Learn SAP — IDOC Configuration If you want to know the IDOC basic (create , execute and seect the ist! then Click Here" In this #ost et us see how to configure a new IDOC $essage ty#e in the SAP syste$" %he &ain SAP %ransaction for IDOC #rocessing is 'DI" AS soon as you go there you wi see a the t)code associated with the IDOC wi a##ear" %his contains a the IDOC t) codes fro$ creating to #rocessing to configurati on" *ere we are going to ook in to a business case and see how we can configure the IDOC and how to #rocess the IDOC" 'e ha+e a %ext fie co$ing fr o$ a rd #arty with custo$er first na$e, ast na$e and Age" 'e need to create a new $essage ty#e and store this infor$ation as idoc" Once we recei+ed this IDOC we need to #rocess the data and oad this data to a tabe(rea ife we ca a SAP -API or sa# function $odue nor$ay -P create!" %he text fie for$at is as foows .irst na$e char(/0!, ast na$e char(/0! and age nu$ber (!" A of the foowing things are trans#ortabe" Sa+e the trans#orts" 1ou can $o+e the sa$e config and the data fro$ one syste$ to another using this trans#ort" Create and/or Configure New IDOC segments: %)Code is '2" Create a new Seg$ent ty#e 3%S%4C5S%" See the foowing screen shot"

IDOCs Configurations

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Learn SAP — IDOC Configuration

If you want to know the IDOC basic (create , execute and seect the ist! then Click Here"

In this #ost et us see how to configure a new IDOC $essage ty#e in the SAP syste$"

%he &ain SAP %ransaction for IDOC #rocessing is 'DI" AS soon as you go there youwi see a the t)code associated with the IDOC wi a##ear" %his contains a the IDOC t)

codes fro$ creating to #rocessing to configuration"

*ere we are going to ook in to a business case and see how we can configure the IDOC

and how to #rocess the IDOC" 'e ha+e a %ext fie co$ing fro$ a rd #arty withcusto$er first na$e, ast na$e and Age"

'e need to create a new $essage ty#e and store this infor$ation as idoc" Once we

recei+ed this IDOC we need to #rocess the data and oad this data to a tabe(rea ife we

ca a SAP -API or sa# function $odue nor$ay -P create!"

%he text fie for$at is as foows

.irst na$e char(/0!, ast na$e char(/0! and age nu$ber (!"

A of the foowing things are trans#ortabe" Sa+e the trans#orts" 1ou can $o+e the sa$e

config and the data fro$ one syste$ to another using this trans#ort"

Create and/or Configure New IDOC segments:

%)Code is '2"

Create a new Seg$ent ty#e 3%S%4C5S%" See the foowing screen shot"

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Cick create and see the foowing screen shot" 6ow the Seg$ent is created we are ready

to create Idoc ty#es and &essage ty#e"

Create and7or Configure 6ew IDOC ty#es8

%)Code is '2"

Create a new IDOC type ZTET!IDOC!T"#E$

Cick create that wi take you to the next screen" see the screen shot"

Cick on the create seg$ent" A #o#)u# wi dis#ay" See the foowing screen shot" Seect

the created seg$ent ty#e and cick continue"

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 6ow cick sa+e and sa+e the IDOC ty#e" 6ow we ha+e a IDOC structure that can ha+ethe first,ast na$e and the age"6ow et us go to the $essage ty#e"

Create and/or Configure New %essage types:

%)Code is '92"

:o to the screen cick on edit7change and add new entries and add a new $essage ty#e3%S%4&S4%1P" See the foowing screen shot"

 6ow the new $essage ty#e is created"

Configure t&e New %essage type and t&e New IDOC Type:

 %)Code is '9/"

 6ow connect the &essage ty#e and the IDOC ty#e" :o to the screen cick on edit7changeand add new entries and add the 3%S%4&S4%1P ,3%S%4IDOC4%1P and

+ersion as ;<C or any SAP +aid =ersion" Sa+e the data and store the trans#ort" See the

foowing screen shot"

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 6ow go to the Partner function and add this IDOC" So that for the sa$e data ty#e we can

contro what function we need to do if that co$es fro$ different #artners"


Create and/or Configure #artner #rofile:

%)Code is '/0"

