IDENTIFYING ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE USES FOR BIOMASS RESOURCES STAGE 1 REPORT: Identification of Feedstock-to-Product Threads Prepared by: 310 East Esplanade North Vancouver, B.C. V7L 1A4 Tel: (604) 986-0233 Prepared for: Natural Resources Canada Commission for Environmental Co-operation National Research Council of Canada Martin Tampier, M.Eng. Doug Smith, P.Eng. Eric Bibeau, PhD Paul A. Beauchemin, P.Eng. March 31, 2004

Identifying Environmentally Preferable uses for Biomass ...IDENTIFYING ENVIRONMENTALLY PREFERABLE USES FOR BIOMASS RESOURCES STAGE 1 REPORT: Identification of Feedstock-to-Product

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    STAGE 1 REPORT: Identification of Feedstock-to-Product Threads

    Prepared by:

    310 East Esplanade

    North Vancouver, B.C. V7L 1A4

    Tel: (604) 986-0233

    Prepared for:

    Natural Resources Canada Commission for Environmental Co-operation

    National Research Council of Canada

    Martin Tampier, M.Eng. Doug Smith, P.Eng.

    Eric Bibeau, PhD Paul A. Beauchemin, P.Eng.

    March 31, 2004

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    Envirochem would like to thank

    Jim Richardson, CanBIO Roger Sampson, R.E.A.P. Canada

    Brian Gavin, Weyerhaeuser Ewen Coxworth, Saskatchewan Research Council

    for their in-kind contribution of reviewing the Stage 1 report.

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    Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 3 Chapter 1 Forestry Residues ............................................................................................... 8

    1.1 Forest Biomass in Canada ............................................................................................ 8 1.2 Geographical Distribution of Forest Biomass ................................................................ 9 1.3 Possible Uses of Forest Biomass................................................................................ 11

    Chapter 2 Agricultural Residues........................................................................................ 22

    2.1 Crop Production Residues........................................................................................... 22 2.2 Livestock Residues...................................................................................................... 27

    Chapter 3 Landfill Gas ........................................................................................................ 33

    3.1 Resource Availability ................................................................................................... 33 3.2 Possible Uses of Landfill Gas...................................................................................... 34

    Chapter 4 Municipal and Industrial Residues................................................................... 37

    4.1 Organic Waste Resources........................................................................................... 37 4.2 Clusters of Animal Fat and Liquid Organic Waste in Canada...................................... 39 4.3 Utilization Options........................................................................................................ 41

    Chapter 5 Energy Crops and Biochemicals...................................................................... 49

    5.1 Canada’s Potential ...................................................................................................... 49 5.2 Utilization Options for Energy Crops and Biochemicals .............................................. 51

    Chapter 6 Results from Stage I and Recommendations ................................................. 54

    6.1 Biomass Availability in Canada ................................................................................... 54 6.2 Selection of Threads to be Analysed in Phase 2......................................................... 55

    Chapter 7 What Is “Sustainable Biomass”? ..................................................................... 57 References ................................................................................................................................. 59

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    Canada is richly endowed with significant biomass resources. For example, the estimated thermal energy content of the annual biomass harvest in Canada is 5.1 Exajoules (1 Ej =1018 joules or 1.4 x 106 GWh). This annual harvest is equal to 62% of the thermal energy derived from fossil fuel combustion (BIOCAP 2003). The development of this biomass resource, not just for energy but a variety of end uses, presents Canada with an opportunity to not only develop new and innovative industries but sustainable energy and raw material supplies while also reducing our reliance on non-renewable fuels and our greenhouse gas emissions

    This Phase 1 report builds on past studies to summarize the size of Canada’s major biomass resources (forestry, agricultural, and municipal residues, landfill gas and energy crops) and for each sector identifies a number of possibilities and technologies that could be applied to this resource for energy and other potential commercial purposes. It also provides some initial information on regional concentrations of biomass. That information is required to select suitable feedstock-to-product processes or “threads” for analysis during the second phase of this work. Each thread will describe the processing steps to convert a biomass feedstock to a product that can be used for transport fuel, electricity, heat, fertilizer, and other products.

    Reference to particular companies or specific processes in this report does not mean that the authors necessarily recommend these processes or companies or that they are commercially viable at current energy prices or greenhouse gas credit values. Rather, they are presented to demonstrate that such companies and processes exist and that literature is available for further investigation.

    Five main ways to utilize biomass were identified:

    1. Biochemical Transformation – this includes: fermentation to form alcohols such as

    methanol or ethanol; anaerobic digestion to produce methane (landfill gas); or chemical treatment of fats and oils to produce biodiesel. Biodiesel can be produced from vegetable crops, wood residue, and from liquid forms of waste biomass, such as animal fat or used cooking oil, as well as from wood (bio-oil, see point 3).

    2. Combustion – this process uses the biomass directly to generate thermal energy, which can

    in turn be used to provide process heat, space heat, or can be used in a boiler system with a turbine to drive a power cycle to generate electricity. Combined heat and power units will deliver both useful heat and electricity and achieve a high degree of conversion efficiency.

    3. Pyrolysis – this process produces a bio-oil liquid from which chemical products can be

    extracted, or which can be used as a transportation fuel or as a fuel for stationary engines. 4. Gasification – this process partially combusts biomass to produce a mixture of gases

    referred to as syngas in this report. This syngas can in turn be refined to yield hydrogen, converted into methanol, converted into various other chemical products, or it can be used to displace or replace fossil fuels to generate power in an engine, turbine, or boiler.

    5. Material uses – this includes all of the other non-energy uses for biomass in addition to the

    energy and thermal conversions mentioned above. For example using the raw biomass, the extracted fibres and other compounds to produce: starch-based plastics, building materials (e.g. .wood products, MDF or strand board); pulps and papers, yarns, fibres and fabrics; fertilizers, soil improvers and compost.

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    Research is on-going towards the so-called “biorefinery” concept, i.e. the extraction of multiple specialty chemicals from biomass. While these can improve overall process economics, making some of the above five options more viable, they have minimal impacts on climate change issues, and are therefore treated as a side aspect in this examination. Figure I-1 traces the conversion of biomass through basic processes and intermediary forms to final energy products for combustion, gasification, and pyrolysis. There may be numerous intermediate products or energy forms but they are temporary in the cycle of source-to-energy use. Two of the noted final products, charcoal and coke, are intermediary forms themselves as they can both be used in further processing. In fact there are only three final products with respect to energy-related uses of biomass: electricity, heat and kinetic energy for transportation.

    Figure I-1 Thermal Conversion Processes Biomass contains a great deal of energy. Its energy density is lower than that of fossil fuels, but far higher than that of other “green” energy sources, such as wind, wave and solar. In addition, biomass is transportable and available for use on demand, i.e. it can be used as a firm power source, as opposed to intermittent renewable resources. During the last century, electrical power production from biomass has been implemented in locations where high concentrations of available biomass allow for large systems to be built, as smaller, decentralised units could not reach the necessary economies of scale. In particular, pulp mills have become “integrated” to not only use recovery boilers to minimize chemical requirements but also to use hog fuel boilers to create additional steam and electrical power to minimize electricity purchases. However, much of Canada’s more dispersed biomass is not being utilized productively. This has sparked interest to develop new technologies for biomass





    INDUSTRIAL (coke)

    CONSUMER (charcoal)









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    utilization that yield higher-value products than just steam and electricity, reduce costs, thus becoming viable for smaller quantities of biomass. Many biomass conversion options are technically defined but are not commercially viable. In some cases, the market for the product is minor while in other cases the technology is too complex to compete with other sources. Some of the processes are relatively simple (i.e. the use of biomass as a soil improver or residential space heating) and others, such as gasification and subsequent chemical treatment, can be quite complex. Figure I-2 illustrates the many ways in which syngas produced from biomass can be transformed, into a variety of process streams that can be used to replace petroleum-based products. Although the composition and therefore the treatment options for all biomass sources are at one level similar, the different physical and chemical structures, locations, and distributions of the various resources tend to favour feedstock-specific processes and uses.

    Figure I-2 Selection of Options to Use Syngas and Methanol for Products

    [NREL 2003, p.14]

    Feedstock Treatment 1 Step 1 Product Treatment 2 Step 2 Product Wood

    Corn stover Switchgrass Landfill gas Solid waste Rape seed


    Combustion Fermentation Composting Shredding

    Mixing Separation/

    cleaning etc.

