r it 4 w ft 1 0 4 r i i j < f 11 < = ir 4JI f JI J 1 T c I 11 f 4 r WIf or Io t 4I It 4 4 JL 4 J t 1 ti f 4 > l JI r a f 11 t < i T kti I a 0 WIr t 4may M Q PRICES TALK A- rI sasHsa snsasa r 1 01 II STOOK OF CLOTHING 18 SO ffj LARGE THAT WE WERE UNABLE t e t 4 r TO MARK THE CUT PIUOES ON PAYr YOU TO WAIT C KELMAN L0 4oy t Jackson Kentucky z e i KcxjrmtXK vxaaaxxx xs3t3 Lsxx xx l 11 t 1 t 1 T 0 r > n rt y it < j A y + t J < The Breathitt News IliUlttlicd cr Friday r S5i OF l JtAPPENINGS WEEK JACKSONfu ru a 1 p Circulation inure than FOUKTKEN Iltiudrod copies JE g rro selllnu at 15 cents dozen il Ginseng U quoted at t6 and 560 per pound rJlhs Margaret Musket it on thu SICk 1 Thursday histrlppe S II Hunt of Pearlree was here Scotty ears he can ilmve and cut hair Try him If you have any engraving to do try S l > Fleenor II H Noble or Noble was here on Imilness Thursday Call on J W Hdward + Son fur the belt meVs and vegetables ills Ida Strong It vliltlnu at Lex Ington and Winchester thli week Have youreyet tested and fitted by S T fleenor Jeweler and optician Judge Abiier Eversolo und Edward Muriiiitn went to Louisville Tuesday If you want a good Ih1 or all unto dote hair cut try WhltUkers barber shop MUi Hnrrleit Smith of Campton has accepted a trtaltlon In the houf at mdR Wood Junction 3 II Stldhnm returned IlIc Friday tram Louisville where he hud been at tending the Grand Lodge uf Masons hams und bu > You can get the best coo ntllwnrd A Son A P lyoi tied Jumea Urophy re turned frum the sides where they hud been buy lug their openlntt stock < W J Gibson of Norton Vo U In the market lor limber hnds Write r him what you haves8202m KBMM K KB WMi 0 II Iollanl and Gharlos Sewell Fare attending the Grand Lodge of Knights of 1ythla which is being held at Lexington this week I Pure bred Pekln Ducks Cornish In 4 dlan Game chickens and Belgian Hares for sale by M M HAQINS Jackson Ky ts D Fleenor link Just received the 0 lino of Ian Roger Bros Silwy ware ever brought to Jackson con lll- l ing of knlvo forks ten dessert table l nrd souvenler spoons Call and exam J tae them I Oystcr 5appor The Indies of the Christian Church will serve an oyster supper at the Uourt lloutd to night Friday at 630 Everybody Invited SeoS D Fleenor fur till kinds of watches clocks and Jewelry repairing prices reasonable Shut In the Foot Harrison Noble of Estill county ac- cidentally ¬ shot himself In the root when near Winchester on L h E pas ¬ senger train latt Friday 011 And the formations in which It Is foun Solid 25 cts for the Oil Prospectors Guide WII FAULKNKK Falrfleld Iowa Religious Services Rev A K E Brooks of the Christ Ian Church of Lexington will preach at the MethodUt Church Saturday night and Sunday night 1850 will buy A good Elgin or Walt ham watch of S D Fleenor call on him when in need of anything in the jewelry line- Broke His Collar liolcc C E Smith of Lexington slipper and fell on the steps of a hotel In IMlts burg and broke hit collar bone He was brought hone next day Charley Is wall known in these parts Found n watch near the town uf Jackson Owner can have same b proving property and paying for this notice Lost or Strayed One red and white olded cow with UNO eye out i else a roan heifer about 18 months old Finder will please no tly O 0 Hall- Jackson Ky If you wiiii H llracluss shave when In Mac ml pi tn U II Sully Go Hoar Him Judge C X Bulling N making a speaking tour of the ouiiiiir in the in ¬ terest of tie LHW iiiil Order Ticket Go out and lienrhim lie will give ytu some reasons why we shouU have n change nlld At his homo in Jackson un Thur day night about 0 oclock llama stack aged 70 years He had been afilimeil for some time with dropsy He wosa EnoJ citizen und Itnvea a Inrge family who were at his bedside at the time of his deaths HU remains wore taken Quicksand or burial A sal Death JlAI Belle Little daughter of Jiok Lltllj decinfod uf Klkiilrtwn earl mitten Miiclde lit her luiiim Lust Siitin dny evening by uniting her ihrunt with ti razor She hind been despondent for swv < rul days She wa about 21 years old end n girl with a iood reiiiniliinr Nu disc elms to know tlH eons of liar ruilinct We Itieii on hind at all times n good supply of nlco fresh meal which wr whit sell cheap Gnu CoMas A Co MARRIED StrongIf IJlf4 At our homo on the Heights Octo ¬ her 20 1003 Miss Lula lining and Kaih Strung Rev W W fawell of llcintpd Thu ceremony wns hnprut i Ive and beniillnil Among tnose pres cot were U J Fulkerson and wire Joe S lead and wife MM Mary Mc Lln and little Maurlne Mrs JJ C Back and Illritclml hack Miss Lizzie L ndrum Mies MHgglu llagins Capt John Piokanf Mis Sarih Powell Kelly Rash and Dr C It Dlokson They were the reclpkiitu of several hnndsomo and imeful presents We wish that they mny livu lung and be happy mny their lives be one long summer dsy with Just enough clouds that they may enjoy Ilia sunshineIru Back HolIiroottR Louis Magellan lack and Miss Ev alins Holbrook were married at the residence of the brides purenU Mr and Mrs Juines IIi