by Jeff Prosise SEGMENTED MEMORY I've often  hear d that Intel  pr oce sso rs have segmented memory  ar chitectur es,  and that segments  limit  the  amount  of co de an d dat a a program  can have.  Can yo u ex- plai n what  segmentation  is and elaborate upon the  pros  and cons  of a segmented architecture? Donal d E.  Whitelock Turnersvnle,  New  Jer sey ~  In it  simplest form,  a  segment in .. -  the Intel archit ect ure is a 64K block of memor y.  On the 8088, 8086, and  80286 processors,  memo ry in quan- tities  of mor e  than 64K can't be addressed as one flat,  linear  address  space;  instead , memor y must be broken  down into smaller 64 K se gments a nd then ad dressed one nent  at a time. Why  segments?  Inte l wanted to en- able thE 8086 to address  a  f ull  megabyte of memor y.  Since the  number of differ ent memory addresses you can ha ve is  2", where  n i s  the  number of bits y ou'r e given to r epr esent memory, it was  necessary  to  build a machine  that was  capa  ble of 20- Figure 1: An Intel  micr oprocessor  running in real mode  f orms a 20-bi t addr ess by shi fti ng the conten ts  of a 16-bi t segment regi ster 4 bits left  (to  f or m  a  p aragraph address)  and '-:ling a 16-bit offset.  Here,  the segmen t aress,  1234h,  is  p air ed wit h the offs et addr ess  0005h to  f orm the absolute  addr ess 12345h. Tutor SEGMENTED MEMORY:  Al th ou gh memo ry in pes is laid out in one big linear mass, it's accessed as if it were divided into small, discrete blocks. Her e's the story of how and why.  bit  addr essing (2 20 =  1MB). Intel  also wanted to  k ee  p its  internal register s  16  bits wid e for  com  patibility with  ear lier  Intel  micro  pr ocessor s. This immediately cr eated a serious conflict 16-bit  addr essing  limits you to  2 16 ,  or 64K  of  R AM. So that  both  goals could  be achieved ,  Intel  opted  to give  the 808620 address  lines (  per mitting  up to 2 20  bytes of data  to  be add res sed )  bu t l ea ve the r egister s  16  bits  wi de, and  set four  of them  asid e for   use as  segment registers-r egist er s  whose sole  purpose is  to  hold  segment  add resses.  Using  this scheme, the CPU could  form  a 20-bit address  by  combining  the contents  of a segment  register ,  which hold s  a paragr a  ph addr ess,  with  an  offset r egister , which hold s a  byte add ress.  (A paragraph  is  16  bytes  of  memory;  thus,  you multip ly  by 16 to tr  anslate a  paragraph address  to a  byte  ad d r ess).  In  other  word s,  the se g- ment r egister contains  the  address  wher e the segme nt be gins, and the addr  ess  in the  off set r egister is int erpreted as an of fset r elative  to the  base of the segment. Figur e  1 shows  how  two 16- bit v alues ar e  combined to for m the addre ss of a unique  location in memor y. Th e  segment value is  multiplied by  16 to  produce  the number 12340h  (in hexadecima l notati on, all it takes to multi ply a  n umber by 16 is to add  a  zer o  at the end ,  just li ke multi -  plying  by  10 in our d ecimal nu mb ering system). The  off set  value 000 5h is th en ad d ed to  the  r esult,  yielding  the a  bsolute address  12345h. By convention,  memor y  addr esses  are rarely re fe r re d to in  absolute form.  In- stead,  they're ex  pressed  in segment offs et form,  with  the  segment  and off set  values written  in  hexadecimal  and  se  par ated by a colon.  The address  12345h,  f or exan1ple, would normall y be wr itten  as  1234:0005. The ad vantage to u sing  this  notation is that it  clearly s  pells out the values  used to arr ive at  the resultant  ad dr ess. That's no t th e on ly w ay  to  arrive  at 12345h, of cour se. The ex  pression 1234:lXXl5 tr eats  it as  the fi ft h byte  in the se gment  based  at  paragraph 1234h. But it 's  also the 21st  (hex  15) byt e  in the se gment starting at 1233h  (1233:0015),  the  37th (hex  25)  byte in the  segment  at 1232h (1232:0025),  and  so  on. For any  given  byt e in  memor y,  ther e ar e  thousand s  of d ifferent ways  to formulate  its add ress.  In fact,  it's a mistak e  to  believe  that mem- or y in a PC eq uip  ped  with 640 K of  RAM is d ivid ed  into ten  evenly s  paced se g- ments. Segmen ts can begin  on any  16-  byte  boundar y. Th ey can also over la  p, leaving you 4,096 ways  to fOll11Ulatean add re ss (unl ess of cou r  se  it's  protected mode,  in  whic h case  ther e ar e  as  many Index Figure  2:  In  p rotected  mode,  segment regist ers ar e  loaded with selec tors rath er than physical segment addr ess es. The 13-bit index  field  holds a des cr  iptor number  ,  which references  a  descr iptor in the Global Descri ptor Table (GOT)  if bit 2 (the Table Index  bit)  is  0  or  in  th e Local Desc riptor  Table (LOT) if Table  Index  is 1. The RPL  field holds a number fr om 0 to 3,  representi ng the r equeste d pr  ivilege  level,  with 0 ranking highest  and  3  lowest.

