Soal Fisika Matahari Calon Peserta Olimpiade Astronomi Pengajar: Dr. Dhani Herdiwijaya, M.Sc. Pilih jawaban yang paling tepat 1. As a newly formed of the sun continues to contract, its temperature increases while the chemical nature of the gas does not change. What will happen to the peak wavelength of its emitted radiation? A) It will move toward shorter wavelengths (e.g., IR to visible). B) It will not change, because it is not dependent upon temperature. C) It will remain constant, because the chemical state of the gas does not change. D) It will move toward longer wavelengths (e.g., visible to IR). 2. The hot, dense gas existing on the Sun A) emits energy only at certain wavelengths, line emission from hydrogen gas, and not at other wavelengths. B) emits energy at all wavelengths, with a peak at one particular wavelength (color). C) emits energy mostly at the longest and shortest wavelengths, with a minimum in between. D) emits energy with the same intensity at all wavelengths, the Earth's atmosphere absorbing radiation at both short and long visible wavelengths to produce the observed spectrum. 3. A small particle of interplanetary material is heated by friction from a temperature of 400 K to 4000 K as it falls into the atmosphere of the Earth and produces a meteor or a shooting star in our sky. If this object behaves like a perfect blackbody over this short time, how will its emitted radiation change as it is heated? A) Its intensity will rise by a factor of 100 while the peak wavelength of emitted light will become shorter by a factor of 100, moving from the infrared to the ultraviolet. B) Its total intensity will rise by a factor of 10,000 while its peak wavelength will become longer by a factor of 10, moving from the visible to the infrared or heat radiation. C) Its total emitted intensity will rise by a factor of 10,000 while its peak wavelength will become shorter by a factor of 10, from infrared to red visible light. D) Its total intensity will rise by a factor of 10, while its peak wavelength will become shorter by a factor of 10,

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Which of the following part(s) of the electromagnetic spectrum penetrate the atmosphere well

Soal Fisika Matahari

Calon Peserta Olimpiade AstronomiPengajar: Dr. Dhani Herdiwijaya, M.Sc.

Pilih jawaban yang paling tepat1. As a newly formed of the sun continues to contract, its temperature increases while the chemical nature of the gas does not change. What will happen to the peak wavelength of its emitted radiation? A) It will move toward shorter wavelengths (e.g., IR to visible).

B) It will not change, because it is not dependent upon temperature.

C) It will remain constant, because the chemical state of the gas does not change.

D) It will move toward longer wavelengths (e.g., visible to IR).

2. The hot, dense gas existing on the Sun

A) emits energy only at certain wavelengths, line emission from hydrogen gas, and not at other wavelengths.

B) emits energy at all wavelengths, with a peak at one particular wavelength (color).

C) emits energy mostly at the longest and shortest wavelengths, with a minimum in between.

D) emits energy with the same intensity at all wavelengths, the Earth's atmosphere absorbing radiation at both short and long visible wavelengths to produce the observed spectrum.

3. A small particle of interplanetary material is heated by friction from a temperature of 400 K to 4000 K as it falls into the atmosphere of the Earth and produces a meteor or a shooting star in our sky. If this object behaves like a perfect blackbody over this short time, how will its emitted radiation change as it is heated?

A) Its intensity will rise by a factor of 100 while the peak wavelength of emitted light will become shorter by a factor of 100, moving from the infrared to the ultraviolet.

B) Its total intensity will rise by a factor of 10,000 while its peak wavelength will become longer by a factor of 10, moving from the visible to the infrared or heat radiation.

C) Its total emitted intensity will rise by a factor of 10,000 while its peak wavelength will become shorter by a factor of 10, from infrared to red visible light.

D) Its total intensity will rise by a factor of 10, while its peak wavelength will become shorter by a factor of 10, moving from the infrared to red visible light.

4. What evidence do we have that the Sun contains the element, iron?

A) Solar spectra show absorption in spectral lines that are characteristic of iron and are unique to it.

B) The peak wavelength of the continuum spectrum of sunlight is characteristic of the emission spectrum of iron, as seen when a piece of iron is heated in the laboratory.

C) Scientists have collected meteorites composed of almost pure iron that have originated in the Sun.

D) Magnetic fields exist in sunspots and on the Sun, and these must be produced by iron in the same way that the Earth's magnetic field is generated.

5. Which of the following best describe the nature of light? A) Light exhibits properties of both wave and particle yet it is physically neither a wave nor a particle.

B) Light is physically a wave although it also exhibits particle properties.

C) Light is physically a particle although it also exhibits wave properties.

D) Light is physically a wave and a particle at the same time.