:o to this transaction and setu# this &essage ty#e to the #artner that are sending the data

to the SAP syste$" Our $essage is inbound so add this to the inbound #ara$eters" See

the foowing screen shot"

*o#e this he#s" Let $e know if you ha+e any @uestions"

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-eginners :uide to AL and IDOC Processing

AL (A##ication Link nabing! su##orts the construction and o#eration of distributeda##ications" AL handes the exchange of business $essages across oosey cou#ed

SAP a##ications, ensuring that data is consistent" A##ications are integrated by usingsynchronous and asynchronous co$$unication, rather than through a centra database"

*&at is '+E,

AL is SAP #ro#rietary technoogy that enabes co$$unication of data between two or

$ore SAP 7 and7or 7 and externa syste$s"

AL #ro+ides inteigent $echanis$s which cients can achie+e integration and

distribution of a##ications and data" AL technoogy faciitates ra#id a##ication

 #rototy#ing and a##ication interface de+eo#$ent, thus reducing deays in


AL co$es with a##ication distribution and integration scenarios, and a set of toos,

 #rogra$s, data definitions, and $ethods that you can easiy configure to get an interface

u# and running"

'd-antages of '+E

AL offers better #erfor$ance interface entrants co$#ared to traditiona techni@ues suchas data sets (-DC! or ca transactions" AL does not use in#ut screen on the ot"

AL is the strategy architecture of 7 Boose cou#ing with the egacy and third)#arty

a##ications and is a key ee$ent of the -usiness .ra$ework" It #ro+ides an architecture

 based on asynchronous $essage to the integration of -usiness .ra$ework, incuding-usiness Co$#onents, -usiness Obects and -APIs"

Components of '+E

• Legacy Syste$

• &essage ty#e

• IDOC ty#e

• Custo$er Distribution &ode• .iter obect ty#e and fiter obects

• Change #ointers

• Ports• Process codes

• Partner #rofie

• &essage Contro

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T&e %ain teps in t&e Design of '+E

%he Distribution &ode is a distribution too that stores infor$ation about the fow of

$essages between different syste$s"

A fiter obect ty#e is used in the distribution $ode of the custo$er to i$#ose a seectioncriterion on the $essage (ty#e! arising fro$ the ogic of the syste$" A fiter obect ty#ewith a +aue associated with it is caed a fiter obect

Change #ointers SAP 7 obects that $ark changes in SAP data" Change #ointers are

$anaged by sharing $echanis$s in a &aster Data and changes are based on docu$ents

(CD! obects" CD obects record the changes to $aster data at a fied e+e" %hesechanges are recorded in %abes CD*D (header tabe! and CDPOS (detai tabe!"

%aintain O()ect 'ttri(utes

A #ort is a ogica re#resentation of a co$$unication channe in SAP" %here are fourty#es of #orts that can be defined in 7 8 t.C, fie 7 /, and the Internet"

Process codes are used in the AL and DI to identify the function $odue or the API"

Code of each #rocess is associated with a $essage ty#e" Outbound #rocess codes arestored in the tabe %D2 whie entering codes are stored in #rocess %D/"

5se transaction ';2 to dis#ay outgoing codes and #rocess ';/ to dis#ay the codes"

&essage contro is a $echanis$ by which the docu$ents are out#ut based on certain

seection criteria, re@uire$ents, and se@uences" &essage contro deter$ines the ty#e ofdocu$ent, date, nu$ber and the $ediu$ (#a#er, fax, AL or DI!"

#artner #rofile

is an identifier for a syste$ used for co$$unicating $essages" %here are four ty#es of

 #artner #rofies8 E5 for Custo$er, LI for =endor, - for -ank, and LS for Logica

Syste$" E5, LI, and - are used for DI #artners, whie LS is used for ALco$$unications"

IDOC Definition

An inter$ediate docu$ent (IDOC! is a container for distributing 7 a##ication data

a$ong between 7, 7/ and non)SAP syste$s"

AL uses IDocs to exchange data between ogica syste$s" 6on)SAP syste$s can use

these IDocs" In the standard interface for data transfer, IDocs are created by $essage

ty#es and &ethods when data is to be distributed" %he ty#e of $essage is the for$at inwhich data for a business #rocess is trans$itted eectronicay"

