IATA Manual

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  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


       Annex 1 to Order №



    Table of Contents

  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    1. Terms, Definitions and Authorized Abbreviations………. ………………………………………….……3

    2. Airfield Performanes………………..……………………………………………………………………….!

    3. "eneral Provisions………….………………………………………………………………………………..!#. "eneral $atters…………………………………………………………………………………………..…..%

    &. O'eratin( of Trans'ortation )ehiles and *+ui'ment…………..………………………………………1!

    !. O'eratin( of Airraft…………………………………………………………………………………….....23

    %. e+uirements to O'erators -arrin(/out Ativities in Domodedovo Air'ort….………………...……2&

    0. e+uirements to or afet 4ith es'et to An O'erations in Domodedovo Air'ort...………....35

    5. ules of -ondut of *m'loees in A-6 and 7ailities of Air'ort Trans'ort 8nfrastruture of 

    Domodedovo Air'ort…………………………………………………………………………......………..…..35

    19. 8nsurane of :iabilities of O'erators of Domodedovo Air'ort………………...……………………....#2

    11. -ertifiation and :iensin(………………………………………………………………………………..#2

    12. -ontrol of 7li(ht afet………………………………………………………………………………...…#2

    13. 7ire afet……………………………………………………………………………………………….....##


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    Chate! 1" Te!#s$ Def%n%t%ons an& A'tho!%(e& Abb!e)%at%ons

    AEA – Association of European Airlines;

    A*M – Air'ort ;andlin( $anual<

    DCS – De'arture -ontrol stem<

    SAE – oiet of Automotive *n(ineers<

    IATA – 8nternational Air Trans'ort Assoiation;

    A)%at%on se+'!%t,  = seurit of ivil aviation a(ainst unla4ful interferene in o'erations of the ivil


    Res+'e an& sal)a-e oe!at%ons = o'erations arried out b man'o4er and resoures of enter'rises

    of ivil aviation and of oo'eratin( or(anizations in the territor and in the viinit of the airfield >in the

    area of res'onsibilit? for the 'ur'ose of resuin( of 'assen(ers, re4s of 4reed airraft as 4ell as

    for renderin( assistane to 'eo'le in the event of natural, environmental and other disasters 4hen the

    'lae of ourrene of air inident@ aident or disaster is no4n<

    E#e!-en+, !esonse lan  = an instrution for arran(in( and arrin( out of resue and salva(e

    o'erations on the airfield and of searh and resue o'erations in the area of res'onsibilit of 

    8T*AT8OA: A8POT DO$OD*DO)O -B- >hereinafter $AD -B-?<

    A)%at%on oe!at%ons on a%!f%el&s an& %n a%!o!ts = ativities >or(anizational, 'rodution, sientifi

    and other? arried out b 'hsial and le(al 'ersons and aimed at su''ortin( and develo'ment of 

    aviation, buildin( and usin( of net4ors of airfields, air'orts and failities thereof, satisfin( of needs

    of the eonom and 'o'ulation in air trans'ort servies and in other aviation servies<

    DPT = the Passen(er Terminal of Domodedovo Air'ort<

    AIP  = the main om'onent of the 8nte(rated Aeronautial 8nformation Paa(e of the ussian


    A%!f%el& = dediated land 'lot or 4ater area, inlusive of failities, utilit sstems >utilit infrastruture?

    and e+ui'ment loated thereon, desi(ned in full or in 'art for su''ortin( of taeoff, landin(, taxiin(

    and 'arin( of airraft and of other t'es of airborne vehiles as 4ell as for maintainin( thereof, 4hih

    is fened >mared? in om'liane 4ith the standards of airfield >air'ort? desi(nin(<

    A%!o!t  = om'lex of failities 4hih inludes airfield, air terminal and other elements, a set of 

    infrastruture failities desi(ned for aommodation, maintenane and dis'ath of airraft and other 

    airborne vehiles, handlin( of air traffi, 'assen(ers, ar(o, ba((a(e and mail, o'eratin( 4hereof is

    ensured and su''orted b one or more le(al 'ersons >O'erators? irres'etive of their le(al form of 

    or(anization and form of o4nershi' 4ho have e+ui'ment, airraft staff and other 'ersonnel re+uired

    for these tass<

    A%!o!t oe!at%ons. han&l%n-  = (round handlin( servies rendered b o'erators en(a(ed in

    su''ortin( of taeoff, landin(, taxiin( and 'arin( of airraft, maintenane and 'rovidin( 4ith PO: and

    s'eial/'ur'ose fluids, ommerial handlin( of 'assen(ers, ba((a(e, mail and ar(o, leanin( of 

    airraft as 4ell as in 'rovidin( 4ith fli(ht aterin(<

    CI/* one!s = le(al 'ersons 4ho are o4ners of the entralized infrastruture of (round handlin(


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    and la4full o'erate the failities of the air'ort infrastruture<

    R'na, = a 'art of airstri', desi(ned and e+ui''ed for taeoff and landin( of airraft<

    Ch%ef Oe!ato!  = a business entit 4hih is ertified as an air'ort and has a ertifiate of state

    re(istration and a ertifiate of o'erational suitabilit< 8T*AT8OA: A8POT DO$OD*DO)O

    -B- is the -hief O'erator in Domodedovo Air'ort<POL = petroleum, oil, and lubricants;

    D%sat+he!   = a dis'ather of the ontrol unit of DO$OD*DO)O A8POT ;AD:8" -B-

    en(a(ed in reordin( and ontrol of landin(<

    RSU &%sat+he! = a dis'ather of the To4er un4a u'ervisor Cnit of the air traffi ontrol to4er 

    of Domodedovo Air Traffi ervies -enter<

    Che+%n &es +ont!ol &%sat+he!  = a dis'ather of the air'ort o'erational ontrol unit of 

    DO$OD*DO)O :OT A::O-AT8O -B- en(a(ed in ontrol of he/in dess<

    Inf!ast!'+t'!e of +%)%l a%!f%el& an& a%!o!t = inludes failities of airfield infrastruture, failities of air 

    terminal infrastruture, failities of the entralized infrastruture of (round handlin( and other 

    infrastruture failities >information tehnolo(ies, aviation seurit, 'erimeter fenin(, 'atrol roads and

    sstems?, loated in the territor of ivil airfield and air'ort<

    IS = information sstems<

    AC 4a%!o!t +ont!olle& (one5 = a 'art of the territor of the air'ort 4hih om'rise airfield, ritial

    areas of radio/beaon landin( sstems, air traffi ontrol elements, radio and eletri (round

    marin(s, aviation fuel 4arehouses, ar(o terminals, 4arehouses for stora(e of dan(erous (oods as

    4ell as the adaent territor and buildin(s, onstrutions or 'arts thereof, aess to 4hih is

    ontrolled b the aviation seurit de'artment of the air'ort<

    A%! oe!at%on a!ea = a 'art of airfield as a desi(ned en(ineerin( struture on 4hih one or more

    airstri's, taxi4as, ram's, se'arate stands >on oint airfields? and s'eial/'ur'ose areas are


    Stan& 4a%!+!aft stan&5 = a 'art of ram' >allotted area on the ram'? or s'eial/'ur'ose areas of the

    airfield outside the ram' 4hih are desi(ned for 'arin( of airraft for the 'ur'ose of handlin( and

    storin( thereof<

    *ea& of oe!at%ons sh%ft of the a%!o!t = senior offier of a multi'le/sill shift of the air'ort 4ho is

    res'onsible for o'erational ontrol of 'rodution ativities aimed at fulfillin( of the dail fli(ht 'lan,

    ensurin( of fli(ht safet and om'liane 4ith o'eration shedules of airraft handlin(.

    Ens'!%n- of a)%at%on se+'!%t, = a set of seurit and 'rotetion measures and arran(ements aimed

    at ensurin( of safet of 'assen(ers, airraft re4s, 'ersonnel and other 'hsial 'ersons 4ho are in

    the territories of the air'ort >airfield? and in the failities thereof as 4ell as at ensurin( of safet of 

    o'erations of the ivil aviation<

    Ens'!%n- of han&l%n- of assen-e!s$ ba--a-e$ #a%l an& +a!-o  = a set of or(anizational and

    tehnolo(ial measures and arran(ements sti'ulated b the federal aviation re(ulations 4hih mae it

    'ossible to mae safe boardin( >unloadin(? of 'assen(ers, handlin( and storin( of ba((a(e, mail and

    ar(o as 4ell as loadin( >unloadin(? of ba((a(e, mail and ar(o to >from? airraft<


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    *an&l%n- of +a!-o 4#a%l5  = inte(rated servies and >or? 4ors related to loadin( >unloadin(?,

    reloadin( >transshi'ment? of ar(o >mail? and >or? ba((a(e from trans'ortation vehiles >airraft? of 

    one t'e to trans'ortation vehiles >airraft? of another t'e 4hen main( trans'ortation o'erations

    via diret@ indiret international onnetion and diret@ indiret ombined onnetion, inlusive of 

    trans'ortation of ar(o >mail? 4ithin the boundaries of the airfield or air'ort and a((re(ation andstora(e thereof, or related to transshi'ment of ar(o >mail? from trans'ortation vehiles >airraft? of 

    one t'e to trans'ortation vehiles >airraft? of another t'e 4ithout a((re(ation<

    Se!)%+%n- 4+ont!ol5 of a%! t!aff%+ = a set of measures and arran(ements for fli(ht information@ fli(ht

    advisor serviin( >ontrol? of air traffi as 4ell as for alertin( servie<

    A%!f%el& %nf!ast!'+t'!e fa+%l%t%es = buildin(s and e+ui'ment, 'rodution and tehnolo(ial om'lexes

    loated in the territor of the airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort<

    Oe!ato! = a business entit 4hih has the re+uired a''ro'riate ertifiate and liense and renders

    servies related to aviation o'erations in the air'ort and in the territor of the airfield<

    Fa+%l%t%es of a%!o!t t!anso!t %nf!ast!'+t'!e  = airfields, failities desi(ned for handlin( of airraft

    and >or? 'assen(ers, arrin( out of o'erations 4ith ar(o as 4ell as other failities 4hih su''ort

    o'erations of the trans'ort om'lex<

    Passen-e! of se+%al +ate-o!, = 'assen(ers 4ho re+uire individual attendane, unattended minors,

    re4s, 'assen(ers 4ho are denied to enter the territor of the ussian 7ederation<

    Ra# = a 'art of air o'eration area desi(ned for aommodation of airraft for the 'ur'ose of 

    boardin( and unloadin( of 'assen(ers, loadin( and unloadin( of ba((a(e, mail and ar(o as 4ell as

    for renderin( of other t'es of servies and handlin(<

    Mane')e!%n- a!eas = a 'art of airfield, exlusive of ram' >stands?, desi(ned for taeoff, landin( and

    taxiin( of airraft<

    Sea!+h$ !es+'e an& sal)a-e an& f%!e f%-ht%n- s'o!t = a set of measures aimed at arran(in( and

    im'lementin( of immediate and effetive searh, resue and salva(e and fire fi(htin( o'erations for 

    the 'ur'ose of resuin( of 'assen(ers and airraft re4s in distress or distressed, inlusive of 

    renderin( assistane to asualties and evauation thereof from the site of ourrene<

    A%!f%el& en)%!ons = a land 'lot or 4ater area adaent to the airfield 4ithin the boundaries 4hereof a

    zone 4ith s'eial onditions for usin( of the territor is arran(ed >for the 'ur'ose of ensurin( of fli(ht

    safet and seurin( of harmful effet on human health and o'eration of or(anizations?<