hlolbruukof hays latThuriday I Gained 40 Pounds in 30 Days For several months our yauuger brohter hud been irnubled with Indi ¬ gestion Ho tried several remedies but got no benefit trait them We purchased some of Chamberlain e Stomach and Liver Tablets and ho com- menced taking them Inside of thirty days he had gained forty pounds In flesh He III nOI fully recovered We have n good trade on the tablets IIol ley Urns Merchant Long Branch Mn Fur sale by Dny Urns Co Do you write letters I have th nicest line of writing paper tel brought to Jackson Call mid examine s n Fleenor W Edwards Son sell sliced IJISO pound M cM Hnglns ore now prepared to furnUh some fine pair trios or pen of Pure bred CoruMi Indian Game chickens and White Pekln Ducks at reasonable price It cOIl s no more to keep pure bred fowls than Mongrels and they are much more profitable Our Indian Game hens weigh from six to eight pounds and the roosters train seven to eleven pounds A Bargain for Sonut One A nice small Farm in Lee county for sale The Larkin Stamper place on the head of Hear Creek Nice dwelling go ° d storehouse cribs and barn never roiling water well fenced Price rea ¬ sonable and terms easy For particu ¬ lays apply to SAM JETT Winchester Ky Ran a Ten Penny Nail Through His I Hand While opening a box J 0 Mount of Time Miles Hay N Yrln a ten penny nail through thin fleshy part of his hand I thought at once of all the mn and sureness this wouldcause me he says and Immediately aji plied Chamberlain Pain Halm anti stird ¬ prise removed nil pain and soreness and the Injured parts were soon heal- ed ¬ For sale by Day Urn Co Wiurona Fur Sale 1 Wo have received a oar load of th celebrated Weber Wagons King All and before you buy cUenhero wo would respectfully ask that you call and examine our wagons Mr N H Combs will bi > pleased to show them to you at any limo CHAIN COMDD Co He Learned a a eat It Is said of John Wesley that ho lance said to Mistress Wesley Why do you tell that child the lame thing over and over acnln John Wesley because once telling is not enough It in fur this seine reason that you are told again and ngnin that Chamber andy grip any of tires diseases to result in pneu ¬ monln and that it U pleasant and onto to take For sale oy Daf Urns Co 1po00 lo Limn on Hood real estate security Cull on or address AlFKKU UoDKHTH Lost Creek Ky Wo have received a cnr lund of Ka nawha Salt and are selling seven bushels for 176 GRAIN mans Co To the Voter of the 12 3rd Judl elal District I tutu the Dtftnoerniia mimiiiPH fur the nine of Cumlnonvenlihs AUdney and your support is must earnestly solicited If I am elected I will do all within my power to discharge time duties of this responsible ofilco faith fully honestly and fairly Yours Respectfully J K ROBBBTB For a pleasantphyslctoko Ohamber lolns Stomach und Liver Tablet1 Easy to take Plnnant In ffect Fur sale by DAY il i DONT FOKGET TO VOTE j Ordinance WiirruMi it I t deemed necessary by the Triutees of the town of Jackson to Incur the Indebtedness of 8000 for the purpose of grading nnd macad ¬ amizing the streets of said town and the payment of sofas cannot be met by the levy authorized by law Be It 01 iluliud by the hound of Trustees of the towu of Jackson Kentucky Us fol ¬ theI on vtmber 3d 1903 It being the first Tues day In November and the day on bylaw Stole officers and theta pall be opened said day for the purpose of taking the sense of the qualified electors of said town npon the creation of sold Indebt ¬ edness Tlis said Indebtedness shall consist ol sixteen lend to be issued by the bid town of Jackson Ky each bearing dalo January I 1C04 and each for the sum of 500 bearing interest st the rate of G per cent perlnnutnpay ¬ able semiannually Said bonds to be payable twenty years from time date thereof but payable and redeemable any time after five Tears at time option of said town That there shall be rnUed annually ihe sum of IS00 by tax ntlnii for the purpose of paying the In ¬ terest on said bond and creating A sinking fund with which to redeem them OiiHhnlf iifsaM fund shrill be applied and held us n sinking fund for the purpose of redemption and the other halt lo time payment of Interest on said bonds Ho Jt further ordnlned by said Board of Trustees nf the town of Jackson Ky that the Chairman end Cleikof this Uoiird ore directed to publish over their official signatures notice as re ¬ quired by Ints1 of the saidelection HiNKit Chairman J It llohlx Clerk I Notice of Election Notice la hereby given that an elec ¬ tion will beheld in the town of Jack ionjon November the 3d 1003 from six oclock a in until 4 oclock p m it bring a duy of n regular and general election Tor thu purpose of taking time upone extent of 3000 rill the purpose of rais ng money to grade anJ macadamize streets of the town uf Jackson 1Said bonds to be payable in twenty years and redeemable at time option of bonrd of said town at any time after five years trots date of fame The amount necessary to be raised annu ¬ nlim for the purpose of