%ore info a(out t&e IDOC

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An IDoc re#resents a configuration of an Idoc %y#e that deter$ines the IDoc structure"

An IDoc consists of a header, se+era data seg$ents and status records" %he functions of

the indi+idua ee$ents of an IDoc are as foows8%he contents, structure, sender, recei+er and current status of the IDoc are defined in the

IDoc header"

ach data seg$ent contains a standard header consisting of a se@uentia seg$entnu$ber, a descri#tion of the seg$ent ty#e and a 2000 character ong string fied

containing the actua data of the seg$ent"

%he status records show the history of the #rocessing ste#s a##ied to the IDoc"

How to c&eck t&e status of IDOC,

In t&e sending ystem

%ransaction Code for IDoc ist is 8 '0>

A ist of IDocs grou#ed by status is dis#ayed8

tatus0, 2/, 9 ) IDoc successfuy transferred

0/, 0;, 0>, />,/<, /F ) Processing error 

0 ) 'aiting status

In t&e .ecei-ing ystem

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%ransaction Code for IDoc ist is 8 '0>

A ist of IDocs grou#ed by status is dis#ayed8


> ) IDoc successfuy u#dated<; ) 'aiting status (sti #rocessingG!

<, <> ) Inbound error 

%essage Types

%he fow of $essage across Distributed en+iron$ent is done through &essage %y#es"C5S%O& ) D-&AS




5se the %ransaction '92 to +iew the $essage ty#es"

Transaction Codes for '+E

SAL 8 %o Define and Assign Logica Syste$s "

S&>F 8 %o stabish .C Connection"

-D<; 8 %o Create Custo$er Distribution &ode"

-D9/ 8 %o :enerate Partner Profies"'0>7'0/8 %o =iew IDoc Lists"

-D208 %o Send the &ateria Data"

-D228 %o ecei+e the &ateria Data"

'2F8 %o Debug the IDoc"

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AL Configuration

%o de+eo# and configure a new custo$ AL scenario, co$#rises > ste#s82" Design and de+eo# the custo$ IDoc with it s seg$ents and a new $essage ty#e

/" Configure the AL en+iron$ent with the new IDoc and $essage ty#e (custo$er$ode,

 #artner #rofies and inking IDoc to $essage ty#e!" De+eo# the outbound #rocess which does the foowing8

2" Po#uates the custo$ IDoc with contro info and functiona data

/" Sends the IDoc to the AL ayer for distribution" 5#dates status and handes errors

;" Configure the AL inbound side (#artner #rofies with inbound #rocess code!

>" De+eo# the inbound #rocess which does the foowing8

2" eads the IDoc into a -DC tabeJ seects other data that is re@uired

/" uns transaction using ca transaction or -DC session" 5#dates status and handes errors

=iew7Downoad the Co$#ete :uide on AL Configuration and De+eo#$ent"

Let start earning IDOC" IDOC is new to $e as we" I earned it when I was in one of the #roect" It was great that I ha+e the o##ortunity to earn new stuff" -ack to the #ointG et

start what you need to do with IDOC"

2! Create seg$ent ('2!

Of course it wi ha+e na$ing con+ention for different co$#any" *ere are so$e ti#s8

If you co#y fro$ existing or std seg$ent eg8 322DP02402"

If not you can ust #ut 32G"but this is ony the exa$#e"

/! Create IDOC %y#es ('0!

! Create $essage ty#e ('92!

;! Link $essage ty#e with basic ty#e ('9/!

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>! Create .&

In the .& a the attributes shoud be the sa$e for Inbound or Outbound" -asicay you

can get an exa$#e fro$ the std .& eg8 Inbound H IDOC!IN#T!DE+0."

Outbound H IDOC!OT#T!H#%NT"

<! Create Process Code (Inbound H ';27 Outbound H ';/!

I%#O.T'NT8 -efore you key in the .&, you are re@uired to add the .& in this tabe


?! Link .& with -asic %y#e

.or testing go to '2F"

Here are some of t&e std program t&at you can use for IDOC 8

2! S6AS%00 H Issuing Out#ut ty#e

/! -DI6P5% H Processing Inbound idocs

! -DAPP02 H Processing Idocs that aready #rocessed before

;! -DS&A%) Stand aone #rogra$ to generate IDocs (Send &ateria!

