Idee per partire da volontari 3 | 2015

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I campi di volontariato archeologici sono perfertti per scoprire la storia e i luoghi di interesse culturale non da turisti ma da volontari partecipando attivmente nella loro valorizzazione! Visita il nostro database: http://www.yap.it/campi-di-lavoro/database-campi/ e scegli un campo che fa per te!

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E’ meglio scoprire i siti del patrimonio storico, archeologico e culturale da volontari che da turisti! Soprattutto se l’impegno e il lavoro svolto durante i workcamp da’ dei risultati concreti per la preservazione e la promozione della storia e della cultura. Ogni anno tantissimi volontari da tutto il mondo partono per lavorare negli scavi archeologici, imparare delle tecniche tradizionali di costruzione e restauro, salvaguardare e promuovere siti UNESCO. Partecipa anche tu, visita il nostro database: http://www.yap.it/campi-di-lavoro/database-campi/ e scegli il campo che fa per te!

…in Spagna! continuare i lavori nella grotta preistorica di Can Sadurnì (Catalogna)

CAT02 - ARCHAEOLOGY IN GARRAF Dates: 01/07/15 - 15/07/15Type of work: ARCHLingua progetto English / SpanishAge: 18 - 29Number of vols: 24Extra fee: 20 EURWORK:The general objectives of the workcamp include learning the main techniques of archaeological excavation, raise the awareness about the importance of excavations, to analyze, interpret and

define hypothesis concerning the prehistory and history. During the workcamp, the volunteers will: - Excave and extract activities, exploring different sectors of Can Sadurní cave, and prepare the excavation of the main entrance to the cave. - Participate in drawing stratigraphic sections and writing data of the pieces found, recover some heritage elements of dry stone from the surroundings of Mas Can Sadurní. - Carry out the washing, classification and inventory related to the archaeological material (pottery, metal, animals) found during the excavation. - Start the construction of a neolithical cabin located in the outside terrace of the cave. -Contribute to the maintenance of the surroundings and different access of the cave.

…in Turchia!dare una mano negli scavi di Çine, nucleo della civiltà micenea

GSM06 - TRACE THE TIME 1 Dates: 24/07/15 - 08/08/15Type of work: ARCHAge: 18 - 30Number of vols: 18 WORK:Cine is situated on Aegean part of Turkey and is a beautiful district, possessing picturesque views of

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nature. The town has been famous for its cultural and historic heritage which is known of the Maryssa legend in Greek mythology. This beautiful town is known for its cuisine as well. Meatball is one of the most delicious foods in Cine and its recipe is an ultimate secret. The town hosts Alabanda-Tepecik Village, one of the most important excavation area belongs to Mycenaean Culture.We have been organizing workcamps with the Cine Municipality for many years. For more information about Cine and the municipality please visit http://www.cine.bel.tr/.Since 2004, Hacettepe University is running excavations in Tepecik Village of Cine. The findings show that the site belongs to late chalcolithic era and Mycenaean culture. The volunteers will be working together with the archaeologists in the excavation area. The work will be hard and demanding under the sun. The volunteers will be responsible of documentation and archiving the findings.

…in Portogallo!imparare la tecnica di scavo archeologio per valorizzare il patrimonio storico di Sabugal

PT-GU-23-15 - VILA DO TOURO (SABUGAL): THE SITE AND THE REGIONDates: 28/07/15 - 10/08/15Type of work: ARCH / MANUAge: 18 - 28Number of vols: 15 WORK:Transcudânia is an association created on 20 April in 2006 and is located in Sabugal, district of Guarda, with the main objective to valorize and promote the

historical and natural patrimony in the region, in collaboration with other entities. To achieve the main objective, Transcudânia has during the past years, organized thematic trips and tours, a wide range of events and activities for valorizing the patrimony. https://www.facebook.com/associacao.transcudania?fref=ts http://transcudania.blogspot.pt/Aims of the workcamp: Providing the participants with work skills in the archaeological patrimony by teaching excavation methodologies, registration and design of structures and archaeological remains, Stimulate attitudes for recovery of historic and archaeological heritage, Promote the region’s heritage and patrimony through cultural and recreational related activities, promote exchanges between the participant from various countries and local communities. Tasks and activities: Archaeological excavation, Formation in topography and drawing of archaeological structures, Training of informatics (database and processing drawings and pictures), handling archaeological remains, archaeological photography techniques and decal prints, field exploration and detection of new archaeological sites. Visits: Appropriate Thematic visits and tours to historical villages etc.

