ICNIRP/ARPANSA GUIDELINES need urgent review Victor Leach

ICNIRP/ARPANSA GUIDELINES need urgent review · 2018. 8. 7. · ORSAA Database Epidemiological UHF Studies Mobile phones and Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT)

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Page 1: ICNIRP/ARPANSA GUIDELINES need urgent review · 2018. 8. 7. · ORSAA Database Epidemiological UHF Studies Mobile phones and Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT)


Victor Leach

Page 2: ICNIRP/ARPANSA GUIDELINES need urgent review · 2018. 8. 7. · ORSAA Database Epidemiological UHF Studies Mobile phones and Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT)

ORSAA – An Introduction u Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association Inc.,

(ORSAA) is a Not-for-Profit scientific association. u Full members and advisory panel members are non-industry

scientists from various scientific disciplines: epidemiology, microbiology, biochemistry, physics, occupational hygiene, psychology, environmental science, endocrinology, immunology, neurology, oncology, building biology, pharmacology.

u Associate members are supporters (mainly retired) who offer their expertise (teacher, accountants, nurses etc.) as volunteers

u We are not an Advocacy Group. u We are all volunteers.


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Evaluating the Strength of Evidence

u  Many disciplines are involved u  ORSAA database - analytical tool to evaluate the strength of evidence u  Over 3100 papers objective assessed and categorised

ORSAA.org (https://www.orsaa.org/)


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Satellite Image of Victoria, 2009

4 2009 Victorian Bushfires – “Black Saturday”

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ORSAA database ELF to SHF (radar freq) publications u  Includes ARPANSA papers (1354) and Emeritus Prof Henry Lai papers (937)


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Trigger Points for Precautionary Approach

u  Two main factors triggers: u Strength of evidence u Potential cost of doing nothing

u Full biological explanation can take years: u Asbestos (1898 to 1999): 101 yrs u Water with cholera bacterium, Dr John Snow (1854 to

1883): 29 yrs u Smoking Sir Richard Doll (1952 to 2000 - smoking

bans on aircraft): 48 yrs


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ICRP and ICNIRP Philosophies

u ICRP = risk managers (Insurance) u Risk may exist (X rays, gamma rays)

u Low radiation doses à Risk u ICNIRP = Judge

u Certainty before action.

u Low exposure levels à “No risk”

u “People being protected” However not all children, the elderly, and some chronically ill


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ICRP vs ICNIRP Philosophies u  ICRP – Risk management approach

u <100 mSv is a Precautionary Approach using ALARA mSv is a milliSievert a measure of radiation dose. No such concept with EMR-RF

we just have reference levels (exposure) only.

u  ICNIRP ( WHO 2002) Non-Risk management approach u But notes“…children, the elderly, some chronically ill people

… lower tolerance for one or more forms of NIR exposure”

u Precautionary Approach not applied for these at-risk groups


Waiting for established evidence of harm is not a recognised risk management approach

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ORSAA Database Epidemiological UHF Studies

Mobile phones and Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT) phones

IARC (WHO) - RF-EMR Group 2B “Possible human carcinogen” May 2011

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In vitro (test tube) studies ARPANSA TRS -164

TR-164 Effect 46% vs No Effect 54% ORSAA Effect 68% vs No Effect 32%


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In vivo( living organism) studies TRS -164

TR-164 Effect 49% vs No Effect 51% ORSAA Effect 74% vs No Effect 26%


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Reason for the difference ARPANSA TRS-164:

•  Expert reviewer was not requested to use the ARPANSA literature database

•  Reproduced the findings obtained from the UK Health Department Report of the independent Advisory Group on Non-Ionising Radiation (AGNIR) [3].

•  in vitro / in vivo review section reproduced the UK AGNIR report findings

•  Provocation studies relied on UK AGNIR report, the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) [5] and ICNIRP reviews.

Ø  inherited all the AGNIR flaws and deficiencies (Dr Sarah Starkey [4]) including:

Scientific inaccuracy - conclusions did not accurately reflect the evidence

Studies omitted, included in other sections but without any conclusions, or conclusions left out - Oxidative stress was not given the coverage it deserved. Fertility effects, cognitive function and behavioural effects were all misrepresented.

