ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the

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Page 1: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the
Page 2: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the

1 2

/ 2

ICOD In the ir eyes / 3

ICOD on a Journey over a Decade / 6

Message from Founder and great Socio-Spi ritual Advisor / 7

/ 9

Message from t he Secretary / 11

Message from the President / 12

Message from our Supporter / 13

ICOD Mission on the Rights for Abandoned and Downtrodden / 14

Highlights of 2015-16 under Right to Home program / 16

Highlights of 2015-16 under Right to Education program / 18

Highlights of 2015-16 under Right to Good Health program / 21

Highlights of 2015-16 under Right to Happy Living program / 23

Audi t Report / 25

Our Beauti ful Donors / 28

Our Wel l Wishers / 29

Our Dai ly Prayer / 30

/ 31

ICOD Credentials / 32

Page 3: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the

ICOD In their eyes

Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all  those involved in social

work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individua lly. Keep the great

work you are doing. Wishes and regards.” (01.15)

CWC Howrah: “It is an honour to be present here to-day and be part of

this event. The environment is lovely and the children with their cultural

activities  have overwhelmed us. We bless these children. Hope they go

a long way in their li fe. God bless.” (30.01.15)

Anamita Dalajati , CWC member: “I have been associated with NGOs

since a long time and I understand what it takes to run an organization.

It is commendablewhat you are doing so well . I wish you and the children

the very best. God bless!” (30.01.15)

R.Lana, Princ ipal magistrate Juvenile c ourt, Howrah:”To-day, I feel so

great  because I got opportunity to visit this nice place I rea lly gve my

thanks to the superintendant of Chiranabin, Howrah boys. I also like to

give my thanks to the  Brother who organizes this  Milan Utsav. During

the time of Programme, I have great gladness and happiness asthe faces

of all  inmates were enjoying a lot. So my best wishes are always with

you. Carry on.”

Juvenile judge of Howrah: “I want to convey my heartfelt thanks to all

members of Chiranabin and ICOD for arrangement of such a beautiful

programme towards the development,  mental and phys ical state of

inmates of the Home. The celebration of children Day ispra iseworthy. I

wish sincere success to the organizations.” (30.01.15)

The Archbishop of Kolkata: “ICOD is God’s work for His children who

are in need of love. May God bless Bro. Gaston, Marcus and the entire

team that lives God’s  tender  lovefor the weak and poor in the society.

May God bless all  who are in ICOD” (14.01.16)

The General Superior of Prado, France: “I have been real ly happy

to dis cover the ICOD Centre and to me et every me mber. My grea t

congratulation for all the co-operators, educators who give a new life

and experience to  the children, youth, or less young whom God gave

you. May the Merc y of God remain upon you all as al so His blessings.

My gratitude to Bro. Gaston and Marcus because of the evangelica l

happiness coming from the Gospel and that they a re sowing around

them.  God is love and he spreads his love upon all  his children whatever

their religions, races , situations. Thecharisma of our Founder F. Chevrier

is really living here. I have touched it very closely. Bless beGod” (16.02.16)

Barbara and Alex ander, France (DLCJ. GB members): “D ear IC OD’s

family. You are su ch a wonderful group of people. You share your love

with everybody , specially the poorest of the poor...”  (25.09.15)

M.J. Conchon, France: “Second timeI came here.... This time I could live

some hours , have a night here with Dominique and you all. A wonderful

family...Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

Michele Migone, Italy: “As always, a visit to this marvellous  place will

help me through my year work in Italy. Looking forward to come again.

With my best wishes.”

Bro. Francis Marie, Pilgrim of Charity, “France and Sealdah: Every time

we live a day at ICOD, it is  the freshness of a new birth and of joy for so

much love received and given. Go on more and more on this  way of li fe

and love.” (4.03.16)

Father Martin, Parish Priest of Andhul: “ICOD is  heaven on earthwhere

people of different faiths experiment God’s love and peace and where

all  live together  along Bro. Gaston and Marcus  as  one God’s family

without any discrimination. May God bless the inmates of ICOD with his

love andcare” (28.03.16)

Bro. Georges Dev, MC (Mother Teresa): “Greetings of love, joy and peace

to all   of ICOD beautiful people. May the Good lord bless and keep the

goods  works, Long live ICOD.”

