+ Embroidered Waist Patterns r tttttrwFttlsltt- l JI I i Kvcr since our first purchase in New York in March of thc e very uhjoimblo wnisU wo have gotten now ones cuoliwcck eo great has beentho rIle 1 nllt1 We now have ono at 7Co for material and etubroiilcry enough to t trilil other nt 81 8125 82 to 85 j S w 0 11T to yourself and to your phj ician demand materials an J most careful service in preparing his prescriptions That is way pre t > are filled at Pennys Urug StOIOI PERSONALS Mill JOHN GLYSN Ju is quit sick GKOIUJU 11 ELLIS IK at home ill oC malarial fever Mit WEAKBN HUCIIKS is holding down the agency at Lily MRS W M liniGirr Is with her sis I tcr Mrs W J Yaser In LouIsville Weim ROIIINSON has taken a posi I lion with a railroad running out of Chi C8ROMB T P NORTII of the Wont End J is office assisting In County Clerk Cooper MRS JAMrW T HACKLRY is at home from San Antonio Texas where Ihe spent the winter Miss Louiu KOIIISBON U batik trw Chicago whore shu spent IK couple c- weeks with rotative I Mil C C Goocil amLwlfo of Way r nburg wore hew Wednesday Thi latter went to Lebanon Junction to via it relatives MR WIIUAM I1 IOOAN who wont West some time ago ts new at Pur voile I T where ho will remain for a few months MlU ASP IKI J II NUN UILm or Oklahoma City 0 T arrived Wodnos day to visit hta panmta Mr nail Mrs PP Nunnclley- MIKSILS G L PENNY M 3 Itaugh man C V Gentry It G Donny W P Glvens J M Alvcrson W SfEm y bry lurch Huchannn Sam Tatem It L Hubble J W Guest It H Bro naugh George Urormugh Joo Maguu C II Coleman W I Kvatw A H C Ap Henry Shanks of the eountyt Barr th < Derby run Wednesday u 4LOCALS TUB Stanford flap Club wfll glue ni i awoll dance on Juno Sod e j Meter Mioction of Cut GUM anil Sol idSllvur llatwnro at W H Mueller CARDS nicely print I vfalUn curb for 26c 60 for 5c or 100 for TOc This olllcu e MILLBT and cane seed hay and Coed of nil kinds cheap for cash J 1L r Baughman Co 22 due horn at 217 p M was t to nix hours lido yoJtcnlay owing to a slide on the new road PULL lintof furniture ntjretstirug lace curtains shades and h guts rugs wall paper Tribblo fencer t VB hear that w Gates Co hnve bought the J W James distillery n1 t Crab Orchard and will start it up f n ni whilef 50000 sweet potato plants 20c Southern Queen and Uurmuda 15c per hundred W S tbWlgham Morcland II WE have just opened a beautiful line of wash lawns silk organdies and h N dotted Swisses styles the lutest qualities the best John P Jones Tile Kinks Da erg Turners Villo church will give a strawberry nnd Ice cream social at the schoolhouse on Friday evening 10th Supper 25c rI HAVE accepted tho agency for a house nnd will be glad to figure with those thinking about buying tombstone or monument J C Mc tSa I Miss ANrrK KINNAIBU of Lancaster our thanks for nn Invitation to the commencement exercises of the Lan caster High School Mnw 23 Miss Kin nnlllls onu of the seven graduates b p 1 IK you think this is not soda water weather just watch the stream of + people going to lell1Y fountain to have their thirst quenched Mr Per trade this sea- son ¬ ny says his soda water is far a head of previous springs TUB dispatcher s office is to bo moved p from Livingston wo are told and either t Stanfordor Lebanon will get it Cant on ourselves arid offer thatL rcv l CURTAIN stretchers w wings settees Also now line of rugs and druggets just received Tribble Pence AN attractive and popular musical program will be presented at Walton Opera House Friday evening FOR SALK Piano used less than a year Armstrong make and sweet in tone W II Mueller jeweler 18Jorn Urthc wife of Dink Far met IlllonDink Jr This Is tho IStl child born to Mr and Mrs Farmer TUB Stanford High School teas waxed the Crab Orchard baso ball nine 1C to 7 on the grounds here Wednesday I nCternooni ofAmorica by Henry Alcorn and for which he had to pay n fine of A- Miss HALLOUS entire