creating rf sink Ing fund to redeem said horde is 400 and the amount necessary to be raised annually for the purpose of paying In ¬ terest on said bonds 1s100 Said bonds shul bear date of January 1 1904 be each of the denomination of 000 and bear interest at the rate of five per cent per annum payable semi snow ally This notice U published pursuant to an ordinance adopted and passed by the Bueidof Trustees of lid town of Jvckrunut the regular meeting of said Board held on the 5th day of October 1003 Tnos T HISBR Chairman J II MoLts Clerk FARMS FOR SALE We have for tale ninny desirable arms in Central Kentucky especially n Uariun end adjoining counties These farms range in acreage from 5o to 500 Acres and in prices from lo to 60 Per Acre Some of these places are Rich Blur Grafs Farms and others River and Creek Bottom lands have excellent futilities for show ¬ elog these farms mid would be glad to show theta to those who are Interested If you ore thinking of going to Oklahoma Texas Arkan ¬ sas or to the West in Search of a Home Write us mid we will forward in ¬ formation regarding these different States Wo are in 1011 to obtain the very lowest railroad role and to go slung with You and show you any of these cnuntrltu Your correspondence b solicited nod will Lave our prompt at ¬ tertian Central Ky Real Estate Co- Lebanon Ky RE YOUNG Secretary anti Treasurer io28 Notice Any person or persons uniting down Chestnut tree furs the fruit nr nilier xvfae ciitiliiK timber or ir iiin > utgon time land fir time Kentucky UMHH Oom parry UIH Gull Land Coutpaue Iho Oenrjjus Branch Ouiuiel Cml C uni any or the LoU Creek Con Company In Hrnililtt Perry Powell Leo Wolfe or ther cmintiex in iliTt Suite that they hiivenriiperly in will ho Indicted fur such offenses Wad pioiieciiiedto the extent nf the law JtllhU Coal and TintberLand Wnnt d C 7 Wanted one hundred ijifni > and umrr uf cant and llmbe lamN In Fast rn Kentunt fiir04411 rot5f + rlw- iliils vri rh t Cauntrittexam Kl 52S2S2 52S25252S252I2252SC52S2S2 2 The Criterion < 1 of Fashion 9 f < 0 The Latest and Best x Wo Have Now n Full and Complete Liue of a J or READY TO WEAR HATS Also Some of llie o 0 HANDSOMEST DRESS HATS IJ Ever Shown in Jackson Tim Choicest Lino of Notions you will hind by Call Elsewherea1 itESl1TFI f4LY 4 PETERS l RAMSEY f m JACKSON KENTUCKY 252525252522S25255252522525252S2S2S25252 n u THE FORESTRY EXHIBIT From Kentucky Will Occupy a Most Prominent Place AT THE ST LOUIS EXPOSITION Assigned Space Near Center of For ¬ entry Building and on Two of the Main Aisles Chairman Struck Is ¬ sues Instructions For Preparation of Samples of Logs Boards Etc For the Exhibit On two of The main aisles and al- most ¬ In the center of the Forestry and Fish and Game Building at the Worlds Fair In St Louis next year will stand Kentuckys display of her wonderful forest resources and lum ¬ ber interests This space has just been assigned to tho Kentucky Ex ¬ hlblt Association Ly Mr Tarleton H Bean the chief of tho Department of Forestry of limo Exposition As is readily seen the forestry display from this commonwealth will occupy an enviable position anti It behooves those Interested to make tho display one worthy the spaco given It To this end Mr A N Struck Chairman ot the Forestry Exhibit Committee of the Exhibit Association and Mr Wil liam Boa Filed Representative are laying their plans Chairman Struck has Just Issued a circular giving Inslructlons to the log ¬ ging camps planing mills and forestry Induatrlos of the State as to how they can best assist him In making the display a success Logs cut eight feet In length are to bo shown This length has been decided on so tho samples q Sketch sbowlnc how board samples nh1 to IxiliHplaved In Kentuckys Forestry Ex ¬ hibit nt tllp Worlds Fair will be worth something after mho Ex- position The ends of tho logs will show cross cuts while in the middle a section will bo cut out about a ball foot deep threo feet across at the top rounded down to two feet across at the bottom which will show tho lat eral cut as well as the beauty of time grain Mr Struck states that all logs must bo cut to eight feet and tho di ameter should not bo less than 21 Inches if possible to get same In addition to the logs there will be board samples of which the accom panying sketch will give an Idea Those board samples will be four feet long b ytwo feet high by four inches wick and will be partly finished and partly unfinished so as to show tho wood In Its natural and its finished state The method to bo followed by tho Kentucky Exhibit Association in dis ¬ playing samples of the States for- estry ¬ products and resources Is right uptodate being recommended by government experts as being tho most economical and best plan yet found Mr Struck Announced that arrange ¬ I ments ar be made to store tho logs and b6atd samples for the exhibit In two or throe convenient places in different parts ot the State There his committee will havo certain men to prepare the samples so that nil shall be finished in