IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly 16th to 21st October, 2014 / Costa Rica

IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly€¦ · Cristina Sotela (csotela@villasde lrio.com) Punta Leona (selvamar room) 19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks

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Page 1: IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly€¦ · Cristina Sotela (csotela@villasde lrio.com) Punta Leona (selvamar room) 19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks

IAIM Educational Conference & General


16th to 21st October, 2014 / Costa Rica

Page 2: IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly€¦ · Cristina Sotela (csotela@villasde lrio.com) Punta Leona (selvamar room) 19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks

AMI-CR is very honored to be the next host for

our International Educational Conference and Ge-

neral Assembly.

We would like to invite you to Costa Rica, this tro-

pical country which owns 5% of the world biodi-

versity in only 51.000 km² of territory.

These bi-annual meetings are extremely important

since they allow us to keep reconnecting oursel-

ves with IAIM through our mission.

We´re just 5 months to go until the General As-

sembly and Educational Conference Costa Rica

2014 and we would like to officially invite you to

this important event.

At this time we would like to point your attention

to the highlights of the conference, early bird dis-

count, hotel and surroundings information, as

well as the preliminary program.

EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT: In order to encourage as

many CIMIs as possible to assist to this very spe-

cial event, IAIM and the Costa Rican Chapter are

giving you the chance to book before June 15th

and pay only $165.

Page 3: IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly€¦ · Cristina Sotela (csotela@villasde lrio.com) Punta Leona (selvamar room) 19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks

All bookings made prior to the conference must be

fully paid to guarantee registration. Once payment

has being received, an email confirmation will be

sent to you in the next 8 days.

Your name, town, country and e-mail address will

be published in the delegate list included in the

Conference literature. If you do not wish your de-

tails to appear in the list please indicate so in the

registration form. Your details will not be available

for sale or use by any third party.

Educational Conference will be held in Downtown

San Jose, which will give you a big diversity of

hotels and touristic destinations to consider.

You will be booking your flights to Aeropuerto Inter-

nacional Juan Santamaria (SJO).

Most of the hotels offer comfortable rooms, restau-

rants, common areas, A/C, Internet access and ot-

her amenities.

Please mention you are coming to the event to ac-

cess our affordable prices.

AMI CR will be sending further information about

tours and destinations you might want to visit.

Page 4: IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly€¦ · Cristina Sotela (csotela@villasde lrio.com) Punta Leona (selvamar room) 19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks

Conference rates

Prices include:

Friday Cocktail.

Educational Conference and Workshops.

Lunch and coffee breaks during conferences.

Prices do not include:

Accommodation during Educational Conference.

Evening meals during Educational Conference.

Saturday Banquet which is charged separately.

General Assembly meals and accommodation.

*If you are not a member of any IAIM chapter please add $10 to each rate.

Dates Rate USD* Rate Euros*



$165 €125


to September 20th.

$190 €145



$210 €155

Saturday Banquet: until September 20th $70 €55

Saturday Banquet: from September 21st $80 €63

Page 5: IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly€¦ · Cristina Sotela (csotela@villasde lrio.com) Punta Leona (selvamar room) 19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks

Accomodation payments must be done directly to

the hotel of your choosing.

Educational Conference payments must be made to

the following accounts indicating your full name

and chapter:

You may also pay using Pay Pal (detailed informa-

tion coming soon).

Send the bank transfer confirmation receipt by

email to [email protected]. The registration

will only be confirmed once we have received the

receipt. Please, add name, last name and chapter

where you belong to your email.

Cancellations will be accepted if sent to our ad-

dress ([email protected]) before September


, 2014. We will reimburse the amount minus a

$65 fee. We will not make any refunds after Sep-

tember 15th


No refunds will be given in case of non-attendance.