    Heat Power

    Ethanol Biodiesel

    Pyrolysis oil Syngas




    Catalytic conversion





    chemical product

    Figure I-3 1-Step and 2-Step Feedstock-to-Product Threads Figure I-3 shows that the production of biomass-based products can take one or two processing steps: in the case of electricity production, biomass is burned in one step, possibly with some pre-treatment, such as shredding or sorting. Other products, such as hydrogen, are produced in a two-step process – and yet others could even require a third step. Each step will require additional energy and possibly other inputs which can reduce overall resource efficiency. It

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    should be noted that for fuels, such as hydrogen and methanol, engine efficiencies must be taken into account when comparing them to fossil alternatives. A large number of “threads” were identified. By recognizing the modularity of different processing steps we can break down the “threads” into several processing steps, making the comparison of various options and feedstocks possible. Whereas many options to use biomass are presented here, a large number of initiatives and research projects are underway to use biomass in yet different ways, extract specialty chemicals, and to improve existing technologies to become more efficient and economically attractive. The field of biomass utilization is evolving rapidly, and new developments are published almost daily. The Phase 2 report of this study will not only relate to Canada’s particular situation, but will also extrapolate the results to other jurisdictions, concentrating on the U.S., Mexico and Western Europe. The situation in each country or region will differ, depending on the fossil fuels that biomass can replace and the specific emissions assigned to them, the electricity generation portfolio, and the availability of resources. For example considering wood, Table I-1 shows that the use of wood as a fuel in Europe, North America and Mexico amounts to a few percent of overall energy use. However, per capita use of wood as a fuel is lowest in Europe and highest in Canada, indicating that the harvest of fuel wood is already high here as the resource is abundant. On the other hand, limited resources may be the reason for lower harvesting rates in much of Europe and Mexico. It is of interest to Canada that Finland used biomass to fill as much as 19.5% of its energy needs in 1991 [ARC 2003(1), p.26]. Table I-1 Use of Wood for Energy Purposes in North America and Europe

    [IEA 1998, p.135ff.]

    Country/ Region

    Timber demand

    Wood fuels demand

    Ratio wood/

    all energy

    Per capita wood

    energy demand

    Sources of Wood Fuels (FAOSTAT,

    in 1000 m³ of fuel wood)

    1000 m³ 1000 m³ PJ % m³ per capita/yrFuel wood



    Black Liquor

    Canada 182,388 34,538 345 4 1.17 5,319 600 30,673USA 408,948 237,900 2,379 3 0.90 90,362 4,482 115,000Mexico 6,060 32,775 328 6 0.35 15,574 840 634Western Europe 145,377 91,310 913 2 0.25 28,377 1,268 18,025 15,636

    Figure I-4 compares the current use of biomass in the supply of energy needs for North America and Europe. As can be seen, the USA and Europe have the lowest share of biomass in their energy portfolios, whereas Mexico covers more than 9% of its total energy needs from biomass (1998 data). Biomass has a large potential and it is estimated that it could cover as much as 20% of Europe’s energy needs, and in Canada, residual biomass alone could provide about 25% of the energy now obtained from fossil fuels [BIOCAP 2003]. Several scenarios may be necessary to provide a true picture of the environmental impacts of replacing fossil fuels with biomass in each country or region. As Figure I-5 shows, the electricity background mix is very different for the three North American countries, as well as for Western Europe. There are also differences which also occur within each of the countries (e.g. the fuels used for electricity production vary between Canadian provinces). This variation needs to be

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    taken into account when making recommendations for the best use of biomass and may result in different results of the analysis with respect to emission reduction benefits.
















    Canada USA Mexico EU-15



    of t







    Figure I-4 Share of Biomass-Derived Energy in Overall Energy Consumption [IEA



    Natural Gas10%

    Other, incl. MSW










    Natural Gas4%



    USA Canada







    Natural Gas24%




    Natural Gas20%

    Hydropow er13%

    Renew -ables


    Mexico EU-15 CHP = Combined Heat and Power; MSW = Municipal Solid Waste Figure I-5 Electricity Production by Source in the U.S., Canada, Mexico and Europe

    [IEA 2002(2)]

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    Chapter 1 Forestry Residues 1.1 Forest Biomass in Canada Each year, Canada’s forestry sector harvests more than 100 Mt of roundwood, and more than 90 Mt of non-stem biomass (treetops, branches and leaves which are left behind at or near the sites where the roundwood is harvested because it is uneconomical for use in sawmills). This harvest of roundwood and non-stem biomass alone has an energy content of about 3.1 EJ/yr, or approximately 36% of the current Canadian energy consumption provided from fossil fuels.

    Harvested200 Mt/yr

    Sawmill89 Mt/yr


    Use and disposal

    Lumber36 Mt/yr

    Non-stem wood92 Mt/yr

    (forest f loor/roadside w aste)

    Pulp & Paper49 Mt/yr

    Landfill, incineration or reuse

    19 Mt/yr34 Mt/yr36 Mt/yr

    Mill residues/hog fuel(sawdust/bark/shavings)

    19 Mt/yr* Value-added forest products +


    Roadside, landfill, incineration

    Landfill gas, energy from waste



    15 Mt/yrFirewood/Fuelwood

    1.6 Mt/yr

    Poles, Pilings, Composite Board

    2.1 Mt/yr

    92 Mt/yr

    Based on Table 2.6 of BIOCAP 2003; 1 m³ of wood = 0.54 tons ODT * the number in literature is generally somewhat smaller, i.e. 17-18 Mt/yr [CFS 1999]

    Figure 1.1 Annual use of harvested forest biomass in Canada Figure 1.1 shows how harvested forest biomass is currently being used. So far, most of the non-stem wood is not being used in North America although some is used to produce mulch for reclamation of logging landings. Some trial programs to collect this resource are currently being conducted in Europe, as preliminary estimates suggest that overall carbon emissions could be reduced by as much as 4-6% through its use [PA0923 2003]. A significant portion of the non-stem biomass could be available in Canada. Its energy content is 1.44 EJ/yr or about 17% of Canada’s current fossil fuel energy consumption [BIOCAP 2003, p. 16]. The non-stem wood category could be expanded to include other non merchantable forest biomass, such as tree thinnings (for disease control, scrub forest reclamation or forest fire mitigation), partially burned/ fire-damaged wood left after forest fires, diseased wood (bugwood affected by pine beetles), inferior tree species, and wood from community interface zones (a belt of about 3 km around inhabited areas to prevent forest fires from reaching settlements), and dry land sort wood waste1 (an important stream of biomass, mainly bark, from sorting operations off rivers used for transporting wood) that could also be added to this category. According to the BC Ministry for Sustainable Resource Management, about 15 million m³ of bugwood are expected to be

    1 Contamination of this material with rock and grit is typically a challenge to its successful use as a fuel or use as a feedstock for another product.

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    available over the next ten years in the province [BCSRM 2003]. However, no estimates for the recoverable amounts from these sources have been found for this study. Figure 1.1 also shows that much of the “hog fuel”, i.e. residues from milling operations, is already being used for energy generation. The hog fuel is mostly used wherever it occurs in sufficient quantities to make its economic utilization possible, i.e. at large saw and pulp and paper mills, where it is often used for combined heat and power generation. However, some 30% of this resource is still being landfilled, incinerated (sometimes in beehive or silo burners) without energy recovery, or simply left to decompose near roadside landings. All three ways of handling forest residues mentioned raise significant concerns: wood landfills have been shown to have a leaching problem that introduces pollutants into the environment. Incineration in un-controlled beehive and silo burners produces excessive particulate and smoke emissions. Leaving residues in the forest “near the roadside” interferes with ecosystems, encourages insect infestations and can present a wildfire hazard. In addition, each of these practices has associated greenhouse gas emission profiles that can be improved. This biomass is distributed and meaningful applications often require local utilization at the biomass production site to limit transportation costs. Some of the biomass is stockpiled, with some highly localized concentrations. For example, Saskatchewan has about 4 million tons of wood residue in landfills [AGB 2001, p.20] and BC has various woodwaste landfills. Technologies to utilize these resources need to be able to handle fuel with a high moisture content (50-60%). Another resource derived from forest products is tall oil. Tall Oil Products such as Crude Tall Oil, Distilled Tall Oil and Tall Oil Fatty Acids are derived from Pine trees. They are by-products of the manufacture of paper and could be turned into bioenergy products, such as biodiesel. The Canadian tall oil production is estimated to be roughly 180 thousand tonnes per year [GCSI 1998, p.15]. Pulp and paper mills will often burn this residue in black recovery boilers to produce energy. 1.2 Geographical Distribution of Forest Biomass Based on the National Atlas of Canada, sawmills can be found across the nation, with most activity going on in British Columbia, Northern Alberta, Eastern Ontario, Southern Québec and across the Maritimes (see Figure 1.2).