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Page 4: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the

Ramakrishna Karmadhgaksha: “During the very short time  of my

vis it, I think this  institution has  a  great ambi tion to s erve the

dis tressed and destiture people our society. It is  a greaat plesure for

me to visit ICOD. This  place is very nice. I am very happy what you are all

doing for the handicapped people with so much love. With my love and

prayer.” (06.15)

Grillon Alibaba (French globetrotter): “Thank you my brother Gaston

and thank God to have been able to come by car (from Europe) and to

travel everywhere, realizing as  you say that :”there is  more love than

evil in the world”. I have the proof of it here. May God blessyou allup to

my next year coming” (29.02.16)

A. Mller, Germany: “Great happiness  to have been able to meet Christ

through Gaston and to have shared one meal in the company of God “ (


Udaybhanu Roy, TONA, Kolkata: “I will  remember  forever this day of

25th September. Mostly we are controlled by the communalist culture.

Despite of that, this atmosphere will  help to be de-controlled. My only

request is  to explore human resource with your activities and consider

all  birdsand animals  as part of our relations” (25.09.16)

Father Bert he Fer nandez and Bro Matth ew, founder of Don Bosco

Mirapara : “A tribute to the work being done at ICOD. Bro. Matthew,

Ms. Stephanie and myself are very inspired and edified with the dedicated

social work being done in thisinstitution. Whatever category  of needy

people who are in  Goalopota, you find them in ICOD getting love and

care. We find chi ldren, both normal or handicappe d, youth and aged

men and women receiving careand affection. We learn...We were much

impressed and we are offering prayers to the Almighty God to protect

this  organization, their animators and workers of the institution. May

they be healthy, strong and committed.” (09.16)

Uttarkumar Naynay: “For the fir st time I come to any orphanage and

old age home, feeling an unexplainable never felt such happiness  living

in the happy world. I felt myself for the first time at a different aspect of

li fe. Hope to come again and again and again!” (10.16)

ICOD on a Journey over a Decade

Vision, Mission and Goals

ICOD V ision – where do we want to go

Create an alternative people-centered society based on universally acceptedhum an value s of pea ce,  just ice,  soli dari ty,  equa lity, lo ve,  comp assi on,participation and self-reliance ensuring sustenance of nature.

ICOD Mission – How do we want to go

Fac il itai ng th e proc ess o f empo werment of  the un derpr ivileged,downtrodden, dis tressed and deprived communities.

Promoting and strengthen an organization of individuals by encouragingtheir initia tive of self-help and reliance.

Organizing peopl e for issue based movement throu gh collaborativeefforts at local, regional, national and international level.

Ensuring a sustai nable existence with gender equa lity without thepresence of any social injustice, prejudices or superstitions.

Offering  humanitaria n services to al l aba ndoned, dow ntrodden,disadvantaged women, orphan widows,divorcees; irrespectiveof cast,creed, religion and beliefs.

Creatingsocio-economic, cultural, educational and income generatingbase of the downtrodden section of the community.

ICOD Goals – What do we want to achieve

Total support and care to destitute, especially those found on the street,the orphan and the rejected.

A big family that belongs to the destitute where the y can spend theirli fe in harmony.

An unpolluted environment and preserve/increase the bio- diversity ofthe place enabling all living creatures to survive in peace.

An inter-religiousplamorm where the members of all religions treatedequally.

A centre for development of the abandoned, orphaned and downtroddenwhere they will be able to transform their lives and move towards‘mission independence’.

An inter-NGO rela tionship for grass root level de velopment and anintegrated network for global-social interactions.

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Page 5: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the

Message from Founder and great Socio-Spiritual Advisor

Brother Gaston Dayanand


When I think about ICOD’s Family, I am of course first thinking about the

inmates, starting by those who are the most suffering in body, mind or  heart.

But as dear Mother Teresa says: “the poverty of being unwanted, unloved

and uncared for is the greatest poverty and suffering”. That’s why my heart

is  bleeding first for our little Broto, unable to see, hear, speak and move his

limbs. What shall  his life become? I am sure if he receives enough love and

tender care from us, his  li fe will be better than many among us. We must

remember, “the hunger for love is q uite more difficult to remove than

hunger for rice” (M. Teresa)

We can say this for all  our 120 orphan and 40 other inmates, even those

who have absolutel y no one. If we know how to take the place of their

parents, then, their life could be made beautiful. For those who are mentally

challenged, slightly or completely, the same rule applies. They just need

understanding and  smiling faces. “Kind work can be short and easy to say,

but their echoes are truly endless” (Mother). Other people in our great family

are very old (one woman is of 101 years old!) or on th e way of dying. We

have to accompany them on the road to heaven, respec ting totally their

own beliefs, but helping them to have hope in a God of love who waits for

him/her. Hence, their end shall  be a beautiful Day for them. And for us.

