." ...' .~ TiIaelT Poaa TMtJ days haft September, April, J- aDd Ncwember ••• All the rat ban: thirty c., -tllitil '" hear frlllll Waah-- .... toa I Hm'a There .,~ .':~.~\W')'*'~...'.'" ;-., j ... ~6.~:::-'-~~ - , ~'~'." # •• - " ' ,"'''.'. ,'''.' ";, '-"'-'~A.":.. ~_.,. _ ",.,~~,:;", .. .-ri'~.J ... le,.JcM '~"""'''''~''f a t"""-"W .... '. c"" ':-~< ~', ... ;a; '.':..-c'" ;rqatf"W'ICtt'.'c '.. >-':~J_C< B.Pie'ce1t .. HiftSdlooL ............ ,'." '-: . if. 1:- .... ,;.. ~':: ..... ~' "1n~~~Ur,~' .... -t:J.r:._~,~. ~', .. The Groae Poipt~ Board of Ed1Ica. The ~. ~ --4It: ~15 ~ ..... ita .. :~ caid- ....,~ _~ _. t ~ .' ._,_ A'. • ~. '. ~ tiou aDd lb. P_t TeadJer Assoda- aDd the adaiIIioa II fnle. uu :,p ':C., .<~ .~ _~ ~ t ~ . . ..... ., .......... e-t. .., -- *1- .,..'; ..........; ". et ,t¥c boa of Che 101m D. Pierce Jr., I1lgld Wed., Jau. ID-Detroit Federal S71ll- .. - " :_ , A aat ~ IS ~ .. a. I,. .~ . Scbool will IPQIUOr a winter seriel of phoay Orch~tra. IHeaItJa D.iiIL..... . put ,. Iiceak. ' TWt ~ .;.,.: JlI1UiuI COIICm.. These COlICertS wiII Wed, JlUI. 24-Detroit Federal Coacert .& _:-.--. ~. priat refI1Iirtd CIa -. ... ti .' of ViIlwe .... be P!'eK11te4 by the Dw-oit Faleral Band. .... -....; .... D!i i. ---___ Gr-. PvIt ... Symphou)' Orchestra of ;10 pieces UII- Wed., Feb. 7-Iktroit Ft1feraJ 57111' This' the ~ -;;;-. to be I~----- ._" fritMs -(J( the ~ 'do. ~ der the direction of Mr Walter Poole phon)' Orcbestn. ' I ia1I ~al."'~ of:::::- PARE SkA'mfG I JDaoIe ........ to ~ ~ ~~ .I _,' ~_ •_ Wed., Feb. Z1-Detroit Federal COIICIeft IT car .. __ can: .. -. ~'of .. ~. ~nd th: Dtt."":ltt Fe...;;., ...... u~cen: ,t)an<ll Band. , . I~ IQps to preftIlt ~ , ~~ The &-. PeiIde~ ... ~ of SO paeces 1Illder the direction of Ur, Wed.. Marth 6-DetrOlt Tedera1 SJIII-I ~ Ia -- pan. of the . n" en A ...... tiM .... tiib .. tW.l,ijP,. MlU'doch IUcdollald. phon, Orchestra. ~ are cues of smaIJpars ~ 4ipL"::':~' ........ ::::-": puotiMil,o of ~::be WIiwt. ----------------------1 thena of a lInWe tne. TIIiI -- .. .. .._.~... ',................ ... ...... ~ .. CIir .... P I1_ 5------ C!_L __ L "'~_..J__ C<Ul be easily ~ted. Beddr e:--. -= -- IT"" ' ',. ... ~ u~ ~ ft.IJIucrgartea . missioMr Dr. WarreD 1II'J'l'lJ PIftIIts D.. Ie ~ .,., Public Education VllitatioD Plana to ~ their -. ia t.mac tile n. --.... ILi.!...._ -.. -.,-_-. -- ". cItiJlIraa ilaunmizc apiDSt ctiphtberia Iat. ........ . "Our whole uational economy and When teachers of HipIa.ad hrk &lid a Sbidt test ney two ,...., ... ..ea.I eE" .!, ;...... To .Lec:tun. Felt. 11 . !:::!c,ed t!:c contil ....... .: c u1 OUI' demo- J and Hamtramck meet wilil the faculty tIIat acbdts as -n as chiIdrea aboaN ,.. ...... cntJc form of government aud KOU- of Grosse Pointe (Ill Marc:ll 8 at thc be ncciaated .iDst smaIl pox. A case .c All n f ,.. 1.... B~ ~ ...... _ .... amie system d~uds ~ a t~orough Tn.City Iustitute, they wiJI bear a of ethel' of thex diIeasa IDGlU a cue ~ --. last A8Iericaa to __ PoIa4 a.t • prQSnm of public educatIOn, WIth rea-I panel discussion m which speakcn .,{ of nqlect CIa the pan of I<lIDe one. .. -...- last AJMricas to 1eaft w..... ...... n. eE ... ~ :son ably compen~ted te~ch~s mst~ct-I national r~ute witl partidp .... weD C 'I ., ... hrIr. the boaIIaardlDast., will ... 61: .., ., e:.- FiN o.p.t. Illg c~sscs of sUitable sIZe m huildmgs as OIIbtandmg individual lec:turcn. The n1llllber of iaIection and _. lIIICeIISOr'ed ..... pic:.-cs ~ ... - ... , ! J• -n.... lire at of adeqaatc size." Such is the state. tqioa in the Gl'osse Poiltte clistric:t is of Warsaw lUIcI sift his ere ", ,: .. '- .. At. .... I d. SM lDertt of Charles A. PaPcf'lIs J Detroit Harold Husband, general c:hair, and beJoIr JIOI'IDaI at tbb tiaae. ------...,. of ~e- S. of W ' c:.......... securities broker and president of tbc Charles Saltzer, speak"" have all"eady ---____ Book Renew At fatur~ of the trialer aria of .... n.. .. -- ..,.... Grosse Pointe Board of Education, in contacted several outstandmg speak. Mia Arndt Saa-.eIt A1aer Hoa.e .laD. 1. WorIcl ~ S«ia ~ 8t 1'hiqs - like: The UttJe bboc hat '- ~ _ aD a"ic:le ill the December number of ers to partake in the discussiolls. Thc I Better n..--=-~ f, '41 the Detroit wtite: of Arb. ar,.. WW1l ilf lin. RDJ Oapia. New - ... "The Nation's Schools," leading Amer. speakers will be taken from nrioas ............. _ 01' WcdMsd.y1';;;;; 10dI at 2 P. Y.. __ F~ ~L Yc.ar's 0.,; the jokes lin. Ralph ]«. -......0........ I Ii Id . I The ter _ -..... ___ .,-- !. · itan -~odic.al on school adrninistra. e s such IS education, religion. lei- A'" Y t....:..- •• loin.. Carlos Fossati wiQ 4isc1ras some _ ~ -r- ... _ a _. 4au tcIJa.....ar berxJf; tlte beaatinl tile...... r-' , new ear new nn ... aew waI «>lor ot' . Ied.R by ... iIi. aaoers ?If Mr': If. :R. Bo,.~ IfUt lion. I eDce. D1u:11C, art and mally others. pleasures. new accomplisbmeuls. Wby of th-e new bootrs a1l-d1IIi11 revic:w "'Tbe lIlI lOa pcqre - II I '. Nazaune" the ~t~ booIr writteu by -.:lte-cl upber Can-cth WeIa, __ .... dane, "Caeur"; ("''"by anll't 8I'eat .. •• . '. I A medinR' of the rommittc~ ..... ~ Dot make a raoIatlOll ~t - to' I tell of "Y Retan: to 1b.atJa" claDes Cftt caBed 'HaaId'(): ne It I Mr. Parceus empnas!%e! Inat It IS I h ld h P' ]. High ~ 001 I learn to dallce well OC' become a bettei'I the world r-ettownt1f author, SIWa . y"'--~~ _ --' '-'-"- Uacoht lepbJT u.n.- -----. tbe resllOIIsibility of Board of Edllca.1 e at t e le,rce lltuor ~.!I i daacer. Dancing is a lOCi&! obIip6oft Ascb as translated b,. Maurice s... !UlUUy 7,. _ .. ~ ~ ~ .-- -- tion "cntnuted as th~ are wilh the, Tuesday evenmg, No.ember 28 at i b' h of .ft I vel. 'I. the _ter .er- .. 1111 ..,. .. atal, one4 by Cantea Tiedaau, e-a... ..... 1M............ - h' h' h I .L ems' e DIO$t popular ..... SOCIa ac. ....._me.f t 01- W-'~ ..~ -- protection of both the rights of tax. WK tlllle t e genera ""alflllfll were I' 't' I ff d cI This book is a nove' of the lives of ....... a..... """ ~ It's lP'ay with b&ack top aad wbeds, t'L.L.._ ..... A.