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bluemountainheritage.org · I TH~ RADEBAUGH FAMILY '!he beginning of the Radebaugh story, as it was told to me, does not start with the Radebaugh name. ~e girl who would eventually

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'!he beginning of the Radebaugh story, as it was told to me, does

not start with the Radebaugh name. ~e girl who would eventually marry

a Radebaugh came from an early American colonial family. The Radebaughs

did not come to America until during the Revolutionary War.

I am going to tell you this story by connecting it to the family

treasures you have grown up with. I hope this approach will make the

story more interesting and understandable for you.

John W. Keirle

John W. Keirle, the earliest name I could begin with, was born

in 1777, and lived in Baltimore, Maryland. Your Granima Rady has an

old family Bible cqntaining a newspaper clipping that was published

at the time of his death. I quote part of it:

Among those who were lost in the Lexington, there was none whose death is more deeply regretted, and who will leave a wider space unoccupied, than John W. Keirle of Baltimore. He was one of our wealthiest merchants, and in a long life, passed in active business, and which was marked for great probity and usftfulness, he won for himself the profound respect of his fellow citizens, and the highest esteem of a very numerous acquaintance.

Mr. Keirle was engaged in the shoe business, which he began in this city; and from a very humble commencement, by a life of honorable dealing an:l industrious application, his became the most exten­sive establishment of the kind in the city, and he the possessor of great wealth. At the time of his melancholy death, his large means were liberally employed in active business~usef.ully.to the ci~y, and affording comfortable supports to hundreds, to whom his capital and enterprise furnished constant employment.

... I -

John was drowned January 13, 1840. He was·on his way to Boston

to buy leather for his shoe industry. He waa aboard a ship, "The

Lexington, 11 when it caught fire and sank. We have the lock from his

shoe factory. Do you wonder how such a lock could guard such a profit­

able business?

On September 15, 1796, he had married~ Murfin. They were the

parents of nine children. ~J'\

George Matthew M. Maria Eliza Ann Washington Thomaszine Emily J. William H. Sarah Jane

(b. Sept. 14, 1797 - d. Dec. 7, 1797) (b. Dec. 5, 1798 - d. July 8, 1839) (b. Oct. 1$, 1801 - d. Dec. 12, 1873)

ib. Oct. 12, 1804 - d. Dec. 15, 1844) T. b. May 26, 1807 - d.

b. May 20, 1810 - d. (b. Oct. 15, 1812 - d. Dec. 25, 1892) (b. Oct. 2, 1815 - d. (b. March 13, 1818 - d. June 9, 1820)

George W. and F,mily J. (Keirle) Walker

The lady in the portrait we call 11 'lhe Grandma in the Green Dress"

is :Emily J. (Keirle) Walker. From all I can gather Emily wa~ ~ome

girl! I have heard that she had a yiolent temper. She must have been

very bo8sy, and I am guessing that her disposition was rather sour.

If you check some of the events and dates in her life you might find

som~ reasons for such a personality.

George!• Walker married Emily:!..• Keirle, daughter of John and

Ann (Murfin) Keirle, on January 2, (year unknown to me). They lived

i~ Baltimore, and George was in the shoe manufacturing business with

his father-in-law. He vras also on 11 The Lexington," and he Wa3 drowned

January 13, 18ho. George and &lily had two children.

George Ann Zoe (b. Oct. 22, 1838 - d. June 18, 1925) George W. (b. May 1, 1840 - d.



Now, ~heck these dates and events. If we assume the first child

was born during the first (or even second) year of the marriage, the

marriage date would be January 2, 1837 or 1838. If this eupposition

is correct, Emily was about twenty-four or twenty-five years old when

she married. Practically an old maidl

Al~o, if this assumed date is correct, Bhe had been married for

only two or three years when she became a widow. The known da.tes ~how

that her husband died before the second child was born. Further-more,

F.roily never married again, arxl she lived for fifty-two years after th9

death of her hueband. She was eighty years old when she died on

Christmas Day, 1892.

llie unexpected deaths of her father and her hu~band do not end

thi~ tragic story. Soon after that event her home was broken into

and much of the family silver was stolen. This upset her so much the

police department of Baltimore gave her the police caller we have.

If she was ever bothered again by robbers or prowlers she was supposed

to lean out of a window and give the thing a good crank. Thi~ would

bring the police to her rescue immediately. You know what a terrifying

sound it makes! Don't you suppose the robbers would flee just as

innnediately? Fortunately, for the police and the robbers, ~he never

had cause to use it. There is one happy note here--all of the silver

was recovered.

But, on with the melodrama. Only six years after her husband 1 ~

death, .Emily's favorite niece and namesake died. I am sure you have

heard about Emily Virginia Keirle Redding. She is the beautiful lady

with black hair in the other portrait. Emily Virginia, only child of

~ f· and Eliza~ (Keirle) Redding, was born July 22, 1828, and died

December 3, 1845. While she wa~ on a house party, sane of the other

~1'1 ~~ .:Ral.

.. 3-

guests tho~ght it would be a good joke to put water in her bed. Poor

Emily thought the sheets were cold. She got pneumonia and died. Her

obituary, printed on white silk, is in the museum. Emily was engaged

to be married, and a~ the· only daughter of a wealthy man, had a large

dowry. I have some of her things: two silver tablespoons, a silver

sugar bowl, creamer, and waste bowl, and a little sewing box. The

silver is engraved with her initials.

The final blow, I think, to befall Grandma Walker, was the marriage

of her daughter. Why ehe disapproved of George Ann Zoe marrying I do

not know. But disapprove she must have! Because the story often told

saye, 11G.A.Z. went into the bedroom and told her mother she was married.

When Grandma heard this she simply sat up in bed, 8lapped her daughter's

face, and never spoke to her agai~. 11

So, with all things considered, maybe Emily J. Keirle Walker had

reason to be the character she was. Surely there is a moral here some­

where. "Money isn•t everything" or "Smile today, tomorrow you may not

feel like it." Take your pick.

Peter Radebaugh

Peter Radebaugh and two of his brother~ came to America from

Gennany •. It ie believed they were He3sian soldiers. (Hessian is the

general name for soldiers furnished to lmgland by Germany to aid in

the American Revolution.) They settled in Radebaugh, Pennsylvania.

Peter had a harness and hardware store. Later he moved to Champaign,

Illinois, an:l he is buried there. H• had one 30n (that I know about).

William (b. Sept. 4, 1835 - d. June 27, 1895)

- L/-

/. William and George Ann Zoe (Walker) Radebaugh

William Radebaugh, son of Peter Radebaugh, married Geo~ge Ann ~

Walker, daughter,··of George w. and Emily J. (Keirle) Walker, on January

17, 1856. And if you remember, the marriage got off to a "slapping

good" start.

I am sure that G.A.Z. was a far happier woman than her mother had

ever qeen. William lived for sixty years-thirty-nine of them as a

married man, probably just to spite his mother-in-law. G.A.Z. lived

to the ripe old age of 87-seven year~ longer than her mother.

William was a jeweler. He made the little gold Masonic em~lems

that I have put into one of the picture boxe~. The grandfather clock

was his shop regulator.

They were the parents of five children.

Finily Virginia Redding ib. March 21, 1857 - d. March 21 1857) Grace Eliza o. Sept. 7 1861 - d. Nov. 4, 1895) Garnett Peter b. March l.4, 1864 - d. Aug. 12, 1951) Emily W. (b. Jan. 28, 1867 - d. Jan.·29, 1867) George Washington Walker (b. July 11, 1869 - d. Nov. 25, 1871)

Garnett Peter and Mary (Dunlap) Radebaugh

Garnett~ Radebaugh, son of William and G.A.Z. (Walker)

Radebaugh, did not like living in the city. So, like a great many boys, ..

he ran away from home. He went to Illin:l)j)s to live with his Grandfather

Pet~r. His mother bribed him into coming home. She bought him a farm.

Thb farm was in Harford County, Maryland, near a small town called

Bel Air. It was about t,venty-five miles from the city of Ba.ltimore.

Comparing it to the wheat ranche~ you know about, it was ;.robably a v~ry

small fann, but it rai~ed just about everything. From my childhood

visits there I can remember:


I cows, horses, pigs, mules, boys; barns, corn·cribs, fruit storage houses, boys;· rabbits, coons, squirrels, turtles, boys; peaches, apples, raspberries, blackberries., boys; field corn, sweet corn, asparagus, 1 girl, and BOYS.

I know there were other things that I have forgotten.

Garnett lived there most of his life. He took his bride home to

this farm. His children were born there, and several of his grand­

children (including me). He and his wife celebrated their Golden

Wedding anniversary there. It makes me sad to tell you that today

this fann has completely disappeared. The land is covered with houses.

The city Garnett hated so much has spread itsel.f over his wonderful


On September 15, 1885, Garnett married Mary Dunlap (b. June 26,

186L - d. June 30, 19hl), daughter of Albert and Eliza Jane (Baugher)

Dunlap. This marriage brings some new names and some more interesting

information into the story.

Albert Dunlap was descended from the Hyde family of !antic,

Connecticut. The letters I am including in this history were written

by Mary Dunlap's Great Grandma An~a Hyde. Albert had a brother named

Amasa Hyde Dunlap. This man made the wooden pliers we have in the

museum for his great nephew, Albert Dunlap Radebaugh (your Grandpa

Rady). He was only a little boy then and he was very impressed

because Uncle Amasa carved them out of one solid piece of wood.

Can you figure out how he did it?

Garnett and Mary had five sons.

Garnett Dunlap lb. Aug. 26, 1886 - d.~~1, }~?~ Daniel Sheppard b. July 7,. 1888 - d. ~JO l9'7(o William Walker b. Feb. 16, 1893 - d. 1

Albert Dunlap b. Oct. 26, 1894 _: d. ~ I lo 1

\ 'i ,-}'-f George Walker (b. Oct. 26, 1896 - d. ~ .... ~

1 \1j.3

Besides these, they raised a nephew of M.ary's, Heisler Sheppard, whose

\-1..U.., ~: ~\i .ct ?0'-"'- ~:., !Ji.., ·-='\ "\ A\ Ml:,a... t ,½:- ( ~"'k,1') ~ -~~

~ .... \.;q_,"'.:c,.. ~\.G l.:-"'tt,"> c_. 4--\..af f>~ .

/. mother had died when he was born. They took him when he was only a

day or two old. Mary weaned her own son, Albert, in order to nurse


Mary always wanted a daughter. She wanted a girl so much she

promised the silver tea-service of &lily Virginia Redding to her first

granddaughter. Ten grarrlsons were born before I finally crune along to

win the prize. There were seventeen grandchildren, and only four of

them were girls.

Between 1925 and 1932, these grandsons turned the farm into

Radebaugh 1s Boys Town. They went there to help with the fann work-­

in return for room and board and a gay time. Their main job was

picking the berries. They were paid½¢ a box, which was later raised

to 1¢ a box. Tiley were not paid in cash, but worked on account. At

the end of the summer they usually owed more than they had earned.

Grarrlpa had a little roadside store where he sold the fann fruit

and vegetables, gas, ice cream, candy bars, and pop. Thess readily

available goodies probably account for the end-of-sunnner indebtedness.

When Grandpa went to the house to eat, boys had to "mind the store."

Then, by snitching c±ga.rs (which he also sold), they learned how to


The store was ~bout a city block away from the house, across a

huge open yard. Talk about power mowers! lhe::yard · surrounding the

house and store was cut with the hay mower being pulled by an old

mule. It took a boy (and the mule) nearly all day to do the job.

Up until many of the grandchildren were grown, the whole fRmily

centered around that fann. Three grandchildren lived there with their

parents, Garnett and Helen. The city people went to visit as often as

they could. But, Mar., ,died ·1• · 19L.1·, :and the ·far-m was sold.


i .


Now, Garnett divided hi~ residence between his far-flung sons.

