Vol.8 ~大阪MICEカタログ~ (公財)大阪観光局

~大阪MICEカタログ~ › content...Appearing in Japanese traditional culture and studied by professionals in theater and cinema, “tate” is a unique sword fighting craft

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Page 2: ~大阪MICEカタログ~ › content...Appearing in Japanese traditional culture and studied by professionals in theater and cinema, “tate” is a unique sword fighting craft

Basic Support基本支援




Other Servicesその他












本カタログ記載の価格は全て税抜きですAll prices do not include tax


Page 3: ~大阪MICEカタログ~ › content...Appearing in Japanese traditional culture and studied by professionals in theater and cinema, “tate” is a unique sword fighting craft

Basic Support


A wide range of free services and support are available for those who choose Osaka as their event destination.



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観光ガイドブック/Sightseeing Guidebook


Official Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau Guidebook introducing the sights and spots of each of Osaka’s areas. Available in English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean.*For incentive tours, guidebooks are available for free for all participants.

For meetings, up to 200 total English or Japanese guidebooks, and up to 50 total traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, or Korean guidebooks, are available for free.

If the number of meeting participants or requested guidebooks exceeds 200, costs apply for the excess number of books.




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観光エリアマップ/Area Map




Official Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau Area Map listing all of Osaka’s areas. Available in English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean.*For incentive tours, maps are available for free for all participants.

For meetings, up to 200 total English or Japanese maps, and up to 50 total traditional Chinese, simplified Chinese, or Korean maps, are available for free.

If the number of meeting participants or requested maps exceeds 200, costs apply for the excess number of maps.




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関空ウェルカムボード/KIX Welcome Signage



大阪観光局ロゴと「Welcome to Osaka」のコメントを入れ、ご自由にデ


Be greeted with a welcome message upon arrival on a world-class plasma display system at the Kansai

International Airport Terminal 1 International Arrival Floor lobby. In addition to the Osaka Convention & Tourism

Bureau logo and a “Welcome to Osaka” message, the design is freely yours to arrange. Please send via

Powerpoint data.




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WEBサイトでの紹介/Introduction on OCTB Website

大阪観光局のMICEサイト内「What’s New」への会議開催の事前掲載



We can publish an announcement of your event or incentive tour on the Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau’s MICE website.

Please feel free to use this as an opportunity to promote your event or commemorate your incentive tour.





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通訳ボランティア/Volunteer Interpreter

アフターコンベンションや懇親会等へ向け、 英語・中国語・韓国語の通訳ボランティアをご紹介いたします。謝礼・交通費・食事代等の実費はご負担下さい。あくまでもボランティアであり、プロではございません。

We can introduce English, Chinese, or Korean volunteer interpreters for after-convention events or gatherings.Remuneration, transportation fees, meal costs, etc. are at the expense of the organizer. Please bear in mind that while these volunteers work diligently, they are not professionals.




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会議やインセンティブツアーへ参加されるみなさまが楽しむための幅広いプログラムをご用意しています。また一定条件を満たすものに対しては、無償支援をおこなっています。(※ の明記があるものに限る)

A wide variety of attractions and programs are available which enable participants of meetings and incentives to experience Japanese culture first-hand.If your event meets our criteria, we can offer one of the attractions for free.(*Only for items indicated with )





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今宮戎神社福娘/Imamiya-Ebisu Shrine Fortune Girls


The Fortune Girls from Imamiya-Ebisu Shrine can grace your reception or banquet by greeting participants at the entrance of the venue, or by hosting the traditional “Kagami-wari” sake barrel opening ceremony in Osaka style.Available only for international conferences of at least 200 participants, of whom at least 50 are from outside of Japan and represent at least 3 countries total.

Waiting room, light meals, and full-body mirror required and are at the expense of the organizer.




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和太鼓/Japanese Taiko Drums


Taiko drums, a traditional Japanese instrument, are played with incredible energy in an impressive show. Taiko drum performances are available for receptions or banquets, but please confirm in advance if a taiko drum performance is permissible at your event venue.


Starting at 60,000 JPY.Waiting room and light meals required and are at the expense of the organizer.





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侍ショー/Samurai Show

日本の伝統文化でもあり、舞台や映画といった業界人たちが学ぶ特殊技術「殺陣(たて)」。時代劇のようなチャンバラを是非お楽しみください。Appearing in Japanese traditional culture and studied by professionals in theater and cinema, “tate” is a unique sword fighting craft. With this experience you can enjoy sword play in the style of historical plays.

内容による。人数、プログラムなど別途ご相談ください。別途、控え室、軽食をご準備・ご負担ください。Price varies by content. Please inquire separately regarding the number of participants and program contents.Waiting room and light meals required and are at the expense of the organizer.





