Information for the Examinees! This examination consists of three sections. These are: Section I: Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Knowledge and Skills (30 points) Section II: Reading Comprehension (30 points) Communication Analysis (40 points) The total marks for this exan1ination are 100 points. Time allowed for completing this exarrlination is 90 minutes. 213

I - tsg.nbtvu.net.cntsg.nbtvu.net.cn/dzwx/testpaper/testpaperbox/kaifangkecheng/1107...Choose the most appropriate one and ... One way of talking about the different stages in getting

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试卷代号 : 1 02 8

中央广播电视大学 20 10-20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试


201] 年7 月







三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题,使用铅笔答题无效 O

Information for the Examinees!

This examination consists of three sections. These are:

Section I: Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Knowledge

and Skills (30 points)

Section II: Reading Comprehension (30 points)

Section 皿 : Communication Analysis (40 points)

The total marks for this exan1ination are 100 points. Time

allowed for completing this exarrlination is 90 minutes.


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Section I : Cross Cultural Contmunication: Basic Knowledge and Skills [30 points]

Instructions: There are altogether 15 statements or questions below. You are offered four

choices marked with A , B , C , and D for each statement. Choose the most appropriate one and

put it in the Answer Sheet.

1. Xiao Wang meets Peter at the airport and says to him: "~lorning, Peter!~' In this

case , the source of information is

A. Xiao Wang B. Peter

c. the airport D. "孔lorning 骨 Pet er ! "

2. Utterance meaning in a face-to-face communication refers to

A. what the speaker has intended to convey in what is said

B. what what is said normally means

c. what the hearer has understood on the basis of what is said

D. the associative meaning words have

3. Which doesn' t belong to the group in a cross-cultural situation?

A. I-Iead movements B. Social values

c. F'acial expressions D. Body contact

4. Most Americans see themselves as separate , not as representatives of a

family , cornmunity or other group.

A. independence B. individuals

c. customers D. cultures

5. One way of talking about the different stages in getting used to life in a new country

is the distinction of euphoria , depression , 一一一一一_ and acceptance.

A. criticism B. admiration

c. adjustn1ent f). shock

6. Nowadays in England , people usually call each other 一-一一--

A. Sir or l\1adam B. by their first nan1e

c. l\1r , 1\1r5, Miss , or ~fs Dc by their last narne

7. In America is the collective infornlal term for addressing a group of friends.



wdwdgbACB. girls

D. mates


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8. \Ve Chinese are brought up to initially refuse£riendly offers to demonstrate

n seeming not to wish to put our host to any trouble.

A. invitation B. tradition

c. politeness I). personality

9. Norrrlally , when hearing compliments , a typicai (:hinese reaction is to sho\¥

A. disagreen1ent and anger B. modesty and humility

c. enjoyment and pride D. pride and gratitude

10. '[he biggest difference between the Chinese way of child-rearing and the Australian

one is that the former fosters dependence and the latter 一一一

A. reference B. independence

C:. interdependence D. indifference

11. While many women feel it natural to confer with their partners at every turn , many

men feel free to rnake decisions without such

A. congratulation

c. conclusion

B. cornrnitrnent

D. consultation

12. Body language can sornetinles lead to ___~__ since people of different cultures

often have different forms of behavior for sending the same message or have different

interpretations of the same signal.

1\... effectiveness B. conlffiunication

c. agreernent D. misunderstanding

13. '[he ring gesturε, where you form an "0" by holding the tip of your forefinger to

the tip of your thumb , means in }1' rance that you think something is

l\.. worthless B. 汀'11 kill you! ,.

c. good D. great

14. What a fabulous car - I'm very jealous.

A. red with envy B. blue with envy

c. green with envy D. white \vith envy


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15. One day , out of the blue , a girl rang up and said she was my sister.

A. dressed in blue vd'··APpdaaLUSYyrAVAeevvB.D

c. unexpectedly

Section II : Reading Comprehension [30 points]

Part 1: Questions 16-20 are based on this part. (15 points)

Read Passage 1 , and then answer Questions 16-20 briefly. Write your answers on the Answer


Passage 1

People in low and high--context cultures tend to communicate differently with words. To

Americans and Germans , words are very important , especially in contracts and negotiations.