Evidence dismissed and ignored in conclusions

ARPANSA TRS-164 is an inaccurate assessment of the available science


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In-vivo testing from Human UHF studies

13 Source : ORSAA database

Organ or fluids sampled

Studies Top 6 major Bio-Effect categoriesEffect No Effect Uncertain

EffectSaliva; Blood (Haemoglobin, chromosomes & lymphocytes); Sperm; Skin; Auditory system; Core Temperature; Pituitary Hormones; Urine; Faeces; EEG studies’ ECG studies

51 10 7 DNA damage, Biochemical changes Altered Enzyme Activity; Cell Irregularities/ Damage/ Oxidative Stress; Cardiovascular/ Vascular Effects

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In-vivo animal studies - All UHF studies

14 Source : ORSAA database

Cumulative Exposure (h)

Studies Top Six Bio-Effect categories (# studies in brackets)Effect No Effect Uncertain

Group 1 ≤100 h (≤ 4.2 d)

366 (79%)

85 (18%)

14 (3%)

1.  Biochemical changes (167) 2.  Altered Enzyme Activity (144) 3.  Oxidative Stress (122) 4.  Cell Irregularities/ Damage (82) 5.  Neuro-behavioural Effects/ Cognitive Effects (53) 6.  DNA damage/ Mutagenic /Genotoxic (42)

Group 2 100 to ≤750 h (4.2 d to 1 month)

76 (76%)

21 (21%)

3 (3%)

1.  Biochemical changes (35) 2.  Altered Enzyme Activity (33) 3.  Oxidative Stress (29) 4.  Cell Irregularities/ Damage (18) 5.  Apoptosis (Programmed cell death) (12) 6.  DNA damage/ Mutagenic /Genotoxic (11)

Group 3 >750 ≤8700 h (<1 yr)

19 11 1 1.  Biochemical changes (7) 2.  Altered Enzyme Activity (6) 3.  DNA damage/ Mutagenic /Genotoxic (4) 4.  Oxidative Stress (4) 5.  Sperm effects (4) 6.  Apoptosis (Programmed cell death) (3)

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Non-thermal Effects exposures: in vivo animal studies ≤ SAR 2 W/kg

17 Source : ORSAA database

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Simulated vs Real Mobile Phones Signal


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All Microwave (UHF-SHF) Studies


Source: ORSAA Database – RF Bioeffect summary

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Mobile Phone Base Station – Epidemiological Studies

ORSAA database has 29 Studies 4 “No Effect” studies funded: 3 x German Government and 1 x UK telecom


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Summary slide on in vivo human testing associated with Mobile Phone towers


•  Not a single study in Australia with objective biochemical markers to see if there is an impact on people’s health around Mobile Phone Base Stations (MPBS)

•  Only one large population study (epidemiology) by Dr. Bruce Hocking (ex Telstra CMO) and colleagues – found increased cancer risk near broadcasting towers VHF (another source of RF-EMR)

•  A study in Brazil found 93.5% (6,724/7,191) of cancer deaths over 10 years have occurred within 500m of a MPBS. Risk decreased steadily with distance from MPBS.

•  Several studies done other countries have shown clear adverse effects such as more DNA damage, increased oxidative stress, increased risk of diabetes, altered hormone levels in people near MPBS

•  It is risky to install powerful RF-transmitters near sensitive locations like homes, schools and hospitals.

•  Lilienfield Report (1978) From 1953 -1978 systematic low-level pulsed exposure of

US Embassy staff in Moscow. ( 20-280 mW/m2 (3% of ICNIRP limit) 0.6-9.5 GHz (5G 6 GHz), 6-8 hr/day 5 day/wk, 2- 4 yrs Symptoms eczema, psoriasis, allergic and inflammatory reactions

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Review of funding sources in ORSAA database


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Review of research by Country of Origin


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u  “Animal experiments reported in open literature have demonstrated the use of low level microwave signals to produce death by heart seizure or by neurological pathologies resulting from breaching of the blood-brain barrier”. (page viii)

u  “Personnel (military) exposed to microwave radiation below thermal levels experience more neurological, cardiovascular, and haemodynamic disturbances than do their unexposed counterparts.” (page 6)

u  “Subjects (military personnel) exposed to microwave exhibited a variety of neurasthenic disorders against a background of angiodystonia (abnormal changes in the tonicity of the blood vessels). The most common subjective complaints were headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness, menstrual disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness, sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and lack of concentration.” (page 8)

u  “Long term non-thermal microwave irradiation of male mice evoked diffuse changes in the testes. Subsequent mating of the animals resulted in reduction in the size of the litters” (page 13)

US Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA) Report 1976


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Identified Risks

u  Brain Tumours

u  Other Cancers

u  Cardiovascular Disease

u  Diabetes

u  Neurodegeneration

u  Mental illnesses

u  Pregnancy Complications, Developmental Problems

u  Immune Disorders

u  Infertility/Sterility

u  Chronic Illness

u  Nuisance Effects

u  Sleep Disorders


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Chronic Diseases. Does EMR have a Role? Top Health Burdens

u  Cardiovascular Disease

u  Cancer

u  Neurodegenerative diseases

u  Mental illness

u  Allergies

RF-EMR bio effects with evidence u  Cardiac and vascular effects, oxidative stress and

effects on voltage-gated Ca2+ channels u  DNA damage, altered cell metabolism, altered gene

expression, oxidative stress, inflammation.

u  neuronal damage (evidence of functional and histopathological changes), oxidative stress, metabolic changes, blood brain barrier damage.

u  Neurobehavioural changes - anxiety, cognitive impairment, changes in neurotransmitters

u  Serological evidence of elevation of IgE antibodies and Th2 cytokines, lowering of cytotoxic activity of white blood cells, mast cell degranulation


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Conclusions u Converging evidence on health effects. u Non-thermal bio-effects are real u Enough SMOKE to say we have a FIRE u Devices need a higher safety design standard u  Stronger consumer advice on safe use

u especially children u Advice on safer use is hidden u Needs to be very obvious

u  The data together with best risk management practice suggests:

A trigger point has been reach for adopting a proper Precautionary Approach to this new RF-EMR technology


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Extra Slides Follow

Slides that followed were not used


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Current Australian EMF- RF Regulation u  Regulator =Australian Communications Media

Authority (ACMA)

•  Radiocommunications Act 1992. S162 (3) (f)

•  “health and safety protection to persons who operate, work with or use wireless equipment via the establishment of standards”

u  “Inclusion of the precautionary principle in the ACMA regulatory instruments would place a regulatory burden on industry which would require strong justification.”

u  The ACMA does not discern that justification


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28 Source Statista.com

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Epidemiological Studies of Note u  Interphone à glioma in the group with the longest duration of use (≥1640 h)

(OR=1.40; 95% CI 1.03to 1.89), higher for ispsilateral use and temporal tumours.

u  CERENAT multicenter French case-control study 2004–2006. u  Among heaviest users (cumulative duration ≥896 h), time since first use was

occasionally less than 5 years (11%) but mostly 5– 9 years (49%) and 10 years and more (40%).

•  33 % commercial agents or sales people •  22% chief operating officers, production & operation managers •  62% reported occupational mobile phone use. u  COSMOS Study (75,993) – Self reported vs Telco usage figures •  14% reported health effect following use


Patients interviewed Tumour Organ2708 Glioma Brain2409 Meningioma Brain1100 Acoustic Neuroma

(Vestibular Schwannoma)Acoustic nerve

400 Parotid gland Salivary gland 

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in vivo long-term (Near Field) animal studies - UHF study u  The US FDA - nominated cell phone RFR emission for toxicology and carcinogenicity testing in 1999

u  Took a decade to start

u  NPT study - 2-year study on rats & mice

u  Huge $25 million study is the world’s largest most carefully done study ever done on long term wireless health risks. Reporting started in 2018.

u  Near-field exposure intensity was at low non-thermal or non-heating levels

u  Evidence of Carcinogenic activity was rated as: u  Clear evidence;

u  Some evidence;

u  Equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity is demonstrated by studies that are interpreted as showing a marginal increase of neoplasms that may be test agent related;

u  No evidence;

u  Inadequate study.

u  Mice Study showed no effects

u  Exposure to Sprague Dawley (SD) Rats different

u  Occurrence of these rare nerve sheath tumours were statistically significant and others where not

u  Rare nerve tumours were found being malignant schwannoma in the heart of male rats u  Same cells in nerves of the human ear.

u  Significant positive trends were found for gliomas in male rats exposed to CDMA-modulated RF radiation

u  Ditto heart Schwannomas in male rats exposed to GSM or CDMA-modulated RF


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in vivo long-term (far-Field) animal studies - UHF study

u  Ramazzini Institute in Italy.

u Long-term animal study - just concluded

u  Interim paper: u  Same rare nerve tumours were found in male rats as in the NPT study.

u These rare nerve tumours also present in control male rats

u  Same findings as NPT study.

u Results less convincing than NPT study.

u  Does rat research inform human health risk?

u Rats are the preferred animal models for carcinogenicity studies

u Regulatory agencies rely on rodent carcinogenicity bioassay data à a given chemical à cancer in humans.