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byJeff Prosise

SEGME NTED MEMORYI've often heard that Inte l pr ocessors h av esegmente d m emory ar chitectu r es , and thatsegmen ts limit the am oun t of code anddata a p rogra m can h a ve . Can you e x-plain what seg me ntati on is and elabora teupon the pros an d c on s of a segmentedarch itect ure?

Donal d E. Whitel oc kTurne rsvnl e , Ne w Je r sey

~ In it simple st form, a segment in

.. - the Intel architect ure is a 64K block of memory . On the 8088, 8086 ,

and 80286 proces sors , memory i n quan-tities of mor e than 64K can 't be addre ssed as one flat , linear addre ss space; instea d ,memor y must be broke n down i nto smaller 64K segments and t hen ad dressed o ne

nent at a time.Why segments? Intel wanted to e n-

able thE 8086 to address a f ull megaby teof memor y. Since th e number of differe ntmem ory addre sses you can have i s 2",where n is the number of bits yo u'r e givento r epr esent memory, it w as necess ary to

build a machin e that was capa ble of 20-

Figure 1: An Inte l micr oprocessor running in

real mode f orm s a 20 -bit address by shifting

the content s of a 1 6-bit segment register 4

bits left (to f or m a p ara graph address ) and'-:ling a 1 6-b it offset . Here , the segment

a ress , 1234 h, is p a ir ed with the offsetaddr e ss 0005 h to f orm the a bsolut e addr ess

123 45h.


• SEGMENTED MEMORY: Although memo ry in pesis laid out in one biglinear mass, it's accessedas if it were divided intosmall, discrete blocks.Here's the story of howand why.

bit addr ess ing (220 = 1MB).Intel also wanted to k ee p its intern al

regis ter s 16 bits wid e for com patibil itywith ear lier Intel micro pr ocesso r s. Thisimm ediately cr eated a se rious confli ct16-bit addr ess ing limit s you to 216

, or 64K of R AM. So that both goals could beachieve d , Intel opted to give the 80862 0addre ss lines ( per mitting up to 220 bytesof da ta to be addresse d ) but l eave t her egister s 16 bits wide, a nd set four of them asid e for use as segmen t registers -r egist er s whose sole purp ose

is to hold segment add resses. Using thisscheme, the CPU could form a 20-b itaddre ss by combinin g the contents of asegment register , which hold s a paragr a phaddr ess , with an offse t r egister , whichhold s a byte add ress . (A parag rap h is 16 bytes of memo ry; thus, you multipl y by16 to tr anslate a paragraph addre ss to a

byte ad d r ess). In other word s, the seg-ment r egister contains the addre ss wher ethe segment be gins, and the addr ess inthe off set r egister is interpret ed as an of fsetr elative to the base o f the segment.

Figur e 1 shows how two 16-bit values

ar e combin ed to form the addre ss of auniqu e location in memor y. The segmentvalue is multipli ed by 16 to produc e thenumb er 12340h (in hexadecimal notation ,all it takes to multipl y a number by 16 i sto add a zer o at the end , just like multi- plyin g by 10 in our d ecimal numberingsystem ). The off set value 0005h is thenad d ed to the r esult , yieldin g the a bsolut eaddres s 12345 h.

By convention , mem or y addr esses arerare ly referred to in abso lute form. In-stead, they're e x pressed in segment offsetform , with the segm ent and off set valueswritten in hexadecim al and se par ated bya colon. The addre ss 12345 h, f or exa n1p le,would normally be writt en as 1234:000 5.The ad vant age to using this notation i sthat it clearl y s pells out the values used toarr ive a t the resultant ad dr ess.