Bank Banco de Costa Rica


Name Asoc Masaje Infantil- CR

Registration # 3 002 560 700

Euros account 001-313637-0

USD account 001-313636-1

Page 6: IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly€¦ · Cristina Sotela (csotela@villasde lrio.com) Punta Leona (selvamar room) 19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks


Page 7: IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly€¦ · Cristina Sotela (csotela@villasde lrio.com) Punta Leona (selvamar room) 19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks


Dr. Ed Tronik (Developmental and clinical psychologist) - USA

Distinguised Professor of Psychology at the University of Massa-

chusetts Boston, director of the Child Development Unit, a rese-

arch associate in Newborn Medicine, lecturer at Harvard Medical

School, associate professor at both the Graduate School of Edu-

cation and the School of Publich Health at Harvard.

He´s a member of the Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institu-

te and founder and faculty member of the Touchpoints program.

Along with other reseacher associates, he created the Infant-

Parent Mental Health Post Graduate Certificate Program at the

University of Massachusetts Boston.

His work has been focused on developing scales for behavioral

and neurobehavioral assessments in newborns; as well as caretaking, maternal de-

pression efects and other affective disorders during the early childhood.

Dr. Tronik developed the Still face paradigm and he continues to do research on

epigenetic processes affecting behavior.

He published more than 200 scientific articles and 4 books.

His research is funded by NICHD and NSF.

Dr. Mariano Rosabal (Psychologist, 1963) - Costa Rica

Degree in Psychology from the Universidad de Costa Rica and Doc-

torate in Development Psychology and Culture from the University

of Osnabrück, Germany. He´s a reasearch associate at the Psycho-

logical Research Institute and Professor for the Psychology School

at the Universidad de Costa Rica.

He´s been working as psychoterapist for children, teenagers and

adults for over 25 years and as an occasional consultant in first in-

fant matters for UNICEF/Costa Rica.

Dr. Rosabal areas of interest are intercultural psychology, pareting

and culture, human development and social changes, as well as so-

cialization in adverse contexts (divorce, neglect).

He works with parent-child psychoterapy models and he had developed iniciatives

for the social action college frame, specifically through the “School for parents/

UCR” program.

Other speakers details coming soon.

Page 8: IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly€¦ · Cristina Sotela (csotela@villasde lrio.com) Punta Leona (selvamar room) 19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks

Hotels rates

Hotel Reservation

dates Daily rate Includes Website Contact person

Aurola Holiday Inn

(conferences host


16th to 18th $ 110 Breakfast

Safety box


Internet access





Kathya Zúñiga



Sleep In (walking


16th to 18th $ 79 Breakfast



Andrea Espinoza




Safety box

Free shuttle servi-


$ 105 Internet access


Balmoral (walking


16th to 18th $ 90 Breakfast



Xinia Segura



$ 103 Safety box

$ 115 Internet access

$ 163 A/C

Presidente (walking


16th to 18th $ 96 Breakfast



Josué Bonilla



Safety box

Internet access


Gran Hotel Costa

Rica (national herita-

ge hotel - walking


16th to 18th $ 67 Breakfast


Safety box


[email protected]

Villas del Río

(transportation to

Aurola $6)

16th to 18th $ 28 (p/

p in a shared

apt. for 5



Free shuttle servi-

ce from the air-

port to the hotel.



Cristina Sotela



Punta Leona

(selvamar room)

19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch

& coffee breaks.

Free entrance to

the butterfly gar-

den and guided

walking through




Isis Bruno




$ 180

To book your accommodation in San José for the Educational Conference, please

choose from these suggested hotels. When making your reservation use the

code: “Educational Conferences IAIM” .

Reserve your room and meals at http://www.hotelyclubpuntaleona.net/ or by

contacting Isis Bruno: [email protected] (please use the code:

“General Assembly IAIM”).

Page 9: IAIM Educational Conference & General Assembly€¦ · Cristina Sotela (csotela@villasde lrio.com) Punta Leona (selvamar room) 19th to 21st $ 120 Breakfast, lunch & coffee breaks

Stands Prices

Chapters, chapter members and companies can par-

ticipate with a stand during the Educational Confe-

rence. You can have information and offer products

to sell.

In order to registrate for the event, you can access

the following link:

English: https://docs.google.com/forms/



Spanish: https://docs.google.com/forms/



We´re waiting for you!


Table stands per day Rate USD Rate Euros

Chapters $50 €40

CIMIs $30 €25