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戦国時代から伝わる伝統の忍術を披露するノンバーバル忍者ショー。英語での解説可能。Non-verbal ninja show displaying traditional “ninjustu” ninja techniques, which originated in the 15th

century Warring States period. English explanations available.

忍者ショー/Ninja Show

忍者3~4名、15~20分は80,000円~。忍者4~5名、15~20分は120,000円~。別途、交通費をご準備・ご負担ください。With 3- 4 ninja performers, a 15- 20 minute show starts at 80,000 JPY.With 4- 5 ninja performers, a 15- 20 minute show starts at 120,000 JPY.Transportation expenses are at the expense of the organizer.





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レセプションでのお出迎えやガラディナーでの日舞パフォーマンスなど、日本ならではのおもてなしをお届けします。ご一緒に写真撮影はいかがでしょう。Be greeted at your reception or gala dinner with Japanese Omotenashi (hospitality) from traditional Japanese dance performers clad in kimono. Event attendees are free to take pictures together with the performers.

日本舞踊&挨拶/Kimono Greeting & Performance


Price varies by content. Please inquire separately regarding number of people and program contents, etc.Waiting room and light meals required and are at the expense of the organizer.





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レセプション・会長招宴などへ音楽のテンポが速く音数が多い所に特徴がある三味線演奏家を派遣させていただきます。ひと時をお楽しみください。Enjoy at your reception or banquet a fast-paced performance from special performers of the shamisen, a Japanese instrument.

津軽三味線/Tsugaru Shamisen Performance


Starting at 60,000 JPY.Waiting room and light meals required and are at the expense of the organizer.





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バルーンアート/Balloon Art

キャラクターや動物などバリエーションに富んだバルーンアートとパフォーマンスを楽しんで頂けます。Enjoy a balloon art performance featuring an abundant variety of character and animal creations.

25,000円~。別途、交通費をご負担ください。Starting at 25,000 JPY.Transportation expenses are at the expense of the organizer.





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能/Noh Play

ユネスコ世界無形遺産の能楽を、ホテルの宴会場や会議場等で行われるレセプション・会長招宴などへ派遣させていただきます。日本を代表する伝統芸能によるおもてなしは、世界の人々の記憶に深く残ります。約15分の公演に加え、ワークショップも大変ご好評頂いております。英語や多言語による配布資料もご用意致します。Inscribed by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage, Noh theater is a traditional Japanese art form whose expression of Omotenashi (hospitality) leaves a deep impression on people from all over the world. Enjoy this popular musical drama at your banquet or reception held in a meeting space, hotel banquet hall, etc. In addition to a performance of around 15 minutes, a highly-praised workshop is also included. Materials in English and other languages available for distribution.


Starting at 400,000 JPY.Waiting room, wooden stage of at least around 15 sq.m, partition, etc. required and are at the expense of the organizer.




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文楽/Puppet Play

ユネスコ無形文化遺産にも登録されている大阪生まれの伝統芸能。物語を太夫が語り三味線が奏でる中、役を演じるのは、人形で1体を3人で遣う「三人遣い」という表現方法が特徴の人形劇。Osaka-born and designated an intangible cultural heritage, Bunraku is a traditional art form featuring puppets. While a shamisen plays and a narrator illustrates the story, puppets act out the narrative. Each puppet is maneuvered by three puppeteers, a style unique to Bunraku.

500,000円~。旅費は含まれていません。控え室をご準備・ご負担いただく場合があります。Starting at 500,000 JPY.Transportation expenses not included. Waiting room may be required and is at the expense of the organizer.




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乙女文楽/Maiden Puppet Play

大阪で誕生し、庶民の娯楽として親しまれた女性一人の人形遣い。その優雅で柔らかな人形の舞は、伝統の中に新しさを携えて今なお人々を魅了します。「古典芸能に馴染みのない方にも楽しんでいただく」を信条に国内各地はもとより海外でも広く活躍しています。1回の出演で2~3種類の演目を演じるのが一般的で、三味線、琴の演奏や歌、語りはCDを使用。Otome-bunraku (maiden puppetry) is a style of puppetry born in Osaka that in the early 20th century evolved from traditional bunraku. This elegant style features a single female puppeteer handling a puppet, as well as female singers. A single performance features two or three different programs, and typically has shamisen and koto performances, as well as singing or narration from a CD.

150,000円~。別途、控え室、軽食、姿見、交通費、通訳をご準備・ご負担ください。Starting at 150,000 JPY.Waiting room, light meals, full-length mirror, transportation expenses, and interpreter required and are at the expense of the organizer.