That's not the onl y way to arrive at12345 h,of cour se. The ex press ion 1234:lXX l5

tr eats it as the fifth b yte in the segment based at paragraph 1 234 h. But it 's alsothe 21st (hex 15) byte in the segmentstarting at 1233h (1233:0 015 ), the 37th(hex 25) byte in the segment at 1232h(1232:0025 ), and so on. For any given byte in memor y, ther e ar e thousand s of d iffere nt ways to formul ate its add ress . Infact , it's a mistak e to believe that mem-or y in a PC eq uip ped with 640K o f RAMis d ivid ed into ten evenly s paced seg -ments. Segment s can begin on any 16- byte boundary. Th ey can also over la p,leavi ng you 4 ,096 w ays to fOll11Ulatea n

add ress ( unless of cour se it's protec ted mode , in which ca se ther e ar e as many


Figure 2: In p rotec te d mod e , segment

registers ar e load e d with selectors rather tha n physic al s egm e nt addresse s . The 13 -bit

inde x field holds a descr ip tor number , which

references a desc r iptor in the Global

Descriptor T a ble (GO T) if bit 2 (the Ta ble

Inde x bit) is 0 or in the Lo cal Descriptor Ta ble

(LOT) if Tabl e Inde x is 1 . The RP L field h old s

a number from 0 to 3, representing ther e que s ted pr ivilege level , with 0 rankinghighe s t an d 3 lowest .

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way s to for mulate an addres s as there are paragr a phs of memor y).

One w ay to view segments is to think of them as 64K window s onto memorythat can b e moved around as needed toreferen ce s pecif ic tar gets inside a larger ,mor e extensive addr ess s pace. On the 8086 ,regi ster s CS, DS, ES, and SS hold seg-ment addr esses. By changing a segmentregister 's value , you can move the 64K windo w ass ociated with that register to adifferent loc ation in m emor y. In assem- bly language, the instruction

mean s" go to the segment that ES point sto and get me th e byte at off set 1000h ,then pl ace i t in register AL. " As you mayhave guessed , the 64K limit on segmentsize arises from the fact that the large stnumber th at can be f ormed with a 16-bitquantit y, a nd thu s the highe st off set thatcan be addre ssed within a segment , is65,535 -exactl y 64K minus 1 .


The same concept of segmentation thatapplie s to the 8086 proc essor also applie sto a 286, 386, or 486 running in realmode . Memor y addre ssing is limited to1MB , and 20-bit addr esses are formed from 16 - bit value s.

In cert ain cases, you can acces s morethan 1MB of memory in r eal mode byloading a segment regi ster with a valuegreater th an FOOOhand combining it withan offset address high enough to producean absolute addre ss higher than 100000h.For example , the segment:offset addressFFFF: 1000h actually ref erences ab soluteaddre ss 100FFOh , which is clearl y abovethe 1MB boundar y. Since an 8086 , withits 20 address line s, isn't physically ca- pable of addre ssing more than 1MB of RAM , the address wrap s around , becom-ing OOOO:OFFOh .But on 286s , 386s , and 486s, sele ctively enabling the A20 ad-dress line (which is normally used only in protected mode ) allow s the CPU to reachinto the f ir st 64K (minus 16 bytes) of upper m emor y, even though it 's runningin real mode . This 64K region i s knownas the H igh M emory A r ea, or HMA . Mi-crosoft 's protot y pe Ext ended Memory Speci-fication (XM S) dri ver HIMEM.SYS , whichwas di scussed in the December 11 ,1990 ,


63 484746 454443 414039 16 15 0

1.1.1_-10-15 16-bit limit (segment size)

16 -39 24-bit base address of segment40 Accessed (A) bit

a = selector for the descriptor has been transferred into a se gm e nt regi st er 1 = selector for the descriptor has not been transfer red i nto a s e gmen t r e gister

41 -43 Types of operations permittedon the segment000 = data segment; read-only ; expand up001 = data segment; read /write ; expand up010 = data segment; read-only ; expand down011 = data segment; read /write ; expand down100 = code segment ; execute-only ; nonconfo r ming101 = code segment ; execute /read ; nonconform ing110 = code segment ; execute-only ; conform ing111 = code segment ; execute /read ; conforming

44 DescriptorType (DT) bit

a = system segment or system gate1 = memory segment

45 -46 Descriptor Privilege Level (DPL) bits00 = privilege level a01 = privilege level 110 = privilege level 211 = privilege level 3

