Northwest .

ROOMS 50c UP. EAT AT OUR CAFE. The Only Familv Hotel In the City.

311 THE HALL So. 3rd Rooms Comfortable. Prices Reasonable.

Finest European Hotel In the City. THE FREDERICK.

Rooms Si and up. Phone In each room.

HAIR PARLORS. Hair Dressing:. Scalp Treatment.

Hair Goods. Latest Coiffures. Soft Dist i l led Water for Shampooing.

MARISELLO 1IAIR PARLORS. Famous Marin ' l lo Preparations.

Third Floor. Ontario Store.

HOSPITALS. Most Completely Equipped In N. D.

ST. MfcnAKL'S HOSPITAL Everything for Comfort of Patients.

HATTERS. HATS! HATS! cleaned and reblocked.

Newest shapes and ribbons. Wilson, Hotel Dacotah.

TRANSFERS. Light Baggage Heavy Moving 606 NEII.SON TRANSFER CO. DeMers Phone 602. Quick Service.


W A X T E D — ' T o b u y a t o n c e K ° ' » d s e c o n d h a n d s a d d l e . T r i c e m u s i b » » r e a s o n ­a b l e . A d d r e s s r » 0 i \ T i m e s - 1 l e r a I d .

WISH TO BI'Y—• W a l l t e n t . M u s t b e n < ' t s m a l l e r t h a n 1 0 b y U \ N . \ \ \ p h o n e 1 4 M .

MEN'S HATS CI.K WKO and re-blocked at Friedman's, the Hatter.

LOST AND FOUND. LOST—English bull terrier. Return

for reward to 409 South Sixth street. Phone 1299 N. W.

STATE OF NORTH DAKOTA, ss. County of Grand Forks.

In Distr ict Court , First Judicial Distr ict All ie Ferguson. Plaintiff , vs. Ernest

Benton Ferguson, Defendant. SUMMONS.

The State of North Dakota to the above named Defendant:

You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint of this action. which complaint is now on fi le in the office of the clerk of the distr ict court within and for Grand Forks county. State of North Dakota, anil to serve a copy of your answer upon the subscriber with­in thir ty days al ter the service of this summons upon you. exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your fai lure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you bv default , for the rel ief demanded in the complaint .

D a t e d t h i s ^ t h d a v o f M a v . 1 0 1 2 . HENRY O'KEEFE. Jr .

Slay 27, June 3 , 10. 17, 24. July 1. Dak.

Attorney for plaintiff , residence and postoffice address, Grand Forks, N.



W. R. Jack. Grand Forks, N. D.


In Minnesota and North Da­kota. Lowest rates of Inter­est. Prepayment privileges at borrower's option.


List Your Farm With Us If You Wish

To Sell It! We also handle $ity property

of al l kinds and have a large l ist of propert ies for exchange.

Call and see us.

SECURITY Real Estate Loan Co.

No. 25 S. 4 th St.

f ( ' o n t i n u - i l ' . ' m m I ' a g u ]

s c h o o l i n t h e l u u m e t e r s ; R a l p h O . C r a i g . D e t r o i t Y . M . C . A . a n d P . C . G e r h a r d t , t ' l y m p i c A . t ' . . S a n l ' r a n e i s -( • • • . i n t h e s a m e c \ i n ' . ; C a r l C . C o o k e . C l e v e l a n d A . a m i r a u i n t h e 2 0 0 m e t e r s : E d v u n l r " . l . i n t i h e r g . C h i c a g o A . - V . a n d J a s . . V . . 1 • ' o . — i l l i c r g e r . I r i s h A m e r i c a n A . C . . i n t i 1 • • - I ' m m e t e r s : M o l v i n Y v " . S l v ] i p a r i : . I r i s h A m e r i c a n A . C . ; M a r r y S . G i v i n g , I r i s h A m e r i ­c a n A . C V . a n d J a s . E . M i - i v d i t h M e r -c e r s b u r g a c a d e m y i l l t h e s u e m e t e r s ; I > a \ i d S . C a l d w e l l . M a s s a c h u s e t t s a g r i c u l t u r a l c o l l e g e , a n d W a l t e r 1 1 c -C 1 u o . O l y m p i c A . C . . S a i l F r a n c i s c o , i n t h e s a m e e v e n ; . H e r b e r t N . P u t n a m . C o r n e l l u n i v e r s i t y a n d N . J . P a t t e r ­s o n , C h i c a g o A . A . , i n t h e 1 . 5 0 0 m e ­t e r s .

M a n y A m e r i c a n s w e r e a m o n g t h o s e w h o w e l c o n v d t h e f i r s t d e l e g a t i o n o f t h e n r i l i s h a t h l e t e s « l i o a r r i v e d l a s t n i g h t . T h e E n g l i s h m e n n u m b e r e d 1 ' o r t v - n i n e a n d i n c l u d e d t h e p r i n c i p a l s t a r s . T h e r e m a i n d e r i d ' t h e E n g l i s h a n d C a n a d i a n s w i l l r e a c h h e r e t o d a y . A n g l o - A m e r i c a n r e l a t i o n s p r o m i s e b e t ­t e r t h a n i n t h e L o n d o n O l y m p i c g a m e s .