七福神Seven Gods of Fortune

藤娘Fuji Musume

静御前Shizuka Gozen





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天神講/Tenjin Matsuri Festival Session


The Tenjin Matsuri festival is held every year to celebrate Sugawara no Michizane, a famous scholar and poet from the 9th century who is deified as Tenjin, the Shinto god of learning. The festival, widely considered one of the top three festivals in Japan, features a long procession of dancers and drummers. Have a troupe of these impressive dancers come perform at your next event.

600,000円~。別途、控え室、軽食、交通費をご準備・ご負担ください。Starting at 600,000 JPY.Waiting room, light meals, and travel expenses required and are at the expense of the organizer.




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梅花女子大学体育会チアリーディング部による15~30分のパフォーマンス。ポンポンで、「オオサカ」・「OSAKA」等、カタカナや数字、ハートなどの記号での文字作成もリクエスト可能。A performance from the Baika Women's University cheerleading team, lasting 15- 30 minutes. With their pompoms, the cheerleaders spell out words such as “Osaka” in both English and Japanese, and other words can be spelled out by request.


内容による。人数、プログラムなどご相談ください。別途、控え室、軽食、舞台(横12mx奥行10m以上・天井高5m以上)、音響設備、マイク、ユニフォームクリーニング代、交通費(スクールバス使用料・高速代・駐車料金)をご準備・ご負担ください。Price varies by content. Please inquire separately regarding number of people and program content, etc.Waiting room, light meals, stage of 12m x 10m with height of at least 5m, audio equipment, microphone, uniform cleaning fee, and transportation expenses (including bus hiring fee, highway tolls, and parking fees) required and at the expense of the organizer.




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1922年大阪に誕生し、今年創立96周年を迎えたOSK日本歌劇団は、戦前より宝塚歌劇団・松竹歌劇団(SKD)と並ぶ「三大少女歌劇」として人気を博しました。「ロケット」とも呼ばれるスピーディで迫力あるラインダンス、テーマソング「桜咲く国」にのせてパラソルが回る華やかなフィナーレなど、OSKレビューの伝統を受け継ぎつつ、今日まで常に新鮮な舞台を作り続けています。Founded in 1922, the OSK Revue is an all-women performance troupe that has gained popularity that rivals the Takarazuka Revue, another all-women troupe. Well-known for their quick and energetic line dancing, also called “Rocket,” the OSK Revue is famous for the finale performance of their theme song “Sakura SakuKuni” (“Land Where the Cherry Blossoms Bloom”) while swirling vivid parasols. The OSK Revue manages to keep their traditions alive while always bringing fresh and new shows to the stage.

OSK日本歌劇団/OSK Revue

内容による。人数、プログラムなど別途ご相談ください。別途、音響設備、照明、舞台、控え室をご準備・ご負担ください。Price varies by content. Please inquire separately regarding number of people and program content, etc.Audio and lighting equipment, stage, and waiting room required and are at the expense of the organizer.




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英語落語/Japanese Comic Storytelling in English

400年以上の歴史を持つ落語を、英語(または日本語)にて公演。着物姿で座布団に座った人が、1人で声の変化や身振り手振り、顔の表情だけであらゆる登場人物を演じ分ける無限に広がる豊かな想像の世界「落語ワールド」を楽しんでみませんか。Rakugo is a comic storytelling art with over 400 years of history, and this unique performance is in English (Japanese available.) A single storyteller clad in kimono sits atop a cushion and depicts an epic tale using multiple voices, gestures, and facial expressions. Enjoy a trip through the world of Rakugo with unlimited imagination.

内容による。落語家1名1席30分~。オプションとして、ワークショップ・講演・ラフターヨガあり。Price varies by content. A performance from one storyteller is approximately 30 minutes.Additional options include a workshop, lecture, and laughter yoga.





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弾き語り/Singing and Piano Performance


Serenade your reception or banquet with jazz or film scores from a professional musician.

60,000円~。別途、控え室、軽食、ピアノをご準備・ご負担ください。Starting at 60,000 JPY.Waiting room, light meals, and piano required and are at the expense of the organizer.





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アコーディオン演奏/Accordion Performance

レセプション・会長招宴へシャンソンなどでなじみのあるアコーディオン演奏家を派遣させていただきます。ひと時をお楽しみください。Enjoy a lively and intimate accordion performance from a professional musician at your reception or banquet.

60,000円~。別途、控え室、軽食をご準備・ご負担ください。Starting at 60,000 JPY.Waiting room and light meals required and at the expense of the organizer.





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琵琶演奏/Biwa Performance


Starting at 60,000 JPY.Waiting room and light meals required and are at the expense of the organizer.

レセプション・会長招宴へ平家物語などの語りでも使用された琵琶の演奏家を派遣させていただきます。ひと時をお楽しみください。Enjoy at your reception or banquet a performance on the biwa, a traditional Japanese lute, featuring songs that depict scenes from The Tale of Heike.