Children who although orphan or semi-orphan have the luck to be able to

go to school, most often are thinking about their future. Girls want to get

married ‘quickly’; boys  want to get a job ‘ immediately’. For those unsecure

young people, stud ies do not appeal for them. And truly, they are more

difficult to deal  with than allmy challenged grandchildren put together. We

thank the Lord to have received this  year the possibility for eleven of them

to find a  way to hope more positively about their future life from Cl. VIII to

XII, graduation, university, nursing training and technical studies. My gratitude

goes to all those who have helped ICOD to direct them through these ways,

first of all to Shromjibi Hospital members.

Of course, other members of our fami ly are our dear collaborators, and

some 40 paid (rat her underpaid!) WORKERS without whom  we would be

helpless. Another important members are our nine GOVERNING BODY social

workers who give their talents, qualifications  and t ime and who are so

precious  for us. Several are helping us from outside, and their contributions

are invaluable.

Local well-wishers have  this year increased tremendously and geometrically.

We are now surrounded by a halo of dedicated people who try everything

to help us, not only through  cash donations, but also inkinds and in proposing

us competent helpe rs in various fields. Our thanks an d love remain with


Last but not the least, our hearts are full of gratitude and love for our beloved

DOMINIQUE DADA and DIDI of France, since they mean everything for our

family since 30 yearsand are our grandparents. They have suffered alot this

year, but they are continuing without fail ing to help ICOD and 18 NGOS of

four continents to carry on deeds of compassion and love. Only God can

reward them. I do not forget AVTM (60 years of help to India!), FFB Geneva

(45 years) and someother donatorsfrom abroad.

Concluding this  message, I have personally to thank all of you, close or far,

young or  old, mentally  or phys ically  challenged, r ich or poor, l iving in

happiness or in misery, for you are for me the RAINBOW that our Almighty

and loving heavenly Father has prepared sothat ICOD shall  become truly “a

rural City of Joy” where everyon e lives simply so that others may simply


ICOD is  indeed a  miracle, for “the miracle is not that we are doing this

work, but that we are happy to do it” (M. Teresa)

Let us bow our heads to receive the blessings of our beloved Lord Jesus who

have called me since my youth and prepared the deeds that I could not have

done without you all , Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists, Christians or even non-


I remain sincerely your elder brother,

Gaston Dayanand-Happy-of-the-Mercy-of-God.

2nd October 2016, Birth of Gandhiji

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Page 6: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the

“…the poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest

poverty and suffering” - Mother Teresa.

“t he

hunger for love is qui te more d ifficult to remove than hu nger for rice”





“Rural City of


“the miracle is not that we are doing this work, but that we are happy to

do it” (M. Teresa)


Gaston Dayanand-Happy-of-the-Mercy-of-God.

2nd October 2016, Birth of Gandhiji

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Page 7: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the

Message from the Secretary

Smt. Mamata Ghosh (Gopa Didi)

Common Platfrom for Action CPA



Message from the President

Smt. Kajal Maity


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Page 8: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the

Message from our Supporter

Amis des  Vi llages  du Tiers  Monde (AVTM) – Friends of Third World Vil lages

Dear friends,

It is with joy that once again we could associate our french friends  with the

realizations  of our indian friends of ICOD and ASHA BHAVAN CENTRE enabling

them to share through your letters and reports your fight to improve the lot

of the poor with whom we feel full  solidarity as bro thers of one same

humanity. This  year is  special for two reasons :

- first, we feel how Calcutta, and all West Bengal, is a land blessed with the

canonization of Mother Teresa and the fruits  that continue to flow through

the action of his congregation but also with those you lead in the same spirit

of service without putting yourself forward,

- and secondly, from our side, we are pleased to continue to support some

of your new projects (dispensary for ICOD, rehabilitation of disabled persons

with ABC) in this  year when we celebrate 50 years of our presence at your

side in India  and the 10 years of the death of Laure nce Souques at the

beginning of this  beautiful work of solidarity between french donors, stil l

faithful, and their indian friends.