He spent the winters in Sebring, Florida, with Garaett and Dan; the

spring and fall in Towson, Maryland, with George; and the swnmers in

D.yton, Washington, with Albert. Before he died this "stuck on a

farm" kid had become a well traveled man •

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I '---~----• ..

Name of Compiler _________ _

Address _____________ _

__ City, State ____________ _

)ate ______________ _

rt#Ud-~e~e Person No. 1 on this chart is the same person as No. __ on chart No. __ , 16

_Chart#1 ---~ William Radebaugh - ( con't)

b.4 Sept 1835 Pennsylvania a Garnett Peter Radebaugh . m.17 Jan 1856

:-----~...;......;;.....:..::;::(F~a~th-=er..::::or;::;:N:,,;o.~4:)------1~ d. 27 June 1895 (probably Illinois)

17 -George Ann ZoeY\falker (con't) (!I.I otMr-ormr.d. '


b. 14 Mar 1864 b. Oct 1838 Maryland on chart No. --:

~~ -

4 Granett DunlaQ Radebaugh Sr. : pb. Maryland m. 15 Sept 1885

, ... _ ~,

b. Aug 1886 pb. Maryland

b. Dare or Birth p.b. Place or Blnh m. Oare or Marrtage d. Dare or Death p.d. Place or Dearh

m. d.12 June 1958 pd Sebring, Highland Co., Florida .burieq-Pinecrest Cemetery ~·

2 Garnett Dunlap Radebaugh Jr. (Father of No. I)

b. p.b.

m. d,



-~-/ '.:,,l't'.?-1 'C'

I Helen_ Jeanette Black

b. 1890 /Mother of No. 2)

pb. Maryland d. 5Aug 1981 pd Sebring, Florida buried-Pinecrest Cem ~-

l:f~l_e_n ___ ..:....:R=-=a=-de=-=b~a=-=u:.eg;;_;_h~_ b. p.b. m.

b. p.b.

., ,' ,;:., ,, ..... ,.,_

a Frederick Browne

b. p.b.

m. d. p.d

(Forher of No, 3)

3 ~a~eB~~o_w_n_e ___________ _

· b. 30 Nov 1911 o. I)

pb. Yakima, Washington d. 29 May 1983 pd. Tucson.Arizona

·_ Q.lJried-Dayton, Washington

1C:,Yn. ~-


b. p.b.

d. p.d.

Holt (S;n1ose c! ~o. I)

d. p.d.

(~lother or No, JJ

, d. 12Aug 1951 1-Pd. 1a Albert K. Dunlap _!con't)

b. 28 March 1839 Franklin, Conn. g _!\Aa[Y_Dunl~ m.20 May 1863 Baltimore, Maryland ->

,__ ____ ......;:;:;_.;;;;;;;::;.(M..,....o-.rh-er_o..,....r N,..,..o-. -.,,---1~ 13 Jan 1903 Creston, low~ __ --

19 __gliza Jane Baugher ( con't) • (Mother of No. 9.

b. 23 Dec 1843 Pennsylvani~ arr No.--->

_d. -~ ---

b. 26 Jan 1864 pb. Maryland d. 30 June 1941 pd. --- ---~----- 20

b. (F arher of No. 10. Cor.t. on chan No.--)

10 m. (Father or No. S) d.

b. 21

p.b. b. (Mot!ier of No. 10. Cont. on chart No.-->

m. d. d. 22 p.d b. (Father ot No. 11,

Cont. on chart No. __ )

11 m. (Mother or :-o. S) d.

b. 23 p.li.

d. b.

(~!other of So. 11. Cor.1. on chart No. ___ )

p.d. d.


12 J· (Father of No. 6)


(Father of No. 12. Cor.t, on chart r-.o. ------J

p.b. b.

(Mother of No. 12. Cor.1, on chart r-o. --)

m. d.


p.d 26 b. (F- a:!'ler or No. l.'l,

Cor.t. on ch.ut l'-o. ·--) 13 m.

(~1:11her or No. 6) d, b. 27 p.b.

b. (Mothtr or :-.o. 13, C,:,r.t. on chart No. - _)

d. d.

p.d. 28 [--~~-·-· .

14 ---·-·------- . (Father o! :-c. 7} .

b. 29 ---·-

(Fa:~c• ot ~,. H, Cc-t. 'l:: ,i':a:-t :-,:o. ___ )

p.b. b. (~::t::er c: S::i. 14. Co~:. or. :~arr r-o. __ )

m. d. d. p.d


r 15 m. (~lather of l'-o. 7) d.

b. 31 ___

( F a:~er o! S1>. IS, Cor.t, on ch.art N:i. ___ ,

p.b. b. (~I ,:::er o! ~o. I 5, Co~r. 'Jn chart No. __ )

d. d. p.d.

Peter Rodabaugh

b. 1806 pb. Bedford, Bedford, PA m. Bedford, PA d. 1882 pd. Homer, Champaign, II

Will iam Radebaugh b. 4 Sept 1835 pb. Bedford Co., Pennsylva m.17 Jan 1856 d.27 June 1895 pd. (probably Illinois) ( can't from chart #1-husban

George Ann Zoe waiter)

Eliza Waters b. abt 1817 pb. Bedford, Bedford, PA d. pb.

George W. Walker

pb. lb ~ -13 Jan 1840 pd. drowned on the ship

"The Lexington" when it caught _ fire and sank.

George Ann Zoe Walker b. 22 Oct 1838 pb. Maryland d.18 June 1925 pd (can't from chart #1-wife of

William Radebaugh)

Emily J. Keirle --

Chart #2 John Peter Rodabaugh (con't)

.. 1· b. 2 Jan 1722/23/24 Jacob Rodabaugh pb. Otzweiler, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

-....___---------- d. 20 Sept 1784 Berns, Berks, PA - Ann Maria -- --

b. d. after 1784 Berks Co., Pennsylvania


b. pb. m.

John W. Keirle

d.13 Jan 1840 pd drowned on the ship

"The Lexington" when it caught fire and sank)

Ann Mrufin

-------··-·--·--- -


Pet~r_B~i~enbach I -----=-=~

ij~ohan 1-:fe~':~ Rodabaugh

b. Berweiler, Reinland-Pfalz, Gennany m.

. 1762 pg. Berks Co., Pennsylvania

John Peter Rodabaugh b.2 Jan 1722123/24 -----pb. Otzweiler, Rheinland-Pfalz, Gennany m. d. 20 Sept 1784 pd. Berns, Berks, PA (con't chart #2-husband of Ann Mari~)

Anna A. Riegell b. 5 Feb 1690/1700 pb. Otzweiler, Reinland-Pfalz, Gennany d. 1769 pd. Berks County, Pennsylvania


I ~iah L. Baugher ·

Eliza Jane Baugher b. 23 Dec 1843 pb. Pennsylvania :1 d. bd. _(~rj't from chart #1-wife--

__!:>J Albert~. qunl~t -

Mary Ann

B. 1661 pb. Gennany ------------m. d. pd.

Nichlaus Riegell ( con't) b.1654 Becherbach, Germany ---

Joha_!ln Jaco_!> B~gell m. -b.=1--D~e-c-1-:-6-:::8-0--~~-----ld. 29 Feb 1688 Rheinland-Pfalz, Germ

pb. Bacherbach, Rheinland-Pfalz Anna Hausters/J:ieusers (con't) Germany b. abt 1650 --- ------

m. d. p<!__ __ -------~-

pb. Niedermoschel, Germany ~ ----~--

Hans ~ulman Adam (con't) b. 22 Feb 1641/42 Bicherbach Germ

_Anna EJi~abeth Adam m. ' · --b_-=-=1=6---72---==-~~--- d.

pb. Germany -~Anna-D,iulen Henricks d. pd.


Nichlaus Riegell b. 1654 pb. Becherbach, Germany m. d. 29 Feb 1688 -~ Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

( con't from chart #3-husband _9fAnna Hausters£1:t~use~t


Anna Hausters/Heusers b. abt 1650 pb. Niedermoschel, Germany d. ~ct__ -(con't from chart #3-wife of _ _Mj_chlQlJS_ Riegel! .~

Hans Culman Adam

b. 22 Feb 1641/42 pb. Becherbach, Germany m. d. PQ._

(con't from chart #3-husband of Anna Ursula Henrick.s) __ _

Matteis Riegell

Maria Weiner ---I

-~--· ·----------

Hermanus HausterslH_a_y_s~ .. ..

----------1i_____·· -

Nichlaus Heinrich Adam



-------·-·····-I .L.---------[_-·· --

Name of Compiler ________ _


___ City, State_

)ate __ _

b. Date of Blnh p.b. Place or Birth


m. Date or Marriage d. Date of Death p.d. Place ol Deerh

Joh!! Du~~Q_

b. p.b. m. d. p.d

2 Charles Dunlap

(Father of No. 2)

(Father or No. l)

b. 29 Jan 1806 pb. Plainfield, Conn m. 16 Nov 1834 Conn d. 23 Feb 1881 pd. Baltimore, MD

r/lUe4tM- (3hvtt Person No. 1 on this chart is the same person as No ·--on chart No ·--·

8 Joshua Dunlap (Father of No. 4)

b.abt1735 pb. m d. 1810 .pd.

9 Elizabeth Kenne~y

b. 1738 pb d. 1806 pd. -

1 o Timothy Lester

b. 13 Mar 1747/48

(Mother of No. 1)

(Father of No. S)

Bets~ Lester_ pb. Preston, New London Conn 5 "------~........,....__.----l m. 1769 I •


b. pb. d. pd.

1 Alb~rt K. Dunlap

b. 28 March 1839



(Mother of No. 2)

pb. Franklin, New London, Conn . . m. 20 May 1863 Baltimore, MD

g i d. 13 Jan 1903 §' ~ pd Creston, Union, Iowa . g- -.---- - -

d. 7 Dec 1769 pd. Preston, New Londo_!'I, Cof!!L

11 -~J~b~h Kinney

b. 28 Jan 17 48 pb. d. pd.

12 And_rew Hyde

b. 12 Oct 1748

(Mother of No. S)

(Father of No. 6)

l 1! .Con't from Chart #1 pb. Norwich, Conn

.---------,-,~Fa..,.th-e-r-of_N_o.-3)-----1 m. 1771 Norwich, Conn

,. ca

8 : 8 ~masa Hy9e_ :i .l:

~ ~ JS

d. 30 Nov 1835 C C - C

~ ~"' U · C rn 'ii

g ~ ~ I. :z: 8' ~ :i i ! ~ i II 8: D .j C

= ~ e ~ffi o ., C) .,,

~ ~ ~ • .. ci ~ o 5 ~ t! = ~ Q) ,,

~ ~ :g . D -

~ & ~ • • IV

5 ~ ~ .. ::, .::

b. 22 Feb 1787 pb. Franklin, New London, Conn m. 22 Feb 1808 Franklin, Conn d. 25 Aug 1832 pd. Franklin, New London Conn r·•--~ ~-- ~--~'-~ --

3 Mary Tracy_ Hyde - -· -

(Mother of No. I)

b.18 Feb 1815 pb. Franklin, New London, Conn . d. 22 Jan 1888 ~d. Saratoga, Baltimore, MD

pg. Franklin, New London, _Conn_

13 Mary Tracy

b. 1 Apr 1750 pb. Norwich, Conn d. 8 Dec 1804 pd.

14 Jacob Hazen

b. 20 June 1753

(1\.1:ither of No. 6)

(Falher of No. 7)

7 Anna Hazen pb. Norwich, Conn

---------..,----------1 m.

Chart#4 - -16 William Dunlap ( con't)

---(F•ther of No. 8, -

b. 1710 Cont. on chart No.~

_m. ~-Id.

17 S~rah Liddie (Mo1her ol No. a. "

b. c.,n1. on chan No. --!