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琴演奏/Koto Performance

60,000円~。別途、控え室、軽食をご準備・ご負担ください。Starting at 60,000 JPY.Waiting room and light meals required and are at the expense of the organizer.

レセプション・会長招宴へ日本を代表する伝統楽器の琴演奏家を派遣させていただきます。ひと時をお楽しみください。Enjoy a performance of the koto, a traditional Japanese harp, at your reception or banquet.





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太神楽曲芸/Daikagura Acrobatics

レセプション・会長招宴へ日本古来からの伝統芸を披露する曲芸師を派遣させていただきます。ひと時をお楽しみください。Bring to your reception or banquet a dazzling performance of traditional acrobatics and balancing acts.


Starting at 60,000 JPY.Waiting room and light meals required and are at the expense of the organizer.





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雅楽/Gagaku (Ancient Ceremonial Music)

日本の古典音楽として、1200年以上の歴史をもつ雅楽。笙・篳篥・龍笛などの雅楽楽器の奏でる音や楽曲の豊かさ、表現に注目し、古来より宮廷で育成された正当な音楽をお楽しみください。Gagaku is imperial court music with over 1200 years of history in Japan, performed today at Imperial Palace events or state dinners. Using various traditional wind, string, and percussion instruments, gagaku produces beautiful and dramatic musical performances. Enjoy at your event a performance of music that has been passed down throughout the centuries alongside the Imperial Family.

350,000円~。別途、控え室、軽食をご準備・ご負担ください。Starting at 350,000 JPY.Waiting room and light meals required and are at the expense of the organizer.




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日本センチュリー交響楽団/Japan Century Symphony Orchestra

フルオーケストラの貸切コンサートから少人数の室内楽コンサートまで日本センチュリー交響楽団が出張演奏いたします。社内イベント、各種レセプション等でご利用ください。お申し込みは3カ月前まで。From a small performance of a few musicians to the full orchestra, reservations are available from the Japan Century Symphony Orchestra, ideal for company events and various receptions. Applications are required 3 months in advance.

費用、スケジュールは要相談。別途、交通費、運搬費、控室をご準備・ご負担ください。Consultation required for fees and schedule.Transportation expenses, delivery fees, and waiting room required and are at the expense of the organizer.




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大阪フィルハーモニー交響楽団/Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra

フルオーケストラの貸切コンサートから少人数の室内楽コンサートまで大阪フィルハーモニー交響楽団が出張演奏いたします。社内イベント、各種レセプション等でご利用ください。From a small performance of a few musicians to the full orchestra, reservations are available from the Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra, ideal for company events and various receptions.

費用、スケジュールは要相談。別途、交通費、運搬費、控室をご準備・ご負担ください。Consultation required for fees and schedule.Transportation expenses, delivery fees, and waiting room required and are at the expense of the organizer.




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書道パフォーマンス/Japanese Calligraphy Performance

日本の伝統文化である「書」のもつ魅力を、たくさんの人に伝えたい。想いを筆に込めて書を全身で表現いたします。活きた文字をライブでご覧ください。Calligraphy in Japan has a rich history and has developed into a performance art. In this live performance, the artist pours their emotion into a large brush and paints the characters using their entire body.


Starting at 200,000 JPY.Transportation expenses from Kobe required and are at the organizer’s expense.*When using panels, please have some prepared or use existing ones. (4 panels of 1800h x 600w.) A separate fee of 50,000 JPY applies when using existing ones.




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日本料理教室/Japanese Cooking Class

日本文化への理解を深める体験型日本料理教室。講師と一緒に楽しく調理・盛り付け・試食をお楽しみ頂けます。上質な食材、伝統的な和の食器を使って、味だけでなく視覚からも日本料理の奥深さをご堪能頂けます。Experience a Japanese cooking class to deepen your understanding of Japanese culture. Together with the instructor, you will learn and experience the preparation and arrangement of dishes, and of course enjoy tasting them. Using high-quality ingredients and traditional Japanese dishware, you will be able to appreciate not just the taste but also the sight of genuine Japanese cooking.

寿司コース、天ぷらコース、弁当コース、和菓子ワークショップなど多数あり。別途ご相談くださいCourse options include sushi, tempura, bento, and wagashi workshop, among others. Please inquire separately regarding options.




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By working through problem-solving games, your team will be able to improve their teamwork and individual sense of contribution. A professional facilitator will lead an original program with consideration to your to your team’s number of participants, goals, time, venue, budget, etc.

チームビルディング/Team Building









-変化、成長をし続ける組織-競争優位を常に獲得する-Continuous organizational change and growth-Always have a competitive edge

内容による。別途ご相談ください。Price varies by content. Please inquire separately.