People in high-context cultures , on the other hand , place more emphasis on the surrounding

context than on the words describing a negotiation. A Greek sees a contract as a formal

statement announcing the intention to build a business for the future. 丁he Japanese treat

contracts as statements of intention , and they assume changes will be made as a project

develops. The Mexican treat contracts as artistic exercises of what might be accomplished in

an ideal world. They do not expect contracts to apply consistently in the real world. An

Arab may be insulted by merely mentioning a contract; a man' s word is more binding.

Americans tend to take words literally , while Latins enjoy playing on words; and Arabs

sometimes speak with extravagant or poetic figures of speech that may he misinterpreted if

taken literally. Nigerians prefer a quiet , clear form of expression; and Germans tend to be

direct but understated.

In communication style , Americans val ue straightforwardness , are suspicious of

evasiveness , and distrust people \vho might have a "hidden agenda" or who "play their cards

too close to the chest. " Americans also tend to be uncomfortable with silence and inlpatient

with delays. Some Asian businesspeople have learned that the longer they drag out

negotiations. the more concessions impatient Americans are likely to make.

Western cultures have developed languages that use letters describing the sounds of

words. But Asian languages are based on pictographical characters representing the meanings


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Jf words. Asian language characters are much more complex than the Western alphabet;

therefore , Asians are said to have a higher competence in the discrimination of visual


16. Is American culture low context or high context?

17. How are words used differently by ρeoρle in low and high-context cultures?

18. What kind of communication style do people in low context culture value?

19. What have some Asian businessρeoρle learned about their American negotiation

户artner ? •

20. Why Asian ρeoρIe are considered competent in telling the difference between

pictures with certain ρatterns ?

Part 2: Questions 21-25 are based on this part. (15 points)

Read Passage 2 and then decide whether each of Statenlents 21-25 is True or False according to

the information given in the passage. Write "T" for true and "F" for false on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 2

In many European countries handshaking is an automatic gesture. In France good

manners require that on arriving at a business meeting a manager shakes hands with

everyone present. Handshaking is almost as popular in other countries , including Germany ,

Belgium and Italy. But Northern Europeans , such as the British and Scandinavians , are not

quite so fond of ph)!岱cal demonstrations of friendliness.

In Europe the most common challenge is not the content of the food , but the way you

behave as you eat. In France it is not good manners to raise tricky questions of business over

the main course. Business has its place: after the cheese course. Unless you are prepared to

eat in silence you have to talk about sornething - something , that is , other than the

business deal , which you are continually chewing over in your head.

Italians give similar importance to the whole process of business entertaining. In fact , in

Italy the biggest fear , as course after course appears , is that you entirely forget you are there

on business. If you have the energy , you can always do the polite thing when the meal finally

ends , and offer to pay. Then , after a lively discussion , you must remelnber the next polite


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thing to do - let your host pick up the bilL

The Gerrnans are notable for the amount of formality they bring to business. As an

outsider , it is often difficult to kno\v whether colleagues have been working together for 30

years or have just met for the first time in their life. If you are used to calling people by their

first names this can be a little strange. To the Germans , titles are important. Forgetting

that someone should be called Herr Doktor or Frau Dire走torin might cause serious offence.

It is equally offensive to call them by a title they do not possess.

21. People in Britain shake hands just as much as people in Germany.

22. 1"η1 France ρeωo户 Ie pre}古er tωal歧走 1 1η19 (ωlbo iωt

23. It is not ροl i te to insist 0ηρaYl ng

24. Germ.an business 户eοple don' t li走e to be called by their titles.

25. 1t seem s jJeoρIe behave di.fferently during business rneals in Euro户e.

Section ill : Communication Analysis [40 points]

Instructions: The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of

the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for

more successful communication or cultural understanding in each case by answering Questions

26-28 respectively. Your analysis of each case should be about 100-150 words. Write your

answers on the Answer Shee t.

Note! Your \vriting ability will also be assessed in this section of the test.

Case 1 (10 points)

Chen Gang has just got to kno\v his new Anlerican friend Jim , who came to learn

Chinese in Zhejiang University one rnonth ago. One day , Chen Gang invited Jim to dinner

together with two of his Chinese friends. It was a very nice and decent meal. l'here were a

lot of dishes that Jim hadn' t tasted before. He kept finishing what Chen (;ang and his

friends put on his plate eagerly until he felt to burst. But there was still a lot left on the table

when the dinner was over. Jinl. felt sorry for that. And he was surprised that Chen Gang and

his friends fought for paying. At last , Chen Gang paid the bill. Jim thought that it was a

very expensive meal , and he would so n1uch like to go Dutch with them.