T h e o n l y A m e r i c a n p l a y e r i n t h e t e n n i s c o m p e t i t i o n . T h e e . R o o s e \ e l t P e l l , w h o s e e n t r y t h r o u g h a t e l e g r a ­p h i c e r r o r h a d l e d S t o c k h o l m t o b e ­l i e v e t h e e x - p r e s i d e n t ' s s o n w a s c o m ­i n g . l o s t h i s l i u a l m a t c h y e s t e r d a y . Heyden of Germany winning 2-t i , 7-5, S - ( i , 7 - . " > . P e l l , w i t h o u t p r a c t i c e a f t e r t h e v o y a g e w a s o b l i g e d t o p l a y o n a n a s p h a l t c o u r t a n d w a s u n a b l e t o d o h i m s e l f j u s t i c e .

Walter Winans. the American crack who was counted upon to win the in­dividual competi t ion in the running deer shooting event, withdrew because he was far below his usual form. Tins competi t ion was at 100 meters.

Major Richardson, commander of the Brit ish army rif lemen, referring to the fact that they were unable to approach the American scores, said that the result was further proof of the great inferiori ty of the Brit ish open sights and the necessity for .1 new ri l le .

o f t h e D e t r o i t T i c e r s , w h i c h a g g r e g a ­t i o n i s s t e a d i l y t a k i n g a d o w n w a r d s l i d e i n t ! i e A m e r i c a n l e a g u e , w a s a s k ­e d b y o n e o f t h e D e t r o i t b a s e b a l l e r i t -

, i c s w h e t h e r t h e h e a d o f t h e T i g e r s i n -• t e n d e d t o h e e d t h e c a l l o f t h e m a n y t a n s f u r t h e r e m o v a l o f H u g h J e n ­n i n g s a s m a n a g e r o f t h e J u n g a l e e r s ,

, b e c a u s e t h e l a t t e r , i n t h e i r e s t i m a t i o n , w a s t h e c a u s e o f t h e r e c e n t p o o r

: s h o w i n g m a d e b y t h e T i g e r s . N a v i n ' s a i d : " I a m n o t a t a i l s a t i s f i e d w i t h t h e w a y t h i n g s a r e g o i n g o n i n t h s

' c l u b . J e n n i n g s a p p e a r s t o h a v e l o s t I h is hold 011 the t i i"n. They seem to t h a v e n o c o n f i d e n c e i n h i s j u d g m e n t . ! Our pitchers have been handled poor-, l y a n d t h e c l u b h . a s s h o w n l i t t l e s c i -| erice. In fact , under Jennings we al-I ways have won our games by the hit-j t ing abil i ty of the players rather than

I hy any strategy. As Jennings has a | contract for this year, we shall not jmake any change ri«ht now. and want j t o g i \ e h i m a n o t h e r c h a n c e a n y h o w . ! What we do next season depends on i lhe showing of the Tigers etween now | a ml 1 ictober. I have refrained from | interfering with Jennings up to date

j b e e n u s e 1 t h i n k , u s u a l l y , a c l u b p r e s i -! d e n t m e r e l y h a m p e r s a m a n a g e r w h e r ; h e t r i e s t o s u g g e s t t h i n g s . I f s o m e i i m p r o v e m e n t i s n o t s h o w n , h o w e v e r , ! I m a y h a v e t o a s s e r t m y s e l f a n d i n -: s 's t 011 some of my ideas being car-I r i e d o u t . 1 h a v e r e c e i v e d m a n y l e t t e r s j f r o m f a n s c o m p l a i n i n g o f J e n n i n g s ' ; a l leged inefficiency, but always have t r i e d t o s u p p o r t H u g h i e . 1 s t r o n g l y hope that he gets the Tigers out ol t h e r u e a n d s i l e n c e s h i s c r i t i c s . "


When Frank J. Navin, president

• I





of St . Paul knocked out Sid Burns, welterweight champion of England, in the fif th round- of a scheduled ten round bout at Madison Square gar­den last night . The knockout came eight seconds before the hell ended the round and Burns was unable to fac« his opponent for the next round.

Y. M. C. A. TEAM WISS. The Y. M. C. A. and Rurnely base­

ball teams went after each other at Dacotah park last night and the for­mer team won by the score of 9 to 8. Goodwin and Costello did the battery work for the Y. M. C. A. club and Cameron and Fll teau for the machin­ists . I t was so dark in the sixth in- . , ning that the ball could hardly be seen and the Rumelys st i l l contend • that they won out under cover of* darkness. However, the game went to the Ys and Umps Secord says. "I have • said what I have said and there U no comeback.?

-v ^ t .

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