music claY hOllorI IMTIn n long careful study of tho Somerset Journal finds thai it take about four ganerntiona torah a boy without freckles e KBTES Arthur Eitoa aged 2S dlod consumption near Yosemite He loc nt McKinn y several years Hi who was a Mite Tontyiwon jol Somerset survives him IxmutB musk and all who would encourage art divine should at ¬ tend the recital at Waltons Opera House this evening Price 1C 26 and 35c the latter for reserved seats e geldingsIG2 years okl and In fairly gooJ order Re wanl for Information lending to his ro ¬ covery Robert Lewis Stanford TUB bMtanly saw of Mitt Jill Man Jet against Mr George PlwumnU which Dcct > ii4ol two days of Judge Jamoe P valleys court rasultwl In u hung jury five to one in favor of the plalntllL AtcrtoN I will sellat auction at Hrodhwtd on Satunlay May 20 some tow Buckboards Buggies steel and rublxir tlrori Also somo secondhand rd vehicles and harness J P Chand ¬ ler auctioneer TIm charming little whistler Miss jerta Jean Penny will give a very llfficult and beautiful selection at Yaltons Opera House this evening IJC you have never heard hor whistle it will be worth twice the price of admis slon to hear her number TilE DERBY r from here who aw the Kentucky Derby run Wednes tlny came back home disgusted It was such n walk over for Capt Browns A gilo that it was tyarccly any race at aU Rams Horn was n slow second and jiyson third Time 210J The truck vas muddy anti heayy NortcnAll pc desiring to buy tho stock of goods nnd fixtures in the tore of J T Jones bankrupt will present their bids to me on or before ho 23rd day of May 1905 Any infor nation in regard to same will bo given upon application I reserve the right to reject any and all bids T II Shanks Trustee P THE Casey News tells of tho death of Mr Royal It Wilkinson ono of the cry best men in Casey county 110- wns 7G years old and his long useful areer made him loved and admired by- nil who knew him Ho was the father or Dink and G It Wilkinson well nown hero and in their loss of n kind nnd Indulgent father they have much ympathv TUB piano selections at the opera house this evening will be enjoyed not personsI wltl give a Chaminado number that will show the pathos and brilliancy of this wonderful French womans composition Miss Mary McRoberts number will in ludo Sendings Ustling Spring and also a Woodland Sketch by our own American composer MacDowell No prettier concert selection was over- written than Miss Virginia Bournes umber The Trout by Heller Miss Ulie Huffman will be at her best in her rendition of Gottechalks Tremolo t n WHITE ORGANDIES I I Wo ore showing many goods and prices in sheer material tier white dressed organdies batiste Pereinn lawn Swipes etc New assortment of fine French Val and Meclan laces to trilllIritisI n Val lace season i engage to cry five big sales this fall FOR RENT Home w on Logan Avenu vacated by S It Cook Good garden partly planted outhouses cistern nnd ForjCyrther THE Central University quartette Miss Leaven soloist and four talented young lady musicians of Miss Ifcdloue class will certainly make a most at tractive program for the recital at Wal ¬ tons Opera House this evening I wiLlx11 on next county court day front of the court house my house and lot formerly owned by- w II Higgins on Main Street Stan ford Ky between the hours of 10 and 11 oclock Will first sell the COft va- cant ¬ lot next to Mr W P Tate and then C2 feet with house on it reserving 10 feet for a mutual passway and then will son as a whole taking the best bid The whole lot is 112 feet wide and S60 feet deep J W Hayden Paris Ky DANViLLUGeo A McRoberts and Josh Bdl two of our best golf players lot Saturday for Savannah Ga to enter an allweek golf tournament R G Harbareon who Wnt the Western Union Telegraph operator at the Dan ¬ villa office for 10 or 12 years up until two years ago when his health gave