TrustMutual GrowthNetworktivity

Human Resources

(Dynamism)Showing your abilities &



Recognizing and extending relationships

Organizational Capabilities

(Focusing)Focusing your energy





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本格忍者衣装に着替えて忍者に変身。手裏剣・刀の持ち方など忍者ならではの体験をしていただけます。英語での解説可能。Change into genuine ninja garb and transform into a ninja. Learn and experience the ninja way to hold shuriken throwing stars and katana.English explanations available.

忍者体験/Ninja Experience

「忍者堂」貸切でのご体験(10名まで)は40,000円~。出張体験は5,000円~/1名あたり。別途、会場をご準備・ご負担ください。Reservations at the Ninja-Do venue (up to 10 participants) start at 40,000 JPY.Dispatch reservations start at 5,000 JPY per person.Venue reservations and transportation expenses required and are at the expense of the organizer.





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日本の伝統文化である「折り紙」を使い、箸置きなどの作り方を体験いただきます。作成した折り紙はお土産にお持ち帰りいただけます。Experience creating various creatures and objects through the traditional Japanese craft of origami. Take your origami creations home to remember the experience.

2,000円~/1名あたり。別途、交通費をご負担ください。Starting at 2,000 JPY per person.Transportation expenses are at the expense of the organizer.





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書道体験/Japanese Calligraphy Experience

日本の伝統文化である「書道」を、筆ペンを使って体験いただきます。筆ペンや書いていただいたものはお持ち帰りいただけます。Experience Japanese calligraphy, a traditional art filled with history. Take home the creations made by your own hand to remember the experience.


Starting at 3,000 JPY per person.Transportation expenses are at the expense of the organizer.




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着物体験/Kimono Rental

日本の伝統文化「着物」を本格的に体験いただけます。お好みの着物で大阪の街をお楽しみください。各種着物全てお着付けいたします。Try on a genuine kimono, and enjoy traversing the streets of Osaka in your favorite one. All garments, as well as assistance in getting dressed, are included.

3,500円~/1名あたり。その他、プランによる。別途ご相談ください。Starting at 3,500 yen per person.Other fees apply depending on plan, so please inquire separately.




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手作り和装小物教室/Handmade Accessories Lesson

日本の伝統「つまみ細工」で簡単な和アクセサリー作りを体験。内容により、30分~2時間。お子様でもご参加いただけます。自分専用の和装小物をお持ち帰りいただけます。Tsumami-zaiku is a traditional handicraft method using small, square pieces of cloth to make intricate ornaments. With this lesson, you can make simple yet beautiful Japanese accessories. Lessons can last between 30 minutes and 2 hours depending on content, and children are welcome to attend. Bring home your Japanese accessory creations as a souvenir.

2,000円~/1名あたり。プランによる。別途ご相談ください。Starting at 2,000 JPY per person.Other fees vary by plan, so please inquire separately.




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花魁道中/Oiran Courtesan Procession

豪華絢爛な着物と装飾を身にまとった太夫の花魁道中、華やかで芸術的な太夫は会場に花を添え、思い出となる写真撮影ができます。Take memorable photos of a Tayu (high-ranking courtesan) procession where the Tayu wear luxurious and gorgeous kimonos and graciously lay flowers on the stage.




太夫1名、肩貸し1名、90,000円。太夫の人数を増やすことも可能です。大阪市内でのご依頼は交通費を含みます。控室はご用意ください。90,000 JPY per Tayu. The number of Tayu can be increased upon request.Transportation expenses are included for performances within Osaka City. Please prepare a green room.

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大きな花火玉打上演出・小型の都市型花火演出・パフォーマーと融合した複合演出などの多種多様な花火演出が可能です。花火演出実績場所(万博迎賓館・長居公園・ガーデンオリエンタルなど多数)オプションで文字仕掛け花火も可能です。From large-scale productions to small, urban displays, a wide variety of fireworks productions are available, such as combined performances with performers. Previous venues where fireworks have been launched include the Banpaku Geihinkan, Nagai Park, and the Garden Oriental, among many others. Text fireworks are also available as an additional option.


別途土地使用料が必要な場合があります。強風時は中止の可能性があります。Starting at 250,000 JPY.Launching size #2 fireworks requires a launch area with a safety distance of at least 100m in radius.Urban fireworks productions require a launch area with a safety distance of about 50m x 50m. (The same is true for combined performances with performers.)Additionally, permission from the landowner and all concerned parties is required. Separate land use fees may be required. In the event of strong winds, fireworks performances may be cancelled.