- o.e. sc.a.. LE. , , d. 0 h' m les. taors e all u;er. . "_' If' t _ Y_-t:"" •~ - pa'"ers :tnd the ngJ,ts of children~ to apPOinte I er appollltmeutl Ire as , . three dift'-t ~l_ who lived at the ~tes 0 a ~ KU'e, ~ and i1.a s greea leatbcr IlPhoistery-boy ,., J esse m an easy, cracriut ma UDC1' that'. ~, ~" ~..,..., n.. talt _I.: 3 '11\ 5-..1- .Lt.-I. Th "..~- e.....&.-.......... ------ keep tbiS point e"er before thc publicl,foDows:. fun for 1II,',.l!d alld -nn. 'D-.: ••• time of l~ns and of His life as it _NY e ~ce a! '_: oa -., - ~" e wa,. uwao -.,- ........ -- . . h h I~. __ ' ""J'CI""'. aftemOOD1, with IIIOtioIl PIttares. tbe Ulan. Aa.II Austill's '-line ".L..I I:'.L.._. Cl- and to do !t ,n a mOPe t. oroug way I . now for cominW evt1Its. toached thflrs. . I"MIUIt &:oU...-.tioa- .~ Ihln ~s been necesslU" in the past Luncheon: MISS Ethel TlICker. ~: F . L. I AlllOll& other featured IPt'&iren '"'- acore, (ll$ually o.er two handrUl); -' . ..n. OI-SllU.... s I peasant IIiUlM1' '. The Bo,"cr Umdltt', amtrsmg X=u At Defer School It is a1:;0 the re.jNl1,ibiiity of sChool I Program: VIncent Petersoa. Ne. classes in baRroom dancinllt arc ill riving her :'nie.s for she sati$/ies "" tho: h~ forezp. cotrespo.lldalt .. card' The most bu'lrtifullv ligbte4 -- .. '. . I Traffic, I'aul Jungt. being formed at tire El.aiae Marie those who want 0Ii1y a convenational H. R. Kuiclterboctm- and Edpr Ansel " . he The Adnlt Edaeation Can at Ddc-r bonds. he says, to scrutl",ze "'Ith ~[usic' Wm Wallrins. ."rndt, 919 Barrington. (Some of Miss Mowrer, tire author of the best leiter X:na s Ute ...e ve ~ -n. - III t e..... ~1 is S 3OI'i a class in Sc..-ing gTuttsl care all a,pects of educallonall .. " ,"rnd!'s du!<Cs meet ,t Iht. Tro:nbley I ~o;"'ledge of the ~tcsl bocks bat sh~ ~('--.nany P-ats the Clock Back"; Sir :Wettdell AnderSOll' prda. ,",,",,~ poll nc cosu to the tnd that genuine and! Stage: Hahrland \\ ood""OI'"th. ScL~_') Th .. IIItrKlaes everyone mto wantmg to read Habert y,'iJk;"." polu 1or Th - d ~ I'k ' The t' - starting Thursday, January 11th at 9 a. I P .. '. 0lU<>I, esc cillncs mdllde FO'lI" . '. cr, all 'IIlfS we on 'e. . a~loe T'" '- d rt sound ecOt1omy may be practiced in ubloclt)': Y ISS DorIS Trott. Trot Ramha T r"__ n' It AnyOllc c1el1lr1ngfurther IUfOOllalioa Captaia C. W. Jl Kqtat. with _ dreamed about an year aad didn t get: Ill. "IS C:.. H nans ()lie an one qua ~t '~ , anll'O, ........... a. .. a Z, boa U SJ6. •. , P 1 ... k .f '1 lost a hoar. and is for 12 weeks. The re,i.- all ellPendll\;1 e~. 5 clio 0 I Boards S~aker. Charlees Caltzer. etc .• and spt"eia! g-ronps may be 1m..... may telq eT l-4 aaotlOtl plCtlll"" 11m thIS fall a:a4 eop c ","u" a' _ I we v-cn .. . . . .... ""'_, ' lit I '-'- Los" bets Sh , lnlioD fee is SOC~ls and is andn- the should al~o keep the puhhc mformed Th cMf 'II !l:JO ed to tal.:e anv partlCnlar t)"J)e of dance. olmlmer on """",~rtd It Var.. I. r,! e ..-e:",,:.: B mg ..... ~;., a.. t -~isioD of '''avne tinWersrtv Ex. rand elilightencd as ne,'er before on the; a ~ . :rt",r e l"'I"h convene lat ' i' AcluJt Stu..J.. Cl ... / Ic1:td,<1 in tbe prOlgTam are 1aOI:oa pic. "I by IC., am:a.. m: "lIiU .-"~'. ,. m.• no lnere "" e a renera meet, B II T' ~T . .I :_n T' I tension Coarse. I problems of school financc and the" t I II JO' I a e' and tap C U.~o for Mjl'Dnen ture travel~ t},~1 ... 111 ''lIIr~ t~ STarn tl't: recelv'rt-<:<>l.cct; rymR 10. . . '. I ,n~ un I : a. m. ."t noon thete .~~ .~, n~._, .'.:I~. "d I. d' Sc d' , I"'L:.._ ... I .. ' Gr P" ] ........... from the ....... ptJlatllv of these ruoons and llJ<t,l;nl'on fM S.Lo,"' '" ~. h' h h . '- --,a .. "u ....... 'ea anQ a a IS arc T.C'O ."dull stady l!TODT'S 'J)Onsored all ICnce to an Inav~, "'au>& all4 "lid a i'.ace to par" In oose omte I "'"IS..... "". ., . , -... ~'I "'ill I'Ie a JunIor an" semor Ig sc 00]: 1 011" , '. J 1:_ sh~ping tli~tr1CI' .... n..-one .",ho aloeSthe I dasses whicll have been heJd In tht ~ost•.~ luncheon .< 1>:<11 ., one 104' Ihe elc- i I ~o enr '"3 now. by the Pierce JunlOl' H." School. a~n, Panama. '"'tI),V", Fretlc!l Indo- '401' ho", lin llt hali at .the Co1antry Cab past under P, T. A. ~pon~nh.ip "'e .... \, ~mentary teacher<. F"flo ... ing the IUIICh-1 Anyone in the ~ommanity ","ho ~u I Chma. the ..~f:l(a~ Jungl ese , Hawal h .. . A-.I ht sllA'Cst tbat yOI: eLroil un)' ,f you Another bIg re<1'on.I",II) of l..e, h .'11' h """'-'&-0.1 _ parhcular gardcMlnll' rtrohlem or IS in.' and t"~ Carlb_ .2:1 "t.. - .. en Y, E ..ant to ~ ft., "" Ia ,h cI. $chool ooard, :'lr. Parcells <an. is "to eN'< t ~ met:lnll' "'. continue .... '1 .. I ....... - " I _ aOOuI $urns up an .... e un pnnt. 1m 10 Itten , ..: pantl d"cul~l"n. Hrg" school band<! George ButtenvorUl of BIootD- lere,ted m IrnOw"'g !low to produce a. )(~ Fbua-her. ~J&gtra 4775 is ch.ir. lee Ihat lhe ,chool, g!ve \'dlue rew\"e~ 'h h I 'J' , IIeId N J a 1o-,,-.ar-01d retired eon- beautiful prden is ~'r~c;all). in"iled s... Ii-. ~ wid, • -.... '''.h.n ,"ttem- r_~ll Frink Mill" ." h-' in educational "ll'com~< ""Icome< I ore e,tral afld c, M. p;roups WI 1 pro, I' t to' h" id __.. <---.0-_ II' h Me. E ........... -, '-""''' man VI t III COlllmlll~ ..... ' \ide the mll"c at ail ~e.. ions. frllC r'F] I:' PlI' ".....,.~ ... _IY~ to tnro In t e Home Land,care Gard- ..._ D ---..._ L. p\~' ".' i,.~ to s~nd Ihe ho!lda~., ------ mea<lIted ." term. of kn"\l'Ttt!c:-e of, or a orida hotel room for, Uae ,"i"1:' ela.~ !lnller th~ Ttad'a!hip of ~[t, ...-- __ ...._ E. 7IB. "';Ih h:. i.m;I ..... ""e "a';- t"e ple.~ute fund.men:al<. In term, 0; rhHactrr I' ------ next 30 ,.tan, "YS the Amerieatl H Ham"''''I'n of \,. ""6 L'n,.6 " U.......... '- Caaa4a t!. . 'I' "MlrltIne, Buttel'Worth expK1J to ' ."". .. •. ' .hr<"y .,f ",(r:'n,ll' him. ".e a<hd a ...ed<ly Ammcan ~ havt about four r,e!<>rmrnt ."I! In In",s N tn.lith:. Eon'oR 1l0_-Ct'M .... Pomte. _t g~t full value, be<:a~ he &cuta F.xlen,i,'e Senict "";'!l~ .'ill rn~~l at k.ac,ng que"'''''. t ...... it. "\\"~o do )'O1,l, biftiOII doDan izIvated ill c.a.diu eMtd. SOCIally .adjusted drmo<:ta: Ie Cltl- '....,..Ia~ D.1l« Stwiio... Ew.. Marie, that ~ takizlr ~ easy aM toIalr Pierce Sch"Ol on Tuesday evening, Jan. (c..,. .,. r... TWOl ....... UIla. j ArIIdt. LE. 7i31. 1~ ~ UI;I h~ to be 100. Hr)' II at 7:45 P. W. . ,