18 Hugh Kennedy (con' t)

b. (Falher of No. 9,

m. Cont. on chart No. ---)

d. 1728 ... .--- ~


b. (Mother of No. 9, Cont. on chart No.--)


20 Timothy_ Lester (con't) b. 27 Aug 1718 Preston, Conn. 10, m. No•--)

d. 21 ~Mehitable B~e_r -- (con't)

,u,.,,s..,.. ,,., N11. tn b. 4 Nov 1718 Milton, Norfolk, MA: __ ) d. 1 Oct 17 41 _ __ _

- --~--~

22 Joseph Kinney (con't) · b. 17 Feb 1718 Preston, Conn m.10 June 1742 Preson, Conn d.15 Oct 1793 Cardigan, New Hampshire

23 SarahBlunt -l~tNh•"" Al"" I I

b.29 Oct 1718 Preston, New London, Conn. d. 23 Dec 1754 Preson, New London, Col'!_fl_ ------~ ---- --~~

24 __ia~z _Hyde (con't) b. 16 Sept 1713 Norwich, Conn m. 8 Dec 1736 Norwich, Conn d.6 Mar 1805 Franklin, New London, Conn.


-- Lydia Abell -- - (con't)-<Mother of No. 12,

b. 28 July 1719 Norwich, Conn.: NO.--)

d. 2~June 1803 Fran~~in. Conn

2s _ John Tracy (con't) 1b. 11 Feb 1726"Norwich, Conn. u. m.13 Oct 1747 Franklin, Conn No,-->

, d. 28 Mar 1810 _r.Jorwich_!__Conn _

2 7 Margaret Huntington (con't) _ tt..fnth~.- nt N-,, 13,

b. 23 Nov 1724 Norwich, Conn. t No.-->

d. 24 Dec 1755 Frankliln. Conn --~ - -

28 Jacob Hazen (con't)

Nov .1729 Norwich, Conn • 14• -

Feb 1754 Norwich, Conn t No.-->

Nov 1790 Norwich, Conn 29 ~ary~tt- ~- (con't)

(Mothe:- ol No. 14,

b. 8 Sept 1734 Bridgewater, Plymouth, MA d.11 May 18~? Franklin, New London, Conn. ~ --- ~--- ~-- -~ ---

I (Mother or No. 3) d. 11 May 1834 b. 27 Jan 1787 b F kl

. pd. Franklin, New London, Conn. 30 ~i~=-::"London, c_o_n_n._ 1s Abigail Burnam,.,,,,., :-,..-_-0

__ -

1_> _--__ 1;.

James Burnam _Jcon't) (Father of No. IS, -Cont. on charr No. ____J

Eliza Jane Baugher b. 12 Jan 1759 311 · Sarah Haskell (can't) b

- (Molher of No. 1S,

p . Norwich, Conn b. 21 Oct 1730 Norwich, New London, Conn. d. 4 Dec 1820 d. 24 Sept 1792 Norwich, N_ew LoncJ~n. C_o_!l_~ pd. Franklin, New London, Conn.

(Spouse- o! No. I)

b. 23 Dec 1843 d. P~-~~nn_~lva_!lia pd.

.. ----._

\J\/illiam Dunlap

b. 1710 pb. m. d. E.~~


Hugh K~nnedy

b. pd. m. d .

. pd. 1728

Anna Brooks - Fox

b. 1628

pb. England m. d. 14 Feb 1691/92 pd. Concord, Middlesex, Mass. ( con't from chart #5-wife of _ A!)drew L~~ter>~

Archibald Dunl_ap

William ~er,fledy

b. abt 1592 pb. Norwich, Conn m. 1621 Concord. Mass

· d. 2 apr 1683

~~_!>~ich, Conn I Gr~~ Wh_~ee.:.a::L~e_r;;;;;.,._ ___ _ .,__ __

b. 1595 ------·--·-··--··· pb. Concord, Mass d. 12 May 1664 _ p<!___~on~_!"d,_~as~

~ .


i__ ___ ,, ___ _

Andrew Lester


-b. 1595 Concord, Mass

__ ...;;TI;;;;.1-=m=o=th=y __ L ___ e __ s __ te __ r_______ ~· 12 Mayj664 Concord, Mas~_

b. 4 July 1662 Anna Brooks-Fox

A_r1drew Le§_ter

b. 1693 pb. Ipswich, Essex,Mass m. 28 Dec 1714 Ipswich, Mass d. 22 May 1751 f?d Pre~~r,, Ne~ London, CO'!_')_

Timothy Lester b. 27 Aug 1718 pb. Preston, New London, Conn. m. d. Dd. (Con't from Chart #4-husband

of Mehitable Belch~) Lydia Starkweather

b. 1691 pb. Ipswich, Essex, Mass. d. 1 May 1760 pd. Preston, NewLondon, Conn_

_ Moses Belcher b. 4 aug 1672 pb. Dorchester, Suffolk, Mass m. 19 Dec 1694 Milton, Suffolk, Conn d. 4 May 1728 pd. Preston, New London, Conn.

Mehitable Belcher

b. 4 Nov 1718

p. New London, Conn -~--m. 1693 Preston, Conn b.1628 England

d. 14 Feb 169119-? _c()~COrd, Mass d. ~~--

Rachel b. abt 1672 pb. New London, Conn d. pd_.

John Starkweather b. 2Aug 1646 pb. Roxbury, Suffolk, Conn m. 1677 Preston, Conn. d.-2fAug 1703 ------

pd._~res~~n, New London, Conn_.

Anna PtlUi~ b. 1ij5§_ pb. Preston, New London Conn d. 1722 ' pd. Preson, New London, Conn

Samuel Belcher

Robert Starkweather b. abt 1620 Roxbury, Mass m. 1641 Roxbury, Mass d. 1674 Ipswich, Mass - - - ---- ---Jeanette 8_qt,erts

b. 1616 Wales, United Kingdom g._ -~ -~--- ---- - -

_C3!_egory Belcher

. March 1606 England

..-------------- Nov1674 Braintree, Mass b. 24 aug 1637 _Cath~rine Allcock pb. Braintree, Norfolk, Mass m. 15 Dec 1663 Braintree, Mass b. 1610 Braintree, Mass d. 17 June 1679 d. 20 July 1680 Braintree, Mass ---------~--~-~ ----

pd. Braintree, Norfolk, Mass _ _

Mary Billings b. 23Dec 1637 pb. Dorchester, Suffolk, Mass. d. 15 Dec 1683 pd. Braintree, Norfold, Mass

Rog_~r Billings _ b. 1618 Taunton, Somerset, England m. 1642 Dorchester, Mass d. 15 Nov 1683 Dorchester, Mass -Han11ah Sava e

b. 1625 Dorchester, Mass d. 25 May 1~~ Dorchester, Mass _

WilD~m Lyon pb. Milton, Norfolk, Mass. d. 1 Oct 1741 pd. '&, f rb.13 Dec 1620 Hu-s-to_n_, C_a_m...,..b-rid_g_e_-. E_n_g __

Georg~_ Lyon m.17 June 1646 Roxbury, Mass ...;.--~~=a......-------- ~ 16 May 1692 Roxbury, Mass ~

b. abt 1643 Sarah Ruggles --(Con't from chart #4-w1ie o Timothy Lester)

Hannah Lyon_;..-____ _

b. 14 Nov 1673 pb. Milton, Norfolk, Mass d. 20Aug 1745 pd. Preston, Ne~ LQrr~on, Con~

pb. Milton, Norfolk, Mass -b.19 April 1629 Nazing, Essex, Eng-:---· m.14 Dec 1661 Milton, Mall d g F b 1689 R b M d. 6 Oct 1690 Milton, Norfolk, Mass · e ox ury, ass __ _ ----~~ --- -- ~

Hannah Tolm~!l b. 27 July 1640 pb. Milton, Norfolk, Mass d. 4 aug 1929 pd. Braintree, Norfolk, Mass

Thomas Tolman --. -----ec 1608 Salcomb. Devonshire.Er -

m.abt 1640 Dorchester, Mass d. 18 Jan 1689/90 Dorchester, Mass

- Katherine/~rah. ---b. abt 1610 Dorchester, England d. 7 Nov 16n Dorchester, Mass


Gregory Belcher

b. 30 March 1606 pb. Aston Park, Birmingham, Eng. m. d. 25 Nov 1674 pd. Braintree, Norfolk, Mass (con't from chart #5-husband

~o!~therine Al~~-'2 _ __ ~ ____ _


Roger Billings

b. 1618 pb. Taunton, Somerset, England m. 1642 Doechester d. 15 Nov 1683 pd. Dorchester, Mass. (con't from cha-rt #5-husband­

of 1-!_a~na Say~ge)

Thomas Belcher b. 1578 pb. warend, warwickshire, Eng m. 1600 Berksville, Warwichshire d. 20 March 1620 pd. Wardend, Warwickshire, Eng.

Deborah Hunt _ - b. 1582 pb. Wardend, Warwickshire, Eng. d.abt 1615 _E!_d. -~s~~·-Wa~ickshier, Eng.

_ ~-~gt:r Billings b. 1595 pb. Taunton, Somerset, England m. abt 1616 Taunton, England d. abt 1695 pd. Taunton, So_J!lerset, Eng.

Chart#SA ~-~----

_1-, Gregory Belcher

I b.1562 Berskwell, Wa-rw1-_ck_s_h_ir;-e,-Eng. m. 10 Oct 1574 Berkswell, England

/ ~~ March 16?<!._Berksville, England , Allee Whirret •

b. abt 1553 Berkswell, Warwickshir;e Eng d. 1619 Berk~ell,England _ ___ ' ____ __'_

-·- Samuel H=u.:..:.nt=------­b. abt 1552 Wardend, Eng. m. Wardend, Warwickshire, Eng. d. about 1_~QWardend, Eng. - Rebecca- - -~-