    Coniferous Forest

    Broadleaf Forest

    Mixed Forest

    Transitional Forest

    Figure 1.2 Location of Sawmills Across Canada [NAC 2003]

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    Apart from sawmills, pulp & paper mills and plywood mills will also be points where biomass residue can be found concentrated. Plywood production in Canada in 1999 was 1.9 million cubic metres, and 80 per cent of the total Canadian production came from British Columbia. With nearly half of Canadian softwood production also coming from BC, the province clearly has the largest wood and woodwaste resource among Canadian provinces. For pulp & &paper mills, the picture is somewhat different: only 31.5% of pulp and 15.2% of paper were produced in BC in 1999 [COFI 2000]. Canada has 102 paper and board mills and 44 pulp mills. The paper and board production capacity is 22 million tons and the market pulp production capacity 12 million tons. Most of the pulp and paper mills are located in the Atlantic Provinces, Ontario and Quebec. [HUT 2002] The next map (Figure 1.3) shows concentrations of timber productive land use, an indication of where Canadian forests are harvested most intensively. Therefore, the most intensely harvested forest biomass areas in Canada are located in:

    Ontario: along the St. Lawrence River, north of Greater Sudbury and the Thunder Bay

    Alberta: north and south of the Athabasca River and, BC: from the Columbia River valley up to the

    Prince George Area, the Queen Charlotte Islands and the western part of Vancouver Island in BC.

    Local availability of biomass will depend on different factors. For example, if forestry is to be intensified for energy needs, areas that are currently not used extensively may be utilized. If forest residues are to be used, the highest quantities of non-stem wood will be available where forestry is most intensive. As a starting point for this project, it is important to account for current uses of forest biomass. Sawmill residues are already being used in some areas, and Table 1.1 shows the available amounts of all mill residues in each province. Their availability is highest in British Columbia, followed by Québec and then Alberta. Ontario, for example, seems to be using most of its mill residues already.

    Percentage of timber productive forest

    < 1%

    1% - 10%

    10% - 25%

    25% - 50%

    50% - 75%

    75% - 98%

    Figure 1.3 Timber Productive Forest [NAC 2003]

    Table 1.1 Unused Mill Residues in Canada [CFS 1999]

    Province/Country Surplus [million BDt]

    British Columbia 2.06 Alberta 0.90 Saskatchewan 0.05 Manitoba 0.02 Ontario 0.45 Québec 1.64 New Brunswick 0.18 Nova Scotia 0.06 Prince Edward Island


    Newfoundland 0.02 Canada 5.4

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    1.3 Possible Uses of Forest Biomass 1.3.1 General There have been a number of developments of equipment designed specifically to combust biomass more completely and reduce fly ash emissions. These systems were developed because even the best large grate boilers showed significant inefficiencies. These boilers expelled carbon in the bottom ash as well as carbon, carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons in the flue gas. These components represent unconverted potential biomass energy. Combustion systems designed to fully convert biomass have generally followed one of several approaches: high temperature combustion systems use a refractory that reflects and re-radiates the combustion heat back onto the fuel bed to maintain temperature and ensures a complete burnout. Two-stage combustion systems use a gasifier chamber followed by a second refractory lined chamber where high temperatures complete the combustion. With lower moisture biomass the secondary combustion can be maintained by a scroll burner (or a similar system) without the need for the second chamber. (Gasification is also used by some systems to produce a syngas as an engine fuel, as will be discussed later.) Combustion systems are either operated at high temperatures to ensure full burn-out or they used a secondary “catalyst” to ensure full biomass exposure to sufficient heat. Refractory-lined combustion chambers are an example of the former. Fluidized bed combustors are an example of the latter, with hot sand acting as a “catalyst” to ensure the intimate mixing of the biomass fuel and full contact with high temperatures to ensure complete combustion. High temperature combustors are an effective way to maximize the thermal energy produced from biomass while reducing unwanted emissions. To obtain the desired effects the combustion chamber must be refractory lined to capture the heat and maximize combustion temperature. This means that heat recovery must all be done from the hot flue gases and not from boiler tubing on the walls. Such combustors will typically minimize/eliminate carbon in the ash and flue gas. The particulate emissions are reduced, but not sufficiently to meet environmental regulations. Gasifier two-stage combustion systems operate functionally similar to high temperature combustors. The partial combustion of biomass on the bed is desired for its reduced air supply, velocity and ash carrying ability. The potential advantage of gasifier two-stage combustion over high temperature combustion is reduced particulate emission. Fluidized bed combustors have been shown to combust biomass very completely and also reduce/eliminate carbon. Both bubbling bed and travelling bed designs can be implemented. One advantage of bubbling fluidized bed boilers is that they can operate with boiler wall tubes in a design similar to traditional grate boilers. There are several disadvantages that are operationally significant. Some of the ash produced in the sand bed will fuse into clinkers which can be removed during operation. However, all of the remaining ash as well as worn sand particles (as they become small in size) are carried off with the flue gas. The fly ash loading often becomes greater than traditional boilers. In addition the worn sand particles that are carried in the flue gas, being silica, are abrasive. These two conditions put added operational stress on fluidized bed combustors. Conversion of biomass using two-stage or high-temperature combustion systems is commercially used to produce heat to displace fossil fuels. These units can vary in size from

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    small residential fireplaces, to medium size units capable of converting all the biomass waste of a sawmill. They can be configured to convert all the hog fuel generated in several sawmills, and through heat recovery steam generators (HRSGs) to produce process steam in a pulp mill. Generation of heat from biomass is the least technology intensive conversion technology. 1.3.2 Electricity Production a) Large Combustion Systems. Traditional biomass conversion to electricity uses large scale

    boiler systems to create steam and turbine/generator systems to produce electricity. The reference to “large scale” is relative to the quantity of biomass consumed compared to quantities of biomass normally available in given locations. In fact traditional biomass boilers are considered “large scale” in the 35-MWe to 80-MWe range whereas traditional coal-fired boilers are an order of magnitude larger at 100-MWe to 1500-MWe. Industrial biomass boilers are typically large cavity, “water-walled” combustion chambers with superheater, boiler and economizer tube banks in the outlet flue gas stream. The boiler section consists of a natural circulation design with a steam drum, mud drum and several boiler tube circuits. The wet-wall sides of the boilers, under-grate tubes and direct flue gas boiler tubes are all interactively connected in a relatively complex circulation pattern. Burning is done within the combustion cavity with a bed of biomass at the bottom fed with air from below. Typically the control strategy does partial combustion in the biomass bed with volatiles being driven off into the cavity. Over-fire air in one or more stages is used to complete combustion. Several grate systems have been implemented within this fundamental boiler design approach. Newer bubbling fluidized bed systems generally follow this same fundamental design. Travelling fluidized bed systems are less common and have design aspects more specific to their operational needs. For production of electricity these boiler systems are integrated into power generation systems using steam turbines directly driving generators at line frequency. The fundamental power conversion uses steam in a Rankine cycle. In such a cycle the bulk of the energy is lost as unrecoverable latent heat of the steam which limits the thermal efficiency. The steam must be expanded to vacuum conditions to maximize the energy recovery and the result is very large equipment to handle both the high volume flow and the low pressure drop requirements. Typically the overall efficiency of large steam systems is limited to about 20%, electricity output from gross fuel energy content. With the addition of some added boiler efficiency enhancers, such as combustion air pre-heaters, the overall efficiency can be enhanced to exceed 25%. Steam systems require operation by highly qualified and regulated personnel. This adds significantly to the operation cost and the cost of power generated. Handling of biomass fuel requires greater effort, storage area and equipment size compared to fossil fuels. In addition, heat rejection must be considered separately. Unless a source of cooling water (e.g., direct river water use) is readily available, heat must be rejected to the atmosphere. Due to the low temperatures of reject heat required to maximize cycle efficiency, evaporative cooling towers or cooling ponds must be employed. Such systems are large, require notable pumping energy, require maintenance support and are weather dependent.

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    Figure 1.4 Generic Flow Diagram of a Direct Combustion System [Trillium 2002, p.22] b) Small Combustion Systems. Biomass is a distributed source of moderate energy content.

