Ictal generalized rhythmic alpha activity during non-convulsive status epilepticus J. Bauer a , M. Neumann b , H. W. Ko È lmel b and C. E. Elger a a Department of Epileptology, University of Bonn, Germany; and b Department of Neurology, Klinikum Erfurt GmbH, Germany Keywords: electroencephalography, epilepsy, lamotrigine, status epilepticus Received 27 March 2000 Accepted 31 July 2000 We investigated the repetitive manifestation of non-convulsive status epilepticus with an uncommon ictal electroencephalographic pattern observed in two patients suffering from epilepsy (aged 29 and 55 years). The patients had suffered from epilepsy since the age of 1 and 40 years, respectively. Interictal and ictal neurological, neuropsychological and electroencephalographic investigations were carried out. Non-convulsive status started and ended abruptly, clinically as well as electroencephalographically. The ictal electroencephalographic pattern was a monomorphic alpha activity with a generalized bilateral distribution. Altered responsiveness, sometimes eyelid myoclonia (in one pa- tient) and amnesia were the most characteristic clinical findings during non-convulsive status. Intellectual development was delayed in the patient with early onset of epilepsy. However, this was not the case in the other patient, who developed memory impairment during the course of the disease. In both patients, lamotrigine added to valproate reduced the frequency of status epileptici significantly. Obviously, these patients suffer(ed) from a type of generalized non-convulsive status epilepticus with an uncommon electroence- phalographic pattern. Introduction Non-convulsive status epilepticus may be absence-status as well as status, with complex partial seizures (Bauer and Elger, 1994). Often such status are more easily distin- guished by electroencephalographic patterns than by clinical features (Tomson et al., 1992; Granner and Lee, 1994). Generalized or focal rhythmic activity can be de- tected during non-convulsive status epilepticus.We inves- tigated two patients with prolonged episodes of altered behaviour coincident with an ictal generalized rhythmic alpha activity, obviously representing an unusual electro- encephalographic pattern during non-convulsive status epilepticus. Case studies Case study 1 The first patient was a 55-year-old man who had been suf- fering from rare generalized tonic]clonic seizures (once every 2]4 years) since the age of 40 years. A cranial magnetic resonance imaging scan, neurological examination and the history of his personal psychomotor development were normal; there was no family history of epileptic disorders. The interictal electroencephalogram (during waking and sleep) shows rare paroxysms of generalized theta activity. Five years after the onset of epileptic seizures he devel- oped episodes of impaired cognition and disturbed beha- viour. At the time of the first investigation, the frequency of such episodes was four per month: for minutes to several hours, and up to a day, he remained aspontaneous, was delayed in response and disorientated. He responded to simple questions with delay and answers were some- times incorrect. If status epilepticus started during neu- ropsychological testing the patient was no longer able to answer or respond correctly. Ictal video-electroencepha- lographic monitoring showed a sudden onset and the end of these episodes, clinically as well as electroencepha- lographically.The behavioural disturbance was accompa- nied by an electroencephalographic pattern of bilaterally generalized alpha-activity (Figures 1 and 2). Ictal alpha activity was not suppressed by eye opening; the patient's eyes were usually open during status epilepticus.Various montages of electroencephalographic registration (usual- ly carried out digitally) were used, as demonstrated in Fig- ures 1 and 2. Results of neuropsychological testing in this patient have been reported previously (Bauer et al.,1997): European Journal of Neurology 2000, 7: 735] 740 CLINICAL CORRESPONDENCE ß 2000 EFNS 735 Correspondence: Dr J. Bauer, Universita« tsklinik fu« r Epileptologie, Sig- mund Freudstr. 25, D-53105 Bonn, Germany (fax: 0049 228 287 4486; e-mail: [email protected]).

Ictal generalized rhythmic alpha activity during non-convulsive status epilepticus

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Page 1: Ictal generalized rhythmic alpha activity during non-convulsive status epilepticus

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Page 2: Ictal generalized rhythmic alpha activity during non-convulsive status epilepticus

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Page 3: Ictal generalized rhythmic alpha activity during non-convulsive status epilepticus

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Page 4: Ictal generalized rhythmic alpha activity during non-convulsive status epilepticus

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Page 5: Ictal generalized rhythmic alpha activity during non-convulsive status epilepticus

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Page 6: Ictal generalized rhythmic alpha activity during non-convulsive status epilepticus

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