b. abt 1552 Warend, Warwickshir;e, Eng. d.__ abt 1620 ~~str-!_~H~ngary_ ~

~~~ard _!3_i_lli_.;ng .... s ___ _ b. 1560 Baltonsborough, England m.1585 Taunton, Somerset, Eng. d. 1604 Hatfield,_~ampshire, ~ass

Elizabeth Strong ---b. 1564 Taunton, Somerset, Eng. d.


------·····-·-.. --J ,;__ ___________ _

Chart#6 Henry Kinne

I b. 8 July 1623 Kings Lynn, N. orti. olk, E. ng. ThQ_mas Kinne m. 12 Od 1649 Salem, Mass -==---------------- _ d. 19 June 1696Newbury, Mass b. 1 Mar 1655 --~'!!!_F>_utnam ---~----- ~- --

Joseph Kinn~ b. 7 Sept 1680 pb. Salem, Essex, Mass. m. 28 June 1704 Salem, Mass d. 12 July 1745 pd. Preston, New London, Conn ·

Joseph Kinney b. 17 Feb 1718 pb. Preston, New London, Conn m.10 June 1742 Preston, Conn d. 15 Oct 1793 pd. CardiQan, New Hampshire ( con't from chart #4-husband of

_ S~rah BILJ_!lt) _ __ Keziah Peabody

b. 1686 pb. Topsfield, Mass d. 1738 pd_._!>~s!on, New London, Conn

~~-H de -------b. May 1677 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn m. 20 Dec 1705 Norwich, Conn d. 1 Sept 1762 pd. Norwich, New London_J Conn.

__Jabez Hyde b. 16 Sept 1713 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn m. 8 Dec 1736 Norwich, Conn d .. 6 March 1805 pd. Franklin, New London, Conn. - (con't from chart #4-husband of _ J::ydia Abell) _ __ _ __ ---- -~-- · I Elizabeth Bu~hnell

b. 31 Jan 1685 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn. d. 21 Aug 1709 pd. Norwich, N~_L~dOf'!, Conn.

pb. Salem, Essex, Mass -m. 23 May 1677 Salem, Mass b. abt 1612 Denvers Mass d.1 June 1687 -~- a~ 1663 ' pd. Salem,_ Mass

Jacob Peabody , b.28 July 1664 pb. Topsfield, Mass m. 12 Jan 1686 Topsfield, Mass d. 24 Nov 1689 pd._Jopsfield, l\llass . _____ _

_t\bigail Towne b. 16Aug 1664 pb.Topsfield, Essex., Mass. d. 14 Feb 1712 pd. Topsfi~ld, Esssex, Mass.

Francis Peabody __ b. 1614 St.Albans, Hertferdshire, Eng. m. 18 May 1654 Farmingham, Mass d.19 Feb 1689 Topsfield, Mass

M~ Foster-~ooct b. 1618 Exter, Devonshire, England d. 7 apr 1705 ,:o~feild, Essex,_Ma~

EdmundT~-b. 28 June 1628 St. Nicholas, England · m. abt 1652 Topsfield, Mass d. 3 May 1678 Topsfield, Mass Mary Brownm_g_ ~- - ---

b. 7 Nov 1637 Salem, Essex, Mass d. 16 Dec 17! 7 Topsfield, Mass

William Hyde

Samuel Hyde b. 1636

b. 1598 Stockport, Cheshire, Eng. m. 15 July 1609 Cheshire, Eng.

-- d. 6_J~1681 Norwich, Conn

pb. Hartford, Conn m. June 1659 Saybrook, Conn d.1677 ~- F_f!3nklin, New London, Conn_

Jane Lee

b 12 Sept 1640. pb.Rusper, Sussex, England d. 21 Jan 1702 pd. Leba!)On, New London, Con'!_

Richard SU_sh~II b. 10 Sept 1652 pb. Saybrook, Middlesex, Conn. m. 7 Dec 1672 Norwich, Conn d. 27 Dec 1727 · pd. Norwich, New London, Conn


Elizabeth Adgate ,

b. 10 Oct 1651 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn d. 1713 pd. Norwich, New London,__Qo_nn _

Hester Trott . b.abt 1609 London, England ~bt 1682 Saybrook, Conn.

--~----- -~ -

Ihomas Lee b. 1614 Rusper, Sussex, Eng. m.1639 Rusper, Sussex, eng. d. on Voyage, Englan_d_ Phoebe Br<>Wn

b. 1 Od 1620 High Wycombe, England d.22 Dec 1664 Northampto~,_Mas_s ~

. Richard Bushnell b. 20 Apr 1623 Horsham, Sussex, Eng. m. 11 Od 1648 Hartford, Conn d. 17 July 1660 Norwalk, Middlesex, Conn :-·-Mary Marvin-•-

b.15 Dec 1628 Great Bentley, England d. 26~ar 1~~ No"!_alk, Failfield, Conn

Thomas Adgate b. 1620 Saybrook, Middlesex, Conn m.11 Od 1648 d.

Mane Marvin b. 15 Dec 1628 Great Bently, Eng. ~ 26 M~r 1713 Norwalk, Conn

b.abt1691 pb. Norwich, Conn m. 17 Mar 1714 Norwich, Conn d.28 mar 1768 pd. Norwich, New London, Conn

Lydia Abell b. 28 July 1719 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn. m. 8 Dec 1736 Norwich, Conn d.25 June 1803 pd. Franklin, New London, Conn (Can't from Chart #4-wife of

Jabez Hyde) .~---· ~ -·Lydia-Hazen -

b. 1 Sept 1694 pb. Boxford, Essex, Mass

-9_. ~ §~p!._1794 Boxfor, Mass

John Tracy

b. 27 June 1700 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn m.21 Jan 1724 Norwch, Conn d 20Aug 1786 pd. Norwich, New London, Conn.

John Tracv---=-,b. 11 Feb 1726

pb. Norwicll-; New London, Conn m. 13 oct 1747 Franklin, Conn d. 28 March 1810 pd. Norcwich, Conn. (con't from Chart #4-husband of -~argaret Huntington) -· --

Margaret fude

b. 16Aug 1702 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn d. 6 Feb 1789 _pd_._ Fran_klin, New _!..ondon, Con~_

Robert Abell

I b. 1589 Stapenhill, Lincolnshire, Eng. !3enjamil'! Abell' m.1638 Reboboth, Bristol, Mas~_-~ _______ __::_ ___________ _

b. 1651 Joanna (?) pb. Rehobath, Bristol, Mass b. 1610 Rehoboth, Bristol Mass m. abt 1678 d. 1682 Norwich, New London, Conn_ d. 6 June 1699 pd. Norwich, New London,_Conn.

Hannah Baldwin -----~·-~--

b. 6 Oct 1656 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn d. Nov 1717 pd~orwic~!. New London, Conn

·;homas Hazen

b. 29 Jan 1658 pb. Rowley, Essex, Mass m. 1 Jan 1684 Rowley, Mass d. 12 Apr 1735 pd. Norwich, Conn.

Ma!Y Howlett b. 1664 pb. lpswick, Essex, Mass d.4 Oct 1727 pd. Norwich, New Lond~~Conn

----~~-- --

John Baldwl_n_ - b. 28 Od 1635 Aston, England

m. 12Apr 1653 Guirtord, Mass d. 19 A~g_j__ 683 ~Qnir1.9.!on, Conn_ . Hannah Birchard

- b. 1633 Rehoboth, Mass d. 1657 Norwich, New _!:ondon, Conn

_Edward_ Hazen ___ .-~-b. 14 Dec 1614 Cadney, Lincoln., Eng. m. Mar 1650 Rowley, Mass d. 22 July 1628 Row~r•~~~~~--

Hannah Grant

b. 16 Od 1631 Cottingham, York., Eng. d. Feb 1715 Havervill, Essex, Mas.s.~

Thomas Howlett b.1638 Topsfield, Essex, Mass.

m. abt 1655 Mass d. 1667 Ipswich, Mass ~ _ ~lice French b. 1640 Topsfield, Essex, Mass d.1668 Boston, Ma~

John Tr~~ 642 Weatherfie(d, Conn

7 June 1670 Weatherfiefd, Conn _ _:J~o~h:_:n:_li"_'._i.:::'.a~cyL-------- 6Aug 1102 Norwich, Conn __

b. 1673 _____ ary ~n_s ..... lo=w=--------pb. Norwich, Conn. b. abt 1646 Marshfield, Plymouth, Mass m.1697 Norwich, Conn d. 30 July 1721 Norwich, Cof!r1 __ d. 1726 pd. Norwich, Conn. __

b. Nov 1676 pb. Norwich, Conn d. 25 Oct 1737 N~!Wich, f~nn _

--~- - ---~-• -

Thomas Leffin~el! b:21 Aug 1649 S~ybrook, Conn m. Sept 1672 Norwich, Conn d. 5 Mar 1734 Norwich, Conn _ Mary B-ushnell .--

b. 4 Jan 1655 Saybrook, Conn ~1745Saybr~k, Conn_.

Samuel Hyd~ _

John Hyde_ ~.June 1659 Saybrook, Conn


- b 1636 Hartford, Conn

-;--...:-~:;..~;_-~~;::;;.._;=-------- d. 1an Franklin, Conn -~ b. 1667 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn m. 3 Mar 1698 Norwich; Conn d. 26 July 1727 pd. N~rwich, Conn. _ -

b. 24 Dec 1674 pb. Norwich, Conn. d.24 Oct 1763 pd. N~!'Vfich, New London, Conn

-~Jane Lee ____ -:---· . b. 12 Sept 1640 Rusper, England d. 1 Jan 1 IQ~_Leba_!lon, ~ew _!.-on~on, Conn

Caleb Abell b 1646 Rehoboth, Mass ~ July 1669 Norwi~, Conn d. 7 Aug 1731 ~orw•~~~ _

-Margaref Post 1--_ _____:;__ __ ......:_ __ ~·-·--·--·-·-

b. 21 Feb 1653 Saybrook. Conn d. Nov 1700 Norwich. Conn.

C~~~topher Huntin ton

b. 12 Sept 1686 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn. m. 4 Feb 1718 Norwich, Conn d. 11 Feb 1759 pd. Norwich, New London, Conn

Margaret Huntington

b. 23 Nov 1724 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn m. 13 Oct 1747 Norwich, Conn d. 24 Dec 1755 pd. Franklin, New London, Conn. (Con't from chart #4-wife of

John Trac

. G__tl_~rt #8 Christopher Huntmgton -~

Christopher Huntington_ m. July 1669 Norwich, Conn I b. 25 July 1624 England

---b=.=1=N=o=v.;.;;1;;;,;;6~68-;_a;a=.=;;;...=~~--- _d. ~g 1731 Norwich, Conn

pb. Norwich, New London, Conn Ruth Rockwell m. 26 May 1681 Norwich, Conn b. 21 Feb 1653 Windsor, Conn d. 24Apr 1735 d. 14 Feb 1683 Dorchester pd. Norwich, New London, Conn

Thomas Adgate ·

I b. 1620 Saybro-o~k,-C-o-nn ____ _

Sarah Adgate m. 1680 Norwich, New London, Conn ---==~--.::~----------· d. 21 J~Y~!707 Norwich, Conn b. 1663 1-=~~~rvin) Busnell ---~\ ~ifich, New London, Conn b.16 Dec 1628 England

d. 27 Mar 1718 Norwich. Conn pd. Norwich, New London, Conn

~obert Abell --------b. 1589 Stapehill, Lincolnshire, Eng.

Cal~b Abell m. -~~~=~---------,-1 d. 1638 Rehoboth, Bristol, Mass. b. 1646 Joan11c1 (?) pb. Rehoboth, Mass

Abigail Abell ______ , m.July 1669 Norwich, Conn b. 1610 Rehoboth, Bristol, Mass d. 7 Aug 1731 d.1682 Norwi~__!__. C-=---o.:...:..n;.:..cn __ _

b. 16 March 1689 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn d. 2 June 1736 pd. Norwich, New London, Conn

Jacob Hazen

b. 5 Dec 1691 pb. Boxford, Essex, Mass m. 27 oct 1719 Norwich, Conn. d. 22 Dec 1755 pd. Norwich, New London, Conn.

Jacob Hazen