the same way Besides the logs and boards thorn will be shown In tho Kentucky space all forms of manufacture from tho forest industries In view of this foot It Is hopqil by the Exhibit Assnolatfrm that many moro lumber flrms anti cor ¬ partitions kind manufacturers will sub- scribe tote fund being rateod to de- fray cxpense of tho forestry ex hlblt along with till prpotlnn of t Kentucky Biilldlnir anI i e be made In other < lv t 1Ot exposition Tho contr > ton + received range from S26 to 310- Latest Information an to x turv Part In the Greet Fxtvsrltrn In Kentuckys dIRlnrr r ° the St Louis ExnnstiTNV there will probably bo rant h of grapes grown from tho 81 Trc- ame from the city of JensM and which was supposed to to f to tame variety as those found by tho spies of Moses Mr M F TOPt1T1 of Louisville received a ° grape mentioned t ° by a friend from ta I planters It In anh the ° i dlum EZO lid iYaali f ELECTION LAW ISlmTION 130 n ifllcer of t leetio electioneering on Plectin- day nor disclose nt nnv tams I any person the name of iny oiniildnti fur whom any elector has voted N penon whatever shall du any eliOliitn eeriiiR mi ulection day wfihiii ny polling Place or ivilliln fifty feel there or u ma o No voter hn place any ninik upon his bnllulQUllr1 fer or permit any other person to so by which it stay he duI identified ni the one voted by IUnjIIr or Imprisoned not leas than tt n 1 II days or more titan six 0 mntlis hot Im so lined timid imprisoned nt thlI dUtMviiiiii nf the jury SECTION 132If nnf perMii hell nil fiber of the election or outeri enliiled in the Inspectlmi oftln b lh or Ilinllengers shall reveal ti an nthir Ierlon huw any elector has vi tfd or u hut other candldntti were vo Inl for on nny bnllott lieiiring u non 10i not printrd thereon nr give aim infiirniatinn concerning the tllllel nncu of nny ballot voted such it rim son so iiiTeiullnR shall he guiltv of relonynuduu conviction sluill l- impriao 10 led In the penitentiary not less than Levi nor more than live years FRCl ION H2 Any onicer or ohmra person who shnll willfully alto r ohllteTino or willfully secrete sot- press ¬ or destroy the certified phi buck return or certificate orI elr tion willfully und unlawfully alter the 1 illbook before It is certified or any oflicer who shall make or aid in tumid ¬ lug or authorize the milking up of any tabs or frntiduletit poll huok or c< rtifl cute of nn election or election return sushi be deemed guilty of turnery Li confined In the penitentiary from um to five years forfeit any ofllets lie tit holds timid he disqualified from ever holding any office SECTION 149 Any person wlm by hlintulf or In aid of others sun forcilily break up or pruvuii or n t teuipt to break up or prevent Ylle Intvful holding of an election or MI ob struct or ntiempt to obstruct tle SHiiJc or so prevent or attempt t i prevru nny I 1111 II Oed voter from Riving lal vote shall bo fumed trots fifty to live hundred dollars or iniprlninecl not mure than one year For Salo I have a grind line ihorlhorn him milk deep red three ycnrn dIIIId desire tusolh L PAItKOlT Itflhhi Ky FAIL TO VOTE IDOXl L 4 IHOEESSIONAI+ OAIIDS UI nj 11Vnn llAOfss C X n1th- mi I1AGIXS tL 1 JlOWLIlS a t Ifi V ATTOUNEYSArLAW t f3 Office over P6st0fllcek JACK OS K1 ttroxY a + flf Ml business intrusted to them xVlll teceive prompt end careful at ¬ tetittanj M f TIIOS T UINBR A II PATTON j II HINER YERSi PATTON i o L JACKSON KENTUCKY J f1l1lmmmmmmmlIIlI gg k JK JACKSON KENTUCKY timC Will practice In Breathitt and ii E MflgjfUn Counlloii 5- uiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiunmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii J John Dean f t StoneMason FoundationsII IL Stones 0Pillars TABLESI Lexington < Eastern Ry LOCAL TIME TABLE Effective October 17 1003 East Bound No a jDally No Ex Sunday Lv Lexington 225 745- tli Winchester 810 826 City 350 9lIJ 406 923 IIClay Bridge 435 9lrl 449 1008 Jim 511 1020 0 K Juno 011 l126 A Jackson 615 1130 West hound Nor 1 rooEx Sunda I 4 Dally r I r NOJ Dilly y Ell Sunday P A nAn 605 Winchester 923 620 Clay City 837 488 Stanton 828 430 Natural Bridge 801 4 01 Torrent 747 847 Beattyvlllu Jun 720 320 0 fe K runcllon 029 2 30 IJackson 025 225 connectione on Kentucky Railway Division dally ex cept Sunday Nos 1 and 2 connect at L E Juno stun with Chesapeake Ohio for M pointsNon at Bentty villa Junction with L A for Beatty ItvillI daily except Sunday tgrIt en00V 0 Ka RY i19021l East Bound West Bound STATIONS flat fl n rim An Aat ar r 3Y tI030 235 Jackson 1120 3i30 230 OAK June 1123 335 843 158 Wilhurst 1152 4H7 830 152 Hampton 1158 430 750 128 LpeOlty 1S22 6HO 741 122 llelechnwa 1228 518 715 105 Cannel City 1245 545 AM LV h > LV TH AR PM AR connectsh looses Lexington at 740 am Eastbound la s nger Train connects at u K Junction with train winch arrives nt Winchester 520 and hex ¬ I ington at 005 pm M L GONLEY Supt i2 S25ur S252S25252525525252525252525i Here We Are rn The Celebrated HAN AN SHOE j Tho Bet on Earth rn PRICE SBP5 OO PEtLCJ n