I~----- .digitize.gp.lib.mi.us/digitize/newspapers/gpreview/1940-44/40/1940... · 40 Pointe ""'"... &''-.'. ,;.~:~~"!~~.;:~~?:,!-, '.....,.....-..-...:..... '--~!.:.~..... ~ • •

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TiIaelT Poaa

TMtJ days haft September,April, J- aDd Ncwember •••All the rat ban: thirty c.,-tllitil '" hear frlllll Waah-- .... toa I

Hm'a There

.,~ .':~.~\W')'*'~...'.'" ;-., j ... ~6.~:::-'-~~- , ~'~'." # •• - " ' ,"'''.'. ,'''.' ";, '-"'-'~A.":..~_.,._ ",.,~~,:;",.. .-ri'~.J ... le,.JcM '~"""'''''~''f a t"""-"W .... '. c"" ':-~< ~', ... ;a; '.':..-c'" ;rqatf"W'ICtt'.'c ' .. >-':~J_C<B.Pie'ce1t .. HiftSdlooL ............ ,'." '-: . if. 1:- .... ,; .. ~':: ..... ~ ' "1n~~~Ur,~' .... -t:J.r:._~,~. ~',..

The Groae Poipt~ Board of Ed1Ica. The ~. ~ --4It: ~15 ~ ..... ita .. :~ caid- ....,~ _~ _. t ~ .' ._,_A'. • ~. '. ~tiou aDd lb. P_t TeadJerAssoda- aDd the adaiIIioa II fnle. uu :,p ':C., .<~ .~ _~ ~ t ~. . ..... ., ..........e-t. .., --*1- .,.. '; ..........; ". et ,t¥cboa of Che 101m D. Pierce Jr., I1lgld Wed., Jau. ID-Detroit Federal S71ll- .. - " :_ , A aat ~ IS ~ .. a. I,. .~ .

Scbool will IPQIUOr a winter seriel of phoay Orch~tra. IHeaItJa D.iiIL..... . put ,. Iiceak. ' TWt ~ .;.,.:JlI1UiuI COIICm.. These COlICertS wiII Wed, JlUI. 24-Detroit Federal Coacert .& _:-.--. ~. • priat refI1Iirtd CIa -. ... ti .' of ViIlwe ....be P!'eK11te4 by the Dw-oit Faleral Band. .... -....; .... D!i i. ---___ Gr-. PvIt ...Symphou)' Orchestra of ;10 pieces UII- Wed., Feb. 7-Iktroit Ft1feraJ 57111' This' the ~ -;;;-. to be I~----- ._"fritMs -(J( the ~ 'do. ~der the direction of Mr Walter Poole phon)' Orcbestn. ' Iia1I ~al."'~ of:::::- PARE SkA'mfG IJDaoIe ........ to ~ ~ ~~

• .I _,' ~_ • _ • Wed., Feb. Z1-Detroit Federal COIICIeft IT car .. __ can: .. -. ~'of .. ~.~nd th: Dtt."":ltt Fe...;;.,...... u~cen: ,t)an<ll Band. , . I~ IQps to preftIlt ~ , ~~ The &-. PeiIde~ ... ~of SO paeces 1Illder the direction of Ur, Wed.. Marth 6-DetrOlt Tedera1 SJIII-I ~ Ia -- pan. of the . n" en A ...... tiM .... tiib ..tW.l,ijP,.MlU'doch IUcdollald. phon, Orchestra. ~ are cues of smaIJpars ~ 4ipL"::':~' ........ ::::-": puotiMil,o of ~::be WIiwt.----------------------1 thena of a lInWe tne. TIIiI -- .. .. .._.~...',................ ... ...... ~ .. CIir ....P I1_ 5------ C!_L __ L "'~_..J__ C<Ul be easily ~ted. Beddr e:--. -= -- IT"" ' ',.

... ~ u~ ~ ft.IJIucrgartea . missioMr Dr. WarreD 1II'J'l'lJ PIftIIts D.. Ie ~ .,.,

Public Education VllitatioD Plana to ~ their -. ia t.mac tile n. --.... ILi.!...._ -.. -.,-_-. -- ".cItiJlIraa ilaunmizc apiDSt ctiphtberia Iat. ........ .

"Our whole uational economy and When teachers of HipIa.ad hrk &lid a Sbidt test ney two ,...., ... ..ea.I eE" .!, ;...... To .Lec:tun. Felt. 11 .!:::!c,ed t!:c contil ....... .:c u1 OUI' demo- J and Hamtramck meet wilil the faculty tIIat acbdts as -n as chiIdrea aboaN ,.. ......cntJc form of government aud KOU- of Grosse Pointe (Ill Marc:ll 8 at thc be ncciaated .iDst smaIl pox. A case .c All n f ,.. 1.... B~ ~ ...... _ ....amie system d~uds ~ a t~orough Tn.City Iustitute, they wiJI bear a of ethel' of thex diIeasa IDGlU a cue ~ --. last A8Iericaa to __ PoIa4 a.t •prQSnm of public educatIOn, WIth rea-I panel discussion m which speakcn .,{ of nqlect CIa the pan of I<lIDe one. .. -...- last AJMricas to 1eaft w..... ......

n. eE ... ~ :sonablycompen~ted te~ch~s mst~ct-I national r~ute witl partidp .... weD C 'I ., ... hrIr. the boaIIaardlDast., will ... 61: ..,