47 Present (P) bita = segment not present in memory1 = segment present in memory

48 -63 Reserved; should be zeroed for compatibility with 386

Figure 3: The 286 segment descriptor defines the location in memory an d the s ize of a

segment in protected mode . Base addresses are 24 b its long , allow ing s eg ments to b e located

anywhere in the 286 's 16MB physical address space . Limits are 16 bits long, re st r icting the

maximum segment size to 64K . Bits 40 through 47 store au xiliary inform ation tha t de f ines the

segment 's privilege level, type , and current status . Expand down segm e nts are segm e nts that

extend downward in memory , from higher to lower addresses . They are t ypically us e d to hold

stacks, which also grow downward in memory. Conforming segments ar e special cod e

segments that may be called by processes running with equal or lower p rivilege levels .

Tutor column , provides a mechanism for controlling the A20 address line and for arbitrating acces ses to the HMA amongcompeting processe s.

But protected mode is quite different .In protected mode , memory is still seg-mented , but segment registers hold quan-tities known a s selec tors rather than segmentaddresses. Selectors reference descriptorsstored in descriptor tables located in RAM,and descriptors,in turn , spell out the physicallocations (and sizes) of correspondingsegments of memory.

Figure 2 shows the format of a selec-tor . The 13-bit index field serves as anindex into one of the system's descriptor tables. One table can hold up to 8 ,192different de scriptor s. The operating sys-tem typic ally sets up sever al such table s-a

Global De scriptor Table, or G DT, whichold s descriptor s for segments of memor y reser ved for opera ting system useand a series of Local Descrip tor Ta bles,or LDTs , normally used to map the memoryset aside for a pplication pr ogr ams to govemaccess to d ifferent p arts of me mory. If bit2, the Table Inde x bit, in the selector is 0,then the selector re fere nces the GDT; if it's set to I , refer ence is mad e ins tead tothe current LDT (which LDT is current isdetermined by anoth er reg ister, the LDTR r egister , located in the CPU).

Bits 0 and 1 hold the R equeste d Privi-lege Level, or RPL . Privi lege levels playa role in 286/386 memory protec tion ~r estrictin g segment accesses to proc es!>(that is , appli cation progra ms) with equalor higher privilege leve ls than the seg-

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,,,,,L ,." "descriptor table •1FFF ~

II~: Jill 1 A O O O O


84F~ 84E__ 840. : 4 C



Offset. 1 : 1 . 6


i r II ·· · ··. . ..



43 39 1615 0

•••....'Ii'i.'IL. ""

Limit = 7FFFhSegment is 32K inlength .

' ig~re 4: In protected mode , the path to a location in memory is keyed to a descriptor table,

ere the segment 's base address and limit are defined. Here , the selector references

.scriptor number 84Eh in the LDT. The base address of the segment , 1AOOOOh ,is stored in

e descriptor its el f , as is the segment 's limit, 7FFFh . The offset value 4B05h is added to the3se to form absolute address 1A4B05h. The ma ximum size of the base , limit, and offset is

lrocessor-dependent .

ment s they 'r e tr ying to access . In OS/2,for example , r egion s of memor y that belongto the oper ating sys tem ar e assigned thehighest-po ssible pri vilege level , prevent-ing application pro gr ams, which run atlower privil ege leve ls, f rom corruptin goper ating system d ata. That's one r easonit's called pr ot ect ed mode.

Figure 3 show s the format of th e 286segment de scriptor . Bit field s within the

M-bit descript or d efine wher e a segmentlies in memor y and how f ar i t extend s.

gment si zes a re adjusta ble on the 286 , _ ..It the maximum size of a segment isstill MK-th e same limit im pose d on the8086. Wh y? The d escriptor's limit field,

which define s the size of the segment , isonly 16 bit s wid e. The limit i s the highe stoff set that can be addr essed within thesegment; any attempt to access memory beyond the po sted limit re sult s in a pro-tection fault . On the other h and , 24 bitsare set asid e for the segment 's base ad-dres s, permittin g the segment to be lo-cated anywhere within the 286' s 16MB physical addre ss s pace .

Bit s 40 throu gh 47 in the 286 segmentdescriptor contain au xiliary informationsuch as whether or not the selector for thedescriptor has been loaded into a segmentr egister , whether the corr es pondin g seg-ment is a cod e or d ata segment and what

The d escr i ptor type (whether it points toa memor y segme nt or to some other ty peof sy stem obje ct, such as a call gate, w hichallo ws processes to call r outines wi th higher privilege levels), the descriptor privi legelevel, and whether the segmen t is cur-rentl y present in memory are also fo und here . This type of inf or mation, eso ter ic asit may seem, is crucial to a CPU ope rat-ing in a multit asking environ ment wher eeach pro cess must be pr otected fro m other sacti ve in the sys tem at the same time.