i The Criterion Fashion Ifi r WIf theI flf · CHAIN COMDD Co He Learned a aeat It Is said of John Wesley that ho lance said to Mistress Wesley Why do you tell that child the lame

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Page 1: i The Criterion Fashion Ifi r WIf theI flf · CHAIN COMDD Co He Learned a aeat It Is said of John Wesley that ho lance said to Mistress Wesley Why do you tell that child the lame


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< The Breathitt NewsIliUlttlicd cr Fridayr



a 1 p Circulation inure thanFOUKTKEN Iltiudrod copiesJE g rro selllnu at 15 cents dozen

il Ginseng U quoted at t6 and 560

per pound

rJlhs Margaret Musket it on thu SICk



histrlppeS II Hunt of Pearlree was here

Scotty ears he can ilmve and cut

hair Try him

If you have any engraving to do tryS l> Fleenor

II H Noble or Noble was here on

Imilness Thursday

Call on J W Hdward + Son fur thebelt meVs and vegetables

ills Ida Strong It vliltlnu at Lex

Ington and Winchester thli week

Have youreyet tested and fitted by

S T fleenor Jeweler and optician

Judge Abiier Eversolo und Edward

Muriiiitn went to Louisville Tuesday

If you want a good Ih1 or all untodote hair cut try WhltUkers barbershop

MUi Hnrrleit Smith of Campton

has accepted a trtaltlon In the houf at

mdR Wood Junction

3 II Stldhnm returned IlIc Friday

tram Louisville where he hud been attending the Grand Lodge uf Masons

hams und bu >You can get the bestcoo ntllwnrd A Son

A P lyoi tied Jumea Urophy re

turned frum the sides where they hud

been buy lug their openlntt stock

< W J Gibson of Norton Vo U In

the market lor limber hnds Writer

him whatyou haves8202mKBMM KKB WMi

0 II Iollanl and Gharlos Sewell

Fare attending the Grand Lodge of

Knights of 1ythla which is being held

at Lexington this week

I Pure bred Pekln Ducks Cornish In4 dlan Game chickens and Belgian Hares

for sale by M M HAQINS

Jackson Kyts D Fleenor link Just received the

0 lino of Ian Roger Bros Silwy

ware ever brought to Jackson con lll-

ling of knlvo forks ten dessert tablel nrd souvenler spoons Call and exam

J tae them


Oystcr 5appor

The Indies of the Christian Churchwill serve an oyster supper at theUourt lloutd to night Friday at 630Everybody Invited

SeoS D Fleenor fur till kinds ofwatches clocks and Jewelry repairingprices reasonable

Shut In the Foot

Harrison Noble of Estill county ac-


shot himself In the rootwhen near Winchester on L h E pas ¬

senger train latt Friday


And the formations in which It Is founSolid 25 cts for the Oil ProspectorsGuide WII FAULKNKK

Falrfleld Iowa

Religious Services

Rev A K E Brooks of the ChristIan Church of Lexington will preachat the MethodUt Church Saturdaynight and Sunday night

1850 will buy A good Elgin or Waltham watch of S D Fleenor call onhim when in need of anything in thejewelry line-

Broke His Collar liolcc

C E Smith of Lexington slipperand fell on the steps of a hotel In IMltsburg and broke hit collar bone Hewas brought hone next day

Charley Is wall known in these parts

Found n watch near the town ufJackson Owner can have same bproving property and paying for thisnotice

Lost or Strayed

One red and white olded cow withUNO eye out i else a roan heifer about18 months old Finder will please no

tly O 0 Hall-

Jackson Ky

If you wiiii H llracluss shave whenIn Mac ml pi tn U II Sully

Go Hoar Him

Judge C X Bulling N making aspeaking tour of the ouiiiiir in the in ¬

terest of tie LHW iiiil Order TicketGo out and lienrhim lie will give ytusome reasons why we shouU have n


nlldAt his homo in Jackson un Thur

day night about 0 oclock llama stack

aged 70 years He had been afilimeilfor some time with dropsy He wosaEnoJ citizen und Itnvea a Inrge familywho were at his bedside at the time of

his deathsHU remains wore taken Quicksandor burial

A sal Death

JlAI Belle Little daughter of JiokLltllj decinfod uf Klkiilrtwn earlmitten Miiclde lit her luiiim Lust Siitindny evening by uniting her ihrunt withti razor She hind been despondent forswv < rul days

She wa about 21 years old end n girlwith a iood reiiiniliinr Nu disc elmsto know tlH eons of liar ruilinct

We Itieii on hind at all times n goodsupply of nlco fresh meal which wr

whit sell cheapGnu CoMas A Co


StrongIf IJlf4

At our homo on the Heights Octo ¬

her 20 1003 Miss Lula lining andKaih Strung Rev W W fawell ofllcintpd Thu ceremony wns hnpruti Ive and beniillnil Among tnose prescot were U J Fulkerson and wireJoe S lead and wife MM Mary Mc