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Question 26 :

Why was Jim surprised and puzzled? How would you explain to Jim about the Chinese way of

entertaining friends as Chen Gang did?

Case 2 (15 points)

Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York. He needed a good meal. His

Anlerican friend , Mike , nlet him. But lVl ike only offered him a plate of roasted chicken and a

glass of orange juice. Lin was used to having a nlain course , and asked Mike if he had any

rice. Mike said he only had fried noodles. and Lin had to make do with it. Though Lin knew

Americans didn' t care very much about what food they ate , he still felt surprised because he

had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing - Quanj ude - when he arrived

in Beijing.

Question 27 :

Why did Lin feel surprised? Offer some advice to him about adjusting to his new environment in


Case 3 (15 points)

l...ee , an overseas student from China , once had a talk with his l\merican classmate


l.,ee : It really puzzles nle that you Arrlericans thank people all day long. When the

teacher answers your questions , when your rnother buys you a book that you need , when a

wife brings her husband a cup of coffee , after a salesgirl attends you.

Tom: Well , when I finished my tour in China , I said "thank you" to the interpreter who

accompanied me during the tour. The interpreter replied , "It' s my duty to do so. " I can' t

help thinking that he means , "I had no choice but to do it , because it is my duty. Otherwise

I would not have done so. "

Questions 28:

What makes Lee puzzled and why? Is the interpreter' s reply appropriate in the English context?


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试卷代号 : 1 0 2 8 座位号I I I

中央广播电视大学 20 1 0--20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试


2011 年7 月

陆-USection I Section II Section ill 吕川V 分

Section I : Cross Cultural Communication: Basic Knowledge and

Skills [30 points]

(30 points , 2 points each. )

唱1 . 2

6. 7.

1当 1 . 12.

得 分!评卷人

3. 4. 「「υ

8. Q 10.

13. 14. 15.

Section II : Reading Comprehension [30 points]

Part 1. (15 points , 3 points each. 0.5 point off for each grammar/spelling mistake , but at most

1 point can be deducted for each item for the granlmar/spelling mistakes. 'rhe exact \vording is

not required , but the meaning must be the same. )





20 铠


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Part 2. (15 points , 3 points each. )


得分 i 评卷入

22. 23. 24. 25.

Section ill : Communication Analysis [40 points]

Question 26 ..

Case 1 (10 points , 7 points for the analysis , 3 points for overall language quali ty. )

Question 27.

Case 2 (15 points , 10 points for the anal~ysis , 5 points for overall language quality. )

Question 28.

Case 3 (15 points , 10 points for the analysis , 5 points for overalllanguage quality. )


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中央广播电视大学 20 1 0-20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试



2011 年7 月

Section I : Cross Cultural Conlnlunication: Basic Knowledge and Skills [30 points]

(30 points , 2 points each. )

1. A

6. B

11. D

2. B

7. A

12. [)

3. B

8. C

13. A

4. B

9. B

14. C

5. C

10. B

15. C

Section IT : Reading Comprehension [30 points]

Part 1. (15 points , 3 points each. 0.5 point off for each grammar/spelling mistake , but at most

1 point can be deducted for each item for the grammar/spelling mistakes. The exact wording is

not required , but the meaning must be the sanle. )

16. Low context.

17.People in low-context cultures think "vards are very important, 巳specially in

contracts and negotiations. People in high-context cultures , on the other hand , place more

emphasis on the surrounding context than on the words describing a negotiation ‘

18. A direct , straightforward style.

19. The longer they drag out negotiations , the more concessions impatient An1ericans

are likely to make.

20. Because Asian languages are based on pictographical characters representing the

meanings of words.

Part 2. (15 points , 3 points each. )

21. F


22. F 23. '1' 24.F 25. T

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Section ill : Communication Analysis [40 points]

Question 26.

Case 1 (10 points , 7 points for the analysis , 3 points for overall language quality. )

1) In ..~nlerica , people value equality. When having dinner together , people usually have

their own share of food , and are not supposed to share with the other. Nor are they used to

putting food on the other' s plate. Moreover , people stress frugality and simplicity , so

everyone is supposed to clean the plate without leaving any food on it. At the end of the

dinner.. to show equality , it is quite comn1on for the friends to pay for their o,vn meal.