 The team of AVTM – Paris

ICOD Mission on the Rights for Abandoned and Downtrodden

ICOD is  an inter-rel igious community of abandoned and downtrodden and is

committed to establish their

Right to Home

Right to Education

Right to Good Heal th

Right to Happy Living

Right to Self-Rel iance

Why ICOD believes these Rights are absolute necessary for the marginalized

section of the society.

Right to Home – When young people leave home, they learn how to stand on

their own two  feet, but if they do not have a home! “Right to home”( is  about

ensuring an individual gets a home to( put his feet on the soil at the first place.

Unhappily we see destitute children, young adults and even aged often rejected

by their nearer ones. Wish if ICOD could extend a home to all  of them. Perhaps

we have a little satisfaction for the two hundred some people who have got ahome atICOD. We call  it a home where together hand in hand they have created

the walls under the loving care of everyone’s beloved Brother Gaston.

Right to Education – World Bank sa ys in its report, “Education  is a powerful

driver of developme nt and is  one of the strongest instr uments for reducing

poverty and improving health, gender equality, peace, and stability. Althoughthere hasbeen great progress in the last decade - many more children attend

schools and girls’ education has markedly improved - 58 mil lion children are still

out of school. Even  when children complete school, they often do so without

acquiring basic skil ls necessary for work and life. This  is  particularly detrimental

when unemployment is  high and labor markets aredemanding more skilled andagile workforces than ever before.”

Right to Good Health – The right to the highest attainable standard of health is

a human right recognized in international human rights law, asnoted by UN and

WHO in their report, saying it is  “the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the

highest attainable standard of physical and mental health without distinction ofrace, religion, political belief, economic or socia l condition.” We consider our

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health to be our most basic and essential asset to live life in dignity. At ICOD, we

take up right to hea lth for all our members is an inclusive right to stay healthy ina healthy environment. With adequatenutritious food and essentials  one can

remain healthy insi de wh en ou tside  envi ronme nt al so offers a  heal thy

surrounding that is full  of ecological balance and bio-diversity. Our focuson rightto good health has an all -round coverage, including the environment where we


Right to Happy Living – We hear about consumerism and materia lism created a

negative impact on life over the last five decades or more. Compared with their

grandparents, in general today’s young adults have grown up with much moreaffluent, slightly lesshappiness and much greater risk of depression. In fact, the

World Health Organisation predicts that by 2020, depression will be the secondleading cause of mortality in the world, impacting nearly one-third of all adults .

Through severalstudies and even through our everyday experience, we are well

aware of growing unhappiness that is  affecting almost all sections of people inour society. The concern over materialistic development has  even compelled

certain theorists to rethink on thegeneral opinion of using Gross Developmentof Product (GDP) as an index of progression. There is  an alternate view of taking

a balanced approach of socioeconomic development of a country and its people

that reflects in their Gross National Happiness  (GNH). We at ICOD understand, itmight be impossible to eradicate the forces causing an increase in depression

and unhappiness, but it is  our right not to surrender in front of those pressures.People here may be disconnected from their familiesand communities, but they

build a strong social fabric of togethernessfilled with love and compass ion, which

is  the source of happy living. We believe it is one of our fundamental rights  tolive and let live happily.

Right to Sel f-Reliance  –The poor peo ple’s voices tell us that poverty is  morethan  low income - it  is  also abo ut vulnera bility, e xclusion  and isola tion,

unaccountabil ity, powerlessness , and exposure to violence. A country where a

large segment of people suffer from joblessness or decreasing earning to livetheir li fe with dignity, right to self-reliance is  more important. Even if some people

do not own a piece of land or they have assets from their ancestors they shouldhold a sense of “can do” attitude to rewrite theirfuture. Empirical evidence and

operational experience show that social development by putting “people first”

in this context, promotes better growth, better projects and better qua lity oflife. As the people at ICOD have past imprints of various adversities itis  important

to infuse  confidence on their own ability and help them to contribute to various

income generating activities.

Highlights of 2015-16 under Right to Home program

New Building - Malala senior orphan’s Home:

Due to the new admi ssions of the tribals  of Belari NGO in January 2016, we

were obliged to build a new small  bungalow with three rooms with four beds

for the senior orphan girls. One room however has been kept for dance’s classes

and or special guest room. Actua lly, a completely mad lady, but very quiet, is

remaining in it. This newly thatched roof and clay addition balances elegantly

the first homeof the juniors. The cost has been borne by the Swiss Organization

“Asha Bengale” of our friend Fabian.