    Sea!+h an& !es+'e oe!at%ons = o'erations arried out b man'o4er and resoures of enter'rises

    of ivil aviation and of oo'eratin( or(anizations for the 'ur'ose of searhin( and resuin( of 

    distressed 'assen(ers and airraft re4s 4hen their ourrene is not no4n<

    Ta6%a, = a 'art of air o'eration area of the airfield dediated for taxiin( and to4in( of airraft<

    Fl%-ht oe!at%ons off%+e!  = the fli(ht o'erations offier of Domodedovo Air Traffi ervies -enter of 

    the branh of the $oso4 -enter for Automated Air Traffi -ontrol of 7C* tate AT$ -or'oration<

    A)%at%on Se+'!%t, Se!)%+e = the aviation seurit servie of DO$OD*DO)O A8POT A)8AT8O

    *-C8TE -B- 4hih om'letes aviation seurit tass 4ithin the limits of its 'o4ers and



  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    Slot = de'arture and >or? arrival time >taeoff or landin(? for s'eifi t'e>s? of airraft on s'eifi date

    >da of 4ee? sheduled in the fli(ht 'lan<

    /SE = (round su''ort e+ui'ment<

    A!!an-e#ent an& t!aff%+ atte!n  = a 'attern of traffi of airraft, s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation

    vehiles and mehanial a''lianes on the airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort<La,o)e! o%nt = a 'oint of tem'orar 'arin( of airraft desi(ned for short/term 'arin( of airraft

    4ith subse+uent to4in( to stands for maintenane<

    A%!f%el& te!!%to!,  = land 'lots >or 4ater area? fened >mared? in om'liane 4ith the desi(n

    standards as for staff onl and maintenane territor 4ith the airfield infrastruture failities loated


    A%!o!t te!!%to!,  = territories om'risin( the airfield territor and the adaent for staff onl and

    maintenane territor >land 'lots or a 'art of 4ater areas? 4hereon failities of air terminal

    infrastruture, utilit infrastruture failities, failities of the entralized infrastruture of (round

    handlin( and other infrastruture failities >information tehnolo(ies, aviation seurit, 'erimeter 

    fenin(, 'atrol roads and sstems? are loated as 4ell as other territories on 4hih infrastruture

    failities o'erated and mana(ed b the O'erators are loated<

    CI/* 4+ent!al%(e& %nf!ast!'+t'!e of -!o'n& han&l%n-5  =  infrastruture of Domodedovo Air'ort

    4hih is re+uired  for arrin( out of air'ort o'erations of the O'erators and an be used b t4o or 

    more O'erators at the same time<

    A%!+!aft oe!ato! = a 'hsial or le(al 'erson 4ho arries out o'eratin( of an airraft on the basis of 

    the ri(ht of o4nershi', leasin( a(reement or other douments of entitlement.

    Chate! 2" A%!f%el& Pe!fo!#an+es

    Performanes of the airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort, air traffi ontrol to4ers, (round movement

    ontrol units and ontrol transfer 'oints are available in the A8P of the ussian 7ederation and in the

    urrent 8nstrution on 7li(ht O'erations in the )iinit of $oso4 Airfield >Domodedovo?.

    Chate! 3" /ene!al P!o)%s%ons

    3.1. This $anual is introdued for the 'ur'ose of im'rovin( of fli(ht safet, +ualit of (round handlin(

    and maintenane of airraft as 4ell as for ensurin( of uninterru'ted o'eration of Domodedovo Air'ort.

    3.2. This $anual is mandator for all the le(al and 'hsial 'ersons arrin( out their o'erations in

    the territor of Domodedovo Air'ort as 4ell as for airlines main( fli(hts to@ from Domodedovo Air'ort.

    3.3. This $anual is onsistent 4ith the le(islation of the ussian 7ederation and 4ith 'rovisions and

    rules of international la4.3.#. 8n ase of re'eated violations of the rules set forth in this $anual on the 'art of an le(al or 

    'hsial 'ersons 4ho arr out their ativities in the territor of the airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort, the


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    -hief O'erator ma reserve the ri(ht to restrit aess of suh 'ersons to the territor of the airfield.

    3.&. 8n ase of violation of re+uirements of the le(islation of the ussian 7ederation and of other le(al

    instruments related to ivil aviation as 4ell as of re+uirements of this $anual, an le(al or 'hsial

    'erson loated in the territor of Domodedovo Air'ort ma be held liable 'ursuant to le(islation of the

    ussian 7ederation.3.!. 8n ase an of 'rovisions of this $anual beomes irrelevant, all the rest 'rovisions shall remain


    3.%. The O'erators shall be admitted for arrin( out of o'erations and dismissed from 4or in

    om'liane 4ith the standards and re+uirements set forth in the e+uirements to Admittane of 

    O'erator and ules for Dismissal from -arrin(/out of O'erations in Domodedovo Air'ort.

    Chate! 7" /ene!al Matte!s

    #.1. ules of air traffi and (round movement

    #.1.1. Air traffi in the viinit of Domodedovo Air'ort shall be or(anized in om'liane 4ith the

    urrent 8nstrution on 7li(ht O'erations in the )iinit of $oso4 Airfield >Domodedovo?. "round

    movement is 'ratied aordin( to the urrent 'attern of arran(ement and traffi of airraft,

    s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial a''lianes on the ram' of the airfield of 

    Domodedovo Air'ort >the 'attern of arran(ement and traffi of airraft, s'eial/'ur'ose

    trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial a''lianes on the ram' of the airfield of Domodedovo

     Air'ort is available on the offiial 4eb/site of Domodedovo Air'ort?.

    #.1.2. 7or the 'ur'ose of ensurin( of fli(ht safet, im'rovin( of +ualit of (round handlin( and

    maintenane of airraft and su''ortin( of uninterru'ted o'eration of airfield om'lex, 8T 8

    PO;8F8T*D on the airfield of Domodedovo Air'ortG

    / to violate the urrent 'attern of arran(ement and traffi of airraft, s'eial/'ur'ose

    trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial a''lianes on the ram' as 4ell as the urrent harts of 

    aommodation of e+ui'ment<

    / durin( o'eration of s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles in the territor of the airfield of 

    Domodedovo Air'ortG

    a? to move s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles to the ritial areas of radio/beaon

    landin( sstem, airstri's and taxi4as 4ithout a''roval of the fli(ht o'erations offier and

    'ermission of the C dis'ather obtained in om'liane 4ith the 8nteration Tehnolo(<

    b? to move s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles 4ithin the boundaries of airstri's,

    taxi4as and ritial areas of radio/beaon landin( sstem 4ithout a''roval of the fli(ht

    o'erations offier and 'ermission of the C dis'ather obtained in om'liane 4ith the

    8nteration Tehnolo(<

    ? to use an (round su''ort e+ui'ment 4ithout marin(s on fixtures and aessories<

    d? to use s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial a''lianes in the territor

    of the airfield 4hih are not e+ui''ed 4ith fire/extin(uishin( means and first aid it<


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    e? to use s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial a''lianes on airstri's,

    taxi4as and in the ritial areas of radio/beaon landin( sstem 4hih are not e+ui''ed

    4ith to4 devie and 'osition ontrol sstem used in Domodedovo Air'ort<

     f? to use malfuntionin( s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles as 4ell as s'eial/'ur'ose

    trans'ortation vehiles 4hih are not e+ui''ed 4ith si(nalin( means >marer li(hts and li(htflashers? and sstem for t4o/4a ommuniation 4ith the C dis'ather for o'erations on

    airstri's, taxi4as and in the ritial areas of radio/beaon landin( sstem<

    (? to move s'eial/'ur'ose tra/mounted trans'ortation vehiles to the airfield 'avement

    4ithout a''roval of the head of airfield o'erations de'artment@ airfield o'erations en(ineer<

    h? to 'ollute 'avement of the airfield 4ith soil from 4heels and ontents of bodies of the

    s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles<

    i? to s4ith off radio ommuniation aids, marer li(hts and li(ht flashers mounted on the

    s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles 4hen o'erated on the airstri's, taxi4as and in the

    ritial areas of radio/beaon landin( sstem<

     ? to use s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial a''lianes the health

    4hereof does not om'l 4ith the re+uirements of instrution of the manufaturers<

    / to violate the rules of drivin( of s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles u'@ off airraft durin(

    maintenane and ommerial handlin( 4hih are established b the 8nstrution on arran(ement

    of traffi of s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial a''lianes on ivil airfields

    of the ussian 7ederation a''roved b Order № 02 dated of 13 Bul, 299!, issued b the

    $inistr of Trans'ortation of the ussian 7ederation<

    / to violate the standards and re+uirements related to authorization for drivers to 4or on the

    airfield as 4ell as for 'ersons en(a(ed in su'ervisin( and ontrol of drivin( of s'eial/'ur'ose

    trans'ortation vehiles u'@ off airraft in the ontrolled zone of the airfield of Domodedovo


    #.1.3. hen arrin( out of o'erations on the airfield and in the maneuverin( area, in 'artiular, it

    is re+uired to om'l stritl 4ith the re+uirements of the urrent Tehnolo( of interation of the

    airfield o'erations servie of the airfield o'erations de'artment of $AD -B- 4ith Domodedovo

     Air Traffi ervies -enter of the branh of the $oso4 -enter for Automated Air Traffi -ontrol of 

    7C* tate AT$ -or'oration and 4ith other (round servies su''ortin( air traffi.

    #.2. "eneral (uidelines

    #.2.1. "eneral rules for loation and arrin( out of an t'es of ativities in Domodedovo Air'ort

    #.2.1.2. -arried out o'erations and 'ratied 'roesses shall not im'ose restritions or 

    limitations on the 'roesses of the airfield servies and de'artments and of other users of the


    #.2.1.3. An em'loee en(a(ed in air'ort o'erations, o4ners of 'ro'ert items of the air'ort

    infrastruture, 'ilots in ommand and other 'ersons en(a(ed in o'erations arried out on the

    airfield shall re'ort an violation of the le(islation of the ussian 7ederation to the assistant of 

    the head of o'erations shift of the air'ort b themselves >or via dis'ather? or via their 


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    administrative mana(ers.

    #.2.1.#. An 'hsial or le(al 'erson 4ho is (uilt of 'ollutin( >deliberatel or ne(li(entl? the

    airfield or other failities of the air'ort infrastruture shall eliminate suh 'ollution b its o4n

    efforts< 4here suh 'erson annot eliminate 'ollution b its o4n efforts it shall be done b the

    man'o4er and resoures of the air'ort but at the ex'ense of the 'erson at fault. 8f the 'erson4ho is (uilt of 'ollutin( refuses to reimburse the funds s'ent for elimination of 'ollution, suh

    ex'enses ma be reovered a(ainst the 'erson at fault in a udiial 'roeedin(.

    #.2.1.&. 8n ase of environmental dama(e, the air'ort ma rehar(e the 'enalties to the 'erson

    (uilt in 'ollutin( or reover the ex'enses a(ainst the 'erson at fault in a udiial 'roeedin(.