    There are only few situations where biomass is sufficiently concentrated to support large-scale boilers. Quantities that would combust to produce less than 100 MWth (or 25-MWe) are generally insufficient to be converted to electricity economically when using traditional equipment. Concentrations of forest biomass, such as waste from roadside landings, log yards, land clearing, bush chipping, mill log yards, pulp mill woodrooms, sawmills and wood product plants, are generally smaller than what is required for a large-scale plant. In addition there are sources of biomass suitable only for energy production but located where large power generators would have no market. Such sources include bugwood from pine beetle infested forests, scrub forests and fire killed areas. It has long been recognized that power generation from forest biomass on a small scale would open significant opportunities. Benefits could be realized in environmentally preferred methods of waste disposal, new power generation, displaced fossil fuel use, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and reduced particulate emissions. This has sparked efforts to address this potential market. A number of attempts have been made to produce small biomass power systems using a steam Rankine cycle. Scaling effects and practical engineering requirements reduce the overall efficiency of such systems by a factor of two. As a result, the unit capital cost increases and makes this approach uneconomical. In addition, the requirement for highly qualified operating personnel makes the unit power cost of production prohibitive. Small steam systems on the market are generally project-designed with available equipment, rather than purpose-designed. Small co-generation systems are more accepted as the heat benefits enhance project economics. A second approach has been presented using a closed Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) that appears to be technically successful. An advanced version of the ORC offered by a European company (Turboden, srl) uses a synthetic oil working fluid and results in greater electrical conversion efficiency than the small steam approach. The coolant is rejected at a temperature sufficiently high for cogeneration purposes (80°C). A specific design feature of this system is an independent thermal oil loop to transfer heat from the flue gas to the working fluid. This bypasses the requirements for registered steam operators in most jurisdictions, reducing the unit power cost of production. It also imposes a second heat

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    transfer loop in series and reduces the heat extraction from the flue gas. The complexity of the system, the specially designed multi-stage turbine and the limited ability to extract flue gas heat results in a system that has a higher unit capital cost than large steam systems. However, the reduced operator qualification requirements reduce the operating cost significantly. A third approach is being promoted using a new and currently unpublished power cycle. This system uses a Rankine cycle adaptation named the entropic cycle for a simplified small biomass power system. The implementation uses a single working fluid loop requiring only three heat exchangers and a power module. An expansion ratio less than 3:1 allows for a very small single stage turbine impeller. Coolant is typically used at 60°C and rejected at 90°C, making it fully available for cogeneration purposes. The system uses a heater/super-heater rather than a boiler, so avoiding the need for registered steam operators. It produces slightly better electrical conversion efficiency than the European ORC system and recovers more energy from the flue gas, lowering the temperature sufficiently to allow direct baghouse cleaning. The fundamental benefit is a unit capital cost comparable to a large steam system and a reduced operating cost. A commercial unit of this system has not yet been implemented.

    c) Gasification systems: Syngas is generated through gasification and reduction processes.

    Biomass, such as wood, wood by-products or municipal waste, is converted to a synthetic gas in a high temperature, oxygen deficient environment. Volatile gases created are largely carbon monoxide, hydrogen and methane. There is typically also a significant quantity of non-volatile gases that include carbon dioxide, water vapour and nitrogen. In addition, there are particles of ash, char, tar and alkali compounds. These particles must be filtered from the syngas before it can be used as a fuel in an internal combustion (IC) engine or gas turbine. The filtering process, the need to remove water and the application in engines require that the syngas is cooled, resulting in an energy loss. Both IC engines and gas turbines require a relatively clean fuel for operation. Both engine types compress the fuel in operation, which causes a large temperature rise. To prevent uncontrolled detonation, the fuel must not be excessively hot initially. The heat content of syngas varies greatly with the species and moisture content of the fuel feed and the conversion process employed. The common process uses air and results in a gas mixture of low gross calorific value (4-7 MJ/Nm3 dry). Special processes using pure oxygen would result in a gas mixture of medium gross calorific value (10-18 MJ/Nm3 dry). An exotic approach is being promoted using a plasma arc discharge gasification of biomass to produce a gas of even higher calorific value (20 MJ/Nm3 dry). However, this system uses 1 kWh of electricity to produce the energy equivalent of 1.93 kWh in the syngas, which would convert back to only 0.63 kWh of electricity. For comparison, natural gas has a calorific value of 35 MJ/Nm3. Subsequent utilization of syngas is dependent on its production method, fuel properties and fuel consistency. Cooling and filtering is required to prepare it for use. Syngas can also be converted to methanol and other intermediary products. The low energy content of syngas affects the size of engines required to convert this energy. Generally, the physical size of an IC engine operating on syngas must be significantly larger than an equivalent fossil-fuelled engine. Larger engines are less efficient and more expensive to purchase, operate and maintain. A technical extension of gasification is the Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC)

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    system intended to produce a syngas to be fired in a gas turbine. Waste heat recovered from the turbine exhaust is input into a steam Rankine cycle. The intent is to increase the overall conversion efficiency over direct combustion, large steam systems. The capital and operating costs are intended to be mitigated by the increased efficiency. Such systems are most applicable to large sizes required to amortize capital and operating costs, although demonstration plants are in the 10-MWe size. IGCC gasification will continue for some time to be classified as a developing stage technology [Trillium 2002, p.24]. More information: http://future-energy.np.def6.com/Silvagas.asp Many companies in Canada are developing new gasifier concepts. For example, Enerkem in Québec offers a gasification concept. The company claims their BIOSYN technology can process a variety of feedstocks, including sorted municipal solid waste, urban wood, agricultural residues, forest thinnings, sludges, as well as wastes from various industries, such as sawdust and pulp mill residues, spent oils, plastic-rich residues and rubber-containing wastes. Other companies like Nexterra, Modern Organics, Home Tech Farms, Gasifier, Vadir and SunGas are also developing small-scale gasifiers to convert biomass wastes into heat and power at the local scale. Some of these gasifier companies intend to produce syngas for engine applications and others perform an immediate combustion of gases to produce heat. More information: http://www.enerkem.com/

    d) In coal co-firing, a portion of the coal used in a coal-fired plant is substituted with 5% to 15%

    biomass. This level of biomass can typically be tolerated by a coal-fired system without significant effects on the combustion process. The Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a DOE research and development laboratory, estimates that this biomass can be added at a cost less than US$.005/kWh. Co-firing biomass is less expensive compared to dedicated biomass systems because no new or additional technology is needed to incorporate the biomass with the coal. Many large coal-fired boilers could benefit from co-firing by reducing their net greenhouse gas emissions (displacing fossil coal with green biomass) and/or increasing power production beyond current regulation limits. In addition, biomass acts as a reburning fuel and decreases NOx emissions by up to 40 to 60%. With a lower sulphur content than coal, co-fired biomass also decreases sulphur emissions. Two Florida coal-powered boilers use biomass for co-firing. A pilot plantation with an area of 130 acres growing eucalyptus and cottonwood trees, which can be harvested every one to three years, has produced the target 55 green tons/acre of energy crop. The premium for this energy crop met the test target of $1.76/million Btu compared to the current cost for coal of $1.50 to $1.75/million Btu. More than 10 demonstration projects in the U.S. have shown that NOx emissions can be considerably reduced by co-firing biomass in the reburning zone. NREL estimates that co-firing biomass in U.S. coal plants will generate 20 to 30 GW by 2020 [FPT 1998].

    1.3.3 Cogeneration and Combined Heat & Power (CHP) with Biomass Cogeneration refers to the use of biomass-derived energy for multiple purposes. Probably the best example is in pulp and paper mills where biomass boilers produce a high pressure steam. The pulping and papermaking processes require this steam at a much lower pressure in a near saturated state. Reducing the high pressure boiler steam to process levels can be done through a turbine/generator. Thus the original fuel “co-generates” both electricity and process steam. In many mills excess steam is produced and expanded through condensing turbines to maximize power production and allow more efficient control in meeting process steam needs. These

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    applications are viewed more in terms of “extra benefit” from power generation than overall efficiency since the primary process steam needs must be satisfied independently of efficiency considerations. Combined Heat and Power (CHP) is a specific implementation of cogeneration. It is recognized that many opportunities exist where both power generation and thermal energy is required. A single system used to meet both needs can show very high overall conversion efficiency. It should be recognized that electrical power generation is reduced to allow the cycle to reject heat at a higher temperature for thermal use. The loss of electrical conversion efficiency is significant but is accepted to create an increased overall efficiency of biomass energy utilization. The first limitation of CHP systems is the amount of heat that can be recovered from the original biomass energy. In biomass combustion systems this is directly related to the outlet temperature of the flue gas. The second limitation is the energy loss associated with the conversion cycle. All conversion systems have associated parasitic and often unrecoverable heat losses. The final limitation is the form and temperature of the reject heat from the conversion cycle. Hot gases are the most inconvenient form of heat and have few direct economical uses. Saturated steam is a very useful form of thermal energy if it has sufficient temperature. However, steam must be used in close proximity to where it is generated as it cannot be “pumped”. Hot liquid is a useful form of heat if it has a sufficient supply temperature and a sufficiently high return temperature. The benefit of hot liquid is the ability to pump it distances for district heating purposes. 1.3.4 Conversion to Bio-Oil and Charcoal Bio-oil is produced by condensing gases produced by pyrolysis. Generally the large, carbon based molecules produced by pyrolysis will condense along with water vapour while lighter hydrocarbon and carbon-oxygen molecules will remain vapour. Furthermore it has been found that large molecules will tend to break down to smaller non-condensable molecules if they are held at high temperature. Recognizing this, several groups have developed “fast pyrolysis” systems in which the pyrolysis gases are cooled and condensed quickly (