away died at his old home near Mitch oltoburg The other night Lucy Fisher went to the home of Millie Guest who lived on Fourth St both colored and called her to the door and stabbed her to death The killing Is the result of Jealousy from the best information that is obtainable News n IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES Dan Iv Rnwlings and Robert Martin engaged in a fisticuff at LondonI Fire destroyed two dwellings the property of Henry Steele at Middles beta Work has begun on the Danville Lrtht Pow r A Traction Companys power houM Robbers broffe into Englands Elli ¬ son Cos and J M Locks stores at Rarbounrillo George C Johnson n wellknown citizen of Jackson county died suddenly of heart disooxc The Now Diamond Coal Co at Alta mont has been bought by W E Cassi dy of Lexington for 50o6o The residence of James Yeager on West Main Street was sold th Sheriff Sam McDowell for 3325 Advocate While preparing supper the clothing of Mrs John Lester of New Cnrdwcll Mercer county caught from the stove and she was fatally burned William Cundilf who lived 10 miles south of Jamestown was shot and kilt- ed ¬ by nn unknown person He had been to town and was on his way home when shot Morse Henry White colored was ar ¬ rested while robbing the cash drawer nt the grocery store of Vansant Co Uarrodsburg He gained an entrance to the store by breaking open a rear doorOtis Poultcr was instantly killed by the accidental discharge of a 22 caliber rime near Bondville Mercer county ioulter nnd Will Searcy were out hunt ¬ ing when the gun was discharged the ball passing through Poulters heart Tilford Young of Whitley county hargedwith making counterfeit money ivna convicted in the United States y noteet llo was betrayed by his sweetheart Della Rogers who ho had refused to marry it was alleged after he promised to do so The case Is a noted ono and has been in court three years A bad tire o cured on tho Tennessee lido of Jellico in which a block con- sisting ¬ of three large brick stores was turned entailing a loss of 10600 oh which there was only 7000 insurance The buildings were owned by M A pine Merchants who lost in the fire rot Isaac Bradshaw groceries J C 3ullivan furniture Heck Gerdan feed L B Weick manufacturer and J C J Williams law office lion Frank Gunther democratic nominee for Representative from tho itypf Owensboro was stricken with eart disease yesterday and is at deaths door f- tl I = ltrr V Rev W L Dorgan of Danville who was to have preached at the Baptist church at Hustbnville Sunday after ¬ noon was called to St Louis He will preach there on his return duo notice of which will be given in these columns There is a strong movement among Southern Methodists to secure the elec ¬ tion of Bishop Galloway to the presi ¬ dency of the Board of Trustees of Van derbilt University Bishop Hargrove who is president of the board at pres eqt is said to be in bad health Those who have charge to build a 29000 YI C A building In this city feel very confident that they will raise the amount required The town and county have been divided up into districts by the soliciting committees and alt parts are being worked hard at present with gratifying success says a Danville dispatch Clayton Howell of Montgomery county sold to a Paris firm last week his crop of 120000 pouda of hemp at C cents straig- htLumber and Shingles ttutr11 and Bough IumlMrCltMttnut 1o n- hrsndIukhtnlesfnrMI 1lKnp j UI tart r sit nail s front Mmifont on Wean t IllkI FOR SALE 1 KIdhtyone ncrrs H inllri of Stmifonl Ky lIood hurt four rooIu colUtins two ulakraItow rlMMr Wiiut till thf tlinl r uml 1 run IIll Jesse 1tK 011111111111 Kriinklln lending Kn6xvlll Hnveyour volts ens trutMl by T F GROSS rrrnclKTovlllf Ky till writknown VIIK tmtor of horw cud bun doctor t utlsI fiifllOtlr BUanHltrtl J S Murphy Sont Hedgevillc Kentucky Invltvvoii to Intt thrlr slock of