    #.2.1.!. All the em'loees arrin( out their ativities in the territor of Domodedovo Air'ort

    shall adhere to the ustom/oriented a''roah 4ith res'et to 'ersons usin( the servies of the


    #.2.1.%. All the interation tehnolo(ies >as amended?, im'lemented in the ourse of 'rodution

    ativities in Domodedovo Air'ort shall be a''roved b the -hief O'erator.

    #.2.1.0. All the O'erators arrin( out their ativities in Domodedovo Air'ort shall ensure the

    re+uired minimum of servies in aordane 4ith the established 'roedure.

    #.2.1.5. All the O'erators arrin( out their ativities in Domodedovo Air'ort shall insure their 

    liabilities a(ainst dama(e that ma be inurred in onnetion 4ith arrin( out of the authorized


    #.2.1.19. 7or the 'ur'ose of exerisin( of its funtions, the -hief O'erator shall establish the

    'roedure for sus'endin( >terminatin(? of renderin( of servies to the O'erators in ase of 

    re(ular im'ro'er 'ament for the rendered servies on the 'art of the latter as 4ell as in ase

    the users of the air'ort >airfield? violate the re+uirements of the le(islation of the ussian

    7ederation and the industr/s'eifi standards and re(ulations.

    #.2.1.11. All the O'erators en(a(ed in aommodatin(, dis'athin( or handlin( of airraft shall

    'artii'ate in 'ro(rams and measures aimed at ensurin( of aviation seurit and 'reventin( of 

    unla4ful interferene 4ith o'erations of ivil aviation.

    #.2.1.12. 8t is 'rohibited to arr out o'erations in the air o'eration area and in the ritial areas

    of radio/beaon landin( sstem 4ithout a''roval of the fli(ht o'erations offier and in absene

    of em'loees of the airfield o'erations servie of the -hief O'erator 4ho are res'onsible for 

    arrin( out of o'erations.

    #.2.1.13. hen bein( on the airfield and o'eratin( the same, it is 'rohibitedG

    a? to onstrut buildin(s and strutures in the viinit of the airfield 4ithout 4ritten a''roval of 

    the -hief O'erator of the air'ort and 4ithout douments authorizin( to onstrut and

    reonstrut failities<

    b? to 'ollute 'avement of the airfield 4ith debris, (arba(e and forei(n obets. here

    'ollution is deteted on the airfield or in the air o'eration area, an em'loee shall eliminate

    the same b removin( it to 4aste ontainers available for this 'ur'ose on ever stand. 8f it is

    not 'ossible to eliminate 'ollution b oneHs efforts or in ase of reeivin( of information about


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    'ollution of 'aved or un'aved 'art of the airfield, an em'loee en(a(ed in air'ort

    o'erations, o4ner of 'ro'ert items of the air'ort infrastruture, 'ilot in ommand and other 

    'ersons en(a(ed in o'erations arried out on the airfield shall re'ort to that effet to the

    dis'ather unit of the -hief O'erator b themselves or via their administrative >o'erations?

    mana(er<? to arr out earth 4ors 4ithout 4ritten a''roval of the -hief O'erator of the air'ort<

    d? to launh manufaturin( failities 4hih 'ollute the territor and reate insanitar

    onditions and favorable onditions for (atherin( of birds<

    e? to aommodate s'eial/'ur'ose e+ui'ment and mahiner on the ram' out of the

    boundaries of the dediated mared areas<

    f? to hinder from arrin( out of 4ors on maintenane of 'avements of the airfield<

    (? to violate the established rules for aommodation of s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation

    vehiles, mehanial a''lianes and e+ui'ment in the air o'eration area of the airfield<

    h? to onnet 'o4er onsumers 4ho are not diretl involved in su''ortin( of air o'erations

    to uninterru'ted 'o4er distribution 'anel su''lin( the failities of radio/tehnial su''ort of 

    air o'erations, li(htin( navi(ational aids and ommuniation sstems<

    i? to o'erate radio transmittin( e+ui'ment, inlusive of radio ommuniation devies, 4ithout

    'ermission to o'erate the same and 4ithout ertifiate of om'liane of the same or if suh

    'ermission >ertifiate? is ex'ired<

     ? to arr out 4ors, usin( o'en flame >4eldin(, solderin(, et.?, 4ithout 4ritten a''roval of 

    the head of fire/fi(htin( unit@ the head of o'erations shift of the -hief O'erator<

    ? to mae uttin( in 'i'elines of the heat su''l sstem, 4ater su''l sstem and se4era(e

    sstem 4ithout a''roval of the head of heat en(ineerin( and sanitar/en(ineerin( unit of the

    -hief O'erator<

    l? to use fire hdrants and fire os >other than in the event of fire and ins'etions of the fire/

    extin(uishin( sstem a(reed u'on 4ith the head of heat en(ineerin( and sanitar/

    en(ineerin( unit of the -hief O'erator?<

    m? to tae in 4ater from the heat su''l sstem of buildin(s and strutures<

    n? to dishar(e storm 4ater and 'rodution 4aste 4ater to the se4era(e sstem<

    o? to dishar(e storm 4ater ontainin( 'oisonous om'onents, oils, (asoline, erosene, et.

    to the se4era(e sstem 4ithout 'rior treatment of suh 4ater at the loal treatment failities<

    '? to smoe on the airfield other than in dediated areas<

    +? to onnet additional eletrial installations 4ithout a''roval of the head of eletrial

    tehnial and li(htin( fli(ht su''ort unit of the -hief O'erator<

    r? to to4 airraft from un'aved stands 4ithout offiial 'ermission of Domodedovo -ommerial

    ervies -B- <

    s? to dishar(e aviation fuels, s'eial fluids, 4ater and other 'rodution 4astes to hdrant

    4ell of the entralized fuel sstem.

    #.2.1.1#. 8t is 'rohibited to o'erate motor vehiles and mahiner 4hih are not re(istered in


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    aordane 4ith the established 'roedure as 4ell as 'rivate vehiles in the territor of the

    airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort.

     #.2.1.1&. Aviation staff, em'loees of aviation enter'rises and other 'ersons arrin( out their 

    ativities in the territor of the Airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort is not allo4ed to sta therein in the

    off hours 4ithout the res'etive 'ermission.#.2.1.1!. 8t is 'rohibited to mae fire other than in dediated areas in Domodedovo Air'ort.

    #.2.1.1%. 8t is 'rohibited to obstrut the territor of the airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort 4ith

    onstrution and other materials as 4ell as 4ith obets 4hih hinder traffi.

    #.2.2. ules and radio traffi 'hraseolo( to be used in intra/'ort ommuniation net4ors in the

    territor of Domodedovo Air'ort

    #.2.2.1. adio traffi in Domodedovo Air'ort shall be exhan(ed in om'liane 4ith the urrent

    rules and radio traffi 'hraseolo( to be used in intra/'ort ommuniation net4ors in the

    territor of Domodedovo Air'ort8 The rules for radio traffi exhan(e shall be observed b all the

    'ersons arrin( out their ativities in the territor of Domodedovo Air'ort.

    #.2.3. ubordination in o'erations shifts

    #.2.3.1. All the em'loees of aviation enter'rises and other 'ersons arrin( out their ativities

    in the territor of the airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort shall be subordinate to the head of 

    o'erations shift of the enter'rise. The head of o'erations shift shall be subordinated to the head

    of o'erations shift of the air'ort.

    #.2.#. ules for interation to be observed durin( leanin( of the 'avement and un'aved areas of 

    the airfield

    #.2.#.1. On re+uest of the airfield o'erations unit, durin( autumn/4inter season 'hsial and

    le(al 'ersons arrin( out their ativities in the airfield shall timel lear areas of stora(e of "*

    and s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles loated in the air o'eration area of the airfield for 

    leanin( thereof from sno4 and ie as 4ell as shall stritl follo4 the instrutions of the en(ineer 

    of the airfield o'erations unit related to learin( of the territor in the 'oint of o'eration of sno4/

    learin( e+ui'ment 4hen arrin( out leanin( of the airfield from sno4 and ie.

    #.2.&. Ations of em'loees to be taen 4hen findin( abandoned obets

    #.2.&.1. 8n ase of findin( of abandoned obets in the territor of the air'ort, an em'loee

    arrin( out ativities in the territor of Domodedovo Air'ort shall immediatel re'ort to that

    effet via his@ her o'erations mana(er@ dis'ather of the assistant of the head of o'erations shift

    of the air'ort.

    #.3. Proedures to be follo4ed under lo4 visibilit onditions

    #.3.1. Drivers of trans'ortation vehiles >motor and s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles? and

    the 'ersonnel havin( aess to the air o'eration area shall stritl om'l 4ith the rules and

    re+uirements a''liable under lo4 visibilit onditions in aordane 4ith the urrent Tehnolo( of 

    interation of the airfield o'erations servie of the airfield o'erations de'artment of $AD -B-

    4ith Domodedovo Air Traffi ervies -enter of the branh of the $oso4 -enter for Automated

     Air Traffi -ontrol of 7C* tate AT$ -or'oration and 4ith other (round servies su''ortin( air 


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    traffi as 4ell as in aordane 4ith the urrent 'attern of arran(ement and traffi of airraft,

    s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial a''lianes on the ram' of the airfield of 

    Domodedovo Air'ort.

    #.3.2. hen introduin( s'eial 'roedures in the air'ort, the follo4in( re+uirements shall be

    om'lied 4ithG/ s'eed of movement of s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and motor vehiles shall not

    exeed 19 m@h on the ram' and 29 m@h in the rest 'art of the airfield<

    / under lo4 visibilit onditions, s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles, motor vehiles and

    mehanial a''lianes shall move on the air o'eration area 4ith mandatoril s4ithed on

    dimmers, li(ht flashers of ello4 >oran(e? olor? and fo( li(hts >if available? irres'etive of the

    time of da<

      / 8T 8 PO;8F8T*D to drive s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial

    a''lianes not involved in airraft handlin( or maintenane of 'avements of the airfield and

    li(htin( navi(ational aids on the run4as, taxi4as and ritial areas of radio/beaon landin(


    / drivers of trans'ortation vehiles authorized for arrin( out of o'erations on the airfield shall

    read and a(ree 4ith the restritions im'osed b the :o4 )isibilit Proedures to be om'lied

    4ith 4hen o'eratin( under lo4 visibilit onditions<

    / trans'ortation of re4s and 'ersonnel to@ from airraft shall be 'erformed onl b motor 

    vehiles< 'edestrian traffi on the air o'eration area 8 PO;8F8T*D<

    / 8T 8 PO;8F8T*D to ross the marin( of holdin( taeoff 'osition >ritial areas of radio/

    beaon landin( sstem?, havin( all around li(htin( 4ith red olor/filters and da marin(,

    4ithout 'ermission of the C dis'ather<

    / 8T 8 PO;8F8T*D to ross >ou'? the run4as and taxi4as durin( taxiin( 4ithout

    'ermission of the C dis'ather.