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    made on finding useful applications. Both of these products appear to have limited market potential. At this time it appears that heat energy conversion is the most promising application of bio-oil. As a liquid with reasonably dense energy content, bio-oil appears to be suited as a transport fuel. On a volumetric basis, bio-oil has 55% of the volumetric energy content of diesel oil (40% on a weight basis). Contrary to diesel fuel, bio-oil does not produce SOx emissions during combustion and produces approximately half the NOx emissions in comparison with fossil fuels. However, combustion concerns include its acidic nature, particulate content and flame stability. The lower heat energy content requires larger equipment, especially for IC engines, for the same power output as fossil fuelled machines. Larger engines are less efficient and more expensive to purchase, operate and maintain. The high water content of bio-oil means the energy output is reduced as more energy is consumed in evaporation. The unburned char from the process may have commercial applications. Non-condensable gases are recycled and produce approximately 75% of the energy required for the pyrolysis process. More information: www.dynamotive.com - similar systems: www.ensyn.com;

    www.renewableoil.com 1.3.5 Ethanol and Lignin Ethanol is produced by the fermentation of biomass, using bacteria, yeasts and enzymes. The carbohydrates of biomass are broken down and alcohol is formed. This process has been applied mainly to crops like corn that are rich in starch. The Iogen process is an enzymatic hydrolysis process for converting lignocellulosics (plant matter) to ethanol. The unique aspects of the technology include the steam explosion pre-treatment that was pioneered by Iogen, and the proprietary enzymes developed, manufactured, and marketed by Iogen. The block diagram for the Iogen process is shown in Figure 1.5.

    Figure 1.5 Iogen Enzymatic Process

    The Iogen process is currently suitable for agricultural residues such as wheat straw and corn stover. Hardwood residues are also a suitable feedstock. A single step pre-treatment process for agricultural and hardwood residues can produce a material that can be efficiently hydrolyzed by the enzymes. However, the pre-treatment process is not as effective for separating the lignin of softwoods – a very interesting feedstock in British Columbia - from the cellulosic material and

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    thus the enzymes are not as effective. Much higher levels of enzymes are required and the production and capital costs are also much higher. The development of a pre-treatment process that produces both cellulose and hemi-cellulose that could be enzymatically hydrolyzed economically would allow the remainder of the Iogen process to be commercialized for softwoods. The process will produce lignin as a co-product. The relatively mild pre-treatment process employed should provide a lignin that can be utilized as a starting material in other processes. If the lignin cannot be used in commercial applications, the alternative is to utilize lignin as a fuel to produce steam or electricity. This use yields a very low price for the lignin, no more than 5 cents per kilogram. Iogen Corp. has built a $40-million pilot plant, and expects the technology to be fully matured with the first commercial facility to be operational in 2007. Lignol Innovations Corp., together with BC Research, is commercializing a proven proprietary technology for refining many forms of woody biomass into their constituent chemical components. Their initial focus is on the production of ethanol and natural lignin from wood residues, such as sawdust & shavings. Lignol use a solvent (ethanol) to dissolve the lignin and then use an enzymatic process to convert the cellulose and hemi-cellulose into sugars. The key advantage of the Lignol process is that the lignin from this process remains natural and is not affected by the process. It can therefore be more readily used a substitute for industrial glues, such as phenol formaldehyde, than the lignin from the Iogen process. If a stable market for such products can be developed, this may improve overall process economics. By a different process, ethanol can also be made from biomass through gasification. Figure I-1 in the Introduction identifies this process. Some argue this process bears the potential to be more cost-effective than the enzymatic routes discussed above [Klass 1998]. More information: www.iogen.ca www.lignol-innovations.com Other concepts: BC International Corporation; Arkenol (Southern California); ACOS (Acid Catalyzed Organosolv Saccharification process; Dr. Laszlo Paszner of the Faculty of Forestry at UBC); a wood gasification system is offered by Brightstar Synfuels Company of Texas and a biological syngas to ethanol process was developed by Bioengineering Resources, Inc. (BRI) of Arkansas. Fermentation routes to fuel ethanol have been used in most research studies and commercial developments to date. However, an alternative approach is gasification: the biomass material is gasified to a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. In the presence of the appropriate metallic catalyst, this mixture is converted to ethanol. This approach can utilize biomass materials such as bark, which are not suitable for ethanol production by fermentation methods. In Canada, this route has been explored by Ethopower (Kelowna, BC), in conjunction with the University of British Columbia, and by the Saskatchewan Research Council [CARC 2003, p.54f.]. Ethopower no longer exists, but the gasification concept is still being pursued by Nexterra in Vancouver, as well as Draco Energy Systems, in conjunction with Hybrid Fuels Inc. (geared towards animal waste). The technology is still at a conceptual stage, with a suitable catalyst being the main challenge for ethanol production. More information: http://www.hybridfuels.com/html/080903.html

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    1.3.6 Methanol Most of the methanol produced in the United States today is made from natural gas. But methanol can also be produced from other feedstocks including coal, biomass, and residual oil. Biomass for the production of methanol includes crop residues, forage crops (grasses), forest residues, short-rotation tree crops, and more than half of the municipal solid waste and industrial waste streams. An important opportunity for Canada seems to exist in terms of the large amounts of black liquor produced in the pulp & &paper sector, which could also be used to make methanol. From presently 24 million tonnes of black liquor generated annually in Canada methanol could be produced in the same order of magnitude as current ethanol production in Canada (see Table 5.2) [CARC 2003, p.55]. A thermochemical conversion process can be used to produce fuels like methanol, ETBE and MTBE. The first conversion step to produce Methanol from biomass is gasification. The biomass is subjected to elevated temperatures and pressures (in some processes) to form a synthesis gas (syngas). The syngas, composed mainly of carbon monoxide and hydrogen, is conditioned to remove impurities such as tars and methane, and to adjust the hydrogen to carbon monoxide ratio to 2:1. In a second step, the syngas reacts over a catalyst at elevated temperatures and pressures to form methanol. Methanol is a liquid transportation fuel that can be produced from fossil or renewable domestic resources. In the United States, it is most commonly used as a chemical feedstock, extractant, or solvent, and as a feedstock for producing methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), an octane-enhancing gasoline additive. It can also be used in pure form as a gasoline substitute, or in gasoline blends such as M85 (85% methanol and 15% gasoline). Pure methanol can be used in existing vehicles; however, engine modifications are required to facilitate cold starts and to replace materials that can be corroded by methanol and M85. Methanol has a higher octane rating than gasoline, which helps reduce engine “knock.” It can also deliver greater fuel efficiency if the engine’s compression ratio is properly adjusted [NREL 1995]. Because methanol carries more hydrogen by weight than liquefied hydrogen, it is also seen as a possible synthetic fuel for fuel cells.

    Figure 1.6 Hynol Process Flow [EPA 2000]

    One of the concepts considered for the production of methanol is the Hynol Process. It originated at the Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory as a method for increasing the yield of

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    fuel from conversion of biomass. Originally conceived to operate with a coal feedstock, the process has been adapted to biomass. The process produces methanol with a carbon conversion efficiency of 87%. Unconverted biomass is withdrawn from the reactor with ash in the form of char, which can be used as fuel or sequestered. The Hynol Process involves three phases: (1) Reaction of biomass in a hydrogasifier, also referred to as a hydropyrolizer (HPR); (2) Steam pyrolization of the resulting gas, which produces a synthesis gas; and (3) Methanol synthesis, which leaves a recycle gas that can be returned to the HPR and waste heat that can be returned to the steam pyrolizer. 1.3.7 Hydrogen In addition to the direct production of hydrogen from gaseous hydrocarbon feedstocks, such as gasified coal or natural gas, hydrogen can be produced from liquid energy carriers such as ethanol and methanol as well as from ammonia. Methanol reforming (CH3OH + H2O↔CO2 + 3H2) is practised in Japan and to a small degree in Europe where there are no economical sources of syngas. Currently, there are about a dozen companies that are involved in building plants to produce hydrogen from methanol or ammonia. [NREL 2003, p.19]

    Figure 1.7 Flow Diagrams for Biomass-to-Hydrogen Pathways [NREL und.]