41『オプションの文字仕掛け花火』Optional text fireworks

『都市型花火演出花火』Urban fireworks production


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会議やインセンティブツアーへ参加されるみなさまが楽しむための幅広いアイテムをご用意しています。また一定条件を満たすものに対しては、無償支援をおこなっています。(※ の明記があるものに限る)★支援



A wide variety of items are available which enable participants of meetings and incentives to experience Japanese culture first-hand.If your event meets our criteria, we can offer one of the items for free.(*Only for items indicated with )★支援

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樽酒/Japanese Sake Barrel

懇親会などへ樽酒を提供させていただきます。宴席のオープニングにご利用ください。4斗樽、中身1斗。木槌・杓、枡はレンタル有り(紛失時有償)。Have a sake barrel delivered right to your reception or banquet. The barrel can be broken open with a wooden mallet for a unique and memorable opening ceremony for your party. One 72-liter barrel contains approximately 18 liters of sake. Mallet, serving ladles, and masu (traditional Japanese wooden serving containers) available for rental. (Fees apply for lost items.)

60,000円~。別途、送料をご負担ください。持込料が必要な場合がございます。Starting at 60,000 JPY.Shipping fees are at the expense of the organizer. Corkage fees may apply.





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地酒/Osaka-brewed Sake

懇親会などへ地酒を提供させていただきます。参加者へのお土産等にもご活用ください。多数の銘柄がございますので、支援予算内でいろいろな銘柄よりお選びいただけます。Local Osaka sake available for your banquet or reception, to be served at the event or distributed as a souvenir for attendees to bring home. There are many varieties, but various brands are available for selection within the support budget.



醸るり吟醸Joruri Ginjo



Amanosake Honjouzou


特別純米醴(れい)Special Junmai: Rei


濃醇 梅酒Nojun Plum Wine


1本あたり1,000~3,000円。別途、送料をご負担ください。持込料が必要な場合がございます。One bottle is between 1,000- 3,000 JPY.Shipping fees are at the expense of the organizer. Corkage fees may apply.





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河内醸造ワイン/Kawachi-made Wine


Tenshi no Kajitsu Campbell

500ml 白/赤・甘口Red/White・Sweet

太閤夢露ワインTaiko Dream Dew Wine

720ml 白/赤・辛口

Red/White・Dry 大阪城天守閣所蔵の大坂夏の陣屏風図の一部をラベ

ルに使用With a label featuring portions of artwork on display

within Osaka Castle

河内醸造わいんKawachi-made Wine

360ml 白/赤・辛口Red/White・Dry


750ml 白・中口White/Medium Dry

「たこ焼きにも合うスパークリング」でたこシャンA sparkling wine that pairs well with Takoyaki.

1本あたり500~3,000円。別途、送料をご負担ください。持込料が必要な場合がございます。One bottle is between 500- 3,000 JPY.Shipping fees are at the expense of the organizer. Corkage fees may apply.


Local Osaka wine available for your banquet or reception, to be served at the event or distributed as a souvenir for attendees to bring home. There are many varieties, but various brands are available for selection within the support budget.





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普段は薄くコンパクトに、使用時は大容量に収納可能なコングレスバッグ。資料を入れる軽いバッグから、パソコンを持ち運べる丈夫なものまで、オリジナルデザインを1色プリントにて制作可能。Thin and compact congress bags with plenty of storage space when in use. Capable of handling items from lightweight documents to hefty laptops. Original design printing on one color available.

コングレスバッグ/Congress Bag

1枚@130円+版代~。130 JPY per bag, plus additional charges for design.

A4 不織布バッグカラー:7色より選択

A4 Nonwoven Fabric Bag7 color options

A4 ポリエステルバッグカラー:6色より選択

A4 Polyester Bag6 color options


Cotton Bag (Medium)9 color options





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大阪ノベルティ/Osaka Novelty

クリアファイルやリングノート、モバイルバッテリーなど、各種グッズを大阪のイラストを用いて制作!お好きなアイテムをオーダー頂けます。Various items and goods such as clear file folders, ring notebooks, and mobile batteries all featuring original Osaka designs. Any and all items are available for order.

内容による。費用・ロット・納期など、別途ご相談ください。Varies by item. Please inquire separately regarding cost, batch production, timeline, etc.


紙袋・USBメモリPaper Bag/USB

クリアファイルClear File





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オリジナルノベルティ/Original Novelty

ボールペンやポストイットなど、各種ノベルティをオリジナルで制作!その他、色々なノベルティを作成可能です。Various original novelty items such as ball point pens and post-it notes. Other items available for production.

PC2WAYクリーナーPC2WAY Cleaner


ラペルボールペンBall Point Pen


マルチメモPost-it note


内容による。費用・ロット・納期など、別途ご相談ください。Varies by item. Please inquire separately regarding cost, batch production, timeline, etc.