    #.#. ules of ondut in emer(en situations

    #.#.1. Ations of 'hsial 'ersons in the territor of Domodedovo Air'ort in ase of emer(enG

    / to all the surroundin( 'ersons for alm. 8n an emer(en situation 'ani auses

    unonsious ations resultin( in drasti onse+uenes and hinders ations of resuers, fire

    fi(htin( 'ersonnel, medial 'ersonnel and other ex'erts<

     / as soon as 'ossible to inform 'ersonnel of Domodedovo Air'ort about ourred event<

      / to follo4 reommendations of the ex'erts >resuers, fire fi(htin( 'ersonnel, 'olie offiers,

    medial 'ersonnel and 'ersonnel of the air'ort?. 8t hel's to render timel assistane to inured

    'ersons as 4ell as to miti(ate or 'revent onse+uenes >im'at of hazards?<

    / not to reate onditions hinderin( and om'liatin( ations of resuers, fire fi(htin( 'ersonnel,

    medial 'ersonnel, 'olie offiers, 'ubli trans'ort 'ersonnel and air'ort 'ersonnel<

    / to (ive the road for movin( motor trans'ortation vehiles 4ith s'eial li(ht, sound and olor 


    / not to (o behind the enlosure marin( the dan(erous area. arnin( shall be ommuniated


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    in ase of dan(er or emer(en. ememberI arnin( horns and intermittent horn soundin( of 

    enter'rises or trans'ortation vehile means JJAttention AllIJJ. :isten to the informational messa(e

    about emer(en situation, the rules of ondut and ations that ou shall tae. 8nformation

    about the ourrene 4ill be re'eated man times and u'dated in the ourse of events.

    #.#.2. 8f taen as a hosta(e, one should adhere to the follo4in( 'rotetive measuresG/ not to ex'ose oneself to undue ris and to limit an ontats 4ith riminals, es'eiall if those

    are under the influene of li+uor or naroti dru(s<

    / to sta alm< to 4ath attentivel behavior of the riminals and their intentions<

    / at the earliest o''ortunit to tr to inform indred or 'olie about the 4hereabouts<

    / to ee' u' s'irits and, if it is 'ossible, to mae a safe (eta4a<

    / durin( hosta(e extration b 'enetration team to lie do4n on the floor as far as 'ossible from

    4indo4s and doors or to shelter oneself.

    #.#.3. An em'loee shall inform its o'erations mana(er about all the malfuntions and failures in

    the 'rodution 'roess. The head of o'erations shift shall inform the head of o'erations shift of the

    air'ort about all the malfuntions and failures in the 'roess 4hih ma result@ has resulted in air 

    traffi disturbane@ violation of fli(ht safet.

     #.#.#. 8n ase of failure, aident or inident as 4ell as of 'otential failure, aident or inident

    situation, all the 'ersons arrin( out their ativities in Domodedovo Air'ort shall 'ass to the

    o'erational ontrol of the head of o'erations shift of the air'ort.

    #.#.&. 8n ase of situation 4hen it is re+uired to arr out resue and salva(e o'erations on the

    airfield, the em'loees involved in retifiation of onse+uenes of failure, aident or inident shall

    'ass to the o'erational ontrol of the head of resue and salva(e o'erations 'ursuant to the

    emer(en res'onse 'lan.

    #.#.!. The emer(en res'onse 'lan of the air'ort determines the struture of man'o4er and

    resoures to be involved in arrin( out of searh, resue and salva(e o'erations, arran(ement of 

    ommuniation as 4ell as the o'erational 'roedure and s'heres of res'onsibilit of offiers, the

    head of resue and salva(e o'erations, resue team leaders, 'ersonnel of the servies of 

    Domodedovo Air'ort and interatin( or(anizations in the 'roess of retifiation of emer(en


    #.#.%. The emer(en res'onse 'lan of the air'ort shall be mandator for all the 'ersons and

    enter'rises arrin( their ativities in the air'ort< besides, the 'lan s'eifies ontrol, ommuniation

    and oordination funtions re+uired for im'lementation thereof. *xeutive funtions of 'ersonnel of 

    the servies 'artii'atin( in im'lementation of the emer(en res'onse 'lan shall be s'eified in

    the b/la4s dra4n/u' b these servies.

    #.#.0. earh, resue and salva(e o'erations aimed at resuin( of 'assen(ers and re4s of 

    airraft shall be arried out in the area of res'onsibilit for searh and resue o'erations and in the

    territor of the airfield irres'etive of nationalit or de'artmental affiliation of airraft.

    #.&. ules for use of Domodedovo Passen(er Terminal >DPT?

    #.&.1. 8n om'liane 4ith re+uirements of the existin( le(islation of the ussian 7ederation


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    (overnin( domesti and international air trans'ortation, the territor of DPT is divided into several

    zones, namelG

    / ustomer servie areas, 'remises and 'ubli failities<

    / offies and servie 'remises of the air'ort<

    / aviation seurit zone</ ustoms surveillane zone<

    / he'oints on the state border of the ussian 7ederation.

    #.&.2. The follo4in( is 'rohibited in the territor of DPTG

    #.&.2.1. To offer >advertise? servies for trans'ortation of 'assen(ers and ba((a(e b motor 

    trans'ortation vehile, inlusive of 'assen(er taxi, out of the bounds of 'arin( strutures for 

    taxi, or not via dis'ath enters >taxi servies?. :oation and arran(ement of taxi 'arin( areas

    and dis'ath enters >taxi servies? in terminals shall be a''roved b the administration of DPT.

    #.&.2.2. To 'ar trans'ortation vehiles >exlusive of 'ubli trans'ort and offiial taxi arrier? out

    of the bounds of 'arin( areas.

    #.&.2.3. To smoe other than in dediated areas.

    #.&.2.#. To drin aloholi bevera(e and stron( drins in the territor of DPT other than in food


    #.&.2.&. To use dru(s or 'shotro'i substanes and to be under the influene of naroti


    #.&.2.!. To be dressed in mess, dirt and stinin( lothes, to have ba((a(e, thin(s, food stuff 

    >inlusive of bevera(e and ie/ream in o'en ontainers? 4hih an mess u' and smud(e

    'assen(ers, ba((a(e and struture om'onents of DPT.

    #.&.2.%. To molest 'eo'le, i.e., to violate 'ubli order ex'ressed in om'ulsive ations of a

    'erson 'erformed in res'et of other 'eo'le a(ainst their 4ill for the 'ur'ose of sellin(,

    'urhasin(, exhan(e or other4ise 'urhasin( of thin(s as 4ell as for the 'ur'ose of 

    fortunetellin(, mendiatin(, renderin( of sexual servies or 'ress other servies u'on other 

    'eo'le in 'ubli 'laes.

    #.&.2.0. To litter, 'ollute and dama(e buildin(s, installations, e+ui'ment, esalators and

    struture om'onents of DPT.

    #.&.2.5. To 'ut ba((a(e on seats in loun(es.

    #.&.2.19. To lie on seats in loun(es.

    #.&.2.11. To sit or lie on the floor and in ina''ro'riate 'laes.

    #.&.2.12. To listen to audio sstem at the volume level that hinders 'ere'tion of aousti

    information in DPT and disturbs other 'assen(ers.

    #.&.2.13. To terminate soet (rou's >to 'lu( eletri shavers, noteboo om'uters, batter

    har(ers and other eletri a''lianes? 4hih su''ort o'eration of 'lant and e+ui'ment of the

    air'ort 4ithout 4ritten 'ermission of the administration.

    #.&.2.1#. To reate situations that hinder 'assen(er traffi.

    #.&.2.1&. To ae't thin(s from stran(ers for onveane.


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    #.&.2.1!. To move b biles, le/ars, trolles and other means of arria(e in the territor of 

    DPT, exe't for si 'assen(ers and P$. $eans of arria(e to be trans'orted as ba((a(e

    shall be sto4ed >'aa(ed? 4hen e't in the territor of DPT.

    #.&.2.1%. To have animals 4ithout muzzles or 4ith leads the len(th thereof does not mae it

    'ossible to ontrol behavior of animals.#.&.2.10. To 4al animals in the territor of DPT >the buildin( of DPT, land side area, stands,

    'arin( areas and ram'?.

    #.&.2.15. To stand@ sit on ba((a(e trolle or other4ise use the same for 'ur'oses other than

    intended >to arr thin(s of an t'e that bear no relation to 'assen(erHs ba((a(e?.

    #.&.2.29. To arr out 'rofessional tele'hoto(ra'h, video and amera reordin( 4ithout 4ritten

    'ermission of the authorized servies of the air'ort and in the ustoms surveillane zones and

    in the he'oints on the state border of the ussian 7ederation 4ithout 'ermission of the

    res'etive state authorit.

    #.&.2.21. To a''l (raffiti, to 'lae 'osters, sho4 bills, announements and other advertisin(,

    information and 'ro'a(anda materials 4ithout 4ritten 'ermission of the administration of DPT

    and in the ustoms surveillane zones and in the he'oints on the state border of the ussian

    7ederation 4ithout 'ermission of the res'etive state authorit.

    #.&.2.22. To arr out an ommerial ativities and to 'eddle 4ithout 4ritten 'ermission of the

    administration of DPT and in the ustoms surveillane zones and in the he'oints on the state

    border of the ussian 7ederation 4ithout 'ermission of the res'etive state authorit.

    #.&.2.23. To have in oneJs 'ossession firearms, 'ierin( and fra(ile obets 4ithout 'rotetin(

    over >'ain(?, inlusive of si and sates, small (ardenin( tools 4ith o'en shar' 'arts.

    #.&.2.2#. To have meals other than in food ourts.

    #.&.3. Aess to offies and servie 'remises of the servies@ de'artments of the air'ort is allo4ed

    b 8D ards onl. All the entries to offies and servie 'remises are furnished 4ith JJAuthorized

    Personnel OnlJJ 4arnin( si(n. The 'roedure for 'assin( and stain( in the offies and servie

    'remises is determined b the internal seurit 'oli of DPT. The Aviation eurit ervie and

     Air'ort afe(uard ervie exerise 'ass ontrol and ontrol of om'liane 4ith the internal seurit


    #.&.#. Personnel and 'assen(ers are allo4ed to 'ass to the seurit area ontrolled b the Aviation

    eurit ervie onl throu(h s'eiall e+ui''ed 'oints of 're/fli(ht sreenin(@ vettin(. The

    'roedure for arrin( out of sreenin(@ vettin( is determined b Order № 19# On a''roval of the

    rules for arrin( out of 're/fli(ht and 'ost/fli(ht sreenin( dated of 2& Bul, 299%, issued b the

    $inistr of Trans'ortation of the ussian 7ederation.

    #.&.&. Premises and failities loated in the territor of DPT >ustomer servie areas and other 

    'remises? inluded in the ustoms surveillane zone are furnished 4ith JJ-ustoms urveillane

    6oneJJ 4arnin( si(n. All the measures and arran(ements related to su''ortin( of the re(ime of the

    ustoms border of the ussian 7ederation in the ustoms surveillane zone are im'lemented b

    Domodedovo -ustoms.


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    #.&.!. The 'roedure for ustoms learane of 'assen(ers as 4ell as the rules for movin( of (oods

    and forei(n exhan(e ash aross the ustoms border of the ussian 7ederation is determined b

    the ustoms le(islation of the ussian 7ederation.

    #.&.%. Passen(ers are allo4ed to 'ass the state border of the ussian 7ederation onl in 'ass'ort

    he/'oints in om'liane 4ith all the 'ass'ort and visa formalities established b the existin(le(islation of the ussian 7ederation.

    Chate! 9" Oe!at%n- of T!anso!tat%on Veh%+les an& E:'%#ent

    &.1. $ovement of trans'ortation vehiles and 'edestrians in the territor of Domodedovo Air'ort shall

    om'l 4ith the traffi rules of the ussian 7ederation.

    &.2. 8t is allo4ed to sto' in the land side area for loadin(@ unloadin( of 'assen(ers.