    The production of hydrogen from biomass follows the same general process as that of coal to hydrogen. The biomass is first gasified, the gas is treated to increase the hydrogen content and then the hydrogen is purified. The syngas produced from biomass gasification can contain a number of contaminants including particulates, tars, sulphur, and chlorine compounds. The syngas may also contain significant quantities of methane, which must be reformed to more syngas, depending on the composition of the feedstock and the type of gasifier used. A report prepared for the US Department of Energy identified bubbling fluid bed gasifiers as the

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    technology of choice to make hydrogen from biomass [E2S 2002]. Apart from gasification, pyrolysis is also being explored as a pathway to hydrogen from biomass (see Figure 1.7). Merchant hydrogen prices vary considerably depending on the volume and form of delivery. For large volume users, pipeline is the most economical followed by bulk liquid hydrogen delivery. For gaseous hydrogen produced from natural gas at a large-scale, central production facility at a pressure of around 400 psi, the plant gate price is about $5-$8/GJ. In general, contract prices for delivered hydrogen are not publicly available and they vary a great deal depending on the type of delivery, quantity required, and delivery distance. SRI International, a California research institute, states that liquid hydrogen list prices have been around $45/GJ, but that the average transaction prices are considerably below this. A typical price range for large-volume, bulk liquid consumers is $18-$24/GJ. [NREL 2003, p.23] 1.3.8 Composting Composting is an aerobic treatment of biomass. Whereas CO2 is produced through partial decomposition of the biomass during the process, no methane is produced, as would ensue if the biomass was landfilled and allowed to decompose under anaerobic conditions. The resulting compost can be rich in nutrients and displace artificial fertilizer, which in turn leads to emission reductions from the fertilizer production process and its bacterial decomposition in the field, which results in N2O emissions. Composting wood residues poses two challenges: 1) the particle size must be reduced if too large (1/8 inch diameter) in order for the micro-organisms to access it as a substrate, and 2) a nitrogen source must be added. Conversely, the best potential use for woody debris is to mix it with other residues. For example, wood can be used as a bulking agent for nitrogen-rich and water-rich feedstocks, such as manure, biosolids, food waste, or grass. The potentially large particle size can help increase pile porosity and aeration. Most wood residues, apart from sawdust and wood shavings, have to be shredded in order to facilitate composting. A tub grinder is most often used for shredding or grinding woody materials destined for composting. A tub grinder is a hammer mill with a round rotating hopper (tub) which feeds the materials into a hammer chamber. The composting process takes about six weeks. [CERWA 1998]

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    Chapter 2 Agricultural Residues 2.1 Crop Production Residues 2.1.1 Availability in Canada Agricultural crops can be classified as [BIOCAP 2003, p.19]

    a) starch crops (cereal grains: wheat, barley, oats, rye; and grain corn): represent 54% of total dry tonnage produced in Canada

    b) Seed oil crops (canola, soy beans, flaxseed): represent 9% of dry tonnage produced in Canada

    c) Forage crops (tame hay and fodder corn): represent 36% of dry tonnage in Canada. Forage crops are harvested nearly intact, and hence are considered to have a harvest index of 100%, meaning that only unused portions of it are available for other uses (estimated to be about 5%). In contrast, reported harvests of cereal grains and seed crops represent only about 50% of the total plant mass. The difference between the whole plant yield and the crop yield is considered to be crop residue, consisting of straw and chaff of cereal crops, stover of corn and unused fodder crops [BIOCAP 2003, p.20].

    Total Harvestable Agricultural Biomass

    124 Mt/yr

    Agricultural Crops78 Mt/yr

    Straw & StoverResidue56 Mt/yr

    Losses and Residues needed for sustainability

    27 Mt/yr

    Currently Used(livestock bedding,

    products, etc.)9 Mt/yr

    Available18 Mt/yr

    Figure 2.1 Agricultural Biomass from Field Crops in Canada Figure 2.1 shows the mass flows of agricultural biomass for Canada. About 45% of agricultural biomass is available as residue and thus potentially available for energy and other uses. However, to warrant soil fertility and the sustainability of agricultural operations, a minimum of 20% of crop residues should be left on-site [STUMBORG 1996]. In addition, not all remaining residues can be harvested due to technical limitations (e.g. weather). Discounting amounts that are already being used for other purposes, such as straw needed as livestock bedding, insulation, mulching, etc. leaves about 15% of agricultural biomass available for the purposes discussed here. 2.1.2 Geographical Distribution Table 2.1 shows the regional availability of agricultural biomass throughout Canada. The totals based on the REAP 2002(1) report are somewhat higher than those given in BIOCAP 2003, which confirms them as fairly conservative. Figure 2.2 shows the same facts graphically, agricultural activity is concentrated in the Prairies, mainly in Eastern Alberta, Saskatchewan and Western Manitoba, with additional, but smaller, activity in Northwest Alberta, Southern Ontario and in Québec, along the St. Laurence River.

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    Table 2.1 Availability of Agricultural Residues in Canada, in tonnes x 1,000 [based on REAP 2002(1), Table 1]

    BC AB SK MB ON QC Atlantic Total Corn Stover - - - 110 1,900 1,115 6 3,131 Straw* 23 6,218 9,246 2,940 615 310 125 19,477 Hay - ~220 ~220 ~220 220 210 52 482 Canola straw 11 627 833 463 14 - - 1,948 TOTAL 35 6,845 10,079 3,513 2,749 1,635 183 25,039

    Data for western provinces extrapolated from Ontario data, based on annual yield data as given in [PP 2002, Table C2] and [CCoC 2003] for canola. REAP 2002(1) assumes that 20% of straw, 50% of corn stover and 29% of canola residues remain on the field to maintain sustainability. Of the sustainably recoverable residues, a large proportion is already allocated to other uses, such as straw for livestock bedding. 35% of the recoverable straw, 100% of corn stover, 5% of hay and 100% of canola is left for other uses, such as energy production. These are the numbers given in this table. * The long-term total of straw available in ON was estimated to be about 1.4 million tonnes per year, after harvesting and storage losses. How much of this would be available for energy purposes depends on alternative uses, such as bedding, it price (to be $50 or less a tonne to be economically viable), and how much can actually be collected from farms. REAP Canada estimated that only 20% could be collected, which would result in a total of only 230,000 tonnes, as opposed to the above 615,000 tonnes [AAFC 2004].

    Figure 2.2 Concentration of Farmland in Canada [Statcan 2001, App. D]

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    2.1.3 Possible Uses for Field Crop Residues Current Usage In Eastern Canada, approximately 65% of straw residues supply existing markets, but the distribution of usage is very different in the Western provinces. In Manitoba for example, 93.5% of barley straw is committed to livestock bedding, but only 6.7% of wheat straw is used for livestock bedding. A further 6% of the straw is used for the production of strawboard in the Elie plant just west of Winnipeg. By comparison, there is virtually no demand for the 600,000 tonnes of oat straw produced per year. Only 25.8% of the total 4.7 million tonnes of straw available in Manitoba supplies dedicated usage, and burning in the field eliminates a considerable fraction. [BIOCAP 2003, p.21] Ethanol, Distiller’s Grain, and CO2 Conventional ethanol production involves fermenting the starch-derived sugar from grain like wheat and corn. Research is now being conducted to produce ethanol from products that are now considered waste, like the sludge from pulp and paper production, waste paper, grass, straw (Iogen Process, see chapter 1.3.4), leaves and other solid landfill wastes that contain cellulose, or plant fibres. Ethanol is a high-octane, water-free alcohol that is usually produced from renewable resources such as corn, wheat, straw and other biomass. Only the starch component of the grain is converted to ethanol leaving the fibre, protein, minerals, carbon dioxide (CO2) and vitamins. Traditionally, grain-based plants produce two products in addition to ethanol – distiller’s grain, either wet or dry, and CO2. Wheat distiller’s grain is high-protein, palatable by-pass protein, and high fibre that improves gut health in pigs and poultry. Sale of distillers’ grain and CO2 in addition to ethanol can result in production plant savings of 4 cents a litre. [AGRI 2003] Total ethanol production in Canada is about 238 million litres a year, with most being used as fuel and the rest going to industrial uses. Industrial ethanol is used as a solvent in products such as toiletries, cosmetics and medications for external use. In Saskatchewan, the PoundMaker ethanol plant at Lanigan has a production capacity of about 13 million litres per year. This plant is integrated with a feedlot. Beef cattle are fed the distiller's grain, which is a by-product of the ethanol production process. Ethanol production in the United States is considerably higher - about 6 billion litres are produced each year. Ethanol made from wheat is created through the process of fermentation. Fermentation is a series of biochemical reactions, using micro-organisms like yeast, which yields ethanol. Several different types of wheat can be used, including durum, hard red spring and hard red winter wheat. The process begins with cleaning and milling of the whole wheat kernel. Then a special enzyme (a naturally occurring substance), which can withstand high temperatures, is added, and the wheat is cooked at 95ºC. This process of enzyme treatment and cooking breaks down the starch in the wheat. Then the mash is cooled to 30ºC, the temperature at which fermentation can take place. Another enzyme, called amyloglucosidase, is added, along with yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The enzyme and the yeast work together to ferment the wheat mash. The enzyme slowly releases glucose, a sugar. The glucose is immediately used by the yeast, and the process of fermentation occurs. The fermentation is usually complete in 56 hours. Ethanol is recovered through distillation. Water is removed from the ethanol, either through filtration or treatment with