., e:.- FiN o.p.t. Illg c~sscs of sUitable sIZe m huildmgs as OIIbtandmg individual lec:turcn. The n1llllber of iaIection and _. lIIICeIISOr'ed ..... pic:.-cs ~ ...- ... , ! J • -n.... lire at of adeqaatc size." Such is the state. tqioa in the Gl'osse Poiltte clistric:t is of Warsaw lUIcI sift his ere ", ,:.. '- .. At. .... I d. SM lDertt of Charles A. PaPcf'lIsJ Detroit Harold Husband, general c:hair, and beJoIr JIOI'IDaI at tbb tiaae. ------...,. of ~e- S. of W 'c:.......... securities broker and president of tbc Charles Saltzer, speak"" have all"eady ---____ Book Renew At fatur~ of the trialer aria of ....n.. .. -- ..,.... Grosse Pointe Board of Education, in contacted several outstandmg speak. Mia Arndt Saa-.eIt A1aer Hoa.e .laD. 1. WorIcl ~ S«ia ~ 8t

1'hiqs - like: The UttJe bboc hat '- ~ _ aD a"ic:le ill the December number of ers to partake in the discussiolls. Thc IBetter n..--=-~ f, '41 the Detroit wtite: of Arb. ar,..WW1l ilf lin. RDJ Oapia. • New - ... "The Nation's Schools," leading Amer. speakers will be taken from nrioas ............._ 01' WcdMsd.y1';;;;; 10dI at 2 P. Y.. __ F~ ~L •Yc.ar's 0.,; the jokes lin. Ralph ]«. -......0........ I • Ii Id . I The ter _ -..... ___.,-- !. · itan -~odic.al on school adrninistra. e s such IS education, religion. lei- A'" Y t....:..- •• loin.. Carlos Fossati wiQ 4isc1ras some _ ~ -r- ..._ a _.4au tcIJa.....ar berxJf; tlte beaatinl tile...... r-' , new ear new nn ... aew waI «>lor ot' . Ied.R by ...iIi. aaoers ?If Mr': If. :R. Bo,.~ IfUt lion. I eDce. D1u:11C, art and mally others. pleasures. new accomplisbmeuls. Wby of th-e new bootrs a1l-d1IIi11 revic:w "'Tbe lIlI lOa pcqre

- II I '. Nazaune" the ~t~ booIr writteu by -.:lte-cl upber Can-cth WeIa, __ ....dane, "Caeur"; ("''"by anll't 8I'eat • .. •• . '. I A medinR' of the rommittc~ .....~ Dot make a raoIatlOll ~t - to' Itell of "Y Retan: to 1b.atJa"claDes Cftt caBed 'HaaId'(): ne It I Mr. Parceus empnas!%e! Inat It IS Ih ld h P' ]. High ~ 001 Ilearn to dallce well OC' become a bettei'I the world r-ettownt1f author, SIWa . y"'--~~ • _--' '-'-"- Uacoht lepbJT u.n.- -----. tbe resllOIIsibility of Board of Edllca.1 e at t e le,rce lltuor ~.!I i daacer. Dancing is a lOCi&! obIip6oft Ascb as translated b,. Maurice s... !UlUUy 7,. _ .. ~ ~ ~.-- -- tion "cntnuted as th~ are wilh the, Tuesday evenmg, No.ember 28 at i b' h of .ft • I vel. 'I. the _ter .er- .. 1111 ..,. ..atal, one4 by Cantea Tiedaau, e-a... ..... 1M............ - h' h' h I .L • ems' e DIO$t popular .....SOCIa ac. ....._me.f t 01- W-'~ ..~

-- protection of both the rights of tax. W K tlllle t e genera ""alflllfll were I' 't' I ff d cI This book is a nove' of the lives of ....... a..... """ ~It's lP'ay with b&ack top aad wbeds, t'L.L.._ ..... A.- o.e. sc.a.. LE. , , d. 0 h' m les. t a or s e all u;er. . "_' If' t _ Y_-t:"" • ~- pa'"ers :tnd the ngJ,ts of children~ to apPOinte I er appollltmeutl Ire as , . three dift'-t ~l_ who lived at the ~tes 0 I« a ~ KU'e, ~

and i1.a s greea leatbcr IlPhoistery-boy ,., J esse m an easy, cracriut ma UDC1'that'. ~, ~" ~..,..., n.. talt _I.: 3 '11\ 5-..1-.Lt.-I. Th "..~- e.....&.-.......... ------ keep tbiS point e"er before thc publicl,foDows:. fun for 1II,',.l!d alld -nn. 'D-.: ••• time of l~ns and of His life as it _NY e ~ce a! '_: oa -.,- ~" e wa,. uwao -.,- ........ -- . . h h I~. __ ' • ""J'CI""'. aftemOOD1, with IIIOtioIl PIttares.tbe Ulan. Aa.II Austill's '-line ".L..I I:'.L.._. Cl- and to do !t ,n a mOPe t. oroug way I . now for cominW evt1Its. toached thflrs.

. I"MIUIt &:oU...-.tioa- .~ Ihln ~s been necesslU" in the past Luncheon: MISS Ethel TlICker. ~: F . L. I AlllOll& other featured IPt'&iren '"'-acore, (ll$ually o.er two handrUl); -' . ..n. OI-SllU....s I peasant IIiUlM1' '.The Bo,"cr Umdltt', amtrsmg X=u At Defer School It is a1:;0 the re.jNl1,ibiiity of sChool I Program: VIncent Petersoa. Ne. classes in baRroom dancinllt arc ill riving her :'nie.s for she sati$/ies "" tho: h~ forezp. cotrespo.lldalt ..card' The most bu'lrtifullv ligbte4 -- .. '. . I Traffic, I'aul Jungt. being formed at tire El.aiae Marie those who want 0Ii1y a convenational H. R. Kuiclterboctm- and Edpr Ansel

" . he The Adnlt Edaeation Can at Ddc-r bonds. he says, to scrutl",ze "'Ith ~[usic' Wm Wallrins. ."rndt, 919 Barrington. (Some of Miss Mowrer, tire author of the best leiterX:na


Ute ...e ve ~ -n. - III t e.....~1 is S 3OI'i a class in Sc..-ing gTuttsl care all a,pects of educallonall .. " ,"rnd!'s du!<Cs meet ,t Iht. Tro:nbley I~o;"'ledge of the ~tcsl bocks bat sh~ ~('--.nany P-ats the Clock Back"; Sir:Wettdell AnderSOll' prda. ,",,",,~ poll nc cosu to the tnd that genuine and! Stage: Hahrland \\ ood""OI'"th. ScL~_') Th .. IIItrKlaes everyone mto wantmg to read Habert y,'iJk;"." polu 1or •Th

- d ~ I'k ' The t' - starting Thursday, January 11th at 9 a. • I P .. '. 0lU<>I, esc cillncs mdllde FO'lI" . '. cr, all'IIlfS we on 'e. . a~loe T'" '- d rt sound ecOt1omy may be practiced in ubloclt)': Y ISS DorIS Trott. Trot Ramha T r"__ n' It AnyOllc c1el1lr1ngfurther IUfOOllalioa Captaia C. W. Jl Kqtat. with _dreamed about an year aad didn t get: Ill. "IS C:.. H nans ()lie an one qua ~t '~ , • • anll'O, ...........a. .. a Z, boa U SJ6. •. ,P 1

... k .f '1 lost a hoar. and is for 12 weeks. The re,i.- all ellPendll\;1 e~. 5 clio 0 I Boards S~aker. Charlees Caltzer. etc .• and spt"eia! g-ronps may be 1m..... may telq e T • l-4 aaotlOtl plCtlll"" 11m thIS fall a:a4eop c ","u" a' _ I we v-cn .. . . . .... ""'_, ' •lit I '-'- Los" bets Sh , lnlioD fee is SOC~ls and is andn- the should al~o keep the puhhc mformed Th cMf 'II !l:JO ed to tal.:e anv partlCnlar t)"J)e of dance. olmlmer on """",~rtd It Var.. I.r,! e ..-e:",,:.: B mg ..... ~;., a ..t -~isioD of '''avne tinWersrtv Ex. rand elilightencd as ne,'er before on the; a ~ . :rt",re l"'I"h convene lat ' i' AcluJt Stu..J.. Cl ... / Ic1:td,<1 in tbe prOlgTam are 1aOI:oa pic."I by • IC., am:a.. m: "lIiU .-"~'. , . m.• no lnere "" e a renera meet, B II T' ~T .