    &.3. Dediated 'arin( areas are available in the territor of Domodedovo Air'ort< 'arin( of 

    trans'ortation vehiles out of the bounds of dediated 'arin( areas is 'rohibited.

    &.#. Trans'ortation vehiles ma be moved to the dediated 'arin( areas b order of 'olie offiers.

    &.&. $ovement of trans'ortation vehiles and s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles in the airfield of 

    Domodedovo Air'ort shall om'l 4ith the urrent 'attern of arran(ement and traffi of airraft,

    s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial a''lianes on the ram' as 4ell as to the

    urrent harts of aommodation of e+ui'ment and the traffi rules.

    &.!. e+uirements to trans'ortation vehiles

    &.!.1. Trans'ortation vehiles, s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and mehanial a''lianes

    o'erated in the territor of the airfield shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements set forth in the follo4in(


    / e(ulation On a''roval of the tehnial re(ulations for safet of 4heeled trans'ortation

    vehiles issued b the "overnment of the ussian 7ederation<

    / 8ATA Air'ort ;andlin( $anual.

    &.!.2. 'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles o'erated in the air o'eration area shall be e+ui''ed


    / flashin( beaon<

    / to4ro'e<

    / fire extin(uisher<

    / first aid it<

    / 'ar sensors<

    / ba/u' buzzer<

    / olor 'anorami reversin( amera 4ith ima(e out'ut on monitor dis'la in the 'assen(er 


    &.!.3. 'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles involved in airraft handlin( and allo4ed to move in

    the airraft handlin( area shall be e+ui''ed 4ithG

    / defroster and mirror heater<


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    / immobilizin( 4hen in (ear<

    / sstem of (ear box bloin( 4hen 'arin( brae is a''lied.

    &.!.#. All the s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles o'erated in the air o'eration area shall be

    'ro'erl e+ui''ed to be dis'laed in the 'osition ontrol sstem of the air'ort.

    &.!.&. hen o'erated in the airraft handlin( area, all the s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehilesshall be e+ui''ed 4ith automati (earbox and emer(en sto' button.

    &.!.!. hen o'erated in the maneuverin( areas, all the s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles

    shall be additionall e+ui''ed 4ithG

    / air band radio station for listenin( to airraft radio ommuniation<

    / o'erational beaon of the multi/'osition surveillane sstem.

    &.!.%. Trans'ortation vehiles shall be e+ui''ed at the ex'ense of users in om'liane 4ith the

    e+ui'ment s'eifiations 'rovided b the -hief O'erator.

    &.!.0. Trans'ortation vehiles not om'lin( 4ith the said re+uirements shall be allo4ed to enter 

    the airfield onl 4ith follo4in( u'.

    &.!.5. Tehnial ondition of s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and s'eial/'ur'ose

    e+ui'ment of trans'ortation vehiles shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of the federal le(islation of 

    the ussian 7ederation and 4ith the industr/s'eifi re(ulations and standards of the ussian

    7ederation related to or(anization of o'eration and maintenane of s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation

    vehiles in air'orts.

    &.!.19. -olor 'attern of trans'ortation vehiles, s'eial/'ur'ose mahiner and 'rodution

    e+ui'ment, 4hen o'erated in the airfield, shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of the federal aviation

    re(ulations and standards.

    &.!.11. Tehnial ondition of s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles and s'eial/'ur'ose

    e+ui'ment of trans'ortation vehiles shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of the federal le(islation of 

    the ussian 7ederation and 4ith the industr/s'eifi re(ulations and standards of the ussian

    7ederation related to or(anization of o'eration and maintenane of s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation

    vehiles in air'orts.

    &.!.12. *n(ine of trans'ortation vehile shall om'l 4ith the *CO 3 *nvironmental afet


    &.!.13. All the s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles shall be e+ui''ed 4ithG

    / ba/u' buzzer<

     / sstem of safe a''roah to airraft enablin( to adust the o'eratin( threshold for the minimum

    distane in the ran(e of 9.&/1.& meters 4ith due aount for different fusela(e diameters.

    &.!.1#. oise and vibration rates of s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles shall not exeed the

    allo4ed values s'eified in "OT 12.1.993/03 and "OT 12.1.912/59 res'etivel as 4ell as in

    other re(ulations and standards a''liable to these rates.

    &.!.1&. 'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles, involved in airraft handlin(, movin( in the airraft

    handlin( area and if outri((ed, shall have automati ontrol sstem 4hih blos o'eratin( until

    outri((ers are 'ro'erl extended.


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    &.!.1!. Additional re+uirements to trans'ortation vehiles and s'eial/'ur'ose mahiner

    &.!.1!.1. Deiers

    -onfi(uration of the main om'onents of su''lied de/iin( e+ui'ment and mahiner >deiers?

    shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 519. Performanes of su''lied deiers shall om'l

    4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 5%&. De/iin( treatment shall be 'erformed in om'liane 4ith thereommendation of A*A and A*.

    &.!.1!.2. :avator trus

    -onfi(uration of the main om'onents of su''lied e+ui'ment and mahiner shall om'l 4ith

    the re+uirements of A;$ 519. Frae sstem shall su''ort stable 'osition of underarria(e at

    inlination an(le of 2 K. Availabilit of sensors is mandator on the extreme 'oints of the rear 

    end of detahable e+ui'ment. Availabilit of visual and audio 4arnin( sstem in driverHs

    om'artment is mandator< the sstem shall 4arn the driver about the distane to an obstale.

    8mmobilizin( 4hen in (ear< sstem of (ear box bloin( 4hen 'arin( brae is a''lied.

    &.!.1!.3. Fa((a(e trators

    -onfi(uration of hith mehanism shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 51!. The e

    re+uirements to "* used for airraft handlin( are s'eified in A;$ 519. The e re+uirements

    to safet of "* used for airraft handlin( are s'eified in A;$ 513. The e re+uirements to

    hith mehanism for "* used for airraft handlin(.

    &.!.1!.#. am' buses

    ;ei(ht and overall dimensions shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements to traffi safet of the ussian

    7ederation. Fusses shall be outfitted 4ith handrails for onveniene of standin( 'assen(ers.

    7loor shall have nonsid orrosion/'roof oatin(. The e re+uirements to "* used for airraft

    handlin( are s'eified in A;$ 519. The e re+uirements to "* used for airraft handlin( are

    s'eified in A;$ 513. -om'atibilit of "* used for airraft handlin( is s'eified in A;$ 51#.

    &.!.1!.&. -aterin( hi(h lift trus

    Protetive rubber bum'ers >dam'in( elements? in all the 'ossible areas of ontat 4ith airraft.

    -onfi(uration of the main om'onents of su''lied e+ui'ment and mahiner shall om'l 4ith

    the re+uirements of A;$ 519 and A;$ 52%. o less than four hdrauli mountin(s >outri((ers?

    of vertial extension are re+uired for stable 'osition of hi(h lift tru durin( loadin(@ unloadin(<

    outri((ers shall be loated at the orners of hi(h lift tru bod and unload the 4heels.

     Availabilit of buzzer for liftin(@ lo4erin( of hi(h lift tru bod.

    &.!.1!.!. ater serviin( vehiles

    7illin( hose shall om'l 4ith 8O #&9 tandard or 4ith a similar standard and shall be

    a''ro'riatel mared. -onfi(uration of the main om'onents of su''lied e+ui'ment and

    mahiner shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 519. Frae sstem shall su''ort stable

    'osition of underarria(e at inlination an(le of 2 K. Availabilit of visual and audio 4arnin(

    sstem in driverHs om'artment is mandator< the sstem shall 4arn the driver about the

    distane to an obstale. 8mmobilizin( 4hen in (ear< sstem of (ear box bloin( 4hen 'arin(

    brae is a''lied.


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    &.!.1!.%. Airraft to4 trators

     Airraft to4 trators are desi(ned for to4in( of airraft, havin( taeoff 4ei(ht of more than 2&9

    tons, 4ith started en(ines, 4ith frition oeffiient of 9.# >sno4/overed@ ie/overed 'avement?.

    8mmobilizin( 4hen in (ear< sstem of (ear box bloin( 4hen 'arin( brae is a''lied. Ber/

    free breaa4a and sto' of airraft shall be assured. Availabilit of bau' >emer(en? steerin(drive.

    &.!.1!.0. elf/'ro'elled 'assen(er stairs

    This e+ui'ment is desi(ned for loadin(@ unloadin( of 'assen(er on remote stands as 4ell as for 

    loadin(@ unloadin( of 'ersonnel durin( (round handlin( of airraft. -onfi(uration of the main

    om'onents of su''lied e+ui'ment and mahiner shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of A;$

    519. Frae sstem shall su''ort stable 'osition of underarria(e at inlination an(le of 2 K

    4ithout usin( of terminal blos. *lements of the struture of fli(ht of stairs and boardin(

    'latform shall not have shar' 'rotrudin( surfaes 4hih ma inure 'assen(ers and o'eratin(

    'ersonnel. idth of the fli(ht of stairs shall be suffiient for 2 'assen(ers 4ith hand ba((a(e to

    sta on one stair safel and freel. Availabilit of rails alon( the 4hole len(th of the fli(ht of stairs

    and 4orin( 'latform of the 'assen(er stairs. Protetive rubber bum'ers >dam'in( elements? in

    all the 'ossible areas of ontat 4ith airraft. tairs and boardin( 'latform shall be made of 

    4ear'roof abrasive oatin( or of textured metal oatin( to 'rotet 'assen(ers and o'eratin(

    'ersonnel from sli''in( do4n and (ettin( inured. -onfi(uration of eletrial failities of 

    'assen(er stairs shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 510.

    &.%. e+uirements to e+ui'ment

    &.%.1. Prodution e+ui'ment in o'eration shall om'l 4ith the follo4in( re+uirementsG

    / sheduled maintenane of the e+ui'ment shall be arried out 4ithin the so'e and 'eriods of 

    time s'eified b the hedule of maintenane of e+ui'ment@ trans'ortation vehiles@ s'eial/

    'ur'ose trans'ortation vehiles@ buildin(s@ strutures@ utilit sstems@ en(ineerin( sstems<

    / 'arameters of e+ui'ment shall om'l 4ith the standard tehnial 'arameters s'eified in the

    o'eration and maintenane doumentation for the e+ui'ment<

    / failures and malfuntionin( 4hih ourred durin( sheduled and unsheduled maintenane

    shall be orreted<

    / 4orin( sstems >hdrauli, 'neumati, et.? shall be filled 4ith 4orin( substane u' the level

    s'eified in the o'eration and maintenane doumentation<

    / dates of alibration of instruments bein( a 'art of the e+ui'ment shall be e't to the shedule<

    / dates of he of vessels under 'ressure shall be e't to the shedule<

    / e+ui'ment 4hih is under the ontrol of the state su'ervisor authorities shall have the

    res'etive a''roval douments<

    / 4arnin( and informational si(ns and letterin( on e+ui'ment shall be learl visible<

    / e+ui'ment shall be 'rovided 4ith a full set of om'onents bein( a 'art of the e+ui'ment<

    / e+ui'ment shall be leaned from mehanial 'ollution, traes of 4orin( fluid and 'reservative



  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    / sheduled and unsheduled maintenane 4ors, re'laement of om'onents and assembl

    units shall be s'eified in the e+ui'ment doumentation<

     / (ra'hi smbols on ontrol 'anels of mobile e+ui'ment shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of 

     A;$ 51&<

    / noise and vibration rates shall not exeed the allo4ed values s'eified in "OT 12.1.993/03and "OT 12.1.912/59 res'etivel as 4ell as in other re(ulations and standards a''liable to

    these rates. *missions of harmful substanes into the atmos'here shall not exeed the allo4ed

    values established under the existin( le(islation of the ussian 7ederation.