good nml gei thflr prlr s watt x slon of your jmtrnnnir end alit Itt It If ° jood vats it lnI what vou wiintMtv thrtii a rail WaH Mueller Watchmaker and Jeweler STANFORD KENTUCKY J The IHtp t In J wiry Silver uutGloss SVntcIwsondlo ksIntok FRUITSMSHAtDErnTREESf Ilucoli ETC count will fall on the fiirimjrnnnil rltlxvin KiMKriillv with n full line of 11rst elass fruit orniiimntnl tad shade tans Tin firm of Ilrtiwn lliiii loof Korliintir N Y nrt tin rc iiUnl lenders In this Ilse lu this coins try All tocknl oluttly true to minu nml Ktiiiriint < t < I by n cIIb 111 fIll II I of over ldru- ut1 with 1911 hens under nrtuiil nurm r t rultlvntloiu It ivy him II trlnl llo wU Is III Ruylo liirnirtl Mndlton aId Iliuoin followlni few wok PEYTON- My thf luck IVytnn xvenrolil will niiiKe the privut > anui of luAnt my utiihli lit ti to ln iin 11 llvliiK colt teytoaeeuitsnn Inri nnd fine and I Hold lni t IlIro crop cults nt Iii round Four of his colts nrt on my fiirin which vIl- lssuk for thIII1I1I11 cwt IK tunu at nny time Iwillnlsnntth MimepliuvMiind 1IIACK IIAWKiyenricold ti 15leeches hlclft Ito will scre n 1111111- 111II1II1r of Itmresnt1ffttoliuiiren llvlnitcolt Money tutu whiii colt 1st f mcd or mnr trllll1 or lutrted with Nut n ion > llilu for accident or ocnixt 1111 KIXO Moreliiml Ky I Valuable Property for Sale Ten acres of land a two story front 7 room cottage The house I new A splen dld gardtn an orchard There U a large mill on theplacn a good crusher aud the dam U la Rood and the natural pow- er ¬ U great economy In running the mill Does a budneii Everything U ID good repaIr and hoe all necessary outbuildI- ngs The owners only reason for telling U the ruth of other business aa he baa ex tenStvo farming Interetti to look after This property Is on the Hanglrg Fork about I mile from Stanford and qnd bo bought at a bargain for further particular ad dress S O Thurmond Lytle Ky or L It Hughes StilnforJ Ky POSTED We wbpse names appear below strictly turbid hunting tubing or any kind of tres- passing on our plticcs and will proleculeI to the full extent of tho MM Kato Adnr Kolchenbuch RM Ired VonOrucnlgixn Albert VonQrueDlgan Fred VonAllman Fred Itaumaun Alfred Simpson George Holmes Miss tattle 11 llowea K Retchenbach Charles Gumming Jog Ballnu A 0 punn S M Holmes WE Amon W It Ilaugherty M J Hoffman M D Klmore Prier W arter J Nerln Carter J Eo DruceI W F Bbomaker Thomas Ferrlll Oreen Ferrlll F J Coon John n Camenlseh A D Hoot ordlctMr i t iI s t New Neckwear I s J stir 11 i F We have jtilt placpllJJII sale a very large line of turnovers lace stocks j collar and cuff sets nt 5c to SO Our special is 20 dozen embroidered turn over at 5c each worth lip to luc J > H I COLLARS ARE LINEN Q Two for 25c In New York State where nearly all Collars arc trade tho law requires that if n collar is stamped LINEN that it shall h < made of LINEN Look on ydur Collar and if it is not stamp ed LINEN aliil FOURPLY it is Cotton anti ThreePly and you are not getting what we would furnish you for the same nhmeyWhy buy Cotton Collars when you can get Linen ones at the same price Cotton Collars tho kind you buy 2 for 25c at other stores I you can buy of iw for lOc but it pays to buy the best Get JIit I They are Linen rstttltlttw CUf1f1INS MCLARYSt- anford Kentucky i To The Buying PublicI We have bought out the stock of Grocer ¬ ies Hardware Queensware Etcof John Bright Jr Co and now are in charge of the stock they formerly ran We ask a share of your patronage promising good goods at courteousI us on an we endeavor to make you call again P G ItTerms ICE o Picks Water Coolers 9 v Cream Freezers Cold Refrigerators CEO H ARRIS STANFORD W B McRoberts DRUGGIST II STANFORD II J Sells Kurfccs liqady Mixed Paints Every gallon Guaranteed There is none better i New Spring patterns of Wall Paper White Lead OiltSlso A Tested and Sure Bed Bug Destroyer n t Y