b. 30 Nov 1729 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn m. 12 Feb 1754 Norwich, Conn d. 11 May 1827 pd. Franklin, New London, Conn. (con't from chart#4-husband of

' Mary Brett) 1~_8p~ail Lathrop ·

b. 16 Sept 1693 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn. d. 1770 pd. Norwich, New London, Conn

pd. Norwich, Conn John Post

Margaret Pos1

b. 21 Feb 1653 pb. Saybrook, Conn d. Nov 1700 pd. Norwich, Conn

Thomas Hazen b. 29 Jan 1658 pb. Rowley, Mass m. 1 Jan 1684 Rowely, Mass d. 1735 pd. Norwich, New London, Conn.

Mary Howlett

b. 1664 pb. Ipswich, Mass d. 24 Oct 1727 pd. Norwich, New London, Conn.

b. 16 Sept 1629 Otham, Kent, Eng. m. Mar 1652 Saybrook, Conn d. 27 Nov 1711 Norwch, Conn.

Hester-Hyde b. 1635 Hartford, Hartford, d. 13 Nov 1703 Norwich, Conn

f=_q_ward.Hazen-=====­b. 14 Dec 1614 Cadney, Lincoln., Eng. m. Mar 1650 Rowley, Mass d._2_2__~~y 1628 Rawle'/, Mass

Hannah Grant

b. 16 Oct 1631 Cottingham, Yor1c:., Eng. d. Feb 1715 HaveM11, Essex, Mas_s

Thomas Howlett ·--b. 1638 Topsfield, Essex. Mass. m. abt 1655 Mass d. 1667 Ipswich, Mass

~Ii~ French· b. 1640 Topsfield, Essex. Mass d.1668 Boston, Mass

Samuel Lathrop ( can't)_

Jose h Lathro m. 28 Nov 1644 Barnstable, Mass r b. 1623 Egerton, Kent, England

...;.-----=======~~i;::__---~ d.28 Feb 1700 Norwich, Conn b. Oct 1661 - B1zabetn Scudder ~ ~ ( co!ffi_ pb.Norwich, New London, Conn m. 6 apr 1686 Norwich, Conn b.12 May 1622 Boston, Mass d. 5 July 17 40 d.2_8_fe_~ 1700 Salem, Mass pd. Norwich, New London, Conn

Mary Scudder

b.abt1663 pb. Norwich, New London, Conn d. 18 Sept 1695

J>d. Norwich, New London, Conn.

John Scudder ( can't) b. 1618 Stroud, Kent, England m. abt 1645 Barnstable, Mass d. 1690 Barnstable, Mass

~annah ~ - ---------·-·-·-·----b. 1625 Barnstable, Mass J!.J_§Apr 1690

'(out "oite counts

--- ----- ----- -------

Chart#9 William Brett

I b. 1618 Hastings, Sussex, Eng.

Nathaniel Brett m. 1647 Duxbury, Mass --.;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==~~------ d. 17 Dec 1681 Bridgewater, Mass

b. 1661 _ ~argaret Ford - ---

William Brett b. 26 Apr 1702 pb. Bridgewater, Maine m. 15 May 1732 Bridgewater, Maine d. 2 June 1741 pd.

MaryB~ - b~ 8 Sept 1734

pb. Bridgewater, Mass

pb. m. 21 Nov 1683 Bridgewater, Mass b. 1624 Kent, Sussex, England d. 1740 d. 11 July 1737 Bridgewater, Mass

pd. --~-----~--~ _..l_c:>_hn Hayward - b. 1 Jan-1624 Aylesford, Kent, Eng.

S~_rah Haywood · m. 30 Nov 1665 Bridgewater, Mass -=------------1 ~ 14 Apr 1705 Bridgewater, Mass

b. 25 Oct 1663 §~h Mitchell ------pb. d. 1737 b. abt 1641 Bridgewater, Mass pd. d. ab!JZ_~_!!Jridgewat~!• Mass_

Samuel Kingsley b. 1630 Braintree, Mass

m. abt 1655 Braintree, Mass r----.;.;==~~-------! ~ 21 May 1662 Billerica,_ Mass

m. 12 Feb 1754 Norwich, Conn. d. 11 May 1827 Sa~uel Kingsley pd. Franklin, New London, Conn (Con't from chart #4-wife of b. 6 June 1662

Jacob Hazen) pb. Braintree, Mass _Betf)ia_b King~ley . m. befQre 1 O Sept 1694 Braintree, MA

~--___,;.;~~-------...;..._---' d. 17 Dec 1713 b. abt 1706 pd. Taunton, M~ss __ ~-- ____ - --pb. Taunton, Mass. d. abt 13Apr 1741 pd. Mary Washburn ------

b. abt 24 July 1662 pb. Bridgewater, Mass d. 28 Feb 1739/40

-~- E~ston, Mass

Hannah Brackett ----b. 4 June 1634 Braintree, Mass d. 3 _July 1706 Dunstable, Norf<>I~, Mass

John Washburn -b. 26 Nov 1620 Bengeworth, Eng. m. 6 Dec 1645 Plymouth, Mass d. 12 Nov 1686 Bridgewater, Mass Elizabeth Mitchell ~---

b. 1628 Plymouth, Mass d. 5 Dec 168:4 Bridgewater, M~~s

Thomas Burnam

r b. 1617 Norwich, Conn Thomas Burnam m. June 1645 Ipswich, Mass

-b-. -19

-J-a ...... n=1=64

;;;..._.8------- _d. 24 Ju~ 168--8 Ipswich, Mas~

~ry_~~~~--pb. Ipswich, Essex, Mass

Ja_mes Burnam b.1687 pb. Ipswich, Essex, Mass m. 3 June 1728 d.22 May 1757


James Burnam . (Con't from chart #4-husband on -~rah !!~~k~l!L

Elizabeth Hough b. 1681 pb. New London, Conn d. 31 May 1759 pd. Kings, New Hampshire

m. 13 Feb 1728 Ipswich, Mass b.10Apr 1625 St.Albans, England d. 21 Feb 1728 d. 27 Mar 1715 lpsw~, Mass--~

pd~sViich, Essex, M~ss _

Lydia Pengry b. 1648 pb. Ipswich, Essex, Mass d. 14 Mar 1689 pd. Ipswich, Essex, Mass ~-------~- - --- ~-~

_Mos~f'engry (con't}.; b. 161 0 Ipswich, Essex, Mass m. 20 apr 1644 Haverhill, Mass d. 2 Jan 1696 Ipswich, Mass -L draClements ___ -- (can't)

b. 1618 Haverhill, Mass d. 16 June 1676 Ipswich,_ Mass_

Sarah Haskell


"J7 Essex, Mass 20 Norwich, Conn 1759 , New London Conn

--b~ 21 Oct 1730

~~- Norwich, New London, Conn

d. 24 Sept 1792 pd. (con't from chart #4-wife of

James Burnam Mary Jewett~-w-=--'-al-lb-ri-dge

b. 1700 pb. Nowrich, New London, Conn d. 29 Mar 175 pd. Norwch, Ne_w_London, Conn

Moses Pengry b. 1610 --------

pb. Ipswich, Essex, Mass m. 20Apr 1644 Haverhill, Mass d. 2 Jan_1_6_96 Ipswich, Mass

Lydia Pengry

b. 19 Jan 1646 pb. Ipswich, Essex, Mass m. 13 Feb 1666 Ipswich, Mass d. 14 Mar 1689 pd Ipswich, Essex, Mass (con't from chart 9-wife of

Thomas Burnam) Lydia Clements

b. 1618 pb. Haverhill , Mass d. 16 June 1676 pd. Ipswich, Mass

Chart#10 Roger Haskell

Roger Haskell m. 1639 Gluecester, Mass l b. 6 Mar 1614 Wincanton, England _ _ _


-------- d. 16 June 1667 Beverly, Mass

pb. Rochester, Plymouth, Mass Elizabeth Hardy m. 21 Dec 1680 Beverly, Mass b. 1617 Beverly, Essex, Mass d. 15 Nov 1727 d. 1676 Marblehead, Mass

pd. Norwich, New London, Conn.

Hannah Woodbury

b. 1 Apr 1664 pb. Beverly, Mass d. 1703 pd. Ipswich, Essex, Mass

Eleazer Jewett

b. 23 Nov 1673 pb.lpswich, Essex, Mass m. 1 apr 1700 Norwich, Conn d. 1748 pd. Norwich, New London, Conn

Mary Armstorng-Lamb

b. 1675 pb. Norwich, New London Conn d. 15 Jan 1715 ' pd. Norwich, New London, Conn

John Pengrye

b. abt1570 pb. Mitcheldean, England m. d. 23 Jan 1624 pd. Lear, Herefordshrie, England

Jennet Stockweather

b. abt1588 pb. England d. pd Mass

Robert Clements

b. 14 Dec 1595 pb.Cosby, Leicestershire, Eng. m. 1614 Huneote, " , Eng. d.29 Sept 1658 pd Haverhill, Essex, Ma~

_ William Woodbury b. 7 May 1620 S. Petterton, England m. abt 1645 Beverly, Essex, Mass d. 1669 Beverly, Essex, Mass Judith Glover

b. 127 Beverly, Essex, Mass d. 31 Oct 1702 Beverly, Essex, Mass

Jeremiah Jewet

b. 26 Dec 1637 Bradford, Yorkshire, Eng.

1 m. 11 May 1661 Rowley, Essex, Mass

----j d. 20 May 1714 Ipswich, Mass I Sarah Dickenson

b. 18 oct 1644 Rowley, Essex, Mass d. 30 Jan 1723 Ipswich, Essex, Mass

_ Benjamin Armstrong b. 1648 Norwich, Conn m. abt 1673 Conn d. 10 Jan 1717 Norwich, Conn Rachel

b. at 1652 Norwich, Conn d. New London, Conn

John Pengry~e

b.abt 1542 Mitcheldean, England m. abt 1569 d. 23 Jan 1624 Lew, Herefordhire, Eng.

Ann White b . ----- - --


Richard Clements b. abt 1570 Cosby, Leicestershire, Eng.-m. 2 Mar 1594 " " " d. 7 Aug 1619 Cosby, England Agnes Fellows ____ __..:~::_ ________ _

b. 1572 Cosby, Leicestershire, Eng. d. 7 aug 1619 Huncote " Eng.

Robert Drummer

'-:--L-:-yd-:-i~a=D~_ru_ m_m_e_r _______ E Cosby, Licestershire, Eng. --

b.12 Mar 1661 England pb. Ansby, Warwickshire, Eng. d. 11 Oct 1658 pd. Haverhill, Essex, Mass

Samuel Lathrop_· ___ _ b. 1623 pb.Egerton, Kent, England m.28 Nov 1644 Barnstable Mass d.28 Feb 1700 ' pb. Norwich, Conn (Can't form chart #8-husband of Elizabeth Scudder)

Elizabeth Scudder

b. 12 May 1622 pb. Boston, Mass d. 28 Feb 1700 pd. Salem, Mass (Con't form chart #8-wife of

Samuel Lathrop) _

John Scudder b. 1618 pb. Stroud, Kent, England m.abt 1645 Branstable, Mass d. 1690 pd. Barnstable, Mass (Con't from chart #8-husband __ ofHa_n~~L -----~--

~!f#11 Thomas Lathrop --~ b. 19 June 1536 Cherry Burton, England

~J_athrop m. 1560 Yorkshire, England D. 20 Dec 1584 _d. Q_O_g 1606 Etton, Yorkshire, England

pb. Etton, York, England ~ry Howell · m. 10 Oct 1610 Eastwell, Kent, England b. 8 Jan 1540 Yoxall, Staffordshire, Eng. d. 8 Nov 1653 d. 6 Jan 1588 Etton, Yorkshire, England pd. Ba'"!lstable, Mass. -~--- ---- -

Hannah Howse b.abt1594 pb. Eastwell, Kent , England d. 16 Feb 1634 pd. London, England

Thomas Scudder _____ .......... -~

b. abt 1587 pb. Groton, Suffolk, England m. abt 1618 Groton, England d. 1657 pd. Salem, Essex, Mass __ _

Elizabeth Lowers b. 1592 pb. Groton, Suffolk, England d. 9 Sept 1666 pd. Salem, Essex, Mass

Henry Scudder

b. 1558 Groton, Suffolk, England m. d.15~5 Horton Kirby, Kent, EngJ~nd

--4Qh__~ L_e>wers

b. 1561 Dorenth, Kent England m. d. 1650 Groton, Middlesex, Mass

Henry Scudder John S_ cudder lb.abt~1560 bo-re----n~th-, ".""'."'Ke-n-t,-E-ng-la_n_d_

,-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;::.;~=~------~- m. abt 1584 Kent Co., England b. 1590 d. 5 Nov_1595 Horton Kirby, England