• .I :_n T' Itension Coarse. I problems of school financc and the" t I II JO' I a e' and tap C U.~o for Mjl'Dnen ture travel~ t},~1 ... 111 ''lIIr~ t~STarn tl't: recelv'rt-<:<>l.cct; rymR 10. . . '. I ,n~ un I : a. m. ."t noon thete .~~ .~, n~._, .'.:I~. "d I. d' Sc d' , I"'L:.._... I .. ' Gr P" ] ........... from the .......ptJlatllv of these ruoons and llJ<t,l;nl'on fM S.Lo,"' '" ~. h' h h . '- --,a .."u ....... 'ea anQ a a IS arc T.C'O ."dull stady l!TODT'S 'J)Onsored all ICnce to an Inav~, "'au>& all4"lid a i'.ace to par" In oose omte I "'"IS..... "". ., . , -... ~'I"'ill I'Ie a JunIor an" semor Ig sc 00]: 1 011" , '. J 1:_

sh~ping tli~tr1CI' ....n..-one .",ho aloeSthe Idasses whicll have been heJd In tht ~ost•.~ luncheon .< 1>:<11 ., one 104' Ihe elc- i I ~o enr '"3 now. by the Pierce JunlOl' H." School. a~n, Panama. '"'tI),V", Fretlc!l Indo-'401' ho",

linllt hali at .the Co1antry Cab past under P, T. A. ~pon~nh.ip "'e .... \, ~mentary teacher<. F"flo ... ing the IUIICh-1 Anyone in the ~ommanity ","ho ~u I Chma. the ..~f:l(a~ Jungl

ese, Hawalh

.. . A-.I h t sllA'Cst tbat yOI: eLroil un)' ,f you Another bIg re<1'on.I",II) of l..e, h .'11' h """'-'&-0.1 _ parhcular gardcMlnll' rtrohlem or IS in.' and t"~ Carlb_ .2:1 "t..- .. en Y, E .. ant to ~ ft., "" I a , h cI. $chool ooard, :'lr. Parcells <an. is "to eN'< t ~ met:lnll' "'. continue ....'1 .. I ....... - " I _aOOuI $urns up an ....e un pnnt. 1m 10 Itten , ..: pantl d"cul~l"n. Hrg" school band<! George ButtenvorUl of BIootD- lere,ted m IrnOw"'g !low to produce a. •

)(~ Fbua-her. ~J&gtra 4775 is ch.ir. lee Ihat lhe ,chool, g!ve \'dlue rew\"e~ 'h h I 'J' , IIeId N J a 1o-,,-.ar-01d retired eon- beautiful prden is ~'r~c;all). in"iled s... Ii-. ~ wid, • -....'''.h.n ,"ttem- r_~ll Frink Mill" ." h-' in educational "ll'com~< ""Icome< I ore e,tral afld c, M. p;roups WI1 pro, I' t to' • h" id __.. <---.0-_ II' h Me. E...........-, '-""''' man VI t III COlllmlll~ ..... ' \ide the mll"c at ail ~e.. ions. frllC r'F] I:' PlI' ".....,.~ ... _IY~ to tnro In t e Home Land,care Gard- ..._ D ---..._ L .

p\~' ".' i,.~ to s~nd Ihe ho!lda~., ------ mea<lIted ." term. of kn"\l'Ttt!c:-e of, or a orida hotel room for, Uae ,"i"1:' ela.~ !lnller th~ Ttad'a!hip of ~[t, ...-- __ ...._ E. 7IB."';Ih h:. i.m;I ..... ""e "a';- t"e ple.~ute fund.men:al<. In term, 0; rhHactrr I' ------ next 30 ,.tan, "YS the Amerieatl H Ham"''''I'n of \,. ""6 L'n,.6 "

U.......... '- Caaa4a t!. . 'I' • "MlrltIne, Buttel'Worth expK1J to ' ."". .. •. ' .hr<"y.,f ",(r:'n,ll' him. ".e a<hd a ...ed<ly Ammcan ~ havt about four r,e!<>rmrnt ."I! In In",s N tn.lith:. Eon'oR 1l0_-Ct'M .... Pomte. _t g~t full value, be<:a~ he &cuta F.xlen,i,'e Senict "";'!l~ .'ill rn~~l atk.ac,ng que"'''''. t...... it. "\\"~o do )'O1,l, biftiOII doDan izIvated ill c.a.diu eMtd. SOCIally .adjusted drmo<:ta: Ie Cltl- '....,..Ia~ D.1l« Stwiio... Ew.. Marie, that ~ takizlr ~ easy aM toIalr Pierce Sch"Ol on Tuesday evening, Jan.

(c..,. .,. r... TWOl ....... UIla. j ArIIdt. LE. 7i31. 1 ~ ~ UI;I h~ to be 100. Hr)' II at 7:45 P. W.

. ,



iII-_"<', - ~,:

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.~'. ,.. .;'.. ! .'..=

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Stor. S••e8c and ..... l :~ j • ,~. '- -c.........,bie,~~,..

f"'. '!. Ka'.-:.ra":.:....- ....... _ 1... ,_ , ...-







CL£.S~".In14 KERaIEV ....... Sf. CLAIIl ,:' .' .n._e-..s "I. . .__.~_~.,



WINTER $PORT IN COIIFOlm,SWEATERS , - __ ...fLII .. p.COItDUROT FINGER. ..TIP COATI.. , ....HEAVY WOOL JACX.ETS .:....•.~.... .. , ...LEATHER COATS, SUEDE .. CAPB.:........ . ....



DrasticatTwice •• ch ye... our NEW PLAN Floor Samples must be; cleared and replacedwith fresh, new sample. of Living Room, ~ .nd Bedroom Fumitvre. TheMcJe.rance events provide an excelent opportunity to secure fine fUrniture .tgreat savings.

Remember, plUM. that our NEW PlAN of furniture HIn, saves you moneY' ••through the yea" and our NEW PlAN prices are .lways below the stand.rd, ..... iI prices prevailing when furniture is docked in the regular way. A two--folclsaving is effected when you buy, during this c:lHrance, sample pieces C»n whichwe have taken drastic reduc:&n ••

Liei... 1100_ Farnitur@"Sof(U~ 1hve Seat!7}Lounge, Wing and Barrel Chair" Oeca-.ional Chairs, Tables, De.k" Secretariu, Book.ca.~ ek.


........ DId!:RiclIarcl W. ClatD, • froa~mu cC U. m.et IIUIa diatrkt, _

...,.. .. ~.dweod Diet. Be he-AIDe • DOCiId dIarrIctIR m tile West,;takiac part ill tile Sioux wan, act-me u exprea pard 011 ItapCMehn IDCl aicIiIII Ullited StatesJnanbals ill ~I Jaw'-nesa. His allitenltive nllll1e .....populll~ by clli:1 LOnl 'II-"tl:et ••Be 4ied ill Il13O.

A'e ........ FaGInIn 18l8. Thoma. Linroin, falhn

OJ . /If Ahra"'am tine<>lr.. sold his Ken-

l~ ' tucky farm for S20 in ~uh and I'i f barrels of rye WhIsky and ...ent onI •pr~etin. tour iA Inc1ian. '10 Aud I

a Ilfll' hom ••

Announce.......... eI

AT tn. KEJtCHE:vAt. AVDfUE_ It. a.ir

........ A. 6. P. s..- .......