>! -D&IDOC H Outbound triggered fro$ change #ointer 

<! SI6-00 H Con+ert fie to IDOC in status <;

SAP Material Management

IDOC Configuration

Posted in 5ncategoriKed  by sa#$$ on anuary /9, /00F

If you want to know the IDOC basic (create , execute and select the list) then ClickHere.

In this post let us see how to configure a new IDOC message type in the !" system.

 #he $ain !" #ransaction for IDOC processing is %&DI. ! soon as you go there youwill see all the t'code associated with the IDOC will appear. #his contains all the IDOCt'codes from creating to processing to configuration.

ere we are going to look in to a business case and see how we can configure theIDOC and how to process the IDOC. %e hae a #ext file coming from a *rd party withcustomer first name, last name and !ge.

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%e need to create a new message type and store this information as idoc. Once wereceied this IDOC we need to process the data and load this data to a table(real lifewe call a !" +!"I or sap function module normally +" create).


 #he text file format is as follows

irst name char(-), last name char(-) and age number (*).

!ll of the following things are transportable. ae the transports. /ou can moe thesame config and the data from one system to another using this transport.


Create and/or Configure New IDOC segments:

 #'Code is %&*0.

Create a new egment type 1#&#2C3#. ee the following screen shot.

Click create and see the following screen shot. 4ow the egment is created we areready to create Idoc types and $essage type.


Create and5or Configure 4ew IDOC types6

 #'Code is %&*0.

Create a new IDOC type ZTET!IDOC!T"#E$

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Click create that will take you to the next screen. see the screen shot.

Click on the create segment. ! pop'up will display. ee the following screen shot.elect the created segment type and click continue.

4ow click sae and sae the IDOC type. 4ow we hae a IDOC structure that can haethe first,last name and the age.4ow let us go to the message type.

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How to create an Idoc & Attached to SAP Transaction?

For example we want to trigger IDOC To other system when we

Sae the PO !ia "#$%'

To create an Idoc'

%' Create message type'

$' Attach (asic types o) IDOC to message type'

*' Attach F" to the message type com(ination o) IDOC types

+' Creat a process code and attach message type to it'

,' Create a Partner )-nction thro-gh .#$/' Add an message

type in the o-t(o-nd paramater'

0' Hae an entry o) port name and (asic types 1IDoc types2

in the o-t(o-nd options ta(

3' Add and an entry in the message control option with the

o-tp-t type 1"#$%4 O-tp-t type2 and the process code'

5' .hen yo- d( clic6 on the process code the F" sho-ld


7' .hen an o-tp-t is triggered in the "#$% transaction wit

the #DI o-tp-t medi-m' The idoc will (e triggered


create segment -sing we*% x4code

create idoc1(asic type 2 -sing we*/ x4code

then -se we5% and we 5$ x4codes


Check this site for multiple interview question andanswers.http://www.allinterview.com/showanswers/33632.html

hi )riends8while sending idoc )rom receier side i got msg

type * and %$'(-t in receier side while exec-ting we/$9i

am gettig the error :no idocs selected: instead o) gettingmsg type ,*'i am simply sending a material )rom one client

to another client'i) any(ody 6nows this pro(lem 6y reert


chec6 in(o-nd partner pro)ile1.#$/2 in the receier

side'gie the correct partner n-m(er9message type and

process code'i

 The ery )irst setting yo- need to chec6 is in distri(-tion

model i) the message type is con)ig-red )or gien sending

recieing system com(ination'i) this is correct and partner

pro)ile is wrong9 yo- will get an IDoc st-c in ,0 stat-s on


;o- can also chec6 in we/7 with giing more details li6e

segment name 1related to "A<A ta(le 2 and the corresponding

material no' in the )ield )or selection with "AT<'


I) a(oe answers didn:t sole yo-r Pro(lem9 Chec6 the Port

-m(ere in Tcode ID=%' and "essage types con)ig-ration in


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<en>ith <emanan


how to send the idoc to m-ltiple s-( systems?