E) Light is sometimes physically a wave and other times physically a particle.6. The dark absorption lines in the solar spectrum are caused

A) by a cooler layer of gas overlying the hot solar interior, which contains many elements including H, He, Mg, Ca, Fe, etc.

B) by a cooler layer overlying the hot solar interior, consisting solely of hydrogen gas, which produces all the absorption lines.

C) solely by absorption by atoms and molecules in the Earth's cool atmosphere.

D) by a hotter layer of gas that overlies the cooler solar interior, and which produces the absorption lines.

7. Interstellar space (the space between the stars) is filled with an extremely low-density gas composed mostly of hydrogen. In the vicinity of a hot star, this gas can be heated to a very high temperature. This hot, low-density gas will

A) emit light at specific wavelengths characteristic of hydrogen.

B) emit light at all wavelengths in a blackbody spectrum, with emission lines characteristic of hydrogen superimposed on this spectrum.

C) emit light at all wavelengths, in a blackbody spectrum characteristic of a hot gas.

D) reflect light at specific wavelengths characteristic of hydrogen.

8. Atoms of hot hydrogen gas will emit the Balmer series of spectral lines at visible wavelengths when the electrons fall from all higher atomic energy levels to

A) the ionization level, or n = infinity.

B) the next level down for each level (e.g., n = 4 to n = 3).

C) the first excited level, n = 2.

D) the ground state, n =19. Where does the Paschen series of spectral lines from hydrogen gas appear in the electromagnetic spectrum?

A) In the radio range.

B) In the ultraviolet region.

C) In the infrared.

D) In the visible region.

10. The stellar parallax of the nearest star (other than the Sun) is

A) less than one arcsecond.

B) about 12 arcseconds.

C) a little less than one arcminute.

D) a little greater than one arcminute.

E) about 0.5 degree.

11. When light having a continuous spectrum passes through a cool gas, what kind of spectrum is observed?

A) a continuous spectrum

B) an emission spectrum

C) an absorption spectrum

D) [Any of the above, depending on the speed of the light.]

12. An ionized atom is one in which

A) a single proton has been removed from the atom.

B) an extra electron has been captured into orbit around the nucleus.

C) an electron has been removed.

D) a proton in its nucleus has been replaced by an electron.

13. Suppose that a certain spectral line has a wavelength of 600 nm and that when it is observed in a sunspot it is observed to have a wavelength of 612 nm. How can this be?

A) The line is from a previously unknown element.

B) The sunspot flow is moving toward Earth.

C) The sunspot flow is moving away from Earth.

D) The wavelength of the line may have been changed by material between the sunspot flow and Earth.

E) The situation described in this question cannot happen because the wavelengths of a particular element are fixed and cannot be changed.14. The Doppler effect allows us to determine a star's

A) radial velocity relative to the observer.

B) tangential velocity relative to the observer.

C) real radial velocity.

D) real tangential velocity. E) [All of the above.]

15. Which of the following CANNOT be detected by using the Doppler effect?

A) the rotation of the Sun.

B) the rotation of planets.

C) the motion of binary star systems.

D) the radial motion of a star moving toward the Earth.

E) [All of the above can be detected in this manner, so none is the answer.]

F) [None of the above, from A to D, could be detected by using the Doppler effect.]

16. Because of the Doppler effect, the sound of the engines of an aircraft that flies over us

A) changes from a high pitch or frequency to a lower pitch.

B) changes from a low pitch or frequency to a higher pitch.

C) remains at the same pitch or frequency.

D) starts at a high pitch or frequency, drops to a low frequency when the plane is overhead, then rises again as the plane moves away from us.17. The spectrum of a star shows an equivalent set of dark absorption lines to those of the Sun, but with one exception. Every line appears at a slightly longer wavelength, shifted toward the red end of the spectrum. What conclusion can be drawn from this observation?

A) A cloud of cold gas and dust surrounds the star and is absorbing light from it.

B) The star is moving rapidly toward the Earth.

C) The temperature of the star's surface is higher than that of the Sun.

D) The star is moving rapidly away from Earth.

18. Why is there a limited range of stellar surface temperatures around 10,000 K at which neutral hydrogen gas will absorb visible light in the Balmer series?

A) Because there must be electrons at the n = 3 energy level in order for Balmer

absorption to occur. If the gas is too cold, electrons are only in the n = 1 and 2

levels, while if the gas is too hot, the gas is ionized and no electrons are left in the hydrogen atoms.

B) Because electrons in hydrogen have to be at the n = 2 energy level in order to

produce absorption in this series. If the gas is too cold, most atoms are in the n = 1 state and if it is too hot, most atoms are ionized.