カードケースCard Case






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色鮮やかなグラスに繊細なカットと磨きを施した切子グラスです。底面にロゴマークや日付等の彫刻が可能です。日本伝統の和柄文様を彫刻した天開グラスと香り高いひのき升のセットは、日本酒を粋にお楽しみいただけます。Intricately cut and adorned with vivid colors, this glassware can also be engraved on the underside with original designs such as a logo or a date. Cut glass embellished with traditional Japanese designs pairs well with the “masu” serving block, made from fragrant cypress wood, to make for a truly exquisite way to enjoy Japanese sake.

切子グラス3,500円~、和柄天開グラス1,800円~。ロゴマークなどの加工費は、別途500円~。Cut glass starting at 3,500 JPY, sake serving glass starting at 1,800 JPY.Additional design work such as a logo starts at an additional 500 JPY.

切子グラスCut glass

和柄天開Japanese-patterned sake serving glass




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お茶/Japanese Tea

歓迎の想いをこめて!団体名やロゴマークなどオリジナルデザインを使ったパッケージでお茶をお届け。2メガ以上のJPEGデータを提供下さい。Filled with a sense of welcoming, you can receive a package of tea featuring your own original design such as your organization’s name or logo. Please send a JPEG file of at least 2MB.

1袋あたり200~500円。200- 500 JPY per bag.

Welcome to Osaka

こころばかりの一煎茶Simple green tea bags大阪市の花「サクラ」

日本の美意識をこめた<飲む風流>で花開く歓迎の気持ちを【桜茶】はあらわします。Sakura tea filled with a sense of Japanese beauty for an elegant drinking experience, and a blossoming flower for a sense of welcoming.

※袋は一例ですExample bags





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お菓子詰め合わせセット。チョコレートやカフェオレ味といったおなじみのフレーバーや、抹茶やきな粉といった日本独特のフレーバーを準備しております。Candy available in familiar flavors such as chocolate or café au lait, or in unique Japanese flavors such as matcha or kinako.

1個当たり200円~。500個から承ります。Starting at 200 JPY per bag. Available for orders of at least 500 bags.





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組飴/Original Candy

個装ピロに入った約5グラムのキャンディ。味を選んで、オリジナルデザインの飴ちゃんをお届けします。5 gram candies in individuals wrappers. Flavor and original design available for selection.

1ロット4,000粒 60,000円~。デザインが複雑な場合は、5,000粒 75,000円~。A batch of 4,000 pieces starts at 60,000 JPY.For more intricate designs, a batch of 5,000 pieces starts at 75,000 JPY.





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オリジナル焼印おせんべい/Original Design Rice Cracker

ご希望の言葉やロゴマークなどで焼印をお作りし、玉子せんべいに一枚一枚、手押しします。イベントや行事の記念品に最適です。添加物不使用。玉子たっぷりサクサクの食感とやさしい味わいをお楽しみください。Design a message or logo and have it emblazoned on senbei, Japanese rice crackers with a subtle taste and satisfying crunch. Ideal for memorializing your event or ceremony. Made with eggs, and no additives used.

おせんべい代1枚60円~。焼印制作代10,000~20,000円前後(絵柄により金額が異なります)。One rice cracker starts at 60 JPY.A production fee of 10,000- 20,000 JPY applies. (Cost varies by design.)





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巾着袋/Drawstring Bag

口がきゅっと締まり、カバンの中の整理にもピッタリな巾着袋。大阪の記念品としてご利用いただけます。オリジナルデザインを1色プリントにて制作可能。A drawstring bag with an opening able to be tightly fastened, and contents able to be securely set. Use this bag as a souvenir to remember your time in Osaka, or make an original design to have printed on the bag.

内容による。費用・ロット・納期など、別途ご相談ください。Varies by content. Please inquire separately regarding cost, batch production, timeline, etc.






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にじゆら 注染手ぬぐい/Original Multi Cloth by Nijiyura

株式会社ナカニは、染色工場として大阪・堺で創業52年。大阪で明治時代に生まれた、一度にたくさんの生地を染色する“注染”という技術で手ぬぐいを制作しています。手染めならではのアジのある“ぼかし”や“にじみ”をデザインに取り入れ、現代に沿ったオリジナル手ぬぐいを制作します。Nakani Co. is a textile company in operation since 1966, specializing in dyeing and crafting Nijiyura-brand “tenugui,” multi-purpose cloths that have developed their own culture in Japan. Originally made for household use, tenugui in modern times are now intricately designed for use as souvenirs, decorations, and even fashion. Tenugui are hand-dyed with tasteful gradations and watercolor-like blurring.

費用目安 1,000円~/枚(型+手ぬぐい代)。デザイン制作 40,000円~。最小ロット 100枚。枚数が多くなると費用が下がります(例 1,000枚 500円~/枚)。Approximately 1,000 JPY per sheet (cost of production and cloth)

Design fee starting at 40,000 JPY. Minimum of 100 sheets per order.