As per my 6nowledge9 yo- cannot send the single IDOC to

m-ltiple system ' At a time an IDOC can (e directed to only

single system '

i) yo- are sending one idoc is to more systems yo- are

create one sender logical system and more recie logical

systems in T'COD# is SA#' then yoo- are send In T'COD#


Create Two o-tp-t type )or the same SoPO and assign the

o-tp-t type in partner pro)ile'

;o- Hae to "aintina distri(-tion model 1 @D0+ 2 )or this


Then yo- need to maintain the partner n-m(ers1ie logicalsystems2 in (oth SA#1tcode2 and @D0+' At the same time

maintain partner pro)iles )or each receier participating in

the comm-nication'

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What is IDOC 

• IDC ! Intermediate Document

• IDC is simpl" a data container used to e#chan$e information %etween an" twoprocesses that can understand the s"nta# and semantics of the data.

• &hen we e#ecute an outbound '() or )DI *rocess+ an IDC is created

• In an inbound '() or )DI process+ an IDC serves as input to create an applicationdocument.

• In the ,'* ,"stem+ IDCs are stored in database.

• )ver" IDC has an unique number  -within a client.

• IDCs are independent of the sending and receiving systems.-,'*to,'* as wellas 0on,'*

• IDCs are %ased on )DI standards+ '0,I ',C 12 and EDIFAC. In case of an"conflict in data sie+ it adopts one with $reater len$th

• IDCs are independent of the direction of data e#chan$e e.$. 4D)4,5:*urchasin$ module : In%ound and ut%ound

• IDCs can %e viewed in a te!t editor . Data is stored in character format instead of%inar" format.

IDOC Components

"asic ID#C ype $%e&'(

• asic IDC 7"pe defines the structure and format of the %usiness document that is to%e e#chan$ed.

• IDC 7"pe has a

 8 specific name

 8 list of permitted se$ments

 8 hierarch" of se$ments

 8 mandator"/optional se$ments

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 8 minimum/ma#imum ran$e of each se$ment.


• ,e$ment defines the format and structure of a data record. ,e$ments are reusa%lecomponents.

• 9or each se$ment ,'* creates

 8 ,e$ment 7"pe -version independent

 8 ,e$ment Definition -version dependent

 8 ,e$ment Documentation

• 7he last 3 characters is the version of the se$ment

• Definitions keep chan$in$ as per the version %ut the se$ment t"pe remains the same

IDOC Run-Time Components

• 'n IDC is an instance of an IDC 7"pe

• 't run time the followin$ events occur 

 8 ' unique IDC no. is allocated %" ,'*

 8 ne control record is attached to the IDC

 8 ,e$ments translate into data records

 8 ,tatus records are attached

 8 ,"nta# rules are checked.

• )ach IDC has 3 parts

 8 Control 4ecord

 8 Data 4ecord

 8 ,tatus 4ecord

• &e52 or &e5

Control )ecord

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• 'll control record data is stored in )DIDC ta%le. 7he ke" to this ta%le is the IDC0um%er 

• It contains information like IDC num%er+ sender+ recipient information+ channel it isusin$+ which port it is usin$ etc.

Data )ecord

• Data record contains application data like emplo"ee header info+ weekl" details+ clientdetails etc

• 'll data record data is stored in )DI;DD<5 ta%le and )DI;DD

Status )ecord

• ,tatus record are attached to an IDC at ever" milestone or when it encounter errors.

• 'll status record data is stored in )DID= ta%le.

Where and How IDOC is created 

&here and >ow an IDC is created?

• (ets take an e#ample to understand this:

• &henever a *urchase rder -* is created we want to send the IDC to a vendor.

• 7he * is sent in the form of an IDC to the vendor -partner. 7hat partner has to %e)DI ena%led in that s"stem.. ,'* should realie that it could send doc to this vendor

electronicall". -Creatin$ a vendor is not sufficient. *artner *rofile should %e )DI ena%ledi.e. ' partner profile should e#ist in the sap s"stem.

• @uotation+ 49@+ *+ ,+ Invoice+ deliver" challan etc are some of the commonl"e#chan$ed documents throu$h IDCs

• &e create onl" one profile for %oth in%ound and out%ound IDCs.

• *artner profile should contain messa$e t"peAAto %e a%le to e#chan$e the IDC.