New Building - ‘Karuna’ old men Home

There was a great need to make a home for the old men a lone. As usual, we

could not do this with our budget. Fortunately, one of our oldest inmate, Kanai

Babu, 72, proposed us to pay the entire cost for a new tiled bungalow, with the

pensions  rece ived  for  both  his wife K oruna  and  his boy,  both  menta lly

handicapped, and both died at ICOD some years ago. Now there are 8 men

inside it. And we gave the name of his  wife to it. He has also made a small statue

of his wife, which is quite moving.

Kitchen renovation for gas installation

Our kitchen was outdated and used only wood from our forestry department.

But to receive tra inees from other NGOs or Government, we were obliged to

convert it in a more modern way, e.g. gas. We have completely transformed it in

concrete in such a way that it would not be visible from outside.

Carpentry rebuil t and Guest room

Since the whole building of carpentry has collapsed, we have decided to rebuild

it with two additio nal places: a rest-room for the workers at one hand and a

guest room for our visitors  on the other end, complete with veranda, bath-

room, water and electricity.  Three guests can be accommodated at a time.

Renovation of the stage of the big Hall

 We feel it was time to complete thestage where so many cultural manifestations

are organized. Eleven concrete pillars to prevent rain flooding inside have been

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17 18

erected, since the previous temporary structure was collapsing. Proper tarpaulins

walling wil l be done this  year.

Installation of photo voltaic solar light. This  scheme has been prepared since

one year, but has failed to be implemented due to the refusal of the Electricity

Board of Howrah to cooperate with us for the injection of extra power from us

to their grid. It is only afterseven months consultation that we were allowed to

start it. The technicians of KUJUR Company have finalized the work within one

month. 30 solar photovoltaic panels have been installedon one concrete terrace

to provide solar power to five of our buildings:

Mother Teresa Home(menta ll y sick women),

Tagore Hall (physi ca lly chal lenged girls and old women),

Two Malala Homes (for orphan, girl s seniors  and juniors)

Ga ndhi Bhaban (res idence of the  Secretary, the Founder andguests.

Since the power (7Kw) is strong, we are preparing a pro ject to extend the

electricity to several other buildings. A new scheme is being prepared for the

solar electrificati on of the whole of ICOD, including the men/boys Unit and

heating water pannels.

The whole project is paid by our friends of INDIAN PROJECT in Switzerland, driven

by Miss Stephanie Perregaux, a real friend of India speaking Bengali and, as an

engineer, who has also helped us in preparing the technical papers to help us.

Nine people have been trained for maintenance during the whole project and

our boys and girls will make special contributions to environment and pollution


Highlights of 2015-16 under Right to Education program

Educational improvement

Towards a bright future 15 of our students are pursuing their studies outside

ICOD but under our supervision and help.

ICOD boys and girls at Shramajibi Hospital and Pathshala , Srirampur,

Hooghly: Four girls and two boys , a total of six students have been sent

for formal education in class VII to X. Their boarding and education cost

is  completely taken by this so generous  hospital, hoping that after their

basic and vocational medical education, they will  be able to work in

various capacities: either as nurse or laboratory assistant or warden boys

or even as phys ician. They are paid from the beginning for their duties.

It is  a great chance for those students of so poor famil ies(mostly semi-

orphan in distres s)who with us could have hoped nothing else than

marriagesfor the girls or become irregular daily-labourers for the boys.

One Musl im girl , Moryam, daughter of an orphan mother to whom we

gave marriage, has starting nursing diploma for three years.

ICOD boys and girls  at Shramajibi Hospital  and Pathshala , Bel ur,

Howrah: One gi rl, Saheli , who has  successfull y completed her Cla ssXII (heigher secondary) exams has  s tarted al so three year trainingfor nurs ing. Sheis  receiving a monthly stipend from the beginning.

On Higher Secondary studies: At Don Bosco Howrah Technical we have

sent Rahul Ja iswara, one orphan boy from Pilkhana but with us since 11

years and having passed successfully Matriculation for a three years

training of ITI. Runu Ghosh, also orphan of father and mother, continues

classXI supported by us. One Christian girl, Smita Minj, from Oraon tribal,

although having studied at ICOD, is pursuing class XI at Jalpaiguri, taking

into account her difficult family’s situation. We are supporting the cost

with the aid of a Swiss family.