Lln and little Maurlne Mrs J J C

Back and Illritclml hack Miss LizzieL ndrum Mies MHgglu llagins CaptJohn Piokanf Mis Sarih PowellKelly Rash and Dr C It DloksonThey were the reclpkiitu of severalhnndsomo and imeful presents

We wish that they mny livu lung andbe happy mny their lives be one longsummer dsy with Just enough cloudsthat they may enjoy Ilia sunshineIru

Back HolIiroottRLouis Magellan lack and Miss Ev

alins Holbrook were married at theresidence of the brides purenU Mrand Mrs Juines IIi hlolbruukof hayslatThuriday

I Gained 40 Pounds in 30 Days

For several months our yauugerbrohter hud been irnubled with Indi¬

gestion Ho tried several remediesbut got no benefit trait them We

purchased some of Chamberlain e

Stomach and Liver Tablets and ho com-

menced taking them Inside of thirtydays he had gained forty pounds In

flesh He III nOI fully recovered We

have n good trade on the tablets IIolley Urns Merchant Long Branch Mn

Fur sale by Dny Urns Co

Do you write letters I have thnicest line of writing paper telbrought to Jackson Call mid examines n Fleenor

W Edwards Son sell slicedIJISO pound

M c M Hnglns ore now preparedto furnUh some fine pair trios orpen of Pure bred CoruMi IndianGame chickens and White PeklnDucks at reasonable price It cOIl s

no more to keep pure bred fowls thanMongrels and they are much moreprofitable Our Indian Game hensweigh from six to eight pounds andthe roosters train seven to elevenpounds

A Bargain for Sonut One

A nice small Farm in Lee county forsale The Larkin Stamper place onthe head of Hear Creek Nice dwellinggo°d storehouse cribs and barn neverroiling water well fenced Price rea ¬

sonable and terms easy For particu ¬

lays apply to SAM JETTWinchester Ky

Ran a Ten Penny Nail Through HisI Hand

While opening a box J 0 Mountof Time Miles Hay N Yrln a tenpenny nail through thin fleshy part ofhis hand I thought at once of allthe mn and sureness this wouldcauseme he says and Immediately ajiplied Chamberlain Pain Halm antistird¬

prise removed nil pain and sorenessand the Injured parts were soon heal-ed


For sale by Day Urn Co

Wiurona Fur Sale 1

Wo have received a oar load of thcelebrated Weber Wagons KingAll and before you buy cUenhero wo

would respectfully ask that you calland examine our wagons Mr N H

Combs will bi> pleased to show themto you at any limo


He Learned a aeatIt Is said of John Wesley that ho

lance said to Mistress Wesley Whydo you tell that child the lame thingover and over acnln John Wesleybecause once telling is not enoughIt in fur this seine reason that you aretold again and ngnin that Chamberandygrip anyof tires diseases to result in pneu ¬

monln and that it U pleasant and ontoto take For sale oy Daf Urns Co

1po00 lo Limn on Hood real estatesecurity Cull on or address


Lost Creek Ky

Wo have received a cnr lund of Kanawha Salt and are selling sevenbushels for 176

GRAIN mans Co

To the Voter of the 12 3rd Judlelal District

I tutu the Dtftnoerniia mimiiiPH furthe nine of Cumlnonvenlihs AUdneyand your support is must earnestlysolicited If I am elected I will doall within my power to discharge time

duties of this responsible ofilco faithfully honestly and fairly

Yours RespectfullyJ K ROBBBTB

For a pleasantphyslctoko Ohamberlolns Stomach und Liver Tablet1Easy to take Plnnant In ffect Fursale by DAY il i


j OrdinanceWiirruMi it I t deemed necessary by

the Triutees of the town of Jackson toIncur the Indebtedness of 8000 forthe purpose of grading nnd macad ¬

amizing the streets of said town andthe payment of sofas cannot be met bythe levy authorized by law Be It 01

iluliud by the hound of Trustees ofthe towu of Jackson Kentucky Us fol¬theIonvtmber 3d 1903 It being the first Tuesday In November and the day onbylawStole officers and theta pall be openedsaid day for the purpose of taking thesense of the qualified electors of saidtown npon the creation of sold Indebt ¬

edness Tlis said Indebtedness shallconsist ol sixteen lend to be issuedby the bid town of Jackson Ky eachbearing dalo January I 1C04 and eachfor the sum of 500 bearing interest stthe rate of G per cent perlnnutnpay ¬

able semiannually Said bonds to bepayable twenty years from time datethereof but payable and redeemableany time after five Tears at time optionof said town That there shall bernUed annually ihe sum of IS00 by taxntlnii for the purpose of paying the In¬

terest on said bond and creating A

sinking fund with which to redeemthem OiiHhnlf iifsaM fund shrill beapplied and held us n sinking fund forthe purpose of redemption and theother halt lo time payment of Intereston said bonds