VanDe Cleaners



C. ro-Io Zo7f11 fer ~ lIIIIhaT ....

w...... ,.. ,. 7e. JIMt ,.~ to coetiMle....... ,.. ,_uuny

. \


H.-, ......14:....... n.....__.-.---.... "C-"11W ......



~' ...'. .

..Pet ... c..-

.;<! .




1%811 Woodw .. d at ~811. Mack __ M....7124 W. McNidIoIa at p.....

-;;. ai: .. ",'"" •.

C;;:ser .3-1Oe:4"'21e



LUXFLAKES2=39c 2=3Sc

.., .t


Detroit'. Creatut Independent Super Marketa

142M E. Jeffersoa at Newport7t311 KerdH! ...&1 at VUI Dyke

11322 Eo Warrea Dr. 3.MiIe on....

TUNABreal of Chicken



NOW Everybody Saves,More on QUALITY FOODS.Since TOM' Started a New


POL ICY! 6 Days of Record~l.. Beclnninc THURSbA)f-----

Choice Quality Meats at Real Savings!LOWEST PRICE IN DETROIT

BONED .... ROLLED ~23cPORK ~11~Rib RoastLOIN F.....h.... CROAST ~ lb. BEEF c.. "- T__

3 .... 4-" ..... ,. sa.. ....HOiUwill'lii HIGHEST QUALlT\' S.;';, •• r....w-.. l*.ii~ Q~,; f1lESH1.EAJ(MEATTSUGAR CURED 8~c Baked .. 21c Spare .. ~SLICED R-'r .. hrnBACON Hams Wloo&. ... RibsFd ~... c.u. w......... J'q. S.... k Half

Sirloin 25c ROU!'lD OR LONG BONE AUH DRESSED 15Steaks

lit. ::r of .. 17cI~.c:!'~_:. cCod &.. Srit'. Beef


Mich, Grade -"'''Strictly Frnh

MecInr. Whit.

EGGS... 23c

14922 Kercheval Ave. iit;;R;;d

• • I •

T..,. a t.-k ".. of tileN.. aDI1~



IlELlAILz 1aandreu ..... wuhhtc R It B---.lo 40 at __ ; abo cJtu;q. NLOGIIIa ..or ~

45L iO'O'M "';;d ... iJI, COIIl'Cllieatl,. ~iAUN»!"'~R~iSS''''''''''watrb--wu-'''lillii--.•-,-t -toIlIt- TV. 2-1106.., at ,... ... : ~ ItIltt'aJ clUII' LARGE- eomfMtabl;;-;;;:;;-r.,

iqo two ..,. •• week. ArJintrtoa ZZ64. phone, llVII'e. 920 Bedford Rd.-H-'.... iUat~ .MaIe- - NL Ins Thursday evenin.. All cia,.SIp ...., Saturday or thereafter.

OOUP'L""""E,=--cooko--:"-''';-bOUWlWl---'-II-d'- -c""ha-u""'f.PLEASANT ROOM for lady, lieufer. WiUinr to traveL Be.t of ref. limits, onl,. roomer, reaSOllable. MIJ.

a'mcea. can. NL "S&. ~~20, e\'e!lbl;:s.

HelP W..... - F ..... '- ~b for RentGIRL WANT£D - for -.;.ier,at bouse. NEFF, 397, Ilear Jdftrson=Livin;

work. ~II at 402 St. Clair avenue. :00=, kitchen. private entrance andGrOSH POinte. Nth; employed party. ~I. 0627.

-WorkWaDtecl-M.ie -F.iriLFiab lor ReatELECTRICfAN:liCtnsed,work mysel£, THRiE-RoOJdSanc( bath.- Heat,wiring and repair" 1001" lamps, IlIOt. lia'ht., .arqe. 44 Oak, Groneors, switches, 1ioaUpi",.; prompt reli. Poinle near Kercheval. Ell'ployedable MJ'Vice. CaD Illy time. Lenox eouplti preferred.IS52. 18-4 ----PERSONABLE, well-croomed yOu.... . For Reat

lnan, 22. I'.QOd Ptt'SOtla~ity and .p. 'OR PARTIES-Automatic ,!10M-parance de~lI'es s~~etanal or, secre. ....."1,,; best ore!:estras, lal~S! ree,tary-companlOD polltlOn; experlenc~d'l"'dL Grone Pointe Wilsie. NI 5IlW.ulleocllmbered, free, to trav~L Write FURNISHED home, automatic heat,'BOll: F, Grosse POlUte ReView. IS121 adulh, 2 or 3 bedrooms. Nt. 1m.K~l 20.2 146 Oak, ..t Charlevoix for 3 months.PAINTER-Wan wuhiq, ba~ent -ru-- --- ---

"'_ RNISHED DVPLEX -- Sill rOOlDSpaintinl'; no job too small NI. '1wo. and bath. Convenient transportation

W~ Adnlt. only. Availo1ble Feb. L LEoaJlQICI 6ZJS. Z170 Lakewood.

6LD CLOTHING WANTEti=Hip. -est prices paid for mea'. 'bits and Misc:ellaneoua

shoe.. Telepbone call wilt bring u, FIRST.CLASSCAT£RESS. Lunch'.to you immediately. TeL Tyler 4-3625, eons, dinners, teas, cooked or served.

19.5 Call Mrs. !HnrO)', TV. 2.35S'1.

-.~.':'Yl:illilbs. 8c;jc• AI FId .......

InMII, iacL HI.II ,..,.• AllW--.. ApJianI

Rebanes1 R-4' fer ........w. De .d ICi.'I :I ~

MuaicIf=u''"'Si''''t=I'''"";Le''''''j'''b-=comerv-''II'-or-y-o-''f ....U.".."""jc,..., •

established ill 1912. Voice, Piano.VioJiD. H~y and Theory. 14i9SOEast ]dfenoa It city limits ud 98ll FISH ,BaJ'J'1qtoo. JoiD the Grosse Poi1Itestrilll" «chntn. Violins, mandoliDs, 14 Z T trulta~s ~ buios. ~efore purehasm, . ~2C'!2 0m a .0IKereheval.Cadieux a stnll&' _Irument It is adrisabk to ..C1lOSlllt III experienCM teacher. Phone

Service I.esaox 9.105-6 to 9 p. m, at the Leib JU ICECoasenatory of lfu5ic:. 14514 £. ]dfer./ •••••••••••

UCo ::.....~d"':":."-s::~I~ 'Now MuweU H~ i' ~ ', ,t., " ,.,~~~7~~Il':~ICOFFEEf 46 C ~ISPR.Y

I""'" D. I~ ,.,..." """"'_..... ..... , , f '..-"::::0..IF~;:!~21~c ::~mg.-_y3~4IM;"i~,-- off to a wt start two weeks ap z... v...... 'ria • I" I I I I' • • I' • I ,- -."":.--,. __ -."T'"'.~ ....~~;:

I, DIncton ~: ::n::eth~U:a~ii=::CLAPP'S. CEDERS. HEINZ _ ..... _ UBan FAaY . .., :.~i.:<:'<r:~;~r"

I ... MACit AV'ENUa I"Ciub.. ~~=.&OS=posedof former Baby Foods ti- ~~~ Pork &''- Z~-~::::-f:~~Grosse Pointe High ltan, took thel' I .- .... '._ .. , '.r'ii"n'!" ..,,~,

.' LeBO:&: 58851

E£':'i..S;o;;~EiiCi:-~:.. ...Sc i5k;dBeetaj~2S*'c,-~I."nn=:n:; .' . ,"(. ,;.~:~~"!~~.;:~~?:C.OIUNleanse'r 2 .:...15c --- ,i~i:~:~'"... a total (If Z4 polan ia the two _

~:~ a-:z. ... ~ .l,-..;;--:.....-...h.;.-._.-. -. -, -........'.-.-.-- ....... ,_-.n; f~ .:=~:.~.:I8lUM~.~..~I!~.;1'::.;i;i_..

areptioa cc.p1caJ,. oateJu-f both •

:::::70ea~~~~~S~O.ELLSUPS 3- 25ccr. The Arrows were DO match foe •the lIIOI'e e~enced Eastl:aimte!' five A-W V........all4 1Rn IOWIdly troUDCed S9.J4. TheEssn Oub laTe their oppooeau IOme

W. AIM S,I i .. .. ltiff Oppos,iUOII for three quarten batc---. ... 0..... seemed to be left at the Mpost" when

GROSSE POINTE the Eaitminster crew began to cliclrand romped home wilb a. 53-27 victory.LAUNDRY G.imes ate played every Monday.

