© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth A collaboration among researchers at UofT, OCAD-U and U of Waterloo, partnered with City of Toronto and Waterfront Toronto Esri Canada, IBM Canada, Cellint, and Maximum City This research is supported by the Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science through the Ontario Research Fund- Research Excellence Program, ORF-RE7. 1

iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth • A collaboration among

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Page 1: iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth • A collaboration among

© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth

• A collaboration among researchers at UofT, OCAD-U and U of Waterloo, partnered with City of Toronto and Waterfront Toronto Esri Canada, IBM Canada, Cellint, and Maximum City

• This research is supported by the Ontario Ministry of Research, Innovation and Science through the Ontario Research Fund-Research Excellence Program, ORF-RE7.


Page 2: iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth • A collaboration among

© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

The iCity Ontology: Transportation Data to Transportation Knowledge

Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox Enterprise Integration Lab (eil.utoronto.ca)

University of Toronto Transportation Research Institute (uttri.ca)University of Toronto

Page 3: iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth • A collaboration among

© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

iCity: Three themes and 10 projects



Page 4: iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth • A collaboration among

© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

A Morass of Data• Sensors, studies, simulations,…


Page 5: iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth • A collaboration among

© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

Challenge: Semantic Interoperability

• Ability of computer systems to exchange data with unambiguous, shared meaning.

• A requirement for machine reasoning, knowledge discovery, and data federation across information systems.


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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

The Source Of Problem


CodeData Semantics

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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

Solution: an Ontology for Urban Informatics• The iCity project addresses this challenge by designing a

formal representation of the transportation domain: an ontology.


Page 8: iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth • A collaboration among

© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

The Ontology ApproachMicro-Theory• Axioms/Rules• Deduction – answering questions

Definitions and Constraints• Class Definitions (in Logic)• Automated classification

Knowledge Graph• Classes and Properties• Taxonomy and Inheritance


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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

Example Knowledge Graphveh1234 rdfs:type Vehicle.

veh2536 rdfs:type Vehicle.

veh1402 rdfs:type Vehicle.

network1 rdfs:type RoadSystem.

network2 rdfs:type TransitSystem.

veh1234 accessTo network1.

veh1234 accessTo network2.

veh1234 accessTo network1.

veh1234 ownedBy ttc.

veh1234 ownedBy ctc.

veh1234 ownedBy johnsmith.


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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

An Example: Definitions and Constraints


CommercialVehicle ≡ Vehicle ⊓∃accessTo.RoadSystem ⊓ ¬(TransitVehicle) ⊓ ¬(HouseholdVehicle)

TransitVehicle:TransitVehicle≡ Vehicle ⊓∃accessTo.TransitSystem

TransitVehicle ⊑¬(HouseholdVehicle )


HouseholdVehicle:HouseholdVechicle≡ Vehicle⊓ ∃ownedBy.PersonHouseholdVehicle ⊑ ¬(TransitVehicle)

∃ accessTo.RoadSystem Bus≡ TransitVehicle ⊓∃accessTo.RoadSystem

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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox



Page 12: iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox iCity: Urban Informatics for Sustainable Metropolitan Growth • A collaboration among

© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

Example Road Network


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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

Example Road Network


Is it possible to get from n1 to n12? How?

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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox



Knowledge Graph Translation<a1> rdfs:type Arc;

startNode <n1>;

endNode <n2>.

<a2> rdfs:type Arc;

startNode <n2>;

endNode <n1>.

<a3> rdfs:type Arc;

startNode <n6>;

endNode <n2>.

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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

Automated Reasoning


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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

New Knowledge• Infer the existence of paths• Infer additional knowledge about the paths based on

properties of the arcs


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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

Final Thoughts• Explicit specification of semantics supports:

• Integration • Deduction of new knowledge

• Applications beyond the iCity project

• Ongoing Work• Implementation with IT-SoS• Development of microtheories: focused, detailed extensions to

enable specialized reasoning• Deployment as web application(s)

• Explore visualization solutions to support communication of the ontology and its instances.


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© 2018 Megan Katsumi & Mark S. Fox

Thank you• Questions?• Contact me:

[email protected]• More on the iCity Ontology and related work:• http://uttri.utoronto.ca/research/projects/icity/papers/theme-one/