Ho Jt further ordnlned by said Boardof Trustees nf the town of Jackson Kythat the Chairman end Cleikof thisUoiird ore directed to publish overtheir official signatures notice as re ¬

quired by Ints1 of the saidelectionHiNKit Chairman

J It llohlx Clerk

I Notice of ElectionNotice la hereby given that an elec ¬

tion will beheld in the town of Jackionjon November the 3d 1003 fromsix oclock a in until 4 oclock p mit bring a duy of n regular and generalelection Tor thu purpose of taking timeuponeextent of 3000 rill the purpose of raisng money to grade anJ macadamize

streets of the town uf Jackson1Said bonds to be payable in twenty

years and redeemable at time option ofbonrd of said town at any time afterfive years trots date of fame Theamount necessary to be raised annu ¬

nlim for the purpose of creating rf sinkIng fund to redeem said horde is 400and the amount necessary to be raisedannually for the purpose of paying In ¬

terest on said bonds 1s100 Said bondsshul bear date of January 1 1904 beeach of the denomination of 000 andbear interest at the rate of five percent per annum payable semi snowally

This notice U published pursuant toan ordinance adopted and passed bythe Bueidof Trustees of lid town ofJvckrunut the regular meeting of saidBoard held on the 5th day of October1003 Tnos T HISBR Chairman

J II MoLts Clerk


We have for tale ninny desirablearms in Central Kentucky especiallyn Uariun end adjoining countiesThese farms range in acreage from

5o to 500 Acresand in prices from

lo to 60 Per AcreSome of these places are Rich Blur

Grafs Farms and others River andCreek Bottom lands

have excellent futilities for show ¬

elog these farms mid would be glad toshow theta to those who are Interested

If you ore thinking of going toOklahoma Texas Arkan ¬

sas or to the West inSearch of a


Write us mid we will forward in ¬

formation regarding these differentStates

Wo are in 1011 to obtain thevery lowest railroad role and to goslung with You and show you any ofthese cnuntrltu Your correspondence bsolicited nod will Lave our prompt at ¬

tertianCentral Ky Real Estate Co-

Lebanon KyR E YOUNG

Secretary anti Treasurer io28

NoticeAny person or persons uniting down

Chestnut tree furs the fruit nr nilierxvfae ciitiliiK timber or ir iiin > utgontime land fir time Kentucky UMHH Oomparry UIH Gull Land Coutpaue IhoOenrjjus Branch Ouiuiel Cml C uni anyor the LoU Creek Con Company In

Hrnililtt Perry Powell Leo Wolfe

or ther cmintiex in iliTt Suite thatthey hiivenriiperly in will ho Indictedfur such offenses Wad pioiieciiiedto theextent nf the law

JtllhUCoal and TintberLand

Wnnt dC

7Wanted one hundred ijifni > and umrr

uf cant and llmbe lamN In Fast rn

Kentuntfiir04411 rot5f + rlw-

iliils vrirht Cauntrittexam Kl

52S2S2 52S25252S252I2252SC52S2S2 2The Criterion <


of Fashion 9

f <


The Latest and Bestx

Wo Have Now n Full and Complete

Liue of

a J or

READY TO WEAR HATSAlso Some of llie



Ever Shown in Jackson Tim ChoicestLino of Notions you will hind by Call

Elsewherea1itESl1TFI f4LY 4



252525252522S25255252522525252S2S2S25252n u


From Kentucky Will Occupy aMost Prominent Place


Assigned Space Near Center of For ¬

entry Building and on Two of theMain Aisles Chairman Struck Is ¬

sues Instructions For Preparationof Samples of Logs Boards EtcFor the Exhibit

On two of The main aisles and al-



In the center of the Forestry andFish and Game Building at theWorlds Fair In St Louis next yearwill stand Kentuckys display of herwonderful forest resources and lum ¬

ber interests This space has justbeen assigned to tho Kentucky Ex ¬

hlblt Association Ly Mr Tarleton H

Bean the chief of tho Department ofForestry of limo Exposition As isreadily seen the forestry display fromthis commonwealth will occupy anenviable position anti It behoovesthose Interested to make tho displayone worthy the spaco given It Tothis end Mr A N Struck Chairmanot the Forestry Exhibit Committee of

the Exhibit Association and Mr William Boa Filed Representative arelaying their plans

Chairman Struck has Just Issued acircular giving Inslructlons to the log¬

ging camps planing mills and forestryInduatrlos of the State as to how theycan best assist him In making thedisplay a success Logs cut eight feetIn length are to bo shown This lengthhas been decided on so tho samples


Sketch sbowlnc how board samples nh1to IxiliHplaved In Kentuckys Forestry Ex ¬

hibit nt tllp Worlds Fairwill be worth something after mho Ex-

position The ends of tho logs willshow cross cuts while in the middlea section will bo cut out about a ballfoot deep threo feet across at the toprounded down to two feet across atthe bottom which will show tho lateral cut as well as the beauty of time

grain Mr Struck states that all logsmust bo cut to eight feet and tho diameter should not bo less than 21

Inches if possible to get sameIn addition to the logs there will be

board samples of which the accompanying sketch will give an Idea Thoseboard samples will be four feet longb ytwo feet high by four inches wickand will be partly finished and partlyunfinished so as to show tho wood InIts natural and its finished state

The method to bo followed by thoKentucky Exhibit Association in dis ¬

playing samples of the States for-


products and resources Is rightuptodate being recommended bygovernment experts as being tho mosteconomical and best plan yet found

Mr Struck Announced that arrange¬

I ments ar be made to store thologs and b6atd samples for the exhibitIn two or throe convenient places indifferent parts ot the State There hiscommittee will havo certain men toprepare the samples so that nil shallbe finished in the same way

