Play Review of Unit 2

I used to be afraid of the dark

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Play. Review of Unit 2. I used to be afraid of the dark. People sure change. appearances. personalities. 个性. 外貌. changes. hobbies. habits. Changes in appearances. be. short. heavy. tall. thin. ( 外貌 ). of medium height. last year. long. build. used to. have. short. hair. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: I used to be afraid of the dark


Review of Unit 2

Page 2: I used to be afraid of the dark

appearances personalities

hobbies habits


People sure change.

外貌 个性

Page 3: I used to be afraid of the dark

Changes in appearances

He was heavy last year, but now he is thin.

She used to be heavy, but now he is thin./ju:st/

used to have


be shorttallof medium height




(外貌 )

Jonny Dean

last year


Page 4: I used to be afraid of the dark

Changes in personalities( 个性 )

What words can we use to describe our personalities?

funny outgoing serious wild friendlyquiet kind shy …

Please talk about you and your parents with your partner.

I used to be …, but now …

Page 5: I used to be afraid of the dark

Changes in hobbies

I used to like …, but now I’m more interested in … and I still like ... I didn’t use to …, but now …





enjoy / like /love/hate/dislike

topics( 话题 )

Page 6: I used to be afraid of the dark

Changes in habits

daily activities

get upgo to school

do homeworkstudywatch TVeatdrinkexercise…

walk to school

Please talk about your own changes in habits.I used to …, but now I …I didn’t use to …, but now I …

be afraid of

Page 7: I used to be afraid of the dark

Let’s learn to ask.

1. Did you use to …?

2. You used to …, didn’t you?

3.You didn’t use to …, did you?

Guessing game

What did I use to be like/do/... when I was a child?

Page 8: I used to be afraid of the dark

Time: in the year 2020Place: in the streetPeople: you and your best friendEvent: You haven’t seen each other for ten years. So this is your first time to meet again. Both of you feel very excited. And you will have a lot to say.

Page 9: I used to be afraid of the dark

These sentences may help you.Wow, …! Is that you?

Don’t you remember me?

You look different.

You’ve changed a lot.

Hey, …!

It’s great to see you.

People sure change.

Model: A: Hey, ...! Don’t you remember me?B: Oh, wow! You’re ..., aren’t you?A: That’s right.B: But you used to be quiet, didn’t you?A: Yeah. I wasn’t outgoing.B: Wait a minute. Did you use to play the piano?A: Yes, I did. But now I’m more interested in sports.B: Wow! People sure change.

Did you use to …?

You used to …, didn’t you?

Page 10: I used to be afraid of the dark

What’s the meaning of ...?

1. airplane

2. death

3. candy

4. daily

5. cause

a. the end of life

b. to make something hppen

c. happening or done everyday

d. plane

e. sweets

I can’t do these. Can you help me?

Page 11: I used to be afraid of the dark

Model: Jim used to be terrified of the dark, so he always went to sleep with the light on.

be afraid of1. My parents decided to send me to study in No.4 Middle School.

2. He is proud of being one of the students here.

3. Finally, he went to Beijing on vacation.

4. She never thought about stopping trying to help the poor student.

made a decision

takes pride in

In the end/At last

giving up

I can’t do these. Can you help me?

Page 12: I used to be afraid of the dark

1. His father’s d______ made him very sad.2. He took p______ in his daughter.3. The big snow c_______ a serious traffic accident yesterday.4. To my s________, he has changed a lot.5. You have w_______ so much time. You should work harder than before.6. The computer is playing an important part in our d______ life.





dead cause daily wastedeath pride proud surprise

I can’t do these. Can you help me?

Page 13: I used to be afraid of the dark

Please put these sentences into the correct places inthe reading.

d. No one was born talented,

b. He didn’t like to talk too much.

e. and he used to cause trouble at school.

c. But he didn’t want to give up his dream.

a. young people loved his songs very much.

Missing languages Places in reading






Page 14: I used to be afraid of the dark


Liu Xing at school Nowhate study

waste time

be interested in


cause trouble

be afraid of the head teacher/…

tall, serious

calm, cool

work hard

take pride in himself

be more interested in sports/…


Compare Liu Xing’s past and now, write a composition( 作文 )about Liu Xing’s changes in his life.

提示 :used to do sth.

Page 15: I used to be afraid of the dark


Write a letter to your primary school teacher to tell him or her the changes in your life.

Dear __________, How times flies! We haven’t seen each other for a long time.___________________________________. I used to __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Could you please write to me soon about your life now? Yours, ____________

I’ve changed a lot in the last few years.