• &e define partner t"pe+ partner function and messa$e t"pe -it distin$uish if an IDC is

%ein$ sent to same person in same function for different reason e.$. ,

Process Code

Creatin$ ut%ound *rocess Code -&)<

• &hat is *rocess Code?

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*rocess of fillin$ the IDC with application data is done %" 9unction Bodule. ut+function module is not assi$ned to a *artner. It is encapsulated %" a *rocess Code andthis *rocess Code is assi$ned to a *artner in *artner *rofile.

• 'ssi$nin$ 9unction Bodule to *rocess Code

o to 7ransaction &)<.

,witch to Chan$eE Bode and click 0ew )ntriesE.

)nter *rocess Code 0ame and assi$n the 9unction Bodule created.

Partner Profile

Creatin$ *artner *rofile -&)25

• &hat is *artner *rofile?

&e must maintain the %usiness partners with whom we communicate via IDocs+ in*artner *rofiles.

• ,teps to create *artner *rofile

oto 7ransaction &)25.

Click on Create utton.

)nter the 0um%er of Fendor Created in *artner 0o. and G(IH in *artner 7"pe fields.

,ave the Data.

9or ut%ound *artner *rofile we have to create ut%ound *arameters

,pecif" *artner 9unction+ Bessa$e t"pe created+ *ort -create a port in &)2+asic7"pe and utput Bode.

oto Bessa$e ControlE 7a% and link the Bessa$e 7"pe and *rocess Code created.


Chan$e 'pplication Data to %e transmitted

• Chan$e *urchase rder Created usin$ transaction B)22n for the Fendor to whichpartner profile has %een created.

• o to Bessa$esE + add the new Bessa$e 7"peE to the list and ,ave the *urchaserder.

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• 'n IDC will %e created for the purchase order and will %e dispatched to *47mentioned.

Check the status of IDC -&)52

• 7he IDC status can %e checked usin$ transaction &)52

• If the status is H53H+ it implies that IDC is passed to *ort.

Summary IDOC Wor!flow 

he sequence*

. Checks whether *artner profile e#ists or not

2. &hether that ** has a out%ound parameter 

3. &hether 0) messa$e t"pe is there or not -messa$e control

<. Checks the process code -$ives the name of 9unction module

. Checks immediate transfer or %atch transfer 

6. ased on that it checks the receiver port

J. 7hen it will tri$$er the 49C destination

=. 7hen it tri$$ers the event on su%s"stem/customer s"stem

K. 7ransfer the IDC to a port and transfer the Idoc in terms of file and it tri$$ers thecustomer s"stem

5. Customer knows from where it should pick up the file A.it picks up the file.

)#tendin$ an )#istin$ IDC 7"pe

• sed in cases where some additional information is required in addition to that supplied%" the ,tandard IDC 7"pe.

• In 7ransaction &)35 we create the IDC as an )#tension and specif" the %asic t"pe

for which it is an e#tension.

• &e add the se$ments needed as children to e#istin$ ones.

• 0one of the 4eference ,e$ments can %e deleted or chan$ed.

)#tension Child ,e$s

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asic 7"pe -4D)4,5






Cannot %e modified

IDC Fiews

• 'n IDC t"pe can %e used for more than one messa$e t"pe+ which results in IDCs

containin$ more fields than required for a particular messa$e t"pe.

• IDC views are used to improve performance in $eneratin$ IDCs to ensure onl" therelevant se$ments are filled with data.

• IDC Fiews are important onl" for ut%ound *rocessin$.

IDC 7"pe






*rocessin$ (o$ic

• 7he processin$ lo$ic associated with the IDC is the function module that is written tohandle the in%ound/out%ound IDC.

• Its written Lust like an" function module %ut has to follow a standard interface -i.e.Import+ )#port+ Chan$in$ M 7a%les parameters and it is should %e 49C ena%led.

• In this function module we are effectivel" %uildin$ up a ta%le of t"pe )DID< -IDC Datata%le and chan$e the control record.

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Pease et $e know the tabe which contains the infor$ation of IDOC with

ree+ant to PO ie, I want to find the exact ti$e M date as when PO is actuay

trans$itted fro$ SAP syste$ to +endor egards,