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    a chemical. The mash that is left over from the fermentation process can be fed to beef cattle as distiller's grain. Use of the by-product in this way reduces the need for cattle feed production, reduces the cost of ethanol production and helps produce a valuable consumer product. [Agwest 1998]

    Figure 2.3 Production of Ethanol from Grain [Agwest 1998]

    Many ethanol production technologies are currently experimental and have not yet been demonstrated on a large scale. This would include the production and collection of some of the feedstocks as well as the production of ethanol from lignocellulosics, like wood [Levelton 2000]. Biomass Fractionation into Cellulose, Hemicellulose and Lignin PureVision in Lupton, Colorado, pursues the separation of the major components of biomass, converting these into cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The feedstock can be agricultural crop residues (wheat straw, corn stover and sugarcane bagasse), small diameter trees and forest thinnings, energy crops (switchgrass, hybrid poplar, willow, etc.) or other wastes, including organics and paper from municipal solid waste and paper mill and municipal sewage sludges. The process includes three steps (see Figure 2.4):

    1. Pre-treatment; 2. Production of a purified cellulose product and

    separated wash streams containing the lignin and hemicellulose from biomass; and

    3. Preparation of the purified cellulose fraction for enzymatic conversion into sugar, which can then be converted to ethanol.

    The PureVision technology uses enzymes to convert diverse biomass feedstocks into sugar streams, a process known as enzymatic hydrolysis. Both xylose (a 5-carbon sugar, from hemicellulose) and glucose (a 6-carbon sugar, from cellulose) are produced from renewable biomass in the PureVision process. The technology has been proven at bench-scale and provides a critical process to effectively convert cellulose and hemicellulose into sugars in

    Figure 2.4 PureVision Fractionation Process [PV 2003]

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    biorefineries. Once the cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin are separated in the fractionation process, they become feedstocks for producing a wide range of bio-products for many industries, including but not limited to energy, transportation, agri-business, textiles, building products, pharmaceuticals, bio-plastics and paper industries. Table 2.2 provides an overview of the numerous possibilities for use of the three output streams from the fractionation process. Potential markets for the fibres include substitutions for wood pulp, non wood pulp and synthetically processed cellulose pulp in commercial applications. These pulps are used in all forms of papers as well as a wide range of other materials including dissolving pulps for producing rayon, lyocell and cellulose acetate fibres used in both textile and technical applications, fibre for automotive composites, and building products. The lignin fraction can be combusted in a boiler to produce electricity. Higher value applications could include the use of lignin as an asphalt binder or in construction materials. Table 2.2 Utilization Options for Output Streams of the PureVision Process [PV 2003]

    Output from Process Primary Market Products Cellulose to glucose, then fermented into alcohol

    Fuel ethanol for transportation markets

    Transportation applications include oxygenates added to gasoline in blends of 10%, 20%, and 85%, aeroplane fuel and fuel cells.

    Cellulose converted into glucose

    Glucose processed into speciality chemicals for food and health care industries.

    Fermentation sugars, gluconic acid, glucose, mannitol, sorbitol.

    Fermentation sugars for producing ethanol, xylose, xylitol, furfural, furfuryl alcohol, furan, bioplastics, etc.

    Hemicellulose Fermentation sugars and/or conversion to methane in a bio-reactor to feed co-generation

    Energy Purified cellulose fibres Pulp for paper making and fibre

    filler in the building/ construction and automotive industries.

    Bio-based cellulose derivatives include fibre and pulps for paper and building products, rayon, cellophane and cellophane flake.(delete colon here) Combustible fuel Lignin Fuel for co-generation (energy)

    Future uses include making adhesives

    More information: www.purevisiontechnology.com; see also:

    http://www.oit.doe.gov/agriculture/factsheets/fractionation.pdf Manufacture of Composite Board Dow BioProducts Ltd. produces “Wood Stalk” fibreboards from agricultural residues in its factory in Elie, MB. The fiberboard is made from harvested wheat straw fibre and a formaldehyde-free polyurethane resin. Before being offered the alternative of selling the straw, many Manitoba farmers were burning off the straw in the field. Other products, such as particleboard or MDF, are often made from both waste wood and whole tree resources. Another traditional material, Lauan plywood, is commonly made from trees harvested from tropical rainforests.

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    Wood Stalk is used in the same applications as traditional fibreboards, and have some superior features, such as lighter weight, moisture resistance, and reduced tool wear.

    More information: http://www.cargilldow.com/corporate/index.asp 2.2 Livestock Residues 2.2.1 Availability in Canada Livestock manure from dairy, beef, poultry and swine is a readily available source of waste biomass in Canada. It is an under utilized resource, with most manure currently landspread with little or no pre-treatment. The Alberta Research Council estimated that 780 MW of electricity and 1040 MW of thermal energy could be produced in Canada from the wastes of the livestock industry [ARC 2003(1), p.28]. The utilization of manure for energy purposes would also alleviate other problems associated with direct application of manure to soils including bacterial contamination of surface and groundwater supplies, over-enrichment of soils with nitrogen or phosphorus and nuisance odours. In addition, manure produces methane gas and nitrous oxide, two potent greenhouse gases. Not all livestock manure can be used for energy purposes. For example, manure from field grazed animals is considered lost due to difficulties in collection (but has a useful purpose to fertilise the soil). The numbers in Figure 2.5 represent a conservative Canadian average, but actual recovery rates could be much higher on individual farms.

    Livestock Manure128 Mt/yr

    Losses (field grazed animals)

    70 Mt/yr

    Available58 Mt/yr

    Figure 2.5 Availability of Livestock Manure in Canada 2.2.2 Geographical Distribution Table 2.3 shows the regional availability of livestock manure throughout Canada. The totals based on the REAP 2002(1) report (close to 80 million tonnes a year) are somewhat higher than those given in BIOCAP 2003 (58 million tonnes a year), which confirms the latter as fairly conservative.

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    Figure 2.6 provides a graphical view of livestock concentrations in Canada. Although overall livestock numbers are also highest in the Prairies, the highest local livestock concentrations can actually be found in British Columbia (various locations) and along the St Lawrence River in Québec, as well as in Southern Ontario. This means that transport distances to central facilities may be higher in the Prairies, which could influence decisions to utilize these resources for energy production purposes. Table 2.3 Availability of Livestock Manure in Canada, in tonnes x 1,000 [based on REAP

    2002(1), Table 1] BC AB SK MB ON QC Atlantic Total

    Dairy 1,913 2,167 641 1,106 8,205 8,636 1,367 24,035 Beef 2,062 14,022 8,810 4,199 3,037 1,236 462 33,828 Swine 199 2,694 1,593 3,154 4,338 4,991 499 17,468 Poultry 475 288 98 137 939 684 210 2,830 Turkey 79 63 29 48 307 168 46 739 Sheep 3 9 5 3 11 10 2 43 TOTAL 4,730 19,243 11,177 8,646 16,837 15,725 2,586 78,943

    Figure 2.6 Livestock Density in Canada (1996) [Statcan 2001, p.13]

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    2.2.3 Manure Utilization Options Power, Heat and Fertilizer (anaerobic digestion) The treatment of manure in anaerobic digestion systems, with simultaneous biogas production, could meet typical household electrical demands of an average dairy farm, while also producing a nutrient-rich fertilizer and providing a renewable energy resource. In a digester, anaerobic bacteria break down or "digest" organic material in the absence of oxygen and produce '"biogas" as a waste product. Biogas produced in anaerobic digesters consists of methane (50%-80%), carbon dioxide (20%-50%), and trace levels of other gases such as hydrogen, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen sulphide.

