Identity vs. Brand extended

Identity vs brand

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Identity vs. Brandextended


- Who you are- What you think about yourself - How you present yourself

or this

Organization’s Visual Identity

- A name

- Logo

- Website

- Advertising

You name it…

Identity should express personality

Apple brand personality:- Friendly

Apple “look” is also friendly, from the website to the products design

Identity should express personality

IBMFormal and professional


Image is how you are viewed by others

This or


Image is people’s

opinion or feeling about a product, service, company, or person.

Can you control people’s feeling?

Brand positioning helps

It simplify the message

and creates the motivation hook

Classic example: Volvo

Safety First

Great example: BASF

BASF: Invisible contribution, Visible success

Image vs. Brand

When many people perceive

the image in the same way

the brand is born

The power of a design

Branding and Design come together

Why design is important?

of what we learn come to us visually

Identity, Image and the Brand

Identity – the manifestation of the qualities

Image – Other people perceptions

Brand – Collective Agreement on the image

Identity vs. Image

Tell me what is more important?

- the IdentityOr

- the Image


Branding techniques can be applied to any product, service, company or a person