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Embroidered Waist Patternsr


l JII i Kvcr since our first purchase in New York in March of thc e very

uhjoimblo wnisU wo have gotten now ones cuoliwcck eo great has beentho

rIle 1nllt1 We now have ono at 7Co for material and etubroiilcry enough to

t trilil other nt 81 8125 82 to 85

j S


011Tto yourself and to your phjician demand materials an

J most careful service in preparing hisprescriptions That is way pre

t> are filled at Pennys UrugStOIOIPERSONALS

Mill JOHN GLYSN Ju is quitsick

GKOIUJU 11 ELLIS IK at home ill oC

malarial feverMit WEAKBN HUCIIKS is holding

down the agency at LilyMRS W M liniGirr Is with her sis

I tcr Mrs W J Yaser In LouIsvilleWeim ROIIINSON has taken a posi

I lion with a railroad running out of Chi

C8ROMBT P NORTII of the Wont End

J isoffice

assisting In County Clerk Cooper

MRS JAMrW T HACKLRY is at home

from San Antonio Texas where Ihe

spent the winterMiss Louiu KOIIISBON U batik trw

Chicago whore shu spent IK couple c-

weeks with rotativeI Mil C C Goocil amLwlfo of Way

r nburg wore hew Wednesday Thi

latter went to Lebanon Junction to via

it relativesMR WIIUAM I1 IOOAN who wont

West some time ago ts new at Purvoile I T where ho will remain for afew months

MlU ASP IKI J II NUN UILm orOklahoma City 0 T arrived Wodnos

day to visit hta panmta Mr nail Mrs

P P Nunnclley-MIKSILS G L PENNY M 3 Itaugh

man C V Gentry It G Donny W

P Glvens J M Alvcrson W SfEmy bry lurch Huchannn Sam Tatem It

L Hubble J W Guest It H Bro

naugh George Urormugh Joo Maguu

C II Coleman W I Kvatw A H CApHenry Shanks of the eountyt Barr th <

Derby run Wednesdayu

4LOCALSTUB Stanford flap Club wfll glue ni

i awoll dance on Juno Sode

j Meter Mioction of Cut GUM anil Sol

idSllvur llatwnro at W H Mueller

CARDS nicely print I vfalUn

curb for 26c 60 for 5c or 100 for TOc

This olllcue

MILLBT and cane seed hay and Coed

of nil kinds cheap for cash J 1L

r Baughman Co

22 due horn at 217 p M wast to nix hours lido yoJtcnlay owing

to a slide on the new road

PULL lintof furniture ntjretstiruglace curtains shades and

h guts rugswall paper Tribblo fencer

t VB hear thatw

Gates Co hnve

bought the J W James distillery n1t

Crab Orchard and will start it up fn ni

whilef 50000 sweet potato plants20c Southern Queen

and Uurmuda 15c per hundred W S

tbWlgham Morcland II

WE have just opened a beautifulline of wash lawns silk organdies and


dotted Swisses styles the lutestqualities the best John P Jones

Tile Kinks Da erg TurnersVillo church will give a strawberry nnd

Ice cream social at the schoolhouse on

Friday evening 10th Supper 25c

rI HAVE accepted tho agency for a

house nnd will be glad to

figure with those thinking about buying

tombstone or monument J C Mc

tSa IMiss ANrrK KINNAIBU of Lancaster

our thanks for nn Invitation to thecommencement exercises of the Lan

caster High School Mnw 23 Miss Kin

nnlllls onu of the seven graduatesb p

1 IK you think this is not soda water

weather just watch the stream of+

people going to lell1Y fountain to

have their thirst quenched Mr Pertrade this sea-



ny says his soda wateris far a head of previous springs

TUB dispatcher s office is to bo movedp

from Livingston wo are told and eithert Stanfordor Lebanon will get it Cant

on ourselves arid offer



CURTAIN stretchersw

wings setteesAlso now line of rugs and druggets justreceived Tribble Pence

AN attractive and popular musicalprogram will be presented at WaltonOpera House Friday evening

FOR SALK Piano used less than ayear Armstrong make and sweet intone W II Mueller jeweler

18Jorn Urthc wife of Dink Farmet IlllonDink Jr This Is tho IStlchild born to Mr and Mrs Farmer