Besides the logs and boards thornwill be shown In tho Kentucky spaceall forms of manufacture from thoforest industries In view of this footIt Is hopqil by the Exhibit Assnolatfrmthat many moro lumber flrmsanti cor¬

partitions kind manufacturers will sub-

scribe tote fund being rateod to de-

fray cxpense of tho forestry exhlblt along with till prpotlnn of tKentucky Biilldlnir anI iebe made In other <lv t 1Otexposition Tho contr > ton +

received range from S26 to 310-

Latest Information an to x turvPart In the Greet FxtvsrltrnIn Kentuckys dIRlnrr r°

the St Louis ExnnstiTNVthere will probably bo rant h

of grapes grown from tho 81 Trc-ame from the city of JensM andwhich was supposed to to f totame variety as those found by thospies of Moses Mr M F TOPt1T1 of

Louisville received a °

grape mentioned t °

by a friend from ta I

planters It In

anhthe ° idlum EZO

lid iYaali f


ISlmTION 130 n ifllcer of t leetioelectioneering on Plectin-

day nor disclose nt nnv tams I

any person the name of iny oiniildntifur whom any elector has voted Npenon whatever shall du any eliOliitneeriiiR mi ulection day wfihiii nypolling Place or ivilliln fifty feel thereor u ma o No voter hnplace any ninik upon his bnllulQUllr1fer or permit any other person toso by which it stay he duIidentified ni the one voted by

IUnjIIror Imprisoned not leas than tt n 1 IIdays or more titan six 0 mntlishot Im so lined timid imprisoned nt thlIdUtMviiiiii nf the jury

SECTION 132If nnf perMii hellnil fiber of the election or outerienliiled in the Inspectlmi oftln b lhor Ilinllengers shall reveal ti annthir Ierlon huw any elector has vitfd or u hut other candldntti were voInl for on nny bnllott lieiiring u non

10inot printrd thereon nr give aim

infiirniatinn concerning the tllllelnncu of nny ballot voted such it rim

son so iiiTeiullnR shall he guiltv ofrelonynuduu conviction sluill l-


led In the penitentiary not lessthan Levi nor more than live years

FRCl ION H2 Any onicer or ohmraperson who shnll willfully alto rohllteTino or willfully secrete sot-press


or destroy the certified phibuck return or certificate orI elrtion willfully und unlawfully alter the1 illbook before It is certified or anyoflicer who shall make or aid in tumid ¬

lug or authorize the milking up of anytabs or frntiduletit poll huok or c< rtiflcute of nn election or election returnsushi be deemed guilty of turnery Li

confined In the penitentiary from um

to five years forfeit any ofllets lie titholds timid he disqualified from everholding any office

SECTION 149 Any person wlmby hlintulf or In aid of others sunforcilily break up or pruvuii or n tteuipt to break up or prevent YlleIntvful holding of an election or MI obstruct or ntiempt to obstruct tle SHiiJc

or so prevent or attempt t i prevrunny I 1111 II Oed voter from Riving lal

vote shall bo fumed trots fifty to livehundred dollars or iniprlninecl notmure than one year

For SaloI have a grind line ihorlhorn him

milk deep red three ycnrn dIIIIddesire tusolh L PAItKOlT

Itflhhi Ky




11Vnn llAOfss C X n1th-mi


t f3 Office over P6st0fllcekJACK OS K1 ttroxY

a +

flf Ml business intrusted to themxVlll teceive prompt end careful at ¬






oL JACKSON KENTUCKY Jf1l1lmmmmmmmlIIlIgg k

JK JACKSON KENTUCKYtimC Will practice In Breathitt andii E MflgjfUn Counlloii 5-


John Dean ft

StoneMasonFoundationsIIIL Stones0PillarsTABLESI

Lexington < Eastern RyLOCAL TIME TABLE

Effective October 17 1003

East BoundNo ajDally No

Ex Sunday

Lv Lexington 225 745-

tli Winchester 810 826City 350 9lIJ

406 923IIClay Bridge 435 9lrl449 1008

Jim 511 10200 K Juno 011 l126

A Jackson 615 1130

West houndNor 1

rooEx SundaI





y Ell SundayP AnAn 605

Winchester 923 620Clay City 837 488Stanton 828 430Natural Bridge 801 4 01Torrent 747 847Beattyvlllu Jun 720 3200 fe K runcllon 029 2 30

IJackson 025 225

connectioneonKentucky Railway Division dally except Sunday

Nos 1 and 2 connect at L E Junostun with Chesapeake Ohio for M

pointsNon at Benttyvilla Junction with L A for Beatty

ItvillI daily except SundaytgrIten00V0 Ka RY

i19021lEast Bound West Bound


flat fl n rim An Aat ar r 3Y

tI030 235 Jackson 1120 3i30230 OAK June 1123 335

843 158 Wilhurst 1152 4H7830 152 Hampton 1158 430750 128 LpeOlty 1S22 6HO741 122 llelechnwa 1228 518715 105 Cannel City 1245 545AM LV h > LV TH AR PM AR

connectshlooses Lexington at 740 amEastbound la s nger Train connects

at u K Junction with train wincharrives nt Winchester 520 and hex ¬

I ington at 005 pmM L GONLEY Supt

i2 S25ur S252S25252525525252525252525i

Here We Are rn

The Celebrated

HANAN SHOEj Tho Bet on Earth