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Prof Henry Lai’s life-time collection u  ORSAA database incorporates:

u  ARPANSA database

u  Prof Henry Lai’s personal collection of 937 papers: u  1. ELF-EMF-Apr1-comet-assay.docx (46 papers)

u  2. ELF-oxidative-effect-11-21-2017.docx (186 papers)

u  3. RFR-12-14-neurological-effects-2007-2017.docx (325 papers)

u  4. RFR-Apr1-comet-assay.docx ( 76 papers) 

u  5. Electrohypersensitivity-50pg-2017.docx (124 papers)

u  6. Final RF oxidative stress papers (180 papers)  

u  Lai classified studies as "Effect" or "No Effect" 

u ORSAA classification different only 27 / 937 times u  7 in new category "Uncertain Effect”

u  10 “Effect" to "No Effect"

u  10 "No Effect" to “Effect”.  

u  Good agreement on the final bio-effect category for each paper.  32

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Chronic Diseases. Does EMR have a Role? Top Health Burdens

u  Cardiovascular Disease

u  Cancer

u  Neurodegenerative diseases

u  Mental illness

u  Allergies

RF-EMR bio effects with evidence u  Cardiac and vascular effects, oxidative stress and

effects on voltage-gated Ca2+ channels u  DNA damage, altered cell metabolism, altered gene

expression, oxidative stress, inflammation.

u  neuronal damage (evidence of functional and histopathological changes), oxidative stress, metabolic changes, blood brain barrier damage.

u  Neurobehavioural changes - anxiety, cognitive impairment, changes in neurotransmitters

u  Serological evidence of elevation of IgE antibodies and Th2 cytokines, lowering of cytotoxic activity of white blood cells, mast cell degranulation


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ANRES research (190 individuals surveyed)


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What is the Precautionary Approach? u  Simple definition of Precautionary Approach: A risk management framework in the face of scientific uncertainty

u  Not an admission of guilt

u  Implementation of Precautionary Approach u Complex u Requires trust u Fair and reasonable u Transparent and open

u  As Low As Reasonable Achievable (ALARA) As Low As Reasonable Practicable (ALARP) u Both historical Precautionary Approaches u Lack structure of proper Precautionary Approach


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Movie - Generation Zapped



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Evidence of harmful effects has been known for more than 40 years

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u  RF (Microwaves) may have both pathogenic effects and, under certain conditions, a therapeutic action on the human organism

u  Many aspects of this pressing problem remain almost totally neglected; in particular, our information on the mechanism by which microwaves affect the human organism is inadequate

u  Microwave radiation on the organism can be dealt with successfully (and the literature material critically generalized) in its present state only by a team of scientists representing various specialties

u  It was established from study of the nonthermal (specific) action of radio waves that the changes that appear in the organism cannot be explained solely in terms of the amount of heat formed in it

*Source: Influence of Microwave Radiation on Man and Animals (1970) - NASA Translation

Bio Effect Research: 1970 Conclusions*

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Bradford Hill System of Causation u  ORSAA database

u Uses Bradford Hill (BH) indexes for causation of cancer

u  BH Criteria for causation

u Minimal conditions necessary to provide adequate evidence of a causal relationship between an incidence and a possible consequence


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Bradford Hill System – Moving from Association to Causation

u Temporal Relationship: Exposure must precede the effect u Strength: Strength of the association – Relative Risk u Dose Response Effect: Biological gradient u Plausibility: Biological plausibility u Experimental: Reproducibility with repeated studies u Specificity: Specificity of the association u Coherence: Coherence between cause-to-effect

interpretation with generally known facts about disease u Consistency: Consistency between independent studies


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Biology vs Physics views of EMR Interaction

u Biology: microwave radiofrequency transmissions à increases oxidative stress and DNA damage -> can cause cancer

u Physics: photon energy cannot break covalent bonds à No DNA damage

Bad science We know

u Chronic inflammation à cancer 

u Cigarette smoke à cancer

u Toxins and autoimmune disease à cancer