TUB Stanford High School teaswaxed the Crab Orchard baso ball nine1C to 7 on the grounds here Wednesday I

nCternooniofAmoricaby Henry Alcorn and for which he hadto pay n fine of A-

Miss HALLOUS entire music claY

hOllorIIMTIn n long careful study of tho

Somerset Journal finds thaiit take about four ganerntiona toraha boy without freckles

eKBTES Arthur Eitoa aged 2S dlod

consumption near Yosemite Heloc nt McKinn y several years Hi

who was a Mite Tontyiwon jolSomerset survives him

IxmutB muskand all who wouldencourage art divine should at ¬

tend the recital at Waltons OperaHouse this evening Price 1C 26 and35c the latter for reserved seats


geldingsIG2years okl and In fairly gooJ order Rewanl for Information lending to his ro ¬

covery Robert Lewis Stanford

TUB bMtanly saw of Mitt Jill ManJet against Mr George PlwumnU whichDcct > ii4ol two days of Judge Jamoe Pvalleys court rasultwl In u hung jury

five to one in favor of the plalntllL

AtcrtoN I will sellat auction atHrodhwtd on Satunlay May 20 sometow Buckboards Buggies steel andrublxir tlrori Also somo secondhandrd vehicles and harness J P Chand ¬

ler auctioneer

TIm charming little whistler Missjerta Jean Penny will give a very

llfficult and beautiful selection atYaltons Opera House this evening

IJC you have never heard hor whistle itwill be worth twice the price of admisslon to hear her number



from here whoaw the Kentucky Derby run Wednes

tlny came back home disgusted Itwas such n walk over for Capt BrownsA gilo that it was tyarccly any race ataU Rams Horn was n slow second andjiyson third Time 210J The truck

vas muddy anti heayy

NortcnAll pc desiring to buytho stock of goods nnd fixtures in thetore of J T Jones bankrupt will

present their bids to me on or beforeho 23rd day of May 1905 Any infor

nation in regard to same will bo givenupon application I reserve the rightto reject any and all bids T IIShanks Trustee


THE Casey News tells of tho death ofMr Royal It Wilkinson ono of thecry best men in Casey county 110-

wns 7G years old and his long usefulareer made him loved and admired by-

nil who knew him Ho was the fatheror Dink and G It Wilkinson well

nown hero and in their loss of n kindnnd Indulgent father they have muchympathv

TUB piano selections at the operahouse this evening will be enjoyed not

personsIwltl give a Chaminado number that willshow the pathos and brilliancy of thiswonderful French womans compositionMiss Mary McRoberts number will inludo Sendings Ustling Spring and

also a Woodland Sketch by our ownAmerican composer MacDowell Noprettier concert selection was over-

written than Miss Virginia Bournesumber The Trout by Heller Miss

Ulie Huffman will be at her best in herrendition of Gottechalks Tremolo





IWo ore showing many goods and prices in sheer material tier white

dressed organdies batiste Pereinn lawn Swipes etc New assortment of

fine French Val and Meclan laces to trilllIritisI n Val lace season


engageto cry five big sales this fall


on Logan Avenuvacated by S It Cook Good gardenpartly planted outhouses cistern nnd

ForjCyrtherTHE Central University quartette

Miss Leaven soloist and four talentedyoung lady musicians of Miss Ifcdloueclass will certainly make a most attractive program for the recital at Wal ¬

tons Opera House this evening

I wiLlx11 on next county court dayfront of the court house

my house and lot formerly owned by-w II Higgins on Main Street Stanford Ky between the hours of 10 and11 oclock Will first sell the COft va-


lot next to Mr W P Tate andthen C2 feet with house on it reserving10 feet for a mutual passway and thenwill son as a whole taking the bestbid The whole lot is 112 feet wide andS60 feet deep J W Hayden ParisKy

DANViLLUGeo A McRoberts andJosh Bdl two of our best golf playerslot Saturday for Savannah Ga to

enter an allweek golf tournament RG Harbareon who Wnt the WesternUnion Telegraph operator at the Dan ¬

villa office for 10 or 12 years up untiltwo years ago when his health gaveaway died at his old home near Mitcholtoburg The other night Lucy Fisherwent to the home of Millie Guest wholived on Fourth St both colored andcalled her to the door and stabbed herto death The killing Is the result ofJealousy from the best informationthat is obtainable News