On Graduation and Pos tgraduation studies: Mumtaz, s emi-orphan

Muslim girl , is  now completing his second university year at Calcutta

University staying in a Kolkata Hostel. Dal ia , also a Muslim girl, is  on

second year of graduation at Uluberia College. Mamoni, 22 years post-

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19 20

polio girl is 80% handicapped (two legs, torso with four call ipers) and cannot

move properly, has been with us for many years, and is  now in her second

year of graduation, residing with her parents who are both helpless.

On English medium school: Rana Ghosh, 11 years, boy under foster care,

iscontinuing with exceptional successat class VI in a school cum college

at Kolkata Thakur pukur. He is  supported both by our Secretary and

Dominique Didi (personnally).

Mentally Retarded (MR) Boys or Girls Rehabilitation

Balram Samanto, a professional from Hope Foundat ion, provide his

service two days a week, making the link between HOPE Foundation,

Kolkata and ICOD Mentally retarded (MR) and the staff, and meetings

between every group.

Lakshman Bhuia, provides his  service two daysa week, make vocational

classes for the MR and also helping the school children in keeping the

compound clean.

Pulok Jana, a specia lis t MR educator provides his service 5 days  awe ek, trying to detect wha t i s  the best for his  chi ldren (work,

cleaning, clas s , special needs, storytelling, etc.) in the 15 MR boys.

Nirmal Koya l, a teacher for coaching small  boys, playing with them,

washing them, helper for medicines distribution etc.

Biswadeep Dey, an  engineer from Odisha, is  giving voluntary service

three days a month to helpthe school children to read and tell stories.

Some interested MR boys and girls  are also coming to his class.

Shyamal Kirtan,i s coaching 3 hours per day on evening the school


During the monsoon, 4 Brickfields teachers are coming daily to make

specia l classes for the MR and regular children on evening.

Dr. Soma Adhikary is  regularly coming from Kolaghat (Midnapur) to spend

some time with the children, donating a lot of pr ecious  and costly

medicines and also toys and clothesfor them.

New Professional for mental girls: a young lady, Jhuma Bera who has a

diploma of special education for mentally retarded, comes every day to

tra in by group our  mentally sick girls . She has been  sent and paid by

HOPE Kolkata and is  a great asset for us. We are expecting another

woman sent by the same NGO.

Our Morning School for ICOD and V illage Boys and Girls

We are contnuing our morning coaching centre for several years where 200

boys and girls from the surrounding vil lages join with ICOD students. Now there

are eight teachers,  quite qualified. This  year we have re newed its staff and

brought a new English teacher.

“In conclusion, we are thinking that ICOD has become a real“FOSTER HOME”, with one grandfather also considered as afather, with one mother and many grandmothers, daughters,sons, brothers, sisters, grandchildren, nephew, nieces, auntiesand uncles etc. including our 16 married girls and their husbandsand children even now coming with some great-grandchildren.Everyone is called by the correspondent Bengali name andeveryone is aware that they are living in a real family, with itsjoys and its difficulties.”

Page 12: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the

Thalassemia Checking - free checki ng by Ul uberia  Hospi ta l  : 73

inmates were checked and four cases were found.

Dental Camp - free checking by Rotary Sadan, Kolkata : 250 inmates

were checked. Cognizant Outreach team supported this where a

group of young people has enterta ined the children.

21 22

ICOD Family - Statistics

Inma tes


Boys 57

Girls 109


No Parent 76

Single Parent 69



Phy sically 13

Mentally 76

Both 13

Old Age20

Men 12

Women 8



Boys 20

Girls 21

Stay ing outside for higher studies 10


Total 68

For Homes


24x7 Members 6

Full Time 28

Part Time 5

For Other Units 29 Teachers for Coaching (200 children) 9

Trainers (tailoring, phy siotherapist,tabla, dance, music teacher)


Brickfield teachers (n on formal education in10 brickfields)


Doctor and staff in public dispensary 3

Highlights of 2015-16 under Right to Good Health program

Commitment to Healthy Environment

Since January 201 6, a grou p of t en gir ls  have been t rained  to value  the

environment; detect and protect various problems that can contribute to the

environmental degradations and pollutions that may be social, environmental,

water, air, sight, or noise pollution. They have made several posters to expla in

the  issues  to ot hers.  They have bee n also  taugh t how  to improve t heir

environment and dec lare war to plastic, papers, smoking, pond protection,

electricity saving, etc. Thishas led them to propose a very huge board of 3m x

2mabout all  these variousproblems, their causes and their cure.