    &.%.2. Additional re+uirements to e+ui'mentG

    &.%.2.1. ;eaters for om'artments of airraft

    This e+ui'ment is desi(ned for su''l of 4arm air aboard an airraft 4hen 're'arin( the same

    for de'arture as 4ell as durin( maintenane of en(ines and struture elements of an airraft at

    ambient tem'erature belo4 zero. -onfi(uration of the main om'onents of su''lied e+ui'ment

    shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 519. Desi(n of su''lied e+ui'ment shall om'l

    4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 5%3. -onfi(uration of eletrial sstem of heater shall om'l

    4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 510.

    &.%.2.2. Air onditionin(

    *n(ine shall om'l 4ith the *CO 3 *nvironmental afet tandard. To ensure hi(h +ualit

    of air su''lied to om'artments of airraft, air onditionin( devie shall be e+ui''ed 4ith filter 

    of at least 7& lass.

    &.%.2.3. Air starter unit

     Air starter unit shall be mounted on draft hassis. This e+ui'ment shall om'l 4ith the

    re+uirements of the follo4in( doumentsG

    / A;$ 59# Airraft Doors, erviin( Points and stem e+uirements for the Cse of "round

    u''ort *+ui'ment<

    / A;$ 519 Fasi e+uirements for Airraft "round u''ort *+ui'ment<

    / A;$ 5%! 7untional 'eifiations for an Air tart Cnit<

    / 8O 292!G15%# Airraft / -onnetions for startin( en(ines b air.

    &.%.2.#. Po4er su''l units

     This e+ui'ment shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of the follo4in( doumentsG

    / "OT 15%9&/05 *letri 'o4er su''l sstems of airraft and helio'ters. "eneral

    re+uirements and standards +ualit of eletri 'o4er<

    / 8O !0&0 Airraft / "round su''ort eletrial su''lies / "eneral re+uirements<

    / F 2" 215 'eifiation for (eneral re+uirements for (round su''ort eletrial su''lies for


    / A* AP &91& "round *+ui'ment / #99 ;ertz "round Po4er Performane e+uirements<

    / $8: %9#* Airraft *letri Po4er -harateristis<

    / D7 #99 'eifiation for #99 ;z airraft 'o4er su''l<

    / *2202 Aeros'ae series. -harateristis of airraft eletrial su''lies.


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    &.%.2.&. Dollies for ontainers, ba((a(e, ar(o and mail

    ;ith mehanism shall be fitted out 4ith lo to eliminate the ris of s'ontaneous detahin( of 

    dollies durin( movement of doll train. -levis and safet ro'e shall be available to eliminate

    the ris of detahin( of dollies in doll train durin( o'eratin(. To arr ba((a(e, 'iee ar(o

    and un'alletized mail, dollies of enlosed t'e shall be used. Doll shall be fitted out 4ithsto''in( brae res'ondin( in do4n 'osition of to4 bar and lathed in u' 'osition of to4 bar. 8n

    ase of detahin( of a doll durin( movement, to4 bar shall (o do4n b (ravit, thus brin(in(

    lo mehanism into o'eration.

    &.%.2.!. Platform ollation frames

     Availabilit of sto''ers is mandator< in terms of desi(n, the shall be loated in line 4ith

    dimensions of ontainers and 'allets >'artiularl, at the front, at the ba and, if re+uired, in/

    bet4een?< hei(ht of sto''ers shall be no less than 119 mm.

    &.%.2.%. Felt loaders

    *xternal dimensions shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 519.

    :o mehanism of loader shall be fitted out 4ith outri((ers or sto''in( brae su''ortin(

    stable 'osition of the vehile at inlination an(le of u' to 19L. :oader arm shall be fitted out

    4ith sto''ers eliminatin( the ris of fallin( of ar(o. Felt loader shall be fitted out 4ith dam'in(

    devie 'reventin( hard ontat 4ith airraft bod.

    &.%.2.0. $aintenane ladders

    *+ui'ment shall be ertified b the authorized a(en of the ussian 7ederation in the field of 

    ivil aviation. -onfi(uration of maintenane ladder shall om'l 4ith the (eneral re+uirement

    s'eifiations on "* s'eified in "OT &3/2995. -om'liane 4ith the 8ATA (eneral

    re+uirements to air'ort e+ui'ment and 4ith the 8ATA safet re+uirements >A;$ 519 and 513?.

    &.%.2.5. Flos

    -onfi(uration of metal blos shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of 2/2 OT 1.11#&/0& or 

    1.5!93.5533.199. Tehnial harateristis of blo >'artiularl, overall dimensions, 4ei(ht,

    material? shall ensure reliable 'osition of airraft durin( (round time, be a''ro'riate for airraft

    t'e and, res'etivel, to size of hassis 4heels >tires?. Availabilit of studs 'reventin( of 

    slidin( of metal blo. Availabilit of horizontal 'rotetive over >for rubber 'ads?. The standard

    olor is red.

    &.%.2.19. To4 bars

    To4 bar shall be fitted out 4ith dam'in( element for ushionin( durin( to4in(.

    eommendation >a''roval? of manufaturers of aviation e+ui'ment and mahiner for usin(

    of this t'e of to4 bar for to4in( of airraft of the res'etive t'e shall be available.

    -onfi(uration shall om'l 4ith A* AP151& or 8O 5!!%G1550 standards. Oran(e@ ello4

    olor shall be a((ressive environment resistant.

    &.%.2.11. Airraft fire extin(uishers

    Desi(n of art/mounted fire extin(uishers shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of "OT

    12.2.93%. Mualit of om'onents used for fire extin(uisher onfi(uration shall be onfirmed b


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    the a''ro'riate douments of manufaturers >4ors ertifiate, +ualit ertifiate, et.?.

    ;i(h/'ressure tans for 'ro'ellant (as and hi(h 'ressure fire extin(uishers shall be

    manufatured in om'liane 4ith the re+uirements of the effetive en(ineerin( standards.

    Desi(n of fire extin(uishers shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of "OT &19&%/91, "OT

    &191%/95, TC #0/991/%20!!%35/9# and "OT 5#5/%3. Pressure (au(e or 'ressureindiator shall be furnished 4ith aom'anin( douments onfirmin( om'liane of the

    'arameters 4ith the re+uirements of desi(n doumentation for fire extin(uisher.

     Atuation mehanism for fire extin(uisher shall be fitted out 4ith safet 'in (uardin( a(ainst

    atuation of fire extin(uisher 4hen movin(, if fell do4n, b im'at of vibration or b random

    im'at on release elements. afet 'in on filled fire extin(uisher shall be sealed in suh a 4a

    that to mae it im'ossible to use the fire extin(uisher 4ithout removin( of the safet 'in and

    destroin( the seal.

    $arin( on fire extin(uisher shall be in ussian and ontain the follo4in( informationG

    / name and trade mar of the manufaturer<

    / t'e and name of fire extin(uisher assi(ned b the manufaturer<

    / index of re(ulator or tehnial doument 4ith the re+uirements 4hereof the fire

    extin(uisher om'lies >re+uirements s'eifiation, standard, et.?<

    / t'e, +ualit lass and nominal +uantit of fire extin(uishin( a(ent >inludin( allo4ed

    values? har(ed in fire extin(uisher<

    / method of atuation of fire extin(uisher in the form of several ions >sethes? sho4in( the

    se+uene of ations re+uired for o'eration of fire extin(uisher<

    / month and ear of manufature.

    Parts of fire extin(uisher made of materials non/resistant to orrosion shall have 'rotetive

    oatin( or 'aint oatin( in om'liane 4ith the re+uirements of "OT 5.393 or "OT 5.932@

    "OT 5.19# res'etivel.

    7ire/extin(uisher linder shall be of red safet olor in om'liane 4ith the re+uirements of 

    "OT 12.#.92!.

    &.%.2.12. itro(en fillin( units

    Purit of (enerated nitro(en shall be in the ran(e of 5! N 2K.

    Desi(n of (as (eneratin( e+ui'ment >desi(n of 'i'es, nozzles, hoses, ada'ter onnetors,

    shut/off and ontrol valves and safet devies? shall be full om'atible for attahin( of (as

    linders of #9 liters in volume om'lin( 4ith the re+uirements of "OT 5#5/%3. 8ons of 

    ontrol elements shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 51&.

    &.%.2.13. -ontainers and 'allets loaders

    ;drauli mountin(s >outri((ers? shall be available. Fum'er shall be available at the front

    ed(e of the front 'latform. Fum'er shall be made of flexible and  s'rin( material 4hih shall

    be 4ear'roof and environment resistant. This e+ui'ment om'onent shall seure soft ontat

    4ithout dama(in( of the surfae of fusela(e 4hen doin( the 'latform losel to airraft.

    -ontrol s4ithes shall have ions in om'liane 4ith the re+uirements of A;$. 8ons of ontrol


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    elements shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of A;$ 51&.

    &.%.2.1#. -ontainers and 'allets trans'orters

    This e+ui'ment is desi(ned for trans'ortation of ontainers and 'allets to doll trains durin(

    unloadin( of airraft or on the ram' of the air'ort.

    ;drauli dual iruit brae sstem 4ith additional sto''in( brae.


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    airline to use the assi(ned slots ma be taen a(ainst suh airline.

    !.5.3. 8n ase of earl@ delaed arrival of an airraft and non/availabilit of a 'assen(er brid(e,

    suh airraft shall be taen to stand 4ithout an 'assen(er brid(e. 7urther to4in( of the airraft

    shall be arried out on re+uest of the airline and at its ex'ense.

    !.5.#. here information about fail airraft bein( maintained on a fin(er stand is obtained, suhairraft shall be to4ed to a remote stand at the ex'ense of the airline.