Figur e 4 d iagr ams the process a 28 6goes thr ough to convert an address sto r ed in selector:offse t for m to a physical ad -dre ss in memory. In this examp le, thesele ctor referen ces a d escriptor i n the Lo calDescript or Table, whose base address isstor ed in the LDTR register . The se lec-tor 's ind ex field holds the hexadecima lvalu e 84E, which points to t he 84Ethdescript or in the LDT. The descripto r 's base add ress f ield holds the 24 - bit valueIAOOOOh ,which says that the correspo nd-ing segment is based at abso lute addresslAOOOOh ,a location approximate ly mid-

way betwee n the 1MB and 2MB ma rk s.The limit field hold s 7FFFh , indicatingthat the segment is 32K in length. F i-nall y, the off set val ue 4B05h is appl ied relati ve to the base of the segme nt Gus t asit is in real mode), yie lding the ab soluteaddr ess IA4B05h.

At a glance , all this may seem conf us-ing. But a closer look reveals some of theinher ent ad vantages to structur ing me m-or y this way. By setting up a un iq ue LDTfor each process, a protected -mode oper -atin g system c an load multiple processesinto memor y and k eep them physica lly

isolat ed f r om one another . The premise isthat a process can't acces s any region o f memory th at's not m a pped into its LD T.The ope r ating system can also prev ent proce sses from accessing t he GDT byrunnin g them at lower privilege leve lsthan the GDT allows. In the end, y ouhave a solid foundati on for a mult itask ingenvir onment , wh er e no program can corr uptthe system b y ove r wr iting memory t hathas been allocated to another pr ogr am.


Segm entation on the 386 is remarkab ly

simil ar to segm entation on the 286 , butwith a twist: the add ressing ca pa bilitiesof the 386 are far super ior to those of t he286 , providing more f lexibility i n the way protected-mod e memory can be str ucture d .In f act, the 386 was the fir st Inte l CPU to

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Base 0-23 Limit 0-15Base 24-31



Lowe r 16 bits of 20-bit limitLowe r 24 bits of 32-bit bas e a dd r ess

Accesse d ( A) bita = se lector for t he desc riptor has bee n trans f e rr e d

into a segment register 1 = se lector for the descripto r has not been transferred

into a seg ment reg ister

Types of oper a t ions p e rmitte d on the se gm e nt000 = data se gment ; rea d-only; expan d up001 = data segment; read /write ; expan d up010 = data segment ; rea d-only; ex pand down011 = data segment ; rea d/wr ite ; expa nd down100 = code seg me nt ; exec ute -only; nonco nfo rming101 = code seg ment ; exe cute /r ea d; non conf orming110 = co de seg ment; execute-o nly; confo r ming111 = code segment ; execute /read ; conforming

Descri ptor Type ( DT) bita = system seg men t or sys te m ga te1 = me mo ry seg me nt

Desc r iptor Privilege Level ( DPL ) bits00 = privilege level a01 = privilege level 110 = privilege level 211 = pr ivilege leve l 3

Pr esent ( P ) bita = seg ment not presen t in m em or y1 = segment present in mem ory

Upper 4 bits of 20 -bit limit Ava ilab le ( AVL) bit; availa ble to sys tem s pr ogr a mmer sRese r ve d; should b e zer oe d for comp a tibility withfutu r e m icro processo r s

Default (D) bit; always 1 on the 386Granularity (G) bit

a = byte gra nu lar ity1 = pag e gr a nula rity

Upp e r 8 bits of 32- bit base addr ess

48 -5152


Figure 5: The 38 6 se gm e nt descriptor , an e xtension of the 286 descriptor , permits segments

to be lo cated anywhere in a 4GB address space and individual segments to be up to 4GB in

length. Although t he 20-b it limit field would at first seem to restrict segment sizes to 1MB ,

setting the de sc riptor 's g r a nularity b it (bit 55 ) cau ses th e value in t he limit f ie ld to be

interp rete d as the nu mb e r of 4K pa ge s ra ther than the numbe r of byte s , resulting in a 4GB

ceiling o n se gm e nt size.

remove the 64K size limit on segments,

mak ing it an attrac tive p latfor m for o per -ating systems that fare better on pr oces -sor s not bound by seg mented m emor y,such as Unix.