III Co6 LE. ~n Ill' TI1"Ctj~y~ThtH'S=:: =.=:! F:-:..d;y. An I 0

Ipmes are scheduled for 7 o'clock, e3;-cept Tuesday's, which belrin. at !lo'clock.

Tbere is DO admission charge fortbese pmes and the public is welcometo attend.

The Iatermediate and MidBet lea&'Ilesare slated to I'd UIIder way within thenext week. Four teams .,11 go to makeup both (If the.e leagua.

GIPL'S CLUBSThe "Girl Guard Oub- hat ehanged

I its name to the hGamma Gamma Oub"I We hope it will remain as I1IccessfulI under the new name as it did lI.Dder the

Iother oae.

WOOLWORTH DANCEI There will be I Wool1l'Clrlh dance

I Friday, January Sth, at 8:00 p. m. atthe ~eighborhood Oub. See tbe LateS!

Istyles and try them YOlll'sclf.

"The Gamma Gamma Oub" has P!an'li ned to go 10 ~e Sonja Henie Frillay: .Ianuar)' 5: at Oly1llpia. We ~ope they I~h ..\.~ 3. n~ce t;=~ :r:~t~ G1Cc;ae and I

Yarpret McIntyre were ill chal1l'e ofticketJ aad othtt' arrangements.

GIRL'S HOBITA Hobby clan .. ill be held ~-ery

IThursday ,,'eninll' from' to 9 for girls16 years and onr. This is your op-

" poTlunity to start m~kTn. lho!e Christ.,mas pn!Jen U for hellt }'ear.

I _ ..

i At the Punch

Ia:~'~~~k~:,~:am.tieasi blind R io;:ht. an~ tl,ril:inlt a, a power

I,di\"r. "-"0000 ~lell a } rar~ c ...me, to lhePunch and Judy theatre l'~ida>' and5afurd'~~.~ "-ltn a stery of (ol1qt 5tl:d-I enlo tlk,"/l' to the air in the ne .. ' Ch'il

I Aeronalllin •.l,utht>tity c"'ilian tra;ninltI proll"r.m. Featured in the cast Ire Ran.d...lph Scoll. IS a i1ymlf instructor ...rre~lon Fo~ler and ~rargaret Lind,ay.

,rickey Roone:' and judy Garl~ndi comf, I...the I'Imch Inil Judy lh~.lre! S,mn.)' thrnuR" "(hur<fl.)' ill "B'De,

Tn \im-- ... \r ~k(':,'", t'i~" ~~m,i(;al fL~n'!.;~r<i h~. t'n( l ...r~rl;,l a((u1lltll~!10n ('Ii H01.;~ \\{'>('ld\ j"l\("m!(' t~lrnt a ..."crr..~!~d to

I d~le in one picture,



T.Top .. RepairIml ... III: It. CIIir

.... T'" T nEE............ , ," ' ..... , .....".ft'a-o SERYJCE....-..-...:.tv. ,...............'--

- 1I'!lI'.'I:!IIi.'_'.-hll « Ill.




NEW "ASHioNS........ Y.. '" •C'- • fit t"'. r. ~

M-'" ., I • ."., n. a-d.,~ F e:a.-e.., a.rw. sa..to.t; M c..... tb

Second Church Edifice

". Iectw: ...... ,"It••tAl .. hi ..tile Groue Poi.te R..... ofJana...,. 11th. Copiea IM7 ........ Ity 1IIft6a. 6Ye cent. to GroNePointe Rniew. 15121 ICen:hnaI A~ GrnM Pointe Park, Mich.

147 Eut GraacI'8oalevard, Near Jeffe..aoD Annue



PL 8500

!. :.~.....zn ......,. IIAC\K. .

....... Qjr ....... _-.......... ~

FRf.SH FISH.. 5 PI ........., .....~ 8& 1'Nlit ......ell. ....


Thursday Evening, Janu3;ry 11, 1940

..~ - ,. -.~ DIS'ftIBU'l'Oa

~ 11M " , .".,...,. P 'I ....-. ~ V A" .....Lw- II.- ...

• S-F"OI

....... Caul I ~

COUNTRY,EGGS.................__ ~ - All...., ~'~--.....-. .........-~" .......cEDAR FA1tMs

!I Ad: for ~ 1....... t.! JIi . _

,.. ,<.

'.. ;.,.".

, .





a-o••,..IIG BENIlIAD

2~1"e:-w'.POlK •lEANS

4 .:25&

... ..._ It "''''....-


4 ...17e

• W!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A"" ,- G'. 'D~ lance. .' ~.


• tIa,. npp!,.

'O' ~;6i=JT_......., .,:i" '1 ~.........JI .•• wl ...,'IR ~........... , 4 • , .. ,

0.M...I ",d"'....u.~... Jlb ' I • ''':.I.~. . .

IIt.~ ......~ U ...~D__.J1 UI:".a. ~ TH 8=tul)l()""'nAA" IUUA~ _ ~. '.

I .1\1. WIfI' ~ Kt._illl --..r I ..r~. , F.",. _., "



~' ... T 9gee-t. .. 0.-- CMIu. 6.... ..... FREE Cu.7. .U..- .1ICkCleHer and T.... .

. 17411 IU.CK AT IIUF . '...... ro, WIJt .. .u.-'~ ~


S'I . E ... F__ a .'..,., ........ COMPI.ETJ; "Pl.UM1mIC' SER-a,. '.. .

.1U.i-DJ7" , .. _' -"JMC&• GROSSE POIIIR 1lODDa .. ' :'.' •

L ~ r .:" - -'.~__~_'~_ . ; S~4 . Gs.

...... New I LwoIy ___

Cocktail Fork.c:.~\::.:.. 77I'

1m A_lii' Me

11m L w.n- A.....• U.~



RED RIB CUTNew Potatoes .. Sc Pork Loin Rout ,.... 15....... cFLORIDA MOR.JUICE SILVER FAIIIORANGES • .....25c Ring Bologna .. 150CALIFORNIA NAVEL OCEAJI(ORANGES • .....2Sc Perch Fillets .. 17c.

.CCI.' ......... 11•••••••• " •......,~_uu ••_.-. ...__

...- .. ...- - .............. II .... _~--..........--_ ........


RUSSELL ,I. .Curtain. Cleanen 'Iw ,. i

. 1.=11 lIIId Cleeninc ICut.. Drap_ ..'1f77 II/"--L_~. ,

- 'ii8i~--11•

KROGER S'T' . " 'S:-

. . . '.;~.;'\v:::» "", •.• "1•... ,_& ..:,.KRO<?ERSALWAYS HA~ •. ~, _ ., -;._' ,._.,_~

.' ..(~.;~ ':.." ~"'~~:!.ii:-~~':J;:":": ',',- .. ~:_ . ;';.; f"


EIeeIric ..........DUJlICAJIt A McNICOL•.uClwk,uia lit • ..,...

.... s-. iTa.Z,IISt ~

,~. TT. a

The reason is" lIot' bard to find-{or nowher'! else can you ob-tain such deliciuus chickensteak, fish or frog-leg dinners,at such moder:lt~ prices.

Sid'. CafeS.lIcQU~EN, PROP.