    !.19. ;andlin( of airraft in the territor of the airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort

    !.19.1. hen handlin( airraft in the territor of the airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort, it is 'rohibitedG

    a? to arr out treatment@ leanin( of airraft from sno4@ ie@ dirt >4ith de/iin( fluids@ 4ater at

    oneHs o4n disretion and 4ithout a''roval of the head of the airfield o'erations unit of the -hief 

    O'erator out of the bounds of the dediated areas@ stands<

    b? to violate the 'roedures for (round handlin( and maintenane of airraft in terms of s'ill@

    dishar(e of fuel, oil, hdrauli fluid and other fluids on 'avements@ un'aved areas of the


    ? to violate the 'roedures for (round handlin( and maintenane of airraft in terms of s'ill@

    dishar(e of 4ater@ ontents of toilet bo4ls of airraft on 'avements@ un'aved areas of the


    d? to leave unattended the mehanial a''lianes and su''ort e+ui'ment 4hih are o'eratin(

    as 4ell as airraft 4ith onneted (round 'o4er su''l units, s'eial/'ur'ose trans'ortation

    vehiles, et.<

    e? to leave s'eial/'ur'ose e+ui'ment@ mahiner on stands out of the bounds of the dediated

    stora(e areas after handlin( of airraft<

    f? to authorize s'eial/'ur'ose motor vehiles 4hih are defetive and are not fitted out 4ith

    s'ar su''ressors to o'erations on fuellin( of airraft<

    (? to arr out airraft (round handlin( and maintenane o'erations 4ithout emer(en fire/

    fi(htin( e+ui'ment bein( available<

    h? to rev u' airraft en(ines out of the bounds of dediated stands 4hih are not a''roved 4ith

    res'et to airraft t'es<

    i? to arr out maintenane and ommerial serviin( of airraft in laover 'oints, exe't forG

    / (round handlin( o'erations related to to4in(, safe/(uardin( and su''ortin( of 

    aommodation@ de'arture of airraft< leanin( of airraft from sno4 and ie shall be arried

    out in om'liane 4ith the established 'roedure<

    / maintenane of airraft held in laover 'oints 4hih are on taxiin( runs aimed at 're'arin(

    of airraft for to4in( to stands<

    / ommerial serviin( and maintenane of airraft held in laover 'oints 4hih are on taxiin(

    runs for the 'ur'ose of su''ortin( of aommodation@ de'arture of airraft 4ith dan(erous

    ar(o onboard<

     ? to violate the 'roedures for removin( of (arba(e after leanin( of airraft<

    ? to aommodate malfuntionin(@ failed airraft on fin(er stands u'on arrival<


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    l? to reover airraft from failure on fin(er stands< suh airraft shall be to4ed to remote stands

    for maintenane and re'air.

    !.19.2. Availabilit of 'assen(er stairs and 'assen(er brid(es

    !.19.2.1. Passen(er stairs and 'assen(er brid(es are made available in the territor of the

    airfield of Domodedovo Air'ort in om'liane 4ith the effetive 'roedure for 'rovidin( 4ith'assen(er stairs and 'assen(er brid(es.

    Chate! =" Re:'%!e#ents to Oe!ato!s Ca!!,%n-o't A+t%)%t%es %n Do#o&e&o)o A%!o!t

    %.1. O'erator shall render servies 4ithin the so'e of its business ativit in strit om'liane 4ith

    the 8ATA TADAD "OCD ;AD:8" A"**$*T.

    %.2. $ain re+uirements of the air'ort to the O'erators 4ith res'et to renderin( of servies relatin( to

    (round handlin( of airraft on the ram'

    %.2.1. Pre'aration of standsG

    / ins'etion of stands aimed at detetin( of forei(n obets, dirt, sand, sno4, ie, s'ilt oil and

    other thin(s 4hih an dama(e airraft durin( taxiin( in@ out.

    %.2.2. Arrival of airraftG

    / s'eial/'ur'ose mahiner and "* shall not be inside the safet area of stand until li(ht

    flashers of airraft are s4ithed off</ 'rini'les of airraft stabilit on (round durin( unloadin( o'erations shall be observed</ all ar(o nets inside the ba((a(e@ ar(o om'artment shall be a''ro'riatel seured >for 

    airraft of all t'es?</ s'eial/'ur'ose mahiner and "* shall be loated on stand< standard brae sstems shall

    be used >hos, outri((ers, sto''in( brae, et.?</ ombination or se'aration of dan(erous and@ or s'eial ar(o, ba((a(e and other load shall

    be done</ all the load to be se'aratel >additionall? tied do4n shall be a''ro'riatel seured</ douments, 'aa(in( and marin( of dan(erous ar(o shall om'l 4ith the Dan(erous

    "oods e(ulations >rules for safe trans'ortation of dan(erous (oods b air?</ after unloadin( the ba((a(e@ ar(o om'artment of airraft shall be ins'eted for absene of 

    forei(n obets and an e+ui'ment not related to this fli(ht.

    %.2.3. De'arture of airraftG

    / fuel/serviin( mahiner shall not be bloed b other vehiles and@ or "*</ 'roedure for fillin(@ dishar(in( of PO: in@ from airraft shall om'l 4ith the re+uirements of 

    airlines and the air'ort >earthin(, fillin( under s'eifi 4eather onditions >thunderstorm, storm

    4ind?, fillin( of airraft 4ith 'assen(ers on board, et.?</ before loadin( the ba((a(e@ ar(o om'artment of airraft shall be ins'eted for absene of 

    forei(n obets and an e+ui'ment not related to this fli(ht</ 'rini'les of airraft stabilit on (round durin( loadin( o'erations shall be observed<

    / all ar(o nets inside the ba((a(e@ ar(o om'artment shall be a''ro'riatel seured >for 

    airraft of all t'es?</ ombination or se'aration of dan(erous and@ or s'eial ar(o, ba((a(e and other load shall

    be done<


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    / all the load to be se'aratel >additionall? tied do4n shall be a''ro'riatel seured</ douments, 'aa(in( and marin( of dan(erous ar(o shall om'l 4ith the Dan(erous

    "oods e(ulations >rules for safe trans'ortation of dan(erous (oods b air?</ visual ins'etion of airraft before de'arture shall be arried out >absene of visible dama(e,

    defets, o'ened 'anels, doors and hathes?<

    / s'eial/'ur'ose mahiner and "* shall not be inside the safet area of stand and on thetaxiin( out 4a before start of airraft movement >to4in(, taxiin( 4ith runnin( en(ines?</ atual load shall orres'ond 4ith the airraft loadin( hart</ atual number of artiles of ba((a(e loaded to the ba((a(e@ ar(o om'artment shall

    orres'ond 4ith the number of re(istered artiles of ba((a(e >less the number of removed

    artiles of ba((a(e?</ there shall be no ba((a(e of 'assen(er>s? 4ithdra4n from the fli(ht on board of the airraft</ atual number of 'assen(ers on board shall orres'ond to the number of heed in

    'assen(ers</ 'assen(ers on board shall om'l 4ith those s'eified in 'assen(er manifest.

    %.2.#. $ain re+uirements to airraft balaneG

    / atual 4ei(hts shall not exeed the maximum allo4ed 4ei(hts s'eified b the manufaturer,

    airfield, airline and the maximum 4ei(hts for s'eifi fli(ht</ fli(ht balane of airraft shall be 4ithin the established limits</ master data on balane shall be used for the (iven t'e of airraft</ douments on balane shall be a''lied for the (iven t'e of airraft</ airraft shall not overloaded and balane shall be 4ithin the established limits in vie4 of last/

    minute han(es</ o'erations of balanin( and handlin( on the ram' shall result in orres'ondin( of the atual

    loadin( of airraft to the fli(ht douments.%.2.&. $ain re+uirements to to4in( of airraftG

    / 'roedure for startin( of en(ines on stands, durin( to4in( and at the en(ine startu' 'oint shall

    be om'lied 4ith<

    / 'ro'erl o'eratin( to4in( e+ui'ment and mahiner shall be used and be a''ro'riate for the

    (iven t'e of airraft.

    %.2.!. $ain re+uirements to o'eratin( of trans'ortation vehiles and "* for (round handlin( of 


    %.2.!.1. O'erators shall ensure that 'ersonnel (ivin( marshallin( si(nals durin( movement of 

    airraftGa? shall be res'onsible for (ivin( lear and 'reise standard marshallin( si(nals<b? shall be a''roved for 'erformin( these o'erations b the a''ro'riate mana(ement

    bod, if a''liable<? shall have s'eial hi(h visibilit vest on thus main( it 'ossible for re4 teams easil to

    distin(uish the 'erson as the ex'ert res'onsible for (ivin( marshallin( si(nals.%.2.!.2. 7or the 'ur'ose of arrin( out of handlin( o'erations, usin( "*, in Domodedovo

     Air'ort, O'erators shall im'lement a 'ro(ram 4hih shall ensure that the follo4in( is 'erformed

    in Domodedovo Air'ortGa? "* shall be maintained in om'liane 4ith the instrutions and@ or tehnial manuals

    'rovided b manufaturers<b? "* shall remain in o'eratin( ondition and in (ood mehanial ondition 'rior to


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    bein( used in (round handlin( o'erations<? deteted failure or malfuntionin( of suh e+ui'ment shall be immediatel re'orted and

    the e+ui'ment shall be ins'eted 'rior to main( of deision on removin( thereof from

    servie.%.2.!.3. O'erators shall im'lement a 'ro(ram of o'eratin( of "* 4hih inludes re(ulations

    and 'roedures as 4ell as the a''ro'riate trainin( ourses and 'erformane a''raisal to

    ensure that the 'ersonnel has the re+uired +ualifiation and is authorized to o'erate "*.

     %.2.%. e+uirements to ommuniation of informationG

    %.2.%.1. O'erators shall inform the onerned servies of the air'ort >and of other units and

    de'artments en(a(ed in (round handlin( o'erations? about the follo4in(Ga? fat and time of be(innin( of (round handlin( o'erations<b? fat and time of endin( of (round handlin( o'erations<? fat and time 'eriod of the ex'eted deviations as 4ell as the ause >'reliminar? to be

    re'orted immediatel 4hen it beomes no4n but no later than in 19 minutes > the time of 

    endin( of (round handlin( o'erations in om'liane 4ith the fli(ht 're'aration shedule?.

    %.3. $ain re+uirements of the air'ort to the O'erators 4ith res'et to renderin( of 'assen(er handlin(


    %.3.1. "eneral re+uirements to the O'erators 4ith res'et to renderin( of 'assen(er handlin(


    hen renderin( of 'assen(er handlin( servies, the O'erators shallG

    / assi(n suffiient number of 'ersonnel for handlin( of fli(hts<

    / ensure availabilit of suffiient +uantit of onsumable materials, o'erabilit of e+ui'ment

    and leanness in 4orin( areas<

    / ensure om'liane 4ith the re+uirements to ondut and a''earane of the first line

    'ersonnel established b the air'ort<

    / assi(n 'ersonal lo(ins and 'ass4ords for 'ersonnel to 4or in information sstems<

    / immediatel re'ort about all failures of 8 hard4are to the servie des b 2/##/## 'hone


    / a(ree u'on all the information 'lates@ si(ns, advertisin( boolets used in the ustomer 

    servie areas 4ith the res'etive servies and de'artments of the air'ort 4ell in advane</ a(ree u'on all the e+ui'ment used in the ustomer servie areas >exe't for the e+ui'ment

    'rovided b the air'ort? 4ith the res'etive servies and de'artments of the air'ort 4ell in


    / send information about laims made b 'assen(ers@ airlines to the res'etive servies and

    de'artments of the air'ort<

    / a(ree u'on all the han(es in the tehnolo(ies of 'assen(er handlin( 4ith the servies and

    de'artments of the air'ort.

    %.3.2. hen arrin( out fli(ht he/in, 'roessin( of ba((a(e and hand ba((a(e for trans'ortation, the O'erators shallG

    %.3.2.1. Timel be(in fli(ht he/in in om'liane 4ith the re+uirements of airlines.


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    %.3.2.2. -arr out fli(ht he/in at all the he/in dess assi(ned for s'eifi fli(ht. Absene

    of the em'loee in har(e of he/in o'eration from he/in des in o'eration shall not be


    %.3.2.3. Provide their 'ersonnel 4ith es to start the onveor belt.

    %.3.2.#. $aintain +ueue time at he/in dessG/ no more than 39 minutes for 'assen(ers of eonom lass<

    / no more than 0 minutes for 'assen(ers of the first@ business lass<

    / in om'liane 4ith the re+uirements of airlines.