    Figure 2.7 Anaerobic Digester Facility [Microgy 2003] There are two basic types of digesters: batch and continuous. Batch-type digesters are the simplest to build. Their operation consists of loading the digester with organic materials and allowing it to digest. The retention time depends on temperature and other factors. Once the digestion is complete, the effluent is removed and the process is repeated. In a continuous digester, organic material is constantly or regularly fed into the digester. The material moves through the digester either mechanically or by the force of the new feed pushing out digested material. Unlike batch-type digesters, continuous digesters produce biogas without the interruption of loading material and unloading effluent. They may be better suited for large-scale operations and have been commercially successful in Europe, where they were developed. To optimize the digestion process parameters in the digester need to be controlled: the digester must be kept at a consistent temperature, as rapid changes will upset bacterial activity; digester pH and rapid changes in temperature can upset bacterial activity in the digester. In Canada, digestion vessels require some level of insulation and/or heating. The trade-offs in maintaining optimum digester temperatures to maximize gas production while minimizing expenses are somewhat complex. Studies on digesters in the north-central areas of the country indicate that

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    maximum net biogas production can occur in digesters maintained at temperatures as low as 72°F (22.2°C). Biogas can be used for heating and to operate an internal combustion engine or microturbine for electric power. For engine applications, it may be advisable to scrub out hydrogen sulphide (a corrosive and toxic gas). Very large-scale systems/producers could sell the gas to natural gas companies, but this may require scrubbing out the carbon dioxide. More frequently, the electricity generated from biogas is sold into the public power grid. In Brooklyn, New York, fuel cells are being used to convert digester gas into electricity: the New York Power Authority has installed eight 200 kW fuel cells that will use digester gas from local biosolids treatment plants as the feedstock to produce electricity. The material drawn from the digester is called sludge, or effluent. It is rich in nutrients (ammonia, phosphorus, potassium, and more than a dozen trace elements) and is an excellent soil conditioner. It can also be used as a livestock feed additive when dried. Any toxic compounds (pesticides, etc.) that are in the digester feedstock material may become concentrated in the effluent. Therefore, it is important to test the effluent before using it on a large scale. This is important for low temperature digesters, which may not be as effective in killing all the pathogens. The availability of inexpensive fossil fuels has limited the use of digesters solely for biogas production. However, the waste treatment and odour reduction benefits of controlled anaerobic digestion are receiving increasing interest, especially for large-scale livestock operations such as dairies, feedlots, and slaughterhouses. Where costs are high for sewage, agricultural, or animal waste disposal, and the effluent has economic value, anaerobic digestion and biogas production can reduce overall operating costs. Biogas production for generating cost effective electricity requires manure from more than 150 cows.

    Figure 2.8 IMUS Digester Concept [ARC 2003(3)]

    Highmark Renewables and the Alberta Research Council are working on a digester concept to turn manure into energy, bio-based fertilizers and reusable water. The technology, called Integrated Manure Utilization System (IMUS), will be tested at pilot scale in Vegreville, producing one megawatt of electricity from the manure of 7,500 head of cattle. It is scheduled for completion in June 2004. Figure 2.8 shows the process flow of the plant. The temperature of the anaerobic digesters is maintained at 53°C to 55°C in order to create optimal thermophilic

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    bacterial growth. Under these conditions hydraulic retention time is shortened, over 99 per cent of pathogens present in the raw material are destroyed, and biogas production is maximized. The unique nutrient recovery system treats the centrifuged liquid through physical and chemical processes to recover nitrogen and phosphate and produce reusable water. The solid, combined with a nutrient enrichment process, is used to produce solid bio-based fertilizer with balanced nutrients [ARC 2003(2)]. A low temperature plug-flow type digester is being demonstrated in Manitoba (BioTerre). More information: http://www.arc.ab.ca/whatsnew/newsreleases/imus.asp Superior Fertilizer (aerobic biotransformation) Agronix Inc. is a US-based company that has developed an aerobic treatment process for manure and other organic waste. The process is an accelerated composting process, but has the advantage of preserving many of the fertilizer values of the organic material, as opposed to a normal composting process, which will lose much of the nitrogen. The BCR (Bio-Conversion Reactor) system takes organic residues such as animal manures, sewer sludge and industrial food production waste and converts them through a natural process into fully bio-converted high quality agri-products like organic fertilizer and growth substrates. The conversion is completed in 12-14 days in a scientifically controlled in-vessel system. Through the combination of different kinds of manure, rather than just one (e.g., cow manure, as in the case of decentralised digesters), the composition and value of the end product as a fertilizer is improved. The fertilizer is pelletised and can be applied like inorganic fertilizer. All pathogens are eliminated during the treatment process. As the nutrients are bound up into an organic matrix, they are not leached from the fertilizer and can be absorbed by the plants to 100% - whereas a large percentage of inorganic fertilizer is lost due to leaching and bacterial denitrification. The plant is a centralised facility and would regroup the organic residues from several farm operations, including livestock manure, slaughterhouse residues, or agricultural residues. The process prevents the loss of nutrients that are lost through leaking or evaporation of ammonia and methane in other processes and produces a more consistent product with defined, stable features, and nutrient contents. The process also transforms any heavy metals present in the biomass into oxides, which radically reduces their toxicity and bioavailability. The BCIR (Bio-Chemical Integrated Recycling) system is a more specialised version of the BCR process and is in its final commercialization stage of process engineering. The process involves a step-wise sequence of controlled chemical reactions designed to extract whatever end-product(s) are desired from the manure or other biomass. The process has undergone intensive laboratory testing on a wide variety of organic residues. Although it is not an organic process, it has near zero environmental impact, according to Agronix. It can transform all organic wastes including sewer sludge into more than 1,000 identified chemical commodities. At present, Agronix has successfully extracted 65 chemical commodities for use by industry as polymers, surfactants, lubricants, de-icers, adhesives, alternative fuels, agro-chemicals and fertilizers. Some more recent testing has been focused on the extraction of alternative fuels (ethanol) from various organic wastes and for the paper industry, long-fibre cellulose from bagasse (sugar cane waste). More information: http://agronixinc.com/GO.html#BCR

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    Manure and Animal Residues to Bio-Oil A University of Illinois research team is working on turning pig manure into a form of crude oil that could be refined to heat homes or generate electricity. The thermochemical conversion process uses intense heat and pressure to break down the molecular structure of manure into oil. It's much like the natural process that turns organic matter into oil over centuries, but in the laboratory the process can take as little as a half-hour. The process is currently only working in small batches, but further development could lead to an oil product that could be used to fuel smaller electric or heating plants, or to make plastics, ink, or asphalt. A similar process is being used at a plant in Carthage, Missouri, where tons of turkey entrails, feathers, fat, and grease from a nearby Butterball turkey plant are converted into a light crude oil. More information: http://www.age.uiuc.edu/faculty/yhz/index.htm

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    Chapter 3 Landfill Gas 3.1 Resource Availability In Canada, most waste disposal on land occurs in well over 10,000 municipally managed or privately owned landfills [Levelton 1991]. The generation of methane from landfills has increased since 1990. However, more landfill gas is now being captured and combusted. Residential, institutional, commercial, industrial, construction and demolition wastes are disposed of in MSW landfills [EC 2003]. About 23.5% of Canada’s methane emissions come from landfills. As such, landfills are Canada’s fifth largest source of CO2 equivalent greenhouse gas emissions. Wood waste landfills are privately owned and operated by forest industries, such as saw mills and pulp and paper mills. These industries use the landfills to dispose of surplus wood residue such as sawdust, wood shavings, bark and sludges. Landfill gas capture increased by almost 40% between 1990 and 1999, but is not practised at wood waste landfills [EC 2003]. Landfill gas, which is composed mainly of methane (55%) and carbon dioxide (45%), is produced by the anaerobic decomposition of organic wastes. The first phase of this process typically begins after waste has been in a landfill for 10 to 50 days. Although the majority of the methane and carbon dioxide is generated within 20 years of landfilling, emissions can continue for 100 years or more.

    Landfill Gas28 Mt of CO2e/yr(incl. 1.8 Mt from

    woodwaste landfills)

    Unused21.9 Mt CO2e/yr

    Power Generation4.3 Mt CO2e/yr

    Flared1.8 Mt CO2e/yr

    Figure 3.1 Current Usage of Landfill Gas Emissions in Canada [EC 2002] In Canada, 5% of waste is centrally composted and the balance is landfilled. At the landfill, 7% of the landfill gas is captured and flared and a further 17% is captured and used as an energy source [Woodrising 1999].

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    3.2 Possible Uses of Landfill Gas 3.2.1 Flaring 24% of landfill gas in Canada is captured, but not all of it is currently being used in generators for power production. In some cases, the low calorific value of the gas or erratic volumetric flow rates does not make energy recovery economical. Pumping of the gases can entrain air, which could lead to spontaneous combus