Figure 5 maps t he conte nts of the 386segment descriptor, w hich is simpl y anextension of t he 286 descr ipto r . Note thed own ward co m pati bility betwee n the twoforma ts: every field t hat's defined on the286 is also defined on the 386 in the same

loca tion . As a res ult , a pr ogr am written to

run in p r otected mod e on the 286 will r unf ine on a 386, as long as the unuse d bitsin the d escript or ar e zeroed out , a pr ecau-tion Int el r eco mm ended to 286 systems progr ammer s from the beginnin g, to ensur ecompati bility with f utur e CPUs.

The 386 assig ns 8 addition al bits ( bits56 thr ough 63) to a segment's base ad-dress, expanding the ra nge of me mory itcan be located in from 16M B to 4GB . It

also assign s 4 additional bits (bits48 t hrough51) to the limit , expanding the effect ivesegment size from 64K to 1MB. But thelimit on segment size doesn't stop there.Setting the Granul arity bit in the 386descriptor (undefined in the 286 descrip -tor) cause s the valu e in the limit field to be interpreted a s the number of pagesrather than the numb er of byt es. Since a page is 4 ,096 byte s (4K) in len gth, pagegranularity increase s the maximum sizeof a segment on the 3 86 to an almos tunfat homab le 4GB . Your ma chine maynever have that much memory , but if your un an o perati ng system that virtua lizesmemory, like OS/2 , it doesn't matter : your programs can be fool ed into thinking there'sthat much memory in stalled .

How do you acce ss individual of lwithin one of these huge segments ? Simple:with 32 - bit register s. All general registerson the 386 are 32 bit s wide . From a programmer 's point o f view , addr essesare sti ll spel led out with selectors a nd offsets; but while the selector i s still 16

bits wide , the off set is 32. Con structsuchas ES:[EDI] are common in 386 assam bly language, where EDI is the 32- J-

ver sion of the 16-bit DI register 8086 ill

286 p r ogrammers are accustomed to.


Are seg ments really all that bad? Onctu pon a time, when the majority of app li-cat ions were still written in a ssemb lylanguage, they did m ake life difficult for deve lope r s. Segments permeate every fibe r of a program's being. It's inherently mo r ediff icult to write a program that dea ls

with mult iple code or data segments tha none that limits its code and data to 64K -thesize of a single segment . That 's why, for exa mpl e, good-old BASICA limited codeand d ata to 64K and some language inte r- preterss till do. Fort unatel y, compiler s capab leof handling far code and data objects -co -and d ata stored in remote segment s-no .do most of the work for us.

But segments aren 't alway s the bad

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guy s. In prote cted mode, they playa cruci alrole in helpin g oper ating system s to vir-tualize memo ry. Virtu al memor y require sthat physical memor y be partitioned into

easily mana ged units that can be swapped to and from th e hard disk. Segment s 64K or less in length fit this role quit e well .On both th e 286 and 386, the descriptor 'sPresent bit ( bit 47) is set to 1 when asegment i s pr esent in memory and to 0when it is swa pped out .

When a process a ttempt s to acces s aswapped segment , the CPU generates anexce ption that i s tr a pped by the operatingsys tem. Th e oper ating sys tem in turn get sthe opportunit y to load the segment ba ck into mem ory, swa pping other segment sout , if necessa ry, to make room.

The pr o blem with huge segment s onthe 386 is that they can be too lar ge to beswa pped to the har d disk. The y can also be small eno ugh to fit on the hard disk buttoo lar ge to be swapped in and out effi-ciently. That's why the 386 supports asecond fo rm of virtu al memor y manage-

t known as. paging. Paging dividesh .. of memory into a series of evenlys paced 4K pa ges. If segment sizes pro-hibit swappin g at the segment le vel, page scan be swapp ed inste ad .

The 386- s pecific v ersion of OS/2 dueout tater thi s year will u se paging rather

thar segment ation to virtual ize memory,'na':>lingdeveloper s to set up huge 3861ments without sacr ificing the virtual-~mory capabilities o f the CPU.If you'd like to know more abo ut

~gmentation , paging , protection , and virtualnemory m anagement on the 286 and 386,nere 's a list of recommended reading:

Inside the 80286 , by Ed Stra uss (1986,Prentice -Hall) ; Pr og r ammin g the 80386 , by John H . Crawford and P atrickP. Gel singer (1987, SYBEX) ; and The 80386 Book , by Ross P. Nel son (1988 , Microsof t Press).

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