Cost will decrease for larger orders. For example, orders of 1,000 cloths will cost 500 JPY per cloth.




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会議やインセンティブツアーへ参加されるみなさまが楽しむための幅広いケータリングをご用意しています。また一定条件を満たすものに対しては、無償支援をおこなっています。(※ の明記があるものに限る)


A wide variety of catering options are available which enable participants of meetings and incentives to experience Japanese culture first-hand.If your event meets our criteria, we can offer one of the options for free.(*Only for options indicated with )



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ドリンクケータリング/Drink Catering

ドリップコーヒーをはじめ、エスプレッソ、アレンジコーヒー、カフェインレス、紅茶、フレッシュジュース、スムージー、ミネラルウォーターなど多種にわたりご用意いたします。A wide variety of beverages are available for serving, including drip coffee, espresso, select coffee drinks, caffeine-free coffee, tea, fresh juice, smoothies, and mineral water.

準備費+機器レンタル費25,000円 + 各種ドリンク100円~。人件費、電気容量 2回路/3kw以上、テーブル1台(600×1800mm)程度のスペース別途要。Starting at 25,000 JPY for preparation costs and equipment rental, plus 100 JPY per drink. Additional labor costs apply. Two electric circuits capable of least 3kW and one table of at least 600 x 1800mm required.




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出張バリスタ/Barista Catering Service

バリスタが抹茶、エスプレッソ、カプチーノ、カフェモカ、スイーツを出張で提供します。可食性容器(エコプレッソ)を使用し、SDGsに配慮したサービスが可能です。ラテアートなどもご要望に応じて対応可能。Have a barista come serve your event with items such as matcha, espresso, cappucchino, café mocha, and sweets. Featuring the ecopresso, an edible cup born from efforts to meet the sustainable developments goals (SDGs) set forth by the UN. Latte art also available by request.

①100杯パック 60,000円~

②200杯パック 100,000円~

③500杯パック 200,000円~

出張料、設置費込み。杯数、ドリンク内容はご相談ください。① 100 cup pack starting at 60,000 JPY.② 200 cup pack starting at 100,000 JPY.③ 500 cup pack starting at 200,000 JPY.

Includes travel and installation costs. Please inquire regarding desired drinks and number of cups.

カップはクッキータイプ、グルテンフリータイプの2種類。クッキータイプには、9文字まで文字入れ可能。Two varieties of cup, cookie and gluten-free, are available. For the cookie cup, up to 9 letters can be adorned on the side.




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定番のものからお出汁の文化が根付いた関西ならではのお弁当など、リーズナブルなお弁当から、豪華で贅沢な折箱弁当まで、幅広くご対応させていただきます。シーンと目的に合わせたお弁当をお楽しみください。Bento are boxed meals found everywhere in Japan, and are filled with colorful and nutritious foods. Various bento are available for serving, including Kansai-limited meals, from classic boxes with typical Japanese dishes to elaborate arrangements with luxury ingredients.

内容による。別途ご相談ください。Varies by item. Please inquire separately regarding price.




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会議やインセンティブツアーをより快適に開催頂けるよう、幅広いプログラムをご用意しています。また一定条件を満たすものに対しては、無償支援をおこなっています。(※ の明記があるものに限る)

Additional Services

Additional services are available to assist with the smooth running of events.If your event meets our criteria, we can offer one of the options for free.(*Only for options indicated with )



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アンケートシステム/Questionnaire System

クラウドでご提供するアンケートシステム。スマートフォンやPCで誰でも参加できるリアルタイム アンケート システム、集計結果はリアルタイムに確認・表示できます。全国のイベント、セミナー、展示会、学会などで利用されています。Questionnaire system accessible through the cloud. Survey participants can respond on their smartphone or PC, and results are collected in real time. Ideal for any kind of seminar, exhibition, conference, etc.

100,000円~。ご利用される人数・オプションにより金額が異なります。Starting at 100,000 JPY.Price varies depending on options and number of participants.

Create questionnaire in a PC browser Respond on a smartphone via QR code Output and display the data in real time





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When establishing a daycare center at the time of holding a meeting, childcare-licensed staff can be dispatched and take the children of meeting participants (from 0 years old) under their care. Care in multiple languages is available.Please take advantage of this service for international conferences, etc.


1 dispatched childcare staff: 3,000 JPY per hour (Including transportation fee, excluding daycare space fee) The daycare space can be prepared by the childcare staff, so please inquire. Ex. In the case of taking 5 children for 6 hours: 36,000 JPY + daycare space fee (Dispatch 2 staff members)



出張託児サービス/Childcare Service


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E-mail: [email protected]



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