2)4A.S a ne\v comer to China , Jim didn"t quite understand C·hinese way of eating out with

friends. What he found at the Chinese restaurant was quite different from the way in


3) In China , when having dinner together among friends , normally the respected one is














rrhe guest needs not finish the food if he or she really doesn' t like it. \Vhat' s more , people

favor generosity. The more generous they are , the more respectable they will be among their

friends. 'fherefore , in front of their friends , people would likely to try to be generous in

order to save the face even though they are not rich enough. f\nd it is quite common for the

friends to fight for paying the bill to show their generosity.

Question 27.

Casξ2 (15 points , 10 points for the analysis , 5 points for overall language quality. )

1. On the topic of hospitality , the Chinese stress is on warmth and demonstrating

friendship. They take the guest to a famous or luxurious restaurant to have a very good

(expensive) nleal to show their hospitality. And the Chinese are used to having a big meal.

The more dishes they put out , the greater the warmth and friendship they show.

2. In western countries , people stress on freedom. They give the guest great freedom to

choose their o,vn foods. And Vlesterners tend to have onlyone main course and some juice or


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dessert , which is viewed as casual in the eyes of the Chinese. [Note! If the student answers

that Western people have only three courses , this is also correct! ]

3. Lin lived in American surroundings and should have adjusted himself quickly to the

new world (lifestyle). He should have known the custom there first , and felt more at ease in

Mike' shame

Question 28.

Case 3 (15 points , 10 points for the analysis , 5 points for overall language quality. )

1. A Chinese student would always thank his/her teacher for the latter' shelp , but

would seldom do so to his/her parents because Chinese people don' t usually say" Thank

you" to those who are very close. They would rather choose some implicit ways to show

their gratitude and concern , such as saying something like "leile ba?"(累了吧) "Xingku Ie. "

〈辛苦了)叮{uai xiexie ba. " (快歇歇吧) etc. But one traditional Chinese concept holds that it

is the duty of the young and the junior to do something for the elderly and the senior , and so

the latter don' t have to say thanks.

2. Saying "Thank you" is very common in America 啻even between parents and children ,

husband and wife for very small and ordinary things. So they thank all day long. They use

words like "Please" , "Excuse me" , "Thank you" in daily conversation , whether between

intimates or between strangers.

3. Both English and Chinese cultures require their members to respond to thanks. But

they have different expressions. The interpreter' s reply was far from the message he/she

actually intended to convey.


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试卷代号 : 1 02 8

中央广播电视大学 20 1 0-20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试

跨文化交际口试题签( lA)

2011 年7 月

Instructions for A:

You (as A) and another student (as B) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. 1'he

conversation will be divided into 2 parts , each part taking about 5 minutes. In Part 1 , A

will ask the questions , and B will respond. In Part 2 , B will ask the questions , and A will

respond. The examiner will indicate \vhen to change parts.


Final grades will be determined by the appropriateness , fluency and accuracy of your

conversation. The two parts of your conversation should have a connection. You \vill be

judged not only on your ability to ask and ansvver questions , but also on your ability to keep

the conversation going on smoothly. Your conversation should flow as naturally as


Situation: You and B are going to have a conversation. You will be first talk仨{ing about

some possible views of both individualists and c∞aIle仅e吃ti飞V礼TI S引ts on each 0创the盯盯r、 di fferent cultural

behaviours; and then moving to the topic of cross-cultural differences in non-verbal

communication. Your conversation will be in two parts. Each takes about 5 minutes. Your

examiner will indicate when to change to the second part.

Part I! Some Possible Views of Both Individualists and Collectivists on Each Other' s Different

Cultural Behaviours

A starts the conversation by asking the first question , followed by nlore questions. B

mainly answers questions. This part of your conversation should last about 5 nlinutes.

You are A. Your questions should be related to the topic of some possible views of both


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individualists and collectivists on each other' s different cuI tural b已haviours. Here are some


~Ask B what collec山ists might think of those individualists concerning their ways of

treating the in-group and out-group members.

~ Ask B what might be the individualists' opinions about the collec盯ists' group


~ Ask B what might be the collectivists' views about the individual identity.

Part 2! Cross-Cultural Differences in Non-verbal Communication

B is now going to ask questions. A mainly answers questions. This part of your

conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are A. Now it is your turn to answer questions. B will he talking about cross­

cultural differences in non-verbal communication by asking you some related questions. You

may answer his/her questions by giving opinions or relating your own experiences.