    %.3.2.&. *xamine douments of 'assen(ers, inlusive of validit of 'ass'orts, availabilit and

    validit of visa to the ountr of destination@ air'ort of transfer, validit of visa to the ussian

    7ederation for forei(n itizens.

    %.3.2.!. *nter 'assen(er 'ass'ort details into the he/in sstem.

    %.3.2.%. 7ulfill the re+uirements to ba((a(e to be 'roessed b the ba((a(e/handlin( sstem

    in om'liane 4ith the air'ort standard.

    %.3.2.0. Observe rules and re+uirements related to 'roessin( of oversized ba((a(e, 4hih

    inludes 'roessin( of oversized ba((a(e at he/in ounters for oversized ba((a(e

    >ba((a(e elevators?.

    %.3.2.5. ei(ht ba((a(e and enter the atual 4ei(ht thereof into the ba((a(e he/in

    sstem 4hen arrin( out of ba((a(e he/in o'eration.

    %.3.2.19. -he dimensions, +uantit and 4ei(ht of hand ba((a(e in om'liane 4ith the

    re(ulations and standards of airlines and a''l ;and Fa((a(e ta(s thereon..

    %.3.2.11. A''l 4arnin( ta(s on ba((a(e 'iees and :imited elease ta(, if re+uired.

    %.3.2.12. Observe the re+uirements of the air'ort to removal of ba((a(e from the fli(ht

    >informin( of the res'etive servies and de'artments of the air'ort, standards of dis'ensin(

    of ba((a(e to a 'assen(er?.

    %.3.2.13. *xerise ontrol and arran(ement of +ueue at de/in dess and 'revent ro4din(

    of 'assen(ers in front of he/in dess.

    %.3.2.1#. $ae it 'ossible for 'assen(ers to he/in via self/servie he/in ioss.

    %.3.2.1&. Arran(e for 'roessin( of ba((a(e of 'assen(ers 4ho he/in via self/servie

    he/in ioss@ on/line@ mobile devies at the assi(ned ba((a(e dro'/off ounters.

    %.3.2.1!. 8nform the servies and de'artments of the air'ort in ases of hein(/in of s'eial

    ate(ories of ba((a(e >animals, 4ea'on?.

    %.3.2.1%. -he/in ustomers of the )8P/loun(e if it is not 'ossible to he/in suh

    ustomers diretl in the )8P/loun(e.

    %.3.2.10. -he/in transfer 'assen(ers 4ho ontat he/in dess< ontrol availabilit of 

    information about transfer ba((a(e in the ba((a(e he/in sstem.

    %.3.2.15. -he/in of s'eial ate(ories of 'assen(ers, s'eifin( of the res'etive s'eial

    re+uests in the data reord< u'on hein(/in, timel all attendin( 'ersonnel for suh



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    %.3.2.29. -he or fill in the re+uired forms for unattended 'assen(ers.

    %.3.2.21. C'on hein(/in, 'ersonnel of he/in dess shall inform 'assen(er about areas

    of seurit, ustoms and 'ass'ort ontrol >for international fli(hts?, time of be(innin( of 

    boardin( and loation of the business/loun(e >if a 'assen(er ma use servies of the

    business/loun(e?.%.3.2.22. Durin( he/in 4ithdra4 fli(ht ou'ons and reei'ts of 'ament for exess

    ba((a(e and transfer those to airlines.

    %.3.2.23. Timel lose fli(ht he/in in om'liane 4ith the re+uirements of airlines but no

    later than #9 minutes 'rior to the sheduled de'arture time and inform the servies and

    de'artments of the air'ort about losin( of fli(ht he/in.

    %.3.2.2#. A(ree u'on extendin(@ resumin( @ han(in( of fli(ht he/in time 4ith the head of 

    o'erations shift of the air'ort and inform the servies and de'artments of the air'ort about

    extendin(@ resumin( @ han(in( of fli(ht he/in time.

    %.3.2.2&. C'on finishin( of fli(ht he/inG

    / send the res'etive messa(es to air'orts of destination@ transfer<

    / send 'assen(er and ba((a(e manifests to the address of the air'ort.

    %.3.2.2!. hen leavin( he/in dess, 'ersonnel shall s4ith off the onveor belt 4ith the


    %.3.2.2%. u''ort and assist 'assen(ers in ase of dela@ anellation of fli(htG informin(,

    booin( seats for other fli(hts, rehein(/in, orderin( of meals, arran(in( for 

    aommodation of hotels.

    %.3.2.20. 8n ase of failure of the he/in sstem, have a 'ossibilit to s4ith to the loal@

    host he/in sstem of the air'ort or 'erform hein( in of 'assen(ers and ba((a(e


    %.3.2.25. et all the e+ui'ment for arran(ement of he/in area >tensator/t'e, mats,

    (au(es for hand ba((a(e, et.? no earlier than 19 minutes 'rior to fli(ht he/in and remove

    the same durin( & minutes after finishin( of fli(ht he/in.

    %.3.2.39. 8nform the servies and de'artments of the air'ort about 'reliminar loadin( of 

    fli(ht >sold tiets? and about the atual number of heed/in 'assen(ers.

    %.3.2.31. ubmit the follo4in( re'orts to the res'etive servies and de'artments of the

    air'ort on a monthl basisG

    / +uantit of heed/in 'assen(ers b lasses of handlin(, inlusive of +uantit b fli(hts<

    / +uantit of heed/in 'assen(ers b ate(ories, inlusive of +uantit b fli(hts<

    / +uantit of heed/in 'assen(ers b t'es of self/he/in<

    / +uantit of transfer 'assen(ers, inlusive of +uantit b fli(hts<

    / +uantit of transit 'assen(ers, inlusive of +uantit b fli(hts<

    / +uantit of heed/in artiles of ba((a(e b fli(hts<

    / +uantit of artiles of ba((a(e heed/in at he/in ounters for oversized ba((a(e,

    inlusive of +uantit b fli(hts<


  • 8/18/2019 IATA Manual


    / +uantit of artiles of ba((a(e dis'ensed to 'assen(ers 4ithdra4n from fli(hts, inlusive

    of +uantit b fli(hts<

    / +uantit of heed/in 'assen(ers 4ithout ba((a(e, inlusive of +uantit b fli(hts.

    %.3.2.32. 8nform the res'etive servies and de'artments of the air'ort about the neessit to

    be(in@ finish he/in o'erations at less number of he/in dess or to inrease (raduallthe number of he/in dess durin( the 'ro(ress of he/in o'eration.

    %.3.2.33. $onitor the 'roess of he/in and inform the res'etive servies and

    de'artments of the air'ort about 'ossibilit to finish he/in o'eration at less number of 

    he/in dess 4hen the number of 'assen(ers heed/in for the fli(ht reahes 09/59 K.

    %.3.2.3#. here he/in des>s? is no lon(er used and it ha''ens earlier than the sheduled

    time of finishin( of he/in o'eration, inform the res'etive servies and de'artments of the

    air'ort about unused he/in des>s? and ontinuin( of he/in o'eration at less number of 

    he/in dess.

    %.3.2.3&. -om'l 4ith the 'rovisions and re+uirements of the follo4in( 'roeduresG 7li(ht he/

    in, 'roessin( of ba((a(e and hand ba((a(e for fli(ht, Proedure for interation of the

    enter'rises of the 'rodution failities of Domodedovo Air'ort and airlines in the event of 

    ;D- failure, ;andlin( of transfer 'assen(ers.

    %.3.3. hen exerisin( ontrol of boardin(, the O'erators shallG

    %.3.3.1. Timel be(in fli(ht boardin( in om'liane 4ith the o'eration shedules of airraft

    handlin( u'on availabilit of airraft, inform the res'etive servies and de'artments of the

    air'ort about be(innin( of fli(ht boardin( via the information sstem of ontrol of he/in

    dess of the air'ort.

    %.3.3.2. Arran(e a 'assa(e for re4s aboard airraft 4here 'assen(er brid(es are used.

    %.3.3.3. 8nform 'assen(ers about be(innin( and ontinuin( of boardin( and all latish

    'assen(ers via the automati announement sstem and the information sstem of ontrol of 

    he/in dess of the air'ort.

    %.3.3.#. 8nform 'assen(ers in ases of dela in boardin(.

    %.3.3.&. Arran(e boardin( of 'assen(ers via t4o (ates.

    %.3.3.!. *xamine douments of 'assen(ersG

    / reoniliation of 'assen(erHs name s'eified in the 'ass'ort 4ith that s'eified in the

    boardin( ard<

    / hein( of validit of 'ass'orts, availabilit and validit of visa to the ountr of 

    destination@ air'ort of transfer, validit of visa for 'assen(ers 4ho have heed/in on their 

    o4n and have not ontat he/in dess.

    %.3.3.%. -he orretness of entered 'ass'ort details of 'assen(ers 4ho have heed/in

    on their o4n and have not ontat he/in dess< enter@ orret 'ass'ort details, if re+uired.

    %.3.3.0. an boardin( ard of 'assen(ers via the he/in sstem in the ourse of boardin(

    of 'assen(ers.

    %.3.3.5. Arran(e boardin( of 'assen(ers in 4heelhairs in the first 'lae.


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    %.3.3.19. -he dimensions and +uantit of hand ba((a(e durin( boardin( in om'liane

    4ith the standards of the airline. Passen(ers 4ith oversized hand ba((a(e shall not be

    allo4ed on board of airraft. uh oversized hand ba((a(e shall be 'roessed as ba((a(e

    >to mae out a ba((a(e ta( >manuall or 'rinted out?, to enter the res'etive information into

    the he/in sstem?< ram' a(ent shall be informed.%.3.3.11. *xerise ontrol and arran(ement of 'assen(er +ueue at the (ates >t4o +ueues

    shall be arran(edG one for the first and business lass 'assen(er and the other for 

    'assen(ers of eonom lass?.

    %.3.3.12. here t4o/tunnel 'assen(er brid(e is used and 'assen(er boardin( is arran(ed at

    t4o (ates, 'ersonnel shall ontrol 'assen(er traffi throu(h the 'assen(er brid(e.

    %.3.3.13. here one (ate is used for boardin( of t4o airraft at the same time, 'ersonnel

    shall ontrol 'assen(er traffi throu(h the 'assen(er brid(e.

    %.3.3.1#. Assi(n suffiient number of buses for handlin( of fli(hts in om'liane 4ith the

    re+uirements of the air'ort.

    %.3.3.1&. -ontrol the 'roess of 'assen(ers tain( the buses, if re+uired.

    %.3.3.1!. Timel dis'ath the first bus in om'liane 4ith the o'eration shedules of airraft


    %.3.3.1%. Prevent 'assin( of 'ersonnel from ram'@ 'assen(er brid(e to the de'arture area.

    %.3.3.10. Timel inform ram' a(ent about removin( of ba((a(e of 'assen(ers 4ithdra4n

    from fli(ht@ late for boardin( and u'date information of suh 'assen(ers in the he/in


    %.3.3.15. -han(e number of seat in boardin( ard, if re+uired.

    %.3.3.29. -han(e boardin( ards for oversold fli(ht, if re+uired.

    %.3.3.21. 8ssue a ne4 boardin( ard instead of the lost one after verifiation of the fat that

    the 'assen(er has heed in and fulfilled the de'arture formalities.

    %.3.3.22. Timel finish boardin( in om'liane 4ith the o'eration she