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…in Francia!Ripulire l’area archeologica del castello Beaufief

SJ62 - IN THE FOOTSTEPS OF A FEUDAL CASTLE Dates: 07/08/15 - 28/08/15Type of work: RENO / ARCHAge: 18 - 90Number of vols: 12 WORK:The volunteers of the history and archeology society of Mazeray will accompany you in the discovery of the richness of the historic and archaeological heritage of the area. Events may be organized with the recreation centre for an interactive discovery of the volunteers’ home countries. Other attractions in the surrounding area include the artificial lake of Bernouet and its open-air-cafe, and the Beaufief castle.The terrain of the castle will be cleared before your arrival. During the workcamp you will clear it more thoroughly in preparation for the future archaeological work. Guided by an archaeologist and the volunteers from the history and archeology society, you will remove everything that blocks the cellars and clean the zones that will allow the opening of the archaeological site. Once the entrance of the cellars is accessible you will also clear the inside.

…in Germania!scoprire le tracce della cultura celtica

IJGD 25324 - ON THE CELTIC TRAIL Dates: 15/08/15 - 05/09/15Type of work: ARCHAge: 16 - 26Number of vols: 11WORK:The Rehlingen-Siersburg community is located on the triangle formed by Saar, Lothringen, and Luxembourg. It is located in a beautiful area on the Nied River, one of the cleanest in Germany. This camp revolves around the Celts: grave finds indicate that the region was settled by the Celts well before the birth of Christ. In 2003, an IJGD workcamp began to build a Celt house. In another IJGD camp in 2006, a storage house was built as well as a fence. The land was also designed accordingly. Your task this year will be to build a Celtic burial mound near the “Celtic Settlement”.

…in Indonesia!sostenere i lavori di restauro presso il tempio di Prambanan e la campagna di sensibilizzazione sui siti UNESCO

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DJ-1504 - PATRIMONITO Dates: 22/08/15 - 05/09/15Type of work: ARCH / CULTAge: 18 - 30Number of vols: 12 Extra fee: 220 EURWORK:Since 2006 Patrimonito has become our special project focusing on heritage conservation project. We recently hold Patrimonito project in Plaosan Temple which also belongs to Prambanan Temple compounds. The volunteers will be introduced to the World Heritage Centre’s activities and campaign, the history and dynamics of World Heritage sites worldwide. Guided visits to Prambanan, will be organized in cooperation with the site’s management. It aims at rendering its symbolic dimension to heritage through debates and reflections, contribute to the restoration and preservation of cultural heritage and/or improve accessibility and availability of information, raise the awareness of the local population and create a sense of “ownership " and identification, and promote cultural heritage between international volunteers and organizations.Volunteers will have restoration work. Besides, before the restoration work, the volunteers will have 1 day orientation about how to do the restoration and given information about the history of the temple, so that the volunteers really gained a lot of knowledge about the temples and the process of restoration. As the volunteers lived in the local community of Bugisan village, they also had activities in the local school with the local students. They will promote to the students how to preserve the temples and do some activities like students competition, culture exchange etc. The volunteers will also campaign about world heritage preservation to the local community as well as the visitors related to the world heritage especially Prambanan Temple.