15241 E. Warren• ..... Nlqua ..


K~ School Nota

LiftIJ' e-•....,.Re.ldeDti of luper, Ala., not Ollly

,alber to clean their p'ave1ards,but make a picnie out of it besides.AD ad in the luper paper recentlyreIId: '''!'ben will be • graveyarddn:alDt at Tubb'. cemetery. AlliIlterate4 come IJ'Id briD, tools BDd~"~.u

H..., .....'rile name SolomOA meaZIS peace-

ful aDd ..... liVeD Solomoft beeallMccf • propbec:y W'I1idl foretold hisbirth: 'Tor his name shali. be Solo-alOft, and I wiII give pellCe aDdquietDesa Gte Israel ill biI da,.."(l ClroDicles 22: 9).


Medal GivenRec:ortUtioR of lIJCri1 in the allied

bids of Kimee and lllatbematk. willbe awarded a Grone PoiDte. HighSchooIl<e!lior .he!!. the BallSC:b-LombSc:ieDce Award it presented at the Jan~1lUJ' CommenceDlellt.

StUlient. ~!i:;p'ble for tl;~ a~ud are Ithose who hne completed two out oi~ three available senior higb sciences I

Iwith an a'lerage of B 01' beller. Tbey,mUlt haYe also COIIIpleled one year of~::::- l-Job m.ath~matki with ~ iI..~r-lIlI'e of B or better.

ScieDce teachers .. Iec:t the willne-r.To date only boys hue been awardedthis medal btIt girls are also eligibleif they ba~e completed tbe necessal'»'reqllirtlllenu and arc ill. the lZA.




..----------, I



...... Helice ae_ ........ ~ ....... . teaaI .w..tt it ...,.... ~ s..-

CALI. .. TE'iiDEas OF aut.. baN to IUuplten are Ita,.-TJeuo ..._- OF DIDU!'EI).. u.. wilJl the IN the 8oaDel'l,

r_._ Cui uel L-. & Ur-, teamJII&k..NEU Of' TH£ YILLAGE OF i.Dc DeW' friaMI ia tkc dt)' to joill IheirGIIOSSE POIJI'I'E WOODS. --a old. _~ " ••• T-n, ... , _•.~y THE VII L....G!: - y. "7"', .---_."' ... - , .,'. daJlce -aweSl-, of Ib&'e, acreell, and~~A.YNE ndio llar, aroe dickilll nicely ed tbe

• Pot't ... TbomplOll RDya1ett" ha ye pep--Sealed teederl~rtiliat" of Ill- P1 IleW ~eL D~ftD" Dnletry',

deblt:(b~!z of tile Vi1lqe eX (irolle' Dr(;huti .. ~lI~UC' m\l~1Cfar I~. andPointe WOCMb,fonnerl" the Villase of IUpper dananlr. aDd Anne l'I~l!n awlLochIllOOl', Wa"ne UMint,., Mich.., .., Chct Everhardl take over dW'1D&lulb.dated Deceaabcr ht, 1931, and lII.ItlIr-i...December hI, 1947, wiJ1 be receivedby tbe Vi.IIaae CAliIIuRiJaioll 01 the Vii.laa'e eX GrONe Paiate Woodt, fOl'tllul,. ~ kiIlderprtea children of Kerb,.the VilIqe of LocbJaoor, on' Februar,,1 School were yery bll'" dariftl the6tb. 1940, at 8 o'dock P. M.. al the lDOIlt" of JH<,em'- mz!dllg ~ft3, cle.-11: UJl.ici&,at Booiidina' in tbe ViIIaa'e of I arationa ftw their rOOIll and trimmilw1Grohc PCliate WaocIa, Wayne CoUllt" far the Chriltuw !tee.

MiclUpa. Whe1l theit tree wal trimmed theyThe am_t 011 1talld &Yai1alile fOT iDyited their lDOlhers to cO.IIIeand .ee

the purchase 01 CClt:5(;a,ei oC IoU':":;" I' Llleir rOOlD aDd auo to bur them 'm.'I'tednuo i6 the 'UBI of ~.oo. The clWdren ill kinderprtell A .1'0

TeBden lMlIld '-By wcribe the I.erved wafer~ .~I!je!!,. to their mot!:.certificatel dered, itIclu4iDc .be 11_. I crL The,. had helped to Il1ake theIter IDd face n.IIMl tlltreQf, and the jdly earl" ia the falL 'price at wiUch IIICh ccrtiical" ate

tmcknd. The tlaird II'de of Kerb, SchoolAJl tddeh I.n he IIIalIe &na fIX' II haye ju.t 6niahed • stUd)' of juoale

period of 6.,e (5) da'i fl'Olll ud after life. To culminate their stud,. tbcyF ebr1Iarw 6th, 1ML dffided to JIIlke a juqle movie. Their

The Villap e-isaioll relen" tM original ltory wal titled "Our JungleriPt to reject &a". &ad d,t.en~., ~ Tale~ &!J.d.inYOlYed the ~dycnt1lre. Of

lwaive By and aD arresWarlbea III I&i4 Tobo, • Iiua e1Ib, .Ka_tr, • -key,tmden, aad to accept the leader 01' IInd Bambi, a bahy e/ephanL ThetettMt, nic&. ia the uplsioa of the childrel1 drew tb. pJehu" oa hnn-VilJqe Commis .... are IDOIt faYOlable arilh, a eeIJuJoicI product, witb wu:1.0 lbe V.iIlq.. crayOl15. The,. dr~ 19 picture. far

EIIdone 1lPOIl the 0lIl5ide of the CD. their ltory. Six pupils: CaroleD <:us..,eIope, "Tender of Catiicate~ of In. lady, Can~ GrTlls, Elizabeth Adami,debtedDess.H ~ancy Ireland, Daald Osborn, and

PHIUP F. ALLARD, Fr!!d IJn.de1lWtD. were chosen by tbeViJlaae Clerk. lrt'OOP to sapply the "talkingH part.

Virginia Role did the 'mDOUDcing.They Ulyited their. mothers and anotherClub Royale M. C. trade to their pr~

To Pmona at . i •

White House Party 'Groae Pointe Lutheran tr "~. I CJaurch, Held for UIl iIItOlher week by the I _ "

demand. of patroos who nner IeflIII "Who Should 'Come To the Lord's


to lP'0lt' tired of biIa. YOlltl&' mimic Sapper?n wiD be tlIe sabject of tbeDea.a .Murphy heaell tile lbow lit the smzzon at the GrOSIe PC'mte Lutlleranaub,ROPle. P- for _"e!' doing Chunh, worlh.ipiDg in !be Biehardthe same Ihow t.ice, ~ has a~ I~ aad~ KettheYal IInd .Me.a lot of Dew dlaruteriz:atioftl to the kiDJey SlUIda" momla... .. .."D":" , ....~ -;;-~ :... :,.;.,..:.;. .:o.iJ nim. iroDl at 11 o'clock. preached by tbe RC'I. n. fhis iut eftPSalleat here HYC1'al weeks Lutber eaaUp D.D., rwtar,aco. ADd be is bay poIia .... off still 'T1te IIetmOll wiD bt! fo11owed by the-e with whit:h to -- Whit>e Holy CoIAmtmiou.Holae a-u 1II'htII he IIJIIIbn at the ..... of "'-f . Ch'.,~I ~ P.-ty thil moeu" ~,="nm ."'-' es-. rut.,.tJIe ..... el Pri:siokut ~ wiD he !epIC taaght II! the .pper .,-ades

. of the Sunday School, at !»:"S a. In. ICirilizatioa is badly ill. need of the

leaftllinlr '..-er of Chritt bel His i

CIIard., Gnae.,P.-. ... l1Ie nit of?

Between Notre Dameand St. Clair

'."t-"-" . ..;..

., .


.} .



RENEE AND ROOT.• t .............. tItrul ..

DEAN MURPHY... .,' ,. t4.-c,..., ~

'JO!huary CJear~nce

17016Kercheval Ave.


. ..



The Village Women's Shop

THE BONNERS......._.J'~,..n-.">~'Mt..~:.:....,....... I~~.... -- :. '" ~

. "• - - ~"~: .>0\., ... :