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试卷代号 : 1 02 8

中央广播电视大学 20 1 0-20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试

跨文化交际口试题签( lB)2011 年7 月

Instructions for B ~

You (as B) and another student (as A) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. The

conversation will be divided into 2 parts , each part taking about 5 minutes. In Part 1, A

will ask the questions , and B will respond. In Part 2 , B will ask the questions , and A will

respond. '[he examiner will indicate when to change parts.


I-i~inal grades will be determined by the appropriateness , fluency and accuracy of your

conversation. 1'he two parts of your conversation should have a connection. You will be

judged not only on your ability to ask and answer questions , but also on your ability to keep

the conversation going on smoothly. Your conversation should flow as naturally as


Situation: You and A are going to have a conversation. '~fau will be first talking about

some possible views of both individualists and collectivists on each other's different cultural

behaviours; and then moving to the topic of cross-cultural differences in non-verbal

communication. Your conversation will be in two parts. Each takes about 5 minutes. Your

examiner will indicate when to change to the second part.

Part 1: Some Possible Views of Both Individualists and Collectivists on Each Other' s Different

Cultural Behaviours

A starts the conversation by asking the first question , followed by more questions. B

mainly answers questions. 'fhis part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are B. In this part of the conversation , A is going to ask you some questions about


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some aspects of individualists' attitudes and behaviours compared to those of Collectivists.

You may answer his/her questions by giving opinions or relating your own experiences.

Part 2: Cross-Cultural Differences in Non-verbal Communication

B is now going to ask questions. A mainly answers questions. This part of your

conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are B. Now it is your turn to ask questions. Your questions should be about cross-

cultural differences in non-verbal communication. Here are some suggestions:

~Ask A about ways of eye contact in China by comparison with those in the West.

~ Ask A about some common gestures in China and in the \Vest.

~ Ask A about ways of greeting in China and in the West.


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试卷代号 : 1 0 2 8

中央广播电视大学 20 1 0-20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试

跨文化交际口试题签 ( 2A )

2011 年7 月

Instructions for A:

You (as A) and another student (as B) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. The

conversation will be divided into 2 parts , each part taking about 5 minutes. In Part 1, A

will ask the questions , and B will respond. In Part 2 , B will ask the questions , and A will

respond. The exan1iner will indicate when to change parts.


Final grades will be determined by the appropriateness , fluency and accuracy of your

conversation. The two parts of your conversation should have a connection. You will be

judged not only on your ability to ask and answer questions , but also on your ability to keep

the conversation going on smoothly. Your conversation should flow as naturally as


Situation: You and B are going to have a conversation. You will be first talking about

Chinese family , and then moving to the topic of American family. Your conversation \vill be

in two parts. Each takes about 5 minutes. Your examiner will indicate when to change to the

second part.

Part 1: Chinese family

A starts the conversation by asking the first question , followed by more questions. B

mainly answers questions. This part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are A. Your questions should be related to the topic of Chinese family. Here are

some suggestions:

~ Ask B about parents' expectation on children in China.

~ Ask B about parents-child' s relationship in China.


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, Ask B about chil扎训i让ldren'飞s pμast山les in China.

Part 2: American family

B is now going to ask questions. A rnainly answers questions. This part of your

conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are ,,4.. Now it is your turn to ans\ver questions. B will be trying to talk about

American family by asking you some related questions. )~au may answer his/her questions

by giving opinions or telling your own experiences.


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试卷代号 : 1 02 8

中央广播电视大学 20 1 0-20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试

跨文化交际口试题签 ( 2B )

2011 年7 月

Instructions for B:

You (as B) and another student (as A) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. The

conversation will be divided into 2 parts , each part taking about 5 minutes. In Part 1 , A

will ask the questions , and B will respond. In Part 2 , B will ask the questions , and A will

respond. The examiner will indicate when to change parts.


I;inal grades will be determined by the appropriateness , fluency and accuracy of your

conversation. The two parts of your conversation should have a connection. You will be

judged not only on your ability to ask and anS~Ner questions , but also on your ability to keep

the conversation going on smoothly. Your conversation should flow as naturally as


Situation: You and A are going to have a conversation. You will be first talking about

Chinese family , and then 1l1oving to the topic of American family. YOUf conversation will be

in two parts. Each takes about 5 minutes. Your examiner will indicate when to change to the

second part.