Dan Iv Rnwlings and Robert Martinengaged in a fisticuff at LondonI

Fire destroyed two dwellings theproperty of Henry Steele at Middles

betaWork has begun on the Danville

Lrtht Pow r A Traction Companyspower houM

Robbers broffe into Englands Elli ¬

son Cos and J M Locks stores atRarbounrillo

George C Johnson n wellknowncitizen of Jackson county died suddenlyof heart disooxc

The Now Diamond Coal Co at Altamont has been bought by W E Cassidy of Lexington for 50o6o

The residence of James Yeager onWest Main Street was sold th SheriffSam McDowell for 3325 Advocate

While preparing supper the clothingof Mrs John Lester of New CnrdwcllMercer county caught from the stoveand she was fatally burned

William Cundilf who lived 10 milessouth of Jamestown was shot and kilt-


by nn unknown person He hadbeen to town and was on his way homewhen shot

Morse Henry White colored was ar¬

rested while robbing the cash drawernt the grocery store of Vansant CoUarrodsburg He gained an entranceto the store by breaking open a rear

doorOtisPoultcr was instantly killed by

the accidental discharge of a 22 caliberrime near Bondville Mercer countyioulter nnd Will Searcy were out hunt ¬

ing when the gun was discharged theball passing through Poulters heart

Tilford Young of Whitley countyhargedwith making counterfeit money

ivna convicted in the United States

ynoteetllo was betrayed by his sweetheartDella Rogers who ho had refused tomarry it was alleged after hepromised to do so The case Is a notedono and has been in court three years

A bad tire ocured on tho Tennesseelido of Jellico in which a block con-


of three large brick stores wasturned entailing a loss of 10600 ohwhich there was only 7000 insuranceThe buildings were owned by M Apine Merchants who lost in the fire

rot Isaac Bradshaw groceries J C

3ullivan furniture Heck Gerdanfeed L B Weick manufacturer andJ C J Williams law office

lion FrankGunther democraticnominee for Representative from thoitypf Owensboro was stricken with

eart disease yesterday and is atdeaths door



=ltrr V

Rev W L Dorgan of Danville whowas to have preached at the Baptistchurch at Hustbnville Sunday after ¬

noon was called to St Louis He willpreach there on his return duo noticeof which will be given in these columns

There is a strong movement amongSouthern Methodists to secure the elec ¬

tion of Bishop Galloway to the presi ¬

dency of the Board of Trustees of Vanderbilt University Bishop Hargrovewho is president of the board at preseqt is said to be in bad health

Those who have charge to build a29000 YI C A building In this

city feel very confident that they willraise the amount required The townand county have been divided up intodistricts by the soliciting committeesand alt parts are being worked hard atpresent with gratifying success says aDanville dispatch

Clayton Howell of Montgomerycounty sold to a Paris firm last weekhis crop of 120000 pouda of hemp atC cents straig-

htLumber and Shinglesttutr11 and Bough IumlMrCltMttnut 1o n-

hrsndIukhtnlesfnrMI 1lKnp j UItart r sit nail s front Mmifont on Wean tIllkIFOR SALE 1

KIdhtyone ncrrs H inllri of StmifonlKy lIood hurt four rooIu colUtins two

ulakraItowrlMMr Wiiut till thf tlinl r uml1 run IIll Jesse 1tK 011111111111

Kriinklln lending Kn6xvlllHnveyour volts ens

trutMl by

T F GROSSrrrnclKTovlllf Ky

till writknown VIIKtmtor of horw cudbun doctor t utlsIfiifllOtlr BUanHltrtl

J S Murphy SontHedgevillc Kentucky

Invltvvoii to Intt thrlr slock of goodnml gei thflr prlr s watt x slon ofyour jmtrnnnir end alit Itt It If ° joodvats it lnI what vou wiintMtv