Waste Management

Two new garbage cement chambers have been put close to the river as a burning

place for all our wastes. We arethinking to install a small  incinerator for better

environment protection.

Pure and Safe Drinking Water

Insta llation of water-purifying machines at every unit is  completed.

Health Improvement Programs

We run our prima ry hea l thcare uni t, Heali ng Touch, which i s

currently a  bi-weekly dis pensary operated by an MBBS doctor and

two paramedics. The Doctor fol lows  and treats  a ll our inmates.

Blood donation Camp (a t the occas ion of Dada’s  80th Bi rthday)

with a participati on of 65 donors

Eye Camp - free checking and operations  by Lions Club Ulube ria :190 people have been checke d, 13 free ca taract operations

performed, and 81 free glass es were distributed.

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23 24

Highlights of 2015-16 under Right to Happy Living program

Main gate and bilateral wall ing entrance restructuration

It took several months for our artist and helper (both our staff since long time)

to transform our ta ll  entrance Gate into a beautiful and meaningful artistic

contribution. The rainbow expresses the variety of our in mates, like a mini-

Indian vil lage, with various, ages, genders, religions, castes, cultures, languages,

health conditions, etc. The bilateral entrance explains in many small  bas-reliefs

the various  cultura l and social inspirations of our endeavour, so that ICOD will

become truly a “RURAL CITY OF JOY”

Shanti Niwas - Abode of peace bas-relief

The last completed artistic work at the entrance to wel come the arrival of

Muslim and Hindu guests at ICOD according to the local culture.

Makeover of Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta Statue

A golden aureole hasbeen added to her statue after her canonization as Saint.

Various TV programs on Zee Bangla channel

Invitation for Dadagi ri Program to our Founde r,which createdseveral  important consequences for ICOD. It brought a continuousflow of NGOs, busi ness houses , groups , and indi vidual peoplemoved by the audition and show of video aboutICOD. They bring many

pr op os al s for  he lp ,  gi ve  i mp or ta nt  c on tr ib ut io ns ,  in di vi du al

involvements, participation in cas h, clothes and toys distributions,

medicines, medical check-ups, short or long termes projects etc.

Three times entertainment teams of Zee Banglacame to ICOD (including

actor, actress and video filming)

Dance participation of our girls  to “Dance Bangla  Dance” TV show with

important rewards

Living in Joy and Happiness

“Raju Chi ldren Park” with  seven attractions for girls - Re alized by

contribution of ABC Kathila (Uluberia) and SARHA (Kolkata)

New flowers garden for girls (Mala la  Bhavan bungalow)

New water-lilies pond with tortoise protection, saved, kept and released

after some months.

New highly professional dance teacher for girlsfrom Kolkata: Mrs. Aparna


Happy Times with en thusiastic visitors

One year of marriage’s celebration with twoyoung doctors from Kolkata:

they pay the cost of food and the function.

Dr. SOMA Dey (Kolaghat, Midnapur) frequent small donations for children

in kind (e.g all Puja ’s clothes, important medicines, toys etc.

Cognizant Organization, Kolkata: repeated education plus entertainment

sessions by a group of young people.

Brickfields landlady: fruits donations for all 400 children and also frequent

donations  of various clothes and toys etc.

Two Bel ur Ramakrishna t each ers:  many bo oks dona tion s about

Ramkrishna, Vivekananda, Bhogini Nivedita, Vedas  etc.

Shyampur club: various school’s giftsand bags for children

Family from Bongaon (North 24 Parganas) - donation for our 50 orphan

nice specia l clothes.

Ashok Chakraborty family contribution for the tenth anniversary of the

death of his daughter on 18th June: function’s cost, toys, clothes, food

etc. and several lakhs to start animal husbandry.

Family Shambu Ghosh: his important contribution to look after his two

mentally sick daughters.