C) Because electrons must be in the ground state n = 1 in order to undergo Balmer

absorption. If the gas is too cold, electrons cannot be excited from this level, while, if it is too hot, there are no electrons left in the n = 1 level.

D) Because there must be sufficient continuum radiation from the stellar surface in the visible region to be absorbed by the hydrogen gas.

19. If you observe the brightness of a star only in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum (i.e., you have one data point on the star's energy spectrum), you are

A) able to determine accurately the surface temperature of the star.

B) observing the brightest emission given by the star.

C) observing the coolest part of the star's surface.

D) missing a lot of information about the star since the star emits in all wavelengths.

E) able to determine the star's radial velocity. 20. Alasan spectrum bintang mempunyai garis serapan dan emisi yang berbeda terutama karena

A) luminositasB) radius

C) jarak

D) komposisi kimia

E) termperatur21. Pernyataan yang salah tentang gravitasi

A) gaya universal.

B) kekuatannya berkurang terhadap kuadrat jarak.

C) kekuatan berkurang terhadap massa.

D) hanya bekerja untuk obyek yang mempunyai massa.

E) menyebabkan gerak orbit elips.

22. Angin matahariA. merentang hanya sampai sampai Bumi.

B. terdiri dari partikel hidrogen dan karbon.

C. bagian dari sirkulasi atmosfer matahari.

D. mempengaruhi medan magnetic planet.

E. representasi lapisan kromosfer dan korona.

23. Produk akhir reaksi fusi di matahariA. isotop helium, proton dan sinar gamma.

B. isotop hidrogen, foton dan infra merah.

C. ion helium, foton dan isotop hidrogen.

D. ion hdrogen, protons dan sinar gamma.

E. deuterium, foton dan sinar gamma.

24. Berapa lama energi matahari keluar dari inti menuju fotosfer dan sampai ke bumi?

A. beberapa tahunB. ribuan tahun

C. beberapa jamD. beberapa bulanE. beberapa menit25. Dalam riak spektrum radiasi elektromagnetik, energi Matahari sebagian besar dipancarkan dalam riakA. gelombang radioB .gelombang infra merahC. gelombang kasat mata

D. gelombang sinar-X

E. sinar gamma

26. Darimanakah elemen terberat Bumi terbentuk?

A. bintang neutronB. lubang hitamC. matahariD. supernovaE. inti galaksi27. Pernyataan tentang evolusi matahari?

A. pembakaran helium menghasilkan sampah karbon di inti.

B. matahari mengembang sampai orbit Venus.

C. matahari memancarkan lebih banyak energi ke Bumi.

D. matahari menjadi bintang kerdil.

E. semua benar.

28. Pernyataan struktur matahariA. 10% total volume adalah inti.

B. lapisan terluar merupakan konveksi.

C. fotosfer merupakan lapisan tipis di permukaan.

D. kromosfer dan korona hanya tampak saat gerhana matahari.

E. semua benar.

29. Anda diberi foto piringan matahari dengan umbra dan penumbra bintik matahari berwarna hitam. Foto tersebut mencerminkan lapisan

A. fotosfer

B. kromosfer

C. corona

D. interiorE. foto dalam panjang gelombang sinar-X

30. Kemudian Anda diberikan juga foto piringan matahari dengan umbra dan penumbra bintik matahari berwarna terang. Foto tersebut mencerminkan lapisan

A. fotosfer

B. kromosfer

C. corona

D. interiorE. foto dalam panjang gelombang H-alpha31. Berapakah bilangan bintik pada 1 November 2001 (nmbr: nomor NOAA; locati (posisi); Lo (bujur matahari); area (luas dalam millionth solar hemisphere; Mcl (McIntosh classification); LL (panjang bujur); NN (jumlah bintik); MAG (klasifikasi magnetik) Jawab:

Bilangan bintik, R = k (10 g + f)

Dimana g: jumlah kelompok bintik dan f jumlah bintik individu atau NN

Asumsi k = 1

R = 7x10 + 66 = 13632. Apakah yang disebut rotasi diferensial? Jawab: rotasi di ekuator lebih cepat dari rotasi di daerah kutub33. Berapakah skala 1 detik busur di permukaan matahari (dalam km)? Jawab: sekitar 700 km

34. Bagaimanakah kita mengetahui bahwa awal siklus matahari telah mulia? Jawab: polaritas bintik berlawanan dengan polaritas bintik yang sama, untuk hemisfer yang sama

35. Bagaimanakah Anda menjelaskan bahwa bintik matahari dalam panjang gelombang visual berwarna gelap, sedangkan dalam panjang gelombang sinar-X berwarna terang ? Jawab: medan magnetik. Energi magnetik yang diubah menjadi energi termal