Part 1: Chinese family

A starts the conversation by asking the first question , followed by more questions. B

tnainly answers questions. This part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.

}TOU are B. In this part of the conversation , A is going to ask you some questions about

Chinese family. You may answer his/ her questions by giving opinions or telling your own



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Part 2: American family

B is now going to ask questions. A mainly answers questions. This part of your

conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are B. Now it is your turn to ask questions. Your questions should be about

American family. Here are some suggestions:

» Ask A about parents' expectation on children in the U. S.

» Ask A about parents-child' s relationship in the U. S.

» Ask A about children' s pastimes in the U. S.


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试卷代号 : 1 02 8

中央广播电视大学 20 10-20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试

跨文化交际口试题签 ( 3A )

2011 年7 月

Instructions for A!

You (as A) and another student (as B) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. The

conversation will be divided into 2 parts , each part taking about 5 minutes. In Part 1 , A

will ask the questions , and B will respond. In Part 2 , B will ask the questions , and A will

respond. The examiner will indicate when to change parts.


Final grades will be determined by the appropriateness , fluency and accuracy of your

conversation. '[he two parts of your conversation should have a connection. You will be

judged not only on your ability to ask and answer questions , but also on your ability to keep

the conversation going on smoothly. Your conversation should flow as naturally as


Situation: You and B are going to have a conversation. You will be first talking about

Chinese custom , and then moving to Western custom. Your conversation will be in two

parts. Each takes about 5 minutes. Your examiner will indicate when to change to the

second part.

Part I! Chinese custom

A starts the conversation by asking the first question , followed by more questions. B

mainly answers questions. This part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are A • Your questions should be related to the topic of Chinese custom. Here are

some suggestIons:

~ Ask B about habit in giving and receiving gift in China.

~ Ask B about habit in greeting in China.


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~ Ask B about conception of time in China.

Part 2! Western custom

B is now going to ask questions. A nlainly answers questions. This part of your

conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are A. Now it is your turn to answer questions. B will be talking about Western

custom by asking you some related questions. You may answer his/her questions by giving

opinions or telling your own experiences.


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试卷代号: 1028

中央广播电视大学20 1 0--20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试


2011 年7 月

Instructions for B ~

You (as B) and another student (as A) have 10 minutes to prepare a conversation. The

conversation will be divided into 2 parts , each part taking about 5 minutes. In I-'art 1, A

will ask the questions , and 13 will respond. In !)art 2 , B will ask the questions , and A will

respond. 'I'he examiner '<'vill indicate when to change parts.


F'inal grades will be determined by the appropriateness , fluency and accuracy of your

conversation. '"[he two parts of your conversation should have a connection. You will be

judged not only on your ability to ask and answer questions , but also on your ability to keep

the conversation going on srnoothly. .'{our conversation should flo\v as naturally as


Situation: You and A are going to have a conversation. You will be first talking about

C·hinese custom , and then moving to the topic of Western custOffi. Your conversation will be

in two parts. Each takes about 5 n1inutes. Your examiner will indicate when to change to the

second pa.rt.

Part 1 ~ Chinese custom

A starts the conversation by asking the first question , followed by more questions. B

mainly answers questions. '[his part of your conversation should last about 5 minutes.

lTou are B. In this part of the conversation , A is going to ask you some questions about

Chinese custon1. You Jnay answ'er his/her questions by giving opinions or telling your o\vn



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Part 2 ~ Western custom

B is now going to ask questions. A mainly answers questions. This part of your

conversation should last about 5 minutes.

You are B. Now it is your turn to ask questions. Your questions should be about

Western custom. Here are some suggestions:

~ Ask A about habit in giving and receiving gift in the U. S.

~ Ask A about habit in greeting in the U. S.

~ Ask A about conception of time in the U. S.


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试卷代号 : 1 02 8

中央广播电视大学 20 1 0-20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试


成级单2011 年7 月

学号 姓名 得分 学号 姓名 得分



口试教师: 日期:


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试卷代号 : 1 02 8

中央广播电视大学 20 1 0-20 11学年度第二学期"开放本科"期末考试



2011 年7 月















分数 标J、i仕户忡





61-80 体语言,多数情况下能够正确使用各种语





41-60 的仍然较少;常用语法结构基本不出现错




21-40 结构的应用也包含大量重复性错误,词汇