thrtii a rail

WaH MuellerWatchmaker and Jeweler


The IHtp t In J wiry Silver uutGlossSVntcIwsondlo ksIntok



count will fall on the fiirimjrnnnil rltlxvinKiMKriillv with n full line of 11rst elass fruitorniiimntnl tad shade tans Tin firm ofIlrtiwn lliiii loof Korliintir N Y nrt tinrc iiUnl lenders In this Ilse lu this coinstry All tocknl oluttly true to minu nmlKtiiiriint <t < I by n cIIb 111 fIll II I of over ldru-ut1 with 1911 hens under nrtuiil nurm r t

rultlvntloiu It ivy him II trlnl llo wU IsIII Ruylo liirnirtl Mndlton aId Iliuoin

followlni few wok

PEYTON-My thf luck IVytnn xvenrolil will

niiiKe the privut > anui of luAnt my utiihlilit ti to ln iin 11 llvliiKcolt teytoaeeuitsnn Inri nnd fine and IHold lni t IlIro crop cults nt Iii roundFour of his colts nrt on my fiirin which vIl-lssuk for thIII1I1I11 cwt IK tunu at nnytime Iwillnlsnntth MimepliuvMiind

1IIACK IIAWKiyenricold ti15leeches hlclft Ito will scre n 1111111-111II1II1r of Itmresnt1ffttoliuiiren llvlnitcolt

Money tutu whiii colt 1st f mcd or mnrtrllll1 or lutrted with Nut n ion > llilu foraccident or ocnixt

1111 KIXO Moreliiml KyI

Valuable Property for SaleTen acres of land a two story front 7

room cottage The house I new A splendld gardtn an orchard There U a largemill on theplacn a good crusher aud thedam U la Rood and the natural pow-


U great economy In running the millDoes a budneii Everything U ID

good repaIr and hoe all necessary outbuildI-ngs The owners only reason for tellingU the ruth of other business aa he baa extenStvo farming Interetti to look afterThis property Is on the Hanglrg Fork aboutI mile from Stanford and qnd bo bought ata bargain for further particular address S O Thurmond Lytle Ky or

L It Hughes StilnforJ Ky

POSTEDWe wbpse names appear below strictly

turbid hunting tubing or any kind of tres-passing on our plticcs and will proleculeI

to the full extent of thoMM Kato Adnr Kolchenbuch RMIred VonOrucnlgixn Albert VonQrueDlganFred VonAllman Fred ItaumaunAlfred Simpson George HolmesMiss tattle 11 llowea K RetchenbachCharles Gumming Jog BallnuA 0 punn S M HolmesW E Amon W It IlaughertyM J Hoffman M D KlmorePrier W arter J Nerln CarterJ Eo DruceI W F BbomakerThomas Ferrlll Oreen FerrlllF J Coon John n Camenlseh

A D Hoot


t iI

s t

New NeckwearI

sJstir 11



We have jtilt placpllJJII sale a very large line of turnovers lace stocks j

collar and cuff sets nt 5c to SO Our special is 20 dozen embroidered turn

over at 5c each worth lip to lucJ




Two for 25cIn New York State where nearly all Collars arc trade tho

law requires that if n collar is stamped LINEN that it shall h<

made of LINEN Look on ydur Collar and if it is not stamp

ed LINEN aliil FOURPLY it is Cotton anti ThreePly and

you are not getting what we would furnish you for the same


buy Cotton Collars when you can get Linen ones at

the same price

Cotton Collars tho kind you buy 2 for 25c at other stores


you can buy of iw for lOc but it pays to buy the best Get

JIit I They are Linen


CUf1f1INS MCLARYSt-anford Kentucky


To The Buying PublicIWe have bought out the stock of Grocer¬

ies Hardware Queensware Etcof JohnBright Jr Co and now are in charge ofthe stock they formerly ran We ask a shareof your patronage promising good goods atcourteousIus on an weendeavor to make you call again

P G ItTermsICE


PicksWater Coolers 9v

Cream FreezersCold Refrigerators



J Sells Kurfccs liqady Mixed Paints Everygallon Guaranteed There is none better


New Spring patterns of Wall Paper WhiteLead OiltSlso

A Tested and Sure Bed Bug Destroyern