pb Horton Kirby, Kent, Eng. Elizabeth Somers m. 1625 b. abt 1564 Groton, Suffolk, E~giand. d.Strood, Kent, England _d. 158_!3 Kent, England __ ----~

_ Elizabth Stoughton b. 1600 pb. Groton, Suffolk, England d. 1647

· ~- Ipswich, E~x, England

. Thomas_ §troughton

r b. 1557 Naughton, Suffolk, Eng. -· m. 1585 Naughton, suffolk, Eng. ~- abt 1~ C!)_Qjjes!!_all, Essex, Eng.

Kathenne - --- - -

b. 1564 Naughton, Suffolk, England ~--1_8 A~! 1~03 Cogskill, S~olk, EngJ~nd

--------······--·-·-··---1 ----------

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!This graft was compiled by Ruth (Radebaugh) Lyman


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Entries: Updated: Contact: Unknown

Index I Descendancy I Register I Pedigree I Ahnentafel I Download GEDCOM

• ID: l058 • Name: Albert K. DUNLAP 1

• Sex: M • Birth: 28 MAR 1839 in Franklin , New London Co., Conn. 1

• Death: 13 JAN 1903 in Creston, Union Co., Iowa 1

• Fact 1 : See Note Page • Medical Information: Age at Death: 64 Fell, resulting in paralysis; this lead to his death several days later. • Note:

Facts about this person:

Burial Graceland Cemetary, Creston, Iowa

Source: A26-GEN6

Ancestry .corn's cemetary inscription records

Milit ary service Bet. March 22, 1864 - August 03, 1865 Assistant Surgeon, 3rd Regiment, MD Volunteer Infantry (Civil War)

Source: A26-J Author: James Herbert Dunlap Pub. Facts: Transcription of Dr. Albert Dunlap's letters and notes

Medium: Book Comments: Letters of Dr. Albert Dunlap home to wife and parents Quality: Fair to Excellent Pages(s): Most of the Journal

Father: Charles DUNLAP b: 29 JAN 1806 in Conn. Mother: Mary Tracy HYDE b: 18 FEB 1815 in Norwich, Conn.

Marriage 1 Mary SMITH b: WFT Est. 1835-1859

• Married: WFT Est. 1857-1888


1. Harry Admiral DUNLAP b: 11 MAR 1877 2. Birney Eugene DUNLAP b: 20 JUL 1879

Marriage 2 Sophia TUTTLE b : WFT Est. 1840-1873

• Married: WFT Est. 1858-1896


1. Albert Leslie DUNLAP b: 3 FEB 1885 2. James Herbert DUNLAP b : 19 AUG 1887 in Kent, Union Co., IA 3. William Prescott DUNLAP b : 11 JUN 1890 in Kent, Union Co., IA 4. Herman Powell DUNLAP b: 9 OCT 1892 in Creston, Union Co., Iowa 5. Grace Hazen DUNLAP b: 9 JAN 1895 in Creston, Union Co., Iowa 6. John Harold DUNLAP b : 5 JAN 1898 in Creston, Union Co., Iowa

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Ancestry World Tree Project:

Marriage 3 Eliza Jane BAUGHER b: 23 DEC 1843 in Pennsylvania

• Married: 20 MAY 1863 in Baltimore, MD 1


1. Mary DUNLAP b: ABT. 1864 2. Albert DUNLAP b : ABT. 1866 3. Charles Lewis DUNLAP b: ABT. 1867 4. • Anna Hyde DUNLAP b: 4 AUG 1869 in Boonsboro, MD


1. Title: A26-J Author: James Herbert Dunlap Publication: Transcription of Dr. Albert Dunlap's letters and notes Note: Letters of Dr. Albert Dunlap home to wife and parents Note: Fair to Excellent Repository: Call Number: Media: Book

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Entries: Updated: Contact: Unknown

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8 Joshua DUNLAP B: 1735 P: M: WFTEst.1754-1783 P:

B: 1775 D: 1810 P: P: M: WFT Est. 1794-1823 P: 9 Elizabeth KENNEDY D: 1848 P:

B: 1738 P: D: 1806 P:


2 Charles DUNLAP B: 29 JAN 1806 P: Conn.

10 Timothy Lester (3) = >

M: 16 NOV 1834 P: Conn.

D: 23 FEB 1881 P: Baltimore, MD

5 Betsy LESTER B: 1779 P:

B: 13 MAR 1747/48 P: Preston, New London Co., Conn. M: WFT Est. 1761-1768 P: D: 7 DEC 1769 P: Preston, New London Co., Conn.

D: 1850 P: 11 Elizabeth KINNEY =>

1 Albert K. DUNLAP B: 28 MAR 1839

P: Franklin, New London Co., Conn. D: 13 JAN 1903 P: Creston, Union Co., Iowa

3 Mary Tracy HYDE B: 18 FEB 1815 P: Norwich, Conn. D: 22 JAN 1888

6 Amasa HYDE B: WFT Est. 1766-1793 P: M: WFT Est. 1801-1834

B: WFT Est. 1739-1757 P: D: WFT Est. 1782-1846 P:

12 Andrew HYDE B: WFT Est. 1726-1766 P: M: WFT Est. 1752-1803 P:

D: WFT Est. 1766-1847 P:

P: 13 Mary TRACY D: WFT Est. 1818-1877 8: WFT Est. 1733-1769 P: P:

D: WFT Est. 1766-1853 P:

14 Jacob Hazen (3) B: ABT. 1753 P:

P: 660 W. Saratoga, Baltimore, MD 7 Anna HAZEN B: 1787

M: WFT Est. 1769- 1803 P:

D: WFT Est. 1790-1844 P: P:

D: 1878 P: 15 Abigail BURNAM

B: WFT Est. 1746-1768 P: D: WFT Est. 1790-1855 P:

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8 B: P: M:

4 William KENNEDY P: B: WFT Est. 1641-1672 D: P: P: M: 1692 P: Preston, CT 9 D: 1728 B: P: P:

D: P:

2 Hugh KENNEDY 10 B: WFT Est. 1648- 1681 B: P: P: M: ABT. 1692 M: P: 5 P: D: 1728 B: D: P: P: P:

D: P: 11

B: P: D: P:

1 El izabeth KENNEDY B: 1738 12 P: B: D: 1806 P: P: M:

6 P: B: D: P: P: M: P: 13 D: B: P: P:

D: P:

3 B: 14 B: P: P: D: M: P: 7 P:

B: D: P: P: D: P: 15

B: P: D: P:

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1 Timothy Lester (3) B: 13 MAR 1747/48

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2 Timothy Lester (2) B: 27 AUG 1718 P: Preston, New London Co., Conn. M: 1741 P:

D: WFT Est. 1751-1809 P:

4 Andrew LESTER B: 1693 P: Ipswich, Essex Co., MA M: 28 DEC 1714 P: Ipswich, Essex Co., MA

D: 22 MAY 1751 P: Preston, New London Co., Conn.

5 Lydia STARKWEATHER 8: 1691 P: Ipswich, Essex Co., MA D: 1 MAY 1760

8 Timothy Lester (1) B: 4 JUL 1662 P: New London, New London Co., Conn. M: 1693 P: Preston, CT D: WFT Est. 1698-1753 P:

9 Rachel (UNKNOWN) B: ABT. 1672 P: New London, New London Co., Conn. D: WFT Est. 1699-1766 P:

10 John STARKWEATHER B: 2 AUG 1646 P: Roxbury, Suffolk Co., MA M: ABT. 1680 P: Preston, er D: 21 AUG 1703 P: Preston, New London Co., Conn.

P: Preston, New London Co., Conn.11 Anne PHILLIP 8: 1655 P: Preston, New London CO., Conn. D: 1727 P: Preston, New London Co., conn.

P: Preston, New London Co., Conn. D: 7 DEC 1769

12 Samuel BELCHER B: 24 AUG 1637 P: Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA M: 15 DEC 1663 P: Preston, New London Co., Conn.

3 Meh1table BELCHER B: 4 NOV 1718 P: Milton, Norfolk Co., MA D: 1 OCT 1741 P:

6 Moses BELCHER B: 4 AUG 1672 P: Dorchester, Suffolk Co., MA M: 19 DEC 1694 P: Milton, Suffolk Co., CT

D: 4 MAY 1728 P: Preston, New London Co., CT

7 Hannah LYON B: 14 NOV 1673 P: Milton, Norfolk Co., MA D: 20 AUG 1745

P: Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA

D: 17 JUN 1679 P: Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA

13 Mary BILLINGS B: 23 DEC 1645 P: Dorchester, Suffolk Co., MA D: 15 DEC 1683 P: Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA

14 George LYON B: ABT. 1643 P: Milton, Norfolk Co., MA M: 14 DEC 1661 P: MIiton, Norfolk Co., CT

D: 6 OCT 1690 P: Milton, Norfolk Co., MA

P: Preston, New London Co., Conn.15 Hannah TOLMAN B: 27 JUL 1640 P: Milton, Norfolk Co., MA D: 4 AUG 1729 P: MIiton, Norfolk Co., MA

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1 Timothy Lester (1) B: 4 JUL 1662 P: New London, New London Co., Conn. D: WFT Est. 1698-1753 P:

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2 Andrew LESTER B: ABT. 1618 P: M: ABT. 1661

4 B: P: M: P: D: P:

P: New London, New London Co., Conn. S D: 7 JUN 1669 B: P: New London, New London Co., Conn. P:

3 Anna BROOKS-FOX B: 1628 P: England D: 14 FEB 1691/92 P: Concord, Middlesex, MA.

D: P:

6 Henry BROOKS B: ABT. 1592 P: Norwich, Norfolk, England M: 1621 P: Concord, Middlesex, MA D: 12 APR 1683 P: Woburn, Middlesex, MA

7 Grace WHEELER B: 1595

8 B: P: M: P: D: P:

9 B: P: D: P:

10 B: P: M: P: D: P:

11 B: P: D: P:

12 (Unknown) BROOKS B: 1566 P: Norwich, Norfolk, England M: ABT. 1596 P: Massachucetts D: WFT Est. 1601-1657 P:

13 (Unknown) BRADFORD B: 1570


P: Norwich, Norfolk, England D: WFT Est. 1601-1664 P:

B: P: M: P:

D: P: Concord, Middlesex, MA. P: D: 12 MAY 1664 P: Concord, Middlesex, MA. 15

B: P: D: P:

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1 Elizabeth KINNEY B: WFT Est. 1739-1757 P: D: WFT Est. 1782-1846 P:

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2 Joseph Kinney (2) B: 17 FEB 1717/18


P: Preston, New London Co., Conn. M: WFT Est. 1735-1768 P: D: WFT Est. 1739-1808 P:

Sarah BLUNT B: WFT Est. 1714-1734 P: D: WFT Est. 1739-1818 P:

4 Joseph Kinney (1) B: 1680 P: Massachucetts M: WFT Est. 1699-1730 P:

D: WFT Est. 1726-1772 P:

5 Keziah PEABODY B: 1686

8 Thomas KINNEY B: 1656 P: M: 23 MAY 1677 P: Salem, MA D: WFT Est. 1684-1747 P:

9 Elizabeth KNI GHT B: WFT Est. 1638-1663 P: D: WFT Est. 1683-1751 P:

10 Jacob PEABODY B: 1664 P: Massachucetts M: 12 JAN 1685/86 P: Topsfield, Essex Co., MA D: 1689

P: Massachucetts P:



D: WFT Est. 1726-1781 P: 11 Abigail TOWNE


B: P: M: P: 13 D: P:


B: P: D: P: 15

B: 16 AUG 1664 P: Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex Co., MA D: 14 FEB 1711/12 P: Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex Co., MA

B: P: M: P: D: P:

B: P: D: P:

B: P: M: P: D: P:

B: P: D: P:

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1 Thomas KINNEY B: 1656 P: D: WFT Est. 1684-1747 P:



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8 B: P: M:

4 P: B: D: P: P: M: P: 9 D: B: P: P:

D: P:

Henry KINNEY 10 B: WFT Est. 1605-1634 B: P: P: M: WFT Est. 1629-1676 M: P: 5 P: D: WFT Est. 1659-1719 B: D: P: P: P:

D: P: 11

B: P: D: P:

12 B: P: M:

6 P: B: D: P: P: M: P: 13 D: B: P: P:

D: P:

B: 14 B: P: P: D: M: P: 7 P:

B: D: P: P: D: P: 15

B: P: D: P:

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1 Jacob PEABODY B: 1664

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2 Francis PEABODY B: ABT. 1614 P: M: 18 MAY 1654

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4 John PEABODY B: WFf Est. 1563-1592 P: M: WFf Est. 1589-1632 P: D: WFf Est. 1617-1677 P:

P: Framingham, Middlesex, MA 5 Isabel HARPER D: 1698 B: WFf Est. 1572-1595 P: P:

D: WFf Est. 1617-1683 P:

8 B: P: M: P:

D: P:

9 B: P: D: P:

10 B: P: M: P:

D: P:

11 B: P: D: P:

P: Massachucetts D: 1689

12 Thomas FOSTER B: 1560 P: Gisburne, Yorkshire, England M: 22 JAN 1579/80 P:

3 Mary FOSTER- WOOD B: 1618 P: Exter, Devon, England D: 9 APR 1705 P: Topsfield, Essex Co., MA

6 Reginald FOST ER B: ABT. 1594 P: Exeter, Devonshire, Devonshire, England M: 28 SEP 1619 P: Theydon, Garnon, Essex, England

D: 30 MAY 1681 P: Ipswich, Ipswich, Essex, England

7 Judith WIGNOL

P: Gisburne, Yorkshire, England

D: 19 JAN 1647/48 P: Brunton, Northumberland, England

13 Elizabeth Jane CARR B: 1563


P: Gisburne, Yorkshire, England D: 20 SEP 1584 P: Gisburne, Yorkshire, England

B: P: M: P:

B: ABT. 1600 D: P: Exeter, Devonshire, Devonshire, England P: D: 16 OCT 1664 P: Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 15

B: P: D: P:

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1 Abigail TOWNE 6: 16 AUG 1664 P: Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex Co., MA 0: 14 FEB 1711/12 P: Chebacco, Ipswich, Essex Co., MA

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2 Edmund TOWNE B: ABT. 1628 P: M: ABT. 1652 P:

0: 1678 P:

3 Mary BROWNING B: 1638 P: 0: 1717 P:

8 B:

4 William TOWNE B: 1599 P: M: 25 MAR 1630 P: Yarmouth, ENG 0: ABT. 1672 P:



P: M: P:

0: P:

B: P: 0: P:

B: P: M:

5 Jeanne BLESSING P: B: WFT Est. 1587-1612 0: P: P: 0: WFT Est. 1635-1701 ~ 11


B: P: 0: P:

6: P: M:

6 Thomas BROWNING P: B: WFT Est. 1587-1617 0: P: P: M: ABT. 1637 ~ 13 O: WFT Est. 1642-1703 B: P: P:

7 7?? MARY B: WFT Est. 1595-1620 P: O: ABT. 1682


P: 15

0: P:

B: P: M: P:

0: P:

6: P: 0: P:

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1 Andrew HYDE B: WFT Est. 1726- 1766 P: D: WFT Est. 1766-1847 P:

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2 Jabez Hyde (2) B: WFT Est. 1685-1727 P: M: WFT Est. 1711- 1766

4 Jabez Hyde ( 1) B: WFT Est. 1658- 1677 P: M: WFT Est. 1681-1726 P: D: WFT Est. 1685-1760 P:

P: 5 Elizabeth BUSHNELL D: WFT Est. 1726- 1804 6: WFT Est. 1670-1699 P: P:

D: WFT Est. 1685- 1781

8 Samuel HYDE B: 1637 P: M: JUN 1659 P: D: 1677 P:

9 Jane LEE B: 1640 P: D: 1723 P:

10 Richard Bushnell (2) 6: 1652 P: M: 7 DEC 1672 P: Norwich, CT

0: 1727 P: Norwich, CT

P: 11 Elizabeth ADGATE

3 Lydia ABELL B: WFT Est. 1702- 1739 P: D: WFT Est. 1726-1820

6 Benjamin Abell (2) B: WFT Est. 1666-1699 P: M: WFT Est. 1694-1738

B: 1651 P: D: WFT Est. 1678-1745 P:

12 Benjamin Abell (1) B: WFT Est. 1631-1663 P: M: 1683 P:

D: 1699 P:

P: 13 Hannah BALDWIN D: WFT Est. 1702-1781 B: WFT Est. 1639-1666 ~ ~

D: WFT Est. 1688- 1756 P:

14 Thomas HAZEN B: 1657 P:

P: 7 Lydia HAZEN M: 1 JAN 1682/83 P: Weymouth, CT

B: WFT Est. 1679-1706 P: 0: WFT Est. 1702-1789

D: 1735 P: Weymouth, CT

P: 15 Mary HOWLETT 6: 1664 P: D: 1727 P:

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1 Mary TRACY B: WFT Est. 1733-1769 P: 0: WFT Est. 1766-1853 P:

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2 John Tracy ( 4) B: WFT Est. 1719- 1759 P: M: WFT Est. 1717- 1788 P:

0: WFT Est. 1733- 1836 P:

3 Margaret HUNTINGTON 8: WFT Est. 1693-1740 P: D: WFT Est. 1733-1820 P:

4 John Tracy (3) B: WFT Est. 1694-1719 P: M: WFT Est. 1709-1756 P:

0: WFT Est. 1719-1799 P:

5 Margaret HYDE B: WFT Est. 1686-1725 P: D: WFT Est. 1719-1806 P:

8 John Tracy (2) B: 1673 P: M: 10 MAY 1697 P: Norwich, CT

D: 1726 P: Norwich, CT

9 Elizabeth LEFFINGWELL B: 1676 P: 0: 1739 P:

10 John Hyde (2) B: WFT Est. 1658-1677 P: M: WFT Est. 1681-1723 P:

0: WFT Est. 1686-1760 P:

11 Experience ABELL B: WFT Est. 1669-1694 P: D: WFT Est. 1686- 1778 P:

12 Christopher Huntington (2) B: 1659 P:

6 Christopher Huntington (3) B: WFT Est. 1680- 1703

M: 20 MAY 1681 P:

D: 1735 P: P:

M: WFT Est. 1690-1738 P:

0: WFT Est. 1693-1785 P:

7 Abigail ABELL B: WFT Est. 1669- 1694 P: 0: WFT Est. 1693-1778 P:

13 Sarah ADGATE B: 1664 P: 0: 1705 P:

14 Caleb ABELL B: 1647 P: M: JUL 1669 P: Norwich, CT

D: 1731 P:

15 Margaret POST B: 1653 P: D: 1700 P:

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1 Jacob Hazen (3) B: ABT. 1753

P: D: WFT Est. 1790-1844 P:

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8 Thomas HAZEN = >

4 Jacob Hazen ( 1) B: 1692 P:

B: 1657 P: M: 1 JAN 1682/83 P: Weymouth, CT

D: 1735 P: Weymouth, CT

M: WFT Est. 1709- 1739 P: D: 1755 P:

9 Mary HOWLETT B: 1664

2 Jacob Hazen (2) 10

P: D: 1727 P:

B: WFT Est. 1710-1736 B: ~ ~

M: WFT Est. 1747-1779 M: P: 5 Abigail BAKER P:

D: WFT Est. 1756-1821 B: WFT Est. 1688-1707 D: P: P: P:

D: WFT Est. 1710- 1792 P: 11

B: P: D: P:


12 Nathaniel BRETT = >

3 Mary BRETT B: 8 SEP 1734 P: Bridgewater, MA D: WFT Est. 1757-1828

6 William BRETT B: 26 APR 1702 P: Bridgewater, MA M: 15 MAY 1732 P: Bridgewater, MA

D: 2 JUN 1741 P:

P: 7 Bethiah KINGSLEY B: ABT. 1706 P: Taunton, MA D: ABT. 13 APR 1741 P:

B: 1661 P: M: 21 NOV 1683 P: Bridgewater, MA

D: 1740 P:

13 Sarah HAYWARD => B: 25 OCT 1663 P: D: 1737 P:

14 Samuel KINGSLEY => B: 6 JUN 1662 P: Braintree, MA M: BEF. 10 SEP 1694 P: Bridgewater, MA

D: 17 DEC 1713 P: Taunton, MA

15 Mary WASHBURN => B: ABT. 24 JUL 1662 P: Bridgewater, MA D: 28 FEB 1739/40 P: Easton, MA

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1 Abigail BURNAM B: WFT Est. 1746-1768

P: 0: WFT Est. 1790-1855 P:

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4 James Burnam (1) B: WFT Est. 1666-1684 P: M: WFT Est. 1686-1726 P:

0: WFT Est. 1694-1768 P:

8 Thomas Burnam (2) B: 1646 P: M: 13 FEB 1664/65 P: Ipswich, MA D: 1728 P:

9 Lydia PI NGREE B: WFT Est. 1633-1653 P: D: 1684 P:

2 James Burnam (2) 10 B: WFT Est. 1694-1740 B: ~ ~ M: WFT Est. 1721-1778 M: P: 5 Elizabeth HOUGH P: D: WFT Est. 1746-1819 B: WFT Est. 1666-1693 D: P: P: P:

3 Sarah HASKELL B: WFT Est. 1712-1749 P: D: WFT Est. 1746-1830

D: WFT Est. 1694-1776 P: 11

6 Roger Haskell (3) B: WFT Est. 1636-1712 P: M: WFT Est. 1662-1750 P:

D: WFT Est. 1712-1787 P:

B: P: D: P:

12 Roger Haskell (2) B: WFT Est. 1628- 1660 P: M: 21 DEC 1680 P: D: WFT Est. 1685-1747 P:

13 Hannah WOODBURY B: WFT Est. 1611-1662 P: D: WFT Est. 1683-1749 P:

14 Eleazar JEWETT B: 1673 P:

P: 7 Mary JEWETT-WALLBRIDGE M: 1 APR 1700 P: Norwich, CT

B: WFT Est. 1694-1723 P: D: WFT Est. 1712-1805 P:

D: WFT Est. 1705- 1764 P:

15 Mary ARMSTRONG-LAMB B: WFT Est. 1662- 1684 P: D: WFT Est. 1705- 1773 P:

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1 Gregory BELCHER B: 30 MAR 1606 P: Aston Park, Juxter, Birmingham, England D: 25 NOV 1674 P: Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA

2 Thomas BELCHER B: 1578 P: Berkesville, Aston, Warwick, England M: 1600


P: Berkesville, Aston, Warwick, England 5 D: 20 MAR 1619/20 P: Wardend, Aston, Warwick, England

3 Deborah HUNT B: 1582 P: Wardend, Warwick, England D: WFT Est. 1610-1676 P: Aston, Warwick, England




B: P: M: P: 9 D: P:


B: P: D: P: 11



B: P: M: P: D: P:

B: P: 0: P:

B: P: M: P: D: P:

B: P: D: P:

B: P: M: P: D:

P: P: M: P: 13 D: B: P: P:

D: P:

14 B: P: M: P:

B: D: P: P: D: P: 15

B: P: D: P:

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1 Roger Billings (2) B: 1618 P: Taunton, Somerset, England D: 15 NOV 1683 P: Dorchester, Suffolk Co., MA

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2 Roger Billings ( 1) B: ABT. 1595 P: Taunton, SOmer.;et, England M: WFT Est. 1614-1646 P:

D: WFT Est. 1622-1686 P:

3 B: P: D: P:

4 Richard BILLINGS B: ABT. 1550 P: Baltonsborough, Glastonbury, England M: 1585 P: Taunton, Somerset. England 0: ABT. MAR 1618/19 P:

5 Elizabeth STRONG B: 1564



P: Taunton, Somerset, England D: WFT Est. 1598-1659 P:

B: P: M: P: D: P:

B: P: D: P:

8 Roger BILLINGS B: 1535 P: Middletown, Malzar, Northampton, England M: 1560 P: Baltonsborough, Glastonbury, England

D: 16 DEC 1596 P: Baltonsborough, Glastonbury, England

9 Katherine (UNKNOWN) B: 1537







P: Taunton, somerset, England D: 12 FEB 1565/66 P: Baltonsborough, Glastonbury, England

B: P: M: P:

D: P:

B: P: D: P:

B: P: M: P: D: P:

B: P: D: P:

B: P: M: P: D: P:

B: P: D: P:

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1 Lydia ABELL B: WFT Est. 1702-1739

P: D: WFT Est. 1726-1820 P:

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4 Benjamin Abell (1) B: WFT Est. 1631·1663 P: M: 1683 P:

D: 1699 P:

8 Robert ABELL B: WFT Est. 1592-1624 P: M: ABT. 1639 P: D: JUN 1663 P:

9 ??? JOANNA B: WFT Est. 1595-1622 P: D: ABT. 1682 P:

2 Benjamin Abell (2) 10 B: WFT Est. 1666- 1699 B: ~ ~ M: WFT Est. 1694- 1738 M: P: 5 Hannah BALDWIN P: D: WFT Est. 1702-1781 B: WFT Est. 1639-1666 D: P: P: P:

D: WFT Est. 1688-1756 ~ 11

6 Thomas HAZEN B: 1657 P: M: 1 JAN 1682/ 83 P: Weymouth, CT

D: 1735 P: Weymouth, CT

B: P: D: P:

12 Edward HAZEN B: 1614 P: M: MAR 1649/50 P: Rowley, CT

D: 1683 P: Rowley, CT

13 Hannah GRANT B: 1631 P: D: ABT. 1715 P:


3 Lydia HAZEN B: WFT Est. 1679-1706 P:

14 Thomas Howlett (2) = > B: 1638

D: WFT Est. 1702- 1789 P: 7 Mary HOWLETT

B: 1664 P: D: 1727 P:

P: Ipswlc:h, MA M: 1662 P: Ipswlc:h, MA

D: 1667 P: Ipswich, MA

15 Lydia PEABODY = > B: 1640 P: D: 1715 P: Ipswich, MA

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1 Thomas Howlett (2) B: 1636 P: Ipswich, MA D: 1667 P: I pswich, MA

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4 B: P: M: P: D: P:

2 Thomas Howlett (1) B: 1606 P: M: ABT. 1634 P: Ipswich, CT 5 D: ABT. 1677 B: P: Ipswich, MA P:

D: P:

6 Thomas FRENCH B: WFT Est . 1558-1588 P: M: 5 SEP 1608 P: Hasington, ENG D: 1639 P:

3 Alice FRENCH B: 1610 P: D: 1666 P: 7 Susan RIDDESDALE

B: WFT Est. 1567-1591 P: D: 1658 P:

8 B: P: M: P: D: P:

9 B: P: D: P:

10 B: P: M: P: 0: P:

11 B: P: D: P:

12 B: P: M: P: D: P:

13 B: P: D: P:

14 B: P: M: P: D: P:

15 B: P: D: P:

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2 Jabez Hyde (1) B: WFT Est. 1658-1677 P: M: WFT Est. 1681- 1726

4 Samuel HYDE B: 1637 P: M: JUN 1659 P: D: 1677 P:

P: 5 Jane LEE D: WFT Est. 1685- 1760 B: 1640 P: P:

8 William HYDE


B: WFT Est. 1586-1615 P: M: WFT Est. 1610-1657 P: D: WFT Est. 1640-1700 P:

B: P: D: P:

10 Thomas LEE B: WFT Est. 1590-1619 P: M: ABT. 1635 P:

D: 1645 P:

D: 1723 P: 11 Phoebe BROWN =>

1 Jabez Hyde (2) B: WFT Est. 1685-1727

P: D: WFT Est. 1726- 1804 P:

3 Elizabeth BUSHNELL B: WFT Est. 1670-1699 P: D: WFT Est. 1685-1781

6 Richard Bushnell (2) B: 1652 P: M: 7 DEC 1672 P: Norwich, CT

D: 1727 P: Norwich, CT

B: 1620 P: D: 1723 P:

12 Richard Bushnell ( 1) B: WFT Est. 1623-1637 P: M: 11 OCT 1648 P: D: WFT Est. 1658-1721 P:

13 Mary MARVIN B: ABT. 1629 P: D: 1713 P:

14 Thomas ADGATE B: ABT. 1620 P:

P: 7 Elizabeth ADGATE M: ABT. 1651 P:

B: 1651 D: 1707 P: P: D: WFT Est. 1678-1745 P: 15

B: P: D: P:

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1 John Tracy ( 4) B: WFT Est. 1719-1759 P: D: WFT Est. 1733-1836 P:

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2 John Tracy (3) B: WFT Est. 1694-1719 P: M: WFT Est. 1709-1756

4 John Tracy (2) B: 1673 P: M: 10 MAY 1697 P: Norwich, CT

D: 1726 P: Norwich, CT

8 John Tracy ( 1) 8: ABT. 1643 P: M: 17 JUN 1670 P:

D: 1702 P:

9 Mary WINSLOW B: ABT. 1646 P: D: 1721 P:

10 Thomas Leffingwell (2) B: 1649 P:

P: 5 El izabeth LEFFINGWELL M: SEP 1672 P:

D: WFT Est. 1719-1799 B: 1676 P: P:

D: 1739 P:

6 John Hyde (2) B: WFT Est. 1658-1677 P: M: WFT Est. 1681-1723

D: 1732 P:

11 Mary BUSHNELL B: ABT. 1654 P: D: 1745 P:

12 Samuel HYDE B: 1637 P: M: JUN 1659 P: D: 1677 P:

P: 13 Jane LEE D: WFT Est. 1686-1760 8: 1640 ~ ~

=> I/ '

I:_ l /



=> 1~ , I

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=> i;

,-1\ '• I D: 1723

P: (- ✓ .) c., ~

3 Margaret HYDE B: WFT Est. 1686-1725 P: D: WFT Est. 1719-1806 P: 7 Experience ABELL

B: WFT Est. 1669-1694 P: 0: WFT Est. 1686-1778

14 Caleb ABELL B: 1647 P: M: JUL 1669 P: Norwich, CT

D: 1731 P:

P: 15 Margaret POST 8: 1653 P: D: 1700 P:

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1 Mary WINSLOW B: ABT. 1646 P: O: 1721 P:

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8 B: P: M:

4 P: B: 0: P: P: M: P: 9 0: B: P: P:

0: P:

2 Joshiah W I NSLOW 10 B: 1606 B: P: P: M: ABT. 1637 M: P: 5 P: 0: 1674 B: 0: P: P: P:

0: P: 11

B: P: 0: P:

12 B: P: M:

6 Thomas BOURNE P:

3 Margaret BOURNE B: WFT Est. 1602-1624 P: 0: 1683 P: 7

B: 1581 0: P: P: M: WFT Est. 1600-1631 P: 13 0: 1664 B: P: P:

8: P: 0: P:



0: P:

B: P: M: P: 0: P:

B: P: 0: P:

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8 B: P: M:

4 Francis BUSHNELL P:

2 Richard Bushnell (1) B: WFT Est. 1623-1637 P: M: 11 OCT 1648 P: 5

B: ABT. 1609 0: P: P: M: WFT Est. 1628-1660 P: 9 O: WFT Est. 1628-1699 B: P: P:

0: P:

10 B: P: M:

0: WFT Est. 1658-1721 B: P: 0:

P: P: 0: P: 11


B: P: 0: P:

1 Mary BUSHNELL 8 : ABT. 1654 12 P: 0: 1745 P:

3 Mary MARVIN B: ABT. 1629 P: 0: 1713 P:

6 Mathew MARVIN B: ABT. 1590 P: M: ABT. 1623 P: 0: 1680 P:



B: P: M: P: 0: P:

B: P: 0: P:

B: P: M:

7 Elizabeth GREGORY P: 8: WFT Est. 1585-1608 0: P: P: 0: WFT Est. 1632-1696 ~ 15

B: P: 0: P:

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1 Jane LEE B: 1640 P: D: 1723 P:

2 Thomas LEE B: WFT Est. 1590-1619 P: M: ABT. 1635


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8 B: P: M: P:

B: D: P: P: M: P: 9 D: B: P: P:

D: P:

10 B: P: M:

P: 5 P: D: 1645 B: D: P: P: P:

3 Phoebe BROWN B: 1620 P: D: 1723 P:

D: P:

6 Wil liam BROWN B: 1585 P: M: 20 JUN 1617 P: D: 1650 P:

11 B: P: D: P:

12 B: P: M: P: D: P:

13 B: P: D: P:

14 B: P: M:

7 Jane BURGIS P: B: WFT Est. 1578-1600 D: P: P: D: WFT Est. 1623-1689 P: 15

B: P: D: P:

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2 John POST

1 Margaret POST B: 1653 P: 0: 1700 P:

B: 1626 P: M: MAR 1651/52 P:

0: 1710 P:

3 Hester HYDE B: WFT Est. 1612-1635 P: 0: 1703

4 Stephen POST B: WFT Est. 1575-1607 P: M: 1627 P: England 0: 1659 P:

5 Ellenore CHANDLER B: WFT Est. 1584-1610 P: O: 1670 P:

6 William HYDE B: WFT Est. 1583-1615 P: M: ABT. 1635 P: 0: WFT Est. 1640-1702 P:

P: 7 B: P: 0: P:









B: P: M: P:

0: P:

B: P: 0: P:

B: P: M: P:

O: P:

B: P: 0: P:

B: P: M: P:

0: P:

B: P: 0: P:

B: P: M: P: 0: P:

B: P: O: P:

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b -~ => 8 Christopher Huntington (1)

B: ABT. 1627 P: C

u ,, . I - ).)

1 Margaret HUNTINGTON B: WFT Est. 1693-1740 P: D: WFT Est. 1733-1820 P:

2 Christopher Huntington (3) B: WFT Est. 1680-1703 P: M: WFT Est. 1690-1738 P: D: WFT Est. 1693-1785 P:

3 Abigail ABELL B: WFT Est. 1669-1694 P: D: WFT Est. 1693-1778 P:

4 Christopher Huntington (2) B: 1659

M: 7 OCT 1652 P: D: 1691 P: P:

M: 20 MAY 1681 P: D: 1735 P:

5 Sarah ADGATE B: 1664 P: D: 1705 P:

6 Caleb ABELL B: 1647 P: M: JUL 1669 P: Norwich, CT

D: 1731 P:

7 Margaret POST B: 1653 P: D: 1700 P:

9 Ruth ROCKWELL B: 1633 P: D: WFT Est. 1662- 1727 P:

10 Thomas ADGATE B: ABT. 1620 P: M: ABT. 1660 P:

D: 1707 P:

11 Mary MARVIN B: ABT. 1629 P: D: 1713 P:

12 Robert ABELL B: ABT. 1639 P: M: WFT Est. 1651-1662 P: D: JUN 1663 P:

13 ??? JOANNA B: WFT Est. 1606-1636 P: D: ABT. 1682 P:

14 John POST B: 1626 P: M: MAR 1651/52 P: D: 1710 P:

15 Hester HYDE B: WFT Est. 1612- 1635 P: D: 1703 P:

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1 Ruth ROCKWELL B: 1633 P: D: WFT Est. 1662-1727 P:

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2 William ROCKWELL B: 1591 P: England M: 14 APR 1624 P: Dorchester, ENG D: 1640 P:

3 Susan CAPEN B: 1602 P: England D: 1666 P:

8 B: P: M:

4 P: B: D: P: P: M: P: 9 D: B: P: P:

D: P:

10 B: P: M:

5 P: B: D: P: P: D: P: 11

B: P: D: P:

12 B: P: M:

6 Bernard CAPEN P: B: 1568 D: P: P: M: 31 MAY 1596 P: Dorchester, ENG 13 D: 1638 B: P: P:

D: P:

14 Oliver PURCHASE B: WFT Est. 1527-1556 P: M: WFT Est. 1551-1598

7 Joan PURCHASE P: B: 1578 P: D: 1653 P: 15

D: WFT Est. 1581-1641 P:

B: P: D: P:

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