…in Slovacchia!sistemare l’area di un castello medievale

ISL 07 - OBISOVCE CASTLE Dates: 19/07/15 - 02/08/15Type of work: RENOAge: 18 - 99Number of vols: 6 WORK:Partner: The Civil Association Rakociho cesta carries the idea of a touristic path that would connect places related to the history of the Rakoci’s family tree. The aim of the movement is to preserve and renovate historical monuments and traditions. They would like to continue with the original “Rakoci’s path” which was to contribute to the development of the region. Rakociho cesta is currently involved in

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the renovation of the following castles: Saris, Kapusany, Sebes, Solnohrad, Lipovce and Obisovce. The workcamps are organized with the association since 2008.Work: Revitalizing the old ruins of the small Obisovce Castle in Slovak Carpathians: renovation works, cleaning the area, help with masonry work with the traditional techniques, transport of the material like sand, rocks, and water. The volunteers will help with archeological acitvities and they will learn about castles in Eastern Slovakia. Study Part: The workcamp will be visited by INEX Messenger, who will organize a workshop focused on current events in Europe. The volunteers will prepare "Feast of cultures" - an international food festival for the local community, and will join the “volunteering footprint” workshop. Our camps will follow the rules of Sustainability campaign.

…in Messico!recuperare il patrimonio UNESCO nel centro storico di Morelia

VIVE06.16 - PRESERVING OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE 2015 MORELIA Dates: 08/07/15 - 21/07/15Type of work: CULTAge: 18 - 28Number of vols: 20 Extra fee: 80 EURWORK:What motivates to join the World Heritage Volunteers 2015? Through this type of programs, we want to encourage youngsters for getting involved into our society and to promote international awareness development. Moreover, we want our youngsters to take part in these programs, through it, our youngsters are able to bind a local with a global awareness. Working along with International youngsters from all over the world, will develop language skills and team work skills, which are nowadays very important for our society. "To do one’s bit”. This will be the 8th year this project is organized in Morelia City; the aim of this project is to maintain the historic Morelia’s downtown declared world’s cultural heritage by UNESCO to preserve all its splendor and beauty. Morelia is a beautiful colonial city built in “pink stone” it has a really nice weather, volunteers in past projects helped in different restoration activities and workshops to create awareness about the importance to preserve the World Cultural Heritage. The local host will be happy to have a new group because of the very good memories of past volunteers and the very good results of this project. People in Morelia is very friendly, so if you are looking for a project in a very nice city with a lot of culture and history and to do something useful and make new friends, this project is for you!Along with groups of local volunteers, the international volunteers will do different activities to restore historical buildings. Volunteers will paint specific parts of the downtown as well as maintenance tasks such as restoration of ancient fountains and monuments. The teams of local volunteers are looking forward to welcome the international volunteers to make a meaningful work but also make friends and show the Mexican culture!

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*** COME PARTECIPARE? ***Sul nostro database http://www.yap.it/campi-di-lavoro/ a partire da Marzo 2015 sono disponibili più di 2000 progetti in 60 paesi del mondo. Nei campi di volontariato non c’è una data di scadenza per presentare la candidatura però è sempre consigliato di muoversi in anticipo perché la disponibilità dei posti può cambiare nel giro di pochi giorni.

Una volta scelto il progetto, iscriversi ad un campo di lavoro è molto semplice, basta inviarci:

1) la scheda di iscrizione (VEF) disponibile sul nostro sito;

2) la ricevuta del versamento della quota socio annuale (30 euro) e della quota campo (80 euro). La quota campo nel caso in cui la propria candidatura non venga accettata e/o non ci siano progetti alternativi a cui si è interessati viene integralmente rimborsata.

I costi a carico del volontario sono: quota associativa (30 Euro), quota d’iscrizione al progetto (80 Euro). Il vitto e l’alloggio sono garantiti dall’associazione di accoglienza per tutta la durata del progetto, le spese di viaggio sono a carico del volontario. Prima della partenza si riceve un foglio di viaggio chiamato infosheet con tutte le informazioni utili su come arrivare, il punto di incontro con gli altri volontari, contatti di riferimento e di emergenza, cosa portare con se, etc.