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Audit Report Audit Report

25 26

Page 15: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the

Our Beautiful Donors

Sl. No. Name & Address of Individual and Instit utional Donor


2 AVTM (Help to the villages of Third World), France

3 Association Asha Bengal, Switzerland


5 Indian Project, France



7 H.E.L.P. INDIA Trust, Andhra Pradesh, India

8 Hope Kolkata Foundation, Kolkata, India

9 Rama Chakraborty, Bashdroni, Kolkata, India

10 Muktadhara, Uttarpara, Hooghly, India

11 Sarha, Kolkata, India

12 Healing Life, Kolkata, India

13 Sramajibi Hospital, Belur, Howrah, India

14 Dr. Soma Adhi karyKolaghat, Purba Medi nipur, India

15 ABC (Asha Bhaban Center)Kantila, Ulu beria, India

16 Mamraj Agarwal Foundation, Kolkata, India

17 Uluberia Lions Hospital, Uluberia, Howrah, India

18 Tulshi Brick Field, Ulughata, Shyampur, Howrah, India

Audit Report

27 28

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Our Well Wishers

Govt. of India

Govt. of West Bengal

District Magistrate, Howrah

BDO, Shyampur, Howrah

Gram Panchayey Office, Dhandali, Howrah

Sri Pulak Roy, MLA - Uluberia South

Don Bosco, Li luah, Howrah

Arch Bishop Kolkata, Thomas D’Souza

Rahara Antorik

Pratyush Barast

United Brothers A ssociation (UBA)

Belari Polly Bikash Samiti (BPBS)

Ripples Music

Zee Bangla TV

Friends of ICOD

ICOD sincerely thanks them for supporting the mission.

Our Daily Prayer

29 30

Almighty and Merciful GodWe are here today to worship you,

To tell you that we love you,Not only by lips but with our whole heart.

And we want to serve you –We know that we are not bet ter than the others,

And that we are poor sinners, weak and selfish,But we want to follow your ways.Give us your light, so that we can see the wayGive us your love, so that we can share it.Give us your strength, so that we can carry on our duty.

With courage and good will,We are here to offer you prayersAnd our prayer will be to serve you,And our puja will be to serve you,Through the service of our poor brothers and sisters,

Specially the sick, the ones suffering,Those who feel lonely, those who are without hope,Help us to become men and women of peace and love, Bringinghappiness wherever we go,Always ready to offer to others,

What we have received from you;Our smile, our service, our love, our life,Hindus, Muslims, ChristiansWe are all your sons and daughtersAnd all of us can reach you through our own ways,

Since you are our creator and father -We are all brot hers and sisters,Since you are our Guru -Teach us to love one another.Since you are Merciful and Forgiving -

Teach us to forgive one another.Since you love us,Give us what we need more, your peace, your love,Your happiness,And our lives will be beautiful and the poor happier.

Page 17: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the


Inter-religious Centre Of Development (ICOD)Vil lage - Goha lapota, P.O. - Madhabpur, P.S. - Shyampur, Uluberia,

District - Howrah, 711315, West Bengal, India

Speak to us : +91 33 6541 1951 :: Wri te to us : i codngo@gmai l .comVis it us: http://icodindia.org :: Join us: fb/groups/friends.of.i cod

ICOD Credentials

Name of the organization Inter-re ligious Centre Of Development (ICOD)

Postal address V illage -  Gohalpota, P.O.  - Madhabpur

P.S.  - Shyampur,  District - Howrah,  PIN - 711315

West Bengal, India

Loca tion About 30  KM from Uluberia ,  Howrah

Office Telephone +91 33 65411915

Email [email protected]

Website http://icodindia.org

Contact Person Mamata  Ghosh

Phone +91 9830445900

Legal Information

DocumentsSociety Registr ation Act XXVI S/IL/26861  of 2004-2005 (Dated 24 Jan 2005)

1961 West Bengal

Section 12 A of IT Act 1961 DIT (E)/S 181 8E/243/2009-10

Tax Deduction A/C No. (TAN) CAL103029F,  11/03/2010

Permanent Account No. (PAN) AAATI662E

For eign Contr ibution Re gulation 14700216,  22/06/2009

Act, 1976 (FCRA)

FCRA Return on 29 December.  2016

Section 80G (5)IV of IT Act, 1961 DIT (E)/306 8E/243/09-10/1229-1231

Fire & Life Safety WBFES/D.O. , Howrah/FP/697/13 HWH / Ins

Rec ommendation B.Cum E.B/653/23; 10/09/2013


Page 18: ICOD In their eyes · ICOD In their eyes Mr. Francis, New Delhi: “Amazing meeting of all those involved in social work in this area. Enjoyed meeting them individually. Keep the